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Malayan Law Journal Reports/2000/Volume 1/ASBIR, HIRA SI !H " #$ % S&PRAMA IAM A/L PI'#HAIM&'H& " $RS ( )2000* 1 MLJ +, ( 2+ $ 1/// 11 pages )2000] 1 MLJ 83


HIGH COURT (IPOH) ABDUL HAMID EMBONG J CI IL SUIT NO 22!"8 O# 1$$$ 28 O%&'()* 1$$$ Civil Procedure -- Declaration -- Application for -- Declaration that agreement for solicitors' fees was fair, reasonable and enforceable against defendant -- Whether plaintiff should have applied for summary judgment instead Contract -- Coercion -- Proof of -- airness or reasonableness of agreement -- Whether proved -Contracts Act !"#$ s !# '0e pla1nt122 agree3 to a-t 2or t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant 4516 1n se%eral -r1m1nal -0arges an3 -1%1l su1ts7 51 orally agree3 w1t0 t0e pla1nt122 t0at t0e pla1nt122 woul3, 1nter al1a, .e pa13 t0e sum o2 RM80,000 as 2ees 2or t0e -r1m1nal an3 -1%1l -ases7 Su.se9uently, 51 an3 t0e pla1nt122 re3u-e3 1nto wr1t1ng t0e1r oral agreement on t0e 2ees 4e:0 HS(;67 51 personally 1nserte3 t0e 21gure RM80,000 1n t0e presen-e o2 t0e partner o2 t0e pla1nt122 an3 01s -ler<7=0en 51 2a1le3 to settle t0e 2ees, t0e pla1nt122 .y an e: parte summons(1n(-0am.ers soug0t 2or t0e 2ollow1ng or3ers> 416 to 3e-lare t0at t0e agreement 2or t0e 2ees was 2a1r an3 reasona.le an3 was en2or-ea.le .y t0e pla1nt122 aga1nst 51? 4116 2urt0er or alternat1%ely t0e pla1nt122 to 0a%e 1ts .1lls o2 -osts ta:e3? 41116 an 1n@un-t1on to restra1n t0e 3e2en3ants 2rom w1t03raw1ng t0e sums o2 money stan31ng 1n t0e respe-t1%e a--ounts pen31ng t0e -omplete 31sposal o2 t01s a-t1on7 '0e e: parte 1n@un-t1ons 0a3 .een grante3 .y t0e -ourt on 10 Ae.ruary 1///7 51 -onten3e3 t0at 0e was -oer-e3 .y t0e pla1nt122 to s1gn HS(;7 It was also su.m1tte3 t0at t01s 0ear1ng s0oul3 only .e -on21ne3 to a 3eterm1nat1on o2 w0et0er to l12t t0e 1n@un-t1on or allow 1t to rema1n an3 not to ma<e a 3e-larat1on as soug0t 2or .y t0e pla1nt122 .e-ause t01s tantamount to ma<1ng a 21nal or3er7 It was su.m1tte3 t0at t0e pla1nt122 s0oul3 0a%e appl1e3 2or a summary @u3gment7 '0e 1ssues .e2ore t0e -ourt were> 416 w0et0er HS(; was %al13? an3 4116 w0et0er t0e pla1nt122 -oul3 re-o%er 1ts 2ees as agree3 un3er HS(;7 H)+,, allow1ng t0e appl1-at1on>



HS(; was a-tually a -on21rmat1on 1n wr1t1ng o2 t0e oral agreement751Bs allegat1on t0at 0e was -oer-e3 .y t0e pla1nt122 1nto s1gn1ng HS(; was totally w1t0out .as1s7 51 0a3 2a1le3 to pro%e any o2 t0e elements o2 -oer-1on un3er s 1; o2 t0e #ontra-ts A-t 1/;07 Arom t0e e%13en-e, HS(; was %al13 4see pp ++H, +/5(C6 '0e -ourt was -lot0e w1t0 a 31s-ret1onary power to rat12y an3 en2or-e HS(; 12 1t was 2oun3 t0at t0e agreement was 2a1r an3 reasona.le .etween t0e part1es or 12 1t was 2oun3 ot0erw1se, t0e -ourt -oul3 3e-lare t0e agreement as %o13, -an-el 1t an3 31re-t t0at -osts, 2ees, -0arges an3 31s.ursement .e ta:e37 '0e pla1nt122 nee3 %$$$ ! &'( )* at )+

Page , not separately apply 2or a summary @u3gment an3 may pro-ee3 to as< 2or t0e 3e-laratory or3er soug0t w01le t0e -ourt re%1ew t0e 1nter1m 1n@un-t1on to 3e-13e 1ts -ont1nuan-e or 31s-0arge7 I2 t0e -ourt 1s sat1s21e3 t0at t0e pla1nt122 1s ent1tle3 to t0e w0ole reme3y .e2ore t0e a-t1on 1s tr1e3 an3 w0ere t0ere 1s -learly no 3e2en-e or t0at 1t was ra1se3 merely to -ause 3elay, t0en t01s -ourt may grant 21nal rel1e2 4see p /1C( !67 '0e .ur3en o2 pro%1ng 2a1rness an3 reasona.leness o2 t0e agreement was on t0e pla1nt1227 '0e -ourt 2oun3 t0at a lot o2 wor< 0a3 .een 3one .y t0e pla1nt122 stret-01ng 2rom 1/+2 to 1//D7 '0e -ourt 2oun3 t0at t0e RM80,000 as agree3 .etween t0e part1es to .e 2a1r an3 reasona.le7 '0ere was also no e%13en-e to s0ow t0at t0e pla1nt122 was 3om1neer1ng 1n 1ts -on3u-t towar3s 517 '0e e:e-ut1on o2 HS(; was a transa-t1on at armBs lengt0 an3 51 was 1n no way 31sa3%antage3 .y reason o2 t0e -on213ent1al relat1ons01p 0e 0a3 w1t0 t0e pla1nt1227 Aurt0er, t0e pla1nt122 0a3 sat1s2a-tor1ly re.utte3 t0e presumpt1on o2 un3ue 1n2luen-e -ast upon 1t .y %1rtue o2 t0e e:1st1ng sol1-1tor(-l1ent relat1ons01p7 51, on t0e ot0er 0an3, 0a3 not a3%an-e3 any -ogent argument or proo2 to -ontra31-t e1t0er t0e %al131ty o2 HS(; or 1ts reasona.leness 4see pp /2H, /8A(567 A2ter ser1ous -ons13erat1on o2 t0e .a-<groun3 to t01s appl1-at1on, t0e -ourt allowe3 t0e pla1nt122 t0e 3e-laratory rel1e2 soug0t an3 or3ere3 t0at HS(; .e en2or-e37 '0e 1nter1m 1n@un-t1on was -on21rme3 an3 s0all -ont1nue unt1l e:e-ut1on o2 t01s or3er 4see p /8!(H67



