Comprehension Level of Non-Technical Terms in Science: Are We Ready For Science in English

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Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan, Jil.

21,73–83, 2006



Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail

School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Most students find the learning of science not an easy task. These difficulties
arise not only from the use of symbols to represent concepts, but also the language that
must be mastered, in particular the technical and non-technical vocabulary. Students who
learn science not in their first language face the problem of understanding both the
scientific terminologies (technical terms) and regular explanation of the knowledge itself.
Non-technical vocabulary refers to terms that have one or many meanings in everyday
language but which have a precise and sometimes different meaning in a scientific
context. Studies indicated that technical language of science posed a problem of
familiarity, but students were seen to be able to cope reasonably well with this. Where a
more acute problem lay, was in the use in science of normal, familiar language in a highly
specific, often-changed and unfamiliar way. This paper will present the finding from a
survey that aim at investigating form 4 students' comprehension of common non-
technical terms used in science. Sample consisted of 91 students (form 4 students of
different streams – arts, science and engineering) who were requested to respond to
50-item questionnaire. Facilities index were calculated for each item. Analysis of the
result showed that these students do encounter some difficulties in understanding the
meanings of the non-technical terms.

Abstrak: Kebanyakan pelajar mendapati bahawa mempelajari sains bukannya suatu

tugas yang mudah. Kerumitan ini timbul bukan hanya dalam penggunaan simbol bagi
mewakili konsep malahan bahasa yang perlu dikuasai terutamanya perbendaharaan kata
berbentuk teknikal dan perbendaharaan kata bukan teknikal. Pelajar yang menggunakan
bahasa bukan bahasa ibundanya untuk mempelajari ilmu sains menghadapi masalah
memahami kedua-dua terminologi saintifik dan penjelasan biasa ilmu tersebut.
Perbendaharaan kata bukan teknikal merujuk kepada terminologi yang bukan sahaja
mempunyai satu atau beberapa maksud dalam bahasa harian tetapi juga satu maksud tepat
dan kadangkala maksud yang berlainan dalam konteks saintifik. Kajian menunjukkan
bahawa bahasa teknikal sains menimbulkan masalah yang lazim tetapi pelajar didapati
dapat menanganinya dengan baik. Masalah yang lebih runcing adalah dalam penggunaan
bahasa saintifik biasa yang amat spesifik, selalu bertukar dan gaya yang tidak lazim bagi
pelajar. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan dapatan daripada soal selidik yang
bertujuan menyiasat kefahaman pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 4 tentang terminologi-
terminologi bukan teknikal biasa yang diguna dalam sains. Sampel terdiri daripada 91
pelajar (pelajar tingkatan 4 daripada aliran berlainan – sastera, sains dan kejuruteraan)
yang dikehendaki menjawab soal selidik yang mengandungi 50 item. Indeks kesukaran
dihitung bagi setiap item. Analisis terhadap keputusan respons menunjukkan bahawa

Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail

pelajar-pelajar ini menghadapi masalah untuk memahami maksud sesetengah terminologi

bukan teknikal.


In recent years, many researchers and practitioners have talked about integrating
language and content when they refer to various ways in which foreign languages
are used as a means of instruction. One of the reasons for the increasing interest
among educators in developing content-based language instruction is the theory
that language acquisition is based on input that is meaningful and understandable
to the learner (Krashen, 1982). Language is acquired most effectively when it is
learned for communication in meaningful and significant social situations. The
academic content in the school curriculum can provide a meaningful basis for
second language learning. The content provides the basis for understanding and
acquiring new language structures and patterns. In addition, authentic classroom
communication provides a purposeful and motivating context for learning the
communicative functions of the new language. According to the Curriculum
Development Center (2003), the use of English to teach and learn mathematics
and science is geared towards enabling students to be able to collect information
in science and technology which is written in English in order to keep pace with
the latest development in science and technology. At the same time, students are
expected to acquire proficiency in the academic language (also known as
cognitive academic language proficiency, CALP) that is used as the medium of

Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and CALP are two kinds of
language proficiency hypothesized by Cummins (1981). BICS are language skills
used in informal situations and CALP is the kind of language proficiency
required to comprehend and use academic language in less contextually rich
situations. BICS concept represents the language used by students when talking
about everyday things in concrete situations, that is, situations in which the
context provides cues that make understanding not totally dependent on verbal
interaction alone (Cummins, 1992). The CALP concept is related to literacy skills
in the first or second language. CALP is the type of language proficiency needed
to read textbooks, to participate in dialogue and debate, and to provide written
responses to tests (Cummins, 1980; Rosenthal, 1996). CALP enables students to
learn in a context, which relies heavily on oral explanation of abstract or
decontextualized ideas. This is often the context in which high school science is
taught, with unfamiliar events or topics being described to students with little or
no opportunity to negotiate shared meaning (Rosenthal, 1996).

Comprehension Level of Non-Technical Terms in Science

According to Cummins (1982), CALP requires both higher levels of language

and cognitive processes in order to develop the language proficiency needed for
success and achievement in school. Students who have not yet developed their
CALP could be, according to these researchers, at a disadvantage in learning
science or other academic subject matter. Cummins (1981) contends that all
children develop BICS and learn to communicate in their native or first language
and that CALP reflects a combination of language proficiency and cognitive
processes that determines a student's success in school. Cummins suggests that
BICS are relatively easy to acquire, taking only one to two years, but CALP is
much more difficult, taking five to seven years and necessitating direct teaching
of the language in the academic context.

The learning of science requires students to master not only the use of symbols to
represent concepts, but also the language, in particular the technical and non-
technical vocabulary (Cassels & Johnstone, 1985). Non-technical vocabulary
refers to terms that have one or many meanings in everyday language but which
have a precise and sometimes different meaning in a scientific context (Cassels &
Johnstone, 1985). Examples of non-technical terms include appropriate,
component, consistent, estimate, negative and valid. These terms are amongst the
95 most difficult for secondary school students and their meaning in a scientific
context is rarely well understood (Cassels & Johnstone, 1985). From the 95
words tested, the vast majority showed that their comprehension was more
difficult for non-English native speakers in most contexts (Johnstone & Selepeng,
2001). Studies by Cassels and Johnstone (1983, 1985) indicated that technical
language of science posed a problem of familiarity, but students were seen to be
able to cope reasonably well with this. A more acute problem lies in the use in
science of normal, familiar language in a highly specific, often-changed and
unfamiliar way. Thus, discussion of the language involved is essential if a shared
meaning is to be established.

Most students find the learning of science not an easy task. These difficulties
arise not only from the use of symbols to represent concepts, but also the
language that must be mastered, in particular the technical and non-technical
vocabulary. Students who learn science not in their first language face the
problem of understanding both the scientific terminologies (technical terms) and
regular explanation of the knowledge itself.

Considerable advantage is to be gained, for both the teacher and the learner, in
tackling these problems in the early stages. For the student, fluency in the related
language can lead to a deeper understanding of scientific processes. The
advantage for the teacher lies in the fact that once a shared meaning for symbols
and terminology has been established and verified, more advanced or complex
issues can be tackled with confidence.

Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail


The aim of this descriptive case study was to assess students' comprehension of
non-technical terms frequently used in the science and mathematics teaching.
This study was done in 2004, a year after the implementation of teaching and
learning of science and mathematics in English policy in schools. A prominent
'day school' in Kedah was chosen involving a total number of 91 form four
students from three classes of different streams: arts (26 students), engineering
(30 students) and science (35 students). Samples answered the survey instrument
which consisted of two parts: part A and B. Part A consists of questions requiring
personal information such as gender, type of class enrolled, nationality, language
used at home and family background. Part B consists of 50 multiple choice
questions (MCQ). Part B of this instrument was taken from the repeated survey
done by Johnstone and Selepeng (2001). The 50 MCQ were divided into two
categories: the ordinary everyday sentences (25 questions) and the scientific
context sentences (25 questions). Both categories of questions used the 25 non-
technical words (Table 1) that a science teacher would normally use assuming
that students readily understand. These 25 words were arranged in scientific and
ordinary everyday sentences making up the 50 sentences (MCQ).

Table 1. List of words used in the questionnaire

Abundant Illustrate
Accumulate Immerse
Characteristics Impact
Complex Interpret
Composition Isolate
Constituent Proportion
Crude Rate
Diversity Relative
Effect Residue
Emit Retard
Excess Source
External Substitute

An example of one non-technical term used in the questionnaire is abundant.

