1928 The Reactances of Synchronous Machines !!
1928 The Reactances of Synchronous Machines !!
1928 The Reactances of Synchronous Machines !!
Associate, A. I. E. E.
Associate, A. I. E. E.
Synopsis.-Until somewhat recently, synchronous machine theory has been satisfied with a relatively few characteristic constants, or reactances, in terms of which the behavior of machines has been calculated. Present theory, however, reqtires many more coefficients. There are now generally recognized two values each of leakage, synchronous, and transient reactance wt,hich correspond to the two symmetrical axes of magntetization of the armature current and which refer to balanced operation. Negative and zero phasesequence reactances are also employed to determine operation under unbalanced conditions, and it is possible and desirable to distinguish other reactances. In view of the increasing complexity of the subject it is felt that a critical survey of it is in order and the object of the paper has been to provide that survey. The paper has been divided into two parts. Part I is descriptive, and treats the subject with regard to thosefactors which are important to application or operating engineers, and to designers. In particular, the major types of reactances which include the synchronous, transient, and phase-sequence reactances, are discussed. These quantities are defined and their methods of test outlined. It appears necessary to consider a second type of transient reactance, namely sub-transient reactance. Both reactances may be determined from short-circuit oscillograms as illustrated in the paper. A table is included which gives the numerical range of reactanzces for the various types of synchronous machines. Part II discusses the theoretical considerations, with a view to broadening and classifying existing conceptions of reactance. It includes the effect of external reactance on negative phase-sequence
reactance, and the variation in this latter quantity depending upon whether current or voltage is impressed on the machine. An important aspect of the division of synchronous reactance into armature reaction and leakage reactance is discussed. Transient reactance is shown to be the difference between synchronous reactance and the ratio of the mutual reactance between armature and field and the total field reactance. Calcutlations are included to show that the shortcircuit and open-circuit time-constants are related to each other in a simple manner. The appendixes cover the followting subjects: a. Application of the Principle of Superposition to Synchronous Machine Analysis. b. Replacing the Effect of Induced Field Currents by Employing Transient instead of Synchronous Reactances. c. Significant Rotor Circuits in Addition to the Main Field lVinding (which affect transient reactances). d. The Negative Phase-Sequence Reactance of a Synchronous Machine with Negative Phase-Sequence Voltage Impressed. e. Construction of Equivalent Circuits: Concept of Field Leakage
f. g. Field h. i. j.
Calculation of Total Field Reactance. Relation of the Mutual Reactance Between Armature and to the No-Load Excitation Current. Relation Between Three-Phase and Single-Phase Reactances. Discutssion of the System of Notation Used in the Paper. Per-Unit Representation of Quantitities. * * * * *
THE REACTANCES OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES IN the course of the development of the theory of synchronous machines there has come into use. along with an increased knowledge of the behavior of such machines under varying conditions of operation, a correspondingly increased number of characteristic constants or coefficients referring generally to reactive voltages, in terms of which this behavior is calculated. Thus, in place of the concept which was formerly held of a single leakage reactance and armature reaction, there are at present generally recognized two values each of leakage, synchronous, and transient reactances, corresponding to the two symmetrical axes of magnetization of armature current. In addition to these reactances, which refer to balanced operation, there are also values of negative and zero phase-sequence reactance, which are employed to determine operation under unbalanced conditions. It is also possible and desirable to distinguish other reactances, particularly those which obtain with the rotor stationary, and those which are encountered by harmonic currents. At the same time, improvements have recently been made in methods of calculating leakage reactance and armature reaction. Therefore, on account of the increasing
complexity of the subject it is felt that a critical survey of it is in order. The object of the paper has been to provide a survey of this character which would be of value both from the standpoint of system analysis and from that of fundamental theory. Since the requirements of these two points of view are to a considerable extent distinct, the paper has been divided into two parts. Part I treats the subject with regard to those factors which are important to designing and application engineers, and to operating engineers. Part II discusses in detail the theoretical considerations involved, with a view to broadening and classifying existing conceptions of reactance. PART I. REACTANCES PARTICULARLY AFFECTING OPERATION In the analysis of system stability, and in the calculation of the effect of short-circuits, the factors of interest to operating engineers are those which relate to the behavior of the machine as viewed from the armature terminals. The most significant of these factors are the armature reactances of machines to normal frequency current having any distribution between phases, any power-factor, and whether transient or sustained; also, in connection with transient
1. Both ofthe Geni. Engg. Dept.,General ElectricCo.,Schen- components of current, their rates of decay, or d e c r e m e n t s. eatady, N. Y. Types of Reactances. The major types of armature Presented at the Wrinter Convention of the A. I. E. E., New York, Nr. V., Feb. 1S-17, 1928.
reactances then are to be distinguished according to:
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Feb. 1928
A. Distribution; that is, the relative distribution of current between phases. Any distribution of armature current may be expressed as the superposed sum of three symmetrical components:' a. Balanced three-phase currents of normal phase rotation, or positive phase-sequence, b. Balanced three-phase currents of reverse phase rotation, or negative phase-sequence, and c. Balanced three-phase currents of equal time phase, or zero phase-sequence. B. Method of application in time of positive phase-sequence currents. Here it is desirable to distinguish between: a. Steadily applied, or sustained currents, b. Suddenly applied, or transient currents. In the case of armature reactances these differences are due to the transient currents induced in the rotor circuits when armature current is suddenly applied. if, as is generally so, there are closed circuits on the rotor in addition to the field winding, as for example an amortisseur, it is found that some of the currents in the rotor circuits may die away very rapidly. In order to distinguish between the effect of these currents and the effect of those which die away slowly, it is desirable to establish two (or more) transient reactances. The higher reactance, i. e., the reactance which depends on currents that die away slowly, is then referred to as the transient reactance of the machine. The lower reactance may be referred to as the sub-transient reactance on account of its lower value. C. Position of the rotor with respect to axis of magnetization of positive phase-sequence currents. When the rotor is moving synchronously, the positive phase-sequence current can be resolved into two components, one of which magnetizes in the axis of the poles, and the other in the inter-polar space. Accordingly, these components are referred to as direct and quadrature,4 and the corresponding reactances are: a. Direct, or b. Quadrature. Thus, to summarize, the types of armature reactance which have been considered so far are to be distinguished according to whether they are: A. Positive, negative, or zero phase-sequence, B. Sustained, transient, or sub-transient, C. Direct or quadrature. The determination of a suitable notation for these reactances should depend more upon present and future requirements than merely upon previous practise. After careful consideration of the subject, it seemed that a consistent notation could be obtained by denoting the various types of reactance according to the method outlined below:
A. Distribution. Armature reactances Positive phase-sequence xi, or no subscript Negative phase-sequence x2 Zero phase-sequence x0 B. Application in time. Sustained No special indication. Transient One prime, i. e., x' Sub-Triansient-Two primes, i. e, x" If it is desired to distinguish other degrees of transiency, additional primes may be added. C. Position of rotor. Direct Xd Quadrature xq. The various armature reactances of the types discussed are then represented by the notation shown in Table I.
Xd x4
Direct synchronous, positive phase-sequence. Xd' Direct transient, positive phase-sequence. xqI Quadrature transient, positive phase-sequence. Xd' Direct sub-transient, positive phase-sequence. x Quadrature sub-transient, positive phase-sequence. phase-sequence. X2 Negative Zero phase-sequence. x0 Definitions and Methods of Test. Synchronous reactance: The problem of determining the relations between fundamental components of armature voltage and current during steady operation has been thoroughly analyzed by Blondel,5 Arnold,6 and Doherty and Nickle.7 The accepted theory may be briefly summarized as follows: First, the balanced three-phase system of armature currents is resolved into two component three-phase systems: one in which the current in each individual
Quadrature synchronous, positive phase-sequence.
phase reaches a maximum at the instant that the axis of the field pole coincides with the axis of magnetization of the phase under consideration; and another in which the current in each individual phase reaches maximum at the instant the axis of magnetization is in line with the axis midway between poles, that is, one-quarter cycle later. The former is called the direct component because it produces direct component of armature reaction. The latter is the quadrature component. Then coefficients are defined expressing the ratio of reactive component of voltage to armature current for each type of current. These coefficients are the direct and quadratu7re synchronous reactances of the machine. These reactances may be expressed either in ohms, or as a ratio of their reactance in ohms to normal ohms, where normal ohms is the ratio of normal voltage
5. Reference (13). 6. Reference (12). 7. Reference (8).
3. Reference (11). 4. A considerably broader conception of direct and quadrature quantities is developed in Part II.
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Transactions A. T. E. E.
and current. When so expressed, they are referred to In the figures: e () = normal armature voltage.9 as per-unit reactances.8 Thus: i (o) = normal armature current. reactance in ohms at no-load. to produce required = field Per-unitreactance = normal ohms I(o) = Per-unit reactance flux normal to forcee(0) required current fieldcurrent
across the air-gap. = field current required to produce normal armature current at short-circuit. Consequently, per-unit direct synchronous reactance is Synchronous reactance, in accordance with established defined as the per-unit fundamental component of practise, is understood to be calculated on the basis of reactive armature linkages, due to unit sustained direct no saturation, and all quantities are referred to the airgap line. Hence, the direct component of synchronous reactance is measured as the ratio of I, and I,, i. e.,
Normal ohms =
| /!
