Santiago Calatrava Liège Guillemins TGV Station: Model Photo: Heinrich Helfenstein

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Under construction

Santiago Calatrava Lige Guillemins TGV Station

Lige, Belgium

Model photo: Heinrich Helfenstein

Lige is a major node in the European high speed rail network; an indispensa le link etween London, !aris, Brussels and "erman#$ %he new Lige "uillemins station will link two &er# distinct areas of Li'ge, pre&iousl# di&ided # the railwa# tracks, the north side towards the cit#, a t#pical run(down )*th centur# ur an area, and the +ointe Hill to the south, a landscaped residential area$

Model photo: Heinrich Helfenstein

%he concept for the design is transparenc# and an ur an dialog with the cit#$ %ransparenc# is translated # the monumental &ault, constructed of glass and steel, with its soaring canopies e,tending )-. meters o&er the fi&e platforms$ %he huge glass uilding replaces the traditional facade and esta lishes a seamless interaction etween the interior of the station and the cit#$

Model photo: Heinrich Helfenstein

%he station is organi/ed &erticall#: %owards the !lace de la "are the rail platforms and the access foot ridge stack o&er 0 le&els$ %owards +ointe Hill, ten meters a o&e, there are fi&e le⪕ three parking le&els, a &ehicular access deck linking with the foot ridge, and a raised pedestrian walkwa#$ 1t the !lace de la "are le&el, reinforcing the ur an streetscape, is a continuous strip of commercial units$ %he grand !assenger Hall and the 23+B ticketing area are located on the main a,is$ !edestrian ridges and walkwa#s under the tracks will allow for fluid communication etween the two sides of the station$

1rchitect: 2antiago +alatra&a +lient: Euro Lige %"4

Santiago Calatrava Lyon-Satolas TGV Station

L#on, 5rance %he L#on(2atolas 2tation is the terminus for the %"4 trains connecting the airport to the cit# of L#on, 06 kilometers to the south$ %he almost fort# meter tall steel and concrete structure refers to the metaphor of a enormous ird with spread out wings$

!hoto: arcspace

1rri&ing # car #ou enter the Main Hall through a 7"atewa#7 formed # a concrete 4(shaped a utment that join the ends of four steel arches$ %he center pair of arches follow the line of the roof to form a spine, the outer cur&ed eams span o&er two gla/ed s#mmetrical concourse wings$

!hoto: arcspace

8n the triangular Main Hall the central spine is formed # three arches raced together # diagonal eams$ %wo large cantile&ered alconies penetrate the space$ %he adjoining concrete ser&ice uilding is fitted with a steel and glass window wall that o&erlooks the Main Hall$

!hoto: arcspace

%he spine is supported # a concrete mass on the east and two supports, integrated with lift towers, on the west$ %he uppermost arch of the spine is a steel o, of triangular section while the two lower arches are composed of steel tu es$ %he cross racing mem ers

&ar# in si/e and are assem led four # four along the central tu es$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

5rom the Main Hall, where all the station9s and airport ser&ices are positioned, two &aulted glass and steel concourse wings connect to the train platforms$ +ast on site concrete elements support the platform roof and &isuall# complement the roof modules in the main terminal area$ %he roof is either gla/ed or filled with prefa ricated concrete sections$

!hoto: arcspace

8n the main Hall, opposite the entrance, a ):6 meter long "aller# connects the station to the airport terminal$ %he "aller# can also e accessed directl#

from the o&ernight parking area$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

Main Hall: length )06 m, ma,$ width )66 m, ma,$ height 0* m +oncourse Hall: length -.6 m, width .; m, Height tracks to raised central walkwa# : m, to roof )< m +ompetition =inner: )*:*

Santiago Calatrava Sondika Airport

Bil ao, 2pain

With his design, that is both visually striking and structurally daring, Calatrava puts the joy back into contemporary travel.

!hoto: arcspace

%he steel and concrete structure , nicknamed La !aloma >the ?o&e@ ecause of its resem lance to a giant ird a out to take flight, is integrated into the hill# green landscape in the %,oriherri 4alle# in close pro,imit# to Bil ao$ %he aluminium skin of the +entral %erminal sweeps across the )-6 meter long terminal entr#, pro&iding co&er for multiple le&els of arri&al and departure$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

%he passengers reach the aircrafts # wa# of the ?eparture Hall, a soaring structure awash with da#light, and the four(store# ?eparture "aller# e#ond that connects to the concourse,an aluminium wing reminiscent of an aircraft skin, that contain twel&e passenger terminal gates$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

%he ?eparture Hall, with its ri ed concrete wings, is clear of &isual clutter$ 2truts and wires cast changing patterns of striated shadows on the walls and granite floor$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

%he la#out was designed to limit the impact of au,iliar# uildings on the &ista of the main uilding$ 1n elegant four(store# parking structure, with a sk#lit walkwa# leading to the %erminal Building, is tucked into a grass# em ankment$

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

!hoto: arcspace

2ondika Bil ao 1irport, designed # 2antiago +alatra&a, opened to traffic on 3o&em er )*, A666$

?rawing courtes# 2antiago +alatra&a

2ite !lan

?rawing courtes# 2antiago +alatra&a

"round Le&el !lan

?rawing courtes# 2antiago +alatra&a

=est Ele&ation

?rawing courtes# 2antiago +alatra&a

2ection +lient: 1eropuertes 3acionales de Bil ao +alatra&a also designed the Bil ao Bu i Buri, or 7white ridge,7 o&er the 3er&ion Ci&er, that links a rundown ut reju&enating commercial area with an elegant residential neigh orhood$ %he glass deck is illuminated from the underside at night$

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