Blacks Rejected From Juries in Capital Cases

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Publication: The Dallas Morning News PubDate: 12/21/1986 Head: A PATTERN OF EXCLUSION Blacks rejected from juries in capital

cases Byline: Ed Timms, Steve McGonigle Credit: 1986, The Dallas Morning News Section: NEWS Zone: Edition: HOME FINAL Column Name: Series: DISCRIMINATION IN JURIES Page Number: 1A Word Count: 4443 For all 15 men tried for capital murder in Dallas County since 1980, prosecutors got what they wanted: the death penalty and overwhelmingly white juries. Of the 180 Dallas jurors who condemned those men, only five were black. There were 57 other blacks legally qualified to serve on the juries, but prosecutors barred 56. The prosecutors use of peremptory challenges -- dismissing potential jurors without having to give a reason -- meant that nine of every 10 blacks qualified for the capital murder juries were excluded. That pattern of racial bias, widespread throughout Texas, is described by one black former prosecutor as the most dangerous kind of discrimination, because it is oftentimes camouflaged with legal cliches. Prosecutors say blacks routinely are excluded from juries because many are soft on defendants, perhaps as a result of their historical distrust of the criminal justice system. Such exclusion in Dallas County meant that four of the five blacks sent to death row were tried by all-white juries. Two of those, in fact, Larry Smith and Michael Wayne Evans, were executed by lethal injection this year after twice being tried and convicted by all-white juries. The only black allowed to pass judgment against another black was one who told prosecutors that Texas form of execution -- lethal injection -- was too humane. Its too quick, he testified. They dont feel the pain. These are among the findings of an ongoing investigation by The Dallas Morning News examining jury selection in Dallas and 14 other Texas counties. The analysis included a review of the records of 133 of 232 inmates on death row as of Aug. 1. The 15 counties, which accounted for almost 60 percent of inmates on death row, represented major geographic regions and included the five largest metropolitan areas in the state. In counties whose black population amounted to at least 10 percent, the investigation also found evidence of racial discrimination in jury selection.

In Dallas County capital murder cases since 1980, blacks had a 1-in-12 chance of being selected as jurors, compared to a 1-in-3 chance for whites and a 1-in-4 chance for Hispanics. Capital cases, which carry mandatory life sentences or the death penalty, are limited to murders of law enforcement officers or slayings committed in the course of certain other felonies, including robbery, rape and kidnapping. Several legal experts and community leaders say the findings show that peremptory challenges are being used by prosecutors as tools of discrimination against defendants facing the most visceral decision of criminal justice -- execution. Frank Williams, criminologist with the Criminal Justice Center at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, analyzed The News findings. The probability that blacks were eliminated by chance is 1-in-10,000, he said. State District Judge Larry Baraka, Dallas first black felony prosecutor, said The News findings reaffirm his conclusion that race is the primary reason prosecutors use peremptory challenges to bar blacks. Knowing Dallas County and knowing the DAs practices, I know thats what theyre doing. Jack Boger, assistant counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said the findings establish a pattern: The minority community is being told that it doesnt count as much in the criminal justice system. . . . .They certainly dont count as jurors and theyre being told they need not apply, or if they apply, they will not be, in effect, hired as jurors. In a series of articles published last March, The News documented virtually the same pattern of discrimination in 100 randomly selected felony trials in Dallas County. In April, a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision, Batson v. Kentucky, prohibited the use of peremptory challenges in a racially discriminatory manner, saying such practices undermined public confidence of our system of justice. In a concurring opinion, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall cited The News findings as an example of systematic exclusion that violated the 14th Amendment guarantee of due process under the law. Henry Wade, Dallas Countys district attorney for 36 years, said he did not know the specific reasons his prosecutors excluded blacks in capital cases. Wade speculated these blacks were not seated as jurors because prosecutors believed them to be sympathetic toward defendants. Wade said his office has tried to impanel more blacks on juries in the past five to 10 years. But I dont believe in putting someone on there just because hes black, Wade said. I want someone on there whos going to vote for the state.

