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The document provides a list of books related to various topics in chemistry along with their authors. The books are grouped by subject areas like organic chemistry, physical chemistry, etc.

The document lists books on various topics related to chemistry including organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, engineering chemistry, and biographies of chemists.

For each book, the document provides the title of the book and the author(s).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

3000 solved problems in chemistry Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Advanced Organic Chemistry Advanced Organic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Basic inorganic chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry comprehensive engineering chemistry Comprehensive engineering chemistry Concept of organic chemistry Concise inorganic chemistry Elementary practical organic chemistry Elements of physical chemistry Engineering chemistry Engineering Chemistry Engineering chemistry Engineering chemistry Engineering chemistry Engineering chemistry Engineering chemistry Essential Organic Chemistry Essentials of experimental engineering chemistry Essentials of Neuclear Chemistry Essentials of physical chemistry + CD Experiments in applied chemistry Fundamental molecular spectroscopy Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Fundamentals of molecular spectoscopy Guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Instrumental methods of analysis An introduction to physical chemistry Introduction to polymer science & technology Introduction to quantum chemistry

Goldberg, D. Cotton, F. Albert Sharma, Deepa March, Jerry Verma, R.M. Christain, Garg D. Khopkar, S.M Cotton, F.Albert Chang, Raymond McMurray, John Brady, James E. Sud, Dhiraj Rattan, Sunita Chandel, Pushpa Lee, J.D. Vogel, Arthur I. Atkins, Peter Palanna, O.G. Qanungo, Kushal Sivasankar, B. Jain, P.C. Krishnamurthy, N. Vijayasarathy, P.R. Singh, Mohan Bruice, Paula Y. Chawla, Shashi Arinkar, H.J. Bahal, Arun Rattan, Sunita Banwell, Collin N. Skoog, Dugglas A. Banwell, Collin N. Sykes, Peter Chakarbarty, D.K. Sharpe, A.G. Huheey, J. E. Willard, Hobart H. Das, Ishwar Sing, N.B. Chandra,A.K.

41 Introductory quantum chemistry 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Merck index look whats packed inside +CD Modern Inorganic Chemistry New course engineering chemistry Noble Prize winners in Chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry Organic Chemistry; vol-1 Organic reactions and their meclanisms Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry Practica organic chemistry Practical organic chemistry

Chandra, A.K. O'neil, Maryadele J. Jolly, William L. Bhasin, S.K. Jain, Gagan Carey, Francis Pine, Stanley Morrison, Robert Wade, L.G. Soloman, T.W. Graham Mehta, Bhupinder Mukherji, S.M. Finar, I.L. Kalsi, P.S. Barrow, Gordon Engel, Thomas Mann, F.G. Mann, Frederick

Problems and their Solution in Organic Chemistry Finar, I.L Qualitative chemical semimicroanalysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantum Chemistry Spectoscopic methods in organic chemistry Alexeyev, V.N. Alexeyev, V. Day, R.A. Levine, Ira N. Williams, Dudley Silverstein, Robert Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compound M. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry Williams, Dudley Spectroscopy Pavia, Donal L. Study guide to organic chemistry Solomons, Graham Textbook of engineering chemistry Dara, S.S. Textbook of engineering chemistry Chawla, Shashi Textbook of engineering chemistry Rattan, Sunita Textbook of organic chemistry Bahl, Arun Textbook of physical chemistry Moudgil, H.K. Textbook of physical chemistry Negi, A.S. Textbook of physical chemistry Sharma, K.K. University chemistry Mohan, Bruce M. Furniss, Brian S. Mendham, J.

77 Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry Voges's : Textbook of quantitative chemical 78 analysis


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2 1 1 1 1 3 4 13 12 14 1 2 2 3 4 2 6 2 3 10 15 5 1 6 1 4 4 1 25 15 1 5 1 3 3 2 4 9


1 2 3 4 5

Abnormal psychology +CD Advanced Biology study guide Ageless body, timeless mind Basic concepts of immunology Basic physiology

Mands, Margaret Mackean Chopra, Deepak Anil, Kumar Sreekumar, S. Bergerson, Bryan Stout, G.W Singer, Susan R. Reece, Jane B. Verma, P.S. Namboodiri Enger, Eldon D. Kormandy, Adwards Stiling, Peter Singh, Sukhdev Kaushik, S.C. Campbell, Neil A. Schlegel, Hans G. Power, C.B. Ogden, Jane Chaudhary, S. Srivastava, Surabhi Webster Pelezar, Michael J. Alcamo, I. Edward Tortora, G.J. Kavita Guasegaran, J.P. Ananthanarayan, R Diwekar, Rujuta 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 2 2 5 1 3 1 2 2 5 6 1 5 1 2 4 2 5 4 2 5 1 1 1

Bioinformatics computing 6 7 Biological Science +CD 8 Biology 9 Biology + CD Cell biology, genetics, molecular biology 10 evolution and ecology 11 Cocise textbook of psychiatry 12 concepts in Biology Concepts of ecology 13 14 Ecology : Theories & applications Elementary biochemistry and clinical 15 pathology Energy and environment laboratory 16 experiment 17 Essential biology with physiology

General Microbiology 18 19 General Microbiology ; Vol-1 20 Health psychology : textbook 21 Human anatomy and physiology Lecture notes of biological systems 22 23 Medical Instrumentation 24 Microbiology

Microbiology 25 26 Microbiology an Introduction +CD 27 Organic evolution 28 T. B. of Histology and practical guide

Textbook of Microboiology 29 30 Women and weight loss tamasha



2 3 4 5 6

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Classical mechanics +CD Concept of engineering physics Concepts of modern physics Conceptual physics

Beiser, Arthur Sharma, Shatendra Rao, K.Sankara Sah, H.L Beiser, Arthur Hewitt, Paul G. Shevgaonkar, R.K. Srivastava, J.P. Omar, M.Ali Fayer, Michael Malik, Hitendra K. Greven, Andreas 3 2 8 5 8 1 5 2 1 4 7 2 5 3 3 5 1 7 15 1 24 22 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 25 1

1 Applied physics schaum's outline

Electromagnetic waves 7 8 Element of solid state physics 9 Elementary solid state physics 10 Elements of Quantum Mechanics 11 Engineering physics

Entropy 12 13 Essentials of physics

Dogra, Rakesh Feynmann, Feynman lectures on physics vol- I,II,III 14 Richard Fields and waves in communication Ramo, Simon 15 electronics Fundamentals of engineering physics 16 17 Fundamentals of Optics 18 Fundamentals of physics Fundamentals of physics with 19 applications Fundamentals of solid state 20 engineering 21 Introduction to electrodynamics 22 Introduction to mechanics 23 Introduction to nuclear & physics Introduction to OPTICS 24 25 Introduction to particle physics 26 Introduction to quantum mechanics 27 Introduction to quantum mechanics 28 29 Introduction to solids Lecture notes of applied physics Gupta, Navneet White, Harvey Halliday Beiser, Arthur Razeghi, Manijer Griffiths,David J. Klepper, Daniel Gupta, S.C. Srivastava, Anchal Khanna, M.P. Liboff, Richard Griffiths Azaroff, Leoid V. Singh, Prabhakar Sayer, Michael Vasudeva, A.S. Bernstein, Jeremy

Measurement , Inst. and experiment 30 design 31 Modern engineering physics 32 Modern physics

33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Modern physics for Engineers Noble Prize winners in Physics Painless science projects Physics of vibrations and waves Principles of physics Quantum mechanics Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics :theory and 40 applications 41 Solid state physics 42 43 44 Special theory of relativity Text book of engineering physics Textbook of engeneering physics

Taneja, S.P Jain, Gagan Brynie, Faith H. Pain, H.J. Naik, P.V. Srivastava, R.K. Joachain Ghatak, Ajay Pillas, S.O. Banerjee, Sriranjan Avadhanulu, M.N. Avadhanula, M.N. Avadhanulu, M.N. Prakash, Indu French, A.P. White, Frank M.

5 1 2 2 2 2 2 10 3 3 5 25 5 7 10 1

Textbook of engineering physics 45 46 Textbook of practical physics 47 Vibration and waves 48 Viscous fluid flow



Bhavikatti, S.S. Varghese, P.C. Raju, N. Krishna Satheesh, Gopi Rao, M.N. Saxena, Subhash C. Saran, Swamy Chew, Ven Te Rajan, Gopal Satheesh, Gopi Reddy, C.S. Damodarasamy, S. R. Ponnuswamy, S. Blockley Varghese, P.C. Punmia, B.C. Ching, Francies D.K. Gahlot, P.S. Sawyer, Clair N. Khurmi, R.S. Singh, Parbin Reddy, P.J. Upadhayay, A.K. Rajasekran, S. Shetty, M.S. U.S. Deptt of Interior Water Santkumar, A.R. Shetty, M.S.

1 Advanced R.C.C design 2 Advanced reinforced concrete design 3 Advanced rienforced concrete design 4 Advanced surveying 5 Air pollution 6 Airport engineering planning and design 7 Analysis and design of substructures 8 Applied hydrology 9 Basic and applied soil mechanics 10 Basic civil engineering 11 Basic structural analysis
Basics of structural dynamics and aseismic 12 design 13 Bridge engineering

14 Bridges 15 Building construction 16 Building construction 17 Building construction illustrated 18 Building repair and maintenance management 19 Chemistry for environment engineering 20 Civil engineering 21 Civil engineering materials 22 Civil engineering (objective) 23 Civil estimating and costing 24 Computational structural mechanics + CD 25 Concerete technology : Theory & practice 26 Concrete Manual 27 Concrete technology 28 Concrete technology theory and practice

29 Concrete technology theory & practice 30 Concrete techonology 31 Construction management and PWD accounts 32 Construction of buildinng vol - I to 5 33 construction planning and management 34 Construction planning and technology 35 Construction project management 36 Construction project management 37 Construction technology 38 Course in civil engeneering drawing 39 engineering
Design aids in soil mechanics & foundation

Gambhir, M.L. Neville, A.M. Lal, D. Barry, R. Shrivastva, U.K. Gupta, Rajiv Chitkara, K.K. Jha, kumar Neeraj Sarkar, Subir K. Sikka, V.B. Kaniraj, Shanbaga Ramaswamy, G.S. Nilson, Arthur H. Jain, K.C. Jagadeesh, T.R. Raju, N. Krishna Bandyopadhyay, P.K. Nilson, Arthur H. Ramaswamy, G.S. Kurian, Nainan P. LIn, T.Y. Bhavikatti, S.S. Varghese, P.C. Gambhir, M.L. Raju, N. Krishna Gaylord, Advin H. Negi, L.S. Subramanian, N. Bhavikatti, S.S. Duggal, S.K Ramamrutham, S. Varghese, P.C.

40 Design and construction shell roops 41 Design for concrete structures 42 Design for R.C.C slabs 43 Design of Bridge Structures 44 Design of Concrete Mixes 45 Design of concrete structures 46 Design of concrete structures 47 Design of Construction concrete shell roofs 48 Design of foundation systems +CD 49 Design of prestrested concrete 50 Design of R.C.C. structural elements vol - I 51 plates
Design of reinforced concrete shells and folded

52 Design of reinforced concrete structure 53 Design of reinforced concrete structures 54 Design of steel structure 55 Design of steel structure 56 Design of steel structure + CD 57 Design of steel structures 58 Design of steel structures 59 Design of steel structures 60 Design reinforced concrete

61 Dynamics of structural theory 62 Earth Manual 63 Earthquake resistant design of structure 64 Element of environmental engineering 65 Elementary engineering hydrology 66 Elements of civil engineering 67 Elements of civil engineering
Elements of civil engineering and engineering 68 mechanics +CD Elements of soil dynamics and earthquake 69 engineering 70 Engineering hydrology

Chopra, Anil K. Usdi Duggal, S.K. Duggal, K.N. Deodhra,M.J. Swamy, H.C.M. Saikia, Mimi Das Prakash, M.N. Prasad, Bharat Subramanya, K. Bhunya, P. Srivastava, Smriti Peany, Heward S. Kiely, Gerard Sincero, Arcadio Dhameja, Suresh K. Sengar, Dharmendra Rao, C.S. Shashi Kumar Singh Srivastava, Smriti Botkin, Daniel B. Joseph, Benny Dhameja, Suresh K. Rana, S.V.S. Victor, D. Johnson Prakash, M.N. Ghosh, Karuna Varghese, P.C.

71 Engineering hydrology 72 Environment and ecology 73 Environmental engineering 74 Environmental engineering 75 Environmental engineering 76 Environmental engineering and management 77 Environmental law +CD 78 Environmental Pollution 79 Environmental science and ethics 80 Environmental science and ethics 81 Environmental science : earth as a living planet 82 Environmental studies 83 Environmental studies 84 Essential of ecology and environment science 85 Essentials of bridge engineering 86 machine +CD
Experiments in hydraulics and hydraulics

87 Foundation design in practice 88 Foundation engineering

89 Fundamentals of geographic information system De Mers, Michael N. 90 Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design 91 Fundamentals of soil dynamics 92 Fundamentals of soil science - 8E
Gambhir, M.L. Prasad, Bharat B. Foth, Henry D.

93 Fundamentals of surveying 94 Geotechnical earthquake engineering 95 Geotechnical engineering 96 Geotechnical Engineering 97 Geotechnical Engineering 98 Geotechnical engineering principles 99 Ground assessment development 100 Ground water 101 Groundwater hydrology 102 Highway engineering 103 Highways Engineering 104 Hydraulics and pneumatics 105 Hydrology and soil conservation engineering 106 Hydrology principles and analysis 107 Industrial saftey and environment 108 Introduction to environmental engineering 109 Introduction to environmental engineering 110 Introduction to hydrology 111 Irrigation and water power engineering 112 Irrigation and water resource engineering 113 Irrigation engineering 114 Lecture notes enviornment management 115 Limit state design of reinforced concrete 116 Limit state design of reinforced concrete 117 Limit state design reinforced concrete 118 Limit state designe of steel structure 119 Management concepts for civil engineering 120 Matrix analysis of Framed Structure 121 Modern Geotechnical Engineering 122 management
Multicriterian analysis in engineering and

Roy. S.K. Kramer, Steven Gulhati, Shashi K. Coduto, Donald P. Ramamurthy, I.N. Coduto Karanth, K.R. Ragunath, H.M. Todd, David Keith Wright, Paul Khanna, S.K Upadhayay, A.K. Das, Ghanshayam Raghunath, H.M. Prasher, Anupama Davis, M.L. Masters, Gilbert M Viessman, Warren Punmia, B.C. Asawa, G.L. Basak, N.N. Srivastava, Surabhi Varghese, P.C. Punmia, B.C. Varghese, P.C. Duggal, S.K. Anbuvelan, K. Weaver, William Singh, Alam K. Srinivasa Raju Mittal, Satyendra Chandra, A.M.

