Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition
Edited by
France Mihelič and Janez Žibert
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Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications, Edited by France Mihelič and Janez Žibert
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-7619-29-9
1. Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications, France Mihelič and Janez Žibert
After decades of research activity, speech recognition technologies have advanced in
both the theoretical and practical domains. The technology of speech recognition has
evolved from the first attempts at speech analysis with digital computers by James
Flanagan’s group at Bell Laboratories in the early 1960s, through to the introduction of
dynamic time-warping pattern-matching techniques in the 1970s, which laid the
foundations for the statistical modeling of speech in the 1980s that was pursued by Fred
Jelinek and Jim Baker from IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center. In the years 1980-90, when
Lawrence H. Rabiner introduced hidden Markov models to speech recognition, a statistical
approach became ubiquitous in speech processing. This established the core technology of
speech recognition and started the era of modern speech recognition engines. In the 1990s
several efforts were made to increase the accuracy of speech recognition systems by
modeling the speech with large amounts of speech data and by performing extensive
evaluations of speech recognition in various tasks and in different languages. The degree of
maturity reached by speech recognition technologies during these years also allowed the
development of practical applications for voice human–computer interaction and audio-
information retrieval. The great potential of such applications moved the focus of the
research from recognizing the speech, collected in controlled environments and limited to
strictly domain-oriented content, towards the modeling of conversational speech, with all its
variability and language-specific problems. This has yielded the next generation of speech
recognition systems, which aim to reliably recognize large-scale vocabulary, continuous
speech, even in adverse acoustic environments and under different operating conditions. As
such, the main issues today have become the robustness and scalability of automatic speech
recognition systems and their integration into other speech processing applications. This
book on Speech Recognition Technologies and Applications aims to address some of these
Throughout the book the authors describe unique research problems together with their
solutions in various areas of speech processing, with the emphasis on the robustness of the
presented approaches and on the integration of language-specific information into speech
recognition and other speech processing applications. The chapters in the first part of the
book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic
speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for
speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for
searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last
part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the
information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for
France Mihelič,
University of Ljubljana,
Janez Žibert,
University of Primorska,
Preface V
Feature extraction
Acoustic Modelling
Language modelling
ASR systems
Speaker recognition/verification
Emotion recognition
1. Introduction
The performance of speech recognition systems degrades significantly when they are
operated in noisy conditions. For example, the automatic speech recognition (ASR) front-
end of a speech-to-speech (S2S) translation prototype that is currently developed at IBM [11]
shows noticeable increase in its word error rate (WER) when it is operated in real field noise.
Thus, adding noise robustness to speech recognition systems is important, especially when
they are deployed in real world conditions. Due to this practical importance noise
robustness has become an active research area in speech recognition. Interesting reviews
that cover a wide variety of techniques can be found in [12], [18], [19].
Noise robustness algorithms come in different flavors. Some techniques modify the features
to make them more resistant to additive noise compared to traditional front-ends. These
novel features include, for example, sub-band based processing [4] and time-frequency
distributions [29]. Other algorithms adapt the model parameters to better match the noisy
speech. These include generic adaptation algorithms like MLLR [20] or robustness
techniques as model-based VTS [21] and parallel model combination (PMC) [9]. Yet other
methods design transformations that map the noisy speech into a clean-like representation
that is more suitable for decoding using clean speech models. These are usually referred to
as feature compensation algorithms. Examples of feature compensation algorithms include
general linear space transformations [5], [30], the vector Taylor series approach [26], and
ALGONQUIN [8]. Also a very simple and popular technique for noise robustness is multi-
style training (MST)[24]. In MST the models are trained by pooling clean data and noisy
data that resembles the expected operating environment. Typically, MST improves the
performance of ASR systems in noisy conditions. Even in this case, feature compensation
can be applied in tandem with MST during both training and decoding. It usually results in
better overall performance compared to MST alone. This combination of feature
compensation and MST is often referred to as adaptive training [22].
In this chapter we introduce a family of feature compensation algorithms. The proposed
transformations are built using stereo data, i.e. data that consists of simultaneous recordings
of both the clean and noisy speech. The use of stereo data to build feature mappings was
very popular in earlier noise robustness research. These include a family of cepstral
2 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
normalization algorithms that were proposed in [1] and extended in robustness research at
CMU, a codebook based mapping algorithm [15], several linear and non-linear mapping
algorithms as in [25], and probabilistic optimal filtering (POF) [27]. Interest in stereo-based
methods then subsided, mainly due to the introduction of powerful linear transformation
algorithms such as feature space maximum likelihood liner regression (FMLLR)[5], [30]
(also widely known as CMLLR). These transformations alleviate the need for using stereo
data and are thus more practical. In principle, these techniques replace the clean channel of
the stereo data by the clean speech model in estimating the transformation. Recently, the
introduction of SPLICE [6] renewed the interest in stereo-based techniques. This is on one
hand due to its relatively rigorous formulation and on the other hand due to its excellent
performance in AURORA evaluations. While it is generally difficult to obtain stereo data, it
can be relatively easy to collect for certain scenarios, e.g. speech recognition in the car or
speech corrupted by coding distortion. In some other situations it could be very expensive
to collect field data necessary to construct appropriate transformations. In our S2S
translation application, for example, all we have available is a set of noise samples of
mismatch situations that will be possibly encountered in field deployment of the system. In
this case stereo-data can also be easily generated by adding the example noise sources to the
existing ”clean” training data. This was our basic motivation to investigate building
transformations using stereo-data.
The basic idea of the proposed algorithms is to stack both the clean and noisy channels to
form a large augmented space and to build statistical models in this new space. During
testing, both the observed noisy features and the joint statistical model are used to predict
the clean observations. One possibility is to use a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). We refer
to the compensation algorithms that use a GMM as stereo-based stochastic mapping (SSM).
In this case we develop two predictors, one is iterative and is based on maximum a
posteriori (MAP) estimation, while the second is non-iterative and relies on minimum mean
square error (MMSE) estimation. Another possibility is to train a hidden Markov model
(HMM) in the augmented space, and we refer to this model and the associated algorithm as
the stereo-HMM (SHMM). We limit the discussion to an MMSE predictor for the SHMM
case. All the developed predictors are shown to reduce to a mixture of linear
transformations weighted by the component posteriors. The parameters of the linear
transformations are derived, as will be shown below, from the parameters of the joint
distribution. The resulting mapping can be used on its own, as a front-end to a clean speech
model, and also in conjunction with multistyle training (MST). Both scenarios will be
discussed in the experiments. GMMs are used to construct mappings for different
applications in speech processing. Two interesting examples are the simultaneous modeling
of a bone sensor and a microphone for speech enhancement [13], and learning speaker
mappings for voice morphing [32]. HMMcoupled with an N-bset formulation was recently
used in speech enhancement in [34].
As mentioned above, for both the SSMand SHMM, the proposed algorithm is effectively a
mixture of linear transformations weighted by component posteriors. Several recently
proposed algoorithms use linear transformations weighted by posteriors computed from a
Gaussian mixture model. These include the SPLICE algorithm [6] and the stochastic vector
mapping (SVM)[14]. In addition to the previous explicit mixtures of linear transformations,
a noise compensation algorithm in the log-spectral domain [3] shares the use of a GMM to
model the joint distribution of the clean and noisy channels with SSM. Also joint uncertainty
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 3
decoding [23] employs a Gaussian model of the clean and noisy channels that is estimated
using stereo data. Last but not least probabilistic optimal filtering (POF) [27] results in a
mapping that resembles a special case of SSM. A discussion of the relationships between
these techniques and the proposed method in the case of SSM will be given. Also the
relationship in the case of an SHMMbased predictor to the work in [34] will be highlighted.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. We formulate the compensation algorithm in
the case of a GMM and describe MAP-based and MMSE-based compensation in Section II.
Section III discusses relationships between the SSM algorithm and some similar recently
proposed techniques. The SHMM algorithm is then formulated in Section IV. Experimental
results are given in Section V. We first test several variants of the SSM algorithm and
compare it to SPLICE for digit recognition in the car environment. Then we give results
when the algorithm is applied to large vocabulary English speech recognition. Finally
results for the SHMM algorithm are presented for the Aurora database. A summary is given
in Section VI.
where K is the number of mixture components, ck, μz,k, and Σzz,k, are the mixture weights,
means, and covariances of each component, respectively. In the most general case where Ln
noisy vectors are used to predict Lc clean vectors, and the original parameter space is M-
dimensional, z will be of size M(Lc +Ln), and accordingly the mean μz will be of dimension
M(Lc + Ln) and the covariance Σzz will be of size M(Lc + Ln) × M(Lc + Ln). Also both the mean
and covariance can be partitioned as
4 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where subscripts x and y indicate the clean and noisy speech respectively.
The mixture model in Equation (1) can be estimated in a classical way using the expectation-
maximization (EM) algorithm. Once this model is constructed it can be used during testing
to estimate the clean speech features given the noisy observations. We give two
formulations of the estimation process in the following subsections.
B. MAP-based Estimation
MAP-based estimation of the clean feature x given the noisy observation y can be
formulated as:
Now, define the log likelihood as L(x) ≡ logΣk p(x, k|y) and the auxiliary function Q(x, x ) ≡
Σk p(k| x , y) log p(x, k|y). It can be shown by a straightforward application of Jensen’s
inequality that
The proof is simple and is omitted for brevity. The above inequality implies that iterative
optimization of the auxiliary function leads to a monotonic increase of the log likelihood.
This type of iterative optimization is similar to the EM algorithm and has been used in
numnerous estimation problems with missing data. Iterative optimization of the auxiliary
objective function proceeds at each iteration as follows
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 5
where x is the value of x from previous iteration, and x|y is used to indicate the statistics of
the conditional distribution p(x|y). By differentiating Equation (7) with respect to x, setting
the resulting derivative to zero, and solving for x, we arrive at the clean feature estimate
given by
which is basically a solution of a linear system of equations. p(k| x , y) are the usual
posterior probabilities that can be calculated using the original mixture model and Bayes
rule, and the conditional statistics are known to be
Both can be calculated from the joint distribution p(z) using the partitioning in Equations (2)
and (3). A reasonable initialization is to set x = y, i.e. initialize the clean observations with
the noisy observations.
An interesting special case arises when x is a scalar. This could correspond to using the ith noisy
coefficient to predict the ith clean coefficient or alternatively using a time window around the ith
noisy coefficient to predict the ith clean coefficient. In this case, the solution of the linear system
in Equation (8) reduces to the following simple calculation for every vector dimension.
6 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
C. MMSE-based Estimation
The MMSE estimate of the clean speech feature x given the noisy speech feature y is known
to be the mean of the conditional distribution p(x|y). This can be written as:
Considering the GMM structure of the joint distribution, Equation (16) can be further
decomposed as
From the above formulation it is clear that the MMSE estimate is not performed iteratively
and that no matrix inversion is required to calculate the estimate of Equation (19). More
indepth study of the relationships between the MAP and the MMSE estimators will be given
in Section II-D.
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 7
where l stands for the iteration index. First, if we compare one iteration of Equation (22) to
Equation (19) we can directly observe that the MAP estimate uses a posterior p(k| x (l−1), y)
calculated from the joint probability distribution while the MMSE estimate employs a
posterior p(k|y) based on the marginal probability distribution. Second, if we compare the
coefficients of the transformations in Equations (13)-(15) and (20)-(21) we can see that the
MAP estimate has the extra term
which is the inversion of the weighted summation of conditional covariance matrices from
each individual Gaussian component and that requires matrix inversion during run-time1.
If we assume the conditional covariance matrix Σx|y,k in Equation (23) is constant across k,
i.e. all Gaussians in the GMM share the same conditional covariance matrix Σx|y, Equation
(23) turns to
and the coefficients Ak and bk for the MAP estimate can be written as
1 Note that other inverses that appear in the equations can be pre-computed and stored.
8 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The coefficients in Equations (25) and (26) are exactly the same as those for the MMSE
estimate that are given in Equations (20) and (21).
To summarize, the MAP and MMSE estimates use slightly different forms of posterior
weighting that are based on the joint and marginal probability distributions respectively.
The MAP estimate has an additional term that requires matrix inversion during run-time in
the general case, but has a negligible overhead in the scalar case. Finally, one iteration of the
MAP estimate reduces to the MMSE estimate if the conditional covariance matrix is tied
across the mixture components. Experimental comparison between the two estimates is
given in Section V.
where the bias term rk of each component is estimated from stereo data (xn, yn) as
and n is an index that runs over the data. The GMM used to estimate the posteriors in
Equations (27) and (28) is built from noisy data. This is in contrast to SSM which employs a
GMM that is built on the joint clean and noisy data.
Compared to MMSE-based SSM in Equations (19), (20) and (21), we can observe the
following. First, SPLICE builds a GMM on noisy features while in this paper a GMM is built
on the joint clean and noisy features (Equation (1)). Consequently, the posterior probability
p(k|y) in Equation (27) is computed from the noisy feature distribution while p(k|y) in
Equation (19) is computed from the joint distribution. Second, SPLICE is a special case of
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 9
SSM if the clean and noisy speech are assumed to be perfectly correlated. This can be seen as
follows. If perfect correlation is assumed between the clean and noisy feature then Σxy,k =
Σyy,k, and p(k|xn)=p(k|yn). In this case, Equation (28) can be written as
The latter estimate will be identical to the MMSE estimate in Equations (20) and (21) when
Σxy,k = Σyy,k.
To summarize, SPLICE and SSM have a subtle difference concerning the calculation of the
weighting posteriors (noisy GMM vs. joint GMM), and SSM reduces to SPLICE if perfect
correlation is assumed for the clean and noisy channels. An experimental comparison of
SSM and SPLICE will be given in Section V.
B. SSM and FMLLR-based methods
There are several recently proposed techniques that use a mixture of FMLLR transforms.
These can be written as
where p(k|y) is calculated using an auxiliary Gaussian mixture model that is typically
trained on noisy observations, and Uk and vk are the elements of FMLLR transformations that
do not require stereo data for their estimation. These FMLLR-based methods are either
applied during run-time for adaptation as in [28], [33], [16] or the transformation parameters
are estimated off-line during training as in the stochastic vector mapping (SVM) [14]. Also
online and offline transformations can be combined as suggested in [14]. SSM is similar in
principle to training-based techniques and can be also combined with adaptation methods.
This combination will be experimentally studied in Section V.
The major difference between SSM and the previous methods lies in the used GMM (again
noisy channel vs. joint), and in the way the linear transformations are estimated (implicitly
derived from the joint model vs. FMLLR-like). Also the current formulation of SSM allows
the use of a linear projection rather than a linear transformation and most these techniques
assume similar dimensions of the input and output spaces. However, their extension to a
projection is fairly straightforward. In future work it will be interesting to carry out a
systematic comparison between stereo and non-stereo techniques.
C. SSM and noise compensation in the log-spectral domain
A noise compensation technique in the log-spectral domain was proposed in [3]. This
method, similar to SSM, uses a Gaussian mixture model for the joint distribution of clean
10 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and noisy speech. However, the model of the noisy channel and the correlation model are
not set free as in the case of SSM. They are parametrically related to the clean and noise
distributions by the model of additive noise contamination in the log-spectral domain, and
expressions of the noisy speech statistics and the correlation are explicitly derived. This
fundamental difference results in two important practical consequences. First, in contrast to
[3] SSM is not limited to additive noise compensation and can be used to correct for any
type of mismatch. Second, it leads to relatively simple compensation transformations during
run-time and no complicated expressions or numerical methods are needed during
D. SSM and joint uncertainty decoding
A recently proposed technique for noise compensation is joint uncertainty decoding
(JUD)[23]. Apart from the fact that JUD employs the uncertainty decoding framework[7],
[17], [31]2 instead of estimating the clean feature, it uses a joint model of the clean and noisy
channels that is trained from stereo data. The latter model is very similar to SSM except it
uses a Gaussian distribution instead of a Gaussian mixture model. On one hand, it is clear
that a GMM has a better modeling capacity than a single Gaussian distribution. However,
JUD also comes in a model-based formulation where the mapping is linked to the
recognition model. This model-based approach has some similarity to the SHMM discussed
E. SSM and probabilistic optimal filtering (POF)
POF [27] is a technique for feature compensation that, similar to SSM, uses stereo data. In
POF, the clean speech feature is estimated from a window of noisy features as follows:
2 In uncertainty decoding the noisy speech pdf p(y) is estimated rather than the clean speech
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 11
used to construct feature compensation algorithm. In this section we extend the idea by
training an HMM in the augmented space and formulate an appropriate feature
compensation algorithm. We refer to the latter model as the stereo-HMM (SHMM).
Similar to the notation in Section II, denote a set of stereo features as {(x, y)}, where x is the
clean speech feature vector, y is the corresponding noisy speech feature vector. In the most
general case, y is Ln concatenated noisy vectors, and x is Lc concatenated clean vectors.
Define z ≡ (x, y) as the concatenation of the two channels. The concatenated feature vector z
can be viewed as a new feature space where a Gaussian mixture HMM model can be built3.
In the general case, when the feature space has dimension M, the new concatenated space
will have a dimension M(Lc + Ln). An interesting special case that greatly simplifies the
problem arises when only one clean and noisy vectors are considered, and only the
correlation between the same components of the clean and noisy feature vectors are taken
into account. This reduces the problem to a space of dimension 2M with the covariance
matrix of each Gaussian having the diagonal elements and the entries corresponding to the
correlation between the same clean and noisy feature element, while all other covariance
values are zeros.
Training of the above Gaussian mixture HMM will lead to the transition probabilities
between states, the mixture weights, and the means and covariances of each Gaussian. The
mean and covariance of the kth component of state i can, similar to Equations (2) and (3), be
partitioned as
where subscripts x and y indicate the clean and noisy speech features respectively.
For the kth component of state i, given the observed noisy speech feature y, the MMSE
estimate of the clean speech x is given by E[x|y, i, k]. Since (x, y) are jointly Gaussian, the
expectation is known to be
3 We will need the class labels in this case in contrast to the GMM.
12 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The above expectation gives an estimate of the clean speech given the noisy speech when
the state and mixture component index are known. However, this state and mixture
component information is not known during decoding. In the rest of this section we show
how to perform the estimation based on the N-best hypotheses in the stereo HMM
Assume a transcription hypothesis of the noisy feature is H. Practically, this hypothesis can
be obtained by decoding using the noisy marginal distribution p(y) of the joint distribution
p(x, y). The estimate of the clean feature, x̂ , at time t is given as:
where the summation is over all the recognition hypotheses, the states, and the Gaussian
components. The estimate in Equation (35) can be rewritten as:
where the summation in the denominator is over all the hypotheses in the N-best list, and υ
is a scaling factor that need to be experimentally tuned.
By comparing the estimation using the stereo HMM in Equation (36) with that using a GMM
in the joint feature space as shown, for convenience, in Equation (38),
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 13
we can find out the difference between the two estimates. In Equation (36), the estimation is
carried out by weighting the MMSE estimate at different levels of granularity including
Gaussians, states and hypotheses. Additionally, the whole sequence of feature vectors, =
(y1, y2, · · · , yT ), has been exploited to denoise each individual feature vector xt. Therefore, a
better estimation of xt is expected in Equation (36) over Equation (38).
Figure (1) illustrates the whole process of the proposed noise robust speech recognition
scheme on stereo HMM. First of all, a traditional HMM is built in the joint (clean-noisy)
feature space, which can be readily decomposed into a clean HMM and a noisy HMM as its
marginals. For the input noisy speech signal, it is first decoded by the noisy marginal HMM
to generate a word graph and also the N-best candidates. Afterwards, the MMSE estimate of
the clean speech is calculated based on the generated N-best hypotheses as the conditional
expectation of each frame given the whole noisy feature sequence. This estimate is a
weighted average of Gaussian level MMSE predictors. Finally, the obtained clean speech
estimate is re-decoded by the clean marginal HMM in a reduced searching space on the
previously generated word graph.
5. Experimental evaluation
In the first part of this section we give results for digit recognition in the car environment
and compare the SSM method to SPLICE. In the second part, we provide results when
SSMis applied to large vocabulary spontaneous English speech recognition. Finally, we
present SHMM results for the Aurora database.
14 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Table I Baseline word error rate (WER) results (in %) of the close-talking (CT) microphone
data and hands-free (HF) data
The first three lines refer to train/test conditions where the clean refers to the CT and noisy
to the HF. The third line, in particular, refers to matched training on the HF data. The fourth
and fifth lines correspond to using clean training and noisy test data that is compensated
using conventional first order vector Taylor series (VTS) [26], and the compensation method
in [3]. Both methods use a Gaussian mixture for the clean speech of size 64, and no explicit
channel compensation is used as CMN is considered to partially account for channel effects.
It can be observed from the table that the performance is clearly effected, as expected, by the
addition of noise. Using noisy data for training improves the result considerably but not to
the level of clean speech performance. VTS gives an improvement over the baseline, while
the method in [3] shows a significant gain. More details about these compensation
experiments can be found in [3] and other related publications.
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 15
The mapping is applied to the MFCC coefficients before CMN. After applying the
compensation, CMN is performed followed by calculating the delta and delta-delta. Two
methods were tested for constructing the mapping. In the first, a map is constructed
between the same MFCC coefficient for the clean and noisy channels. In the second, a time
window, including the current frame and its left and right contexts, around the ith MFCC
noisy coefficient is used to calculate the ith clean MFCC coefficient. We tested windows of
sizes three and five respectively. Thus we have mappings of dimensions 1 × 1, 3 × 1, and 5 ×
1 for each cepstral dimension. These mappings are calculated according to Equation (11). In
all cases, the joint Gaussian mixture model p(z) is initialized by building a codebook on the
stacked cepstrum vectors, i.e. by concatenation of the cepstra of the clean and noisy speech.
This is followed by running three iterations of EMtraining. Similar initialization and training
setup is also used for SPLICE. In this subsection only one iteration of the compensation
algorithm is applied during testing. It was found in initial experiments that more iterations
improve the likelihood, as measured by the mapping GMM, but slightly increase the WER.
This comes in contrast to the large vocabulary results of the following section where
iterations in some cases significantly improve performance. We do not have an explanation
of this observation at the time of this writing.
In the first set of experiments we compare between SPLICE,MAP-SSMand MMSE-SSM, for
different GMM sizes. No time window is used in these experiments. The results are shown in
Table II. It can be observed that the proposed mapping outperforms SPLICE for all GMM sizes
with the difference decreasing with increasing the GMM size. This makes sense because with
increasing the number of Gaussian components, and accordingly the biases used in SPLICE,
we can theoretically approximate any type of mismatch. Both methods are better than the VTS
result in Table I, and are comparable to the method in [3]. The mapping in [3] is, however,
more computationally expensive than SPLICE and SSM. Also, MAP-SSM and MMSE-SSM
show very similar performance. This again comes in cotrast to what is observed in large
vocabulary experiments where MMSE-SSMoutperforms MAP-SSM in some instances.
Table II Word error rate results (in %) of hands-free (HF) data using the proposed map-
based mapping (MAP-SSM), SPLICE, and MMSE-SSM for different GMM sizes.
Finally Table III compares the MAP-SSM with and without the time window. We test
windows of sizes 3 and 5. The size of the GMM used is 256. Using a time window gives an
improvement over the baseline SSM with a slight cost during runtime. These results are not
given for SPLICE because using biases requires that both the input and output spaces have
the same dimensions, while the proposed mapping can be also viewed as a projection. The
best SSM configuration, namely SSM-3, results in about 45% relative reduction in WER over
the uncompensated result.
Table III Word error rate results (in %) of hands-free (HF) data using three different
configurations of MAP-SSM for 256 GMM size and different time window size.
16 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
used in the following experiments are of size 1024. It was confirmed in earlier work [2] that
using larger sizes only give marginal improvements. The mapping is trained by starting
from 256 random vectors, and then running one EM iteration and splitting until reaching the
desired size. The final mapping is then refined by running 5 EM iterations. The mapping
used in this section is scalar, i.e. it can be considered as separate mappings between the
same coefficients in the clean and noisy channels. Although using different configurations
can lead to better performance, as for example in Section V-A, this was done for simplicity.
Given the structure of the feature vector used in our system, it is possible to build the
mapping either in the 24-dimensional MFCC domain or in the 40-dimensional final feature
space. It was also shown in [2] that building the mapping in the final feature space is better,
and hence we restrict experiments in this work to mappings built in the 40-dimensional
feature space. As discussed in Section II there are two possible estimators that can be used
with SSM. Namely, the MAP and MMSE estimators. It should be noted that the training of
the mapping in both cases is the same and that the only difference happens during testing,
and possibly in storing some intermediate values for efficient implementation.
A Viterbi decoder that employs a finite state graph is used in this work. The graph is formed
by first compiling the 32K pronunciation lexicon, the HMM topology, the decision tree, and
the trigram language model into a large network. The resulting network is then optimized
offline to a compact structure which supports very fast decoding. During decoding,
generally speaking, the SNR must be known to be able to apply the correct mapping. Two
possibilities can be considered, one is rather unrealistic and assumes that the SNR is given
while the other uses an environment detector. The environment detector is another GMM
that is trained to recognize different environments using the first 10 frames of the utterance.
In [2], it was found that there is almost no loss in performance due to using the environment
detector. In this section, however, only one mapping is trained and is used during decoding.
Also as discussed in Section II the MAP estimator is iterative. Results with different number
of iterations will be given in the experiments.
The experiments are carried out on two test sets both of which are collected in the DARPA
Transtac project. The first test set (Set A) has 11 male speakers and 2070 utterances in total
recorded in the clean condition. The utterances are spontaneous speech and are corrupted
artificially by adding humvee, tank and babble noise to produce 15dB and 10dB noisy test
data. The other test set (Set B) has 7 male speakers with 203 utterances from each. The
utterances are recorded in a real-world environment with humvee and tank noise running
in the background. This is a very noisy evaluation set and the utterances SNRs are measured
around 5dB to 8dB, and we did not try to build other mappings to match these SNRs. This
might also be considered as a test for the robustness of the mapping.
B.2 Experimental results
In this section SSM is evaluated for large vocabulary speech recognition. Two scenarios are
considered, one with the clean speech model and the other in conjunction with MST. Also
the combination of SSM with FMLLR adaptation is evaluated in both cases. For MAP-based
SSM both one (MAP1) and three (MAP3) iterations are tested.
Table IV shows the results for the clean speech model. The first part of the table shows the
uncompensated result, the second and third parts give the MAP-based SSM result for one
and three iterations, respectively, while the final part presents MMSE-based SSM. In each
part the result of combining FMLLR with SSM compensation is also given. The columns of
the table correspond to the clean test data, artificially corrupted data at 15 dB, and 10 dB,
and real field data. In all cases it can be seen that using FMLLR brings significant gain,
18 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Table IV Word error rate results (in %) of the compensation schemes against clean acoustic
Table V Word error rate results (in %) of the compensation schemes against mst acoustic
Table V displays the same results as table IV but for the MST case. The same trend as in
table IV can be observed, i.e. FMLLR leads to large gains in all situations, and SSMbrings
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 19
decent improvements over FMLLR alone. In cotrast to the clean model case, MAP-based
SSM and MMSE-based SSM are quite similar in most cases. This might be explained by the
difference in nature in the mapping required for the clean and MST cases, and the fact that
the model is trained on compensated data which in some sense reduces the effect of the
robustness issue raised for the clean case above. The overall performance of the MST model
is, unsurprisingly, better than the clean model. In this case the best setting for real field data,
also MMSE-based SSM with FMLLR, is 60% better than the baseline and 41% better than
FMLLR alone.
C. Experimental Results for Stereo-HMM
This section gives results of applying stereo-HMM compensation on the Sets A and B of the
Aurora 2 database. There are four types of noise in the training set which include subway,
babble, car and exhibition noise. The test set A has the same four types of noise as the
training set while set B has four different types of noise, namely, restaurant, street, airport
and station. For each type of noise, training data are recorded under five SNR conditions:
clean, 20 dB, 15 dB, 10 dB and 5 dB while test data consist of six SNR conditions: clean, 20
dB, 15 dB, 10 dB, 5 dB and 0 dB. There are 8440 utterances in total for the four types of noise
contributed by 55 male speaker and 55 female speakers. For the test set, each SNR condition
of each noise type consists of 1001 utterances leading to 24024 utterances in total from 52
male speakers and 52 female speakers.
Word based HMMs are used, with each model having 16 states and 10 Gaussian
distributions per state. The original feature space is of dimension 39 and consists of 12
MFCC coefficients, energy, and their first and second derivatives. In the training set, clean
features and their corresponding noisy features are spliced together to form the stereo
features. Thus, the joint space has dimension 78. First, a clean acoustic model is trained on
clean features only on top of which single-pass re-training is performed to obtain the stereo
acoustic model where the correlation between the corresponding clean and noisy
components is only taken into account. Also a multi-style trained (MST) model is
constructed in the original space to be used as a baseline. The results are shown in Tables
VI-VIII. Both the MST model and the stereo model are trained on the mix of four types of
training noise.
denominator of Equation (37) is performed over the list, and different values (1.0, 0.6 and
0.3) of the weighting υ are evaluated (denoted in the parentheses in the tables). The
language model probability p(H) is taken to be uniform for this particular task. The clean
speech feature is estimated using Equation (36). After the clean feature estimation, it is
rescored using the clean marginal of the stereo HMM on the word graph. The accuracies are
presented as the average across the four types of noise in each individual test set.
Table VII Accuracy on aurora 2 set A and set B. evaluated with N = 10.
From the tables we observe that the proposed N-best based SSMon stereo HMMperforms
better than theMST model especially for unseen noise in Set B and at low SNRs. There are
about 10%-20% word error rate (WER) reduction in Set B compared to the baseline MST
model. It can be also seen that there is little influence for the weighting factor, this might be
due to the uniform language model used in this task but might change for other scenarios.
By increasing the number of N-best candidates in the estimation, the performance increases
but not significantly.
Table VIII Accuracy on aurora 2 set A and set B. evaluated with N = 15.
6. Summary
This chapter presents a family of feature compensation algorithms for noise robust speech
recognition that use stereo data. The basic idea of the proposed algorithms is to stack the
features of the clean and noisy channels to form a new augmented space, and to train
A Family of Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping Algorithms for Noisy Speech Recognition 21
statistical models in this new space. These statistical models are then used during decoding
to predict the clean features from the observed noisy features. Two types of models are
studied. Gaussian mixture models which lead to the so-called stereo-based stochastic
mapping (SSM)algorithm, and hidden Markov models which result in the stereo-HMM
(SHMM) algorithm. Two types of predictors are examined for SSM, one is based on MAP
estimation while the other is based on MMSE estimation. Only MMSE estimation is used for
the SHMM, where an N-best list is used to provide the required recognition hypothesis. The
algorithms are extensively evaluated in speech recognition experiments. SSM is tested for
both digit recognition in the car, and a large vocabulary spontaneous speech task. SHMM is
evaluated on the Aurora task. In all cases the proposed methods lead to significant gains.
7. References
A. Acero, Acoustical and environmental robustness for automatic speech recognition, Ph.D.
Thesis, ECE Department, CMU, September 1990.
M. Afify, X. Cui and Y. Gao, ”Stereo-Based Stochastic Mapping for Robust Speech
Recognition,” in Proc. ICASSP’07, Honolulu, HI, April 2007.
M. Afify, ”Accurate compensation in the log-spectral domain for noisy speech recognition,”
in IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 13, no. 3, May 2005.
H. Bourlard, and S. Dupont, ”Subband-based speech recognition,” in Proc. ICASSP’97,
Munich, Germany, April 1997.
V. Digalakis, D. Rtischev, and L. Neumeyer, ”Speaker adaptation by constrained estimation
of Gaussian mixtures,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 3,
no. 5, pp. 357-366, 1995.
J. Droppo, L. Deng, and A. Acero, ”Evaluation of the SPLICE Algorithm on the AURORA 2
Database,” in Proc. Eurospeech’01, Aalborg, Denmark, September, 2001.
J. Droppo, L. Deng, and A. Acero, ”Uncertainity decoding with splice for noise robust
speech recognition,” in Proc. ICASSP’02, Orlando, Florida, May 2002.
B. Frey, L. Deng, A. Acero, and T. Kristjanson, ”ALGONQUIN: Iterating Laplace’s method
to remove multiple types of acoustic distortion for robust speech recognition,” in
Proc. Eurospeech’01, Aalborg, Denmark, September, 2001.
M. Gales, and S. Young, ”Robust continuous speech recognition using parallel model
combination,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 4, 1996.
M. Gales, ”Semi-tied covariance matrices for hidden Markov models,” IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 7, pp. 272-281, 1999.
Y. Gao, B. Zhou, L. Gu, R. Sarikaya, H.-K. Kuo. A.-V.I. Rosti,M. Afify,W. Zhu,
”IBMMASTOR:Multilingual automatic speech-to-speech translator,” Proc.
ICASSP’06, Tolouse, France, 2006.
Y.Gong, ‘”Speech recognition in noisy environments: A survey,” Speech Communication,
Vol.16, pp.261-291, April 1995.
J. Hershey, T. Kristjansson, and Z. Zhang, ”Model-based fusion of bone and air sensors for
speech enhancement and robust speech recognition,” in ISCAWorkshop on
statistical and perceptual audio processing, 2004.
Q. Huo, and D. Zhu, ”A maximum likelihood training approach to irrelevant variability
compensation based on piecewise linear transformations,” in Proc. Interspeech’06,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September, 2006.
B.H. Juang, and L.R. Rabiner,”Signal restoration by spectral mapping,” in Proc. ICASSP’87,
pp.2368-2372, April 1987.
22 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
1. Introduction
Optimal Automatic Speech Recognition takes place when the evaluation is done under
circumstances identical to those in which the recognition system was trained. In the speech
applications demanded in the actual real world this will almost never happen. There are several
variability sources which produce mismatches between the training and test conditions.
Depending on his physical or emotional state, a speaker will produce sounds with
unwanted variations transmitting no acoustic relevant information. The phonetic context of
the sounds produced will also introduce undesired variations. Inter-speaker variations must
be added to those intra-speaker variations. They are related to the peculiarities of speakers’
vocal track, his gender, his socio-linguistic environment, etc. A third source of variability is
constituted by the changes produced in the speaker’s environment and the characteristics of
the channel used to communicate. The strategies used to eliminate the group of
environmental sources of variation are called Robust Recognition Techniques. Robust Speech
Recognition is therefore the recognition made as invulnerable as possible to the changes
produced in the evaluation environment. Robustness techniques constitute a fundamental
area of research for voice processing. The current challenges for automatic speech
recognition can be framed within these work lines:
• Speech recognition of coded voice over telephone channels. This task adds an
additional difficulty: each telephone channel has its own SNR and frequency response.
Speech recognition over telephone lines must perform a channel adaptation with very
few specific data channels.
• Low SNR environments. Speech Recognition during the 80’s was done inside a silent
room with a table microphone. At this moment, the scenarios demanding automatic
speech recognition are:
• Mobile phones.
• Moving cars.
• Spontaneous speech.
• Speech masked by other speech.
• Speech masked by music.
• Non-stationary noises.
• Co-channel voice interferences. Interferences caused by other speakers constitute a bigger
challenge than those changes in the recognition environment due to wide band noises.
24 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Assuming that the noise component n[m] and the speech signal x[m] are statistically
independent, the resulting noisy speech signal y[m] will follow equation (2) for the ith
channel of the filter bank:
2 2 2 2
Y ( fi ) ≅ X ( fi ) • H ( fi ) + N ( fi ) (2)
Taking logarithms in expression (2) and operating, the following approximation in the
frequency domain can be obtained:
2 2 2 2 2 2
ln Y ( f i ) ≅ ln X ( f i ) + ln H ( f i ) + ln(1 + exp( N ( f i ) − ln X ( f i ) − ln H ( f i ) )) (3)
Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition 25
In order to move expression (3) to the Cepstral domain with M+1 Cepstral coefficients, the
following 4 matrixes are defined, using C() to denote the discrete cosine transform:
2 2 2
x = C(ln X ( f0 ) ln X ( f1 ) .... ln X ( fM ) )
2 2 2
h = C(ln H ( f0 ) ln H ( f1 ) .... ln H ( fM ) )
2 2 2
n = C(ln N ( f0 ) ln N ( f1 ) .... ln N ( fM ) )
2 2 2
y = C(ln Y ( f0 ) ln Y ( f1 ) .... ln Y ( fM ) )
The following expression can be obtained for the noisy speech signal y in the Cepstral
domain combining equations (3) and (4):
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
y = x + h + g ( n − x − h) (5)
being function g of equation (5) defined as:
g ( z ) = C (ln(1 + eC (z)
)) (6)
Based on the relative facility to remove it (via linear filtering), and in order to simplify the
analysis, we will consider absence of convolutional channel distortion, that is, we will
consider H(f)=1. The expression of the noisy signal in the Cepstral domain becomes then:
The relation between the clean signal x and the noisy signal y contaminated with additive noise
is modelled in expression (7). There is a linear relation between both for high values of x, which
becomes non linear when the signal energy approximates or is lower than the energy of noise.
Figure 1 shows a numeric example of this behaviour. The logarithmic energy of a signal y
contaminated with an additive Gaussian noise with average μn=3 and standard deviation
σn=0,4 is pictured. The solid line represents the average transformation of the logarithmic
energy, while the dots represent the transformed data. The average transformation can be
inverted to obtain the expected value for the clean signal once the noisy signal is observed.
In any case there will be a certain degree of uncertainty in the clean signal estimation,
depending on the SNR of the transformed point. For values of y with energy much higher
than noise the degree of uncertainty will be small. For values of y close to the energy of
noise, the degree of uncertainty will be high. This lack of linearity in the distortion is a
common feature of additive noise in the Cepstral domain.
The analysis of the histograms of the MFCCs probability density function of a clean signal
versus a noisy signal contaminated with additive noise shows the following effects of noise
(De la Torre et al., 2002):
• A shift in the mean value of the MFCC histogram of the contaminated signal.
• A reduction in the variance of such histogram.
• A modification in the histogram global shape. This is equivalent to a modification of the
histogram’s statistical higher order moments. This modification is especially remarkable
for the logarithmic energy and the lower order coefficients C0 and C1.
Speech Signal Voice Features Models
this subgroup are RASTA filtering (Hermansky & Morgan, 1994) and CMN,
Cepstral Mean Normalization- (Furui, 1981).
• Noise compensation with stereo data. This group of techniques compares the noisy
voice features with those of clean stereo data. The result of such comparison is a
correction of the environment which is added to the feature vector before entering the
recognizer. RATZS –multivaRiate gAussian based cepsTral normaliZation- (Moreno et al.,
1995) and SPLICE –Stereo-based Piecewise LInear Compensation for Environments- (Deng
et al., 2000) are the most representative strategies in this group.
• Noise compensation based on an environment model. These techniques give an
analytical expression of the environmental degradation and therefore need very
few empirical data to normalize the features. (In contraposition to the
compensation using stereo data). Degradation is defined as a filter and a noise such
that when they are inversely applied, the probability of the normalized
observations becomes the maximum. The most relevant algorithm within this
category is VTS –Vector Taylor Series approach- (Moreno et al., 2006).
• Statistical Matching Algorithms. Set of algorithms for feature normalization which
define linear and non-linear transformations in order to modify the statistics of
noisy speech and make them equal to those of clean speech. Cepstral Mean
Normalization, which was firstly classified as a high band pass filtering technique,
corresponds as well to the definition of statistical matching algorithms. The most
relevant ones are CMNV –Cepstral Mean and Variance Normalization- (Viiki et al.,
1998), Normalization of a higher number of statistical moments (Khademul et al.,
2004),(Chang Wen & Lin Shan, 2004),(Peinado & Segura, 2006) and Histogram
Equalization (De la Torre et al., 2005),(Hilger & Ney, 2006). This group of strategies,
and specially Histogram Equalization, constitute the core of this chapter and they
will be analyzed in depth in order to see their advantages and to propose an
alternative to overcome their limitations.
• Model Adaptation Techniques. They modify the classifier in order to make the
classification optimal for the noisy voice features. The acoustic models obtained during
the training phase are adapted to the test conditions using a set of adaptation data from
the noisy environment. This procedure is used both for environment adaptation and for
speaker adaptation. The most common adaptation strategies are MLLR –Maximum
Likelihood Linear Regression- (Gales & Woodland, 1996) (Young et al. 1995), MAP –
Mamixum a Posteriori Adaptation - (Gauvain & Lee, 1994), PMC- Parallel Model
Combination (Gales & Young, 1993), and non linear model transformations like the ones
performed using Neural Networks (Yuk et al., 1996) or (Yukyz & Flanagany, 1999).
The robust recognition methods exposed below work on the hypothesis of a stationary
additive noise, that is, the noise power spectral density does not change with time. They are
narrow-band noises. Other type of non-stationary additive noises with a big importance on
robust speech recognition exist: door slams, spontaneous speech, the effect of lips or breath,
etc. For the case of these transient noises with statistical properties changing with time, other
techniques have been developed under the philosophy of simulating the human perception
mechanisms: signal components with a high SNR are processed, while those components
with low SNR are ignored. The most representative techniques within this group are the
Missing Features Approach (Raj et al. 2001) (Raj et al. 2005), and Multiband Recognition
(Tibrewala & Hermansky, 1997) (Okawa et al. 1999).
28 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
y =α ⋅x+h
μ y = α ⋅ μx + h (8)
σ y = α ⋅σ x
If we normalize the mean and variance of both coefficients x and y, their expressions
will be:
∧ x − μx
∧ y − μy (α ⋅ x + h) − (α ⋅ μ x + h) ∧
y= = =x (9)
σy α ⋅σ x
Equation (9) shows that CMVN makes the coefficients robust against the shift and
scaling introduced by noise.
• Higher order statistical moments normalization:
A natural extension of CMVN is to normalize more statistical moments apart from the
mean value and the variance. In 2004, Khademul (Khademul et al. 2004) adds the
MFCCs first four statistical moments to the set of parameters to be used for automatic
recognition obtaining some benefits in the recognition and making the system converge
more quickly. Also in 2004 Chang Wen (Chang Wen & Lin Shan, 2004) proposes a
normalization for the higher order Cepstral moments. His method permits the
normalization of an eve or odd order moment added to the mean value normalization.
Good results are obtained when normalizing moments with order higher than 50 in the
original distribution. Prospection in this direction (Peinado & Segura J.C., 2006) is
limited to the search of parametric approximations to normalize no more than 3
simultaneous statistical moments with a high computational cost that does not make
them attractive when compared to the Histogram Equalization.
• Histogram Equalization:
The linear transformation performed by CMNV only eliminates the linear effects of
noise. The non-linear distortion produced by noise does not only affect the mean and
variance of the probability density functions but it also affects the higher order
moments. Histogram Equalization (De la Torre et al., 2005; Hilger & Ney, 2006)
proposes generalizing the normalization to all the statistical moments by transforming
Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition 29
the Cepstral coefficients probability density function –pdf- in order to make it equal to a
reference probability density function. The appeal of this technique is its low
computational and storage cost, added to the absence of stereo data or any kind of
supposition or model of noise. It is therefore a convenient technique to eliminate
residual noise from other normalization techniques based on noise models like VTS
(Segura et al., 2002). The objective of Section 3 will be to exhaustively analyze
Histogram Equalization pointing at its advantages and limitations in order to overcome
the last ones.
3. Histogram equalization
3.1 Histogram equalization philosophy
Histogram Equalization is a technique frequently used in Digital Image Processing
(Gonzalez & Wintz, 1987; Russ, 1995) in order to improve the image contrast and brightness
and to optimize the dynamic range of the grayscale. With a simple procedure it
automatically corrects the images too bright, too dark or with not enough contrast. The gray
level values are adjusted within a certain margin and the image’s entropy is maximized.
Since 1998 and due to the work of Balchandran (Balchandran & Mammone, 1998),
Histogram Equalization –HEQ- started to be used for robust voice processing. HEQ can be
located within the family of statistical matching voice feature normalization techniques. The
philosophy underneath its application to speech recognition is to transform the voice
features both for train and test in order to make them match a common range. This
equalization of the ranges of both the original emission used to train the recognizer and the
parameters being evaluated, has the following effect: the automatic recognition system
based on the Bayes classifier becomes ideally invulnerable to the linear and non linear
transformations originated by additive Gaussian noise in the test parameters once those test
parameters have been equalized. One condition must be accomplished for this equalization
to work: the transformations to which the recognizer becomes invulnerable must be
In other words, recognition moves to a domain where any invertible transformation does
not change the error of Bayes classifier. If CMN and CMNV normalized the mean and
average of the Cepstral coefficients probability density functions, what HEQ does is
normalizing the probability density function of the train and test parameters, transforming
them to a third common pdf which becomes the reference pdf.
The base theory (De la Torre et al., 2005) for this normalization technique is the property of
the random variables according to which, a random variable x with probability density
function px(x) and cumulative density function Cx(x) can be transformed into a random
variable x = Tx (x) with a reference probability density function φ∧ (x) preserving an
identical cumulative density function ( C x ( x) = Φ( x )), as far as the transformation applied
Tx (x) is invertible (Peyton & Peebles, 1993). The fact of preserving the cumulative density
function provides a univocal expression of the invertible transformation Tx (x) to be applied
to the transformed variable x = T x ( x ) in order to obtain the desired probability density
function φ x ( x ) :
30 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Φ ( x ) = C x ( x ) = Φ (T x ( x )) (10)
x = Tx ( x) = Φ −1 (Cx ( x))
∧ (11)
x = Tx ( x ) = Φ −ref1 (C x ( x )) (12)
y = Ty ( y ) = Φ −ref1 (C y (G ( x ))) (13)
C x ( x ) = C y (G ( x)) (14)
And in the same way, the transformed variables will also be equal:
∧ ∧
x = Tx ( x) = Φ −ref1 (Cx ( x)) = Φ −ref1 (C y (G ( x))) = y (15)
Expression (15) points out that if we work with equalized variables, the fact of them being
subject to an invertible distortion does not affect nor training nor recognition. Their value
remains identical in the equalized domain.
The benefits of this normalization method for robust speech recognition are based on the
hypothesis that noise, denominated G in the former analysis, is an invertible transformation
in the feature space. This is not exactly true. Noise is a random variable whose average effect
can also be considered invertible (it can be seen in Figure 1). This average effect is the one
that HEQ can eliminate.
HEQ was first used for voice recognition by Balchandran and Mammone (Balchandran &
Mammone, 1998). In this first incursion of equalization in the field of speech, it was used to
eliminate the non-linear distortions of the LPC Cepstrum of a speaker identification system.
In 2000 Dharanipragada (Dharanipragada & Padmanabhan, 2000) used HEQ to eliminate
the environmental mismatch between the headphones and the microphone of a speech
recognition system. He added an adaptation step using non-supervised MLLR and obtained
good results summing the benefits of both techniques. Since that moment, Histogram
Equalization has been widely used and incorporated to voice front-ends in noisy
environments. Molau, Hilger and Herman Ney apply it since 2001 (Molau et al., 2001; Hilger
& Ney, 2006) in the Mel Filter Bank domain. They implement HEQ together with other
Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition 31
techniques like LDA –Linear Discriminat Analysis- or VTLN –Vocal Track Length
Normalization- obtaining satisfactory recognition results. De la Torre and Segura (De la Torre
et al., 2002; Segura et al., 2004; De la Torre et al., 2005) implement HEQ in the Cepstral
domain and analyse its benefits when using it together with VTS normalization.
Discrete Cosine
Transform Δ ΔΔ
Feature Vector
dC x ( x) dΦ (Tx ( x)) dT ( x) ∧ dT ( x )
px ( x) = = = φ (Tx ( x)) x = φ ( x) x
dx dx dx dx
Dharanipragada explains in (Dharanipragada & Padmanabhan, 2000) the relation that the
original and reference pdfs must satisfy in terms of information. He uses the Kullback-
Liebler distance as a measure of the existing mutual information between the original pdf
and the equalized domain reference pdf:
∧ ∧ ∧
D(φ | p x ) = ∫∧ φ ( x) * log( p x ( x)) * d x (17)
to conclude that such distance will become null in case the condition expressed in equation
(18) is satisfied:
∧ ∧
φ ( x) = px ( x) (18)
It is difficult to find a transformation Tx (x) which satisfies equation (18) considering that x
and x are random variables with dimension N. If the simplification of independency
between the dimensions of the feature vector is accepted, equation (18) can be one-
dimensionally searched for.
Two reference distributions have been used when implementing HEQ for speech
• Gaussian distribution: When using a Gaussian pdf as reference distribution, the process
of equalization is called Gaussianization. It seems an intuitive distribution to be used in
speech processing as the speech signal probability density function has a shape close to
a bi-modal Gaussian. Chen and Gopinath (Chen S.S. and Gopinath R.A., 2000) proposed
a Gaussianization transformation to model multi-dimensional data. Their
transformation alternated linear transformations in order to obtain independence
between the dimensions, with marginal one-dimensional Gaussianizations of those
independent variables. This was the origin of Gaussianization as a probability
distribution scaling technique which has been successfully applied by many authors
(Xiang B. et al., 2002) (Saon G. et al., 2004), (Ouellet P. et al., 2005), (Pelecanos J. and
Sridharan S., 2001), (De la Torre et al. 2001). Saon and Dharanipragada have pointed out
the main advantage of its use: the most of the recognition systems use mixtures of
Gaussians with diagonal covariance. It seems reasonable to expect that ”Gaussianizing”
the features will strengthen that assumption.
• Clean Reference distribution:
The election of the training clean data probability density function (empirically built
using cumulative histograms) as reference pdf for the equalization has given better
results than Gaussianization (Molau et al., 2001) (Hilger & Ney, 2006) (Dharanipragada
Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition 33
ii. The reference CDF set of quantiles are calculated. The number of quantiles per sample
is chosen (NQ). The CDF values for each quantile probability value pr are registered:
Q ( pr ) = Φ −1 ( pr )
∧ (20)
r − 0,5
pr = ( ), ∀r = 1,..., N Q (21)
iii. The quantiles of the original data will follow expression (22) in which k and f denote the
integer and decimal part operators of (1+2*Tpr) respectively:
• HIWIRE Database (Segura et al., 2007): contains oral commands from the CPDLC
(Controller Pilot Data Link Communications) communication system between the plane
crew members and the air traffic controllers. The commands are pronounced in English
by non-native speakers. Real noises recorded in the plane cockpit are added to the clean
Tests have been performed to compare the usage of two difference reference distributions.
Equalization using a Gaussian distribution has been denoted as HEQ-G in the figure, while
equalization using a clean reference probability density function (calculated using clean
training data set) has been denoted as HEQ-Ref Clean. In order to have a wider vision of the
effects of the equalization, two more tests have been performed. The one denoted as Baseline
contains the results of evaluating the databases directly using the plane MFCCs. The test
named AFE contains the results of implementing the ETSI Advanced Front End Standard
parameterization (ETSI, 2002).
Comparative results seen in figure 4 show that better results are obtained when using clean
reference distributions. The most evident case is the HIWIRE database. For this database,
HEQ-G underperforms the Baseline parameterization results.
81,59% 84,61%
70 68,14%
Word Acc. (%)
55,25% 58,97%
50 52,58%
40 41,88%
HIWIRE Database
Baseline HEQ-G HEQ-Ref Clean AFE
Nevertheless a series of limitations exist which justify the development of new versions of
HEQ to eliminate them:
• The effectiveness of HEQ depends on the adequate calculation of the original and
reference CDFs for the features to be equalized. There are some scenarios in which
sentences are not long enough to provide enough data to obtain a trustable global
speech statistic. The original CDF is therefore miscalculated and it incorporates an error
transferred to the equalization transformation defined on the basis of this original CDF.
• HEQ works on the hypothesis of statistical independence of the MFCCs. This is not
exactly correct. The real MFCCs covariance matrix is not diagonal although it is
considered as such for computational viability reasons.
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
(a) C1 53% silence (b) C1 32% silence
1 20
0.9 15
Transformed C1
0.8 10
0.7 5
0.6 0
0.5 -5
0.3 -10
0.2 -15
0.1 -20
0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 Original C1
(c) CDF’s (d) TF’s
Fig. 5. Influence of silence percentage on the transformation
Figure 5 shows the effect of the silence percentage in the process of equalization.
Subfigure (a) shows the value in time of Cepstral coefficient C1 for a typical sentence.
Subfigure (b) shows this same coefficient C1 for the same sentence having removed part
of the sentence’s initial silence. Cumulative density functions for both sentences are
shown in subfigure (c) where we can appreciate that even if both sentences have the
same values for the speech frames, the different amount of silence frames alters the
36 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
shape of their global CDF. This difference in the CDF estimation introduces a non
desired variation in the transformation calculated (see subfigure (d)).
The existing strategies to face the short sentences producing non representative
statistics are mainly the usage of a parametric expression for the CDF (Molau et al.,
2002; Haverinen & Kiss, 2003; Liu et al., 2004). The usage of order statistics (Segura et
al., 2004) can also improve slightly the CDF estimation.
2. The second limitation of HEQ is that due to the fact that equalization is done
independently for each MFCC vector component, all the information contained in the
relation between components is being lost. It would be interesting to capture this
information, and in case noise has produced a rotation in the feature space it would be
convenient to recover from it. This limitation has originated a whole family of
techniques to capture relations between coefficients, using vector quantization with
different criteria, or defining classes via Gaussian Mixture Models (Olsen et al., 2003)
(Visweswariah & Gopinath, 2002; Youngjoo et al., 2007). In the group of vector
quantization we must mention (Martinez P. et al., 2007) that does an equalization
followed by a vector quantization of the Cepstral coefficient in a 4D space, adding
temporal information. (Dat T.H. et al.,2005) (Youngjoo S. and Hoirin K.) must also be
As an effective alternative to eliminate the exposed limitations, the author of this chapter
has proposed (Garcia et al., 2006) to use a parametric variant of the equalization
transformation based in modelling the MFCCs probability density function with a mixture
of two Gaussians. In ideal clean conditions, speech has a distribution very close to a bi-
modal Gaussian. For this reason, Sirko Molau proposes in (Molau S. et al., 2002) the usage of
two independent histograms for voice and silence. In order to do so, he separates frames as
speech or silence using a Voice Activity Detector. Results are not as good as expected, as the
discrimination between voice and silence is quite aggressive. Bo Liu proposes in (Bo L. et al.,
2004) to use two Gaussian cumulative histograms to define the pdf of each Cepstral
coefficient. He solves the distinction between the classes of speech or silence using a
weighing factor calculated with each class probability.
The algorithm proposed in this work is named Parametric Equalization –PEQ-. It defines a
parametric equalization transformation based on a two-Gaussians mixture model. The first
Gaussian is used to represent the silence frames, and the second Gaussian is used to
represent the speech frames. In order to map the clean and noisy domains, a parametric
linear transformation is defined for each one of those two frame classes:
∧ Σ n ,x 1
x = μn ,x + ( y − μn , y ) ⋅ ( ) 2
being y a silence frame (23)
Σn, y
∧ Σ s ,x 1
x = μ s ,x + ( y − μ s , y ) ⋅ ( ) 2
being y a silence frame (24)
- μ s,x and Σ s, x are the mean and variance of the clean reference Gaussian distributions for
the class of speech.
- μ n, y and Σ n, y correspond to the mean and variance of the noisy environment Gaussian
distributions for the class of silence.
- μ s, y and Σ s, y correspond to the mean and variance of the noisy environment Gaussian
distributions for the class of speech.
Equations (23) and (24) transform the averages of the noisy environment μ n, y and μ s, y into
clean reference averages μ n, x and μ s, x . The noisy variances Σ n, y and Σ s, y are transformed into
clean reference averages Σ n, x and Σ s, x .
The clean reference Gaussian parameters are calculated using the data of the clean training
set. The noisy environment Gaussian parameters are individually calculated for every
sentence in process of equalization.
Before equalizing each frame we have to choose if it belongs to the speech or silence class.
One possibility for taking this decision is to use a voice activity detector. That would imply
binary election between both linear transformations (transformation according to voice class
parameters or transformation according to silence class parameters). In the border between
both classes taking a binary decision would create a discontinuity. In order to avoid it we
have used a soft decision based on including the conditional probabilities of each frame to
be speech or silence. Equation (25) shows the complete process of parametric equalization:
∧ Σn , x 1 Σs ,x 1
x = P( n | y ) ⋅ ( μ n , x + ( y − μ n , y ) ⋅ ( ) 2 ) + P(s | y) ⋅ (μs ,x + ( y − μs , y )( ) 2) (25)
Σn , y Σs , y
The terms P(n|y) and P(s|y) of equation (25) are the posterior probabilities of the frame
belonging to the silence or speech class respectively. They have been obtained using a 2-
class Gaussian classifier and the logarithmic energy term (Cepstral coefficient C0) as
classification threshold. Initially, the frames with a C0 value lower than the C0 average in the
particular sentence are considered as noise. Those frames with a C0 value higher than the
sentence average are considered as speech. Using this initial classification the initial values
of the means, variances and priori probabilities of the classes are estimated. Using the
Expected Maximization Algorithm –EM-, those values are later iterated until they converge.
This classification originates the values of P(n|y) and P(s|y) added to the mean and
covariance matrixes for the silence and speech classes in the equalization process μ n, y , μ s, y ,
Σ n, y and Σ s, y .
If we call n the number of silence frames in the sentence x and s the number of speech
frames in the same sentence x being equalized, the mentioned parameters will be defined
iteratively using EM:
nn = ∑ p(n | x) ⋅ x
ns = ∑ p( s | x) ⋅ x
38 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
μn = ⋅ ∑ p (n | x)
nn x
μs = ⋅ ∑ p( s | x)
ns x
Σn = ⋅ ∑ p(n | x) ⋅ ( x − μn ) ⋅ ( x − μn )T
nn x
Σs = ⋅ ∑ p ( s | x ) ⋅ ( x − μ s ) ⋅ ( x − μ s )T (26)
ns x
The posterior probabilities used in (26) have been calculated using the Bayes rule:
p ( n) ⋅ ( N ( x, μ n , Σ n ))
p(n | x) = _ _
p ( n) ⋅ ( N ( x, μ n , Σ n )) + p ( s ) ⋅ ( N ( x, μ s , Σ s ))
p(s) ⋅ ( N ( x, μs , Σs ))
p( s | x) = _ _
p(n) ⋅ ( N ( x, μn , Σn )) + p(s) ⋅ ( N ( x, μs , Σs ))
Subfigures (a) and (b) from Figure 6 show the two-Gaussian parametric model for the
probability density functions of Cepstral coeficients C0 and C1, put on top of the cumulative
histograms of speech and silences frames for a set of clean sentences. Subfigures (c) and (d)
show the same models and histograms for a set of noisy sentences.
The former figures show the convenience of using bi-modal Gaussians to approximate the
two-class histogram, specially in the case of the coefficient C0. They also show how the
distance between both Gaussians or both class histograms decreases when the noise increases.
81,59% 81,95%
6. Acknowledgements
This work has received research funding from the EU 6th Framework Programme, under
contract number IST-2002-507943 (HIWIRE, Human Input that Works in Real
Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition 41
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1. Introduction
In this chapter, we describe our recent advances on representation and modelling of speech
signals for automatic speech and speaker recognition in noisy conditions. The research is
motivated by the need for improvements in these research areas in order the automatic
speech and speaker recognition systems could be fully employed in real-world applications
which operate often in noisy conditions.
Speech sounds are produced by passing a source-signal through a vocal-tract filter, i.e.,
different speech sounds are produced when a given vocal-tract filter is excited by different
source-signals. In spite of this, the speech representation and modelling in current speech
and speaker recognition systems typically include only the information about the vocal-tract
filter, which is obtained by estimating the envelope of short-term spectra. The information
about the source-signal used in producing speech may be characterised by a voicing
character of a speech frame or individual frequency bands and the value of the fundamental
frequency (F0). This chapter presents our recent research on estimation of the voicing
information of speech spectra in the presence of noise and employment of this information
into speech modelling and in missing-feature-based speech/speaker recognition system to
improve noise robustness. The chapter is split into three parts.
The first part of the chapter introduces a novel method for estimation of the voicing
information of speech spectrum. There have been several methods previously proposed to
this problem. In (Griffin & Lim, 1988), the estimation is performed based on the closeness of
fit between the original and synthetic spectrum representing harmonics of the fundamental
frequency (F0). A similar measure is also used in (McAulay & Quatieri, 1990) to estimate the
maximum frequency considered as voiced. In (McCree & Barnwell, 1995), the voicing
information of a frequency region was estimated based on the normalised correlation of the
time-domain signal around the F0 lag. The author in (Stylianou, 2001) estimates the voicing
information of each spectral peak by using a procedure based on a comparison of
magnitude values at spectral peaks within the F0 frequency range around the considered
peak. The estimation of voicing information was not the primary aim of the above methods,
and as such, no performance evaluation was provided. Moreover, the above methods did
not consider speech corrupted by noise and required an estimation of the F0, which may be
difficult to estimate accurately in noisy speech. Here, the presented method for estimation of
46 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the spectral voicing information of speech does not require information about the F0 and is
particularly applicable to speech pattern processing. The method is based on calculating a
similarity, which we refer to as voicing-distance, between the shape of signal short-term
spectrum and the spectrum of the frame-analysis window. To reflect filter-bank (FB)
analysis that is typically employed in feature extraction for ASR, the voicing information
associated with an FB channel is computed as an average of voicing-distances (within the
channel) weighted by corresponding spectral magnitude values. Evaluation of the method is
presented in terms of false-rejection and false-acceptance errors.
The second part of the chapter presents an employment of the estimated spectral voicing
information within the speech and speaker recognition based on the missing-feature theory
(MFT) for improving noise robustness. There have been several different approaches to
improve robustness against noise. Assuming availability of some knowledge about the
noise, such as spectral characteristics or stochastic model of noise, speech signal can be
enhanced prior to its employment in the recogniser, e.g., (Boll, 1979; Vaseghi, 2005; Zou et
al., 2007), or noise-compensation techniques can be applied in the feature or model domain
to reduce the mismatch between the training and testing data, e.g., (Gales & Young, 1996).
Recently, the missing feature theory (MFT) has been used for dealing with noise corruption
in speech and speaker recognition, e.g., (Lippmann & Carlson, 1997; Cooke et al. 2001;
Drygajlo &. El-Maliki, 1998). In this approach, the feature vector is split into a sub-vector of
reliable and unreliable features (considering a binary reliability). The unreliable features are
considered to be dominated by noise and thus their effect is eliminated during the
recognition, for instance, by marginalising them out. The performance of the MFT method
depends critically on the accuracy of the feature reliability estimation. The reliability of
spectral-based features can be estimated based on measuring the local signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) (Drygajlo &. El-Maliki, 1998; Renevey & Drygajlo, 2000) or employing a separate
classification system (Seltzer et al., 2004). We demonstrate that the employment of the
spectral voicing information can play a significant role in the reliability estimation problem.
Experimental evaluation is presented for MFT-based speech and speaker recognition and
significant recognition accuracy improvements are demonstrated.
The third part of the chapter presents an incorporation of the spectral voicing information to
improve speech signal modelling. Up to date, the spectral voicing information of speech has
been mainly exploited in the context of speech coding and speech synthesis research. In
speech/speaker recognition research, the authors in (Thomson & Chengalvarayan, 2002;
Ljolje, 2002; Kitaoka et al., 2002; Zolnay et al., 2003; Graciarena et al., 2004) investigated the
use of various measures for estimating the voicing-level of an entire speech frame and
appended these voicing features into the feature representation. In addition to voicing
features, the information on F0 was employed in (Ljolje, 2002; Kitaoka et al., 2002). In
(Thomson & Chengalvarayan, 2002), the effect of including the voicing features under
various training procedures was also studied. Experiments in the above papers were
performed only on speech signals not corrupted by an additional noise and modest
improvements have been reported. In (Jackson et al., 2003), the voicing information was
included by decomposing speech signal into simultaneous periodic and aperiodic streams
and weighting the contribution of each stream during the recognition. This method requires
information about the fundamental frequency. Significant improvements on noisy speech
recognition on Aurora 2 connected-digit database have been demonstrated, however, these
results were achieved by using the F0 estimated from the clean speech. The authors in
Employment of Spectral Voicing Information for Speech and
Speaker Recognition in Noisy Conditions 47
(O’Shaughnessy & Tolba, 1999) divided phoneme-based models of speech into a subset of
voiced and unvoiced models and used this division to restrict the Viterbi search during the
recognition. The effect of such division of models itself was not presented. In (Jančovič &
Ming, 2002) an HMM model was estimated based only on high-energy frames, which
effectively corresponds to the voiced speech. This was observed to improve the performance
in noisy conditions. The incorporation of the voicing information we present here differs
from the above works in the following: i) the voicing information employed is estimated by
a novel method that can provide this information for each filter-bank channel, while
requiring no information about the F0; ii) the voicing-information is incorporated within an
HMM-based statistical framework in the back-end of the ASR system; iii) the evaluation is
performed on noisy speech recognition. In the proposed model, having the trained HMMs,
with each mixture at each HMM state is associated a voicing-probability, which is estimated
by a separate Viterbi-style training procedure (without altering the trained HMMs). The
incorporation of the voicing-probability serves as a penalty during recognition for those
mixtures/states whose voicing information does not correspond to the voicing information
of the signal. The incorporation of the voicing information is evaluated in a standard model
and in a missing-feature model that had compensated for the effect of noise. Experiments
are performed on the Aurora 2 database. Experimental results show significant
improvements in recognition performance in strong noisy conditions obtained by the
models incorporating the voicing information.
2.1 Principle
Speech sounds are produced by passing a source-signal through a vocal-tract filter. The
production of voiced speech sounds is associated with vibration of the vocal-folds. Due to
this, the source-signal consists of periodic repetition of pulses and its spectrum
approximates to a line spectrum consisting of the fundamental frequency and its multiples
(referred to as harmonics). As a result of the short-time processing, the short-time Fourier
spectrum of a voiced speech segment can be represented as a summation of scaled (in
amplitude) and shifted (in frequency) versions of the Fourier transform of the frame-
window function. The estimation of the voicing character of a frequency region can then be
performed based on comparing the short-time magnitude spectrum of the signal to the
spectrum of the frame-window function, which is the principle of the voicing estimation
algorithm. Note that this algorithm does not require any information about the fundamental
frequency; however, if this information is available it can be incorporated within the
algorithm as indicated below.
Throughout the chapter we work with signals sampled at Fs=8 kHz, the frame length of 256
samples and the FFT-size of 512 samples.
2. Voicing-distance calculation:
For each peak of the short-time signal magnitude-spectrum, a distance, referred to as
voicing-distance vd(k), between the signal spectrum around the peak and spectrum of the
frame window is computed, i.e.,
( S(k ) ⎤⎥⎦
⎡ 1 ∑ )
L 2
vd( k p ) = + k − W( k ) (1)
⎢⎣ 2 L + 1 k = − L p
fb 1 k b + N b −1 2 2
vd ( b ) = ∑
X(b) k = k b
vd(k) ⋅ G b ( k ) ⋅ S(k ) where X(b) = ∑ kk =b +kN
b − 1 G (k ) ⋅ S (k)
b (2)
where Gb(k) is the frequency-response of the filter-bank channel b, and kb and Nb are the
lowest frequency-component and number of components of the frequency response,
respectively, and X(b) is the overall filter-bank energy value.
4. Post-processing of the voicing-distances:
The voicing-distance obtained from steps (2) and (3) may accidentally become of a low value
for an unvoiced region or vice versa. To reduce these errors, we have filtered the voicing-
distances by employing 2-D median filters due to their effectiveness in eliminating outliers
and simplicity. In our set-up, median filters of size 5x9 and 3x3 (the first number being the
number of frames and the second the number of frequency indices) were used to filter the
voicing-distances vd(k) and vdfb(b), respectively.
Examples of spectrograms of noisy speech and the corresponding voicing-distances for
spectrum and filter-bank channels are depicted in Figure 1.
Fig. 2. Performance of the algorithm for estimation of the voicing information of FB channels
in terms of FA and FR errors on speech corrupted by white noise. Results presented as a
function of the local-SNR and the voicing-distance threshold (depicted above the figure).
reliable, and elements that are dominated by noise, referred to as unreliable. This information
is stored in the so-called mask. The unreliable elements are then eliminated during the
recognition. In this section we demonstrate that the voicing information of filter-bank
channels can provide vital information for estimation of mask employed in MFT-based
speech and speaker recognition systems.
( )
P y t s, j = ∏ (
P yt ( b) s , j ) ∏ ∫ P (y t ( b ) s , j ) = ∏ (
P yt ( b) s , j ) (3)
b∈rel b∈unrel b∈rel
We also employed the MFT model within a GMM-based speaker recognition system; Eq. (3)
applies also in this case as a GMM can be seen as a 1-state HMM.
In order to apply the MFT marginalisation model, the noise-corruption needs to be localised
into a subset of features. This makes the standard full-band cepstral coefficients (MFCCs)
(Davis & Mermelstein, 1980), which are currently the most widely used parameterisation of
speech, unsuitable as the application of DCT over the entire vector of logarithm filter-bank
energies (logFBEs) will cause any corruption localised in the frequency-domain to become
spread over all cepstral coefficients. The logFBEs may be employed in the MFT model,
however, they suffer from a high correlation between the features, which makes the
diagonal covariance matrix modelling not appropriate. The parameterisations often used in
MFT model are the sub-band cepstral coefficients, e.g., (Bourlard & Dupont, 1996), and
frequency-filtered logFBEs (FF-logFBEs), e.g., (Jančovič & Ming, 2001). The FF-logFBEs,
which are obtained by applying a (short) FIR filter over the frequency dimension of the
logFBEs, were employed in this paper. These features in standard recognition system have
been shown to obtain similar performance as the standard full-band cepstral coefficients
(Nadeu et al., 2001), while having the advantage of retaining the noise-corruption localised.
voic fb
mt (b) = 1 if vd t ( b ) < β (4)
Employment of Spectral Voicing Information for Speech and
Speaker Recognition in Noisy Conditions 51
where the threshold β was set to 0.21. In order to evaluate the quality of the estimated
voicing mask, i.e., the effect of errors in the voicing information estimation on the
recognition performance, we defined oracle voicing mask for an FB-channel as 1 if and only if
the channel is estimated as voiced on clean data and its oracle mask (defined as below) is 1
on noisy data.
The so-called oracle mask is derived based on full a-priori knowledge of the noise and clean
speech signal. The use of this mask gives an upper bound performance and thus it indicates
the quality of any estimated mask. We used a-priori SNR to construct the oracle mask as
mt (b) = 1 if 10 log( X t ( b ) / N t ( b )) > γ (5)
where Xt(b) and Nt(b) are the filter bank energy of clean speech and noise, respectively. The
threshold γ was set to -6dB as it was shown to provide a good performance in our
one of four environmental noise types: subway, babble, car, and exhibition hall, each of
these at six different SNRs: 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, and -5 dB. The clean speech training set,
containing of 8440 utterances of 55 male and 55 female adult speakers, was used for training
the parameters of HMMs.
The frequency-filtered logarithm filter-bank energies (FF-logFBEs) (Nadeu et al., 2001) were
used as speech feature representation, due to their suitability for MFT-based recognition as
discussed earlier. Note that the FF-logFBEs achieve similar performance (in average) as
standard MFCCs. The FF-logFBEs were obtained with the following parameter set-up:
frames of 32 ms length with a shift of 10 ms between frames were used; both preemphasis
and Hamming window were applied to each frame; the short-time magnitude spectra,
obtained by applying the FFT, was passed to Mel-spaced filter-bank analysis with 20
channels; the obtained logarithm filter-bank energies were filtered by using the filter H(z)=z-
z-1. A feature vector consisting of 18 elements was obtained (the edge values were excluded).
In order to include dynamic spectral information, the first-order delta parameters were
added to the static FF-feature vector.
The HMMs were trained following the procedures distributed with the Aurora 2 database.
Each digit was modelled by a continuous-observation left-to-right HMM with 16 states (no
skip allowed) and three Gaussian mixture components with diagonal covariance matrices
for each state. During recognition, the MFT-based system marginalised static features
according to the mask employed, and used all the delta features.
Fig. 4. Recognition accuracy results obtained by the MFT-based speech recognition system
employing the voicing and oracle masks.
Experimental results are first presented in Figure 4 for speech corrupted by white noise (as
this noise is considered to contain no voiced components) to evaluate the quality of the
estimated voicing mask. It can be observed that the recognition accuracies achieved by the
MFT-based recogniser employing the estimated voicing mask (MFTvoic) and the oracle
voicing mask (MFTvoicOracle) are nearly identical. This indicates that the errors made in
the voicing estimation have nearly no effect on the recognition performance of the MFT-
based system in the given recognition task. It can also be seen that the MFT-based system
using the voicing mask provides recognition performance significantly higher than that of
the standard recognition system and indeed very close to using the oracle mask
(MFToracle), i.e., the abandonment of uncorrupted unvoiced features did not harm
significantly the recognition accuracy in the given task.
Results of experiments on the Aurora 2 noisy speech data are presented in Figure 5. It can be
seen that employing the voicing mask in the MFT-based system provides significant
Employment of Spectral Voicing Information for Speech and
Speaker Recognition in Noisy Conditions 53
performance improvements over the standard system for most of the noisy conditions. The
performance is similar (or lower) than that of the standard system at 20 dB SNR which is
due to eliminating the uncorrupted unvoiced features. The MFT-based system employing
the estimated voicing mask achieves less improvement in the case of Babble noise because
this noise contain voiced components and thus the voicing mask captures the location of
both the voiced speech regions as well as the voiced noise regions. There may be various
ways to deal with the voiced noise situation. For instance, a simple way may be to consider
that the speech is of a higher energy than noise and as such use only the higher energetic
voiced regions. Also, signal separation algorithms may be employed, for instance, we have
demonstrated in (Jančovič & Köküer, 2007b) that the sinusoidal model can be successfully
used to separate two harmonic or speech signals.
Fig. 5. Recognition accuracy results obtained by the MFT-based speech recognition system
employing the voicing and oracle masks.
each speaker was obtained by using the MAP adaptation of a general speech model, which
was obtained from the training data from all speakers.
Experimental results are depicted in Figure 6. We can see that the results are of a similar
trend as in the case of speech recognition. The use of the estimated voicing mask gives
results close to those obtained using the oracle voicing mask. These results are significantly
higher than those of the standard model and reasonably close those obtained by the MFT
model using the oracle mask which assumes full a-priori knowledge of the noise. These
results therefore demonstrate the effectiveness of the estimated voicing mask.
Fig. 6. Recognition accuracy results obtained by the MFT-based speaker recognition system
employing the voicing and oracle masks.
∑ P ( j s ) ∏ P (y t ( b ) s , j ) P (vt ( b ) s , j )
( )
P y t , vt s = (6)
j=1 b
where P(j|s) is the weight of the jth mixture component, and P(yt(b)|s,j) and P(vt(b)|s,j) are
the probability of the bth spectral feature and voicing feature, respectively, given state s and
Employment of Spectral Voicing Information for Speech and
Speaker Recognition in Noisy Conditions 55
mixture j. Note that the voicing-probability term in Eq.(6) was used only when the feature
was detected as voiced, i.e., the term was marginalised for features detected as unvoiced.
( )
P j yt , s =
( ) ( )
P yt s , j P j s
∑ P (y t s , j′ ) P ( j′ s )
where the mixture-weight P(j|s) and the probability density function of the spectral features
used to calculate the P(yt|s,j) are obtained as an outcome of the standard HMM training. For
each mixture j and HMM state s, the posterior probabilities P(j|yt,s) for all yt ‘s associated
with the state s are collected (over the entire training data-set) together with the
corresponding voicing vectors vt ’s. The voicing-probability of the bth feature can then be
obtained as
∑ P ( j y t , s ) ⋅ δ(v t (b), a )
( )
P v(b) = a s , j =
t :y t ∈s
∑ P(j yt , s )
t: y t ∈s
where a∈{0,1} is the value of voicing information and δ(vt(b),a)=1 when vt(b)=a, otherwise
Examples of the estimated voicing-probabilities for HMMs of digits are depicted in Figure 7.
It can be seen that, for instance, the first five states of the word ‘seven’ have the probability
of being voiced close to zero over the entire frequency range, which is likely to correspond
to the unvoiced phoneme /s/.
Fig. 7. Examples of the estimated voicing-probabilities for a 16 state HMM models of words
‘one’ (left), ‘two’ (middle), and ‘seven’ (right).
56 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The estimated voicing-probability P(v(b)|s,j) becomes zero when all features associated with
the state are only voiced or unvoiced. This is not desirable, because it can cause the overall
probability in Eq.(6) to become zero during the recognition. This could be avoided by setting
a small minimum value for P(v(b)|s,j). A more elegant solution that would also allow us to
easily control the effect of the voicing-probability on the overall probability may be to
employ a sigmoid function to transform the P(v(b)|s,j) for each b to a new value, i.e.,
( )
P v(b) s, j =
− α (P ( v ( b ) s , j )- 0.5 )
where α is a constant defining the slope of the function and the value 0.5 gives the shift of
the function. Examples of the voicing-probability transformation with various values for α
are depicted in Figure 8. The bigger the value of α is the greater the effect of the voicing-
probability on the overall probability. An appropriate value for α can be decided based on a
small set of experiments on a development data. The value 1.5 is used for all experiments.
Fig. 8. Sigmoid function with various values of the slope parameter employed for
transformation of the voicing-probability.
standard model discussed earlier, due to the voiced character of the noise. It can be seen that
the incorporation of the voicing-probability provides significant recognition accuracy
improvements at low SNRs, even the noise effect had already been compensated.
Fig. 9. Recognition accuracy results obtained by the standard ASR system without and with
incorporating the voicing-probability.
Fig. 10. Recognition accuracy results obtained by the MFT-based ASR system employing the
oracle mask without and with incorporating the voicing-probability.
