Agriculture Advances: Quick Success Series
Agriculture Advances: Quick Success Series
Agriculture Advances: Quick Success Series
Rajeev Shankar
Chief Manager Training, SBLC Deoghar Mobile-9431143992 Email- [email protected]
Update as on
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Crop Loans (ACC / KCC) a) Up to Rs.1 lac: Primary: Hypothecation of standing crops. Collateral Nil. b) Above Rs 1 lac: Primary: Hypothecation of standing crops. Collateral : Mortgage/Charge over land. (In case of genuine difficulties in creation of mortgage/charge over land, any other appropriate security can be obtained. Suitable third party guarantee can also be obtained, with prior permission of controlling authority, in such instances). c) Up to Rs 2 lac : ( having legal ownership of agricultural land with good repayment track record for last 3 years. And those not covered under ADWDRS 2008): Primary: Hypothecation of standing crops. Collateral Nil. d) KCC under contract farming: Up to Rs 3,00,000: Primary- Hypothecation of standing crops. Collateral Nil.
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Important Culture: 1)Aquaculture- Shrimp/Prawn farming 2)Apriculture- Mushroom cultivation 3)Apiculture- Bee keeping 4)Floriculture- Flower production 5)Horticulture- vegetable,fruits,flowers 6)Olericulture- Vegetable production 7)Moriculture- Mulberry cultivation 8)Pisciculture- Fish farming 9)Sylviculture- Forest tree cultivation 10)Vermiculture- Rearing of Earthworm 11)Sericulture- Silk Production 12)Tissue Culture- Plant propagation Revolutions: 1)Blue- Fish production 2)Green- Food production 3)Red- Meat production 4)Yellow- Oil seeds production 5)Black- Rubber production 6)Brown- Cocoa production 7)Rainbow- Flower production 8)White- Milk production
requirement of small value in the nature of farm implements/ equipments etc (For every successive years (2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 5th year), the limit will be stepped up @10%.(short term credit limit sanctioned for 5th
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warehouse/cold storage, the Branch Manager will inspect the warehouse(s) every quarter. (ecir- 412 dt. 09.08.2011)
*with effect from 01.04.2012, loans to individual farmers up to 25 lakh against pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce (including warehouse receipts) for a period not exceeding 12 months, irrespective of whether the farmers were given crop loans for raising the produce or not are classified as direct agriadvance. Produce Marketing Loans, when sanctioned to non-individual entities (as mentioned above), like corporate, partnership firms and institutions engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities are now classified as indirect agri advance up to Rs 25 lakh. (ecir- 534 dt 03/09/2012)
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OBJECTIVES: To finance commission agents against their receivables from farmers. Eligibility (under Agriculture segment): Commission agents enjoying good reputation and holding a valid license from the market yard/ board and are in the line of business for the past 3 years, having receivables from farmers only, functioning in rural and semi urban markets/mandis. Facility: Cash credit (Hypothecation of book debts not older than 6 months) Classification: Priority sector Agricultural segment indirect Agri Finance. Limit: Max. Rs. 50 Lacs Margin: 40% Security: Primary: Hypothecation of receivables & movable assets (if any). Collateral: Equitable Mortgage of Resi / Comm. Property (Non-Agri) with worth 1.5 times of the advance (Upto Rs. 25 lacs ); 2 times of the advance value (Above Rs 25 lacs and upto Rs. 50 lacs). Interest: (a). Upto Rs. 10 lacs : SBAR (b) Above Rs 10 lacs and upto Rs. 25 lacs : 0.25 % above SBAR. Above Rs. 25 lacs and upto Rs. 50 lacs: As per CRA Model.
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Objectives: To augment flow of credit to tenant farmers cultivating land either as oral lessees or sharecroppers and small farmers who do not have proper title of their land holding through formation and financing of JLGs. -An informal group compromising preferably 4 to 10 individuals (may be considered upto 20) engaged in similar economic activity like crop production, coming together for purpose of availing bank loan either singly or through group mechanism against mutual guarantee. Purpose of loan: crop production, consumption, marketing and other productive needs. Facility as KCC, ACC or ATL depending on purpose. Max loan amount Rs 50000 per individual. Margin as per usual norms, mutual guarantee, no collaterals. NEW TRACTOR LOAN SCHEME (NTLS) (ecir- 390 dt 19/07/2012) Eligibility: Any individual or group of individuals i.e., JLGs/SHGs, institution or organization are eligible for finance which will have sufficient and regular income either from own farm activity or custom hiring incomes from the tractor proposed to be purchased and its accessories. Minimum land holding: Borrower should possess a minimum land holding of 2 Ac.
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FINANCING OF SECOND HAND / USED TRACTORS SCHEMES: SBI - Mahindra Vishwas & SBI TAFE Nayaroop Objectives: To enable farmers with smaller land holdings to mechanise their farms. Eligibility : Individual farmer or a group of farmers not exceeding three in number (as co- borrowers) owning minimum 3 acres of perennially irrigated agricultural. Tractors which are more than 7 years from the original purchase date shall not be financed. Economic use of tractor: Minimum of 600 working hours per annum. Limit: The overall maximum limit will be Rs.2.50 lac including the cost implements. Margin: 15% on the cost of tractor and implements. DSCR (min): is 1.75. The purchaser (borrower) should either own a minimum of two equipments or the branch should finance the same along with the second hand tractor. Repayment: loan amount should be completed before the expiry of 9 years from the date of original purchase of the tractor inclusive of a maximum gestation period of one year.
