Results Oriented Performance Culture

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

September 2005

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


This section contains information specific to the ResultsOriented Performance Culture system, which focuses on having a diverse, results-oriented, high-performing workforce, as well as a performance management system that effectively plans, monitors, develops, rates, and rewards employee performance.

"By aligning employee performance appraisal plans with executive performance agreements and directly communicating agreement goals to employees, supervisors can drive home to employees just how their performance impacts organizational goals."

Office of Personnel Management Definition

A system that promotes a diverse, high-performing workforce by implementing and maintaining effective performance management systems and awards programs.


The agency has a diverse, results-oriented, high-performing workforce and a performance management system that differentiates between high and low levels of performance and links individual/team/unit performance to organizational goals and desired results effectively.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

Critical Success Factors

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture system is comprised of the following critical success factors that work together to create a diverse, results-oriented, high performance workforce:

Communication: The agency has a process for sharing information and ideas about the organization with all employees. This vital process includes eliciting employee feedback and involvement so all employees play an appropriate role in planning and executing the mission.
which performance is reviewed and evaluated.

Performance Appraisal: The agency has a process under Awards: The organization takes actions to recognize and

reward individual or team achievement that contributes to meeting organizational goals or improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the Government. Such awards include, but are not limited to: employee incentives which are based on predetermined criteria, rating-based awards, or awards based on a special act or service.

Pay for Performance: The agency uses pay-forperformance systems, where authorized by law and regulation, to link salary levels and adjustments to an individuals overall performance and contribution to the agencys mission. Employees receive base salary adjustments within their assigned bands. Diversity Management: The agency maintains an
environment characterized by inclusiveness of individual differences and responsiveness to the needs of diverse groups of employees.

cooperation among employees, unions, and managers. This cooperation enhances effectiveness and efficiency, cuts down the number of employee-related disputes, and improves working conditions, all of which contribute to improved performance and results.

Labor/Management Relations: The organization promotes

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

Applicable Merit System Principles

The following merit system principles are especially relevant to the Results-Oriented Performance Culture system (5 U.S.C. 2301): All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or handicapping condition, and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights. (5 U.S.C. 2301(b)(2)) Equal pay should be provided for work of equal value, with appropriate consideration of both national and local rates paid by employers in the private sector, and appropriate incentives and recognition should be provided for excellence in performance. (5 U.S.C. 2301(b)(3)) Employees should be retained on the basis of adequacy of their performance, inadequate performance should be corrected, and employees should be separated who cannot or will not improve their performance to meet required standards. (5 U.S.C. 2301(b)(6))

Required Outcome Metrics

Required Metric Organization Metric: SES Performance/Organizational Performance Relationship as Linked to Mission

The following are required outcome metrics for the ResultsOriented Performance Culture system.
Description Relationship between SES performance ratings and accomplishment of the agencys strategic goals Degree of linkage between employees performance appraisal plans and agency mission, goals, and outcomes Items from Annual Employee Survey Purpose To determine the extent to which SES appraisals and awards are appropriately based on achievement of organizational results To determine whether all employees have performance appraisal plans that effectively link to the agencys mission, goals, and outcomes To determine the extent to which employees believe their organizational culture promotes improvement in processes, products and services, and organizational outcomes

Organization Metric: Workforce Performance Appraisals Aligned to Mission, Goals, and Outcomes Employee Perspective Metric: Questions from Annual Employee Survey about Performance Culture

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

Required Metric Merit System Compliance Metric: Merit-Based Execution of the Performance Culture System

Description An assessment of compliance with merit system principles and related laws, rules, and regulations governing the Performance Culture system

Purpose To determine decisions, policies, processes, and practices executed under the Performance Culture system comply with the merit system principles and related laws, rules, and regulations

Suggested Metrics

In addition to the required outcome metrics, the following metrics associated with the Results-Oriented Performance Culture system are suggested.
Description Percent of employees achieving each rating level used in an agencys performance appraisal system in relation to organizational and individual performance Relationship of the distribution of performance ratings to awards Items from Annual Employee Survey Purpose To track the extent to which agencies make meaningful distinctions among employees performance

Suggested Metric Performance Ratings


To track the extent to which agency monetary awards reflect employee performance To determine the extent to which employees believe their organization is respectful of and welcoming to the great diversity that makes up the Federal workforce To determine whether the underlying facts of complaints and grievances indicate agency mistake or wrong doing

Respect for Diversity

Employee Grievances and Complaints

Review of formal grievances and complaints

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


When the key elements of the critical success factor Communication are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results: Effectiveness Results The agencys strategic plan has been shared with and/or is accessible to all agency employees. Employees are knowledgeable about the agencys strategic plan and their role in supporting the agencys mission. Employees have a direct line of sight between performance elements (performance expectations) and award systems and the agency mission. These links have been communicated to and are understood by employees, enabling them to focus their work effort on those activities most important to mission accomplishment. All employees are held accountable for achieving results that support the agencys strategic plan goals and objectives.

