Cleanroom Spec
Cleanroom Spec
Cleanroom Spec
Drawings and general provisions of the Subcontract apply to this Section . 2. Review these documents for coordination with additional requirements and information that apply to work under this Section. B. Section Includes: 1. Subcontractor shall employ the services of a "Certifying Agency" to meas ure and record the cleanroom conditions and resolve all nonconforming areas prio r to attesting that the cleanroom is complete and ready for owners occupancy. Re fer to Section 1.05 Performance Requirements for a list of tests to be conducted . 2. The field Engineer for the Certifying Agency shall visit the job site a minimum of once every two weeks for one day's duration each during the period th at construction work is being performed on the finished cleanroom for knowledge of the installation, inspections, and completion of construction. The cost of th e time and associated expense for these visits shall be included in the bid. 3. HEPA Filter Repair and Replacement: If defective HEPA filters are identi fied during the course of work, the Certifying Agency shall immediately notify t he Subcontractor and owners Representative, and repair or replacement shall be p erformed under the direction of the Subcontractor with approval from the owners Representative. 1.2 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent st ated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the one affording the greatest protection shall apply. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current o ne at the time of commencement of the Work. 3. In the event of conflict regarding requirements for the referenced clean room testing and certification between this section and any other section, the p rovisions of this section shall govern B. ISO Standards: Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) , 940 East Northwest Highway, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 1. 14644_1: Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments 2. (Including Part 1: Classification of Air Cleanliness). 3. 14644_3: Metrology and Test Methods (including Annex A, B, and C) 4. 14644_4: Design, Construction and Start_Up 5. 14644_6: Terms and Definitions C. IES_RP_CC006.2 _Testing Cleanrooms D. IES_RP_CC_002.1 _Laminar Flow Clean Air Device E. IES_RP_CC_013_86T _Equipment Calibration or Validation Procedures F. IES_RP_CC_001_86 _HEPA Filters G. "Procedural Standards for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms": National En vironmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), 8224 Old Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA 22180 H. ESD Association Standard ESD_S_7,1_1994 Electrostatic Discharge Associa tion, 200 Liberty Plaza, Rome, NY 13440 I. SEMI S2 Safety Guidelines for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. Sem i 178 0998 Electrostatic compatibility guide to assessment and control of ESD an d Electrostatic attraction for equipment. SEMI 3081 Zanker Road, San Jose, Cali fornia 95135 J. NEBB, Procedural Standards for Measuring Sound and Vibration. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), 8224 Old Courthouse Rd, Vienna, VA 22180 1.3 DEFINITIONS
A. Cleanroom Types: 1. UNIDIRECTIONAL AIRFLOW (laminar): Controlled airflow through the entire cross} section of a clean zone with a steady velocity and approximately parallel streamlines. 2. NON_UNIDIRECTIONAL AIRFLOW (turbulent): Air distribution where the suppl y air entering the clean zone mixes with the internal air by means of induction. B. Occupancy States: 1. As_Built: Condition where the installation is complete with all services connected and functioning but with no production equipment, materials, or perso nnel present. 2. At_Rest: Condition where the installation is complete with equipment ins talled and operating in a manner agreed upon by the customer and supplier, but n o personnel present. 3. Operational: Condition where the installation is functioning in the spec ified manner, with the specified number of personnel present and working in the manner agreed upon. C. Certifying Agency: The Cleanroom Certifying Company or agency. D. Balancing Agency: The air testing a balancing company or agency. E. HEPA Filter: Generic term that covers types of HEPA, i.e. ULPA, Ultra, 1 4EPA, etc. F. Protocol Manager: The person vested with authority to enforce compliance to clean build protocols 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. The certifying agency shall perform all tests listed below. Non_unidirec tional airflow (turbulent) state for Class 1,000, Class 10,000 or Class 100,000 (or ISO equivalent) .Tests shall be in the as_built cleanroom occupancy state. B. Cleanroom Classification Test C. Installed Filter Leakage Test D. Air Flow Test E. Temperature and Humidity Test F. Acoustical Noise level Test 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. The following submittals are required prior to start of construction wor k inside the cleanroom: 1. Qualifications of all Field Technicians, the Field Engineer, the Project Director, and the Certifying Agency. 2. Documentation that the Certifying Agency, the Field Engineer, and the Pr oject Director have met all qualification requirements of the NEBB. 3. Written presentation outlining the testing and certification procedures and sequence to be performed. 4. Description of all instrumentation and test equipment to be used, as wel l as calibration documentation. 5. Sample of all field reports, charts, and forms proposed to document the field measured conditions. 6. Sequence of test procedures to be used. C. After completion and acceptance of all required tests, the Certifying Ag ency shall compile the test and certification data and shall submit copies of th e complete report to the owners Representative for review and approval. The repo rt submitted shall include a signed and dated certificate. D. Contents of the completed report shall be in accordance with IES_RP_CC_0 06_84_T. The completed report shall include, but is not limited to, the followin g items: 1. Report: Tabulate all test data on 8_1/2 x 11_inch sheets bound in a repo rt. Identify all test data by grid location. Grids shall be reviewed with the ow ners Representative. Tabulations shall be cross referenced to reflected ceiling plans and cleanroom floor plans. 2. Drawings: Print of the 1/8_inch scale Cleanroom Floor Plans and Reflecte d Ceiling Plans made from the contract drawings with testing and certification l ocations shown on the drawings. Drawings shall be titled, "Testing and Certifica