58 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
7. Conclusion
This chapter described our recent research on representation and modelling of speech
signals for automatic speech and speaker recognition in noisy conditions. The chapter
consisted of three parts. In the first part, we presented a novel method for estimation of the
voicing information of speech spectra in the presence of noise. The presented method is
based on calculating a similarity between the shape of signal short-term spectrum and the
spectrum of the frame-analysis window. It does not require information about the F0 and is
particularly applicable to speech pattern processing. Evaluation of the method was
presented in terms of false-rejection and false-acceptance errors and good performance was
demonstrated in noisy conditions. The second part of the chapter presented an employment
of the voicing information into the missing-feature-based speech and speaker recognition
systems to improve noise robustness. In particular, we were concerned with the mask
estimation problem for voiced speech. It was demonstrated that the MFT-based recognition
system employing the estimated spectral voicing information as a mask obtained results
very similar to those of employing the oracle voicing information obtained based on full a-
priori knowledge of noise. The achieved results showed significant recognition accuracy
improvements over the standard recognition system. The third part of the chapter presented
an incorporation of the spectral voicing information to improve modelling of speech signals
in application to speech recognition in noisy conditions. The voicing-information was
incorporated within an HMM-based statistical framework in the back-end of the ASR
system. In the proposed model, a voicing-probability was estimated for each mixture at each
HMM state and it served as a penalty during the recognition for those mixtures/states
whose voicing information did not correspond to the voicing information of the signal. The
evaluation was performed in the standard model and in the missing-feature model that had
compensated for the effect of noise and experimental results demonstrated significant
recognition accuracy improvements in strong noisy conditions obtained by the models
incorporating the voicing information.
8. References
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Trans. on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Proc., Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 113–120, Apr. 1979.
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Employment of Spectral Voicing Information for Speech and
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pp. 93–114.
60 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
1. Introduction
In order to deploy automatic speech recognition (ASR) effectively in real world scenarios it
is necessary to handle hostile environments with multiple speech and noise sources. One
classical example is the so-called "cocktail party problem" (Cherry, 1953), where a number of
people are talking simultaneously in a room and the ASR task is to recognize the speech
content of one or more target speakers amidst other interfering sources. Although the
human brain and auditory system can handle this everyday problem with ease it is very
hard to solve with computational algorithms. Current state-of-the-art ASR systems are
trained on clean single talker speech and therefore inevitably have serious difficulties when
confronted with noisy multi-talker environments.
One promising approach for noise robust speech recognition is based on the missing data
automatic speech recognition (MD-ASR) paradigm (Cooke et al., 2001). MD-ASR requires a
time-frequency (T-F) mask indicating the reliability of each feature component. The
classification of a partly corrupted feature vector can then be performed on the reliable parts
only, thus effectively ignoring the components dominated by noise. If the decision about the
reliability of the spectral components can be made with absolute certainty, missing data
systems can achieve recognition performance close to clean conditions even under highly
adverse signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) (Cooke et al., 2001; Raj & Stern, 2005; Wang, 2005).
The most critical part in the missing data framework is the blind estimation of the feature
reliability mask for arbitrary noise corruptions. The remarkable robustness of the human
auditory system inspired researchers in the field of computational auditory scene analysis
(CASA) to attempt auditory-like source separation by using an approach based on human
hearing. CASA systems first decompose a given signal mixture into a highly redundant T-F
representation consisting of individual sound elements/atoms. These elementary atoms are
subsequently arranged into separate sound streams by applying a number of grouping cues
such as proximity in frequency and time, harmonicity or common location (Bregman, 1990;
Brown & Cooke, 1994; Wang, 2005). The output of these grouping mechanisms can often be
represented as a T-F mask which separates the target from the acoustic background.
Essentially, T-F masking provides a link between speech separation and speech recognition
(Cooke et al., 2001; Wang, 2005).
62 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Most previous work related to missing data mask estimation is based on single-channel data
(see Cerisara et al., (2007) for a review) and relies on SNR criteria (Cooke et al., 2001; Barker
et al., 2000; El-Maliki & Drygajlo, 1999), harmonicity cues (Hu & Wang, 2004; van Hamme,
2004) or cue combinations (Seltzer et al., 2004). Alternatively, binaural CASA models
(Harding et al., 2006; Roman et al., 2003; Kim & Kil, 2007) exploit interaural time and
intensity differences (ITD)/(IID) between two ears for missing data mask estimation. While
used in the CASA community for quite some time, the concept of T-F masking has recently
attracted some interest in the in the field of blind signal separation (BSS) (Yilmaz & Rickard,
2004; Araki et al., 2005). Similar to CASA, these methods exploit the potential of T-F masking
to separate mixtures with more sources than sensors. However, the BSS problem is tackled
from a signal processing oriented rather than psychoacoustic perspective. This, for instance,
includes the use of multiple sensor pairs (Araki et al., 2007) and statistical approaches such as
Independent Component Analysis (Kolossa et al., 2006; Hyvärinen, 1999).
Fig. 1. Flowchart for proposed combination of DUET source separation and missing data
speech recognition.
This chapter presents a scheme which combines BSS with robust ASR through the
systematic application of T-F masking for both speech separation and speech recognition
(Fig. 1). The outlined approach summarizes our previous work reported in Kühne et al.
(2007; 2007a). In particular, we investigate the performance of a recently proposed BSS
method called DUET (Yilmaz & Rickard, 2004) as front-end for missing data speech
recognition. Since DUET relies on T-F masking for source demixing, this combination arises
as a natural choice and is straightforward to implement. In Kühne et al. (2007) an approach
was presented that avoids DUET’s source reconstruction step and directly uses the mask
together with the spectral mixture as input for the speech decoder. In subsequent work
(Kühne et al., 2007a), a simple but effective mask post-processing step was introduced in
order to remove spurious T-F points that can cause insertion errors during decoding. Our
proposed combination fits seamlessly into standard feature extraction schemes (Young et al,
2006), but requires a modification of the decoding algorithm to account for missing feature
components. It is particularly attractive for ASR scenarios where only limited space and
resources for multi-channel processing are available (e.g., mobile phones).
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 63
The effectiveness of the proposed BSS-ASR combination is evaluated for a simulated cocktail
party situation with multiple speakers. Experimental results are reported for a connected
digits recognition task. Our evaluation shows that, when the assumptions made by DUET
hold, the estimated feature reliability masks are comparable in terms of speech recognition
accuracy to the oracle masks obtained with a prior knowledge of the sources. We further
demonstrate that a conventional speech recognizer fails to operate successfully on DUET’s
resynthesized waveforms, which clearly shows the merit of the proposed approach.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly reviews the DUET
source separation method and outlines its main assumptions. Section 3 explains the
methods used for feature extraction and missing data mask generation in more detail.
Section 4 presents the experimental evaluation of the system. Section 5 gives a general
discussion and illustrates the differences and similarities with a related binaural CASA
segregation model. The section further comments on some of the shortcomings in the
proposed approach. Finally, the chapter concludes in Section 6 with an outlook on future
2. Source separation
This section presents a short review of the DUET-BSS algorithm used in this study for blind
separation of multiple concurrent talkers. We start with an introduction of the BSS problem
for anechoic mixtures and highlight the main assumptions made by the DUET algorithm.
After briefly outlining the main steps of the algorithm, the section closes with a short
discussion on why the reconstructed waveform signals are not directly suitable for
conventional speech recognition. For a more detailed review of DUET the reader is referred
to Yilmaz & Rickard (2004) and Rickard (2007).
where and are the attenuation and delay parameters of source at microphone
. The goal of any BSS algorithm is to recover the source signals using
only the mixture observations . The mixing model can be approximated in
the Short-Time-Fourier-Transform (STFT) domain as an instantaneous mixture at each
frequency bin through
64 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where and specify the time-frequency grid resolution and is a window function
(e.g., Hamming) of size which attenuates discontinuities at the frame edges.
The instantaneous BSS problem can be solved quite elegantly in the frequency domain due
to the sparsity of time-frequency representations of speech signals. DUET proceeds by
considering the following STFT ratio
where the nominator and denominator are weighted sums of complex exponentials
representing the delay and attenuation of the source spectra at the two microphones.
2.2 Assumptions
The key assumption in DUET is that speech signals satisfy the so-called W-disjoint
orthogonality (W-DO) requirement
also known as "sparseness" or "disjointness" condition with the support of a source in the
T-F plane being denoted as . The sparseness condition (5) implies
that the supports of two W-DO sources are disjoint, e. g., . This motivates a
demixing approach based on time-frequency masks, where the mask for source
corresponds to the indicator function for the support of this source:
It has previously been shown (Wang, 2005; Yilmaz & Rickard, 2004; Roman et al., 2003) that
binary time-frequency masks exist that are capable of demixing speech sources from just one
mixture with high speech fidelity. For example, Wang (2005) proposed the notion of an
ideal/oracle binary mask
which determines all time-frequency points where the power of the source exceeds or
equals the power of the sum of all interfering sources (see Wang (2005) for a more detailed
motivation of the ideal binary masks). Note that these masks can only be constructed if the
source signals are known prior to the mixing process as they are defined by means of a SNR
criterion. Instead, DUET relies on spatial cues extracted from two microphones to estimate
the ideal binary mask. It solely depends on relative attenuation and delays of a sensor pair
and assumes an anechoic environment where these cues are most effective. An additional
assumption requires that the attenuation and delay mixing pairs for each source are
with and denoting relative attenuation and delay parameters between both
microphones and The goal is now to estimate for each source
the corresponding mixing parameter pair and use this estimate to construct a
time-frequency mask that separates from all other sources.
An estimate of the attenuation and delay parameter at each T-F point is obtained by
applying the magnitude and phase operator to (8) leading to
If the sources are truly W-DO then accumulating the instantaneous mixing parameter
estimates in (9) over all T-F points will yield exactly distinct pairs equal to the true
mixing parameters:
The demixing mask for each source is then easily constructed using the following binary
However, in practice the W-DO assumption holds only approximately and it will no longer
be possible to observe the true mixing parameters directly through inspection of the
instantaneous estimates in (9). Nevertheless, one can expect that the values will be scattered
around the true mixing parameters in the attenuation-delay parameter space. Indeed, it was
shown in Yilmaz & Rickard (2004) that T-F points with high power possess instantaneous
attenuation-delay estimates close to the true mixing parameters. The number of sources and
their corresponding attenuation-delay mixing parameters are then estimated by locating the
peaks in a power weighted -histogram (see Fig. 2a), where
is the so-called symmetric attenuation (Yilmaz & Rickard, 2004). The peak detection was
implemented using a weighted k-means algorithm as suggested in Harte et al. (2005).
can then be converted back into the time domain by means of an inverse STFT
transformation. Note that for the maximum likelihood combination of both mixtures the
symmetric attenuation parameter was converted back to the relative attenuation parameter
. However, here we are interested in evaluating the DUET demixing performance using an
automatic speech recognizer. The reconstruced time domain signal will not be directly
applicable for conventional speech recognition systems because non-linear masking effects
due to are introduced during waveform resynthesis. Conventional speech recognizers
perform decoding on complete spectra and can not deal with partial spectral
representations. Therefore, additional processing steps, either in the form of data imputation
to reconstruct missing spectrogram parts (Raj & Stern, 2005) or missing data marginalization
schemes (Cooke et al., 2001) that can handle partial data during decoding, are required
before speech recognition can be attempted.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Power weighted attenuation-delay histogram (a) for a mixture of three sources with
mixing parameters and
(b) the estimated time-frequency masks with selected points marked in black.
In this work the latter option was chosen allowing us to avoid source reconstrucion and
directly exploit the spectrographic masks for missing data decoding. After source separation
the missing data recognizer was informed which mask corresponded to the target speaker
by comparing the detected histogram peaks with the true mixing parameters. However, the
high STFT resolution is usually not suitable for statistical pattern recognition as it would
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 67
lead to very high-dimensional feature vectors. The following section explains how the
results of the DUET separation can be integrated into standard feature extraction schemes
and be utilized for missing data speech recognition.
where denotes the linear frequency in and is the corresponding non-linear frequency
scale in . The grouping of individual frequency channels into critical bands can be
accomplished by applying a triangular mel-filterbank to the magnitude or power FFT
spectrum (Young et al., 2006). The triangular filters
68 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Here is the number of mel-frequency channels and are the lower and higher cut-offs
of the mel-frequency axis.
(A) Acoustic feature extraction: The preferred acoustic features employed in missing data
speech recognition are based on spectral representations rather than the more common mel-
frequency-cepstral-coefficients (MFCCs). This is due to the fact that a spectrographic mask
contains localized information about the reliability of each spectral component, a concept
not compatible with orthogonalized features, such as cepstral coefficients (see also de Veth
et al. (2001) for a further discussion). For the scope of this study the extracted spectral
features for missing data recognition followed the FBANK feature implementation of the
widely accepted Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (Young et al., 2006).
Let be the -dimensional spectral feature vector at time frame . The
static log-spectral feature components (see Fig. 3.b) are computed as
where are the triangular mel-filterbank weights defined in (16) and is the maximum
likelihood combination of both mixture observations as specified in (14). It is common to
append time derivatives to the static coefficients in order to model their evolution over a
short time period. These dynamic parameters were determined here via the standard
regression formula
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Spectrograms for the TIDIGITS utterance “3o33951” mixed with three interfering
speakers in anechoic condition. (a) linear FFT frequency scale; (b) non-linear mel-frequency
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 69
(B) Missing data reliability masks: The reliability of each feature component is indicated by
a corresponding missing feature mask provided here by the source separation stage. Before
converting the mask to the mel-frequency scale we introduce a mask post-processing step to
eliminate spurious points in the mask. One important aspect that has not been considered so
far is the high correlation of neighboring time-frequency points. That is, if a time-frequency
point is assigned to speaker then it is very likely that points in the neighborhood of
are also belonging to (see Fig. 5a).
The DUET method solely relies on the mask assignment in the attenuation-delay parameter
space and does not take neighborhood information into account. We observed that for
mixtures with more than two sources the time-frequency masks were overlaid by some
scattered isolated “noise” points (compare Fig. 5a,c). This type of noise is similar to “shot-
noise” known in the image processing community and can be dealt with effectively by
means of a non-linear median filter (Russ, 1999). Similar smoothing techniques have been
used previously for missing data mask post-processing (Harding et al., 2005). For this study,
the median filter was preferred over other linear filters as it preserves the edges in the mask
while removing outliers and smoothing the homogenous regions. The basic operation of a
two-dimensional median filter consists in sorting the mask values of a T-F point and its
neighborhood and replacing the mask value with the computed median . Several
different neighborhood patterns exist in the literature ranging from 4-nearest neighbors over
or square neighborhoods to octagonal regions (Russ, 1999). Here, we used a
plus sign-shaped median filter
with the neighborhood pattern (Fig. 4) defined as
Fig. 4. Plus signed-shaped neighborhood pattern of size used for the proposed two-
dimensional median filtering of the DUET localization masks.
The filter is able to preserve vertical or horizontal lines that would otherwise be deleted by
square neighborhoods. This is important in our application as these lines are often found at
sound onsets (vertical, constant time) or formant frequency ridges (horizontal, constant
frequency). Other more sophisticated rank filters like the hybrid median filter or cascaded
median filters have not been considered here but can be found in Russ (1999). The effect of
70 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the median filtering can be observed in Fig. 5e, where most of the isolated points have been
removed while still preserving the main characteristics of the oracle mask (Fig. 5a).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig.5. Example of localization masks for the TIDIGITS target source (black) “3o33951” in a
mixture of three competing speakers (white). (a) oracle mask on linear FFT frequency scale;
(b) oracle mask on non-linear mel-frequency scale; (c) DUET mask on linear FFT frequency
scale; (d) DUET mask converted to non-linear mel-frequency scale; (e) median filtered mask
of (c); (f) median filtered DUET mask from (e) converted to non-linear mel-frequency scale
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 71
The final missing data mask is then obtained by converting the high STFT resolution to the
mel-frequency domain. Similar to (19), we apply the triangular mel-weighting function to
obtain a soft mel-frequency mask
While the mask (22) is valid for static features only a reliability mask is also required for the
dynamic feature coefficients in (20). The corresponding mask for was determined
based on the static mask values as
with denoting the value of the missing data mask at T-F point , and being the
lower and upper integration bound and being a univariate Gaussian
with mean and variance . The value of the missing data mask weights the
present and missing data contributions with a soft “probability” between 0 and 1 (Harding
et al., 2006; Barker et al., 2000). The likelihood contribution in (25) for the missing static
features is evaluated as a bounded integral over the clean static feature probability density
by exploiting the knowledge that the true clean speech value is confined to the interval
between zero and the observed noisy spectral energy, e.g.
. Past research (Cooke et al., 2001; Morris et al., 2001)
has shown that bounding the integral in (25) is beneficial as it provides an effective
72 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
4. Experimental evaluation
4.1 Setup
(A) Recognizer architecture and HMM model training: The proposed system was
evaluated via connected digit experiments on the TIDIGITS database (Leonard, 1984) with a
sample frequency of . The training set for the recognizer consisted of 4235 utterances
spoken by 55 male speakers. The HTK toolkit (Young et al., 2006) was used to train 11 word
HMMs ('1'-'9','oh','zero') each with eight emitting states and two silence models ('sil','sp')
with three and one state. All HMMs followed standard left-to-right models without skips
using continuous Gaussian densities with diagonal covariance matrices and mixture
components. Two different sets of acoustic models were created. Both used
Hamming-windows with frame shifts for the STFT analysis. Note that Yilmaz &
Rickard (2004) recommend a Hamming window size of 64 ms for a sampling frequency of
16 kHz in order to maximize the W-DO measure for speech signals. However, for the ASR
application considered here, the chosen settings are commonly accepted for feature
extraction purposes. The first set of HMMs was used as the cepstral baseline system with 13
MFCCs derived from a channel HTK mel-filterbank plus delta and acceleration
coefficients ( ) and cepstral mean normalization. This kind of baseline has been widely
used in missing data ASR evaluations (Cooke et al., 2001; Morris et al., 2001; Harding et al.,
2006). The second model set was used for the missing data recognizer and used spectral
rather than cepstral features as described in Section 3.1. In particular, acoustic features were
extracted from a HTK mel-filterbank with channels and first order delta coefficients
( ) were appended to the static features according to (19) and(20).
(B) Test data set and room layout: The test set consisted of 166 utterances of seven male
speakers containing at least four digits mixed with several masking utterances taken from
the TIMIT database (Garofolo et al., 1993; see Table 1).
Table 1. Transcription for six utterances taken from the test section of the TIMIT database.
The signal-to-interferer ratio (SIR) for each masker was approximately . Stereo mixtures
were created by using an anechoic room impulse response of a simulated room of size
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 73
where is the total number of digits in the test set and and denote the
deletion and substitution errors, respectively. The second performance measure, the percent
accuracy is defined as
and in contrast to (27) additionally considers insertion errors denoted as . The accuracy
score is therefore considered the more representative performance measure.
4.2 Results
A number of experiments were conducted to investigate the DUET separation in terms of
speech recognition performance. The cepstral baseline measured the decoder’s robustness
against speech intrusions by scoring directly on the speech mixture. The missing data
system reported the improvements over this baseline obtained by ignoring the spectral parts
that are dominated by interfering speakers as indicated by the missing data masks. The
performance in clean conditions (zero maskers) was 99.16% for the cepstral baseline and
98.54% for the spectral missing data system using the unity mask.
(A) Angular separation between target and masker: The first experiment used a female
TIMIT speech masker to corrupt the target speech signal. The speaker of interest remained
74 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
stationary at the 0° location while the speech masker was placed at different angles but
identical distance to the microphone pair (see Fig. 6a).
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Speech recognition performance in terms of (a) accuracy and (b) correctness score for
different masker positions. The target remained stationary at the 0° location. A conventional
decoder using MFCC features was used to score on the speech mixtures. The spectral
missing data system performed decoding with the proposed soft reliability mask
(DUET+post-processing+mel-scale conversion) and the binary oracle mask.
The recognition performance was evaluated for a conventional recognizer and the missing
data system using the oracle and estimated soft masks (Fig. 7).
Not surprisingly, the oracle mask performed best marking the upper performance bound for
the missing data system while the conventional recognizer represented the lower bound.
When the speech masker was placed between 45° to 180° angle relative to the target speaker,
the estimated mask almost perfectly matched the oracle mask and hence achieved very high
recognition accuracy. However, once the spatial separation between masker and target fell
below 30° the accuracy score rapidly started to deteriorate falling below that of the cepstral
baseline at the lowest separation angles (0°-5°). The correctness score followed the same
trend as the accuracy score but performed better than the baseline for closely spaced
sources. For these small angular separations the assumption that the sources possess distinct
spatial signatures becomes increasingly violated and the DUET histogram localization starts
to fail. The more the sources move together the less spatial information is available to
estimate the oracle mask leading to large mask estimation errors. Nevertheless, the oracle
masks (7) still exist even when target and masker are placed at identical positions because
they depend on the local SNR rather than spatial locations.
(B) Number of concurrent speech maskers: The second experiment recorded the
recognition performance when the target speaker was corrupted by up to six simultaneous
TIMIT maskers (Fig. 8). Accuracy and correctness score were measured for the conventional
recognizer using as input the speech mixture or the demixed target speaker as generated by
DUET. As before, the missing data recognizer used the oracle and estimated soft masks. The
number of simultaneously active speech maskers was increased by successively adding one
masker after another according to the order shown in Fig. 6b.
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 75
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Speech recognition performance in terms of (a) accuracy and (b) correctness score for
different numbers of concurrent speech maskers. A conventional decoder using MFCC
features was used to score on the speech mixtures and DUET’s reconstructed target signal.
The spectral missing data system performed decoding with the proposed soft reliability
mask (DUET+post-processing+mel-scale conversion) and the binary oracle mask.
As expected, the conventional recognizer performed very poorly when scoring on the
speech mixture. Performance dropped from 99% in clean conditions to 13% for the single
speech masker case. Clearly, state-of-the-art cepstral feature extraction alone provides no
protection against additive noise intrusions. For all but the single masker case, it also failed
to produce significant improvements for the demixed DUET speech signal. In fact, for most
conditions scoring on the speech mixture was better than decoding with the demixed DUET
output. As discussed in Section 2.4 and 3.1, conventional speech recognizers require
complete data and can not deal with masked spectra such as produced by DUET.
In contrast, the missing data system is able to handle missing feature components and
provided the upper performance bound when using the oracle mask. Performance degraded
very gradually with only a 6% decrease between clean conditions and corruption with six
speech maskers. The estimated soft missing data masks closely matched the performance of
the oracle masks for up to three simultaneously active speech maskers before starting to fall
behind. The more speakers are present in the mixture the more the sparseness assumption
(5) becomes invalid making an accurate peak detection in the attenuation-delay histogram
increasingly difficult. Indeed, closer inspection of the 5 & 6 masker scenarios revealed that
often peaks were overlapping and the peak detection algorithm failed to identify the
locations correctly. For example, once the fifth masker was added, we observed in some
cases that the histogram showed only four distinct peaks instead of five. This occasionally
led the peak detection algorithm to place the fifth peak near the target speaker location. Due
to DUET’s minimum distance classification the wrongly detected speaker location absorbed
some of the T-F points actually belonging to the target speaker. Consequently, performance
dropped significantly for the 5 & 6 masker configurations, as evident from Fig. 8. Results
can be improved somewhat by using soft assignments (Araki et al., 2006a; Kühne et al.,
2007a) instead of the winner-takes-it-all concept utilized for the mask construction in (12).
(C) Mask post-processing: The last experiment investigated the influence of the proposed
mask post-processing for a four speaker configuration (three maskers). To underline the
importance of the mask smoothing the recognition performance with and without the
76 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
proposed two-dimensional median filtering was measured (see Table 2). In order to
eliminate the effect of the histogram peak detection the true mixing parameters were
directly passed to the mask construction and no source localization was performed.
% %
mask 88.62 75.37 17 92 127
With mask
94.57 93.53 12 40 10
Table 2. Recognition results in terms of HTK correctness (COR) and accuracy (ACC) score
for missing data masks with and without median smoothing. The number of insertions
(INS), deletions (DEL) and substitutions (SUB) is also given.
Clearly, if no median smoothing is applied to the DUET masks the recognized digit
hypotheses contained a high number of insertion and substitution errors. Over 70% of the
observed insertions were caused by the digit models “oh” and “eight”. With the proposed
median smoothing technique both the insertion and substitution errors were dramatically
reduced resulting in an improved recognition performance.
5. Discussion
The experimental results reported here suggest that DUET might be used as an effective
front-end for missing data speech recognition. Its simplicity, robustness and easy integration
into existing ASR architecture are the main compelling arguments for the proposed model.
It also fundamentally differs from other multi-channel approaches in the way it makes use
of spatial information. Instead of filtering the corrupted signal to retrieve the sources
(McCowan et al., 2000; Low et al., 2004, Seltzer et al., 2004a) the time-frequency plane is
partitioned into disjoint regions each assigned to a particular source.
A key aspect of the model is the histogram peak detection. Here, we assumed prior
knowledge about the number of speakers which should equal the number of peaks in the
histogram. However, for a high number of simultaneous speakers the sparseness
assumption becomes increasingly unrealistic and as a consequence sometimes histogram
peaks are not pronounced enough in the data set. Forcing the peak detection algorithm to
find an inadequate number of peaks will produce false localization results. Ultimately, the
algorithm should be able to automatically detect the number of sources visible in the data
which is usually denoted as unsupervised clustering. This would indeed make the source
separation more autonomous and truly blind. However, unsupervised clustering is a
considerably more difficult problem and is still an active field of research (Grira et al., 2004).
Other attempts to directly cluster the attenuation and delay distributions using a statistical
framework have been reported elsewhere (Araki et al., 2007; Mandel et al., 2006) and would
lead to probabilistic mask interpretations.
A point of concern is the microphone distance that was kept very small to avoid phase
ambiguities (Yilmaz & Rickard, 2004). Clearly, this limits the influence of the attenuation
parameter (see Fig. 2a). Rickard (2007) has offered two extensions to overcome the small
sensor spacing by using phase differentials or tiled histograms. Another option to consider
Time-Frequency Masking: Linking Blind Source Separation and Robust Speech Recognition 77
is the use of multiple microphone pairs or sensor arrays allowing for full three-dimensional
source localization (Araki et al., 2006; Araki et al., 2007).
While the proposed median smoothing was highly successful in reducing spurious points in
the time-frequency masks the filter was applied as a post-processing step only. Other more
sophisticated methods that incorporate neighborhood information already into the mask
assignment or the peak detection itself might be more appropriate. In particular, Markov
Random Fields (Li, 2001) have been quite successful in the field of image processing but
tend to be more complex and demanding in terms of computational resources. Other
schemes for incorporating neighborhood information into clustering or mixture model
learning are also readily available (Ambroise et al., 1997; Chuang et al., 2006). The advantage
of the proposed post-processing scheme lies in its simplicity and relatively fast computation.
Nevertheless, careful selection of the size of the median filter is required as otherwise the
filter tends to remove too much energy of the target signal.
In regards to related work the overall architecture of our system is in line with previously
proposed binaural CASA models. However, the DUET separation framework differs in
some key aspects as it models human hearing mechanisms to a much lesser degree. Whereas
Harding et al. (2006) and Roman et al. (2003) perform mask estimation for each critical band
using supervised learning techniques, DUET blindly estimates these masks based on a
simple frequency independent classification of attenuation and delay parameters. The
spatial cues are extracted from STFT ratios which offer significant speedups over
computationally expensive cross-correlation functions commonly used to compute binaural
ITDs (see also Kim & Kil (2007) for an efficient method of binaural ITD estimation using
zero-crossings). More importantly, Roman et al. (2003) need to recalibrate their system for
each new spatial source configuration which is not required in our model. DUET also
directly operates on the mixture signals and does not employ Head-Related-Transfer-
Functions (HRTFs) or gammatone filterbanks for spectral analysis. However, we expect
supervised source localization schemes to outperform DUET’s simple histogram peak
detection when angular separation angles between sources are small (0°-15°).
In terms of ASR performance we achieved comparable results to Roman et al. (2003), in that
the estimated masks matched the performance of the oracle masks. Recognition accuracy
remained close to the upper bound for up to three simultaneous speech maskers. While
other studies (Roman et al., 2003; Mandel et al., 2006) have reported inferior localization
performance of DUET even for anechoic, two or three source configurations we can not
confirm these observations based on the experimental results discussed here. Mandel et al.
(2006) offer a possible explanation for this discrepancy by stating that DUET was designed
for a closely spaced omni-directional microhone pair and not the dummy head recordings
used in binaural models.
Finally, we acknowledge that the results presented here were obtained under ideal
conditions that met most of the requirements of the DUET algorithm. In particular the noise-
free and anechoic environment can be considered as strong simplifications of real acoustic
scenes and it is expected that under more realistic conditions the parameter estimation using
DUET will fail. Future work is required to make the estimators more robust in hostile
environments. To this extent, it is also tempting to combine the DUET parameters with other
localization methods (Kim & Kil, 2007) or non-spatial features such as harmonicity cues (Hu
& Wang, 2004). However, the integration of additional cues into the framework outlined
here remains a topic for future research.
78 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
6. Conclusion
This chapter has investigated the DUET blind source separation technique as a front-end for
missing data speech recognition in anechoic multi-talker environments. Using the DUET
attenuation and delay estimators time-frequency masks were constructed by exploiting the
sparseness property of speech in the frequency domain. The obtained masks were then
smoothed with a median filter to remove spurious points that can cause insertion errors in
the speech decoder. Finally, the frequency resolution was reduced by applying a triangular
mel-filter weighting which makes the masks more suitable for speech recognition purposes.
The experimental evaluation showed that the proposed model is able to retain high
recognition performance in the presence of multiple competing speakers. For up to three
simultaneous speech maskers the estimated soft masks closely matched the recognition
performance of the oracle masks designed with a priori knowledge of the source spectra. In
our future work we plan to extend the system to handle reverberant environments through
the use of multiple sensor pairs and by combining the T-F masking framework with spatial
filtering techniques that can enhance the speech signal prior to recognition.
7. Acknowledgments
This work was supported in part by The University of Western Australia, Australia and in
part by National ICT Australia (NICTA). NICTA is funded through the Australian
Government’s Backing Australia’s Ability Initiative, in part through the Australian Research
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1. Introduction
Over the last few years, advances in automatic speech recognition (ASR) have motivated the
development of several commercial applications. Automatic dictation systems and voice
dialing applications, for instance, are becoming ever more common. Despite significant
advances, one is still far from the goal of unlimited speech recognition, i.e., recognition of
any word, spoken by any person, in any place, and by using any acquisition and
transmission system. In real applications, the speech signal can be contaminated by different
sources of distortion. In hands-free devices, for instance, effects of reverberation and
background noise are significantly intensified with the larger distance between the speaker
and the microphone. If such distortions are uncompensated, the accuracy of ASR systems is
severely hampered (Droppo & Acero, 2008). In the open literature, several research works
have been proposed aiming to cope with the harmful effects of reverberation and noise in
ASR applications (de la Torre et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2008). Summarizing, current
approaches focusing on ASR robustness to reverberation and noise can be classified as
model adaptation, robust parameterization, and speech enhancement.
The goal of this chapter is to provide the reader with an overview of the current state of the
art about ASR robustness to reverberation and noise, as well as to discuss the use of a
particular speech enhancement approach trying to circumvent this problem. For such, we
choose to use spectral subtraction, which has been proposed in the literature to enhance
speech degraded by reverberation and noise (Boll, 1979; Lebart & Boucher, 1998; Habets,
2004). Moreover, taking into consideration that ASR systems share similar concerns about
this problem, such an approach has also been applied successfully as a preprocessing stage
in these applications.
This chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 characterizes the reverberation and noise
effects over speech parameters. An overview of methods to compensate reverberation and
noise in ASR systems is briefly discussed in Section 3, including classification and
comparison between different approaches. A discussion of spectral subtraction applied to
reverberation reduction is presented in Section 4. In that section we examine how to adjust
the parameters of the algorithm; we also analyze the sensitivity to estimation errors and
changes in the room response. The combined effect of reverberation and noise is also
assessed. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 5.
82 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
y ( n ) = x( n ) ∗ h( n ) (1)
where y(n) represents the degraded speech signal, x( n), the original (without degradation)
speech signal, h(n) denotes the room impulse response, and ∗ characterizes the linear
convolution operation.
In this approach, room reverberation is completely characterized by the RIR. Fig. 1 shows a
typical impulse response measured in a room. A RIR can be usually separated into three
parts: the direct response, initial reflections, and late reverberation. The amount of energy
and delay of each reflection causes different psychoacoustic effects. Initial reflections (or
early reverberation) are acoustically integrated by the ears, reinforcing the direct sound.
Since initial reflections do not present a flat spectrum, a coloration of the speech spectrum
occurs (Huang et al., 2008). Late reverberation (or reverberation tail) causes a different effect
called overlap masking. Speech signals exhibit a natural dynamics with regions presenting
noticeably different energy levels, as occurs between vowels and consonants. Reverberation
tail reduces this dynamics, smearing the energy over a large interval and masking lower
energy sounds.
It is worth to examine here a real-world example. Fig. 2(a) and (b) illustrate, respectively, the
speech signal corresponding to the utterance “enter fifty one” and the associated
spectrogram. Notice in these figures the mentioned dynamics in time and the clear harmonic
structure with speech resonances marked by darker lines in the spectrogram [see Fig. 2(b)].
Reverberation is artificially incorporated to the original speech signal, by convolving this
speech segment with the RIR displayed in Fig. 1. Fig. 2(c) and (d) show, respectively, the
reverberant version and the corresponding spectrogram. Now, observe in Fig. 2(c) that the
signal is smeared in time, with virtually no gap between phonemes. In addition, notice the
difficulty to identify the resonances in Fig. 2(d).
So, how to measure the level of reverberation or how to assess the acoustic quality of a
room? Much research has been carried out to define objective parameters correlated with
the overall quality and subjective impression exhibited by a room. In this chapter, we
present two important parameters used to measure the level of reverberation of an
enclosure: reverberation time and early to late energy ratio.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 2. Reverberation effect over a speech signal. (a) Original speech signal corresponding to
the utterance “enter fifty one” and (b) associated spectrogram. (c) Reverberated version of
the same previous signal and (d) corresponding spectrogram.
Reverberation time (T60 , RT60 or RT 60) is defined as the time interval required for the
reverberation to decay 60 dB from the level of a reference sound. It is physically associated
with the room dimensions as well as with the acoustic properties of wall materials. The
84 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
measurement of the reverberation time is computed through the decay curve obtained from
the RIR energy (Everest, 2001). The result can be expressed in terms of either a broadband
measure or a set of values corresponding to frequency-dependent reverberation times (for
example, RT500 corresponds to the reverberation time at the frequency band centered in
500 Hz). To give the reader an idea of typical values, office rooms present T60 between
200 ms and 600 ms while large churches can exhibit T60 in the order of 3 s (Everest, 2001).
Another objective indicator of speech intelligibility or music clarity is called early to late
energy ratio (speech) or clarity index (music) (Chesnokov & SooHoo, 1998), which is defined
CT = 10 log 10
∫ 0
p 2 (t )
p 2 (t )
where p(t ) denotes the instantaneous acoustic pressure and T is the time instant
considered as the threshold between early and late reverberation. For speech intelligibility
evaluation, it is usual to consider C50 (T = 50 ms), while C80 is a measure for music clarity
(Chesnokov & SooHoo, 1998).
Now, considering the separation between early and late reverberation, h(n) can be
expressed as
⎧0, n<0
h( n) = ⎨ hd ( n), 0 ≤ n ≤ N d (3)
⎪ h (n), n > N
⎩ r d
where hd ( n ) denotes the part of the impulse response corresponding to the direct response
plus early reverberation, hr ( n ), the other part of the response relating to the late
reverberation, N d = f s T is the number of samples of the response hd ( n), and f s , the
considered sampling rate.
Besides reverberation, sound is also subjected to degradation by additive noise. Noise
sources, such as fans, motors, among others, may compete with the signal source in an
enclosure. Thus, we should also include the noise effect over the degraded signal model
y( n ), rewriting (1) now as
reinforcing the speech signal and reducing reverberation and noise from other directions.
Although an increase in recognition rate is achieved for noisy speech, the same good effect is
not attained for reverberant speech, because conventional microphone array algorithms
assume that the target and the undesired signals are uncorrelated (not true for
reverberation). In a recent approach, called likelihood maximizing beamforming
(LIMABEAM) (Seltzer et al., 2004), the beamforming algorithm is driven by the speech
recognition engine. This approach has demonstrated a potential advantage over standard
beamforming techniques for ASR applications.
Methods based on inverse filtering have two processing stages: estimation of the impulse
responses between the source and each microphone and application of a deconvolution
operation. Among other approaches, estimation can be carried out by cepstral techniques
(Bees et al., 1991) or a grid of zeros (Pacheco & Seara, 2005); however, some practical
difficulties have been noted in real applications, impairing the correct working of these
techniques. Regarding the inversion of the RIR, an efficient approach is proposed by
Radlović & Kennedy (2000), which overcomes the drawbacks due to nonminimum phase
characteristics present in real-world responses.
Another interesting approach is presented by Gillespie et al. (2001), in which characteristics
of the speech signal are used for improving the dereverberation process. There, the authors
have demonstrated that the residue from a linear prediction analysis of clean speech exhibits
peaks at each glottal pulse while those ones are dispersed in reverberant speech. An
adaptive filter can be used for minimizing this dispersion (measured by kurtosis), reducing
the reverberation effect. The same algorithm is also used as a first stage of processing by Wu
& Wang (2006), showing satisfactory results for reducing reverberation effects when T60 is
between 0.2 and 0.4 s.
The harmonic structure of the speech signal can be used in harmonicity based
dereveberation (HERB) (Nakatani et al., 2007). In this approach, it is assumed that the
original signal is preserved at multiples of the fundamental frequency, and so an estimate of
room response can be obtained. The main drawback of this technique is the amount of data
needed for achieving a good estimate.
Spectral subtraction is another speech enhancement technique, which will be discussed in
details in Section 4.
consider slow variations in spectrum, which is verified when a frame size in the order of
200 ms is used. ASR assessments have shown that such approaches improve the recognition
accuracy for moderately reverberant conditions (Kingsbury, 1998).
An alternative parameterization technique, named missing feature approach (Palomäki et
al., 2004; Raj & Stern, 2005), suggests representing the input signal in a time-frequency grid.
Unreliable or missing cells (due to degradation) are identified and discarded or even
replaced by an estimate of the clean signal. In the case of reverberation, reliable cells are
those in which the direct signal and initial reflections are stronger. Training is carried out
with clean speech and there is no need to keep retraining acoustic models for each kind of
degradation. So, the identification of unreliable cells is performed only during recognition.
A considerable improvement in the recognition rate may be attained; however, to obtain
such identification of cells is a very hard task in practice.
4. Spectral subtraction
Spectral subtraction is a well-known speech enhancement technique, which is part of the
class of short-time spectral amplitude (STSA) methods (Kondoz, 2004). What makes spectral
subtraction attractive is its simplicity and low computational complexity, being
advantageous for platforms with limited resources (Droppo & Acero, 2008).
4.1 Algorithm
Before introducing spectral subtraction as a dereverberation approach, we shall review its
original formulation as a noise reduction technique. Disregarding the effect of reverberation,
a noisy signal in (4) can be expressed in frequency domain as
88 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Y ( k ) = X( k ) + V ( k ) (5)
where Y(k), X(k), and V(k) denote the short-time discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of y(n),
x(n) and v(n), respectively. The central idea of spectral subtraction is to recover x(n)
modifying only the magnitude of Y(k). The process can be described as a spectral filtering
ν ν
Xˆ ( k ) = G( k ) Y ( k ) (6)
where ν denotes the spectral order, Xˆ ( k ) is the DFT of the enhanced signal xˆ (n), and G( k )
is a gain function.
Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of a general procedure of spectral subtraction. The noisy signal
y(n) is windowed and its DFT is computed. The gain function is then estimated by using
the current noisy magnitude samples, the previous enhanced magnitude signal and the
noise statistics. Note that the phase of Y( k ) [represented by ∠Y ( k )] remains unchanged,
being an input to the inverse DFT (IDFT) block. The enhanced signal is obtained associating
the enhanced magnitude and the phase of Y ( k ), processing them by the IDFT block along
with an overlap-and-add operation; the latter to compensate for the windowing.
2 2
Xˆ ( k ) = Y ( k ) − Vˆ ( k )
or even
Xˆ ( k ) = G( k ) Y ( k )
⎧ 1
⎪1 − , SNR(k ) > 1
G( k ) = ⎨ SNR( k ) (9)
⎪0, otherwise
SNR( k ) = 2
Vˆ ( k )
where SNR( k ) is the a posteriori signal-to-noise ratio and Vˆ ( k ) is the noise estimate.
Although necessary to prevent Xˆ ( k ) from being negative, the clamping introduced by the
conditions in (9) causes some drawbacks. Note that gains are estimated for every frame and at
each frequency index independently. Observing the distribution of these gains in a
time-frequency grid, one notes that neighbor cells may display varying levels of attenuation.
This irregularity over the gain gives rise to tones at random frequencies that appear and
disappear rapidly (Droppo & Acero, 2008), leading to an annoying effect called musical noise.
More elaborate estimates for G( k ) are proposed in the literature, aiming to reduce musical
noise. An improved approach to estimate the required gain is introduced by Berouti et al.
(1979), which is given by
⎧ 1 ⎫
ν ⎤ν
⎪⎡ ⎪
⎪⎢ ⎛ 1 ⎞ 2 ⎥ ⎪
G( k ) = max ⎨ ⎢1 − α ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ , β⎬ (11)
⎪⎢ ⎝ SNR( k ) ⎠ ⎥ ⎪
⎪⎣ ⎦ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
where α and β are, respectively, the oversubtraction and spectral floor factors. The
oversubtraction factor controls the reduction of residual noise. Lower levels of noise are
attained with higher α ; however, if α is too large, the speech signal will be distorted
(Kondoz, 2004). The spectral floor factor works to reduce the musical noise, smearing it over
a wider frequency band (Kondoz, 2004). A trade-off in β choice is also required. If β is too
large, other undesired artifacts become more evident.
It is important to point out that speech distortion and residual noise cannot be reduced
simultaneously. Moreover, parameter adjustment is dependent on the application. It has
been determined experimentally that a good trade-off between noise reduction and speech
quality is achieved with power spectral subtraction ( ν = 2) by using α between 4 and 8,
and β = 0.1 (Kondoz, 2004). This set-up is considered adequate for human listeners, since, as a
general rule, human beings can tolerate some distortion, but are sensitive to fatigue caused by
noise. We shall show in Section 4.4 that ASR systems usually are more susceptible to speech
distortion, and so α < 1 could be a better choice for reducing the recognition error rate.
n n+A
ry (A ) ≡ ry (n, n + A) = E[ y(n)y(n + A )] = E[ ∑ x( k )h(n − k ) ∑ x(m)h(n + A − m)]. (12)
k =−∞ m =−∞
Given the nature of the speech signal and of the RIR, one can consider x(n) and h(n) as
independent statistical processes. Thus,
n n+A
ry (A) = ∑ ∑ E[ x( k )x(m)]E[ h(n − k )h(n + A − m)]. (13)
k =−∞ m =−∞
where w(n ) represents a white zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance σ2w , u(n) denotes
the unit step function, and τ is a damping constant related to the reverberation time, which
is expressed as (Lebart & Boucher, 1998)
3ln 10
τ= . (15)
Thus, the second r.h.s. term in (13) is written as
ry (A ) = e −2 τn ∑ E[x( k )x( k + A)]σ2w e2 τk . (17)
k =−∞
Now, considering the threshold N d , defined in (3), one can split the summation in (17) into
two parts. Thereby,
n− Nd n
ry ( A ) = e −2 τn ∑ E[ x( k )x( k + A )]σ 2w e 2 τk + e −2 τn ∑ E[ x( k )x( k + A )]σ 2w e 2 τk . (18)
k =−∞ k =n− Nd + 1
In addition, the autocorrelation of the y(n) signal, computed between the samples n − N d
and n − Nd + A , can be written as
n − Nd
ry (n − Nd , n − Nd + A) = e−2 τ( n−Nd ) ∑ E[x( k)x( k + A)]σ2w e2τk . (19)
k =−∞
Dereverberation and Denoising Techniques for ASR Applications 91
Then, from (18), the autocorrelation between the samples n and n + A is given by
ryd ( n , n + A ) = e −2 τn ∑ E[ x( k )x( k + A )]σ 2w e 2 τk (22)
k =n− Nd +1
where ryr (n , n + A) and ryd ( n , n + A ) are the autocorrelation functions associated with the
signals yr (n) and yd (n), respectively. Signal yr (n) is related to the late reverberation, as a
result of the convolution of hr (n) and x( n). Variable yd ( n ) is associated with the direct
signal and initial reflections, being obtained through the convolution of hd ( n ) and x(n) .
Now, from (20), the short-time power spectral density (PSD) of the degraded signal Sy (n , k )
is expressed as
where Syr (n, k) and Syd ( n , k ) are the PSDs corresponding to the signals yr (n) and yd (n),
respectively. From (21), the estimated value Syr (n , k ) is obtained by weighting and delaying
the PSD of the degraded speech signal. Thus,
Then, assuming that yd ( n ) and yr (n) are uncorrelated, the late reverberant signal can be
treated as an additive noise, and the direct signal can be recovered through spectral
In this chapter, instead of evaluating a specific algorithm we opt to assess the sensitivity of an
ASR system to errors in the estimate of T60. Experimental results showing the performance of
spectral subtraction algorithm under such errors are presented in the next section.
1In Brazilian Portuguese, it is common to speak “meia” for representing the number six. It is
short for “meia dúzia” (half a dozen).
Dereverberation and Denoising Techniques for ASR Applications 93
The results of the speech recognition task are presented in terms of the sentence error rate
(SER), defined as
SER(%) = 100 (25)
where Ne is the number of sentences incorrectly recognized, and Ns is the total number of
sentences in the test (250 in this evaluation). We have decided to use SER since for digit
string recognition (phone numbers, in our case) an error in a single digit renders ineffective
the result for the whole string. Note that SER is always greater than or equal to the word
error rate (WER).
For the original speech data, SER is equal to 4%. For the reverberant data, obtained by the
convolution of the original speech with the RIRs, SER increases to 64.4%, 77.6%, and 93.6%
for Room #1, Room #2 and Room #3, respectively. This result reinforces the importance of
coping with reverberation effects in ASR systems.
In order to evaluate spectral subtraction applied to reducing reverberation in ASR systems,
we present the following simulation experiments:
i) Selection of oversubtraction factor and spectral floor factor β. Here, we verify the best
combination of parameters considering a speech recognition application.
ii) Sensitivity to errors in the estimate of T60. Since an exact estimation of reverberation time
could be difficult, we assess here the sensitivity of ASR to such errors.
iii) Effect of RIR variation. We evaluate the effect of speaker movement, which implies
changes in the RIR.
iv) Effect of both reverberation and noise over ASR performance. In real enclosures,
reverberation is usually associated with additive noise. We also assess this effect here.
Fig. 4. Variation in SER as a function of α for β = 0.2 and the corresponding T60 .
(a) Room #1. (b) Room #2. (c) Room #3.
Dereverberation and Denoising Techniques for ASR Applications 95
value from 0.3 to 1.3 s using steps of 0.2 s. Fig. 6 presents the SER in terms of such a
variation. Ideally, the method should be less sensitive to errors in the estimation of T60 ,
since a blind estimate is very cost demanding in practice. Achieved results point out that
even for an inaccurate estimate of T60 , the performance degradation is still tolerable.
Fig. 5. Variation in SER as a function of β , keeping α = 0.7 and the corresponding T60 .
(a) Room #1. (b) Room #2. (c) Room #3.
96 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Fig. 6. Variation of SER as a function of T60 using α = 0.7 and β = 0.2. (a) Room #1.
(b) Room #2. (c) Room #3.
this configuration, eight different RIRs are obtained. A set of reverberated audio signals is
determined convolving each room response with the input signals from the test set. The
spectral subtraction algorithm is configured with α = 0.7, β = 0.2, and T60 = 0.68 s.
Results are presented in Table 2. Regarding the column “without processing”, we observe
that even small changes in the speaker position affect the ASR performance.
SER (%)
Test condition
Without Spectral
processing subtraction
Reference response 64.4 41.2
− 0.50 m 64.4 44.8
Fig. 7. Ground plan of the room showing speaker and microphone positions (dimensions
in m). Speaker position is shifted with a 0.25 m step.
SER (%)
Test condition
Without Spectral
processing subtraction
Table 3 shows the SER values. Column “without processing” presents the deleterious effect
of reverberation and noise over the speech recognition performance. Error rate increases
significantly as SNR decreases.
With spectral subtraction, the error is reduced for all considered situations, although it is
still high for the worst noise settings. Apart from that, we do not observe any kind of
instability, seen in some other approaches.
5. Concluding remarks
This chapter has characterized effects of reverberation and noise over ASR system
performance. We have shown the importance of coping with such degradations in order to
improve ASR performance in real applications. A brief overview of current dereverberation
and denoising approaches has been addressed, classifying methods according to the point of
operation in the speech recognition chain. The use of spectral subtraction applied to
dereverberation and denoising in ASR systems has been discussed, giving rise to a
consistent formulation to treat this impacting problem. We assessed the used approach
considering the sentence error rate over a digit string recognition task, showing that the
recognition rate can be significantly improved by using spectral subtraction. The impact on
the choice of algorithm parameters has been assessed under different environmental
conditions for performance. Finally, it is important to mention that reverberation and noise
problems in ASR systems continue to be a challenging subject for the signal processing
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1. Introduction
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have been widely used to model speech signals for speech
recognition. However, they cannot precisely model the time dependency of feature
parameters. In order to overcome this limitation, several researchers have proposed
extensions, such as segmental unit input HMM (Nakagawa & Yamamoto, 1996). Segmental
unit input HMM has been widely used for its effectiveness and tractability. In segmental
unit input HMM, the immediate use of several successive frames as an input vector
inevitably increases the number of dimensions. The concatenated vectors may have strong
correlations among dimensions, and may include nonessential information. In addition,
high-dimensional data require a heavy computational load. Therefore, to reduce
dimensionality, a feature transformation method is often applied. Linear discriminant
analysis (LDA) is widely used to reduce dimensionality and a powerful tool to preserve
discriminative information. LDA assumes each class has the same class covariance.
However, this assumption does not necessarily hold for a real data set. In order to remove
this limitation, several methods have been proposed. Heteroscedastic linear discriminant
analysis (HLDA) could deal with unequal covariances because the maximum likelihood
estimation was used to estimate parameters for different Gaussians with unequal
covariances. Heteroscedastic discriminant analysis (HDA) was proposed as another
objective function, which employed individual weighted contributions of the classes. The
effectiveness of these methods for some data sets has been experimentally demonstrated.
However, it is difficult to find one particular criterion suitable for any kind of data set. In
this chapter we show that these three methods have a strong mutual relationship, and
provide a new interpretation for them. Then, we present a new framework that we call
power linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) (Sakai et al., 2007), which can describe various
criteria including the discriminant analyses with one control parameter. Because PLDA can
describe various criteria for dimensionality reduction, it can flexibly adapt to various
environments such as a noisy environment. Thus, PLDA can provide robustness to a speech
recognizer in realistic environments. Moreover, the presented technique can combine a
discriminative training, such as maximum mutual information (MMI) and minimum phone
error (MPE). Experimental results show the effectiveness of the presented technique.
104 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
2. Notations
This chapter uses the following notation: capital bold letters refer to matrices, e.g., A, bold
letters refer to vectors, e.g., b, and scalars are not bold, e.g., c. Where submatrices are used
they are indicated, for example, by A [p ] , this is an n× p matrix. AT is the transpose of the
matrix, |A| is the determinant of the matrix, and tr(A) is the trace of the matrix.
We let the function f of a symmetric positive definite matrix A equal
U diag ( f (λ1 ), " , f (λn )) UT = U( f (Λ )) UT , where A = U Λ UT , U denotes the matrix of n
eigenvectors, and Λ denotes the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, λi 's. We may define the
function f as some power or the logarithm of A.
P (o 1 , " , oT ) = ∑∏ P (o |o ," , o
q i
i 1 i − 1 , q1 ," , qi )× P (q i |q 1 , " , q i − 1 ) (1)
≈ ∑∏ P (o |o
q i
i i − ( d − 1 ) , " , o i −1 , q i ) P (qi |qi−1 ) (2)
≈ ∑∏ P (o
q i
i − (d − 1 ) , " , o i |q i )P (qi |qi − 1 ) , (3)
where T denotes the length of input sequence and d denotes the number of successive
frames used in probability calculation at a current frame. The immediate use of several
successive frames as an input vector inevitably increases the number of parameters. When
the number of dimensions increases, several problems generally occur: heavier
computational load and larger memory are required, and the accuracy of parameter
estimation degrades. Therefore, to reduce dimensionality, feature transformation methods,
e.g., principal component analysis (PCA), LDA, HLDA or HDA, are often used (Nakagawa
& Yamamoto, 1996; Haeb-Umbach & Ney, 1992; Kumar & Andreou, 1998; Saon et al., 2000).
Here, we briefly review LDA, HLDA and HDA, and then investigate the effectiveness of
these methods for some artificial data sets.
find a transformation matrix B[ p ] ∈ ℜn× p that projects these feature vectors to p-dimensional
feature vectors z j ∈ ℜ p ( j = 1,2 ," , N ) (p < n), where z j = B[Tp ]x j , and N denotes the number
of all features.
Within-class and between-class covariance matrices are defined as follows (Fukunaga, 1990):
Feature Transformation Based on Generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis 105
∑ ∑ (x − μ k )( x j − μ k )
c T
Σw = j
N k =1 x j∈Dk
= ∑ Pk Σ k , (4)
k =1
Σb = ∑ Pk ( μk − μ )( μk − μ ) ,
k =1
where c denotes the number of classes, Dk denotes the subset of feature vectors labeled as
class k, μ is the mean vector of all features, μ k is the mean vector of the class k, Σ k is the
covariance matrix of the class k, and Pk is the class weight, respectively.
There are several ways to formulate objective functions for multi-class data (Fukunaga,
1990). Typical objective functions are the following:
B[Tp ] Σb B[ p ]
J LDA ( B[ p ] ) = , (6)
B[Tp ] Σ w B[ p ]
B[Tp ] Σt B[ p ]
J LDA ( B[ p ] ) = , (7)
B[Tp ] Σ w B[ p ]
where Σt denotes the covariance matrix of all features, namely a total covariance, which
equals Σ b + Σ w .
LDA finds a transformation matrix B[ p ] that maximizes Eqs. (6) or (7). The optimum
transformations of (6) and (7) result in the same transformation.
⎡ B[Tp ] μk ⎤
μˆ k = ⎢ ⎥, (8)
⎣ B[ n− p ] μ ⎦
⎡ B[Tp ] Σ k B[ p ] 0 ⎤
Σˆ k = ⎢ ⎥, (9)
⎣ 0 B T
[ n− p ]
Σt B[ n− p ] ⎦
[ ]
where B = B[ p ]|B[ n− p ] and B[ n− p ] ∈ ℜn×( n− p ) .
Kumar et al. incorporated the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for differently
distributed Gaussians. An HLDA objective function is derived as follows (Kumar &
Andreou, 1998):
B 1
J HLDA ( B ) = N c
. (10)
Σt B[ n− p ]
B [ n− p ]
[ p]
Σ k B[ p ]
k =1
N k denotes the number of features of class k. The solution to maximize Eq. (10) is not
analytically obtained. Therefore, its maximization is performed using a numerical
optimization technique.
⎛ B[Tp ] Σb B[ p ] ⎞
J HDA ( B[ p ] ) = ∏ ⎜ T
⎟ (11)
k =1 ⎜ B ⎟
⎝ [ p ] Σ k B[ p ] ⎠
B[Tp ] Σb B[ p ]
= c Nk
. (12)
[ p]
Σ k B[ p ]
do not always classify the given data set appropriately. All results show that the
separabilities of LDA and HDA depend significantly on data sets.
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Examples of dimensionality reduction by LDA, HDA and PLDA.
BT Σt B = BT Σb B + BT Σ w B (13)
= ∑ Pk ( μˆ k − μˆ )( μˆ k − μˆ ) + ∑ Pk Σˆ k
k k
⎡ B[Tp ] Σt B[ p ] 0 ⎤
=⎢ ⎥, (15)
⎣ 0 B[Tn− p ] Σt B[ n− p ] ⎦
where μˆ = BT μ .
The determinant of this is
108 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
B[Tp ] Σb B[ p ] Σ b
J LDA ( B[ p ] ) = = , (18)
B[Tp ] Σ w B[ p ] c
∑ Pk Σ k
k =1
Σ b
B[Tp ] Σb B[ p ]
J HDA ( B[ p ] ) = c Nk
∝ c
, (19)
k =1
B[Tp ] Σ k B[ p ] ∏ Σ kP k
k =1
~ ~
where Σb = B[Tp ]Σ bB[ p ] and Σ k = B[Tp ]Σ k B[ p ] are between-class and class k covariance matrices
in the projected p-dimensional space, respectively.
Both numerators denote determinants of the between-class covariance matrix. In Eq. (18),
the denominator can be viewed as a determinant of the weighted arithmetic mean of the class
covariance matrices. Similarly, in Eq. (19), the denominator can be viewed as a determinant
of the weighted geometric mean of the class covariance matrices. Thus, the difference between
LDA and HDA is the definitions of the mean of the class covariance matrices. Moreover, to
replace their numerators with the determinants of the total covariance matrices, the
difference between LDA and HLDA is the same as the difference between LDA and HDA.
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , m ) = 1m
, (20)
⎛ c P Σ m ⎞
⎜∑ k k ⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
Feature Transformation Based on Generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis 109
~ ~ ~
where Σn ∈ Σb , Σt , Σt = B[Tp ]Σt B[ p ] , and m is a control parameter. By varying the control
parameter m, the proposed objective function can represent various criteria. Some typical
objective functions are enumerated below.
• m=2 (root mean square)
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , 2 ) = 12
. (21)
⎛ c P Σ 2 ⎞
⎜∑ k k ⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] ,1) = c
= J LDA ( B[ p ] ) . (22)
∑ P Σ
k =1
k k
• m → 0 (geometric mean)
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , 0 ) = c Pk
∝ J HDA ( B[ p ] ) . (23)
∏ Σ k
k =1
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , −1) = −1
. (24)
⎛ c P Σ −1 ⎞
⎜∑ k k ⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
The following equations are also obtained under a particular condition.
• m→∞
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , ∞ ) = . (25)
max Σ k
• m → −∞
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , −∞ ) = . (26)
Σ k
Intuitively, as m becomes larger, the classes with larger variances become dominant in the
denominator of Eq. (20). Conversely, as m becomes smaller, the classes with smaller
variances become dominant.
We call this new discriminant analysis formulation Power Linear Discriminant Analysis
(PLDA). Fig. 1 (c) shows that PLDA with m=10 can have a higher separability for a data set
110 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
with which LDA and HDA have lower separability. To maximize the PLDA objective
function with respect to B, we can use numerical optimization techniques such as the
Nelder-Mead method or the SANN method. These methods need no derivatives of the
objective function. However, it is known that these methods converge slowly. In some
special cases below, using a matrix differential calculus, the derivatives of the objective
function are obtained. Hence, we can use some fast convergence methods, such as the quasi-
Newton method and conjugate gradient method.
log J PLDA ( B[ p ] , m ) = 2Σ n B[ p ] Σ −n1 − 2D m , (27)
∂B[ p ]
⎧ c m
⎪m ∑
k =1
Pk Σ k B[ p ]
j =1
X m , j , k , if m > 0
⎪⎪ c
Dm =⎨ ∑
⎪ k =1
Pk Σ k B [ p ] Σ −k 1 , if m = 0
⎪ c m
⎪ 1
⎪ −
⎪⎩ m k =1
∑ P Σ B
k k [ p]
j =1
Ym , j , k , otherwise
~ m− j ⎛ ~ ⎞⎟ ~ j −1
X m, j ,k = Σk ⎜
∑l =1
Pl Σ m
Σk ,
~ m + j − 1 ⎛⎜ ~ ⎞⎟ ~ − j
Ym , j , k = Σk
∑ l =1
Pl Σ m
Σk .
This equation can be used for acoustic models with full covariance.
4.3.2 Σ k constrained to be diagonal
Because of computational simplicity, the covariance matrix of class k is often assumed to be
diagonal (Kumar & Andreou, 1998; Saon et al., 2000). Since a diagonal matrix multiplication
is commutative, the derivatives of the PLDA objective function are simplified as follows:
Σ n
J PLDA ( B[ p ] , m ) = 1m
, (28)
⎛ c P diag (Σ ) m ⎞
⎜∑ k ⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
Feature Transformation Based on Generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis 111
log J PLDA ( B[ p ] , m ) = 2Σ n B[ p ] Σ n−1 − 2Fm G m , (29)
∂B[ p ]
Fm = ∑ Pk Σ k B[ p ] diag (Σ k ) m−1 , (30)
k =1
G m = ⎛⎜ ∑ Pk diag (Σ k ) m ⎞⎟ ,
⎝ k =1 ⎠
and diag is an operator which sets zero for off-diagonal elements. In Eq. (28), the control
parameter m can be any real number, unlike in Eq. (27).
When m is equal to zero, the PLDA objective function corresponds to the diagonal HDA
(DHDA) objective function introduced in (Saon et al., 1990).
where ε u indicates an upper bound of ε . In addition, when the pi ( x ) 's are normal with
mean vectors μ i and covariance matrices Σi , the Chernoff bound between class 1 and class
2 becomes
s (1 − s ) 1 Σ12
η 1,2 ( s ) = (μ1 − μ 2 )T Σ12−1 (μ1 − μ 2 ) + ln s 1− s
, (35)
2 2 Σ1 Σ 2
where Σ12 ≡ sΣ1 + (1 − s )Σ 2 . In this case, ε u can be obtained analytically and calculated
rapidly. In Fig. 2, two-dimensional two-class data are projected onto one-dimensional
subspaces by two methods. To compare with their Chernoff bounds, the lower class
separability error is obtained from the projected features by Method 1 as compared with
those by Method 2. In this case, Method 1 preserving the lower class separability error
should be selected.
where I (⋅) denotes an indicator function. We consider the following three formulations as
an indicator function.
⎧1, if j > i,
I (i, j ) = ⎨ (37)
⎩0, otherwise.
Feature Transformation Based on Generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis 113
⎪⎧1, if j = ˆji ,
I (i, j ) = ⎨ (39)
⎪⎩0, otherwise,
where ˆji ≡ arg max ε ui , j .
pλ (O r | sr )κ P ( sr )
FMMI (λ ) = ∑ log , (40)
r =1 ∑ s pλ (Or | s)κ P( s)
114 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where λ is the set of HMM parameters, Or is the r'th training sentence, R denotes the
number of training sentences, κ is an acoustic de-weighting factor which can be adjusted to
improve the test set performance, pλ (Or |s ) is the likelihood given sentence s, and P(s ) is
the language model probability for sentence s. The MMI criterion equals the multiplication
of the posterior probabilities of the correct sentences sr .
FMPE (λ ) = ∑
∑ pλ (O r | s )κ P ( s ) A( s, sr )
, (41)
r =1 ∑ s′ pλ (Or | s′)κ P( s′)
where A(s , sr ) represents the raw phone transcription accuracy of the sentence s given the
correct sentence sr , which equals the number of correct phones minus the number of errors.
7. Experiments
We conducted experiments on CENSREC-3 database (Fujimoto et al., 2006), which is
designed as an evaluation framework for Japanese isolated word recognition in real in-car
environments. Speech data were collected using two microphones: a close-talking (CT)
microphone and a hands-free (HF) microphone. The data recorded with an HF microphone
tend to have higher noise than those recorded with a CT microphone because the HF
microphone is attached to the driver’s sun visor. For training of HMMs, a driver’s speech of
phonetically-balanced sentences was recorded under two conditions: while idling and
driving on city streets under a normal in-car environment. A total of 28,100 utterances
spoken by 293 drivers (202 males and 91 females) were recorded with both microphones.
We used all utterances recorded with CT and HF microphones for training. For evaluation,
we used driver's speech of isolated words recorded with CT and HF microphones under a
normal in-car environment and evaluated 2,646 utterances spoken by 18 speakers (8 males
and 10 females) for each microphone. The speech signals for training and evaluation were
both sampled at 16 kHz.
8. Conclusions
In this chapter we presented a new framework for integrating various criteria to reduce
dimensionality. The framework, termed power linear discriminant analysis, includes LDA,
HLDA and HDA criteria as special cases. Next, an efficient selection method of an optimal
PLDA control parameter was introduced. The method used the Chernoff bound as a
measure of a class separability error, which was the upper bound of the Bayes error. The
experimental results on the CENSREC-3 database demonstrated that segmental unit input
HMM with PLDA gave better performance than the others and that PLDA with a control
parameter selected by the presented efficient selection method yielded sub-optimal
performance with a drastic reduction of computational costs.
9. References
Bahl, L., Brown, P., de Sousa, P. & Mercer, R. (1986). Maximul mutual information
estimation of hidden Markov model parameters for speech recognition, Proceedings
of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 49-52.
Campbell, N. A. (1984). Canonical variate analysis – A general model formulation,
Australian Journal of Statistics, Vol.4, pp. 86-96.
Fujimoto, M., Takeda, K. & Nakamura, S. (2006). CENSREC-3 : An evaluation framework for
Japanese speech recognition in real driving-car environments, IEICE Trans. Inf. &
Syst., Vol. E89-D, pp. 2783-2793.
Fukunaga, K. (1990). Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, Academic Press, New
Haeb-Umbach, R. & Ney, H. (1992). Linear discriminant analysis for improved large
vocabulary continuous speech recognition. Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic
Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 13-16.
Kumar, N. & Andreou, A. G. (1998). Heteroscedastic discriminant analysis and reduced
rank HMMs for improved speech recognition, Speech Communication, pp. 283-297.
Magnus, J. R. & Neudecker, H. (1999). Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in
Statistics and Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons.
Nakagawa, S. & Yamamoto, K. (1996). Evaluation of segmental unit input HMM. Proceedings
of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 439-442.
Povey, D. & Woodland, P. (2002). Minimum phone error and I-smoothing for improved
discriminative training, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic Speech and Signal
Processing, pp. 105-108.
Povey, D. (2003). Discriminative Training for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition, Ph.D. Thesis,
Cambridge University.
Sakai, M., Kitaoka, N. & Nakagawa, S. (2007). Generalization of linear discriminant analysis
used in segmental unit input HMM for speech recognition, Proceedings of IEEE Int.
Conf. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 333-336.
Saon, G., Padmanabhan, M., Gopinath, R. & Chen, S. (2000). Maximum likelihood
discriminant feature spaces, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic Speech and
Signal Processing, pp. 129-132.
Acoustic Modelling
1. Introduction
Improving speech recognition performance in the presence of noise and interference
continues to be a challenging problem. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems work
well when the test and training conditions match. In real world environments there is often
a mismatch between testing and training conditions. Various factors like additive noise,
acoustic echo, and speaker accent, affect the speech recognition performance. Since ASR is a
statistical pattern recognition problem, if the test patterns are unlike anything used to train
the models, errors are bound to occur, due to feature vector mismatch. Various approaches
to robustness have been proposed in the ASR literature contributing to mainly two topics: (i)
reducing the variability in the feature vectors or (ii) modify the statistical model parameters
to suit the noisy condition. While some of the techniques are quite effective, we would like
to examine robustness from a different perspective. Considering the analogy of human
communication over telephones, it is quite common to ask the person speaking to us, to
repeat certain portions of their speech, because we don’t understand it. This happens more
often in the presence of background noise where the intelligibility of speech is affected
significantly. Although exact nature of how humans decode multiple repetitions of speech is
not known, it is quite possible that we use the combined knowledge of the multiple
utterances and decode the unclear part of speech. Majority of ASR algorithms do not
address this issue, except in very specific issues such as pronunciation modeling. We
recognize that under very high noise conditions or bursty error channels, such as in packet
communication where packets get dropped, it would be beneficial to take the approach of
repeated utterances for robust ASR. We have formulated a set of algorithms for both joint
evaluation/decoding for recognizing noisy test utterances as well as utilize the same
formulation for selective training of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), again for robust
performance. Evaluating the algorithms on a speaker independent confusable word Isolated
Word Recognition (IWR) task under noisy conditions has shown significant improvement in
performance over the baseline systems which do not utilize such joint evaluation strategy.
A simultaneous decoding algorithm using multiple utterances to derive one or more
allophonic transcriptions for each word was proposed in [Wu & Gupta, 1999]. The goal of a
120 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
simultaneous decoding algorithm is to find one optimal allophone sequence W* for all input
utterances U1, U2,. . ., Un. Assuming independence among Ui, according to the Bayes
criterion, W* can be computed as
Dealing with multiple speech patterns occurs naturally during the training stage. In most,
the patterns are considered as just independent exemplars of a random process, whose
parameters are being determined. There is some work in the literature to make the ML
training process of statistical model, such as HMM, more robust or better discriminative. For
example, it is more difficult to discriminate between the words “rock” and “rack”, than
between the words “rock” and “elephant”. To address such issues, there has been attempts
to increase the separability among similar confusible classes, using multiple training
In discriminative training, the focus is on increasing the separable distance between the
models, generally their means. Therefore the model is changed. In selective training the
models are not forced to fit the training data, but deemphasizes the data which does not fit
the models well. In [Arslan & Hansen, 1996, Arslan & Hansen, 1999], each training pattern is
selectively weighted by a confidence measure in order to control the influence of outliers,
for accent and language identification application. Adaptation methods for selective
training, where the training speakers close to the test speaker are chosen based on the
likelihood of speaker Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) given the adaptation data, is done
in [Yoshizawa et al., 2001]. By combining precomputed HMM sufficient statistics for the
training data of the selected speakers, the adapted model is constructed. In [Huang et. al,
2004], cohort models close to the test speaker are selected, transformed and combined
linearly. Using the methods in [Yoshizawa et al., 2001, Huang et. al, 2004], it is not possible
to select data from a large data pool, if the speaker label of each utterance is unknown or if
there are only few utterances per speaker. This can be the case when data is collected
automatically, e.g. the dialogue system for public use such as Takemaru-kun [Nishimura et
al., 2003]. Selective training of acoustic models by deleting single patterns from a data pool
temporarily or alternating between successive deletion or addition of patterns has been
proposed in [Cincarek et al., 2005].
In this chapter, we formulate the problem of increasing ASR performance given multiple
utterances (patterns) of the same word. Given K test patterns (K ≥ 2) of a word, we would
like to improve the speech recognition accuracy over a single test pattern, for the case of
both clean and noisy speech. We try to jointly recognize multiple speech patterns such that
the unreliable or corrupt portions of speech are given less weight during recognition while
the clean portions of speech are given a higher weight. We also find the state sequence
which best represents the K patterns. Although the work is done for isolated word
recognition, it can also be extended to connected word and continuous speech recognition.
To the best of our knowledge, the problem that we are formulating has not been addressed
before in speech recognition.
Next, we propose a new method to selectively train HMMs by jointly evaluating multiple
training patterns. In the selective training papers, the outlier patterns are considered
unreliable and are given a very low (or zero) weighting. But it is possible that only some
portions of these outlier data are unreliable. For example, if some training patterns are
affected by burst/transient noise (e.g. bird call) then it would make sense to give a lesser
weighting to only the affected portion. Using the above joint formulation, we propose a new
method to train HMMs by selectively weighting regions of speech such that the unreliable
regions in the patterns are given a lower weight. We introduce the concept of “virtual
training patterns” and the HMM is trained using the virtual training patterns instead of the
122 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
original training data. We thus address all the three main tasks of HMMs by jointly
evaluating multiple speech patterns.
The outline of the chapter is as follows: sections 2 and 3 gives different approaches to solve
the problem of joint recognition of multiple speech patterns. In section 4, the new method of
selectively training HMMs using multiple speech patterns jointly is proposed. Section 5
gives the experimental evaluations for the proposed algorithms, followed by conclusions in
section 6.
Relaxed end pointing can also be introduced as in standard DTW. Various types of Local
Continuity Constraints (LCC) and Global Path Constraints (GPC) as defined for DTW
[Rabiner & Juang, 1993], can be extended to the K dimensional space. The LCC we used is
similar to the simplest Type-1 LCC used in DTW, except that it has K dimensions. The point
(t1, t2, . . . , tK) can be reached from any one of the points (t1 − i1, t2 − i2, . . . , tK − iK) where ik = 0,
1 for k = 1, 2, . . . ,K. This leads to (2K − 1) predecessor paths, excluding the all-zero
combination. One type of GPC for MPDTW when K = 2 is shown in Fig. 2. It can be
extended for any K. For e.g., if K = 3 the GPC will look like a square cylinder around the
The important issue in MPDTW is the distortion measure between patterns being compared.
Since the goal is to minimize an accumulated distortion along the warping path, we define a
positive distortion metric at each end of the node of the grid traversing. We define a joint
distance measure d(t1, t2,. . ., tK) between the K vectors as follows:
124 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
b) Recursion
For 1 ≤ t1 ≤ T1, 1 ≤ t2 ≤ T2,. . ., 1 ≤ tK ≤ TK, such that t1, t2,. . ., tK lie within the allowable grid.
where (t′1, . . . , t’K) are the candidate values as given by the LCC and
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 125
where Ls being
the number of moves in the path from (t′1, . . . , t′K) to (t1, . . . , tK) according to φ1,. . ., φK. A
backtracking pointer I is defined to remember the best local choice in equation 11, which
will be used for the global path backtracking.
c) Termination
Fig. 5. MPDTW path for 3 patterns P1, P2, P3 projected on P1-P2 plane. The first 30% of the
frames (frame number 1 to 27) in P2 is noisy at -15 dB SNR. P1 and P3 are clean.
The least distortion path, referred to as MPDTW path, gives us the most similar non linear
time warping path between them. Let φ be the MPDTW path for K patterns. φ(t) = (t1, . . . ,
tK), where (t1, . . . , tK) is a point on the MPDTW path. φ (1) = (1, . . . , 1) and φ (T) = (T1, . . . ,
TK). So φ = (φ (1), φ (2),. . ., φ (t),. . . , φ (T)).
An example MPDTW path for K = 3 patterns is shown in Fig. 4. A projection of an example
MPDTW path for 3 speech patterns (P1, P2, P3) on the P1-P2 plane is shown in Fig. 5, where
burst noise at -15 dB Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is added to the first 30% in the speech
pattern P2. All the three patterns belong to the word “Voice Dialer” by one female speaker.
The feature vector used to represent speech was Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCC), Δ MFCC, Δ2 MFCC without the energy component (36 dimension vector). Notice
that the initial portion of the MPDTW path has a deviation from the diagonal path but it
comes back to it. Fig. 6 shows the MPDTW path when burst noise at -5 dB SNR is added to
10% frames in the beginning portion of pattern P2. We don’t see too much of a deviation
from the diagonal path. This tells us that the MPDTW algorithm is relatively robust to burst
noise using only 3 patterns (K= 3). This clearly shows that we can use the MPDTWalgorithm
to align K patterns coming from same class even if they are affected by burst/transient
noise. We will use this property to our advantage later.
Fig. 6. MPDTW path for 3 patterns of the word ”Voice Dialer”. The first 10% of pattern P2 is
noisy at -5 dB SNR. Patterns P1 and P3 are clean.
Case 1: Multiple Test Patterns and One Reference Pattern
We have r = 1 and K − r > 1. When the number of test patterns is more than 1, they together
produce a “reinforcing” effect as there is more information. So when the K − r test patterns
are compared with the correct reference pattern, the distortion between the K patterns
would be less, and when they are compared with the wrong reference pattern, the distortion
is likely to be much higher. The discriminability between the distortions using the correct
and wrong reference patterns and its robustness is likely to increase as we are using more
than 1 test pattern. Therefore the recognition accuracy is likely to increase as the number of
test patterns (K −r) increases.
Case 2: One Test Pattern and Multiple Reference Patterns
In this case we have multiple reference patterns but only one test pattern; i.e., r > 1 and K −r
= 1. This MPDTWalgorithm will be repeated for different vocabulary to recognize the word.
For the sake of simplicity consider an example that has only 2 reference patterns (R1 and R2)
and one test pattern (P1). We find the MPDTWpath (least distortion path) in the multi
dimensional grid between these 3 patterns using the MPDTW algorithm. Project this
MPDTW path on any of the planes containing 2 patterns, say P1 and R1. (We know that the
optimum least distortion path between P1 and R1 is given by the DTW algorithm.) The
projected MPDTW path on the plane containing P1 and R1 need not be same as least
distortion path given by the DTW algorithm. Hence it is a suboptimal path and the
distortion obtained is also not optimal. So taking the distortion between P1 and R1 (or P1 and
R2) using the DTW algorithm, leads to lower total distortion between the 2 patterns than
using a projection of the MPDTW algorithm. This sub optimality is likely to widen with
increasing r, the number of reference patterns. This property holds good for incorrectly
matched reference patterns also. However, since the distortion is high, the additional
increase due to joint pattern matching may not be significant. So it is likely that the MPDTW
algorithm will give a poorer discriminative performance than the 2-D DTW algorithm, as
the number of reference patterns (r) per class increase. The use of multiple templates is
common in speaker dependent ASR applications, to model the pronunciation variability.
When the templates of the same class (vocabulary word) are significantly different, the joint
recognition is likely to worsen the performance much more than otherwise.
128 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
We can calculate the joint multi pattern likelihood only over the optimum HMM state
sequence q* for K patterns as shown:
Fig. 7 shows a schematic of two patterns and and the time alignment of the two
patterns along the optimum HMM state sequence q* is shown. This is opposite to the case
we see in [Lleida & Rose, 2000]. In [Lleida & Rose, 2000], a 3D HMM search space and a
Viterbi-like decoding algorithm was proposed for Utterance Verification. In that paper, the
two axes in the trellis belonged to HMM states and one axis belongs to the observational
sequence. However, here (equation 19) we have K observational sequences as the K axis, and
one axis for the HMM states. We would like to estimate one state sequence by jointly
decoding the K patterns since we know that the K patterns come from the same class. They
are conditionally independent, that is, they are independent given that they come from the
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 129
same class. But, there is a strong correlation between the K patterns because they belong to
the same class. The states in a Left to Right HMM roughly correspond to the stationary
phonemes of the pattern and hence use of the same sequence is well justified. The advantage
is this is that we can do discriminant operations like frame based voting, etc., as we will be
shown later. This formulation is more complicated for Left to Right HMMs with skips or
even more general ergodic HMMs.
Fig. 7. A multi dimensional grid with patterns forming a trellis along the q-axis,
and the optimum state sequence q*. If N = 3 states, then an example q*could be [1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3].
