John Kelsey JK QX Conf08 IssueA
John Kelsey JK QX Conf08 IssueA
John Kelsey JK QX Conf08 IssueA
Dr James Oschman
Great proponent and science expert on energy medicine IMUNE Board Member Author of
Energy Medicine The Scientific Basis (0-443-06262-7)
The bio-field is composed of layers embedded within one another. Quantum fields produce larger effects than classical force fields. Healing information originates in the quantum layer and Glen Rein 1998 propagates into biologically useable electromagnetic energy. Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE 9
Vice chancellor
Information flow
Write your own comfortable technical explanation Use this as part of your client informationbrochure etc.
Some argue that there is no such thing as energy medicine. They have not been listening to the physicists, who tell us that there is nothing but energy in the universe.
heat light sound gravity pressure vibration electricity magnetism chemical energy electromagnetism
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.
Albert Szent-Gyrgyi
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 15
It is often said that we do not understand how complementary and alternative therapies work, and this is one reason they remain outside mainstream science and medicine.
In Dr James Oschmans opinion, we do understand how complementary and alternative therapies work. Our understanding comes from the basic sciences of energetics. They have not been listening to the physicists, who tell us that there is nothing but energy in the universe.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 17
Conflicts of Opinion Also in Dr James Oschmans opinion The population is already convinced- look at how many people use CAM! Unforntunately
The Regulators arent listening! (FAD etc.) The Pharmaceutical Industry is!
Harold Saxton Burr (1889-1973) Professor of Anatomy Yale University School of Medicine
Between 1932 and 1956, Burr was responsible for hundreds of publications on the relationships between electricity and life.
of an organ precede pathology. If the electrical imbalance is corrected, the disease process stops.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor
Remarkable as it may seem, modern biomedical research has confirmed these ancient and modern concepts.
Alphalipoprotein Neuropathy
to Zygomycosis
Karolinska Institutet University Library Stockholm, Sweden
Professor Harold Saxton Burr, Acupuncture modern biomedical research and experience with energy medicine technologies agree: there is really only one problem: energetic imbalance! Maintain balance, and there will be no disease.
Jump starting a car with a dead battery creates an operational machine; exposure of a nonunion to PEMFs can convert a stalled healing process to active repair, even in patients unhealed for as long as 40 years!
~Bassett (1995)
Each tissue responds to a specific frequency. The signalsDr must be of very low intensity. John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE
Vice chancellor 28
Fundamentals of Energy Medicine: restoring energetic balance eliminating chronic inflammation energizing cellular activities stimulating ATP production preventing disease
A gentle approach that does not frighten the patient!
But theres no studies on energy medicine? b***s**tthere is a multitude of evidence to support what you do and how it works
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 30
Biomagnetism Web Sites: 137,000 on magnetoencephalography 20,700 on magnetocardiography 1,080 on magnetopneumography 365 on magnetomyography 5 on magnetooculography
Google as of April 29, 2008
Biomagnetism and related phenomena have become a major activity in biomedical laboratories around the world. Web sites:
PART 2 Setting the Science Scene -to help explain how the SCIO works IMPORTANT There are healthy and unhealthy stress patterns
Molecular signaling Molecular resonance
The nervous system The perineural/glial system The meridians The living matrix
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 35
Part 2A Creating a stress reference perspective for the SCIO from a frequency perspective
How the situation gets to a strain/stress overload Overloading your self correcting system
Total strain
Hereditary taint
What creates debilitating stress -what affects your body? Loss of self regulation
We have an amazing self regulating (correcting system) It has a threshold Loss of wellness occurs when there is an overload of the self correcting system: In correction ability In the abilty to communicate resurce and information
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 40
Frequencies and Stress Please think very, very and even extremely hard about the next slides USING THE CONCEPT OF a stress condition being equivalent to a pattern (frequency) disturbance in the self regulated (well) signals from a healthy organism. This gives some science to what you do
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 42
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 43
Frequency Distortions
Auto Trivector
Unhealthy system or continued load: > Body adaptation Body builds less sensitive connective tissue instead of the sensitive mucous membrane Problem appears solved when pain is gone Normal frequencies are restored according to curve b 4 5. But to what price? There has now arisen organic alteration. The frequencies are back to normal again, but on another level School medicine reckons it to be a chronic problem, now seen by the body as normal condition, which can lead to less stomach acid, poorly broken down food-stuffs..
