Introduction To SolidWorks
Introduction To SolidWorks
Introduction To SolidWorks
second edition
Mario H. Castro-Cedeo, PE
Certified SolidWorks Associate
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Target Audience
This book is written primarily for classroom instruction at the high school, vocational and college
levels. With that audience in mind, SolidWorks commands are introduced while designing a
Experienced CAD professionals that want to learn SolidWorks on their own will also find the
book useful. The book is organized in a way that allows experienced users to easily find and
learn the commands needed to customize SolidWorks, and to create solid models, assemblies
and drawings.
All readers, students, as well as practicing professionals, will find that this is also an excellent
reference book. The alphabetical index at the end of the book can be used to find information
about the most common SolidWorks commands and examples of how they are used. For those
interested in more thorough command of SolidWorks beyond the introductory level, the website
provides additional instruction and references.
To get the maximum benefit from this book, the reader must be computer literate and familiar
with the complementary roles of hardware and software. In addition, the reader must be familiar
with the Windows operating system. SolidWorks was one of the earliest CAD programs written
specifically to run within Windows and takes full advantage of the Windows interface, and file
naming and handling conventions.
All the sidebars in a lesson should be read before moving to the next lesson.
The website is an integral part of the book. It has information about annual enhancements to the
software and advanced topics beyond the introductory level. If you find that a figure in the book
does not match your version of SolidWorks, visit the website to see what has changed.
Finally, we recommend that you subscribe to SolidProfessor while you use this book to learn
SolidWorks. This is optional, but the information provided by SolidProfessor is an excellent
reinforcement to the material learned in the book. SolidProfessor also covers advanced topics
not included in the book or in the website. You can register to use SolidProfessor in our website or in the SoildProfessor website Each
Lesson in this book has a list of the useful topics in SolidProfessor that you can use to maximize
your learning.
Together, the written and CD tutorials, the sidebars, the website and the SolidProfessor lessons
recommended, will accommodate different learning styles. If a subject must be studied in
greater depth than it is covered in the book or the website, consult the references at the end of
each lesson or the SolidProfessor curriculum.
This book is divided into sections and each Section is further divided into Lessons. Every
Lesson has practice exercises and questions. The practice exercises give students the
opportunity to use the SolidWorks commands learned in the Lesson in new situations. For
example, although English units are used in the text, some practice exercises use metric units
instead. Questions are used to reinforce and expand the students knowledge of design and
drafting practices. It is important to complete the questions and practice exercises to achieve
the most learning possible.
The Appendix includes two complete sets of working drawings. One set uses the ANSI standard
and English units (inch and pound) and the other set uses the ISO standard and metric units
(millimeter and gram). The drawings are to be used by the student to determine the dimensions
needed to create the solid models, assemblies and drawings. Because the student is expected
to find in the drawings the dimensions needed to create the models, the text rarely reveals them
after the first few Lessons. The benefit of this approach is that the student becomes familiar with
drawings and the information they contain. Classroom experience has shown that students will
be comfortable with this approach.
The Appendix also has a list of all the commands on the Main Drop-down Menu and in the
CommandManager. To find additional information about each command and how it is used, the
reader can use SolidWorks Help or the alphabetical index at the end of the book.
Double-click is used when pressing the left-button of the mouse two times quickly.
Right-drag is used to initiate mouse gestures. In the graphics area, press the right button
and drag. The tool highlighted is the one in the drag direction.
Click, hold and drag are the sequences used for moving toolbars or icons from one
location to another.
Italic Bold letters are used to indicate SolidWorks commands or input request.
Steps are numbered sequentially from the beginning to the end of the book. This is to
facilitate communication between the student and the teacher. The numbered steps also
permit the combination of two books into one document. The SolidWorks tutorial is the
sequence of steps and can be followed without interference from the drafting practices
lessons in the sidebars. The numbered steps teach SolidWorks and the sidebars teach
Publishing a book requires the effort of many contributors. Although the author is given the
majority of the credit, all authors know that the support team can make or break the project,
irrespective of his talent and effort. In my case, I have many to thank for their help in bringing
this book to life. At the risk of leaving many unnamed, I feel compelled to name Ms. Victoria
MacKinnon for painstakingly editing the original manuscript and crafting the format. I also must
name Mr. William Toft for his editing of the technical content and the creation of the video that
explains how to model the skateboard.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section I Preliminaries
Lesson 1 Introducing SolidWorks
Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................. 9
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................ 23
Introduction ................................................................................................ 43
Introduction ................................................................................................ 49
Introduction ................................................................................................ 57
Configurations ........................................................................................... 60
Table of Contents
Questions ........................................................................................................... 61
References ......................................................................................................... 61
Internet Resources ............................................................................................. 61
Introduction ................................................................................................ 65
Introduction ................................................................................................ 76
Introduction ................................................................................................ 91
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
Figure 1.1 SolidWorks Icon--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Figure 1.2 SolidWorks Desktop --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Figure 1.3a Novice Screen for a New Document ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Figure 1.3b Advanced Screen for a New Document ------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Figure 1.4 SolidWorks Desktop for a New Part Document ----------------------------------------------------- 5
Figure 2.1 ViewToolbars --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Figure 2.2 ViewToolbarsCustomize ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 2.3 ViewToolbarsCustomize CommandsSketchEllipse ---------------------------------- 11
Figure 2.4 ToolsOptions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Figure 2.5 ToolsOptionsDocument Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Figure 2.6 Saving a Part Template ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Figure 2.7 SolidWorks File Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Figure 2.8 Add-Ins Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Figure 3.1 Example of Inferencing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Figure 3.2 Selecting the Front Plane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Figure 3.3 Sketching the Skateboard Cross-section ------------------------------------------------------------ 30
Figure 3.4 Sketch with Dimensions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Figure 3.5 ToolsRelations Add Relations --------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
