2009 08 02NP

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Please see page two
for important information
about today’s service and
how to get the most out of
your visit with us.


AAU Jr Olympics
August 3 | Drake Stadium Point Class
Sundays | August 2, 9 & 16 | Room 108 | 6PM
FFC Volunteer Day. We need over 60 volunteers of all ages to
If you are interesting in lean-
help with hospitality, registration, and wristbands.
ing more about First Federated
Oakridge “Back to School Bash III” Church and possibly becoming
August 8 | 2-6PM a member, our Fellowship Entry
BBQ / program / games / provide backpacks and school sup- Point Class can assist you in
plies to Oakridge kids. taking this next step. Explore the
Supplies Needed by Tuesday, August 4 beliefs and happenings of the
dry erase markers—250 sets of 4 church beginning tonight at 6PM in room 108.
1000 plain color pocket folders (no prongs)
50—1 inch three ring binders, plain colors only
175 round tip scissors
40—4 packs of highlighters
410 glue sticks

Meals from the Heartland

September 3–7
We will again be organizing groups to package
food with Meals from the Heartland at Hy-Vee
Hall. Put this on your calendar, start planning and
A fun carnival and BBQ for the residents
put a group together that works with your sched- at the Homes of Oakridge.
ule. Last year 12,000 volunteers packed 4 million
meals, and we had 90 from FFC involved. NEEDED:
Beaverdale Fall Festival Parade
September 19
Are you creative, handy, or just a willing
laborer? We need to start planning and gathering
ideas for our float, and how we will promote and Saturday, Aug. 8
invite people to our church. We will have a short
meeting immediately after the River service on
August 9, in room 108, or if you have questions or
2:00-6:00 pm
ideas call John Porter at the church office.
1236 Oakridge Dr., Des Moines
Questions about any of these
opportunities? Organized�by�the�Just�Jesus�partnership�of�churches�
Contact John Porter, [email protected],

Volume 11 Number 9 First Federated Church 1 Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
Have Questions? Celebration
If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a Guest Welcome Children’s
name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center
Reception Center Registration
in the foyer.
Guest Reception North Parking Lot Station
If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just
recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially
invite you to a reception immediately following the service (see
map for locations). We would love to have the opportunity to Resource 115

119 117

meet you, get to know you better, and answer any questions you A B

may have. AUDITORIUM


Fill Out the Care & Communication Card

If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card,
please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family, 1116

The River

to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care NURSE➤ 1117

and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill

out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an

Guest 1165

usher, or hand it in at the Guest Reception. Reception

Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church.
If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we KZ Church
invite you to join our church family.

If You Have Children, Visit the Children’s DOCK

Ministry Registration Station

SW Entrance
South Entrance

M Men Restroom

Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving W Women Restroom
South Parking Lot

Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide qual-

ity care and learning for kids of all ages. Cellular Phones & Pagers
If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s Thank you for turning off or muting your cell phone, pager and other electronic
Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration devices during this morning’s worship service.
Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us
the information we need to effectively minister to your child. Assistive Listening Devices (Auditorium Only)
ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer.
Infants & Preschool Children
Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:10 and 10:45 hour in the Nursery AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid
and Preschool Departments. Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood
pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the
Kindergarten–4th Grade
west hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon.
During the 9:10 hour, K–4th graders gather in the gym and then go to graded
Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance.
classroom groups for Bible learning and fun.
K–4th graders attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called KZ Lost and Found
Church, in room 152 at 10:45. Lost items may be reported or claimed at the main office of the church during
regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days.
Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade) Safety
Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:10 for a time of Xtreme First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any
learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building. concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises,
directions will be provided over the public address system.
Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults Recordings of Today’s Message
Groups for ADULTS begin at 9:10AM and 10:45AM. Stop by the Welcome CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the
Center (or see inside today’s newspaper) to find out about each of the groups and service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3.
how to get there. You can also listen to the message for free at www.FirstFederated.org.
Our YOUTH (Grade 7–12) meet at 9:10AM in the Backdoor (148). Prayer Team Up Front
If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the front of the
room following this morning’s service. Members of our church leadership stand
ready to serve you.