B-.-/- M-+-0/1- /233-*0 Pla1nt12 tela0 .ersetu@u untu< mewa<1l1 3e2en3an 4516 31 3alam .e.erapa pertu3u0an 3an guaman s1%1l7 51 se-ara l1san tela0 .ersetu@u 3engan pla1nt12 .a0awa pla1nt12 a<an, antara la1n, 31.ayar se@umla0 wang se.anya< RM80,000 se.aga1 yuran untu< <es(<es @enaya0 3an s1%1l 1tu7 Eemu31an, 51 3an pla1nt12 tela0 menul1s per@an@1an l1san terse.ut .er<enaan 3engan yuran 4e<s0 HS(;67 51 sen31r1 tela0 memasu<<an @umla0 RM80,000 terse.ut 31 0a3apan seorang ra<an <ongs1 pla1nt12 3an <eran1nya7 Apa.1la 51 gagal menyelesa1<an yuran terse.ut, pla1nt12 melalu1 saman(3alam(<amar se-ara e: parte tela0 memo0on untu< per1nta0(per1nta0 .er1<ut> 416 untu< meng1syt10ar<an .a0awa per@an@1an terse.ut untu< yuran a3ala0 a31l 3an munasa.a0 3an .ole0 31<uat<uasa<an ole0 pla1nt12 ter0a3ap 51? 4116 selan@utnya 3an se-ara alternat12 pla1nt12 a<an men3apat<an .1l <osnya 31tetap<an? 41116 suatu 1n@un<s1 untu< meng(0alang 3e2en3an(3e2en3an 3ar1pa3a mengeluar<an @umla0 wang terse.ut yang mas10 a3a 31 3alam a<aun mas1ng(mas1ng se01ngga selesa1nya t1n3a<an 1n17 In@un<s1 e: parte tela0 31.er1<an ole0 ma0<ama0 pa3a 10 Ae.ruar1 1///7 51 menegas<an .a0awa .el1au tela0 31pa<sa ole0 pla1nt12 untu< menan3atangan1 HS(;7 A3ala0 @uga %$$$ ! &'( )* at )# 310u@a0<an .a0awa per.1-araan 1n1 0anya patut 310a3<an <epa3a penentuan sama a3a untu< mem.atal<an 1n@un<s1 terse.ut atau mem.enar<annya untu< <e<al 3an .u<an mem.uat suatu 3e<laras1 sepert1 yang 31m1nta ole0 pla1nt12 ole0 <erana 1n1 ter@umla0 <epa3a mem.uat suatu per1nta0 mu<tama37 A3ala0 @uga 310u@a0<an .a0awa pla1nt12 sepatutnya memo0on untu< peng0a<1man terus7 Isu(1su 31 0a3apan ma0<ama0 a3ala0> 416 sama a3a HS(; a3ala0 sa0? 3an 4116 sama a3a pla1nt12 .ole0 men3apat <em.al1 yurannya sepert1 yang 31persetu@u1 31 .awa0 HS(;7 D142&2/5-6, mem.enar<an permo0onan terse.ut>


HS(; a3ala0 se.enarnya suatu pengesa0an .ertul1s .er<enaan 3engan per@an@1an l1san terse.ut7 Pengataan 51 .a0awa .el1au 31pa<sa ole0 pla1nt12 untu< menan3atangan1 HS(; a3ala0 t13a< .erasas langsung7 51 gagal untu<

Page 8 mem.u<t1<an se.arang elemen pa<saan 31 .awa0 s 1; A<ta Eontra< 1/;07 5ar1pa3a <eterangan terse.ut, HS(; a3ala0 sa0 4l10at ms ++H, +/5(C67 Ma0<ama0 mempunya1 <uasa .u31 .1-ara untu< merat121<as1<an 3an menguat<uasa<an HS(; @1<a 313apat1 .a0awa per@an@1an terse.ut a3ala0 a31l 3an munasa.a0 antara p10a<(p10a< atau @1<a 313apat1 se.al1<nya, ma0<ama0 .ole0 meng1syt10ar<an per@an@1an terse.ut se.aga1 .atal, mem.atal<annya 3an mengara0<an <os(<os, yuran(yuran, pem.ayaran(pem.ayaran 3an @uga pem.ayaran per.elan@aan 31tetap<an7 Pla1nt12 t13a< perlu se-ara .eras1ngan memo0on untu< peng0a<1man terus 3an .ole0 terus memo0on per1nta0 per1syt10araan yang 31po0on semasa ma0<ama0 meng<a@1 semula 1n@un<s1 1nter1m untu< memutus<an penyam.ungannya atau pelepasannya7 J1<a ma0<ama0 .erpuas(0at1 .a0awa pla1nt12 a3ala0 .er0a< <epa3a reme31 penu0 se.elum t1n3a<an 31.1-ara 3an 31 mana t13a< ter3apat pem.elaan yang @elas atau 1a 31.ang<1t<an semata(mata untu< menye.a.<an <elenga0an, ma<a ma0<ama0 .ole0 mem.er1<an rel12 mu<tama3 4l10at ms /1C(!67 untu< mem.u<t1<an <ea31lan 3an <emunasa.a0an per@an@1an terse.ut a3ala0 31 atas pla1nt127 Ma0<ama0 tela0 men3apat1 .a0awa .anya< <er@a tela0 31la<u<an ole0 pla1nt12 3ar1 1/+2 <e 1//D7 Ma0<ama0 men3apat1 RM80,000 sepert1 yang 31persetu@u1 antara p10a<(p10a< se.aga1 a31l 3an munasa.a07 '1a3a @uga <eterangan untu< menun@u<<an .a0awa pla1nt12 merupa<an p10a< yang 3om1nan 31 3alam t1n3a<annya <e atas 517 Pela<sanaan HS(; a3ala0 suatu transa<s1 .ersemu<a 3an 51 t13a< 3engan apa -ara se<al1 pun mener1ma <e.uru<an a< 0u.ungan per1.a31nya 3engan pla1nt127Selan@utnya, pla1nt12 tela0 3engan @ayanya memata0<an an3a1an pengaru0 ta< wa@ar yang 31leta< <e atasnya melalu1 <ewu@u3an 0u.ungan peguam(ana< guam7 Se.al1<nya, 51 t13a< mengemu<a<an se.arang 0u@a0an yang menya<1n<an atau .u<t1 untu< menyang<al sama a3a <esa0an HS(; atau <emunasa.a0annya 4l10at ms /2H, /8A(567 1 %$$$ ! &'( )* at ), Selepas pert1m.angan yang ser1us a<an latar .ela<ang permo0onan 1n1, ma0<ama0 mem.enar<an rel12 3e<laras1 yang 31po0on 3an mengara0<an HS(; 31<uat<uasa<an7 In@un<s1 1nter1m terse.ut a3ala0 31sa0<an 3an a<an .erterusan se01ngga pela<sanaan per1nta0 1n1 4l10at ms /8!(H67*