, /
The quadrature synchronous reactance, x0, of a threephase machine may be determined by the following method."0 The machine, coupled in electrical quadrature to a relatively very large synchronous motor and connected to the motor lines, is operated unexcited. The ratio of the armature voltage, e, to the corresponding armature current, i, is the quadrature synchronous
component of armature current. Quadrature synchronous reactance is defined similarly. The resultant terminal voltage is then found by subtracting the reactance drop in each axis from the no-load terminal voltage corresponding to the existing field current, _ assuming no saturation. Hence, if the machine is dead FIG. 3 SLP METROD"OF OBTAINING Zd AND .Cq short-circuited at normal voltage, the reciprocal of the per-unit sustained armature current is equal to the reactance in ohms. Expressed as a per-unit quantity, it is. per-unit direct synchronous reactance. e * x,= t .e e(0)
8. The desirability of using the term per-unit to characterize reactance, when expressed in terms of unity as a base, is discussed in Appendix J.
The disadvantage of this scheme is the limitation it imposes on the sizes of the machines which may be tested, due to the fact that the driving motor must be / ilo) of sufficient size so that its angular displacement will not be appreciable. A method, referred to as the "slip method," affords, however, a practical means of obtaining xq, and may / IIZ also be used to obtain Xd. The machine to be tested is left unexcited and a three-phase voltage is applied to its armature. The rotor is coupled to a driving motor, of sufficient capacity to overcome the reluctance torque at the reduced voltage, and is run at a low value of slip. In this manner the poles are slipped past the m. m. f. Synchronous reactances can be measured accurately wave. The magnetizing current is then a function of by test. Thus, direct synchronous reactance, Xd, is the rotor position with respect to the m. m. f. The oscillogram of Fig. 3 is the result of such a test. conveniently determined from the saturation and synchronous impedance curves of the machine, which normal refers to used parentheses, enclosed inwith 9. The represent. 2, respectively, respectively, represent. and 2, Fsynh1 (0), subscript, Figs. I and to the and should not be
indicate zero phase-sequence quantities. 10. Two alternative methods of obtaining x, are given in References (3) and (7) respectively.
~ (o)-
subscript, 0,
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Feb. 1928
quadrature synchronous reactance. This last means of testing for the synchronous reactances is simple and has several points of advantage. Thus, the power supply to the tested machine can be small, just enough so that the meter readings are easily obtained. Corresponding readings, or oscillograms, of voltage and current can be taken, and the calculated reactances plotted as a function of time or pole position. Also, the driving motor need only be of sufficient capacity to supply the reluctance torque. Moreover, if the motor speed is well regulated, so as to produce a low value of slip, there will be no difficulty in taking readings directly from indicating instruments, since the swings of the meter needles can be easily followed. In some cases, it may be desirable to take oscillograms of both voltage and current. Transient reactance. When a machine is subjected to a three-phase short-circuit from an initial condition of no-load, the flux-linkages in every rotor circuit must initially stay constant. But, since the armature current tends to demagnetize these circuits, it is necessary for the currents in them to increase, in order that the condition of constant flux-linkages in each circuit may be
It will be noticed that both the current and voltage are modulated harmonically as the pole position changes, the variation in voltage being due to reactance drop in the source of power employed. When the poles line up with the axes of the phases, position (a) on the above curve, the current is a minimum. At this position the ratio of voltage to current is the direct synchronous reactance. Similarly, when the axes of the phases are midway between the poles, position (b), the ratio of voltage to current is the
to the field, this initial value may not satisfactorily represent the performance of the machine on account of the fact that the current induced in some or all of these additional circuits may die away very rapidly. It is, therefore, desirable to establish the conception of transient reactance proper, as the value of apparent transient reactance which applies to the current variation after the rapidly decaying components of current have died away. It can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 4, by projecting the envelope of the current wave to the instant of short circuit, neglecting the first one or two peaks. Point (b) of Fig. 4 corresponds to the transient reactance proper. The reactance determined by the projected value of the envelope of the first few peaks of the current wave, point (a), is then referred to as the sub-transient reactance. In practise, the low value of this reactance may be due in part to saturation in the leakage paths. Practically, the value of short-circuit current can be expressed as the sustained value plus one or more components, each of which die away exponentially. Tran-
familiar fact that the initial short-circuit current of a rent that would exist at t = 0 i- the high-speed terms machine is greater than that obtained under sustained were absent. These relations may be made clear by conditions, after the induced d-c. currents in the field reference to Fig. 5, which shows the observed values of and additional rotor circuits have died away. The symmetrical component of armature current from a resultant armature current is calculated in terms of the three-phase short-circuit test on a large water wheel voltage before the short-circuit, as the ratio of that generator. The test was taken at reduced voltage so voltage to a value of reactance referred to as the as to exclude saturation, and the per-unit values of transient reactance of the machine. current have been multiplied by a factor so as to refer More specifically, this reactance is, of course, the to a test at normal voltage without saturation. direct component of transient reactance, since it inThe per-unit current is expressible in this case as, i = 1.54 + 1.83 e-653t + 1.06 e-'" , volves only reactive or direct axis component of current. Thus, direct transient reactance, Xd', iS the term with high decrement factor being due to the presence of a copper short-circuiting collar at e Xd the top of the pole. The values of direct transient reactance are then, where e is the voltage preceding short-circuit and i is 1.0 the symmetrical component of armature current just Xd' = direct sub-transient = 1.54 + 1.83 + 1.06 after the short-circuit. = 0.226 The exact interpretation of this definition would imply that the current i is to be measured as the value and, of the envelope of the wave of symmetrical component 1.0 of current, as projected to the instant of short circuit. Xd' = transient = 154 + 183 = 0.297 But, in machines with closed rotor circuits in addition
This increase in rotor m. m. f. is responsible for the sient reactance proper is then the reciprocal of the cur-
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Transactions A. I. E. E.
So tar, transient reactance has been interpreted only in terms of the no-load short-circuit current of the machine. But, clearly, it may also be regarded as the reciprocal of the ratio of suddenly applied balanced current, to the reactive voltage due to this current. It is, therefore, similar to synchronous reactance, except referring to suddenly applied instead of sustained currents. From this standpoint it will of course have both a direct and quadrature value, each of which in turn can be transient or sub-transient. If, however, as is often the case, there is no really effective winding in the quadrature axis of the machine, the transient reactance in this axis should be taken equal to synchronous. Thus, the term sub-transient reactance will always refer to the "high-speed" phenomena in either
defined as the per-unit value of positive phase-sequence voltage, due to the sudden application of a positive phase-sequence current of normal amount; while transient reactance is the corresponding apparent value that obtains after the "high-speed" transients have died out. The four coefficients will, therefore, be Xd' direct transient reactance xq' quadrature transient reactance Xd" direct sub-transient reactance x q"' quadrature sub-transient reactance It has been pointed out that the direct sub-transient reactance can be determined from short-circuit tests. It is also possible to measure it by suddenly opening up a sustained short circuit, that is, applying the equivalent of a negative current equal in magnitude to the sustained current. Also, either direct or quadrature - I - t - cL1 bransient reactance can be found by impressing a direct < I; ;FI -- -_g_ _ l _ ,or quadrature voltage, respectively, on the terminals, I-directly or through a reactance. In all of these cases --__ _ -jLL- - the ratios of voltage to current, as shown on oscillo4------- - ---{ grams, vary progressively from an initial value equal to 14t-t tt+-lt +t- .t -tl1
equal to synchronous reactance. X < A sTvalue -1 - !-..1; Another method which is sometimes useful in deter1 X X tt-t
-X | X---
mining Xd' is to determine oscillographically the timeconstant of the decay of armature voltage and current, respectively, with the armature open-circuited and If these time-constants are respecshort-circuited. 11X X tively To and T0', Xd' may be found from the relation"1
t I I I I \ I tA convenient method, which may be used in testing for both Xd"'2 and xq"13 is to apply a single-phase line-toXL1L -XIl -l l I_ line voltage to the machine, the rotor being held still. L 0o I_ 1.0 - 1.5. J X 0 '0-5 The field is shorted through an ammeter and the rotor SECONDS FIG. 5-DECREMENT OF SYMMIETRICAL COMPONENT OF moved until the meter reading is a maximum, at which CURRENT THREE-PHASE SHORT CIRCUIT ON A 20,000-KV-A. position the rotor is directly under the center of the WATERW-HEREL GENERATOR phase. The direct sub-transient reactance, in ohms, to the the ratio oft the armature is . voltage axis. Moreover, if, as in the case of the machine to which the data of Fig. 5 refer, there happens to be no The pole is moved slowly until the field ammeter rotor winding in the quadrature axis, the sub-transient in reads zero, showing that the pole is in quadrature with quadrature reactance will also equal the synchronous axis of magnetization. Then, the quadrature subtthe transient reactance, in ohms, is again one-half14 the ratio of the armature voltage to the armature current. xq" = Xq1 = Xq. On the other hand, for machines equipped with amorFor delta-connected machines the line-to-line tisseurs, the value of the sub-transient quadrature reactances are similarly divided by two and the equivareactance will be different from the corresponding syn- lent Y-circuit used. 11. See Part II. chronous value, although, as before,
since there is no really effective winding in this axis. tance is transient, i. e., xci'. W=ithout such windings the method
In practise, an amortisseur always has a decrement
suffcietly ighsotat ts ractnce s sb-trnsint. 13. If amortisseur windings are not present this reactance Thus, the per-unit sub-transient reactance of a is the quadrature synchronous reactance. 14. See Appendix H. machine, in either the direct or quadrature axis, is
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Feb. 1928