Chronic Stress SCIO Response This change of normal reference also seems to happen in the SCIO test A severe peanut allergy may not show in a reactivity test because the response norm has changed.
This is a good reason for using a questionnaire to establish possible chronic areas Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE 57
Vice chancellor
This used to wake up a really non responsive item A non responsive item that needs stimulation can be considered to be an extreme of chronic adaptation So the chronic process is recognised at the extreme It would be great to be able to wake up all the chronic processes so they all became active and thus re-active! >> not currently possible So again in clinical practice (since chronic items are less reactive) we need to use some real world information to help identify where to look for chronics (mild chronics may be in top of blue band for SCO 1)
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 58
Inverting Homeopathics
Homeopathics work in in both ways- effectively to stabilise (at the low potencies in the SCIO) There is a tendency to invert bad things ?? Is this relevant ?? Maybe for anger etc. it doesnt hurt BUT For goodies maybe it will destroy the benefits?? Or maybe for a trivector inversion works differently??
Part 2 B Quantum and Electromagnetics Lets look deeper Electromagnetic origins Quantum stuff Frequencies- high and low AND Later communications
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 62
There are two modes of energy healing. Repair- low frequency Information- fast
Hands-on and electromagnetic therapies. Use measurable low frequency energy fields. Removes inflammation and other blockages. Opens pathways for communication and cell movements. Can take time. Enhances physiological actionOpens communication
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 63
Restoration of pattern. Quantum holography, morphogenetic field. Uses extremely high frequency energy fields. All tissues are regenerated or replaced. Can be virtually instantaneous. Non-local: operates over distances.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 64
At temperatures above absolute zero, atoms and molecules vibrate. Since they are composed of charged entities, such as electrons, they must emit and absorb electromagnetic fields.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 66
Electromagnetic Communication
Quantum Mechanics First: What is an atom?
Quantum = indivisible entity of a quantity is related to both energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter Fundamental notion that a physical property may be "quantized", This means that the magnitude can take on only certain discrete numerical values, rather than any value, at least within a range.
In fact, the electrons are somewhere, and they are doing something. An orbital is a volume where you will find the electron 95% of the time. Otherwise, they can be anywhere in the universe. This is one example of nonlocality.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 71
Orbitals are statistical volumes in space where electrons tend to be. Electrons keep moving forever. Where does the energy come from?
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor
Energy levels in the sodium atom This is the electron that absorbs photons and it is also the conduction electron Note: sodium is a metal. It conducts electricity and reflects light. Give it electrons emits yellow light when electron drops back
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 75
Quantum Jumps
We talk of quantum jumps- which is important in hypothesized SCIO workings When an electron makes a quantum jump- from one spherical annulus to another of higher energy it makes a quantum leap. This may be one reason that validates calling the SCIO a quantum device SCIO work appears to show some energetic changes in the bioenergetic field- this is not mathematically proven but is inferential- e.g. GDV studies (aura like) Knokov measured a difefrence firld between natural and synthetic Vitamin C (which were the same on a molecular spectroscope)
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 76
The bio-field is composed of layers embedded within one another. Quantum fields produce larger effects than classical force fields. Healing information originates in the quantum layer and Glen Rein 1998 propagates into biologically useable electromagnetic energy. Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE 79
Vice chancellor
So frequencies dont say anything about orbital's- which are important Quantum physics explains the energetic state of the molecules and waves, according to Schrdinger WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Orbital state= energy (higher the orbital the more energy) So increasing the orbital increases capacity (for change?) It seems that SCIO/EPFX can also increase the orbital and that is one of the things that makes it a quantum device So we get this and frequencies> both are probably Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE useful! Vice chancellor
Low frequencies> organs and they change High Frequencies> communication and they are different but within a range
0.15 to 0.78 0.9 1.09 to 1.2 1.4 to 1.7 : 1.8 to 2.03 : 2.18 to 2.34 2.5 to 3.9
High Frequencies
Used for carrier wave- to carry communications They are called mm (millimetre) waves (1-10 in body) The frequency range is ~36 to 70Ghz (47 is mid) There seems to be different frequencies for different systems (circulation, respiratory etc.) Has a parallel to concept of a carrier in Rife Also used in PTD (personal therapy device) as a carrier for specific helping frequencies. It seems that they use the path of least resistance- which also seems to be acupuncture meridians ?? Is there a system correspondence between wave lengths and meridians rather than conventional systems??