123 Pile Foudation Design and construction 124 Plane surveying

125 Plane surveying 126 Plumbing design and practice 127 Prespective in environmental studies 128 Prestressid concrete 129 Principles of environmental science 130 Principles of foundation engineering 131 Principles of tunnelling ports and harbours 132 Properties of Concrete 133 Question bank in civil engineering 134 Question bank in civil engineering 135 Railway engineering 136 R.C.C. Desgin 137 Reinforced concrete design 138 Reinforced concrete disign 139 Reinforced soil and its engineering 140 Soil and water conservation 141 Soil Engineering in theory and practice - III 142 Soil engineering in theory & practice vol - I 143 Soil engineering in theory & practice 144 Soil engineering in theory vol-1 145 Soil Engineering : theory and practice 146 Soil fertility and fetrilizers 147 Soil mechanics and foundation engineering 148 Soil mechanics and foundations 149 Soil mechanics si version 150 Soil testing : laboratory manual 151 Solid wast management 152 Steel structure cont. beaviour 153 Steel tables 154 Stochastic hydrology 155 Structural analysis 156 Structural analysis

Alak, De Deolalikar, S.G. Kaushik, Anubha Raju, N.Krishna Cunningham, William Das, Braya M. Singh, Parbin Neville, A.M. Murthy, V.S. Varshney, D.V. Chandra, Satish Punmia, B.C. Pillai, S. Unnikrishna Sinha, S.N. Saran, Swami Schwab, Glenn O. Singh, Alam Alam, Singh Alam, Singh Alam Singh Singh, Alam Havlin, John L. P.Purushotama Raj Punmia, B.C. Lambe, T. Apparao, K.V.S. Sasi, Kumar Englekirk, Robert Vizarani, S. Reddy, P.J. Hibbeler, R.C. Menon, Devdas

157 Structural design & drawing vol-1 158 Structural design & drawing Vol-3 159 Structural dynamics 160 Structure analysis a matrix approach 161 Structures +CD 162 Structures +CD 163 Surveying and levelling 164 Surveying and levelling 165 Surveying vol - I 166 Surveying : vol - I 167 Surveying : vol - I 168 Surveying : vol - II 169 Surveying vol - II 170 Text book of water power engineering 171 Textbook of environmental engineering 172 Textbook of environmental studies 173 Textbook of geotechnical engineering 174 Textbook of hydrology 175 Theory and design of Pressure Vessels 176 Theory and practice of foundation design 177 Theory of plantes snd shells 178 Theory of structures 179 Theory of structures 180 Tunnel engineering handbook 181 Waste water treatment for pollution 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
Water pollution causes effects Water resource engineering Water resources system planning Water supply and waste water engineering Water Supply Engineering Water supply & polution control Water wells and pumps

Krishnamurti, D. Krishnamurti, D. Paz, Mario Pandit, G.S. Schodek, Daniel Schodek, Daniel Basak, N.N. Subramanyam, R. Duggal, S.K. Punmia, B.C. Punmia, B.C. Punmia, B.C. Duggal, S.K. Sharma, R.K. Rao, Venugopala Kanagasabai, S. Khan, Iqbal H. Reddy, P.J. Harvey, John F. Som, N.N. Timoshenkok, S. Punmia, B.C. Ramamrutham, S. Bickel, John O. Arceivala, Soi Goel, D.K. Mays, Larry W. Jain,S.K. Upadhayay, A.K. Punmia, B.C. Viessman, Warren Michael, A.L.


1 1 5 3 2 1 2 2 5 3 1 3 2 1 8 8 2 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 5

6 3 3 10 5 2 1 3 7 3 3 1 1 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 3 5 2 3 5 1 10 9 1

1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 3 2 2 1 3 8 2 1 2 5 12 12 3 3 3 3 2 3 10 1 3

3 2 5 5 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 5 4 3 4 2 5 1 3 3 5 2 3 2 2

3 2 12 5 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 3 5 4 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 5 4 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 2

1 1 3 3 1 3 4 1 6 3 6 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 5 1 2


1 3ds max 2010 +CD 2 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 3 8085 Microcontroller ayala +CD 4 8086 microprocessors programming +CD 5 8088 & 8086 microprocessors 6 Accessing the WAN +CD 7 Advanced compiler design and implementation 8 Advanced computer architecture 9 Advanced computer architecture 10 Advanced computer architecture 11 Advanced concepts in operating systems 12 Advanced course in database systems 13 Advanced micropracessors and perepherals 14 Advanced microprocessors & U B M P.C 15 Analysis and design of information systems 16 Applied discrete structure for computer science 17 Artificial intelligence 18 Artificial intelligence A Modern Approach 19 Artificial neural networks 20 ATM networks 21 ATM Networks : concepts and protocols 22 Basics of C programming 23 Beginning web programming with HTML, XHTML 24 Biometric systems 25 Biztalk 2010 recipes 26 C++ how to program +CD 27 C++ Primer 28 C programming language


Murdock, Kelly L. Mazidi, Muhammad Ali Ayala, Keneth Ayala, Keneth Trubel, Walter Vachon, Bob Mudmick, Steven S. Kain, Richard Sima, Dezso. Hwang, Kai Singhal, Mukesh Dietrich, Suzanne W. Ray, Ajay Kumar Udaya, Kumar Sen, James A. Doerr, Alan Rich, Elaine Russell, Stuart Yegnanarayana, B. Handel, Raineu Kasera, Sumit Yadav, Amita Duckett, Jon Wayman, James Beckner, Mark Dietel, Paul Lippman, Stanley B. Kernighan, Brian W.

29 C++ Programming language 30 Cloud Computing 31 Cloud computing Commercial application development using Oracle 32 developer 2000 Commercial application development using oracle 33 developer 2000 forms 6i +CD 34 Compiler design in C 35 Compilers : principles 36 Complete guide to GATE computer science engineering 37 Complete guide to linux system +CD 38 Complete reference 39 Complete reference C ++ 40 Complete reference java 2 41 Complete reference my SQL 42 Complete reference SQL +CD 43 Components of information technology 44 Computer application for engineering 45 Computer application in management 46 Computer applications in management 47 Computer applications in management 48 Computer architecture and organisation 49 Computer architecture +CD 50 Computer architecture organisation 51 Computer architecture & organization 52 Computer architecture & organization 53 Computer architecture & parallel processing 54 Computer concepts and programming in C 55 Computer design in C 56 Computer fundamentals 57 Computer fundamentals +CD 58 Computer Graphic & Multimedia 59 Computer graphics 60 Computer graphics

Stroustrup, Bjarne Velte, Anthony T. Miller, Michael Bayross, Ivan Bayross, Ivan Holub, Allen I. Aho, Alfred V. Trishna Well, Nicholas Otey, Michael Schildt, Herbert Schildt, Herbert Vaswani, Vikram Groff, James R. Mahajan, M Tiwari, Upendra Singh, Tinku Goel, R. Yadava, Abhishek Govindarajalu, B. Hennessy, John L. Govindarajalu, B. Hayes, John P. Cater, Nicholas P. Hwang, kai Sharma, Rashmi Holub, Allen I. Goel, Anita Sinha, Pradeep K Bluja, G.S. Xiang, Zhigang Agarwal, Udit

61 Computer graphics : A programming approach 62 Computer Graphics C version 63 Computer graphics : Principles & practice 64 Computer graphics using open GL 65 Computer graphics with open GL 66 Computer networks 67 Computer networks 68 Computer organisation & architecture 69 Computer organisation & architecture +CD 70 Computer organization 71 Computer organization and design +CD 72 Computer science : structural programming 73 Computer system architecture 74 Computer system design & architecture 75 Computers as components 76 Concept of multimedia 77 Concepts of operation system 78 Concepts of programming languages 79 Concise and pracheal int. to proformy 80 Core servlets & java server pages 81 Core servlets & java server pages vol - 2 82 Core web application development with PHP + CD 83 Course in computer networks 84 Crafting a compiler with C 85 Cryptography and network security 86 Cryptography and network security 87 Cryptography and network security 88 Data and computer communication 89 Data communication 90 Data communications & network 91 Data communications & networking 92 Data mining

Harrington, Steven Hearn, Donald D. Foley, Jonnes D. Hill, F.S Heren, Donald Peterson, Larry L. Tanenbaum, A.S. Rajaraman, V. Stallings, William. Hamacher, Carl Patterson, David A. Forouzon, Behrooz Mano, M. Morris Hewing, Vincent P. Wolf, Wayne Alam, Mansaf Shailendra N. Singh Sebesta, Robert Nielsin, Frank Hall, Marty Hall, Marty Wandschneider, Marc Sharma, Sanjay Fischer, Charles N. Kahate, Atul Forouzan, B.A. Stallings, William Stallings, William William,L.Schweber Godbole, Achyut Forouzan, B. Dunham, Margaret

93 Data mining 94 Data mining : Concepts and techniquices 95 Data Mining & Data Warehousing 96 Data mining techniques 97 Data networks 98 Data structure 99 Data structure 100 Data structure: algorithm and applications in C ++ Data structure and algorithms concepts, technics & 101 application 102 Data structure and algorithms in C ++ 103 Data structure and program design 104 Data structure & programe design in C 105 Data structure using C & C ++ 106 Data structures & algorithm in JAVA 107 Data structures and algorithms using C 108 Data structures using C 109 Data structures using C +CD 110 Data system concepts 111 Data Warehousing 112 Data warehousing , data mining and OLAP 113 Database management systems 114 Database management systems 115 Database management systems 116 Database processing 117 Database system concepts 118 Database systems 119 Database systems concepts 120 Design & analysis of algorithm 121 Design and analysis of algorithms 122 Design and analysis of algorithms 123 Design and analysis of computer algorothams 124 Design of Unix operating systems

Adriaans, Pieter Han, Jiawei Agarwal, B.B Arun, K Pujari Bertsekas, Dinutri Gilberg, Richard F. Lipzchutz, Seymour Sahni, Sartaj Pai, G.A.Vijayalakshmi Goodrich, Michael Kruse, Robert Kruse, Robert L. Langsam, Y. Drozdek, Adam Salavia, R.s. Tenenbaum, Aaron Agarwal, Udit Silberschatz, Abraham Mohanty Berson, Alex Ramakrishan, Raghu. Leon, A. Majumdar, Arun Kroenke, David M Rob, Peter Connolly,Thomas Silberchatz, A. Gupta, P. Dave, Parag H. Upadhyay, Nitin Aho, Alfred V. Bach, Mourice J.

125 Digital logic and computer design 126 Digital logic & computer design 127 Digital principles and design + CD 128 Distributed database principles 129 Distributed operating systems 130 Distributed operating systems 131 Embedded java security 132 Embedded system 133 Embedded system design 134 Engineering approach to computer networking 135 Essentials of system analysis and design 136 Essentisls of computers and network technology 137 Expert F # 2.0. 138 Exploring C for microcontrollers 139 Fedora 10 & red hat enterprices linux bible +CD 140 File structure 141 First book of C++ from here to there 142 First Course in Computers Xp +CD 143 Foundations of computing +CD 144 Foundations of software testing 145 Fundamental of parallel processing 146 Fundamentals of computer algorithms 147 Fundamentals of computer programming in C 148 Fundamentals of computer programming in C 149 Fundamentals of computers 150 Fundamentals of computers 151 Fundamentals of database syatems 152 Fundamentals of embedded software +CD 153 Fundamentals of internet +CD 154 Fundamentals of software engineering 155 Google the surprising success of search engine 156 How to solve it by computer

Mano, Morris M. Mano, M. Morris Givone, Donald D. Ceri, Stefano Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Sinha, Pradeep K Debbabi, Mourad Kamal, Raj Vahid, Frank Keshav, S Valadch, Joseph S. Gill, Nasib S. Syme, Don Parab, Jivan S. Negus, Christofpher Folk, Michael Bronson, Gary J. Sexena, Sanjay Sinha, Pradeep Mathur, Aditya Jordan, Harry Horowitz, Ellis Saroj, Singh Jha, S.K. Balagurusamy, E. Rajaraman, V. Elmasri, Ramez Lewis, Daniel W. Shailendra N. Singh Gheezi, Carlo. Taylor, Neil Dromey, R.G.

157 HTML and CSS 158 Illustrated c # 2010 159 Illustrated WPF 160 Integrated approach to software engineering 161 Intel microprocessors 162 Internet and web technologies 163 Internet protocols Internetworking with TCP /IP : Client-server 164 programming and application voll-III Internetworking with TCP/IP design implementation and 165 internals vol- II Internetworking with TCP/IP : Principles protocols & 166 architecture V-I 167 Introducing silverlight 4 168 Introducing system design 169 Introduction to algorithms 170 Introduction to artificial intellegance 171 Introduction to artificial intelligence 172 Introduction to automata theory and formal languages Introduction to automata theory, language, and 173 computation Introduction to automata theory, language, and 174 computation 175 Introduction to c++ programming and graphics 176 Introduction to computer 177 Introduction to computer +CD Introduction to computer system performance 178 eveluation 179 Introduction to computer theory 180 Introduction to computers 181 Introduction to computing systems 182 Introduction to data mining 183 Introduction to database management 184 Introduction to database systems 185 Introduction to embeded systems 186 Introduction to formal languages & automata 187 Introduction to information systems +CD 188 Introduction to information technology

Oliver, Dick Solis, Daniel M. Solis, Daniel M. Jalote, Pankaj Brey, Barry B. Kamal, Raj Goswami, Subrata Comer, D.G. Comer, D.G. Comer, Douglas Ghoda, Ashish Skidmore, Steve Cormen, Thomas Charnaik, Eugene Patterson, Dan W. Pandey, Adesh K. Hopcroft, John E. Hopcroft, John E. Pozrikidis, C. Leon, Alexis Norton, Peter Kant, K. Cohav, Daniel Norton, Peter Patt, Yale N. Tan, Pang-ning Kahate, Atul Date, C.J. Shibu, K.V. Linz, Peter O'Brien, James A Rajaraman, V.

189 Introduction to information technology 190 Introduction to java programming 191 Introduction to language & theory of computer 192 Introduction to logic & computer design 193 Introduction to MATLAB 7 194 Introduction to MATLAB and simulink +CD 195 Introduction to microcomputer vol-I 196 Introduction to neural network using MATLAB 197 Introduction to neural networks 198 I.T. in business 199 Java script for absolute beginners 200 JAVA the Complete reference 201 LAN switiching & wireless in C +CD 202 Lecture notes CSE 203 Lecture notes of computer science engineering 204 Let us C++ 205 Let us C 206 Linux TCP/IP networking for embedded +CD 207 Local & metropolitan area networks 208 Manager guide to software engineering 209 Mastring C 210 Mastring C++ 211 Mathematical elements for computer graphics 212 MATLAB : An introduction with application 213 Matlab for control system engineers 214 MATLAB : introduction with applications 215 MATLAB programming for engineering 216 Microcomputer engineering 217 Microcomputer systems 8086/8088 family 218 Microprocessor 219 Microprocessor and Interfacing 220 Microprocessor and its application

I.T.L. Liang, Y. Daniel Martin, John C. Marcovitz, A.B Etter Beucher, O. Osborne, Adam Sivanadam, S.N. Anderson, James Verma, N.K. McNavage, Terry Schildt, Herbert Lewis, Wayne Sharma, Neha Sharma, Prathibha Kanetkar, Y. Kanetkar, Yashavant Herbert, Thomas F. Stallings, William. Pressman, Roger Venugopal, K.R. Venugopal, K.R. Rogers, David F. Gilat, Amos Dukkipati, Rao V. Gilat, Amos Chapman, Stephen Miller, Gene H. Liu, Yu-cheng Yadav, Abhishek Verma, Shweta Theagarajan, R.