Assistant District Attorney Norman Kinne, who has tried 11 capital cases, more than any other prosecutor on Wades staff, suggested that most blacks were excluded because they expressed reservations about the death penalty. Kinne said prosecutors have not intentionally selected all-white juries. Its just the way things fell, he said. While The News analysis revealed a pattern of prosecutors barring blacks, blacks themselves also shoulder some of the responsibility for the prevalence of all-white juries in capital cases. Potential jurors in capital cases are screened individually by both prosecutors and defense attorneys. If during the questioning, they state they cannot be impartial, the judge dismisses them for cause. After screening, each side has 15 peremptory strikes that allows it to cut potential jurors without explanation. The first 12 remaining are impaneled as jurors. In Dallas County, blacks are three times more likely than whites to be excused for cause after saying they cannot assess the death penalty, The News inquiry showed. In Harris County, only 8 percent of the jurors in capital cases were black. But blacks there were more likely to hear the cases of other blacks; 65 percent of black defendants had at least one peer on his jury, by far the highest percentage among the 15 counties examined by The News. Almost 80 percent of the black inmates on death row from the remaining 14 counties faced all-white juries. Never in the history of the state of Texas has a white person been sent to death by an all-black jury, said Harris County Justice of the Peace Al Green, president-elect of the Houston branch of the NAACP. It has never been done. . . . .Somehow weve come to accept the notion that its all right for a black defendant to be put to death by an all-white jury. John Fearance and Ronald Curtis Buffalo Chambers are two of the three surviving black inmates on death row from Dallas County. Counting retrials, both have been tried and convicted twice by all-white juries. Theres no justice to it, Fearance said from behind a heavy mesh screen at the Texas Department of Corrections Ellis I Unit near Huntsville. Fearance was convicted of the 1978 stabbing death of an East Dallas man while burglarizing his house. They have their mind made up, he said. Theyve already tried you before theyve actually tried you. Chambers, on death row for the 1975 slaying of a Texas Tech University student during an abduction-robbery, said prosecutors didnt want to take a chance at justice.

Youre sitting there and you start seeing only white people going on the jury, right? Well if youre a black dude, and you see all these white people that are going to be on your jury -- the judge, too -- you want somebody who can understand you. Houston lawyer Percy Foreman has, by his own estimation, tried more death penalty cases than anyone. He believes that, given the same evidence, a black is more likely to be sentenced to death than a white. The reason, Foreman asserts: Racial prejudice on the part of the jurors. Beaumont lawyer Gaylyn Leon Cooper, the first black felony prosecutor in Jefferson County, believes black jurors mitigate racist impulses. The black juror wont go in and say, Well, you know how these people are, or I'm afraid of these people, Cooper said. Minority representation on capital murder juries also is seen as a way to ensure that mitigating circumstances are at least considered. If youre in a death penalty case and youve got a black kid who grew up . . . in the ghetto, and was fatherless, and youve got 12 middle-class, white jurors, youve got nobody on that jury who by definition can identify with your client, said Dennis Boskey, former legal director of Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala. State Sen. Craig Washington, a Houston defense lawyer, said the secret deliberations of 12 white jurors sends a negative message to the minority community. If Im outside the door when the decisions are being made, Im suspicious of the decision, Washington said. If youre being fundamentally fair and your decision is right, then you shouldnt mind me watching it being made. The Rev. Zan Holmes, pastor of Dallas St. Luke Community Methodist Church and a former Texas legislator, said blacks more often are crime victims than whites. Blacks have a lot at stake in the criminal justice system and want to see justice done. For more than 20 years, the same U.S. Supreme Court decision that condemned the use of peremptory challenges to deny the Negro the same right to participate in the administration of justice, in practice gave prosecutors free rein. Defense lawyers complained that Swain v. Alabama demanded an unattainable standard of proof; the ruling permitted the use of peremptory challenges in individual cases, and required documentation of systemwide discrimination. But under the guidelines of the Batson decision in April, if a defense lawyer shows evidence of purposeful racial discrimination during a single trial, prosecutors can be compelled to prove they didnt use their peremptory challenges solely to exclude blacks.