To find the total probability of K patterns given - we have
to traverse through a trellis of K+1 dimensions. This leads to a high-dimensional Viterbi
search in which both the state transition probabilities as well as local warping constraints of
multiple patterns have to be accommodated. We found this to be somewhat difficult and it
did not yield consistent results. Hence, the problem is simplified by recasting it as a two
stage approach of joint recognition, given the optimum alignment between the various
patterns. This alignment between the K patterns can be found using the Multi Pattern
Dynamic Time Warping (MPDTW) algorithm. This is followed by one of the Multi Pattern
Joint Likelihood (MPJL) algorithms to determine the joint multi pattern likelihood and the
best state sequence for the K patterns jointly [Nair & Sreenivas, 2007, Nair & Sreenivas,
2008 a]. The twostage approach can also be viewed as a hybrid of both non-parametric ASR
and parametric (stochastic) ASR, because we use both the non-parametric MPDTW and
parametric HMM for speech recognition (Fig. 8). There is also a reduction in the
computational complexity and search path from K + 1 dimensions to K dimensions, because
of this two stage approach. We experimented with the new algorithms for both clean speech
and speech with burst and other transient noises for IWR and show it to be advantageous.
We note that similar formulations are possible for connected word recognition and
continuous speech recognition tasks also. We thus come up with solutions to address the
first two problems of HMMs using joint evaluation techniques.
130 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
3.1 Constrained Multi Pattern Forward and Backward algorithms (CMPFA and
The CMPFA and CMPBA are used to calculate the total joint probability of the K patterns
through all possible HMM state sequences. Following the terminology of a standard HMM
[Rabiner & Juang, 1993] for the forward algorithm, we define the forward variable φ(t)(j)
along the path φ (t); i.e.,
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 131
where qφ(t) is the HMM state at t → φ (t), λ is the HMM model with states j ∈1 : N. As in the
forward algorithm, we can determine φ(t)(j) recursively leading to the total probability.
3.1.1 CMPFA-1
Let us define the MPDTW path transition vector,
Depending on the local constraints chosen in the MPDTW algorithm, Δφ(t) can be a K
dimensional vector of only 0’s and 1’s; e.g., Δφ (t) = [0, 1, 1, 0, . . . , 1]. Δφ (t) will comprise of
at least one non-zero value and a maximum of K non-zero values. (The [0,1] values are due
to the non-skipping type of local constraints in MPDTW. The skipping-type can introduce
higher range such as [0,1,2] or [0,1,2,3].) Let 0, i = 1, 2, . . . ,K} be the set of
vectors that have been mapped together by the MPDTW at φ(t). Let
such that are all the feature vectors in the set is a subset of the
vectors retaining only those are non-zero. The set Sφ(t)
and {Oφ(t)} can have a minimum of one feature vector and a maximum of K feature vectors.
Let The recursive equation for the evaluation of αφ(t)(j)
along all the grid points of the trellis is given by (derivation given in appendix A1):
vectors and . At time (3,2) state j emits only one vector and not , as was
already emitted at time (2,2). So we are exactly recognizing all the K patterns such that there
is no reuse of feature vectors. The total number of feature vectors emitted at the end of the
MPDTW path by each state in this example will be exactly equal to T1 + T2.
3.1.2 CMPFA-2
CMPFA-2 is an approximate solution for calculating the total probability of the K patterns
given HMM λ but it has some advantages over CMPFA-1. In CMPFA-2, a recursive solution
(equation (22)) is proposed to calculate the value of φ(t) (j). This solution is based on the
principle that each HMM state j can emit a fixed (K) number of feature vectors for each
transition. So, it is possible that some of the feature vectors from some patterns are reused
based on the MPDTWpath. This corresponds to stretching each individual pattern to a fixed
length T (which is ≥ maxk{Tk}) and then determining the joint likelihood for the given HMM.
Thus, we are creating a new virtual pattern which is a combination of all the K patterns
(with repetitions of feature vectors possible) of length equal to that of the MPDTWpath. The
HMM is used to determine the likelihood of this virtual pattern. The total number of feature
vectors emitted in this case is K.T . Considering the forward recursion as before,
where j = 1, 2, . . . ,N, πj is the state initial probability at state j (and it is assumed to be same
as the state initial probability given by the HMM), bj( ) is the joint likelihood of
the observations generated by state j.
The termination of CMPFA-1 and CMPFA-2 is also same:
For CMPBA-1 can write similar recursive equation as in CMPFA-1, by using the backward
cumulative probability.
t = T, . . . , 2, i = 1, 2, . . . ,N, where N is the number of states in the HMM, and the rest of the
terms are as defined in section 3.1.1. Again, CMPBA-2 is an approximation to calculate βφ(t)(j)
and is similar to CMPFA-2. We define the recursive solution for calculating βφ(t)(j) as follows.
define φ(t)(j) as the log likelihood of the first φ (t) observations of the K patterns through the
best partial state sequence up to the position φ (t − 1) and qφ(t) = j along the path φ (t); i.e.,
where qφ(1):φ(T) = qφ(1), qφ(2), . . . , qφ(T). The recursive equation for CMPVA-1 (similar to CMPFA-
1) is:
t = (2, 3, . . . , T ), j = 1, 2, . . . ,N
Initialization for both CMPVA-1 and CMPVA-2 is done as follows:
The path backtracking pointer ψφ (t)(j) for CMPVA-1 and CMPVA-2 is:
An example of a HMM state sequence along the MPDTW path is shown in Fig. 10.
For robust IWR, we use either CMPFA or CMPBA or CMPVA to calculate the probability P*
of the optimal sequence. For simplicity let us group CMPFA-1, CMPBA-1, CMPVA-1 as
CMP?A-1 set of algorithms; and CMPFA-2, CMPBA-2, CMPVA-2 as CMP?A-2 set of
give a lesser or zero weighting to the unreliable (noisy) feature vectors and a higher
weighting to the corresponding reliable ones from the other patterns. Fig. 11 shows an
example of two speech patterns affected by burst noise. The strategy is to give a lesser
weight to the regions of speech contaminated by burst noise and the corresponding clean
speech in the other pattern should be given a higher weight. This can be interpreted as a
form of voting technique which is embedded into HMM decoding. We have considered
alternate criteria for weighting the feature vectors, to achieve robustness to transient, bursty
noise in the test patterns.
Fig. 10. Example of a HMM state sequence along MPDTW path for Left-Right HMM.
axes is already optimized, how we choose bj({Oφ(t)}) (or bj( )) affects only the
total/ML joint likelihood P* (of equations 24 and 32) and the ML state sequence (of equation
33). We define various discriminant criteria for calculating bj({Oφ(t)}) (in equations 21, 26, 29)
and bj( ) (in equations 22, 27, 30) as follows:
where are all the feature vectors in the set Sφ(t) as mentioned in section 3.1.1
and bj ( ) is the state-j emission probability for the HMM (probability of vector emitted
by state j given the HMM) and r is the cardinality of the set Sφ(t).
Similarly, CMP?A-2, since all the patterns are used at each time, the following equation is
The independence assumption is justified because successive vectors in a pattern are only
linked through the underlying Markov model and the emission densities act only one
symbol at a time. The geometric mean using power of 1/r or 1/K normalizes the use of r or
K vectors emitted by a HMM state, comparable to a single vector likelihood. Therefore we
can use aij ’s and πi’s that are defined as in single-pattern HMM. If is emitted from its
actual state j from the correct HMM model λ, we can expect that bj ( ) to have a higher
value than that if is emitted from state j of the wrong model. And taking the product of
all the bj( ) brings in a kind of “reinforcing effect”. Therefore, while doing IWR, the values
of joint likelihood P* using the correct model and the P* using the mismatched models, is
likely to widen. Therefore we can expect better speech recognition accuracy to improve.
Even if some of the K vectors are noisy, the reinforcing effect will improve speech
recognition because the rest of the vectors are clean.
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 137
Because of the maximum (max) operation, we can expect the likelihoods in DC-max to be
higher than the respective ones using DC-avg. In terms of the virtual pattern interpretation,
the sequence of the T length patterns are composed of the most probable vectors
corresponding to the HMM-λ. If the speech patterns are affected by noise, we expect DC-
max to give better discrimination than DCavg. However, for the case of clean speech, it is
possible that DC-max will reduce speech recognition accuracy than DC-avg because the max
operation will also increase the likelihood P* for the mismatched model and bring it closer
to the P* of the correct model. Also, this reinforcing effect will be absent in DC-max. So we
would prefer to use DC-max when the speech patterns are noisy or badly spoken, and for
the clean speech case we would prefer DC-avg.
product operation to give better results. We need to select the threshold such that it is
optimum for a particular noisy environment.
Fig. 12. MPDTW path for K = 2; vector is clean and vectors and are noisy
vectors and are pooled together in set Z and the clean vector is ejected. This can
affect speech recognition performance in a negative way. Thus the clean vectors may be
removed from probability computation. However this would be a very rare possibility.
In this discriminant weighting, the individual probabilities are weighted according to the
proportion of their probability value compared with that of all the vectors in Sφ(t). Thus
distinctly higher probability values are magnified and distinctly lower probabilities are
penalized. The above equations are basically a weighted geometric mean of the bj( )’s.
Thus, when the values of bj ( )’s are close to each other, then DC-wtd becomes close to the
product operation of DC-thr1 and if the various values bj( )’s are very different, then DC-
wtd becomes close to max operation of DC-thr1. DC-wtd behaves somewhat similar to DC-
thr1 (when DC-thr1 is set with optimum threshold). The main advantage of using DC-wtd is
that we don’t need to set any threshold. We expect this type of soft-thresholding may be
useful in some applications.
Now we consider an other case (Fig. 13) when we are using DC-thr1 and the value of the
threshold is very high, so that the product operation dominates. Let vector O22 be noisy or
badly articulated and vectors and be clean. Since the product operation will mostly be
used, using CMP?A-2, the noisy vector will affect the calculation of the joint probability
at time instants (3,2) and (4,2) as it is re-emitted. Now using CMP?A-1, as vector is not
re-emitted, only the clean vectors and contribute to the calculation of joint
probability. So CMP?A-1 is expected to give better speech recognition accuracy than
For the case of clean, well articulated speech, CMP?A-1 is expected to perform better than
CMP?A-2 as it does not reuse any feature vector. This is true when we use DC-thr1 at lower
values of threshold. At higher (sub optimal) values of threshold, CMP?A-2 could be better. If
DC-wtd is used, we expect that using CMP?A-1 would give better recognition accuracy than
CMP?A-2 for well articulated clean speech and worse values for speech with burst/transient
noise or speech with bad articulation. This is because DC-wtd behaves similar to DC-thr1
when the threshold of DC-thr1 is optimum. Finally we conclude that if we look at the best
performances of CMP?A-1 and CMP?A-2, CMP?A-2 is better than CMP?A-1 for noisy
speech (burst/transient noise), and CMP?A-1 is better than CMP?A-2 for clean speech.
The recognition accuracy is expected to increase with the increase in the number of test
patterns K.
Fig. 13. MPDTW path for K = 2; vector is noisy and vectors and are clean
addressed all the three main tasks of HMM, to utilize the availability of multiple patterns
belonging to the same class. In the usual HMM training, all the training data is utilized to
arrive at a best possible parametric model. But, it is possible that the training data is not all
genuine and therefore have labeling errors, noise corruptions, or plain outlier examples. In
fact, the outliers are addressed explicitly in selective HMM training papers. We believe that
the multi-pattern formulation of this chapter can provide some advantages in HMM
training also.
Typically, in HMM training the Baum-Welch algorithm [Baum & Petrie, 1966, Baum & Egon,
1967, Baum & Sell, 1968, Baum et al., 1970, Baum, 1972] is used (Fig. 14). We would like to
extend it to use the concepts of joint multi-pattern likelihood. Let us refer to this as selective
training, in which the goal is to utilize the best portions of patterns for training, omitting any
outliers. In selective training, we would like to avoid the influence of corrupted portions of
the training patterns, in determining the optimum model parameters. Towards this, virtual
training patterns are created to aid the selective training process. The selective training is
formulated as an additional iteration loop around the HMM Baum-Welch iterations. Here
the virtual patterns are actually created. The virtual patterns can be viewed as input training
patterns that have been subjected to “filtering” to deemphasize distorted portions of the
input patterns. The filtering process requires two algorithms that we have proposed earlier,
viz., MPDTW and CMPVA. The CMPVA uses the MPDTW path as a constraint to derive the
joint Viterbi likelihood of a set of patterns, given the HMM λ. CMPVA is an extension of the
Viterbi algorithm [Viterbi, 1967] for simultaneously decoding multiple patterns, given the
time alignment. It has been shown in [Nair & Sreenivas, 2007, Nair & Sreenivas, 2008 a] that
these two algorithms provide significant improvement to speech recognition performance in
to create another virtual pattern. Let the total maximum number of virtual patterns we can
create be equal to J. These virtual patterns are now considered independent with respect to
every other virtual pattern. All these virtual patterns together constitute the training pattern
set which is used for HMM training instead of the original patterns directly. The maximum
number of virtual patterns (J) given D training patterns is equal to (the
number of training combinations with at least two in the set), where and K!
stands for K factorial ( ). However since this value can be very high for a large
database, we can choose a subset of E patterns from J patterns, in an intelligent way. These E
patterns form the virtual training data. The higher the value of E the better would be the
statistical stability of the estimation and also the various speech variabilities is likely to be
modeled better.
Let be the K patterns selected from the D pattern training data. We
apply the MPDTW algorithm to find the MPDTW path. The MPDTW path now acts as an
alignment to compare similar sounds. Using this MPDTW path we find the HMM state
sequence using the CMPVA. It may be noted that even the virtual patterns have different
lengths, depending on the MPDTW path.
where is the pth virtual pattern of length Tp, 1 ≤ p ≤ E; f(.) is a function which maps
the K patterns to one virtual pattern. is the
feature vector of the pth virtual pattern at time φ(t). Each feature vector in the virtual pattern
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 143
is defined as a weighted combination of the feature vectors from the K patterns (of the
subset of training data), determined through the K tuple of the MPDTW path, i.e.
where φ(t) = (t 1, . . . , tK) = (φ1(t), φ2(t), . . . , φK(t)), φi(t) = ti, and wi(φ (t)) is the weight for
. is the feature vector of the ith pattern which lies on the time frame ti ( is
same as defined before). wi(φ (t)) is itself defined as:
where is the likelihood of feature vector emitted from state qφ(t) of the
current HMM λ. The above weighting factor is similar to the geometric weighting proposed
in DC-wtd, but used differently in equation 44.
Similarly, we consider the next K subset of training patterns from the database and create
another virtual pattern, and so on till E virtual patterns are created. All the E virtual patterns
together are used to train the HMMparameters, using the Baum-Welch algorithm. After
Baum-Welch convergence, the updated model is used iteratively for the re-creation of the
virtual patterns as shown in Fig. 15. For each SHT iteration, a new set of virtual training
patterns are created because the weights in equation 45 get modified because of the updated
HMM parameters. However, the warping path is φ(t) for each virtual pattern is not a
function of HMM parameters and hence does not vary with SHT iterations. We define a
distortion measure to stop the SHT iterations. The number of features in the pth virtual
pattern path is fixed by the MPDTWpath and does not vary with iterations. Therefore, we
can define convergence of the virtual patterns themselves as a measure of convergence. The
change in the virtual pattern vector of the pth virtual pattern, is
defined as the Euclidean distance between at iteration number m and at iteration
number m − 1. The total change at iteration m for the pth virtual pattern sequence is
where p = 1, 2, . . . ,E. The average distortion for all the E virtual patterns at the mth
iteration is calculated and if it is below a threshold the SHT iterations are stopped.
The virtual pattern has the property that it is “cleaner” (less distorted) compared to the
original patterns. Let us take an example when one (or all) of the original training patterns
have been distorted by burst noise. The virtual pattern is created by giving less weighting to
the unreliable portions of the original data through DC-wtd and the weight parameters
wi(φ(t)) of equation 45. When most of the training patterns are not outliers, the initial HMM
is relatively noise free. So of equation 45 can be expected to be higher for
reliable values of . Hence, wi(φ(t)) has a higher value for reliable feature vectors and
lower for the unreliable ones. With each SHT iteration, the virtual patterns become more
144 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and more noise free leading to a better HMM. In the standard HMM training, the model
converges optimally to the data. In the SHT, the model and the data are both converging.
Since the data is moving towards what is more likely, it is possible that the variance
parameter of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) in each HMM state gets reduced after
each iteration. This could deteriorate the generalizability of HMM and hence its speech
recognition performance for the unseen data, as the new HMMs might not be able to capture
the variability in the test patterns. So we have chosen to clamp the variance after the initial
HMM training and allow only the rest of the HMM parameters to adapt. Also we have
considered some variants to the formulation of the virtual pattern given in equation 44.
Through the experiments, we found that there may be significant variation of the weight
parameter wi(φ(t)) for each φ(t), and also across iterations. Therefore we propose below two
methods of smoothing the wi(φ(t)) variation, which leads to better convergence of HMM
A weighted averaging in time for the weights wi(φ (t))s is done by placing a window in time
as shown below:
where 2P + 1 is the length of the window placed over time φ (t − P) to φ (t + P); li(φ (t + j))
is the weighting given to the weight wi(φ (t + j)) at time φ (t + j), such that
Smoothing of the weights wi(φ (t)) allows the reduction of some
sudden peaks and also uses the knowledge of the neighboring vectors. This improved ASR
accuracy. Weighted averaging can also be done for the weights over successive iterations:
where m is the iteration number, and P + 1 is the window length over iterations for the
weights. is the value of weight wi(φ (t)) at iteration m. is the weighting
given to the weight at iteration m − j, such that
5. Experimental evaluation
5.1 MPDTW experiments
We carried out the experiments (based on the formulation in section 2) using the IISc-BPL
database1 which comprises a 75 word vocabulary, and 36 female and 34 male adult
1 IISc-BPL database is an Indian accented English database used for Voice Dialer application.
This database consists of English isolated words, English TIMIT sentences, Native language
(different for different speakers) sentences, spoken by 36 female and 34 male adult speakers
recorded in a laboratory environment using 5 different recording channels: PSTN-telephone
(8 kHz sampling), Cordless local phone (16 kHz sampling), Direct microphone (16 kHz
sampling), Ericsson (GSM) mobile phone (8 kHz sampling), Reverberant room telephone
(Sony) (8 kHz sampling).
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 145
speakers, with three repetitions for each word by the same speaker, digitized at 8 kHz
sampling rate. The vocabulary consists of a good number of phonetically confusing words
used in Voice Dialer application. MFCCs, Δ MFCCs, and Δ2 MFCCs is used without their
energy components (36 dimensions) as feature vector. The experiment is carried out for
speaker dependent IWR for 20 speakers and 75 word vocabulary.
The slope weighting function m(t) is set equal to 1. The global normalization factor Mφ
(equation 8) that we used is Mφ = T1 + T2 + . . . + TK. (In this section 5.1, K stands for the sum
of the number of test and template patterns.) Through the experiments we found that
normalization using only the sum of the total frames of reference patterns in each class gives
worse recognition than the normalization we used. In an experiment where each speaker
utters 2 test patterns of the same class (of lengths T1 and T2 frames) and 1 reference pattern
(of length T3 frames) per class per speaker for 20 speakers, the percentage ASR accuracy
using Mφ = T1 + T2 + T3 is 96.47%. If Mφ = T3 then the percentage accuracy reduces to 89.07%.
Table 1 summarizes the results based on the formulation of section 2. In the table, the
experiment-1 DTW-1 test-1 templ, corresponds to standard DTW algorithm applied when
there is 1 test pattern spoken by each speaker for each word and it’s distortion is compared
with the reference patterns (1 reference pattern per speaker per word for 20 speakers) of
each word in the vocabulary. In experiment-2 DTW-2 test-1 templ each speaker utters 2
patterns of a word. Each one of them is compared separately with the reference patterns (1
template per speaker per word). In experiment-3 DTW-2 test-1 templ (minimum of two), the
minimum of the two distortions of the two test patterns (of the same word by a speaker)
with the reference patterns, is considered to calculate recognition accuracy. In experiment-4
MPDTW-2 test-1 templ, each speaker utters 2 test patterns. The MPDTW algorithm is
applied on the 2 test patterns and 1 reference pattern at a time (1 reference pattern per
speaker per word) to find the distortion between them. In experiment-5 DTW-1 test-2 templ,
1 test pattern, each speaker speaks 1 test pattern and 2 reference patterns. The test pattern is
now compared with the reference patterns (2 reference patterns per speaker per word for 20
speakers). In experiment-6 MPDTW-1 test-2 templ, the MPDTW algorithm is applied on 1 test
pattern and 2 reference patterns (2 reference patterns per speaker per word) and then IWR is
done. In this experiment K is equal to the sum of the number of test and template patterns.
Table 1. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy for clean and noisy test pattern. For noisy
speech, burst noise is added for 10% of test pattern frames at -5 dB SNR (local). Reference
patterns (templ) are always clean. IWR is done for 20 speakers.
We see from the results that when there are 2 test patterns uttered by a speaker and 1
reference pattern (case 2) and the MPDTW algorithm (for K = 3) is used, the speech
recognition word error rate reduced by 33.78% for clean speech and 37.66% for noisy test
speech (10% burst noise added randomly with uniform distribution at -5 dB SNR (local) in
both the test patterns), compared to the DTW algorithm (same as MPDTW algorithm when
146 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
K = 2) for only 1 test pattern. Even when using the minimum distortion among two test
patterns (experiment-2 DTW-2 test-1 templ (minimum of two)), we see that the MPDTW
algorithm works better. However, when we use only 1 test pattern and 2 reference patterns
and when the MPDTWalgorithm (for K = 3) is used, the percentage accuracy reduces as
predicted in section 2.2. Hence we see that use of multiple test repetitions of a word can
significantly improve the ASR accuracy whereas using multiple reference patterns can
reduces the performance.
mild degradation of the noise affected frames.) The burst noise can occur randomly
anywhere in the spoken word with uniform probability distribution. MFCCs, Δ MFCC, and
Δ2 MFCC is used without their energy components (36 dimensions). Energy components are
neglected and Cepstral Mean Subtraction was done. Variable number of states are used for
each word model; i.e. proportional to the average duration of the training patterns, for each
second of speech, 8 HMM states were assigned, with 3 Gaussian mixtures per state.
We experimented for various values of the threshold γ in DC-thr1 and found that there is
indeed an optimum value of γ where the performance is maximum. When K = 2, for the
noisy patterns with burst noise added to 10% of the frames at -5 dB SNR, γ = 0.5 is found to
be optimum. It is also clear that γ < 0 provides closer to optimum performance than γ = ∞,
indicating that the max operation is more robust than the product operation. Using DC-wtd
was shown to have similar results to using DC-thr1 with optimum threshold.
Table 2. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy (ASRA) for clean and noisy speech (10%
burst noise) for FA, A1M, A1P, A2, and A3. FA - Forward Algorithm, Experiment A1M, K =
2 - best (max of likelihoods) of two patterns using FA, Experiment A1P, K = 2 - product of
the likelihoods (using FA) of two patterns, Experiment A2 - MPDTW algorithm + CMPFA-2,
Experiment A3 – MPDTW algorithm + CMPFA-1. K is the number of test patterns used.
The results for clean and noisy speech for FA and CMPFA is given in Table 2. We have not
shown the results of CMPBA as it is similar to CMPFA. In the table, ASRA (Clean) stands for
ASR accuracy for clean speech. In the tables, for experiment A2, in the ASRA column, the
ASR percentage accuracy is written. Note that DC-thr1 is equivalent to DC-avg when γ = ∞
(product operation) and it is equivalent to DC-max when γ < 0 (max operation). Also, DC-
thr1 is same as DC-thr2 when K = 2. When K = 2, two patterns are recognized at a time,
while K = 3 stands for 3 patterns being recognized at a time. In the table, -5 dB ASRA stands
for ASR accuracy for noisy speech which has 10% burst noise at SNR -5 dB. It can be seen
that the baseline performance of FA for clean speech is close to 90%. For example, for noisy
case at -5 dB SNR, for speech with 10% burst noise, it decreases to ≈ 57%. Interestingly, the
experiment A1M (for K = 2 patterns) provides a mild improvement of 0.2% and 3.2% for
clean and noisy speech (at -5 dB SNR burst noise) respectively, over the FA benchmark. This
shows that use of multiple patterns is indeed beneficial, but just maximization of likelihoods
is weak. Experiment A1P (for K = 2 patterns) works better than A1M clearly indicating that
taking the product of the two likelihoods is better than taking their max. The proposed new
algorithms (experiment A2 and A3) for joint recognition provides dramatic improvement for
the noisy case, w.r.t. the FA performance. For example at -5 dB SNR 10% burst noise, for
K = 2 patterns, the proposed algorithms (experiments A2 and A3) using DC-thr1 at
148 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Fig. 16. Percentage accuracies for experiments FA, A1M, A2 for different levels of burst
noises. FA - Forward Algorithm, A1M - best of two patterns using FA, A2 - MPDTW
algorithm + CMPFA-2 algorithm. Results for A2 using DC-thr1 (at threshold γ = 0.5) and
DC-wtd are shown.
For clean speech, the speech recognition accuracy when K = 2, improved by 2.26% using
CMPFA-2 and 2.57% using CMPFA-1 (DC-thr1) over that of FA. This improvement could be
because some mispronunciation of some words were be taken care of. It is also better than
experiment A1M. We also see CMPFA-1 is better than CMPFA-2 for clean speech. However,
experiment A1P works the best for clean speech (when K = 2). This could be because in the
proposed methods, the K patterns are forced to traverse through the same state sequence.
Doing individual recognition on the two patterns and then multiplying the likelihoods has
no such restrictions. And in clean speech there is no need for selectively weighting the
feature vectors. So experiment A1P works slightly better than experiments A2 and A3 for
clean speech.
We also see that as per our analysis in section 3.4 and the results shown in Table 2, using
DC-thr1 for CMPFA-1 algorithm (experiment A3) for clean speech at lower thresholds gives
better recognition results than using it for CMPFA-2 algorithm (experiment A2). At higher
thresholds CMPFA-2 algorithm is better. For noisy speech (speech with burst noise) it is
better to use CMPFA-2 than CMPFA-1.
From the table, it is seen that as K increases 2 to 3, there is an improvement in recognition
accuracy. We also see that for K = 3, the performance does vary much, whether the burst
noise is at -5 dB SNR or +5 dB SNR. This is because the noise corrupted regions of speech is
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 149
Table 3. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy (ASRA) for clean and noisy speech (10%
noise) for VA, A1M, A1P, A2, and A3. VA - Viterbi Algorithm, Experiment A1M, K = 2 - best
of two patterns using VA, Experiment A1P, K = 2 - product of the likelihoods (using VA) of
two patterns, Experiment A2 - MPDTW algorithm + CMPVA-2, Experiment A3 - MPDTW
algorithm + CMPVA-1.
Table 4. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy (ASRA) for noisy speech (burst) for FA
and CMPFA-1 (for K = 2 patterns). DC-wtd is used. Different percentages of burst noise
(10%, 20%, 30%, 50%) noises added to the speech pattern form the test cases. Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is added to 100% of the speech pattern is also a test case.
So far we have shown the results of burst noise added to only 10% of the speech patterns.
Now different percentage of burst noise is added randomly to the patterns. The results for
FA and CMPFA-1 (for K = 2 patterns) is shown in Table 4. DC-wtd is used. We see that
speech is affected with 10%, 20%, 30% burst noise, the ASR performance using CMPFA-1
(for K = 2 patterns) is much better than using just using FA. However when noise is added
to 50% of the frames, there is only a marginal increase in performance. This is because many
150 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
regions of both the patterns will be noisy and the CMPFA-1 does not have a clean portion of
speech to give a higher weighting. When 100% of the speech are affected by additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN), then just using FA is better than CMPFA-1. Similar results are
given in Table 5 for VA and CMPVA-1.
Table 5. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy for noisy speech (burst) for VA and
CMPVA-1 (for K = 2 patterns). DC-wtd is used. Different percentages of burst noise (10%,
20%, 30%, 50%) noises added to the speech pattern form the test cases. Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is added to 100% of the speech pattern is also a test case.
Table 6. Comparison of ASR percentage accuracy for noisy speech (babble noise or machine
gun noise) for FA, VA, CMPFA-1 and CMPVA-1 (for K = 2 patterns). SNR of the noisy
speech is 5 dB or 10 dB. DC-wtd is used.
Now we compare the results of the proposed algorithms with other kinds of transient noises
like machine gun noise and babble noise. Machine gun and babble noise from NOISEX 92
was added to the entire speech pattern at 5 dB or 10 dB SNR. The results are given in Table
6. The HMMs are trained using clean speech in the same way as done before. We see that for
speech with babble noise at 10 dB SNR, the percentage accuracy using FA is 59.64%. It
increases to 64.36% when CMPFA-1 (when K = 2 patterns) is used, which is rise of nearly
5%. When K = 3, the accuracy is further improved. When machine gun noise at 10 dB SNR is
used the FA gives an accuracy of 71.36%, while the CMPFA-1 when K = 2 patterns gives an
accuracy of 81.33% and when K = 3 the accuracy is 84.20%. We see an increase of nearly 10%
when K = 2 and 13% when K = 3. We see from the results that the more transient or bursty
the noise is, the better the proposed algorithms work. Since machine gun noise has a more
transient (bursty) nature compared to babble noise it works better. In the case of machine
gun noise, if there is some portion of speech affected by noise in , there could be a
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 151
corresponding clean speech portion in . This clean portion will be given a higher
weight by the proposed algorithms during recognition. However this is not possible if the
entire speech is affected by white Gaussian noise or babble noise. When both the patterns
are affected by similar noise at the same portion, then there is no relatively clean portion of
speech for the proposed algorithms to choose. Hence they work worse. We see that as K
increases from 2 to 3 patterns, the ASR accuracy improves significantly for machine gun
noise, while for babble noise, the effect is small (in fact at 5 dB the ASR accuracy slightly
reduces from K = 2 to K = 3).
region. And this weighting decreases with every iteration as the virtual pattern converges.
Similarly Fig. 19 gives the weights of O2. We see that the initial few frames do not have less
weighting, contrasting with O3.
Fig. 20 shows the difference in likelihood of O1, O2, O4 with O3 given the HMMλ are
shown. P(O1/λ)−P(O3/λ), P(O2/λ)− P(O3/λ), P(O4/λ) − P(O3/λ) are the three curves shown in
that figure. These probabilities are computed using the Forward algorithm. In Fig. 20, at
iteration 0, the HMMs is the Baum-Welch algorithm run on the original training data.
P(O2/λ) and P(O4/λ) are greater than P(O3/λ). After each SHT iteration the HMM is updated
and the differences of P(O2/λ) −P(O3/λ) and P(O4/λ) − P(O3/λ) increases. This happens
because the HMM is updated by giving less weightage to the noisy portion of O3. We also
see that although some portion of O3 is noisy, P(O1/λ) is less than P(O3/λ). This is because
the HMM is trained using only 4 patterns out of which one HMM pattern (O3) is partially
noisy. So the initial HMM using the Baum-Welch algorithm is not very good. We see that
after the iterations the difference P(O1/λ) − P(O3/λ) reduces. This indicated that after each
iteration the HMM parameters are updated such that the unreliable portions of O3 is getting
a lesser weight.
Fig. 18. Weight of O3 for creating of virtual pattern at iterations numbers 1 and 9. Noise at -5
dB SNR is added to the first 10% of the frames in pattern O3.
Fig. 19. Weight of O3 for creating of virtual pattern at iterations numbers 1 and 9. Noise at -5
dB SNR is added to the first 10% of the frames in pattern O3.
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 153
Fig. 20. Difference between Likelihood of patterns O1, O2, O4 with O3 given HMM λ.
While the above results are promising in terms of the functioning of the SHT algorithm, the
level of improvement in HMM performance for test data could be limited, depending on the
nature and size of the test data. Using the small size pilot experiment, the HMM
performance is tested using Forward algorithm (FA) for 20 unseen speakers (11 female and 9
male) using clean speech. There are 3 test patterns per speaker. The experimental setup used
for training was done as mentioned in the first paragraph of this sub-section. Each of the 150
training patterns (3 training patterns per speaker, for 50 speakers) are affected by 10% burst
noise at -5 dB SNR. The covariance matrix for the Gaussian mixtures for each HMM state
was fixed to that of the initial Baum-Welch algorithm run on the original training data. The
number of patterns to create one virtual pattern (K) is 3. The 3 patterns spoken by the same
speaker are considered for creating one virtual pattern as the MPDTW path alignment may
be better for the same speaker. So we have a total of 50 virtual patterns (E = D/K) per word
since the total number of training patterns (D) per word is 150 (number of speakers is 50).
The virtual patterns are created using equation 44. We used CMPVA-2 for the experiments.
When Baum-Welch (BW) algorithm is used to train speech with 10% burst noise at -5 dB
then for the clean test data the ASR percentage accuracy is 88.36%. It increases to 88.76%
using the new SHT (using equation 44 to create virtual patterns) when the covariance matrix
of each HMM state is kept constant (covar − const). Let this experiment be called SHT − 2. If
the covariance matrix is allowed to adapt (covar − adapt), the covariance decreases
(determinant value) after each iteration as the virtual patterns are converging to what is
more likely and this may reduce the ability of the recognizer to capture the variabilities of
the test patterns. (Let such an experiment be called experiment SHT − 1.) When the
covariance matrix is not kept constant the percentage accuracy reduces to 86.04%. So we
keep the covariance constant.
We now experiment by keeping averaging the weights over time and iterations (see equations
47, 48). When averaging the weights over time (equation 47) keeping the covariance matrix
constant, the percentage accuracy increases to 88.84%. Let this be experiment be called SHT −
3. In equation 47, we set P = 1, li(φ(t)) = 0.5, li(φ (t− 1)) = li(φ (t+ 1)) = 0.25. This shows that
smoothing the weights wi(φ(t))’s improves ASR accuracy. For averaging the weights over
iterations (equation 48), However, the
ASR accuracy reduces to 73.38%. Let this experiment be called SHT − 4.
154 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Now we increase the number of virtual patterns used for training. In the database used, the
number of patterns of a word spoken by a speaker is 3. Let the patterns be O1, O2, O3. We
can create 1 virtual pattern using O1, O2, O3 (K = 3). We can also create 3 other virtual
patterns using O1-O2, O2-O3, O3-O1 (K = 2 for each). Thus we have 4 virtual patterns
created using training patterns O1, O2, O3. We do this for very speaker and every word. So
the total number of virtual patterns per word is 200 (since the number of training patterns
per word is 150). HMMs are trained on these virtual patterns. The covariance matrix is kept
constant and equation 44 is used for calculating the virtual patterns. Let this be called
experiment SHT − 5. The ASR accuracy using FA increases to 89.07%. The more number of
virtual patterns we use to train the HMMs, the better the test data variability is captured.
We see from the experiments that as the number of virtual patterns per word (using
equation 44) increases from 50 to 200, the percentage accuracy also increases from 88.76% to
89.07%, clearly indicating that it helps using more virtual patterns as training data. However
in this case, by averaging over time (called experiment SHT − 6), using equation 47, the
accuracy remained at 89.07%. The results are summarized in Table 7. Thus it was shown that
the word error rate decreased by about 6.1% using the proposed SHT training method over
the baseline Baum-Welch method.
Table 7. Comparison of Percentage ASR percentage accuracy for different algorithms. The
training patterns have 10% of their frames affected by burst noise at -5 dB SNR. Testing was
done on clean speech using FA. BW - Baum-Welch algorithm. SHT −1 - SHT using 1 virtual
patterns per word per speaker and adapting covariance. SHT − 2 - SHT using 1 virtual
patterns per word per speaker and constant covariance. SHT − 3 - SHT using 1 virtual
patterns per word per speaker and constant covariance; averaging of weights across time is
done. SHT − 4 - SHT using 1 virtual patterns per word per speaker and constant covariance;
averaging of weights across iterations is done. SHT − 5 - SHT using 4 virtual patterns per
word per speaker and constant covariance. SHT − 6 – SHT using 4 virtual patterns per word
per speaker and constant covariance; averaging of weights across time is done.
HMMs were also trained using clean speech. Testing is also done on clean speech on unseen
speakers using the Forward algorithm. Using Baum-Welch algorithm, we get an ASR
accuracy of 91.18%. Using the proposed SHT algorithm (experiment SHT − 5), we get an
accuracy of 91.16%. When averaging over time is done (experiment SHT −6), the ASR
accuracy remains at 91.16%. Thus we see that using the proposed SHT training method does
not reduce the ASR performance for clean speech.
HMMs were also trained using training patterns corrupted with machine gun noise (from
NOISEX 92 database) at 10 dB SNR. The experimental setup is same as used before. Totally
there are 150 training patterns (3 per speaker for 50 speakers). Testing was done on unseen
clean speech using the FA. Using normal Baum-Welch training the ASR accuracy was
Algorithms for Joint Evaluation of Multiple Speech Patterns for Automatic Speech Recognition 155
85.56%. However it reduced to 85.20% using 200 virtual training virtual patterns
(experiment SHT − 5). Using averaged weights over time (experiment SHT − 6), the
percentage accuracy increased to 85.29%. However it is still lower compared to the Baum-
Welch training algorithm. The performance could have been better if there were more
virtual patterns created from the training data set of 150 patterns.
6. Conclusions
We have formulated new algorithms for joint evaluation of the likelihood of multiple speech
patterns, using the standard HMM framework. This was possible through the judicious use
of the basic DTW algorithm extended to multiple patterns. We also showed that this joint
formulation is useful in selective training of HMMs, in the context of burst noise or
mispronunciation among training patterns.
Although these algorithms are evaluated in the context of IWR under burst noise conditions,
the formulation and algorithm can be useful in different contexts, such as connected word
recognition (CWR) or continuous speech recognition (CSR). In spoken dialog systems, if the
confidence level of the test speech is low, the system can ask the user to repeat the pattern.
However, in the continuous speech recognition case, a user cannot be expected to repeat a
sentence/s exactly. But still the proposed methods can be used. Here is one scenario. For
booking a railway ticket, the user says, “I want a ticket from Bangalore to Aluva”. The
recognition system asks the user, “Could you please repeat from which station would you
like to start?”. The user repeats the word “Bangalore”. So this word “Bangalore” can be
jointly recognized with the word “Bangalore” from the first sentence to improve speech
recognition performance.
One of the limitations of the new formulation is when the whole pattern is noisy, i.e., when
the noise is continuous not bursty; the proposed algorithms don’t work well. Also, for the
present, we have not addressed the issue of computational complexity, which is high in the
present implementations. Efficient variations of these algorithms have to be explained for
real-time or large scale CSR applications.
Finally we conclude that jointly evaluating multiple speech patterns is very useful for
speech training and recognition and it would greatly aid in solving the automatic speech
recognition problem. We hope that our work will show a new direction of research in this
where qφ(t) is the HMM state at φ(t) and λ is the HMM model with state j ∈ 1 : N, where N is
the total number of states in the HMM. In the given example φ(1) = (1, 1), φ(2) = (2, 2),
φ(3) = (3, 2). Each state j can emit a variable number of feature vectors varying from 1 to K.
156 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where bi( , ) is the probability of feature vectors and emitted given state i,
πi = P(qφ (1) = i/λ) which is the state initial probability. It is assumed to be same as the state
initial probability given by the HMM. This can be done because the value of bj( , ) is
normalized as shown in section 3.3, such that the probability of K (here K = 2) vectors being
emitted by a state is comparable to the probability of a single vector being emitted by that
state. So we are inherently recognizing one virtual pattern from K test patterns.
where aij = P(φ(t) = j/φ(t − 1) = i). It is the transition probability of moving from state i to state
j and is assumed to be same as that given by the HMM.
We assume a first order process. Here state j at φ(3) emits only and not , as was
already emitted at φ (2) by the HMM state. So we don’t reuse vectors.
What was done in this example can be generalized to K patterns given the MPDTWpath φ
between them and we get the recursive equation in equation 21. Since CMPVA-1 is similar
to CMPFA-1, almost the same derivation (with minor changes) can be used to derive the
recursive relation of CMPVA-1.
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1. Introduction
Understanding continuous speech uttered by a random speaker in a random language and
in a variable environment is a difficult problem for a machine. To take into account the
context implies a broad knowledge of the world, and this has been the main source of
difficulty in speech related research. Only by simplifying the problem – restricting the
vocabulary, the speech domain, the way sentences are constructed, the number of speakers,
and the language to be used, and controlling the environmental noise – has automatic
speech recognition been possible.
For modeling temporal dependencies or multi-modal distributions of “real-world” tasks,
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are one of the most commonly used statistical models.
Because of this, HMMs have become the standard solution for modeling acoustic
information in the speech signal and thus for most current speech recognition systems.
When putting HMMs into practice, however, there are some assumptions that make
evaluation, learning and decoding feasible. Even if effective, these assumptions are known
to be poor. Therefore, the development of new acoustic models that overcome traditional
HMM restrictions is an active field of research in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).
For instance, the independence and conditional-independence assumptions encoded in the
acoustic models are not correct, potentially degrading classification performance. Adding
dependencies through expert knowledge and hand tuning can improve models, but it is
often not clear which dependencies should be included.
Different approaches for overcoming HMM restrictions and for modeling time-domain
dependencies will be presented in this chapter. For instance, an algorithm to find the
beststate sequence of HSMMs (Hidden Semi-Markov Models) allows a more explicit
modeling of context. Durations and trajectory modeling have also been on stage, leading to
more recent work on the temporal evolution of the acoustic models. Augmented statistical
models have been proposed by several authors as a systematic technique for modeling
HMM additional dependencies, allowing the representation of highly complex distributions.
These dependencies are thus incorporated in a systematic fashion, even if the price for this
flexibility is high.
Focusing on time and parameter independence assumptions, we will explain a method for
introducing N-gram based augmented statistical models in detail. Two approaches are
presented: the first one consists of overcoming the parameter independence assumption by
modeling the dependence between the different acoustic parameters and mapping the input
160 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
signal to the new probability space. The second proposal attempts to overcome the time
independence assumption by modeling the temporal dependencies of each acoustic
The main conclusions obtained from analyzing the proposals presented will be summarized
at the end, together with a brief dissertation about general guidelines for further work in
this field.
in this case, the output probabilities are no longer directly used (as in DHMM), but are
rather combined with the VQ density functions. That is, the discrete model-dependent
weighting coefficients are combined with the continuous codebook probability density
functions. Semi-continuous models can also be seen as equivalent to M-mixture continuous
HMMs with all of the continuous output probability density functions shared among all
Markov states. Therefore, SCHMMs do maintain the modeling ability of large-mixture
density functions. In addition, the number of free parameters and the computational
complexity can be reduced, because all of the probability density functions are tied together,
thus providing a good compromise between detailed acoustic modeling and trainability.
However, standard ASR systems still don't provide convincing results when environmental
conditions are changeable. Most of the actual commercial speech recognition technologies
still work using either a restricted lexicon (i.e. digits, or a definite number of commands) or
a semantically restricted task (i.e., database information retrieval, tourist information, flight
information, hotel services, etc.). Extensions to more complex tasks and/or vocabulary still
have a bad reputation in terms of quality, which entails the mistrust of both potential users
and customers.
Due to the limitations found in HMM-based speech recognition systems, research has
progressed in numerous directions. Among all the active fields of research in speech
recognition, we will point out only those similar to the approach presented in this chapter.
The approach presented in this chapter consists of creating an augmented set of models.
However, instead of modeling utterance likelihoods or the posterior probabilities of class
labels, we focus on temporal and inter-parameter dependence.
In our case, new weights should be estimated, as there are more features (inter-parameter
dependencies or temporal dependencies) to cover the new probability space. Also, the
posterior probabilities p(xt|m) will be modified, as some independence restrictions will no
longer apply.
From this new set of features, a regular SCHMM-based training will be performed, leading
to a new set of augmented statistical models.
1 See http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu
164 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Pi ( f 0 ) = ∑ ci,m
⋅ p ( f0 | m ) (5)
For the second acoustic feature, the first derivative of the cepstrum (f1), the new output
probability is defined as:
Pi ( f1 ) = ∑ ci,m
⋅ p ( f1 | m )
The new weights in this output probability are defined according to N-gram-based feature
combinations, taking advantage of the bi-gram " m ˆ 0 , m" , where m̂0 is the likeliest class for
feature f0 at each state i and time t considered in the sum of probabilities. It is defined as:
Pi ( f 2 ) = ∑ ci,m
,mˆ mˆ
⋅ p ( f2 | m)
Now the new weights are defined according to N-gram-based feature combinations as
ci,m ,mˆ 0 ,mˆ1
. Extrapolating equation (7):
Overcoming HMM Time and Parameter Independence Assumptions for ASR 165
Pi ( f 3 ) = ∑ ci,3m, mˆ 1 ⋅ p( f 3 | m )
( )
P st | s1t −1 = P(st | st −1 ) (11)
where s1t-1 represents the state sequence s1,s2,...,st-1.
Taking into account a state sequence of length N, equation (11) can be reformulated to:
( )
P st | s1t −1 = P(st | st − N … st −1 ) (12)
For simplicity, not all of the sequence of observations is taken into account, but only the two
previous ones for each observation st, working with the 3-gram st-2, st-1, st. Then, equation
(12) can be expressed as:
( )
P st | s1t −1 = P(st | st −2 , st −1 ) (13)
Applying independence among features (recall equation (3)), the output probability of each
HMM feature will be expressed as:
P( f i ) = P f i | f it − 2 , f it −1 ) (14)
Again, the most frequent combinations of acoustic parameterization labels can be defined,
and a set of augmented acoustic models can be trained. The output probability (from
equation (1)) of state i at time t for each feature k will be rewritten following the same line of
argument as in previous sections (see section 3.1, and equations (5)-(9)).
166 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
ˆ k,t −2 , mˆ k,t −1 , m does not exist, the bigram or unigram case will be
Notice that if the trigram m
2 A.Moreno, R.Winksky, 'Spanish fixed network speech corpus' SpeechDat Project. LRE-
3 TC-STAR: Technology and corpora for speech to speech translation, www.tc-star.org
Overcoming HMM Time and Parameter Independence Assumptions for ASR 167
Baseline 28.62 -
24.56 14.19%
21.73 24.07%
20967/18495/17055/15074 21.66 24.32%
6. Discussion
The future of speech-related technologies is clearly connected to the improvement of speech
recognition quality. Commercial speech recognition technologies and applications still have
some limitations regarding vocabulary length, speaker independence and environmental
noise or acoustic events. Moreover, real-time applications still miss some improvement with
the system delays.
Although the evolution of ASR needs to deal with these restrictions, they should not be
addressed directly. Basic work on the core of the statistical models is still needed, which will
contribute to higher level improvements.
HMM-based statistical modeling, the standard state-of-the-art for ASR, is based on some
assumptions that are known to affect recognition performance. Throughout this chapter, we
have addressed two of these assumptions by modeling inter-parameter dependencies and
time dependencies. We noted different approaches for improving standard HMM-based
ASR systems introducing some actual solutions.
Two proposals for using N-gram-based augmented HMMs were also presented. The first
solution consists of modeling the dependence between the different acoustic parameters,
thus overcoming the parameter independence assumption. The second approach relies on
modeling the temporal evolution of the regular frequency-based features in an attempt to
break the time independence assumption.
Experiments on connected digit recognition and continuous speech recognition have also
been explained. The results presented here show an improvement in recognition accuracy,
especially for the time dependencies modeling based proposal. Therefore, it seems that time-
independence is a restriction for an accurate ASR system. Also, temporal evolution seems to
need to be modeled in a more detailed way than the mere use of the spectral parameter's
It is important to note than a more relevant improvement is achieved for continuous speech
recognition than for connected digit recognition. For both tasks, independent testing
datasets were used in last instance. Hence, this improvement does not seem to be related to
an adaptation of the solution to the training corpus, but to better modeling of the
dependencies for demiphone-based models. Thus, more general augmented models were
obtained when using demiphones as HMM acoustic models.
Moreover, although the present research solutions should not be especially concerned with
computational cost (due to the constant increase in processing capacity of computers), it is
important to keep in mind implementation for commercial applications and devices. Taking
computational cost into consideration, we find that the training computational cost increase
of this modeling scheme clearly pays off by reducing the computational cost of recognition
by about 40%.
Further work will be needed to extend this method to more complex units and tasks, i.e.
using other state-of-the-art acoustic units and addressing very large vocabulary ASRs or
even unrestricted vocabulary tasks.
170 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
8. References
Bonafonte, A.; Ros, X. & Mariño, J.B. (1993). An efficient algorithm to find the best state
sequence in HSMM, Proceedings of European Conf. On Speech Technology
Bonafonte, A.; Mariño, J.B.; Nogueiras, A. & Fonollosa, J.A.R. (1998). Ramses: el sistema de
reconocimiento del habla continua y gran vocabulario desarrollado por la UPC,
VIII Jornadas de Telecom I+D
Casar, M.; Fonollosa, J.A.R. & Nogueiras,A. (2006a). A path based layered architecture using
HMM for automatic speech recognition, Proceedings of ISCA European Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Casar, M. & Fonollosa, J.A.R. (2006b). Analysis of HMM temporal evolution for automatic
speech recognition and utterance verification, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. On
Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP)
Furui, S. & Sandhi, M. (1992). Advances in Speech Signal Processing, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
ISBN:0-8247-8540, New Jork, USA
Huang, X.D. & Jack, M.A. (1998). Unified techniques for vector quantisation and Hidden
Markov modeling using semi-continuous models, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. On
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Huang, X.; Acero, A. & Hon, H.W. (2001). Spoken Language Processing, Prentice Hall PTR,
ISBN:0-13-022616-5, New Jersey, USA
Layton, M.I. & Gales, M.J.F. (2006). Augmented Statistical Models for Speech Recognition,
Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Mariño, J.B.; Nogueiras, A.; Paches-Leal, P. & Bonafonte, A. (2000). The demiphone: An
efficient contextual subword unit for continuous speech recognition. Speech
Communication, Vol.32, pp:187-187, ISSN:0167-6393
Nadeu, C; Macho, D. & Hernando, J. (2001). Time and frequency filtering of filter-bank
energies for robust HMM speech recognition. Speech Communication, Vol.34, Issues
1-2 (April 2001) pp:93-114, ISSN:0167-6393
Pylkkönen, J. & Kurimo, M. (2003). Duration modeling techniques for continuous speech
recognition, Proceedings of European Conf. On Speech Technology (EUROSPEECH)
Rabiner, L.R. (1989). A tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and selected applications in
speech recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE, No.2, Vol.77, pp:257-289, ISSN:0018-9219
Rabiner, L. (1993). Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN:0-13-015157-2,
New Jersey, USA
Saon, G.; Padmanabhan, M.; Goinath, R. & Chen, S. (2000). Maximum likelihood
discriminant feature spaces, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. On Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Stemmer, G.; Zeissler, V.; Hacker, C.; Nöth, E. & Niemann, H. (2003). Context-dependent
output densities for Hidden Markov Models in Speech recognition, Proceedings of
European Conf. On Speech Technology (EUROSPEECH)
Takahashi, S. (1993). Phoneme HMMs constrained by frame correlations, Proceedings of IEEE
Int. Conf. On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASP)
1. Introduction
For a couple of decades there has been a great effort spent to build and employ ASR systems
in areas like information retrieval systems, dialog systems, etc., but only as the technology
has evolved further other applications like dictation systems or even automatic transcription
of natural speech (Nouza et al., 2005) are emerging. These advanced systems should be
capable to operate on a real time base, must be speaker independent, reaching high accuracy
and support dictionaries containing several hundreds of thousands of words.
These strict requirements can be currently met by HMM models of tied context dependent
(CD) phonemes with multiple Gaussian mixtures, which is a technique known from the
60ties (Baum & Eagon, 1967). As this statistical concept is mathematically tractable it,
unfortunately, doesn’t completely reflect the physical underlying process. Therefore soon
after its creation there have been lot of attempts to alleviate that. Nowadays the classical
concept of HMM has evolved into areas like hybrid solutions with neural networks,
utilisation of different than ML or MAP training strategies that minimize recognition errors
by the means of corrective training, maximizing mutual information (Huang et. al., 1990) or
by constructing large margin HMMs (Jiang & Li, 2007). Furthermore, a few methods have
been designed and tested aiming to suppress the first order Markovian restriction by e.g.
explicitly modelling the time duration (Levinson, 1986), splitting states into more complex
structures (Bonafonte et al., 1996), using double (Casar & Fonollosa, 2007) or multilayer
structures of HMM. Another vital issue is the robust and accurate feature extraction method.
Again this matter is not fully solved and various popular features and techniques exist like:
MFCC and CLPC coefficients, PLP features, TIFFING (Nadeu & Macho, 2001), RASTA filter
(Hermasky & Morgan, 1994), etc.
Even despite the huge variety of advanced solutions many of them are either not general
enough or are rather impractical for the real-life employment. Thus most of the currently
employed systems are based on continuous context independent (CI) or tied CD HMM
models of phonemes with multiple Gaussian mixtures trained by ML or MAP criteria. As
there is no analytical solution of this task, the training process must be an iterative one
(Huang et al., 1990). Unfortunately, there is no guarantee of reaching local maxima, thus lot
of effort is paid to the training phase in which many stages are involved. Thus there are
some complex systems that allow convenient and flexible training of HMM models, where
the most famous are HTK and SPHINX.
172 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
This chapter provides you with the description of some basic facilities and methods
implemented by HTK and SPHINX systems and guides you through a thorough process of
building speaker independent CDHMM models using the professional database
MOBILDAT-SK (Darjaa et al., 2006). First, basic tolls for building practical HMM models are
described using HTK and SPHINX facilities. Then several experiments revealing the optimal
tuning of the training phase are discussed and evaluated ranging from: selecting feature
extraction methods and their derivatives, controlling and testing the overtraining
phenomenon, selecting modelled units: CI and CD phonemes vs. models of functional
words, setting proper tying options for CD phonemes, etc. Further, the popular training
procedures for HTK and SPHNIX systems will be briefly outlined, namely: REFREC
(Linderberg et al., 2000) / MASPER (Zgank & Kacic, 2003) and SphinxTrain (Scriptman,
2000). After the presentation of both training schemes the newly suggested modifications
are discussed, tested and successfully evaluated. Finally, the achieved results on both
systems are compared in terms of the accuracy, memory usage and the training times.
Thus the following paragraphs should give you the guideline how to adjust and build both
robust and accurate HMM models using standard methods and systems on the professional
database. Further, if it doesn’t provide you with the exact settings, because they may be
language specific, at least it should suggest what may be and what probably is not so
relevant in building HMM models for practical applications.
T model. Furthermore, each element of the model (means, variances, mixtures, etc.) can be
tied to the corresponding elements of other models. In HTK there are implemented 2
methods for parameter’s tying, namely: the data driven one and the decision trees. The
decoder supports forced alignment for multiple pronunciations, and the time alignment that
can be performed on different levels and assess multiple hypotheses as well. To ease the
implementation for online systems a separate recognition tool called ATK has been released.
Of course an evaluation tool supporting multiple scoring methods is available.
The SPHINX system is eligible for building large vocabulary ASR systems since late 80ties
(Lee et al., 1990). Currently there are SPHINX 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 decoder versions and a common
training tool called SphinxTrain. The latest updates for SphinxTrain are from 2008, however,
here mentioned options and results will refer to the version dated back to 2004.
Unfortunately, the on-line documentation is not extensive, so the features mentioned here
onwards are only those listed in manuals dated back to 2000 (Scriptman, 2000).
SphinxTrain can be used to train CDHMM or SCHMM for SPHINX 3 and 4 decoders
(conversion for version 2 is needed). SphinxTrain supports MFCC and PLP speech features
with delta or delta-delta parameters. Transcription file contains words from a dictionary,
but neither multilevel description nor time labels are supported. There are 2 dictionaries, the
main for words (alternative pronunciations are allowed but in the training process are
ignored), and the second one is the so called filler dictionary where non-speech models are
listed. The main drawback is the unified structure of HMM models that is common to all
models both for speech and non-speech events. At the end of each model there is one non-
emitting state, thus no “T” model is supported. Further, it is possible to use only the
embedded training and the flat start initialization processes. Observation probabilities are
modelled by multi mixture Gaussians and the process of gradual model enhancement is
allowed. SphinxTrain performs tying of CD phonemes by constructing decision trees;
however no phoneme classification file is required as the questions are automatically
formed. Instead of setting some stoppage conditions for the state tying, the number of tied
states must be provided by the designer prior to the process which expects deep knowledge
and experience. Unlike HTK, only whole states can be tied. Apart of the SphinxTrainer there
is a statistical modelling tool (CMU) for training unigrams, bigrams and trigrams.
the SPEECHDAT database, whose many versions have been built for several languages
using fix telephone lines and are regarded as professional databases.
The Slovak MOBILDAT-SK database consists of 1100 speakers that are divided into the
training set (880) and the testing set (220). Each speaker produced 50 recordings (separate
items) in a session with the total duration ranging between 4 to 8 minutes. These items were
categorized into the following groups: isolated digit items (I), digit/number strings (B,C),
natural numbers (N), money amounts (M), yes/no questions (Q), dates (D), times (T),
application keywords (A), word spotting phrase (E), directory names (O), spellings (L),
phonetically rich words (W), and phonetically rich sentences (S, Z). Description files were
provided for each utterance with an orthographical transcription but no time marks were
supplied. Beside the speech, following non- speech events were labeled too: truncated
recordings (~), mispronunciation (*), unintelligible speech (**), filed pauses (fil), speaker
noise (spk), stationary noise (sta), intermitted noise (int), and GSM specific distortion (%). In
total there are 15942 different Slovak words, 260287 physical instances of words, and for
1825 words there are more than one pronunciation listed (up to 5 different spellings are
supplied). Finally, there are 41739 useable speech recordings in the training portion,
containing 51 Slovak phonemes, 10567 different CD phonemes (word internal) and in total
there are slightly more than 88 hours of speech.
suppress in the feature space. Finally, when using CDHMM models it is required for the
feasibility purposes that the elements of feature vectors should be linearly independent so
that a single diagonal covariance matrix can be used. Unfortunately, yet there is no feature
that would ideally incorporate all the requirements mentioned before.
Many basic speech features have been designed so far, but currently MFCC and PLP (Hönig
et al., 2005) are the most widely used in CDHMM ASR systems. They both represent some
kind of cepstra and thus are better in dealing with convolutional noises. However, it was
reported that some times in lower SNRs they are outperformed by other methods, e.g.
TIFFING (Nadeu & Macho, 2001). Furthermore, the DCT transform applied in the last step
of the computation process minimize the correlation between elements and thus justifies the
usage of diagonal covariance matrices. Besides those static features it was soon discovered
that the changes in the time (Lee at al., 1990) represented by delta and acceleration
parameters play an important role in modelling the evolution of speech. This is important
when using HMMs as they lack the natural time duration modelling capability. Overall
energy or zero cepstral coefficients with their derivations also carry valuable discriminative
information thus most of the systems use them. Furthermore, to take the full advantage of
cepstral coefficients, usually a cepstral mean subtraction is applied in order to suppress
possible distortions inflicted by various transmission channels or recording devices. At the
end we shall not forget about the liftering of cepstra in order to emphasise its middle part so
that the most relevant shapes of spectra for recognition purposes would be amplified. Well,
this appealing option has no real meaning when using CDHMM and Gaussian mixtures
with diagonal covariance matrices. In this case it is simply to show that the liftering
operation would be completely cancelled out when computing Gaussian pdf.
MFCC Appl. Words PLP Appl. Words MFCC Loop Dig. PLP Loop Dig.
WER [%]
Fig. 1. Word error rates of PLP and MFCC features for application words and looped digits
tests as a function of HMM models (CI and tied CD with multiple mixtures).
All the above-mentioned features and auxiliary settings were tested and evaluated on our
database in terms of the recognition accuracy. Three tests were done on the test set portion
of the database: single digits, digits in the loop, and application words. The training was
based on the MASPER training procedure (will be presented later in the text) using the HTK
system. In fig. 1 there are shown results for both MFCC and PLP features with delta,
acceleration, and C0 coefficients, modified by the mean subtraction (this setting showed the
176 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
best results for both features). These were calculated over different HMM models (CI and
tied CD phoneme models with multiple Gaussian mixtures) and both the application words
and looped digit tests. From these 2 tests one can induce that slightly better results are
obtained by PLP method, but in order to get a numeric evaluation of the average WER for
all the models, both tests for MFCC and PLP were computed separately. These averaged
errors over models and tests revealed that PLP is slightly better, scoring 20.34% while MFCC
showed 20.96% of WER that amounts to a 3% drop in an average word error rate. Further,
we investigated the significance of auxiliary features and modification techniques. For both
methods the cepstral mean subtraction brought essentially improved results on average by
33.83% for MFCC and 21.28%for PLP. That reveals the PLP is less sensitive to the cepstral
mean subtraction, probably, because it uses non linear operations (equal loudness curve,
0.33 root of the power, calculation of the all pole spectra) applied prior to the signal is
transformed by the logarithm and cepstral features are calculated. Next the role of C0 (zero
cepstral coefficient) was tested and compared to the solely static PLP and MFCC vectors,
where it brought relative improvement by 19.7% for MFCC and 9.7% for PLP, again PLP
showed to be less sensitive to the addition of a static feature or modification. Next the
inclusion of delta coefficients disclosed that their incorporation brought down the averaged
error by 61.15% for MFCC and 61.41% for PLP. If this absolute drop is further transformed
to the relative drop calculated over a single difference coefficient (if all are equally
important), it shows that one delta coefficient on average causes a 4.7% WER drop for
MFCC and 4.72% for PLP. Finally, the acceleration coefficients were tested, and their
inclusion resulted in a 41.16% drop of WER for MFCC and 52.47% drop for PLP. Again, if
these absolute drops are calculated for a single acceleration coefficient it was found that one
such a coefficient causes on average a 3.16% drop of WER for MFCC and a 4.03% for PLP.
Interestingly enough, both dynamic features caused to be more significant for PLP than for
MFCC in relative numbers, however, for the additional C0 (static feature) this was just the
opposite. That may suggest that PLP itself (in this task) is better in extracting static features
for speech recognition.
reported to provide more accurate results (Kosaka et al., 2007). Usually this is explained by
the inability of Gausian mixture pdf to model the occurrence of noisy speech. However, this
is not the case as for example, the theoretical results from the artificial neural networks
domain, namely the radial bases function (RBF), roughly say that a RBF network can
approximate any continuous function defined on a compact set with the infinitely small
error (Poggio & Girosi, 1990). Thus it poses as a universal approximator. If we compare the
structure of a RFB network with N inputs (size of a feature vector), M centres (Gaussian
mixtures) and one output (probability of a feature vector) we find out that these are actually
the same. Generally, Gaussian mixtures can be viewed as an approximation problem how to
express any continuous function of the type f: RN-> R by the means of sum of Gaussian
distributions, which is just what the RBF networks do. Thus the derived theoretical results
for RBF must also apply to this CDHMM case regarding the modelling ability of Gaussians
mixtures. Unfortunately, the proof says nothing about the number of mixtures (centres).
Therefore, based on these theoretical derivations we decided to use CDHMM without
additional experiments.
laughing etc.) can be modelled by a unique model, but to increase the modelling ability
these events are further divided into groups e.g. sound produced unintentionally like
coughing, sneezing, etc. and intentional sounds like laughing, hesitating- various filling
sounds, etc.
_C 6
or 6
or 2
w _2
w _4
Fig. 2. Word error rates for CI, whole word, and tied CD phoneme models with different
number of mixtures and both looped digit and yes-no tests. There are 3 states per a
phoneme and a strictly left right structure of models.
To determine which models perform best and at what cost the following experiments were
executed. CI and tied CD phoneme models were train with different number of Gaussian
mixtures as was suggested by the REFREC or MASPER training schemes. To verify the
effectiveness of the whole word models, models for digits and yes / no words were
constructed as well. The whole word models consisted of the same number of states as their
phoneme-concatenated counterparts and followed the same transition matrix structure
(strictly left right, no skip). However, to utilize more efficiently the whole word models in
mimicking the co-articulation effect, the HMM structure was enhanced so as to allow a one
state skip. This structure was tested for whole word models as well as for CI and CD models
created by the MASPER training scheme. In fig. 2 there are shown results for whole word
models, CI and tied CD phoneme models with different number of mixtures, 3 states per a
phoneme, and with a strictly left-right structure, for looped digits and yes / no tests. The
same results for the left - right structure with one allowed state to be skipped and 3 states
per a phoneme are depicted in fig. 3.
For the strict left right structure of HMM models there is surprisingly very little difference in
terms of averaged WER between CI phonemes 4.09% and whole word models 3.94%. The
tied CD phoneme models outperformed even the whole word models scoring on average
only 1.57% of WER. Similar tests with the one state skip structure however, brought
different results as seen in fig. 3. The averaged WER for CI models is 5.46%, tied CD models
scored 3.85% and the whole word models 3.12%. These results deserve few comments. First
an obvious degradation of WER for CI by 33.4% and tied CD phoneme models by 145%
when moving from strictly left - right structure to the one state skip structure that
potentially allows more modelling flexibility. By introducing additional skips the minimal
Practical Issues of Building Robust HMM Models Using HTK and SPHINX Systems 179
occupancy in a phoneme model has reduced to only one time slot (25ms) comparing to the
original 3 (45ms) which is more realistic for a phoneme. By doing so some phonemes were
in the recognition process passed unnaturally fast, that ended up in a higher number of
recognized words. This is known behaviour and is tackled by introducing the so called
word insertion penalty factor that reduces the number of words the best path travels
through. In the case of short intervals like phonemes there is probably only a small benefit in
increasing the duration flexibility of a model that is more obvious for CD models as they are
even more specialized. On the other hand, when modelling longer intervals like words
which have strong and specific co-articulation effects inside, the increased time duration
flexibility led to the overall improved results by 4.5%. However, when comparing the best
tied CD phoneme models with the best word models, the tied CD models still provided
better results. This can be explained by their relatively good accuracy as they take in account
the eminent context and their robustness because they were trained from the whole training
section of the database. On the contrary, the word models were trained only from certain
items, like digits and yes - no answers, so there might not have been enough realizations.
Therefore the appealing option for increasing the accuracy by modelling whole functional
words should not be taken for granted and must be tested. If there is enough data to train
functional word models then the more complex structures are beneficial.
WER [%]
_C 6
_C 2
w _2
w _4
w _8
or 6
or 2
Fig. 3. Word error rates for CI, whole word, and tied CD phoneme models with different
number of mixtures and both looped digit and yes-no tests. There are 3 states per a
phoneme and a left right structure of HMM models with one allowed state to skip.
converges on the training data, the models or classifiers are getting too specific about the
training data and inevitably start to loose a broader view over a particular task (loosing the
generalization ability). There are more methods to detect and eliminate the overtraining but
let’s mention some of them: the usage of test sets, restricting the complexity of models,
gathering more general training data, setting floors for parameters, etc.
WER [%]
training cycles
Fig. 4. WER as a function of the training cycles for tied CD phonemes with 32 mixtures, two
variance floors (1% and 1‰), and evaluated for the application words test.
Although this phenomenon usually doesn’t pose too serious problems regarding the HMM
concept, in practical settings it must be dealt with. As the available data are limited, the
most effective ways to prevent this phenomenon to happen are: restrict the number of
training cycles, set up the variance floors for Gaussian pdf, tie similar means, variances,
mixtures, states, and even models, do not construct models with too many Gaussian
mixtures, and check the performance of HMM models on the test set. To examine and
enumerate the above mentioned methods on the professional database, we decided to
accomplish following test: we exposed models that are most prone to the overtraining (with
more than 4 mixtures both CI and tied CD phoneme models), to 30 additional training cycles
using 2 different variance floors (1% and 1‰ of the overall variance). Again, the training
followed the MASPER training scheme for CI and tied CD phoneme models with 1 up to 32
Gaussian mixtures. In fig. 4 there is depicted the WER measure as a function of training
cycles for tied CD phonemes with 32 mixtures and both variance floors (1% and 1‰) for the
application words test. The same results but for CI phonemes are in fig. 5.
As it can be seen from fig. 4 additional trainings caused the rise of WER for both variance
floors, however, WER got stabilized. Bit different situation was observed for CI phonemes
were the extra training cycles caused the WER do drop further, but this decrease after 6 or 8
iterations stopped and remained at the same level, for both variance floors. This can be due
to a large amount of samples for CI HMM models of phonemes. For the tied CD phonemes
the higher sensitivity to the overtraining was observed, which is not a surprise as these
models are much more specialized. In both cases the selected values for variance floors
provided similar final results. This can be viewed that both floors are still rather low to
completely prevent the overtraining given the amount of training samples and the
Practical Issues of Building Robust HMM Models Using HTK and SPHINX Systems 181
complexity of models. However, the experiments proved that the original training scheme
and the settings on the given database are in eligible ranges and are reasonably insensitive
to the overtraining. On the other hand, it was documented that the extensive training may
not bring much gain, and it can even deteriorates the accuracy.
WER [%]
training cycles
Fig 5. WER as a function of the training cycles for CI phonemes with 32 mixtures, two
variance floors (1% and 1‰), and evaluated for the application words test.
splitting questions. There is no harm in providing as many as possible questions because all
are tested and only those which are really relevant take place. Thus there were two options
to set: minimal log likelihood increase and the minimal number of the training frames per a
cluster. In the MASPER procedure as well as in the HTK book example these were set to 350
for the minimal log likelihood increase and 100 for the minimal occupation count. As these
options depend on each other we tested both, ranging from 50% less to 50% more than the
suggested settings. These settings are language specific, and moreover, they depend on the
size and type of the database (how many different CD phonemes are there, how many
realizations, what are their acoustic dissimilarities, etc.). Increasing both values leads to
more robust, but less precise models as well as to lower number of physical states. Of
course, their decrease would have the opposite effect. Thus this is the place for experiments
and the final tuning for most systems. First, in tab. 1 there are averaged WER and relative
improvements for tied CD phoneme models over application words and looped digits tests.
Originally suggested values were shifted in their values by: ±50%, ±25%, and 0%.
Table 1. Average WER for tied CD phoneme models for application words and looped digits
tests as a function of the minimal log likelihood increase and the minimal occupation count.
some deficiency of these schemes in handling the training data, i.e. the removal of all
utterances partially contaminated with truncated, mispronounced and unintelligible speech
even though the rest of the recording may be usable. Thus in the following the modification
to the MASPER procedure aiming to model the damaged parts of the speech while
preserving useful information will be presented and evaluated.
Let’s start with some statistic regarding the portion of damaged and removed speech.
After the rejection of corrupted speech files there were in total 955611 instances of all
phonemes. The same analysis applied just to the rejected speech files has discovered
further 89018 realizations of usable phonemes, which amounts to 9.32% of all appropriate
phoneme instances. More detailed statistic regarding the recordings, CI and CD
phonemes used by MASPER and modified MASPER procedures on MOBILDAT –SK is
summarized in table 3.
modified Absolute
Statistics of the database MASPER Relative increase
MASPER increase
recordings 40861 43957 3096 7,58%
CI phonemes 51 51 0 0%
CD phonemes 10567 10630 63 0,60%
instances of
955611 1044629 89018 9,32%
CI phonemes
average number of instances
~90.4 ~98.27 ~7.84 ~8.7%
per a CD phoneme
Table 3. Statistics of CI and CD phonemes contained in MOBILDAT SK that are utilized by
MASPER and modified MASPER procedures.
To be more specific, in fig. 6 there are depicted realizations of Slovak phonemes used by
MASPER and modified MASPER procedures. The modified MASPER procedure preserves
eligible data from the damaged recordings by using a unified model of garbled speech that
acts as a patch over corrupted words. These words are not expanded to the sequence of
phonemes, but instead, they are mapped to a new unified model of garbled speech, the so
called BH model (black hole- attract everything). Then the rest of a sentence can be
processed in the same way as in the MASPER procedure. The new model is added to the
phoneme list (context independent and serves as a word break) and is trained together with
other models. However, its structure must be more complex as it should map words of
variable lengths spoken by various speakers in different environments.
Following this discussion about the need for a complex model of garbled words while
having limited data, there are two related problems to solve: the complexity of such a model
and its enhancement stages. From the modelling point of view the ergodic model with as
many states as there are speech units would be the best, however, it would extremely
increase the amount of parameters to estimate. As it was expected there must have been
tested more options ranging from the simplest structures like a single state model to models
with 5 states (emitting). At the end of the training it was assumed that this model should be
ergodic, just to get the full modelling capacity, which is not strictly related to the time
evolution of the speech.
Practical Issues of Building Robust HMM Models Using HTK and SPHINX Systems 185
number of realisations
p h on em e s
ergodic no ergodic
12 modified MASPER
Word Error Rate (%)
Fig. 7. Word error rates for the looped digits test and different CI and CD phoneme models,
using MASPER and modified MASPER training methods.
models Orig. Mod. Orig. Mod. Orig. Mod
mono_1_7 10.03 10.21 4.13 5.05 12.96 12.81
mono_2_2 10.38 10.81 4.13 5.05 11.67 11.58
mono_4_2 9.69 9.17 5.05 5.05 8.73 8.64
mono_8_2 7.44 7.18 2.75 2.75 6.98 6.88
mono_16_2 4.93 5.02 1.83 1.83 5.71 5.83
mono_32_2 4.24 4.15 2.29 2.29 5.13 4.94
tri_1_2 1.99 1.99 1.38 1.38 4.86 4.76
tied_1_2 1.82 1.82 1.38 1.38 4.95 4.78
tied_2_2 1.64 1.56 1.38 1.38 4.21 4.04
tied_4_2 1.47 1.3 0.92 0.92 3.45 3.26
tied_8_2 1.56 1.21 1.38 1.38 2.96 3.03
tied_16_2 1.56 1.47 0.92 0.92 2.59 2.47
tied_32_2 1.56 1.3 0.92 0.92 2.16 1.89
Table 5. Word error rates for different CI and CD phoneme models using MASPER and
modified MASPER and 3 tests: application words, single digits and looped digits.
Furthermore, in table 5 there are listed results for all tests and models. As it can be seen this
modification brought on average improved results both for CI as well as CD phonemes; for
tied CD models almost a 5% improvement was achieved. The main drawback of this
approach is however, the longer training process which added 11% of extra computation.
6.1 SphinxTrain
It is an independent application which trains HMM models containing SphinxTrain tools
and control scripts which actually govern the training (Scriptman, 2000).
The training process gradually undergoes following stages: verification of the input data,
feature extraction (MFCC and PLP static coefficients plus standard auxiliary features are
supported), vector quantization (used only for discrete models), initialization of HMM
models (flat start), training of CI HMM models (no time alignment is supported, thus only
the embedded training is available) with gradually incremented mixtures, automatic
generations of language questions and building decision trees that are needed in the tying
process for CD phonemes, pruning of the decision trees and tying similar states, training of
tied CD phoneme models with gradually augmented number of mixtures.
To sum it up, as it can be seen, besides others there are several differences to the MASPER
scheme: there are only two stages of the training, no single model training in the second
stage, no alignment for multiple pronunciations, no sp model and no modification to the SIL
structure (backward connection), number of training cycles is not fixed but is controlled by
the convergence factor, non existence of predefined classes of phonemes, all models have
the same structure, etc.
18000 and different training scenarios for spelled items to eliminate the missing short pause
model. There were altogether 4 training scenarios for the spelled items. The original one
ignored the problem and did not consider any background model between phonemes, even
despite that there is a high probability of silence when the phonemes are spelled. The
second one removed these recordings, just to avoid any incorrect transcription to be
involved in the training. The 3rd scenario blindly assumed that there must be high a priory
probability of pauses and thus inserted the silence model between all spelled items, and the
last scenario uses the forced alignment tool from the SPHINX decoder (this was not
included in the earlier versions of SphinxTrain scripts). This alignment does not produce
any time marks, does not perform selection between multiple realizations of words, it just
decides to place models from the filer dictionary between words. We applied this tool to all
recordings (unmarked silences may occur also in other recordings) in the early stage of the
training using CI models with 16 Gaussian mixtures. Tests were performed on the SPHINX
4 decoder (Walker et al., 2004) as it supports finite state grammar (JFSG) and the evaluation
was done on the HTK system so that very similar conditions were maintained.
Table 6. The accuracy of CD HMM models with 3 states per a model and various numbers of
mixtures for different number of tied states.
In table 6, results for 3 state models and different number of tied states for CD models are
listed, the same results but for 5 state models are shown in table 7. As it can be seen the best
results on average were obtained for 5000 tied states in the case of 3 state models, however,
the differences in the widely tested ranges were interestingly small. For the test with 5 state
models the best number was 18000 which is relatively high, but again the mutual differences
were negligible. For 5 state models there were 5/3 times more different states thus it is
natural these should be modelled with higher number of physical states. Comparing tables 6
and 7 it can be seen that on average the models with higher number of states (5) provided
slightly better results, the average relative improvement is 0.21%. This is of no wander as
they may have better modelling capabilities. On the other hand, there are more free
parameters to be estimated which may produce more accurate but not robust enough
models which in this test was apparently not the case. Finally, the 4 training scenarios were
compared and the results are listed in table 8.
Practical Issues of Building Robust HMM Models Using HTK and SPHINX Systems 189
Number of Gaussian
5 states Average accuracy over
mixtures for CD models
different CD models for fix
Number of number of tied states
8 16 32
tied states
2000 97.8 98.13 98.33 98.08
5000 97.85 98.28 98.11 98.08
9000 97.98 97.85 98.07 97.96
12000 97.84 97.98 98.07 97.96
15000 97.93 98.12 98.21 98.08
180000 97.97 98.17 98.3 98.14
Table 7. The accuracy of CD HMM models with 5 states per a model and various numbers of
mixtures for different number of tied states.
Spelled items SIL inserted into Forced
Models Original
removed spelled items alignment
CI -4 Gaussians 94.49 94.85 95.02 95.26
CI -8 Gaussians 95.19 95.23 95.49 95.58
CI -16 Gaussians 95.96 96.08 96.34 95.96
CI -32 Gaussians 96.24 96.48 96.57 96.43
CD -4 Gaussians 97.31 97.62 97.63 97.46
CD -8 Gaussians 97.67 97.63 97.69 97.7
CD-16 Gaussians 97.88 98.15 97.82 97.7
CD-32 Gaussians 97.96 98.25 98.12 98.25
Average over models 96.58 96.78 96.83 96.82
Table 8. The accuracy of different tied CD and CI HMM models for 4 training scenarios.
As it can be seen the worst case is the original training scheme. On the other hand, the best
results on average are provided by the “blind” insertion of SIL models between spelled
phonemes. This suggests that there was really high incidence of pauses and the forced
alignment was not 100% successful in detecting them.