Negative phase-sequence reactance. In the case of a machine rotating synchronously the application of fundamental negative phase-sequence current gives rise to negative phase-sequence fundamental and positive phase-sequence third harmonic voltages from line-to-line and from line-to-neutral. The per-unit negative phase-sequence reactance of a machine is thus equal to the per-unit fundamental phase voltage, or the perunit line-to-line voltage, due to normal negative phasesequence current supplied at the machine terminals. On the other hand, if the rotor is not moving exactly synchronously the line-to-line voltages will not be purely fundamental, but, as is shown in Part II, theywi1l contain slip frequency components. On this account, the direct determination of negative phase-sequence reactance by test is often inconvenient. However, it can be determined very easily by static test since the negative phase-sequence reactance of a machine is very nearly equal to the average"5 of Xd' and Xq/ i. e., Xd' + XQ
where a is the sustained component of current, and b, c, etc., are the transient components of current with timeconstants Tb, Tc, etc., respectively. In practise all but one of these time-constants will be small, i. e., less than about one-twentieth sec., while for dead short-circuits the remaining time-constants will vary in large machines from about 0.5 to 2.5 sec. Thus, a few cycles after the occurrence of a short, from an initial condition of no-load and voltage e, the armature current will be 1 1 r 1 -+ i = e Xd Xd LXd where To' is the short-circuit time-constant of the machine. If the machine is operating at no-load and its field winding is short-circuited, the variation of armature voltage, shortly after the beginning of the transient, will follow a decrement having a time-constant To, which is larger than the short-circuit time constant To'. These time-constants are related by the simple expression
curve of the transient armature current of a machine on short-circuit will, in general, be composed of several simple decrement terms, or exponentials. That is, the current will be expressible as a series
_ __
Zero phase-sequence reactance. The application of fundamental zero phase-sequence current to a synchronous machine gives rise to pulsating third harmonic m. m. f. in the air-gap and end-windings, and to a slot flux the magnitude of which varies widely with the winding pitch. Thus, with other than full pitch coils, the slot flux is diminished by the presence, in the slots, of coil sides carrying current in opposite directions. Zero phase-sequence slot reactance is thus very sensitive to pitch, and because of the fact just previously mentioned is a minimum at 2//3 pitch. The zero phase-sequence air-gap leakage also varies accordingly and disappears at 2/3 pitch, since in this case there is no air-gap m. m. f. There is no armature reaction m. m. f. due to zero phase-sequence currents. Hence zero phase-sequence reactance is very small, say, from 15 to 60 per cent of the direct sub-transient reactance. The effect of the motion of the rotor is very small, and, as a consequence, there are no appreciable harmonic voltages. Per-unit zero phase-sequence reactance is defined as the per-unit phase voltage with normal zero phase-sequence current applied. While its definition implies a condition under which the rotor is moving at normal speed, the difference in test result, if the rotor is stationary, is inappreciable. DECREMENTS . Symmetrical component of current. As pointed out in the discussion of transient reactance, the decrement
To' =-
As it happens that the open-circuit time-constant of most large machines is about five sec., the above relation provides an easy means of determining Tot when the other two quantities are known. The time constant T for a short circuit through an external reactance x is then given as XdI + x To. T=Xd + X This also applies to the case of single-phase short circuits. Thus, on single-phase short circuits, the positive phase-sequence component of current is to be calculated as the current that would exist when an equivalent16 three-phase short circuit is applied. In the case of short circuits under load the timeconstants of the rotor circuits in the quadrature axis are also involved. Except for solid rotor turbo alternators, these are all so fast, however, as not to merit attention from an operating standpoint. The case of turbo alternators is also complicated to some extent by the large amount of saturation which exists in the rotor leakage paths. The effect of saturation in such paths is not confined to turbo alternators to some extent in short circuits but is encountered only, of salient pole machines. Its effect does not, however, greatly modify the general conclusions stated.
16. The equivalent reactance of a line-to-line short is the negof short, thethe point viewed reactance ative for phase-sequence and negative sum of iS the from shorts it line-to-neutral while phasezero zero phase-sequence reactances. The negative and sequence currents can, of course, be found by applying the conpositive and negative components of current are equal in the are equal in the fault.
T2c +
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D-c. component. On dead short circuits, the timeconstant of the d-c. component is
r seconds
1 x2f + w7rf
X2 + xO
where r is the armature resistance as a per-unit quantity. The time-constant on single-phase short-circuit is calculated as for the equivalent three-phase shortcircuit. Range of magnitude of reactances and time-constants. It is noticeable that in any certain type of machine the average value of each of the particular reactances appears to be a rather constant quantity, the deviation from which is not very great. Thus it is possible to obtain tables showing the general limits and the average values of the reactances, such as Table II. The first figures in any group of three quantities indicate the lower limit, the second figures are the average, and the third figures, the upper limit. It is understood that they are not absolute values, but are representative of most machines. Where only two quantities are mentioned, the lower and upper limits are meant. If only one term is given it is the average
Q o
PART II THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The general problem of calculating the performance of a synchronous machine does not admit of any but the most difficult forms of analysis, unless the effects of saturation and hysteresis are neglected. Therefore, they are not considered in the analysis which follows. Practically, these effects are small in a large number of cases. In those cases where their consideration be| comes necessary, the final result, or the coefficients, may be "shaded." Since saturation and hysteresis are neglected, linear relations exist between current and magnetic flux. It then follows, as is shown in detail in Appendix A, that for a given motion or position of the rotor, the currents and voltages in any part of the machine, due to any currents or voltages impressed at its terminals, may be found by superposing the effects that would result from the action of each separately. Thus, there will exist. factors of proportionality between the voltage or current impressed at any terminal, and the voltages and currents at all other points of the machine. For instance, if the armature of the machine iS opencircuited, a steady voltage impressed on the field will give rise to a steady direct current in the field, and to fundamental and harmonic voltages at the armature iaW a terminals. On the other hand, if, say, one phase of the
E-,; |Z|
1~ C 1: N
N j .. -.
. . *lc ;at . *
X |
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Feb. 1928
armature is short-circuited, a steady voltage applied to the field will give rise to steady and harmonic currents in the field, and harmonic currents and voltages, respectively, in the shorted and open armature phases. The ratios of these various currents or various voltages to the impressed field voltage may be referred to as the characteristic coefficients of the machine with reference to the particular condition of operation and the particular terminal quantity impressed, which in the illustrative case under consideration happens to be field
voltage. In general, characteristic coefficients can be established to cover any combination of impressed and resultant quantities, of any frequency, in any of the four distinct terminal circuits17 of the machine comprising the three armature phases and the field winding. These coefficients may be further distinguished from each other according to the rate and time-phase of application of the impressed quantities, the character of the terminal circuits on which these quantities may be impressed, the motion and position of the rotor, and the time-phase of the resultant quantities relative to the impressed quantities. The general problem of classifying and establishing a nomenclature for all of the various types of coefficients would be difficult, especially as there is no generally accepted name for the voltage, due to a voltage, or the current due to a current.18 Moreover, the necessity for a careful study of the broad subject is not pressing at present, although it is anticipated that as progress is made in the analysis of machine performance, the recognition and employment of an increasing number of characteristic coefficients will take place. However, the specific problem of classifying and studying that particular class of coefficients, which refers to the reactive voltages and currents in synchronous machines, is relatively straightforward: at the same time it is important, in view of the practical significance of this type of coefficient in the study of the phenomena occasioned by short circuits. It is this comparatively restricted aspect of the general subject which is considered in the present paper. Following conventional practise, these particular characteristic coefficients which express the factors of proportionality between reactive voltage and current, are referred to, generally, as reactances.
fundamental and a positive phase-sequence third harmonic. Neglecting the effect of the resistance of the closed rotor circuits as regards double frequency current, the per-unit value of the fundamental component of current with normal negative phase-sequence voltage applied is approximately 1 \ 1 1 , + D,J (1) 2 Xq dX corresponding to a reactance: 2 Xc" X"
X" + x( If this voltage were applied through an external reactance, x, the total reactance of the circuit would be: 2 (Xd" + x) (Xq' + X) x +x+x"+x q Xd Thus, the effective negative phase-sequence reactance of the machine would be: 2 (Xcd" + x) (Xq," + x) x2 = Xd" + Xq" + 2 x -x
2 Xd" Xq,/' + X (Xd" + XqX0) Xd" + Xql + 2.
Physically, the effect of the external reactance is to force the current in the machine to be sinusoidal, and to permit the existence of a third harmonic voltage across each phase. This results in a change in the effective negative phase-sequence reactance of the machine. This change may be considerable. For instance, the ratio of the two extreme types of reactance given by equations (2) and (4) might be as high as five to one.19 In the case of sustained single-phase line-to-line short circuit, on the other hand, or in the equivalent case of fundamental voltage impressed from line-to-line,
the per-unit fundamental component of current is shown by Doherty and Nickle to be :20
19. In the case of the small machine employed in the tests illus-
___________ 17. Three-phase machines are referred to. The armatures of single-phase machines may be regarded as three-phase armatures with one leg left idle in operation. 18. The term short-circuit ratio, expressing the per-unit armature current on sustained short circuit due to the applica.tion ef no-load field current, is an exception to this rule.