N'&)/ Aor -ases on appl1-at1on 2or 3e-larat1on, see 2416 &allal's Digest 48t0 C3, 1//+ Re1ssue6 paras 1;00(1;127 Aor -ases on -oer-1on generally, see , &allal's Digest 48t0 C3, 1//F Re1ssue6 paras 1+,,(1+,87

C-/)/ *)7)**), &' Cayman Development -.edah/ 0dn 1hd v Puah .iew 2 3rs )1//0* , MLJ 110 4re236 Dato 4' Wrigglesworth v 4j 5a6aria 1in 7usoff )1//;* , #LJ D8 4re236 4ong6ong 1an6 -&/ 1hd v 8aja 'etchumi A9P 8amarajoo )1//D* 2 MLJ ,D 4re236 4owell :homas, 8e )1+/,* 1 GB DF0 4re236 0tedman v Collett 41+;86 ;1 CR 11F1 4re236 0tuart, 8e; e< parte Catchcart )1+/,* 2 GB 201 4re236 Westmelton -=ic/ Pty 'td -8eceiver and &anager appointed/ v Archer and 0hulman 41/+26 VR ,0; 4re236

Page ;

L)81/+-&1'6 *)7)**), &' #ontra-ts A-t 1/;0 s 1; ss 11D, 11+ Legal Pro2ess1on A-t 1/FD

: >unaselan -4ira 0ingh and Anit .aur with him/ -Asbir 4ira 0ingh 2 Co/ 2or t0e pla1nt1227 0u .eong 0iew -1achan 2 .artar/ 2or t0e 3e2en3ant7 ABDUL HAMID EMBONG J > By an e: parte summons 1n -0am.ers 4en-l ,6, t0e pla1nt122, a legal 21rm, soug0t 2or t0e 2ollow1ng or3ers>

3) 3)



'o 3e-lare t0at t0e agreement 3ate3 1F Ae.ruary 1//2 2or t0e 2ees o2 sum o2 RM80,000 .etween t0e pla1nt122 an3 t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant 1s 2a1r an3 reasona.le an3 1s en2or-ea.le .y t0e pla1nt122 aga1nst t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant7 Aurt0er or alternat1%ely, t0e pla1nt122 3o ta: 1ts .1lls o2 -osts on sol1-1tor(-l1ent .as1s aga1nst t0e 21rst an3 se-on3 3e2en3ants an3 re-o%er su-0 ta:e3 -osts 2rom t0e 2un3s stan31ng to t0e a--ount o2 t0e 21rst an3 se-on3 3e2en3ants w1t0 t0e t01r3, 2ourt0 an3 212t0 3e2en3ants or 12 t0e same 1s 1nsu221-1ent, t0e 21rst an3 se-on3 3e2en3ants to pay to t0e pla1nt122 t0e ta:e3 -osts7 An 1n@un-t1on to restra1n t0e 21rst an3 se-on3 3e2en3ants w0et0er .y t0emsel%es or t0e1r ser%ants or agents or ot0erw1se 2rom ma<1ng any %$$$ ! &'( )* at )? attempts to w1t03raw t0e sums o2 money stan31ng 1n t0e respe-t1%e a--ounts w1t0 t0e t01r3, 2ourt0 an3 212t0 3e2en3ants pen31ng t0e -omplete 31sposal o2 t01s a-t1on7 '0e t01r3, 2ourt0 an3 212t0 3e2en3ants a.o%ename3 w0et0er .y t0emsel%es or t0e1r ser%ants or agents or any o2 t0em or ot0erw1se .e restra1ne3 .y 1n@un-t1on unt1l t0e -omplete 31sposal o2 t01s a-t1on or 2urt0er or3er, 2rom part1ng w1t0 t0e 2ollow1ng sums o2 money or any part t0ereo2 stan31ng to t0e -re31t o2 t0e 21rst an3 se-on3 3e2en3ants 1n> 1. t0e a--ounts o2 t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant w1t0> 1. t0e t01r3 3e2en3ant to t0e e:tent o2 RM,;,;F07,F? 1. t0e 2ourt0 3e2en3ant to t0e e:tent o2 RM2,,D;27D2,

1. 1 1b) 2
t0e a--ount o2 t0e se-on3 3e2en3ant w1t0 t0e 212t0 3e2en3ant to t0e e:tent o2 RM1,,0807;0, as 1s 3ue an3 ow1ng to a--ount o2 est1mate3 legal 2ees7

$n 10 Ae.ruary 1///, a2ter 0ear1ng t0e appl1-at1on, t01s -ourt grante3 t0e e: parte 1n@un-t1ons as praye3 2or 1n prayers , an3 8 w1t0 t0e usual un3erta<1ng on 3amages an3 set 3own t0e summons 2or 0ear1ng 1nter partes7 '0e 2a-tual .a-<groun3 o2 t01s -ase 1s long an3 %a-1llat1ng7 I am grate2ul to learne3 -ounsel 2or t0e pla1nt122 2or 0a%1ng pro3u-e3 a -on%en1ent pre-1s .y way o2 -0ronolog1-al e%ents lea31ng to t01s appl1-at1on7 '0e sal1ent 2a-ts pert1nent to t01s appl1-at1on as .orne out 2rom numerous a2213a%1ts are now re-ounte37

Page D In Ae.ruary 1/+2, t0e pla1nt122 agree3 to a-t 2or t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant 4516 1n #S 12F/1/+27 51 t0en %oluntar1ly 3epos1te3 2our .an<s sa%1ng .oo<s w1t0 t0e pla1nt122 to s0ow t0at 0e 0a3 t0e money to pay t0e agree3 2ees to t0e pla1nt1227 $n 18 1/+2, 51 also reta1ne3 t0e pla1nt122 to 3e2en3 01m on se%en -r1m1nal -0arges un3er s 811 o2 t0e Penal #o3e an3 w01-0 arose out o2 t0e same -1%1l su1t 2or w01-0 t0e pla1nt122 was earl1er reta1ne37 In 1/+2, 51 orally agree3 w1t0 Cn H1ra S1ng0 4t0e 0us.an3 partner o2 t0e pla1nt122 21rm6, to t0e 2ollow1ng>

4) 4) 4)

'0e pla1nt122 woul3 .e pa13 t0e sum o2 RM80,000 as 2ees 2or t0e -r1m1nal an3 -1%1l -ases? In a331t1on, any party an3 party -osts t0at t0e -ourt may awar3 woul3 .e e:-lus1%ely 2or t0e pla1nt122? an3 '0e pla1nt122 may appropr1ate t0e -osts an3 t0e agree3 2ees woul3 .e pa13 2rom t0e sa13 2un3s7