7. Conclusion
Even though there are many new and improved techniques for HMM modelling of speech
units and different feature extraction methods, still they are usually restricted to laboratories
or specific conditions. Thus most of the systems designed for large vocabulary and speaker
independent tasks use the “classical” HMM modelling by CDHMM with multiple Gaussian
mixtures and tied CD models of phonemes.
190 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
In this chapter the construction of robust and accurate HMM models for Slovak was
presented using 2 of the most popular systems and the training schemes. These were tested
on the professional MOBILDAT –SK database that poses more adverse environment. In
practical examples issues like: feature extraction methods, structures of models, modelled
units, overtraining, and the number of tied states were discussed and tested. Some of the
here suggested adjustments were successfully used while building Slovak ASR (Juhar, et al.,
2006). Then the advanced training scheme for building mono, cross and multilingual ASR
systems (MASPER based on HTK) that incorporates all the relevant training aspects was
presented. Next, its practical modification aiming to increase the amount of usable training
data by the BH model was suggested and successfully tested. Further, the training method
utilizing the SPHINX system (SphinxTrain) was discussed and in the real conditions its
“optimal” settings were found for the case of MOBILDAT –SK database. Finally, useful
modifications for eliminating the problem of the missing short pause model in the case of
spelled items were suggested and successfully tested. To compare both systems the best
settings (modifications) for MASPER and SphinxTrain were used. Averaged word error
rates were calculated over all models using application words and looped digits tests.
Achieved results in table 9 are also listed separately for CI and tied CD models with 4, 8, 16,
and 32 mixtures, the memory consumption and the training times are also included.
Average WER Training time [hours]
consumption [MB]
Mod. Mod. Mod. Mod. Mod. Mod.
Masper SphinxTrain Masper SphinxTrain Masper SphinxTrain
All models 4.28 6.92 95 177 25h 8min 20h 58min
CD models 2.38 3.66 91.7 174 8h 48min 8h 53min
CI models 6.18 10.17 3.29 3.14 16h 20min 12h 5min
which may not have been optimized for particular tests, e. g. the insertion probability of
fillers (SPHINX 4), pruning options, etc. Thus the results except the training phase partially
reflect the decoding process as well, which was not the primary aim.
Table 10. Comparison of modified MASPER and modified SphinxTrain training procedures
in terms of the accuracy, evaluated separately for looped digits and application words tests.
Word error rates were calculated for models with 4, 8, 16 and 32 mixtures.
8. References
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August, 2006
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MASPER initiative- Crosslingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone
Databases, Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 2107-2110,
Lisbon, 2004
Language modelling
1. Introduction
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems utilize statistical acoustic and language
models to find the most probable word sequence when the speech signal is given. Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs) are used as acoustic models and language model probabilities are
approximated using n-grams where the probability of a word is conditioned on n-1 previous
words. The n-gram probabilities are estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. One of
the problems in n-gram language modeling is the data sparseness that results in non-robust
probability estimates especially for rare and unseen n-grams. Therefore, smoothing is
applied to produce better estimates for these n-grams.
The traditional n-gram word language models are commonly used in state-of-the-art Large
Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVSCR) systems. These systems result in
reasonable recognition performances for languages such as English and French. For
instance, broadcast news (BN) in English can now be recognized with about ten percent
word error rate (WER) (NIST, 2000) which results in mostly quite understandable text. Some
rare and new words may be missing in the vocabulary but the result has proven to be
sufficient for many important applications, such as browsing and retrieval of recorded
speech and information retrieval from the speech (Garofolo et al., 2000). However, LVCSR
attempts with similar systems in agglutinative languages, such as Finnish, Estonian,
Hungarian and Turkish so far have not resulted in comparable performance to the English
systems. The main reason of this performance deterioration in those languages is their rich
morphological structure. In agglutinative languages, words are formed mainly by
concatenation of several suffixes to the roots and together with compounding and
inflections this leads to millions of different, but still frequent word forms. Therefore, it is
practically impossible to build a word-based vocabulary for speech recognition in
agglutinative languages that would cover all the relevant words. If words are used as
language modeling units, there will be many out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words due to using
limited vocabulary sizes in ASR systems. It was shown that with an optimized 60K lexicon
194 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the OOV rate is less than 1% for North American Business news (Rosenfeld, 1995). Highly
inflectional and agglutinative languages suffer from high number of OOV words with
similar size vocabularies. In our Turkish BN transcription system, the OOV rate is 9.3% for a
50K lexicon. For other agglutinative languages like Finnish and Estonian, OOV rates are
around 15% for a 69K lexicon (Hirsimäki et al., 2006) and 10% for a 60K lexicon respectively
and 8.27% for Czech, a highly inflectional language, with a 60K lexicon (Podvesky &
Machek, 2005). As a rule of thumb an OOV word brings up on average 1.5 recognition errors
(Hetherington, 1995). Therefore solving the OOV problem is crucial for obtaining better
accuracies in the ASR of agglutinative languages. OOV rate can be decreased to an extent by
increasing the vocabulary size. However, even doubling the vocabulary is not a sufficient
solution, because a vocabulary twice as large (120K) would only reduce the OOV rate to 6%
in Estonian and 4.6% in Turkish. In Finnish even a 500K vocabulary of the most common
words still gives 5.4% OOV in the language model training material. In addition, huge
lexicon sizes may result in confusion of acoustically similar words and require a huge
amount of text data for robust language model estimates. Therefore, sub-words are
proposed as language modeling units to alleviate the OOV and data sparseness problems
that plague systems based on word-based recognition units in agglutinative languages.
In sub-word-based ASR; (i) words are decomposed into meaningful units in terms of speech
recognition, (ii) these units are used as vocabulary items in n-gram language models, (iii)
decoding is performed with these n-gram models and sub-word sequences are obtained, (iv)
word-like units are generated from sub-word sequences as the final ASR output.
In this chapter, we mainly focus on the decomposition of words into sub-words for LVCSR
of agglutinative languages. Due to inflections, ambiguity and other phenomena, it is not
trivial to automatically split the words into meaningful parts. Therefore, this splitting can be
performed by using rule-based morphological analyzers or by some statistical techniques.
The sub-words learned with morphological analyzers and statistical techniques are called
grammatical and statistical sub-words respectively. Morphemes and stem-endings can be
used as the grammatical sub-words. The statistical sub-word approach presented in this
chapter relies on a data-driven algorithm called Morfessor Baseline (Creutz & Lagus, 2002;
Creutz & Lagus, 2005) which is a language independent unsupervised machine learning
method to find morpheme-like units (called statistical morphs) from a large text corpus.
After generating the sub-word units, n-gram models are trained with sub-words similarly as
if the language modeling units were words. In order to facilitate converting sub-word
sequences into word sequences after decoding, word break symbols can be added as
additional units or special markers can be attached to non-initial sub-words in language
modeling. ASR systems that successfully utilize the n-gram language models trained for
sub-word units are used in the decoding task. Finally, word-like ASR output is obtained
from sub-word sequences by concatenating the sub-words between consecutive word
breaks or by gluing marked non-initial sub-words to initial ones. The performance of words
and sub-words are evaluated for three agglutinative languages, Finnish, Estonian and
This chapter is organized as follow: In Section 2, our statistical language modeling
approaches are explained in detail. Section 3 contains the experimental setup for each
language. Experimental results are given in Section 4. Finally, this chapter is concluded with
a detailed comparison of the proposed approaches for agglutinative languages.
Statistical Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages 195
Fig. 1. Finnish, Estonian and Turkish phrases segmented into statistical and grammatical
i. The size of the lexicon should be small enough that the n-gram modeling becomes more
feasible than the conventional word based modeling.
ii. The coverage of the target language by words that can be built by concatenating the
units should be high enough to avoid the OOV problem.
iii. The units should be somehow meaningful, so that the previously observed units can
help in predicting the next one.
iv. For speech recognition one should be able to determine the pronunciation for each unit.
A common approach to find the sub-word units is to program the language-dependent
grammatical rules into a morphological analyzer and utilize it to split the text corpus into
morphemes. As an alternative approach, sub-word units that meet the above desirable
properties can be learned with unsupervised machine learning algorithms. In this section,
we investigated both of the approaches.
To obtain a morpheme-based language model, all the words in the training text corpus are
decomposed into their morphemes using a morphological analyzer. Then a morphological
disambiguation tool is required to choose the correct analysis among all the possible
candidates using the given context. In Arısoy et al. (2007) the parse with the minimum
number of morphemes is chosen as the correct parse since the output of the morphological
parser used in the experiments was not compatible with the available disambiguation tools.
Also, a morphophonemic transducer is required to obtain the surface form representations
of the morphemes if the morphological parser output is in the lexical form as in Fig. 2.
In statistical language modeling, there is a trade-off between using short and long units.
When grammatical morphemes are used for language modeling, there can be some
problems related to the pronunciations of very short inflection-type units. Stem-endings are
a compromise between words and morphemes. They provide better OOV rate than words,
and they lead to more robust language models than morphemes which require longer n-
grams. The stems and endings are also obtained from the morphological analyzer. Endings
are generated by concatenating the consecutive morphemes.
Even though morphemes and stem-endings are logical sub-word choices in ASR, they require
some language dependent tools such as morphological analyzers and disambiguators. The
lack of successful morphological disambiguation tools may result in ambiguous splits and the
limited root vocabulary compiled in the morphological parsers may result in poor coverage,
especially for many names and foreign words which mostly occur in news texts.
One way to extend the rule-based grammatical morpheme analysis to new words that
inevitably occur in large corpora, is to split the words using a similar maximum likelihood
word segmentation by Viterbi search as in the unsupervised word segmentation (statistical
morphs in section 2.2.2), but here using the lexicon of grammatical morphs. This drops the
OOV rate significantly and helps to choose the segmentation using the most common units
where alternative morphological segmentations are available.
Fig. 3. The steps in the process of estimating a language model based on statistical morphs
from a text corpus (Hirsimäki et al., 2006).
The statistical morph model has several advantages over the rule-based grammatical
morphemes, e.g. that no hand-crafted rules are needed and all words can be processed, even
the foreign ones. Even if good grammatical morphemes are available for Finnish, it has been
shown that the language modeling results by the statistical morphs seem to be at least as
good, if not better (Hirsimäki et al., 2006; Creutz et al., 2007b).
3. Experimental setups
Statistical and grammatical units are used as the sub-word approaches in the Finnish,
Estonian and Turkish LVCSR experiments. For language model training in Finnish and
Estonian experiments we used the growing n-gram training algorithm (Siivola & Pellom,
2005). In this algorithm, the n-grams that increase the training set likelihood enough with
respect to the corresponding increase in the model size are accepted into the model (as in the
MDL principle). After the growing process the model is further pruned with entropy based
pruning. The method allows us to train compact and properly smoothed models using high
order n-grams, since only the necessary high-order statistics are collected and stored (Siivola
et al., 2007). Using the variable order n-grams we can also effectively control the size of the
models to make all compared language models equally large. In this way the n-grams using
shorter units do not suffer from a restricted span length which is the case when only 3-
grams or 4-grams are available. For language model training in Turkish, n-gram language
models were built with SRILM toolkit (Stolcke, 2002). To be able to handle computational
Statistical Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages 199
limitations, entropy-based pruning (Stolcke, 1998) is applied. In this pruning, the n-grams
that change the model entropy less than a given threshold are discarded from the model.
The recognition tasks are speaker independent fluent dictation of sentences taken from
newspapers and books for Finnish and Estonian. BN transcription system is used for
Turkish experiments.
3.1 Finnish
Finnish is a highly inflected language, in which words are formed mainly by agglutination
and compounding. Finnish is also the language for which the algorithm for the
unsupervised morpheme discovery (Creutz & Lagus, 2002) was originally developed. The
units of the morph lexicon for the experiments in this paper were learned from a joint
corpus containing newspapers, books and newswire stories of totally about 150 million
words (CSC, 2001). We obtained a lexicon of 50K statistical morphs by feeding the learning
algorithm with the word list containing the 390K most common words. The average length
of a morph was 3.4 letters including a word break symbol whereas the average word length
was 7.9 letters. For comparison we also created a lexicon of 69K grammatical morphs based
on rule-based morphological analysis of the words. For language model training we used
the same text corpus and the growing n-gram training algorithm (Siivola & Pellom, 2005)
and limited the language model size to approximately 40M n-grams for both statistical and
grammatical morphs and words.
The speech recognition task was speaker independent reading of full sentences recorded
over fixed telephone line. Cross-word triphone models were trained using 39 hours from
3838 speakers. The development set was 46 minutes from 79 new speakers and the
evaluation set was another corresponding set. The models included tied state hidden HMMs
of totally 1918 different states and 76046 Gaussian mixture (GMM) components, short-time
mel-cepstral features (MFCCs), maximum likelihood linear transformation (MLLT) and
explicit phone duration models (Pylkkönen & Kurimo, 2004). No speaker or telephone call
specific adaptation was performed. Real-time factor of recognition speed was about 10 xRT.
3.2 Estonian
Estonian is closely related to Finnish and a similar language modeling approach was
directly applied to the Estonian recognition task. The text corpus used to learn the morph
units and train the statistical language model consisted of newspapers and books, altogether
about 127 million words (Segakorpus, 2005). As in the Finnish experiments, a lexicon of 50K
statistical morphs was created using the Morfessor Baseline algorithm as well as a word
lexicon with a vocabulary of 500K most common words in the corpus. The average length of
a morph was 2.9 letters including a word break symbol whereas the average word length
was 6.6 letters. The available grammatical morphs in Estonian were, in fact, closer to the
stem-ending models, for which a vocabulary of 500K most common units was chosen.
Corresponding growing n-gram language models (approximately 40M n-grams) as in
Finnish were trained from the Estonian corpus.
The speech recognition task in Estonian consisted of long sentences read by 50 randomly
picked held-out test speakers, 8 sentences each (a part of (Meister et al., 2002)). The training
data consisted of 110 hours from 1266 speakers recorded over fixed telephone line as well as
cellular network. This task was more difficult than the Finnish one, one reason being the
more diverse noise and recording conditions. The acoustic models were rather similar cross-
200 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
word triphone GMM-HMMs with MFCC features, MLLT transformation and the explicit
phone duration modeling than the Finnish one, except larger: 3101 different states and 49648
GMMs (fixed 16 Gaussians per state). Thus, the recognition speed is also slower than in
Finnish, about 30 xRT. No speaker or telephone call specific adaptation was performed.
3.3 Turkish
Turkish is another agglutinative language with relatively free word order. The same
Morfessor Baseline algorithm (Creutz & Lagus, 2005) as in Finnish and Estonian was
applied to Turkish texts as well. Using the 394K most common words from the training
corpus, 34.7K morph units were obtained. The training corpus consists of 96.4M words
taken from various sources: online books, newspapers, journals, magazines, etc. In average,
there were 2.38 morphs per word including the word break symbol. Therefore, n-gram
orders higher than words are required to track the n-gram word statistics and this results in
more complicated language models. The average length of a morph was 3.1 letters including
a word break symbol whereas the average word length was 6.4 letters. As a reference model
for grammatical sub-words, we also performed experiments with stem-endings. The reason
for not using grammatical morphemes is that they introduced several very short recognition
units. In the stem-ending model, we selected the most frequent 50K units from the corpus.
This corresponds to the most frequent 40.4K roots and 9.6K endings. The word OOV rate
with this lexicon was 2.5% for the test data. The advantage of these units compared to the
other sub-words is that we have longer recognition units with an acceptable OOV rate. In
the stem-ending model, the root of each word was marked instead of using word break
symbols to locate the word boundaries easily after recognition. In addition, a simple
restriction was applied to enforce the decoder not to generate consecutive ending sequences.
For the acoustic data, we used the Turkish Broadcast News database collected at Boğaziçi
University (Arısoy et et al., 2007). This data was partitioned into training (68.6 hours) and
test (2.5 hours) sets. The training and test data were disjoint in terms of the selected dates.
N-gram language models for different orders with interpolated Kneser-Ney smoothing were
built for the sub-word lexicons using the SRILM toolkit (Stolcke, 2002) with entropy-based
pruning. In order to eliminate the effect of language model pruning in sub-words, lattice
output of the recognizer was re-scored with the same order n-gram language model pruned
with a smaller pruning constant. The transcriptions of acoustic training data were used in
addition to the text corpus in order to reduce the effect of out-of-domain data in language
modeling. A simple linear interpolation approach was applied for domain adaptation.
The recognition tasks were performed using the AT&T Decoder (Mohri & Riley, 2002). We
used decision-tree state clustered cross-word triphone models with approximately 7500
HMM states. Instead of using letter to phoneme rules, the acoustic models were based
directly on letters. Each state of the speaker independent HMMs had a GMM with 11
mixture components. The HTK front-end (Young et al., 2002) was used to get the MFCC
based acoustic features. The baseline acoustic models were adapted to each TV/Radio
channel using supervised MAP adaptation on the training data, giving us the channel
adapted acoustic models.
4. Experimental results
The recognition results for the three different tasks: Finnish, Estonian and Turkish, are
provided in Tables 1-3. In addition to sub-word language models, large vocabulary word-
Statistical Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages 201
based language models were built as the reference systems with similar OOV rates for each
language. The word-based reference language models were trained as much as possible in
the same way as the corresponding morph language models. For Finnish and Estonian the
growing n-grams (Siivola & Pellom, 2005) were used. For Turkish a conventional n-gram
with entropy-based pruning was built by using SRILM toolkit similarly as for the morphs.
For Finnish, Estonian and Turkish experiments, the LVCSR systems described in Section 3
are utilized. In each task the word error rate (WER) and letter error rate (LER) statistics for
the morph-based system is compared to corresponding grammatical sub-word-based and
word-based systems. The resulting sub-word strings are glued to form the word-like units
according to the word break symbols included in the language model (see Fig. 1) and the
markers attached to the units. The WER is computed as the sum of substituted, inserted and
deleted words divided by the correct number of words. In agglutinative languages the
words are long and contain a variable amount of morphemes. Thus, any incorrect prefix or
suffix would make the whole word incorrect. Therefore, in addition to WER, LER is
included here as well.
5. Conclusion
This work presents statistical language models trained on different agglutinative languages
utilizing a lexicon based on the recently proposed unsupervised statistical morphs. The
significance of this work is that similarly generated sub-word unit lexica are developed and
successfully evaluated in three different LVCSR systems in different languages. In each case
the morph-based approach is at least as good or better than a very large vocabulary word-
based LVCSR language model. Even though using sub-words alleviates the OOV problem
and performs better than word language models, concatenation of sub-words may result in
over-generated items. It has been shown that with sub-words recognition accuracy can be
further improved with post processing of the decoder output (Erdoğan et al., 2005; Arısoy
& Saraçlar, 2006).
The key result of this chapter is that we can successfully apply the unsupervised statistical
morphs in large vocabulary language models in all the three experimented agglutinative
languages. Furthermore, the results show that in all the different LVCSR tasks, the morph-
based language models perform very well compared to the reference language model based
on very large vocabulary of words. The way that the lexicon is built from the word
fragments allows the construction of statistical language models, in practice, for almost an
unlimited vocabulary by a lexicon that still has a convenient size. The recognition was here
restricted to agglutinative languages and tasks in which the language used is both rather
general and matches fairly well with the available training texts. Significant performance
variation in different languages can be observed here, because of the different tasks and the
fact that comparable recognition conditions and training resources have not been possible to
arrange. However, we believe that the tasks are still both difficult and realistic enough to
illustrate the difference of performance when using language models based on a lexicon of
morphs vs. words in each task. There are no directly comparable previous LVCSR results on
the same tasks and data, but the closest ones which can be found are around 15% WER for a
Finnish microphone speech task (Siivola et al., 2007), around 40% WER for the same
Estonian task (Alumäe, 2005; Puurula & Kurimo, 2007) and slightly over 30% WER for a
Turkish task (Erdoğan et al., 2005).
Future work will be the mixing of the grammatical and statistical sub-word-based language
models, as well as extending this evaluation work to new languages.
6. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Sabancı and ODTÜ universities for the Turkish text data
and AT&T Labs – Research for the software. This research is partially supported by
TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) BDP (Unified
Doctorate Program), TÜBİTAK Project No: 105E102, Boğaziçi University Research Fund
Project No: 05HA202 and the Academy of Finland in the projects Adaptive Informatics and
New adaptive and learning methods in speech recognition.
Statistical Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages 203
7. References
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DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, pages 270–274.
ASR systems
1. Introduction
Human speech recognition seems effortless, but so far it has been impossible to approach
human performance by machines. Compared with human speech recognition (HSR), the
error rates of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are an order of
magnitude larger (Lee, 2004; Moore, 2003; see also Scharenborg et al., 2005). This is true for
many different speech recognition tasks in noise-free environments, but also (and especially)
in noisy environments (Lippmann, 1997; Sroka & Braida, 2005; Wesker et al., 2005). The
advantage for humans remains even in experiments that deprive humans from exploiting
‘semantic knowledge’ or ‘knowledge of the world’ that is not readily accessible for
It is well known that there are several recognition tasks in which machines outperform
humans, such as the recognition of license plates or barcodes. Speech differs from license
plates and bar codes in many respects, all of which help to make speech recognition by
humans a fundamentally different skill. Probably the most important difference is that bar
codes have been designed on purpose with machine recognition in mind, while speech as a
medium for human-human communication has evolved over many millennia. Linguists
have designed powerful tools for analyzing and describing speech, but we hardly begin to
understand how humans process speech. Recent research suggests that conventional
linguistic frameworks, which represent speech as a sequence of sounds, which in their turn
can be represented by discrete symbols, fail to capture essential aspects of speech signals
and, perhaps more importantly, of the neural processes involved in human speech
understanding. All existing ASR systems are tributable to the beads-on-a-string
representation (Ostendorf, 1999) invented by linguistics. But is quite possible –and some
would say quite likely- that human speech understanding in not based on neural processes
that map dynamically changing signals onto sequences of discrete symbols. Rather, it may
well be that infants develop very different representations of speech during their language
acquisition process. Language acquisition is a side effect of purposeful interaction between
infants and their environment: infants learn to understand and respond to speech because it
helps to fulfil a set of basic goals (Maslow, 1954; Wang, 2003). An extremely important need
is being able to adapt to new situations (speakers, acoustic environments, words, etc.)
Pattern recognisers, on the other hand, do not aim at the optimisation of ‘purposeful
206 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
interaction’. They are trained to recognize pre-defined patterns, and decode an input signal
in terms of a sequence of these patterns. As a consequence, automatic speech recognisers
have serious problems with generalisations. Although modern ASR systems can adapt to
new situations, this capability is limited to a predefined set of transformations (Moore &
Cunningham, 2005).
Can the gap in speech recognition performance between humans and machines be closed?
Many ASR scientists believe that today’s statistical pattern recognisers are not capable of
doing this (see e.g. Moore, 2003). Most probably ASR can only be improved fundamentally
if entirely new approaches are developed (Bourlard et al, 1996). We are trying to do just this,
by investigating the way how infants acquire language and learn words and to see to what
extent this learning process can be simulated by a computational model. Many branches of
Cognitive Science, such as Psycho-linguistics, and Communication Science have contributed
to a large mass of data about the speech processing skills of adults and the ways in which
these skills develop during infancy and childhood (MacWhinney, 1998; Gerken & Aslin,
2005; Gopnik et al., 2001; Jusczyk, 1999; Kuhl, 2004; Kuhl et al., 2003; Swingley, 2005; Smith
& Yu, 2007). Despite the large number of studies, it is not yet clear how exactly infants
acquire speech and language (Werker & Yeung, 2005), and how an adult’s speech processing
can be as fast and robust against novel and adverse conditions as it apparently is. The
design and use of a computational model is instrumental in pinpointing the weak and
strong parts in a theory. In the domain of cognition, this is evidenced by the emergence of
new research areas such as Computational Cognition and Cognitive Informatics (e.g. Wang
et al, 2007).
In this chapter, we describe research into the process of language acquisition and speech
recognition by using a computational model. The input for this model is similar to what
infants experience: auditory and visual stimuli from a carer grounded in a scene. The input
of the model therefore comprises multimodal stimuli, each stimulus consisting of a speech
fragment in combination with visual information. Unlike in a conventional setting for
training an ASR system, the words and their phonetic representation are not known in
advance: they must be discovered and adapted during the training.
In section 2, we will present the model in more detail. The communication between the
learner model and the environment is discussed in section 3. In section 4, the mathematical
details of one specific instantiation of the learning algorithm are explained, while section 5
describes three experiments with this particular algorithm. Discussion and conclusion are
presented in sections 6 and 7.
2. The model
2.1 Background
In order to be able to effectively communicate, infants must learn to understand speech
spoken in their environment. They must learn that auditory stimuli such as stretches of
speech are not arbitrary sounds, but instead are reoccurring patterns associated with objects
and events in the environment. Normally this development process results in neural
representations of what linguists call ‘words’. This word discovery process is particularly
interesting since infants start without any lexical knowledge and the speech signal does not
contain clear acoustic cues for boundaries between words. The conventional interpretation is
that infants must ‘crack’ the speech code (Snow & Ferguson, 1977; Kuhl, 2004) and that the
discovery of word-like entities is the first step towards more complex linguistic analyses
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 207
(Saffran and Wilson, 2003). However, it seems equally valid to say that infants must
construct their individual speech code, a complex task in which attention, cognitive
constraints, social and pragmatic factors (and probably many more) all play a pivotal role.
Psycholinguistic research shows that infants start with learning prosodic patterns, which are
mainly characterised by their pitch contours and rhythm. A few months later, infants can
discriminate finer details, such as differences between vowels and consonants (e.g. Jusczyk,
1999; Gopnik et al., 2001). At an age of about 7 months infants can perform tasks that are
similar to word segmentation (e.g. Werker et al., 2005 and references therein; Newport, 2006;
Saffran et al., 1996; Aslin et al., 1998; Johnson & Jusczyk, 2001; Thiessen & Saffran, 2003).
These skills can be accounted for by computational strategies that use statistical co-
occurrence of sound sequences as a cue for word boundaries. Other experiments suggest
that the discovery of meaningful ‘words’ is facilitated when the input is multimodal (e.g.
speech plus vision), experiments (Prince & Hollich, 2005) and computational models (such
as the CELL model, Roy & Pentland, 2002).
As observed above, the design and test of a computational model of word discovery may be
pivotal for our understanding of language acquisition in detail. Simultaneously, such a
model will inform possible ways to fundamentally alter (and hopefully improve) the
conventional training-test paradigm in current ASR research. The classical limitations for
defining and modelling words and phonemes in ASR might be radically reduced by
exploring alternatives for data-driven word learning (e.g. by the use of episodic models –
see Goldinger, 1998; Moore, 2003).
The computational model that we are developing differs from most existing psycho-liguistic
models. Psycho-linguistic models of human speech processing (e.g. TRACE, McLelland &
Elman, 1986; Shortlist, Norris, 1994; Luce & Lyons, 1998; Goldinger, 1998; Scharenborg et al.,
2005; Pisoni & Levi, 2007; Gaskell, 2007) use a predefined lexicon and take symbolic
representations of the speech as their input. The fact that a lexicon must be specified means
that these models are not directly applicable for explaining word discovery (nor other
aspects of language acquisition). The success of these models, however, suggests that
concepts such as activation, competition and dynamic search for pattern sequences are
essential ingredients for any model aiming at the simulation of human speech processing
(cf. Pitt et al, 2002, for a discussion about these topics).
The computational framework that we propose in this paper builds on Boves et al. (2007)
and combines the concepts of competition and dynamic sequence decoding.
Simultaneously, it builds the lexicon in a dynamic way, starting empty at the beginning of a
training run. During training, the model receives new utterances, and depending on the
internal need to do so, new representations are hypothesized if existing representations fail
to explain the input in sufficient detail.
The model hypothesizes that patterns are stored in memory mainly on the basis of bottom-
up processing. Bottom-up models performing pattern discovery are also described in Park &
Glass (2006) and ten Bosch & Cranen (2007). These models are based on a multi-stage
approach in which first a segmentation of the speech signal is carried out, after which a
clustering step assigns labels to each of the segments. In the final stage, then, these symbolic
representations are used to search for words. The important difference beween ten Bosch &
Cranen (2007) on the one hand and Park & Glass (2006) and Roy & Pentland (2002) on the
other is that former does not rely on the availability of a phonetic recogniser to transcribe
speech fragments in terms of phone sequences. Models that do bottom-up segmentation
208 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
have already been designed in the nineties by Michiel Bacchiani, Mari Ostendorf and others.
But the aim of these models was entirely different from ours: the automatic improvement of
the transcription of words in the lexicon (Bacchiani et al., 1999).
2.2 Architecture
Our novel computational model of language acquisition and speech processing consists of
two interacting sub-models: (1) the carer and (2) the learner. In this paper we focus on the
architecture of the learner model. The computational model of the learner must be able to
perform three major subtasks.
Feature extraction
The learner model has multimodal stimuli as input. Of course, the speech signal lives in the
auditiry modality. To process the audio input, the model has an auditory front-end
processor, i.e., a module that converts acoustic signals into an internal representation that
can be used for learning new patterns and for decoding in terms of known patterns. The
front-end generates a redundant representation that comprises all features that have been
shown to affect speech recognition (and production) in phonetic and psycholinguistic
experiments. However, for the experiments described in this chapter we only used
conventional Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (with c0) and log energy.
In the second modality (vision), we sidestep issues in visual processing by simulating the
perception of objects and events in the scene by means of symbols (in the simplest version)
or possibly ambiguous feature vectors (in more complex versions of the model).
Pattern discovery
The learning paradigm of the computational model is different from conventional automatic
speech recognition approaches. In conventional speech recognition systems the patterns to
be recognised are almost invariably lexical entries (words), representeds in the form of
sequences of phonemes. In the current model, we avoid the a priori use of subword units
and other segmental models to hypothesize larger units such as words, and explicitly leave
open the possibility that the model store patterns in the form similar to episodes (see also
McQueen, 2007).
Apart from the question how meaningful (word-like) units can be represented, the discovery
of words from the speech signal is not straightforward. In our model, we use two strategies:
(1) exploit the repetitive character of infant-directed speech (Thiessen et al., 2005) (2) make
use of the cross-modal associations in the speech and the vision modality. This is based on
the fact that infants learn to associate auditory forms and visual input by the fact that the
same or similar patterns reappear in the acoustic input whenever the corresponding visual
scene is similar (Smith & Yu, 2007; see also Shi et al, 2008).
The chosen architecture is such that representations of word-like units develop over time,
and become more detailed and specialised as more representations must be discriminated.
Memory access
Theorists on the organisation of human memory disagree on the functioning of human
memory and how exactly the cognitive processes should be described. However, there is
consensus about three processes that each plays a different role in cognition (MacWhinney,
1998). Broadly speaking, a sensory store holds sensory data for a very short time (few
seconds), a short-term memory (holding data for about one minute) acts as ‘scratch pad’ and
is also used for executive tasks, while a long-term memory is used to store patterns (facts
e.g. names and birthdays, but also skills such as biking) for a very long time.
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 209
The short-term memory allows to store a representation of the incoming signal (from the
sensory store) and to compare this representation to the learned representations retrieved
from long-term memory. If the newly received and previously stored patterns differ mildly,
stored representations can be adapted. If the discrepancy is large, novel patterns are
hypothesized and their activation is increased if they appear to be useful in following
interactions. If they are not useful, their activation will decay and eventually they will not be
longer accessible. Short-term memory evaluates and contains activations, while long-term
memory stores representations.
The input and architecture of the computational model are as much as possible motivated
by cognitive plausibility. The words, their position in the utterance, and its
acoustic/phonetic representation are unspecified, and it is up to the model to (statistically)
determine the association between the word-like speech fragment and the referent.
The emphasis is on learning a small vocabulary, starting with an empty lexicon. A basic
vocabulary must be formed by listening to simple speech utterances that will be presented
in the context of the corresponding concepts.
Fig. 1. This picture shows an overview of the overall interaction between learner model
(within grey-line box) and the environment (i.e. carer, outside the box). Multimodal stimuli
are input of the model (top-left corner). For an explanation see the text.
A schematic representation of the interaction between the learner and the carer is shown in
figure 1. The learner is depicted within the grey box, while the carer is indicated as the
environment outside the grey box. A training session consists of a number of interaction
cycles, each cycle consisting of several turns. Per cycle, the learner receives multimodal
input from the carer after which a reply is returned to the carer. In the next turn, the carer
provides the learner with a feedback about the correctness of the response, after which it is
up to the learner to use this feedback information.
When the learner perceives input, the speech input is processed by the feature extraction
module. The outcome is stored in the sensory store, from where it is transferred to short-
term memory (STM) if the acoustic input is sufficiently speech-like (to be determined by the
attention mechanism in Figure 1). In STM, a comparison takes place between the sensory
input on the one hand and the stored representations on the other. The best matching
representation (if any) is then replied to the carer.
The role of the carer
The carer provides multimodal utterances to the learner. The moment at which the carer
speaks to the learner is determined by a messaging protocol that effectively controls the
interaction during a training session. The utterances used during training and their ordering
are determined by this protocol. After a reply from the learner, the carer provides feedback
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 211
about the correctness of the reply. In the current implementation, the feedback is just a
binary yes/no (approval/disproval).
Learning drive
The communication between carer and learner is not enough for learning. Learning is a
result of a learning drive. Exactly which drive makes the learner learn? When looking at real
life situations, a baby’s drive to learn words is ultimately rooted in the desire to have the
basic needs for survival fulfilled: get food, care and attention from the carers. In the current
model, this ‘need’ is implemented in the form of an ‘internal’ drive to build an efficient
representation of the multimodal sensory input, in combination with an ‘external’ drive to
optimise the perceived appreciation by the carer.
The internal drive basically boils down to the quality of the parse of the input. Given a
certain set of internal representations, the leaner is able to parse the input to a certain extent.
If the input cannot be parsed, this means that representations must be updated or even that
a new representation must be hypothesised and stored.
The external drive (related to the optimisation of the appreciation by the carer) is directly
reflected in the optimisation of the accuracy of the learner’s responses (i.e. minimisation of
the error rates). The optimisation of the accuracy can mathematically be expressed in terms
of constraints on the minimisation between predicted reply (predicted by the learner model)
and the observed ground truth as provided in the stimulus tag.
map(U) and W h
with W the current internal representation, is minimised. As a result, the vector h encodes
the utterance in terms of activations of the columns of W: The winning column is the one
corresponding to the highest value in h.
As said above, the multimodal stimulus contains a tag corresponding to visual input; this
tag can be coded into W such that each column of W is statistically associated with a tag. In
combination with the information in the vector h, this association allows the learner to
respond with the corresponding tag, in combination with the corresponding value in h.
NMF minimisation
The minimisation of the NMF cost function leads to the overall closest match between
prediction and observation, and so to an overall minimisation of the recognition errors made
by the learner. Hoyer (2004) presents two different NMF algorithms, each related to a
particular distance that is to be minimised. In the case of minimisation of the Euclidean
distance (Frobenius norm) between X and WH, the cost function that is minimised reads
(see Hoyer, 2004 for details)
Fig. 2. This figure shows a multi-layered representation of the contents of the memory of the
learner model. On the lowest level, data are represented in unreduced form. The higher the
level, the more abstract the corresponding representation is. The picture shows the general
idea of having multiple different levels of abstractness in parallel. In the current
computational model of the learner, just two levels are used, an ‘episodic’ one (here: actual
sequences of feature vectors obtained from the feature extraction module), and an abstract
one (here: basis vectors in a vector space representing words, in combination with activation
strengths). By using NMF, the conceptual bottom-up process of abstraction is translated into
explicit matrix factorisations, while the top-down process is represented by matrix
multiplications. These top-down and bottom-up processes can interact in a natural way
since they use the same paradigm of algebraic matrix manipulation.
214 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
5. Experiments
5.1 Materials
For the experiments discussed here, we use three comparable databases collected in the
ACORNS project: one Dutch database (NL), a Finnish database (FIN), and a Swedish
database (SW). For each language, the databases contain utterances from 2 male and 2
female speakers. Each speaker produced 1000 utterances in two speech modes (adult-
directed, ADS, and infant-directed, IDS). For the infant-directed style, all speakers were
asked to act as if they addressed a child of about 8-12 months old. The resulting speech has
the well-known characteristics of infant-directed speech, such as a more exaggerated
intonation, clear pronunciation, and low speaking rate.
The set of 1000 uterances contains 10 repetitions of combinations of target words and 10
carrier sentences. Within a database, not all target words are uniformly distributed. While
all 4 speakers share the same target words, the proper name they use to address the learner
is different for each speaker. For example, the NL database (8000 utterances) contains 800
tokens of ecologically relevant target words such as luier (diaper), auto (car), but only 200 of
the proper names mirjam, isabel, damian, otto. In total, there are 13 different target words
per language.
5.3 Experiment 1
Experiment 1 aims at showing that the learner is able to create representations of target
words, and that when a new speaker is encountered, these representations must be adapted
towards the characteristics of the new speaker.
To that end, the pool of 8000 Dutch utterances was blocked by speaker, and randomized
within speaker. The resulting utterance list contained 2000 utterances by a female speaker,
followed by 2000 utterances produced by a male speaker, followed again by the utterances
from another female and another male speaker.
The results of this word detection experiment are shown in Figure 3. The plot shows the
performance of the learner, measured as average accuracy over the most recent 50 stimuli.
The horizontal axis shows the number of stimuli (tokens) presented so far. The vertical axis
shows the corresponding accuracy in terms of percentages correct responses. Each time a
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 215
new speaker starts, a drop in performance of about 20-30 percent points can be seen. This
performance drop is mainly due to the fact that the word representations learned so far are
inadequate to correctly parse the utterances by the new speaker. The dip shows that
representations are dependent on the speakers previously encountered during training.
Given the learning settings, the learner is able to create adequate internal representations for
10 target words as produced by the first female speaker within about 1000 tokens (that is,
approximately 100 tokens per word). For each new speaker, the performance is back on its
previous high level within about 100 tokens per word. Results for Finnish and Swedish are
very similar.
During the first few hundred utterances the learner does not have any repreentatin available
and so does not respond in a meaningful manner; this explaines why the accuracy is zero.
Fig. 3. Results of word detection experiment (for Dutch, speaker-blocked). The plot shows
the performance of the learner, measured as average accuracy over the most recent 50
stimuli. The horizontal axis shows the number of stimuli (tokens) presented so far. The
vertical axis shows the corresponding accuracy in terms of percentages. A drop in
performance of about 20-30 percent point can be seen each time when a new speaker starts.
5.4 Experiment 2
During the training, the NMF update takes place after each utterance. Tus, there are two
parameters in the model that affect the eventual performance of the learner. These parameters
specify the update scheme for the internal representations: how many utterances are to be
used in the update of the internal representations, and when the initialisation of the internal
representation should occur. The first parameter (number of utterances used in each NMF
step) is referred to by memory length (indicated by ‘ml’) – this parameter specifies something
that might be called ‘effective memory length’. The second parameter deals with the
initialisation and denotes the number of stimuli before the first NMF decompistion (‘nsbt’).
In this experiment, we focus on the 2000 utterances of one Dutch female speaker. Figure 4a
shows the dependency of the eventual performance of the memory length. Four values for
216 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
ml are shown (20, 100, 500, inf). The value ‘inf’ means that all utterances that are observed so
far are used in the NMF updates. In this experiment, the value of nsbt is fixed to 100, which
means that the very first NMF factorisation occurs after 100 utterances, after which
recognition takes place.
The plot shows that the eventual performance largely depends on the memory length.
Values of 500 and ‘inf’ do lead to results that are almost indistinguishable; a value of 100,
however, leads to considerably lower performance. Translating this to the level of
individual words, this implies that 50 tokens per word suffice, but 9 to 10 tokens are
insufficient to yield adequate representations.
As shown in Fig. 4b the effect of the parameter nbst is much less dramatic. The most
interesting observation is that there is no need to delay the first decomposition until after a
large number of input stimuli have been observed. Delaying the first decomposition does
not buy improvements in later learning. But in a real learning situation it might cost a baby
dearly, because the carer might become frustrated by the lack of meaningful responses.
5.5 Experiment 3
In this experiment, the aim is to show that internal representations are changing
continuously, and that we can exploit structure in the representation space by statistical
means. This shows how abstraction may follow as a result of competition in crowded
collections of representations on a lower level. For example, we would like to know whether
speaker-dependent word representations can be grouped in such a way that the common
characteristics of these representations combine into one higher-level word representation.
We investigate this by first creating speaker-dependent word representations, followed by a
clustering to arrive at speaker-independent word representations.
Fig. 4a. This figure shows the dependency of the eventual performance of the memory
length. Three values for memory length (indicated by ‘ml’) are shown (20, 100, 500, inf). The
value ‘inf’ means that all utterances that are observed so far are used in each NMF update.
The number of stimuli that are processed before the first NMF-step (‘nsbt’) is fixed to 100.
For further explanation see the text.
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 217
Fig. 4b. In this figure, the performance of the learner is shows as a function of the number of
utterances used for the first NMF update (‘init’). For the sake of comparison, the memory
length is chosen to be equal to 500. The dashed curve in this figure is comparable to the solid
curve in figure 4a (ml = 500, number of stimuli used in first NMF factorisation = 100). One
observes that the eventual learner result is only slightly dependent on the amount of data
used in the initialisation of W and H.
The training data are taken from the Dutch database and consists of 2000 utterances, 500
utterances randomly chosen from each speaker. The visual tags that are associated to the
utterances now differ from the tags used in the two previous experiments. While in those
experiments the tag was a unique reference to an object, such as ‘ball’, the tags in this
experiment are a combination of the object referred to (ball) and the speaker. That means
that the leaner has to create and distinguish speaker-dependent representations for all
‘words’, leading to 36 different columns in the W matrix (the nine common words x four
different speakers). As a result, each column encodes a speaker-dependent variant of a
target word. For example, for the single target word ‘luier’ (diaper), 4 columns in W
represent the speaker-dependent acoustic realisations as produced by the four speakers.
The question in this experiment is to what extent the W columns can be clustered such that
the speaker-dependent variants of a single word can be interpreted as belonging to one
All representations are one-to-one with columns in W. The metric of the vector space in
which these columns reside is defined by the symmetrised Kullback-Leibler divergence.
This means that for any vector pair (v1, v2) the distance KL(v2, v2) can be used as a
dissimilarity measure, resulting in a KL-distance matrix MKL. A 10-means clustering using
MKL then yields 10 clusters (where each cluster contains one or more word-speaker
Eventually, we obtained clusters that correspond almost perfectly to speaker-independent
word representations. Figure 5 shows how the between-cluster distance increases while the
218 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
average within-cluster variance decreases during training. This implies that clusters do
emerge from the entire set of representations, which indicates that NMF is able to group
speaker-dependent word representations one more abstract representation.
One interesting aspect to address here is the precise evaluation of the within and between-
cluster variances. This is not trivial, since the KL divergence in the vector space spanned by
the columns of W is not Euclidean, meaning that the concept of ‘mean’ vector is problematic.
To circumvent this, the symmetrised KL divergence was first used to define a distance
between any two vectors in the space spanned by the columns of W. Next, evaluation of the
mean vector was avoided by making use of the following property:
Application of this expression for both within and between cluster variances leads to the
results as shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Values of the between-cluster variance (dotted line) and within-cluster variance (bold
line) during training. The ratio of the within-variance and between-variance decreases. This
shows that the speaker-dependent word representations can indeed be clustered into groups
that become increasingly more distinct.
6. Discussion
The computational model presented here shows that words (and word-like entities) can be
discovered without the need for a lexicon that is already populated. This discovery
mechanism uses two very general learning principles that also play a role in language
acquisition: the repetitive character of infant-directed speech on the one hand, and cross-
modal associations in the speech and visual input on the other hand.
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 219
The use of the term ‘word’ in the context of discovery may be a bit misleading, due to the
meanings of the term in linguistics. Throughout this chapter ‘word’ means an entity of
which an acoustic realisation is present across utterances as a stretch of speech.
Given a database consisting of 8000 utterances, we showed that our learning model is able to
build and update representations of 13 different target words. Experiment 1 shows that
these representations are speaker dependent: When the learner is confronted with a new
speaker, the model must adapt its internal representation to the characteristics of the speech
of the new speaker. A computational model like we are building allows us to look inside the
representation space and to investigate the dynamic behaviour of representations during
Experiment 2 showed that the actual performance of the learner depends on two parameters
that determine when and how the internal representations are updated. The amount of
utterances that is used for each update of internal representations relates to the amount of
memory that can be kept active during training. The result in experiment 2 suggests that 10
to 50 observations must be kept in memory for building adequate representations of words.
The second result of experiment 2 shows that the amount of data used for bootstrapping the
NMF decomposition is not crucial for the eventual performance of the learner. This means
that learning can be considered as a truly ongoing process, operating directly from the first
The third experiment showed that the representations are changing continuously, and that
the representation space can be investigated in detail. A clustering of the columns of W
showed how speaker-dependent word representations can be grouped into clusters that
correspond almost 1-1 with speaker-independent word representations.
The conceptual consequences of this result are very interesting. In the literature on mental
representations of words and the status of phonemes in the prelexical representation (see
e.g. McQueen, 2007) there is considerable discussion about the level of abstractness that
must be assumed in the word representations. Although based on a simple database and a
simple word discovery scheme, the result in experiment 3 suggests how abstraction may
follow as a result of competition between crowded collections of representations on a lower
level. If needed, speaker-dependent word representations can be clustered such that the
common characteristics of these representations combine into one unique word
The current word discovery approach does not use the ordering of the words in an
utterance. The utterances ‘the ball is red’ and ‘the red is ball’ would be mapped onto the
same vector (there are small differences that are not relevant for this discussion). This
seems an undesirable property of a word discovery algorithm, especially when the
acquisition of syntax is a next step in language acquisition (cf. Saffran and Wilson, 2003).
Current research shows that NMF is able to recover information about word order by
augmenting the output of the map function with additional components related to the
relative position of words in the input. A discussion about this approach is outside the
scope of this paper.
Since the computational model aims at simulating word discovery as it could happen in
human language acquisition, the cognitive plausibility of the model is an important
evaluation criterion. The literature on language learning and word acquisition discusses a
number of phenomena.
220 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Firstly, the number of words that young infants understand increases over time, with a
‘word spurt’ between the age 1y and 2y. This word spurt is generally attributed to various
factors such as effective reuse of existing representations (but other factors may play a
role, see McWhinney, 1998). In the current experiments, a word spurt effect is not yet
shown. The way in which internal representations are built, however, paves the way to
investigate whether a word spurt effect can be (at least partly) explained by the efficient
reuse of already-trained internal representations. If the representations space becomes too
crowded, this may be a trigger for the learner to look for a more efficient encoding of the
stored information, with a better (more efficient) decoding of new words as a possible
In the language acquisition literature, a few more characteristics of language learning are
discussed of which the modelling will be a challenge for all models that are ultimately based
on statistics. One of these characteristics is that infants reach a stage in which they need just
a few examples to learn a new word. Apparently, a reliable representation can be built on
the basis of a few tokens only. Our model is in principle able to do that, but to what extent
this is dependent on other factors remains to be investigated. Investigations about how a
training could be performed on the basis of single tokens (or just a few tokens) will help to
understand to what extent the human speech decoding process deviates from a purely
Bayesian model.
Another characteristic of first language acquisition is a phenomenon referred to as fast
mapping. Broadly speaking, fast mapping means that children learn that ‘new’ (unobserved)
words are likely to refer to ‘so far unobserved’ objects. Apparently the formation of form-
referent pairs is a process that might be controlled by some economic rules (in combination
with statistically motivated updates of representations). For example, it may imply that an
utterance that cannot be understood (fully parsed) given the current representations inspires
the learner to postulate a new word-referent pair. However, we want to avoid an ad-hoc
approach, in the sense that we want to avoid that the computational model is able to
reproduce the effects due to a pre-thought scheme in the implementation. Instead, the fast
mapping may result from the use of an underlying rule e.g. based on efficient reuse of
representations or on efficient interpretation of the stimulus. The phenomenon of fast
mapping will be topic of experiments in the near future.
Our last discussion point relates to the use of visual/semantic tags in the multimodal
databases. In the experiments reported in this chapter, tags serve as an abstract
representation of the object in the scene that the utterance relates to. The tags are now
interpreted by the computational model as they are, without any uncertainty that might
obscure its precise interpretation. This might be regarded as undesirable, since it favours the
visual information compared to the auditory input (which is subject to variation and
uncertainty). Moreover, it is not realistic to assume that the visual system is able to come up
with unambiguous and invariant tags.
In the near future the computational model will be extended with a component that allows
us to present ‘truly’ multimodal stimuli, comprising of an audio component and
‘visual/semantic’ component. The visual/semantic component will then replace the tag that
was used in the current databases. For example: the tag ‘ball’ will be replaced by a vector of
binary components, each of them indicated the presence or absence of a certain primitive
visual feature (such as red-ness, blue-ness, round-ness).
Discovery of Words: Towards a Computational Model of Language Acquisition 221
7. Conclusion
We presented a computational model of word discovery as the first step in language
acquisition. The word representations emerge during training without being specified a
priori. Word-like entities are discovered without the necessity to first detect sub-word
units. The results show that 13 target words can be detected with an accuracy of 95-98
percent by using a database of 8000 utterances spoken by 4 speakers (2000 utterances per
Future research will enhance the model such that information about word ordering can be
obtained. Also the multi-modal information in the stimuli will be enriched to encode
visual/semantic information in a cognitively more plausible way.
This research was funded by the European Commission under contract FP6-034362
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1. Introduction
Automatic speech recognition is often formulated as a statistical pattern classification
problem. Based on the optimal Bayes rule, two general approaches to classification exist; the
generative approach and the discriminative approach. For more than two decades,
generative classification with hidden Markov models (HMMs) has been the dominating
approach for speech recognition (Rabiner, 1989). At the same time, powerful discriminative
classifiers like support vector machines (Vapnik, 1995) and artificial neural networks
(Bishop, 1995) have been introduced in the statistics and the machine learning literature.
Despite immediate success in many pattern classification tasks, discriminative classifiers
have only achieved limited success in speech recognition (Zahorian et al., 1997; Clarkson &
Moreno, 1999). Two of the difficulties encountered are 1) speech signals have varying
durations, whereas the majority of discriminative classifiers operate on fixed-dimensional
vectors, and 2) the goal in speech recognition is to predict a sequence of labels (e.g., a digit
string or a phoneme string) from a sequence of feature vectors without knowing the
segment boundaries for the labels. On the contrary, most discriminative classifiers are
designed to predict only a single class label for a given feature.
In this chapter, we present a discriminative approach to speech recognition that can cope
with both of the abovementioned difficulties. Prediction of a class label from a given speech
segment (speech classification) is done using logistic regression incorporating a mapping
from varying length speech segments into a vector of regressors. The mapping is general in
that it can include any kind of segment-based information. In particular, mappings
involving HMM log-likelihoods have been found to be powerful.
Continuous speech recognition, where the goal is to predict a sequence of labels, is done
with N-best rescoring as follows. For a given spoken utterance, a set of HMMs is used to
generate an N-best list of competing sentence hypotheses. For each sentence hypothesis, the
probability of each segment is found with logistic regression as outlined above. The segment
probabilities for a sentence hypothesis are then combined along with a language model
score in order to get a new score for the sentence hypothesis. Finally, the N-best list is
reordered based on the new scores.
226 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The chapter is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce some notation and
present logistic regression in a general pattern classification framework. Then, we show how
logistic regression can be used for speech classification, followed by the use of logistic
regression for continuous speech recognition with N-best rescoring. Finally, we present
experimental results on a connected digit recognition task before we give a short summary
and state the conclusions.
yˆ = arg max p( y | x )
= arg max p( x | y) p( y).
In practical applications, however, we usually do not know any of the above probability
distributions. One way to proceed is to estimate the distributions from a set
D = {( x1 , y1 ),…,( x L , yL )} of samples referred to as training data. Bayes decision rule can then
be approximated in two ways. The first way is to estimate the two distributions p( x | y) and
p( y) , and substitute these into the second line in (1), an approach called the generative
approach. The second way is to estimate p( y | x ) , and substitute this into the first line in (1),
an approach called the discriminative approach.
Logistic regression is a statistically well-founded discriminative approach to classification.
The conditional probability of a class label given an observation is modeled with the
multivariate logistic transform, or softmax function, defined as (Tanabe, 2001a,b)
e f k ( x ,W , Λ )
pˆ ( y = k | x, W , Λ) = . (2)
i =1
e f i ( x ,W , Λ )
fi ( x, W , Λ) = w0 i + w1iφ1 ( x, λ1 ) + + wMiφM ( x, λM )
= w φ ( x, Λ),
with φ ( x, Λ) = [1,φ1 ( x, λ1 ),…,φM ( x, λM )]T and wi = [ w0 i ,…, wMi ]T . The parameters of the model
are the elements of the ( M + 1) × K dimensional weight matrix
Automatic Speech Recognition via N-Best Rescoring using Logistic Regression 227
⎛ | | ⎞
⎜ ⎟
W = ⎜ w1 wK ⎟ . (4)
⎜ | | ⎟⎠
Due to the probability constraint =1
pˆ ( y = k | x, W , Λ) = 1 , the weight vector for one of the
classes, say wK , need not be estimated and can be set to all zeros. Here however, we follow
the convention in (Tanabe, 2001a,b) and keep the redundant representation with K non-
zero weight vectors. As explained in (Tanabe, 2001a,b), this is done for numerical stability
reasons, and in order to treat all the classes equally.
We can think of the model for the conditional probability of each class k given an
observation x as a series of transforms of x as illustrated in Fig. 1. First, x is transformed
into a vector φ ( x, Λ) of M regressors augmented with a “1”. Then a linear transform
f = W Tφ ( x, Λ) gives the elements of the K -dimensional vector f , which are subsequently
used in the multivariate logistic transform in order to obtain the conditional probabilities
pˆ ( y = k | x, W , Λ) .
The classical way to estimate W from a set of training data D is to maximize the likelihood,
or equivalently, minimize the negative log-likelihood
l(W ;D ) = −∑ log pˆ ( y = yl | xl , W , Λ). (5)
l =1
However, the maximum likelihood estimate does not always exist (Albert & Anderson,
1984). This happens, for example, when the mapped data set {(φ ( x1 ; Λ), y1 ),…,(φ ( x L ; Λ), yL )}
is linearly separable. Moreover, even though the maximum likelihood estimate exists,
overfitting to the training data may occur, which in turn leads to poor generalization
performance. For this reason, we introduce a penalty on the weights and find an estimate
Ŵ by minimizing the penalized negative log-likelihood (Tanabe, 2001a,b)
plδ (W ;D ) = −∑ log pˆ ( y = yl | xl , W , Λ) + traceΓW T ΣW , (6)
l =1 2
where δ ≥ 0 is a hyperparameter used to balance the likelihood and the penalty factor. The
K × K diagonal matrix Γ compensates for differences in the number of training examples
from each class, as well as include prior probabilities for the various classes. If we let Lk
228 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
denote the number of training examples from class k , and pˆ ( y = k ) denote our belief in the
prior probability for class k , we let the k th element of Γ be
γk = . (7)
Lpˆ ( y = k )
The ( M + 1) × ( M + 1) matrix Σ is the sample moment matrix of the transformed
observations φ ( xl ; Λ) for l = 1,…, L , that is,
1 L
Σ = Σ(Λ) = ∑φ ( xl ; Λ)φ T ( xl ; Λ) .
L l =1
It can be shown (Tanabe, 2001a) that plδ (W ;D) is a matrix convex function with a unique
minimizer W * . There is no closed-form expression for W * , but an efficient numerical
method of obtaining an estimate was introduced in (Tanabe, 2001a,b, 2003). In this
algorithm, which is called the penalized logistic regression machine (PLRM), the weight
matrix is updated iteratively using a modified Newton’s method with stepsize α i , where
each step is
Wi +1 = Wi − α i ΔWi , (9)
where ΔWi is computed using conjugate gradient (CG) methods (Hestenes & Stiefel, 1952;
Tanabe, 1977) by solving the equation (Tanabe, 2001a,b)
∑φ φ
l =1
l l
ΔWi (diag pl − pl plT ) + δΣΔWi Γ = Φ( P T (Wi ) − Y T ) + δΣWi Γ . (10)
plδ (W , Λ;D) = −∑ log pˆ ( y = yl | xl , W , Λ) + traceΓW T Σ(Λ)W , (11)
l =1 2
which is the same as the criterion in (6), but with the dependency on Λ shown explicitly.
The goal of parameter estimation is now to find the pair (W * , Λ∗ ) that minimizes the
criterion in (11). This can be written mathematically as
As already mentioned, the function in (11) is convex with respect to W if Λ is held fixed. It
is not guaranteed, however, that it is convex with respect to Λ if W is held fixed. Therefore,
the best we can hope for is to find a local minimum that gives good classification
A local minimum can be obtained by using a coordinate descent approach with coordinates
W and Λ . The algorithm is initialized with Λ 0 . Then the initial weight matrix is found as
Fig. 2. The coordinate descent method used to find the pair (W * , Λ∗ ) that minimizes the
criterion function plδ (W , Λ;D) .
For the convex minimization with respect to W , we can use the penalized logistic regression
machine (Tanabe, 2001a,b). As for the minimization with respect to Λ , there are many
possibilities, one of which is the RProp method (Riedmiller and Braun, 1993). In this
method, the partial derivatives of the criterion with respect to the elements of Λ are needed.
These calculations are straightforward, but tedious. The interested reader is referred to
(Birkenes, 2007) for further details.
When the criterion function in (11) is optimized with respect to both W and Λ , overfitting
of Λ to the training data may occur. This typically happens when the number of free
parameters in the regressor functions is large compared to the available training data. By
keeping the number of free parameters in accordance with the number of training examples,
the effect of overfitting may be reduced.
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ log pˆ ( x; λ ) ⎟
⎜T 1
φ ( x; Λ) = ⎜ x ⎟, (15)
⎜ ⎟
⎜1 ⎟
⎜⎜ log pˆ ( x; λM ) ⎟⎟
⎝ Tx ⎠
where pˆ ( x; λm ) is the Viterbi-approximated likelihood (i.e., the likelihood computed along
the Viterbi path) of the mth HMM with parameter vector λm. Specifically, if we let
λ = (π , A,η ) be the set of parameters for an HMM, where π denotes the initial state
probabilities, A is the transition matrix, and η is the set of parameters of the state-conditional
probability density functions, then
pˆ ( x; λ ) = max pˆ ( x, q; λ )
Tx Tx (16)
= max π q1 ∏ aqt −1 , qt ∏ pˆ (ot | qt ;ηqt ),
t =2 t =1
Automatic Speech Recognition via N-Best Rescoring using Logistic Regression 231
where q = (q1 ,…, qTx ) denotes a state sequence. Each state-conditional probability density
function is a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with a diagonal covariance matrix, i.e.,
pˆ (o | q;ηq ) = ∑ cqhN ( μqh , Σ qh )
h =1
−1 1 ⎛ od − μqhd ⎞
2 (17)
⎞ − 2 ∑ d =1 ⎜⎜⎝
⎛ D σ qhd ⎟⎠
= ∑ cqh (2π ) −D /2
⎜ ∏ σ qhd ⎟ e ,
h =1 ⎝ d =1 ⎠
where H is the number of mixture components, cqh is the mixture component weight for
state q and mixture h , D is the vector dimension, and N ( μ , Σ) denotes a multivariate
Gaussian distribution with mean vector μ and diagonal covariance matrix Σ with elements
σ d . The hyperparameter vector of the mapping in (15) consists of all the parameters of all
the HMMs, i.e., Λ = ( λ1 ,…, λM ) .
We have chosen to normalize the log-likelihood values with respect to the length Tx of the
sequence x = (o1 ,…, oTx ) . The elements of the vector φ ( x; Λ) defined in (15) are thus the
average log-likelihood per frame for each model. The reason for performing this
normalization is that we want utterances of the same word spoken at different speaking
rates to map into the same region of space. Moreover, the reason that we use the Viterbi-
approximated likelihood instead of the true likelihood is to make it easier to compute its
derivatives with respect to the various HMM parameters. These derivatives are needed
when we allow the parameters to adapt during training of the logistic regression model.
With the logistic regression mapping φ specified, the logistic regression model can be
trained and classification can be performed as explained in the previous section. In
particular, classification of an observation x is accomplished by selecting the word ŷ ∈Y
having the largest conditional probability, that is,
e wk φ ( x , Λ )
pˆ ( y = k | x, W , Λ) = . (19)
i =1
e wi φ ( x , Λ )
sentence hypothesis with the highest score. Rescoring of a sentence hypothesis is done by
obtaining probabilities of each subword using logistic regression, and combining the
subword probabilities into a new sentence score using a geometric mean. These sentence
scores are used to reorder the sentence hypotheses in the N-best list. The recognized
sentence hypothesis of an utterance is then taken to be the first one in the N-best list, i.e., the
sentence hypothesis with the highest score.
In the following, let us assume that we have a set of HMMs, one for each subword (e.g., a
digit in a spoken digit string, or a phone). We will refer to these HMMs as the baseline
models and they will play an important role in both the training phase and the recognition
phase of our proposed approach for continuous speech recognition using logistic regression.
For convenience, we let z = (o1 ,…, oTz ) denote a sequence of feature vectors extracted from a
spoken utterance of a sentence s = ( y1 ,…, yLs ) with Ls subwords. Each subword label yl is
one of (1,…, K ) , where K denotes the number of different subwords. Given a feature vector
sequence z extracted from a spoken utterance s , the baseline models can be used in
conjunction with the Viterbi algorithm in order to generate a sentence hypothesis
sˆ = ( yˆ1 ,…, yˆ Lsˆ ) , which is a hypothesized sequence of subwords. Additional information
provided by the Viterbi algorithm is the maximum likelihood (ML) segmentation on the
subword level, and approximations to the subword likelihoods. We write the ML
Fig. 3. A 5-best list where the numbers below the arcs are HMM log-likelihood values
corresponding to the segments. The total log-likelihood for each sentence hypothesis is
shown at the right. The list is sorted after decreasing log-likelihood values for the sentences.
The circle around sentence number 2 indicates that this is the correct sentence.
segmentation as z = ( x1 ,…, x Lsˆ ) , where xl denotes the subsequence of feature vectors
associated with the l th subword yˆ l of the sentence hypothesis.
For a given utterance, we can use the baseline models to generate an N-best list of the N
most likely sentence hypotheses (Schwartz and Chow, 1990). An example of a 5-best list is
shown in Fig. 3. The list is generated for an utterance of the sentence “seven, seven, eight,
two”, with leading and trailing silence. The most likely sentence hypothesis according to the
Automatic Speech Recognition via N-Best Rescoring using Logistic Regression 233
HMMs appears at the top of the list and is the sentence “seven, seven, nine, two”. This
sentence differs from the correct sentence, which is the second most likely sentence
hypothesis, by one subword. The segmentation of each sentence hypothesis in the list is the
most likely segmentation given the sentence hypothesis. Each segment is accompanied with
the HMM log-likelihood.
The reason for generating N-best lists is to obtain a set of likely sentence hypotheses with
different labeling and segmentation, from which the best sentence hypothesis can be chosen
based on additional knowledge. In the following we will first consider how we can obtain
reliable subword probabilities given speech segments appearing in N-best lists. We suggest
using a garbage class for this purpose. Then, we introduce a method for rescoring N-best
lists using these estimated subword probabilities.
of all garbage-labeled segments. The full training data used to train the logistic regression
model is therefore
1/ Lsˆ
⎛ Lsˆ ⎞
vsˆ = ⎜ ∏ pˆ yˆl ⎟ ( pˆ (sˆ) )
, (23)
⎝ l =1 ⎠
where β is a positive weight needed to compensate for large differences in magnitude
between the two factors. In order to avoid underflow errors caused by multiplying a large
number of small values, the score can be computed as
⎪⎧ 1 ⎪⎫
vsˆ = exp ⎨ ∑ log pˆ yˆ l + β log pˆ ( sˆ) ⎬ . (24)
⎩⎪ Lsˆ l =1 ⎭⎪
Automatic Speech Recognition via N-Best Rescoring using Logistic Regression 235
When all hypotheses in the N-best list have been rescored, they can be reordered in
descending order based on their new score. Fig. 4 shows the 5-best list in Fig. 3 after
rescoring and reordering. Now, the correct sentence hypothesis ”seven, seven, eight, two”
has the highest score and is on top of the list.
Additional performance may be obtained by making use of the log-likelihood score for the
sentence hypothesis already provided to us by the Viterbi algorithm. For example, if pˆ ( z | sˆ)
denotes the sentence HMM likelihood, we can define an interpolated logarithmic score as
vsˆ = (1 − α )
∑ log pˆ
l =1
yˆ l + α log pˆ ( z | sˆ) + β log pˆ (sˆ) , (25)
where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 .
Fig. 4. The 5-best list in Fig. 3 after rescoring using penalized logistic regression with HMM
log-likelihood regressors. The hypotheses have been re-ordered according to sentence scores
computed from geometric means of the segment probabilities. Sentence number 2, which is
the correct one, is now at the top of the list.
5. Experimental results
We performed rescoring of 5-best lists generated by an HMM baseline speech recognizer
on the Aurora2 database (Pearce and Hirsch, 2000). We tried both rescoring without a
garbage class, and with a garbage class. In the latter experiment, we also interpolated the
logistic regression score and the HMM score. In all experiments, a flat language model
was used.
There are 8440 training utterances and 4004 test utterances in the training set and the test
set, respectively. The speakers in the test set are different from the speakers in the
training set.
From each speech signal, a sequence of feature vectors were extracted using a 25 ms
Hamming window and a window shift of 10 ms. Each feature vector consisted of 12 Mel-
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and the frame energy, augmented with their delta
and acceleration coefficients. This resulted in 39-dimensional vectors.
Each of the digits 1–9 was associated with one class, while 0 was associated with two classes
reflecting the pronunciations “zero” and “oh”. The number of digit classes was thus C = 11 .
For each of the 11 digit classes, we used an HMM with 16 states and 3 mixtures per state. In
addition, we used a silence (sil) model with 3 states and 6 mixtures per state, and a short
pause (sp) model with 1 state and 6 mixtures. These HMM topologies are the same as the
ones defined in the training script distributed with the database. We refer to these models as
the baseline models, or collectively as the baseline recognition system. The sentence
accuracy on the test set using the baseline system was 96.85%.
expect a somewhat lower sentence accuracy due to overfitting. Very large δ values are
expected to degrade the accuracy since the regression likelihood will be gradually negligible
compared to the penalty term.
Fig. 6 shows the effect of interpolating the HMM sentence likelihood with the logistic
regression score. Note that with α = 0 , only the logistic regression score is used in the
rescoring, and when α = 1 , only the HMM likelihood is used. The large gain in performance
when taking both scores into account can be explained by the observation that the HMM
score and the logistic regression score made very different sets of errors.
6. Summary
A two-step approach to continuous speech recognition using logistic regression on speech
segments has been presented. In the first step, a set of hidden Markov models (HMMs) is
used in conjunction with the Viterbi algorithm in order to generate an N-best list of
sentence hypotheses for the utterance to be recognized. In the second step, each sentence
hypothesis is rescored by interpolating the HMM sentence score with a new sentence
score obtained by combining subword probabilities provided by a logistic regression
model. The logistic regression model makes use of a set of HMMs in order to map
variable length segments into fixed dimensional vectors of regressors. In the rescoring
step, we argued that a logistic regression model with a garbage class is necessary for good
We presented experimental results on the Aurora2 connected digits recognition task. The
approach with a garbage class achieved a higher sentence accuracy score than the approach
without a garbage class. Moreover, combining the HMM sentence score with the logistic
regression score showed significant improvements in accuracy. A likely reason for the large
improvement is that the HMM baseline approach and the logistic regression approach
generated different sets of errors.
The improved accuracies observed with the new approach were due to a decrease in the
number of substitution errors and insertion errors compared to the baseline system. The
number of deletion errors, however, increased compared to the baseline system. A
possible reason for this may be the difficulty of sufficiently covering the space of long
garbage segments in the training phase of the logistic regression model. This needs
further study.
7. References
Albert, A. and Anderson, J. A. (1984). On the existence of maximum likelihood estimates in
logistic regression models. Biometrika, 71(1):1-10
Berger, J. (1985). Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2
Birkenes, Ø. (2007). A Framework for Speech Recognition using Logistic Regression, PhD thesis,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Birkenes, Ø. ; Matsui, T. & Tanabe, K. (2006a). Isolated-word recognition with penalized
logistic regression machines, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and
Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France
Automatic Speech Recognition via N-Best Rescoring using Logistic Regression 239
Zahorian, S.; Silsbee, P. & Wang, X. (1997). Phone classification with segmental features and
a binary-pair partitioned neural network classifier, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on
Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1011-1014
1. Introduction
In this chapter are presented the results obtained in automatic speech recognition and
understanding (ASRU) experiments made for Romanian language in the statistical
framework, concerning the performance enhancement of two important knowledge
resources, namely the acoustical models and the language model. If the ASRU process is for
simplicity seen as a two stage process, in the first stage automatic speech recognition (ASR)
is done and in the second stage the understanding is accomplished. The acoustical models
incorporate knowledge about features statistic in different speech units composing the
words and are mostly responsible for the performance of the recognition stage, judged after
the WRR (word recognition rate). The language models incorporate knowledge about the
word statistic in the phrase and determine mostly the performance of the understanding
stage, judged after the PRR (phrase recognition rate). The two considered stages are
interrelated and the named performance criteria are interdependent, enhanced WRR leads
to PRR enhancement too. In this chapter are exposed methods to enhance the WRR, based
on introducing of contextual models like triphones instead monophones or building of
gender specialized models (for men, women and children) instead of global models. The
methods applied to enhance the PRR are based on introducing of a restrictive finite state
grammar instead the permissive word loop grammar or a bigram based language model.
Source Channel Decoder
Speaker ASRU
Acoustic Channel
acoustic observations sequence Y which is then decoded to an estimated sequence Ŵ. The goal
of recognition is then to decode the word string, based on the acoustic observation sequence,
so that the decoded string has the maximum a posteriori probability (Huang et al., 2001):
W = arg max P (W | Y ) (1)
Using Bayes’ rule can be written as:
W = arg max P (Y | W ) * P (W ) / P(Y ) (2)
W = arg max P(Y | W ) * P(W ) (3)
The term P(Y|W) is generally called the acoustic model as it estimates the probability of
sequence of acoustic observations conditioned on the word string (Rabiner, 1989).
The term P (Y) is generally called the language model since it describes the probability
associated with a postulated sequence of words. Such language models can incorporate both
syntactic and semantic constraints. When only syntactic constraints are used, the language
model is called a grammar.
The block diagram of the system, based on the pattern recognition paradigm, and applied in
a continuous speech recognition task is presented in Fig. 2. The speech signal is analysed
resulting sequence of feature vectors grouped in linguistic unit patterns. Each obtained
pattern is compared with reference patterns, pre-trained and stored with class identities.
Models Lexicon & Grammar or
Loop language
grammar model
Fig. 2. Block diagram for an automatic speech recognition and understanding system.
These pre-trained patterns, obtained in a learning process are in our system the acoustical
models for phonemes, with or without context, and represent a first knowledge source for
the word sequence search.
Further, based on the dictionary the words are recognized and a simple loop grammar leads
to the estimated word sequence. The important outcome of this stage is the word
244 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
recognition rate, the phrase recognition rate having low levels. To enhance the phrase
recognition rate, a restrictive grammar or a language model must be applied. Like it is
represented in Fig. 1, it is possible to separate the part of automatic speech recognition
(ASR) as a first stage in the automatic speech recognition and understanding (ASRU)
process (Juang et Furui, 2000).
2. Acoustic models
The acoustic models developed in our experiments are the hidden Markov models (HMM),
basic entities in the statistical framework.
In the realized continuous speech recognition and understanding task we modelled intra-
word triphones and also cross- words triphones. We adopted the state tying procedure,
conducting to a controllable situation.
2.1.b HMM Types
The hidden Markov model incorporates the knowledge about feature constellation
corresponding to each of the distinct phonetic units to be recognized. In our experiments we
used continuous and semi-continuous models.
To describe HMMs, we start for simplicity reasons with the discrete model (Gold, Morgan,
Discrete HMMs
A discrete HMM is presented in Fig.3 in a Bakis form. The basic parameters of the model
• N –The number of states S = {s1, s2 ,...s N } ; a state to a certain time is denominated as qt ,
(qt ∈ S ) .
• M – The number of distinct symbols observable in each state. The observations are
V = {v1, v2 ,...vM } ; one element Ot from V is a symbol observed at moment t.
• A – The transition matrix containing the probabilities aij of the transition from state i in
state j:
aij = A(i, j ) = P qt +1 = s j qt = si ) 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N , t ∈ [1,T ] , aij ≥ 0 , ∑ aij = 1 (4)
b j (k ) = P Ot = vk qt = s j ) 1 ≤ j ≤ N , 1 ≤ k ≤ M , t ∈ [1,T ] , b j (k ) ≥ 0 , ∑ b (k ) = 1
• Π – The matrix of initial probabilities
π i = P (q1 = si ) , π i ≥ 0 , ∑ π i = 1 (6)
S1 S2 S3
a12 a23
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5
bi (Ot ) = ∑ cimbim (Ot ) , i = 1, N (7)
m =1
c im obey the restrictions: cim ≥ 0, ∑ cim = 1 .
m =1
bim (Ot ) is a K-dimensional Gaussian density with covariance matrix σ im and mean μim :
1 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤
bim (Ot ) = exp ⎢− (Ot − μim )T (Ot − μim )⎥ (8)
(2π ) K σ im ⎣ 2 σ im ⎦
bi (Ot ) = ∑ bi (k ) f k (Ot ) for i = 1, N (9)
k =1
f k (Ot ) is a Gaussian density, with the covariance matrix Σ k and mean vector μ k .
Because speech is a signal with a high degree of variability, the most appropriate model
capable to capture its complicated dependencies is the continuous one. But often also
semicontinuous or discrete models are applied in simpler speech recognition tasks.
2.1.c Problems that can be solved with HMMs
Based on HMM’s the statistical strategies has many advantages, among them being recalled:
rich mathematical framework, powerful learning and decoding methods, good sequences
handling capabilities, flexible topology for statistical phonology and syntax. The
disadvantages lie in the poor discrimination between the models and in the unrealistic
assumptions that must be made to construct the HMM’s theory, namely the independence
of the successive feature frames (input vectors) and the first order Markov process
(Goronzy, 2002).
The algorithms developed in the statistical framework to use HMM are rich and powerful,
situation that can explain well the fact that today, hidden Markov models are the widest
used in practice to implement speech recognition and understanding systems.
The main problems that can be solved with HMMs are:
• The evaluation problem, in which given the model the probability to generate a
observation sequence is calculated. This probability is the similarity measure used in
recognition (decoding) to assign a speech segment to the model of highest probability.
This problem can be solved with the forward or the backward algorithm
• The training problem, in which given a set of data, models for this data must be
developed. It is a learning process, during which the parameters of the model are
Knowledge Resources in Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding for Romanian Language
estimated to fit the data. For each phonetic unit a model can be developed, such
phonetic units can be monophones or intra- word or inter-word triphones. Utterances
result through concatenation of these phonetic units. Training of the models is achieved
with the Baum-Welch algorithm.
• The evaluation of the probability of the optimal observation sequence that can be
generated by the model. This problem can be solved with the Viterbi algorithm. Often
this algorithm is used instead the forward or backward procedure, because it is acting
faster and decode easier the uttered sequence.
PLP + E + D + A PLP + D + A
WRR Accuracy PRR WRR Accuracy PRR
SMM 84.47 83.16 40.00 84.74 84.74 44.00
SMM+CMN 87.37 87.37 42.00 87.89 87.89 52.00
SMIWT 97.37 97.37 84.00 98.16 98.16 88.00
SMIWT+CMN 97.63 97.63 88.00 96.32 96.32 80.00
SMCWT 91.84 91.58 52.00 91.32 90.79 50.00
SMCWT+CMN 89.21 88.42 38.00 90.79 90.53 48.00
Table 2. Recognition performance for singular mixture trained monophones and triphones
in continuous density hidden Markov models (CDHMM).
PLP + E + D + A PLP + D + A
WRR Accuracy PRR WRR Accuracy PRR
monophones 96.58 95.26 76.00 97.11 97.11 82.00
monophones +CMN 96.51 96.24 79.59 97.11 98.58 84.00
triphones 97.89 97.63 88.00 98.42 98.42 88.00
triphones +CMN 98.42 97.89 88.00 98.68 98.68 92.00
Table 4. Recognition performance for semicontinuous hidden Markov models (SCHMMs).
Detailed discussions and comments concerning these results will be made in section 4.
Some global observations can be made:
• Triphones are in all cases more effective models than monophones
• Increasing the mixture number is helpful only below certain limits: for monophones
this limit is around 20 mixtures, for inter-word triphones around 12 mixtures, for cross-
word triphones around 10 mixtures
• Due to the poor applied grammar, WRR is always higher than PRR
• SCHMMs are slightly less more effective than CDHMMs
• CMN is slightly more effective for semicontinuous models, producing increases in the
same time for WRR, accuracy and PRR
• In all cases, the best performance is obtained with the feature set (PLP + D + A )
For applications, not only the recognition rates, but also training and testing durations are
important. Training of models is done off line, so that the training duration is not critical.
The testing time is important to be maintained low, especially for real time applications.
Training and testing of the models were done on a standard PC with 1 GHZ Pentium IV
processor and a dynamic memory of 1 GB. The obtained training and testing durations are
detailed in Table 5 for different categories of models.
that monophone mixtures conducting to the best recognition results. In the second case, the
initialization is to be done with individual means and variances, extracted from the trained
data with a high mixtures number.
Bellow are displayed the comparative results of the recognition performance obtained by
training with global initialisation (TGI), retraining with global initialization (RGI) and
retraining with individual initialization (RII) for SMCWT in Table 6 and for MMCWT in
Table 7.
The training durations are increasing by retraining. Some comparative results are presented
in Table 8.
new conditions versus the starting ones. The comparison (CDRL vs. SCDRL) is made for the
following situations (in Table 9):
• Gender based training/mixed training;
• MFCC_D_A (36 mel-frequency cepstral coefficients with the first and second order
• HMM - monophone modeling.
Training Testing CDRL SCDRL
Training Testing MS 56.33 55.45
MS Testing FS 40.98 50.72
Training Testing MS 53.56 43.91
FS Testing FS 56.67 64.18
Training Testing MS 57.44 53.53
MS & FS Testing FS 49.89 63.22
Table 9. Comparison between CDRL and SCDRL for the case of independent speaker.