Microprocessors architecture programming & 221 application with 8085 +CD 222 Microprocessors & interfacing 223 Microprocessors & microcontrolers 224 Microprocessors PC hardware & interfacing 225 Microsoft SQL server 2008 bible 226 Minix book operating systems +CD 227 Modern data warehousing, mining 228 Modern operating systems 229 Multimedia : making it work 230 Multimedia system design 231 Multimedia systems 232 Natural language processing 233 Natural language understanding 234 Network fundamentals +CD 235 Network security 236 Network security essentials Neural network fundamental with graphs, algorithms & 237 applications 238 Neural networks 239 Neural networks 240 Neural networks and fuzzy logic 241 Neural Networks and Learning machines 242 Neural networks for pattern recognition 243 Neural networks & learning machine

Gaonkar, Ramesh S. Hall, Douglas Kant, Krishna Mathivanan, N. Nielsen, Paul Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Marakas, George Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Vaughan, Tay Andleigh, Prabhat K. Bufford, John F. Bharti, Akshar Allen, James Dye, Mark A. Kaufaman, Charlie Stallings, William Bose, N.K. Satish, Kumar Freeman, James Das, R.P. Haykin, Simon Bishop, Christopher Haykin, Simon

244 O level made simple internet technology and web design Jain, Satish 245 Object oriented analysis & design with application 246 Object oriented modeling & design with UML 247 Object oriented programming in C++ 248 Object oriented programming in C++ 249 Object oriented programming with C++ 250 Object oriented software engineering 251 Object oriented systems development 252 Object oriented through process Booch, Grady Blaha, Michael Sarang, Poornachandra Lafore, Robert Balaguruswamy, E. Brugge, Bernd Bahrami, Ali Weisfeld, Matt

253 Operating system 254 Operating system principles 255 Operating systems 256 Operating systems 257 Operating systems 258 Operating systems 259 Operating systems 260 Operating systems concepts 261 Operating systems: design oriented 262 Operation system concepts 263 Oracle database system 8086/8088 family 264 Oracle PL/SQL recipes 265 Parallel computers : architecture and programming 266 Parallel computing theory and practice 267 Parallel programming in C with MPI 268 Pattern recognition and image analysis +CD 269 P.C.Software for windows 98 made simple 270 Practical biometrics +CD 271 Principles of compiler design 272 Principles of compiler design 273 Principles of interactive computer graphics 274 Principles of process control 275 Principles of software engineering 276 Principles of wireless networks 277 Pro. 4 in VB 2010 278 Pro. silverlight 4 in V.B. 279 Pro. V.B. 2010 and .net 4 platform 280 Pro. WPF in V.B. 2010 281 Problem solving and program design in C 282 Procedural elements for computer graphics 283 Professional ASP.NET 4 in C # & VB 284 Professional java server program J2EE 1.3

Milenkovic, Milan Silberschatz, Abraham Dhamdhere, D.M. Stallings, William Deitel, H.M. Madnick, Stuart E. Godbole, Achyut Silberschatz, Abraham Crowley, Charles Silberschatz, A. Mclaughlin, Michael Juneau, Josh Rajaraman, V. Quinn Quinn, Michail J. Gose, Earl Taxali, R.K. Ashboom, Julaie Aho, Alefred V. Raghvan, V. Newman, William M. Patranabis Archana Kumar Pahlavan, Kaveh MacDonald, M. MacDonald, M. Troelsen, Andrew MacDonald, M. Hanly, Jeri R. Rogers, David Evjen, Bill Allamaraju, Subrahmanyam

285 Professional PHP 6 286 Programming C++ 287 Programming costomizing 8051 microcontrollers+ CD 288 Programming in ANSI C 289 Programming in C ++ 290 Programming in MATLAB 291 Programming language concepts 292 Programming language concepts & constructs 293 Programming language principles & paradigms 294 Programming languages design & implementation 295 Programming with C 296 Programming with C++ 297 Programming with c++ 298 Programming with JAVA : primer 299 Quality software project management 300 Rapidex Computer Course 301 Real time systems 302 Real time systems 303 Security in computing 304 Silverlight 4 business intelligence 305 Soft computing +CD 306 Software engineering 307 Software engineering 308 Software engineering 309 Software engineering 310 Software engineering 311 Software engineering +CD 312 Software engineering concepts 313 Software engineering practice 314 Software engineering theory & practice 315 Software project management 316 Software project management

Lecky-Thompson Cohoon, James P. Predko, Myke Balagurusamy, E. Astrachan, Owen Herniter, Marc Ghezzi, Carlo Sethi, Ravi Tucker, Allen B. Pratt, Terrence W. Gottfried, Byron S. Astrachan, Owen L. Hubbard, John R. Balaguruswamy, E. Futrell, Robert T. Chavan, Shirish Mall, Rajib Krishna, C.M. Pfleeger, Charles P. Czernicki, Bart Fortuna, L. Schach, Stephen R. Jalote, Pankaj. Pressman, Roger S. Sommerville, Ian Agarwal. Udit Aggarwal, K. K. Fairley, Richard Pressman, Rogel Pfleegar, Shari L. Huges, B. Henry, Joel.

317 Software project management in practice 318 Software quality assurance 319 Software testing 320 Software testing 321 Software testing +CD 322 Softwate engineering 323 SQL PL/SQL : programming language of oracle + CD 324 System programming 325 System simulation with digital computer 326 System software 327 Systems amalysis & design 328 Systems programming & operating system 329 TCP/IP protocol suite 330 Teach yourself C++ 331 Textbook of web design 332 Theoretical introduction to programming 333 Theory of Computation 334 Theory of Computation 335 Theory of computer science 336 Thinking in Java 337 Unified modeling language user guide 338 Unix concepts & application Unix network programming: interprocess 339 communication 340 Visual basic 2005 for programming +CD 341 Web technology 342 Windows server 2008 bible 343 Wireless application protocol 344 Wireless network evolution 2G to 3G 345 Working with C 346 XML in 24 hours + CD

Jalote, Pankaj. Galin, Daniel Pattan, Ron Renu, Rajani Chopra, Rajiv Agarwal, Udit Bayross, Ivan Donovan, John Deo, Narsingh Beck, Leland L. Gandoff, Martin Dhamdhere, D.M. Forouzan, Behrouz Schildt, Herbert Sklar, Joel Mills, Bruce Patel, P.B. Sipser, Michael Mishra Eckel, Bruce Booch, Grady Das, Sunutabha Stevens, W. Richard Deitel, P. J. Sharma, Rashmi Shapiro, Jeffrey R. Singhal, Sandeep Garg, Vijay Kanetkar, Yashavant Morrison, Michael


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Adaptuie signal processing Adhoc mobile wireless networks Algorithm for VLSI design automation Analog Communication Analog communication system Analog communication systems Analog electronic circuits Analog electronics Analog electronics Analysis and Design of Analog Analysis and design of digital integrated circuits Analysis of electric machinery and drive system Antenna and wave propogation Antenna: theory and practice Antenna theory +CD Antennas and Wave propogation Antennas and wave propogation Antennas for information super skyways Application and design with Analog circuits Application specific integrated circuits Automatic control systems Autonomous mobile robots Basic digital electronics Basic electrical and electronics engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic electrical engineering Basic electrical engineering vol I Basic Electrical Engineering Vol II Basic electronics Basic electronics Basic Electronics ; a text manual Basic electronics and instrumentation Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits

Widrow, Bernard Toh Gerez, Sahib H. Sekar, V. Chander Yadav, Abhishek Sharma, Sanjay Gupta, J.B. Maheshwari, L.K. Balwinder SIngh Gray, Paul R. Hodges, David A. Krause, Paul C. Gautam, A.K. Chatterjee, R. Balanis, C.A. Kraus, John D. Raju, G.S.N. Neelkanta, P.S. Jacob, J.Michael Smith, Sebastian Saeed, S Hasan Siegwart, Rolond Subramanayam, M.V. Gupta, J.B. Mittle, V.N. Chakrabarti, Abhijit Kothari, D.P. Wadhwa, C.L. Tiwari, J.P. Fitzgerald, A.E. Nagsarkar, T.K. Dhogal, P.S Dhogal, P.S Gupta, J.B. Sharma, Sanjay Zbar, Paul B. Khalid, Saifullah Bhargava, N.N.

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Basic microwave techniques and lab manual

Sisodia, M.L. Puknell, Douglas Reddy Soni, K.M. Sudhakar, A. Nagsarkar, T.K. Smith, Ralph Holberg, D.R. Baker, R. Jacob Kang, Sung Baker, R.J. Weste, Neil H.E. Frenzel, Louis Sharma, Sanjay Leon, alberto Proakis, John Proakis, John G. Haykin, Simon Carlson Singh, R.P. Sivanagaraju, S. Varmati, K.R. Distefano, Joseph Gopal, M. Gupta, J.B. Gupta, J.B. Gupta, J.B. Sawhney, A.K. Stallings, William Black, uyless D.

Basic VLSI design Biomedical signal processing Circuit and systems Circuits and networks Circuits and Networks Circuits, design and systems CMOS Analog circuit design CMOS Circuit Design simulations CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits CMOS Fixed signal circuit design CMOS VLSE design Communication electronics Communication engineering Communication networks Communication system engineering Communication system engineering Communication systems Communication systems Communication systems Control system engineering Control systems Control systems Control systems : Principles and Design Course in electrial technology vol - III Course in electrial technology vol - II Course in electrial technology vol - I Course in Electrical and Electronic 66 Measurements & Instrumentation 67 Cryptography and network security 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Data communicational & distributed network

Design and analysis of computer algorothams Aho, Alfred V. Design of Analog, CMOS, Integrated Circuits Design of Analog Filter Digital analog communication system Digital and analog communications Digital Communication Digital communication techniques Digital communications Digital communications Digital communications Digital control and state variables Digital Design Digital Design Razavi, Behzad Valkenburg, Van Shanmurgam, K. Couch, Leon Haykin, Simon Simon, Marvin K. Proakis, John G. Bhattacharya, A. Glover, Ian A. Gopla, M. Wakerly, John F. Mano, M. Morris

82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

Digital Electronics Digital electronics and logic design Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Digital Electronics + CD Digital electronics circuits and systems Digital filters analysis and design Digital image processing Digital image processing + CD Digital image processing +CD Digital image processing piks inside +CD Digital Integrated circuit design Digital integrated circuits Digital Integrated Electronics Digital logic and computer organization Digital logic and state machine design Digital logic design principles Digital logic design with VHDL + CD Digital principles and applications Digital signal and image processing Digital Signal Processing Digital signal processing Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Digital signal processing Digital signal processing Digital signal processing theory Digital signal processors Digital switching systems Digital system design & microprocessors

Kharate, G.K. Sharma, Sanjay Jain, R.P. Tolkiem, Roger Puri, V.K Antoniou, Andreas Gonzalez, Rafael Jayaraman, S. Pratt, William K. Pratt, William K. Martin, Ken Rabaey, Jan M. Taub, Herbert Rajaraman, V. Comer Balabanaian, Norman Brown, Stephen Leach, Donald Bose, Tamal Mitra, Sanjit K. Antoniou, Antreas Salivahanan, S. Hayes, Monson H. Oppenheim, Alan V. Chen, Chi-Tsang Nair, B. Somanthan Venkataraman Ali, Syed Riffat Hayes, John P. Tocci, Ronald J. Lee, Thomas Oppenheim, Alan Hambley, A.R Xavier, S. P. Eugene Bell, David A. Elgerd, Ollen I. Fitzgerald, A.E. Guru, Bhag S. Champman, Stephen J. Sarma, Mulukutla Kothari, D.P. Anwer, Naqui Krishnamurthy, K.A. Wadhwa, C.L.

Digital systems : Principles and application 111 112 Digitals of CMOS Radio Frequency 113 Discrete signal processing Elecrical engineering principles and 114 application + CD 115 Electric circuit analysis 116 Electric circuits 117 Electric energy systems theory 118 Electric machinery 119 Electric machinery and transformers Electric machinery fundamentals 120 121 Electric machines 122 Electric machines 123 Electrical automation Electrical, electronics and computer 124 engineering 125 Electrical engineering

126 Electrical engineering 127 Electrnic fundamentals & applications 128 Electromagnetic field theory 129 130 Electromagnetic field theory fundamentals Electromagnetic field theory & transmission

Gnanavadivel, J Ryder, John D. Sah, H.L Guru, Bhag Raju, G.S.N. Jordan Edward C. Laud, B.B. Pramanik, Ashutosh Neamen, Donald Schilling, Donald Roddy, Dennis Schoenbeck, Robert Kennedy, George Roddy, Dennis Dhir, S.M. Boylestad, Robert L . Boylestad, R.L. Boylestad, Robert L. Cathey, Jimme Deshpande, N.P. Salivahan, S. Sharma, Sanjay Sharma, Sachin S. Maini, Anil K. Gupta, J.B. Singh, B.P. Diffenderfer, Robert Sharma, Sanjay Fowler, Kim R. Bell, David A. Gupta, J.B. Malvino, Albert Sharma, Sanjay Kakani, S.L. Sharma, Sanjay Gupta, J.B. Chattopadhayay, D. Carr, Joseph J. Rao, Nannapaneni N.

Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems 131 132 Electromagnetics Electromagnetism problems with solutions : 133 Theory and Applications 134 Electronic circuits 135 Electronic circuits 136 Electronic communication Electronic communication modulation & 137 transmission 138 Electronic communication systems 139 Electronic communications 140 Electronic components and material 141 Electronic device and circuit theory 142 Electronic devices and circuit theory 143 Electronic devices and circuit theory 144 Electronic devices and circuits 145 Electronic devices and circuits 146 Electronic devices and circuits 147 Electronic devices and circuits 148 Electronic devices and circuits 149 Electronic devices and circuits 150 Electronic devices and circuits 151 Electronic devices and Integrated Circuits Electronic devices : systems and applecations 152 +CD 153 Electronic engineering 154 Electronic Instrument design 155 Electronic instrumentation and measerments

Electronic measuremant and instrumentation 156 157 Electronic principles 158 Electronic principles 159 Electronic theory and applications Electronics and communication engineering 160 161 Electronics engineering Electronics fundamentals and applications 162 163 Elements of Electronic instrumentation 164 Elements of engineering electromagnetics

Embedded microcomputer system real time + Volvano, Jonathan 165 CD 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Engineering basic electrical and Electronic Engineering circuit analysis +CD Engineering Electromagnetic + CD Fiber optic communication system +C.D. Fiber optic communication system + CD Fiber optic communications Fiber optics and optoelectronics Fiber optics communication systems + CD Foundations of electronics Fourier - transform spectroscopy instru. engineering Fundamental of digital circuits Fundamental of electric circuits Fundamental of network analysis and synthesis Fundamentals for Microwave Engineering Fundamentals of communication systems Fundamentals of Digital Circuits Fundamentals of digital image processing Thyagarajan, T. Hayt, W.H. Hayt, William Agrawal, Govind P. Agrawal, Govind P. Palais, Joseph Khare, R.P. Agrawal, G.P. Chattopadhayay, D. Saptari, Vidi Anand Kumar Alexander, Charles K. Sharma, Nitin Collin Fitz, Michael A. Anand Kumar Jain, A.K. Brown, Stephen Bobrow, Leonard Gupta, J.B. Gupta, J.B. Roth, C.H. Adelstein, Frank Achuthan, M.K May, Gary S. Gupta, J.B. Schultz, Mitchell Janakiram, D. Stojmenovic, Ivan Naidu, M.S. Hughes, Edward Gupta, A.K. Bhattacharya, S.K. Groover, Mikel P. Harrington, James A. Dally, James W. Millman, Jacob

Fundamentals of digital logic with Verilog + 183 CD 184 Fundamentals of electrical engineering Fundamentals of electrical engineering and 185 electronics 186 Fundamentals of electronics devices 187 Fundamentals of logic design Fundamentals of Mobile and Persvasive 188 Computing 189 Fundamentals of Semiconductor devices 190 Fundamentals of semiconductor fabrics Fundamentalsof electrical engineering and 191 electronics 192 Grab's Basic Electronics 193 Grid Computing +CD Handbook of wireless network and mobile 194 195 High Voltage Engineering 196 197 198 199 200 Hughes electrical and electronic technology

Industrial automation and robotics Industrial electronics and control Industrial Robotics Infrared fibers and their applications Instrumentation for engineering 201 measurements 202 Integrated Electronics

203 Intelligent system and control +CD Introduction to analog & digital 204 communication 205 Introduction to database management 206 Introduction to digital systems 207 Introduction to electric circuits 208 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 209 Introduction to radar systems 210 Introduction to Radar Systems 211 Introduction to Robotics 212 Introduction to semiconductor materials 213 Introduction to signals and systems 214 Introduction to signals & systems 215 Introduction to telecommunications 216 Introduction to wireless systems ISDN brodband ISDN with frame relay & ATM 217 218 Knowledge of system and analysis design Laboratory experiments and PSPICE 219 simulations analog electronics 220 Lecture notes of B.Tech ECE Lecture notes of electronics and 221 communication engineering Lecture notes of electronics and 222 communication engineering 223 Linear circuit analysis 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Linear Circuits : analysis and synthesis + CD Linear electronics : circuits and devices Linear Integrated Circuits Linear integrated circuits Linear Integrated Circuits Linear system and signals Manufacturing system control Microcontrollers Microelectronic circuits + CD Microelectronics Microelectronics analysis and design Microwave and radar engineering Microwave circuit design Microwave devices and circuit Microwave devices and circuits Microwave Engineering Microwave Engineering Microwave engineering passive circuits Mobile ADHOC networking Mobile and wireless desgin essentials Mobile Celllular Telecommunications

Kar, Indrani Haykin, Simon Kahate, Atul Ercegovac, M.D. Dorf, Richard C. Naidu, M.S. Spolni,, Merill Skolnik, Merill Craig, John J. Tyagi, M.S. Stuller, John Alan Bandyopadhyay, P.K. Cole, Marion Black, Bruee Stallings, William. Saxena, Pankaj Maheshwari, L.K. Sanjanee Tiwari, Rakesh Nath Ratish Kumar Decarlo, Raymand A. Ramakalyan, A. Cox, James Salivaharan, S. Bali, S.P. Choudhury, D. Roy Lathi, B.P. Bogdan, S. Kamal, Raj Sedra, Adel.S Millman, Jacob Natrajan, Sundaram Sisodia, M. L. Vendelin, George D. Srivastava Liao, Samuel Y. Das, Annapurna Pozar, David M. Rizzi, Peter A. Basagni, Stefand Mallick, Martyn Lee, William C.Y.

