The Merchant of Venice: Answer Keys
The Merchant of Venice: Answer Keys
The Merchant of Venice: Answer Keys
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c Because Antonio complains about him in public. Also, Antonios business methods bring down Shylocks prots. d Open answers e He wants a pound of Antonios esh. In his opinion, it is a kind offer because it shows Antonio that he is not only interested in money. 8 10 Open answers 11 a Portia/Prince of Morocco. b Launcelot/his father. c Jessica/Launcelot. d Jessica/herself. e Solanio/Lorenzo. f Shylock/Jessica. g Antonio/Gratiano. h Solanio/ Salerio. i Arragon/Portia. 12 a 7) He tells Portia that he is afraid of no one and is loved by the most beautiful young women of his country. b 5) He jokes foolishly with his blind father. c 1) He is blind and cannot recognise his own son. d 2) Bassanio tells him that he is noisy and badlybehaved. e 4) She is ashamed of her father. She is dishonest because she does not tell her father about her plans to run away with Lorenzo. She also steals some of her fathers money and jewels. f 6) He is worried about the masked party and tells his daughter to lock all the doors and shut all the windows. He is also worried about the invitation to dinner with Antonio. Later, he is angry and worried about Jessica and his stolen money and jewels. g 3) He is in love with Jessica and is happy because she runs away with him. 13 a sweet b happy c amusing d worried e kind f sad g foolish h excited 14 15 Open answers 16 a 2 b 1 c 3 d 4 e 7 f 5 g 6
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13 21 Open answers