Item 8 is an example of sentence in scientific context using this word, abundant:

8. There was an abundant supply of gas to the reacting

chemicals. This means that

A. there was a shortage of the gas,

B. the supply of gas was just enough for the reaction,

Comprehension Level of Non-Technical Terms in Science

C. the gas was not suitable for the reaction, and

D. there was plenty of gas for the reacting chemicals.

Item 34 is an example of sentence in everyday usage (non-scientific context) also

using the word abundant:

34. Apples were abundant last year. This means that

A. they were larger than normal,

B. there was a poor supply of them,
C. they were ready for picking earlier, and
D. there were plenty of them.

The sentences in scientific context were arranged at random with the sentences of
non-scientific context. They were not juxtaposing one another nor were they
arranged one after another. The reliability analysis of the items used revealed the
alpha value of 0.89 indicating that the questions used were very reliable.

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program was used to analyze the
data. The total scores and facility values (the fraction of students choosing the
correct response) were computed.


Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the performance of students in the arts, engineering and
science classes, respectively. The mean score for form four arts students is only
20.2. Almost two-thirds (81%) of the students in this class scored less than 25
(answering less than 50% of the items correctly). Five students (19%) responded
more than half of the items correctly and only two (8%) students answered
80% of the items correctly. The highest score was 45 and the lowest score was
11. These students did not attend the English class (English for Science and
Technology, EST) that used science as its context unlike their counterparts; the
science and the engineering students. This situation put the arts students at the
disadvantage position as they received less exposure and less opportunity in
CALP. Perhaps, this is one factor that contributed to the lower comprehension
level by the arts students.

Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail



Figure 1. Score for form four arts students



Figure 2. Score for form four science students

Comprehension Level of Non-Technical Terms in Science



Figure 3. Score for form four engineering students

The form four science students performed better than students from the arts class
on the average. The mean score was 25.9 as shown in Figure 2. There was a 5.7
marks advantage of science students over their counterparts from the arts class.
Fifteen students (43%) answered more than half of the items correctly. The
lowest score was 11 and the highest score was 43 as compared to the highest
score performed by the arts student which was 45. As mentioned earlier, science
students did receive more exposure and opportunity in CALP and the result was
evident in their higher level of comprehension as compared to the arts students.

Figure 3 shows the performance of the students in the engineering class. Half of
the class scored less than 25 but the other half of the class scored 30 or more. The
average score is 24.4, only 1.5 less than the average score of the science class but
4.3 more than that of the arts class. The lowest score was 6 and the highest score
was only 35. The facility values (FV = fraction of the class choosing the correct
answer) of the words involved are shown in Table 2. Johnstone and Selepeng's
study (2001) reported the mean for first language students was 0.75 and 0.56 for
the second language students. The mean for the facility values found in our study
was 0.45 which is lower than that of Johnstone and Selepeng's study. Comparing
our students with the American students is perhaps unfair as the American
students are surrounded with English language in everyday life whether or not
they are first language students. The findings of our study also showed that
students communicating in English at home did score higher than their

Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail

Table 2. Facility values for the science, arts and engineering classes
Facility values
Arts class Science class Engineering class
Abundant 0.23 0.40 0.40
Accumulate 0.19 0.54 0.50
Characteristics 0.54 0.54 0.43
Complex 0.42 0.74 0.70
Composition 0.19 0.69 0.57
Constituent 0.31 0.34 0.20
Crude 0.19 0.23 0.17
Diversity 0.23 0.69 0.37
Effect 0.77 0.86 0.83
Emit 0.35 0.77 0.70
Excess 0.69 0.63 0.57
External 0.54 0.74 0.57
Fundamental 0.38 0.74 0.73
Illustrate 0.42 0.66 0.63
Immerse 0.27 0.31 0.30
Impact 0.15 0.31 0.20
Interpret 0.77 0.69 0.87
Isolate 0.12 0.63 0.33
Proportion 0.58 0.57 0.17
Rate 0.19 0.46 0.23
Relative 0.38 0.40 0.37
Residue 0.46 0.60 0.43
Retard 0.62 0.69 0.67
Source 0.58 0.77 0.60
Substitute 0.19 0.26 0.03