tion Drawings." 3. Test Equipment: Complete list of all test equipment used in performing t he work with serial numbers and verification of the latest calibration date. All equipment will be reviewed with the owner's Representative prior to commencemen t of work. 4. Guarantee: Written statement signed by the Project Director and Certific ation Firm and person in charge of on_site work stating that all work has been p erformed in accordance with these specifications unless approved by the owner's Representative and specifically noted otherwise in report. 5. Description of all tests performed, including the purpose, instrumentati on, procedure, results, and analysis of the data. Data shall be presented and gr aphically displayed in an approved form by the owners Representative to permit f ull understanding of all tests. Include the date tests were taken and the names of field technicians performing the tests. Clear indications whether data is acc eptable-or-failing are required. 6. Five copies of the completed Certification Report, submitted for review and acceptance by the owners Representative. 7. Description of the operating condition of all clean areas. Operating con ditions must include individual fan speed and air speed for all Fan Filter Units in the cleanrooms. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All cleanroom air systems shall be tested and certified by a qualified f irm specializing in cleanroom certification. The Certifying Agency shall work cl osely with all construction trades as required to complete construction of the c leanroom in accordance with the Construction Documents. B. Firms or agencies proposing on this service shall have been in business a minimum of five (5) years specializing in cleanroom testing and certifying wor k. A list shall be available upon request of projects similar in size, complexit y, and cleanliness classification to this project that the firm has completed. I nclude the project name, description of mechanical system, range of services pro vided, and the name and phone number of the design consultant who were responsib le for final acceptance of the service. C. The Certifying Agency's Project Director shall have a minimum of two yea rs of experience testing and certifying cleanroom as a field Engineer or field t echnician. He shall supervise all field technicians assigned to complete the tes ting and certifying of the work, and shall be responsible for all on_site testin g and data acquisition. No field tests shall be taken without the Field Engineer 's presence. D. All Certifying Agency Field Technicians shall have completed previous tr aining in cleanroom operations and certifying procedures, shall have worked in t his capacity on at least one other similar project, and shall only perform field work under direct supervision of the Field Engineer. E. A sample of all field data reports, charts, and forms used by the Certif ying Agency shall be submitted with the proposal. In addition, a sample test rep ort of a similar project shall be available for inspection by the owners Represe ntative to verify the Certifying Agency's expertise in data collection, interpre tation, and documentation. F. Reference standards for all field tests shall be the Institute of Enviro nmental Sciences (IES) IES_RP_CC_006_84T, Recommended Practice for Testing Clean rooms and the Procedural Standards for Certified Testing of Cleanrooms, National Environmental Balancing Bureau. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Certification shall not proceed until all other work on the cleanroom ha s been completed and the commencement of certification work has been approved. B. Condition of Cleanrooms Prior to Testing: 1. The HVAC system installation for the cleanroom, including all of the exh aust systems and makeup air system associated with the cleanroom operation, shal l have been completed, including all air and water side testing, adjusting, and balancing. 2. All fans and fan filter units shall have been balanced in_place and an a
cceptance report submitted. All fan filter units shall have been set for appropr iate speeds to meet both noise and cleanliness requirements before testing. 1.8 WARRANTY A. The service to be furnished by the Certifying Agency shall be considered complete and accepted when the Certification Report has been approved by the ow ners Representative. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. The Certifying Agency shall supply materials, tools, equipment, cleanroo m garments. And instrumentation required to perform the cleanroom system testing and certification as described in this section. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. All test equipment used in the certification procedures shall be state_o f_the_art. Calibration of equipment shall be traceable to NBS Standards within t he previous nine months. B. The equipment for the following tests shall comply, at a minimum, with t he standards set forth in ISO 14644_3, Annex C _ Test Instrumentation: 1. Cleanroom Classification Test 2. Installed Filter Leakage Test 3. Air Flow Test 4. Temperature and Humidity Test 5. Electrostatic Discharge Test C. Airborne noise measurements shall be made in the cleanroom areas. Measur ement equipment shall conform to ANSI S14, "Specifications for Type 1 Sound Leve l Meters" and to ANSI S1.11, "Specifications for Octave, Half_Octave, and Third_ Octave Band Filter Sets. Measurement equipment shall be calibrated with an acous tical calibrator conforming to ANSI 1.40, "Specifications for Acoustical Calibra tors." A spectrum analyzer shall be used to determine dB versus frequency as re quired per Room Conditions drawing CRA 0.3. D. Lighting tests for foot_candle levels and uniformity measurements shall be taken with a Simpson Illumination Level Meter. E. Floor conductivity tests shall measure and record resistance through por tions of the conductive floor system. Tests shall be taken with a Biddle Mark IV test kit. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. The Certifying Agency shall supervise and conduct all tests in the prese nce of the Subcontractor's Field Superintendent or his assigned Cleanroom Inspec tor. B. The as_built facility tests shall be performed after the air systems bal ancing agency and piping systems balancing agency have made their initial operat ing and balancing adjustments and are satisfied that the installation is ready f or acceptance certification testing. Final clean down and commissioning procedur es shall also be completed. C. All cleanroom re_circulation fans, makeup fans, fan filter units, proces s fume exhaust systems, and automatic control loops shall be in operation during tests. All mechanical systems and all fans related to the cleanroom system shal l be certified to be operating normally and delivering design airflow. D. Certification reports shall be reviewed and approved by the owners Repre sentative before the cleanroom is complete. E. Tests described below are not identified necessarily in their sequence. The sequence of test procedures shall be as stated in the submittals. 3.2 FIELD TESTING AND CERTIFYING PROCEDURES A. Measurement procedures will be performed in accordance with ISO 14644 an d IEST RP006.2 Testing Cleanrooms. All testing shall be conducted in the "as_bui lt" occupancy state. B. Cleanroom Classification Test: C. Perform this test to verify that facility can achieve intended air clean liness level.
1. Scope of measurement: All cleanroom spaces (HEPA filter installed spaces ). Number of points per ISO 14644_1 for each area classification. 2. Measuring procedure: Per ISO 14644_3, Annex B1. Airborne Particle Count . 3. Tolerance: Meets requirement of specification for each area, as shown on Room Conditons drawing CRA 0.3. D. Installed Filter Leakage Test: 1. Scope of measurements: All installed HEPA filters are leak_free. 2. Measurement procedure: Per ISO 14644_3, Annex B6 using aerosol challenge method with PSL. 3. Tolerance: No leaks as defined by a guaranteed efficiency of filters at 99.9995 percent for particles @ MPPS. Any leaks shall be recorded and re_tested after replacement or repair. Repairs shall be limited according to IES_RP_CC_006 .2 to a total of 3 percent or less of the filter face and patches shall be limit ed to 1.5 inches in one direction. The filter manufacturer or supplier shall cor rect deficiencies found as directed by the Certifying Agency. E. Airflow Test: 1. Scope of measurements: All installed HEPA filters. 2. Measurement procedure: Per ISO 14644_3, Annex B4 3. Tolerance: Average velocity per specification standards. Deviation shall not to exceed 15 percent. Refer to Cleanroom FFU layout. F. Temperature and Humidity Test: 1. Scope of measurement: Take temperature and humidity reading in each clea nroom bay, and each chase. 2. Measuring procedure: Per ISO 14644_3, Annex B9 (Temperature) and B10 (Hu midity). 3. Tolerance: see drawings. G. Acoustical Noise Level Test: 1. Scope of Measurement: All cleanroom areas per criteria listed on Drawin g CRA0.3. 2. Measuring Procedure: Measure and record accoustical noise versus frequen cy with all air systems operational at correct air speeds. 3. Tolerance: Meets requirments of specification, including modified NC-55 , listed on Drawing CRA0.3 and Cleanroom FFU Layout CRM 3.2-1. 3.3 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. Verification Procedures: 1. At the beginning of all field certification procedures, the Certifying A gency shall demonstrate to the owners Representative each of the tests performed in the course of field data collection, using instruments from the original rea dings. 2. The Project Director shall present and review all field data with the ow ners Representative to ensure that a full understanding is transferred to the ow ner's staff of the base operating condition of the cleanroom at completion of co nstruction. B. Documentation: 1. The Project Director shall oversee any changes or corrections required o f the final report, and then stamp the final sets signifying his approval of the final certification log. 2. The Certifying Agency shall deliver five complete sets of all certificat ion data and logs in bound form to the owners Representative. C. Corrective Actions: 1. In case of any failure, corrective action shall be as follows. Installa tion subcontractor shall work with certifying agent to adjust FFU Speed, HEPA Fi lter Angle, or replace FFU(s), HEPA Filters, Lighting, Grid Sections, or Floorin g as needed, to meet specification. 2. Following corrective action, all failing tests shall be repeated, as wel l as any other tests required per this specification for items that have been re placed or repaired. Subcontractor must work with certifying agent to provide ad equate data to show that both new and repaired cleanroom elements which previous ly failed, now meet the complete reqirements of this specification.