Rectangular Concrete Beam, Column Analysis and Design
Rectangular Concrete Beam, Column Analysis and Design
Rectangular Concrete Beam, Column Analysis and Design
Program Description:
"RECTBEAM" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis/design of rectangular beam or column sections. Specifically, the required flexural reinforcing, ultimate moment capacity, bar spacing for crack control, moments of inertia for deflection, beam shear and torsion requirements, and member capacity for flexure (uniaxial and biaxial) with axial load are calculated. There is also a worksheet which contains reinforcing bar data tables. This program is a workbook consisting of eleven (11) worksheets, described as follows:
Worksheet Name
Doc Complete Analysis Flexure(As) Flexure(Mn) Crack Control Shear Torsion Inertia Uniaxial Biaxial Rebar Data
This documentation sheet Beam flexure, shear, crack control, and inertia Flexural reinforcing for singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections Ultimate moment capacity of singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections Crack control - distribution of flexural reinforcing Beam or one-way type shear Beam torsion and shear Moments of inertia of singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections Combined uniaxial flexure and axial load Combined biaxial flexure and axial load Reinforcing bar data tables
by and added to the 2 outside faces, and program calculates reinforcing areas as follows: for X-axis: As = A's = ((Ntb*Abt) + (0.50*Nsb*Abs))/2 for Y-axis: As = A's = ((Nsb*Asb+4*Atb) + (0.50*(Ntb-4)*Atb))/2 11. In the "Uniaxial" and "Biaxial" worksheets, design capacities, fPn and fMn, at design eccentricity, e = Mu*12/Pu, are determined from interpolation within the interaction curve for each axis. 12. In the "Uniaxial" and "Biaxial" worksheets, when the design eccentricity falls between the "balanced" point (Point #7) and point of pure flexure (Point #9) the program uses f = 0.7 at Point #7 and f = 0.9 at Point #9. However, it should be noted that the Code permits the value of ' f' to be increased linearly from a starting value of 0.70 at fPn = 0.1*f 'c*Ag (Point #8), up to the maximum value of 0.9 at Point #9, using: f = 0.90 - 2*Pu/(f 'c*Ag). 13. In the "Biaxial" worksheet, the biaxial capacity is determined by the following approximations: a. For Pu >= 0.1*f'c*Ag, use Bresler Reciprocal Load equation: 1/fPn = 1/fPnx + 1/fPny - 1/fPo Biaxial interaction stress ratio, S.R. = Pu/fPn <= 1 b. For Pu < 0.1*f'c*Ag, use Bresler Load Contour interaction equation: Biaxial interaction stress ratio, S.R. = (Mux/fMnx)^1.15 + (Muy/fMny)^1.15 <= 1 14. The "Rebar Data" worksheet contains tables of reinforcing bar data which include various bar properties, reinforcing bar areas based on spacing, and various plain welded wire fabric properties. 15. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
heet rol, and inertia nforced beams/sections reinforced beams/sections ural reinforcing shear ear nforced beams/sections d axial load d axial load ables
Flexure, Shear, Crack Control, and Inertia for Singly or Doubly Reinforced Sections Per ACI 318-99 Code Subject: Originator:
Beam or Slab Section? Exterior or Interior Exposure? Reinforcing Yield Strength, fy = Concrete Comp. Strength, f 'c = Beam Width, b = Depth to Tension Reinforcing, d = Total Beam Depth, h = Tension Reinforcing, As = No. of Tension Bars in Beam, Nb = Tension Reinf. Bar Spacing, s1 = Clear Cover to Tension Reinf., Cc = Depth to Compression Reinf., d' = Compression Reinforcing, A's = Working Stress Moment, Ma = Ultimate Design Moment, Mu = Ultimate Design Shear, Vu = Total Stirrup Area, Av(stirrup) = Tie/Stirrup Spacing, s2 = Results:
Beam Exterior 60 4 10.000 13.500 16.000 2.400 4.000 3.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 75.00 120.00 20.00 0.220 6.0000
ksi ksi in. in. in. in.^2 in. in. in. in.^2 ft-kips ft-kips kips in.^2 in.