counterparts. For students scoring 25 or more from the science class, 14 students
(82%) use English at home and only three do not. From the engineering class,
13 students (76%) communicate in English at home and four do not. The finding
is a little different with the arts class, which only two students (28%) speak
English at home while five others do not. Those two students were the ones
scoring the highest two scores; 38 and 45, respectively. There seem to be a direct
positive relationship between BICS (from students speaking English at home)
and CALP (from the result of this test); the higher BICS, the higher CALP level
was. This finding further supports suggestion by Cummins (1981) that BICS is
much easier than CALP. Johnstone and Selepeng (2001) found that non-native
English speakers had more difficulties understanding those words than native
English speakers. Student who speaks English at home is in similar situation as
those of native English speakers as both speaks English at home. The findings of
this study (students speaking English at home showed a higher comprehension
level than those students who do not speak English at home) corroborates
Johnstone and Selepeng findings in 2001.

Comprehension Level of Non-Technical Terms in Science

Analysis of the results showed that our students achieved higher FV for the
words effect, interpret, retard, source and excess. A similar study (but not using
the whole same set of words) by Zurida Ismail and Mohd Ali Samsuddin in 2003
on student-teachers majoring in science, also found that their samples achieved
high FV (0.64) for the word effect. Comparing samples in this study (form four
students in school) and those student-teachers on the comprehension level for the
word effect, samples in this study did score much higher. This finding could raise
a question of younger students with lower level of education understand better
than older students with higher education. One possible explanation could be that
the younger students are exposed to and surrounded by more use of English

These students still had some problems with the meaning of the words rate,
impact, substitute, crude, diversity, constituent, relative, immerse, abundant,
isolate, accumulate, proportion, composition, residue and characteristics.
Table 3 shows the popular choice of responses (the non-correct answer) given by
students. The study on teacher trainees in 2002 (Zurida Ismail & Mohd Ali
Samsuddin, 2003) also found that the samples could not understand the word

The worst understood word by these students was substitute (Mean FV = 0.16).
Instead of the correct meaning – to put in place of another – most popular choice
of response or misconception was to bulk it up. The meaning of the word crude
was mistakenly understood as safe instead of the intended meaning rough. The
words that achieved mean FV of less than 0.30 were substitute, crude, impact,
constituent, immerse and rate as stated in Table 3.

Table 3. Problematic words and their corresponding

popular choice of response
Words Popular choice of responses
Abundant a poor supply
Accumulate work out
Characteristics numerical fact, similar property
Composition length, width and height
Constituent a piece of
Crude safe
Diversity matching colours
Immerse wipe on to, splash on to
Impact explosion, musical instrument
Isolate operated on immediately
Proportion stronger
Rate noise
Relative as, brother
Residue savings
Substitute bulk up

Maznah Ali and Zurida Ismail


Result of this study showed that among the three streams (arts, science and
engineering), the science class showed the highest comprehension level with a
mean score of 25.9 followed by the engineering class with a mean of 24.4 and the
arts class with 20.2. Perhaps, the contributing factor to this difference was the
introduction of EST which was made compulsory to all science and engineering
students but not to the students in the arts class. Level of comprehension of the
non-technical terms commonly used in science teaching and learning can be
improved when English is taught contextually. Suggestion could be made that
when teachers teach the English language, usage of context in science and
technology would help upgrade students' level of understanding the non-technical
vocabularies. In general, these students still had problems in understanding some
non-technical terms used in everyday communication. There is a need for our
students to build up their vocabulary and to be familiar with the use of the words
in several contexts. Students should be taught how to gauge the meanings of
words on the context of use. Use of English should be extended outside of the
classroom or science laboratories so that students have more chances of
practicing communication in English in order for them to be familiar with the
language and increase their vocabularies. The extended use of English could
increase the BICS which will in turn help students in achieving the CALP needed
to understand science. When science is taught to these students in English later
on (at matriculation or college level), special considerations have to be made to
the level of vocabulary used to aid them in understanding science, and the science
concept itself must be taught in context with the students' experience or previous


The authors would like to acknowledge Universiti Sains Malaysia for the short
term grant funded for the research.


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