First Federated Church 2 Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Mornings Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs) Sunday, August 2, 2009 | 9:10AM Celebration | 10:45AM The River
Pastor Mike Rose
Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships are
Series: Pray Like Jesus | Title: Jesus Prays for His Disciples
a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith. We
have a variety of opportunities available that include:
Sundays | 9:10–10:25AM
The HUB (ages 18-24) | Room 244
The Channel/Connections (ages 25–35) | Room 215
Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251
Prayer (all ages) | Room 100
Women (all ages) | Room 208
Sundays | 10:45AM–Noon
Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241
Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247
Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105
Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 1254–1255
Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253
Ezra (all ages) | Room 1118
Homebuilders (all ages) | Room 1250–1251
Prayer (all ages) | Room 100
Ecclesiastes (all ages) | Room 1238–1239
Worship | Room 1125
Women (all ages) | Room 208

Join us in prayer, fellowship and fun as we connect with others
and grow in our faith.
For All—Prayer Community
Ongoing | 6:30–7:30PM | Franklin Hall (All summer) | Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose

Other Groups
Women’s Association Board
Thursday, August 6 | 9:00AM
Judy Lundy, 5917 Aspen Circle, Johnston
For information call 249-5805.

Women Circle Meetings

Visitors are always welcome. Come and join us as we study,
fellowship, learn about our missionaries and pray for the needs of all.
DEBORAH ................................................................Tuesday, August 11 | 7:00PM
Ruth Ann Rittgers, 601 Hickory Ct., Dallas Center | 992.3135
ELIZABETH .........................................................Thursday, August 13 | 12:30PM
Rose Marie Pawlewski, 3707 SW 28th St. DM | 287.1291
ESTHER................................................................... Thursday, August 13 | 7:00PM
Marabel Kersey, 33648 Overton Circle in Adel | 834.2001
HANNAH ................................................................Thursday, August 13 | 9:30AM
Thelma Shelton, 8209 Goodman Dr., Urbandale| 270.8558
MARTHA ..............................................................Thursday, August 13 | 12:30AM
Etta Dorrell at 2405 61st St. DM| 255.8953
RUTH .......................................................................Thursday, August 13 | 9:30AM
Beaverdale Estates, 4610 Douglas Ave.
for information call Mabel Klobnak at 277.3445
SARAH ..................................................................Thursday, August 13 | 12:30PM
Judy York, 7234 Espanade St., Johnston | 276.1742

First Federated Church 3 Sunday, August 2, 2009

ONE The contents of this page have been removed to protect the
ANOTHER privacy of those in our congregation.

Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church.

Items found on this page include:

Pray for Those Who Grieve
Happy Birthday!
(Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)
Pray for those with Physical Needs
(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members &
Regular Attenders)
Pray for Those Who Serve our Church
Our Encouragement
“For to me, to live is
Christ, and to die is gain.”
Philippians 1:21

First Federated Church 4 Sunday, August 2, 2009

MISSION ONE Reaching others for Jesus Christ

Beth Hanna Peter & Marta Hocking

Mission Board: CAM International Mission Board: Segadores (Reapers)
Location: Qro., Mexico Location: Lima, Peru
What does she do? Beth’s ministry involves What do they do? Peter directs the
Bible studies, speaking at women’s confer- Segadores Missionary Associa-
ences, creating and providing new Spanish tion, teaching, counseling and
ministry resources to Christian workers in training national missionaries
Mexico including lessons, Christian music, with the goal of sending them
books and Bibles at discounted prices. Beth to unreached tribes in Peru. Segadores has planted several
and her late husband Ken served for many years in Mexico. churches. Both are involved in counseling ministry. Peter,
After his death she returned to serve alongside her Mexican one of the founders, grew up in Peru as the son of missionar-
and missionary friends. ies. Marta, raised in Venezuela, is the daughter of our first
Praise: FFC missionary, the late Edna Dade.
• For funds that were raised to build a new kitchen roof for Praise:
Reyna, a Christian grandmother (caring for 3 grandchildren) • For a medical team that recently met physical and spiritual
in a community with no electricity, no running water and needs and presented the Gospel to adults and children.
“horrible streets.” Prayer Requests:
Prayer Requests: • For follow-up and preparations for another medical team
• For the ladies of Abundant Life Bible Church as they share coming this month.
the good news of Jesus Christ with their friends. • For God’s protection and guidance for a research team of 7
• For health and safety of three teams as they work on construc- in a remote jungle area seeking an un-contacted tribe.
tion of the Community Outreach Center and Camp Koinonia. • For 2 of their younger Peruvian missionary families living in
• For Rosy and Tania as they desire to attend a Bible School. very isolated jungle areas in tribal communities.
Neither has much in the way of finances. • For Christian influence in the lives of their 3 foster grand-
daughters (ages 9, 11 & 12) who are visiting them.