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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances March 31, 2013 FINANCING FOR COMBINE HARVESTERS
ELIGIBILITY & REPAYMENT: a. For self propelled Combine Harvester: Farmers enjoying high creditworthiness own 8 acres of irrigated land. Minimum DSCR 1.75. Owning lesser acreage can also avail if DSCR is 1.75 and above and liquid at least 50% of the loan amount (sanctioned by RMs only). b. For Combine Harvesters as an attachment /equipment : : Farmers enjoying high creditworthiness own 6 acres of irrigated land. Minimum DSCR 1.75 Farmers should own a tractor of not less than 50 HP. Owning lesser acreage can also avail if DSCR is 1.75 and above and liquid at least 50% of the loan amount (sanctioned by RMs only). Repayment: A repayment period of 9 years (including grace / gestation period). MARGIN: 15 - 25 % Security: Primary Hypothecation of the Tractor / Combine harvester along with accessories purchased out of Banks finance. Collateral: Mortgage of land / Buildings. Other features: Advance only for new harvesters. Models approved by CFMTTI, Budni /FMTTI, Hissar. Security: As per ATL. DSCR 1.75%. Repayment: should be fixed by branches keeping in view the residual life of the tractor. However the loan is repayable in a maximum period of 5 years or up to the last installment of the existing tractor loan, whichever are earlier, (tractors older than 9 years should not be considered). No gestation period should be allowed. DAIRY PLUS (SCHEME FOR FINANCING DAIRY UNITS) To finance milk producing members of AMUL pattern societies recognized private milk dairies posting profit in the past two years. PURPOSE: Construction of dairy shed Purchase of quality milch animals, milking machine, chaff cutter or any other equipment required for the purpose. Eligibility: Individual member of Amul Type society, age below 65 years with min. Individual Dairy < 10 animals min 0.25 acre land per 5 animals for growing feed & able to procure balance locally, > 10 animals 1 acre own or lease land per 5 animals. Limit: A Term loan of Maximum Rs.5 lacs. A working capital @ Rs.2500/- per animal per year may be sanctioned. Min DSCR: 1.75. Margin: As per ATL. Security: Primary hypothecation of assets. Collateral up to Rs. 1.00 lac : Nil. Over Rs.1 lac Mortgage of landed property (or) third party guarantee worth for loan amount (or) group guarantee of other 2 dairy farmers. Repayment: 5 Years in monthly installments with Gestation period 6 months. Rate of interest: As applicable to direct agricultural loans (ATL). Other terms: Minimum yield criteria: Buffaloes 7 lit/day (lactation average) Cow 8 lit/day (lactation average). Fodder cultivation can be financed as per scale of finance. Payment to the bank directly by the society. Milk union operation & milk route facility are essential. SCHEME FOR FINANCING DAIRY SOCIETIES Objectives: To provide finance for creating infrastructure like Construction of milk house or society office, Purchase of Automatic milk
ETC. TO TRACTORS) To assist the farmers, who are regular in their repayments for repairs / maintenance of tractor and for purchase of additional implements Eligibility: who have already availed the loan facility from our bank before three years or more and whose accounts are closed / or regular/standard (IRAC) and who have paid a minimum of 2 yearly installments or 4 half yearly installments after moratorium period are considered eligible for the loan. The borrower should not have availed the benefit of a compromise scheme earlier. Classification: Direct Finance to Agriculture under Priority Sector. Limit: Repairs: Maximum of Rs. 50,000/-. Addition of new implements: Up to a Maximum of Rs. 1, 00,000/- The loan limit should be to the extent by which the existing loan has been reduced Margin: As per ATL.
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composite subsidy @ 36% of total fund outlay (44% in the case of women/ SC/ST candidates from NE and hilly states).
GRAMIN BHANDARAN YOJANA CAPITAL INVESTMENT SUBSIDY SCHEME FOR CONSTRUCTION / RENOVATION OF RURAL GODOWNS OBJECTIVES: To create scientific storage capacity in the rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce. To prevent distress sale of produce by farmers immediately after harvest by promoting pledge financing and marketing credit. Eligibility: Proprietary & Partnership firms Cooperatives, Companies, APMC, Agro Industrial Corpn., NGOs, Group of farmers, SHG Individuals, Market Board etc. Subsidy for renovation/ expan. Of rural godown available only to Co-operatives. Project cost: Assistance under the scheme will be available on capital cost of construction of godowns. Godowns exceeding 10,000 tonnes capacity, the subsidy would be restricted to that admissible for capacity of 10,000 tonnes only. Subsidy:
Ceiling on maximum subsidy In case of 33.33% subsidy In case of 25% subsidy In case of 15% subsidy North Eastern States, Sikkim and hilly areas. Rs 3.333 Cr. Other than NE states, Sikkim and hilly areas. Rs 3 Cr.
(E-CIR 1042 dt. 25.02.2012) Subsidy for renovation/ expansion of rural godown available only to Co-operatives(25%),
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