The following page provides key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a communication system that:

Ensures employees understand the agencys mission, goals, and objectives and what employees roles are in achieving the mission, goals, and objectives

Effectiveness Indicators The agency has developed and implemented a communication strategy to share the vision, strategic plan, and related documents (e.g., Strategic Human Capital Plan) with all employees. A variety of media are used to communicate the strategic plan and related documents to all levels of the workforce. Surveys and/or interview data/summaries indicate employees are aware of the strategic plan goals and understand how they relate to the agencys mission and their duties. Communication up and down the organization is effective. Documentation shows innovation and problem solving between employees and management. Employees are involved in the decision-making process, fostering their support for organizational decisions. Surveys and/or interviews indicate employees are satisfied with their level of participation in the organizational decision-making process and feel empowered to share their ideas and/or concerns with supervisors and other management officials.

Elicits employee feedback and involvement in decision-making and planning processes.

Effectiveness Indicators

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


When the key elements of the critical success factor Performance Appraisal are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results: Effectiveness Results Employees have a direct line of sight between performance elements (performance expectations) and award systems and the agency mission. These links have been communicated to and are understood by employees, enabling them to focus their work effort on those activities most important to mission accomplishment. All employees are held accountable for achieving results that support the agencys strategic plan goals and objectives. The agencys performance management system differentiates between high and low levels of performance. Agencies with a high percentage of outstanding ratings also demonstrate a high level of achievement of their strategic goals and objectives and/or program accomplishments as reflected in the agency annual performance plan. Supervisors and managers use performance results to offer feedback, identify developmental needs to help improve employee performance, and address instances of poor performance.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

Compliance Results The agency has an OPM-approved performance appraisal system(s) in place and administers the system(s) in accordance with 5 U.S.C. chapter 43 or other congressionally-mandated enabling legislation. The agency CHCO carries out workforce development provisions of the CHCO Act of 2002 (5 U.S.C. 1402).

The following pages provide key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.


The following tools support Performance Appraisal. Refer to Appendix A for tools. Tool Appendix A Page Number 103 109 115 121

Aligning Performance Plans with Organizational Goals: OPM's EightStep Process Checklist for Meeting Regulatory Requirements: Performance Appraisal Systems Performance Management Overview Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS): Questions Related to the Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

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The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

Aligns employee performance plans with organizational goals Focuses employees on achieving results Requires employee performance plans to include clear performance elements (expectations) with measurable standards of performance

Effectiveness Indicators Work units have documented performance goals and objectives linked to the agency strategic plan and performance plan. Performance elements (expectations) for employees are: Aligned with organizational goals Clear, specific, and understandable Reasonable and attainable Measurable, observable, or verifiable, and results oriented Communicated in a timely fashion Key in fostering continual improvement in productivity. Compliance Indicators Agency managers plan and communicate performance elements (expectations) and standards linked with strategic planning initiatives in accordance with the Executive Performance and Accountability Interim Rule (5 CFR 430 and 1330) or applicable agency directives. In accordance with 5 CFR 430 subparts b and c, performance plans must: Be issued at the beginning of the appraisal period Include at least one critical element For SES, must include balanced measures of business results, employee, and customer perspectives.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

Senior employee ratings (as well as subordinate employees expectations and ratings for those with supervisory responsibilities) appropriately reflect the employees performance elements (performance expectations), relevant program performance measures, and any other relevant factors in accordance with the Executive Performance and Accountability Interim Rule (5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives and 1330). As stated in 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives, the agency has established employee performance plans, including, but not limited to, critical elements and performance standards. The agency performance appraisal system for senior executive and senior professional employees provides for meaningful distinctions based on relative performance. These systems include multiple levels against which to appraise employees. The rating levels identified are appropriate to the employees covered by the system (e.g., four or five levels for systems certified by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) covering Senior Executive Service (SES) employees. Agency performance appraisal systems for other than senior executive and senior professional employees provide for adequately distinguishing between levels of performance (i.e., include multiple performance levels against which to appraise employees, with at least one summary rating level above Fully Successful). A review of performance plans indicates performance standards are clear and understandable and are an effective tool