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 87
Life is Electrifying!
The process Rectification by electrons Sources of electrons Tissue restoration times The relationship of pH to electrons/voltage>acidity
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 91
Health resource is the presence of enough voltage (electrons) for the cells to do work Illness can be from a - lack of electrons (trans-membrane voltage) - it is generally accompanied by inflammation
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 95
Electrical Cells
The cell membrane maintains an ion concentration gradient between the intracellular and extracellular spaces. This gradient creates an electrical potential difference across the membrane which is essential to cell survival. Electrical gradients are necessary to support movement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 99
Part 3B- The Cell Soup pH and mV Cells sit in the extracellular matrix- the ground substance What happens here is both
Reflective of cell activity Affects cell activity For now lets look at pH (More later on this living matrix)
Cancer cells have a very low membrane potential compared to normal cells. Acidic ground substance surrounding them cannot provide ions needed to maintain membrane potential. Cone (1974); Bingelli and Weinstein (1986)
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 104
BECAUSE the matrix is the reservoir/sourceeverything goes through it to reach the cell!
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 105
SCIO pH Measurement
The location most reflective of cell pH is the extracellular matrix (connective tissue) Urine, saliva vary> blood is constant Saliva has some reflection of matrix Ph when measured carefully
The SCIO measures across the whole bodybetween each limb strap >> it is a composite measurement through skin, organs, bone, extracellular matrix etc. >> so it is a qualitative indicator
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 107
pp-ep Balance
Like everything it is about balance and change and recognition that some SOC parameters affect the values
Electron Balance
Electron Stealer Causes Damage Destructive Free Radical Acidic pH0-6.9 Positive Pole Spins Left Electron Donor Can do work Constructive Antioxidant Alkaline pH 7.1-14 Negative Pole Spins right
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 111
Cell Needs
Voltage- ? Via meridians? Fats and proteins- for a construction that supports electrical activity and communication Anti-oxidants- to protect oxidation of the cell membrane Vitamins Minerals: Water- as a conveyer and as a pattern transmitter Oxygen Light
The body is smart and appears to re-charge the capacitor before it isolates it- providing a reservoir for repair.
Part 3-D Cell response to illness- Inflammation The de-stress (stress repair process) Voltage changes- charge up to higher voltage before isolating for repair Initial response- acute inflammation Unresolved response- chronic inflammation
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 121
-50 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 15 7.35 7.26 7.18 7.09 7.00 6.74 6.55 6.46 6.38 6.29 6.2
Inflammation- cell self repair Healthy Cell Tired Sick Organ functional failure Polarity changes
IMUNE 122 Vice chancellor
Electrical Inflammation
When a cell is damaged the bodys selfregulating system calls on resources (assuming these are available) to increase its voltage to -50 mV after recharging it is isolated running on the power stored in its cell membrane. (like operating your computer on battery alone, disconnected from the mains).
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 124
If the cell completes its restoration process, i.e. the power is sufficient then the cell becomes recharged and the oedema disappears. However if the power is inadequate the voltage begins to drop with the diseases manifesting
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 125
The public is being informed that inflammation is a common denominator to virtually all chronic diseases. Inflammation is an energetic imbalance.
The cover story for TIME Magazine, February 23, 2004.
Inflammation may turn out to be the elusive Holy Grail of medicine the single phenomenon that holds the key to sickness and health.
~J Meggs, MD "The Inflammation Cure"
Should we always review the need to treat chronic inflammation (in addition to general electron resource) BUT WHERE? Perhaps where there has been a difficult injury from the past that still niggles (so maybe real world client history is relevant to identifying possible locations of unresolved stress)
Electron thievery Probably the most widespread crime of the 20th and 21st Century
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 134
Health Recovery
Natural resources were enough 100 years ago- they still are in natural environments Now most people: Dont have the right inputs- not enough electron donors Too many electron robbers Too much rubbish stored in the intercellular fluid So they need specific interventions to give real electrons: enter technology + bare feet!
Barefoot Runners
North American Runners (shoed) have a high injury rate Barefoot runners have a very low injury incidence (Robbins and Hannah, 1987) ??is part of this anti-inflammatory influences from earths electrons??
SCIO Therapy
= The soft and Resonant Electric eels?