Figure 3.6 Extrusion of the Sketch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Figure 3.7 Fillet Menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Figure 3.8 Hole Wizard Dialog Box ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Figure 3.9 Hole WizardPositions Tab ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Figure 3.10 Hole Locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Figure 3.11 Duplicating Two Holes Across the Front plane --------------------------------------------------- 39
Figure 3.12 Duplicating the 4-hole Pattern Across the Right plane ----------------------------------------- 39
Figure 3.13 Materials Editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Figure 3.14 Renaming Features ----------------------------------------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4.1 Wheel Sketch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
Figure 4.2 FeaturesRevolved Boss/Base ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Figure 4.3 Skateboard Wheel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Figure 5.1 Sketch for TopSpacer ---------------------------------------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5.2 TopSpacer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
Figure 5.3 Dome Command------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Figure 5.4 InsertCutExtrude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
Figure 5.5 Dome Cavity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54
Figure 6.1 Sketch for the Wheel Bump ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Figure 6.2 Wheel Bump Extrusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Figure 6.3 Preview of the Circular Pattern of Bumps ----------------------------------------------------------- 59
Figure 7.1 Truck Axle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 7.2 Seat for the Rubber Spacers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 7.3 Extruded Seat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
Figure 7.4 Front, Rotated and Parallel Planes-------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Figure 7.5 Sketch for Pivot Tip --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Figure 7.6 Tapered Extrusion for Pivot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
Figure 7.7 Pivot Dome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Figure 7.8 Sketch for Stiffener ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Figure 7.9 Sketch for Pocket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73
Figure 7.10 Spacer Pockets------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
Figure 7.11 Sketch for Slot ------------------------------------------------------ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table of Contents
Figure 8.1 Sketch for Truck Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76
Figure 8.2 Corner Holes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
Figure 8.3 Axis of Rotation for Top Plane ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79
Figure 8.4 Truck Base -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
Figure 8.5 Offset Command------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81
Figure 8.6 Extruded Cut Pocket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81
Figure 8.7 Hole for Bolt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Figure 8.8 Rectangle Sketch for Bottom Pocket ----------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Figure 8.9 Bottom Pocket ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
Figure 8.10 Extrusion for the Pivot Pocket ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84
Figure 8.11 Sketch for the Back of the Pivot Pocket ------------------------------------------------------------ 84
Figure 8.12 Extrusion of the Pivot Pocket ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
Figure 8.13 Sketch for the Dome ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86
Figure 8.14 Truck Base Model --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Figure 9.1 Tools Add-Ins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
Figure 9.2 Toolbox Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
Figure 9.3 File Format Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
Figure 9.4a InsertPicture ------------------------------------------------------ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9.5b Adding a Backgroung to the Solid Model ---------------------------------------------------------- 94
Figure 10.1 ToolsOptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
Figure 10.2 Adding the Wheel to the Assembly ---------------------------------------------------------------- 101
Figure 10.3 Adding the Tire to the Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------- 103
Figure 10.4 Selecting Concentric Mate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104
Figure 11.1 Checking for Interference in the Assembly ------------------------------------------------------ 107
Figure 11.2 ConfigurationManager showing the Default Configuration ---------------------------------- 109
Figure 11.3 Creating the Exploded View ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
Figure 11.4 Exploded Assembly ----------------------------------------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11.5 Explode Animation Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
Figure 11.6 Green Tire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
Figure 12.1 New Drawing Document ----------------------------------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 12.2 Drawing Properties ------------------------------------------------ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 12.3 ToolsCustomizeToolbars ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 121
Figure 12.4 ToolsOptionsSystem Options------------------------------------------------------------------ 122
Figure 12.5 ToolsOptionsDocument Properties ----------------------------------------------------------- 123
Figure 12.6 Tolerances in the Title Block ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 123
Figure 12.7 InsertDrawing ViewModel PropertyManager ---------------------------------------------- 125
Figure 12.8 Insert Front View --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125
Figure 12.9 Selecting Display StyleShaded With Edges -------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 12.10 PropertyManager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128
Figure 13.1 Bill of Materials ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
Section I Preliminaries
Section I Preliminaries
Lesson Objectives
SolidWorks is a modern
computer aided design (CAD)
Concurrent Engineering
program. It enables designers
The practice of sharing the solid model throughout the
to create a mathematically
organization is called concurrent engineering. It can reduce the
time it takes to develop a new product. Previous to concurrent
correct solid model of an
engineering, the design group had to complete the design before
object that can be stored in a
the manufacturing organization decided how to make each part.
database. When the
For example, if a part is injection molded, the manufacturing
mathematical model of a part
organization must design the mold. With concurrent engineering,
manufacturing personnel does not have to wait for the drawings of
or assembly is associated with
the part to be complete and can use the solid model to design the
the properties of the materials
mold in parallel. If the design of the part changes, the new
used, we get a solid model
dimensions are available to the manufacturing organization in
that can be used to simulate
real-time and the mold design always reflect the latest
and predict the behavior of the
information. In addition to reducing the product development time,
this early involvement of the manufacturing organization promotes
part or model with finite
better communication that reduces errors and improves product
element and other simulation
software. The same solid
The ultimate expression of concurrent is the integrated product
model can be used to
team (IPT). The team includes representation from all the
manufacture the object and
company stakeholders including the design and manufacturing
also contains the information
organizations, the field maintenance organization, and the
marketing, accounting and legal departments.
necessary to inspect and
assemble the product. The
marketing organization can produce sales brochures and videos that introduce the product to
potential customers. SolidWorks and similar CAD programs have made possible concurrent
engineering, where all the groups that contribute to the product development process can share
information on real-time.
Page 1
Section I Preliminaries
Starting SolidWorks
Figure 1.1
SolidWorks Icon
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Section I Preliminaries
Finally, if you wish to see the content of a drop-down menu, click on its label.