Moment Capacity Check for Beam-Type Section: b1 = 0.85 c= 4.983 in. a= 4.235 in. rb = 0.02851 r(prov) = 0.01778 r(min) = 0.00333 As(min) = 0.450 in.^2 <= As = 2.4 in.^2, O.K. r(temp) = N.A. (total for section) As(temp) = N.A. in.^2/face r(max) = 0.02138 As(max) = 2.886 in.^2 >= As = 2.4 in.^2, O.K. f 's = N.A. ksi fMn = 122.93 ft-k >= Mu = 120 ft-k, O.K. Shear Capacity Check for Beam-Type Section: fVc = 14.51 kips fVs = 25.25 kips fVn = fVc+fVs = 39.76 kips >= Vu = 20 kips, O.K. fVs(max) = 58.06 kips >= Vs = 25.25 kips, O.K. Av(prov) = 0.440 in.^2 = Av(stirrup)*(12/s2) Av(req'd) = 0.048 in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.44 in.^2, O.K. Av(min) = 0.050 in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.44 in.^2, O.K. s2(max) = 6.750 in. >= s2 = 6 in., O.K. Comments:
Crack Control (Distribution of Reinf.): Per ACI 318-99 Code: Es = 29000 Ec = 3605 n= 8.04 fs = 32.18 fs(used) = 32.18 s1(max) = 11.78 Per ACI 318-95 Code: dc = 2.5000 z= 101.37 z(allow) = 145.00
Moment of Inertia for Deflection: fr = 0.474 kd = 5.5430 Ig = 3413.33 Mcr = 16.87 Icr = 1790.06 Ie = 1808.52
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Reinforced Sections
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Flexural Reinforcing for Singly or Doubly Reinforced Sections Per ACI 318-99 Code Subject: Originator:
b1 = c= a=
in. in.
Reinforcing Criteria: rb = r(min) = As(min) = r(temp) = As(temp) = r(max) = As(max) = Doubly Reinforced Section 0.02851 0.00333 0.450 N.A. N.A. 0.02138 2.886
Computed Reinforcing: r= As = (4/3)*As = f 's = A's = As(use) = Comments: 0.01727 2.332 3.109 N.A. N.A. 2.332
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Ultimate Moment Capacity of Singly or Doubly Reinforced Sections Per ACI 318-99 Code Subject: Originator: Checker:
b1 = c= a=
in. in.
Doubly Reinforced Section Reinforcing Criteria: r= rb = r(min) = As(min) = r(temp) = As(temp) = r(max) = As(max) = 0.01778 0.02851 0.00333 0.450 N.A. N.A. 0.02138 2.886
in.^2 <= As = 2.4 in.^2, O.K. (total for section) in.^2/face in.^2 >= As = 2.4 in.^2, O.K.
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d Vu
Vu d
Results: For Beam: fVc = fVs = fVn = fVc+fVs = fVs(max) = Av(prov) = Av(req'd) = Av(min) = s(max) = Comments: 14.51 45.90 60.41 58.06 0.800 0.048 0.050 6.750
kips kips
kips >= Vu = 20 kips, O.K. kips >= Vs = 45.9 kips, O.K. in.^2 =Av(stirrup)*(12/s) in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.8 in.^2, O.K. in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.8 in.^2, O.K. in. >= s = 6 in., O.K.
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d Vu
Vu d
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Crack Control - Distribution of Flexural Reinforcing Per ACI 318-99 and ACI 318-95 Codes Subject: Originator:
Es = Ec = n= fs = fs(used) = s(max) =
ksi ksi n = Es/Ec ksi ksi (lesser of 'fs' and 0.6*fy) in. >= s = 3 in., O.K.
