Mumyo Profile
Mumyo Profile
Mumyo Profile
Founded in 1992, Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Since its formation, the organization has been actively Child Advocacy and Support
Organisation (MUMYO) is a Ugandan NGO dedicated to involved in a number of activities in the area of;
various issues aimed at promoting the rights and well being
of the young men and women, and alleviation of extreme Education
poverty especially in the rural areas. MUMYO ‘s mission is
to promote unity, human rights and skills development Education is an indispensable prerequisite for the
among the young men and women of Uganda, in literacy, promotion of sustainable and fair development, as set out
agriculture and entrepreneurship through training, in Agenda 21 at the United Nations Conference on
advocacy and information sharing for self-reliance. Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
Education is a fundamental right, it is a key to sustainable
It is incorporated and registered with the Uganda National development, peace and stability and an indispensable
NGO Board, under the certificate No. S. 5914/1116. means for effective participation of people in social and
economic development. The organization aims to promote
increased access to education and employment
Vision: A world where all the youth are literate, healthy opportunities among the underprivileged youth and
and responsible members of the society children, especially in the rural areas