TMP 262 F
TMP 262 F
TMP 262 F
Departamento de Matemática e Estatı́stica, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - 84030-900 Ponta Grossa-PR,
Since the construction of the standard model extension moment (gV) even for uncharged particles [41], yielding
(SME), proposed by Colladay and Kostelecký [1–3] (see an Aharonov-Casher (AC) phase for its wave function. In
also [4–6]) quantum field theory systems have been studied these works, after assessing the nonrelativistic regime, one
in the presence of Lorentz symmetry violation. The SME has identified a generalized canonical momentum,
includes Lorentz-violating (LV) terms in all the sectors
of the minimal standard model, becoming a suitable tool π = p − eA + gV0 B − gV × E, (2)
to address LV effects in distinct physical systems. Sev- which allows to introduce this nonminimal coupling in an
eral investigations have been developed in the context of operational way, i.e., just redefining the vector potential
this theoretical framework in the latest years, involving and the corresponding magnetic field as indicated below:
field theories [7–23], aspects on the gauge sector of the g
SME [24–30], quantum electrodynamics [31–36], and as- A → A + (V × E) , (3)
trophysics [37–39]. These many contributions have eluci-
dated the effects induced by Lorentz violation and served B = ∇ × A → ∇ × A − ∇ × (V × E) . (4)
to set up stringent upper bounds on the LV coefficients e
[40]. This CPT-odd nonminimal coupling was further analyzed
Another way to propose and investigate Lorentz viola- in various contexts in relativistic quantum mechanics [42–
tion is considering new interaction terms. In particular, 50].
in ref. [41], a Lorentz-violating and CPT-odd nonminimal The aim of the present work is to study the effect of this
coupling between fermions and the gauge field was firstly CPT-odd LV nonminimal interaction on the AC dynam-
proposed in the form ics. Taking into account Eqs. (3) and (4) we obtain the
Schrödinger-Pauli equation
Dµ = ∂µ + ieAµ + i ǫµλαν V λ F αν , (1) ĤΨ = EΨ, (5)
in the context of the Dirac equation, (iγ µ Dµ − m)Ψ = 0. where
In this case, the fermion spinor is Ψ, while V µ = (V0 , V) is 1
g i2
the Carroll-Field-Jackiw four-vector, and g is the constant Ĥ = p − e(A + V × E) + eU (r)
2M e
that measures the nonminimal coupling magnitude. The i
analysis of the nonrelativistic limit of Eq. (1) revealed
h g
−eσ · ∇×A− ∇ × (V × E) , (6)
that this nonminmal coupling generates a magnetic dipole e
Silva and Andrade
Remarks on the Aharonov-Casher dynamics in a CPT-odd Lorentz-violating background
with ε = 2iM k0 . These functions are square integrable where E < 0 (since we are looking for bound states). The
only in the range |m − ν| < 1, for which H0 is not self- general solution for the above equation is
adjoint. The dimension of such deficiency subspace is √
(n+ , n− ) = (1, 1). According to the von Neumann-Krein ψθ (r) = K|m−ν| r −2M E . (26)
theory, the domain of Hθ,0 is given by
Since these solutions belong to D(Hθ,0 ), they present the
D(Hθ,0 ) = D(H0† ) = D(H0 ) ⊕ N+ ⊕ N− . (17) form (18) for a θ selected from the physics of the problem
(cf. Eq. (22)). So, we substitute (26) into (18) and com-
Thus, D(Hθ,0 ) in Hr is given by the set of functions [55] pute aψ̇θ /ψθ |r=a . After a straightforward calculation, we
have the relation
ψθ (r) = ψm (r)
√ √ |m − ν| a2|m−ν| (−M E)|m−ν| Θ − 1
+ c K|m−ν| (r −ε) + eiθ K|m−ν| (r ε) , (18)
= ν, (27)
a2|m−ν| (−M E)|m−ν| Θ + 1
where ψm (r), with ψm (0) = ψ̇m (0) = 0 (ψ̇ ≡ dψ/dr), is a |m−ν|
regular wave function and θ ∈ [0, 2π) represents a choice where Θ = Γ(−|m − ν|)/(2 Γ(|m − ν|)). Solving the
for the boundary condition. above equation for E, we find the sought energy spectrum
Now, we are in position to determine a fitting value for 1/|m−ν|
2 ν + |m − ν| Γ(1 + |m − ν|)
θ. To do so, we follow the approach of ref. [61]. First, one E=− .
considers the zero-energy solutions ψ0 and ψθ,0 for H and M a2 ν − |m − ν| Γ(1 − |m − ν|)
H0 , respectively, i.e.,
In the above relation, to ensure that the energy is a real
number, we must have |ν| ≥ |m−ν|, and due to |m−ν| < 1
(m − ν)2
d 1 d δ(r)
+ − −ν ψ0 = 0, (19) it is sufficient to consider |ν| ≥ 1. A necessary condition
dr2 r dr r2 r
for a δ function generating an attractive potential, able to
and 2 support bound states, is that the coupling constant must
(m − ν)2
d 1 d be negative. Thus, the existence of bound states with real
+ − ψθ,0 = 0. (20)
dr2 r dr r2 energies requires
The value of θ is determined by the boundary condition ν ≤ −1. (29)
! From the above equation and Eq (10) it follows that
ψ̇0 ψ̇θ,0
lim a −a = 0. (21) gV λ < 0, and there is a minimum value for this prod-
ψ0 r=a ψθ,0 r=a
a→0+ uct.
In conclusion, we have analyzed the effects of a LV back-
The first term of (21) is obtained by integrating (19) from ground vector, nonminimally coupled to the gauge and
0 to a. The second term is calculated using the asymptotic fermion fields, on the AC problem. The self-adjoint ex-
representation for the Bessel function K|m−ν| for small tension approach was used to determine the bound states
argument. So, from (21) we arrive at of the particle in terms of the physics of the problem, in a
very consistent way and without any arbitrary parameter.
Υ̇θ (a)
= ν, (22)
Υθ (a) ∗∗∗
Υθ (r) = D(−ε) + eiθ D(+ε), (23) The authors would like to thank M. M. Ferreira Jr. for
critical reading the manuscript and helpful discussions.
and E. O. Silva acknowledges researcher grants by CNPq-
√ −|m−ν| √ |m−ν| (Universal) project No. 484959/2011-5.
r ±ε r ±ε
D(±ε) = −|m−ν| − .
2 Γ(1 − |m − ν|) 2|m−ν| Γ(1 + |m − ν|)
Eq. (22) gives us the parameter θ in terms of the physics
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