One-Way Slab
Note: The above calculation of the 'z' factor is done solely for comparison purposes to ACI 318-99 Code. Comments:
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One-Way Slab
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Moment of Inertia of Singly or Doubly Reinforced Sections Per ACI 318-99 Code Subject: Originator:
Results: fr = Es = Ec = n= kd = Ig = Mcr = Icr = Ig/Icr = Ie = 0.474 29000 3605 8.04 5.5430 3413.33 16.87 1790.06 1.907 1808.52
ksi ksi ksi in. in.^4 ft-k in.^4 in.^4
d' A's h
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Beam Torsion and Shear Per ACI 318-99 Code Subject: Originator:
b=10'' xo=5.5''
Al h = yo At 16''
Beam Section Results: For Shear: fVc = fVs = fVn = fVc+fVs = fVs(max) = Av(prov) = Av(req'd) = Av(min) = s(max) = 14.51 45.90 60.41 58.06 0.800 0.048 0.050 6.750
kips kips kips >= Vu = 20 kips, O.K. kips >= Vs = 45.9 kips, O.K. in.^2 = Av+t(stirrup)*(12/s) in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.8 in.^2, O.K. in.^2 <= Av(prov) = 0.8 in.^2, O.K. in. >= s = 6 in., O.K.
For Torsion: Tu(limit) = Tu(max) = At(prov) = At(req'd) = At(min) = Al(req'd) = Al(min) = 2.21 8.61 0.376 0.066 0.001 0.372 0.471
ft-kips < Tu = 5 kips, must consider torsion! ft-kips >= Tu = 5 kips, O.K. in.^2 = (Av+t(stirrup)*(12/s)-Av(req'd))/2 in.^2 <= At(prov) = 0.376 in.^2, O.K. in.^2 <= At(prov) = 0.376 in.^2, O.K. in.^2 < Al(min) = 0.471 in.^2, thus use Al(min) in.^2 >= Al(req'd) = 0.372 in.^2, thus use Al(min)
For Combined Shear and Torsion: Total (Av+t) = Total (Av+t)(min) = Comments: 0.179 0.050
in.^2 <= Av+t(prov) = 0.8 in.^2, O.K. in.^2 <= Av+t(prov) = 0.4 in.^2, O.K.
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m Section
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Lx=18 Y
X Nsb=2
d'=3 (typ.)
Member Section
Location Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Point #4 Point #5 Point #6 Point #7 Point #8 Point #9 Point #10
Gross Reinforcing Ratio Provided: rg = 0.01951 Member Uniaxial Capacity at Design Eccentricity: Interpolated Results from Above: fPnx (k) fMnx (ft-k) ey (in.) 364.54 182.27 6.00 Effective Length Criteria for "Short" Column: k*Lu <= 9.90 ft. (for k*Lu/r(min) <= 22) k*Lu <= 18.00 ft. (for k*Lu/r(min) <= 40) Pure Axial Compression Capacity without Reinforcing: fPn = 462.67 kips Tie Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing: #3@16''
fPnx (k)
0 -200
fMnx (ft-k)
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ad orcing
d'=3 (typ.)
Interaction Diagram
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For Biaxial Flexure with Axial Compression or Tension Load Assuming "Short", Non-Slender Member with Symmetric Reinforcing Subject: Originator: Checker:
Lx=24 Y
fPnx (k)
fPny (k)
100 200 300 400 500 600
X Nsb=4
d'=3 (typ.)