Makes meaningful distinctions in levels of performance

Effectiveness Indicators

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The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

for distinguishing between levels of performance. A high number of outstanding performance ratings or large cash awards is supported by achievement of strategic goals and objectives and/or program goals as reflected in the agencys annual performance report. Performance information is used to adjust pay or reward, reassign, develop, and remove senior executives or make other personnel decisions in accordance with 5 CFR 430.304; and for all other employees in accordance with 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives. To satisfy the requirements of the Executive Performance and Accountability Interim Rule (5 CFR 430 and 1330 or applicable agency directives), the agencys certified performance appraisal system for senior employees provides for performance differentiation so its annual ratings, pay adjustments, and awards result in meaningful distinctions based on relative performance. Policies and procedures, including delegation of authority, for addressing poor performance have been developed and communicated to supervisors. Analysis is performed to identify the cause of any organizational or individual performance shortfalls, and appropriate performance improvement strategies are identified and implemented.

Compliance Indicators

Provides a process for dealing with poor performance

Effectiveness Indicators

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

Compliance Indicators Managers and supervisors receive training in the appropriate use of performance improvement strategies (e.g., coaching, mentoring, training, reassignment, providing effective feedback) in accordance with the Federal Workforce Flexibility Act. Supervisors affirmatively assist, evaluate, and, if appropriate, separate probationary employees during their probation period in accordance with 5 CFR 315. Managers and supervisors take appropriate action (e.g., downgrade, within-grade increase denial, reassignment, removal) in cases of minimally successful or unsatisfactory performance where performance improvement strategies are not successful, in accordance with 5 CFR 432, 752, and 531. The agency performance appraisal system encourages employee participation in establishing performance plans. Employees are covered by recorded performance plans, which are communicated to employees at the beginning of each appraisal period. Plans include critical elements and performance standards, in accordance with 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives. Employee performance is monitored by the supervisor and discussed with the employee on an ongoing basis during the designated appraisal period, with one or more progress reviews conducted and documented, in accordance with 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives.

Involves employees in the development of their performance plans Requires employees receive feedback on their performance

Effectiveness Indicator

Compliance Indicators

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The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

Employees are given ratings of record at the end of each appraisal period and/or at other appropriate times during the appraisal period in accordance with 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives. The agency encourages employee participation in establishing performance plans as stated in 5 CFR 430.206 or applicable agency directives.

Provides for training to Effectiveness Indicators executives, managers, and Performance elements (performance supervisors to ensure they have expectations) for senior executives, managers, the knowledge, skills, and and supervisors are: abilities to effectively manage Aligned with organizational goals performance Clear, specific, and understandable Holds executives, managers, Reasonable and attainable and supervisors accountable in their performance plans for the Measurable, observable, or verifiable, and rigorous appraisal of their results oriented subordinates Balanced between expected results and other indicators such as leadership behaviors and employee and stakeholder feedback

Communicated in a timely fashion Key in fostering continual improvement in productivity. All supervisors, managers, and executives receive training on performance management and coaching/feedback techniques. Sources of data (e.g., Federal Human Capital Survey, upward feedback, multi-rater assessment) indicate supervisors, managers, and executives demonstrate effective performance management and coaching/feedback skills.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

Reviews of performance plans for all levels of the agency indicate supervisors, managers, and executives are held accountable for the performance management of their subordinates. The agency has established and implemented a specific training program for managers in accordance with the Federal Workforce Flexibility Act that provides training on actions, options, and strategies a manager may use in: Communicating with employees whose performance is unacceptable Mentoring employees and improving employee performance and productivity.

Compliance Indicator

Establishes a process for periodically evaluating the effectiveness of the appraisal system so the agency can use the evaluation data to improve the system.

