BE Course Outline
BE Course Outline
BE Course Outline
This course introduces contemporary ethical issues facing the business community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society.
COURSE HOURS PER WEEK: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course requirements, the student will be able to: a. Define business ethics. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Describe the evolution of business ethics. Describe major ethical perspectives. Understand and apply an ethical decision-making framework. Understand social responsibility from several dimensions. Understand how the organization influences ethical decision-making. Examine how significant others influence ethical decision-making. Examine opportunity and conflict. Develop an effective ethical program. Understand international business ethics. Class, 3. Semester Hours Credit, 3.
COURSE CONTENTS I. An Overview of Business Ethics (1st and 2nd week) A. B. C. D. E. II. Business ethics defined. Why study Business Ethics? Competitive advantages of ethical organizations. What is human nature? 2 to 3 case studies.
A. B. C. D. E. III.
Daily occurrences of ethical dilemmas. Managing mortally imperfect people. Why do good people behave unethically? What are the costs of unethical behaviors? 2 to 3 case studies.
An Ethical Decision-Making Framework (5th and 6th week) A. B. C. D. E. The ethical decision-making framework. Five ethical theories. The ethical foundation of Capitalism. Islamic perspective on Business Ethics. 2 to 3 case studies.
Applying Business Ethics in Organizations (6th and 8th week) A. B. B. C. Hiring ethical people. Persuading others-tips and techniques. Ethical hazard approaching signs. Using the ethical decision-making framework to improve ethical decisions-2 to 3 case studies.
Social Responsibility and Business Ethics (9th and 10th week) A. B. C. D. E. Principles of social responsibility in business. Schools of thought on social responsibility. Environmental safety and business ethics. Community outreach and respect. 2 to 3 case studies.
How the Organization Influences Ethical Decision Making (11th and 12th week) A. B. C. D. E. Ethics reporting systems. Ethical leadership, work goals and Performance appraisals. Empowering ethical employees. Organizational culture and business ethics. 2 to 3 case studies.
Development of an Effective Ethics Training Program (13th and 14th week) A. B. Continuous Improvement of the Ethical Compliance Program. The Influence of Personal Values in Business Ethics Programs.
C. D. E. VIII.
The extent of ethical training. Who to train. Assessing ethical training workshop. 2 to 3 case studies.
International Business Ethics (15th and 16th week) A. B. D. E. F. G. Ethical Perceptions and International Business. Managing workforce diversity. The Multinational Corporations. 2 to 3 case studies. A class discussion on universal set of ethics. Ethical Issues around the Globe.
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK The students are expected to study several of books on Business Ethics for deeper understanding of the subject. Some recommended books are as under: A. Essentials of Business Ethics: Denis Collins. B. Business Ethics {Case Studies and Selected Readings}. C. Business Ethics Concepts and Cases: Manuel G. Velasquez. D. Perspectives in Business Ethics: Laura. P. Hartman. E. Business Ethics Australian Problems and Cases: Daman Grace & Stephen Cohen. F. Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics. EXAMINATIONS A. Midterm and final examinations as per the schedule issued by the University. B. Quiz tests will be as per the dates announced in the class a week prior. C. Group presentations as per topics issued in the class.
(Mujahid Hussain)