= An electron shower
SCIO Therapy
The soft and Resonant Electric eels? Is this why the auto therapies in the SCIO are stated as the most powerful?? Auto VARHOPE Auto Trivector Auto Frequency Because they give electrons
Natural Electrons
The Earth is a great balancer Grounded clients- electrically balanced! Best connection is via the feet: Kidney 1! 15 minutes per day There are also grounding patches, bedding etc.
Multiple Pathways
Meridian-electrons & information Electron flow across organs (Auto Freq)polarity Internal Communication systems
ANS- activation/sensory signal (fast digital) Hormonal- biochemical Meridian>subtle Peri neural> injury repair (analogue) Extra cellular matrix> water>crystals>toxins Ground substance connective tissue
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 141
Subtle communication
Subluxations interfere not only with nerve conduction but more importantly with the mental impulse. The mental impulse is unconscious, faster than nerve impulse, connecting our bodies with innate intelligence which is connected to the universal intelligence. R.W. Stephenson, Art PhD, of Chiropractic Dr The John Kelsey ND IMUNE 143
Vice chancellor
Life is too rapid and subtle to be explained by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses. ~Albert Szent-Gyrgyi
In other words, living systems have another nervous system that is much faster in conducting energy and information.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 144
The subtle signals from the cells are transmitted on this carrier wave (similar to how a radio works) The path of least resistance is what we call meridians, and that appears to be where SCIO connects 2. Oschman lectures about the living matrix A world wide web The importance of the extra cellular matrix
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 147
Acupuncture meridians
The path of least resistance? Primary channels through the living matrix High speed communication Reach into every part of the organism Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE
Vice chancellor
Multiple Messaging
The phone company sends more than one conversation at a time over the same wire, which is accomplished by shifting each voice signal into different range of frequencies during transmission. Different systems have different mm carrier wave lengths
(Respiratory, circulation etc.)
Cell messages have a specific frequency and will only be heard by a resonant cell just like radio tuning. So do cells share with each other internally and how??
Multiple Messaging
There are several aspects including Carrier frequencies- it seems that different systems have different tuning carrier frequencies Cell activity related frequencies (different cells have different frequencies) Multiple simultaneous message transmission So cell messages have a specific frequency and will only be heard by a resonant cell. So do cells share with each other internally and how?? And what about the resonant effect?
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 151
Communication Coupling
Different organs have a different frequency They have the same basic electrical components- and in addition to electron/voltage control that have receiving antennae facility Parallel Tuned Circuits are used in radio and other electronics to couple Resonant Energy from one circuit to another in transmitters and receivers. This is the system used by the cell membrane and peripheral cytoskeleton to couple energy from cell to cell and into the cell.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 152
Communication Coupling
Radio receivers are made of the same componentswith a variable tuning knob. The receiver resonates at a particular frequency Stations whose frequencies are far off will not excite any response in the circuit. Stations whose frequencies are close will be heard a little R has to be small enough so that only one station at a time is picked up, but big enough so that the tuner isn't too touchy so cell construction is important to function.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 153
Off Frequencies
Most receivers have a band width >> you can hear quite clearly at 92.6, 92.7. 92.8 Hz but one will be clearer to a trainer ear >> it is reasonable that cells also have some bandwidth
DNA is also a capacitor- 2 strands of protein separated by space. The coil shape provides inductance- the tuning ability DNA communication frequency (DR Popp) is 390nM light So Does this give a foundation for the DNA SCIO stress balancing facilities?
What is a human being? A human being is a container invented by water so that it can walk around!
extracellular matrix (connective tissue) is continuous with the cytoplasmic and nuclear matrix within every cell in the body.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 162
Where does the living matrix system interface with the nervous system? Answer: in every part of the nervous system
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 163
Across the cell wall and inside as well! Communication tubules enter the cell
The cell is a bag The living matrix
The cytoskeleton forms a network of molecular wires that can semi-conduct electrons to and from mitochondria. This molecular circuitry is removed by the fractionation process developed by Claude, DeDuve and Palade.
DuPraw, 1968
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 165
A profound discovery:
The extracellular matrix is hard-wired to the cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix. The links are both mechanical and energetic.
Important molecules called integrins link the cellular matrix with the extra-cellular Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE matrix and with all of Vice the connective tissues. chancellor
Specifically, when you interrogate the matrix you can interrogate the entire organism, including all tissues, cells, and the genetic material.
Likewise, when you energize the matrix, you can influence the entire organism, including all tissues, cells and the genetic myofascia material.