Effectiveness Indicators The agency regularly tracks performance and reports results. Survey results and/or interviews indicate employees understand their performance elements (performance expectations), consider them to be fair, and understand how their efforts contribute to mission accomplishment. Workforce survey results indicate employees perceive a linkage between high performance and recognition and awards. Employees also believe creativity and innovation are rewarded and their own performance evaluations properly reflect their level of performance. Statistical data related to actions for poor performance (including separations for performance, number of removals and downgrades, and number of denials of withingrade increases) indicate these remedies are being used appropriately. Statistical data for performance ratings and awards, in the context of an empirical review of
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The agency has a performance appraisal system that:

the performance decision-making process, show appropriate distribution and meaningful distinctions. Compliance Indicator The agencys performance appraisal system(s) and program(s) are evaluated in accordance with 5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives.

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


When the key elements of the critical success factor Awards are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results: Effectiveness Results Employees have a direct line of sight between performance elements (performance expectations) and award systems and the agency mission. These links have been communicated to and are understood by employees, enabling them to focus their work effort on those activities most important to mission accomplishment. All employees are held accountable for achieving results that support the agencys strategic plan goals and objectives. The agency has created a reward environment, beyond compensation and benefits, that contributes to attracting, retaining, and motivating employees.

Compliance Result The agency has developed one or more awards programs for its employees that obligates funds, and documents awards justifications in accordance with 5 CFR 451.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The following page provides key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.


The following tool supports Awards. Refer to Appendix A for the tool. Tool Appendix A Page Number 121

Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS): Questions Related to the Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has an awards system that:

Is aligned with organizational goals and values Has clear criteria for awards, communicated effectively so employees understand the purpose of the awards

Effectiveness Indicators The agency has designed, communicated, and implemented an awards program aligned with organizational goals, based on clear criteria, and tailored to the interests and priorities of the agencys workforce. The agency uses a variety of monetary and nonmonetary awards (e.g., certificates, recognition in agency publications, award ceremonies). Executives, managers, and supervisors receive training on available awards and how to use them to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Surveys and/or interviews indicate employees feel valued and appropriately recognized for performance. The agency communicates with employees and supervisors about awards programs, evaluates its programs, documents awards appropriately, and gives due weight to awards in qualifying and selecting employees for promotion promoting employees in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3362.

Includes a variety of types of awards (e.g., formal, monetary, nonmonetary, time-off), giving supervisors have a wide range of tools available to recognize performance Provides incentives for performing at an exemplary level Recognizes top performers appropriately Establishes a process for periodically evaluating the effectiveness of the awards system so the agency can use the evaluation data to improve the system.

Compliance Indicator

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


When the key elements of the critical success factor Pay for Performance are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results: Effectiveness Results The pay-for-performance system, where authorized by law and regulation, is results-driven, producing a distribution of pay adjustments and bonuses based on individual contribution, organizational performance, and/or team performance. The pay-for-performance system, where authorized by law and regulation, ensures employee and supervisory accountability with respect to individual performance and organizational results. Employees pay is linked to their performance ratings. Supervisors and managers make meaningful distinctions in performance ratings.

Compliance Result Pay adjustments, cash awards, and levels of pay based on the results of the appraisal process accurately reflect and recognize individual performance and/or contribution to the agencys performance in accordance with applicable agency directives. The following pages provide key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System



When authorized, the agency has a pay-for-performance system that:

Makes pay distinctions based on performance Includes a transparent process for making pay adjustments Requires clear and frequent communications about the pay system and how it operates.

Effectiveness Indicators An understandable pay pool structure (e.g., roles and responsibilities) and process for making timely pay determinations have been communicated across the agency using a variety of methods (e.g., Web sites, handbooks, policies, announcements). Managers, supervisors, and employees are oriented and/or trained at the beginning of the performance cycle on the relationship between their performance and salary adjustments and awards at the end of the cycle. Data on pay pool determinations/discussions indicate: The budget is effectively managed. Top performers are getting the highest pay increases and/or awards. Employees perceive the process to be fair and credible. Pay adjustments correlate with performance ratings. Compliance Indicators For senior employees, individual pay rates and pay adjustments reflect meaningful distinctions based on relative contribution to agency performance in accordance with the Executive Performance and Accountability Interim Rule (5 CFR 430 or applicable agency directives and 1330). Pay-for-performance systems, authorized by OPM as part of Demonstration Projects, are evaluated periodically to determine compliance with the Project Plan in accordance with 5 CFR 470.317.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System



When authorized, the agency has a pay-for-performance system that:

Pay-for-performance systems authorized by Congress are in compliance with their enabling legislation, regulations, and operating guidance (e.g., DHS HRM system in chapter 97 of title 5, U.S. Code and part 9701 of 5 CFR; and the provisions of the National Security Personnel System, chapter 99 of title 5, U.S. Code and part 9901 of 5 CFR).