Arom 1/+, onwar3s, sprea31ng o%er se%eral years, t0ree o2 t0e se%en -r1m1nal -0arges aga1nst 51 were tr1e3 result1ng 1n 51Bs a-9u1ttal, on , May 1//17 $n 1F Ae.ruary 1//2, 51 an3 t0e pla1nt122 re3u-e3 1nto wr1t1ng, t0e1r 1/+2 oral agreement on t0e 2ees 4see e:0 HS(;, to en-l 867 51 personally 1nserte3 t0e 21gure BH80,000B 1n t0e presen-e o2 Cn H1ra S1ng0 an3 01s -ler<, 5ars0an S1ng07 HS(; 1s now repro3u-e3 1n 2ull, 2or easy re2eren-e7 A %$$$ ! &'( )* at )) -ursory glan-e w1ll s0ow t0at t0e terms o2 t0e agreement are .y no means un-erta1n, nor t0e reasons w0y 1t was ma3e7
Supraman1am s/o P1t-0amut0u Blo-< # 1,, Sunga1 Par1 'ower ,02000 Ipo0 1F Ae.ruary 1//2 M/s As.1r, H1ra S1ng0 " #o A3%o-ates " Sol1-1tors o D Jalan 5ato Ma0ara@alela ,0000 Ipo0 5ear S1rs I 0ere.y -on21rm our earl1er agreement on t0e 2ees paya.le to you 1n t0e sum o2 H80,0007 My money 1s now stu-< 1n t0e .an<s an3 t0e .alan-e sum now ow1ng w1ll .e pa13 to you as soon as I get my money 2rom t0e .an<s7 '0e sum o2 H80,000 1s t0e total sum w01-0 I w1ll pay 2or t0e -r1m1nal -ase> Ipo0 Mag1strateBs #ourt #r1m1nal #ase o BA# ,D,/1/+2 w01-0 0as .een -on-lu3e3 an3 t0e #1%1l Su1t> Ipo0 H1g0 #ourt #1%1l Su1t o 12F/1/+2 -onsol13ate3 w1t0 1,;/1/+27 In a331t1on to t0e a2oresa13 sum, any party an3 party -osts t0at t0e -ourt may awar3 woul3 .e e:-lus1%ely yours an3 you may appropr1ate 1t7 Iours 2a1t02ully sg3 Supraman1am s/o P1t-0amut0u

$n 1; 1//2, on t0e pla1nt122Bs appl1-at1on, t0e 3eputy pu.l1- prose-utor w1t03rew all ot0er outstan31ng -0arges aga1nst 517 $n 2/ July 1//F, t0e pla1nt122 wrote to 51 re9uest1ng 2or an appo1ntment 2or 1nstru-t1ons an3 settlement o2 1ts 2ees7 $n ,0 July 1//F 51 repl1e3 stat1ng t0at 0e 0a3 pa13 a lump sum to t0e pla1nt122 an3 re9ueste3 2or a .1ll on any outstan31ng payments7 $n 1

Page F $ 1//F, t0e pla1nt122 respon3e3 say1ng t0at t0e allege3 payment o2 a lump sum was ne%er ma3e an3 2orwar3e3 51 part1-ulars o2 all -osts awar3e3 to an3 aga1nst 51 1n t0e -1%1l -ase an3 a .1ll on t0e -r1m1nal -0arges7 51 repl1e3 on F $ 1//F, 31sagree1ng w1t0 t0e pla1nt122Bs .1lls7 '0ere were %ar1ous ot0er -orrespon3en-es .etween t0e part1es a2ter t0at, w01-0 nee3 not .e part1-ular1Je37 Su221-e to say t0at t01s 31spute now soug0t t0e 3eterm1nat1on o2 t01s -ourt on t0e 2ollow1ng 1ssues> Whether the written agreement dated !? ebruary !""% is valid It 1s t01s -ourtBs 21n31ng t0at t0e wr1tten agreement, 1e HS(; 1s %al137 HS(; 1s a-tually a -on21rmat1on 1n wr1t1ng o2 w0at 0a3 .een agree3 to .etween 51 an3 Cn H1ra S1ng0 somet1me 1n 1/+27 51 0a3 %oluntar1ly s1gne3 t0at agreement an3 agree3 to pay t0e sum o2 RM80,000 to t0e pla1nt122 as 2ees paya.le to t0e latter 2or 3e2en31ng 51 1n #S 12F/+2 an3 t0e se%en -r1m1nal -0arges 2a-1ng 01m7 In 01s a2213a%1t 1n reply 4en-l 116, 51 0a3 3epose3 t0at 0e was -oer-e3 .y Cn H1ra S1ng0 1nto s1gn1ng HS(; an3 t0at t0e latter t0reatene3 01m t0at 0e woul3 not appear 1n -ourt on 1F %$$$ ! &'( )* at )" 1//2 12 51 re2use3 to s1gn HS(; 4see para 1, o2 en-l 1167 'o t01s, Cn H1ra S1ng0 0a3 repl1e3 4see para 11 o2 en-l 1,6 t0at HS(; was %oluntar1ly s1gne3 .y 51 1n t0e re-ept1on area o2 pla1nt122Bs o221-e an3 1n t0e presen-e o2 one 5ars0an S1ng07 Cn-1< H1ra S1ng0 3en1e3 any -oer-1on or t0reat ma3e on 517It was also a221rme3 .y Cn H1ra S1ng0 t0at 51 0a3 a-tually .een a-9u1tte3 o2 t0e t0ree -r1m1nal -0arges pr1or to ,1 May 1//1 an3 t0at t0e ot0er -0arges pen31ng aga1nst 51 were w1t03rawn on 1; 1//27 '0ere was also no pro-ee31ng 1n -ourt on 1F 1//27 C%13en-e was also a33u-e3 t0roug0 t0e a2213a%1t o2 one a3ara@a a/l Earupp1a0 4en-l 1;6, a go%ernment pens1oner w0o 0a3 re-ommen3e3 Cn H1ra S1ng0 to 51 to 1n1t1ally represent 51 1n #S 12F/+27 a3ara@a 0a3 3epose3 t0at 0e <new o2 t0e oral agreement 1n 1/+2 w0en 51 agree3 to t0e payment o2 RM80,000 as t0e total 2ees o2 t0e pla1nt122 1n a-t1ng 2or 51 2or .ot0 t0e -1%1l su1t an3 t0e -r1m1nal matter7 a3ara@a also a221rme3 t0at 0e was aware t0at 51 0a3 3epos1te3 01s .an< sa%1ng a--ount .oo<s w1t0 t0e pla1nt122 assur1ng t0e latter t0at 0e 0a3 t0e money to pay t0e 2ees7 5ars0an S1ng0, a -ler< 1n t0e pla1nt122Bs 21rm, also a221rme3 1n 01s a2213a%1t 4see para 8 en-l 186 t0at 51 0a3 %oluntar1ly s1gne3 HS(; 1n 01s presen-e 1n t0e pla1nt122Bs o221-e7 51 0a3 also entere3 1n 01s own 0an3wr1t1ng t0e sum RM80,000 1nto HS(; an3 0a3 ne%er -ompla1ne3 a.out s1gn1ng HS(; e1t0er t0en or on t0e se%eral o--as1ons a2ter t0at w0en 51 met up w1t0 5ars0an S1ng07 '01s 2a-t was ne%er 3en1e3 .y 517 4see 51Bs reply to en-l 18 at en-l ,,67 $n 51Bs allegat1on t0at 0e was -oer-e3 .y Cn H1ra S1ng0 1nto s1gn1ng HS(;, I 21n3 t01s to .e totally w1t0out .as1s an3 1n t0e 2a-e o2 t0e e%13en-e to t0e -ontrary as ment1one3 a.o%e, t01s matter rema1ns merely a .are allegat1on, w01-0 t01s -ourt re@e-ts7&n3er s 1; o2 t0e #ontra-ts A-t 1/;0, a -ontra-t -an .e %1t1ate3 .y -oer-1on 12 su-0 a-t -an .e pro%e3 .y t0e person alleg1ng 1t7 51 must t0ere2ore pro%e one o2 t0e elements un3er s 1; to su--ee3 on t01s po1nt7 Se-t1on 1; o2 t0e #ontra-ts A-t 1/;0 states>
B#oer-1onB 1s t0e -omm1tt1ng, or t0reaten1ng to -omm1t any a-t 2or.133en .y t0e Penal #o3e, or t0e unlaw2ul 3eta1n1ng or t0reaten1ng to 3eta1n, any property, to t0e pre@u31-e o2 any person w0ate%er, w1t0 t0e 1ntent1on o2 -aus1ng any person to enter 1nto an agreement7