Member Section
fMnx (ft-k)
Location Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Point #4 Point #5 Point #6 Point #7 Point #8 Point #9 Point #10
X-axis Flexure and Axial Load Interaction Diagram Points fPnx (k) fMnx (ft-k) ey (in.) Comments Nom. max. compression = fPo 1409.40 0.00 0.00 Allowable fPn(max) = 0.8*fPo 1127.52 0.00 0.00 1127.52 187.55 2.00 Min. eccentricity 0% rebar tension = 0 ksi 969.24 292.85 3.63 25% rebar tension = 15 ksi 792.05 359.09 5.44 50% rebar tension = 30 ksi 675.78 401.67 7.13 100% rebar tension = 60 ksi 457.87 448.69 11.76 fPn = 0.1*f'c*Ag 172.80 343.26 23.84 (Infinity ) 0.00 340.60 Pure moment capacity -511.92 0.00 0.00 Pure axial tension capacity
Location Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Point #4 Point #5 Point #6 Point #7 Point #8 Point #9 Point #10
Y-axis Flexure and Axial Load Interaction Diagram Points fPny (k) fMny (ft-k) ex (in.) Comments Nom. max. compression = f 1409.40 0.00 0.00 Allowable fPn(max) = 0.8*f 1127.52 0.00 0.00 1127.52 187.55 2.00 Min. eccentricity 0% rebar tension = 0 ksi 969.24 292.85 3.63 25% rebar tension = 15 ks 792.05 359.09 5.44 50% rebar tension = 30 ks 675.78 401.67 7.13 100% rebar tension = 60 k 457.87 448.69 11.76 fPn = 0.1*f'c*Ag 172.80 343.26 23.84 (Infinity ) 0.00 340.60 Pure moment capacity -511.92 0.00 0.00 Pure axial tension capacit
Member Uniaxial Capacity at Design Eccentricity, ey: Interpolated Results from Above: fPnx (k) fMnx (ft-k) ey (in.) 746.34 373.17 6.00 Biaxial Capacity and Stress Ratio for Pu >= 0.1*f'c*Ag: kips fPn = 1/(1/fPnx + 1/fPny -1/fPo) <= 1.0 fPn = 507.56 S.R. = Pu/fPn <= 1.0 S.R. = 0.788 Biaxial Stress Ratio for Pu < 0.1*f'c*Ag: S.R. = (Mux/fMnx)^1.15 + (Muy/fMny)^1.15 <= 1.0 S.R. = N.A.
Member Uniaxial Capacity at Design Eccentricity, ex: Interpolated Results from Above: fPny (k) fMny (ft-k) ex (in.) 746.34 373.17 6.00 Effective Length Criteria for "Short" Column: k*Lu <= 13.20 ft. (for k*Lu/r(min) <= 22) k*Lu <= 24.00 ft. (for k*Lu/r(min) <= 40) Pure Axial Compression Capacity w/o Reinf.: kips fPn = 0.80*0.70*(0.85*f'c*Ag) fPn = 822.53
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Interaction Diagram
fMny (ft-k)
oad Interaction Diagram Points Comments Nom. max. compression = fPo Allowable fPn(max) = 0.8*fPo Min. eccentricity 0% rebar tension = 0 ksi 25% rebar tension = 15 ksi 50% rebar tension = 30 ksi 100% rebar tension = 60 ksi fPn = 0.1*f'c*Ag Pure moment capacity Pure axial tension capacity
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Weight (lbs./ft.) 0.376 0.668 1.043 1.502 2.044 2.670 3.400 4.303 5.313 7.650 13.600
Spacing (in.) 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 6-1/2 7 7-1/2 8 8-1/2 9 9-1/2 10 10-1/2 11 11-1/2 12
#3 0.44 0.38 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.115 0.11
Reinforcing Bar Area for Various Bar Spacings (in.^2/ft.) Bar Size #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 0.80 1.24 1.76 2.40 3.16 4.00 0.69 1.06 1.51 2.06 2.71 3.43 0.60 0.93 1.32 1.80 2.37 3.00 0.53 0.83 1.17 1.60 2.11 2.67 0.48 0.74 1.06 1.44 1.90 2.40 0.44 0.68 0.96 1.31 1.72 2.18 0.40 0.62 0.88 1.20 1.58 2.00 0.37 0.57 0.81 1.11 1.46 1.85 0.34 0.53 0.75 1.03 1.35 1.71 0.32 0.50 0.70 0.96 1.26 1.60 0.30 0.47 0.66 0.90 1.19 1.50 0.28 0.44 0.62 0.85 1.12 1.41 0.27 0.41 0.59 0.80 1.05 1.33 0.25 0.39 0.56 0.76 1.00 1.26 0.24 0.37 0.53 0.72 0.95 1.20 0.23 0.35 0.50 0.69 0.90 1.14 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.65 0.86 1.09 0.21 0.32 0.46 0.63 0.82 1.04 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.79 1.00
