FIN333 2012 Spring - REVISED
FIN333 2012 Spring - REVISED
FIN333 2012 Spring - REVISED
Phone: Class Hours: Office Hours: Moon-Whoan Stephen Rhee Stephens Hall (ST) 316H 410-704-4075 TR 2:00-3:15pm (ST309) TR 10:00-11:00am and W 6:00-6:30pm or by appointment No appointment needed for the office hours posted above. Email: [email protected] (You must note your course number (FIN333) in the subject line of your email) Course Home Page: PRE-REQUISITES: Major standing and FIN331
FIN 333 Investment and Security Analysis I is an in-depth course intended to give students a broad exposure to theoretical and practical background in the field of investments. Particular emphasis is placed on the process of valuing common stock. The sequence will cover the major topics of financial markets, general principles of financial trading, portfolio theory, valuing common stocks, preferred stocks, options, index options, futures, and performance evaluation.
To construct and use the SML, take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity with a portfolio that includes mispriced securities To calculate the intrinsic value of a stock using a dividend discount model To calculate option value and the profit on futures positions as a function of current and eventual futures prices
Student Academic Integrity Policy (Towson Undergraduate Catalog p.277): The acquisition, sharing, communication and evaluation of knowledge is at the core of a universitys mission. To realize this part of its mission, a university must be a community of trust. Because integrity is essential to the purpose of an academic community, the responsibility for maintaining standards of integrity is shared by all members of that academic community. The Student Academic Integrity Policy as it pertains to this class: There is zero tolerance of academic dishonesty in this class. Any violations are sanctioned by the professor. Cheating of any form (including on homework/assignments) will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on a text/quiz. Turning in a printout of a fellow student (with or without modifications) even if you work together will be considered to be no different than photocopying somebody elses work. University guidelines will be followed in dealing with academic dishonesty.
In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester and when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Disability Support Services (AD232). Writing Skills: Students are expected to display college-level writing skills. Students who lack writing proficiency will be required to visit the writing lab for supplemental instruction.
Breakdown of Grade: Mid Term Exam Final Exam Homework Stock Investment Report (Individual-Group Project) Quizzes Total Percentage 20 or 30% 35 or 45% 10% 10% 15% 100%
Week 1 2 3 Chapter(s) 1 2 3&4 Topics Investments: Background and Issues Asset Classes and Financial Instruments Securities Markets & Types of Investment Companies
Week 4 5 6
Chapter(s) 5 6 7
Topics Risk and Return Efficient Diversification CAPM and APT Pricing Models
Mid Term Exam I (Slides, 21, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7) 8 &12 14 13 Efficient Markets Hypothesis & Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Equity Valuation Options Markets Options Valuation Futures Markets & Risk Management Performance Evaluation & Active Portfolio Management Stock Investment Report Due Comprehensive Final Exam
8 9 10 11 12 13
15 16 17