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations

RESULTS: DIVERSITY When the key elements of the critical success factor Diversity Management are effectively implemented, agencies will realize MANAGEMENT
the following results: Effectiveness Results The agency has implemented a diversity management program and has shown positive results in creating a diverse workforce. The agency is responsive to the needs of diverse groups, resulting in a positive work environment conducive to all employees achieving their potential without fear or abuse.

Compliance Result The agency ensures equal opportunities for employees without discrimination as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. 7201.

The following pages provide key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a diversity management system that:

Tracks and analyzes workforce Effectiveness Indicators diversity trends The agencys diversity program intent and processes are communicated to all employees. Develops and implements diversity outreach plans as part Surveys and/or interviews show the workforce of the agencys overall outreach is aware of, and generally supports, diversity efforts. program efforts. The agency develops and implements diversity programs to improve diversity within the agency including: A recruitment strategy to reach diverse populations at colleges/universities, minority-focused professional organizations, and other organizations representing women, veterans, people with disabilities, and other groups, as part of the agencys overall outreach strategy Encouragement of the participation of diverse groups in occupation-focused and leadership training and development programs Family-friendly policies relating to work schedules, telework, and other workplace flexibilities. The agencys diversity program is inclusive of all groups and is based on analysis of representation of various groups including people with disabilities, various minority groups, and women. The diversity program is actively endorsed and supported by agency senior leadership through policy, budget allocation, and personal endorsements. The agency supports forums and activities for recognized interest groups to provide ways to communicate with the workforce about the importance of diversity.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a diversity management system that:

Managers, supervisors, and employees receive training from an agency-developed, diversityrelated training curriculum. The respect for diversity index score from OPMs Federal Human Capital Survey indicates employees perceive their organization respects and welcomes the diversity that makes up the Federal workforce. Data on human resources program and system decisions/actions (e.g., complaints; personnel actions such as selections, promotions, and disciplinary actions) are analyzed in the context of empirical information about the agencys employment practices, to verify discrimination is not occurring. The agency provides resources in accessible formats. Compliance Indicators The Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) [5 CFR 720.205], the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) [5 CFR 720.304], and other outreach programs are implemented in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 7201 and the following Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws: Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title 7) Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) Title 1 and title 5 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Civil Rights Act of 1991. [Note: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the jurisdictional authority for the EEO laws listed immediately above, not

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The agency has a diversity management system that:

OPM. These legal citations are listed for human capital practitioners reference because agencies are subject to them.] The agency has published up-to-date policies indicating zero tolerance for sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace in accordance with EEOC guidelines, including 29 CFR 1604. [Note: This indicator is also under the jurisdiction of the EEOC.]

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SECTION IV Results-Oriented Performance Culture System

The Results-Oriented Performance Culture System Communication Performance Appraisal Awards Pay for Performance Diversity Management Labor/Management Relations


When the key elements of the critical success factor Labor/Management Relations are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results: Effectiveness Result Managers effectively administer contractual and statutory provisions to accomplish agency goals; workplace conflicts are resolved fairly, promptly, and effectively; and managers, union officials, and employees work together to accomplish the agencys mission through effective communication and problem solving. Compliance Result The agency recognizes the right of employees to organize, bargain collectively, and participate through labor organizations in accordance with 5 U.S.C. chapter 71.

The following page provides key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.

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Section IV: Results-Oriented Performance Culture System


The agency has a labor/management relations system that:

Provides a process encouraging labor and management to jointly develop successful plans to accomplish organizational goals and to develop effective solutions to workplace challenges Sets the stage for effectively working through human capital issues Ensures management is aware of and properly applies collective bargaining agreements and satisfies statutory labor-management relations obligations.

Effectiveness Indicators Data on complaints, grievances, and unfair labor practices are gathered, analyzed, and acted upon as appropriate. Data indicate problems are usually resolved at the lowest practicable level and management is complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Management works to resolve conflicts promptly and in a manner that enhances agency performance. The agency implements an alternative dispute resolution program to resolve employee/labor relations issues. The program achieves documented results in resolving problem situations. Recognized labor organizations are afforded the rights established in 5 U.S.C. 7101 or other congressionally-mandated enabling legislation.

Compliance Indicator

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