User Testing: Interactive System Design
User Testing: Interactive System Design
User Testing: Interactive System Design
User Testing
Whats it Good For? DECIDE Framework Your Next Move User Test Plan User Test Report
The term User Testing is rather misleading - its your design thats being tested not the user The logical audience for the testing is the intended users
- really depends on the nature of your book
DECIDE Framework
DECIDE Framework
What do you want to find out about? Why is it important to your design?
DECIDE Framework
What are the big question to be explored? They need to lead to actionable insights
DECIDE Framework
Provide a rationale for a selection of methods : - usability study - crowdsourcing - focus group - cognitive walkthrough - heuristic evaluation
DECIDE Framework
DECIDE Framework
Are there any you may encounter? How will you deal with these?
DECIDE Framework
DECIDE Framework
You are now in the middle of the process developing the Future Book Now project. At the beginning of this project, you developed your content in a chapbook. We talked about all the ways of transforming and remediating your print-based content to an interactive user experience. You are in the midst of making design choices to build a high fidelity prototype. But how will you know if this is a good design? How do you know if made the the right choices during the design process?
You will design and conduct user testing on your prototype. The User Test Plan which consists of four parts: 1. User Test Design
choose an appropriate research method for testing
your book use DECIDE framework to develop methodology and answer guiding questions focus on areas where you have doubts and need direction
You will design and conduct user testing on your prototype. The second part is a Project Brief
1. User Test Design
2. Project Brief
read to the participant to introduce the project one brief for the whole team (group) sets the tone of comfort, ease and trust sets expectations, limits of testing
You will design and conduct user testing on your prototype. The third part is a Test Script
1. User Test Design 2. Project Brief
3. Test Script
set the context and instruct them in their tasks form of a scenario, then direct them in task can be exploratory testing (or both)
You are a first year design student of at York. As part of your workstudy position you are working on the display cases on campus and on the faculty website, but you would like to get a better idea of what everyone else in the program is up to. In particular, you have just submitted your Story Slam poster for your Design and Image class and would like to see how your peers from other sections have approached the same project. Your task is to simply find two Story Slam projects by navigating your way through the app. Find them any way you like. Go and have a look!
You will design and conduct user testing on your prototype. And the last part of this stage is the Consent Form
1. User Test Design 2. Project Brief 3. Test Script
4. Consent Form
required for academic research involving human participants protects not only participant but researcher clearly stating parameters from the onset of the test file and lock away completed forms in no way publish or refer to by name
Select participants from intended audience for your design 3 minimum up to 5 max
Decide on roles for running the test Be consistent in how the test is delivered Do not prompt or comment on what the participant is doing Follow up the the tests with additional feed back or
discussion from the participants - unstructured interview
Follow Up
feeling after the test, overall thoughts write these down immediately
Testing procedure
how things went, what actually occurred any surprises, challenges? where expectations met?
what did you discover about your designs? what are the answers to DECIDE big questions?
how did you find this process, what you have learned? would you change anything next time?
The group will synthesize the user test designs, findings and analysis to formulate an integrated group report with the objectives of the new design requirements clearly stated.
User Testing Report will bedue in class Nov 8