RobertFWIlliams Crusader May 1962
RobertFWIlliams Crusader May 1962
RobertFWIlliams Crusader May 1962
MAY 1968
Afro-Americans & Slick John Kennedy Government of the United States is no government of the Afro-Americans at all. The slick John Kennedy gang is operating one of the greatest sham government in the entire world. Afro-Americans and fair minded
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whites must be gullible indeed to believe that the racist, KKK dominated so-called U.S. Government is concerned with the welfare and human rights of colored people. The colored people of the USA must bring themselves to realize that taken integration is a slick manuever to check the restlessness of an oppressed people fast becoming infect ed with the germ of total resistance policy developing among all of the oppressed peoples of the world. Token integration means nothing to the masses .
Even an idiot should be able to see that so-called Token integration is no more than window dressing designed to lull the poor downtrodden Afro-American to sleep and to make the out side world think that the racist, savage USA is a fountainhead of social justice and democracy. The Afro-American in the USA is facing his greatest crisis since chattel slavery. All forms of violence and underhanded methods o.f extermination are being stepped up against our people . Contrary to what the "big daddies" and their "good nigras" would have us believe about all of the phoney progress they claim the race is making, the True status of the Afro-American is s#eadily on the down turn. Those mercenary Afro-Americans who pander their self respect and p~osfitute the human dignity of the race for crumbs from their white master's tables are helping to forge the nails for their own caskets . Have they not learned anything from the lesson of the history of the Jews in Nazy Germany? All the world knows how many Jews sold out their race hoping to gain insulation for themselves . It is common knowledge that the only privilege they won was the right to go to the gas chamber last. Now they are just as dead as the ones who went first. Already the coloxed people of the U.S. axe plagued with mass arrests, attacks by vicious Nazi trained police dogs, and victims of gun and club happy racist policemen. Already our people are victims of mass unemployment, official conspiracies of starvation and Ku Klux Klan terror backed by the U.S. Justice Department. Already, the racist, fascists sre laying the groundwork for a mass exodus. Our people must not forget how the Nazis loaded the Jews on death trains under The pretense of sending workers to other locations when they were really destined for the extermination chambers . It goes without saying that the Afro-American is not wanted in the USA anymore . Machinery and poor white workers are fast replacing him. Where is slick John Kennedy while all of this KKK and Minuteman racist terror is being visited upon our people? Yes, he is saber rattling and boasting of how he will defend the democratic rights of ex-Nazis in Berlin. He is threatening nuclear war in behalf of so-called democratic rights for people in far away places very seldom heard of iri the USA . Slick John Kennedy, the far sighted humanitarian, was very swift in setting up emergency funds and centers for so-called Cuban refugees . This same hypocrite, who rode to office on the vote of the colored people, now winks of the plight of Afro-Americans who become refugees from racist terror . Rather than set up great funds and location centers_ for colored refugees, Slick John prefer to fake a bleeding heart for everyone but Afro-Americans whom he expects to cry with him because the world no longer sees the
master race of the USA as God's chosen people to rule the universe. Slick John is swift Yo sic his fascist running dog F.B.I. on innocent Afro-Americans who refuse to be lynched by the KKK but hs merely shrugs when an Afro-American soldier is murder ed by racists . When Afro-Americans are murdered by racists in the South, Slick John proclaims it a "local matter" out of the jurisdiction of the racist Justice Department. Afro-Americans are kidding themselves when they think they can expect the U.S. racist Government to respect their rights as human beings . The F.B.L, the Minutemen and the KKK are of the same ilk . There is no class immunity for Afro-Americans. When mass terror breaks loose, all people of color are targets. Turn the other cheekism is no survival tactic for a jungle filled with wild beasts and savages presided over by an impotent witch doctor, Slick John Kennedy, whose magic portions only work in far away places . Hands Across The Mason-Dixon It is shameful that a so-called liberal governor of a great state like Ohio would conspire with a racist sewerline politician like Terry Sanford of North Carolina to surrender an Afro-Amer ican mother to a den of rattlesnakes called lawmen and court officials of a heathen state. North Carolina's brand of justice is slander to the whole civilized race. Only an idiot of the first magnitude would ever dare think that a colored person can get justice in North Carolina, and most of all in that dung heap called Monroe . It is not even a moot question. If there was ever any doubt, the whole world should know by now that Governor DiSalle's decision to extradite Mrs . Mae Mallory back to the sharks in Monroe, who have falsely brought kidnap charges against human rights fighters, is proof that the racist politicians of the North and South are birds of a feather . The Mallory case reminds us once more that no Afro-American is out of the reach cf Klan justice so long as he is on soil presided over by racists . It is an indictment of American justice to have a Northern state collaborate with the South in a legal lynching. The Mallory case proves that even a Northern State like Ohio is not half as humane as integrated Cuba. Realizing how Fidel Castro feels about racial injustice, the racist U.S. Government has not even bothered to ask Cuba to return an Afro-American to North Carolina lynch justice . If has limited its request to members of its own political club and racist cohorts . Terry Sanford knows that he can depend on a chum like DiSalle to return fugitive slaves . It is time for the decent people of the world to speak out against jungle law in the so-called leader of the "free world" for white only. MAE MALLORY MUST NOT BE RETURNED TO MONROE'S KLAN JUSTICE. 3-THE CRUSADER