51 0a3 also allege3 1n 01s a2213a%1ts 4en-ls 8, 11, 21, 2, an3 ,16 t0at 0e 0a3 pa13 t0e pla1nt122 %ary1ng sums o2 RM;+,000, RM;8,;D87;2, RM81,;18712 an3 RM81,;1871,7I 21n3 no -ontemporary 3o-uments su-0 as re-e1pts or letters to support t0ese allegat1ons7 Puan As.1r Eaur, t0e w12e(partner 1n t0e pla1nt122Bs 21rm 1n 0er a2213a%1t 4en-l ,;6 0a3 3en1e3 all t0ose allegat1ons .y 51 t0at su-0 payments were ma3e to t0e pla1nt122, sa%e 2or a sum o2 RM2,000 pa13 on 1, 1/+2, 2or w01-0 a re-e1pt was 1ssue37 '0e -ourt 0a3 also 2oun3 t0e allegat1on .y 51 t0at re-e1pts 2or t0ose payments were not 1ssue3 .e-ause t0e pla1nt122 wante3 to e%a3e 1n-ome ta: as w0olly unsu.stant1ate3 an3 re@e-te3 t0e same7 Arom t0e e%13en-e, I 0a%e no 0es1tat1on 1n 0ol31ng HS(; to .e a %al13 an3 2or t0e reasons 31s-usse3 .elow, en2or-ea.le7 In 2a-t,

Page + e%en w1t0out t0e wr1tten agreement, t0e pla1nt122, on t0e 2a-ts, woul3 0a%e st1ll su--ee3e3 1n en2or-1ng t0e oral agreement agree3 %$$$ ! &'( )* at "$ to w1t0 51 1n 1/+27 It 1s not man3atory, to re3u-e t0at oral agreement 1nto wr1t1ng, 2or t0e pla1nt122 to pro%e t0at 1ts 2ees was 2a1r an3 reasona.le7 In Dato 4' Wrigglesworth v 4j 5a6aria 1in 7usoff )1//;* , #LJ D8, 1t was 0el3 .y I3r1s .1n Iuso22 J, t0at>
Se-t1on 11D 1s not a man3atory pro%1s1on re9u1r1ng t0e agreement to .e re3u-e3 to wr1t1ng(( 1t merely says t0at t0e sol1-1tor may ma<e an agreement 1n wr1t1ng an3 to ma<e 1t .1n31ng, t0e -l1ent 1s re9u1re3 to s1gn 1t7 I2, 0owe%er, 2or some reasons t0e agreement 1s not re3u-e3 to wr1t1ng, 1t 3oes not totally s0ut out t0e sol1-1tor 2rom -la1m1ng 01s -osts 2or 0e -an st1ll 2all .a-< on s 1214167

Whether the plaintiff can recover its fees as agreed to under the written agreement, 40-# '01s -ourt 0as .een as<e3 to en2or-e HS(; un3er ss 11D an3 11+ o2 t0e Legal Pro2ess1on A-t 1/FD 4Bt0e LPAB6 w01-0 pro%13e>
11D A3%o-ate an3 sol1-1tor may enter agreement 2or -ost1ng -ontent1ous .us1ness

416 Su.@e-t to t0e pro%1s1ons o2 any wr1tten law, an a3%o-ate an3 sol1-1tor may ma<e an agreement 1n wr1t1ng w1t0 01s -l1ent respe-t1ng t0e amount an3 manner o2 payment 2or t0e w0ole or any part o2 01s -osts 1n respe-t o2 -ontent1ous .us1ness 3one or to .e 3one .y su-0 a3%o-ate an3 sol1-1tor, e1t0er .y a gross sum, or ot0erw1se, an3 e1t0er at t0e same rate or at a greater or a lesser rate t0an t0e rate at w01-0 0e woul3 ot0erw1se .e ent1tle3 to .e remunerate37 426 C%ery su-0 agreement s0all .e s1gne3 .y t0e -l1ent an3 s0all .e su.@e-t to t01s Part7

11+ Cn2or-ement o2 agreements

416 o a-t1on or su1t s0all .e .roug0t or 1nst1tute3 upon any agreement as 1s re2erre3 to 1n se-t1on 11D, .ut e%ery 9uest1on respe-t1ng t0e %al131ty or e22e-t o2 any su-0 agreement may .e e:am1ne3 an3 3eterm1ne3, an3 t0e agreement may .e en2or-e3, %ar1e3 or set as13e .y su1t or a-t1on .y summons, mot1on or pet1t1on .y any person or t0e representat1%es o2 any person .e1ng a party to su-0 agreement, or .e1ng allege3 to .e l1a.le to pay, or .e1ng or -la1m1ng to .e ent1tle3 to .e pa13 t0e -osts, 2ees, -0arges or 31s.ursements 1n respe-t o2 w01-0 t0e agreement 1s ma3e, .y t0e -ourt 1n w01-0 t0e .us1ness or any part t0ereo2 was 3one, or a @u3ge o2 t0e -ourt, or, 12 t0e .us1ness was not 3one 1n any -ourt, t0en .y t0e H1g0 #ourt or a @u3ge o2 t0e H1g0 #ourt7 426 &pon any su-0 summons, mot1on or pet1t1on, 12 1t appears to t0e -ourt or a @u3ge t0at su-0 agreement 1s 1n all respe-ts 2a1r an3 reasona.le .etween t0e part1es, t0e agreement may .e en2or-e3 .y t0e -ourt or a @u3ge .y rule or or3er, 1n t0e manner an3 su.@e-t to t0e -on31t1ons, 12 any, as to t0e -osts o2 t0e summons, mot1on or pet1t1on as t0e -ourt or t0e @u3ge t01n<s 2a1r an3 reasona.le7 4,6 I2 t0e su.stant1%e terms o2 any agreement are 3eeme3 .y t0e -ourt or t0e @u3ge to .e un2a1r or unreasona.le, t0e agreement may .e 3e-lare3 %o13, an3 t0e -ourt or @u3ge may t0ereupon or3er t0e %$$$ ! &'( )* at "! agreement to .e g1%en up 2or -an-ellat1on, an3 may 31re-t t0e -ost, 2ees -0arges an3 31s.ursements 1n-urre3 or -0argea.le 1n respe-t o2 t0e matters 1n-lu3e3 t0ere1n to .e ta:e3, 1n t0e same manner an3 a--or31ng to t0e same rules as 12 t0e agreement 0as not .een ma3e7 Pro%13e3 t0at t0e -ourt or @u3ge may amen3 or rat12y t0e agreement