Thus, when negative phase-sequence voltage is applied case. In machines of normal design, the ratio would be apdirectly at the terminals of a three-phase machine, the phase current contains a negative phase-sequence proximately, W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~biater-wheel generators .........1 .30
trated in Doherty and Nickle's paper Synchronous Machines the negative phase-sequence coefficient is 0.40 when negative Dependence of Reactance on Terminal Circuit. Unlike IV phase-sequence voltage is impressed directly, and is 1.99 when the re are not voltage is impressed through a large reactance, or a ratio of five, these
based on the smaller quantity. This, however, is a very extreme
Synchronous Motors and Condensers .. 1 .04 Turbine Generators.1 .00 The exact difference in these two types of reactances is discussed in detail in Appendix D. 20. This form follows from equation (27b) of the paper mentioned by substituting XD = 2 Xdi, XD' = 2 xd"', and XQ' =2 Xq".
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Transactions A. I. E. E.
+ V/ Xd' Xq where e is the per-unit voltage before the short. Thus e is also the per-unit value of the equivalent line-to-line voltage impressed. But, in the analysis provided by the method of symmetrical coordinates, this current is: N73 e (5) Xd + x2 Thus, for the particular type of short-circuit under consideration, the effective negative phase-sequence reactance is (6) x2 = '/ Xd' Xq that is, the geometric average of XI' and Xq". If, however, the short circuit is effected through an external reactance, x, per phase, the reactance of the complete circuit is:
X (Xd"
reactances. Thus, when fundamental current is "impressed" on a synchronous machine, the rotor of which is moving normally, harmonic as well as fundamental terminal voltages are produced. If, however, the machine is supplied from an infinite bus these harmonic voltages are short-circuited. But an nth harmonic current of proper phase-sequence, taken in combination with a winding which does not exclude nth harmonic m. f., results m. the rotation thisa m. m. f., in synchronism within the poles. Also,of with salient pole machine, an nth harmonic m. m. f. over the pole can give rise to a flux of fundamnental pitch, and thus generate fundamental voltage. It follows that if the harmonic voltages which exist with current impressed are short-circuited by impressing fundamental voltage at the terminals of the machine, the effect of the resulting harmonic currents will be to generate some fundamental voltage. This slightly modifies the proportion
and the effective reactance of the machine is: (Xd + X) (X X2 = q + x) - x Expanding (7) by the binomial theorem gives:
X) (Xq"
+ 2 2
Xd"ft+X" x x +
+ Xi
Xd" x2
(Xd' + Xq )
as armature reactance due to armature reaction flux, and the average of Xd" and x,". the armature reactance due to leakage flux, but the So far, it has been pointed out that the effective exact line of demarcation between reactive and leakage negative phase-sequence reactance of a synchronous flux has not always been very carefully drawn. machine varies with the nature of the circuit external Originally, armature reaction was apparently conto the machine. This effect, however, is not limited to sidered equivalent merely to the action of a lumped coil the negative phase-sequence reactance, but applies, to moving along the armature surface and subtracting its a sligfht extent, to positive and zero phase-sequence amnpere-turns directly from the ampere-turns on the 21. Wihen reactances are to be taken in parallel the principlepoe Lar,iwsralzdttitaseiabeo is reversed. However, it is felt that usually the series principle modify the effective amount of armature reaction to is the more useful. take account of the facts ;-that the m. m. f. of armature
tance that obtains with fundamental current rather than DIVISION OF SYNCHRONOUS REACTANCE INTO ARMATURE REACTION AND LEAKAGE REACTANCE voltage impressed. Thus, negative phase-sequence reactance is to be interpreted normally as the effective Armature reaction. The synchronous reactance of a phase-sequence reactance with current rather than machine is ordinarily calculated as the sum of the
asin (4). In practise short circuits are usually effected through some external reactance. For this reason, and in order to retain the principle that the reactance of a machine and any external reactance in series21 is the sum of the machine and external reactances, it is desirable to normally regard the reactance of a machine, when referred to without qualification, as that obtaining with a large external reactance in each phase, or the reac-
FIG. 6
between positive phase-sequence current and voltage from the value which would obtain with current impressed at the machine terminals.
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Feb 1928.
reaction existed at the armature surface and, hence, a given amount of it did not have the same effect as if it were due to the field winding; and that the principal component of m. m. f., and the only one that is stationary with respect to the poles, is distributed sinusoidally along the armature surface.
slip frequency in these circuits. Therefore, it appears logical that, in general, armature reaction should be taken to include all of the m. m. f. that is stationary with respect to the rotor, since, and especially in induction motors or turbo alternators, the end-winding m. m. f. can produce a flux which links the rotor circuits. Hence, this point of view, i. e., that armature reaction exists in the end windings as well as along the stacked length of the machine, is favored by the authors. However, from a practical point of view, the net effect of the armature reaction in the end-windings of a salient pole machine is usually negligible as far as regards the induction of flux in any of the rotor circuits. Consequently in the present state of the art, at least, it is legitimate to regard all the end-winding flux of salient pole machines as leakage flux. In the case of turbo alternators, this assumption is less correct, although the action of the iron end-rings employed on these machines tends to reduce the mutual
Thus, in recent theory, armature reaction is understood to refer to the space fundamental or stationary component of m. m. f. due to the armature. However, some question arises as to whether the term should be interpreted to apply to the total synchronous m. m. f., due to the armature, thus including the synchronous m. m. f. in the end-windings, or whether it should be limited so as to refer only to the m. m. f. along the stacked length of the machine. Obviously, the answer to this question should depend on the relative value of each alternative as regards
flux between armature and field, and, thus, lessen the degree of approximation involved. However, these machines have a relatively small leakage reactance, so that the error involved, practically, in treating endflux as all leakage is small here also. On the other hand, in the case of induction motors, there can exist a comparatively large amount of endflux. Since a considerable part of this flux may be mutual with the rotor winding, the approximation
that end-flux is all leakage cannot be satisfactorily
calculating the performance of the machine. But the chief purpose of separating out the voltage due to armature reaction from the total synchronous reactance drop is to consider separately those fluxes which can normally penetrate the rotor windings, and which can, under abnormal conditions, induce direct current or
Thus, on account of physical appropriateness, and to obtain consistency, it is desirable, normally, to consider all armature m. m. f. which is stationary with respect to the rotor as armature reaction. In practical computations, however, it is desirable, at present, to limit the term to the m. m. f. in the stacked length of the machine, except in the case of induction motors and special synchronous machines.
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In addition to establishing the conception of armature reaction as denoting a particular type of m. m. f., it has appeared desirable to broaden the scope and application of the term so that it may apply not only to m. m. f. but also to fluxes and their linkages. Thus, it is proposed to characterize by the qualifying term armature ratoall reactionall ths phnmn whic deen upo th action of the synchronous component of armature M. m. f. In this way there are: A. M. m. f. of armature reaction, or armature reaction proper; all the synchronous armature m. m. f. B. Flux or flux density of armature reaction; that component of flux, or of flux density at any point of the air-gap or in the rotor, which is due to the armature reaction m. m. f.; under normal conditions, all that flux or flux density which is stationary with respect to the
far as possible so that this effect is small in order to eliminate losses in these windings. Methods of calculating leakage reactance are given by Mr. P. L. Alger in a companion paper on this subject. THE IDEAL SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE
unaffected by rotor position, i. e., only armature reaction flux is affected by pole position. Practically, the divergence of machines from this ideal type is often important; for example, as a cause of circulating currents, or, in the case of motors, of locking at part speed. In a large number of cases, however, it is legitimate to neglect these differences. The caloulation of the electrical behavior of an ideal machine of this type can be accomplished in terms of a relatively small number of rotor. characteristic constants. Thus, it may be shown24 that C. Linkages of armature reaction; the linkages with the per-unit linkages in phase a of an ideal synchronous any circuit on the armature, or rotor, of the fluxes of machine are expressed as armature reaction. D. Reactances of armature reaction; the reactive 4{a = Idos 0-I,q sin 0- 3 (ia + i6 + ic) coefficients expressing the voltages of armature reaction r (i. e., linkages) in any circuit on the armature, or Xd Xq+ ]c La 2rotor, due to normal armature current. The reactance of armature reaction, or in the case of induction motors, the magnetizing reactance, will, Xd - xq r L ia Cos (2 0) + ib cos (2 0 - 120) however, when referred to without qualification, mean 3 the per-unit armature fundamental linkages due to normal positive phase-sequence armature current and + ic cos (2 0 + 120) (10) will have direct and quadrature components, thus: where, Xad = direct reactance of armature reaction iJa, tb, and c. tc are the instantaneous currents in phases Xaq = quadrature reactance of armature reaction. a, b, and c. Methods of calculating armature reaction have been a, b, and is the nominal voltage, or per-unit rotor current Id of Methods calculatin armat2 given by R. W. Wieseman. in the direct axis. I q is the nominal voltage, or per-unit rotor current in Leakage Reactance. Leakage reactance is defined as that part of synchronous reactance which is not in- the quadrature axis, ahead of the poles. cluded in the reactance of armature reaction. Hence, 0 = electrical degrees in direction of normal rotation there are two components between axis of poles and the magnetic axis of phase a. Xld = Xd - Xad Axis of phase b is 120 deg. ahead of the axis of phase a. = of phase c is 120 deg. behind the axis of phase a. Axis Xld Xq Xaq. The linkages in phase b are similar except that They are the reactances due to the flux in the slots and to the flux produced by the moving harmonic of (0 - 120) is substituted for 0 in the first two terms, m. m. f., which latter is that flux in the air-gap or end- ib for ia in the fourth term, and (120 - 0) for 0 in the winding which is not normally stationary with respect fifth term. The linkages in phase c are obtained in a to the poles. Actually, the flux due to the nth harmonic corresponding way. From this, the voltage of any phase can be obtained from the relation 1 times ) ddtm. m. f. pulsates over the rotor at (14a (11 na n =
normal frequency and, therefore, is subject to the demagnetizing influence of the field winding and all other closed rotor circuits. Consequently, in determining the permeance23 of the air-gap to nth harmonic m. m. f. the effect of these circuits should be considered. In practise, however, the rotor circuits are adjusted as
22. Reference (5). 23. Reference (8).
The ideal synchronous machine has a thosehenomenahichdepenupontheopen-circuit voltage wave, and leakage
sinusoidal reactance
In order to determine the reactance between the armature and rotor, it is of great benefit to resolve the armature quantities under consideration with respect to the two axes of symmetry of the poles, a procedure introduced by Blondel and further developed by Arnold, and Doherty and Nickle.