#10 5.08 4.35 3.81 3.39 3.05 2.77 2.54 2.34 2.18 2.03 1.91 1.79 1.69 1.60 1.52 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.27
#11 6.24 5.35 4.68 4.16 3.74 3.40 3.12 2.88 2.67 2.50 2.34 2.20 2.08 1.97 1.87 1.78 1.70 1.63 1.56
Tension Development and Splice Lengths for f 'c=3,000 psi and fy=60 ksi Development Class "B" Splice Standard 90 deg. Hook Bar Size Top Bar Other Bar Top Bar Other Bar Embed. Leg Length Bend Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) #3 22 17 28 22 6 6 2-1/4 #4 29 22 37 29 8 8 3 #5 36 28 47 36 10 10 3-3/4 #6 43 33 56 43 12 12 4-1/2 #7 63 48 81 63 14 14 5-1/4 #8 72 55 93 72 16 16 6 #9 81 62 105 81 18 19 9-1/2 #10 91 70 118 91 20 22 10-3/4 #11 101 78 131 101 22 24 12 #14 121 93 ----37 31 18-1/4 #18 161 124 ----50 41 24 Notes: 1. Straight development and Class "B" splice lengths shown in above tables are based on uncoated bars assuming center-to-center bar spacing >= 3*db without ties or stirrups or >= 2*db with ties or stirrups, and bar clear cover >= 1.0*db. Normal weight concrete as well as no transverse reinforcing are both assumed. 2. Standard 90 deg. hook embedment lengths are based on bar side cover >= 2.5" and bar end cover >= 2" without ties around hook. 3. For special seismic considerations, refer to ACI 318-99 Code Chapter 21.
Tension Development and Splice Lengths for f 'c=4,000 psi and fy=60 ksi Development Class "B" Splice Standard 90 deg. Hook Bar Size Top Bar Other Bar Top Bar Other Bar Embed. Leg Length Bend Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) #3 19 15 24 19 6 6 2-1/4 #4 25 19 32 25 7 8 3 #5 31 24 40 31 9 10 3-3/4 #6 37 29 48 37 10 12 4-1/2 #7 54 42 70 54 12 14 5-1/4 #8 62 48 80 62 14 16 6 #9 70 54 91 70 15 19 9-1/2 #10 79 61 102 79 17 22 10-3/4 #11 87 67 113 87 19 24 12 #14 105 81 ----32 31 18-1/4 #18 139 107 ----43 41 24 Notes: 1. Straight development and Class "B" splice lengths shown in above tables are based on uncoated bars assuming center-to-center bar spacing >= 3*db without ties or stirrups or >= 2*db with ties or stirrups, and bar clear cover >= 1.0*db. Normal weight concrete as well as no transverse reinforcing are both assumed. 2. Standard 90 deg. hook embedment lengths are based on bar side cover >= 2.5" and bar end cover >= 2" without ties around hook. 3. For special seismic considerations, refer to ACI 318-99 Code Chapter 21.
Tension Development and Splice Lengths for f 'c=5,000 psi and fy=60 ksi Development Class "B" Splice Standard 90 deg. Hook Bar Size Top Bar Other Bar Top Bar Other Bar Embed. Leg Length Bend Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) #3 17 13 22 17 6 6 2-1/4 #4 22 17 29 22 6 8 3 #5 28 22 36 28 8 10 3-3/4 #6 33 26 43 33 9 12 4-1/2 #7 49 37 63 49 11 14 5-1/4 #8 55 43 72 55 12 16 6 #9 63 48 81 63 14 19 9-1/2 #10 70 54 91 70 15 22 10-3/4 #11 78 60 101 78 17 24 12 #14 94 72 ----29 31 18-1/4 #18 125 96 ----39 41 24 Notes: 1. Straight development and Class "B" splice lengths shown in above tables are based on uncoated bars assuming center-to-center bar spacing >= 3*db without ties or stirrups or >= 2*db with ties or stirrups, and bar clear cover >= 1.0*db. Normal weight concrete as well as no transverse reinforcing are both assumed. 2. Standard 90 deg. hook embedment lengths are based on bar side cover >= 2.5" and bar end cover >= 2" without ties around hook. 3. For special seismic considerations, refer to ACI 318-99 Code Chapter 21.