245 Mobile communication 246 Mobile Communication engineering theory

Schiller, J. Lee, William C. Talukalu, Asoke K. Ogata, Katsuhiko Lathi, B.P. Jain, R.P. Helfrick, Albert D. Kothari, D.P. Gulati R.R. Grung, B.L. Valkenburg, M.E. Ghosh, S.P. Arshad, Mohammad Kuo, Franklin F. Chaudhury, D. Roy Kaduskar, R.G. Choudhury, D. Ray Ryder, John D. Booch, Grady Coughlin, Robert F. Bell, David Keiser, Gerd Senior, J. M. Black, Uyless Smestad, Greg P. Yariv, Annon Joji, P. Rashid, M.H. Agrawal, Jai P. Singh, M.D. Sen, P.C. Asghar, Janvil Moorthi, V.R. Vithayathil, Joseph Mohan, Ned

Mobile computing : technology, applications 247 248 Modern control engineering Modern digital and analog communication 249 systems 250 Modern Digital Electronics Modern electronic instrument ation and 251 measurement 252 Modern power system analysis 253 Modern television practice 254 Mofset : Theory and Design 255 Network analysis 256 Network analysis and synthesis 257 Network analysis and synthesis 258 Network analysis and synthesis 259 Network and systems 260 Network fundamentals and analysis 261 Networks and system 262 Networks Lines and Fields Object oriented analysis & design with 263 application Operational Amplifiers and Integrated Circuits 264 265 Operational Amplifiers and linear 266 Optical Fiber Communications 267 Optical Fiber Communications Optical networks and generation transport 268 269 Optoelectronics of solar cells 270 Photonics 271 Pneumatic controls Power Electronic circuits, devices and 272 application 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 Power Electronic systems theory and design Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics + CD

Power Generation, operation and control +CD Wood, Allen J. Power system analysis Power system analysis Power system analysis Power system engineering Saadat, Hadi Grainger, John Nagsarkar, T.K. Kothari, D.P.

285 Power system protection and switchgear 286 Power systems stability : Synchroners Practical application to digital signal 287 processing Principles and application of electrical 288 engineering 289 Principles of Communication systems 290 Principles of digital electronics 291 Principles of Electromagnetics 292 Principles of Electromagnetics Principles of Electronic Communication 293 System 294 Principles of electronic introduction 295 Principles of Electronic material 296 Principles of linear systems and signals 297 Principles of radar 298 Principles of Semiconductor devices Principles of Signal processing and linear 299 system 300 Printed circuit boards design Probability methods of signal and system 301 analysis 302 Pulse and Digital circuits 303 Pulse and Digital Circuits 304 Pulse and digital switching circuits 305 Pulse, Digital and switching waveforms 306 Radar Principles 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324

Ram, Badri Kimbark, Edward W. Padmanabhan, K. Rizzoni, Giorgio Taub, Herbert Meena K. Sadiku, M.N. Kaduskar, R.G. Frenzel, Louis Patranabis, D. Kasap, S.O Lathi, B.P. Toomay, J.C. Dimitrijev, Sima Lathi, B.P. Bosshart, Walter McGlinn, Clare Rao, Mothiki Anand Kumar Gupta, J.B. Millman, Jacob Peebles, Peyton

Radio- electronic transmission fundamentals Griffith, B. Whitfield Radio Frequency and Microwave communication circuits Radio frequency circuit design Robotics Satellite Communication Satellite communication system engineering Science and Engineering of Microelectronics Semiconductor devices Semiconductor devices Semiconductor devices and circuit Semiconductor materials and devices Semiconductor physics and devices Semiconductor physics and devices Sensors and Transducers Signal and systems Signal and systems Signals and System schaum's outline Signals and systems Misra, Devendrak Davis, W. Alan Ghosal, Ashhitave Pratt, Timothy Pritchard Campbell Kano, Kanaan Dimitrijev, Sima Dutta, Aloke Bose, D.N. Neamen, Donald A. Islam, S.S. Patranabes, D. Rawat, T. Soni, K.M. Hsu, Hwei P. Haykin, Simon

325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366

Signals and systems Signals and systems Signals and systems Signals and systems Signals and systems Silicon VLSI technology Solid state electronic devices Solid state electronics Switchgear and Protection +cd Switching and finite automata theory Synthesis and Optimization System analysis and design methods System and control Telecommunication switching system and networking Telementry principles Television and video engineering Television engineering and video Textbook of analog electronics Textbook of basic electrical and electronic engineering Textbook of basic electronics Textbook of control system engineering Textbook of electrical technology vol-I Textbook of electricla technology vol- II Textbook of electronic devices and circuits Textbook on Optical Fiber Communication Theory and Problems of Electronic Communications Transportation engineering Transportation engineering Verilog digital systems design + CD VHDL : Modular Design +CD VHDL Primer VHDL Progamming by example + CD VLSI fabrication principles VLSI Technology Wideband amplifier Design Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications Wireless and mobile network architecture Wireless communication Wireless communications Wireless communications Wireless communications & networks Wireless commununication networks

Nagrath, I.J. Ghosh Sharma, Sanjay Oppenheim, Alan V. Rao, Ramakrishna Plummer, J.D. Sharma, R. Valkenburgh, Van Ashfaq, Haroon Kohavi, Zvi Michelli, G.D. Whitten Jeffrey Zak, Stanisla H. Viswanathan, T. Patranabis, D. Dhake, Arvind M. Gupta, R.G. Gupta, J.B. Gupta, J.B. Gupta, J.B. Nagrath, I.J. Theraja, B. L. Theraja, B. L. Gupta, J.B. Gupta, S.C. Temes, Lloyd Khisty Upadhayay, A.K. Navabi, Zaindabedin Navabi Bhasker, J. Perry, Douglas L. Gandhi, S.K. Sze Hollister, Allen L. Lee, William Lin, Yi-Bang Dalal, Upena Rappaport, Theodere Singhal, T.L. Stallings, William Misra, Iti Saha

367 Wireless network evolution 2G to 3G

Garg, Vijay


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100 Great Books Advanced literary essays Adventure of huckleberry finn Amitav : Ghosh critical essays Andersen's fairy tales Anthology of commonwealth poetry Approach to American literature Aristotle Background study of english literature Basic Tulip BPO sutra Broken republic Buss is not your friend

Canning, Johan Sahani, C.L. Twain, Mark Chaudhry, Bibhash Andersen Narasimhalan, C.D. Sahu, N.S. Barnes, Jonathan Prasad, B. Dumas, Alexander Mokhasi Roy, Arundhati Nair, Vijay

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 2 1 1

Cambridge IELTS with answer ; vol-VI +CD Cambridge Innes, C.L. Shakespeare, William Shakespeare Sharrock, Roger Lovelock, Julian Kean, P.M. Henderson, John Colesnote Austin, Jane Shakespeare, William Chaucer Mishra, Sunita Shakespeare Chaudhuri, Diptakiriti Mehta, P.P Kaushik Gray, Martin Derrida, Jacques Rengachari, S. ISBEN Umberto, Eco Taylor, Grant Chikera, Ernst E. Enright, D.J. Walker, Huge

Cambridge introduction to postcolonial 15 literature 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Casebook henry Casebook Richard II Casebook the pilgrim's progress C/B series comas & samson agonistes Choucer and making of english poetry Classics Colesnote dictionary of literary terms Complete novel Complete work of william shakespeare Contebury tales Contemporary literary theory Coriolanaus Cricket : All you wanted to know Critical approach to literature Declaring Love in Four languages A dictionary of literary terms Dissemination Doing research in literature Doll's house Eco : an literature English conversation practice English critical texts English critical texts English essay and essayist

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

English literature English literature English literature English literature English literature objective questions English poetry English prose style Feminist mode in common wealth Golden gate Golden treasury Guide: Great expectation Handbook of literary terms Handbook of literary terms Handbook of literature Hardy's poetic vision in dynasts History of english literature History of english literature History of english literature History of english literature History of literary criticism Huckback of notre-dame Iliad Illustrated history of Indian literature Image poems Indian english poetry Indian literary criticism Indian poetry in english Interpreting literature Interpreting literature : Myth of reality Introduction to post colonial theories Jerusalem Key to literary forms & terms Literary terms and theory Literary theory and critisism Look back in anger Major movements in english literature Mastering practical criticism May I hebb your attention please Mechanics of research writing Medieval India Million modern essays in criticism Mind your colour MLA handbook for writers of research 82 papers 83 Modern linguistics Norton anthology of media english 84 literature +CD

Rees, R.J. Sanders, Andrew Long, William J. Sanders, Andrew Thaman Dycon, A.E. Read, Herbert Singh, R.A. Seth, Vikram Palgrave Bloom Abraham, M.H. Kennedy, X. J. Holman, Hugh Dean, Susan Lovett, Robert Morss Albert, Adward Legouis, Pierre Rickett Habib, M.A.R. Hugo, Victor Homer Mehrotra, Arvind K. Sheth, Asha Rizvi, Iftidhar Husan Devy, G.M. Prasad, Aman Nath Barche, G.D. Barche, G.D. Abrahms, Taisha Lapierre Arors, Sudhir K. Chadha, I.S. Waugh Patricia Osborne Mubdra, S.C. Miller, Lindy Ray, Arnab Singh, R.K. Ford, Bories Barcker, Arthur E,. February, V.A. MLA Verma, S.K. Abraham, M.H.

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85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

Norton book of American short stories Novel in India Paradise lost Plays chekhov Post colonial studies: key concepts Postcolinial theory Practical criticism Practical criticism Princeton handbook of multicultural poetries Quick and Easy way to effective speak Readers guid to American literature Readers guide to literary Rudyard Kipling Secret latter Shakespeare Shakespeare: A living poem Shakespeare Antony and cleoptra Shakespeares lives Shelly's poetry and prose Short guide to writing about film Short history of english literature Social and literary history of england Speeches by great personalities Spoken English : Part 1 & 2 + CD Studies in contemporary Indo-english Studies in Indian drama in english Style guide Technical writing Thesis writing Waiting for godot Walking with the comrades Word power made easy Writing America black Writing Skills Writing with a thesis

Presscott, Peter S. Clark, T.W. Milton, John Chekhov Taiffin, Helen Gandhi, Leela Aggarwal, S.C. Sriraman, V. S. Brogon, T.V.F. Carnegie, Dale Mundra. S.C. Brooker, Peter Bloom Nathaniel Oxley, B.T. Baker, Sabreen Brown, John Russell Schoenbeck, Robert Shelley Corrigan, Timothy J. Tilak, Raghukul Mundra, J.N. Bhardhwaj Sadanand, Kamlesh Devivedi Yadav, Saryug Grimond, John Gerson, Sharen J. Gopalan, R. Beckett, Samuel Roy, Arundhati Lewis Doreski, C.K. Anne Laws Skurri, David

1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1



FICTION S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 TITLES 5 British Masters Above average Alchemist Aleph Alice adventure in wonderland All bengali crime detectives Art of James Joyce Assegai Baumgartner's Bombay Beautiful stories from Shakespeare Beloved of the gods : story of Asoka Bend in the river Best of D.H. Lawrence Best of Franz Kafka : Selected short stories Best of guy de maupassant Best of O'Henry Best of Saki Beyond twilight Big Girl Black chin white chin Bleck house Blind Pilgrim Blue Horrizon Breaking dawn Casebook of sherlock holmes Casebook series black house Casebook series the secret agent Castel Cat o'nine tales Charlote Bronte Chromosome 6 Cold steel Collected long and short stories Collected short stories Committed Connect the dots Cousius Da Vinci Code Daniel Defoo David copperfield Day scholar Deliver us from evil Diamond Dust AUTHOR Wild, Oscar Bagchi, Amitabha Coelho, Paulo Coelho, Paulo Carrol, Lewis Chatterjee, Suparna Litz, A Walton Smith, Wilbur Desai, Anita Nesbil, E. Modak, E.S. Naipaul, V.S. Lawrence, D.H. Kafka, Franz Maitra, Gitin M. Henry, O. Saki Mascetti Steel, Danielle Govender Dyson, A.E. Jain Smith, Wilbur Meyer, Stephenie Doyle, Arthur Dyson, A.E. Watt, John Kafka, Frenz Archer, Jefferey Eyre, Jane Adhithan, M. Bought, Tem Lawrance Gilbert, Elizabeth Bansal, Rashmi Raghunath, Prema Brown, Dan Dafoe, Daniel Dickens Chowdhury, Siddharth Baldacci, David Desai, Anita COPIES 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

Dilli Mumbai love story East of Eden Eclipse Eco : foucault's pendulum Emma Empire of Moghul-brother at war Empire of the moghul : rules of the world Englishman's Cameo Fall of giants False Impression Famous tales of Mystery and Horror Famous tales of Mystery and Horror Far from the medding crowd Fiction of St, Stephens First man in the moon Fish in paneer soup Fishbowl Five point someone Franz Kafka Games at twilight Garden of solitude Glass place God of small things Good earth Good Earth Grapes of wrath Guiness the colourful story of black Gullivers Travels Gullivers travles Harappa files Hard Times Harry pltter brand magic of boy wizard Harry Potter and order of Phoenix Heart of darkness Heart of darkness Heartbreaks & dreams : girls@III Home I have a dream If god was a banker If you could see me now Ikea : a brand for all the people Immortals of Meluha Impact : short stories for pleasure In Pursuit of Ecstansy Inherritance of Loss

Jha, Abhimanyu Steinback Meyer, Stephenie Umberto, Eco Austin, Jane Rutherford, Alex Rutherford, Alex Liddle, Madhulika Follett, Ken Archer, Jeffrey Poe, Edgar Allan Poe Hardy Chatterjee Wells, H.G. Ghatak, Deep Mylnowski Bhagat, Chetan Bloom Desai, Anita Gigoo, Siddhartha Ghosh, Amitav Roy, Arundhati Buck, Pearl S. Buck, Pearl S. Steinback Griffiths Swift, Jonathan Rivero, Albert Banerjee, Sarnath Dicken, Charles Brown, Harry Rowling, J.K. Conard Conrad, J. Mittal, Parul A. Kapoor, Manoj Bansal, Rashmi Subramanian, Ravi Ahern Lewis, Elen Tripathi, Amish Stanbury, Donald L. Parashar, Sujata Desai, Kiran

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

Innocent Interpreter of maladies Interpreter of maladies Invisible man Ivanhoe Journey to Ithaca Journey to nowhere Journey to the Ithaca Jude the obscure Keep off the grass Last man in tower Laughable loves Leela's book Living the 7th habits Loss of El Dolado Loss of human bondage Lost symbol Madame Bovary Mansfield park Marvel : X- Men, Spiderman Maughman of Human Bondage Mayor of casterbridge Mayor of Casterbridge Mayor of casterbridge Mice in men Mill on the floss Mini shopahalic Mistry a fine balance Mother Museum of innocence : a novel New moon Oath of the Vayuptras Of course love you ..! Old Crypress Oliver twist One night at the call center Only time will tell Paradise Parallel Journeys Passage of india Percy Jackson ultimate collection; Battle of the cabyrinth Percy Jackson ultimate collection; Last Olympian Percy Jackson ultimate collection; Lightning thief Percy Jackson ultimate collection; Sea of monster

Simmons, John Lahiri, Thumpa Arora, S.S. Wells, H.G. Scott, Sir Walter Desai, Anita Das, Diptangshu Desai, Anita Hardy, Thomas Bajaj, Karan Adiga, Arvind Kundera, Milan Albinia, Alice Covey, Stephen R. Naipaul, V.S. Archie Dan Brown Flaubert, Gustave Austin, Jane Shahar Maugham, W.S. Hardy Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Bose, Anirban Eliot, George Kinsella, Sophie Rohenton Gorky, Maxim Pamuk, Orhan Meyer, Stephenie Tripathi, Amish Datta, Durjoy Cuhna, Nisha Dicken, Charles Bhagat, Chetan Archer, Jeffrey Morrison, Toni Majumdar Forster, E.M. Riordan, Rick Riordan, Rick Riordan, Rick Riordan, Rick

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Percy Jackson ultimate collection;Titan's curse Poems of John Keats Power of the possibble pyramid of virgin dreams Queen of Dreams Raja is dead Ready for take off : leadership story Return to Mandhata Revolution 2020 Riot River of smoke Scotch Whisky Second Degree Secret keeper Secret of Nagas Sense and sensibility She Silas Marner Sirens of Baghdad Sixth man Solar Solo Some inner fury Sophie's world Sound and the fury Star Starbucks Strange case of doctor Jekylland Mr. Hyde Suitable boy Susanna's seven husbands Tale of two cities That's the life baby Thereby hangs a tale There's no love on wall street Thousand years of good prayers Three Mistakes Three musketeers Thye Lucky one Time machine To be the best Tom Brown's schooldays Tom Jones Trail Treasure island Twilight