Similar results are obtained in the case of dependent speaker, (tested speaker was used in
the training too) for example in Table 10 is presented the results for SCDRL.
Training Testing
Monophone Triphone Monophone Triphone
Training Testing MS 56.33 81.02% 34.02 68.10
MS Testing FS 40.98 72.86 25.12 59.00
Training Testing MS 53.56 69.23 23.78 53.02
FS Testing FS 56.67 78.43 34.22 58.55
Training Testing MS 57.44 78.24 47.00 70.11
MS & FS Testing FS 49.89 74.95 41.22 69.65
Table 11. WRR (for CDRL) in the case of monophone vs. triphone for MFCC_D_A and PLP
The obtained results show that gender training is effective only if testing is done for the
same gender. Than the results are better as in the case of mixed training.
254 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
3. Language models
The language model is an important knowledge source, constraining the search for the word
sequence that has produced the analyzed observations, in form of succession of feature
vectors. In the language model are included syntactic and semantic constraints. If only
syntactic constraints are expressed, the language model is reduced to a grammar. In the
following we will present first some basic aspects concerning the language modelling and
further experimental results obtained in ASRU experiments on a database of natural,
spontaneous speech, constituted by broadcasted meteorological news.
P ( wi w1, w2 ,..., wi −1) is the probability that the word wi follows after the word sequence w1,
w2, …wi-1. The choice of wi depends on the whole input history. For a vocabulary having as
dimension ν there are possible νi-1 different histories; it is a huge number, making practically
impossible to estimate the probabilities even for not big i values.
To find a solution, shorter histories are considered and the most effective one is based of a
history of two preceeding words, called the trigram model P( wi wi −1 , w i − 2) ). In a similar
way could be introduced the unigram ( P ( wi ) ), or the bigram ( P ( wi wi −1) ). Our language
model is bigram based
Rules set
PLP + E + D + A PLP + D + A
WRR Accuracy PRR WRR Acuracy PRR
WLG 83.42 80.82 6.25 78.01 77.03 4.17
FSG 97.00 96.22 61.70 96.89 96.22 59.57
Bigram 98.81 98.59 83.33 99.13 98.92 85.42
WLG 92.74 88.52 22.92 90.15 88.42 16.67
FSG 97.89 96.78 65.96 98.33 97.11 68.09
Bigram 98.81 98.37 77.08 98.22 98.00 76.60
Table 14. Comparative recognition performance for WLG, FSG and bigram model in the case
of monophones and triphones of semicontinuous models.
Knowledge Resources in Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding for Romanian Language
more elaborated language models as the simple WLG in form of the FSG and the bigram
model. It is a work that in the future has to be further continued and improved.
Our major concern for future work is to obtain a standard database for Romanian language
to validate the results obtained in ASRU experiments. The databases we have used were
done in the laboratory of our university, carefully and with hard work, but still not fulfilling
all standard requirements in audio quality and speech content.
6. References
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1. Introduction
In recent years, speech recognition systems have been used in a wide variety of environments,
including internal automobile systems. Speech recognition plays a major role in a dialogue-
type marine engine operation support system (Matsushita & Nagao,2001) currently under
investigation. In this system, speech recognition would come from the engine room, which
contains the engine apparatus, electric generator, and other equipment. Control support
would also be performed within the engine room, which means that operations with a 0-dB
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or less are required. Noise has been determined to be a portion of
speech in such low SNR environments, and speech recognition rates have been remarkably
low. This has prevented the introduction of recognition systems, and up till now, almost no
research has been performed on speech recognition systems that operate in low SNR
environments. In this chapter, we investigate a recognition system that uses body-conducted
speech, that is, types of speech that are conducted within a physical body, rather than speech
signals themselves (Ishimitsu et al. 2001).
Since noise is not introduced into body-conducted signals that are conducted in solids, even
within sites such as engine rooms which are low SNR environments, it is necessary to
construct a system with a high speech recognition rate. However, when constructing such
systems, learning data consisting of sentences that must be read a number of times is
required for creation of a dictionary specialized for body-conducted speech. In the present
study we applied a method in which the specific nature of body-conducted speech is
reflected within an existing speech recognition system with a small number of vocalizations.
Because two of the prerequisites for operating within a site such as an engine room where
noise exists are both "hands-free" and "eyes-free" operations, we also investigated the effects
of making such a system wireless.
1 − ( o−μ )t Σ−1 ( o−μ )
b ( o, μ , ∑ ) = e 2
(2π ) n /2
HMM parameters are shown using the two parameters of this output probability and the
state transition probability. To update these parameters using conventional methods,
utterances repeated at least 10-20 times would be required. To perform learning with only a
few utterances, we focused on the relearning of the mean vector μ within the output
probability, and thus created a user-friendly system for performing adaptive processing.
Construction of a Noise-Robust Body-Conducted Speech Recognition System 263
4. Recognition experiments
4.1 Selection of the optimal model
The experimental conditions are shown in Table 1. For system evaluation, we used speech
extracted in the following four environments:
266 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Anechoic room
64% 10% 0% 49%
+ noise
Cabin 35% 9% 1% 42%
Cabin + noise 62% 4% 0% 48%
Table 2. The result of preliminary testing
Extractions from the upper left part of the upper lip were used for the body-conducted
speech since the effectiveness of these signals was confirmed in previous research (Ishimitsu
et al, 2001, Haramoto et al, 2001). the effectiveness of which has been confirmed in previous
research. The initial dictionary model to be used for learning was a model for an unspecified
speaker created by adding noise to speech extracted within an anechoic room. This model
for an unspecified speaker was selected through preliminary testing. The result of
preliminary testing is shown in Table 2.
As a result, it was determined desirable to use a dictionary that had not been through an
adaptation processing to the environment with a speaker. To that end, we examined how
body-conducted speech quality could be improved to that of acoustic speech quality as the
next step in our experiments. Specifically, the transfer function between speech and body-
conducted speech was computed with adaptation signal processing and a cross-spectral
method with the aim of raising the quality of body-conducted speech to that of speech by
collapsing the body-conducted speech input during the transfer function. By using this
filtering as a pretreatment, we hoped to improve the articulation score and recognition rate
of body-conducted speech.
adaptation filter was applied to body-conducted speech, the results were closer when the
filter length approached 16834 than when the filter length approached 1024. However, the
echo also became stronger. For this reason (as a result of the speech recognition experiment
by the free speech recognition software Julius) we were not able to check the predominance
difference. In addition, adaptation to a speaker and environment were not taken into
account in this application.
shown in Figure 8, and it is thought that extraction of speech features failed because the
engine room noise was louder than the speech sounds. Conversely, with room interior
speech, signal adaptation was achieved. When environments for performing signal
adaptation and recognition were equivalent, an improvement in the recognition rate of
27.66% was achieved, as shown in Figure 9. There was also a 12.99% improvement in the
recognition rate for body-conducted speech within the room interior. However, since that
recognition rate was around 20% it would be unable to withstand practical use.
Nevertheless, based on these results, we found that using this method enabled recognition
rates exceeding 90% with just one iteration of the learning samples.
The results of cases where adaptive processing was performed for room-interior body-
conducted speech and engine-room interior body-conducted speech are shown in Table 5,
and in Figures 10 and 11. Similar to the case where adaptive processing was performed
using speech, when the environment where adaptive processing and the environment
where recognition was performed were equivalent, high recognition rates of around 90%
were obtained, as shown in Figure 10. In Figure 11. It can be observed that signal adaptation
using engine-room interior body-conducted speech and speech recognition results were 95%
and above, with 50% and above improvements, and that we had attained the level needed
for practical usage.
90 No adaptation
Recognition rate(%)
80 Speech(cruising)
70 63.00
50 45.00
10 1.33 1.33 0.67 1.50 1.50
Speech(room) BCS(room) Speech(cru.) BCS(cruising)
70 63.00
50 45.0046.50
30 22.66
10 0.67 1.00
Speech(room) BCS(room) Speech(cru.) BCS(cruising)
90 86.83 No adaptation
80 BCS(room)
Recognition rate(%)
70 63.00
50 45.00
0.67 1.50
Speech(room) BCS(room) Speech(cru.) BCS(cruising)
100 95.50
No adaptation
Recognition rate(%)
70 63.00
50 46.17 45.00
10 0.67 1.00
Speech(anch.) BCS(anch.) Speech(cru.) BCS(cruising)
Manufacturer MOTOROLA
Part number GL2000
Frequency 154.45-154.61MHz
Transmitting output 1W/5W
Conditions adaptation
speech 53.33 98.33
Cable Quiet
body 43.66 97.00
speech 3.33 77.00
wireless Quiet
body 5.00 79.33
speech 1.60 57.66
wireless Noisy
body 2.00 62.00
Table 7. Results of a wireless vs. a cable system (%)
7. Conclusion
We investigated a body-conducted speech recognition system for the establishment of a
usable dialogue-type marine engine operation support system that is robust in noisy
conditions, even in a low SNR environment such as an engine room. By bringing body-
conducted speech close to audio quality, we were able to examine ways to raise the
speech recognition rate. However, in an examination by pretreatment, we could not
obtain optimal results when using an adaptation filter and a cross-spectral method. We
introduced an adaptive processing method and confirmed the effectiveness of adaptive
processing via small repetitions of utterances. In an environment of 98 dB SPL,
improvements of 50% or above of recognition rates were successfully achieved within one
utterance of the learning data and speech recognition rates of 95% or higher were
attained. From these results, it was confirmed that this method will be effective for
establishment of the present system.
In a wireless version of the system, the results showed a worsening of recognition rates
because of noise in the speech bandwidth. Even when adaptive processing was performed, a
sufficient speech recognition rate could not be obtained. Although more testing of this
wireless system within the actual environment of the Oshima-maru will be necessary, it will
also be necessary to investigate other wireless methods.
8. References
Matsushita, K. and Nagao, K. (2001). Support system using oral communication and
simulator for marine engine operation. , Journal of Japan Institude of Marine
Engineering, Vol.36, No.6, pp.34-42, Tokyo.
Ishimitsu, S., Kitakaze, H., Tsuchibushi, Y., Takata, Y., Ishikawa, T., Saito Y., Yanagawa H.
and Fukushima M. (2001). Study for constructing a recognition system using the
bone conduction speech, Proceedings of Autumn Meeting Acoustic Society of Japan
pp.203-204, Oita, October, 2001, Tokyo.
Haramoto, T. and Ishimitsu, S. (2001). Study for bone-conducted spcceh recognition system
under noisy environment, Proceedings of 31st graduated Student Mechanical Society of
Japan, pp.152, Okayama, March, 200, Hiroshima.
Saito, Y., Yanagawa, H., Ishimitsu, S., Kamura K. and Fukushima M.(2001), Improvement of
the speech sound quality of the vibration pick up microphone for speech
recognition under noisy environment, Proceedings of Autumn Meeting Acoustic
Society of Japan I, pp.691~692, Oita, October, 2001, Tokyo.
Itabashi S. (1991), Continuous speech corpus for research, Japan Information Processing
Development Center, Tokyo.
Ishimitsu, S., Nakayama M. and Murakami, Y.(2001), Study of Body-Conducted Speech
Recognition for Support of Maritime Engine Operation, Journal of Japan Institude of
Marine Engineering, Vol.39, No.4, pp.35-40, Tokyo.
Baum, L.E., Petrie, T., Soules, G. and Weiss, N. (1970), A maximization technique occurring
in the statistical analysis of probabilistic functions of Markov chains, Annals of
Mathematical Statistics, Vol.41, No.1, pp.164-171, Oxford.
274 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Ishimitsu, S. and Fujita, I.(1998), Method of modifying feature parameter for speech recognition,
United States Patent 6,381,572, US.
Multi-modal ASR systems
1. Introduction
While automatic speech recognition technologies have been successfully applied to real-
world applications, there still exist several problems which need to be solved for wider
application of the technologies. One of such problems is noise-robustness of recognition
performance; although a speech recognition system can produce high accuracy in quiet
conditions, its performance tends to be significantly degraded under presence of
background noise which is usually inevitable in most of the real-world applications.
Recently, audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR), in which visual speech information (i.e.,
lip movements) is used together with acoustic one for recognition, has received attention as
a solution of this problem. Since the visual signal is not influenced by acoustic noise, it can
be used as a powerful source for compensating for performance degradation of acoustic-
only speech recognition in noisy conditions. Figure 1 shows the general procedure of AVSR:
First, the acoustic and the visual signals are recorded by a microphone and a camera,
respectively. Then, salient and compact features are extracted from each signal. Finally, the
two modalities are integrated for recognition of the given speech.
First, we give a review of methods for information fusion in AVSR. We present biological
and psychological backgrounds of audio-visual information fusion. Then, we discuss
existing fusion methods. In general, we can categorize such methods into two broad classes:
feature fusion (or early integration) and decision fusion (or late integration). In feature
fusion, the features from the two information sources are concatenated first and then the
combined features are fed into a recognizer. In decision fusion, the features of each modality
are used for recognition separately and the outputs of the two recognizers are integrated for
the final recognition result. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages,
which are explained and compared in detail in this chapter.
Second, we present an adaptive fusion method based on the decision fusion approach.
Between the two fusion approaches explained above, it has been shown that decision fusion
is more preferable for implementing noise-robust AVSR systems than feature fusion. In
order to construct a noise-robust AVSR system adopting decision fusion, it is necessary to
measure relative reliabilities of the two modalities for given speech data and to control the
amounts of the contribution of the modalities according to the measured reliabilities. Such
an adaptive weighting scheme enables us to obtain robust recognition performance
consistently over diverse noise conditions. We compare various definitions of the reliability
measure which have been suggested in previous researches. Then, we introduce a neural
network-based method which is effective for generating appropriate weights for given
audio-visual speech data of unknown noise conditions and thereby producing robust
recognition results in a wide range of operating conditions.
using visual information (for example, /b/ and /g/) (Summerfield, 1987). Psychological
experiments showed that seeing speakers’ lips enhances the ability to detect speech in noise
by decreasing auditory detection threshold of speech in comparison to the audio-only case,
which is called “bimodal coherence masking protection” meaning that the visual signal acts
as a cosignal assisting auditory target detection (Grant & Seitz, 2000; Kim & Davis, 2004).
Such improvement is based on the correlations between the acoustic signal and the visible
articulatory movement. Moreover, the enhanced sensitivity improves the ability to
understand speech (Grant & Seitz, 2000; Schwartz et al., 2004).
A neurological analysis of the human brain shows an evidence of humans’ multimodal
information processing capability (Sharma et al., 1998): When different senses reach the
brain, the sensory signals converge to the same area in the superior colliculus. A large
portion of neurons leaving the superior colliculus are multisensory. In this context, a
neurological model of sensor fusion has been proposed, in which sensory neurons coming
from individual sensors are fused in the superior colliculus (Stein & Meredith, 1993). Also, it
has been shown through positron emission tomography (PET) experiments that audio-
visual speech perception yields increased activity in multisensory association areas such as
superior temporal sulcus and inferior parietal lobule (Macaluso et al., 2004). Even silent
lipreading activates the primary auditory cortex, which is shown by neuroimaging
researches (Calvert et al., 1997; Pekkola et al., 2005; Ruytjens et al., 2007).
The nature of humans’ perception demonstrates a statistical advantage of bimodality: When
humans have estimates of an environmental property from two different sensory systems,
any of which is possibly corrupted by noise, they combine the two signals in the statistically
optimal way so that the variance of the estimates for the property is minimized after
integration. More specifically, the integrated estimate is given by the maximum likelihood
rule in which the two unimodal estimates are integrated by a weighted sum with each
weight inversely proportional to the variance of the estimate by the corresponding modality
(Ernest & Banks, 2002).
The advantage of utilizing the acoustic and the visual modalities for human speech
understanding comes from the following two factors. First, there exists “complementarity”
of the two modalities: The two pronunciations /b/ and /p/ are easily distinguishable with
the acoustic signal, but not with the visual signal; on the other hand, the pronunciations /b/
and /g/ can be easily distinguished visually, but not acoustically (Summerfield, 1987). From
the analysis of French vowel identification experiments, it has been shown that speech
features such as height (e.g., /i/ vs. /o/) and front-back (e.g., /y/ vs. /u/) are transmitted
robustly by the acoustic channel, whereas some other features such as rounding (e.g., /i/ vs.
/y/) are transmitted well by the visual channel (Robert-Ribes et al., 1998). Second, the two
modalities produce “synergy.”: Performance of audio-visual speech perception can
outperform those of acoustic-only and visual-only perception for diverse noise conditions
(Benoît et al., 1994).
There exists a claim that visual speech is secondary to acoustic speech and affects perception
only when the acoustic speech is not intelligible (Sekiyama & Tohkura, 1993). However, the
McGurk effect is a counterexample of this claim; the effect is observed even when the
acoustic speech is not corrupted by noise and clearly intelligible.
The direct identification model by Summerfield is an extension of Klatt’s lexical-access-
from-spectra model (Klatt, 1979) to a lexical-access-from-spectra-and-face-parameters model
(Summerfield, 1987). The model assumes that the bimodal inputs are processed by a single
classifier. A psychophysical model based on the direct identification has been derived from
the signal detection theory for predicting the confusions of audio-visual consonants when
the acoustic and the visual stimuli are presented separately (Braida, 1991).
The motor theory assumes that listeners recover the neuromotor commands to the
articulators (referred to as “intended gestures”) from the acoustic input (Liberman &
Mattingly, 1985). The space of the intended gestures, which is neither acoustic nor visual,
becomes a common space where the two signals are projected and integrated. A motivation
of this theory is the belief that the objects of speech perception must be invariant with
respect to phonemes or features, which can be achieved only by neuromotor commands. It
was argued that the motor theory has a difficulty in explaining the influence of higher-order
linguistic context (Massaro, 1999).
The direct realist theory also claims that the objects of speech perception are articulatory
rather than acoustic events. However, in this theory the articulatory objects are actual,
phonetically structured vocal tract movements or gestures rather than the neuromotor
commands (Fowler, 1986).
The TRACE model is an interactive activation model in which excitatory and inhibitory
interactions among simple processing units are involved in information processing
(McClelland & Elman, 1986). There are three levels of units, namely, feature, phoneme and
word, which compose of a bidirectional information processing channel: First, features
activate phonemes, and phonemes activate words. And, activation of some units at a level
inhibits other units of the same level. Second, activation of higher level units activates their
lower level units; for example, a word containing the /a/ phoneme activates that phoneme.
Visual features can be added to the TRACE of the acoustic modality, which produces a
model in which separate feature evaluation of acoustic and visual information sources is
performed (Campbell, 1988).
The fuzzy logical model of perception (FLMP) is one of the most appealing theories for
humans’ bimodal speech perception. It assumes perceiving speech is fundamentally a
pattern recognition problem, where information processing is conducted with probabilities
as in Bayesian analysis. In this model, the perception process consists of the three stages
which are successive but overlapping, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Massaro, 1987; Massaro,
1998; Massaro, 1999): First, in the evaluation stage, each source of information is evaluated
to produce continuous psychological values for all categorical alternatives (i.e., speech
classes). Here, independent evaluation of each information source is a central assumption of
the FLMP. The psychological values indicate the degrees of match between the sensory
information and the prototype descriptions of features in memory, which are analogous to
the fuzzy truth values in the fuzzy set theory. Second, the integration stage combines these
to produce an overall degree of support for each alternative, which includes multiplication
of the supports of the modalities. Third, the decision stage maps the outputs of integration
into some response alternative which can be either a discrete decision or a likelihood of a
given response.
Adaptive Decision Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition 279
Fig. 2. Illustration of the processes of perception in FLMP. A and V represent acoustic and
visual information, respectively. a and v are psychological values produced by evaluation of
A and V, respectively. sk is the overall degree of support for the speech alternative k.
It is worth mentioning about the validity of the assumption that there is no interaction
between the modalities. Some researchers have argued that interaction between the acoustic
and the visual modalities occurs, but it has also argued that very little interaction occurs in
human brains (Massaro & Stork, 1998). In addition, the model seems to successfully explain
several perceptual phenomena and be broadening its domain, for example, individual
differences in speech perception, cross-linguistic differences, distinction between
information and information-processing. Also, it has been shown that the FLMP gives better
description of various psychological experiment results than other integration models
(Massaro, 1999).
the integrated recognition performance may be even inferior to that of any of the unimodal
systems, which is called “attenuating fusion” or “catastrophic fusion” (Chibelushi et al., 2002).
Fig. 3. Two challenges of AVSR. (a) The integrated performance is at least that of the
modality showing better performance for each noise level. (b) The integrated recognition
system shows the synergy effect.
In general, we can categorize methods of audio-visual information fusion into two broad
categories: feature fusion (or early integration) and decision fusion (or late integration),
which are shown in Figure 4. In the former approach, the features of the two modalities are
concatenated to form a composite feature vector, which is inputted to the classifier for
recognition. In the latter approach, the features of each modality are used for recognition
separately and, then, the outputs of the two classifiers are combined for the final recognition
result. Note that the decision fusion approach shares a similarity with the FLMP explained
in the previous subsection in that both are based on the assumption of class-conditional
independence, i.e., the two information sources are evaluated (or recognized)
Adaptive Decision Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition 281
Fig. 4. Models for integrating acoustic and visual information. (a) Feature fusion. (b)
Decision fusion.
Although which approach is more preferable is still arguable, there are some advantages of
the decision fusion approach in implementing a noise-robust AVSR system. First, in the
decision fusion approach it is relatively easy to employ an adaptive weighting scheme for
controlling the amounts of the contributions of the two modalities to the final recognition
according to the noise level of the speech, which is because the acoustic and the visual
signals are processed independently. Such an adaptive scheme facilitates achieving the main
goal of AVSR, i.e., noise-robustness of recognition over various noise conditions, by utilizing
the complementary nature of the modalities effectively. Second, the decision fusion allows
flexible modelling of the temporal coherence of the two information streams, whereas the
feature fusion assumes a perfect synchrony between the acoustic and the visual feature
sequences. It is known that there exists an asynchronous characteristic between the acoustic
and the visual speech: The lips and the tongue sometimes start to move up to several
hundred milliseconds before the acoustic speech signal (Benoît, 2000). In addition, there
exists an “intersensory synchrony window” during which the human audio-visual speech
perception performance is not degraded for desynchronized audio-visual speech (Conrey &
Pisoni, 2006). Third, while it is required to train a whole new recognizer for constructing a
feature fusion-based AVSR system, a decision fusion-based one can be organized by using
existing unimodal systems. Fourth, in the feature fusion approach the combination of the
acoustic and the visual features, which is a higher dimensional feature vector, is processed
by a recognizer and, thus, the number of free parameters of the recognizer becomes large.
Therefore, we need more training data to train the recognizer sufficiently in the feature
fusion approach. To alleviate this, dimensionality reduction methods such as principal
component analysis or linear discriminant analysis can be additionally used after the feature
282 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where λAi and λVi are the acoustic and the visual HMMs for the i-th class, respectively, and
log P(OA | λAi ) and log P(OV | λVi ) are their outputs (log-likelihoods). The integration weight
γ determines how much the final decision relatively depends on each modality. It has a
value between 0 and 1, and varies according to the amounts of noise contained in the
acoustic speech. When the acoustic speech is clean, the weight should be large because
recognition with the clean acoustic speech usually outperforms that with the visual speech;
on the other hand, when the acoustic speech contains much noise, the weight should be
sufficiently small. Therefore, for noise-robust recognition performance over various noise
conditions, it is important to automatically determine an appropriate value of the weight
according to the noise condition of the given speech signal.
Log likelihood -3300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
N −1 N
S= ∑ ∑ | Li − Lj | ,
N ( N − 1) i =1 j = i +1
where Li = log P (O | λ i ) is the output of the HMM for the i-th class and N the number of
classes being considered.
• Variance of log-likelihoods (Var) (Lewis & Powers, 2004):
1 N i
S= ∑ ( L − L )2 ,
N − 1 i =1
1 N i
where L = ∑ L is the average of the outputs of the N HMMs.
N i =1
• Average difference of log-likelihoods from the maximum (DiffMax) (Potamianos &
Neti, 2000):
1 N
∑ max Lj − Li ,
N − 1 i =1 j
S= (4)
which means the average difference between the maximum log-likelihood and the other
• Inverse entropy of posterior probabilities (InvEnt) (Matthews et al., 1996):
⎡ 1 N ⎤
S = ⎢ − ∑ P(Ci | O)log P(Ci | O) ⎥ , (5)
⎣ N i =1 ⎦
284 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
P (O | λ i )
P (Ci | O ) = . (6)
j =1
P (O | λ j )
As the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) value decreases, the differences of the posterior
probabilities become small and the entropy increases. Thus, the inverse of the entropy is
used as a measure of the reliability.
Performance of the above measures in AVSR will be compared in Section 4.
γˆ = f ( S A , SV ) , (7)
where f is the function modelled by the neural network and γˆ the estimated integrating
weight for the given acoustic and visual reliabilities (SA and SV, respectively). The universal
approximation theorem of neural networks states that a feedforward neural network can
model any arbitrary function with a desired error bound if the number of its hidden neurons
is not limited (Hornik et al., 1989).
Input Hidden Output
nodes nodes nodes
Acoustic reliability
Integration weight
( γ̂ )
Visual reliability
weight value is correct. Finally, the neural network is trained by using the reliabilities of the
two modalities and the found weights as the training input and target pairs.
The integrating weight for correct recognition appears as an interval instead of a specific
value. Figure 7 shows an example of this. It is observed that for a large SNR a large interval
of the weight produces correct recognition and, as the SNR becomes small, the interval
becomes small.
Weighting factor
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB)
Fig. 7. Intervals of the integration weight producing correct recognition.
Therefore, the desired target for a training input vector of the neural network is given by an
interval. To deal with this in training, the original error function used in the training
algorithm of the neural network,
e( y ) = t − y , (8)
where t and y are the target and the output of the network, respectively, is modified as
⎧γ l − y for y < γ l
e( y ) = ⎨ 0 for γ l ≤ y ≤ γ u , (9)
⎪γ − y for γ < y
⎩ u u
where γ l and γ u are the lower and the upper bounds of the interval of the target weight
value, respectively, which correspond to the boundaries of the shaded region in Figure 7.
4. Experiments
4.1 Databases
We use the two isolated word databases for experiments: the DIGIT database and the CITY
database (Lee & Park, 2006). The DIGIT database contains eleven digits in Korean (including
two versions of zero) and the CITY database sixteen famous Korean city names. Fifty six
speakers pronounced each word three times for both databases. While a speaker was
pronouncing a word, a video camera and a microphone simultaneously recorded the face
286 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
region around the speaker’s mouth and the acoustic speech signal, respectively. The acoustic
speech was recorded at the rate of 32 kHz and downsampled to 16 kHz for feature
extraction. The speaker’s lip movements were recorded as a moving picture of size 720x480
pixels at the rate of 30 Hz.
The recognition experiments were conducted in a speaker-independent manner. To increase
reliability of the experiments, we use the jackknife method; the data of 56 speakers are
divided into four groups and we repeat the experiment with the data of the three groups (42
speakers) for training and those of the remaining group (14 speakers) for test.
For simulating various noisy conditions, we use four noise sources of the NOISEX-92
database (Varga & Steeneken, 1993): the white noise (WHT), the F-16 cockpit noise (F16), the
factory noise (FAC), and the operation room noise (OPS). We add each noise to the clean
acoustic speech to obtain noisy speech of various SNRs.
4. For each pixel point, the mean value over an utterance is subtracted. Let I(m,n,t) be the
(m,n)-th pixel value of the lip region image at the t-th frame. Then, the pixel value after
mean subtraction is given by
1 T
∑ I (m, n, t ) ,
J (m, n, t ) = I (m, n, t ) −
T t =1
where T is the total length of the utterance. This is similar to the CMS technique in
acoustic feature extraction and removes unwanted variations across image sequences
due to the speakers’ appearances and the different illumination conditions.
5. Finally, we apply PCA to find the main linear modes of variations and reduce the
feature dimension. If we let x be the n0-dimensional column vector for the pixel values
of the mean-subtracted image, the n-dimensional visual feature vector s is given by
s = PT ( x − x ) , (11)
where x is the mean of x for all training data, P is the n0-by-n matrix whose columns
are the eigenvectors for the n largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix for all x’s.
Here, n is much smaller than n0(=44x50=2200) so that we obtain a compact visual
feature vector. We set n to 12 in our experiment so that we obtain 12 static features for
each frame. We also use the temporal derivatives of the static features as in the acoustic
feature extraction.
Figure 9 shows the mean image of the extracted lip region images and the four most
significant principal modes of intensity variations by ±2 standard deviations (std.) for the
training data of the DIGIT database. We can see that each mode explains distinct variations
- 2 std. Mean + 2 std.
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
Fig. 9. First four principal modes of variations in the lip region images.
Adaptive Decision Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition 289
occurring in the mouth images. The first mode mainly accounts for the mouth opening. The
second mode shows the protrusion of the lower lip and the visibility of the teeth. In the third
mode, the protrusion of the upper lip and the changes of the shadow under the lower lip are
shown. The fourth mode largely describes the visibility of the teeth.
4.4 Recognizer
The recognizer is composed of typical left-to-right continuous HMMs having Gaussian
mixture models (GMMs) in each state. We use the whole-word model which is a standard
approach for small vocabulary speech recognition tasks. The number of states in each HMM
is set to be proportional to the number of the phonetic units of the corresponding word. The
number of Gaussian functions in each GMM is set to three, which is determined
experimentally. The HMMs are initialized by uniform segmentation of the training data
onto the HMMs’ states and iterative application of the segmental k-means algorithm. For
training the HMMs, the popular Baum-Welch algorithm is used (Rabiner, 1989).
4.5 Results
First, we compare the reliability measures presented in Section 3.2. The audio-visual fusion
is performed using the neural networks having five sigmoidal hidden neurons because use
of more neurons did not show performance improvement. The Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm (Hagan & Menhaj, 1994), which is one of the fastest training algorithms of neural
networks, is used to train the networks.
35 35
AbsDiff AbsDiff
30 Var 30 Var
DiffMax DiffMax
25 InvEnt 25 InvEnt
Error rate (%)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(a) (b)
35 35
AbsDiff AbsDiff
30 Var 30 Var
DiffMax DiffMax
25 InvEnt 25 InvEnt
Error rate (%)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(c) (d)
Fig. 10. Comparison of the reliability measures for the DIGIT database. (a) WHT. (b) F16. (c)
FAC. (d) OPR.
290 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Figures 10 and 11 compare the reliability measures for each database, respectively. It is
observed that DiffMax shows the best recognition performance in an overall sense. The
inferiority of AbsDiff, Var and InvEnt to DiffMax is due to their intrinsic errors in
measuring reliabilities from the HMM’s outputs (Lewis & Powers, 2004): Suppose that we
have four classes for recognition and the HMMs’ outputs are given as probabilities (e.g.,
[0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.5]). We want to get the maximum reliability when the set of the HMMs’
outputs is [1, 0, 0, 0] after sorting. However, AbsDiff and Var have the maximum values
when the set of the HMMs’ outputs is [1, 1, 0, 0]. Also, they have the same values for [1, 0, 0,
0] and [1, 1, 1, 0], which are actually completely different cases. As for InvEnt, when we
compare the cases of [0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4] and [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5], the former has a higher value
than the latter, which is the opposite of what we want.
30 30
AbsDiff AbsDiff
25 Var 25 Var
DiffMax DiffMax
InvEnt InvEnt
20 20
Error rate (%)
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(a) (b)
30 30
AbsDiff AbsDiff
25 Var 25 Var
DiffMax DiffMax
InvEnt InvEnt
20 20
Error rate (%)
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11. Comparison of the reliability measures for the CITY database. (a) WHT. (b) F16. (c)
FAC. (d) OPR.
Next, we examine the unimdal and the bimodal recognition performance. Figures 12 and 13
compare the acoustic-only, the visual-only and the integrated recognition performance in
error rates for the two databases, respectively. From the results, we can observe the
1. The acoustic-only recognition shows nearly 100% for clean speech but, as the speech
contains more noise, its performance is significantly degraded; for some noise the error
rate is even higher than 70% at 0dB.
Adaptive Decision Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition 291
2. The error rate of the visual-only recognition is 36.1% and 22.0% for each database,
respectively, which appears constant regardless of noise conditions. These values are
larger than the acoustic-only recognition performance for clean speech but smaller than
that for noisy speech.
3. The performance of the integrated system is at least similar to or better than that of the
unimodal system. Especially, the synergy effect is prominent for 5dB~15dB. Compared
to the acoustic-only recognition, relative reduction of error rates by the bimodal
recognition is 39.4% and 60.4% on average for each database, respectively. For the high-
noise conditions (i.e., 0dB~10dB), relative reduction of error rates is 48.4% and 66.9% for
each database, respectively, which demonstrates that the noise-robustness of
recognition is achieved.
4. The neural network successfully works for untrained noise conditions. For training the
neural network, we used only clean speech and 20dB, 10dB and 0dB noisy speech
corrupted by white noise. However, the integration is successful for the other noise
levels of the same noise source and the noise conditions of the other three noise sources.
70 Audio 70 Audio
Visual Visual
60 Audio-visual 60 Audio-visual
50 50
Error rate (%)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(a) (b)
70 Audio 70 Audio
Visual Visual
60 Audio-visual 60 Audio-visual
50 50
Error rate (%)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. Recognition performance of the unimodal and the bimodal systems in error rates (%)
for the DIGIT database. (a) WHT. (b) F16. (c) FAC. (d) OPR.
Figure 14 shows the integration weight values (the means and the standard deviations)
determined by the neural network with respect to SNRs for the DIGIT database. It is
292 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
observed that the automatically determined weight value is large for high SNRs and small
for low SNRs, as expected.
80 80
Audio Audio
70 Visual 70 Visual
Audio-visual Audio-visual
60 60
Error rate (%)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(a) (b)
80 80
Audio Audio
70 Visual 70 Visual
Audio-visual Audio-visual
60 60
Error rate (%)
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(c) (d)
Fig. 13. Recognition performance of the unimodal and the bimodal systems in error rates (%)
for the CITY database. (a) WHT. (b) F16. (c) FAC. (d) OPR.
5. Conclusion
This chapter addressed the problem of information fusion for AVSR. We introduced the
bimodal nature of speech production and perception by humans and defined the goal of
audio-visual integration. We reviewed two existing approaches for implementing audio-
visual fusion in AVSR systems and explained the preference of decision fusion to feature
fusion for constructing noise-robust AVSR systems. For implementing a noise-robust AVSR
system, different definitions of the reliability of a modality were discussed and compared. A
neural network-based fusion method was described for effectively utilizing the reliability
measures of the two modalities and producing noise-robust recognition performance over
various noise conditions. It has been shown that we could successfully obtain the synergy of
the two modalities.
The audio-visual information fusion method shown in this chapter mainly aims at obtaining
robust speech recognition performance, which may lack modelling of complicated humans’
audio-visual speech perception processes. If we consider that the humans’ speech
Adaptive Decision Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition 293
0.5 0.5
Integration weight
Integration weight
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(a) (b)
0.5 0.5
Integration weight
Integration weight
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean 0 5 10 15 20 25 Clean
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)
(c) (d)
Fig. 14. Generated integration weights with respect to the SNR value for the DIGIT database.
perception performance is surprisingly good, it is worth investigating such perception
processes carefully and incorporating knowledge about them into implementing AVSR
systems. Although it is still not clearly understood about such processes, it is believed that
the two perceived signals complicatedly interact at multiple stages in humans’ sensory
systems and brains. As discussed in Section 2.1, visual information helps to detect acoustic
speech under the presence of noise, which suggests that the two modalities can be used at
the early stage of AVSR for speech enhancement and selective attention. Also, it has been
suggested that there exist an early activation of auditory areas by visual cues and a later
speech-specific activation of the left hemisphere possibly mediated by backward-projections
from multisensory areas, which indicates that audio-visual interaction takes place in
multiple stages sequentially (Hertrich et al., 2007). Further investigation of biological
multimodal information processing mechanisms and modelling them for AVSR would be a
valuable step toward mimicking humans’ excellent AVSR performance.
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1. Introduction
The success of currently available speech recognition systems was restricted to relative
controlled laboratory conditions or application fields. The performance of these systems
rapidly degraded in more realistic application environments (Lippmann, 1997). Since the
vast majority of background noise were introduced by transmission channel, microphone
distance or environment noise, some new audio feature extraction methods (Perceptual
Linear Predictive (PLP), RelAtive SpecTrAl (RASTA) (Hermansky, 1990; Hermansky,1994),
and other ways such as vocal tract length normalization and parallel model combination for
speech and noise, were used to describe the complex speech variations. Though these
methods improved the system robustness to noisy environment to some extent, but their
advantage was limited.
Since both human speech production and perception are bimodal in nature (Potamianos et
al, 2003), visual speech information from the speaker’s mouth has been successfully shown
to improve noisy robustness of automatic speech recognizers (Dupont & Luettin 2000;
Gravier et al, 2002). There are two main challenging problems in the reported Audio-Visual
Speech Recognition (AVSR) systems (Nefian et al, 2002; Gravier et al, 2002): First, the design
of the visual front end, i.e. how to obtain the more static visual speech feature; second, how
to build a audio-visual fusion model that describes the inherent correlation and asynchrony
of audio and visual speech. In this paper, we concentrate on the latter issue.
Previous works on combining multiple features can be divided into three categories: feature
fusion, decision fusion and model fusion. Model fusion seems to be the best technique to
integrate information from two or more streams. However, the experiments results of many
AVSR systems show that although the visual activity and audio signal are correlative, but
they are not synchronous, the visual activity often precedes the audio signal about 120ms
(Gravier et al, 2002; Potamianos et al, 2003) . Each AVSR system should take the asynchrony
into account.
Since hidden Markov model (HMM) based models achieve promising performance in
speech recognition, many literatures have adopted Multi-Stream HMM (MSHMM) to
integrate audio and visual speech feature (Gravier et al, 2002; Potamianos et al, 2003; Nefian
et al, 2002), such as State Synchrony Multi-Stream HMM (SS-MSHMM), State Asynchrony
Multi-Stream HMM (SA-MSHMM) (Potamianos et al, 2003), Product HMM (PHMM)
(Dupont, 2000), Couple HMM (CHMM) and Factorial HMM (FHMM) (Nefian et al, 2002)
298 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and so on. In these models, audio and visual features are imported to two or more parallel
HMMs with different topology structures respectively, but on some nodes, such as phone,
syllable et al; some constraints are imposed to limit the asynchrony of audio and visual
streams to state (phone or syllable) level. These MSHMMs describe the correlation and
asynchrony of audio and visual speech to some extent. Compared with the single stream
HMM, system performance is improved especially in noisy speech environment, but these
MSHMMs can only use phone as recognition unit for speech recognition task on a middle or
large vocabulary audio-visual database. It constrains the audio and visual stream to be
synchronous in the phonemic boundary. However, the asynchrony of audio and visual
stream exceeds phonemic boundary in many conditions. The better recognition rate should
be obtained if loosing the asynchrony limitation of audio and visual stream.
In recent years, it was an active research topic to adopt Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN)
for speech recognition (Bilmes, 2002; Murphy, 2002; Zweig, 1998). DBN model is a statistic
model that can represent multiple collections of random variables as they evolve over time.
It is appropriate to describe complex variables and conditional relationship among the
variables, since it can automatically learn the conditional probability distribution among the
variables, with better extensible performance. Bilmes, Zweig et al, used single stream DBN
model for isolated words and small vocabulary speech recognition (Bilmes et al, 2001; Lv et
al, 2007). Zhang YM proposed a multi-stream DBN model for speech recognition by
combining different audio features (MFCC, PLP, RASTA) (Zhang et al, 2003), although the
model described the asynchrony of audio and visual streams by sharing the same word
node, while in fact, there are not asynchrony for different audio features from the same
voice. N. Gowdy expanded this model for audio-visual speech recognition (Gowdy et al,
2003), an improvement was obtained in word accuracy, while between the word nodes, and
each stream is not complete independence, which affected the asynchrony of both streams to
some extent. Bimes proposed a general multi-stream asynchrony DBN model structure
(Bilmes & Bartels, 2005), in this model, the word transition probability is determined by the
state transitions and the state positions both in the audio stream and in the visual stream.
Between the word nodes, two streams have their own nodes and the dependent relationship
between the nodes. But no more experimental results were given.
In this work, we use the general multi-stream DBN model structure given in (Bilmes &
Bartels, 2005) as our baseline model. In (Bilmes & Bartels, 2005), both in audio stream and in
visual stream, each word is composed of the fixed number of states, and each state is
associated with observation vectors. The training parameters are very tremendous,
especially for the task of large vocabulary speech recognition. In order to reduce the training
parameters, in our model, both in audio stream and in visual stream, each word is
composed of its corresponding phones sequence, and each phone is associated with
observation vector. Since phones are shared by all the words, the training parameter will be
enormously reduced, and we name it Multi-Stream Asynchrony DBN (MS-ADBN) model.
But MS-ADBN model is word model whose recognition basic units are words. It is not
appropriate for the task of large vocabulary AVSR. Base on MS-ADBN model, an extra
hidden node level—state is added between phone node level and observation variable level
in both stream, resulting in a novel Multi-stream Multi-states Asynchrony DBN (MM-
ADBN) model. In MM-ADBN model, each phone is composed of fixed number of states,
and each state is associated with observation vector, besides word, dynamic pronunciation
process of phone is also described. Its recognition basic units are phones, and can be used
for large vocabulary audio-visual speech recognition.
Multi-Stream Asynchrony Modeling for Audio Visual Speech Recognition 299
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the structures and conditional
probability distributions of the proposed MS-ADBN model and MM-ADBN model. In
section 3, experiments and evaluations are given, followed by our conclusions in section 4.
(a) SA-MSHMM with four audio and video states (b) Corresponding product HMM
Fig. 1. Illustration of SA-MSHMM and its corresponding product HMM
The observation probability can be described as:
b j (ot ) = ∏ [∑ ω
s∈{ a ,v } m =1
N (ots ; μ jsm ; σ jsm )]λ
in sth stream, ω jsm denotes weight value, μ and σ is the mean and covariance of Gaussian
distribution N(.).
Although SA-MSHMM can describe the asynchrony of audio and visual stream to some
extent, But problems remain due to the inherent limitation of the HMM structure. On one
hand, for large vocabulary speech recognition tasks, phones are the basic modeling units,
the model will force the audio stream and the visual stream to be synchronized at the timing
boundaries of phones, which is not coherent with the fact that the visual activity often
precedes the audio signal even by 120 ms. On the other hand, Once a little slight varieties
are done on MSHMM, a large amount of human effort must be placed into making
significant modifications on top of already complex software without having any guarantees
about their performance. So a new and unified multi-stream model framework is expected
to loose the limitation of asynchrony of audio stream and visual stream to the coarser level.
N ( Ot , μ Sx , σ Sx
t t
) with mean μ Sxt and covariance σ Sxt , where symbol x denotes audio
stream or visual stream, x=1 means audio stream and x=2 means visual stream, which
also be used in the following expression.
b. State transition probability (ST1 and ST2), which describe the probability of the
transition from the current state to the next state in the audio stream and visual stream
respectively. The CPD P( STxt Sxt ) is random since each state has a nonzero probability
for staying at the current state or moving to the next state, in the initial frame, the CPD
is assumed as 0.5.
c. State node (S1 and S2), since each phone is composed of fixed number of states, giving
the current phone and the position of the current state in the phone, the state Sxt is
known with certainty.
d. State position (SP1 and SP2), in the initial frame, the initial value is zero. In the other
time slices, its CPD has three behaviors, (i) It might not change from one frame to the
next frame when there is no state transition and phone transition; (ii) It might increment
Multi-Stream Asynchrony Modeling for Audio Visual Speech Recognition 303
by 1 when there is a state transition and the model is not in the last state of the phone;
(iii) It might be reset to 0 when a phone transition occurs.
e. Phone node (P1 and P2). Each word is composed of its corresponding phones, giving
the current word and the position of the current phone in the word, the phone Pxt is
known with certainty.
p ( Pxt = j Wt = i, PPxt = m )
⎧1 j is the m − th phone of the word i (6)
⎩0 otherwise
f. Phone position (PP1 and PP2). In the initial frames, the initial value is zero. In the other
time frame, the CPD is as follows.
p (WTt = j Wt = a , PP1t = b , PP 2 t = c , PT 1t = m , PT 2 t = n )
⎧1 j = 1, m = 1, n = 1, b = lastphone1( a ), c = lastphone 2( a ) (9)
= ⎨1 j = 0 ( m ≠ 1 or n ≠ 1 or b ≠ lastphone1( a ) or c ≠ lastphone 2( a )
⎪0 otherwise
The condition b = lastphone1(a ) means that b corresponds to the last phone of the word ‘a’ in
the audio stream. Similarly, the condition c = lastphone 2( a ) means that c corresponds to
304 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the last phone of the word ‘a’ in the visual stream. Equation (9) means that when the phone
units reach the last phone of the current word for both in audio stream and in visual stream
respectively, and phone transitions for both two streams are allowed, the word transition
occurs. Otherwise, word transition is not changed.
i. Word node (W), in initial frame, the word variable W starts out using a unigram
distribution over words in the vocabulary. In the other frames, the word variable
Wt depends on Wt−1 and WTt with CPD P (Wt = j | Wt −1 = i, WTt = m) s .
P (Wt = j | Wt −1 = i, WTt = m)
⎧ bigram(i, j ) if m = 1
⎪ (10)
= ⎨1 if m = 0, i = j
⎪ 0 otherwise
where bigram(i, j ) means the transition probability from word i to word j.
The continuous audio-visual experiments database has been recorded with the scripts from
the TIMIT database. 6 people’s 600 sentences containing 1693 word units have been used in
our experiments. Totally 76 phone units (including “silence” and short pause “sp”) are
obtained by transcribing the sentence scripts into phone sequences using the TIMIT
dictionary. Since the database is relatively small for large vocabulary audio-visual speech
recognition. To test performance of MM-ADBN model, we use the jackknife procedure, 600
sentences were split up in six equal parts, and six recognition experiments were carried out.
In each recognition experiment, 500 sentences are used as training set, the remaining 100
sentences as testing set. Report test results are the average of the results of six experiments.
While for MS-ADBN model, since it is word model, to avoid the case that some words in the
testing sentence may not appear in the training set, all 600 sentences are used as training set
and testing set. Noisy environments are also considered by adding white noise with SNRs
ranging from 0dB to 30dB as testing set.
The above two databases are recorded with the same condition: with high-quality camera,
clean speech environment, uniform background and lighting. The face of the speaker in the
video sequence is high-quality frontal upright, and video is MPEG2-encoded at a resolution
of 704×480, and at 25Hz.
WPS-DBN model uses single Gaussian model, triphone HMM uses Multi-Gaussian
mixture model. For audio only or video only speech recognition on continuous audio-
visual database, WPS-DBN model outperform than triphone HMM at various SNRs.
b. Because of integrating the visual features and audio features, multi-stream models have
the better performance than corresponding single stream models. For digit audio-visual
database, in the noisy environment with signal to noise ratios ranging from 0dB to
30dB, comparing with HMM, WP-DBN and WPS-DBN model, the average
improvements of 6.03%, 8.67% and 7.34% are obtained in speech recognition rate from
SA-MSHMM, MS-ADBN and MM-ADBN model respectively. As well as for continuous
audio-visual database, in clean speech, the improvements of 5.61%, 7.81% and 0.42%
c. For digit audio-visual database, MS-ADBN model has the better performance than SS-
MSHMM and SA-MSHMM. This trend becomes even more obvious with the increasing
of noise. Since the SA-MSHMM forces audio stream and visual stream to be
synchronized at the timing boundaries of phones, while the MS-ADBN model looses
the asynchrony of both streams to word level, the recognition results show the evidence
that the MS-ADBN model describes more reasonable audio visual asynchrony in
speech. As well as for continuous audio-visual database, MM-ADBN model has the
better performance than SA-MSHMM. At clean speech environment, MM-ADBN model
has the improvement of 9.97% than SA-MSHMM in speech recognition rate.
d. It should be noticed that under all noise conditions for digit audio-visual database, the
MM-ADBN model gets worse but acceptable recognition rates than the MS-ADBN
model, while for continuous audio-visual database, MM-ADBN model outperform than
MS-ADBN model at various SNRs. At clean speech environment, the speech
recognition rate of MS-ADBN model is 35.91% higher than that of the MS-ADBN in
speech recognition rate. These are in coincidence with the speech recognition results of
the single stream WP-DBN model and WPS-DBN model in (Lv et al. 2007). Since MM-
ADBN model and WPS-DBN model are all phone models and are appropriate for large
vocabulary speech recognition. MS-ADBN model and WP-DBN model are all word
models, which cannot be properly trained for large vocabulary database, and they are
appropriate for small vocabulary speech recognition, since they can be properly trained.
will continue to improve the MM-ADBN model, and build up the MM-ADBN model based
word-triphone-state topology for large vocabulary audio-visual speech recognition.
5. Acknowledgment
This research has been conducted within the “Audio Visual Speech Recognition and
Synthesis: Bimodal Approach“ project funded in the framework of the Bilateral Scientific
and Technological Collaboration between Flanders, Belgium (BILO4/CN/02A) and the
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China ([2004]487), and the fund of the National
High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA01Z324).
We would like to thank Prof. H. Sahli and W. Verhelst (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Electronics
& Informatics Dept., Belgium) for their help and for providing some guidance. We would
also like to thank Dr. Ilse Ravyse, Dr. Jiang Xiaoyue, Dr. Hou Yunshu and Sun Ali for
providing some help for the audio-visual database and visual feature data.
6. References
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recognition: JHU-WS-2001 final workshop report. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore,
MD, Tech. Rep. CLSP, 2001.
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Continuous Speech Recognition and Phone Segmentation. International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-07), Orlando, USA, pp. 437-
440, 2007.
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Zhang, Y.M.; Diao, Q. & Huang, S. et al (2003). DBN based multi-stream models for speech. in
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Speaker recognition/verification
1. Introduction
Recognizing a person’s identity by voice is one of intrinsic capabilities for human beings.
Automatic speaker recognition (SR) is a computational task for computers to perform a similar
task, i.e., to recognize human identity based on voice characteristics. By taking a voice signal as
input, automatic speaker recognition systems extract distinctive information from the input,
usually using signal processing techniques, and then recognize a speaker’s identity based on
the extracted information by comparing it with the knowledge previously learned at a training
stage. The extracted distinctive information is encoded in a sequence of feature vectors, which
is referred to as frame sequence. In terms of purposes of applications, SR tasks can be classified
into two categories: speaker identification and speaker verification.
Speaker identification (SI) is an application to recognize a speaker’s identity from a given
group of enrolled speakers. If a speaker is assumed to be always in the enrolled speaker group,
it is referred to as the closed set speaker identification; Otherwise, it is referred to as the open
set speaker identification. On the other hand, speaker verification (SV) is an application to
verify a speaker identity by simply making a binary decision, i.e., answering an identity
question by either yes or no. SV is one of biometric authentication techniques, along with
others, such as fingerprint (Jain et al., 2000) or iris authentication (Daugman, 2004).
In the past decades, a variety of techniques for modeling and decision-making have been
proposed to speaker recognition and proved to work effectively to some extent. In this
chapter, we shall not delve too much into the survey for these techniques, but rather focus
on normalization and transformation techniques for robust speaker recognition. For a
tutorial of the conventional modeling and recognizing techniques, the reader can refer to
(Campbell, 1999; Reynolds, 2002; Bimbot et al., 2004). Here, we just make it explicit that
among many techniques the most successful ones are Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and
hidden Markov model (HMM). With GMM/HMM, high performance can be achieved in
sound working conditions, such as in a quiet environment, and for broadband speech.
However, these techniques run into problems in realistic applications, since many realistic
applications can not always satisfy the requirements of clean and quiet environments.
Instead, the working environments are more adverse, noisy and sometimes in narrow-band
width, for instance, telephony speech. Most SR systems degrade their performance
substantially in adverse conditions. To deal with the difficulties, robust speaker recognition
is such a topic for study.
312 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
As robust speech recognition does, robust speaker recognition is concerned with improving
performance of speaker recognition systems in adverse or noisy (additive and convolutional
noise) conditions and making systems more robust to a variety of mismatch conditions. The
essential problem for robust speaker recognition is the existence of mismatch between
training and test stages. As the most prominent SR systems adopt statistical methods as
their main modeling technique, such as GMM and HMM, these systems confront the
common issues held by all the statistical modeling methods, i.e., vulnerable to any mismatch
between the training and test stages. In noisy environments, the mismatch inevitably
becomes larger than in clean conditions, due to a larger range of data variance caused by the
interference of ambient noise. Hence, how to deal with a variety of types of mismatch
becomes a crucial issue for robust speaker recognition.
Much research has been devoted for solving the problem of mismatch in last decades. To
summarize these techniques for robust speaker recognition is the main purpose of this
chapter. To the authors’ best knowledge, so far there is no any article in the literature to
survey this subject, although some more general tutorials for speaker recognition exist
(Campbell, 1999; Reynolds, 2002; Bimbot et al., 2004). Different from these tutorials, we shall
only focus on reviewing the techniques that aim to reduce or at least alleviate the mismatch
for robust speaker recognition in terms of normalization and transformation at two levels,
i.e., normalization/transformation at the score level and normalization/transformation at
the feature level. In order to avoid confusion and also be easier to discuss directions for
future work in later sections, we shall explicitly explain the terms of normalization and
transformation we used above. Consistent to its general meaning, normalization, we mean
here, is a sort of mapping functions, which map from one domain to another. The mapped
images in the new domain often hold a property of zero mean and unit variance in a general
sense. By transformation, we refer to more general mapping functions which do not possess
the property of zero mean and unit variance. Although these two terms are distinctive in
subtle meanings, they are sometimes used by different authors, depending on their
preferences. In this chapter, we may use them exchangeably without confusion. Just by
using these techniques, speaker recognition systems become more robust to realistic
Normalization at the score level is one of noise reduction methods, which normalizes log-
likelihood scores at the decision stage. A log-likelihood score, for short, score, is a
logarithmic probability for a given input frame sequence generated based on a statistical
model. Since the calculated log-likelihood scores depend on test environments, the purpose
of normalization aims at reducing this mismatch between a training and test set by adapting
the distribution of scores to test environments, for instance, by shifting the means and
changing the range of variance of the score distribution. The normalization techniques at the
score level are mostly often used in speaker verification, though they can be also applied to
speaker identification, because they are extremely powerful to reduce the mismatch between
the claimant speaker and its impostors. Thus, in our introduction to normalization
techniques at the score levels, we shall use some terminologies from speaker verification,
such as claimant speaker/model, or impostor (world) speaker/model, without explicitly
emphasizing these techniques being applied to speaker identification as well. The reader
who is not familiar with these terminologies can refer to (Wu, 2008) for more details.
The techniques for score normalization basically includes Z-norm (Li et al., 1988; Rosenberg
et al., 1996), WMAP (Fredouille et al., 1999), T-norm (Auckenthaler et al., 2000), and D-norm
Normalization and Transformation Techniques for Robust Speaker Recognition 313
(Ben et al. 2002). In retrospect, the first normalization method, i.e. Z-norm, dates back to Li
et al. (1988) who used it for speaker verification. With Z-norm, a.k.a. zero normalization, Li
removed most of the variability across segments by making the log-likelihood scores
relative to the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of impostor scores. In
(Rosenberg et al. 1996), a score was normalized by directly subtracting from it the score from
the impostor model, which incorporated the mean and variance of the impostor model.
Strictly speaking, the method adopted by Rosenberg et al. is different from that used by Li et
al., in the sense that the normalization did not directly act on the mean and variance of the
impostor model, but instead, on the score calculated based on the mean and variance of the
impostor model. Therefore, to some extent, Resenberg’s method can be regarded as a variant
of Z-norm. WMAP is a score normalization method based on world model and a posterior
probability (WMAP), which is in fact a two-step method. At the first step, the posterior score
is normalized using a world model (see Eq. (4)), representing the population in general (see
Wu, 2008). At the second step, the score is converted into posterior probability by using
Bayesian rule (see Eq. (5)). T-norm, test normalization, is a method based on mean and
variance of the score distribution estimated from a test set. It is similar to the Z-norm, except
that the mean and variance of the impostor model are estimated on a test set. D-Norm is one
of the score normalization techniques based on the use of Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance. In
this method, KL distance between a claimed model and a world model is first estimated by
Monte Carlo simulation, which has been experimentally found to have a strong
correspondence with impostor scores. Hence, the final scores are normalized by the
estimated KL distance.
The second class of normalization and/or transformation techniques is applied at the
feature level. In contrast to normalization/transformation at the score level, which uses
normalization techniques at a later stage, normalization/transformation in this class is
applied at a very early stage, i.e., at the feature level. The typical methods are composed of
cepstral mean subtraction (CMS), spectrum subtraction, RASTA (Hermansky et al., 1991), H-
norm (Reynolds, 1996), C-norm (Reynolds, 2003), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and
nonlinear discriminant analysis (NLDA) (Wu, 2008). Cepstral mean subtraction and
spectrum subtraction are very similar, as they perform normalization with a similar method,
i.e., subtracting from each single feature frame a global mean vector, which is estimated
across an overall sentence. However, these two normalizations methods are differently
applied to the cepstral (logarithm spectral) or spectral domain, which their naming is owing
to. RASTA processing transforms the logarithmic spectra by applying a particular set of
band-pass filters with a sharp spectral zero at the zero frequency to each frequency channel,
with a purpose of suppressing the constant or slowly-varying components, which reflect the
effect of convolutional noises in communication channels. H-norm is also called handset
normalization method, which was firstly applied by Reynolds et al (1996) to alleviate the
negative effect on speech signals due to using different handset microphones. The idea of H-
norm is that it uses frame energy dependent CMS for each frame normalization, so it is in
fact a piece-wise linear filtering method. C-norm, is a technique designed for cellular
telephones, which transforms a channel dependent frame vector into a channel independent
frame vector (see Eq. (20)). Thus, the final recognition is conducted in a channel independent
feature space. These two methods are using linear or nonlinear transformations to project an
original feature space to another feature space, in order to suppress the effects of noisy
channels. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and nonlinear discriminant analysis (NLDA)
314 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
are applied to this case. LDA seeks the directions to maximize the ratio of between-class
covariance to within-class covariance by linear algebra, whereas NLDA seeks the directions
in a nonlinear manner implemented by neural network. The details for these normalization
and transformations methods will be presented in Section 2 and 3.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: in Section 2, the score normalization
techniques are firstly summarized in details, following the order presented in the overview
above. In Section 3, the description to the normalization and transformation at the feature
level is given. In Section 4, some recent efforts are presented. The discussions and
limitations are commented in Section 5. In Section 6, final remarks concerning possible
extensions and future works are given. Finally, this chapter is concluded with our
conclusions in Section 7.
where μI and σI are the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of the impostor
scores, which are calculated based on the impostor model SI.
The original Z-norm was later improved by a variant method, which was proposed by
Rosenberg et al. (1996) to normalize a raw log-likelihood score relative to the score obtained
from an impostor model, i.e.,
where S is the claimed speaker and SI represents the impostors of speaker S. In fact, this
variant version has become more widely used than the first version of Z-norm. For instance,
the next presented normalization method – WMAP adopts it as the first step of
2.2 WMAP
WMAP is referred to as score normalization based on world model and a posterior
probability. WMAP consists of two stages. It uses a posterior probability at the second stage
Normalization and Transformation Techniques for Robust Speaker Recognition 315
to substitute for the score normalized by a world model at the first stage. This procedure can
be described as follows:
Step1: normalization using the world model. With the log-likelihood score L(X│S) for the
speaker S and the utterance X, and the log-likelihood score L(X│ S ) for the world model of
speaker S and utterance X, the normalized score is then given by
where P(S) and P( S ) are prior probabilities for target speaker and impostor, P(Rs|S) and
P(Rs| S ) are the probability for the ratio Rs generated by the speaker model S and impostor
model S respectively, which can be estimated based on a development set.
From these formulae, we can see the most advantage of WMAP, compared with Z-norm, is
its two stage scheme for score normalization. The first step for normalization focuses on the
difference between target and impostor scores. This difference may vary in a certain range.
Thus, in the second normalization, the score difference is converted into the range of [0, 1], a
posterior probability, which renders a more stable score.
2.3 T-norm
T-norm is also called as test-norm because this method is based on the estimation on the test
set. Essentially, T-norm can be regarded as a further improved version of Z-norm, as the
normalization formula is very similar to that of Z-norm, at least in formality. That is, a
normalized score is obtained by
where μI_test and σI_test are the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of the
impostor scores estimated on a test set. In contrast, for Z-norm, the corresponding μI and σI
are estimated on the training set (see Eq. (2)).
As there is always mismatch between a training and test set, the mean and standard
deviation estimated on a test set should be more accurate than those estimated on a training
set and therefore it naturally results in that performance of T-norm is superior to that of Z-
norm. This is one biggest advantage of T-norm. However, one of the major drawbacks for T-
norm is that it may require more test data in order to attain sufficiently good estimation,
which is sometime impossible and impractical.
2.3 D-norm
D-norm is a score normalization based on Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance. In Ben et al.
(2002), D-norm was proposed to use KL distance between a claimed speaker’s and the
316 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
impostor’s models as a normalization factor, because it was experimentally found that the
KL distance has a strong correspondence with the impostor scores. In more details, let us
firstly define the KL distance. For a probability density function p(X|S) of speaker S and an
utterance X, and a probability density function p(X|W) of the speaker S’s world model W
and an utterance X, the KL distance of S to W, KLw is denoted by
Direct computation of KL distance according to Eqs.(7)-(9) is not possible for most complex
statistical distributions of pS and pW, such as GMM or HMM. Instead, the Monte Carlo
simulation method is normally employed.
The essential idea of the Monte-Carlo simulation is to randomly generate some synthetic
data for both claimed and impostor models. Let us denote a synthetic data from a speaker S
by and a synthetic data from an impostor model W by . And also suppose a Gaussian
mixture model (GMM) is used to model speaker S and the world model W, i.e.,
where is a normal distribution with mean μi and covariance Σi, and m is the total
number of mixtures.
Then according to the Monte-Carlo method, a synthetic data is generated with
transforming a random vector, , which is generated from a standard normal distribution
with zero-mean and unit-variance. The transformation is done with the specific mean and
variance, which are parameters related to one Gaussian, randomly selected among all the
mixtures in a given GMM
As the most important assumption of D-norm, the KL distance is assumed to have a strong
correspondence with the impostor score, which was experimentally supported in Ben et al.
(2002), i.e.,
Finally, at the last step, the normalized score is obtained by the equation,
The idea of CMS is simply based on the assumption that noise level is consistently stable
across a given sentence, so that by subtracting the mean vector from each feature frame, the
background and channel noise could be possibly removed. However, it should be noted that
speaking characteristics are most likely to be removed as well by this subtraction, as they are
characterized by an individual speaker’s speaking manner and should therefore also be
consistently stable across a sentence at least.
Another normalization method at the feature level, which is very similar to CMS, is spectral
mean subtraction (SMS). While CMS does mean subtraction in the cepstral domain, SMS
instead conducts subtraction in the spectral domain. Due to their extremely similarity in
methods, their normalization effects share the same pros and cons.
frequency channel (a set of frequency channels is divided in order to extract features by a set
of filters at the stage of feature extraction in speech processing, more details can refer to Wu,
2008; Young et al. 2002), a band-pass filtering is used as RASTA processing, through an IIR
filter with the transfer function
The low cut-off frequency of the filter determines the fastest spectral changes which are
ignored by RASTA processing, whereas the high cut-off frequency then determines the
fastest spectral changes which are preserved in a channel.
3.3 H-norm
H-norm is referred to as handset normalization, which is a technique especially designed for
speaker normalization over various handsets. Essentially, it can be considered as a variant of
CMS, because H-norm does energy dependent CMS for different energy “channels”.
Concretely speaking, for an input frame stream {xi} and its corresponding frame energies
{ei}, the energies are divided into L levels {El}, l∈[1,L] , on each of which a mean vector ml is
calculated according to the equation,
whereis the number of frames whose energy levels are in [El, El+1]. Then for H-norm, a frame
xi is normalized by energy dependent CMS, i.e.
So the H-norm is to some extent more like a piecewise CMS, using different CMS at different
energy levels. This renders H-norm to be probably more subtle and therefore more accurate
than the uniform CMS scheme.
3.4 C-norm
C-norm is referred to as cellular normalization which was proposed by Reynolds (2003) for
compensation of channel effects of cellular phones. However, C-norm is also called a
method of feature mapping, because C-norm is based on a mapping function from a channel
dependent feature space into a channel independent feature space. The final recognition
procedure is done on the mapped, channel independent feature space. Following the
symbols, which we used above, xt is denoted as a frame at time t in a channel dependent
(CD) feature space, anda frame at time t in a channel independent (CI) feature space. The
GMM modeling for the channel dependent feature space is denoted GCD as and the GMM
for the channel independent feature space is denoted as GCI. The Gaussian mixture to which
a frame xt belongs is chosen according to the maximum likelihood criterion, i.e.
Normalization and Transformation Techniques for Robust Speaker Recognition 319
where a Gaussian mixture is defined by its weight, mean and standard deviation
. Thus, by a transformation f(•), a CI frame feature yt is mapped from xt
according to
where i is a Gaussian mixture to which xt belongs and is determined in terms of Eq. (19).
After the transformation, the final recognition is conducted on the CI feature space, which is
expected with the advantages of channel compensation.
where u’s are principal vectors and λ’s are the variances (or principal values) on the basis of
u’s. Thus, by sorting the principal vectors according their principal values, we have the
transformation W in such a form,
This is the traditional PCA, which is implemented with linear algebra. However, there is
another variant of PCA, which is implemented with one type of neural networks – multi-
layer perceptron (MLP). MLP is well known to be able to approximate any continuous linear
and nonlinear function. Therefore, it has a wide range of applications in feature
transformation. Let us first present how an MLP network is used to realize the functionality
320 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
of PCA in this section. And in following sections, we shall go back to discuss how an MLP is
used as a nonlinear discriminant projector.
To remind the reader the fundamental principles of MLP, we summarize the most basic
aspects of MLP. MLP is one of neural networks, which is composed of an input layer, where
inputs are fed into the neural network, an output layer, where the transformed sequences
are outputted, as well as several hidden layers between the input and output layer. A layer
is called as a hidden layer, because it is between the input and output layer, so that it is
invisible to the outside of the neural network. A typical example of MLPs, has an input
layer, a hidden layer with a pretty large number of units, which are always referred to as
hidden units, and an output layer, as illustrated as in Fig. 1. (a). The training of MLP, using
back propagation (BP) algorithm, is well known as discriminative training, where the target
(or reference) classes are fed into the output layer as the supervisors for training. Therefore,
the training of MLP is definitely a supervised learning process. The standard target classes
are identities for the given training sample xt. The overall training process resembles a
recognition procedure with class identity labeling. It is beyond this chapter to describe
further details regarding the theory of MLP. Readers can refer to Duda et al. (2001) and Wu
(2008) for more details.
Fig. 1. (a) A typical fully-connected MLP with a hidden layer. (b) An MLP used for
implementation of PCA.
In the standard MLP training, class identity tags are employed as supervisors. However, for
an MLP to implement PCA, for a given data sample (frame) xt, instead of using xt ’s class
identity, xt, by itself, is used as supervisor in the procedure. This process is therefore named
as self projection (see Fig. 1 (b)). If the number of the hidden layer of the MLP is less than the
dimension of the features, then this method has an effect of dimension reduction, which is
very similar to PCA.
Solving this optimization problem (see Wu, 2008 for more details), we can have
where wi and λi are the i-th eigenvector and eigenvalue, respectively. If the number of
eigenvectors selected for the transformation is less than m, then LDA in fact reduces the
dimensionality of a mapped space. This is the most often case for the application of LDA.
such as MLP, whereas LDA is done by manipulation of linear algebra. Their implementation
methods are substantially different. However, the essence of these two methods is similar,
as described above. In fact, LDA can also be done by a linear MLP, viz. an MLP with only an
input and output layer, but without any hidden layer. A simple reason to deduce this is that
there is no any nonlinear operation in the linear MLP, therefore the transform solution of the
linear MLP has a global optimum, which is similar to that obtained by linear algebra. The
details for comparison of the LDA and the linear MLP can refer to Wu (2008).
A nonlinear function has a stronger capacity than a linear one to change the behaviors of a
raw feature space. Therefore, NLDA transformations at the feature level are more powerful
to enhance robust features by reducing the noisy parts in raw features. This is the essential
idea for the application of NLDA, also including LDA, to robust speaker recognition.
MLP is one of the prevalent tools to realize NLDA. MLP is widely known as universal
approximator. A hidden layer MLP with linear outputs can uniformly approximate any
continuous function on a compact input domain to arbitrary accuracy provided the network
has a sufficiently large number of hidden units (Bishop, 2006). Thus, we shall use MLP as
the main implementer for the NLDA.
In contrast to being applied for a function approximator or a discriminative classifier, an
MLP has to be adapted to a feature transformer, when it serves as an NLDA for feature
transformation. In this case, the projected features can be output from any layer of an MLP.
A hidden unit often employs a sigmoid function, which nonlinearly warps high values to
units, and low values to zeros, or other similar shaped nonlinear functions as “gate”
functions. If the features are output after these “gate” functions, the obtained features would
possess a sharp peak in their distribution, which results in non-Gaussianlization in the
features newly transformed. This could correspondingly give rise to poor performance
when statistical models are employed at the modeling stage, such as GMM for speaker
recognition. Therefore, we particularly generate the transformed features by outputting
them from the positions before the “gate” functions of the hidden units in a given network
(see Fig. 2.a, b).
Fig. 2. Depiction of MLP used as feature transformer. (a) A hidden layer MLP, features
output before the hidden units. (b) A three hidden layer MLP, feature output from a
compact layer, before the hidden units.
Since it is better to keep the projected features with the same dimensions as those of the raw
features for both efficiency and easy evaluation, instead of using the structured MLP in Fig.
2.a, we often adopt a specially-structured MLP with a small number of hidden units in one
of the hidden layers, which we shall refer to it as a “compact” layer, as depicted in Fig. 2.b.
With the special MLP with a compact layer, dimension reduction can be easily carried out,
Normalization and Transformation Techniques for Robust Speaker Recognition 323
as often do LDA and PCA. It thus provides the full capability to evaluate transformed and
raw features with the same dimensionality. This is the basic scheme for an MLP to be
employed as feature transformer at the feature level.
We have known that new features are output from a certain hidden layer. However, we do
not know how to train a MLP yet. The MLP is trained on a class set. How to construct such a
set for training is very crucial for an MLP to work efficiently. The classes selected in the set
are the sources of knowledge for an MLP to learn discriminatively. So they are directly
related to the recognition purposes of applications. For instance, in speech recognition, the
monophone class is often used for MLP training. For speaker recognition, the training class
set is naturally composed of speaker identities.
However, NLDA is not straightforward to be applied to robust speaker recognition,
although we have known that speaker identities are used as target classes for MLP training.
Because, compared with speech recognition, the number of speakers is substantially larger
in speaker recognition, while such size for speech recognition is roughly about 30 in terms of
phonemes. Therefore, it is impractical or even impossible to use thousands of speakers as
the training classes for an MLP. Instead, we use a subset of speakers, which are most
representative of the overall population, and therefore referred to as speaker basis, for MLP
training. It is said to be “speaker basis selection” concerning how to select the optimal basis
speakers (Wu et al., 2005a, 2005b; Morris et al., 2005).
The basic idea for speaker basis selection is based on an approximated Kullback-Leibler (KL)
distance between any two speakers, say, Si and Sk. By the definition of KL distance (Eq.(7)),
the distance between Si and Si is written as the sum of two KL distance KL(Si║Sk) and its
reverse KL(Sk║Si).
Based on a development set Dev, the expectation of K(Si, Sk, k) can be approximated by the
data samples on the set Dev, i.e.,
With the approximated KL distance between any two speakers, we can further define the
average distance from one speaker to the overall speakers, the population.
324 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where S is the set of the speaker population and ║S║ is the total number of speakers in S.
Then speaker basis are selected as the speakers with the top N maximum average distance
(MaxAD). In fact, the essential point behind the MaxAD is to select the points that are close
to the boundary of the point clustering, since their average distances to all the other points
tend to be larger than those of the internal points. This can be proved as follows. Suppose
there exists an internal point p that is right to one boundary point p’, left to all the other N-2
points, and it has a MaxAD to all the other points. We can prove that
This is because: for any other pi that is right to p, ppi<p’pi, due to p’ is a boundary point and
is right to p, otherwise p’ is not a boundary point (a boundary point p’ has to be outside the
circle with the centroid pi and the diameter ppi; otherwise p is also a point on the boundary).
So we have
But this is contradictory to the fact that the point p has a MaxAD distance. Therefore, the
point with the MaxAD must be closer to on the boundary of the point clustering. □
Fig. 3. Schematic demonstration for proof of the point with MaxAD must be on the
boundary of the point cluster.
Thus, with an NLDA implemented by an MLP that is trained on selected basis speakers, raw
features are transformed into discriminative features, which are more robust to speaker
that the discriminative features generated with such a trained MLP also contain a lot of
information for speaker discrimination. This method is named as Tandem/HATS-MLP,
because such a structure for MLP training was firstly proposed for speech recognition (Chen
et al., 2004; Zhu et al. 2004).
The investigation of the complementary property of discriminative features to other types of
features and modeling approaches, is an alternative direction for extending the method of
NLDA for robust speaker recognition. Konig and Heck first found that discriminative
features are complementary to the mel-scaled cepstral features (MFCCs) and suggested
these two different types of features can be linearly combined as composite features (Konig
et al. 1998; Heck et al. 2000). Stoll et al. (Stoll et al. 2007) used the discriminative features as
inputs for support vector machines (SVM) for robust speaker recognition and found it
outperforms the conventional GMM method. All these efforts confirm that the
discriminative features are harmonic to other feature types as well as other modeling
Using multiple MLPs (MMLPs) as feature transformer is also a possible extension to the
NLDA framework. The MMLP scheme was proposed to exploit the local clustering
information in the distribution of the raw feature space (Wu, 2008b). According to the idea
of MMLP, the raw feature space is firstly partitioned into a group of clusters by using either
phonetic labeling information or an unsupervised recognition method of GMM. Then a sub-
MLP is employed as a feature transformer within each cluster. The obtained discriminative
features are then “softly”(using affine combination) or “hardly” (using switch selection)
combined into the final discriminative features for recognition. This method has been found
to outperform the conventional GMM method and to be marginally better than SMLP. More
work is needed in future study.
Let us first check score level normalizations. Z-norm validates its method on the basis of an
assumption that scores of an impostor model should hold the same tendency as the
hypothesized one when they are under the same circumstances, obviously including
mismatched conditions, such as noises. Z-norm should have general capabilities to reduce
mismatch caused by both additive and convolutiional noises. However, this method may
fail when scores of the impostor are not tightly linked in change tendency with scores of the
claimant, which is often highly possible in realistic applications. T-norm is an extension to
Z-norm, and still based on the same assumption. So T-norm has the similar capacities and
limitations for mismatch reduction. However, T-norm is better than Z-norm, since
distribution statistics of impostors are directly estimated from a separate test set. Hence, it
can further reduce the mismatch between training and test conditions. WMAP is a two-step
method. Its first step is quite similar to Z-norm, but WMAP enhances its normalization
power by converting its decision scores into posterior probabilities so as to be much easier to
be compared using a single global threshold. However, WMAP doesn’t use any test data
because WMAP uses scores calculated from the world model, not from the distribution of
test data. It may prevent from enhancing the capacities of WMAP to reduce mismatch.
Therefore, this may imply a possible extension to WMAP, in which a score is calculated
from a world model estimated on the test set, and then used for the normalization in the
first step, the posterior probability is computed in the second step. This scheme can be
referred to as T-WMAP, which can extend WMAP to possibly better capacities for mismatch
reduction. D-norm is a quite different approach, but it is also based on the same assumption
as Z-norm, that is, normalization based on impostor scores may eliminate mismatch
between training and test set. The only distinguished aspect is that D-norm uses Monte-
Carlo simulation to estimate KL-distance to replace the impostor scores, conditioned on a
strong correspondence experimentally found between them. In addition, D-norm does not
use the test data either. Hence, it suggests a possible extension for D-norm, which employs
test data, and therefore should be referred to as TD-norm.
We further check feature level transformations. CMS and spectrum subtraction are
obviously based on an assumption that noise is stationary across a whole utterance, e.g.
convolutional noises. Therefore, CMS is useful to reduce the mismatch caused by stationary
noise in an utterance. However, it does not excel at dealing with some non-stationary noise,
such as dynamic ambient noise and cross-talking. RASTA uses a set of band-pass filters to
suppress constant or slowly-varying noises. At this point, RASTA is quite similar to CMS on
the effect to eliminate convolutional noise, whereas it has limited capacities to handle the
mismatch resulted in by other dynamic noises. H-norm is an extension of CMS to deal with
handset mismatch in multiple energy channels. Based on the same assumption, H-norm is
also mostly effective to handle constant channel noises, especially for reduction of handset
mismatch. C-norm is a technique to design for alleviating the mismatch due to different
cellular phones. It further extends CMS by transforming a channel dependent feature to a
channel independent feature with the consideration of not only the mean vector, but also
covariance matrix of a feature space. From this perspective, C-norm is an advanced version
of CMS with more powerful capacities to normalize data to a universal scale with zero mean
and unit variance. However, C-norm is also based on a similar assumption and therefore
especially effective for the mismatch due to stationary noise. From here, we can see that all
the above techniques can in fact be put into a framework based on the same assumption that
Normalization and Transformation Techniques for Robust Speaker Recognition 327
noise is stationary across an utterance. This obviously renders these normalization methods
particular efficient for convolution noises as in telephony speech.
The other subgroup of normalization methods at the feature level doesn’t base on the
assumption of stationary noise. But, instead, the transformation is learned from an overall
training set and thus the methods in this group take advantage of more data. In this group,
PCA is a non-discriminant method. It seeks several largest variance directions to project a
raw feature space to a new feature space. During this process, PCA often makes the
projected feature space more compact and therefore is employed as a popular method of
dimension reduction. An implement assumption is that noise components may not have the
same directions as principal variances. So it may reduce the noise components that are
vertical to the principal variances by applying PCA to the raw features. However, the noise
components that are horizontal to the principal variances still remain. According to this
property, PCA has a moderate capacity to deal with the mismatch resulted from a wide
range of noises. LDA extends PCA with the same feature of dimension reduction, to linear
discriminative training. The discriminative learning is efficient to alleviate the mismatch
caused by all the noise types, whatever is additive or convolutional noise. Only the essential
characteristics related to class identities are supposed to remain, while all other negative
noisy factors are supposed to be removed. NLDA further extends LDA to a case of nonlinear
discriminative training. As nonlinear discriminative training can degenerate to the linear
discriminative training by manipulating a special topology of MLP (see Section 3.7), NLDA
has more powerful capacities to enhance “useful” features and compensates harmful ones.