The Standard toolbar, includes the icons for commonly used Windows and SolidWorks
commands; for example New, Open, Save and Print a document, Rebuild your model
and Undo and Redo. The content of the toolbar can vary because it is possible to
customize it. We will learn to customize toolbars in Lesson 2.
Notice that if you place the mouse cursor over one of the icons, you can see what
command it represents and also the commands keyboard-shortcut equivalent.
On the bottom of the screen you can see the Windows Start Button and Taskbar.
On the right side of the screen you can find the Task Pane. It has icons for SolidWorks
Resources, Design Library and for the SolidWorks File Explorer, which works like
Windows Explorer.
The Task Pane can be shown by clicking on one of the icons or hidden by clicking on
the Graphics Area. The pin can be pushed to keep the Task Pane open and it must be
horizontal to allow to toggle between visible and hidden.
Next, explore the TaskPane and its contents. The SolidWorks Resources include the
Online Tutorial and Whats New, as well as access to the SolidWorks Forum. In
Design Library you can find Toolbox and 3DContentCentral. Both, Toolbox and
3DContentCentral have models of parts that can be re-used in new assemblies. This is
very convenient because screws, bearings, linear actuators and other catalog parts dont
have to be re-drawn. Toolbox resides on your desktop but it is an extra cost item and
could be missing in your installation. 3DContentCentral requires internet access.
Step 2: To open a new document, click on the icon New in the Standard toolbar (or click
FileNew in the Main Drop-down Menu).
To open an existing
document, you must
click the Open icon in
the Standard toolbar
(or FileNew in the
Main Drop-down
When we create a new
document, we get either
the novice or the expert
screen in Figures 1.3a
and 1.3b. It is possible
to toggle between these
options by clicking on
the Advanced or
Novice buttons at the
lower left corner of the
Page 3
Section I Preliminaries
menu box. The advantage of the Advanced menu is that you can select from the customized
templates that we will create in Lesson 2.
Step 3: When you open a new Part document you get additional toolbars and pull-down menus as
shown in Figure 1.4.
Toolbars and commands are context sensitive. The commands that are available and
related to what the user is doing are in color and the commands that are not available
are shown gray.
A new toolbar is the View HeadsUp toolbar, at the top-center of the Graphics Area. It can be
customized, as we shall see later. The question mark at the lower-right corner can be clicked to
get help.
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Section I Preliminaries
9- Feature/Property/Configuration
managers tabs
10- File name
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Section I Preliminaries
Components made of different materials should be different parts. For example, a part
should not be made of sheet metal with rubber bumper(s). Instead, create a sub-assembly
that contains sheet metal part(s) and rubber part(s).
Components made with different manufacturing processes should be different parts. For
example, a typical steel file drawer has many sheet metal and machined parts assembled
into drawers, cabinets, etc. This is also true for the finishing process. It is not practical to
paint a portion of a part and chrome-plate another portion. It is more appropriate to have an
assembly that contain painted parts and plated parts.
Weldments are different. A Weldment is one part, even though it is made from many
separate pieces. It should be drawn with all the final dimensions and tolerances after all the
pieces are welded together. On the other hand, a book case is typically drawn as individual
detail drawings for each shelf, plus an assembly drawing. The choice can be based on the
degree of control available. A weldment is typically handmade and a book case is made with
woodworking machinery.
Use sub-assemblies when the parts complement to enable a function. For example, the
wheel and tire together will enable the automobile to roll over the pavement.
In addition to the detail or part drawings used to make the parts, the design organization will create
assembly drawings to provide information about how the parts assemble together. The information in
an assembly drawing is different than the information in a detail drawing because they have different
purposes. The detail drawing is used to make the parts and the assembly drawing is used to assemble
the parts into a product.
Page 6
Section I Preliminaries
Practice Exercises
Click HelpSolidWorksHelp on the Main Drop-down Menu and study the section
User Interface.
Click HelpSolidWorksHelp on the Main Drop-down Menu and use Search to find
information about the CommandManager.
On the Task Pane, click SolidWorks Resources click to visit the SolidWorks
Discussion Forum. (You have to register to gain access.) Follow one thread and write a
paragraph describing the discussion.
On the Task Pane, find SolidWorks Resources and locate the most convenient
SolidWorks user group that you can visit.
On the Task Pane, open the Design Library and click to visit 3D Content Central.
Download one file and open it from within SolidWorks. (Note: You have to register or login before you can download files.)
You will need a partner to do this exercise. First, find the drawings of the deck in the
Appendix. Describe the deck to your partner in words. Your partner will draw the part
while you describe it. You can answer the questions that your partner asks for
clarification and provide unrequested hints, but do not reveal the drawing or look at your
partners representation of the part. When the drawing is complete, answer the following
How accurate is your partners final representation of the part? Is the result more
accurate if both of you know about skateboarding and have the same mental
image of the deck?
How easy (or difficult) was it to communicate the information needed to draw the
part? How long did it take?
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Section I Preliminaries
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
High Tech Hot Shots: Careers in Sports Engineering by C. Baine, The National Society of
Professional Engineers, Alexandria, VA, US
Engineering a Totally Rad Skateboard with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by T. Enz, Capstone
Press, North Mankato, MN, US
The Sketcher
Internet Resources website:
CAD History:
CAD news and information:
Skateboarding history:
Skateboard design:
Skateboarding news:
Skateboarding science:
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Section I Preliminaries
Lesson Objectives
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Section I Preliminaries
If you click OptionsCustomize in the Quick Access toolbar, the menu in Figure 2.2
appears. It is another way of selecting which toolbars can be seen on the desktop. You
can select which toolbars are shown by clicking to add the checkmark.
Two other ways of getting the menu in Figure 2.2 are by clicking ToolsCustomize in
the Main Drop-down Menu or by clicking ViewToolbarsCustomize.
