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Pier Protection

LRFD Bridge Design Workshop June 12, 2007 Angel M. Staples, P.E. Bridge Designer

Structure Protection

Substructure Protection

MnDOT Bridge Office Substructure Protection Policy

AASHTO Provisions are overly restrictive:
Not accounting for the following Probability of vehicle collision Amount of truck traffic Traffic speed

MnDOT Bridge Office Substructure Protection Policy

Due to the existence of soil behind abutment walls, abutments are not affected by the collision load and are considered exempt from meeting the substructure protection requirements.

Pier Protection Policy

Applicable Cases:
Piers of New Bridges Spanning Roadways with Low Risk of Vehicle Collision Piers of New Bridges Spanning Roadways with Normal to High Risk of Vehicle Collision Piers of New Bridges Spanning Railways Piers of Bridges Being Rehabilitated or Reconstructed

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Specific Design Guidelines Test Level 5 Barrier Protection Application of Vehicle and Railway Train Collision Load Foundations

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Low Risk of Vehicle Collision
Sufficient Redundancy (3+ Columns) Low design speeds ( 40 mph) OR Sufficient Redundancy (3+ Columns) Design speed > 40 mph AND not on the Natl Hwy System AND ADTT 500

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Piers of New Bridges with Normal to High Risk of Vehicle Collision
Pier within 30 of the edge of the nearest lane Depending on your situation, You have options

Piers of New Bridges Spanning Rdwys with Normal to High Risk of (Mn/DOT Vehicle Collision Mn/DOT Bridge Office Substructure Protection Policy)
Protect with a 54 high TLTL-5 barrier placed within 10 from the face of the pier.

Single Column Two-Column Three-Column Pier Pier Pier

Provide columns with an area greater than 30 ft per column (based on AREMA heavy construction requirements) and design individual columns for a 400 kip collision load.

Design for a 400 kip collision load by utilizing a crash strut. (See Figure 1., also see detailing requirements)

Not Applicable

Design individual columns for a 400 kip load

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Validate that the structure will not collapse by analyzing the structure considering removal of any single column. Consider all dead load with a 1.1 load factor. Use live load only on the permanent travel lanes, not the shoulders, with a 1.0 load factor. (For special situations.)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Piers of New Bridges Spanning Railways
Piers within 50 of the centerline of RR tracks:
Shall meet the requirements for Piers of New Bridge Spanning Rdwys with Normal to High Risk of Vehicle Collision

Piers within 25 of centerline of RR tracks:

In addition to the above requirement, shall also meet AREMA

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Bridges Being Rehabilitated or Reconstructed
the decision whether to upgrade piers to meet protection requirements will be made on a case by case basis

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Specific Design Guidance:
Requirements for Test Level 5 Barrier Protection can be tied into a concrete roadway pavement or shoulder can consist of a stand-alone barrier on a moment slab

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Test Level 5 Barrier Protection

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Specific Design Guidance (Contd):
Requirements for Application of Vehicle and Railway Train Collision Load
Apply the load in a horizontal plane 4 feet above the groundline Assume the load can act on the pier at any angle up to a maximum of 30 degrees from the direction of the roadway or railway tangent

Pier Protection Policy (Contd)

Specific Design Guidance (Contd):
Foundation Requirements
Spread footing and pile/drilled shaft foundations are considered adequate to resist the lateral collision load Are exempt from analysis when the other requirements of this policy are met Why? Passive soil pressure, friction, pile structural capacity, unusual displacement under extreme event limit state is ok as long as collapse is averted

MnDOT Bridge Office Substructure Protection Policy

Impetus for developing this policy Abutments Piers
Various Cases Design Guidelines For more information: Just Ask Dave Dahlberg, 651-366-4491

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