.24. Reference (14).
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Feb. 1928
To this end, and in analogy with their recognized significance under steady conditions of operation, let the direct and quadrature components of current at any instant, and under any condition of operation, be taken equal to the instantaneous amplitudes of the direct and quadrature components of armature m. m. f. It may be shown25 that, at any instant, the magnitudes of these m. m. fs. are equal to the quantities 2 id = [ia cos 0 + ib cos (6 - 120) + ic cos (6 + 120)]
I = X I -Xm id in which4, X, Xm, and I refer to thiscircuit. In order to retain the valuable principle that the per-unit nominal voltage is equal to the total rotor current, it is desirable to define unit current in any circuit as that current which acting by itself produces normal space fundamental flux at the armature surface. In this way the nominal voltage at any instant is always to be identified as the instantaneous rotor current. Thus, in the direct axis, as (14) + 12d + = I Id (12) +Ind +dIld Transient Reactance. In analogy with the procedure 2 [ia sin 0 + ib sin (6 - 120) + i, sin (6 + 120)] employed in determining the effect of the armature iq circuit on the rotor, it is desirable to establish the conThe currents, id and iq then determine the reaction ception of instantaneous direct and quadrature comof the armature on the rotor at any instant. In general, ponents of armature linkages. If these components there will be more than one rotor circuit. Consider, are defined as however, any particular circuit, say circuit h of the 2 Ad = 4'a cos 0 + lb COS (6- 120) + f,c cos (0 + 120)]
V'q I
it may be verified that the simple relations, which obtain between armature linkages and armature and rotor currents under steady conditions, now hold at any instant. That is, under all conditions,
litq I- Xq i'q Transient reactance will then be the constant of proportionality between V/ and i when i is suddenly impressed. Thus, if A 4Ad iS the sudden change in APd when a current A id is suddenly impressed, there is (17) X ' = i/d
Id- Xd id
direct axis; that is, circuit h d. There will be factors of proportionality between the linkages, Thd, in this circuit, the currents in every other rotor circuit in the direct axis, and the instantaneous direct component of armature current. Thus, there is + Xhid =lid Xdfhd = Xh,f d I 4- Xhl d Ild + ... XhfdI -I- .Xd (13) Ind - Xhmd Id + Xhhd Ihd + . where I - per-unit field current per-unit current in circuit h of the direct axis lhd = Xhfd per-unit mutual reactance of field with circuit
Aid A A1d A Id - Xd Atid But, where A Id is the corresponding increase in direct axis rotor current. Therefore, AI
X Xhmd
and similarly in the quadrature axis. The value of A Id may be found by solving the n equations (19) 4' = 'ifld 4=T2d = . . . "nd = 0 found A may be subject to the conditions id = A
the similarly. We shall only consider in detail here (19) case of a single rotor circuit. The equations
id. Iq
per-unit mutual reactance of armature with become in this case merely = XAoo I- XmTAhd = 0 'c circuit h d. Similar relations exist in the quadrature axis except that from which it follows that, in this case, field current is not involved.X x- Xm Xd' X= If there is onlyone rotor circuit, equation (13) becomes
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Transactions A. I. E. E.
ing with respect to the armature, and X is the total field in order to obtain symmetry with the equations for reactance. armature voltage a different procedure is here employed. Calculation of Rotor Reactances. Before calculating In the following, normal voltage of any rotor circuit is these quantities in per-unit terms it is necessary to that voltage which would exist in this circuit if normal decide on an appropriate value of normal or unit link- flux changed through it at normal frequency. Normal ages. It has been found convenient to specify normal resistance is then the ratio of normal I R drop to this linkages in each rotor circuit as the product of normal voltage. In this way the per-unit voltage of any field flux by the number of series turns in the circuit. On circuit, say h d, is this basis it is shown in Appendix G that, for any rotor d hd circuit h, (25) Ehd = dt + Rhd Ihd A(0d ) X htn = (21) while for the field circuit proper there is Fh
A (o) = 2.12 X (effective full-load armature ampereDecrements. Only the case of a machine with the field turns per pole, per phase). = as the only rotor circuit will be considered. In this h no-load of circuit normal ampere-turns Fh (0) case, if the armature is open-circuited, there is with no saturation. ' = XI Thus, the determination of the mutual reactances of Xmh can be reduced to the determination of no-load and dI excitation ampere-turns in each rotor circuit. dt The self and mutual rotor reactances at present require flux plots for their determination, except in the that the open-circuit time-constant of the field is case ofthe totalfield reactance. case of the total field reactance.so As shown in Appendix F, the latter is given by the (27) To = X R expression F (o) If the machine is short-circuited through a reactance X and the effect of the resistance of the armature circuit x, (=) is negligible, as is normally the case, there is where K0 and L are given by formulas and curves in Xm Doherty and Shirley's 1918 paper on reactances, 1 is [r Xd'X XI I Xd + x Xd + x the stacked length of the machine, and 4 (o) is normal no-load armature flux. The transient reactance of a dlI Xd'+ x machine with no additional rotor circuits is then given as X t +RI E= dt Xd+X A(0) 1 X Xd' 2d- F(o) K (23) so that the time-constant of the field, in this case, is F (o)
E = dt + RI
Equivalent Circuits and Field Leakage Reactance. This general subject is treated mathematically in Appendix E. It is shown that any number of equivalent circuits can be constructed to represent the relation between armature and rotor currents and linkages. Of the various circuits which may be so constructed there is one in which the armature branch is Xld, and the magnetizing branch is Xad. The field branch of this particular circuit has been referred to as the field leakage reactance, and is denoted by Xi.26 It is shown in Appendix E thatX1 may be expressed in terms of the quantities already described by the relation, ( Xad X \ X Xad 1 (24) / Field Voltage. It sometimes is desirable to define normal field voltage as the voltage which will just force normal current through the resistance of the field, but 26. ReferenGe (6). simply
Xd' + X T To ~~~~~~~(28) Xd + x The time-constant on dead short-circuit is X (29) To To' = Xd The effect of armature resistance, or of machines operating in parallel, is to modify these results in a complicated way which will not be considered here. If, as is ordinarily the case, the resistance of the rotor circuit is negligible, the time-constant of the direct current in the armature depends upon the inductance of the armature to direct cuYrrent in the same way as the time-constant of direct current in the field depends on the inductance of the field to direct current. The ~~~~inductance of the armature to direct current is, however, the average of Xd"/ and xqtt and is thus equal to the negative phase-sequence reactance. Thus the timeconstant for the d-c. component in the armature is
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Feb. 1928
may be found by superposing the voltages due to any components into which this current may be resolved. To illustrate, the armature voltage due to a field current I, and an armature current i, may be found as as stated in Part I. the sum of the armature voltages due to the currents I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Messrs. R. E. Doherty, and i acting separately. That is, the voltage under load from the no-load voltage subtracting C. A. Nickle, P. L. Alger, and Professor W. V. Lyon for may be found by to the existing field current, the voltage d t t their valuable suggestions, and Mr. R. G. Lorraine for corresponding the to caused by the armature drop mpedance his assistance in the preparation of the figures. * ~~current. Or, the voltage due to a current Appendix A i = i, sin (t + a) APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION TO can be found by superposing the voltages due to currents THE ANALYSIS OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES x - ia cos a sin t In a synchronous machine, as in a static device, the flux density at any point will be in linear relation to and, i-a isln a cOs t the total number of currents in every circuit of the machine, providing saturation and hysteresis are acting alone. So far it has merely been pointed out under what neglected. However, in a synchronous machine the factors of proportionality between flux density and conditions the voltages due to a given current districurrent depend upon the angular position of the rotor. bution can be found by superposing the voltages due to Thus, if the circuits in the machine are numbered 1, 2, any components of the distribution. Suppose, howetc., the component of flux density in a given direction ever, that a given distribution of voltage is impressed at any point of the machine will be related to the at the machine terminals. Let this distribution be currents in a manner shown by the following equation: characterized by the symbol e (t), and let ex (t) and ey (t) into which e (t) may be be component distributions 0 = fI (0) iI + f2 (0) i2 + . . . etc. so that e (t) = ex (t) + ey (t). Let the currents for agvepoiresolved Consequently, t) thedutoheeisrbinsei(),i.t)adi of the rotor, Consequently, for a given position flux at any point in the machine may be found by Then theremustrbe superposing the fluxes due to the current in every circuit i (t) = 1x (t) + t (t) acting separately. Also, the flux due to the current in all the conditions imposed by the fulfills result this since fluxes due the superposing be found by may any circuit terminal conditions of each and equations differential be current this may into which to any components that the position of the provided machine, the of circuit resolved, taken separately. 0 is the same with e (t), of time, (t), function rotor as a Thus, linkages. The same rule will of course apply to (t) impressed. ey ex (t), and the linkages in circuit I will be represented as . . Thus, it follows that the current distribution due to a . etc. = i2 X12 + X11 + il (0) 411 (0) given distribution of armature voltage may be found any due to may distributions current superposing by of circuit sinductance isthe inductance the voltage distribution intothe which components 1 with re of circuit the mutual be resolved, provided that the motion of the rotor, as a function of time, is the same for the components as for d 41 elr1Tl + d t the resultant. For example, if a machine is supplying current to a reactor and is then short-circuited, the current at any / di, d X12 (0) d 0 dXi, (0) d 6 \ + dt + d 6 77712 time after the short circuit may be found by super=r+ d 6 d t )+ Xi posing on the initial current distribution the fictitious currents which would be due to the application of a d t,9 etc. negative voltage at the point of short circuit. This + N12 () dt + negative voltage is equal and opposite to that which would have existed at the point of short circuit had the But, since if i = ix + iy short circuit not occurred, and it is assumed to be dj d i2 dit applied with the machine unexcited. d t = d t+ d t On the other hand, if the machine is supplying it follows that, for a given position and speed of the rotor, a kilowatt load, it would be only possible to calculate the voltage in any circuit of the machine may be found the currents at the instant of short circuit in such by superposing the voltages due to the current in every manner. This is because of the fact that generally, other circuit acting separately. Also, under the same in this case, the motion of the rotor would be different conditions, voltage due to the current in any circuit before and after the short circuit on account of the change
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Transactions A. I. E. E.