Page /
w0ere not all t0e su.stan-e o2 t0e agreement 1s un2a1r or unreasona.le7

It 1s -learly pro%13e3 t0at a party to an agreement may apply to t0e -ourt or a @u3ge 1n -0am.ers 4see 1n Re 4owell :homas )1+/,* 1 GB DF06 .y way o2 summons, mot1on or pet1t1on7 In t01s -ase, t0e matter was -orre-tly pursue3 .y an e: parte summons 1n -0am.ers, 1n1t1ally to o.ta1n an 1n@un-t1on aga1nst 517 At t0e 1nter partes 0ear1ng, t0e pla1nt122 0a3 as<e3 t0at t01s -ourt rat12y t0e wr1tten agreement 4HS(;6 an3 ma<e a 3e-larat1on to t0at e22e-t7 Mr Su, learne3 -ounsel 2or 51 0a3 su.m1tte3 t0at t01s 0ear1ng s0oul3 only .e -on21ne3 to a 3eterm1nat1on o2 w0et0er to l12t t0e 1n@un-t1on or allow 1t to rema1n, an3 not to ma<e a 3e-larat1on as soug0t 2or 1n prayer 1 o2 t0e pla1nt122Bs summons .e-ause t01s tantamounts to ma<1ng a 21nal or3er w01-0 1s not appropr1ate at t01s @un-ture an3 re9u1r1ng a resolut1on o2 t0e -on2l1-t o2 2a-ts w01-0 nee3e3 %1%a %o-e e:am1nat1on o2 w1tnesses7 Cn-1< Su also su.m1tte3 t0at 12 t0e pla1nt122 1s see<1ng 2or a 21nal @u3gment now, 1t s0oul3 0a%e appl1e3 2or a summary @u3gment pursuant to $ 18 o2 t0e Rules o2 t0e H1g0 #ourt 1/+0, w01-0 1s not t0e -ase 0ere7 In my %1ew, t01s -ourt 1s -lot0e w1t0 a 31s-ret1onary power to rat12y an3 en2or-e HS(; 12 1t 21n3s t0at t0at agreement 1s, 1n all respe-ts, 2a1r an3 reasona.le .etween t0e part1es or 12 t0e -ourt 21n3s ot0erw1se, may 3e-lare t0at agreement as %o13, -an-el 1t an3 31re-t t0at -osts, 2ees, -0arges an3 31s.ursements .e ta:e37 '01s -ourt may also amen3 t0e agreement 12 1t 21n3s t0at not all 1ts su.stan-e to .e un2a1r or unreasona.le 4see s 11+4,6 LPA67 I am also o2 t0e %1ew t0at t0e pla1nt122 nee3 not separately apply 2or a summary @u3gment an3 may pro-ee3 to as< 2or t0e 3e-laratory or3er soug0t w01le t01s -ourt re%1ews t0e 1nter1m 1n@un-t1on to 3e-13e 1ts -ont1nuat1on or 31s-0arge7 In t01s -ase, a wr1t 0as .een 1ssue3 see<1ng 2or t0e same 3e-laratory or3er w01-0, 1n my op1n1on, t0e -ourt 1s ent1tle3 to grant 2ort0w1t0 upon e%aluat1ng t0e a2213a%1t e%13en-e7 I2 t0e -ourt 1s sat1s21e3 t0at t0e pla1nt122 1s ent1tle3 to t0e w0ole reme3y .e2ore t0e a-t1on 1s tr1e3 an3 w0ere t0ere 1s -learly no 3e2en-e or t0at 1t was ra1se3 merely to -ause 3elay, t0en t01s -ourt may grant a 21nal rel1e2 4see Cayman Development -.edah/ 0dn 1hd v Puah .iew 2 3rs )1//0* , MLJ 11067 Ha%1ng e:am1ne3 t0e %al131ty o2 HS(;, 1n t0at 1t was ma3e w1t0 t0e -onsensus a3 13em o2 .ot0 part1es an3 not %o13 un3er any o2 t0e general groun3s 2oun3 1n t0e #ontra-ts A-t 1/;0, t01s -ourt w1ll ne:t 0a%e to 3eterm1ne t0at t0e agreement was 2a1r an3 reasona.le7 Mr !unaselan, learne3 -ounsel 2or t0e pla1nt122, re2erre3 to t0e Cngl1s0 #ourt o2 Appeal -ase 1n 8e 0tuart, e< p Catchcart )1+/,* 2 GB 201, an3 urge3 t01s -ourt to apply t0e same test7 8e 0tuart was a -ase w01-0 31s-usse3 t0e appl1-at1on o2 ss + an3 / o2 t0e Cngl1s0 AttorneysB an3 Sol1-1torsB A-t 1+F0 w01-0 are 1n par1 mater1a to our s11+416 an3 426 LPA 1/FD7 %$$$ ! &'( )* at "% An e:tra-t 2rom t0e 0ea3note o2 t0e report 1n Re Stuart 1s now repro3u-e3, w1t0 some e31t1ng, 2or easy re2eren-e>
A sol1-1tor was employe3 .y t0e 3e2en3ant 1n luna-y pro-ee31ngs to atten3 t0e ta:at1on o2 t0e pet1t1onerBs -ost w01-0 s0e 0a3 .een or3ere3 to pay, an3 1t was agree3 1n wr1t1ng t0at t0e sol1-1tor s0oul3 .e pa13 ; per -ent on t0e amount ta:e3 o22 t0e .1ll o2 -osts7 '0e .1ll o2 -osts -onta1ne3 1tems 2or 3a1ly re2res0ers to -ounsel 2or e:-ee31ng t0e ma:1mum amount per 31em allowe3 .y t0e rules, an3 o2 t0e w0ole .1ll o2 ;000 nearly 2000 was ta:e3 o22, t0e pr1n-1pal part o2 w01-0 -ons1ste3 o2 su-0 re2res0ers7$n an appl1-at1on un3er t0e AttorneysB an3 Sol1-1torsB A-t, 1+F0, .y t0e 3e2en3ant to set as13e t0e agreement as un2a1r an3 unreasona.le, Lor3 Cs0er MR 2or t0e #ourt o2 Appeal 0el3 t0at>