enforcement of the U.S. Constitution. Added to forced exile and phoney charges of all types, two other youth are now in jail on "secret assault" charges . It is said Yhat they stole a rifle and fired on a racist service station where Klansmen assemble at night. This ESSO Service station is where around the clock nuisance telephone calls originate . This station, called Norton & Gordon, was responsible for many threatening calls to the home of the Editor of THE CRUSADER . It is also a nightly hangout for local racist policemen and highway patrolmen. Afro - Americans have no chance of receiving impartial justice in Monroe . The law is used as a medium of white racist vengeance against helpless colored people, so it comes as no surprise that these youths are in jail on such charges . It comes as no surprise that one of them has been badly beaten in jail and shot by the jailor. That is a custom of the Union County officials . They have in Mimes past been reported Yo the do-nothing U.S. IN,Tustice Department about such conduct . What is happening to the youth there is a part of the penalty of being born black in the United States of America.
THE CRUSADER at this time has no subscription fee, howare in desperate need of funds fo cover distribution expenus to continue our work in exile by sending a contribution THE CRUSADER, c/o . Mrs . Anne Olson, 21 Ellis Garden, Canada .
the social jungle called Georgia attacking Prime Minister Nehru of India and calling hirz a "hypocrite" and some Things worse . Russell is peeved at Nehru because he refuses to be a "yes man" to the great white father. Russell seems to have lost track of the fact that Uncle Toms are not as plentiful as they used to be of home or abroad? . . . Senator Sam Irving of the racist "Good Egg State" of North Carolina presidina~ over the Senate Judiciary Committee responsible for anti-poll tax legislation? . . . A U.S . President who initiated the Peace Corps calling for an all out embargo against Cuba, dispatching troops and fighter planes to South Vietnam, deliberately s e n d i n g planes into Berlin specifically to provoke an incident and allowing U. S. Armed forces personnel of Guantanamo to fire on Cubans on Cuban soil? Yes, can you imagine what kind of "New Frontier" the world must see him as a representative of? . . . A "democratic' COfJNTRY LIRE THE U.S.A. having separate cgrave yards in its capitol City for the deceased DOGS of whites and Afro-Americans? . . .In Los Angeles, California rains collapsed a retaining wall and revealed a cave that was the only home available to a dozen or so men in this modern city in the richest country in the world?
. . . Church doors in Monroe being closed fo rights fighlers and yet claiming to be open wide enough for God to enter in?
. . . That in the racist State of North Carolina where the Governor's assistant, Hugh Cannon, stated to a Non-violent Freedom Rider Minister, who was appealing to him for protection under law that, "If you don't believe in violence, you'd better get the hell out of Monroe" in This same Sfafe, the Governor has personally appealed twice fo Gov . DiSalle of Ohio fo personally see to it that Mrs. Mae Mallory, Afro - American mother, is sent back fo Monroe to receive "justice"? . . . The U.S. Justice Department being so intoxicated with stupidity that they can hear Robert F. Williams broacasting so called "Communist" party propaganda from Havana's English School of the Air when F'~7illiams actually is spending his time wrifinq and lecturing about the race problem? If just goes to prove that the Justice Department doesn't know a Communist party line from a Monroe, North Carolina segregated telephone line. . . . that some of the "Good Nigras", teachets and preachers, in Monroa who should be trying fo set good examples for the youth of the race, are still playing running dog for Bynum Griffin, would-be murderer of the editor of THE CRUSADER?
U.S. BULLS INDICT WORTHY It is no mere accident that the first American to be indicted for visiting Cuba is William Worthy - Mr. Worthy is an Afro-American and the U.S . State Department is fanatical in its efforts to keep colored Americans in the dark about a country just 90 miles from Florida that is free of racial segregation and prejudice. It is just common knowledge that if the U.S. represents the heaven it claims to be, and Cuba is the living hell as said to be by the U.S., then why should it be necessary to punish people for leaving the so-called heaven to visit hell? Mr. Worthy's indictment covers a lot of ground. One major reason is that he is one of the most honest journalist in the U. S . A. History is replete with examples of the penalties honest people must pay in the cause of truth and justice.
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