in load effected by the short circuit. In the first instant, the currents in the "additional rotor circuits" have died however, the inertia of the rotor would prevent a change away. in its motion. b. Alternating so slowly that the demagnetizing When current is impressed on the open circuits of a action of the "additional rotor circuits" is slight. machine, in which closed circuits also exist, the same But if, with closed circuits on the rotor, the armature limitations apply as in the case for voltage. In both currents are sustained and of such a nature that the events the currents and voltages due to the impressed armature m. m. f. is stationary and steady over the quantities depend on the complete variation in time of poles, Xd and xq are used as before. those quantities. Superposition is still legitimate, Finally, if there are closed circuits on the rotor, but subject to the condition that the motion is the same for neither of the above conditions is fulfilled, it is generally the components as for the resultant. possible to divide the currents into two parts; first, those The general statement of the possibi'ity of super- which meet sub-transient or transient reactance, and position is, then, that for a given motion or position of the second, those which meet synchronous reactance. rotor, the currents and voltages in any part of the The appropriate factor is then used with each type of machine, due to any currents or voltages impressed at current. For example, a single-phase line-to-line its terminals, may be found by superposing the effects current that would result from the action of each taken - = io cos i separately. is resolvable into positive and negative phase-sequence
Appendix B
components as
REPLACING THE EFFECT OF INDUCED FIELD CURRENTS BY EMPLOYING TRANSIENT INSTEAD OF SYNCHRONOUS REACTANCES Equation (10), of Part II, gives the complete expression for the phase linkages of a synchronous machine under all conditions of operation. However, in the case of rapidly changing or suddenly impressed currents, there is a definite relation between the currents in the field and armature circuits.97 As a consequence, the field current terms may be replaced by terms involving armature currents. Thus, if the field circuit is closed, and the effects of a given armature current are to be calculated a. only in the first instant after their sudden
[cos (t - 150) +
(t + 150)]
= -
io cos
i =c
sequence component of current meets synchronous reactance, and the negative phase-sequence meets
(2b) V3 For normal motion of the rotor, the positive phaseio [cos (t -1- 90) + cos (t - 90)] = 0
b. under sustained conditions of such a nature that all m. m. fs. over the poles are pulsating, or moving at sufficient speed that the demagnetizing action of the rotor circuits is practically complete, it is merely necessary to substitute Xd' and xq"' or Xd' and xq' for Xd and xq in order to eliminate the terms
Xqcos (t - 30)
)/a =-
-q cos (t + 20 + 30) 2
Xd' +
Xd"+ x"l
The linkages in phase a thus become Xd"f + xq" r. o b + {a= 3 (ia + ib+c) [a
2 t cos (t + 30)
+_ i]
Xd -xq"
cos (3 t + 2 0 + 30)
- Xd
+ i. (cos (2 6 + 120) 1
Xd' and Xq' replace Xd" and Xq" when the m.m. f.over the poles is a. Suddenly impressed, but steady thereafter, and it iS desired to determine the effects of currents after 27. Tha,tis, Id = (Xd -Xd"t) id and 'q = (xq - Xq") iq.
The principal circuits in the rotor of a machine, besides the field winding proper, which are capable of significantly affecting the behavior of the machine under practical operating conditions, are listed in
Table III.
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Feb. 1928
PARK AND ROBERTSON: SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES TABLE III Significant rotor circuits in addition to field Type of Machine
Xd"t + Xq"
a 23
(3 t + a)
(2 0
+Xd Amortisseur, if used. Field collars, if used. Spider, unless laminated. Metal Wedges Rotor Iron, unless laminated.
'Pb =
Xd"t + Xq"
cos (3 t-120 + a)
Figs. 6 to 10 show these circuits pictorially for representative machines of each type.
Appendix D
THE NEGATIVE PHASE-SEQUENCE REACTANCE OF A SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE WITH NEGATIVE PHASESEQUENCE VOLTAGE IMPRESSED With normal negative phase-sequence current impressed on the terminals of a machine the phase currents are, ta = cos t (t 120) = COS ib ic = cos (t - 120) It follows from equation (10), of Part II, and from the fact that all the resultant fluxes are varying rapidly over the rotor,28 that the flux linkages in each phase are, under these circumstances,
+ xq
Xq f
If fundamental negative phase-sequence voltage is maintained at the armature terminals, and if the resistance of the armature is negligible, the armature linkages will also be negative phase-sequence. This will require that both negative phase-sequence fundamental to each other. a definite ratio third-harmonic exist,positive having phase-sequence currents and Thus, let i2(i) be the magnitude of the negative phasesequence fundmental current, and i1(3) be the magnitude of the positive phase-sequence third-harmonic current. Also, suppose that the two are acting together, and let 0 = 0 + t. Then, combining equations (Id) and (4d), t Xd + Xq
xd" +Xq Mi
2 +
+is (2 0 + t-120)(2d
+ i2(1)
X d"
cos (3 t + a)
+ i'(2
cos (3t+2 00 )
d -
2 aeCos (2 0 + t + 120)
1(3) d" "((7d) . __X __d 2 ___ The variation in linkages will give rise to a voltage and, and 22(1) of a and harmonic fundamental of frequency (2 d O/d t + 1) times fundamental frequency. For 'Pa will contain only a fundamental component, i. e., = i2(1) L Xd" + Xq (Xd" Xq/)2 normal motion of the rotor these voltages will be funda2 (Xd" + Xq") ] cost 2 mental and third harmonic of which the fundamental 'Pa one may be found by analyzing the voltage wave over 2 Xd" Xq" cycle. However, if the speed of the rotor is not (8d) Xdt + COS t = X2 exactly normal, the third harmonic in the terminal voltage will pulsate at the slip frequency. 'Pa = cos t If normal third harmonic positive phase-sequence If 11{ 1 . current is impressed, i. e., if then q2(1) - 2~ Xd" + xq"J ta= COS (3 t ae) x 1 1 1 ib = COS(3 t-120+ac) and xc= cos (3 t + 120 + a) ---)= ( -+-g) Xd +Xq X"+q 2 \ d X ' the phase linkages become, specified, But under the conditions 28. See Appendix B.
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(t + 120), i
(t - 120),
or to determine the effect of external field reactance, etc. The field voltage equation is (9d) d__
are determined by an external circuit such as an impedance, for example, a reactance and resistance in series. Thus, it is possible to calculate the power factor of a current of any frequency induced in the field,
ib =
2 +
and resistance of the field (lOd) of Reactance divided are, by and circuit course, to be calculated in per-unit
Xq xv
,, )[cos (t + 120)
is just adequate to give rise to balanced normal negative phase-sequence terminal voltage. It follows that the application of balanced normal negative phase-sequence
(x -1)
Xm. N'ormal or per-unit resistance is the product of normal field current and resistance in ohms, divided by the voltage due to unit rate of change of normal flux linkages. While the circuit just discussed is perfectly practical, it is not at all the only circuit that can be constructed, nor is it in every way the best, since it may involve negative reactances. These latter, while not inconvenient mathematically, are not entirely satisfactory from a physical standpoint. A particular circuit previously employed29 is that in which the armature branch of the equivalent circuit is made equal to the leakage reactance of the armature. In this case write:
= A =d
xd id
r I 1 voltage will give rise to a fundamental negative phaseB'J=ABXL A J-BXmid (7e) sequence current of amount 1/1 1\ where A and B are arbitrary factors to be determined in + 2 \ Xd" I xqt J The voltage may be applied either from line-to- such a way thatidand A can be employed in the line or from line-to-neutral. equivalent circuits. Then, it is necessary that Appendix E (8e) Xd - A -x CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS: CONCEPT OF A= Xd Xl = Xad or, FIELD LEAKAGE REACTANCE also there must be, on account of the nature of the Consider machie Consider a machine without any "additional rotor wBut, circuits." The equations relating per-unit armature equivalent circuit: AB m e and field linkages are, in this case:
2 Xd" q )
I-Xdid XI- Xmid The second equation may be put in the form, 'i'(f) =X(f) I -i
V/d =
Xm X*
Xad I[f]- Xd
X-7 1-7
I[]= -
(13e) (14e)
But, equations (le) and (3e) are satisfied by the equiva'F[fJ = Xm 'I _____ lent circuit of Fig. 11. This circuit also holds good when the linkages to(f 29. Reference (6).