Tim & Iris

Location: Closed Country
What do they do? Their desire is to make known clearly the
truth of Jesus Christ to every ethnic group in their country.
As a team, they are involved recording messages of salvation
in the heart language of 32 ethnic groups. The recordings are
distributed by partnering with churches, missionaries and
others. They work to train national missionaries to serve in
their country.
• For a week of VBS with kids in another village.
Prayer Requests:
• For the deep needs of the children there. The normal family
consists of a drunken father and an overworked mother.
• For a student (Sam) from an evangelical institute staying
with them until September 10th.
• For the will of the Lord in Sam’s life; for quick adaptation to
life there; for his language skills.
• Health and safety for Tim and Sam as they go on recording
trips and use their building skills.

First Federated Church 5 Sunday, August 2, 2009

KZ Church
Hangtimes So what are those friendly bugs helping
August 2—Bike Ride 7th–12th Grades us learn this week? It’s all about transform-
August 9—No Hangtime
ing our relationships by learning to listen
August 16—Disc Golf
August 23—Iowa Cubs
and take advice from others. Friends listen
August 30—All Church Picnic to each other as a matter of respect. It is
also important to respect parents and listen
Today: to them. They give you advice, not because they want to make
you look foolish, but because they want what’s best for you.
Bike ride
Proverbs 13:10 says, “Pride only leads to arguing. But those
What’s Going On? who take advice are wise.”
Come visit “Metamorphosis—A God-directed, Life Change
Dodge Ball Mondays | 6:30–8:00PM Production.” We’re in our new KZ Church room every Sunday
In August at 10:45.
Howie and Julie on Vacation—July 31–Aug 8 Last Week for School Supplies!
Contact Nikki Jackson in the youth office if there is anything Supplies should be delivered to the church ASAP! Back packs
you need during that time. will be assembled this week.
Fantasy Football Draft | Aug 9 Even if you don’t have kids in school, you can still shop those
Join Howie in his office immediately following the 10:45AM Back to School sales. Pick up a few supplies for our friends at
service for your draft picks! Pizza provided. Oakridge. The items requested from First Federated are:
Six Flags—Chicago August 13 & 14 • dry erase markers—250 sets of 4
Join us for an awesome trip to CHICAGO! Cost: $125 for • 1000 plain color pocket folders (no prongs)
two days at the park. This includes a meal each day, breakfast
• 50 - 1” three ring binders, plain colors only
Saturday, parking costs, gas, drinks, etc. We will park hop both
days! No extra charge! We will stay overnight at a local church. • 175 round tip scissors
Meet at the church at 5:30AM to carpool! We need lots of adult • 40 - 4 packs of highlighters
drivers! $50 DEPOSIT DUE SUNDAY, AUG. 2 • 410 glue sticks
More school districts are in session than we originally antici- Note: Other supplies--pencils, crayons, markers, small note-
pated so we are moving Six Flags up one week. books, etc.—are welcome. What is not needed for Oakridge will
Camping Trip in Panora| Aug 21-22 be used this fall in shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Join us for the long awaited camping trip in Panora! We will
camp (bring your own tent or share with a friend of the same New Arrivals
gender), worship under the stars, have some fun activities and Congratulations to Randy and
tube courtesy of Matt Lukacs! Bring $10 to cover the cost of Danielle Smid, who are the proud
camping/tubing. parents of twins. Henry Joseph and
Ava Kathleen were born on July 23rd
Iowa Cubs| Aug 23 at Methodist Hospital. Two tiny siblings will bring exciting
Let’s watch the Iowa Cubs play the New Orleans Zephyrs. We
changes to big brother Zachary’s world. Uncle Brent, Aunt Dana
leave the second that the 10:45AM worship service is over and
and the Van Roekel cousins are part of the Federated welcoming
head to the 1:05 game. Cost is $10 per person. Also be prepared
committee. We join the Smid family in thanking God for the safe
to make a QUICK stop at McDonald’s along the way. Bring your
arrival of the twins and are pleased to welcome Henry and Ava to
sunscreen! PLAY BALL!
the Federated family.