Tension Lap Splice Classes For Other than Columns For Columns Area (Provided) / Area (Req'd) % of Bars Spliced Maximum Tension Stress % of Bars Spliced <= 50% > 50% in Reinforcing Bars <= 50 % > 50% <2 B B <= 0.5*fy A B >= 2 A B > 0.5*fy B B
Compression Development and Splice Lengths for fy=60 ksi Bar Size Development Length (in.) Splice Length (in.) f 'c=3000 f 'c=4000 f 'c=5000 f 'c=3000 f 'c=4000 f 'c=5000 #3 9 8 8 12 12 12 #4 11 10 9 15 15 15 #5 14 12 12 19 19 19 #6 17 15 14 23 23 23 #7 19 17 16 27 27 27 #8 22 19 18 30 30 30 #9 25 22 21 34 34 34 #10 28 24 23 38 38 38 #11 31 27 26 43 43 43 #14 37 32 31 ------#18 50 43 41 ------Notes: 1. For development in columns with reinforcement enclosed with #4 ties spaced <= 4" on center, values above may be multiplied by 0.75, but shall not be < 8". 2. For development in columns with reinforcement enclosed by spiral reinforcement >= 1/4" diameter and <= 4" pitch, values above may be multiplied by 0.83, but shall not be < 8". 3. For splices in columns with reinforcement enclosed with #4 ties spaced <= 4" on center, values shown above may be multiplied by 0.83 for #3 thru #11 bars, but shall not be < 12". 4. For splices in columns with reinforcement enclosed by spiral reinforcement >= 1/4" diameter and <= 4" pitch, values above may be multiplied by 0.75 for #3 thru #11 bars, but shall not be < 12".
Maximum Allowable Spacing of Column Ties (in.) Vertical Bar Size Tie Bar Size Tie Bar Size Tie Bar Size #3 #4 #5 #5 10 ----#6 12 ----#7 14 ----#8 16 16 --#9 18 18 --#10 18 20 --#11 --22 22 #14 --24 27 #18 --24 30 Notes: 1. Maximum tie spacing should be <= least column dimension. 2. For special seismic considerations, refer to ACI 318-99 Code Chapter 21.
Plain Welded Wire Fabric Properties Welded Wire Fabric Wire Diameter Wire Area Fabric Weight Designation Each Way (in.) Each Way (in.^2/ft.) (psf) 6x6 - W1.4xW1.4 0.135 0.028 0.21 6x6 - W2.0xW2.0 0.159 0.040 0.29 6x6 - W2.9xW2.9 0.192 0.058 0.42 6x6 - W4.0xW4.0 0.225 0.080 0.58 4x4 - W1.4xW1.4 0.135 0.042 0.31 4x4 - W2.0xW2.0 0.159 0.060 0.43 4x4 - W2.9xW2.9 0.192 0.087 0.62 4x4 - W4.0xW4.0 0.225 0.120 0.85 Notes: 1. Welded Wire Fabric designations are some common stock styles assuming plain wire fabric per ASTM Specification A185. (fy = 65,000 psi) 2. First part of Welded Wire Fabric designation denotes the wire spacing each way. 3. Second part of Welded Wire Fabric designation denotes the wire size as follows: W1.4 ~= 10 gage , W2.0 ~= 8 gage W2.9 ~= 6 gage , W4.0 ~= 4 gage