Bt0at su-0 an agreement must not only .e 2a1r 1n t0e sense t0at 1t was un3erstoo3 .y t0e -l1ent, .ut must .e reasona.le 1n amount, 0a%1ng regar3 to t0e wor< 3one,B

H1s Lor3s01p went on to say>

Page 10

B=1t0 regar3 to t0e 2a1rness o2 su-0 an agreement, 1t appears to .e t0at t01s re2ers to t0e mo3e o2 o.ta1n1ng t0e agreement, an3 t0at 12 a sol1-1tor ma<es an agreement w1t0 a -l1ent w0o 2ully un3erstan3s an3 appre-1ates t0at agreement t0at sat1s21es t0e re9u1rement as to 2a1rness7But t0e agreement must also .e reasona.le, an3 1n 3eterm1n1ng w0et0er 1t 1s so t0e matters -o%ere3 .y t0e e:press1on B2a1rB -annot .e re( 1ntro3u-e37 As to t01s part o2 t0e re9u1rements o2 t0e statute, I am o2 op1n1on t0at t0e mean1ng 1s t0at w0en an agreement 1s -0allenge3 t0e sol1-1tor must not only sat1s2y t0e -ourt t0at t0e agreement was a.solutely 2a1r w1t0 regar3 to t0e way 1n w01-0 1t was o.ta1ne3, .ut must also sat1s2y t0e -ourt t0at t0e terms o2 t0at agreement are reasona.le7 I2 1n t0e op1n1on o2 t0e -ourt t0ey are not reasona.le, 0a%1ng regar3 to t0e <1n3 o2 wor< w01-0 t0e sol1-1tor 0as to 3o un3er t0e agreement, t0e -ourt are .oun3 to say t0at t0e sol1-1tor, as an o221-er o2 t0e -ourt, 0as no r1g0t to an unreasona.le payment 2or t0e wor< w01-0 0e 0as 3one, an3 oug0t not to 0a%e ma3e an agreement 2or remunerat1on 1n su-0 a manner7B

Alt0oug0 3e-13e3 o%er a -entury ago, I am 1n-l1ne3 to a--ept t0e 3e21n1t1on o2 2a1rness an3 reasona.leness appl1e3 1n 8e 0tuart7 In t0e 1nstant -ase, I 21n3 t0at 51 2ully un3erstoo3 an3 appre-1ate3 HS(; w0en 0e s1gne3 1t at t0e pla1nt122Bs o221-e7 ow0ere 1n all 01s a2213a%1ts 0a3 51 sa13 ot0erw1se7 51 was also -on%ersant 1n Cngl1s0, t0e language o2 HS(;, as 1s -learly e%13ent 2rom 01s ot0er letters to t0e pla1nt122 wr1tten 1n Cngl1s07 '0e s1gn1ng o2 HS(;, as I 0a3 earl1er 2oun3 was merely to re1terate 1n wr1t1ng w0at 0a3 .een orally agree3 to earl1er, 1n 1/+27 =0en HS(; was s1gne3 .y 51, most o2 t0e wor< was 3one .y t0e pla1nt122 an3 t0at t0e s-ope an3 type o2 wor< 3one was <nown to 517 '0e .ur3en o2 pro%1ng 2a1rness an3 reasona.leness o2 t0e agreement 1s on t0e pla1nt122, as sol1-1tors a-t1ng 2or 51 an3 12 I may a33, ta<1ng t0e -ue 2rom Lor3 Cs0er JBs wor3s, as an o221-er o2 t0e -ourt7 I also a--ept as -orre-t law, t0e -ommentary 1n '0e Law o2 A3%o-ates an3 Sol1-1tors 1n S1ngapore an3 =est Malays1a 42n3 C36 at p D/, stat1ng t0e reason 2or t0e 21rst l1m. o2 t0e a.o%e propos1t1on, w01-0 1s>
'0e reason 1s t0at t0e sol1-1tor stan3s 1n a 213u-1ary relat1on w1t0 01s -l1ent an3 t0e -ourts apply t0e presumpt1on t0at t0e -l1entBs w1ll was o%er.orne 1n ma<1ng t0e agreement7

%$$$ ! &'( )* at "* In Westmelton -=ic/ Pty 'td -8eceiver and &anager Appointed/ v Archer and 0hulman 41/+26 VR ,0;, t0e Supreme #ourt o2 V1-tor1a e:poun3e3 t0e propos1t1on 1n t0e 2ollow1ng way>
'0e appl1-a.le rule or test, ne-essar1ly general, was as 2ollows> 1n some -ases o2 -on213ent1al relat1ons01p, an3 sol1-1tor an3 -l1ent 1s one o2 t0em, w0ere t0e person 4-on%en1ently -alle3 t0e -on213ant6 1n w0om t0e -on213en-e 1s repose3 .y t0e ot0er person 0as 3eal1ngs w1t0 t0at ot0er person, t0e -ourt %1ews t0e transa-t1ons w1t0 susp1-1on, an3 appl1es a re.utta.le presumpt1on t0at t0e ot0erBs w1ll was o%er.orne .y t0e -on213en-e 0e pla-e3 1n t0e -on213ant, an3 t0e -ourt 1mposes a .ur3en on t0e -on213ant to pro%e t0at 1n all t0e -1r-umstan-es t0e 3eal1ngs were at armsB lengt0 an3 t0at t0e ot0erBs w1ll was 1n no way o%er.orne .y t0e relat1ons01p o2 -on213en-e7 4Aor .re%1ty, t0e Aull #ourt re2erre3 to t01s presumpt1on as a presumpt1on o2 Bun3ue 1n2luen-eB76 '0e presumpt1on appl1es to all -ases o2 sol1-1tors 3eal1ng w1t0 -l1ents, .ut t0e e:tent an3 we1g0t o2 t0e .ur3en -ast upon t0e sol1-1tor or ot0er person 1n w0om t0e -on213en-e 1s repose3, an3 t0e matters o2 w01-0 t0e -ourt w1ll re9u1re to .e sat1s21e3 .e2ore 1t w1ll regar3 t0e presumpt1on as 0a%1ng .een re.utte3, must %ary w1t0 all t0e -1r-umstan-es o2 t0e -ase7

In t01s respe-t, t0e a2213a%1t 1n support o2 t01s appl1-at1on o2 Cn H1ra S1ng0 4en-l 86 0a3 3epose3 to t0e 2ollow1ng>
12 '0e agree3 2ees o2 RM80,000 was 2or t0e 2ollow1ng wor<>