Step 5: The commands in a
toolbar can be changed. Click
OptionsCustomize and then
select the Commands tab to get
the menu in Figure 2.3. This is a
list of all the toolbars in
SolidWorks. They are called
Categories on this menu.
If you click a Category, the icons
shown on the right side of the
menu box are the commands that
belong in the toolbar. If you place
the mouse cursor over each icon,
you can see what command it
Some commands are not
included in the default version of
a toolbar, but can be added.
Figure 2.2 ViewToolbarsCustomize
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Section I Preliminaries
Another way of customizing SolidWorks is by selecting ToolsOptions in the Main Dropdown Menu (or Options in the Quick Access toolbar). The menu in Figure 2.4 will appear. It
has two tabs, System Options and Document Properties.
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Section I Preliminaries
Select Display Style on the System Options tab and verify that Tangent edges in new
views: Removed.
Select Display/Selection on the System Options tab and verify that Projection Type for
four viewport: is Third Angle. Also, Part/Assembly tangent edge display: Removed.
Click the Document Properties tab and select ANSI in Overall drafting standard. See
Figure 2.5.
Click OK.
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Section I Preliminaries
Custom Properties
Custom Properties allow storing information that will be used in drawings and in SolidWorks
calculations. Click FileProperties in the Main Pull-down menu to get the screen in Figure 2.6.
On the Summary tab, Figure 2.6a, we will fill as a minimum the Author and the Title. On the
Custom tab, Figure 2.6b, fill the first column (Property Name) of the first four lines by typing
1) Description, 2) Weight, 3) Material and 4) Finish. On the second column (Type) select Text
from the pull-down menu for all the lines. Finally, on the third column (Value/Text Expression)
leave 1) blank (to be filled later for each part/configuration). For line 2) select MASS from the
pull-down menu on the right of the cell. For lines 3) and 4) leave blank. SolidWorks will add the
mass of the solid if it knows the material.
You can add other properties depending on the needs of your team.
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Section I Preliminaries
Saving a Template
After you have customized SolidWorks you can save a template. The Template will bring your
choice of toolbars and icons to every new document. Creating and using a template is the best
way to insure that all the models, assemblies and drawings you create follow the drafting
standard (e.g. ANSI or ISO) and units (e.g. inches or millimeters) that you want.
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Section I Preliminaries
Step 10: If you wish to save your templates on removable or network storage or in a sub-directory
in your computer, you must first tell the SolidWorks the name of your storage device and its
First, save one or more templates to the location you wish to use.
In the Quick Access toolbar click Options System OptionsFile Locations. See
Figure 2.7.
In the Drop-down menu for Show folders for: select Document Templates.
In Folders you will see the present location of the templates you see in Figure 1.3a and
Figure 1.3b.
Click Add and browse to your removable storage device or desired storage location
(where you stored the templates earlier).
Open a new part and select the Advanced option. You will notice a new tab for your
new location. Note: the tab will not be visible if you did not save a template first.
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Section I Preliminaries
Add-Ins provide additional features and capabilities to SolidWorks. Some Add-Ins cost extra
and may not be available in your version of the software. They are not part of your template, but
once they are enabled during the session they will remain active until the end of the session.
Although Add-Ins are very useful, they require additional memory. They should be kept disabled
until needed.
Step 11: Click on ToolsAdd-Ins to see which ones are available in your version of
SolidWorks. See Figure 2.8.
If available, verify that the following Add-Ins have a check mark: SolidWorksToolbox
and SolidWorksToolbox Browser.
You can add other Add-Ins, but remember that they use memory and could slow your
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Section I Preliminaries
The View menu on the Main Pull-down Menu is shown in Figure 2.9 and in Appendix D3. The
entities highlighted will show on your SolidWorks graphics area. If the Origins are not
highlighted, they will not be visible. Of special interest are the Temporary Axes. You will need
them to use as axes of rotation in some commands. If you cannot find an axis to rotate about,
click View and highlight Temporary Axes.
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Section I Preliminaries
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Section I Preliminaries
Practice Exercises
Click HelpSolidWorks Tutorials on the Main Drop-down Menu and study what
tutorials are available.
Add and then remove the command for a partial ellipse to the Sketch toolbar in the
Create a part template for millimeter units. Set decimal places for length and for angles
equal to zero. Select the ANSI standard. Call the template mmPart.prtdot.
Use File Explorer to find the template that you created in Step 11.
Search the Internet to find information about the following document formats supported
by SolidWorks. Write a brief description of each one, including advantages,
disadvantages and when you would use them. (Hint: You can search the internet using
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
View Manipulation
Starting a Part
Starting a Sketch
Sketch Tools
Picking a plane
Design Intent
Custom Properties
Page 19
Section I Preliminaries
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks website:
SolidWorks models for download:
Popular CAD models for download:
SolidWorks training files:
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.1 Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objectives
Explain and use the Fillet and Chamfer commands in the Features tab of the
Explain and use the command Smart dimensions in the Sketch tab of the
CommandManager or ToolsDimensionsSmart in the Main Drop-down Menu.
Explain and use the command Add Relations in the Display/Delete Relations pulldown menu of the Sketch tab of the CommandManager or in ToolsRelationsAdd
in the Main Drop-down Menu.
When you open the template for a part, all the commands needed to create a solid model
become available. The CommandManager toolbar will show tabs for the Sketch toolbar and
the Features toolbar. As the name implies, the first can be used like a pencil and paper to
create a 2D cross-section of the part. The second has the commands needed to extrude the 2D
cross-section into a 3D solid.
Many parts can be modeled by following five modeling steps:
Modeling 1 Select a sketch plane.
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.2 Introduction
2) merge the new sketch with the previous sketch, or
3) result in an error message.
If you find yourself in one of these three these situations, use the Esc key to exit,
and try again.