Riordan, Rick Keat, John McCarthy, Auriela Mittra, Vipul Divakaruni, Chitra Singh, Shivani Jain, Sachit Khare, Randhir Bhagat, Chetan Tharoor, Shashi Ghosh, Amitav Delves, Stuart John, Prashant Perkins, Mitali Tripathi, Amish Austen, Jane Huggard, H. Rider Eliot, George Khadra Baldacci, David McEwan, Ian Desgupta, Rana Markandaya Gaarder, Jostein Faulkner, William Steel, Daniel Simmons, John Stevenson, Robert Seth, Vikram Bond, Ruskin Dicken, Charles Ranjan, Priyesh Archer, Jeffrey Trivedi, Ira Yiyun, Li Bhagat, Chetan Dumas, Alexendra Sparks, Nicholas Wells, H.G. Bradford Hughes, Thomas Fielding, Henry Kafka, Frenz Stevenson, R.L. Meyer, Stephenie

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

178 179 180 181 182 183 184

Two states Valkyries White tiger Whiteout Winning hand Wolf hall Wuthering hights

Bhagat, Chetan Coelho, Paulo Adiga, Arvind Follett, Ken Roberts, Nora Mantel, Hilary Bronte, Ernily

1 1 1 1 1 1 1



1 7 habit of highly effect 2 Adapt : why success always starts 3 Audio visual journalism 4 Be an extraordinary person in ordinary 5 Being and Nothingness 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Believe in god who believes you Beyond the secret Big short Blue book of the law of success Broadcast journalism in 21st century Calm Reflections Chicken soup for love & friendship Chiken soup for the soul : Indian college Child development Cognitive psychology Daily Inspiration Discover your destiny Dump your hang ups Editing Ethics Ethics in engineering Exeperimental psychology Family Wisdom Fundamentals and ethics for scientists Ganeshaspeaks Horoscope 2013 Greatness Guide + CD Happy Thoughts He can who thinks he can Holy bible How to develop your personality How to get whatever you want How to have creative ideas How to improve your confidence How to make winning presentations How to stop worrying and start living

Coney, Stephen R. Harford, Tim Ahuja, B.N. Schuller, Robert A. Sarte, Jean - Paul Schuller, Robert A. Barnaby, Brenda Lewis, Michael HIll, Napoleaon Srivastava Ryan Canfield, Jack Canfield, Jack Santrock, Johan W. Solso, Robert L. Sharma, Robin Sharma, Robin Sculler Ahuja, B.N. Vatsyanan Martin, Mike W. Solso, Robert L. Sharma, Robin Barry, Robert L. Times of India Sharma, Robin Reynolds Marder Richards Kopmeyer Bono Hambly Timm, Paul R. Rego, A.G. Fielding, Henry ; Felman, Ruthdesk

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

36 Human Development +CD

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Human values and professional ethics I'm ok - you're ok Imitation is luivitation Improving your memory for dummies Indias newspaper revolution Industrial psychology Industrial psychology Industrial psychology Introduction to journalism Introduction to logic Journalism : principles & practice Leader in me Leader who had no title +CD Magic of thinking big Making a newspaper Mathodology and technology of socil researcher Media communication ethics Media ethics Megaliving Messages from the masters Methosds in social research Miracle of Right Thought Modern approach to verbal and non verbal reasoning Negotitatious News writing and reporting Newspaper organisation and management Newswriting & reporing Personal Development : All in one Personality Development : Dummies

Shukla, R.K. Harris, Thomas A. Mason, John Arden Jeffrey, Robin Kumar, Sudhir Singhal, Ankit Goel, Navnesh Fleming, Carole Cohen, Carl Harcup, Tony Covey, Stephen Sharma, Robin Schwartz, David Mudgal, Rahul Bhandarkar, P.L. Day, Louis Alvin Christions, Clifford Sharma, Robin Weiss Hatt, Paul K. Marden, Orison Aggarwal, R.S. Anne Laws Rich, carole William, Herbert Lee James, M.Neal Burn, Gillian Burn, Gullian Peale, Norman Vincent Peale, Norman Vincent Butler Belsey, Catherine Tolle, Eckhart Peale, Norman Vincent Peale, Norman Vincent Murphy, Joseph Ahuja, B.N. Kamath, M.V. Smith, Ronald E. Wagennar, A.

5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

66 Positive imaging 67 68 69 70
Positive thinkers get powerful results Post modernism Poststructuralism Power of now

71 Power of plus facter 72 73 74 75 76 77

Power of positive thinking Power of your subconcious mind Priciples & techanique of journalism Professional journalism Psychology Psychology

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

Psychology Psychology testing Psychology testing Quantitative aptitude Quantitative aptitude for competitive exam Recent trends in libraries Reporting Research designs Research methodology Research methodology Research Methodology Research Methodology Secret Secret the power Social research methods Speed of trust Stastistical reasoning in psychology Stay hungry stay foolish Test your I.Q. Theory and practice of journalism Think and grow rich Think! before its too late Third Jesus Thoughts to build on Tough time never last, but tough people do

Baron, Robert Urbina, Susana Gregory, Robert Aggarwal, R.S. Guha, Abhijit Joshi, S.S. Ahuja, B.N. Bordens, Keneth Panneerselvam Ranjit, kumar Kothari, C.R. Pankaj Madan Bryne, Rhonda Byrne, Rhonda Neuman, W.L. Covey, Stephen R. Minium, E.W Bansal, Rashmi Sagar, Anand Ahuja Hill Edward, De Bono Chopra, Deepak Kopmeyer Schuller Peale, Norman Vincent Peale, Norman Vincent Feldman, Robert S. Bhogle, Anita

2 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 6 16 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

103 Treasury of courage and confidance 104 Treasury of joy and enthusiasm 105 Understanding psychology +CD 106 Winning way

107 You can live seccessfully in your lifetime Abbott 108 Your chinese horoscope 2012 Somerville, Neil 109 Your complete forecast 2011 horoscope 110 Zero to hero (H)
Daruwala, Bejan Bansal, Rashmi




Anholt, Simon Sen, Amartya Verma, Pawan K. Marwah, Reena Bhandari, Laveesh Rajender Nilekani, Nandan Kalam, Abdul Naipaul, V.S. Gupta, Bharat Naipaul, V.S. Tully Shaurie Dalrymple, William

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 America the mother of all brand 2 Argumentation Indian 3 Becoming Indian Contemporary India : economy, society 4 5 Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh : Himalayan 6 Dreamland 7 Imaging India 8 India 2020 9 India : Million mutines now 10 India Through the ages 11 India : Wounded Civilization 12 No full stop in India 13 Secular agenda 14 White mughals



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


Sarkar, A. K. Matz, Samuel A. Khatkar, Bhupender Aggarwal, D.K. Singh, R.K. Banwart, George J. Sethi, Mohini Ghosh, S.G. Sharma, D.D. Sethi, Parveen Singh, Ratandeep Singh, Ratandeep Raina, A. K. Singh, Y. P. Sethi, Bhart Cousins, J Sudan, Amrik Singh Lillicrap, Dennis George, Bobby Andrews, Sudhir Many, N. S. Roday, Sunetra Frazier, William C. Subbulakshmi, G. Sivasankar, B. Kumar, Vikas Bali, Parvinder S. Srilakshmi, B. Singh, R.K. Dix, Colin Raina, A. K. Raina, A. K. Chandra, Prabhas Mirajkar, Maridula Singh, R.K. Ranganna, S. Singh, Ratandeep Rai, Harish Chandra Madhukar, Manoj Tiwari, Jatashankar Raghubalan, G.

Action plan and priorities in tourism development Bakery technology and engineering Baking science and technology Banquet management and room devision Bar and beverage management Basic food microbiology Catering management Check in - check out Cold kitchen Development and implication of sex tourism Dynamics of historical cultural & heritage tourism Dynamics of modern tourism Dynamics of tourism Effective food services management Elements of diet & neutrition Food and beverage management Food & bevarage management Food & bevarage services Food & bevarage services Food & bevarage services Food facts and principles Food Hygiene and Sanitation Food microbiology Food processing and preservation Food processing and preservation Food production management Food production operations +CD Food science Front office management Front office operation Fundamentals of tourism Fundamentals of tourism and Indian religion Global ecotourism Global sourcebook on hospitality management Guest management Handbook of analysis and quality control for fruit and 36 vegitable product 37 38 39 40 41 Handbook of environment guidline for Indian tourism Hill tourism Hospitality industries in next millennium Hotel Front Office Hotel front office : Training Manual

42 Hotel front office : training manual 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Hotel front office training manual Hotel housekeeping Hotel Housekeeping +CD Hotel Housekeeping operation and management Hotel Management Hotel Management Hotel organisation Human resource management in tourism Indian Ecotourism Indian tourism Infrastucture of tourism in India Introduction to travel and tourism Jiggs kalra's classics cooking of avadh Jiggs kalra's : dawat the television series Kitchen equipment and design Marketing for hospitality and tourism Modern cookery ; vol-I Modern cookery ; vol-II Nature and scope of tourism Nature based tourism Pickels chutney's preserves Prashad cooking with Indian masters Pro- poverty tourism +CD Professional front office management Profiles of Indian tourism Restaurant managemnt Restaurant managemnt Rural tourism Steve jobs way leadership Studies in tourism Tasty eating for healthy living : Vol 1 to Vol 5 Text book food and beverage service Theory of Cookery Tourism : concepts and principles Tourism development Tourism development : principles and practice Tourism education an engineering essential Tourism & environment Tourism evolution, scope nature & organisation Tourism for next millennium Tourism industry & environmental management Tourism issues and strategies Tourism management : a globle perspective

Andrews, Sudhir Ghosh, Suvradeep G. Andrews, Sudhir Raghubalan, G. Raghubalan, G. Sharma, Yogindrak Sudan, Amrik Singh Ahmed, M.N. Madhukar, Manoj Singh, Ratandeep Sarkar, A. K. Singh, Ratandeep Seth, Pran Nath Pant, Pushpesh Kalra's, Jiggs Aggarwal, D.K. Kotler, Philip Phillip, Thangam E. Phillip, Thangam E. Sethi, Parveen Pruthi, R. K. Moothy, Vasantha Kalara, J Inder Singh Pruthi, R. K. Woods, R. H. Singh, Shalini Sudan, Amrik Singh Chakravarti, V. K. Pruthi, R. K. Elliot, Joy Singh, Sagar Kapoor, Sanjeev Bagchi, S.N. Arora, Krishna Chaudhary, Prabhat Jain, Yashodhara Bhatia, A.K. Bhardwaj, D. S. Sharma, Shashi Prabha Sinha, P. C. Sethi, Parveen Pruthi, R. K. Sinha, P. C. Batra, G.S.

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Tourism marketing Tourism marketing Tourism marketing Tourism policy and planning Tourism reference sources & bibliography Tourism the next generation Tourism transport and travel management Travel agency and tour operation

Singh, Ratandeep Khan, M.A. Sinha, P. C. Chaudhary, Prabhat Sinha, P. C. Sethi, Parveen Sinha, P. C. Negi, Jagmohan


3 2 5 2 1 2 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 3 2 4 7 2 4 2 2 3 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1

10 5 11 8 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 5 2 2 3 1 2 7 3 1 2 6 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 5 3 1 6 5 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 4

2 3 1 6 1 2 3 3


Taylor, Ken Covey Anthony, Robert N. Gupta, N.K Kulshreshtha, M.K. Lynch, Richard M. Hanif, Mohammad Weinrich Atkinson, Anthony Kapoor, Neeru Batra, Rajeev Wells, William Warren, Brussee Bhattacharya, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Rajesh T, Ravi Kumar Hughes, Duncan Ainapure, Varsha Basu, S.K. Kaplan, Steve Rutherfoord Rutherfoord Shah, Paresh Khan, M.Y. McGrath, E.H. Kaplan, Steven Chen Chris Handa, Ravi

1 50 ways to improve business english 2 7 Habits of rightly effective families 3 Accounting 4 Accounting for Manager 5 Accounting for managers 6 Acounting for management planning 7 Advanced accounting vol -II 8 Advanced accounting vol-I 9 Advanced management accounting 10 Advertising and personal selling 11 Advertising management 12 Advertising: Principles and practice 13 All about six sigma 14 Approach to communication skills 15 Asian managers H/B of e-commerce 16 Asset liability management 17 Assit management 18 Auditing & Assurance 19 Auditing : principles and techniques 20 Bag the elephant 21 Basic communication skills for technology 22 Basic communication skills for technology 23 Basic financial accounting for management 24 Basic financial management 25 Basic managerial skills for all 26 Be the Elephant 27 Big book of six sigma training 28 Biz world : Complete business guide

29 Blackberry 30 Brand positioning 31 Bringing your whole self to work 32 Business communication 33 Business communication 34 Business Communication 35 Business communication 36 Business communication 37 Business communication 38 Business communication building 39 Business communication & customer relation 40 Business communication today 41 Business communications 42 Business correspondence & report writing 43 Business corresponence & report writing 44 Business environment 45 Business environment 46 Business environment 47 Business environment 48 Business ethic: Indian prespective 49 Business ethics 50 Business ethics +CD 51 Business law 52 Business law 53 Business organisation 54 Business process engineering 55 Business research methods 56 Business research methods +CD 57 Business statistics 58 Business statistics 59 Business statistics +CD 60 Case in environment of business

McQueen, Rod Sengupta, Subron Harvard Sethi, Anjanee Chaturvedi, P.B. Meenakshi Raman Ramachandran, K.K. Lesikar, Raymond V. Madhukar, R.K. Locker, Kitty O. I.I.B Bevee, Courtland L. Lesikar, Raymond V. Sharma, R.C. Sharma, R.C. Paul, Justin Namita, Gopal Cherunilam, Francis Agrawal, Raj Missra, Mukti Fernando, A. C. Velasquez, Manuel G. Tulsian, P.C. Balachandran, V. Sharma, R.K. Radhakrishan, R. Zikmond, Williom G Cooper, Donald Alagar, K. Shenoy, G.V. Bajpai, N. Conklin, David W.