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Feb. 1928
The equivalent circuit in this case is shown in Fig. 12. In this case the field voltage equation is d E(f) - d t T[fI + R[f IIf
E[f l = Xm E and Ri =
leakage reactance-thus,
Xl = X[f]- Xad = Xad
The term
(16e) The formula for transient reactance may be obtained by shorting the field side of the equivalent circuit. Referring to Fig. 12 this gives: Xm normal current in the circuit under consideration, 1 (X(f)-1) _ divided by the order of the harmonic. Thus: = Xd X Xd' = Xd l -X X(f) X1(f)
surface, in the slots or inter-polar space, and at the ends of the poles. This corresponds to the division of armature leakage into air-gap, slot, and end leakage. The reactance X is then expressible as the sum of three factors relating to the armature, inter-polar space, and pole ends respectively. Thus: X = Armature factor + inter-polar, or slot-factor + end factor.30 Armature Factor. That component of flux, due to current in any field circuit, which enters the armature surface will be assumed to link all of that circuit, a condition which, it happens, is very generally fulfilled. Then the armature factor in field reactance, expressed as a per-unit quantity, is the ratio of the total flux to entering the the space fundamental component of flux armature along one pole pitch. This factor was first employed by Doherty and Shirley in their paper on Reactance,30 and has received the designation K,. As pointed out by them, it is capable of being expressed as the sum of the per-unit harmonics of flux, due to
1+ 3 +
k5 sin 5
+ -
Xd' =
Xo Xac
IXm \ ture axis of the machine. The form ( Xd- X ) is probably the easiest for It is interesting to realize, then, that harmonics in the no-load flux wave of a machine are of the nature of leakage flux. This leakage flux can, however, be calculation since; positive or negative according to whether the wave of Xd is calculated by standard methods. Xm is calculated from a knowledge of no-load normal no-load flux is flat-topped or peaked. This would be indicated by negative constants in the above equation. field current. Charts for determining K. for ordinary field windings XI available in the above mentioned paper on Reare IXad XXf + *7 actance. If [f] SXaS iZd 1d Interpolar, or Slot, and End Factors. These factors -- lcomprise the field linkages due respectively to all the Xd FIG. 12-EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF SYNCHRONOUS MA-ACHINE flux in the stacked length of the machine that does not penetrate the armature surface and to all the endDIRECT AxIS, MAIN FIELD ONLY flux.31 A formula for the field-flux linkages of salientX may be calculated without great difficulty. It is pole machines, due to flux which does not penetrate merely the ratio of the total field linkages to the the armature surface, has been given by Doherty and linkages the field would enclose if normal space Shirley.32 Using the quantity L given in formula (33a) fundamental armature flux linked all of the field of that paper, the inter-polar and end factor becomes equal to: turns. N I(o) L 1 The construction of equivalent circuits when additional rotor circuits are to be considered is more difficult t than in the simple case discussed and will not be treated Where l(o) = no-load field current in amperes here. (o~) = no-load space fundamental flux per pole Appendix F 1242. 30. Referetncct(10)al the The calculation of total field reactance, i. e., the quantity or quantities X, is conveniently accomplished mental at the armature winding. 32. Reference (10), p. 1279. by considering separately the fluxes at the armature
hihi ntspc f
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Ko +
N I(o) L 1
3 2
Nh(o) Ih(o)
Appendix G
RELATION BETWEEN Xm AND NO-LOAD EXCITATION where, CURRENT = 2.12 (effective armature times per pole per phase) A(0) Ordinarily, the leakage reactance of a machine does X (normal r. m. s. armature current). not have a transient value perceptibly different from air-gap ampere-turns of any circuit .h no-load its sustained one because the currents induced in the Fh(o) = In particular, various rotor circuits by the leakage fluxes are sensibly reactive in character, i. e., are nearly out of phase with A(0) the voltage producing them. Consequently, it is Xm F() = per-unit mutual field reactance (7g) possible to neglect the changes in leakage reactance with method of application of current and to regard all the where, change that is necessary to account for the difference in F(0) = no-load air-gap ampere-turns of field. Using this relation, it is possible to reduce the calcusynchronous and transient reactance as being due to the difference in the reactances of armature reaction lation of transient reactance to the following items: A. Determination of synchronous reactance, in the two cases. Therefore, in calculating the values of the constants Xm, Xmid, etc., it is only necessary to B. Determination of the "no-load field currents" consider the flux linkages of armature reaction, that is, of each rotor circuit, i. e., determination of current the flux linkages due to the space fundamental comnormal fundamental component of to ponent of armature m. m. f.necessary ponent of armature m. m. f. n amtr lx give But the effect of normal space fundamental m. m. f. C. Determination of self and mutual coefficients acting in one axis of the rotoris just two-thirds33 of the the rotor circuits between themselves. current. of effect of the maximum value of normal phase Appendix H That is, if i(o) is the current flowing in a single-phase in winding when the rotor is stationary and its axis question is directly in line with the axis of magnetizaBE RE ES PHASE REACTANCES tion of the excited armature phase, the effect of normal In accordance with the procedure discussed in Part 2 II, the impedances of a machine will be regarded as i(o. space fundamental m. m. f. is 3 the ratios of the sinusoidal components of voltage and Now consider any rotor circuit, for example, circuit h. current due to sinusoidal current in the windings. The linkages in this circuit, due to a current of normal peak Since only sinusoidal currents of definite frequency, and value i(o) in one armature phase in line with circuit h, are only sinusoidal components of terminal voltage of corresponding frequency, are to be considered, it follows 2 that it is legitimate to employ vector notation. (1g) Xhm N,h q(0) 3 Thus, any current i = i0 sin (t + a) will be repreThus the mutual inductance of circuit h and the arma- sentable as a vector i = io /a and the phase currents will be representable as ture phase is a=il 1.2 + to 2/3 Nh O(O) Xhm (lh) = \ 120+2/ 120 +0 (2g)
The linkages in the armature phase due to a normal The phase voltages are similar. It may be readily verified that with a line-to-line value of current Ih(o) in circuit h are, from the definition connection between phases b and c, of normal current in any rotor circuit, simply34 _ nT tm(a) (3g) l / 90 1 =-2 =(2h) Thus the mutual inductance of the armature phase and + circuit h is where i. } = line-to-line current of phases b and c, nl /(o) ~~~~~(4g)while with a line-to-neutral connection from phase a to neutral, Ih^(o) But since (2g) must be equal to (4g) it follows that
armature winding is considered, harmonic linkages are neglected.
33. The effect offundamental m.m. f.only is tobe considered. 34. Since only the sinusoidally distributed component of the
tb = i
t1= t 2 =
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Feb. 1928
Under normal conditions of operation, however, it follows from the symmetry of every phase, that the fundamental components of the voltages due to any phase-sequence current distribution must be of the same phase-sequence as the current. Thus, subject to the condition of normal motion of the rotor, there is,
ei = zi
(13h) (14h)
as mentioned in Part I. (4h ) e2 = Z2 X 2 The values of per-unit single-phase reactances which obtain with no closed rotor circuits may also be identieO = z0 i, but the line-to-line voltage of phases b and c is fied as the per-unit single-phase armature inductances. Thus, in treating the subject of short-circuit currents, eb., eb -e = 3 (ei - e2) \90 (5h) Messrs. & Doherty and Nickle35 employ the relations, (Zl + Z2) is bc Zs Is bc or line-to-line impedance = z, = Z, + Z2 + XSQ XSD - XSQ 2 cos (2 0') + 2 Similarly it follows that, subject to the conditions line-to-line inductance= stated, line-to-neutral impedance is zoline-to-neutral inductance Z1 +AZ2+zn zs +3 3(6h) 3 20 X:D + XZQ X+ZD X 2 2 However, these relations do not obtain without 6' = 0 + 300 special interpretation unless the rotor is moving where, The idea of transient inductance has also been normally. In case of an "ideal machine" with the rotor stationary, thevaluesof single-phase reactance are given, introduced. For example, the transient line-to-line by the value of Pa 4-'b with ia = i-b = 1, ic = 0, and inductance is, Vla with ia = 1, ib =i = 0, respectively, for a line-toXSD' - XSQ/ XQD + SQOS (2 0_) line or line-to-neutral connection. 2 2 Thus, with all rotor circuits closed, the line-toIn case machines with auxiliary rotor circuits were line static reactance is to be considered, the conception of the subtransient Xd"- xq" cos(2 0) - 2 cos (2 0 -120) inductance and the use of the doutle primed notation Xs Xd"I + Xq" + would also be in order. Thus, for the transient reactances, + cos (2 0 + 120)] XSQ = 2 XSD 2 Xd'd (7h) = (Xd" + X,z) + (Xd" - Xq") cos (2 0 + 60) , = x-+2 Xq , X0 + 2XI The value of x, when the axis of magnetization of the X2D XIQ3 3 armature coincides with the direct axis of the rotor is (8h) and for the sub-transient reactances, Xs = Xsd = 2 Xd" XSD" = 2 Xd", etc. When the axis of the armature winding coincides with the quadrature axis the value of x, is Appendix I (9h) Xs = Xs q = 2 x q / OfeIsN asMPLOYE T o The corresponding line-to-neutral reactances are, of The devising a simple scheme, of notation problem with all rotor circuits closed, as much as possible with existing be in accord will which closed, circuits with alldrotor been not has easy. The difficulty is due + 3 (10h) nomenclatureterms cos 2 6 X., 3 3 3 which pertain to synchronous mato the many 3 When the axis of the armature winding is in line with chines. The notation of the paper follows the somewhat the poles
+ Xd 2 Xd' (llh) tities are denoted by small letters or symbols, and all O X X, = 0 + 2 Xd"t _0 x - xd Ih3 3 field terms by large letters or symbols. The subscripts and when the armature axis is in quadrature with the d and q refer to the direct and quadrature axes of magnetiThe corresponding single-phase line-to-line poles ~~~~~~~~~~zation. poles line-to-neutral quantities are recognized by the (12h) subscripts s and a, respectively. Positive phaseX5X,q = X+ 2 xq" _Xo +Xsq x<,-x,, sequence terms may be indicated by the subscript1, but 3 3 These relations are useful in determining the values are usually given no special notation. Negative and 35. Reference (2). of xO, Xd", and Xqt". Thus
the poles
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zero phase-sequence terms are specified by the subscripts 2 and 0, respectively, following the notation introduced by Mr. C. L. Fortescue.36 All transient quantities are signified by primes. These compose, in the main, the group of indexes required, but various modifications and special designations were necessary. The notation is not peculiar to this paper but is largely the same as the system used by Doherty and Nickle in their recent treatments of synchronous machines. Although it is not urged that this notation be standardized, since the primary purpose has been to fill the requirements of the present article, the system may be helpful to others.