Note: Sketch based features (e.g. Extrude Boss/Base and Revolved
Boss/Base) can be created without selecting a plane first and while changing the
order of the steps. After you become more proficient using SolidWorks you may
choose to use these commands as sketch based features, but early in your
learning it is advantageous to use the five steps as a standard procedure that
guide you and prevent you from getting lost in the software.
Modeling 2 Sketch a cross-section of the part.
At this stage of the sketch, exact dimensions are not important. They will be
added later.
One example of Inferencing is the dashed line that appears when the cursor is
aligned with the origin in Figure 3.1.
For practice, use Inferencing to draw a horizontal line across the origin. 1)Click
the Line tool in the CommandManager in the Sketch tab. 2)Hover the pencil
cursor at a location that gives you the Inferencing line. 3)Click and drag across
the origin and release to get the line. 4)Explore what happens when you slowly
move the cursor up and down before releasing the left mouse button.
Page 24
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.2 Introduction
Sketch Planes and View Manipulation
To sketch geometry in SolidWorks you must select a sketch plane first. SolidWorks gives you
three choices: the Front, Top and Right planes at the beginning of the FeatureManager design
tree (See Figure 1.4). I a latter Lesson we will learn that we can also sketch on any existing
part surface that we created earlier.
It is important to select a plane that will simplify creating the assembly. For example, if you
look at drawing SKBD100 in Appendix A, you can see multiple views of the skateboard
assembly. There are four views in total. The view on the right is called the isometric view
because the orientation of the part to each rectangular axis (x, y, z) is the same, 30 degrees.
The isometric view is sometimes the preferred view for making hand sketches because it
shows parts and assemblies the way we see them from a distance.
The three views on the left are called orthogonal views because they are rotated 90 degrees
from each other. The view in the middle is called the Front view. The upper view is called the
Top view and the lower view is called the Bottom view. They represent how the skateboard
looks if we look from the top, edgewise and from the bottom.
Notice that when sketching the line that will become the deck, we chose to sketch in the Front
plane. If we had sketched in the right plane, the top of the skateboard would be in the Top
view. In the Top view of the orthogonal projection, the skateboard would look standing up on
its edge. This would look unstable when compared to the horizontal length that we have. It
takes a little planning before we pick a sketch plane and start sketching. The best approach is
to sketch an isometric view of the part or assembly first, then plan how you go from sketch to
solid, and then decide which one is the Front plane, the Top plane and the Right plane.
Alternatively, another way of selecting a sketch plane is to draw a part the way it looks in the
assembly. If you can visualize or see the part in the assembly, you should draw accordingly.
For example, the front view of the wheel in drawing SKBD121 looks identical to the wheel in
the assembly SKBD100.
The angle at which we look at the part or assembly is called the view orientation. During the
process of creating a part or constructing an assembly we need to change the view orientation
to see the part from different angles. There are many tools in SolidWorks to do that. The
easiest tool to use is the space bar in your keyboard. If you tap on the space bar, you will get
the orientation menu and the View Selector cube. The View Selector cube is explained in
Appendix I. The orientation menu can also be seen if we click on the icon View Orientation
on the View (Heads Up) toolbar (see Figure 1.4).
When sketching, it is good practice to sketch when we can see the sketching plane in full size.
This can be accomplished by clicking to make the sketch plane active, and then clicking View
OrientationNormal To in the View (Heads Up) toolbar.
Another way to change the view orientation is to use your mouse. If you press on the mouse
middle button, and move the mouse, you will make your part rotate. Sometimes it is difficult to
get the part to look the way you want, but it is easier if you move in one direction at a time, first
horizontally and then vertically. You can also rotate and translate the part without rotation if
you click on the appropriate icons in the View (Heads Up) toolbar.
Zooming tools include Zoom to Fit, which will make the part or assembly occupy all the
screen. It can also be used to bring back the model if you lost it. It can be found in the View
(Heads Up) toolbar or by taping the key F in your keyboard. Zoom to Area is also in the
View (Heads Up) toolbar and requires that we first click the icon, then press and hold the left
button of the mouse move to highlight the area we want and release the button
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.2 Introduction
Inferencing will indicate that
your line is horizontal or vertical,
or that your mouse pointer is
coincident or parallel to another
line. This is a very useful feature
when sketching.
Smart Dimension
Smart Dimension is the best command for
dimensioning geometry in SolidWorks. It can be
used as follows:
1) click a line to dimension,
2) click two points to dimension the distance,
3) click a line and a point to dimension the
4) click two parallel lines to dimension the
distance and
5) click two lines that are not parallel to dimension
the angle.
Just by making the length of a line the desired value
does not create a dimension. Always use Smart
Modeling 3 Constrain your sketch by adding
dimensions and sketch relations.
Unfortunately, sometimes
SolidWorks will make the wrong
assumption. To delete a sketch
relation, click
ete on the Main Drop-down
Menu (or the delete key on your
keyboard). You can click
ToolsRelationsAdd to add
relations that were not captured
with Inferencing.
You can see which relations you
have in your sketch by clicking
It is possible to override
Inferencing. On the Main Menu
click ToolsSketch
SettingsSketch Relations to
toggle Inferencing on/off. If the
symbols displaying sketch
relations clutter your sketch, you
can turn them on/off with
ViewSketch Relations on the
Main Menu. The checkmark
indicates that they are visible.
The sketch is fully defined when no blue lines are visible and all the lines are
Blue lines mean that you have to use Smart Dimensions and/or Add Relation
commands to fully define and constrain the sketch. All the dimensions are in the
drawings provided in the Appendix.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.2 Introduction
Constraining Sketches
Overdefined Sketches
Modeling 4 Use one or more command(s) from the Features toolbar to create the
solid that you want.
The Features toolbar has commands that can be used to transform 2D sketches
into 3D solids. The commands can be additive (Extruded Boss/Base and
Revolved Boss/Base) or subtractive (Extruded Cut and Revolved Cut).