The debate now centers on the application of Batson in actual courtroom situations. Prosecutors say it contradicts the traditional intent, which allowed a person to be excused without explanation. Defense attorneys contend the ruling can easily be circumvented. A lot of time is going to be wasted because the prosecutor can always come up with some other reason that would appear equally valid, explained Houston lawyer Donald W. Rogers Jr. There is a wide gap between knowing peremptory challenges are being used racially and proving it, according to John Paul Davis, Jefferson Countys first black prosecutor and now a municipal judge in Beaumont. The subtleties of discrimination within the criminal justice system are the most dangerous kind of discrimination, because it is often times camouflaged with legal cliches, he said. Lawyers can always use one word when they want to use another. However many lawyers believe Batson can be used to curb prosecutors use of peremptories along racial lines. A good, articulate prosecutor who actually chooses (jurors) on methods other than race will have no problem with Batson, said Dallas lawyer Richard Alan Anderson. If youve got a prosecutor whos obviously choosing on a racial basis and is just trying to make excuses to justify that . . . then youre going to catch those folks. University of Iowa law professor David C. Baldus, a nationally known expert in capital murder trials, suggests that lessons learned in job discrimination suits might be applied to jury selection. In those cases, employers have been found liable for rejecting minority job applicants whose lawyers proved they had the same characteristics as whites who were hired. Prosecutors who have been successful after picking all-white juries are not likely to change their formula. And that formula, many defense lawyers claim, was etched in an era of segregation and passed blindly to a new, more enlightened generation that nevertheless is practicing age-old discrimination. The practice thats been going on in that courthouse ever since Ive been involved in it -- as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney -- is that you just dont question success, said Brad Lollar, president-elect of the Dallas County Criminal Bar. Theyve been picking their juries that way forever . . . and its always worked. Lollar, a Dallas County prosecutor for four years before going into private practice, said no one necessarily . . . came up to me and said directly, Dont take a black on a jury. It wasnt that obvious. What we were told to do was go around and watch how the experienced prosecutors did things. And it didnt take a Rhodes scholar to figure out that one thing they were all doing was excluding minorities from the jury.

For Houston lawyer James Stafford, who has appealed the selection of an all-white jury in a capital murder case, the irony is that many blacks eliminated are probably a lot stronger states jurors than some of the white people. While The News study showed a higher percentage of blacks on Harris County capital murder juries than on Dallas juries -- 8 percent versus 3 percent -- prosecutors there nonetheless used peremptory challenges to strike more than 90 percent of the black potential jurors. Harris County District Attorney Johnny Holmes said his prosecutors do not use peremptory challenges solely because of race, but added: I dont know if we can divorce race from individual philosophies of the potential juror. Holmes argues that many blacks perceive the judicial system still tainted by historical experiences of racial prejudice and injustice. I still get a rap sheet every now and then on a black defendant and somwhere earlier in his arrest career, it shows black man walking in a white neighborhood. Now, when you have been subjected to that, or you know people who have, or your family members have . . . it makes one a little bit skeptical of the system. And that skepticism, Holmes said, might be reflected in some type of turn-the-other-cheek punishment for a capital murder defendant. Houston lawyer Carolyn Garcia, who has handled the appeals of several death row inmates, disagrees. She points out that blacks who are removed with peremptory challenges already have sworn they can follow the law. And she fears that the exclusion of blacks from juries is creating yet another disenfranchised generation. You can never get off the treadmill of negative experiences, she said. The only way to break that cycle is to invite those people into that system. Boskey, now a Montgomery, Ala., lawyer who specialized in capital murder cases, described Holmes position as a form of double jeopardy. Youre saying, Well, we beat you over the head then and now were going to kick you off the juries because we beat you back then, Boskey said. The search for the ideal juror frequently leads prosecutors and defense lawyers along different routes. They look at a disparate assortment of intangibles to guide them, from how a potential juror looks and how much money he makes to the kinds of books he reads. You want a guy with roots in the community, explained Kinne, who teaches other Dallas County prosecutors how to select juries in capital murder cases. Usually he has some sort of responsible position that hes held for a number of years. None of his close family or friends has been involved in crime or spent time in the penitentiary. He has a basic understanding of the law . . . and doesnt have any disagreement