61 Case studies in management 62 Case studies in marketing 63 Cases in advertising & marketing management 64 Cases in organizational behaviour 65 Cases in rural marketing 66 Chasing the rabbit 67 Common sense leadership 68 Communication for business 69 Communication for retail professional 70 Communication skills for engineering 71 Communication theory 72 Compensation management in knowledge 73 Computer application in management 74 Concepts and cases strategic management 75 Concepts in strategic management 76 Consumer behaviour 77 Consumer behaviour 78 Consumer behaviour 79 Contemporary engineering economics 80 Corporate governance 81 Corporate governance and stewardship 82 Corporate information strategy 83 Corporate legal framework 84 Cost accounting 85 Cost accounting 86 Cost accounting 87 Cost Accounting 88 Cost accounting 89 Cost and management acounting 90 Crafting and executing strategy 91 CRM handbook 92 Cross cultural management

Kulkarni, J.A. Balakrishna, S. Applegate, Edd Joshi, Rama J. Krishnamacharyule, C.S.G. Spear, Steven J. Fulton, Roger Taylor, Shirley Rizvi, M.Ashraf Misra, Sunita Littlejohn, Stephen Henderson, Richard I. Saxena, Sanjay Carpenter, M. A. Wheelan, Thomas L. Schiffman, Leon G. Solomon, Michael R. Loudon, David L. Park, Chan S. Colley, John L. Balasubramanian, N. Appligate, Lynder Garg, K.C. Horngren, Charles T. Polimeni, Ralph S. Jawahar Lal Jain, S.P. Rajasekaran, V. Willamson, Duncan Thompson, Arthur Dyche, Jill Bhattacharya, Dipak

93 Customer relationship management 94 Decision support & data warehouse system 95 Derivations : Instruments 96 Design for six Sigma 97 Devision support systems in 21st century 98 Disaster recovery handbook +CD 99 E - Commerce 100 E- marketing 101 E R P Demystified 102 Effective training 103 Electronic commerce 104 Electronic Commerce 105 Emerging Markets 106 Encyclopaedia of ; Functional management ; Vol-1 107 Encyclopaedia of ; Functional management ; Vol-2 108 Encyclopaedia of ; Functional management ; Vol-3 109 Encyclopaedia of ; Functional management ; Vol-4 110 Engineering economics 111 Engineering Economics 112 Engineering economics 113 English and communication skills +CD 114 Enterpreneurship 115 Enterpreneurship development small business 116 Enterprise resource planning 117 Enterprise resource planning 118 Enterprise resource planning 119 Enterprise ressource planning 120 Enterprise ressource planning 121 Entrepreneurial management 122 Entrepreneurship 123 Entrepreneurship 124 Entrepreneurship

Kincard, Judik W. Mallach, Efram G. Tiwari, Sanjay Creveling, C.M. Marakas, George M. Wallace, Michael Bajaj, Kamlesh Strauss, Judy Leon, Alexis Thacker, Blauchard Bhasker, Bharat Awad, Elias M. Harvard, D. Saxena, Anil Saxena, Anil Saxena, Anil Saxena, Anil Riggs, James L. Paneerselvam, R. Sepulveda, Jose Dhanavel, S.P. Barringer, Bruce R. Charantimath, Purnima Leon, Alexis Sumner, Mary Garg, Vinod Leon, Alexis Partha Sarathy, S. Calvin, Robert J. Hisrich, Robert . D. Hiorich, Robert D. Greene, Cynthial

125 Entrepreneurship and management 126 Entrepreneurship development 127 Entrepreneurship in action 128 Entrepreneurship new venture creation 129 Essential of management 130 Essential of strategic management 131 Essentials of business environment 132 Essentials of enterprenurship & small business 133 Essentials of management 134 Essentials of management 135 Ethics in engineering 136 Ethics in management 137 Event processing 138 Experimental approach to organisational development 139 Exploring corporate strategy 140 Fifth discipline 141 Finacial management 142 Finance 143 Finance sense 144 Financial accounting 145 Financial accounting 146 Financial accounting 147 Financial accounting for BBA 148 Financial and management accounting 149 Financial decision making 150 Financial engineering 151 Financial institutions and markets 152 FInancial institutions and markets 153 Financial management 154 Financial management and policy 155 Financial management +CD 156 Financial management +CD

Manjunath, V.S. Singh, Ranbir Coutler, Mary Holt, David H. Massie, Joseph Hunger, J David Aswathapa, K. Zimmerer, Thomous W. Robbins, Stephen P. Koontz, Harold Martin, Mike W. Sherledar, S.A. Chandy, K. Mani Brown, Donald Johnson, Gerry Senge, Peter M. Chandra, Prasanna Pandey, I.M. Chandra, Prasanna Tulsian, P.C. Harrison, Walter I. Shim, Joe K. Maheshwari, S.N. Mustafa, A. Hampton, John J. Marshall, John F. Kohn, Meir Bhole, L.M. Keown, Arthur J. Horne,James C Van Khan, M.Y. Chandra, Prasanna

157 Financial management +CD 158 Financial management in public sector 159 Financial management : theory and practice 160 Financial managment 161 Financial managment +CD 162 financial markets and corporate strategy 163 Financial markets and institutions 164 Financial planning : ready reckoner 165 Financial policy & management accounting 166 Financial services 167 Financial services 168 Financial services and markets 169 Financial services and system 170 Foundatdion of financial markets & institutions 171 Foundations of advertising 172 Framework for marketing management 173 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce 174 Functional aspects of communication skills 175 Fundamental of financial management 176 Fundamentals of financial management 177 Fundamentals of financial management 178 Fundamentals of future & option markets +CD 179 Fundamentals of investments 180 Fundamentals of investments 181 Fundamentals of quality control & improvement 182 Global financial management 183 Global marketing 184 Global Marketing Management 185 Globality 186 Globle marketing 187 Guide to cross cultural communication 188 Guide to managerial commjunication

Srivastava, Rajiv Wang, Xiaohu Chandra, Prasanna Gopal, C. Rama Pandey, I.M. Grinblatt, Mark Saunders, Anthony Sinha, Madhu Banerjee, Bhabatosh Khan, M.Y. Siddaiah, T. Pandian, Punithavathy Sasidharan, K. Ferri, Michael G. Chunawalla, S.A. Kellar, Kavin Lane Kalakota, Ravi Prasad, Prajapati Horne,James C Van Sharan, Vyuprakesh Chandra, Prasanna Hull, John C. Alexander, Gordon J. Gitam Misra, Amitava Giddy, Ian H. Hollenson, Svend Keegan, Warren J. Bhattacharya, A. Keegan, Warren J. Reynolds, Sana Munter, Mary

189 Guide to presentations 190 Guide to report writing 191 Habit of winning 192 Handbook of material management 193 Handbook of practical communication skills 194 Harvard Business Reveiw on Developing Leaders 195 Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship 196 How the mighty falls 197 Human resource development 198 Human resource development 199 Human resource development 200 Human resource management 201 Human resource management 202 Human resource management 203 Human resource management 204 Human resource management 205 Human resource management 206 Human resource management 207 Human resource management 208 Human resource management 209 Human resource management 210 Human resource management 211 Human resource management 212 Human resource management 213 Indian financial system 214 Indian financial system 215 Industrial administrations & management 216 Industrial engineering and organization management 217 Industrial management 218 Industrial marketing 219 Industrial marketing 220 Industrial relation trade unions

Munter, Mary Netzley, Michael Iyer, P. Gopalkarishnan, P. Wright, Chrissie Harvard Harvard Collins, Jim Bhattacharya, D.K. Haldar, Uday Werner, Jon M. Dessler, Gary Reid, margaret Wilinkson Aswathappa, K. Bernardin, H John Pattanayak, Biswajeet Gupta, C.B. Saiyadain, Mirza S. Mathis, Robert L. Sanghi, Seema Dessler, Gary Aquinas, P.G. Bhattacharyya, D.K Machiraju, H.R. Pathak, B. V. Batty, J. Sharma, S.K. Gupta, Shashi K. Havaldar, Krishna K. Reeder, Robert R. Shekhar, Seema

221 Industrial relations and labour laws 222 Industrial relations trade union and labour 223 Information systems control & audit 224 Information systems for modern management 225 Information systems project management 226 Integrated advertising promotion 227 Integrated marketing communicator 228 Internatinal buainess 229 International accounting 230 International Business 231 International business 232 International business 233 International business 234 International business 235 International business 236 International business environment 237 International finance management 238 International financial management 239 International human resource management 240 International human resource management 241 International human resource management 242 International logistics management 243 International management 244 International management

Srivastava, S.C. Sinha, P.R.N. Weber, Ron Mudick,, R. G. Mcmanus, John Cloww & Baack Blakeman, Robyn Hill, Charles Rathore Bennett, Roger Sharan, Vyuptaresh Ball, Donald A. Aswathappa, K. Chernilam, Francis Cavusqil, S.Tamer Sundaram, Anant K. Sharan, Vyuptaresh Apte, Prakash G. Edwards, Tony Aswathapa, K. Dowling, Peter J. Misra, Anuranjan Pathak, Arvind V. Deresky, Helan

245 International management culture strategies and behaviour Hodgetts, Richard P. 246 International marketing 247 International marketing 248 International marketing 249 International marketing an analysis 250 International marketing and export management 251 International marketing research 252 Interviews with CEO's
Onkvisit, Sak Paul, Justin Srinivasan, R Shaw, John J. Albaum, Gerald Kumar, V. Harvard

253 Introduction to financial accounting 254 Introduction to financial accounting 255 Introduction to human resource management 256 Introduction to material management 257 Introduction to operation research +CD 258 Introduction to operation research 259 Introduction to supply chain management 260 Investment analysis and portfolio management 261 Investment management 262 Investment management and analysis 263 Investments 264 Investments 265 I.T.Project management +CD 266 Knowledge management 267 Knowledge management +CD 268 Knowledge management tool kit+CD 269 Leadership Wisdom 270 Lean Kaizen +CD 271 Lecture notes accounts school of management 272 Lecture notes of business law MBA 273 Lecture notes of MBA 274 Logictics management 275 Logistical management 276 Logistics and supply chain management 277 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 278 Logistics management 279 Logistics system analysis 280 Management 281 Management 282 Management 283 Management 284 Management accounting

Horngren, Charles J. Gupta, Rakesh K. Currie, Donald Arnold, J.R.Tonny Hiller, Fredrick Verma, A.P. Handfield, Robert B. Chandra, Prasanna Singh, Preeti Khatri, Dhanesh Frances, Jack Clark Bodie, Zvi Phillips, Joseph Awad, Elias M. Fernandez, Irma Tiwana, Amrit Sharma, Robin Alukal, George Khana, Manish Khana, Manish Sanjanee Ailawadi, Satish Bowersox, Donald J. Christopher, Martin Raghuram, G. Sople, V.V. Daganzo, Carlos Hill, Michael A. Robbins, Stephen R. Weinrich Stoner, James A.F. Atkinson, Anthony

285 Management accounting 286 Management accounting 287 Management accounting 288 Management accounting 289 Management and organizational behaviour 290 Management economics 291 Management guide to PERT/CPM 292 Management Information system 293 Management information systems 294 Management information systems +CD 295 Management of technology 296 Management : principles, processers 297 Management : tasks, responsibilities 298 Management today 299 Managemnt Information System 300 Managerial Economics 301 Managerial economics 302 Managerial economics 303 Managerial economics 304 Managerial economics 305 Managerial economics 306 Managerial economics 307 Managerial economics 308 Managerial economics

Singh, S.K. Bhattacharya, D. Gupta, Shashi K. Pandey, I.M. Hersey, Paul Damodaran, Suma Wiest, Jerome D. O'Brien, James A Goyal, D.P. Laudon, Kenneth C. Khalil, Tarek M. Bhatt, Anil Drucket, Peter Burton, Gene Davis, G.B. Maheshwari, Yogesh Damodaran, Suma Dwivedi, D.N. Gupta, G.S. Mote, V.L. Kaushal, T.L. Pal, Sumitra Hirschey, Mark Raj, Kumar

309 Managerial economics : Analysis, problem,& cases 16th ed. Mehta, P.L. 310 Managerial effectiveness of public distribution system 311 Managing engineering & technology 312 Managing human resources 313 Managing human resources 314 Managing Indian brand 315 Managing technology and innovation for competetive 316 Managing with information
Sanjeet, Kumar Morse, Lucy C. Cascio, Wayne F. Gomez, Luis R. Kumar, S. Ramesh Narayan, V.K. Kanter, Jerome

317 Managrial economics : text 318 Manual of business laws 319 Marketing 3.0 320 Marketing : an introduction 321 Marketing +CD 322 Marketing management 323 Marketing management 324 Marketing management 325 Marketing mantra 326 Marketing public relation 327 Marketing research 328 Marketing Research 329 Marketing research 330 Marketing research 331 Marketing research 332 Marketing research 333 Marketing research : applied Orientation 334 Marketing research : introduction 335 Marketing resesrch : an international approach 336 Mastring communication at work 337 Material management 338 Material management 339 Mechanical assemblies +CD 340 Meetings 341 Mercantile law 342 Mercantile law 343 Modern Database management systems 344 Modern Management: Concepts & skills 345 Modern production and operations management 346 Motion & Time study Design & Measurement of Work 347 Multinational business finance 348 Negotiation and counselling

Varshney, R.L. Maheshwari, S.N. Kotler, Philip Armstrong, Gary Etzel, Michael J. Kotler, Phillip Ramaswamy, V.S. Kumar, Arun Gupta, Vaswar D. Giannini, G. T. Stasch, Stonley F. Aaker, David A. Beri, G.C. Hair, Joseph F. Cooper, Donald Easwaran, Sunanda Malhotra, Naresh K. Schmidt, Marcus J. Schmidt, Marcus J. Becker, Athan F. Gopikrishnan, P.U. Datta, A.K. Whitney, Daniel Anne Laws Tulsian, P.C. Shukla, M.C. Kalakota, Ravi Certo, Mamuel C. Buffa, Elwood S. Barnes, R. M. Eiteman, David Chaudhary, Rittu

349 Office management 350 On Application employee performance 351 On becoming a high performance manager 352 On Culture and Change 353 On Doing business in China 354 On Managing Value Chain 355 On Mergers and Acquisitions 356 On Top Line Growth 357 On Turnarounds 358 Operation and supply management +CD 359 Operation management 360 Operation management 361 Operation management +CD 362 Operation management +CD 363 Operation management : theory and practice +CD 364 Operation Research 365 Operation research 366 Operation Research 367 Operation research 368 Operation research 369 Operation research 370 Operation research 371 Operation research 372 Operation Research 373 Operation research : introduction +CD 374 Organization development 375 Organization development and transformation 376 Organization effectiveness and change management 377 Organization theory 378 Organization theory, change and design 379 Organization transfermation through business 380 Organizational behaviour

Balachandran, V. Harvard Business Harvard Harvard Business Harvard, D. Harvard Business Harvard Business Harvard Business Harvard Business Chase, Richard Monks, Joseph G. Verma, A.P. Heizer, Jay Schroeder, Roger G. Mahadevan, B. Bronson, Richard Natarajan, A.M. Sharma, J.K. Panneerselvam, R. Tiwari, N.K. Swarup, Kanti Verma, A.P. Tiwari, Neelu Gupta, Prem Kumar Taha, Hamdy A. French, Wendell French, Wendell Kondalkar, V.G. Mathew, Mary Daft, Richard L. King, William Misra, Anuranjan

381 Organizational Behaviour 382 Organizational behaviour 383 Organizational behaviour 384 Organizational behaviour 385 Organizational behaviour 386 Organizational behaviour 387 Organizational behaviour and management 388 Organizational behviour 389 Organizational behviour 390 Organizational theory design 391 Outline of company secretarial practice 392 Performance management 393 Performance management 394 Performence management 395 Personal growth training and development 396 Physical distribution management 397 Principles and practice of cost accounting
Principles and practice of management and business 398 communication

McShane, Steven L. Kinicki, Angelo Robbins, Stephen P. Prasad, L.M. Luthans, Fred Kumar, Arun Ivancevich, John M. Sekaran, Uma Kreitner, Robert Jones, Gareth R. Ghosh, P.K. Agniuis, Herman Saks, Alan M. Cardy, Robert L. Chaudhary, Rittu Khanna, K.K. Bhattacharya, Ashish Stoner, James A. Brealey, Richard A. Tapp, Alan Gitman, Lawrence Kotler, Phillip Rana, Kajal Rejdar, George E. Prasad, L.M. Mendiratta, B.D. Otto, Kevin Ulrich, Karl T. Lehman, Donald R. Anadan, C. Cook, Harry E. Ebert, Ronald J.

399 Principles of corporate finance +CD 400 Principles of direct & database marketing 401 Principles of managerial finance 402 Principles of marketing 403 Principles of Marketing Management 404 Principles of risk management 405 Principles & practice of management 406 Printer's costing and estimating +CD 407 Product design 408 Product design and development 409 Product management 410 Product management 411 Product management 412 Production and operation management

413 Production and Operation Management +CD 414 Production and operation management 415 Production and operation management 416 Production and operation management 417 Production and operation management 418 Production and planning control 419 Production planning and inventory control 420 Proffessional communication 421 Project management 422 Projects 423 Public relation management 424 Public relation practice 425 Public relation strategies and tectics 426 Quality control +CD 427 Quality management 428 Quality management 429 Quantitative analysis for management +CD 430 Quantitative Techniques 431 Quantitative techniques in management 432 Research methods for business studies 433 Retail management 434 Retail Management 435 Retail Management in new dimension 436 Retail marketing management 437 Retailing management 438 Rev on Management Through a downturn 439 Reviews of Means corporte performance 440 Risk management and financial institutions 441 Rural marketing 442 Rural marketing 443 Rural marketing 444 Rural marketing : text and cases

Bedi, Kanishka Chary, S.N. Adam, Everett E. Nair, N.G. Aswathappa, K. Singal, R.K. Narsimahan, Seetharaman Sharma, Archana Chaudhary, S. Chandra, Prasanna Jathwaney, Jaishri Center, Allen H. Wilcox, Dennis Besterfield, Dale H. Summers, Donna C. Gitflow, Howard S. Render, Barry Kothari, C.R. Vohra, N.D. Saunders, Mark Berman, Barry Baral, S.K. Kuldeep Singh Gilbert, David Pradhan, Swapna Harvard Business Harvard, D. Hull, John Krishnamacharyule, C.S.G. Dogra, Balram Kashyap, Pradeep Krishnamacharyulu, C.S.G.