SolidWorks calls the 3D solids created with this toolbar Features, and they are
listed in the FeaturesManager Design Tree (see Figure 1.4) in the same the
order in which they are created.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
The default option is to combine Features automatically as they are created, but
it is possible to switch-off this option in the PropertyManager Design Tree to
create multiple bodies.
Modeling 5 Document your design intent in the Design Binder for future reference.
The first four steps can be remembered as PSDF: Plane, Sketch, Dimension, Feature.
Configuration Management
Designs are usually re-used and/or modified over the production life of a product. Even if the
product is no longer manufactured or sold, the company must maintain an inventory of
replacement parts. For example, the B-52 bomber was designed during the 1950s and
production ended during the 1960s but it is still in the U.S. Air Force inventory and the plan is
to keep it flying until the middle of the 21st century.
When product modifications and upgrades are needed, the changes are easier and safer if
the design is well documented. Unfortunately, well documented designs are the exception. In
well-run organizations, the responsibility of enforcing proper record keeping and of
maintaining this information belongs to the Configuration Control or Configuration
Management office. They use software variously known as product data managers (PDM),
product life-cycle management (PLM), revision control software or change control software.
The most important reason for documentation and formal record keeping is legal liability.
Drawings, notebooks, e-mails and other communication can and will be used as legal
evidence to determine liability in court cases. Poor quality documentation can result in a
guilty verdict in a court case.
First, we will model the deck of the skateboard. Drawing SKTBD001 in Appendix A has all the
information we need. We will use the five modeling steps in Section 3.2 to create the solid
Step 12: Open a new document using the InchPart template and click to select the Front Plane in
the FeatureManager design tree as shown in Figure 3.2. This will be the plane that we will use
to sketch the cross-section of the part. In a cube, this is the plane in front of you. The other
planes we could use to sketch are the top plane and the right side plane. A good idea is to hand
sketch the assembly that you need and plan how you will create each part, including what plane
is the best to use for sketching.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
When you place the mouse cursor over the Front Plane icon in the FeatureManager, a
large red rectangle becomes visible. This is the front plane that we will use to sketch the
cross-section of the skateboard. The square is only a portion of a plane that extends to
infinity in the X and Y directions. A sketch outside the square is still in the front plane.
On the FeatureManager design tree, click the Front plane to sketch the cross-section
of the part.
Step 13: In the CommandManager, click the Sketch toolbar. This will make it active and the
sketch commands will become visible. Next, click the Line command and sketch the skateboard
cross-section as shown in Figure 3.3.
To sketch the line, click to start the line, drag the line to the location of the end point and
release. To end the line, double-click after you release the mouse button.
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
With SolidWorks it is not necessary for the sketch to have exact dimension or angle. In
this step, we only need approximate geometry. The next step will be to fully define,
dimension and constrain the geometry.
Notice that when the Line tool is active, the mouse cursor will change into a symbol that
looks like a pencil. Also, two icons on the confirmation corner at the top-right corner of
the graphics area become visible. The two icons and the status bar at the bottom
indicate that we are in sketch editing mode. To quit the sketch and retain your work, click
the pencil icon. To discard your work, click the X icon.
To delete a line, click the line and then press the Delete key in your keyboard.
Alternatively, click in the graphics area and drag your mouse over the line. Note:The
complete line must be inside the highlighted area. Next, release the mouse button and
the line will change color. Finally, press the Delete key in your keyboard to erase the
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Step 14: Use Smart Dimension and Add Relation in the Display/Delete Relations pull down
menu to fully define the geometry. When this step is complete there should not be any blue
To input the skateboard dimensions, click the Smart Dimension tool in the Sketch
toolbar of the CommandManager or ToolsDimensionsSmart. The mouse cursor
changes to a dimension symbol.
Click the decks horizontal line, drag the mouse, and release. Click again to place the
dimension. An input box will appear. Double click on the number in the input box and
type the correct dimension, which in our case is 24 inches. If part of the sketch moves
out of view, click the Zoom to fit icon in the View (Heads-Up) toolbar (see Figure 1.4).
Repeat for the right and left lines and make them 4 inches in length.
To dimension an angle, click on two lines and SolidWorks will show the angles between
the lines. You must move around the vertex to see the various complementary and
supplementary angles. The angles in our skateboard are 20 degrees as shown in Figure
Even when all lines have been dimensioned, they are still blue. This means that the
sketch is not fully defined. SolidWorks needs more information. In addition to the
dimensions, we must provide the location of the lines. We will do that by making the
sketch symmetric about the origin. This will locate directly the horizontal line and
indirectly the left and right lines, which are connected to the horizontal line.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
All lines will turn black to indicate that the sketch is now
fully defined.
Step 15: Next, use the Extruded Boss/Base command to create the width and the thickness of the
skateboard. It can be found in the CommandManager and in the Main Drop-down Menu.
Click the Features tab in the CommandManager to make the toolbar active and show
the commands available.
Click the Extruded Boss/Base command to get the dialog box in Figure 3.6. Select the
Mid Plane option for Direction 1 and the Thin Feature. Type the dimension 8 inches for
D1 and 1/2 inches down for T1. The Up and Down directions can be selected by
choosing One-Direction in the first dialog box and then pressing the button with the
arrows. When you toggle the button with the arrows you alternate between extruding up
and extruding down. Verify that your extrusion is down.
Click the check mark to accept. The preview should look like Figure 3.6.
Direction 1 is the width (in and out of the screen). Thin Feature is for the thickness.
Extruding down puts the origin in the top surface.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
At this point our model begins to looks like a skateboard, but it still needs a few details.
Step 16: Create rounded corners by using the Fillet command and then you get the chamfer the
edges of the deck.
Click on the Fillet tool in the Features toolbar to get the dialog in Figure 3.7.
Verify that you get the dialog box Items to Fillet. Click on all four corners of the
skateboard and notice that the edges are now listed in the dialog box.