In terms of mismatch reduction, NLDA and LDA are applicable to a wide range of noise, so
as to be considered as broad-spectrum “antibiotic” for robust speaker recognition, whereas
the others as narrow-spectrum “antibiotic”.
Based on the above analysis, we can summarize that some of normalization techniques are
particularly calibrated for specific types of mismatch, where others are generally effective.
Roughly speaking, score normalizations are often more “narrow”, but the feature level
transformations are more or less “broad” in mismatch reduction. This distinction may imply
the possibility of integrating these techniques into a single framework.
at least in terms of computation requirements. For instance, they can be efficiently applied to
some real-time applications, such as applications running on PDAs, or mobile phones,
whereas the feature normalizations have a bit higher complexity for these application
Due to the pros and cons of feature and score level normalizations, we may raise such a
question if it is possible to combine them into a universal framework and fully utilize their
advantages. The answer is “Yes”. One simple combination of feature and score level
normalizations is definitely possible. However, these methods can also be integrated. For
instance, it may be possible to apply NLDA at the score level, to project raw scores to better
discriminative scores, as does NLDA for feature projection. This pre-processing at the score
level can be referred to NLDA score transformation. By such an NLDA transformation,
some confused scores may be corrected. This is just as an example, given for elucidating the
idea of combining feature and score level transformation. Bearing in mind this idea, many
other similar methods may be proposed to further improve robustness of speaker
recognition systems in noisy conditions.
7. Conclusion
Robust speaker recognition faces a variety of challenges for identifying or verifying speaker
identities in noisy environments, which cause a large range of variance in feature space and
therefore are extremely difficult for statistical modeling. To compensate this effect, much
research efforts have been dedicated in this area. In this chapter, we have mainly
summarized these efforts into two categories, namely normalization techniques at the score
level and transformation techniques at the feature level. The capacities and limitations of
these methods are discussed. Moreover, we also introduce some recent advances in this
area. Based on these discussions, we have concluded this paper with possible extensions for
future work.
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1. Introduction
This chapter describes anchor model-based speaker recognition with phonetic modeling.
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) have been successfully applied to characterize speakers
in speaker identification and verification when a large amount of enrolment data to build
acoustic models of target speakers is available. However, a small amount of enrolment data
of as short as 5 sec. might be preferred for some tasks. A conventional GMM-based system
does not perform well if the amount of enrolment data is limited. In general, 1-minute or
more of enrolment data are required in the conventional system.
In order to solve this problem, a speaker characterization method based on anchor models
has been proposed. The first application of the method was proposed for speaker indexing
(Sturim et al., 2001). And the method has been also used for speaker identification (Mami &
Charlet, 2003) and speaker verification (Collet et al., 2005).
In the anchor model-based system, the location of each speaker is represented by a speaker
vector. The speaker vector consists of the set of the likelihood between a target utterance
and the anchor models. It can be considered as a projection of the target utterance in a
speaker space. One of the merits of this approach is that it is not necessary to train a model
for a new target speaker, because the set of anchor models does not include the model of
target speaker. It can save users time to utter iteratively for model training.
However, there is a significant disadvantage in the system because the recognition
performance is insufficient. It has been reported that an identification rate of 76.6% was
obtained on a 50-speaker identification task with 16-mixture GMMs as anchor models
(Mami & Charlet, 2003). Also, an equal error rate (EER) of 11.3% has been reported on
speaker verification task with 256-mixture GMMs (Collet et al., 2005). Compared with the
conventional GMM approach, the performance of anchor model-based system is remarkably
The aim of this work is to improve the performance of the method by using phonetic
modeling instead of the GMM scheme as anchor models and to develop text-independent
speaker recognition system that can perform accurately with very short reference speech. A
GMM-based acoustic model covers all phonetic events for each speaker. It can represent an
overall difference in acoustic features between speakers, however, it cannot represent a
difference in pronunciation. Consequently, we propose the method to detect the detailed
difference in phonetic features and try to use it as information for speaker recognition. In
order to detect the phonetic features, a set of speaker-dependent phonetic HMMs is used as
332 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the anchor models. The likelihood calculation between the target utterance and the anchor
models is performed with an HMM-based phone recognizer with a phone-pair grammar.
In order to evaluate the proposed method, we compare the phonetic-based system with the
GMM-based system on the framework of the anchor model. The number of dimensions in
speaker space is also investigated. For this purpose, a large-size speech corpus is used for
training the anchor models (Nakamura et al., 1996). Furthermore, another anchor model-
based system in which phonetically structured GMMs (ps_GMMs) are used is compared to
show the reason why phonetic modeling is effective in this method. Phonetically structured
GMMs have been proposed by Faltlhauser (Faltlhauser & Ruske, 2001) to improve speaker
recognition performance. In the method, ‘phonetic’ mixture components in a single state are
weighted in order to improve speaker recognition performance.
The rest of this introduction reviews some related work. Recently, some phonetic based
methods have been proposed. Hebert et al. have proposed the speaker verification method
based on a tree structure of phonetic classes (Hebert & Heck, 2003). This paper reported that
the proposed phonetic class-based system overcame a conventional GMM approach. Park et
al. have proposed a speaker identification method in which phonetic class GMMs for each
speaker were used (Park & Hazen, 2002). Both two methods differ from our approach in that
a model for a target speaker is needed. Kohler et al. have developed a speaker-recognition
system based only on phonetic sequences instead of the method based on acoustic feature
vectors (Kohler et al., 2001). In this method, a test speaker model is not an acoustic model
and it is generated by using n-phone frequency counts. The work which has a similar
motivation of reducing enrolment data has been proposed by Thyes (Thyes et al., 2000). In
this work, the concept of ‘eigenvoice’ was used for representing a speaker space. The
method of ‘eigenvoice’ was proposed for speaker adaptation on earlier work (Kuhn et al.,
1998). A phonetic information was not used for speaker discrimination in that work.
This chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the method of speaker recognition.
Section 3 shows the results of speaker identification experiments. Finally, we conclude the
paper and suggest future research in Section 4.
1 T
L(o|λ ) = ∑ log p( ot |λ ) .
T t =1
The average log-likelihood scores are compared to determine an input speaker in speaker
identification system. For speaker verification system, those scores are normalized to reduce
the variation of utterances,
L (o|λ ) = L(o|λ ) − L(o|λUBM ) , (3)
where λUBM is the Universal Background Model which is derived from training data of all
or selected speakers to normalize the variation. For the tasks of speaker identification or
verification, a reference speaker model λ must be trained by using 60 sec. or more of
enrolment speech in advance. It causes users the loss of taking time to utter iteratively. Since
acoustic models of reference speakers are not required in anchor model-based system, the
user has only to utter just one sentence in advance.
⎡ log p(o| M 1 ) − μ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ log p(o|σM ) − μ ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥ , (4)
v=⎢ σ ⎥
⎢ # ⎥
⎢ log p(o| M N ) − μ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ σ ⎦
∑ log p(o| M n ) , (5)
n =1
∑ (log p(o| M n ) − μ )2 . (6)
log P(o| M n ) is the log-likelihood of the input utterance o for the anchor model M n . The
vector is normalized to have zero mean and unit variance to reduce the likelihood variation
among utterances (Akita & Kawahara, 2003). N is the number of anchor models and
denotes the number of dimensions of speaker space. In the identification step, a measure
334 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
between each reference speaker vector ri and the input vector is calculated in speaker space.
We used Euclidean metric for distance calculation. Input speaker is identified by:
Fig. 1. Example of values of speaker vector. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the
same speaker. (the left figure: HMMs are used as anchor models, the right figure: GMMs are
used as anchor models)
Values of speaker vector for utterance #26
Values of speaker vector for utterance #26
Speaker: F.HAHZ
Speaker: F.HAHZ
Values of speaker vector for utterance #26 Values of speaker vector for utterance #26
Speaker: F.AIFU Anchor model: HMM Speaker: F.AIFU Anchor model: GMM
Fig. 2. Example of values of speaker vector. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the
different speakers. (the left figure: HMMs are used as anchor models, the right figure:
GMMs are used as anchor models)
Assume that S -state and K -mixture monophone HMM for phoneme j is trained in
advance. Total number of PDFs in monophone HMMs is J × S × K when the number of
phonemes is J . Those PDFs are gathered to make a single state model λ ps ,
p( ot |λ ps ) = ∑ ∑ ∑ w jsk N ( ot , μ jsk , Σ jsk ) , (8)
j =1 s =1 k =1
where N ( ot , μ jsk , Σ jsk ) is a Gaussian distribution of the k th density in the mixture at state s
of phoneme j and w jsk is a mixture weight.
After producing λ ps , parameters of λ ps are re-estimated. Three types of methods were
compared in a speaker identification task in order to find the best re-estimation method.
No re-estimation Re-estimation is not conducted. All PDFs from monophone
HMMs are used as they are. New mixture weight ŵ jsk is simply given as follows:
w jsk
ˆ jsk =
w . (9)
Weight re-estimation Only mixture weights are re-estimated to obey the probabilistic
constraint as follows:
∑ ∑ ∑ w jsk =1. (10)
j = 1 s =1 k = 1
PDF and weight re-estimation Both all of PDFs and weights are re-estimated. In this
case, phonetic information is only used as an initial model. Then the method is not exactly a
phonetic modeling.
In the experiment of a 30-speaker identification task, ‘weight re-estimation’ and ‘PDF and
weight re-estimation’ obtained similar identification rates. The identification rates were
89.88% and 89.99%, respectively. The performance of ‘no re-estimation’ was insufficient and
the identification rate was 82.64%. The method of ‘weight re-estimation’ is used in the
following experiments.
In terms of model topology, ps_GMM consists of a single state just like the conventional
GMM, however, each group of PDFs in ps_GMM is trained with the data of each phoneme
class. Then comparing conventional GMM with ps_GMM, the model topology is same but
PDFs are different. Also comparing ps_GMM with phonetic HMM, PDFs are same but the
model topology is different.
algorithms are used (ETSI, 2002). In this front-end, noise reduction for additive noise and
blind equalization for channel distortion are applied. The blind equalization process is
omitted for our experiments, because we found that it had a bad influence on the
performance of speaker identification from the results of comparative experiments. In this
front-end, a speech signal is digitized at a sampling frequency of 16kHz and at a
quantization size of 16bits. The length of the analysis frame is 25ms and the frame period is
set to 10ms. The 13-dimensional feature (12-dimensional MFCC and log power) is derived
from the digitized samples for each frame. Additionally, the delta and delta-delta features
are calculated from MFCC feature and the log power. Then the total number of dimensions
is 39. The delta and delta-delta coefficients are useful for the system of HMM-based anchor
models. After speech analysis is carried out, an input features are transformed into a
speaker vector by Eq. (4). A value of log-likelihood in Eq. (4) is obtained by a phoneme
recognizer with a phone-pair grammar. In the recognizer, one-pass frame-synchronous
search algorithm with beam searching has been adopted. The speaker vector derived from
the input utterance is used for calculating distances from reference speaker vectors, which
are computed in advance. The reference speaker of minimal distance is determined to be an
identified speaker by Eq. (7).
Anchor Reference
Models Speakers
speech were same and were only 5.5 sec. In general, 1-minute or more of enrolment data are
required in the conventional speaker recognition systems. Compared with those systems,
the proposed system can be performed with a very short utterance. It can save users time to
utter iteratively.
Identification rate (%)
#dim. before
92 PCA trans.
91 400
1000 800 600 400 200 0
Number of dimensions
Fig. 4. Reduction of number of dimensions with PCA trans.
between the number of the mixture components and the identification rate have been
reported in (Kosaka et al., 2007). The ps_GMMs in this experiment are composed as follows.
All PDFs except those in silence model are extracted from the phonetic HMMs to form a
single state GMM. After producing the GMM, only mixture weights are re-estimated.
Table 1 shows the speaker identification result. The number of dimensions was 1000 and the
number of test speakers was 30. The HMM-based system showed significant improvement
over the GMM-based system, although the number of PDFs was nearly same in those
systems. The performance of ps_GMMs is in between two. Comparing conventional GMM
with ps_GMM, the model topology is same but PDFs are different. Also comparing
ps_GMM with phonetic HMM, PDFs are same but the model topology is different. This
means that both the model topology and the PDFs derived from phonetic models
contributed to improve the performance of speaker identification. Finally, the identification
rate of 94.21% could be obtained with 3-state 10-mixture HMM system in 30 speaker
identification task. By comparison with the GMM-based system, the relative improvement
of 62.9% was achieved.
We also investigated the comparison between an anchor model-based system and a
conventional GMM-based system described in Sect. 2.1. In our experiments, the average
length of reference speech was only 5.5 sec. and it is difficult to train GMMs accurately by
using the ML (Maximum Likelihood). Thus, we used the maximum a posteriori (MAP)
estimation instead of the ML estimation for training of conventional GMMs. The number of
mixture components was varied to find the most appropriate one. The speaker identification
rate of 77.14% was obtained with 8-mixture GMMs. This indicates that conventional GMM-
base system does not work well with such a small amount of enrolment data.
4. Conclusions
This chapter proposed the method of anchor model-based speaker recognition in text-
independent way with phonetic modeling. Since the method doesn't require model training
for the target speaker, only about single utterance is needed for reference speech. In order to
improve the recognition performance, phonetic modeling was used instead of Gaussian
Mixture Model (GMM) scheme as anchor models. The proposed method was evaluated on
Japanese speaker identification task. Compared with the performance of GMM-based
system, significant improvement could be achieved. The identification rate of 94.21% could
be obtained with 3-state 10-mixture HMMs in 30-speaker identification task. In the
experiments, the average length of reference speech was only 5.5 sec. By comparison with
the GMM-based system, the relative improvement of 62.9% was achieved. The results show
that the phonetic modeling is effective for anchor model-based speaker recognition.
We are now conducting the evaluation of the method on speaker verification task. We are
also conducting the evaluation of speaker identification in noisy conditions. Some results in
noisy conditions have been reported in (Goto et al., 2008). The merit of this method is that
the system can detect speaker characteristics with a very short utterance as short as 5 sec.
Then the method can be used in the tasks of speaker indexing or tracking.
340 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
5. References
Akita, Y. & Kawahara, T. (2003), Unsupervised speaker indexing using anchor models and
automatic transcription of discussions, Proceedings of Eurospeech2003, pp.2985-2988,
Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2003
Collet, M.; Mami, Y.; Charlet, D. & Bimbot, F. (2005), Probabilistic anchor models approach
for speaker verification, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2005, pp.2005-2008, Lisbon,
Portugal, Sept. 2005
ETSI, (2002), ETSI ES 202 050 V1.1.1, STQ; Distributed speech recognition; advanced front-end
feature extraction algorithm; compression algorithms, European Telecommunications
Standards Institute, France
Faltlhauser, R. & Ruske, G. (2001), Improving speaker recognition performance using
phonetically structured Gaussian mixture models, Proceedings of Eurospeech2001,
pp.751-754, Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2001
Goto, Y.; Akatsu, T.; Katoh, M.; Kosaka, T. & Kohda, M. (2008), An investigation on speaker
vector-based speaker identification under noisy conditions, Proceedings of
ICALIP2008, pp.1430-1435, Shanghai, China, Jul. 2008
Hebert, M. & Heck, L.P. (2003), Phonetic class-based speaker verification, Proceedings of
INTERSPEECH2003, pp.1665-1668, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2003
Kohler, M.A.; Andrews, W.D. & Campbell, J.P. (2001), Phonetic speaker recognition,
Proceedings of EUROSPEECH2001, pp.149-153, Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2001
Kosaka, T.; Akatsu, T.; Katoh, M. & Kohda, M. (2007), Speaker Vector-Based Speaker
Identification with Phonetic Modeling, IEICE Transactions (Japanese), Vol. J90-D, No.
12, Dec. 2007, pp. 3201-3209
Kuhn, R,; Nguyen, P.; Junqua, J.-C.; Goldwasser, L.; Niedzielski, N.; Fincke, S.; Field, K. &
Contolini, M. (1998), Eigenvoices for speaker adaptation, Proceedings of ICSLP98, pp.
1771-1774, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1998
Lee, C.-H. & Gauvain, J.-L. (1993), Speaker adaptation based on MAP estimation of HMM
parameters, Proceedings of ICASSP93, pp.558-561, Minneapolis, USA, Apr. 1993,
Mami, Y. & Charlet, D. (2003), Speaker identification by anchor models with PCA/LDA
post-processing, Proceedings of ICASSP2003, pp.180-183, Hong Kong, China, Apr.
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Park, A & Hazen, T.J. (2002), ASR dependent techniques for speaker identification,
Proceedings of ICSLP2002, pp.1337-1340, Denver, USA, Sept. 2002
Sturim, D.; Reynolds, D. ; Singer, E. & Campbell, J. (2001), Speaker indexing in large audio
databases using anchor models, Proceedings of ICASSP2001, pp.429-432, Salt Lake
City, USA, May. 2001, IEEE
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verification using eigenvoices, Proceedings of ICSLP2000, pp. 242-246, Beijing, China,
Oct. 2000
1. Introduction
The growing demand to shift content-based information retrieval from text to various
multimedia sources means there is an increasing need to deal with large amounts of
multimedia information. The data provided from television and radio broadcast news (BN)
programs are just one example of such a source of information. In our research we focus on
the processing and analysis of audio BN data, where the main information source is
represented by speech data. The main issues in our work relate to the preparation and
organization of BN audio data for further processing in information audio-retrieval systems
based on speech technologies.
This chapter addresses the problem of structuring the audio data in terms of speakers, i.e.,
finding the regions in the audio streams that belong to a single speaker and then joining
each region of the same speaker together. The task of organizing the audio data in this way
is known as speaker diarization and was first introduced in the NIST project of Rich
Transcription in the “Who spoke when” evaluations (Fiscus et al., 2004; Tranter & Reynolds,
2006). The speaker-diarization problem is composed of several stages, in which the three
main tasks are performed: speech detection, speaker- and background-change detection,
and speaker clustering. While the aim of the speech detection and the speaker- and acoustic-
segmentation procedures is to provide the proper segmentation of the audio data streams,
the purpose of the speaker clustering is to join or connect together segments that belong to
the same speakers, and this is usually applied in the last stage of the speaker-diarization
process. In this chapter we focus on speaker-clustering methods, concentrating on
developing proper representations of the speaker segments for clustering, and research
different similarity measures for joining the speaker segments and explore different
stopping criteria for the clustering that result in a minimization of the overall diarization
error of such systems.
The chapter is organized as follows: In Section 2, two baseline speaker-clustering
approaches are presented. The first is a standard approach using a bottom-up agglomerative
clustering principle with the Bayesian information criterion as the merging criterion. In the
second system an alternative approach is applied, also using bottom-up clustering, but the
representations of the speaker segments are modeled by Gaussian mixture models, and for
342 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the merging criteria a cross log-likelihood ratio is used. Section 3 is devoted to the
development of a novel fusion-based speaker-clustering system, where the speaker
segments are modeled by acoustic and prosody representations. By adding prosodic
information to the basic acoustic features we have extended the standard clustering
procedure in such a way that it will work with a combination of both representations. All
the presented clustering procedures were assessed on two different BN audio databases and
the evaluation results are presented in Section 4. Finally, a discussion of the results and the
conclusions are given in Sections 5 and 6.
Fig. 1. The main building blocks of a typical speaker-diarization system. Most systems have
components to perform speech detection, speaker- or acoustic-based segmentation and
speaker clustering, which may include components for gender detection and speaker
We built a speaker-diarization system that is used for speaker tracking in BN shows (Žibert,
2006b; Žibert et al., 2007). The system was designed in the standard way by including
components for speech detection, audio segmentation and speaker clustering. Since we
wanted to evaluate and measure the impact of speaker clustering on the overall speaker-
diarization performance, we built a system where the components for speech detection and
audio segmentation remained fixed during the evaluation process, while different
procedures were implemented and tested in the speaker-clustering task.
The component for speech detection was derived from the speech/non-speech segmentation
procedure, which was already presented in (Žibert et al., 2007). The procedure aimed to find
the speech and non-speech regions in continuous audio streams represented by phoneme-
recognition features (Žibert et al., 2006a). The features were derived directly from phoneme
transcripts that were produced by a generic phone-recognition system. A speech-detection
procedure based on these features was then implemented by performing a Viterbi decoding
in the classification network of the hidden Markov models, which were previously trained
on speech and non-speech data. This rather alternative approach to deriving speech-
344 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
detection features proved to be more robust and accurate for detecting speech segments
(Žibert et al., 2006a; Žibert et al., 2007).
Further segmentation of the speech data was made by using the acoustic-change detection
procedure based on the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), which was proposed in (Chen
& Gopalakrishnan, 1999) and improved by (Tritchler & Gopinath, 1999). The applied
procedure processed the audio data in a single pass, with the change-detection points found
by comparing the probability models estimated from two neighboring segments with the
BIC. If the estimated BIC score was under the given threshold, a change point was detected.
The threshold, which was implicitly included in the penalty term of the BIC, has to be given
in advance and was in our case estimated from the training data. This procedure is widely
used in most current audio-segmentation systems (Tranter & Reynolds, 2006; Fiscus et al.,
2004; Reynolds & Torres-Carrasquillo, 2004; Zhou & Hansen, 2000; Istrate et al., 2005; Žibert
et al., 2005).
While the aim of an acoustic-change detection procedure is to provide the proper
segmentation of the audio-data streams, the purpose of speaker clustering is to join together
the segments that belong to the same speakers. In our system we realized three different
speaker-clustering procedures, which are described in detail in the following sections.
The result of such a speaker-diarization system is segmented audio data, annotated
according to the relative speaker labels (such as ‘spk1’, ‘spk2’, etc.). Each such speaker
cluster can be additionally processed through the speaker-identification module to find the
true identities of the speakers who are likely to be in the processing audio data (such as
prominent politicians or the main news anchors and reporters in the BN data). This can be
achieved by a variety of methods that can be performed during the speaker-clustering stage.
However, finding the true identities of the speakers was not within the scope of this
models (Moh et al., 2000; Reynolds & Torres-Carrasquillo, 2004; Sinha et al., 2005). The most
common approach is to represent the clusters by single full-covariance Gaussian
distributions, whereas for the similarity measure a Bayesian information criterion is used
(Chen & Gopalakrishnan, 1999). For good performance of the clustering, the stopping
criterion also needs to be properly chosen. A suitable stopping criterion should end the
merging process at the point where the audio data from each speaker is concentrated mainly
in one cluster, and in general it is set according to a similarity measure and cluster models
that are used in the merging process of the speaker clustering.
In our research we implemented the same clustering approach, but we experimented with
different similarity measures, different representations of the audio data and different
cluster models. Three approaches were investigated. In the first one we followed the
standard procedure of speaker clustering, based on the Bayesian information criterion. The
alternative approach, which is also widely used in speaker-diarization systems and was also
implemented in our study, aims to incorporate Gaussian mixture models into the speaker-
clustering process. The audio data in both approaches are usually represented by a single
stream of acoustic features (MFCCs, PLPs), which result in an acceptable performance of the
speaker clustering in cases when the acoustic conditions do not change. But this is not the
situation when dealing with BN data, since BN news is composed of audio data from
various acoustic environments (different types of acoustic sources, different channel
conditions, background noises, etc.). To improve speaker clustering in such cases we
proposed an alternative representation of speech signals, where the acoustic
parameterizations of the clusters were extended by prosodic measurements.
When speaker clustering is used as one stage in a speaker-diarization system, several
improvements can be made to increase the performance of the speaker diarization, like joint
segmentation and clustering (Meignier et al., 2000) and/or cluster re-combination (Zhu et
al., 2005). Both methods aim to improve the base speaker-clustering results by integrating
several speaker-diarization tasks together or re-running the clustering on under-clustered
fragments of audio data. In our research we focused mainly on an evaluation and a
development of the base speaker-clustering approaches, and did not implement any of these
methods, even though they could be easily applied in the same manner as they are applied
in other systems.
Also note that the presented agglomerative clustering approach is not the only possible
solution for speaker clustering. This kind of approach is suitable in cases when all the audio
data are available in advance. When the data need to be processed simultaneously, e.g., in the
online processing of BN shows, other approaches need to be applied. The most common
approach in this case is a sequential clustering, which needs to resolve the same operating
issues as are present in an agglomerative clustering: what kind of data representation should
be applied, how should the clusters be modeled, and what similarity measure should be used?
Therefore, we decided to focus our research only on those components that are essential for
the good performance of the speaker clustering, regardless of the approach that is being used.
1. initialization step:
• each segment Ci represents one cluster;
• the initial clustering is
2. merging procedure:
• From among all the possible pairs of clusters (Cr,Cs) in ϑt-1 find the one, say (Ci,Cj)),
such that
3. stopping criterion:
• The merging procedure is repeated until in ϑt there exists such pairs (Cr,Cs), for which
In the merging procedure the joining of clusters is performed by searching for the minimum
ΔBIC score among all the possible pair-wise combinations of clusters. The ΔBIC measure is
defined as:
where the clusters Ci,Cj and Ci ∪ Cj are modeled by the full-covariance Gaussian
distributions respectively. K Ci and K C j are
the number of sample vectors in the clusters Ci and Cj, respectively, and d is a vector
dimension. λ is an open parameter, the default value of which is 1.0. Note that the term
log⏐Σ⏐corresponds to the log of a determinant of a given full-covariance matrix Σ.
The ΔBIC(Ci, Cj) , defined in equation (4), operates as a model-selection criterion between two
competing models, estimated from the data in clusters Ci and Cj. The first model is
represented by a single Gaussian distribution, estimated from the data in Ci ∪ Cj, while the
second model is represented by two Gaussians, one estimated from the data in cluster Ci
and the other from the data in cluster Cj. The first model assumes that all the data are
derived from a single Gaussian process and therefore belong to one speaker, while the
second model assumes that the data are drawn from two different Gaussian processes, and
therefore belong to two different speakers. As such, the ΔBIC represents the difference
between the BIC scores of both models, where the first term in equation (4) corresponds to
the difference in the quality of the match between the models and the data, while the second
term is a penalty for the difference in the complexities of the models, with λ allowing the
tuning of the balance between the two terms. Consequently, ΔBIC scores above 0.0
correspond to better modeling with one Gaussian and thus favor one speaker, while ΔBIC
Novel Approaches to Speaker Clustering for Speaker Diarization in Audio Broadcast News Data 347
scores below 0.0 favor the model with two separate Gaussians and thus support the
hypothesis of two speakers.
While using the ΔBIC measure in the merging process of speaker clustering, those clusters
that produce the biggest negative difference in terms of ΔBIC among all the pair-wise
combinations of clusters are joined together. The merging process is stopped when the lowest
BIC score from among all the combinations of clusters in the current clustering is higher
than a specified threshold, which in our case was set to 0.0.
The most important role in such clustering is played by the penalty term in the BIC measure,
which is weighted by the open parameter λ. In the original definition of BIC the parameter λ
is set to 1.0 (Schwartz, 1976), but it was found that the speaker clustering performed much
better if λ is considered as an open parameter that is tuned on the development data. The λ
influences both the merging and the stopping criteria and needs to be chosen carefully to
have the optimum effect. To avoid this, several modifications of the above approach have
been proposed, but they all had only moderate success, since they either introduced a new
set of open parameters (Ajmera & Wooters, 2003) or increased the computational cost of the
speaker clustering (Zhu et al., 2005).
Where the L(x⏐M) in all four cases represents the average likelihood per frame of data x,
given the model M. The pair of clusters with the highest CLR is merged and a new model is
created. The process is repeated until the highest CLR is below a predefined threshold,
chosen from the development data.
348 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Several refinements can be made at all the stages of the presented speaker clustering. In
order to reduce the effects of different acoustic environments, different types of feature-
normalization techniques have been proposed. The most common is the feature-warping
technique, which aims to reshape the histogram of the feature data, derived from the cluster
segments, into a Gaussian distribution (Pelecanos & Sridharan, 2001). As far as the UBM is
concerned, different UBMs can be trained and used, corresponding to the different gender
and channel conditions that are expected in the audio data (Barras et al., 2004). Another
method is to build a new UBM directly from the processing audio data prior to the data
clustering (Moraru et al., 2005). Several improvements to the similarity measure have also
been proposed. In the case where several UBMs are used in the speaker clustering, the
GMMs are obtained through a MAP adaptation from the gender- and channel-matched
UBM, and only these models (clusters) are then compared using the CLR measure (Barras et
al., 2006). Alternative measures to the CLR have also been tested within this approach, like
an upper-bound estimation of the Kullback-Leibler measure (Do, 2003; Ramos-Castro et al.,
2005) or a penalized likelihood criterion, based on the BIC (Žibert, 2006b).
We implemented this approach by applying feature-warping normalization before the
clustering, while just one general UBM was used for all the MAP adaptations of the GMMs.
The UBM was trained directly from the processing audio data, and the derived GMMs were
represented by diagonal-covariance Gaussians with 32 mixtures. We decided to use these
rather small mixture-size GMMs (in the original approach (Barras et al., 2006) 128 mixtures
were used), since we did not gain any improvement in the speaker clustering on the
development data by increasing the number of mixtures in the GMMs. The second reason
was that by using GMMs with a rather small number of parameters, we removed the need
for running the initial stage of the BIC clustering in order to obtain more initial data per
4. falling energy frame rate: the number of falling short-term energy frames in the speech
segment divided by the total number of energy frames.
Duration features:
5. normalized VU speaking rate: the number of changes of the V, U, S units in the speech
segment divided by the speech-segment duration;
6. normalized average VU duration rate: the absolute difference between the average
duration of the voiced parts and the average duration of the unvoiced parts, divided by
the average duration of all the V, U units in the speech segment;
Pitch features:
7. f0 mean: the estimated mean of the f0 frames computed only in the V regions of the
speech segment;
8. f0 variance: the estimated variance of the f0 frames computed only in the V regions of the
speech segment;
9. rising f0 frame rate: the number of rising f0 frames in the speech segment divided by the
total number of f0 frames;
10. falling f0 frame rate: the number of falling f0 frames in the speech segment divided by the
total number of f0 frames.
All the above features were obtained from the individual speech segments associated within
each cluster. The features were designed by following the approach for prosody modeling of
speaker data (Shriberg et al., 2005) and the development of the prosodic features for word-
boundary detection in automatically transcribed speech data (Gallwitz et al., 2002). Note
that the features in 5 and 6 are the same as those used in speech detection based on
phoneme-recognition features (Žibert et al., 2007). We decided to implement only those
features that can be reliably estimated from relatively short speech segments and were
suitable for prosody modeling in speaker clustering. A normalization of each feature was
provided by averaging the selected measurements, either by segment duration or by the
total number of counted frames in a segment.
The 10 presented features were carefully designed to capture the speaker-oriented prosodic
patterns from relatively short speech segments; however, to obtain reliable prosodic
information about a speaker there should be several segments present in a cluster.
Therefore, the above prosodic features should be treated as a supplementary representation
of the cluster data, which can provide a considerable improvement in speaker-clustering
performance when larger amounts of cluster data are available.
of information in the merging process of speaker clustering. To achieve this, two important
issues had to be resolved:
1. an appropriate similarity measure for the comparison of the clusters represented by
prosodic features had to be designed;
2. a fuzzy-based merging criterion had to be defined, which should appropriately combine
the similarity scores of the acoustic and prosodic representations of the clusters.
In the baseline speaker-clustering approach the BIC was applied as the similarity measure
between the clusters represented by the acoustic, MFCC features. In the merging stage of the
baseline clustering approach two clusters were joined, providing their ΔBIC score achieved
the minimum among all the ΔBIC scores. A similarity measure based on the prosodic features
was needed to operate in the same manner: lower scores should correspond to more similar
clusters and higher scores to less similar clusters. Both similarity measures were also
required to be easily integrated into the fuzzy-based merging criterion of the speaker
clustering. This could be ensured by enabling the normalization of the similarity scores of
both measures and by the appropriate weighting of both similarities.
Taking all this into account, a new prosodic measure was proposed. The measure was
defined on speaker clusters by computing the Mahalanobis distance between the principal
components of the speaker segments represented by the prosodic feature vectors. This
procedure involved the following steps:
1. Each segment si is represented by the vector constructed from 10 prosodic
features, defined in Section 3.1.
2. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA; Theodoridis & Koutroumbas, 2003) is
performed on all the processing segments si, represented by the vectors . This
involves computing the correlation matrix Rpros of the vectors and decomposing
the eigenvalue R = P⋅Λ⋅PT
, where P represents the matrix of eigenvectors ordered by
the eigenvalues, which are stored in the diagonal matrix Λ.
3. The Mahalanobis distance between the principal components of the speaker segments is
Lower scores in (7) correspond to a better similarity between the clusters represented by
the corresponding prosodic features.
352 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and a normalized version of the prosodic measure from (7) was defined as:
The minimum and maximum values in equations (8) and (9) were computed from among all
the pair-wise cluster combinations at the current step of merging. A controllable fusion of
both representations of the speaker clusters in the merging criterion was obtained by
producing a weighted sum of the normalized versions of both similarity measures:
where represents a weighting factor between the acoustic and prosodic representations of
the speaker clusters. A merging of the clusters was then achieved by finding a minimum
score among all the pair-wise combinations of clusters at the current step of clustering:
By using the above merging criterion the speaker clustering was performed by following the
same clustering procedure as described in Section 2.2. The only difference was in step 2 of
the procedure, where instead of a minimum of the ΔBIC score in the merging step in equation
(1), a minimum from among the fusion of scores from equation (11) was used. In this way
we were able to include prosodic information in the baseline speaker-clustering approach.
following the NIST Rich Transcription Evaluation, which has been the major evaluation
technique for the speaker diarization of broadcast news data (Fiscus et al., 2004). A similar
evaluation was also performed in the ESTER Evaluation using French radio broadcast news
data (Galliano et al., 2005).
Our experiments were carried out on two broadcast news databases. The first includes 33
hours of BN shows in Slovene and is called the SiBN database (Žibert & Mihelič, 2004). The
second was a multilingual speech database, COST278, which is composed of 30 hours of BN
shows in nine European languages (Vandecatseye et al., 2004), and was already used for an
evaluation of different language- and data-independent procedures in the processing of
audio BN shows, (Žibert et al., 2005).
In all the tested speaker-clustering approaches we needed to set different open parameters.
The parameters were chosen according to the optimal speaker-diarization performance of
the corresponding clustering approaches on the development dataset, which was composed
of 7 hours of BN audio data from the SiBN database. Detailed information of the
experimental setup for each individual clustering approach is presented in the following list:
• The baseline BIC approach: (described in Section 2.2)
The audio data were represented by MFCC features, which were composed of the first
12 cepstral coefficients (without the 0th coefficient) and a short-term energy with the
addition of the ΔMFCC features. The ΔMFCC features were computed by estimating
the first-order regression coefficients from the static MFCC features. The features were
derived from audio signals every 10 ms by using 32-ms analysis windows, (Young et
al., 2004). For the estimations of the ΔBIC measure from equation (4) each cluster was
modeled using full-covariance Gaussian distributions, and the penalty factor λ was set
to 3.0, which was chosen according to the optimal clustering performance on the
development dataset.
This approach is referred to as the clust_REF_BIC approach in our experiments.
• The UBM-MAP-CLR approach: (described in Section 2.3)
The audio data were represented by the same feature set as was used in the baseline
BIC approach, but with the addition of feature warping (Pelecanos & Sridharan, 2001),
which was performed on each segment separately. All the GMMs were constructed
from 32 diagonal-covariance Gaussian mixtures. The UBM was estimated directly from
the processing audio data by using the expectation-maximization algorithm
(Theodoridis & Koutroumbas, 2003). No separate gender-derived models were trained.
The MAP adaptation of (only) the UBM means was performed on each cluster to derive
cluster-based GMMs. Next, the clusters where the highest CLR score in equation (5)
was achieved were merged at each step of the merging process.
This approach is referred to as the clust_UBM_MAP_CLR approach in our
• The FUSION approach: (described in Sections 3.1–3.2)
The fusion of acoustic and prosodic representations is described by equation (10). The
acoustic representation of the audio data was implemented by the same MFCC-based
features as were used in the above approaches. The prosodic features were derived at
every speaker segment and were not changed during the clustering. When combining
the ΔBIC measure from equation (8) and the prosodic measure from equation (9) into the
weighted sum (10), the weighting parameter needed to be set. This parameter was
tuned on the development dataset and set to a value of 0.85. This was in accordance
with our expectation that the main discriminative information for speaker clustering is
stored in the acoustics, while the prosody provides only supplementary information.
Note that we used the same penalty factor, λ=3.0, in the ΔBIC measure as was used in the
baseline BIC approach.
This approach is referred to as the clust_FUSION approach in our experiments.
consists of BN shows of one TV station, including the same set of speakers, and was
collected in unchanged recording conditions. For this reason it was considered to represent
relatively homogeneous data. On the other hand, the COST278 BN database consists of BN
shows in different languages from several TV and radio stations, it includes a wide range of
speakers and the data were collected under different recording conditions. As such it
represented relatively inhomogeneous audio data in terms of different speakers and
acoustic environments.
The speaker-diarization results, which were produced by running all three speaker-
clustering approaches on the SiBN and COST278 BN databases, are shown in Figures 2 and
3, respectively. The DER results, plotted in Figures 2 and 3, should be interpreted as follows:
the DER results at the evaluation point 0 correspond to the average of the DER across all the
evaluated audio files, where the number of clusters is equal to the actual number of speakers
in each file, the DER results at evaluation point +5 correspond to the average of the DER
across all the evaluated audio files, where the number of clusters exceeds the actual number
of speakers in each file by 5, and analogously, the DER results at evaluation point -5
correspond to the average of the DER across all the evaluated audio files, where the number
of clusters is 5 clusters lower than the actual number of speakers in each file, and so on.
clust_FUSION: MFCC+ ΔMFCC+prosodic features
18 clust_UBM_MAP_CLR: MFCC+Δ MFCC, FW, 32mix
DER (%)
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
number of clusters (relative difference from actual num. of speaker in a data file)
Fig. 2. Speaker-diarization results on the SiBN database when using different clustering
procedures. The lower DER values correspond to better performance
The speaker-diarization results in Figure 2 correspond to the speaker-clustering
performance of the tested approaches on the SiBN data. The overall performance of the
speaker-clustering approaches varies between 13.5% and 16%, measured using the overall
DER. The clust_UBM_MAP_CLR and clust_FUSION approaches perform slightly better than
the baseline clust_REF_BIC approach across the whole range of evaluation points. When the
356 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
clust_FUSION and the clust_REF_BIC approaches are compared, it is clear that the SiBN
results display significant differences in the speaker diarization performance of both
approaches, which is in favor of the clust_FUSION approach. This indicates that adding the
prosodic characteristics of speakers to the basic acoustic information could improve the
speaker clustering. The same can be concluded from comparing the clust_UBM_MAP_CLR
approach with the baseline BIC approach. The performance of the clust_UBM_MAP_CLR
approach improved when enough clustering data were available for the GMM estimations,
which resulted in lower DERs in comparison to the baseline BIC approach, when the
number of clusters shrinks (the DER results display a better performance for the
clust_UBM_MAP_CLR approach in the range below the evaluation point +10 in Figure 2).
It is also interesting to note that the DER trajectories of all the approaches achieved their
minimum DER values around the evaluation point 0. This means that if all the clustering
approaches were to be stopped when the number of clusters is equal to the number of actual
speakers in the data, all the approaches would exhibit their optimum speaker-diarization
performance. At that point the best clustering result was achieved with the clust_FUSION
DER (%)
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
number of clusters (relative difference from actual num. of speakers in a data file)
relatively flat DER trajectories, which would result in a small loss of speaker-diarization
performance, when the stopping criteria would not find the exact position for ending the
merging process. In the case of the SiBN results, the DER trajectory, produced by the
clust_FUSION approach, is flatter around the evaluation point 0 than the DER trajectories,
produced by the clust_REF_BIC and clust_UBM_MAP_CLR approaches.
The speaker-diarization results in Figure 3 were produced by running the tested clustering
approaches on the COST278 BN database. The results demonstrate the similar clustering
performance of the approaches as in the case of the SiBN data, even though the overall DERs
are higher than in the SiBN case. This was expected, since the COST278 BN data includes
many more speakers in various acoustic environments than the SiBN data, and thus the
clustering problem was more complex. In this situation the clust_FUSION approach
produced the best overall speaker-diarization results, while the clust_REF_BIC approach
performed slightly better than the clust_UBM_MAP_CLR approach. This means that in the
case of adverse acoustic conditions it is better to model the cluster data by adding prosodic
information to the cluster representations rather than modeling them just with acoustic
representations (the clust_REF_BIC approach) or by a more precise acoustic modeling with
the GMMs (the clust_UBM_MAP_CLR approach).
5. Discussion
In short, we have looked at three speaker-clustering approaches. The first was a standard
approach using a bottom-up agglomerative clustering principle with the BIC as a merging
criterion. In the second system an alternative approach was applied, also using bottom-up
clustering, but the representations of the speaker clusters and the merging criteria are
different. In this approach the speaker clusters were modeled by GMMs. In the clustering
procedure during the merging process the universal background model was transformed
into speaker-cluster GMMs using the MAP adaptation technique. The merging criterion in
this case was a cross log-likelihood ratio (CLR). A totally new approach was developed
within the fusion speaker-clustering system, where the speaker segments are modeled by
acoustic and prosodic representations. The idea was to additionally model the speaker’s
prosodic characteristics and add them to the basic acoustic information. We constructed 10
basic prosodic features derived from the energy of the audio signals, the estimated the pitch
contours, and the recognized voiced-unvoiced regions in the speech, which represented the
basic speech units. By adding prosodic information to the basic acoustic features the
baseline clustering procedure had to be changed to work with the fusion of both
We performed two evaluation experiments where the overall diarization error rate was
used as an assessment measure for the three tested clustering approaches. Experiments
were performed on the SiBN and the COST278 BN databases. The evaluation results
showed better performance for the tested systems in the SiBN case. This is due to the fact
that the SiBN data included more homogeneous audio segments than the COST278 data,
which resulted in an about 5% better performance for all of the clustering approaches.
Furthermore, it was shown that speaker clustering, where the segments are modeled by
speaker-oriented representations (speaker GMMs, prosodic features), were more stable
and more reliable than the baseline system, where the segments are represented just by
358 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
acoustic information. The best overall results were achieved with the fusion system,
where the clustering involved joining the acoustic and prosodic features. From this it can
be concluded that the proposed fusion approach aimed at improving the speaker-
diarization performance, especially in the case of processing BN data, where the speaker’s
speech characteristics across one BN show do not change significantly, but the speaker’s
clustering data can be biased due to different acoustic environments or background
6. Conclusion
Speaker clustering represents the last step in the speaker-diarization process. While the
aim of the speech detection and speaker- and acoustic-segmentation procedures is to
provide the proper segmentation of audio data streams, the purpose of the speaker
clustering is to connect together segments that belong to the same speakers. In this
chapter we solved this problem by applying agglomerative clustering methods. We
concentrated on developing proper representations of the speaker segments for clustering
and researched different similarity measures for joining the speaker segments that would
result in a minimization of the overall diarization error for such systems. We realized
three speaker-clustering systems, two of them operated on acoustic representations of
speech, while the newly proposed one was designed to include prosodic information in
addition to the basic acoustic representations. In this way we were able to impose higher-
level information in the representations of the speaker segments, which led to improved
clustering of the segments in the case of similar speaker acoustic characteristics in adverse
acoustic conditions.
7. Acknowledgment
This work was supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), development project
M2-0210 (C) entitled “AvID: Audiovisual speaker identification and emotion detection for
secure communications.”
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1. Introduction
The emotion accompanying with the voice is considered as a salient aspect in human
communication. The effects of emotion in speech tend to alter the voice quality, timing, pitch
and articulation of the speech signal. Gender classification, on the other hand, is an
interesting field for psychologists to foster human-technology relationships. Automatic
gender classification take on an increasingly ubiquitous role in myriad of applications, e.g.,
demographic data collection. An automatic gender classifier assists the development of
improved male and female voice synthesizers (Childers et. al., 1988). Gender classification is
also used to improve the speaker clustering task which is useful in speaker recognition. By
separately clustering each gender class, the search space is reduced when evaluating the
proposed hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm (Tranter and Reynolds, 2006). It
also avoids segments having opposite gender tags being erroneously clustered together.
Gender information is time-invariant, phoneme-independent, and identity-independent for
speakers of the same gender (Wu & Childers, 1991). In (Xiaofan & Simske, 2004), an accent
classification method is introduced on the top of gender classification. Vergin et al. (Vergin,
1996) claim that the use of gender-dependent acoustic-phonetic models reduces the word
error rate of the baseline speech recognition system by 1.6%. In (Harb & Chen, 2005), a set of
acoustic and pitch features along with different classifiers is tested for gender identification.
The fusion of features and classifiers is shown to perform better than any individual
classifier. A gender classification system is proposed in (Zeng et. al., 2006) based on
Gaussian mixture models of speech features. Metze et al. have compared four approaches
for age and gender recognition using telephone speech (Metze et. al., 2007). Gender cues
elicited from the speech signal are useful in content-based multimedia indexing as well
(Harb & Chen, 2005). Gender-dependent speech emotion recognizers have been shown to
perform better than gender-independent ones for five emotional state (Ververidis &
Kotropoulos, 2004; Lin & Wei, 2005) in DES (Engberg & Hansen, 1996). However, gender
information is taken for granted there. The most closely related work to the present one is
related to the research by Xiao et al. (Xiao et. al., 2007), where gender classification was
incorporated in emotional speech recognition system using a wrapper approach based on
back-propagation neural networks with sequential forward selection. An accuracy of 94.65%
was reported for gender classification on the Berlin dataset (Burkhardt et. al., 2005).
In this research, we employ several classifiers and assess their performance in gender
classification by processing utterances from DES (Engberg & Hansen, 1996), SES (Sedaaghi,
2008) and GES (Burkhardt et. al., 2005) databases. They all contain affective speech. In
364 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
particular, we test the Bayes classifier with sequential floating forward feature selection
(SFFS) (Fukunaga & Narendra, 1975; Pudil et. al., 1994), the probabilistic neural networks
(Specht, 1990), the support vector machines (Vapnik, 1998), and the K-nearest neighbor
classifiers (Fix & Hodges, 1991-a; Fix & Hodges, 1991-b). Although techniques based on
hidden Markov models could be applied for gender classification in principle, they are not
included in this study, because temporal information is ignored.
2. Database
The first dataset stems from Danish Emotional Speech (DES) database, which is publicly
available and well annotated (Engberg & Hansen, 1996). The recordings in DES include
utterances expressed by two professional actors and two actresses in five different emotional
states (anger, happiness, neutral, sadness, and surprise). The utterances correspond to
isolated words, sentences, and paragraphs. The complete database comprise approximately
30 minutes of speech.
Sahand Emotional Speech (SES) database (Sedaaghi, 2008) comprise utterances expressed by
five male and five female students in five emotional states similar to the emotions employed
in DES. Twenty four words, short sentences and paragraphs spoken in Farsi by each student
are included in SES database leading to 1200 utterances and about 50 minutes recording.
As the third database, the database of German Emotional Speech (GES) is investigated. An
emotional database comprising 6 basic emotions (anger, joy, sadness, fear, disgust and
boredom) as well as neutral speech is recorded (Burkhardt et. al., 2005). Ten professional
native German actors (5 female and 5 male) have simulated these emotions, producing 10
utterances (5 short and 5 longer sentences). The recorded speech material of about 800
sentences have been evaluated with respect to recognizability and naturalness in a forced-
choice automated listening-test by 20-30 judges. Those utterances for which the emotion is
recognized by at least 80% of the listeners are used for further analysis (i.e., 535 sentences)
(Burkhardt et. al., 2005).
3. Feature extraction
The automatic gender classification is mainly achieved based on the average value of the
fundamental frequency (i.e., F0). Also, the distinction between men and women have been
represented by the location in the frequency domain of the first 3 formants for vowels
(Peterson & Barney, 1952). To improve the efficiency, more features should be considered.
The statistical features employed in our study are grouped in several classes and have been
demonstrated in Table 1. They have been adopted from (Ververidis & Kotropoulos, 2006).
Formant features
1-4 Mean value of the first, second, third, and fourth formant.
5-8 Maximum value of the first, second, third, and fourth formant.
9-12 Minimum value of the first, second, third, and fourth formant.
13-16 Variance of the first, second, third, and fourth formant.
Pitch features
17-21 Maximum, minimum, mean, median, interquartile range of pitch values.
22 Pitch existence in the utterance expressed in percentage (0-100%).
Gender Classification in Emotional Speech 365
Not all the features can be extracted from each utterance. For example, some pitch contours
do not have plateaux below 45% of their maximum pitch value, or some utterances do not
have pitch at all because they are unvoiced. When a large number of missing feature values
is met, the corresponding feature is discarded. The features with NaN (not a number) values
are replaced with the mean value of the corresponding feature. The outliers (features with
value 10000 times greater or smaller than the median value) are then eliminated. Also the
features with bias are investigated. Then all features are normalized. The discarded features
are as follows.
• DES: 8, 17-51, 57-85, 105 (47 features remained),
• SES: 8, 23-29, 33-34, 41, 48, 57-63, 67, 75, 82, 94, 96, 98, 103-105, 109-113 (80 features
• GES: 8, 23-29, 33-34, 41, 60, 67, 75, 82, 94, 96, 98-99, 103-107, 109-113 (84 features
4. Classifiers
The output of the gender classifier on emotional speech is a prediction value (label) of the
actual speaker's gender. In order to evaluate the performance of a classifier, the repeated s-
fold cross-validation method is used. According to this method if s=20, the utterances in the
data collection are divided into a training set containing 80% of the available data and a
disjoint test set containing the remaining 20% of the data. The procedure is repeated for s=20
times. The training and the test set are selected randomly. The classifier is trained using the
training set and the classification error is estimated on the test set. The estimated
classification error is the average classification error over all repetitions (Efron & Tibshirani ,
The following classifiers have been investigated:
1. Naive Bayes classifier using the SFFS feature selection method (Pudil et. al., 1994). The
SFFS consists of a forward (inclusion) step and a conditional backward (exclusion) step
that partially avoids local optima. In the proposed method, feature selection is used in
order to determine a set of 20 features that yields the lowest prediction error for a fixed
number of cross-validation repetitions. Ten best sorted features among the 20 best
selected features are as follows.
• 10 best features for DES: {112, 15, 10, 107, 96, 52, 102, 14, 13, 99},
• 10 best features for SES: {6, 32, 51, 3, 76, 20, 44, 52, 17, 22},
• 10 best features for GES: {38, 69, 43, 80, 42, 40, 63, 8, 15, 6}.
2. Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNNs) (Specht, 1990). PNNs are a kind of radial basis
function (RBF) networks suitable for classification problems. A PNN employs an input,
a hidden, and an output layer. The input nodes forward the values admitted by
patterns to the hidden layer ones. The hidden layer nodes are as many as the input
nodes. They are simply RBFs that nonlinearly transform pattern values to activations.
The nodes at the output layer are as many as the classes. Each node sums the activation
values weighted possibly by proper weights. The input pattern is finally classified to
the class associated to the output node whose value is maximum. PNNs with a spread
parameter equal to 0.1 are found to yield the best results. If the spread parameter is near
zero, the network acts as a nearest neighbor classifier. As the spread parameter becomes
large, the network takes into account several nearby patterns.
Gender Classification in Emotional Speech 367
3. Support vector machines (SVMs) (Vapnik, 1998). SVMs with five different kernels, have
been used. Training was performed by the least-squares method. The following kernel
functions have been tested:
• Gaussian RBF (denoted SVM1): K(xi,xj)= exp{-γ||xi-xj||2} with γ =1;
• multilayer perceptron (denoted SVM2): K(xi, xj)=S(xiT xj -1), where S(.) is a sigmoid
• Quadratic kernel (denoted SVM3): K(xi,xj)= (xiT xj + 1)2;
• Linear kernel (denoted SVM4): K(xi,xj)= xiT xj ;
• Polynomial kernel (denoted SVM5): K(xi,xj)= (xiT xj + 1)3 . A polynomial kernel of
degree 4 is found to yield the same results with the cubic kernel.
4. For K-NNs, it is hard to find systematic methods for selecting the optimum number of the
closest neighbors and the most suitable distance. Four K-NNs have been employed with
different distance functions, such as the Euclidean denoted as KNN1, cityblock (i.e., sum
of absolute differences) denoted as KNN2, cosine-based (i.e. one minus the cosine of the
included angle between patterns) denoted as KNN3 and correlation-based (i.e., one minus
the sample correlation between patterns) denoted as KNN4, respectively. We have
selected K=2 in all experiments. Other values of K did not affect the classification accuracy
unless the consensus rule was applied instead of the normal rule. In this case, none of the
results of the K-NN would be stable and thus valid for classification.
5. Gaussian Mixture model (GMM) have been employed in many fields, e.g., speech and
speaker recognition (Stephen & Paliwal, 2006; Reynolds & Rose, 1995). In GMM, during
the training phase, pdf (probability density function) parameters for each class (gender)
are estimated. Then, during the classification phase, a decision is taken for each test
utterance by computing the maximum likelihood criterion. GMM is a combination of K
Gaussian laws. Each law in the mixture is weighted and specified by two parameters:
the mean and the covariance matrix (Σk).
5. Comparative results
Figure 1 illustrates the correct classification rates achieved by each of the aforementioned 11
classifiers on DES database, when 20% of the total utterances have been used for testing.
For each classifier, columns ``Total'', ''Male'', and ''Female'' correspond to the total correct
classification rate, the rate of correct matches between the actual gender and the predicted one
by the classifier for utterances uttered by male speakers, and the rate of correct matches
between the actual gender and the predicted one by the classifier for utterances uttered by
female speakers, respectively. The leftmost column shows the total correct classification rate.
The middle and the rightmost columns are the classification rates that correspond to correct
matches between the actual speaker gender (i.e. the ground truth) and the gender prediction
by the classifier for male and female speakers, separately. In the sequel, the total correct
classification rate, the correct classification rate for male speakers, and the correct classification
rate for female speakers are abbreviated as TCCR, MCCR, and FCCR, respectively. In Figure
1, the maximum and minimum TCCR for DES were obtained by the SVM1 (90.94%) and the
SVM2 (57.33%), respectively. The maximum and minimum MCCR for DES were related to
GMM (95.42%) and SVM2 (58.11%), respectively. For FCCR on DES, the maximum and
minimum values were obtained by the Bayes classifier with SFFS (91.07%) and SVM2 (56.54%),
respectively. The best results for TCCR, MCCR and FCCR are marked with ``↓’’ sign.
368 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Fig. 1. Correct classification rates on DES database for the different methods when the size
of test utterances is 20% of the total utterances.
Figures 2 & 3 demonstrate similar results for SES and GES databases, respectively.
Fig. 2. Correct classification rates on SES database for the different methods when the size of
test utterances is 20% of the total utterances.
Gender Classification in Emotional Speech 369
Fig. 3. Correct classification rates on GES database for the different methods when the size
of test utterances is 20% of the total utterances.
In Figure 2, the maximum and minimum TCCR for SES were obtained by the the Bayes
classifier using SFFS (89.73%) and the SVM2 (58.83%), respectively. The maximum and
minimum MCCR for SES were related to SVM4 (93.51%) and SVM2 (68.83%), respectively.
For FCCR on SES, the maximum and minimum values were obtained by the Bayes classifier
with SFFS (92.36%) and SVM2 (48.86%), respectively.
In Figure 3, the maximum and minimum TCCR for GES were obtained by Bayes+SFFS
(95.40%) and the GMM (78.74%), respectively. This is where SVM2 failed to classify at all.
The maximum and minimum MCCR for GES were related to SVM1 (94.43%) and GMM
(70.20%), respectively. The maximum and minimum values for FCCR on GES, were
achieved by the Bayes classifier with SFFS (97.45%) and KNN3 (78.94%), respectively.
In the following, we concentrate on the top methods, i.e., SVM1, SVM4, GMM, and the
Bayes classifier with SFFS. Table 2 demonstrates the confusion matrix for gender
classification of the top methods after running each method several times and taking the
mean value. The correct classification rates for each gender are shown in boldface. SVM1
outperforms the other methods achieving a correct classification rate of 90.94% (TCCR) with
a standard deviation of 0.65. GMM is the best classifier, when the correct matches are
between the actual gender and the predicted one by the classifier are measured for actors'
utterances, yielding a rate of 95.42% (MCCR). The Bayes classifier using SFFS achieves a
rate of 91.07%, when the correct matches between the actual gender and the predicted one
by the classifier are measured for actresses' utterances (FCCR).
Similarly, Tables 3 & 4 show the confusion matrices for gender classification of the top
methods on SES and GES databases, respectively. The Bayes classifier using SFFS
outperforms the other methods achieving a correct classification rate of 89.74% (TCCR) with
a standard deviation of 0. 1.03 on SES. It is also the best classifier for FCCR with 92.36% on
370 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
SES. SVM4 is considered as the best classifier for MCCR with 93.51% on SES. Also Bayes
classifier using SFFS outperforms other classifiers for TCCR with 95.40% on GES with a
standard deviation of 1.16. Moreover, it is the best classifier for FCCR with 97.45% on GES.
SVM1 is the best classifier for MCCR with 94.43% on GES.
In the following, the behaviour of the best classifiers are investigated against changing the
parameters. Figures 4, 5 & 6 highlight the behaviour of the Bayes classifier with SFFS on DES,
SES and GES databases, respectively, for varying numbers of cross-validation repetitions and
varying portions of utterances engaged in testing. The flatness of the shapes confirms that if
we select 20% of the utterances for testing and 20 repetitions, our judgements are fair.
Fig. 4. Probability of correct classification of the Bayes classifier with SFFS on DES database
for varying repetitions and portions of the utterances used during testing.
Fig. 5. Probability of correct classification of the Bayes classifier with SFFS on SES database
for varying repetitions and portions of the utterances used during testing.
372 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Fig. 6. Probability of correct classification of the Bayes classifier with SFFS on GES database
for varying repetitions and portions of the utterances used during testing.
Tables 5, 6 and 7 investigate, in detail, the minimum and maximum rates measured for the
Bayes classifier with SFFS on DES, SES and GES databases, respectively. The minimum
TCCR for DES, SES and GES was measured when 20, 40 and 40 repetitions were made using
15%, 10% and 45% of utterances for testing, respectively. The maximum TCCR for DES, SES
and GES was measured by making 30, 40 and 30 repetitions and employing 45%, 50% and
50% of the available utterances for testing, respectively. The minimum MCCR for DES, SES
and GES was measured when 50, 40 and 40 repetitions were made while using 30%, 10%
and 45% of utterances for testing, respectively. The maximum MCCR for DES, SES and GES
was measured by making 40, 50 and 30 repetitions and employing 45%, 50% and 50% of the
available utterances for testing, respectively. For FCCR on DES, SES and GES, 20, 10 and 40
repetitions and 50%, 50% and 45% of utterances for testing yield the minimum rate,
respectively, while 30, 40 and 20 repetitions and 45%, 50% and 50% of the utterances
engaged in testing are required for the maximum rate, respectively.
Rates Min (%) Max (%) Mean (%) Std (%)
TCCR 87.11 91.82 89.46 1.22
MCCR 83.94 92.58 87.71 1.71
FCCR 87.07 93.75 91.21 1.49
Table 5. Behaviour of Bayes classifier with SFFS for gender classification on DES database.
Rates Min (%) Max (%) Mean (%) Std (%)
TCCR 87.66 93.19 90.10 1.22
MCCR 83.96 90.28 87.42 1.55
FCCR 89.83 96.49 92.79 1.52
Table 6. Behaviour of Bayes classifier with SFFS for gender classification on SES database.
Gender Classification in Emotional Speech 373
6. Conclusions
We have investigated several popular methods for gender classification by processing
emotionally colored speech from the DES, SES and GES databases. Based on the results,
several conclusions can be drawn. The SVM with a Gaussian RBF kernel (SVM1) has
demonstrated to yield the most accurate results considering other parameters such as the
computation speed. The correct gender classification rates have been more than 90% when
emotional speech utterances from both genders were processed, or when emotional speech
utterances of male or female speakers were used. Another acceptable alternative is the Bayes
classifier using sequential floating forward feature selection.
7. References
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Emotion recognition
1. Introduction
Besides the linguistic (verbal) information conveyed by speech, the paralinguistic (non-
verbal) information, such as intenning the classification of paralinguistic information.
Among the several paralinguistic items extions, attitudes and emotions expressed by the
speaker, also convey important meanings in communication. Therefore, to realize a smooth
communication between humans and spoken dialogue systems (such as robots), it becomes
important to consider both linguistic and paralinguistic information.
There is a lot of past research concerpressing intentions, attitudes and emotions, most
previous research has focused on the classification of the basic emotions, such as anger,
happiness and sadness (e.g., Fernandez et al., 2005; Schuller et al., 2005; Nwe et al., 2003;
Neiberg et al., 2006). Other works deal with the identification of attitudes and intentions of
the speaker. For example, Fujie et al. (2003) report about the identification of
positive/negative attitudes of the speaker, while Maekawa (2000) reports about the
classification of paralinguistic items like admiration, suspicion, disappointment and
indifference. In Hayashi (1999), paralinguistic items like affirmation, asking again, doubt
and hesitation were also considered. In the present work, aiming at smooth communication
in dialogue between humans and spoken dialogue systems, we consider a variety of
paralinguistic information, including intentions, attitudes and emotions, rather than limiting
our focus to the basic emotions.
The understanding of paralinguistic information becomes as important as linguistic
information in spoken dialogue systems, especially in interjections such as “eh”, “ah”, and
“un”. Such interjections are frequently used to express a reaction to the conversation partner
in a dialogue scenario in Japanese, conveying some information about the speaker’s
intention, attitude, or emotion. As there is little phonetic information represented by such
interjections, most of the paralinguistic information is thought to be conveyed by its
speaking style, which can be described by variations in prosodic features, including voice
quality features.
So far, most previous research dealing with paralinguistic information extraction has
focused only on intonation-related prosodic features, using fundamental frequency (F0),
power and duration (e.g., Fujie et al., 2003; Hayashi, 1999). Others also consider segmental
features like cepstral coefficients (e.g., Schuller et al., 2005; Nwe et al., 2003). However,
378 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
analyses of natural conversational speech have shown the importance of several voice
quality features caused by non-modal phonations (e.g., Klasmeyer et al., 2000; Kasuya et al.,
2000; Gobl et al., 2003; Campbell et al., 2003; Fujimoto et al., 2003; Erickson, 2005).
The term “voice quality” can be used in a broad sense, as the characteristic auditory
colouring of an individual speaker’s voice, including qualities such as nasalized, dentalized,
and velarized, as well as those brought about by changing the vocal tract length or
hypopharyngeal area (e.g., Imagawa et al., 2003; Kitamura et al., 2005; Dang et al., 1996).
Here, we use it in a narrow sense of the quality deriving solely from laryngeal activity, i.e.,
from different vibration modes of the vocal folds (different phonation types), such as
breathy, whispery, creaky and harsh voices (Laver, 1980).
Such non-modal voice qualities are often observed especially in expressive speech
utterances, and should be considered besides the classical intonation-related prosodic
features. For example, whispery and breathy voices are characterized by the perception of a
turbulent noise (aspiration noise) due to air escape at the glottis, and are reported to
correlate with the perception of fear (Klasmeyer et al., 2000), sadness, relaxation and
intimateness in English (Gobl et al., 2003), and with disappointment (Kasuya et al., 2000;
Fujimoto et al., 2003) or politeness in Japanese (Ito, 2004). Vocal fry or creaky voices are
characterized by the perception of very low fundamental frequencies, where individual
glottal pulses can be heard, or by a rough quality caused by an alternation in amplitude,
duration or shape of successive glottal pulses. Vocal fry may appear in low tension voices
correlating with sad, bored or relaxed voices (Klasmeyer et al., 2000; Gobl et al., 2003), or in
pressed voices expressing attitudes/feelings of admiration or suffering (Sadanobu, 2004).
Harsh and ventricular voices are characterized by the perception of an unpleasant, rasping
sound, caused by irregularities in the vocal fold vibrations in higher fundamental
frequencies, and are reported to correlate with anger, happiness and stress (Klasmeyer et al.,
2000; Gobl et al., 2003).
Further, in segments uttered by such voice qualities (caused by non-modal phonation
types), F0 information is often missed by F0 extraction algorithms due to the irregular
characteristics of the vocal fold vibrations (Hess, 1983). Therefore, in such segments, the use
of only prosodic features related to F0, power and duration, would not be enough for their
complete characterization. Thus, other acoustic features related to voice quality become
important for a more suitable characterization of their speaking style.
prosodic features information
(F0 pattern & duration)
signal Voice quality features Paralinguistic Intentions
(creaky, breathy/whispery, information attitudes
pressed, harsh) extraction emotions
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed framework for paralinguistic information extraction.
Fig. 1 shows our framework proposed for extraction of paralinguistic information, by using
information of voice quality features, in addition to intonation-related prosodic features. In
our previous research, we have proposed several acoustic parameters for representing the
features of intonation and specific voice qualities (Ishi, 2004; Ishi, 2005; Ishi et al., 2005). In
the present chapter, evaluation on the performance of the acoustic parameters in the
automatic recognition of paralinguistic information is presented.
Recognition of Paralinguistic Information using Prosodic Features Related
to Intonation and Voice Quality 379
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, the speech data and the
perceptual labels used in the analysis are described. Section 3 describes the acoustic
parameters representing prosodic and voice quality features. In Section 4, the automatic
detection of paralinguistic information is evaluated by using the acoustic parameters
described in Section 3, and Section 5 concludes the chapter.
conveyed by the utterances, rather than the basic emotions, such as anger, happy and
sadness. Since it is difficult to clearly classify these items as intentions, attitudes or emotions,
in the present research we simply call them paralinguistic information (PI) items.
In the present research, speech data was newly recorded in order to get a balanced data in
terms of the PI conveyed by the interjections “e”/“un”. For that purpose, sentences were
elaborated in such a way to induce the subject to produce a specific PI. Some short sentences
were also elaborated to be spoken after the interjections “e”/“un”, in order to get a reaction
as natural as possible. Two sentences were elaborated for each PI item of Table 1, by two
native speakers of Japanese. (Part of the sentences is shown in the Appendix.)
The sentences were first read by one native speaker. These sentences will be referred to as
“inducing utterances”. Then, subjects were asked to produce a target reaction, i.e., utter in a
way to express a specific PI, through the interjection “e”, after listening to each pre-recorded
inducing utterance. The same procedure was conducted for the interjection “un”. A short
pause was required between “e”/“un” and the following short sentences. Further, the
utterance “he” (with the aspirated consonant /h/ before the vowel /e/) was allowed to be
uttered, if the subject judged that it was more appropriate for expressing some PI.
Utterances spoken by six subjects (two male and four female speakers between 15 to 35
years old) are used for analysis and evaluation. In addition to the PI list, speakers were also
asked to utter “e” and “un” with a pressed voice quality, which frequently occurs in natural
expressive speech (Sadanobu, 2004), but was found more difficult to naturally occur in an
acted scenario. Of the six speakers, four could produce pressed voice utterances. The data
resulted in 173 “e” utterances, and 172 “un” utterances.
For complementing the data in terms of voice quality variations, another dataset including
utterances of a natural conversational database (JST/CREST ESP database) was also
prepared for evaluation. The dataset is composed of 60 “e” utterances containing non-modal
voice qualities, extracted from natural conversations of one female speaker (speaker FAN),
resulting in a total of 405 utterances for analysis.
All the “e” and “un” utterances were manually segmented for subsequent analysis and
perceived PI item in all utterances of an intended PI item, and dividing by the number of
utterances, and by the number of subjects.
1 Affirm
0.5 Agree
0 Backchannel
1 Thinking
0.5 Embarrassed
0 AskRepetition
0.5 Unexpected
0 Suspicious
0.5 Disgusted
0 Dissatisfied
1 Admired
0.5 Envious
0 Pressed "he"
PI items
Perceived PI items (without context)
Fig. 2. Perceptual degrees of the intended PI items of “e” utterances (without context, i.e., by
listening only to the interjections). The bars indicated by arrows show the matching degrees
between intended and perceived items.
First, regarding the matching between intended and perceived PI items, it can be observed
in the bars indicated by arrows in Fig. 2 that Affirm, Backchannel, Thinking, AskRepetition
and Surprised show high matching degrees, while Agree, Unexpected, Suspicious,
Dissatisfied and Admired show moderate matching. However, Embarrassed, Blame,
Disgusted, and Envious show very low matching degrees, indicating that the intended PI
could not be perceived in most of their utterances, in a context-free situation.
The mismatches and ambiguities between intended and perceived PI items are shown by
the bars excluding the ones indicated by arrows in Fig. 2. Among the PI items with large
mismatches, most in Embarrassed is perceived as Thinking or Dissatisfied, while most in
Unexpected is perceived as Surprised. Some of the confusions are acceptable, since there
may be situations where the speaker is thinking while embarrassed, or where the speaker
feels surprised and unexpected at the same time. Confusion is also found between samples
of Blame, Disgusted, Dissatisfied and Suspicious. This is also an acceptable result, since all
these PI items express negative reactions.
However, Surprised, Unexpected and Dissatisfied are perceived in the stimuli of several
intended PI items. This indicates that the identification of these PI items would only be
possible by considering context information, for example, by taking into account the
sentence following the “e” utterances.
382 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Further, even among the PI items where a good matching was achieved between intended
and perceived items, ambiguity may exist between some of the PI items. For example, there
is high confusion between the stimuli of Affirm, Agree and Backchannel, but no confusion
between these and other PI items.
Finally, regarding the pressed voice samples, pressed “he” was mostly perceived as
Admired, while pressed “e” (omitted from Fig. 2) was perceived as Embarrassed, Disgusted
or Dissatisfied.
The results above imply that an automatic detection of these ambiguous items will also
probably be difficult based only on the speaking style of the utterance “e”, i.e., without
using context information.
From the results above, we can predict that many of the PI items can not be identified
without context information. However, we can expect that some groups of PI items can be
roughly discriminated, even when context is not considered: {Affirm/Agree/Backchannel},
{Thinking/Embarrassed}, {AskRepetition}, {Surprised/Unexpected}, {Blame/Disgusted/
Dissatisfied/Suspicious}, and {Admired/Envious}. These PI groups will be used as a basis
to evaluate how much they can be discriminated by the use of intonation and voice quality-
related prosodic features in “e”/“un” utterances (i.e., without context information).
Finally, 35 of the 405 utterances, corresponding to the mismatches between different PI
groups, were considered as badly-acted, and were removed from the subsequent evaluation
of automatic identification.
2.3 Perceptual voice quality labels and relationship with paralinguistic information
Perceptual voice quality labels are annotated for two purposes. One is to verify their effects
in the representation of different PI items. Another is to use them as targets for evaluating
the automatic detection of voice qualities.
The perceptual voice quality labels are annotated by one subject with knowledge about
laryngeal voice qualities (the first author), by looking at the waveforms and spectrograms,
and listening to the samples. Samples for several voice quality labels can be listened in the
Voice quality sample homepage. The voice quality labels are annotated according to the
following criteria.
• m: modal voice (normal phonation).
• w: whispery or breathy voices (aspiration noise is perceived throughout the utterance).
• a: aspiration noise is perceived in the offset of the last syllable of the utterance.
• h: harsh voice (rasping sound, aperiodic noise) is perceived.
• c: creaky voice or vocal fry is perceived.
• p: pressed voice is perceived.
• Combination of the above categories: for example, hw for harsh whispery, and pc for
pressed creaky.
A question mark “?” was added for each voice quality label, if their perception were not
clear. Fig. 3 shows the distributions of the perceived voice quality categories for each PI
We can first observe in Fig. 4 that soft aspiration noise (w?) is perceived in some utterances
of almost all PI items. In contrast, strong aspiration noise (w), harsh or harsh whispery
voices (h, hw) and syllable offset aspiration noise (a, a?) are perceived in PI items expressing
some emotion or attitude (Surprised, Unexpected, Suspicious, Blame, Disgusted,
Dissatisfied and Admired). This indicates that the detection of these voice qualities (w, h,
Recognition of Paralinguistic Information using Prosodic Features Related
to Intonation and Voice Quality 383
hw, a) could be useful for the detection of these expressive PI items. The soft aspiration
noise (w?) appearing in emotionless items (Affirm, Agree, Backchannel and Thinking) is
thought to be associated to politeness (Ito, 2004).
12 w?
8 w
4 h,hw,h?
0 a,a?
Number of utterances
10 c,c?
6 p?c
2 Paralinguistic information pc,p
Paralinguistic information
Fig. 3. Distribution of perceived categories of whispery/breathy/aspirated (w, a), harsh (h,
hw), creaky (c), and pressed (p) voice qualities, for each paralinguistic information item.
Regarding to creaky voices (c), we can observe in the figure that they are perceived in
Thinking, Embarrassed, Disgusted and Admired. However, the additional perception of
pressed voices (p) is important to discriminate between emotionless fillers (Thinking), and
utterances expressing some emotion or attitude (Admired, Disgusted and Embarrassed).
It is worth mentioning that the use of non-modal voice qualities is not strictly necessary for
expressing an emotion or attitude, since different speakers may use different strategies to
express a specific PI item. However, the results of the present section imply that when a
non-modal voice quality occurs in an utterance, it will probably be associated with an
emotion or an attitude.
In Ishi (2005), a set of parameters was proposed for describing the intonation of phrase finals
(phrase final syllables), based on F0 and duration information. Here, we use a similar set of
parameters with some modifications, for the monosyllabic “e” and “un” utterances.
For the pitch-related parameters, the F0 contour is estimated as a first step. In the present
research, F0 is estimated by a conventional method based on autocorrelation. Specifically,
the normalized autocorrelation function of the LPC inverse-filtered residue of the pre-
emphasized speech signal is used. However, any algorithm that can reliably estimate F0
could be used instead. All F0 values are then converted to a musical (log) scale before any
subsequent processing. Expression (1) shows a formula to produce F0 in semitone intervals.
YES Fall-rise NO
F0move3a = F0min3b – F0avg3a F0move2 = F0tgt2b – F0avg2a
F0move3b = F0tgt3c – F0min3b
• PPw : power thresholds for detection of power peaks in the very short-term power
• IFP: intra-frame periodicity, which is based on the normalized autocorrelation function;
• IPS: inter-pulse similarity, which is estimated as a cross-correlation between the speech
signals around the detected peaks.
Here, vocal fry segments are detected by using PPw larger than 7 dB, IFP smaller than 0.8,
and IPS larger than 0.6. These thresholds are based on the analysis results reported in Ishi et
al. (2005). Details about the evaluation of each parameter can be found in Ishi et al. (2005).
Speech Band-pass filter Very short-term Pick
signal 100 ~ 1500 Hz power peaks
Glottal pulse-synchronized
F1 band- Amplitude
pass filter envelope
Windowed Cross-
speech F1F3syn
signal F3 band- Amplitude
pass filter envelope
Fig. 6. Simplified block diagram of the acoustic parameters for aspiration noise detection.
The aspiration noise detection is based on the algorithm proposed in Ishi (2004), and its
block diagram is shown in Fig. 6. The algorithm depends basically on two parameters.
• F1F3syn: synchronization measure between the amplitude envelopes of the signals in
the first and third formant bands;
• A1-A3: difference (in dB) of the amplitudes of the signals in the first and third formant
The main parameter, called F1F3syn, is a measure of synchronization (using a cross-
correlation measure) between the amplitude envelopes of the signals obtained by filtering
the input speech signal in two frequency bands, one around the first formant (F1) and
another around the third formant (F3). This parameter is based on the fact that around the
first formant, the harmonic components are usually stronger than the noisy component in
modal phonation, while around the third formant, the noisy component becomes stronger
than the harmonic components in whispery and breathy phonations (Stevens, 2000). Thus,
when aspiration noise is absent, the amplitude envelopes of F1 and F3 bands are
synchronized, and F1F3syn takes values close to 1, while if aspiration noise is present, the
amplitude envelopes tend to be dissynchronized, and F1F3syn takes values closer to 0.
The second parameter, called A1-A3, is a measure of the difference (in dB) between the
powers of F1 and F3 bands. This parameter is used to constrain the validity of the F1F3syn
measure, when the power of F3 band is much lower than that of F1 band, so that aspiration
noise could not be clearly perceived. Thus, when A1-A3 is big (i.e., the power of F1 band is
much stronger than the power of F3 band), it is possible that the noisy components of F3
band are not perceived, and consequently, there is no sense to evaluate the F1F3syn
The F1 band is set to 100 ~ 1500 Hz, while the F3 band is set to 1800 ~ 4500 Hz. The
amplitude envelopes are obtained by taking the Hilbert envelope (Schroeder, 1999) of the
signals filtered in each frequency band. Aspiration noise is detected for each frame, when
F1F3syn is smaller than 0.4 and A1-A3 is smaller than 25 dB. These thresholds are based on
the analysis results reported in Ishi (2004). More details about the evaluation of the method
can be found in Ishi (2004).
388 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
20 detected
Fig. 7. Results of automatic detection of voice qualities, for each perceived category.
As in the previous voice qualities, an index called ANR (Aspiration Noise Rate) is defined as
the duration of the segment detected as aspirated (ANdur), divided by the total duration of
the utterance. Utterances containing aspiration noise are detected by using a criterion of
ANR larger than 0.1. Most of the utterances where strong aspiration noise was perceived
throughout the utterance (w) could be correctly detected (81%). However, for the utterances
where aspiration noise was perceived in the syllable offsets (a? and a), most utterances could
Recognition of Paralinguistic Information using Prosodic Features Related
to Intonation and Voice Quality 389
not be detected by using ANR, as shown by the white bars in Fig. 8. This is because these
syllable offset aspirations are usually unvoiced, and very short in duration. Other methods
have to be investigated for the detection of the syllable offset aspirations.