445 Sale and marketing 446 Sales and distribution management 447 Sales management 448 SAP materials management +CD 449 Selling and sales management 450 Service marketing 451 Service marketing 452 Service marketing 453 Service marketing text and cases 454 Simplified approach to management information systems 455 Six Sigma 456 Speaking english effectively 457 Statistical quality control 458 Statistics for management 459 Statistics for managers : using MS Excel +CD 460 Strategic brand management 461 Strategic human resource management 462 Strategic management 463 Strategic management 464 Strategic management 465 Strategic management and business policy 466 Strategic marketing channel management 467 Strategies for growth 468 Strategy and business landscape 469 Strategy & tactics of pricing 470 Supply chain management 471 Supply chain manager's guide 472 Surveying : vol - II 473 Takeovers, restructuring, and corporate governance 474 Talent Management 475 Taxmann's cost accounting 476 Taxmann's student guide to incometax

Andrews, Sudhir Havaldar, Krishna K. Still, Richard R. Shukla, Mukesh Jobber, David Lovelock, Christopher Zeithmal, Valarie Srinivasan, R Verma Kumar, Ravi Brue, George Krishan Mohan Grant, Eugene L. Levin, Richard I. Levine, David M. Keller, K. L. Greer, Charles R. Chaudhary, A.K. Dess, Gregory G. Burgelman, Robet A. Kazmi, Azhar Bowersox, Donald J. Harvard Business Ghemawat, Pankaj Nagle, T. T. Altekar, Rahul V. Taylor, David A. Punmia, B.C. Weston, J.Fred Harvard Business Kishor, Ravi M. Singhania, Vinod K.

477 Taxman's business laws 478 Technical communication +CD 479 Textbook of accounting for management 480 Textbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 481 Textbook of work study and ergonomics 482 Theory and application in operation research 483 Theory and practice of financial management 484 Theory and practice of international financial mangement 485 Total quality management 486 Total quality management 487 Total quality management 488 Total quality management 489 Total quality management 490 TQM based project planning 491 Understanding organizational behaviour 492 Understanding organizations 493 Value Engineering 494 Web Commerce Technology Handbook 495 Winning 496 Winning : Auswers 497 Working capital management 498 Working capital management 499 World class supply management +CD 500 Ziglar on selling

Taxman's Meenakshi Raman Maheshwari, S.N. Agrawal, D.K. Dalela, Suresh Adhwarjee, D.K. Khan, M.Y. Click, Reid W. Bestfield, Dale H. Charantimath, Purnima Raju, S.M. Sundra Bhat, K. Sridhara Suganthi, L. Kimbler,D.L. Pareek, Udai Shukla, Madhukar Zimmerman Minoli, Daniel Welch, Jack Welch, Suzy Chaudhary, A.K. Sharma, Dhiraj Starling, Stephen Ziglar, Zig


1 1 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 15 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 5 1 2 1 1 1

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1 5 1 5 7 3 2 2 4 2 1 3 8 1 5 2 2 5 1 2 3 4 1 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Abstract algebra Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Advanced engineering mathematics Algebra Algorithms Applied mathematics Applied numerical analysis Applied Numerical analysis Applied numerical methods Applied Numerical methods using MATLAB Applied numerical methods using MATLAB Business mathematics Business mathematics Business mathematics and statistics Calculs revisited Calculus vol - I Claculus Vol- II Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering Complex variables and application Computer oriented numerical Computer oriented numerical methods

Chattergee, Deepak Zill Kreyszig, Erwin Jain, R.K. O'Neil Greenburg, Michael Dass, H.K. Sastry, S.S. Artin, Michael Johnsonbaugh, R. Bindra, J.S. Wheatly, Patrick Gerald, Curtis F Chopra, Steven C. Yang, Wan Young Dukkipati, Rao V. Shukla, R.K. Zameeruddin Quzi Srinivasa, G. Carroll, Robert W. Apostol, Tom M. Apostol, Tom M. Mathews, John. H. Brown, James W. Rajaraman, V. Rajaraman, V. Rahi, Vikas Gallian, Joseph A. Panneerselvam, R. Montgomery, D.C. Rosen, Kenneth H. Ross, Shepley L. Zill, Dennis G. Edwards, C. Henry Krantz, Steven G.

2 19 30 27 15 30 15 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 5 5 1 4 4 3 20 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 6 6 10 2 9

Concepts and functions & calculus Contemporary abstract algenra Design & analysis of algorithms Design and analysis of experiments Differential Equations Differential Equations Differential equations Differential equations and boundary 34 value problems 35 Differential equations theory & practice

Differential equations with applications & Simmons, George F. 36 historical notes

37 Discrecte mathematics 38 Discrete mathematical structures 39 Discrete mathematical structures Discrete mathematical structures with 40 applications to computers Discrete mathematics 41 42 Discrete mathematics 43 Discrete mathematics 44 Discrete mathematics and graph theory

Veerajaraman, T. Ferland, Kevin Kolman, Bernard Trembly, J.P. Lipzchutz, Seymour Malik, D.S. Babu, Ram Satyanarayana, B. Rosen, Kenneth H. Gupta, Satinder Haggard, Gary Mott, Joe L. Goodaire, Edgar Burton, David Atkinson, Kendall Diprima Liu, Chung Laung Bhatt, Ravish Ram, Babu Arora, Hari Pal, Madhumangal Sharma, G.C. Sharma, G.C. Sharma, G.C. Ravindran, A. Somasudaram, D Lang, Serge Bradee, Brian Nair, M. Thamban Ross Deo, Narsingh Balakrishnan, V.K. Grewal, B.S. Ramana, B.V. Soman, K.P.

4 1 8 7 8 1 5 1 7 10 5 5 2 2 2 1 10 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 5 1 4 5 30 2 3 2

Discrete mathematics and its 45 applications 46 Discrete mathematics and structures Discrete mathematics for computer 47 science Discrete mathematics for computer 48 scientists and mathmaticians 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Discrete mathematics with graph theory Elementary number theory Elementary numerical analysis Elements differentiation equations Elements of Discrete Mathematics Engineering mathematics Engineering Mathematics Engineering mathematics Engineering mathematics Engineering mathematics - vol-1 Engineering mathematics - vol-2 Engineering mathematics - vol-3 Engineering optimization : mathods & applictions First course in Analysis First course in calculus Friendly introduction to numerical analysis Functional analysis Fuzzy logic with engineering application

Graph theory Graph theory schaum's outline Higher engineering mathematics Higher engineering mathematics Insight in to wavelets from theory to 71 practice +CD 72 73

Interest table for engineering economics Panneerselvam, R. Introduction to calculus & analysis vol - 2 John, Fritz

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

Introduction to discrete mathematics Introduction to graph theory Introduction to graph theory Introduction to linear algebra Introduction to proablity & statistics Introduction to proablity & statistics Introduction to probability Introduction to probability : Theory and its application introduction to ring theory Introduction to rings & modules Introduction to statistical methods Introduction to theory of numbers Introduction to theory of statistics Introductory linear algebra Introductory method of numerical analysis Lecture notes of mathematics Lecture notes of mathematics Linear algebra Linear algebra Linear algebra Linear Algebra and its application Linear algebra +CD Mastring MATLAB Mathematical methods Mathematical methods for physics and engineering Mathematical techniques Mathematical techniques Mathematics and statistics for management Mathematics for economics Mathematics for management Matrix & linear algebra Modern Algebra Modern Algebra Numerical Analysis Numerical analysis Numerical analysis : theoery and application Numerical methods Numerical methods and applications Numerical methods for engineering science +CD Numerical Methods in engineering and science

Scheinerman, Edward Chartrand, Gary West, Douglas Krishnamurthy, V Milton, J. Susan Rohatgi, Vijay K. Feller, William Feller, William Cohn, P.M. Musili, C. Gupta, C.B. Wright, E.M. Boes, Duane C. Kolman, Bernard Sastry, S.S. Chaudhary, Sushil Chauhan, Meenakshi Spence, Lawrence Kunze, Ray Hoffman, Kenneth Strang, Gilburt Friedberg, Stephen Hanselman, Dvane Potter, Merle C. Riley, K.F. Andrews, Larry Jordan, D.W. Akhilesh, K. B. Hammod, Peter Raghavachari, M. Datta, Kanti Bhushan Varishtha, A.R. Durbin, John R. Scheid, Francis Biswal, Purna C. Burden, Richard Jain, M.K. Cheney, Edward Srivastava Grewal, B.S.

1 4 1 3 8 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 5 6 4 4 1 2 14 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 2 5 1 1 1 1 6 1 5 5

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122

Numerical methods principles analysis Numerical methods scientist engineers Numerical methods using MATLAB Optimization for engineering design Optimization techniques Principles of topology Probability and statistics Probability and statistics Probability and statistics for engineers

Srimanta, Pal Rao, K.Sankara Mathews, John Fink Deb Oberoi, Pawan Groom, Fred H. Devore, Jay L. Mendenhall, William Johnson, Richard Hayter, Anthony Trivedi, Kishore Sundarapandian, V Veerajan, T. Walpole, Ronald E. Royden, H.L. Lipzchutz, Seymour Das, N.G. Gupta, S.P. Akhtar, Ashan Arora, Hari

2 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 32 1

Probability and statistics for engineers 123 +CD Probability and statistics with reliability 124 125 Probability, random variables 126 Probability statistics and queueing Probability, Statistics and Random 127 Processors Probability & statistics for engineers & 128 scientist 129 Real analysis Set theory and related topics 130 131 Statistical mathods 132 Statistical methods 133 Textbook of differantial calculus 134 Textbook of engineering mathematics

Textbook of engineering mathematics Sharma, G.C. 135 vol - I Textbook of Engineering mathematics Sharma, G.C. 136 vol - III Textbook of engineering mathematics vol Sharma, G.C. 137 - II 138 Textbook of engineering mathemetics Bali, N.P. Bali, N.P. Bali, N.P. Bali, N.P. Sharma, Sandeep Shukla, A. Mentgomery, Hugh Weil, Maurice Herstein, I. N.

Textbook of engineering mathemetics : 139 sem-1 Textbook of engineering mathemetics ; 140 sem-II Textbook of engineering mathemetics ; 141 sem-III 142 Textbook of mathematics for B.C.A. 143 Textbook of mathematics Vol- I 144 Theory of numbers 145 Thomas calculus 146 Topic in algebra

Topoics in business mathematics and 147 statiatics 148 Topology

Ahmad, Qazi Shoeb Munkres, James

6 1




1000 solued problems in fluid mechanics Advanced mechanics and materials 2 3 Advanced mechanics of solids

Subramanyan, K. Boresi, Arthur Srinath, L.S. Pita, Eddward G. Gerling, Henrich Rajput, R.K. Upadhayay, A.K. Pradeep, Kumar Eastop, T.D. Yadav, R. Kuo, B.C. Singh, Kirpal Singh, Kirpal Kohli, P.L Srinivasan, S. Crouse, William Suh, Nam Pyo Nag, P. K. Joel, Rayner Kumar, D.S Kumar, D.S Ananthanarayanan, P.N. S.Kumar Chattopadhyay, P. Groover, M. Zeid, Ibrahim Balasubramaniam, R. Prasher, B.S.N. Curtiss, L.A. Sadhu, Singh Rao, P.N. Koran, yorand Vajpayee, S. Kant Cook, Robert D. Witt, Robert J. Karna, Satish K.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Air conditioning : Principles and systems All about machine tools Alternating current machines Applied mechanics Applied mechanics Applied thermodynamics for engineering Applied thermodynamics Vol-II Automatic control systems Automobile Engineering Vol.-1 Automobile Engineering Vol.-II Automotive Electrical Equipment Automotive mechanics Automotive mechanics Axiomatic design Basic and Applied Thermodynamics Basic engineering thermodynamics Basic mechanical engineering Basic of mechanical engineering

Basic refrigeration & air conditioning 22 23 Basics of remote sesing and GIS 24 Boiler opration engineering CAD/CAM : computer aided design and 25 manufacturing 26 CAD/CAM theory & practice +CD 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Callister's materials science and engineering +CD

Cellular manufacturing systems Computational Materials Chemistry Computer aided design Computer Aided Manufacturing Computer control of manufacturing Computer integrated manufacturing Concepts and applications of finite element 34 analysis Concepts & applications of finite element analysis 35 36 Control systems

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Control systems Control Systems Engineering Corrosion engineering Course in Heat and mass transfer Course in power plant engineering DeGarmos material and Processes in manufecturing +CD Design Data Design Data Hand Book Design of machine elements Design of machine elements + CD Discrete event systems simulation Discrete time control systems Electrical properties of materials Electronic measuremant and instrumentation Elements of gas turbine propulsion Elements of material science & engineering Elements of mechanical engineering Energy Conservation Engineeing fluid mechanics Engineering and general geology Engineering Drawing Engineering drawing Engineering drawing Engineering drawing Engineering drawing Engineering drawing and graphics

Manik, D.N. Nagrath, I.J. Fontana, Mars G. Arora, S.C Arora, S.C Black, T.T. PSG College Mahadevan, K. Bhandari, V.B. Spotts, M.E. Banks Jerry Ogata, Katsuhiko Walsh, D. Gupta, J.B. Mattingly, Jack Vlack D.S. Kumar Ganapathi, Somana Balachandrn, P. Singh, Parbin Jolhe, Dhananjay Siddiquee, A.N. Jolhe, Dhananjay Gill, P. S. Agrawal, Basant Prasad, V. Prem

Engineering drawing and graphics using AUTOCAD Jeyapoovan, T. 63 64 Engineering drawing + CD Shah, M.B. 65 Engineering drawing +CD Bhatt, N.D. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Engineering drawing : plane and solid geometry Engineering fluid mechanics Engineering fluid mechanics Engineering graphics Engineering graphics and drafting Engineering Graphics with Auto CAD Engineering materials Engineering materials Engineering materials of composite material Engineering materials : Polymers Engineering materials properties and selection Bhat, N.D. Balachandran, P. Kumar, K.L. Goel, B. K. Gill, P. S. Kulkarni, D.M. Sharma, C.P. Rajput, R.K. Daniel, Isaac M. Bhargava, A.K. Budinski, Michael Budinski, Kenneth G. Shames, Irving

Engineering materials : propeties 77 78 Engineering mechanics

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122

Engineering mechanics Engineering mechanics Engineering mechanics Engineering mechanics Engineering mechanics Engineering mechanics dynamics Engineering mechanics of solids Engineering mechanics: Statistics Engineering mechanics statistics Engineering mechanics : stats & dynamics Engineering Thermodynamics Engineering thermodynamics Engineering thermodynamics: Work and heat transfer Engineering Tribology Essantials of manufacturing proccess Experimental methods for engineering

Timoshenko, S. Kumar, K.L. Rao, C.L. Bhvikatti, S.S. Bhattacharya, B. Merian, J. L. Popov, Egor P. Nelson, A. Merian, J. L. Gupta, H. Nag, P.K. Chattopadhyay, P. Roger, Gordon Sahoo, P. Prashar Holman, J.P.

Experiments in Heat Mass and momentum transfer Mishra, R.S. Facility planning Facility planning principles +CD Finite element analysis Finite element analysis using ANSYS 11.0 Finite element methods Finite elements procedure Flow in open channel Flow through open channel Fluid dynamics Fluid flow in pipes and channels Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics and fluid power engineering Fluid mechanics and hydroulic machines Fluid mechanics and its applications Fluid mechanics and machinery Fluid mechanics : Hydraulics Fluid mechanics & hydraulics outlines Fluid mechanics through problems Fluid power with application Fundamenrtals of engineering drawing Tompkins, James A. Clark, jeffrey E. Rajasekaran, S. Srinivas, Paleti Logan, Daryl L. Bathe, Klaus J. Subramanyam, K. Srivastava, Rajesh Hughes, William Asawa White, Frank Kundu, Piyush Rathakrishnan, E. Douglas, John F, Streeter, Victor Rathakrishnan, E. Mohanty, A.K. Douglas, James D.S. Kumar Gupta, S.C. Gupta, Vijay Kothandraman, C.P. Upadhayay, A.K. Giles, Ronald Garde, R.J. Espostito, A. Luzadder, Wareen

123 124 125 126 127 128 129

Fundamental of engineering mechanics Fundamental of engineering thermodynamics Fundamental of machine drawing Fundamentals of combution Fundamentals of compressible flow Fundamentals of compressible fluid dynamics Fundamentals of engineering drawing Fundamentals of engineering heat and mass 130 transfer 131 Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics

Jindal, U.C. Rathakrishnan, E. Khaliq, Abdul Mishra, D.P. Yahya, S.M. Balachandran, P. Luzadder, Warren Sachdeva, R.C. Moran, Michael J.

Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics Vol.Yadav, R. 132 1 133 Fundamentals of fluid mechanics Munson, Bruce R. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Fundamentals of heat & mass transfer Fundamentals of heat & mass transfer Fundamentals of internal combustion engine Fundamentals of machine components +CD Fundamentals of Machine Drawing Kothandaraman, C.P. Incropera, Frank P. Gupta, H.N. Junnivall, Robert Khaliq, Abdul

Fundamentals of momentum, heat & mass transfer Welty, J Fundamentals of Strength of Materials + CD Fundamentals of thermodynamics Fundamentals of turbomachinery Gas dynamics Handbook of mechanical engineering Handbook of reliability engineering Heat and mass transfer Heat and Mass Transfer Heat and thermodynamics Heat transfer Heat transfer schaum's outline Hydraculies and fluid mechanics Industrial Ergonomics Instrumentation for engineers and scientist Instrumentation measurement & analysis Interactive engineering graphics Internal combustion engine fundamentals Internal combustion engines Introducing autocad 2010 & autocad Introduction to basic thermodynamics vol-I Introduction to energy conversion vol-II Introduction to engineering material Introduction to finite elements in engineering +CD Nag, Debabrata Borgnakke, Claus Venkanna, B.K. Rathakrishnan, E. Srinivas, J. Pham, Hoang Nag, P.K. Kumar, D.S Dittman, Richard Holman, J.P. Pitts, Donald Modi, P.N. Khan, M. I. Turner, John Nakra, B.C. Rodriguez, Welter Heywood, John B. Ganesan, V. Omura, George Kadambi, V. Kadambi, V. Agrawal, B.K. Belgunda, Ashok Chandrupatla, T.R. Fox, Robert

Introduction to finite elements in engineering +CD 163 164 Introduction to fluid mechanics

165 166 167 168

Introduction to fluid mechanics Introduction to fluid mechanics Introduction to machine design Introduction to Machining Science

Fay, James Som, S.K. Bhandari, V.B. Lal, G.K. Shackleford, James Shackleford, James Crandall, S.H. Alciatore, David G. Kuttan, Appu Reddy, J.N. Ebeing, Charles Bandyopadhyay, P.K. Shames, Irving Majumdar, B.C. Kadambi, V. Grant, Hiram Waldron, kenneth J. Thakur, Anurag Kulkarni, S.G. Hall, Allen S. Sharma, P.C. Sidheswar, N. Junnarkar, N.D. Narayan, K.L. Gill, P. S. Singh, Ajeet Mehta, N.K. Misra, R.C. Singh, Swarn Ostwald, P. Kaushik, J.P. Narula, Virender Bawa, H.S. Rao, P.N. Rao, P.N. Rao, P.N. Kalpakjain, S. Kalpakjain, S. Zeid, Ibrahim Narula, G.K. Raghavan Rajput, R.K. Jindal, U.C.

Introduction to material sciencce for engineers +CD 169 170 Introduction to material science +CD 171 Introduction to mechanics of solids Introduction to mechatronical & measurement 172 systems 173 Introduction to mechatronics 174 Introduction to nonlinear finie and elements 175 Introduction to reliability and maintainability 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Introduction to signals & systems Introduction to solid mechanics Introduction to tribology of bearing Introduction to turbomachinery vol-III Jigs and fixtures Kinematics, Dynamics and design of machinery +CD Lecture notes of mechanical engineering Machine design Machine design Machine design Machine Drawing Machine Drawing Machine drawing Machine drawing Machine drawing include Auto CAD Machine tool design and numerical control Maintenance engineering and management Manufacturing practice Manufacturing precesses and systems Manufacturing process Manufacturing processes Manufacturing processes - II manufacturing technology Manufacturing technology ; vol- 1 Manufacturing technology; vol-II Manufecturing engineering & technology Manufecturing process for engineering materials Mastring CAD/CAM Material science Material science and engineering Material science and engineering Material science and metallurgy

208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230

Material science & engineering Material science for electrical and electronics engineering Materials science Materials science & engineering Measurement system Mechanical engineering Mechanical engineering design Mechanical measurements Mechanical measurements and Control Mechanical metallurgy Mechanical science Mechanical Vibration Mechanical Vibration Mechanical vibrations Mechanical vibrations Mechanical workshop practice Mechanics Mechanics and relativity Mechanics and thermodynamics Mechanics of materials Mechanics of materials Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Materials with programming in C

Askeland, Donald R. Jones, Ian P. Rajendran, V. Smith, William Doebelin, Ernesto Kumar, D.S Budynas, Richard G. Beckwith, Thomas Kumar, D.S Dieter, George E. Lal, G.K. Grover, G.K ; Singh, V.P Rao, Singiresus Kelly, S. Graham Jain. K.C. Hans, H.S Soni, Vidwan Basavaraju, G. Beer, Fardinand P. Hibeler, R.C. Prasad, V.S. Jayaram, M.A. Arvind Kumar Singh Bolton, William Ramachandran, K.P. Nesculescu, Dan Smaili, A. Mahalik, N. HMT Limited Mahalik, N.P. Hsu, Tai Ram Shaw, M.C. Pandey, P. C. Garrett, T. K. Saeed, S Hasan Manjumdar, S.R. Manjumdar Nag, P. K. Black & Veatch Adhithan, M. Babu, B.V.

Mechanics of solids 231 232 Mechatronics 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 Mechatronics Mechatronics Mechatronics Mechatronics: Principles & concepts Mechtronics MEMS MEMS & microsystems design & manufacturing Metal cutting principles Modern machining processes Motor Vehical Non-conventional energy resources Oil hydraulic systems principles Pneumatic systems Power plant engineering Power plant engineering Practical refrigiration & air conditioning Pricess plant simulation +CD

250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266

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Reddy, Krishna Ghosh, Dhindra Jain, P.L. Kruth, Frenk Patranabis, D. Bentty, John p. Lindberg, Roy A. HMT Jain, R.K. Prakash, M.N. Arora, C.P. Ameen, Ahmadul Prasad, Manohar Khurmi, R.S. Abbasi, S.A. Deb, S.R. Ghosal, Ashhitave Fu, K.S. Kalfta, Richard Askeland, Donald R. Baral, Anjan Kumar Anderson, James Law, Averill M. Srivastava, A.V. Sukhatme, S.P. Kazimi, S.M.A. Merian, J.L. D.S. Kumar Singhal, R.K. Khurmi, R.S. Kearton, W. J Nash, William Gere, James M. Timosensko, S. Rattan, S.S. Subramanian Sarkar, B.K. Ranjan Kumar Ryder, G.H. Surendra Singh Rajput, R.K. Singh, Sadhu Negi, L.S. Murthy, V.S.R.

Robotics control, sensing, vision & intellegence 267 268 Robtic engineering : inteprated approach 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 Science and engineering of material +CD Sheet FED OFFSET technology Shop theory Simulation modeling and analysis Smsrt structure Solar Energy Solid mechanics Statistics vol - I Steam and power generation Steam tables with mollier diagrams Steam tables with mollier digrams Steam turbine theory and practice Strength of material Strength of Material Strength of material, element theory Strength of materials Strength of materials Strength of materials Strength of Materials Strength of Materials Strength of materials Strength of materials Strength of Materials Strength of matetials Structure and properties of engineering materials

294 System Simulation 295 Technology of screen printing 296 Texbook of production engineering Text book of hydraulics, fluid mechanics and 297 hydrology 298 Text book of machine drawing 299 Text book of manufecturing technology Vol- I 300 Text book of thermal engineering 301 Textbook of engineering drawing 302 Textbook of fluid mechanics Textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic 303 machines Textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic 304 machines 305 Textbook of machine design 306 Textbook of manufacturing technology 307 Textbook of manufecturing technology Vol-II 308 Textbook of Material Science & Matallurgy 309 Textbook of mechanics of materials +CD 310 Textbook of power plant engineering 311 Textbook of production technology 312 Textbook of strength of materials 313 Textbook of theory of machines 314 Theory and appications of mechanical science 315 Theory of machines 316 Theory of mechanics 317 Theory of mechanics 318 Theory of mechanics 319 Theory of mechanics and mechanism 320 Thermal and hydraulic mechanics 321 Thermal engineering 322 Thermal engineering 323 Thermal Engineering 324 Thermal engineering 325 Thermal science and engineering Thermodynamiccs and introduction to 326 thermostatistic 327 Thermodynamics 328 Thermodynamics 329 Thermodynamics 330 Thermodynamics : an engineering approach Thermodynamics and introduction to 331 thermostatistics Tool design 332 333 Transportation on engineering & plaway 334 Turbines compressors and fans

Gordon, Geoffrey Mendiratta, B.D. Sharma, P.C. Khurmi, R.S. Dhawan, R. K. Sharma, P.C. Khurmi, R.S. Dhawn, R.K. Bansal, R.K. Rajput, R.K. Bansal, R.K. Karwa, Rajendera Rajput, R.K. Sharma, P.C. Khanna, O.P. Prakash, M.N.S. Rajput, R.K. Jain, K.C. Bansal, R.K. Bansal, R.K. Adhwarjee, D.K. Singh, Sadhu Rattan, S.S. Khurmi, R.S. Bevan, Thomas Uicker, John J. D.S. Kumar Rudramoorthy, R. Sarkar, B.K. Rajput, R.K. Soman, K. Rajput, R.K. Callen, Harbert B. Arora, C.P. D.S. Kumar Ubhi, B.S. Cengel, Yonus.A. Callen, Herbert B. Donaldson, Cyril Papacosta, C.S. Yahya

335 Unconventional manufacturing process Vector mechanics for engineering statistics & 336 dynamics 337 Vibration & noise for engineering 338 339 340 341 342 343 Vibrations Welding and welding technology Workshop practice Workshop practice Workshop practice Workshop technology

Jain, Rahul Beeu, Ferdinand Pujara, K Balachandran, Bala Kumar Little, Richard L. Bawa, H.S. Swarn, Singh Narula, Virender Garg, S.K.


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Waugh, Anne Aulton, Michael E. Rawlins, E.A. Satyanarayana, U. Rastogi, S. C. Malhotro, V.K. Kuchel, Philip W. Gibaldi, Milo Brahmankar, D.M. Snell, Richards S. Rowland, Malcolm Bennett, Peter N. Moore, Keith L. Young, Jacqueline Shargel, Leon Vyas, S.P. Jain, N.K. Carter, S.J. Saroj, Swarnlata Colledge, Nicki R. Bronson, Richard Carter, S.J. Mehta, R.M Ali, Javed Budhiraja, R.D. Subrahmanyam, C.V.S. Tripathi, K.D. Sembutingam, K. Ansari, S.H. Barar, F.S.K Lemke, Thomas L. Dhall, G.D. Chopra, R.N.

1 Anatomy and physiology in health illness Aulton's Pharmaceutics 2 3 Bentley's : textbook of pharmaceutics Biochemistry 4 5 Biochemistry 6 Biochemistry for Student Biochemistry : Schaum's outlines 7 8 Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics 9 10 11 Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics a Treatise Clinical anatomy by regions Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Clinical pharmacology 12 13 Clinicaly oriented anatomy 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Complementay Medicine for Dummies Comprehensive pharmacy review Controlled Drug Delivery Controlled & Nove Drug Delivery Cooper Tutorial Pharmacy Cosmetics a practical manusl Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine Differential Equations Dispensing for Pharmaceutics Students Dispensing Pharmacy Dosage from Design Elementary Pharmacology & Toxicology

Essential of Physical Pharmacy 26 27 Essentials of medical pharmacoglogy Essentials of medical physiology 28 29 Essentials of Pharmacognosy 30 Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry 31 32 Frank mathematics for B.Pharmacy 33 Glossary of indian madicinal plants

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Human anatomy and physiology 41 42 Human anatomy and physiology +CD 43 Human anotomy +CD Identification of drugsin pharmaceutical formulation 44 45 Illustrated Biochemistry 46 Indian medicinal plants 47 Indian medicinal plants

Introduction to practical biochemistry 48 49 Introductory Biotechnology 50 Lamoratory manual and journal of physiology 51 Medical laboratory technology

Medical Pharmacology 52 53 Medicinal Chemistry 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Medicinal Plant Medicine : prep manual for undergraduates Modern dispensing pharmacy Pathophysiology of common diseases Pharmaceutical analysis Pharmaceutical analysis Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 62 63 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol-2 (Organic) 64 Pharmaceutical Dispensing 65 66 67 68 69 70

Chatwal, G.R. Nand, Pratibha Liberman, Herbert Pharmaceutical dosage forms A. Pharmaceutical Engineering Sambamurthy, K Subrahmanyam, Pharmaceutical Engineering : Principles and Practices C.V.S. Pharmaceutical industrial management Sagar, Vidya Rao, Changti Pharmaceutical marketing in India Subba Pharmaceutical Mathematics Bali, N.P.

71 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 72 Pharmaceutical Practice 73 Pharmaceutical Product Development 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Pharmaceutical quality assurance Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosy Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Physical Pharmacy Practical Microbiology for MBBS Practical pharmaceutical chemistry : vol - II Practical pharmaceutical chemistry : vol - I Practical pharmaceutical chemistry Practical pharmaceutical chemistry Practical pharmaceuticas - II Practical pharmaceutics - I Practical Pharmacognosy

kar, Ashutosh Winfield, A.J. Jain, N.K. Patdar, Manohar A. Qadry, J.S. Kokate, C.K. Satoskar, R.S. Aggarwal, S.P. Baveja, C.P. Beckett, A.H. Beckett, A.H. Husssain, Sabir Singh, H.K Kasture, P.V. Kasture, P.V. Khandelwal, K.R. Zafar, Rasheeduz Tortora, G.J. Cox, Michael M. Kadam, S.S. Wilson, Keith Mukherjee, Pulok K. Sethi, P.D. Remington Pandi, Veerapandian Soloman, T.W. Graham Handa, S.S. Vyas, S.P. Rao, Devala G. West,Ed. Staunton Rao, A .V.S.S.Rama Agarwal, S.P. Jain, N.K. Mithal, B.M. Nand, Pratibha Kalia, A.N. Quadry, J.S. Parimoo, P.

Practical Pharmacognosy 87 88 Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 89 Principles of Biochemistry 90 Principles of medicinal chemistry : vol- I Principles & Technology of Biochemstry & Molecular 91 Biology 92 Quality control of herbal drugs

Quantitative Analysis of Drug in Pharmaceutical 93 Formulation 94 Remington Science and Practice of Pharmacy 95 96 Structure : based drug design Study Guide & Solution manual ; Organoc Chemistry

Supplement to cultivation and utilization of aromatic 97 plants 98 Targeted & Controlled Drug Delivery 99 Textbook of Biochemistry 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Textbook of Biochemistry Textbook of Biochemistry

Textbook of Disensing and Community Pharmacy Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy Textbook of hospital and clinical pharmacy Textbook of industrial pharmacognosy Textbook of Inorganic Pharmaceutical Medicinal 107 Chemistry 108 Textbook of medicinal chemistry

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Mohan, Harsh Rao, Devala G. Connors, Kenneth A. Ali, Mohammed

Atherden L.M. Mithal, B.M. Kuchekar, B.S. Evans, William C Ali, Mohammed Subrahmanyam, Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics C.V.S. Textbook of physiology Jain, A.K. Textbook of practical physiology Ghai, C.L. Textbook of Professional Pharmacy Jain, N.K. Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy Lachman, Leon Graaff,Kent M.Van Theory and Problems of Human Anatomy & Physiology De Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy Evans, William C Understanding medical physiology Bijlani, R.L. Unit operation in pharmaceutica engineering Sultana, Yasmin


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Employees provident fund and 19 miscellaneaus Environmental challenges towards tourism 20 21 Environmental education 22 Envisioning an empowered nation Essantials and practice of radio 23 management 24 Event management 25 Financial market theory 26 Freakonmics 27 Handbook of low cost housing 28 Handbook of television producation 29 Health service management 30 Income tax guideline 2012-13 2013-14 31 Income tax ready rewkoner 2011-12 32 Indian Economy 33 Indian Economy 34 Indian media business 35 Indicus handbook 2011 Industrial relationa and personal 36 management Birundha, V.Dhulasi Shrivastava, K. K. Kalam, Abdul Kak, Anil Wagen, Lyll Vander Barucci, Emilio Dybner, Stephen J. Lal, A.K. Zetti, Herbert Carney, Marie Nabhi's Garg Datt, Gaurav Prakash, B. A. Kohli, Vanita Bhandari, Laveesh Pylee, M.V.

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79 80

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40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

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