c. Use of zero as subscript. Except in connection with time-constants, 0 will indicate zero phase-sequence quantities, and (0) will imply normal, or per-unit quantities. To = field time-constant with all armature phases open. Tro = armature time-constant with all rotor circuits open. C. PRIME QUANTITIES
a. Wth reference to armature reactances: sustained no special indication. transient-one prime, i. e., x'. sub-transient-two primes, i. e., x". BE With reference to time-constants: A.ticle,thesystem MAJO QAIe TOlpful otheNTIb. field time-constant with all armature phases Circuits shorted-Tof armature time-constants with all rotor circuits Armature Rotor
. Voltage Linkages........... Current. M. m. f.A Reactance.... Resistance ...........
e V
I ...i
Time t t (Electrical radians) Electrical space angle along armature surface with respect to phase "a" ly Electrical degrees in direction of normal rotation between axis of poles and magnetic axis of 0 phase "a" a. Direct and quadrature quantities. d direct quadrature q
In the present scheme of notation, this form is reserved for the particular single-phase static reactances used by Doherty and Nickle in their paper Synchronous Machines IV, and discussed here in Appendix B.
These are:
single-phase line-to-neutral oa, b, c separate phases 2. Rotor quantities. d direct quadrature q Where there are several circuits in any axis they are to be distinguished from each other by numeral subscipts, as X2d, except that the symbol, f, may be retained for the field winding proper. If no subscript is employed reference to the main field winding is
Reference (11).
armature quantities positive phase-sequence quantities rotor quantities static quantities single-phase * b.b DAstrebutuon. 1. Armature quantities.positive phase-sequence 1, or no subscript negative phase-sequence 2 0 zero phase-sequence s single-phase line-to-line
XD total static reactance static reactance due to space fundamental XAD XLD static leakage reactance XDI static transient reactance XAD' static transient fundamental reactance As these reactances are single-phase they are also characterized by S and ; to indicate whether they are line-to-line or line-to-neutral, thus XSD, or X2D. Corresponding quadrature values are designated similarly by the subscript Q instead of D. E. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS E ICLAEU EM It is necessary to include a number of special terms which have not been discussed above. The notation used for these quantities is u rbtrr but es arbitrary, r less or or s more
h = a subscript denoting any rotor circuit. In conjunction with d or q it signifies that that circuit is in the direct or quadrature axis. K 37 = a per-unit quantity expressing the ratio of the total flux to the space fundamental component of flux entering the armature along one pole pitch. I = used as asubscript to denote leakage reactance, or used alone to denote length of armature stacking. L3 = effective leakage lines per unit length of stacking, linking the entire field winding when the field m. m. f. is one ampere-turn.
37. First employed by Doherty and Shirley in their paper Reactance, reference 10.
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Feb. 1928
Originally, the method of representation used was a subscript denoting mutual reactance between referred to as "percentage representation of quantities, armature and any field winding. n a subscript, similar to h, denoting any field as a decimal," but this name was to some extent a source circuit, or used alone to denote effective of confusion in view of the accepted meaning attached to the word "percentage." Recently the term "perarmature turns per pole per phase. unit representation of quantities" has been suggested N -turns per pole of the main field winding.33 A = a coefficient employed to denote increment as a designation for the decimal percentage system. As this name appears to solve the difficulties previously change in any quantity. it has been used throughout the paper. encountered, devise to necessary found been it has In Appendix E they that special notations for certain quantities in order References fit the construction of the equivalent circuits. These Thences Calculation of the Reactance of 1. 1928 Machines. Alger, P. L., notations employ parentheses and brackets. Their Synchronous SeeThe p. 493. use may be made clear by reference to that appendix. 2. 1928, Doherty, R. E. and Nickle, C. A., Synchronous Machines IV. See p. 457. PRINCIPAL DERIVED UNIT QUANTITIES Schaefer, R. A., A Study of Transverse Armature The niqanii3. F. are Reaction1927, F. The principal derived unit quantities in Synchronous Machines, JOURNAL A. I. E. E., August, 1927, pp. 811-814. ,(o) = normal armature flux-linkages 4. 1927, Wagner, C. F. and Dovjikov, A., "Impedance of a = e(o) Rotating Synchronous Machine to a Negative Sequence Voltage" 10 o Electric Jl., March 1927, pp. 117-21. 2 7r f of Determination R. W., Graphical 5. 1927, Wieseman, normal Synchronous to Salient-Pole Practical Application Fields. Magnetic normal armature)flux armature flux (0)= Machine Design, JL. A. I. E. E., Vol. 46, 1927, pp. 430-31; O(o)
Tto) normal flux-linkages of the main field winding Machines III, Torque-angle Characteristics Under Transient Conditions. TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. XLVI, 1927, p. 1. = N 0(o) 7. 1927, Douglas, J. F. H., Transverse Reaction in Synchrovariation by the produced voltage field -per-unit E(o) at normal frequency of normal flux-linkages nous Machines, JL. A. I. E. E., February 1927, pp. 109-15. 8. 1926, Doherty, R. E. and Nickle, C. A., Synchronou8 in the main field Machines I and II, An Extension of Blondel's Two Reaction Theory, A. I. E. E. TRANS., Vol. 45, pp. 912-47. = wf''(0) 1O-8 9. 1926, Biermanns, J., Uberstrome in HochspannungAppendix J sanlagen, 1926, p. 154. PER-UNIT REPRESENTATION OF QUANTITIES PER-UNIT REPRESENTATION OF QUANTITIES 10. 1918, Doherty R. E. and Shirley, 0. E., Reactance of Messrs. Doherty and Nickle, in their recent series of Synchronous Machines and Its Application, A. I. E. E. TRANS., papers on Synchronous Machines, have employed the 1918, Vol. 37, part 2, pp. 1209-97; discussion pp. 1298-1340. 11. 1918, Fortescue, C. L., Method of Symmetrical Coordinates practise of representing quantities as a decimal fraction to the Solution of Polyphase Networks, A. I. E. E. TRANS., shares Applied method shares value. This This methodl or base base value. some normal normal or ofof some 1918 vol. 37,p 1037. 1 B., with the percentage method of representation, the 19 12. . 13 ., Te Wechselstromtechn2k, 1913, Vol. IV, d,p 1913, Arnold, marked advantage that it eliminates the necessity of p. 214. 13. 1913, Blondel, A., Synchronous Motors and Converters, employing unwieldy conversion factors in purely analytical work. At the same time, it is definitely a translation by C. 0. Mailloux, 1913, Part III. 14. General Equations of an "Ideal Synchronous Machine." superior to the percentage system in that it is unnecessary to continually consider the factor "one hundred." An article by one of the authors to appear shortly in the G. E. In the percentage system this factor must be specially Review. inserted or divided out whenever the operations of Discussion division or multiplication are performed. Therefore, A. E. Kennelly: At the present time, according to the on account of the convenience of the decimal fraction information which has been presented to us, there are possibly system it will be used hereafter in the paper. thirty-one varieties of reactance in electrical machinery. normal a have will each in quantity Thus, the paper, to in It seems important that these useful concepts referred be time will at of the quantity any value, and the value "leakage reactance," "differential flthese papers as "reactanee,"on, and set forth be should and so clea.rly value, leakage of its normal reacetance," expressed as a decimal fraction uses when a speaker in the future, because evidently, as defined are linkages armature tabula,ted, normal For example,
at normal frequency. Thus, ,6 = 0.45 means that It is increasingly important that this matter be thoroughly the armature linkages at the instant of consideration classified. The concept which has been presented to us of the per-unit
value seems to me of great importance. Percentage, of course,
38. Effective turns in the case of turbo alternators and in- is an expression that we are constantly employing and is very .useful, but in computations, percentage is not so convenient, duction motors.
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