with any of the law. Dallas defense attorney Mike Byck, who defended Chambers and two others on capital murder charges, says each side has its own criteria for jurors. The district attorneys want a bunch of jack-booted, marching fascists to sit on a capital murder jury, Byck said. I want a bunch of yuppie, knee-jerk, no-backbone liberals to sit on my jury because I dont want them to kill my man. They want them to kill the guy. Jurors on Texas capital cases once were required to swear that the potential outcome -- either death or life imprisonment -- would not affect their deliberations. Those who could not were excused from jury duty for cause. But in 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that only individuals who say they cannot assess the death penalty under under any circumstances can be excused for cause. The case, Adams v. Texas, involved a Dallas County defendant tried for killing a police officer. In Adams, Supreme Court justices concluded: To exclude all jurors (for cause) who would be in the slightest way affected by the prospect of the death penalty . . . would be to deprive the defendant of the impartial jury to which he or she is entitled under the law. Some legal scholars, as well as Supreme Court Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall, claim prosecutors are abusing the same constitutional rights protected in Adams. Brennan, in a recent dissenting opinion, wrote that using peremptory challenges to exclude everyone with reservations about capital punishment creates a hanging jury. Many blacks in Dallas express some reservations about the death penalty, yet are kept in the jury pool after saying they could assess death in some circumstances. Kinne said those potential jurors are the ones prosecutors are told to strike with peremptory challenges. We teach (prosecutors) that if someone expresses doubts about his ability to follow the law, then you get rid of him, Kinne said. If it turns out that theyre black, thats just how it falls. Dallas lawyer Royce West, a black former prosecutor and recent Democratic candidate for district attorney, said he doubts Kinnes explanation of why blacks have been excluded. I know, based on my experience not only as a prosecutor but as a defense lawyer, that black people are just as interested in justice and making sure that individuals who dont belong on the street stay off the street. A review of trial transcripts in the 15 Dallas County capital cases showed that 33 of the 56 blacks struck by prosecutors voiced reservations about the death penalty. The remaining 23 stated they could assess the death penalty.

Beneath the exacting legal minutiae, the criminal justice system is fueled by the same stereotypes held by the community at large. In a 1969 speech that later was incorporated into a statewide training manual for prosecutors, former Dallas County Assistant District Attorney Jon Sparling emphasized that minorities almost always empathize with the accused and do not make good jurors. That perception, says defense lawyer Byck, is evident today in prosecutors jury selection in capital cases. I get the impression that they use a racial stereotype much the same, and literally it almost comes out of the Jon Sparling manual where blacks, Jews, well-educated women are too sensitive, too equivocating, too whatever to put on a capital murder jury, Byck said. Gaynelle Jones, a black Harris County felony prosecutor, said eliminating people who arent likely to be receptive to the prosecutors case -- regardless of their race -- is just common sense. I just cant see myself stacking the cards against me, said Ms. Jones. Said John Paul Davis, the Jefferson County municipal judge: I do believe to some extent blacks tend to be more inclined not to be spoonfed by the prosecution. They tend to be a little more independent. . . . .In fact, I think that makes them more valuable on a jury. Davis said that while blacks are chosen for some juries, they are habitually excluded from juries when blacks are defendants, which smacks of the fiercest kind of racism. Of the four death row cases from Jefferson County examined by The News, one inmate is white, the others black. The News analysis showed that one black juror was impaneled in the white defendants trial; the three blacks were sentenced to death by all-white juries. We look at who will enforce the law as we see it, and who wont, said Jefferson County District Attorney James S. McGrath. More blacks, through my experience, would be against, or weaker on, the death penalty than other groups. We may be influenced to that extent. However, McGrath said, his prosecutors never have systematically excluded any ethnic or racial group. Were cognizant of the fact that certain groups of people make the best jurors, he said. If you want a fine jury, get yourself 12 Germans on there, and youre going to fly. Statistically, German people are more strict in law enforcement than any group that we know of. Beaumont lawyer Cooper, a former assistant on McGraths staff, said he was never told not to let blacks on a jury, but felt some pressure. Any time a jury came back with what was less than considered to be the appropriate punishment from a prosecutorial