Page 11
4a6 #r1m1nal tr1al o2 se%en -0arges w01-0 resulte3 1n a-9u1ttal a2ter 1F 3ays o2 tr1al sprea3 o%er many years7 I -ra%e lea%e to re2er to t0e a2213a%1t .y t0e Ban< Manager o2 HSB#, Mr Eoo Ho-< Loong a221rme3 on 2+ June 1/+2 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t, a p0otostat -opy o2 w01-0 1s anne:e3 0ereto an3 mar<e3 as BHS(DB7 4.6 #1%1l Su1t o 12F(1/+2> sett1ng as13e In@un-t1ons, t01r3 party pro-ee31ngs, amen3ment o2 plea31ngs, stay o2 e:e-ut1on, lea%e to appeal, str1<1ng out an3 ta:at1on aga1nst t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant .ot0 at t0e H1g0 #ourt, Supreme #ourt an3 t0e Ae3eral #ourt7

1271 '0e sum o2 RM80,000 an3 party an3 party -osts 4now not a%a1la.le 2or t0e pla1nt1226 agree3 were more t0an reasona.le 2or t0e wor< 3one .etween t0e t1me 2rame o2 1/+2 an3 1//D7 '0e total sum -la1me3 .y HSB# aga1nst t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant was RM1F1,000 an3 aga1nst 01s 2am1ly was RM+,,/00 totall1ng RM2;8,/007 I -ra%e lea%e to re2er to t0e Reamen3e3 Statement o2 #la1m 21le3 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t, a p0otostat -opy o2 w01-0 1s anne:e3 0ereto an3 mar<e3 as BHS(FB7 1272 '0e 21rst 3e2en3ant 0a3 re9ueste3 t0e pla1nt122 to 3e2en3 01s ((

416 .rot0er, a3ara@an a/l P1t-0a1mut0u (( 8t0 3e2en3ant 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t an3 se-on3 3e2en3ant 0ere1n? 4116 s1ster, Mageswar1 a/p P1-0a1mutu (( ;t0 3e2en3ant 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t7 41116 2at0er, P1t-0a1mut0u a/l Earupp1a0 (( s1:t0 3e2en3ant 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t7 41%6 mot0er, Ramayee a/p Mut0u (( se%ent0 3e2en3ant 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t7

all o2 w0om 0a3 .een sue3 .y HSB# 1n t0e #1%1l Su1t .e-ause o2 t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant, 2or 1t was t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant w0o 0a3 g1%en t0e -0e9ues to t0e %ar1ous mem.ers o2 01s 2am1ly an3 w0en sue3 .y HSB#, t0ey 0a3 as<e3 t0e 21rst 3e2en3ant to 3e2en3 t0e legal a-t1ons7 '0e 21rst 3e2en3ant re9ueste3 me to represent t0em to -lear t0e 2am1ly name 1n t0e -ourt 1n t0e a-t1ons 2or -onsp1ra-y to 5e2rau3 aga1nst t0em7 As agree3 t0e pla1nt122 0as not -0arge3 %$$$ ! &'( )* at "+ any legal 2ees to t0e 21rst 3e2en3antBs parents an3 s1ster .ut 01s .rot0er, t0e se-on3 3e2en3ant was to settle t0e pla1nt122Bs 2ees 01msel27

As I see 1t, a lot o2 wor< 0a3 .een 3one .y t0e pla1nt122 stret-01ng 2rom 1/+2 to 1//D7 '0e -1%1l matter, to p1-< a p0rase, went t0roug0 t0e w0ole wor<s, to t0e SAR, t0e @u3ge 1n -0am.ers, t0e H1g0 #ourt, t0e Supreme #ourt an3 t0e #ourt o2 Appeal 4see 4ong6ong 1an6 -&/ 1hd@ v 8aja 'etchumi a9p 8amarajoo )1//D* 2 MLJ ,D, 1e t0e lea3 a-t1on to #S 12F/1/+267 I 21n3 t0at t0e RM80,000 as agree3 .etween t0e part1es to .e 2a1r an3 reasona.le 2ees -ons13er1ng t0e nature o2 wor< 3one an3 t0e t1me per1o3 an3 preparat1on ta<en to per2orm t0em7 '0ere 1s ample e%13en-e a33u-e3 .y t0e pla1nt122 to support t0e -la1m t0at t0e terms agree3 to 1n HS(; are a.solutely reasona.le7 I also 21n3 no e%13en-e to s0ow t0at t0e pla1nt122 was 3om1neer1ng 1n 1ts -on3u-t towar3s 51? t0at t0e e:e-ut1on o2 HS(; was a transa-t1on at armBs lengt0 an3 t0at 51 was 1n no way 31sa3%antage3 .y reason o2 t0e -on213ent1al relat1ons01p 0e 0a3 w1t0 t0e pla1nt1227 I 2urt0er 21n3 t0at t0e pla1nt122 0a3 sat1s2a-tor1ly re.utte3 t0e presumpt1on o2 un3ue 1n2luen-e -ast upon 1t .y %1rtue o2 t0e e:1st1ng sol1-1tor(-l1ent relat1ons01p7 51, on t0e ot0er 0an3 0a3 not a3%an-e3 any -ogent argument or proo2 to -ontra31-t e1t0er t0e %al131ty o2 HS(; or 1ts reasona.leness, sa%e 2or t0e po1nt on -oer-1on w01-0, as earl1er 0el3, 1s .aseless7 '0e en3 result to t01s 31spute -an .e put .y .orrow1ng t0e wor3s o2 S1r Jo0n Rom1lly MR 1n t0e -ase o2 0tedman v Collett 41+;86 ;1 CR 11F1 >
777 I am o2 t0e op1n1on t0at t0e settlement o2 a sol1-1torBs .1ll .y t0e -l1ent 2or a 21:e3 sum 1s %al13, an3 w1ll not .e 31stur.e3 .y t01s -ourt w0ere 1t 0as .een entere3 1nto 2a1rly an3 w1t0 proper <nowle3ge on .ot0 s13es7

Page 12

S1m1larly, on t0e 2a-ts 0ere, I 21n3 t0at t0ere 0a3 .een an open transa-t1on entere3 1nto 2a1rly an3 w1t0 proper <nowle3ge o2 .ot0 s13es 1n agree1ng to t0e terms un3er HS(;7 '0e pla1nt122 1n t01s appl1-at1on 1s prepare3 to 0a%e 1ts .1lls ta:e3, as re2le-te3 1n 1ts alternat1%e prayer, .ut a2ter ser1ous -ons13erat1on o2 t0e .a-<groun3 to t01s appl1-at1on as .orne out 2rom t0e %ar1ous a2213a%1ts, I am m1n3e3 to allow t0e pla1nt122 t0e 3e-laratory rel1e2 soug0t an3 or3er t0at HS(; .e en2or-e37'0e 1nter1m 1n@un-t1on 1s -on21rme3 an3 s0all -ont1nue unt1l e:e-ut1on o2 t01s or3er7 #osts o2 t01s appl1-at1on 1s allowe3 to t0e pla1nt122 an3 s0all .e .orne .y 517 Application allowed@

Reporte3 .y Ja21sa0 Jaa2ar

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