SO- EVERYTHING CONNECTS- AND CONNECTIVE IS THE GLUE Integrins link the cellular matrix with the extracellular matrix and with all of the connective Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE tissues.
Vice chancellor
superficial fascia
One transit mechanism is the meridian system The support is via the mother- son arrangement and by organs that The supports have two coupling aspects 1. Carrier wave matching (different mm wave length for different circuits) 2. Individual cell vibration If we mirror the internal repair mechanism we can help from outside
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 172
Electromagnetic Restoration
Resonance is the key Electromagnetic fields synchronize with similar fields and the dominating field effects more What are the aspects of an electromagnetic field? Frequency Waveform Field strength You have more than 200 trillion cells, each with many molecules creating EMF based on the molecular speed A change in the cells` electromagnetic field manifests in an accordingly physical change, and visa versa
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 176
The living matrix: the words are protons, electrons, solitons. The language is frequency.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 180
Electromagnetic Communication
Energy & information exchange at a distance.
Different waveforms have different effects QXCI could only generate square waves SCIO/EPFX can generate many more- see SCIO Working panel Different waveforms on SCIO affect the results and are automatically adjusted based on the response
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 191
Wrong frequency and pattern>> harmful Correct frequency and pattern>> beneficial
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 192
Electrosmog Effects
Can override normal frequency so this becomes the perceived norm.
Emag source Mobile Phones- waveform effect Wireless Phones-freq effect WiFi-freq effect CRT Screens-freq effect Computers-freq effect Clock Radios-freq effect Bluetooth-freq effect Microwaves-freq effect Disruptive Effect Spikes, transients/harmonics 2.4Ghz,1.9Ghz 2.4Ghz(802.11b/g), 1.9Ghz (802.11a- lower range OK house) Hi freq. tube radiation 50/60Hz, Processor Freq. At each no. change>freq. correlates to body. 2.4Ghz- OK if body not between devices 2.4Ghz- heating effect+++
193 Vice chancellor
Female from Bergen, born 12.08.1939 Measurement performed with EIS when the client had not used any mobile telephone for at least one hour.
Measurement performed after Measurement performed after 10 10 min. use of a min. use of HTC710i without Mobile HTC710i with . Level of renal filtration Dr Mobile John Kelsey PhD, Harmonizer ND IMUNE 195 Vice chancellor is reduced by a significant 25%. Harmonizer
Modern biophysical research has shown that tissues respond to very tiny energy fields of the appropriate frequency, intensity, and pulse shape. Inflammation can be resolved and healing can be stimulated with tiny microcurrents.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 197
Field strength
The field strength is of minor importance if the frequencies are corresponding with something- provided they are not too strong! If the waveform has high sharp peaks, the influence gets bigger the higher the field-strength If the waveform is gentle and the frequencies doesn`t correspond with anything in your body, the field strength must be high to create problems
SCIO Program Powers Clasp High Disease Lexicon 30% ish 3D Bodyviewer 30% ish Irridilogy subspce Subspaceintent?? (device power setting has no effect)
Lets get grounded- so we have a context Frequencies and Quantum effects are one part of the picture
Stress Overloads Health triads Making the whole science based picture
Communication Frequency Electrical (electron) resources
Disturbances Essentially we have a great self regulating system- and when it is weak we get unwell!
Quantum biomedicine
Alternative medicine
Electronic homeopathy Communication restoration Electron donation Electron discharge (poor) Restore self regulation (restore correct healthy stress response patterns)
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 207
SCIO Tools
The SCIO has some integrated and possibly unique stress correction features
>>> It has the facilities to change more than many devices because of its spectrum of operation Many devices can just provide frequency inputs SCIO can provide frequencies Appears to be able to increase resource by increasing the bioenergetic field ??by increasing orbital To increase cellular energy To improve ease of energy flow
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE Vice chancellor 208
Ground, devices
Frequency devices (PTD, Zappers, Cemtec etc)
Cemtec (mm wave correction)
Electromagnetic stress
Wrong frequencies/ peak waveforms/intense fields Stress reduction devices (e.g. harmonisers)
The bio-field is composed of layers embedded within one another. Quantum fields produce larger effects than classical force fields. Healing information originates in the quantum layer and Glen Rein 1998 propagates into biologically useable electromagnetic energy. Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND IMUNE 215
Vice chancellor
Information flow