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Saving Private Ryan Rough Revisions SF-6/13/1997 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY EXT. ST. LAURENT MILITARY GRAVEYARD - LATE SPRING - DAY As we follow a hunched-over OLD MAN with white, cuffy hair. High hedgerows prevent any other view except to guide =he old man who now follows the pathway. Then, suddenly, the elderly man stops cold, as if hitting an invisible brick wall. His breathing quickens as his legs fold up beneath him and he falls to his knees, his eyes riveted in front of him. CAMERA SWINGS AROUND to witness what stopped the elderly man in his tracks and punched the wind out of his lungs... A LANDSCAPE OF WHITE CROSSES WITH THE OCCASIONAL STAR OF DAVID. So vast that it spans your peripheral vision and carries your eye acres and acres up a gently rolling hill. It iooks like © entire world died and was buried up here. OUR FIRST CLOSE UP - ELDERLY MAN He could be anyone's father or grandfather. Nothing very memorable about this face, except those eyes...that have seen too much...and, perhaps for the first time in fifty-five years, are suddenly seeing it all again. a SLOWLY PUSHES IN ON THAT FACE...THOSE EYES MAN'S PO' straight ! @ of crosses, as far as the eye SMASH MATCH CUT TO: A LESS THAN PERFECT LINE OF BELGIAN GATES Beach obstacles made of szeel crossbars welded into an X-shape...almost as far 2s the eye can see. "s very quiet here-- too quiet. SUPER TITLE: OMAHA BEACH 0615 HOURS THE ALLIED ARMADA Is nothing iess than stunning in scope. Almost as many battleships, cruisers, minesweepers, destroyers, troop carriers, as there were graves at St. Laurent. THE HIGGINS BOATS Two hundred of them head for shore in the first wave--unglamorous, utilitarian, flat-bottomed landing craft Each hoids a platoon of thirty men (or twelve plus a jeep) EXT. ONE OF THE HIGGINS BOATS - DAWN Madness. The flat bow of the boat crashes into the swell sending up squalls of spray IN THE HIGGINS BOAT Water pouring in with every swell. Men puking, moaning. Smashing and tumbling into each other. Bailing with their helmets. Swailowing sea sickness pills. MELLISH, a Jewish kid from Yonkers, sees CAPARZO handing out the sea-sickness pills. MELLISH Give me some more of those. Mellish grabs the whole bunch from Caparzo and swallows them all. CAPARZO That's my entire wartime supply, you idioz! MELLISH What 2 probab: gonna~ A FIFTEEN INCH NAVAL SHELL STREAKS Over their heads, LIFTING THE HIGGINS BOAT ALMOST OUT OF THE WATER. Sucking the air from the men's lungs. It slams into the unseen shoré ahead. THE CAMERA MOVES PAST THE MEN Grim. They know they're close. Many of them are praying. Meliish turns green and suddenly, explosively, vomits. Caparzo glances about, makes sure no one’s looking and patiently kneels down and picks up all his slimy used seasickness pills from the puddle at his feet...

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