First Federated Church 6 Sunday, August 2, 2009

July 27–31, 2009
50 kids had a great week in our AWESOME Arts
Camp as they participated in an Around the World
Expression. It was a week filled with drama, music,
choreography, set design and media training. On
Friday the kids demonstrated what they had been
learning by presenting a program for their families
and friends.
Thank you to those who helped make camp a
success by donating their time as helpers or by
donating snacks for hungry campers.

First Federated Church 7 Sunday, August 2, 2009

Missions Luncheon Sympathy
TODAY, August 2 | Fellowship Hall 12–2PM Our sympathy is extended to those in our church family who
Come hear an up-to-date report from Bill & Jenni Hunt who have lost a loved one recently:
recently traveled to Rwanda with Family Life Ministries, and Donna Maurer at the death of her husband, Roger Maurer, on
then we will hear of the adventures and blessings from our FFC July 30
team that served in Kenya this June. Norma Harger at the death of her sister, Betty Zabel, on July 28
Sunday, August 16 | Fellowship Hall | 12–2PM Ruth Kabitzke at the death of her sister-in-law, LeAnn
Grace Magney will be here to share about her work overseas, Kabitzke, on July 27
and we will also hear from some of our short term teams. Scott Taylor at the death of his mother, Carol Taylor, on July 25
Linda Davis at the death of her mother, Peggy Jaquinta, on
Oakridge “Back to School Bash III” July 23
August 8 | 2–6PM
BBQ / program / games / provide backpacks and school sup- Thank You
plies to Oakridge kids. Thank you for your continued prayers and support during my
recent hospitalization and on-going recovery. Your love and care
MOPS Drive-Up registration is appreciated so much. Thank you,
Tuesday, August 11 | 9:00 to 11:00AM Federated Family.
North parking lot near Tower Park/Hickman Mary Jo Staniger
Church Picnic 65th Wedding
Sunday, August 30 | Noon | East Lawn
Catered Meal | $3 per person or $10 per family Anniversary
Dale and Mary Lorraine Kennedy
August Married July 28, 1944
Fellowship Entry Point Class (6PM | Room 108) ................................................ Today The flowers in the auditorium
AAU Jr. Olympics at Drake Stadium ....................................................................3 today are in honor of Dale and Mary
Oakridge Back to School Bash...............................................................................8 Lorraine Kennedy’s 65th wedding an-
Congregational Meeting ...................................................................................... 23 niversary. They were married at First
Church Picnic at FFC............................................................................................... 30 Federated 65 years ago!
Meals from the Heartland ...................................................................................3-7
Building Closed (Labor Day) ..................................................................................7 Financial Report
Beaverdale Parade ...................................................................................................19 Attendance 7/26/09 General Fund Offering
9:10AM Celebration ......................469 Last Week
10:45AM River .............................. 305 Weekly Need ........................ $34,419
Early Childhood ............................. 50 Offering .................................$24,751
Children’s Church .......................... 66 Shortage...............................($9,668)
WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Budgeted Missions
Year to Date: 9/1/08–present
Year to Date: 9/1/08–present
Need ................................. $1,617,692
Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon Need ...................................$254,886 Offering ........................... $1,485,708
We prefer that items be submitted electronically! Offering .............................. $216,730 Shortage...........................($131,984)
E-Mail: [email protected] Shortage.............................($38,156)
All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by
the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length. Deacon of the Month
Disclaimer: Chuck Boscaljon, 255.2122 ext 139
First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the
printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a
quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain. short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church
Newspaper Staff: office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This
Managing Editor ....................................John C. Stark ([email protected]) ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.
Production Artist ..........................................................Lynne McKee, Heidi Nelson Deaconess of the Month
Missions Editor .......................................................................................Jean Crabbs Denese Gable | 255.4727
Prayer Bulletin Editor ............................................................................Julie Denger Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in
Printing ................................................................................................Karl Johnson areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a
Folding, Cutting, & Distribution ......................... Robert W. Marean & Bob Hulling listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Denese.

First Federated Church 8 Sunday, August 2, 2009

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