point of view, then a reason had to be attached, he said. And I might be asked, How many blacks were on the jury? John Vance, who will succeed Wade Jan. 1 as Dallas County district attorney, said he intends to record the race of each prospective juror in felony trials, and will personally question any prosecutor whose use of peremptory challenges appears to be racially motivated. In Tarrant County, a written policy prohibits the systematic exclusion of minorities from juries. Juries that convicted four to death row were examined by The News -- three were all-white, the fourth, which convicted a black defendant, included one black juror. Tarrant County District Attorney Tim Curry said many minorities are weak on capital punishment and excused with peremptory challenges for that reason. Dallas lawyer Mel Bruder, who represented Randall Dale Adams, the defendant in Adams, notes that peremptories also eliminate individuals who wont be fair to the defendant, and warns against too vigorous an attack on their use. If you dont like them because theyre being used in some discriminatory manner, then theyll have to be abolished, Bruder said. And I think that would be a greater disservice to the defendants than having them, and allowing the state to strike people who are . . . weak. Prosecutors argue that their first responsibility is to get a conviction and find the jurors who will give it to them. Troy Woods was the only black juror in the 15 Dallas County capital murder trials involving a black defendant. His views on the death penalty were unwavering during jury selection. What I call punishment is back to the old Indian days, he said. Pour some honey on them and stake them out over an antbed. . . . .Thats what I call punishment. Woods, 46, was a juror in the trial of Thomas Joe Miller-El, who was sentenced to death in March for the robbery-murder of an Irving motel clerk. By the time a trial begins, said Holmes, the Houston district attorney, Weve resolved any doubt about the guilt of the accused in our hearts -- this is a guilty son of a bitch and were trying to find somebody whos going to put him in the pen. Sammie Lee Parker was one of four blacks whose opposition to the death penalty kept him from serving on the all-white Dallas jury in 1985 that tried Ronald Curtis Chambers and sentenced him to death. I guess the main reason that Im against the death penalty . . . is maybe 80 or 90 percent of the time there is a black man involved, Parker testified.

I am not defending them, because I know we do wrong like everybody, but I think the black man normally gets the tail end of (the) deal. Parkers view is shared by many who claim that blacks historically have received harsher treatment from a jury system that has excluded them. For that reason, many blacks mistrust the legal system. Almost half the blacks summoned for jury service in Dallas County were excluded by the judge because of their stated opposition to the death penalty. Minorities correctly realize . . . that they have little chance at the courthouse, or at least that theyre running behind, said Corpus Christi lawyer Doug Tinker, an authority on jury selection in capital trials. They go down there and theyre scared to death. Theyre like a rabbit in the headlights of a car. George C. Wright, director of Afro-American studies at the University of Texas, believes blacks and whites see the law differently: The whites see the law as the protectors. Black people see it as the oppressor. In 1924, when Texas began using the electric chair for executions, the first four inmates seated -- all in one night -- were black. From 1924 through 1964, 504 defendants were sentenced to death; 63 percent of the 361 defendants actually executed were black. The last to die in the Texas electric chair -- on July 30, 1964 -was 27-year-old Joseph Johnson Jr., a Houston black convicted of murder. Because of several factors, executions in Texas were interrupted from 1964 to 1981: anticipation of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the death penalty; a sweeping 1972 Supreme Court decision that overturned potentially discriminatory state laws; and appeals that tested Texas capital punishment law passed in 1973. On Dec. 7, 1982, in Huntsville, Charlie Brooks Jr., a Fort Worth black convicted of killing a car dealer, became the first inmate to be executed by lethal injection in the nation. Fort Worth lawyer Danny Burns unsuccessfully appealed Brooks conviction, arguing that the Texas death penalty was a disproportionately severe and excessive punishment . . . being imposed pursuant to a pattern of racial, economic, and sexual discrimination. Statewide application of the death penalty echoes the pattern in Dallas County. Since 1924, 17 whites and 40 blacks from Dallas County have been executed. Five whites and 17 blacks from Dallas County have been executed during Wades tenure as district attorney. Ten of the blacks were executed before 1964 for what are no longer capital offenses -- nine for rape and one for robbery with a firearm.

Gerald Goldstein, general counsel for the Texas Civil Liberties Union, said the attitude among many blacks against the death penalty should surprise no one. It should come as no shock to us any more than if we went to Spain after the Inquisition and could find the few Jews left and ask them what they thought, Goldstein said. I imagine they would have some problems with the system at that point. Houston lawyer Ron Mock, a black, believes the solution to a cycle of skepticism -- one that makes blacks distrust the system and the system mistrust them -- cant be written in the law. My changes would involve . . . the hearts and minds of people as a whole to see each other as a brother as equal folks under the law, he said. Those are the things youd have to change. Youd have to change ordinary people. Thats the problem.

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