When clicking the corners, perhaps one or more corners are hidden from view. If you are
in Display StyleShaded With Edges (in the View Heads-Up toolbar), click Display
StyleHidden Lines Visible to see through the Deck.
Verify that the Full preview option is selected on the Items to Fillet menu to match
Figure 3.7.
Use the commands in the View Heads-Up toolbar to move, rotate and zoom.
After the preview shows all corners with the round fillets, click the check mark to accept. If for
some reason the preview does not show the rounded corners, or looks different from the one on
the figure, there is something wrong. Verify that all the options in your screen match the one
shown in the figure. As a last resort, cancel the Fillet command by clicking X on the
Confirmation Corner and repeat these steps.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
To chamfer the edges of the deck, click on the edges around the top and bottom
surfaces. (Use Display StyleHidden Lines Visible when convenient.)
In the Features tab of the CommandManager, click the Fillet icon pull down menu and
select the Chamfer command.
Select the Angle distance option and 0.125 inch and 45 degrees. See Figure 3.7b.
Click to accept.
Display Style
SolidWorks can display your part in different styles. On the View (Heads Up) toolbar
click on the Display Style icon to see your options. The most cpu intensive option is
Shaded with Edges. Wireframe is the easiest to display. In the early days of CAD,
wireframes were the norm. Today, equipment is powerful enough that it is not important
which display style is used. Still, some display styles are more descriptive than others
and you might want to experiment to see which one you prefer. As an exercise, change
the display style of the skateboard deck to see the difference. Many SolidWorks users
believe that shaded with edges is the most realistic display style. Other options like
Hidden Lines Visible or Wireframe are useful because it is possible to see details that
are hidden in other views.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Step 17: In Figure 3.1, the sketch of the skateboard cross-section show a sharp transition
between the horizontal line and the two ends that slope at 20 degrees. In the real world, this is
impossible. We need a 1/4 inch radius on each of the transitions to allow for the bending radii at
the two locations. To make the change we must edit the skateboard cross-section sketch.
On the Sketch toolbar, click Sketch Fillet. This is a fillet created while sketching and
can be contrasted to the feature fillet created in Step 16.
Step 18: Next, use the Hole Wizard to create the holes needed to attach the Truck and the wheels.
Click the skateboard top surface to make it the sketching plane before you click the Hole
Wizard command. The Hole Wizard icon is located in the Feature tab of the
CommandManager or you can find it in the Main Drop-down Menu at
InsertFeatureHole Wizard.
Click Hole Wizard to get the dialog box in Figure 3.8. Select #8 countersunk flathead
screws. Because the holes must be drilled through the thickness select Thru All as the
end condition. Verify that your menu choices match the figure.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
SolidWorks asks for the location of the hole(s) and the cursor becomes a pencil. Click to
mark the approximate location of two parallel holes as shown in Figure 3.9. Only the
approximate location is required. Like any SolidWorks sketch, we will define the exact
locations and sketch relations after we create the geometry.
The locations of the holes will be defined next. Click the Smart Dimension tool and use
it to dimension the distance between the leading hole and the line where the deck is bent
as shown in Figure 3.10. Type the distance 2 1/4 inches.
Dimension the distance between the two holes by clicking each hole and typing the
dimension 3 inches.
Locate the front hole from the edge of the skateboard deck. The distance is 3 inches.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
If the two holes are not parallel, we must create a horizontal sketch relation between
them first. Click ToolsRelationsAdd in the Main Drop-down Menu or in the
CommandManager click the pull-down menu Display/Delete Relations and select Add
Click on the two points at the center of the holes and select Horizontal in the Add
Relation dialog box. Click on the check mark to accept. (Note: If you used Inferencing
to create two parallel holes, this step may not be necessary.)
The holes will change from blue to black to indicate that the sketch is now fully defined.
We are finally ready to create the countersunk holes. Click the check mark again to
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Step 19: Use the Mirror command to duplicate the two holes.
Click the Mirror command in the Features toolbar. The dialog box is shown in
Figure 3.12. The features we want to duplicate are the CSK (countersunk) holes for flat
head machine screws. It should be visible in the Features to Mirror dialog box. If CSK
is in the Features to Mirror dialog box, skip the next paragraph.
If CSK is not in the Features to Mirror dialog box, click the box to make it active and
notice the new location of the FeatureManager design tree. It has moved to the
Graphics Area to create space for the Mirror command dialog box. Click on the (+) sign
of the FeatureManager design tree to expand the feature tree. As expected, this is a
list of all the features created so far. Find and click on the CSK feature. It should be the
last line in the feature tree. This will add CSK to the Features to Mirror dialog box.
The other information that SolidWorks needs to mirror the holes is the mirror plane. Click
on the Mirror Face/Plane dialog box to make it active and then click Front Plane in the
FeatureManager design tree. SolidWorks will show a preview of the new holes.
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Repeat the Mirror command across the Right plane to copy the Mirror1 feature to the
other side, as seen in Figure 3.13.
Figure 3.13 Duplicating the 4-hole Pattern Across the Right plane
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Step 20: Our skateboard model is now complete, but we need to save design information that
others will need to understand our design.
Type your name and the date for future reference. Type Save
and then type Close.
To change a Feature name, first make it active by clicking, and then click and hold for a
second and release. You can now type the new name.
Another way to change the name is to right-click over the name and select Feature
Properties. You can now type the new name.
Notice that we did not save the part as DECK because in most engineering organizations
drawings are saved and retrieved by the drawing number and not by the name. The
reason is that the number avoids duplication when we have, for example, two or more
gears or pins. Another reason for using numbers is that the practice is a remnant from a
long time ago when it was easier to automate the saving and retrieving of numbers
instead of letters or names.
Another peculiarity in the file name is that all the letter are upper case. In Engineering
drawings and sketches, lower case letters are never used. Hence, SKBD is the correct
form and not skbd or Skbd.