Finally, regarding harsh and/or whispery voices, no clear distinction in functionality could
be observed between harsh, harsh whispery and whispery voices (h, hw, w, a), as shown in
Fig. 3. All these voice qualities are then described by an index called HWR (Harsh Whispery
Rate). HWR is defined as the summation of HVdur (duration of the segment detected as
harsh voice) and ANdur, divided by the utterance duration. 73 % of the utterances
perceived as harsh and/or whispery (h,h?,hw) could be detected by using HWR > 0.1, and
only a few insertion errors were obtained (non h), as shown in Fig. 7.
1.5 Backchannel
1.2 Embarrassed
extremely long
duration (second)
0.6 Blame
0.3 Dissatisfied
-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
fall flat rise
F0move (semitone)
Fig. 8. Distribution of the intonation-related prosodic features (F0move vs. duration) for
each PI.
Thresholds for F0move and duration were set, based on a preliminary evaluation of
classification trees for discriminating the present PI items. A threshold of -3 semitones was
set for F0move to discriminate falling tones (Fall), while a threshold of 1 semitone was set
for rising tones (Rise). Utterances where F0move is between -3 and 1 semitone were
considered as flat tones (Flat). The 29 utterances, where F0move could not be obtained, were
390 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
also treated as flat tones in the evaluation of automatic detection. Two thresholds were also
set for duration. Utterances shorter than 0.36 seconds are called Short, while utterances with
duration between 0.36 and 0.6 seconds are called Long. Utterances longer than 0.6 seconds
are called extremely long (Ext.L).
Fig. 9 shows the distributions the prosodic categories (intonation and voice quality features)
for each PI item. The discrimination of all PI items is difficult since many PI items share the
same speaking styles. For example, there is no clear distinction in speaking style between
Affirm and Agree, or between Surprised and Unexpected. The PI items which share similar
speaking styles and which convey similar meanings in communication were then grouped
(according to the perceptual evaluations in Section 2.2), for evaluating the automatic
detection. Vertical bars in Fig. 9 separate the PI groups.
0.8 Short Fall
0.6 Long Fall
0.2 Ext.L Fall
0.8 Short Flat
0.6 Long Flat
0.2 Ext.L Flat
0.8 Short Rise
0.6 Long Rise
0.2 Ext.L Rise
Fall Rise
0.4 Harsh/Whis
0.2 pery
0 Pressed
Fig. 9 Distribution of the prosodic categories for each PI item. Vertical bars separate PI
Among the positive reactions, Affirm tends to be uttered by Short Fall intonation, while
longer utterances (Long Fall) are more likely to appear in Backchannel. Extremely long fall
or flat tones (Ext.L Fall, Ext.L Flat) were effective to identify Thinking. Note that the
intonation-related prosodic features were effective to discriminate groups of PI items
expressing some intentions or speech acts (Affirm/Agree/Backchannel, Deny, Thinking,
and AskRepetition).
Short Rise tones can identify AskRepetition, Surprised and Unexpected, from the other PI
items. Part of the Surprised/Unexpected utterances in Short Rise could be discriminated
Recognition of Paralinguistic Information using Prosodic Features Related
to Intonation and Voice Quality 391
Detection rate
Detection rate (%)
Total (%)
(without VQ)
(with VQ)
Affirm/Agree/Backchannel 68 97.1 97.1
Deny 12 100.0 100.0
Thinking/Embarrassed 47 89.4 89.4
AskRepetition 23 95.6
Surprised/Unexpected 74 27.0 41.9
Suspicious/Blame/Disgusted/Dissatisfied 88 38.6 57.9 83.6
Admired/Envious 58 39.7 63.8
All PI items 370 57.3 69.2 86.2
Table 2. Detection rates of PI groups, without and with inclusion of voice quality (VQ)
392 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The overall detection rate using simple thresholds for discrimination of the seven PI groups
shown in Table 3 was 69.2 %, where 57.3 % was due to the only use of intonation-related
prosodic features, while 11.9 % was due to the inclusion of voice quality parameters.
Finally, if the three PI groups Surprised/Unexpected, Suspicious/Blame/Disgusted/
Dissatisfied and Admired/Envious could be considered as a new group of PI items
expressing strong emotions or attitudes, the detection rate of the new group would increase
to 83.6 %, while the overall detection rate would increase to 86.2 %, as shown in the right-
most column of Table 2. This is because most of the confusions in the acoustic space were
among these three groups.
5. Conclusion
We proposed and evaluated intonation and voice quality-related prosodic features for
automatic recognition of paralinguistic information (intentions, attitudes and emotions) in
dialogue speech. We showed that intonation-based prosodic features were effective to
discriminate paralinguistic information items expressing some intentions or speech acts,
such as affirm, deny, thinking, and ask for repetition, while voice quality features were
effective for identifying part of paralinguistic information items expressing some emotion or
attitude, such as surprised, disgusted and admired. Among the voice qualities, the detection
of pressed voices were useful to identify disgusted or embarrassed (for “e”, “un”), and
admiration (for “he”), while the detection of harsh/whispery voices were useful to identify
surprised/unexpected or suspicious/disgusted/blame/dissatisfied.
Improvements in the detection of voice qualities (harshness, pressed voice in nasalized
voices, and syllable offset aspiration noise) can still improve the detection rate of
paralinguistic information items expressing emotions/attitudes.
Future works will involve improvement of voice quality detection, investigations about how
to deal with context information, and evaluation in a human-robot interaction scenario.
6. Acknowledgements
This research was partly supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan. The author
thanks Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka University), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (NTT) and Parham
Mokhtari (ATR) for advice and motivating discussions.
7. References
Campbell, N., & Erickson, D. (2004). What do people hear? A study of the perception of non-
verbal affective information in conversational speech. Journal of the Phonetic Society
of Japan, 8(1), 9-28.
Campbell, N., & Mokhtari, P. (2003). Voice quality, the 4th prosodic dimension. In
Proceedings of 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS2003), Barcelona,
(pp. 2417-2420).
Dang, J., Honda, K. (1966). Acoustic characteristics of the piriform fossa in models and
humans. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 101(1), 456-465.
Recognition of Paralinguistic Information using Prosodic Features Related
to Intonation and Voice Quality 393
Kreiman, J., & Gerratt, B. (2000). Measuring vocal quality. In R.D. Kent & M.J. Ball (Eds.),
Voice Quality Measurement, San Diego: Singular Thomson Learning, 73-102.
Laver, J. (1980). Phonatory settings. In The phonetic description of voice quality. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 93-135.
Maekawa, K. (2004). Production and perception of ‘Paralinguistic’ information. In
Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan (pp. 367-374).
Neiberg, D., Elenius, K., & Laskowski, K. (2006). Emotion recognition in spontaneous speech
using GMMs. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, USA (pp. 809-812).
Nwe, T.L., Foo, S.W., & De Silva, L.C. (2003). Speech emotion recognition using hidden
Markov models. Speech Communication 41, 603-623.
Sadanobu, T. (2004). A natural history of Japanese pressed voice. J. of Phonetic Society of
Japan, 8(1), 29-44.
Schroeder, M.R. (1999). Hilbert envelope and instantaneous frequency. In Computer speech –
Recognition, compression, synthesis, Berlin: Springer, 174-177.
Schuller, B., Muller, R., Lang, M., & Rigoll, G. (2005). Speaker independent emotion
recognition by early fusion of acoustic and linguistic features within ensembles. In
Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, Lisbon, Portugal (pp. 805-808).
Stevens, K. (2000). Turbulence noise at the glottis during breathy and modal voicing. In
Acoustic Phonetics. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 445-450.
Voice quality sample homepage, http://www.irc.atr.jp/~carlos/voicequality/
1. Introduction
Paralinguistic properties play a more and more decisive role in recent speech processing
systems like automatic speech recognition (ASR) or natural text-to-speech systems (TTS).
Besides the linguistic information, the so called paralinguistic properties can help solving
ambiguities in man-machine-interaction. Nowadays, such man-machine-interfaces can be
found for example in call-centers, in driver assistance systems, or at the personal computer
at home. There are many different applications for the recognition of paralinguistic
properties, e.g. gender, age, voice quality, emotion, or alcohol consumption. Among these
properties, the emotional state of a speaker has a superior position because it strongly affects
the acoustic signal produced by the speaker in all kind of conversational speech. Emotion
recognition has its applications in various fields e.g. in call centers to detect angry
customers, in entertainment electronics, in linguistics, and even in politics to analyse
speeches of politicians to train the candidates for election campaigns.
Various attempts show quite good results in the case of speaker dependent classification
(Lugger & Yang, 2006; McGilloway et al., 2000; Nogueiras et al., 2001). But the hardest task
and also the most relevant in practice is the speaker independent emotion recognition.
Speaker independent means that the speaker of the classified utterances is not included in
the training database of the system. He is unknown for the classifier and the deduced
learning rules in the training phase. Up to now, a good speaker independent emotion
recognition could only be achieved by using very large feature sets in combination with
very complex classifiers (Schuller et al., 2006; Lee & Narayanan, 2005). In (Schuller et al.,
2006), an average recognition rate of 86.7% was achieved for seven emotions by using 4000
features and support vector machine as classifier.
In this work, our goal is to further improve the classification performance of the speaker
independent emotion recognition and make it more applicable for real-time systems.
Therefore, we use the same German database consisting of 6 basic emotions: sadness,
boredom, neutral, anxiety, happiness, and anger. For lack of relevance disgust is ignored.
But in contrast to other approaches, we focus on the extraction of less but more adapted
features for emotion recognition. Because for real-time systems the feature extraction is the
most time consuming part in the whole process chain, we try to reduce the number of
features. At the same time we study multi-stage classifiers to optimally adjust the reduced
feature number to the different class discriminations during classification. In comparison to
support vector machines or neural networks, the Bayesian classifier we use can be
396 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
implemented on processors with lower computational power. By using only 346 features
and a multi-stage Bayesian classifier, we achieve improved results by dramatically reducing
computational complexity.
We improve the speaker independent emotion recognition in two ways. First, we propose a
novel voice quality parameter set. It is an extension of the parameter set reported in (Lugger
et al., 2006). We observed that one can exploit the existence of different phonation types
within the human speech production for emotion classification. In our study, we show that
our voice quality parameters outperform mel frequency cepstral coefficients in the
application of emotion recognition. We further investigate how prosodic and voice quality
features overlap or complement each other. Second, our observation that the optimal feature
set strongly depends on the emotions to be classified, leads to a hierarchical emotion
classification strategy. The best results are achieved by a classification that is motivated by
the psychological model of emotion dimensions. After activation recognition in the first
stage, we classify the potency and evaluation dimension in following classification stages. A
2-stage and a 3-stage hierarchical classification approach are presented in this article. For
each classification, the optimal feature set is selected separately.
This chapter is organized as follows: First, the theory of emotion and the relevance of the
database used in this study are discussed in section 2. Then, the relevant acoustic features
for different emotion dimensions are introduced in section 3. The performance of the
different feature groups is studied and voice quality parameters are compared with mel
frequency cepstral coefficients. In section 4, the results of classifying six emotions using
different strategies and combinations of feature sets are presented. Finally, some conclusions
are drawn.
2. Emotion definitions
Emotion theory has been an important field of research for a long time. Generally, emotions
describe subjective feelings in short periods of time that are related to events, persons, or
objects. There are different theoretical approaches about the nature and the acquisition of
emotions (Cowie and Douglas-Cowie, 2001). Since the emotional state of humans is a highly
subjective experience it is very hard to find objective definition or universal terms. That is
why there are several approaches to model emotions in the psychological literature (Tischer,
1993). The two most important approaches are the definition of discrete emotion categories,
the so called basic emotions, and the utilization of continuous emotion dimensions. These
two approaches can also be utilized for the application of automatic emotion recognition.
The two models result in different advantages and disadvantages for automatic emotion
recognition. The usage of emotion dimensions has the advantage that we can find acoustic
features which are directly correlated with certain emotion dimensions. But in listening
tests, which are used to obtain a reference for the acoustic data, it is hard for a proband to
work with different dimensions. In this case, it is more appropriate to use basic emotions. In
the following, the two approaches are briefly explained.
basic emotions as defined by Ekman except for disgust. On the one hand, we benefit from
the fact that people are familiar with these terms. But on the other hand, there is also a lack
of differentiation possibility. For example there is hot anger and cold anger, or silent sadness
and whiny-voiced sadness where the basic emotion model does not distinguish between.
Generally, there are no acoustic features that are directly correlated with a single basic
emotional state, a creaky phonation is often used. Rough voice is usually used to support an
angry emotion. The anxious emotion shows sometimes parts of breathy voice. To express
happiness as well as the neutral emotional state, the modal voice quality is exclusively used.
3. Acoustic features
Discrete affective states experienced by the speaker are reflected in specific patterns of
acoustic cues in the speech (Lewis et al., 2008). This means, information concerning the
emotional state of a speaker is encoded in vocal acoustics and subsequently decoded by the
receiving listeners. For automatic emotion recognition two basic tasks occur. The first is to
find the manner how speaker encode their emotional state in the speech. This problem is
basically the extraction of emotion correlated features from the acoustic speech signal. After
that, the second task is to solve a pattern recognition problem to decode the emotional state
from the extracted speech features. This second problem is discussed in section 4.
In the field of emotion recognition mainly suprasegmental features are used. The most
important group is called prosodic features. Sometimes segmental spectral parameters as mel
Psychological Motivated Multi-Stage Emotion Classification Exploiting Voice Quality Features 399
frequency ceptral coefficients (MFCC) are added. But according to (Nwe et al., 2003), MFCC
features achieve poor results for emotion recognition. In our approach, the common prosodic
features are combined with a large set of so called voice quality parameters (VQP). Their
performance in speaker independent emotion classification is compared with that of MFCC
parameters and their contribution in addition to the standard prosodic features is studied.
In addition to these 20 gradients normalized to the linear frequency difference Δfk = Fp(k) −
Fp0, the same amplitude differences H 0 − H k are also normalized to frequency differences in
both octave and in bark scale. Octave is a logarithmic scale
The last three voice quality parameters describe the voicing, the harmonicity, and the
periodicity of the signal, see (Lugger & Yang, 2006). In total, we obtain a set of 67 voice
quality features.
features only, a gain of at least 3% is achieved. Adding both VQP and MFCC to prosodic
features brings no noticeable improvement.
As we have seen, the voice quality parameters outperform the MFCC for emotion
recognition because they are predestined for the recognition of different voice qualities that
are used in emotion production. But two questions arise that we would like to answer in the
sequel: Do the voice quality parameters contain some new information that is not included
in the prosodic features? And how can we optimally combine both feature types to get the
best classification result?
4. Classification
In this section, the relationship between prosodic and voice quality features is studied and
different classification strategies using a combined feature set are presented. First, we
compare the classification rate of using only prosodic features with that of combining both
feature types using a flat 1-stage classifier. Here, the gain of adding voice quality
information to the prosodic information is investigated. After that, different strategies to
optimally combine the information contained in both feature types are presented: a flat 1-
stage classification, a hierarchical 2-stage, and a hierarchical 3-stage classification.
For all the classifications, a Bayesian classifier is used and the best 25 features are selected
using SFFS. The speaker independent classification is performed by a "leaving-one-speaker-
out" cross validation. The class-conditional densities are modelled as unimodal Gaussians.
By using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with a variable number of Gaussians, we
could not observe significant changes in the classification rate for this database. Mostly, only
one Gaussian per feature and emotion was decided.
In our study, all the classification results are represented by confusion matrices. Every field
is associated with a true and an estimated emotion. Thereby, the true emotion is given by
the corresponding row. Every column stands for an estimated emotion. So the percentages
of correct classification are located on the main diagonal whereas the other elements of the
matrix represent the confusions.
Psychological Motivated Multi-Stage Emotion Classification Exploiting Voice Quality Features 403
wrong. One can interpret this as a reference value for the classification rate with both feature
sets. The result corresponds to an overall recognition rate of 86.2% that is at the level of
human recognition rate. Clearly, the voice quality features improve considerably the
classification beyond the prosodic information. The gain is biggest for the classes sadness
and anxiety that make use of the nonmodal voice qualities creaky respectively breathy
Table 3. Reference value for the classification rate with prosodic and voice quality features
In practice we do not know which classifier performs correctly for every single pattern. So
we have to define a general fusion method for all the patterns. In the following different
strategies for the combination of prosodic and voice quality features are proposed. We will
see that we can even exceed the reference value of 86.2% by a deliberate design of our
Table 4. Classification with 18 prosodic and 7 voice quality features jointly selected by SFFS
(Lugger & Yang, 2007b). The fundamental observation that prosodic features are very
powerful in discriminating different levels of activation and voice quality features perform
better in discriminating the other emotion dimensions leads to the following multi-stage
strategies. The stages chosen here are motivated by the emotion dimensions of the
psychological model shown in Figure 1.
in the second stage. By combining both stages in Figure 5, we obtain the overall confusion
matrix shown in Table 7.
corresponds to one binary classification whose best 25 features are separately optimized by
SFFS. In the first stage, we classify two different activation levels, in analogy to Figure 5.
One class including anger, happiness, and anxiety has a high activation level while the
second class including neutral, boredom, and sadness has a low activation level. For this
activation discrimination, we achieve a very good classification rate of 98.8% on average.
Table 8 shows the confusion matrix using 25 features, analog to Table 6.
5.2 Outlook
Although all the presented classifications are speaker independent, the results are strongly
optimized for the 10 speakers contained in the database. By using the speaker independent
classification rate as criterion for the selection algorithm, the features are selected in a way
Psychological Motivated Multi-Stage Emotion Classification Exploiting Voice Quality Features 409
that is optimizing the classification rate of the unknown speaker. So we can say the
classification itself is speaker independent but not the feature selection process. Because of
the relatively low number of speakers, the dependency of the results on the speakers is high.
That is why an additional study on the robustness of the here presented results is necessary.
In this study, the classification data should neither be included in the training data nor in
the feature selection process.
Another open question is: How do other multi-stage classification approaches perform? In
the pattern recognition literature there exist other multi-stage classification methods as
cascaded or parallel classification approaches. Do they significantly differ in the
performance? And how about the robustness of these different approaches? Which is the
most robust one for speaker independent emotion recognition?
This study is based on a well known German database. We have to mention that the
utterances are produced by actors. So the speakers only performed this emotional state in an
acoustic manner. They have not necessarily felt this emotion at the moment when they
produced the spoken utterance. It would be interesting to test the proposed methods with a
more natural database. But larger emotion databases with conversational speech are really
6. References
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Marko Lugger and Bin Yang. Cascaded emotion classification via psychological emotion
dimensions using a large set of voice quality parameters. In IEEE ICASSP, Las
Vegas, 2008.
410 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Marko Lugger, Bin Yang, and Wolfgang Wokurek. Robust estimation of voice quality
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1. Introduction
Speech signal is a rich source of information and convey more than spoken words, and can
be divided into two main groups: linguistic and nonlinguistic. The linguistic aspects of
speech include the properties of the speech signal and word sequence and deal with what is
being said. The nonlinguistic properties of speech have more to do with talker attributes
such as age, gender, dialect, and emotion and deal with how it is said. Cues to nonlinguistic
properties can also be provided in non-speech vocalizations, such as laught or cry.
The main investigated linguistic and nonlinguistic attributes in this article were those of
audio-visual speech and emotion speech. In a conversation, the true meaning of the
communication is transmitted not only by the linguistic content but also by how something
is said, how words are emphasized and by the speaker’s emotion and attitude toward what
is said. The perception of emotion in the vocal expressions of others is vital for an accurate
understanding of emotional messages (Banse & Scherer, 1996). In the following, we will
introduce the audio-visual speech recognition and speech emotion recognition, which are
the applications of our proposed weighted discrete K-nearest-neighbor (WD-KNN) method
for linguistic and nonlinguistic speech, respectively.
The speech recognition consists of two main steps, the feature extraction and the
recognition. In this chapter, we will introduce the methods for feature extraction in the
recognition system. In the post-processing, the different classifiers and weighting schemes
on KNN-based recognitions are discussed for the speech recognition. The overall structure
of the proposed system for audio-visual and speech emotion recognition is depicted in Fig.
1. In the following, we will briefly introduce the previous researches on audio-visual and
speech emotion recognition.
have been proposed. To overcome this limitation, audio speech-reading system, through the
use of visual information into audio information, has been considered (Faraj & Bigun, 2007;
Farrell et al, 1994; Kaynak et al, 2004). In addition, there has been growing interested in
introducing new modalities into the ASR and human–computer interface. With this
motivation, enormous research on multi-model ASR has been carried out.
In recent years, there has been many automatic speech-reading systems proposed, that
combine audio and visual speech features. For all such systems, the objective of these audio-
visual speech recognizers is to improve recognition accuracy, particularly in difficult
condition. They most concentrated on the two problems of visual feature extraction and
audio-visual fusion. Thus, the audio-visual speech recognition is a work combining the
disciplines of image processing, visual-speech recognition and multi-modal data integration.
Recent reviews can be found in Chen (Chen & Rao, 1997; Chen, 2001), Mason (Chibelushi et
al., 2002), Luettin (Dupont & Luettin, 2000) and Goldschen (Goldschen, 1993).
As above described, most ASR work on detecting speech states investigated speech data
which were recorded in quiet environment. But humans are able to perceive emotions even
in noisy background (Chen, 2001). In this article we will compare several classifiers for
detecting speech from clean and noisy Mandarin speech.
Feature Features Classifier Result
Recognition Test Data
Phase Extraction
Training Speech
Phase Database Training Features
Feature Model
Extraction Training
Fig. 1. Overall speech recognition system consisting of the speech extraction and
main difficulties results from the fact that it is difficult to define what emotion means in a
precise way. Various explanations of emotions given by scholars are summarized in
(Kleinginna & Kleinginna, 1981). Research on the cognitive component focuses on
understanding the environmental and attended situations that give rise to emotions;
research on the physical components emphasizes the physiological response that co-occurs
with an emotion or rapidly follows it. In short, emotions can be considered as
communication with oneself and others (Kleinginna & Kleinginna, 1981).
Traditionally, emotions are classified into two main categories: primary (basic) and
secondary (derived) emotions (Murray & Arnott, 1993). Primary or basic emotions generally
can be experienced by all social mammals (e.g., humans, monkeys, dogs and whales) and
have particular manifestations associated with them (e.g., vocal/facial expressions,
behavioral tendencies and physiological patterns). Secondary or derived emotions are
combinations of or derivations from primary emotions.
Emotional dimensionality is a simplified description of the basic properties of emotional
states. According to the theory developed by Osgood, Suci and Tannenbaum (Osgood et al,
1957) and in subsequent psychological research (Mehrabian & Russel, 1974), the computing
of emotions is conceptualized as three major dimensions of connotative meaning: arousal,
valence and power. In general, the arousal and valence dimensions can be used to
distinguish most basic emotions. The locations of emotions in the arousal-valence space are
shown in Fig. 2, which provides a representation that is both simple and capable of
conforming to a wide range of emotional applications.
The performance is verified by experiments with a Mandarin speech corpus. The baseline
performance measure is based on the traditional KNN classifier.
This chapter is organized as follows. In section 2, we introduce the used classifiers and
previous researches. In section 3, the feature selection policy and extraction methods for
speech and emotion are described. In section 4, an speech emotion recognition system is
reviewed and three common weighting functions and the used Fibonacci function are
described. Experimental results are given in section 5. In section 6, some conclusions are
2. Classifiers
The problem of detecting the speech and emotion can be formulated as assignment a
decision category to each utterance. Two main types of information can be used to identify
the speaker’s speech: the semantic content of the utterance and the acoustic features such as
variance of the pitch. In the following, we will review various classification and other
related literatures.
2.1 KNN
K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification is a very simple, yet powerful classification method.
The key idea behind KNN classification is that similar observations belong to similar classes.
Thus, one simply has to look for the class designators of a certain number of the nearest
neighbors and sum up their class numbers to assign a class number to the unknown.
In practice, given an instance y, KNN finds the k neighbors nearest to the unlabeled data
from the training space based on the selected distance measure. The Euclidean distance is
commonly used. Now let the k neighbors nearest to y be N k (y ) and c(z) be the class label of
z. The cardinality of N k (y ) is equal to k and the number of classes is l. Then the subset of
nearest neighbors within class j ∈{ 1 , ... , l } is
N kj (y ) = {z ∈ N k (y ) : c(z ) = j} (1)
2.2 WKNN
Weighted KNN was proposed by Dudani (Dudani, 1976). In WKNN, the k nearest neighbors
are assigned different weights. Let wi be the weight of the ith nearest samples and x1, x2, …, xk
be the k nearest neighbors of test sample y arranging in increasing distance order. So x1 is the
first nearest neighbor of y. The classification result j * ∈ {1,..., l} is assigned to the class for
which the weights of the representatives among k nearest neighbors sum to the largest value.
⎧w , if c(x p ) = j
j * = arg max
∑ ⎨⎩0,p otherwise
p =1
A Weighted Discrete KNN Method for Mandarin Speech and Emotion Recognition 415
2.3 WCAP
The WCAP classification method was proposed by Takigawa for improving performance on
handwritten digits recognition (Takigawa et al, 2005). Let wi be the weight of the ith
nearest samples of class j. After the k nearest samples of a test sample y, denoted as x i ,
i=1,…,k, are extracted from class j by using Euclidean distance measure d i . Then, the
weight is calculated and normalized by equations which will be described in next section.
Finally, the class of a test sample is determined by the following classification rule:
⎧ k
⎪ ⎪
j = arg min ⎨
∑ w pj x pj −y ⎬ (4)
⎪ p =1 ⎪
⎩ ⎭
2.4 HMM
A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical model for sequences of feature vectors that
are representative of the input signal (Robert & Granat, 2003; Yamamoto et al, 1998). The
observed data is assumed to have been generated by an unobservable statistical process of a
particular form. This process is such that each observation is coincident with the system
being in a particular state. Furthermore it is a first order Markov process: the next state is
dependent only on the current state. The model is completely described by the initial state
probabilities, the first order Markov chain state-to-state transition probabilities, and the
probability distributions of observable outputs associated with each state. HMM has a long
history in speech recognition. It has the important advantage that the temporal dynamics of
speech features can be caught due to the presence of the state transition matrix. From the
experimental results of (Kwon et al, 2003), HMM classifiers yielded classification accuracy
significantly better than the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and quadratic discriminant
analysis (QDA).
2.5 GMM
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) provide a good approximation of the originally observed
feature probability density functions by a mixture of weighted Gaussians. The mixture
coefficients were computed by use of an Expectation Maximization algorithm. Each emotion
is modeled in one GMM. The decision is made for the maximum likelihood model. From the
results of (Reynolds et al, 2001; Reynolds & Rose, 1995), the authors concluded that using
GMMs on the frame level is a feasible technique for speech classification and the results of
two models VQ and GMM are not worse than the performance of the HMM.
We proposed the WD-KNN method for classifying speech and emotion in previous research
(Pao et al, 2007). Before presenting the proposed method, we describe unweighted-distance
KNN classifier as it is the foundation of the method. Without loss of generality, the collected
speech samples are split into data elements x1,…, xt, where t is the total number of training
samples. The space of all possible data elements is defined as the input space X. The
elements of the input space are mapped into points in a feature space F. In our work, a
feature space is a real vector space of dimension d, ℜd. Accordingly, each point fi in F is
416 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
φ :X → F (5)
Let xi , i = 1,..., n j , be the i-th training sample of class j, where nj is the number of samples
belonging to a class j, j∈{1,…,l} and l is the number of classes. The total number of training
samples is
t= ∑n j (6)
j =1
When a test sample y and Euclidean distance measure are given, we obtain the k nearest
neighbors belonging to class j, N k ,l ( y ) , which can be defined as
where the cardinality of the set N k , l ( y ) is equal to k. Finally the class label of the test
j * = arg min j =1,...,l ∑ dist ij (8)
i =1
where disti j is the Euclidean distance between the ith nearest neighbor in N kj, l (y ) and the
test sample y.
Next, we will describe and formulate the weighted-distance KNN classifier (Dudani, 1976;
Pao et al, 2007) as follows. Among the k nearest neighbors in class j, the following
relationship is established:
Let wi be the weight of the ith nearest samples. From above, we know that the one having
the smallest distance value dist1 is the most important. Consequently, we set the constraint
w1≥w2≥…≥wk. Then, the classification result j* ∈{1, ..., l} is defined as
j * = arg min j =1,...,l ∑ wi dist ij . (10)
i =1
In our proposed system, the selection of weights used in the WD-KNN is an important
factor for the recognition rate. After extensive investigations and calculations, we found that
the Fibonacci sequence weighting function yields the best result in the WD-KNN classifiers.
The Fibonacci weighting function is defined as follows
A Weighted Discrete KNN Method for Mandarin Speech and Emotion Recognition 417
wi = wi +1 + wi + 2 , wk = wk −1 = 1 (11)
The definition is in the reverse order of the ordinary Fabonacci sequence. Why Fibonacci
weighting function is used? The Fibonacci weighting function indicates that each weight is
the sum of the two latter ones. This implies that when the weighted value of 1st nearest
neighbor equals to the sum of the weighted values of the latter two neighbors nearest to test
sample, the later two added up has the same importance as the first one. The second reason
is that we compared different weighting schemes, including Fibonacci weighting, linear
distance weighting, inverse distance weighting, and rank weighting, in KNN based
classifiers to recognize speech and emotion sates in Mandarin speech (Pao et al, 2007). The
experimental results show that the Fibonacci weighting function performs better than
3. Features extraction
3.1 Acoustic features for emotion recognition
For speech recognition system, a critical step is the extraction and selection of the feature set.
Various features relating to pitch, energy, duration, tunes, spectral, and intensity, etc. have
been studied in speech recognition and emotion recognition (Murray & Arnott, 1993; Kwon
et al, 2003). Due to the redundant information, the forward feature selection (FFS) and the
backward feature selection (BFS) are carried out to extract the most representative feature
set based on KNN classifier among energy, pitch, formant (F1, F2 and F3), linear predictive
coefficients (LPC), Mel-frequency cesptral coefficients (MFCC), first derivative of MFCC
(dMFCC), second derivative of MFCC (ddMFCC), Log frequency power coefficients (LFPC),
perceptual linear prediction (PLP).
Fig. 3. Features ranking in speech emotion recognition using FFS and BFS by KNN classifier.
418 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
For each of these series, mean values are determined to build up the fixed-length feature
vector. Besides, emotion was expressed mainly at the utterance level. It is crucial to
normalize the feature vector. In this article, we use max-min normalization, to normalize
feature vector to the range of [0, 1]. Fig. 3 shows the ranking of these features by KNN
classifier. Features near origin are considered to be more important. Finally, we combine
MFCC, LPCC and LPC as the best feature set used in the emotion recognition system. The
zero-order coefficients of MFCC and LPCC are included as they provide energy
information. When we obtain the features from the training and the test data, we can
calculate the distance between them to classify the test data.
the variation of the mouth and vocal tract. In the audio-visual recognition, we extract the
MFCC features, including basic and derived features, for the audio-visual speech
Fig. 4. Examples of segmented mouth image series for pronunciation “Yi” of Mandarin
word “1” and selected feature points in the audio-visual speech recognition system
speaker was asked to speak 40 isolated English and Mandarin digits, respectively, facing a
DV camera.
The video was recorded at a resolution of 320×240 with the NTSC standard of 29.97 fps,
using a 1-mega-pixel DV camera. The on-camera microphone was used to record the
speeches. Lighting was controlled and a blue background was used to allow change of
different backgrounds for further applications. In order to split the video into the visual part
and the audio part, we developed a system to decompose the video format (*.avi) into the
visual image files (*.bmp) and speech wave files (*.wav) automatically.
⎧1, if d k = d1
wi = ⎨ d k − d i , (12)
, if d k ≠ d1
⎪⎩ d k − d1
where d i is the distance to the test sample of the ith nearest neighbor, and d1 and
d k indicate the distance of the nearest neighbor and the farthest neighbor respectively.
Dudani has further proposed an inverse distance weighting function
wi = if di ≠ 0 (13)
and a rank weighting function
wi = k − i + 1 . (14)
From the experimental results done by Dudani, it is well known that weighted version of
KNN can improve error rates by using above weighting functions. In this chapter, we
propose to use Fibonacci sequence as the weighting function in these classifiers. The
Fibonacci weighting function is defined in Eq. (11).
5. Experimental results
5.1 Experimental results for different weighting schemes
First, the value of k in KNN, WCAP and WD-KNN classifiers must be determined. In our
previous experiments (Chang, 2005), the distribution of recognition accuracy from clean
speech on different k indicates that k sets to 10 can make an acceptable performance with
A Weighted Discrete KNN Method for Mandarin Speech and Emotion Recognition 421
relatively simple computation in KNN. Therefore, the value of k in KNN, WCAP and WD-
KNN classifiers is set to 10.
Table 1 summarizes the experimental results of different weighting functions in speech
emotion recognition using various classifiers. The accuracy ranges from 73.8~76.1%,
73.1%~74.5%, and 78.7%~81.4% in WKN, WCAP, and WD-KNN, respectively. One
important finding is that Fibonacci weighting function outperform others in all classifiers.
Compared to the baseline attained from KNN method, the largest accuracy improvement of
4.9%, 2.8% and 12.3% can be achieved in these classifiers. The highest recognition rate is
81.4% with WD-KNN classifier weighted by Fibonacci sequence.
Weighting functions
Linear Inverse
Rank Fibonacci
distance distance
WKNN 75.6% 74.2% 73.8% 76.1%
Classifiers WCAP 74.2% 73.6% 73.1% 74.5%
WD-KNN 78.7% 79.5% 81.2% 81.4%
Table 1. Experimental results of using different weighting functions in speech emotion
In the audio-visual speech recognition, we use our Mandarin speech database as the input
data. The database used here contains the Mandarin digits 0 to 9 by 40 speakers. There are a
total of 1600 utterances. In the training phase, the 400 utterances of the database containing
Mandarin digits 0-9 from all speakers are used as the training set. After we train the model,
the other 1200 utterances are used as the testing set in testing phase.
The video stream is a sequence of 17 to 25 images with resolution of 200×120 pixel from the
database. Before we compute the visual parameter, some image processing techniques are
applied to image in order to make the computation convenient and increase the precision of
the visual parameter. In our system, all of image sequences for Mandarin utterance was
used in GMM and HMM recognition. In KNN and WD-KNN classifiers, since the distance
between the feature vectors is computed, the size of each feature vector must be the same.
The images of each utterance used for recognition is selected for a fixed number of images as
the fixed-length feature vectors.
Table 2 summarizes the experimental results of different weighting functions in audio-
visual speech recognition using various classifiers. The accuracy ranges from 72.8%~79.2%,
and 84.6%~98.0% in WKNN and WD-KNN, respectively. The important finding is that
Weighting functions
Linear Inverse
Rank Fibonacci
distance distance
KNN 74.6%*
Classifiers WKNN 76.4% 74.1% 72.8% 79.2%
WD-KNN 84.6% 86.3% 88.5% 98.0%
*Weighting function is not used in KNN.
Table 2. Experimental results of using different weighting functions in audio-visual speech
422 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Fibonacci weighting function outperform others in all classifiers. Compared to the baseline
attained from KNN method, the largest accuracy improvement of 6.4% and 13.4% can be
achieved in these classifiers. The highest recognition rate is 98.0% with WD-KNN classifier
weighted by Fibonacci sequence.
5.2 Experimental results using different classifiers on clean and noisy speech
Table 3 demonstrates the emotion recognition accuracy of clean speech and speech
interfered by white Gaussian noise from the used classifiers. Accuracy in the table is the
average recognition ratio of five emotions. From the results, the proposed WD-KNN is
observed outstanding performance at all SNR among the three KNN-based classifiers.
Compared with all other methods, the accuracy of WD-KNN is the highest on clean speech
and noisy speech from 40dB to 20dB. GMM outperformed others on the 5dB noisy speech.
The accuracy of HMM is decreased least among all classifiers from clean speech to 5dB
noisy speech.
outperforms others in most of the cases. Compared to the baseline attained from KNN
method, the recognition accuracy improvement of 2.2% to 5.5% at various SNR values can
be achieved. In clean condition, the performance of the HMM recognizer seems better than
the WD-KNN one. But in the noisy condition, the performance of WD-KNN classifier
weighted by Fibonacci sequence is better than other classifiers.
6. Conclusions
In this chapter, we present a speech emotion recognition system to compare several
classifiers on the clean speech and noisy speech. Our proposed WD-KNN classifier
outperforms the other three KNN-based classifiers at every SNR level and achieves
highest accuracy from clean speech to 20dB noisy speech when compared with all other
classifiers. Similar to (Neiberg et al, 2006), GMM is a feasible technique for emotion
classification on the frame level and the results of GMM are better than performances of
the HMM. Although the performance of HMM is the lowest on clean speech, it is robust
when the noise increase. The accuracy of KNN dropped rapidly when noise increases
from 20dB to 15dB. WCAP performed the same from clean speech to 40dB noisy speech.
The accuracy of 10dB noisy speech exceeds 20dB noisy speech in HMM and WCAP
classifiers, which are unusual phenomena. In the future, more efforts will be made to
investigate these strange results.
Automatic recognition of audio-visual speech aims at building classifiers for classifying
audio-visual speech in test audio-visual speech. Until now, several classifiers were adopted
independently. Among them, KNN is a very simple but elegant approach to classify various
audio-visual speech. Later, some extensions of KNN, such as WKNN and WD-KNN, were
proposed to improve the recognition rate.
Moreover, our focus is also to discuss weighting schemes used in different KNN-based
classifier, including traditional KNN, weighted KNN and our proposed weighted discrete
KNN. The key idea in these classifiers is to find a vector of real-valued weights that
would optimize classification accuracy of the classification or recognition system by
assigning lower weights to farther neighbors that provide less relevant information for
classification and higher weights to closer neighbors that provide more reliable
information. Several weighting functions were studied, such as linear distance weighting,
inverse distance weighting and rank weighting. In this chapter, we propose to use the
Fibonacci sequence as the weighting function. The overall results of the proposed
classifier have proved that Fibonacci weighting function in three extended versions of
KNN outperform others.
From the experimental results, we can observe that each classifier has their own advantages
and disadvantages. How to combine these advantages of each classifier to achieve higher
recognition rate requires further study. Besides, how to get an optimal weighting sequence
is also deserved to be investigated.
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1. Introduction
The design of traditional interfaces relies on the use of mouse and keyboard. For people
with certain disabilities, however, using these devices presents a real problem.
In this chapter we describe a graphical user interface navigation utility, similar in
functionality to the traditional mouse pointing device. Movement of the pointer is achieved
by tracking the motion of the head, while button-actions can be initiated by issuing a voice
command. Foremost in our mind was the goal to make our system easy to use and
affordable, and provide users with disabilities with a tool that promotes their independence
and social interaction.
The chapter is structured as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of related work. Section
3 describes our proposed system architecture, the face detection and feature tracking
algorithms, as well as the speech recognition component. Section 4 contains experimental
results and Section 5 discusses future work. We conclude the chapter in Section 6.
Their tracking algorithm relies on detecting specific features such as the eyes or nose to
follow head movements across multiple frames.
There are also various commercial mouse alternatives available today. NaturalPoint
(NaturalPoint, 2006) markets several head-tracking-based mouse alternatives on their web
site. While the benefits are real, these devices still require the user to attach markers either to
the head or glasses. Other systems use infrared emitters that are attached to the user’s
glasses, head-band, or cap. Some systems, for example the Quick Glance system by EyeTech
Digital Systems (EyeTech, 2006), place the transmitter over the monitor and use an infrared-
reflector that is attached to the user’s forehead or glasses. Mouse clicks are generated with a
physical switch or a software interface.
3. System architecture
We have implemented a prototype of our system that requires only a web camera and
microphone, which fully emulates the functionality normally associated with a mouse
device. In this section we provide a short overview of the image-processing algorithms and
speech-interaction technologies the system is based on.
The system consists of two signal-processing units and interpretation logic (see Figure 1).
Image processing algorithms are applied to the video stream to detect the user’s face and
follow tracking points to determine head movements. The audio stream is analyzed by the
speech recognition engine to determine relevant voice commands. The interpretation logic
in turn receives relevant parameters from the signal-processing units and translates these
into on-screen actions by the mouse pointer.
introduced by Viola and Jones (Viola & Jones, 2001). It is appearance-based and uses a
boosted cascade of simple feature classifiers, providing a robust framework for rapid visual
detection of frontal faces in grey scale images. The process of face detection is complicated
by a number of factors. Variations in pose (frontal, non-frontal and tilt) result in the partial
or full occlusion of facial features. Beards, moustaches and glasses also hide features.
Another problem is partial occlusion by other objects. For example, in a group of people
some faces may be partially covered by other faces. Finally, the quality of the captured
image needs consideration.
The algorithm is based on AdaBoost classification, where a classifier is constructed as a
linear combination of many simpler, easily constructible weak classifiers. For AdaBoost
learning algorithm to work each weak classifier is only required to perform slightly better
than a random guess. For face detection a set of Haar wavelet-like features is utilized.
Classification is based on four basic types of scalar features, proposed by Viola and Jones for
the purpose of face detection. Each of these features has a scalar value that can be computed
efficiently from the integral image, or summed area table. This set of features has recently
been extended to deal with head rotation (Lienhart & Maydt, 2002). Weak classifiers are
cascaded into a collection of weak classifiers (weak learners) to form a stronger classifier.
AdaBoost is an adaptive algorithm to boost a sequence of classifiers, in that the weights are
updated dynamically according to the errors in previous learning cycles. The algorithm
employed by Viola & Jones (Viola & Jones, 2001) has a face detection cascade of 38 stages
with 6000 features. According to Viola & Jones, the algorithm nevertheless achieved fast
average detection times. On a difficult dataset, which contained 507 faces and 75 million
sub-windows, faces are detected using an average of 10 feature evaluations per sub-
window. As a comparison, Viola & Jones show in experiments that their system is 15 times
faster than a detection system implemented by Rowley et al. (Rowley et al., 1998). A strong
classifier, consisting of a cascade of weak classifiers is shown in Figure 3, where blue icons
are non-face and red icons are face images. The aim is to filter out the non-face images,
leaving only face images. The cascade provides higher accuracy over a single, weak
Fig. 3. Weak classifiers are arranged in a cascade. Note that some incorrect classifications
may occur, as indicated in the diagram.
3.2 Head-Tracking
Our optical tracking component uses an implementation of the Lucas-Kanade optical flow
algorithm (Lucas & Kanade, 1981), which first identifies and then tracks features in an image.
430 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
These features are pixels whose spatial gradient matrices have a large enough minimum
eigenvalue. When applied to image registration, the Lucas-Kanade method is usually carried
out in a coarse-to-fine iterative manner, in such a way that the spatial derivatives are first
computed at the coarse scale in the pyramid, one of the images is warped by the computed
deformation, and iterative updates are then computed at successively finer scales.
Fig. 4. The head-tracking component. After initial calibration, the video stream is processed
in real-time by the tracking algorithm.
Our algorithm restricts the detection of feature points to the face closest to the computer
screen to exclude other people in the background. Before tracking is initiated, feature points
are marked with a green dot (Figure 5), and are still subject to change.
Fig. 5. The face is detected using the Haar-Classifier cascade algorithm and marked with a
yellow square. Green dots mark significant features identified by the Lucas-Kanade
algorithm. The image on the right demonstrates performance in poor lighting conditions.
Motion-Tracking and Speech Recognition for Hands-Free Mouse-Pointer Manipulation 431
Once tracking has been started, feature points are locked into place and marked with a red
dot. It should be noted that the marking of the features and the face is for debugging and
demonstration purposes only. Tracking is achieved by calculating the optical flow between
two consecutive frames to track the user’s head movement, which is translated to on-screen
movements of the mouse pointer (see Figure 6).
4. Experimental results
In preliminary trials, the effectiveness of our system was tested with a group of 10
volunteers. Each of the subjects had previously used a computer, and was thus able to
comment on how our system compares to using a traditional mouse pointing device. Each
user was given a brief tutorial on how to use the system, and then allowed to practice
moving the cursor for one minute. After the practice period, each user was asked to play a
video game (Solitaire). The one minute training time was perceived as sufficient to introduce
the features of the system.
Subsequent interviews revealed that users preferred to learn on-the-job, while using our
mouse-replacement system to play a computer game. Task completion times were similar to
using a traditional mouse device. However, users commented positively on the fact that
they were able to control the mouse pointer using head movements, while their hands
remained free to perform other tasks. Also positive was the short amount of time users
required to become acquainted with the system. They found that using head movements for
mouse control quickly become second-nature and issuing voice commands requires no
effort at all. All users commented on the possibility of extending the set of voice commands
to add functionality to the system.
5. Future work
A future implementation of our system could further extend the speech recognition
component, allowing the user, for example, to open applications using vocal commands
would eliminate much navigating through menu structures. The speech synthesis
component could be extended to provide contextual feedback in the form of reading to the
user the names of windows or icons the mouse pointer is currently resting on.
Although the system has been developed and tested on the Microsoft Windows operating
system, it is possible to port this technology to Apple and Linux/Unix operating systems. In
particular deployment on an open-source platform would open the technology up to a much
wider user base. Developers can now develop for Windows, and expect their .NET
application to run on Apple and Linux operating systems (Easton & King, 2004). Recent
work by the ‘Mono Project’ and ‘Portable .NET’-project has contributed to making .NET
code truly portable, presenting the possibility to use the system on these platforms with
minimal change.
6. Conclusion
The prototype system has proven to be robust, being able to tolerate strong variations in
lighting conditions. We see potential for our approach being integrated in interfaces
designed specifically for users with disabilities. Especially attractive should be the fact that
it provides a low-cost means of human-computer interaction requiring the most basic of
computer hardware and its reliance upon established approaches in the areas of computer
vision and speech interaction. It may also prove useful for other applications, for example,
where it is necessary to activate controls on a computer interface while at the same time
performing precision work using both hands. Another application area could be computer
games. Furthermore, the modular architecture of the system allows for ready integration in
any number of software projects requiring a low-cost and reliable head-tracking component.
434 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
7. References
Atyabi, M., Hosseini, M. S. K., & Mokhtari, M. (2006). The Webcam Mouse: Visual 3D
Tracking of Body Features to Provide Computer Access for People with Severe
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New Delhi, September 2006
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design of an infrared-controlled human-computer interface for the disabled, IEEE
Trans. Rehab. Eng., Vol. 7, No. 4, December 1999, 474–481, ISSN: 1063-6528
Cole, R., Mariani, J., Uszkoreit, H., Varile, G., B., Zaenen, A., & Zampolli, A. (1998). Survey of
the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, Cambridge University Press,
ISBN-10: 0521592771, Cambridge
Easton, M. J. & King, J. (2004). Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable .NET,
and Microsoft .NET. Apress Publishers, ISBN: 1590593308, Berkeley
Evans, D. G., Drew, R., & Blenkhorn, P. (2000). Controlling mouse pointer position using an
infrared head-operated joystick. Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on [see
also IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation], Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2000, 107-
117, ISSN: 1063-6528
EyeTech Digital Systems Inc. (2006). On-line Product Catalog: Retrieved May 29 from
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detection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. I-
900- I-903, September 2002, IEEE, Rochester, New York, USA
Loewenich, F., & Maire, F. (2006). A Head-Tracker Based on the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow
Algorithm. In: Advances in Intelligent IT - Active Media Technology 2006, Li, Y., Looi,
M. & Zhong, N. (Ed.), Vol. 138, pp. 25-30, IOS Press, ISBN: 1-58603-615-7,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lucas, B. D., & Kanade, T. (1981). An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an
Application to Stereo Vision. Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pp. 674—679, Vancouver
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Rabiner, L., & Juang, B. (1986). An introduction to hidden Markov models. ASSP Magazine,
IEEE, Vol. 3, No. 1, 4-16, ISSN: 0740-7467
Viola, P., & Jones, J. J. (2001). Robust Real-Time Face Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision (CVPR), pp. 122-130, ISBN:0-7803-7965-9,
July 2003, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA
Viola, P., & Jones, J. J. (2004) Robust Real-Time Face Detection. International Journal of
Computer Vision, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2004, 137-154, ISSN: 0920-5691
1. Introduction
We present in this chapter a practical approach in building Arabic automatic speech
recognition (ASR) system for mobile telecommunication service applications. We also
present a procedure in conducting acoustic modelling adaptation to better take into account
the pronunciation variation across the Arabic speaking countries.
Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the common spoken and written language for all the
Arab countries, ranging from Morocco in the west to Syria in the East, including Egypt, and
Tunisia. However, the pronunciation varies significantly from one country to another to a
degree that two persons from different countries may not be able understand each other.
This is because Arabic speaking countries are characterized by a large number of dialects
that differ to an extent that they are no longer mutually intelligible and could almost be
described as different languages. Arabic dialects are often spoken rather than written
varieties. MSA is common across the Arab countries, but it is often influenced by the dialect
of the speaker. This particularity of the Arabic countries constitutes a practical problem in
the development of a speech-based application in this region; suppose a speech application
system is built for one country influenced by one dialect, what does it take to adapt the
system to serve another country with a different dialect region? This is particularly
challenging since resource to build accurate speaker independent Arabic ASR system for
mobile telecommunication service applications are limited for most of the Arabic dialects
and countries.
Recent advances in speaker independent automatic speech recognition (SI-ASR) have
demonstrated that highly accurate recognition can be achieved, if enough training data is
available. However, the amount of available speech data that take into account the dialectal
variation of each Arabic country is limited, making it challenging to build a high
performance SI-ASR system, especially when we target specific applications. Another big
challenge when building an SI-ASR is to handle speaker variations in spoken language.
These variations can be due to age, gender, educational level as well as the dialectical
variants of Arabic language. Usually an ASR system trained in one regional variation
exhibits poorer performance when applied to another regional variation. Three problems
may arise when a SI-ASR system built for one dialect but applied to target users with a
different dialect: (1) Acoustic model mismatch, (2) Pronunciation lexicon mismatch and (3)
Language model mismatch.
436 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
In the following we show how to build an Arabic speech recognition system for mobile
telecommunication service applications. Furthermore we show how to adapt the acoustic
model and the pronunciation lexicon of ASR systems for the Modern Standard Arabic to
better take into account the pronunciation variation across the Arabic countries. This is a
challenging problem especially when not enough data is available for every country. One of
the topics we address is the dialect adaptation across the region. We investigate how a
Modern Standard Arabic ASR system trained on one variation of the language in one
country A can be adapted to perform better in a different Arab speaking country B,
especially where only small amount of data related to country B is available. We show in
this chapter how we take into account the pronunciation variation and how we adapt the
acoustic model.
Experiments are conducted on Orientel (Oriental, 2001) database covering, in addition to
Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic dialect spoken in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and
United Arab Emirate. Results show an interesting improvement is achieved by using our
adaptation technique. In this work, we experiment dialect adaptation from Tunisian
(Maghreb Arabic) dialect to Jordan (Levantine Arabic) MSA dialect.
In section 2 and section 3, we discuss SI-ASR model training and adaptation techniques that
are language neural. In section 4, we demonstrate a real-world practise on building Arabic
speech recognition systems with both model estimation techniques and adaptation
techniques. We then conclude the paper in section 5.
4. B = {bi(k)} –An output probability matrix, where bi(k) is the probability of emitting
symbol ok when state I is entered. Let X = X1, X2, …, Xt, … be the observed output of the
HMM. The state sequence S = s1, s2, …, st, … is not observed (hidden). Therefore, bi(k)
can written as:
In continuous observation density HMMs, the observations are continuous signals (vectors),
the observation probabilities then often be replaced by finite mixture probability density
functions (pdf):
where o is the observation vector being modelled. cjk is the mixture coefficient for the kth
mixture in state j and N is any log-concave or elliptically symmetric density (in speech
recognition, Gaussian pdf is commonly used). Without loss of generality, we can assume
that N is Gaussian in (3) with mean vector μjk and covariance matrix σjk for the kth mixture
component in state j. The mixture gain cjk satisfy
In practical acoustic speech signal modelling, we generally assume that HMM is in left to
right format with equal transitional probability
438 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and π is uniform distribution to simply the model topology. Hence the model parameter
estimation becomes estimate probability matrix in equation (2) for discrete HMMs, and
Gaussian pdf parameters in equation (6) for continuous density HMMs, given training
speech data set and model topology. A typical 3-state left to right HMM phoneme model
topology is shown in Figure 1.
Arabic Dialectical Speech Recognition in Mobile Communication Services 439
where γt(j, k) is the probability of being in state j at time t with the kth mixture component
account for ot:
Forward variable
2. Induction
3. Termination
Can be calculated:
1. Initialization
440 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
2. Induction
To improve duration modelling, an explicit time duration distribution can be built for each
state. This duration distribution function parameters can be estimated from training data. Or
a simple histogram distribution can be created which limit to finite number of duration time
adaptations and channel adaptations. The former adaptation changes acoustic and/or
language model parameters (linear or non-linear transformations) to improve recognition
accuracy. It is more suitable for speaker variations, unseen language situations and accents
not covered in model training data. In most of the case, the system apply model adaptation
are tuned to a specific speaker or a new dialect group of speakers. The latter is mainly
addressing acoustic channel environment situation changes and improves recognition by
tuning the system to be more environments robust. Channel adaptation (or front end
adaptation) algorithms such as dynamic cepstral mean subtraction and signal bias removal
(Rahim, 1994) are become a standard component to most of the modern speech recognition
In this chapter, we are focusing on the former adaptation to address situation changes
require model parameter changes for new dialects and vast acoustic environment changes.
The most common adaptation techniques are maximum a posterior (MAP) and maximum
likelihood linear regression (MLLR) algorithms. We briefly describe these two adaptation
methods in the following sections.
where f (x| λ) is the likelihood of observation x. i.e., MAP formulation assumes that the
parameter λ to be a random vector with a know distribution f. Furthermore, we assume
there is a correlation between the observation vectors and the parameters so that a statistical
inference of λ can be made using a small set of adaptation data x. Before making any new
observations, λ is assumed to have a prior density g(λ) and new data are incorporated, λ is
characterized by a posterior density g(λ |x). The MAP estimate maximizes the posterior
Since the parameters of a prior density can also be estimated from an existing HMM λ 0, this
framework provides a way to combine with newly acquired data x in an optimal way.
Let x = (x1, …, xN) be a set of scalar observations that are independent and identical
distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian distribution with mean m and variance σ2. Here assume that the
mean m is a random variable and the variance σ2 is fixed. I can be shown that the conjugate
prior for m is also Gaussian with mean μ and variance κ2. If we use the conjugate prior for
the mean to perform MAP adaptation, then the MAP estimation for the parameter m is
where N is the total number of training samples and is the sample mean.
Arabic Dialectical Speech Recognition in Mobile Communication Services 443
Where W is the n x (n+1) transformation matrix (n is the dimensionality of the data) and ξ is
the extended mean vector
where w is a bias offset (normally a constant). It has been show that W can be estimated as
444 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
where Lm(t) is the occupancy probability for the mixture component m at time t.
Similarly, variance transformation matrix can be calculated iteratively.
4. Experiments
In this section, we present and discuss our experiment on building SI-ASR for Arabic speech
recognition for dialect variations. In this work, we use phoneme level sub word HMM
models for the SI-ASR. Therefore the generic techniques on model estimation and
adaptation all can apply to this work. The main purposes in this work is to bootstrap SIASR
systems for telecommunication network applications, from a SI-ASR system built on studio
recorded speech. Obviously, there is a significant acoustic mismatch and dialect mismatch.
Another problem we need to solve is the phonetic mapping of the different systems. First,
we introduce the speech corpora used in the experiment.
speaker is in both sets. Some of the content classes suitable for training and other linguistic
research (the A, W, S, X contents in Table 3) are excluded from testing set. Also training and
testing sets were divided as even as possible per gender and age group distributions. The
speaker ages are in the range of 16 to 60. The lexicon size for both of the databases is around
• The WPA to SAMPA phone mapping was applied to WP_8K_0 to create WP_8K_1,
which uses SAMPA phoneme set.
4.2.4 Tunisian MSA speech recognition system from WPA recognition system
Once we built the WP_8K_1 ASR system, we experiment both model re-estimation and
global MLLR model adaptation to produce MSA ASR systems using OrienTel Tunisian
training data. The four MSA speech recognition systems built are:
• WP_8K_1: The baseline telephone SI-ASR system by WPA down sampling.
• BW_6: The retrained on Tunisian MSA training set, with 6 iterations of Baum- Welch
parameter re-estimation, bootstrapped by WP_8K_1 model.
• MLLR_1: MLLR model mean adaptation on WP_8K_1, using Tunisian MSA training
• MAP_1: MAP adaptation on MLLR_1 on both mean and variances, using Tunisian MSA
training set.
Since we are using supervised training in our experiment, we only select a subset of speech
recording with good labelling. We also excluded incomplete recorded speech and other
exceptions. The total number of retraining and adaptation utterances used in our
experiment is 7554.
We test the MSA systems described above by using selected classes of Tunisian MSA data.
The test result is shown in Table 6. All the tests are on complete OrienTel Tunisian test set
with some excluded data classes described above. We use one pass Viterbi search algorithm
with bean control to reduce search space to improve recognition speed. For language model,
we use a manual written context free grammar to cover all the content classes described in
Table 3, exclude class A, W, S, X not included in test. We also excluded imcomplete recorded
and improper labeled speech in Tunisian data collection test set. The total number of
utterances we used in test is 1899.
From Table 6, we observed the following
Arabic Dialectical Speech Recognition in Mobile Communication Services 451
• Acoustic and speaker mismatch can cause significant SI-ASR performance degradation
when we use WPA down sampled system (WP_8K_1) to do test on OrienTel Tunisian
MSA test set.
• Re-trained OrienTel Tunisian achieves the best performance at combined error rate
reduction of 67%, compare to the original system WP_8K_1.
• A simple MLLR global adaptation on miss matched models can achieve 50% error
reduction combined, given there are sufficient adaptation data.
• Further MAP adaptation achieves another 2.1% error reduction from MLLR_1 system. It
is obvious that MLLR can achieve such good result is due to the main resource of errors
from the initial WP_8K_1 is the acoustic channel miss match.
We observed poor results on yes/no (class Q) recognitions. And MAP even make it worse,
oppose to overall improvement compare to other classes. From our initial analysis, this is
due to pronunciation variations and poorly formed a prior density estimation described in
section 2.
Table 6. Word error rates (%) on Tunisian MSA ASR systems, bootstrap from WPA ASR
Table 7. Word error rates (%) on Jordan MSA ASR systems, adapted from Tunisian ASR
From Orientel Jordan data collection, we selected 1275 utterances from its test set which
constitute about 80 speakers. Table 7 listed our testing results. From column 1, we observed
that dialect mismatch degraded ASR performance. Instead of retrain the ASR system, we
452 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
randomly selected 600 utterances from Jordan training set to adapt a Tunisian ASR system
to Jordan ASR system. This is about 2.5% of total Jordan training set of 23,289 utterances.
Using global MLLR adaptation, we saw ASR accuracy improves by 7%. Furthermore, we
tested MAP adaptation using the same adaptation set on T1_BW_6 model; we saw slightly
accuracy improvement of less than 1%. We believe that for MAP adaptation, more data are
needed since it adapts more parameters than produce a global transformation in MLLR.
In this experiment, we used the same recognition algorithm and slightly modified lexicon
and context-free grammar as the last section experiment. The lexicon change is based on
pronunciation we observed between Tunis and Jordan data collection. Using a PC with 2.4
Ghz Intel processor (Core 2 quad core, but only one is used since our software only use one
thread), the 600 utterances adaptation only takes less than 10 minutes.
5. Conclusion
In this chapter, we studied several approaches in building Arabic speaker independent
speech recognition for real-world communication service applications. In order to find out
practical and efficient methods to build search a system using limited data resource, we
study both traditional acoustic model re-estimations algorithms and adaptation methods,
which require much less data to improve SI-ASR performance from an existing SI-ASR
system with dialect mismatch. Also adaptation methods are more practical to implement as
online system to improve SI-ASR at runtime, without restart the system. This is an
important feature required by communication service applications, since we need high
availability and a little room for down time.
In this work, we only study acoustic model re-estimation and adaptation aspects to improve
SI-ASR in mismatched dialect environment. We also observed that there are significant
pronunciation variations in different Arabic dialects that need lexicon changes to improve
SI-ASR performance. We made lexicon modification when we experiment Tunisia to Jordan
dialect adaptation as described above. Also we realize that there are language model
variations between different dialects as well.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank Col. Stephen A. LaRocca, Mr. Rajaa Chouairi, and Mr. John J.
Morgan for their help and fruitful discussion on WPA database for Arabic speech
recognition and provide us a bootstrap HMM used in our research.
This work is partially funded by European Commission, under Orientel as an R&D project
under the 5th Framework Programme (Contract IST-2000-28373).
7. References
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Amer. Math. Soc. 73, 360-363.
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454 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
1. Introduction
An automatic speech recognition (ASR) system can be defined as a mechanism capable of
decoding the signal produced in the vocal and nasal tracts of a human speaker into the
sequence of linguistic units contained in the message that the speaker wants to communicate
(Peinado & Segura, 2006). The final goal of ASR is the man–machine communication. This
natural way of interaction has found many applications because of the fast development of
different hardware and software technologies. The most relevant are the access to
information systems; an aid to the handicapped, automatic translation or oral system
control. ASR technology has made enormous advances in the last 20 years, and now large
vocabulary systems can be produced that have sufficient performance to be usefully
employed in a variety of tasks (Benzeghiba et al., 2007; Coy & Barker, 2007; Wald, 2006;
Leitch & Bain, 2000). However, the technology is surprisingly brittle and, in particular, does
not exhibit the robustness to environmental noise that is characteristic of humans. Speech
recognition applications that have emerged over the last few years include voice dialing
(e.g., "Call home"), call routing (e.g., "I would like to make a collect call"), simple data entry
(e.g., entering a credit card number), preparation of structured documents (e.g., a radiology
report), domotic appliances control (e.g., "Turn on Lights" or "Turn off lights"), content-
based spoken audio search (e.g., find a podcast where particular words were spoken),
isolated words with a pattern recognition, etc. With the advances in VLSI technology, and
high performance compilers, it has become possible to incorporate different algorithms into
hardware. In the last few years, various systems have been developed to serve a variety of
applications. There are many solutions which offer small-sized, high performance systems;
however, these suffer from low flexibility and longer cycle-designed times. A complete
software-based solution is attractive for a desktop application, but fails to provide an
embedded portable and integrated solution.
Nowadays, High-end Digital Signal Processors (DSP’s) from companies, such as; Texas
Instruments (TI) or Analog Devices and High-performance systems like Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) from companies, such as; Xilinx or Altera, that provide
an ideal platform for developing and testing algorithms in hardware.
The Digital signal processor (DSP) is one of the most popular embedded systems in which
computational intensive algorithms can be applied. It provides good development flexibility
456 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and requires a relatively short application development cycle; therefore, the Automatic
Speech Recognition on DSP Technology will continue as an active area of research for many
Speech recognition is a related process that attempts to identify the person speaking, as
opposed to what is being said. The general-purpose speech recognition systems are
generally based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM’s). This is a statistical model which
outputs a sequence of symbols or quantities. One possible reason why these models are
used in speech recognition is that a speech signal could be viewed as a piece-wise stationary
or short-time signal (Rabiner, 1989; Jou et al., 2001). Another of the most powerful speech
analyses techniques is Linear Predictive Coding (LPC). The covariance analysis of linear
predictive coding has wide applications, especially in speech recognition and speech signal
processing (Schroeder & Atal, 1985; Kwong & Man, 1995; Tang et al., 1994). Real-time
applications demand very high-speed processing, for example, for linear predictive coding
analysis. An approach to acoustic modeling is the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
(Lim et al., 2000). They are capable of solving much more complicated recognition tasks, but
do not scale as well as LPC or HMM’s when it comes to amplified vocabulary. Rather than
being used in general purpose speech recognition applications, they can handle low quality,
noisy data and speaker independence. Such systems can achieve greater accuracy like LPC
or HMM’s based systems, as long as there is training data and the vocabulary is limited. A
more general approach using neural networks is phoneme recognition. This is an active field
of research, but generally the results have been better than for LPC or HMM’s. There are
also LPC-ANN and HMM-ANN hybrid systems that use the neural network.
This chapter provides an overview of some applications with integrated systems, in order to
improve the performance of the ASR systems. In the last section of this chapter the use of
LPC-ANN hybrid system as an alternative in the identification of speech command and the
implementation using Matlab® Released Software is described coupled with the DSP
Hardware (DSK6416T Started Kit) developed by Texas Instruments.
2. VLSI technology
To learn the concept of integrated or embedded systems and their importance for ASR it is
necessary to explain what Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology is.
VLSI is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands of transistor-
based circuits into a single chip (S. Kung, 1985; Barazesh et al., 1988; Cheng et al, 1991). VLSI
began in the 70’s when complex semiconductors were being developed. The processor is a
VLSI device; however, the term is no longer as common as it once was since chips have
increased into a complexity of millions of transistors. Today, in 2008, billions of transistor
processors are commercially available; an example of which is the dual core processor called
Montecito Itanium. This is expected to become more commonplace as a semiconductor.
The ASR has been an active area of research for many years; for this reason, with the
advances in VLSI technology and high performance compilers, it has become possible to
incorporate algorithms in hardware with great improvements in performance. In the last
few years, various systems have been developed to cater to a variety of applications (Phadke
et al., 2004; Melnikoff et al., 2002). Figure 1 shows an example of VLSI technology which
possesses properties of low-cost, high-speed and massive computing capability; therefore, it
is a suitable candidate in integrated Systems (e.g. The DSP) to enhance Automatic Speech
Recognition Performance. Due to the fast progress of VLSI, algorithm-oriented architectural
Ultimate Trends in Integrated Systems to Enhance Automatic Speech Recognition Performance 457
array appears to be effective, feasible, and economical. Many algorithms can be efficiently
implemented by array processors.
essential to define the following parameters, such as; DSP technology, size of the data set,
number of samples, computing speed and pattern recognition methods. Analog circuits are
designed to perform specific functions and lack the flexibility of the programmable DSP
approach. Another advantage is that small changes in the DSP function can be made by
varying a few lines of code in a ROM or EPROM, while similar changes may be very
difficult with a hard-wired analog circuit. Digital signal processing algorithms were used
long before the advent of DSP chips.
DSP’s have continually evolved since they were first introduced as VLSI improved
technology since users requested additional functionality and as competition arose.
Additional functions have been incorporated like hardware bit-reversed addressing for Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) and Artificial Neural Networks, hardware circular buffer
addressing, serial ports, timers, Direct-Memory-Access (DMA) controllers, and sophisticated
interrupt systems including shadow registers for low overhead context switching. Analog
Devices has included switched capacitor filters and sigma-delta A/D and D/A converters
on some DSP chips. Instruction rates have increased dramatically; the state-of-the-art DSP’s,
like the TMS320C5000 series are available with devices that can operate at clock rates of 200
MHz. Figure 2 presents a photograph of the first TMS 320 programmable DSP from Texas
Fig. 2. First TMS 320 programmable DSP device, Texas Instruments, Inc.
The TMS320C6000 family has Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architecture, which has
devices with clock rates up to 1 GHz (e.g. DSP TMS320C6416T of TI) the speed increase is
largely a result of reduced geometries and improved CMOS technology.
In the last years, DSP manufacturers have been developing chips with multiple DSP cores
and shared memory for use in high-end commercial applications like network access servers
handling many voice and data channels. DSP chips with special purpose accelerators like
Viterbi decoders, turbo code decoders, multimedia functions, and encryption/decryption
functions are appearing. The rapid emergence of broadband wireless applications is
pushing DSP manufacturers to rapidly increase DSP speeds and capabilities so they do not
have a disadvantage with respect to FPGA’s.
In 1988, TI shipped initial samples of the TMS320C30 to begin its first generation
TMS320C3x DSP family. This processor has a 32-bit word length. The TMS320C30 family
has a device that can run at 25 million instructions per second (MIPs). The TMS320C31 has a
Ultimate Trends in Integrated Systems to Enhance Automatic Speech Recognition Performance 459
component that can perform 40 Million Instructions per second (MIPs). TI started its second
generation DSP family with the TMS320C40 which contains extensive support for parallel
processing. The last years ago TI introduced the TMS320C67x series of floating point and the
TMS320C64x series of Fixed point DSP’s, such as the TMS320C6713 and the TMS320C6416T.
They were implemented on large main-frame computers and, later, on expensive “high-
speed” mini-computers. DSP’s of Floating-point and Fixed point are used in different
applications because of their ease in programming. Some reasons for their applications are
because they are smaller, cheaper, faster, and use less power. However, this is not much of a
problem in speech recognition applications where the Levels of voice signal can be
processed with any type of DSP.
Knowing that DSP’s work well in the voice processing, these are used in a wide variety of
offline and real-time applications. They are described in the following table:
Application Description
Telephone line modems, FAX, cellular telephones, speaker
Telecommunications phones, ADPCM transcoders, digital speech interpolation,
broadband wireless systems, and answering machines
Speech digitization and compression, voice mail, speaker
verification, and automatic speech recognition (ASR).
Engine control, antilock brakes, active suspension, airbag
control, and system diagnosis.
Head positioning servo systems in disk drives, laser printer
Control Systems control, robot control, engine and motor control, and
numerical control of automatic machine tools.
Radar and sonar signal processing, navigation systems,
Military missile guidance, HF radio frequency modems, secure
spread spectrum radios, and secure voice
Hearing aids, MRI imaging, ultrasound imaging, and
patient monitoring.
Instrumentation Spectrum analysis, transient analysis, signal generators.
HDTV, pattern recognition, image enhancement, image
Image Processing
compression and transmission, 3-D rotation, and animation
Table 1. Typical applications with TMS320C6000 family
Table 2 shows the following three categories of Texas Instruments DSP’s. As can be seen for
sound processing applications and speech recognition, it would be best to use a 32-bit DSP.
DSP’s Categories Characteristic Applications
Low Cost, Fixed-Point, Motor control, disk head
TMS320 C1s, C2x, C24x
16-Bit Word Length positioning, control
Power Efficient, Fixed-
TMS320 C5x, C54x, C55x Wireless phones, modems
Point, 16 Bit Words
TMS320 C62x
High Performance DSP’s Communications
(16-bit fixed-point)
(32-bit floating-point and infrastructure, xDSL,
C3x, C4x, C64x, C67x
Fixed-Point) imaging, sound, video
Table 2. Categories of Texas Instruments DSP’s
460 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
MI and C languages for maintaining modularity and portability. A time delay neural
network model built for isolated digital recognition of normal speech was modified to
incorporate the additional feature inputs to the network (Castro & Casacuberta, 1991). Time
delays were built into the network structure to evolve time invariant feature extractors and
feature integrators. The network was trained using general purpose backpropagation
control strategy. A preliminary set of experiments were conducted with a vocabulary size of
20 words and dedicated networks for 2 speakers who had the highest and the lowest
intelligibility in the speaker set. Six separate training schedules were developed each with a
varying number of training tokens in the range 5-3. Each separate network was then tested
for recognition rates with testing parameters.
Manolakis, 1998). The features extraction for the reflection spectrum is applied at the
moment a voice command is acquired or any word with three different magnitudes of time,
level and frequency. The three magnitudes generated by the speaker are affected depending
on their moods. The speaker pronounces the command and then the spectrum changes in
spite of being the same command.
Fig. 4. ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite®, Analog Devices (ADI) evaluation system for Blackfin®
embedded media processors.
Figure 5 shows the graphic of the spectrum reflecting the components in frequency and
level. There are points in the categorization of the voice signal, where 9 points were
extracted in the frequencies of 300Hz, 500Hz, 800Hz, 1.000Hz, 2.500Hz, 3.600Hz, 5.000Hz
7.000Hz and 8.000Hz. The magnitudes of these frequencies were carried to a vector, creating
a database for each command voice.
After obtaining a characteristic vector from the dataset a linear regression is generated as a
pattern recognition method. The linear regression analysis is a statistical technique for
modeling of two or more variables. The regression can be used to relate a signal with
another (Montgomery & Runger, 2006). The linear regression between two voice commands
give as the results, a new vector of mean values or Mean Square Errors (MSE), and
comparing two similar voice commands as the MSE goes to 0; see equation 1.
The residues of the MSE are determinate by:
⎛1⎞ n ⎛ ⎞
MSE = ⎜ ⎟.∑ ⎜ y − L ⎟
⎝ n ⎠ i =1 ⎝ i i⎟
Where, L is the regression estimated between two commands, y is the vector generated in
the database with the voice commands and n is the length of the vector.
For the implementation of pattern recognition algorithm the development Kit ADSPBF533
EZ-KIT Lite of Analog Devices was utilized, which is composed of several peripherals, such
as; ADC (Analog Digital Converters), DAC (Digital Analog Converters), RAM, EEPROM
memory, etc. For the start-up of the device it is important to configure all ports and
peripherals through the following functions: i) Configuration of general peripherals: This
stage is composed of memory banks, the filter coefficients and the Fourier transform. ii)
Configuration of the audio codec: The kit DSP includes an audio codec AD1836 designed
for applications of high-fidelity audio; they are used in audio formats to 16 bits at a rate of
frequency of 44.100Hz.
With the DSP system tests were made to determine their behavior and their effectiveness.
The environmental conditions refer to external noise, location of the speaker regarding the
microphone, types of microphones, parameters, compression and volume. Each voice
command was assigned a binary code. The success rate of classification of each command
was obtained with 50 words (10 each one) to verify coherence between the words
pronounced and recognized (see table 3). The DSP acquires the voice command; the signals
are filtered and the FFT is generating and calculating the matrix spectrogram, where the
time, linear regression and MSE are calculated in milliseconds. The pattern recognition
method with the spectrogram reflection technique applied on a DSP, delays 0.1 seconds in
processing the information while a personal computer delays 2.5 seconds.
Command Binary Code Success rate (%)
Forward 000001 100
Stop 000010 95
Back 000100 100
Left 001000 98
Right 010000 100
Table 3. Success rate of the classification with the DSP Blackfin, to identify different voice
commands with a single speaker.
4. Experimental framework
The following section describes an experimental setup where a LPC-ANN hybrid system
was used as an alternative in the identification of voice commands from a speaker, and the
implementation using Matlab Released 7.1 Software coupled with the DSP Hardware (i.e.
The DSK6416T) developed by Texas Instruments.
464 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Figure 6 shows the Automatic speech recognition; it is constituted by two principal phases.
The first phase is the training stage where each word or voice signal is acquired with the
purpose to obtain a descriptive model from all the words used to build the model and train
the network. As can be seen, in the recognition phase a new voice sample is acquired and is
then projected onto the model to identify and classify the voice signal using the already
trained network. The signal acquisition is obtained with the help of a high gain microphone
and then the time is digitized by means of a computer audio card; in this process the voice
signals obtained through the feature extraction techniques. With the feature extraction the
spectral measurements become a set of parameters that describes the acoustic properties of
phonetic units. These parameters can be: Cepstral coefficients, or the energy of the signal
(i.e. extracting the energy from LPC), etc. Once the basic parameters are obtained, the aim is
to identify the voice signal, applying the methods and algorithms that are translated into
numerical values. For this, Neural Networks are used, such as; the Backpropagation or
multilayer neural network specifically. Backpropagation was created by generalizing
learning rules to multiple-layer networks and nonlinear transfer functions. Input vectors
and the corresponding target vectors are used to train a network until it can be approximate
as a function, associate input vectors with specific output vectors, or classify input vectors in
an appropriate way as well as can be defined. A Backpropagation consists of three types of
layers, namely: the input layer, a number of hidden layers; and the output layer. Only the
units in the hidden and output layers are neurons and so it has two layers of weights (Cong
et al., 2000; Kostepen & Kumar, 2000). In this experiment a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
neural network is used, which has a supervised learning phase and employs a set of training
vectors, followed by the prediction or recall of unknown input vectors.
card, LPC and Neural Networks which are accomplished by a written-in-house software
through of a Graphic User Interface (GUI). This software allows the voice signal to be
acquired quickly in real-time. The software allows a model to obtain the training data under
platform of Matlab-Simulink and the implementation on the DSP Hardware. To acquire the
signal from the auxiliary input of the computer audio card, the function, “wavrecord” is
used which corresponds to the acquisition time (i.e .in seconds), the sampling frequency (Fs)
in Hz (e.g. 8000, 11025, 22050 and 44100) and the channel is obtained (i.e. Mono is Ch_1 and
Ch_2 is Stereo). For example, to acquire a signal in mono-stereo with a period of one second
of duration and the sampling frequency of 8000 Hz, it is possible to use the following
command from the Workspace of Matlab:
>>Y=wavrecord (1*Fs, Fs, 1)
To keep a signal in audio format (e.g. wav) the function “wavwrite” is used, where
wavwrite (i.e. Y,Fs,NBITS,WAVEFILE) writes the data “Y” to a Windows file specified by
the file name “WAVEFILE”, with a sample rate of “Fs” in Hz and with “NBITS” number of
bits. NBITS must be 8, 16, 24, or 32. Stereo data should be specified as a matrix with two
columns. For NBITS < 32, amplitude values outside the range [-1, +1] are clipped. For
example, in order to keep the previous sound, the following command will be used:
>> wavwrite (Y, Fs, 16,' close.wav')
Figure 7 shows the typical signal of the ‘close’ command, at the moment to acquire the voice
signal from the auxiliary input. A total of 12,000 samples was obtained for the first 30
measurements and were processed later.
with algorithms of Matlab. The first samples of the signals acquired were reduced due to the
drift that was generating from the audio board; therefore, the “baseline” of the signal was
acquired (see figure 8).
In the next stage one proceeds to find the energy of the signal in the time domain. Two
processes with the energy extraction algorithm were developed; in the first, the energy was
obtained according to equation 2: In the second, the energy was normalized in as much in
amplitude as in duration. ‘E’ is the energy and ‘X’ is the voice signal. Figure 10 illustrates
the energy for the signal of the “open” command. This process is the same for the open,
close, lights and television commands.
∑ X (i)
E (t ) = 10. log
i =1
After finding the energy, data analysis techniques of one-dimension for discrete signals in
time were applied. The characteristics of each one of the words that form the data set are a
faculty of the speaker. A total of 120 measurements were acquired from 4 words (open,
close, lights and television), from which 30 measurements correspond to each of them. In
order to train the system, the neural network toolbox of Matlab was used to create the
model. In this case two-layers of feed-forward network were created. The network’s input
corresponds to one data set of 120 measurements, from which the first layer has ten neurons
and the second layer has one neuron. The network is simulated and the output is acquired
through targets; finally the network was trained for 1000 epochs and the output acquired.
The TMS320C6416 processor is the heart of the system. It is a core member of Texas
Instruments’C64X line of “fixed point” DSP’s whose distinguishing features are an
extremely high performance 1 GHz VLIW DSP core and a large amount of fast on-chip
memory (1Mbyte). On-chip peripherals include two independent external memory
interfaces (EMIFs), 3 multi-channel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), three on-board timers
and an enhanced DMA controller (EDMA). The 6416 represents the high end of TI’s C6000
integral DSP line both in terms of computational performance and on-chip resources. The
6416 has a significant amount of internal memory so typical applications will have all code
and data on-chip, especially designed for applications of speech recognition. External
accesses are done through one of the EMIFs, either the 64-bit wide EMIFA or the 16-bit
EMIFB. EMIFA is used for high bandwidth memories, such as; the SDRAM while EMIFB is
used for non-performance critical devices, such as, the Flash memory that is loaded at boot
time. A 32-bit subset of EMIFA is brought out to standard TI expansion bus connectors so
additional functionality can be added on daughtercard modules.
DSPs are frequently used in audio processing applications so the DSK includes an on-board
codec called the AIC23. Codec stands for coder/decoder. The job of the AIC23 is to code
analog input samples into a digital format for the DSP to process; then decoded data comes
out of the DSP to generate the processed analog output. Digital data is sent to and from the
codec on McBSP2. The DSK has 4 LED´s and 4 DIP switches that allow users to interact with
programs through simple LED displays and user input on the switches. Many of the
included examples make use of these user interface options. The DSK implements the logic
necessary to tie board components together in a programmable logical device called a
CPLD. In addition to random glue logic, the CPLD implements a set of 4 software
programmable registers that can be used to access the on-board LEDs and DIP switches as
well as control the daughtercard interface.
The DSK uses a Texas Instruments’ AIC23 (i.e. part #TLV320AIC23) stereo codec for input
and output of audio signals, as shown in the next figure:
The codec communicates using two serial channels; one to control the codec’s internal
configuration that registers, and one to send and receive digital audio samples. The AIC23
supports a variety of configurations that affect the data formats of the control and data
hardware. When designing your own hardware around the 6416, you can debug your
application with the same wide functionality of the DSK simply by using the Code
Composer with an external emulator and including a header for the JTAG interface signals.
You should always be aware that the DSK is a different system from your PC; when you
recompile a program with the Code Composer on your PC, you must specifically load it
onto the 6416 on the DSK. Other things to be aware of are: 1) when you tell the Code
Composer to run, it simply starts executing at the current program counter. If you want to
restart the program, you must reset the program counter by using ‘Debug’ and ‘Restart’ or
re-loading the program that implicitly sets the program counter. 2) After you have started a
program running, it continues running on the DSP indefinitely. To stop it, you need to halt
it with ‘Debug’ and ‘Halt’.
Speaker headphones
5. Conclusions
This chapter has shown a review of the state of the art with some applications of the
integrated systems, such as DPS´s to improve the performance of the ASR Systems. The
chapter has summarized the VLSI technology and algorithm-oriented array architecture
which appears to be effective, feasible, and economical in applications of speech recognition.
DSP’s are frequently used in a number of applications including telecommunications,
automotive industries, control systems, medical-science, image processing, and now, in
speech recognition. The potential of using statistical techniques and neural networks in
speech recognition tasks (e.g. Isolated word recognition, solving limitations in human
health, etc.) has been reviewed and preliminary results indicate that they have the potential
to improve the performance of speech recognition systems. Dealing with the experimental
474 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
framework it is important to bring out that although initially tested with few words, in
future work, it will be possible to make tests with a wider data set of voice commands for
6. References
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1. Introduction
When Christopher Sholes created the QWERTY keyboard layout in the 1860s (often
assumed to be for slowing down fast typists), few would have imagined that his invention
would become the dominant input device of the 20th century. In the early years of the 21st
century (the so called 'speed and information' century), its use remains dominant, despite
many, arguably better, input devices having been invented. Surely it is time to consider
alternatives, in particular the most natural method of human communications – spoken
Spoken language is not only natural, but in many cases is faster than typed, or mouse-
driven input, and is accessible at times and in locations where keyboard, mouse and
monitor (KMM) may not be convenient to use. In particular, in a world with growing
penetration of embedded computers, the so-called 'smart home' may well see the first mass-
market deployment of vocal interaction (VI) systems.
What is necessary in order to make VI a reality within the smart home? In fact much of the
underlying technology already exists – many home appliances, electrical devices,
infotainment systems, sensors and so on are sufficiently intelligent to be networked.
Wireless home networks are fast, and very common. Speech synthesis technology can
generate natural sounding speech. Microphone and loudspeaker technology is well-
established. Modern computers are highly capable, relatively inexpensive, and – as
embedded systems – have already penetrated almost all parts of a modern home. However
the bottleneck in the realisation of smart home systems appears to have been the automatic
speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding aspects.
In this chapter, we establish the case for automatic speech recognition (ASR) as part of VI
within the home. We then overview appropriate ASR technology to present an analysis of
the environment and operational conditions within the home related to ASR, in particular
the argument of restricting vocabulary size to improve recognition accuracy. Finally, the
discussion concludes with details on modifications to the widely used Sphinx ASR system
for smart home deployment on embedded computers. We will demonstrate that such
deployments are sensible, possible, and in fact will be coming to homes soon.
2. Smart Homes
The ongoing incorporation of modern digital technology into day to day living, is likely to
see smart homes joining the next wave of computational technology penetration
(McLoughlin & Sharifzadeh, 2007). This is an inevitable step in the increasing convenience
478 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
and user satisfaction in a world where users expect to be surrounded and served by many
kinds of computers and digital consumer electronics products.
In parallel to this, advancements in networking have led to computer networks becoming
common in everyday life (Tanenbaum, 1996) – driven primarily by the Internet. This has
spawned new services, and new concepts of cost-effective and convenient connectivity, in
particular wireless local-area networks. Such connectivity has in turn promoted the
adoption of digital infotainment.
Fig. 1. An illustration of the range and scope of potential smart home services, reproduced
by permission of ECHONET Consortium, Japan (ECHONET, 2008).
Recently trends reveal that consumers are more often buying bundles of services in the area
of utilities and entertainment, while technical studies in the field of connected appliances
(Lahrmann, 1998; Kango et al., 2002b) and home networking (Roy, 1999) are showing
increasing promise, and increasing convergence in those areas. Figure 1 illustrates many of
the services that can be provided for various activities within a house (ECHONET, 2008). An
appliance can be defined as smart when it is 'an appliance whose data is available to all
concerned at all times throughout its life cycle' (Kango et al., 2002). As a matter of fact, smart
appliances often use emerging technologies and communications methods (Wang et al.,
2000) to enable various services for both consumer and producer.
Here we define smart homes as those having characteristics such as central control of home
appliances, networking ability, interaction with users through intelligent interfaces and so
on. When considering natural interaction with users, one of the most user-friendly methods
would be vocal interaction (VI). Most importantly, VI matches well the physical
environment of the smart home. A VI system that can be accessed in the garage, bathroom,
bedroom and kitchen would require at least a distributed set of microphones and
loudspeakers, along with a centralised processing unit. A similar KMM solution will by
contrast require keyboard, mouse and monitor in each room, or require the user to walk to a
centralised location to perform input and control. The former solution is impractical for cost
Speech Recognition for Smart Homes 479
and environmental reasons (imagine using KMM whilst in the shower), the latter solution is
not user-friendly.
Practical VI presupposes a viable two way communications channel between user and
machine that frees the user from a position in front of KMM. It does not totally replace a
monitor – viewing holiday photographs is still more enjoyable with a monitor than through
a loudspeaker – and in some instances a keyboard or mouse will still be necessary: such as
entering or navigating complex technical documents. However a user-friendly VI system
can augment the other access methods, and be more ubiquitous in accessibility, answering
queries and allowing control when in the shower, whilst walking up stairs, in the dark and
even during the messy process of stuffing a turkey.
The following sections focus on ASR issues as an enabling technology for VI in smart home
computing, beginning with an overview of ASR evolution and state-of-the art.
3. ASR development
Half a century of ASR research has seen progressive improvements, from a simple machine
responding to small set of sounds to advanced systems able to respond to fluently spoken
natural language. To provide a technological perspective, some major highlights in the
research and development of ASR systems are outlined:
The earliest attempts in ASR research, in the 1950s, exploited fundamental ideas of acoustic-
phonetics, to try to devise systems for recognizing phonemes (Fry & Denes, 1959) and
recognition of isolated digits from a single speaker (Davis et al., 1952). These attempts
continued in the 1960s by the entry of several Japanese laboratories such as Radio Research
Lab, NEC and Kyoto University to the arena. In the late 1960s, Martin and his colleagues at
RCA Laboratories developed a set of elementary time-normalisation methods, based on the
ability to reliably detect the presence of speech (Martin et al., 1964). Ultimately he founded
one of the first companies which built, marketed and sold speech recognition products.
During the 1970s, speech recognition research achieved a number of significant milestones,
firstly in the area of isolated word or discrete utterance recognition based on fundamental
studies by in Russia (Velichko & Zagoruyko, 1970), Japan (Sakoe & Chiba, 1978), and in the
United States (Itakura, 1975). Another milestone was the genesis of a longstanding group
effort toward large vocabulary speech recognition at IBM. Finally, researchers in AT&T Bell
Laboratories initiated a series of experiments aimed at making speech recognition systems
that were truly speaker independent (Rabiner et al., 1979). To achieve this goal,
sophisticated clustering algorithms were employed to determine the number of distinct
patterns required to represent all variations of different words across a wide population of
users. Over several years, this latter approach was progressed to the point at which the
techniques for handling speaker independent patterns are now well understood and widely
Actually isolated word recognition was a key research focus in the 1970s, leading to
continuous speech recognition research in the 1980s. During this decade, a shift in
technology was observed from template-based approaches to statistical modelling,
including the hidden Markov model (HMM) approach (Rabiner et al., 1989). Another new
technology, reintroduced in the late 1980s, was the application of neural networks to speech
recognition. Several system implementations based on neural networks were proposed
(Weibel et al., 1989).
480 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
The 1980s was characterised by a major impetus to large vocabulary, continuous speech
recognition systems led by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
community, which sponsored a research programme to achieve high word accuracy for a
thousand word continuous speech recognition database management task. Major research
contributions included Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU), inventors of the well known
Sphinx system (Lee et al., 1990), BBN with the BYBLOS system (Chow et al., 1987), Lincoln
Labs (Paul, 1989), MIT (Zue et al., 1989), and AT&T Bell Labs (Lee et al., 1990).
The support of DARPA has continued since then, promoting speech recognition technology
for a wide range of tasks. DARPA targets, and performance evaluations, have mostly been
based on the measurement of word (or sentence) error rates as the system figure of merit.
Such evaluations are conducted systematically over carefully designed tasks with
progressive degrees of difficulty, ranging from the recognition of continuous speech spoken
with stylized grammatical structure (as routinely used in military tasks, e.g., the Naval
Resource Management task) to transcriptions of live (off-the-air) news broadcasts (e.g. NAB,
involving a fairly large vocabulary over 20K words) and conversational speech.
In recent years, major attempts were focused on developing machines able communicate
naturally with humans. Having dialogue management features in which speech applications
are able to reach some desired state of understanding by making queries and confirmations
(like human-to-human speech communications), are the main characteristics of these recent
steps. Among such systems, Pegasus and Jupiter developed at MIT, have been particularly
noteworthy demonstrators (Glass & Weinstein, 2001), and the How May I Help You
(HMIHY) system at AT&T has been an equally noteworthy service first introduced as part
of AT&T Customer Care for their Consumer Communications Services in 2000 (Gorin, 1996).
Finally, we can say after almost five decades of research and many valuable achievements
along the way (Minker & Bennacef, 2004), the challenge of designing a machine that truly
understands speech as well as an intelligent human, still remains. However, the accuracy of
contemporary systems for specific tasks has gradually increased to the point where
successful real-world deployment is perfectly feasible.
Results Request
Presentation Matching
U se
Request Request
Formatting Phrasing
The semantic web currently being promoted and researched by Tim Berners-Lee and others
(see Wikipedia 2008), goes a long way towards providing a solution: it divorces the
graphical/textual nature of web pages from their information content. In the semantic web,
pages are based around information. This information can then be marked up and displayed
graphically if required. When designing smart home services benefiting from vocal
interactions of the semantic web, the same information could be marked up and presented
vocally, where the nature of the information warrants a vocal response (or the user requires
a vocal response).
There are three alternative methods of VI relating to the WWW resource:
• The few semantic web pages (with information extracted and then, either as specified in
the page, or using local preferences, converted to speech), and then presented vocally.
• HTML web pages, with information extracted, refined then presented vocally.
• Vocally-marked up web pages, presented vocally.
Figure 2 shows the overall structure proposed by the authors for vocal access to the WWW.
On the left is the core vocal response system handling information transfer to and from the
user. A user interface and multiplexer allow different forms of information to be combined
together. Local information and commands relate to system operation: asking the computer
to repeat itself, take and replay messages, give the time, update status, increase volume and
so on. For the current discussion, it is the ASR aspects of the VI system which are most
User requests are formatted into queries, which are then phrased as required and issued
simultaneously to the web, the semantic web and a local Wikipedia database. The semantic
web is preferred, followed by Wikipedia and then the WWW.
WWW responses can then be refined by the local Wikipedia database. For example too
many unrelated hits in Wikipedia indicate that query adjustments may be required.
Refinement may also involve asking the user to choose between several options, or may
simply require rephrasing the question presented to the information sources. Since the
database is local, search time is almost instantaneous, allowing a very rapid request for
refinement of queries to be put to the user if required before the WWW search may have
Finally, results are obtained as either Wikipedia information, web pages or semantic
information. These are analysed, formatted, and presented to the user. Depending on the
context, information type and amount, the answer is either given vocally, graphically or
textually. A query cache and learning system (not shown) can be used to improve query
processing and matching based on the results of previous queries.
4.3 Dictation
Dictation involves the automatic translation of speech into written form, and is
differentiated from other speech recognition functions mostly because user input does not
need to be interpreted (although doing so may well aid recognition accuracy), and usually
there is little or no dialogue between user and machine.
Dictation systems imply large vocabularies and, in some cases, an application will include
an additional specialist vocabulary for the application in question (McTear, 2004). Domain-
specific systems can lead to increased accuracy.
Speech Recognition for Smart Homes 483
Fig. 3. Effect of vocabulary size and SNR on word recognition by humans, after data
obtained in (Miller et al, 1951).
Actually the three aspects of performance: recognition speed, memory resource
requirements, and recognition accuracy, are in mutual conflict, since it is relatively easy to
improve recognition speed and reduce memory requirements at the expense of reduction in
accuracy (Ravishankar, 1996). The task for designing a vocal response system is thus to
restrict vocabulary size as much as practicable at each point in a conversation. However, in
order to determine how much the vocabulary should be restricted, it is useful to relate
vocabulary size to recognition accuracy at a given noise level.
Automatic speech recognition systems often use domain-specific and application-specific
customisations to improve performance, but vocabulary size is important in any generic
ASR system regardless of techniques used for their implementation.
Some systems have been designed from the ground-up to allow for examination of the
effects of vocabulary restrictions, such as the Bellcore system (Kamm et al., 1994) which
provided comparative performance figures against vocabulary size: it sported a very large
but variable vocabulary of up to 1.5 million individual names. Recognition accuracy
decreased linearly with logarithmic increase in directory size (Kamm et al., 1994).
Speech Recognition for Smart Homes 485
Fig. 4. Plot of speech recognition accuracy results showing the linear decrease in recognition
accuracy with logarithmic increase in vocabulary size in the presence of various levels of
SNR (McLoughlin, 2009).
To obtain a metric capable of identifying voice recognition performance, we can conjecture
that, in the absence of noise and distortion, recognition by human beings describes an
approximate upper limit on machine recognition capabilities: the human brain and hearing
system is undoubtedly designed to match closely with the human speech creation
apparatus. In addition, healthy humans grow up from infanthood with an in-built feedback
loop to match the two.
While digital signal processing systems may well perform better at handling additive noise
and distortion than the human brain, to date computers have not demonstrated better
recognition accuracy in the real world than humans. As an upper limit it is thus instructive
to consider results such as those from Miller et al. (Miller et al, 1951) in which human
recognition accuracy was measured against word vocabulary size in various noise levels.
The graph of figure 3 plots several of Miller’s tabulated results (Kryter, 1995), to show
percentage recognition accuracy against an SNR range of between -18 and +18dBSNR with
results fit to a sigmoid curve tapering off at approximately 100% accuracy and 0% accuracy
at either extreme of SNR. Note that the centre region of each line is straight so that,
irrespective of the vocabulary, a logarithmic relationship exists between SNR and
recognition accuracy. Excluding the sigmoid endpoints and plotting recognition accuracy
against the logarithm of vocabulary size, as in figure 4, clarifies this relationship
(McLoughlin, 2009).
Considering that the published evidence discussed above for both human and computer
recognition of speech shows a similar relationship, we state that in the presence of moderate
levels of SNR, recognition accuracy (A) reduces in line with logarithmic increase in
486 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
vocabulary size (V), related by some system dependent scaling factor which will represent
by γ:
system). Potentially these two classes of recognition task could be performed with two
different types of ASR software employing isolated word and continuous speech
recognition respectively (Nakano et al., 2006). However both are catered for in Sphinx2
using two density acoustic models, namely semi-continuous and continuous. Some other
flexible speech recognition systems have been introduced.
One system by Furui (Furui, 2001) uses a method of automatically summarizing speech,
sentence by sentence. This is quite domain-specific (closed-domain) with limited vocabulary
size (designed for news transcription), and may not be directly applicable to a continuously
variable vocabulary size smart home system. However it does perform very well, and
provides an indication of the customisations available in such systems.
Vocabulary size, V, impacts recognition accuracy, and needs to be related to accuracy
requirement, R. Since 100% accuracy is unlikely, smart home systems need to be able to cope
with inaccuracies through careful design of the interaction and confirmation processes. In
particular, a speech recognizer that provides a confidence level, C can tie in with sub-phrase
arguments to determine requests-for-clarification (RFC) which are themselves serviced
through examination of the interruptibility type, T.
So given a recognition confidence level C, an RFC will be triggered if:
<R (2)
Where γ is system and scale dependent, determined through system training.
Interruptibility type includes two super-classes of 'immediate' and 'end-of-phrase'.
Immediate interrupts may be verbal or non-verbal (a light, a tone, a gesture such as a raised
hand, or a perplexed look on a listeners’ face based on the designed interface). An
immediate interrupt would be useful either when the utterance is expected to be so long that
it is inconvenient to wait to the end, or when the meaning requires clarification up-front. An
example of an immediate interrupt would be during an email dictation, where the meaning
of an uncertain word needs to be checked as soon as the uncertainty is discovered –
reviewing a long sentence that has just been spoken in order to correct a single mistaken
word is both time consuming and clumsy in computer dialogue terms.
An end-of-phrase interrupt is located at a natural reply juncture, and could be entirely
natural to the speaker as in “did you ask me to turn on the light?”
most people to use a remote control to set the timer on their video recorder to record
forthcoming broadcasts. In addition, as devices decrease in size, and average users increase
in age, manual manipulation has similarly become more difficult. From a system
architecture point of view, embedded speech recognition is now becoming considered a
simple approach to user interfacing. Adoption in the embedded sphere contrasts with the
more sluggish adoption of larger distributed system approaches (Tan & Varga, 2008).
However there is a price to be paid for such architectural simplicity: complex speech
recognition algorithms must run on under-resourced consumer devices. In fact, this forces
the development of special techniques to cope with limited resources in terms of computing
speed and memory on such system.
Resource scarcity limits the available applications: on the other hand it forces algorithm
designers to optimise techniques in order to guarantee sufficient recognition performance
even in adverse conditions, on limited platforms, and with significant memory constraints
(Tan & Varga, 2008). Of course, ongoing advances in semiconductor technologies mean that
such constraints will naturally become less significant over time.
In fact, increased computing resources coupled with more sophisticated software methods
may be expected to narrow the performance differential between embedded and server-
based recognition applications: the border between applications realized by these
techniques will narrow, allowing for advanced features such as natural language
understanding to become possible in an embedded context rather than simple command-
and-control systems. At this point there will no longer be significant technological barriers
to use of embedded systems to create a smart VI-enabled home.
However at present, embedded devices typically have relatively slow memory access, and a
scarcity of system resources, so it is necessary to employ a fast and lightweight speech
recognition engine in such contexts. Several such embedded ASR systems have been
introduced in (Hataoka et al., 2002), (Levy et al., 2004), and (Phadke et al., 2004) for
sophisticated human computer interfaces within car information systems, cellular phones,
and interaction device for physically handicapped persons (and other embedded
applications) respectively.
It is also possible to perform speech recognition in smart homes by utilising a centralised
server which performs the processing, connected to a set of microphones and loudspeakers
scattered throughout a house: this requires significantly greater communications bandwidth
than a distributed system (since there may be arrays of several microphones in each
location, each with 16 bit sample depth and perhaps 20kHz sampling rate), introduces
communications delays, but allows the ASR engine to operate on a faster computer with
fewer memory constraints.
As the capabilities of embedded systems continue to improve, the argument for a
centralised solution will weaken. We confine the discussion here to a set of distributed
embedded systems scattered throughout a smart home, each capable of performing speech
recognition, and VI. Low-bandwidth communications between devices in such a scenario to
allow co-operative ASR (or CPU cycle-sharing) is an ongoing research theme of the authors,
but will not affect the basic conclusions at this stage.
In the next section, the open source Sphinx is described as a reasonable choice among
existing ASRs for smart home services. We will explain why Sphinx is suitable for utilisation
in smart homes as a VI core through examining its capabilities in an embedded speech
recognition context.
Speech Recognition for Smart Homes 489
therefore allows a continuum of dialogue complexities to suit the changing needs of the
vocal human-computer interaction. The particular vocabulary in use at any one time would
depend upon the current position in the grammar syntax tree.
As a noticeable choice in embedded applications necessary for smart homes, Sphinx II is
available in an embedded version called PocketSphinx. Sphinx II was the baseline system
for creating PocketSphinx because it is was faster than other recognizers currently available
in the Sphinx family (Huggins-Daines et al., 2006). The developers claim PocketSphinx is
able to address several technical challenges in deployment of speech applications on
embedded devices. These challenges include computational requirements of continuous
speech recognition for a medium to large vocabulary scenario, the need to minimize the size
and power consumption for embedded devices which imposes further restrictions on
capabilities and so on (Huggins-Daines et al., 2006).
Actually, PocketSphinx, by creating a four-layer framework including: frame layer,
Gaussian mixture model (GMM) layer, Gaussian layer, and component layer, allows for
straightforward categorisation of different speed-up techniques based upon the layer(s)
within which they operate.
9. Audio aspects
As mentioned in section 1, smart home VI provides a good implementation target for
practical ASR: the set of users is small and can be predetermined (especially pre-trained,
and thus switched-speaker-dependent ASR becomes possible), physical locations are well-
defined, the command set and grammar can be constrained, and many noise sources are
already under the control of (or monitored by) a home control system.
In terms of the user set, for a family home, each member would separately train the system
to accommodate their voices. A speaker recognition system could then detect the speech of
each user and switch the appropriate acoustic models into Sphinx. It would be reasonable
for such a system to be usable only by a small group of people.
Physical locations – the rooms in the house – will have relatively constant acoustic
characteristics, and thus those characteristics that can be catered for by audio pre-
processing. Major sources of acoustic noise, such as home theatre, audio entertainment
systems, games consoles and so on, would likely be under the control of the VI system (or
electronically connected to them) so that methods such as spectral subtraction (Boll, 1979)
would perform well, having advanced knowledge of the interfering noise.
It would also be entirely acceptable for a VI system, when being required to perform a more
difficult recognition task, such as LVCSR for email dictation, to automatically reduce the
audio volume of currently operating entertainment devices.
Suitable noise reduction techniques for a smart home VI system may include methods such
as adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) (Hataoka et al., 1998) or spectral subtraction which
have been optimized for embedded use (Hataoka et al., 2002).
The largest difference between a smart home ASR deployment and one of the current
computer-based or telephone-based dictation systems is microphone placement
(McLoughlin, 2009): in the latter, headset or handset microphones are used which are close
to the speakers mouth. A smart home system able to respond to queries anywhere within a
room in the house would have a much harder recognition task to perform. Microphone
arrays, steered by phase adjustments, are able to 'focus' the microphone on a speakers
mouth (Dorf, 2006), in some cases, and with some success.
Speech Recognition for Smart Homes 491
However more preferable is a method of encouraging users to direct their own speech in the
same way that they do when interacting with other humans: they turn to face them, or at
least move or lean closer. This behaviour can be encouraged in a smart home by providing a
focus for the users. This might take the form of a robot head/face, which has an added
advantage of being capable of providing expressions – a great assistance during a dialogue
when, for example, lack of understanding can be communicated back to a user non-verbally.
This research is currently almost exclusively the domain of advanced Japanese researchers:
see for example (Nakano et al., 2006).
A reasonable alternative is the use of a mobile device, carried by a user, which they can
speak into (Prior, 2008). This significantly simplifies the required audio processing, at the
expense of requiring the user to carry such a device.
11. Conclusion
The major components of a smart home ASR system currently exist within the speech
recognition research community, as the evolutionary result of half a century of applied and
academic research. The command-and-control application of appliances and devices within
the home, in particular the constrained grammar syntax, allows a recognizer such as Sphinx
492 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
to operate with high levels of accuracy. Results are presented here which relate accuracy to
vocabulary size, and associate metrics for reducing vocabulary (and thus maximising
accuracy) through the use of restricted grammars for specialised applications.
Audio aspects related to the smart home, and the use of LVCSR for multi-user dictation
tasks are currently major research thrusts, as is the adaption of ASR systems for use in
embedded devices. The application of speech recognition for performing WWW queries is
probably particularly important for the adoption of such systems within a usable smart
home context, and this work is ongoing, and likely to be greatly assisted if current research
efforts towards a semantic web will impact the WWW as a whole.
The future of ASR within smart homes will be assured first by the creation of niche
applications which deliver to users in a friendly and capable fashion. That the technology
largely exists has been demonstrated here, although there is still some way to go before such
technology will be adopted by the general public.
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1. Introduction
As the speaker independent speech recognition problem itself is highly computation intensive,
the external environment adds to recognition complexity. As per Moore’s law, doubling of
number of transistors in a chip per year lead to the integration of various architectures in high
density chips which lead to the implementation of high complex mixed signal speech systems
in FPGA and ASIC technologies. Though several software based speech recognition systems
are developed over the years, speech system implementations are yet to unleash the
capabilities of silicon technologies. Direct mapped, completely hardware based systems will be
highly energy efficient and less flexible but processor based implementation will be less
energy efficient and flexible. Software based recognition systems fail to meet the latency
requirements of the real time conditions whereas a completely hardware based recognition
systems are power intensive. Hence in this case study, a hardware software based co-design is
considered for the speech recognition implementation. Sequential algorithms which have
been developed need to be modified to suit the parallel hardware systems. Hardware and
software based co-design of the isolated word recognition problem will be applicable for low
power systems like an AI based robotic system which could use a fixed point arithmetic and
hence algorithmic optimizations needed to be considered to suit the actual hardware. Isolated
word recognition problem can be split into three stages namely speech analysis, robust
processing and final recognition stage. This hardware based speech recognition system is
characterized for power and computation efficiency with the following parameters namely
vocabulary size, robust speech recognition, speech variability, power and fixed point
inefficiencies. This hardware system uses 50Mbps (Max 100Mhz) / 50Mhz NIOS 2 processor
with WM8731 audio codec, DRAM controller, I2C controller, Avalon Bus bridge controller,
ASIP matrix processor and parallel log Viterbi based hardware module implemented in
This chapter provides an Introduction to Hidden Markov model based speech Recognition.
Relative merits and demerits of conventional Filter bank based feature extraction algorithm
via windowed Fourier transform method is compared with a parallel linear predictive
coding based CMOS implementation. Detailed description of the HMM based speech
1 Author is currently working in IBM India Systems and Technology Engineering Labs
2 Author is currently working in Wipro Technologies, Chennai.
496 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
recognition SOC chip is explained in this section. The robust processing step which involves
the removal of external unintended noise component from speech signal and the novel
Application specific matrix processor for noise removal based on signal subspace based
Frobenious norm constrained algorithm are further discussed. This ASIP matrix solver
consists of Singular value decomposition unit, QR decomposition unit, matrix bi-
diagonilization unit, Levinison-Durbin Toeplitz matrix solver, fast matrix transposition unit
based on efficient address generation module. Discussion on word recognition
implementation as a parallel 32 bit fixed point 32 state univariate Hidden Markov model
based system in ALTERA FPGA is carried out in the final section of this chapter.
Attribute Detector 3
……… Linear Feature Detector 3
Feature MLP
Processing M
DCT ………
etc Feature Detector L
Attribute Detector N
s ( n) = S ( n + e( n) = ∑ aLP (i ) s ( n − i ) + e( n) (1)
i =1
aLP (i) are the coefficients that need to be decided, NLP is the order of the predictor, i.e. the
number of coefficients in the model, and e(n) is the model error, the residual. There exists
several methods for calculating the coefficients. The coefficients of the model that
approximates the signal within the analysis window (the frame) may be used as features,
but usually further processing is applied. Higher the order of the LP Filters used, better will
be the model prediction of the signal. A lower order model, on the other hand, captures the
trend of the signal, ideally the formants. This gives a smoothened spectrum. The LP
coefficients give uniform weighting to the whole spectrum, which is not consistent with the
498 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
human auditory system. For voiced regions of speech all pole model of LPC provides a good
approximation to the vocal tract spectral envelope. During unvoiced and nasalized regions
of speech the LPC model is less effective than voiced region. The computation involved in
LPC processing is considerably less than cepstral analysis. Thus the importance of method
lies in ability to provide accurate estimates of speech parameters, and in its relative speed.
The features derived using cepstral analysis outperforms those that do not use it and that
filter bank methods outperform LP methods. Best performance was achieved using MFCCs
with Filter bank processing. Even though the CPU computations and memory accesses for
MFCC are more, they are less speaker dependent and more speaker Independent. In our
implementation we are using Short Time Fourier Transform based MFCC Feature Extraction
Method for Front End Processing(Figure 2).
a FFT routine. After windowing the speech signal, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used
to transfer these time-domain samples into frequency-domain ones. Direct computation of
the DFT requires N2operations, assuming that the trigonometric functions have been pre-
computed. Meanwhile, the FFT algorithm only requires on the order of N log2 N operations,
so it is widely used for speech processing to transfer speech data from time domain to
frequency domain.
N −1
X (k ) = ∑ x(n)e − j 2π nk / N 0 <= k < N (2)
n =0
The Spectral magnitudes were obtained by computing the absolute values of the FFT real
and imaginary outputs. The square root is a monotonically increasing function and can be
ignored if only the relative sizes of the magnitudes are of interest (ignoring the increased
dynamic range).
The computation still requires two real multiplications and consumes a lot of latency. A
well-known approximation to the absolute value function is given as.
The above approximation was considered for the computation of spectral magnitude of the
FFT outputs and their spectral magnitudes are taken. Human auditory system is nonlinear
in amplitude as well as in frequency. We have taken logarithm to emulate amplitude
nonlinearity and Mel filter banks to incorporate frequency nonlinearity. We have used 27
Mel triangular filter banks with 102 coefficients evenly spaced in Mel domain and the
cepstral vectors are extracted based on the following equation 6 (refer Figure 3).
Mel ( f ) = 2595 * log10 (1 + ) (7)
( )
Mel ( f ) = 700 * (10 2595
− 1) (8)
500 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
⎧0 if k < f (m − 1)
⎪ (k − f (m − 1))
⎪ if f ( m − 1) ≤ k ≤ f (m )
⎪ f (m ) − f ( m − 1)
H m (k ) = ⎨ (9)
⎪ ( f ( m + 1) − k ) if f (m ) ≤ k ≤ f (m + 1)
⎪ f (m + 1) − f (m )
⎩0 if k > f (m + 1)
∂ Cm ( t ) ⎧ K
ΔCm (t ) = ≈ ⎨ μ * ∑ k * Cm ( t + k ) ⎬ 0 ≤ m ≤ M (10)
∂t ⎩ k =− K ⎭
Where μ is a normalization factor.
Silicon Technologies for Speaker Independent Speech Processing
and Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments 501
ψ 1 (i ) = 0
2) Recursion:
qt = ψ t +1 ( qt +1 ) fort =T −1to1
The probability of observation vectors , p(O| λ) has to be maximized for different model
parameter values which corresponds to HMM models for different words. The
implementation of the log likely computation can be done in an efficient way using the
Forward and backward procedures as described in (Karthikeyan –ASICON 2007). Since the
direct implementation of Viterbi algorithm results in underflow due to very low probability
values are multiplied recursively over the speech frame window, logarithmic Viterbi
algorithm is implemented which is different from methods given in (Karthikeyan - ASICON
2007). Since the direct implementation of Forward, Backward as well as the Viterbi
algorithm results in underflow, we took logarithm on both sides and we have implemented
logarithmic versions of the above algorithm. Since the Forward algorithm uses summation
which is being replaced by the following conversion in the modified forward algorithm. We
have used the modified forward algorithm, backward algorithm as well as viterbi algorithm
which is different from the methods given in [6].
(iterative update and improvement) of HMM parameters, we first define ξt(i,j), the
probability of being in state Si at time t, and state Sj, at time t+1, given the model and the
observation sequence.
In order to use either ML or MAP classification rules, we need to create a model of the
probability p(oj) for each of the different possible classes. The PDF can be modeled using a
Gaussian distribution. We can create a Gaussian model by just finding the sample Mean,
and the sample covariance matrix Ui.
Probability of being in state Si at time t, and state Sj at time t+1, given the model and the
observation sequence, i.e.
∂ Cm (t ) ⎧⎪ K ⎫⎪
ΔCm (t ) = ≈ ⎨ μ * ∑ k * Cm (t + k ) ⎬ 0 ≤ m ≤ M (21)
∂t ⎩⎪ k =− K ⎭⎪
∂ ΔCm (t ) ⎪⎧ K
ΔΔCm (t ) = ≈ ⎨ μ * ∑ k * ΔCm (t + k ) ⎬ 0 ≤ m ≤ M (22)
∂t ⎪⎩ k =− K ⎪⎭
⎛ ⎛ E ( c1 , c1 ) E ( c1 , Δc1 ) E ( c1 , ΔΔc1 ) ⎞ ⎞
⎜ ⎜ E ( Δc , c ) ⎟ ⎟
⎜⎜ 1 1
E ( Δc1 , Δc1 ) E ( Δc1 , ΔΔc1 )
⎟ 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎜⎝ E ( ΔΔc1 , c1 ) E ( ΔΔc1 , Δc1 ) E ( ΔΔc1 , ΔΔc1 ) ⎟⎠ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎛ E ( c2 , c2 ) E ( c2 , Δc2 ) E ( c2 , ΔΔc2 ) ⎞ ⎟
⎜ E ( Δc , c ) ⎟ ⎟
⎜ 2 2
E ( Δc2 , Δc2 ) E ( Δc2 , ΔΔc2 )
⎟ 0
⎟ (23)
⎜ E ( ΔΔc , c ) E ( ΔΔc , Δc ) E ( ΔΔc , ΔΔc ) ⎟
⎜ ⎝ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎠ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎛ E ( c3 , c3 ) E ( c3 , Δc3 ) E ( c3 , ΔΔc3 ) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0
⎜ E ( Δc , c ) E ( Δc3 , Δc3 ) E ( Δc3 , ΔΔc3 ) ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ E ( ΔΔc , c ) E ( ΔΔc , Δc ) E ( ΔΔc , ΔΔc ) ⎟ ⎟
3 3
⎝ ⎝ 3 3 3 3 3 3 ⎠⎠
Earlier we have discussed the influence of the covariance selection on the performance of
the recognition and it directly influences the word error rate. Earlier implementation
considers completely diagonal co variances which cause drastic errors as we have
introduced correlation into the feature vectors through vector quantization as well as
dynamic feature vector set. Hence we can consider the feature vectors to be correlated only
among the two dynamic features set delta and delta delta feature vectors the static features.
Hence we can assume the correlation matrix to be block diagonal and hence the inverse of
such a matrix can be easily obtained by linear equation solvers. Computation of the Singular
Value Decomposition of a matrix A can be accelerated by the parallel two sided jacobi
method with some pre-processing steps which would concentrate the Frobenius norm near
the diagonal. Such approach would help noise reduction is great way as the noise sub-space
is computed with Frobenius norm constraints. Such a concentration should hopefully lead
to fewer outer parallel iteration steps needed for the convergence of the entire
algorithm.However the gain in speed as measured by total parallel execution time depends
decisively on how efficient is the implementation of the distributed QR and LQ
factorizations on a given parallel architecture.
Silicon Technologies for Speaker Independent Speech Processing
and Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments 505
acceleration improves 20X performance improvement. Our design utilizes this custom
instruction feature (Avalon 2006). NIOS processor supports many software IP-cores such as
Timer, Programmable counters, Ethernet controller, DRAM controller, Flash controller, User
logic components,PLLs,Hardware Mutex, LCD controller etc. NIOS Timers can be used to
compute the execution time of a software routine or used to produce trigger at regular
intervals so as to signal some of the hardware peripherals. Hardware IP cores can be
connected to the system in two different ways. The hardware component can be configured
as Avalon Custom instruction component and the processor can access the hardware as
though it being an instruction. NIOS processor supports four different kinds of custom
instruction technology namely combinational; Multi cycle, Extended and Internal Register
file based custom instruction. Custom instruction module can also be connected to the
Avalon Bus so that one can connect some of the custom instruction signals to external
signals not related to the processor signals. Hardware IP core can also be interfaced to the
NIOS system through the Avalon slave or Master Interface. Avalon Slave devices can have
interrupts and they request the service of the processor through the interrupts. These
interrupts can be prioritized manually.
of the system is extremely important to understand the nonlinear nature of the quantization
characteristics. This leads to certain constraints and assumptions on quantization errors: for
example that the word-length of all signals is the same, that quantization is performed after
multiplication, and that the word-length before quantization is much greater than that
following Quantization (Meng 2004). Error signals, assumed to be uniformly distributed,
with a white spectrum and uncorrelated, are added whenever a truncation occurs. This
approximate model has served very well, since quantization error power is dramatically
affected by word-length in a uniform word-length structure, decreasing at approximately
6dB per bit. This means that it is not necessary to have highly accurate models of
quantization error power in order to predict the required signal width. In a multiple word-
length system realization, the implementation error power may be adjusted much more
finely, and so the resulting implementation tends to be more sensitive to errors in
estimation. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), sometimes referred to as signal-to-quantization
noise ratio (SQNR), is The ratio of the output power resulting from an infinite precision
implementation to the fixed-point error power of a specific implementation defines the
signal-to-noise ratio In order to predict the quantization effect of a particular word-length
and scaling annotation, it is necessary to propagate the word-length values and scaling from
the inputs of each atomic operation to the operation output (Haykin 1992). The precision of
the output not only depends on the binary precision of the inputs, it also depends on the
algorithm to be implemented. For example the fixed point implementation of complex FFT
algorithm decreases 0.5 bit precision for each stage of computation (Baese 2005). So for large
FFT lengths more bits of precision are lost. The Feature extraction stage was implemented in
Nios Processor with fixed precession inputs. The following plots describe the fixed point
characteristics of the algorithm.
4.2 Flexibility
The recognition system must be able to operate under a variety of conditions (Vaseghi 2004).
The signal to noise ratio may vary significantly, the word may be stretched too long or too
short, some of the states may be skipped, noise content may be high and we are forced to
model the noise HMM and subtract it from the actual speech HMM (Hermus 2007).The
receiver must incorporate enough programmable parameters to be reconfigurable to take
best advantage of each situation (Press 1992). We applied signal subspace based noise
reduction algorithm based on Singular Value decomposition to reduce the noise
characteristics of the speech signal (Hemkumar 1991).
4.4 Scaling:
As the number of frames in speech increases, the values of the variable the formal algorithm
saturates whereas the log-Viterbi algorithm used in this hardware does not suffer this
problem as the implementation involves only additions rather than multiplication.
algorithm. Since continuous hidden markov models are used, the initial estimates of B,
Mean, and Variance are obtained using segmental K-means algorithm..
5. Project modules:
5.1 Main modules:
1. First module is concerned with signal analysis and feature extraction (FRONT END
2. The next module generates the values of parameters required for comparing the test
speech signal with the reference signal values .Training phase and this step should be
robust since it directly determines the accuracy and the application where the system is
to be deployed. (TRAINING – OFFLINE DONE IN MATLAB-refer Figure 13).
3. Maximum Likelihood based word recognition (PARALLEL HARDWARE).
Step6: Evaluate the distance between the speech signals and do clustering using the
Gaussian Mixture based Block quantizer based on Mahalanobis distance and clustering is
Step7: The features are extracted and stored in the INPUT FRAME BUFFER of the Speech
Recognition module.
Step8: Steps 1 to 6 will continue until the end of frame is detected by the hardware module.
Step9: Starting of speech recognition in hardware and finally the results are populated and
displayed in LED. Each stage output is stored in OUTPUT FRAME BUFFER and final
recognition is done.
Square 32
16 24 Reg No of Features
8 8 32
8 Square Reg
Square Reg
Square Viterbi
Reg Computation
Output Probability Computation
⎛ Σ y1 0 ⎞ ⎡V y1 ⎤
Hy = [U y1 U y 2 ] ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ ⎥ (24)
⎝ 0 Σ y 2 ⎠ ⎢⎣V y 2 ⎥⎦
If the noise vectors are considered white then the smallest eigen value of Σy1 is significantly
greater than largest eigen value of Σy2. One can use of the SVD reduction techniques such as
Thin SVD,Truncated SVD ,Thick SVD for signal space reduction and this implementation
considers major p eigen values for signal subspace reduction based speech enhancement[5].
Frobenius norm constraint
Reconstructed signal is represented as a linear combination of the eigen vectors
corresponding to the most significant eigen values and the dimensions of the hankel matrix
is considered based on the Frobenius norm based performance criteria.
2 2 2
φ (s) = H y − H x( s) − HW F
Where φ ( s ) represents the error associated with speech enhancement considering most p
significant Eigen values and the suffix F indicates the Frobenius norm constraint of the
516 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Hankel matrix H x ( s ) represents the frobenius norm of the reconstructed clean speech
matrix with p dominant eigen values and HW represents the Frobenius norm of the
noise which is computed during Voice Activity Detection stage. Though progressive
implementation of SVD helps to find the optimum p eigen values, real time implementation
of such a system is complex intems of computational complexity and latency. Hence the
approximate number of dominant eigen values is found to be 12 for speech samples present
in AN4 database using MATLAB and is used for this speech enhancement application.
⎛A A12 ⎞
A = ⎜ 11
A22 ⎟⎠
⎝ A21
The number of multiplications involved in strassen algorithm of block matrix multiplication
is ( 7 n + 3 )n 2 and in strassens algorithm the number of multiplications decreases as n
8 2
increases whereas the number of addition remains same[5].
⎛1 … 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎛ cos p θ sin q θ ⎞ (28)
Q pq = ⎜ ⎜ − sin θ
⎜ ⎝ p cos q θ ⎟⎠ ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝0 1 ⎟⎠
The following conditions needs to be met to eliminate the row elements :
1. If a matrix A is to be orthonormal, then each J must be orthonormal.( Because the
product of orthonormal matrices is orthomonal).
2. The (I,k)th element JA must be zero.
First condition is statisfied by the following relation given below.
⎛1 … 0⎞⎛1 … 0⎞ ⎛1 … 0⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎛ cos p θ − sin q θ ⎞ ⎛ cos p θ sin q θ ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞
QT Q = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎟ (29)
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎝ sin p θ cos q θ ⎠
⎟⎜ ⎝ − sin p θ cos q θ ⎠
⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎝ 0 1⎠
⎜0 1 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 0 1 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 0 1⎠
The second constraint is given by ,
518 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
⎛1 … 0 ⎞ ⎛ a11 … a1n ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎛ cos p θ sin q θ ⎞ ⎛ akk aki ⎞
QA = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎝ − sin p θ cos q θ ⎠
⎟⎜ ⎝ aik aii ⎠
⎝ 1 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ an1 ann ⎟⎠
sin p θ =
aik 2 + akk 2 (32)
cos θ =
aik 2 + akk 2
7.5 Systolic array based singular value decomposition for inverse computation:
The basis of the systolic array is the processing element PE. The PE is a simple
computational devise capable of performing basic multiply and accumulate operation. At
the beginning of each clock cycle,the PE reads in the values Aij and Ck performs the
necessary arithmetic computation using the internally stored value. By this above method
only one PE is busy at a time and only one row of matrix can be considered at a time. It is
possible to evaluate all elements of the matrix using a vector C concurrently with processors
being busy all the time. All that is necessary to place n rows of processing elements beneath
the first row. Then the computation of the second inner product involving the second row of
A follows directly behind the computation of the first element of the product, similarly with
third row etc. After m clock periods the mth row begins to accumulate and after m cycles
the results will become stable and can be stored in the output register array. The basic
advantage of using a systolic array in the matrix computation is that these computational
blocks are regular. The PE’s only talk to nearest neighbors. The above points make the
silicon VLSI layout of this computational structure relatively simple. Only one cell need be
designed the entire array is formed by repeating this design many times which is a simple
process in VLSI design. The interconnections between processors are simple because they
talk only to nearest neighbors.The idea behind this systolic array is to produce a massively
parallel computational architecture which is capable of executing the QR decomposition in
O(m*n) time units. As we see later conventional implementations require O(3n2(m-n) units
Module 0 Module 1
array1-size n
array0-size n start=’1’ array2-size n
to compute the QR decomposition using the Givens procedure. Thus systolic architecture
can be much faster. Further this procedure avoids the inefficiency of having to calculate the
entire solution over again from the start for each iteration. Thus this systolic array gives us a
new form of adaptive iterative structure, which can track changes in the LS solution as the
environment changes or evolves. We now consider the systolic structure to eliminate the
element a.
Two sided Jacobi algorithm is used for the computation of eigenvalue / singular value
decomposition of a general matrix (Figure 15) A. As the serial jacobi algorithm is slow, a
parallel systolic architecture is used with dynamic parallel ordering.This approach reduces
the number of outer parallel iterations steps that two sided jacobi algorithm by 30-40 percent
and hence It speeds up the inverse computation step. Such pre-conditioning should
concentrate the Frobenius norm of A to diagonal as much as possible. For a diagonal matrix
only one outer parallel iteration step would be required for the whole SVD computation and
hence the concentration of Frobenius norm towards the diagonal might decrease the number
of outer parallel iterations substantially.
⎛ a M ,0 ⎞ ⎛ ρ M ⎞
⎛ r (0) … r ( M ) ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = ⎜0 ⎟ (33)
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ r(− M ) r (0) ⎟⎠ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜
⎝ ⎟
⎝ M ,M ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
⎛A A12 ⎞ ⎛ AT 11 AT 21 ⎞
A = ⎜ 11 A =⎜ T
⎟ (34)
⎝ A21 A22 ⎟⎠ ⎝ A 12 AT 22 ⎠
Silicon Technologies for Speaker Independent Speech Processing
and Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments 521
By transposing only Totally n2 columns must be read which necessitates O (n2) operations
which can be reduces to O(nlog2n) by interchanging AT21, AT12block transpose matrices.
Recursively computing the four block metrics AT11, AT12, AT21, AT22logarithmic complexity is
8. Hardware architecture
The system is implemented in ALTERA’S EP2C20f484C7 FPGA with NIOS 2 processor.
Matlab tool was used for designing system level specification and the RTL simulation is
carried out in Modelsim. So as to reduce energy consumption over the recognition period,
the operating frequency of the system is set to 12.5 MHz compared to the maximum
operating frequency of 33 MHz, which results in low power consumption of 32mW which is
23% decrease in power compared to the previous case. For ASIC implementation, RTL
compiler is used for synthesis and advanced Synthesis flows like Multi-Vt, DFT have been
exercised in our design and the results are shown in Table 1.
increase in hardware complexity. Since the SVD block is used in time multiplexed fashion, 15%
improvement in recognition accuracy can be obtained with the proposed unit. The following
table depicts the low hardware requirement for the Filter bank based feature extraction unit
which is implemented as a hardware-software combined block compared to a fully hardware
LPC block and hence this implementation has very low power consumption. The following
tables shows the ASIC implementation results for the matrix processor block and its power
consumption values. This particular block can operate at a maximum frequency of 1Ghz.
Complete power estimation for this chip was not carried out due to unavailability of the IO
book power information and processor power dissipation information.
Area Frequency
Module Power(nW) Gates
(micro m2) MHz
SVD 2431120 25320 3685 1000
QR Decomposition 2005727 27109 5398 1000
Levinison-Durbin 34276231 106519 8032 250
CORDIC Rotation 571500 5308 758 1000
CORDIC Vectoring 241919 4557 632 1000
Table 4. ASIC implementation results for matrix processor
Fig. 16. Logic Utilization for realizing Memory in FPGA for various HMM states
Fig. 17.Word Error rate for Enhanced speech for different SNR conditions.
524 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
AN4 database from Carnegie Mellon University has been used to train the word models.
AN4 Database has got 130 different words spoken by people of different ages,dielect and
gender. As the time complexity for the training of 130 words is extremely high, 10 digits
from these 130 words have been used for training of the database and the system has been
developed for 10 words. The AN4 database files are in raw PCM format, sampled at 16 kHz,
in big endian byte order. Since the software IWR system is developed for 8 KHz sampling
rate, A tool called Audacity is used to convert the 16Khz raw data file to 8Khz Wav file
which was later fed to Matlab to extract the feature vectors using the feature extraction
algorithm. The recognition performance of the proposed IWR system for different Number
of states is plotted in Figure 16 & Figure 17.
Fig. 18. Memory requiremnt for HMM models with different states and feature vectors
10. Conclusion
This 32 state Continuous Hidden Markov Model based speech recognition hardware
provides 82.7% recognition accuracy in noisy speech environments at 15db for a 10 word
sample space collected from words uttered by people of different age, gender and dialect as
the data are processed in identical fashion. Hardware emulation of the recognizer indicates
a 5% improvement in speech recognition in noisy environment at the cost of 10% increase in
hardware complexity. Since the SVD block is used in time multiplexed fashion, 15%
improvement in the overall recognition accuracy has been obtained.
Silicon Technologies for Speaker Independent Speech Processing
and Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments 525
11. References
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Publishers, 2005.
J. Pihl, T. Svendsen, and M. H. Johnsen, “A VLSI implementation of pdf computations in
HMM based speech recognition,” in Proc. IEEE TENCON’96, 1996, pp. 241–246.
K. Hermus, P.Wambacq, and H.V. Hamme, “A Review of Signal Subspace Speech
Enhancement and Its Application to Noise Robust Speech Recognition”, EURASIP
Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Volume 2007, Article ID 45821.
L.R.Rabiner & B.H. Juang," Fundamentals Of Speech Recognition.” Prentice -Hall, AT&T,
U.S.A, 1993.
Simon Haykin, “Adaptive Filter Theory”, Third Edition , Prentice Hall Information and
System series,2002.
N. D. Hemkumar, “A Systolic VLSI Architecture for Complex SVD”, Postgraduate Thesis,
Rice University, Houston, Texas, May 1991.
N.Karthikeyan, S.Arun, K.Murugarraj, M.John, “An application specific matrix processor for
signal subspace based speech enhancement in noise robust speech recognition
applications”, pages 766-769,7th Internation Conference on ASIC(ASICON2007),
Guilin, China,2007.
N.Karthikeyan, S.Arun, K.Murugaraj, M John, “Hardware and Software acceleration of
Front End Processing Unit in Scalable Noise robust Word HMM based speech
recognition systems”, 4th International Conference on SOC (ISOCC-2007), Seoul,
Korea, (Poster).
S. Nedevschi, R.K. Patra, E.A.Brewer,”Hardware Speech Recognition for User Interfaces in
Low Cost, Low Power Devices”, DAC 2005, June 13.17, 2005, Anaheim, California,
526 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
1. Introduction
People with severe speech and motor impairment due to cerebral palsy are great difficult to
move independently and also cannot control home electric devices. Computer has much to
offer people with disability, but the standard human-machine interface (e.g. keyboard and
mouse) is inaccessible to this population. In this chapter, we describe a speech recognition
interface for the control of powered wheelchair and home automation systems via severely
disabled person’s voices. In particular, we consider that our system can be operated by
inarticulate speech produced by persons with severe cerebral palsy or quadriplegia in real-
The aim of our research is divided two targets. One is easy to control of various home
appliances by voice, and the other is to enable severely disabled person’s movement
independently using voice activated powered wheelchair. At first, Home automation system
product for intelligent home is increasingly getting very common by the help of intelligent
home technologies that increased easy, safety and comfort. Moreover, home automation is
an absolute benefit and can improve the quality of life for the user. Home automation
houses have been developed to apply new technologies in real environment, such as
Welfare Techno Houses (Tamura et al., 2007), Intelligent Sweet Home (Park et al., 2007),
Smart House (West et al., 2005). Interfaces based on gestures or voices have been widely
used for home automation. However, gesture recognition based on vision technologies
depends critically on the external illumination conditions. And gesture recognition is
difficult or impossible for people suffering from severe motor impairments, such as
paraplegia and tremors. Recently, a voice-activated system using commercial voice-
recognition hardware in a low-noise environment has been developed for disabled persons
capable of clear speech (Ding & Cooper, 2005).
The next, powered wheelchairs provide unique mobility for the disabled and elderly with
motor impairments. Sometimes, the joystick is a useless manipulation tool because the
severely disabled cannot operate it smoothly. Using natural voice commands, like ``move
forward'' or ``move left'' relieves the user from precise motion control of the wheelchair.
Voice activated powered wheelchair is required safety manipulation with high speech
recognition accuracy because the accident can occur by a misrecognition. Although current
speech recognition technology has reported high performance, it is not sufficient for safe
voice-controlled powered wheelchair movement by inarticulate speech affected by severe
528 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
cerebral palsy or quadriplegia, for instance. To cope with the pronunciation variation of
inarticulate speech, we adopted a lexicon building approach based on Hidden Markov
Model and data mining (Sadohara at al., 2005), in addition to acoustic-modeling-based
speaker adaptation (Suk at al., 2005). We also developed noise-canceling methods, which
reduce mechanical noise and environmental sounds for practical use on the street (Sasou at
al., 2004). However, though our voice command system has improved recognition
performance by various methods, the system requires a guarantee of safety for wheelchair
users in two additional conditions.
- To move only in response to the disabled person’s own voice.
- To reject non-voice command input.
The first problem is to prevent operation of the wheelchair by unauthorized persons near
the disabled user. A speaker verification method can be applied to solve this problem, but it
is difficult to verify when using short word commands. Therefore, we are now developing a
speaker position detection system using a microphone array (Jonson at al., 1993; Sasou &
Kojima, 2006). The second problem is that a lot of other noise is input when the voice
command system is being used. Also, a voice-activated control system must therefore reject
noise and non-voice commands such as coughing and breathing, and spark-like mechanical
noise in the preprocessing stage. A general rejection method has achieved a confidence
measure using a likelihood ratio in a post-processing step. However, this confidence
measure is hard to use as a non-command rejection method because of the inaccuracy of
likelihood when speech recognition deals with unclear voice and non-voice sounds. Thus, a
non-voice rejection algorithm that classifies Voice/Non-Voice (V/NV) in a Voice Activity
Detection (VAD) step is useful for realizing a highly reliable voice-activated powered
wheelchair system.
The chapter first presents the F0 estimator and the non-voice rejection algorithm. Next, the
inarticulate speech recognition is described in Section 3. In Section 4, we present a
developed voice activated control system. And we evaluate the performance of our system
in Section 5. Lastly, we offer our conclusions in Section 6.
the harmonic product spectrum algorithm. Among these F0 extraction methods, we use the
well known auto-correlation method based on YIN that has a number of modifications to
reduce estimation errors (de Cheveigné, 2002). This method has the merit of not requiring fine
tuning and uses fewer parameters. The name YIN (from “Yin” and “Yang” of oriental
philosophy) alludes to the interplay between autocorrelation and the cancellation that it
involves. The autocorrelation function of a discrete signal x t may be defined as
t +W
rt (τ ) = ∑
j = t +1
x jx j +τ
where rt (τ ) is the autocorrelation function of lag τ at time index t, and W is the integration
window size. YIN achieves a difference function instead of an autocorrelation function that
is influenced in bias value.
t =τ / 2 + W / 2
d t (τ ) = ∑
j = t − −W / 2
j − x j +τ )2 (2)
Here, d t (τ ) is the difference function to search for the values of τ for which the function is
zero. The window size shrinks with increasing values of τ , resulting in the envelope of the
function decreasing as a function of lag as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The difference function
must choose a minimum dip that is not zero-lag. However, setting the search range is
difficult because of imperfect periodicity. To solve this problem, the YIN method replaces
the difference function with the cumulative mean normalized difference function of Eq. (3).
This function is illustrated in Fig. 1(b).
⎧ 1, if τ = 0 ,
⎪ ⎡ τ ⎤
d t′ (τ ) = ⎨ (3)
d t (τ ) ⎢ (1 / τ )
∑ d t ( j ) ⎥ otherwise
⎩ j =1
The cumulative mean normalized difference function not only reduces “too high” errors,
but also eliminates the limit of the frequency search range, and no longer needs to avoid the
zero-lag dip. One of the higher-order dips appears often in F0 extraction, even when using
Fig. 1. (a) Example of difference function (b) Cumulative mean normalized difference
function at same waveform
530 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
the modified function in Eq. (3). This error is called the sub-harmonic or octave error. To
reduce the sub-harmonic error, the YIN method finds the smallest value of τ that gives a
minimum of d t' (τ ) deeper than the threshold. Here, the threshold is decided by the value that
adds a minimum of d t' (τ ) to
the absolute threshold α in Fig. 1 (b). Absolute threshold is
possible because of the achieved normalized processing in the previous step. In the final
step, F0 is extracted through the parabolic interpolation and best local estimation process.
Fig. 2. (a) Example of a voice waveform (b) Cumulative mean normalized difference
function calculated from the waveform in (a) (c) Reliable F0 contour in which the
confidence threshold is applied
The conventional VAD method using energy and/or ZCR is detected noise as well as voice
in Fig. 3 (a). However, you can see that reliable F0 appears on only three frames because of
the applied confidence threshold 0.1 in Fig. 3 (c). Furthermore, we can prove the
performance by the examining that detected frequency is the inner voice frequency area. For
V/NV classification from the extracted F0 contour, we then compute the ratio of frames with
the reliable F0 as follows.
1 M
d =
∑i =1
Pth ( i ) (4)
Fig. 3. (a) Example of a noise waveform (b) Cumulative mean normalized difference
function calculated from the waveform in (a) (c) Reliable F0 contour where the confidence
threshold is applied
Here, M indicates the total number of input frames, and Fmin =60Hz and Fmax =800Hz are
experimentally chosen for a disabled person’s voice. Finally, an input segment is classified
as voice if d exceeds the V/NV threshold value. The cepstrum-based algorithm can also be
used as the confidence threshold for extraction of the F0 contour as indicated in Fig. 4.
However, the F0 extraction performance of a cepstrum-based algorithm is inferior to YIN,
and it is difficult to determine a suitable threshold in various environments.
Fig. 5. Speech recording environment (a) Voice operated toy robot system (b) Graphical
simulation demo system
Voice Activated Appliances for Severely Disabled Persons 533
VOIP Speech SkyPe
Server Recognition Control
A voice controlled Graphic User Interface (GUI) is carefully designed for disabled person in
Fig. 7. Click of the icon on the user’s screen or voice command directly correspond to
environmental commands (switching on the lamps, starting the Radio, calling the facilitator)
Fig. 7. Example of system GUI design (a) Powered wheel chair mode (b) Home appliances
control mode (c) Appliance control sub mode
The developed system consists of a headset, a Pentium M 1.2GHz UMPC, infrared
transmitter for long distance transmission and a wheelchair controller, as depicted in Fig. 8.
Also, wireless microphone or mobile phone can be used instead of wire headsets for user
(a) Touch display &
recognition device
(c) Analog
control device
Forward Forward
with left with right
Forward Angle:15 Forward Angle:15 Forward
with left with right
Angle:60 Angle:60
5. Experiment results
To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we conducted V/NV classification
experiments using the 1567 voice commands and 447 noises and employing YIN-based and
cepstrum-based algorithms. The sampling frequency was 16kHz, the window size was
25ms, and the frame shift was 8ms.
Figure 10 depicts the V/NV classification performance and plots the recall-precision curves
according to an individual confidence threshold. The results indicate that the YIN-based
algorithm is superior to the cepstrum-based algorithm. When the confidence threshold of
YIN is 0.08, the V/NV classification provides the best results with 0.97 and 0.99 rates for
recall and precision. In other words, when the lowest threshold was selected for voice
detection at a precision rate of 1, the miss-error rate of noise was only 4.9%.
Although the cepstrum algorithm can use the F0 extraction method, it is difficult to decide
on a suitable confidence threshold in each microphone environment.
Headset Pin Bluetooth
Cepstrum 3 2.5 1.5 2
YIN 0.05~0.1 0.06~0.08 0.07~0.1 0.08~0.1
Table 3. Confidence threshold analysis of four types of microphones with the best recall
A recognition experiment was performed in order to confirm the validity of the multi-
candidate recognition dictionary and the adapted acoustic model for the basic performance
of a voice-activated system. The recognition experiment used 2211 data elements recorded at
an athletic meeting and outdoors with a noise background to evaluate the effectiveness of
the proposed multi-template dictionary and adapted acoustic model. Ninety-six utterances
were used for adaptation of the acoustic model, and the remaining 1334 utterances were
used for evaluation.
Multi-Tem. &
Mix. Baseline Multi-Tem. Adapt.
1 61.4 94.2 97.8 98.4
2 78.4 95.5 98.8 99.1
4 77.9 94.6 98.7 99.2
8 80.4 94.3 98.8 99.3
16 78.6 93.8 98.6 99.5
32 75.1 91.2 98.4 99.4
Table 4. Speech recognition accuracy with 2000-state HMnet model
The speaker-independent, 2000-state 16-mixture HMnet model was evaluated as the
baseline. An average recognition rate of 78.6 was achieved, although there were five words
in the dictionary because it did not consider the speech characteristics and variations of
disabled persons. The average recognition rate was improved to 93.8% by applying the
multi-template dictionary. The acoustic model that performed MAP adaptation achieved an
average recognition rate of 98.6%. The average recognition rate was improved to 99.5% by
applying the multi-template dictionary with the adapted acoustic model.
6. Conclusion
This chapter presented home appliances control system for independent life of the severely
disabled person. In particular, the developed system can be operated by inarticulate speech
and a non-voice rejection method for reliable VAD in a real environment with extraneous
sounds such as coughing and breathing. The method classifies V/NV from the ratio of
reliable F0 contour over the whole input interval. We adopted the F0 extraction method
where YIN has the best performance among conventional methods. Our experiment results
indicate that the false alarm rate is 4.9% with no miss-errors in which voice is determined to
Voice Activated Appliances for Severely Disabled Persons 537
be non-voice. And the average recognition rate was improved to 99.5% by applying the
multi-template dictionary with the adapted acoustic model. Therefore, the speaker
dependent acoustic model, dictionary and non-voice rejection algorithm can be helpful for
realizing a highly reliable wheelchair control system.
7. Acknowledgement
I would like to thank K. Sakaue for his invaluable comments, and A. Sasou and other Speech
Processing Group members for their contribution to this work. I wold also like to thank M.
Suwa, T. Inoue and other members of Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for
Persons with Disabilities for their support for the experiments. This work was supported by
KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows).
8. References
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Ding, D. & Cooper, R.A. (2005). Electric powered wheelchairs. IEEE Trans. Control Syst.
Mag., Vol. 25, pp. 22–34.
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Cliffs, NJ.
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Communication Technology, pp. 1691–1694.
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International Conference of Spoken Language Processing, Vol. 2, pp. 1273–1276.
Park, K.; Bien, Z.; Lee. J.; Kim, B.; Lim, J.; Kim, J.; Lee, H.; Stefanov, D.H.; Kim, D.; Jung, J.;
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people with movement disabilities. The Journal of Autonomous Robots, Vol. 22, No. 2,
pp. 183-198.
Rouat, J.; Liu, Y. C. & Morrisette, D. A. (1997). pitch determination and voiced/unvoiced
decision algorithm for noisy speech. The Journal of the Speech Communication, Vol. 21.
Sadohara, K.; Lee, S.W. & Kojima, H. (2005). Topic Segmentation Using Kernel Principal
Component Analysis for Sub-Phonetic Segments. Technical Report of IEICE, AI2004-
77, pp. 37-41.
Sasou, A.; Asano, F.; Tanaka, K. & Nakamura, S. (2004). HMM-Based Feature Compensation
Method: An Evaluation Using the AURORA2. Proceeding International Conference
Spoken Language Processing, pp. 121-124.
Sasou, A. & Kojima, H. (2006). Multi-channel speech input system for a wheelchair.
Proceeding Mar Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol 2006.
538 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Suk, S.Y.; Lee, S.W; Kojima, H. & Makino, S. (2005). Multi-mixture based PDT-SSS
Algorithm for Extension of HM-Net Structure. Proceeding of September Meeting of the
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West, G.; Newman, C. & Greenhill, S. (2005). Using a camera to implement virtual sensors in a
smart house., Smart Homes to Smart Care. IOS Press, pp. 83-90.
1. Introduction
Robots are now being designed to become a part of the lives of ordinary people in social and
home environments, such as a service robot at the office, or a robot serving people at a party
(H. G. Okuno, et al., 2002 ) (J. Miura, et al., 2003). One of the key issues for practical use is
the development of technologies that allow for user-friendly interfaces. This is because
many robots that will be designed to serve people in living rooms or party rooms will be
operated by non-expert users, who might not even be capable of operating a computer
keyboard. Much research has also been done on the issues of human-robot interaction. For
example, in (S. Waldherr, et al., 2000), the gesture interface has been described for the
control of a mobile robot, where a camera is used to track a person, and gestures involving
arm motions are recognized and used in operating the mobile robot.
Speech recognition is one of our most effective communication tools when it comes to a
hands-free (human-robot) interface. Most current speech recognition systems are capable of
achieving good performance in clean acoustic environments. However, these systems
require the user to turn the microphone on/off to capture voices only. Also, in hands-free
environments, degradation in speech recognition performance increases significantly
because the speech signal may be corrupted by a wide variety of sources, including
background noise and reverberation. In order to achieve highly effective speech recognition,
in (H. Asoh, et al., 1999), a spoken dialog interface of a mobile robot was introduced, where
a microphone array system is used.
In actual noisy environments, a robust voice detection algorithm plays an especially
important role in speech recognition, and so on because there is a wide variety of sound
sources in our daily life, and because the mobile robot is requested to extract only the object
signal from all kinds of sounds, including background noise. Most conventional systems use
an energy- and zero-crossing-based voice detection system (R. Stiefelhagen, et al., 2004).
However, the noise-power-based method causes degradation of the detection performance
in actual noisy environments. In (T. Takiguchi, et al., 2007), a robust speech/non-speech
detection algorithm using AdaBoost, which can achieve extremely high detection rates, has
been described.
Also, for a hands-free speech interface, it is important to detect commands in spontaneous
utterances. Most current speech recognition systems are not capable of discriminating
system requests - utterances that users talk to a system - from human-human conversations.
540 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
Therefore, a speech interface today requires a physical button which on and off the
microphone input. If there is no button for a speech interface, all conversations are
recognized as commands for the system. The button spoils the merit of speech interfaces
that users do not need to operate by the hand. Concerning this issue, there are researches on
discriminating system requests from human-human conversation by acoustic features
calculated from each utterance (S. Yamada, et al., 2005). And also, there are discrimination
techniques using linguistic features. Keyword or key-phrase spotting based methods (T.
Kawahara, et al., 1998) (P. Jeanrenaud, et al., 1994) have been proposed. However, using
keyword spotting based method, it is difficult to distinguish system requests from
explanations of system usage. It becomes a problem when both utterances contain a same
“keywords.” For example, the request speech is “come here” and the explanation speech is
“if you say come here, the robot will come here.” In addition, it costs to construct a network
grammar to accept flexible expressions.
In this chapter, an advanced method of discrimination using acoustic features or linguistic
features is described. The difference of system requests and spontaneous utterances usually
appears on the head and the tail of the utterance (T. Yamagata, et al., 2007). By separating
the utterance section and calculating acoustic features from each section, the accuracy of
discrimination can be improved. The technique based on acoustic features is able to detect
system requests reasonably because it will not be dependent on any task and it does not
need to reconstruct the discriminator when the system requests are added or changed.
Also, consideration of the alternation of speakers is described in this chapter. Considering
turn-taking before and after the utterance, the performance can be improved. Finally, we
take linguistic features into account, where Boosting is employed as a discriminant method.
Its output score is not a probability, though, so the Boosting output score is converted into
pseudo-probability using a sigmoid function. Though the technique based on linguistic
features is dependent on tasks and it will need to reconstruct the discriminator when the
system requests are modified, the accuracy of discrimination using linguistic features is
better than that of the technique based on acoustic features.
Acoustic parameters
calculator Support
Vector or
Turn-taking parameters Machine
calculator Chat
where * denotes the complex conjugate, n is the frame number, and ω is the spectral
frequency. Then the normalized crosspower-spectrum is computed by
X i (n;ω ) X *j (n;ω )
φ (n;ω ) = (2)
| X i (n;ω ) || X j (n;ω ) |
that preserves only information about phase differences between xi and x j . Finally, the
inverse Fourier transform is computed to obtain the time lag (delay).
If the sound source does not move (this means it does not move in an utterance), C (n; l )
should consist of a dominant straight line at the theoretical delay. Therefore, a lag is given as
In the situation that the microphones are set up for each person, the reliability of the lag is
the matters. Thus, we calculate D from each section and make them turn-taking parameters.
⎧⎪ C (lˆ) (0 ≤ lˆ < ( N − 1) / 2)
D=⎨ (5)
⎪⎩− C (l ) ( N − 1) / 2 ≤ lˆ < N − 1
System Request Utterance Detection Based on Acoustic and Linguistic Features 543
The following Eq. (7) and (8) can be derived from the Bayesian theorem, where P (O) is
omitted due to independence from s and W.
P ( s, W, O) = P( s ) P ( W | s ) P(O | W, s ) (7)
P( s, W, O) = P( W ) P(O | W ) P( s | W, O) (8)
Therefore, two scenarios (Eq. (7) and (8)) are considered in this work. First, Eq. (7) means
that the acoustic model and the language model both depend on request intention s . In Eq.
(7), we employ the request intention dependent language model and assume that the
acoustic model is independent from request intention s. The N-gram which is dependent on
the request intention is given by
P ( W | s ) = ∏ P ( wi | wi −1 ,..., wi − N +1 , s ) (9)
P ( W | s = Request ) and P( W | s = Chat ) are learned from the system request corpus and
conversation corpus, respectively. After the recognition process using two language models,
we find the request intention label having the maximum likelihood.
Next, the formulation of Eq. (8) consists of normal acoustic and language models. These
models are the same as speech recognition models without request intention. In addition,
Eq. (8) includes the model P (s | W, O) that discriminates system requests based on word
hypothesis W and observation O directly. P (s | W, O) is a discrimination model such as
Boosting or Support Vector Machines (SVM). Here, we employ a Boosting model due to
computational costs, flexibility of expression and ease of combining various features.
However, Boosting is not a probabilistic model. It is necessary to convert Boosting output
f(W,O) into pseudo-probability so that it can be incorporated into the probability-based
speech recognition system. Consequently, Boosting output is converted into pseudo-
probability using sigmoid function as shown in Figure 4. Sigmoid function can model close
to the discriminative boundary in detail, and the range of values is 0 to 1. The parameters, a
and b, are weighting factors of the sigmoid function, and they are estimated by the gradient
method. Converting Boosting output f (W) into pseudo-probability leads to the following
derived equations:
544 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
P ( s = Request | W, O) ≈ sigmoid( f ( W ))
P ( s = Chat | W, O) ≈ 1 − sigmoid( f ( W ))
Here, language information only is used.
By integrating system request detection with speech recognition, system request detection
can incorporate not only 1-best results but also hypotheses. In addition, it makes it possible
to decide the hypothesis for request detection based on a probability framework. For
example, there are two hypotheses, such as “Come here” and “You say come here.” Here
“Come here” is a system request and “You say come here” is a chat. In order to integrate
these scores and speech recognition probabilities, these scores from AdaBoost are converted
into pseudo-probabilities. After integration, the hypothesis with the best scores is selected as
a result of system request detection. Even if the speech recognition probability,
P ( W ) P(O | W ) , of “You say come here.” is larger than “Come here,” when the boosting
score of “Come here” is high enough, “Come here” will be selected as a final result.
sigmoid ( f (W )) =
1 + exp( − af (W ) − b )
Fig. 4. Sigmoid function. Boosting output is converted into pseudo-probability using the
sigmoid function.
3.2 Boosting
In this subsection, we describe a discrimination model based on Boosting in order to
calculate P (s | W, O) in Eq. (10). AdaBoost is one of the ensemble learning methods that
construct a strong classifier from weak classifiers (R. Schapire, et al., 1998). The AdaBoost
algorithm uses a set of training data, {(W1 , Y1 ),..., (Wn , Yn )} , where Wn is the n-th feature. In
this work, the feature is a word (unigram) or a pair of words (N-gram). Y is a set of possible
labels. For the system request detection, we consider just two possible labels, Y = {−1,1} ,
where the label, 1, means “system request,” and the label, -1, means “chat.” For weak
classifiers, single-level decision trees (also known as decision stumps) are used as the base
classifiers (R. Schapire, et al., 2000). The weak learner generates a hypothesis ht : W → {−1, 1}
that has a small error. In the weak learner proposed by Schapire at el., the weak learners
search all possible terms (unigram word or a pair of words) in training data and check for
the presence or absence of a term in the given utterance. Once all terms have been searched,
the weak hypothesis with the lowest score is selected and returned by the weak learner.
Next, AdaBoost sets a parameter α t according to Eq. (13). Intuitively, α t measures the
importance that is assigned to ht . Then the weight z t +1 (i ) is updated.
System Request Utterance Detection Based on Acoustic and Linguistic Features 545
The Eq. (11) leads to the increase of the weight for the data misclassified by ht . Therefore,
the weight tends to concentrate on “hard” data. After T-th iteration, the final hypothesis,
f (W ) , combines the outputs of the T weak hypotheses using a weighted mojority vote. The
following shows the overview of the Adaboost.
Input: n examples {(W1 , Y1 ),..., (Wi , Yi ),..., (Wn , Yn )}
Initialize: z1 (i ) = 1 / n, i = 1,..., n
Do for t = 1,..., T
1. Train a weak learner with respect to the weight zt and obtain hypothesis
ht : W → {−1, 1}
2. Calculate the training error et of ht .
I (ht (Wi ) ≠ Yi ) + 1
et = ∑ zt (i) 2
i =1
3. Set
1 − et
α t = log (13)
|α | ∑
f (W ) = α t ht (W ) (14)
t =1
System Request
System Request
4. Experiments
4.1 Recording conditions and details of corpus
The overview of the recording condition is shown in Figure 5. The task has the following
546 Speech Recognition, Technologies and Applications
addition, explanation utterances of the robot usage were included. For example, “You say,
‘Come here,’ and the robot will come,” “Come here, go away and so on,” etc. Note that these
utterances include the same phrases that are found in the system requests.
The length of the recording time is 30 minutes. We labeled those utterances manually. Table
3 shows the result of cutting out utterances from the recorded speech data.
Total utterance System request Total vocabulary size
330 49 700
Table 3. Total number of utterances and system requests
U = [αP1 β P2 ] (15)
Here U is combined vector and the original feature vectors are P1 , P2 , α and β were
given experimentally.
Table 4 shows the results of utterance verification evaluated by leave-one-out cross-
validation. In this experiment, we set 0.7 seconds for both margins before and after the clear
utterance sections. The results are the cases F-measure became the maximum values. The F-
measure became 0.86 where acoustic parameters (24 dim.) are calculated from proposed
three utterance sections, while that was 0.66 where the feature values (8 dim.) are calculated
from a whole utterance. Then, adding turn-taking features, it turned out to be 0.89.
Precision Recall F-measure
Acoustic (8 dim.) 0.71 0.61 0.66
Acoustic (24 dim.) 0.80 0.92 0.86
Acoustic (24 dim.) + 0.87 0.92 0.89
Table 4. Result of utterance verificat
N-gram method (corresponding to Eq. (7)), language models were constructed for each
speaker and each request intention (request and conversation). As a result of speech
recognition, though word accuracy was 42.1%, F-measure of keywords was 0.67.
Sampling rate / Quantization 16 kHz / 16 bit
Feature vector 39-order MFCC
Window Hamming
Frame size / shift 20 / 10 ms
# of phoneme categories 244 syllable
# of mixtures 32
# of states (vowel) 5 states and 3 loops
# of states (consonant + vowel) 7 states and 5 loops
Table 5. Experimental conditions of acoustic analysis and HMM
keywords, considering the hypotheses, the proposed method can recover the keywords
from the hypotheses and improved the performance. On the other hand, the multi N-gram
method and confidence method could not achieve performance as high as Boosting
methods. Especially, these methods tend to mis-classify the utterances whose intention
depends predominantly on one word: e.g., “toka” (meaning “etc.”).
5. Conclusion
To facilitate natural interaction for a system such as mobile robot, a new system request
utterance detection based on acoustic and linguistic features was employed in this chapter.
To discriminate commands from human-human conversations by acoustic features, it is
efficient to consider the head and tail of an utterance. The different characteristics of system
requests and spontaneous utterances appear on these parts of an utterance. Separating the
head and the tail of an utterance, the accuracy of discrimination was improved. Considering
the alternation of speakers using two channel microphones also improved the performance.
Also we described the system request detection method integrated with a speech
recognition system. Boosting was employed as a discriminant method. Its output score is
not a probability, though, so the Boosting output score was converted into pseudo-
probability using a sigmoid function. The experimental results showed that integration of
system request detection and speech recognition improved the performance of request
detection. Especially, in the case where 1-best results miss important keywords, the
proposed method can recover the keywords from the hypotheses and improve the
In the future, we plan to perform experiments using larger corpus and more difficult tasks.
In addition, we will investigate a context-dependent approach for request detection. The
consideration of new kinds of features is also the assignments.
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