Create a folder to store all your skateboard files and save your model as file SKBD101.
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Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Part Numbers and Part Names
Parts are tracked by their part number, not
their part name. The reason is that it is easier
to organize, store and retrieve a sequence of
numbers than descriptive names.
This is the reason why SolidWorks stores the
name you use to save your file as the part
A part number will typically include information
about the project and the assembly where it
belongs. For the skateboard deck, we will use
SKBD100 for the top level assembly and
SKBD101, SKBD102, etc. for the drawings.
Drawing number SKBD110 is the Truck subassembly and the drawings that belong are
saved as SKBD111, SKBD112, etc.
Figure 3.15 Renaming
Practice Exercises
Use HelpSearch to learn about Sketch Relations. Write, in your own words a
definition of the term and describe how you can take advantage of this feature of
Sketch a square and then use Extruded Boss/Base to create a bar with a square crosssection. Click on Draft On/Off and see how your part changes.
Explore the Extruded Boss/Base command. What other options are available besides
Mid Plane?
Click ToolsMass Properties and find the volume and weight of the skateboard deck.
(Hint: to get the correct weight, you must first define the material in the FeatureManager
design tree see Step 20 and Step 73).
Re-draw the parts modeled in this lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use the
mmPart template and the dimensions in the detail drawing in Appendix B.
Compare maple and pine as the material for the Deck. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each material? Which one you recommend? List the requirements and
assumptions on which you base your recommendation.
Page 41
Lesson 3 Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using the Command Extruded Boss/Base
Section II Modeling Simple Parts
3.3 The Skateboard Deck
Search the Internet for information about Product Data Management. Describe what it is
in your own words.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Geometric Relations
Extruded Boss
Editing Geometry
Hole Wizard
Mirror Feature
Sketch Fillet
3D Mirroring
Sketch Mirroring
Fully Defined Sketches
Over Defined Sketches
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks website:
Page 42
Lesson Objectives
Explain and use the command Convert Entities and Offset Entities.
Explain why the Wheel Sub-assembly was not created as a single part.
Learn to use the drawings in Appendix A to find the dimensions you need.
The Revolve Boss/Base command, like the Extruded Boss/Base command in Lesson 3 can
be used to create 3D solids from 2D sketches. Both commands belong in the Features toolbar.
Extrude creates solids by elongating the 2D sketch in one or more directions and Revolve
creates solids by rotating the sketch around an axis of revolution.
The wheels and tires should be two different parts because they are different materials and are
made using completely different manufacturing processes. Skateboard wheels can be injection
molded using a hard grade of polyurethane, a type of synthetic rubber. Skateboard wheels can
also be made from steel. The tires are made with a softer polyurethane. The assembly of the
wheel and tire is made by placing the wheel in a mold and pouring soft polyurethane around it.
To create a model of the wheel, we will follow the five steps we learned at the beginning of
Lesson 3:
1) select a plane,
2) sketch,
3) add dimensions,
4) use the Revolve command in the Features toolbar and, finally,
5) document the design information and references.
Page 43
If you hand sketch the skateboard to see how the various parts fits into the assembly,
you will notice that the Top plane is the best to sketch this part.
Refer to the skateboard assembly drawing, drawing SKBD100 in the Appendix and
Figure 4.2 below, the cross-section of the wheel. The cross-section will revolve around
the line.
Step 23: Create the wheel using the Revolve command. The wheel and the tire are both made of
polyurethane. The wheel is a harder grade of polyurethane, compared to the tire.
In the Sketch tab, click the Centerline command on the Line pull-down menu.
Sketch the construction line shown in the figure. The Centerline is parallel to the sides
of the rectangle. Note: Centerlines or construction lines are for the benefit of humans
and invisible to some SolidWorks calculations. In this example, the Centerline is the axis
of rotation but is not part of the solid created.
Use the Smart Dimension tool to fully define the sketch. The dimensions are shown in
the detail drawing of the wheel in the Appendix (SKBD121).
Notice that the height of the rectangle is 1.25 inch. It is the height of the cylinder that will
be created when the rectangle rotates around the axis.
The distance from the left vertical line of the rectangle to the centerline is one half of
0.87 inch (you can type 0.435 inch in the input box or 0.87/2). The inside diameter of the
wheel is indicated by the Greek letter and equals 0.87. The units are given in the Title
Block, the rectangle in the lower right corner of the drawing. The Title Block has the
name of the part (WHEEL), the part number (SKBD121), the material
(POLYURETHANE) and above the material it says DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES).
Page 44
Notice that the drawing says 2X (i.e. two times) before the diameter. The reason is that
there are two pockets for two bearings. The 2X indicates that both pockets have the
same diameter.
The distance from the right vertical line of the rectangle to the center line is one-half of
1.37 inch (0.685 inch). The outside diameter of the wheel in 1.37 inches.
The width of the rectangle is one-half of 1.37-0.87 inch (0.25 inch). We must divide by
two because when we revolve the rectangle, the cross-section will show two rectangles.
One rectangle on each side of the centerline. This dimension is not in the drawing
because it is redundant. It can be calculated from the other dimensions given.
Redundant dimensions are called double dimensioning and when shown in a drawing
they must be enclosed in parentheses. They are called reference dimensions and are
shown for convenience. Remember the rule: All the dimensions must be in the drawing
but never use double dimensions.
Notice that the sketch is still free to move up and down if we pull on the top or bottom
blue lines because it is not fully constrained. To fully constrain we must dimension the
distance from the origin to the top or bottom line. Click the height or 1.25 inch dimension
and it will show in the input box. Next divide by two (/2). This defines the location of the
line as of the height and fixes the rectangle. It is important to click on the height and
not type 1.25 because the number could change in the future. All the lines will turn black
and the rectangle cannot move anymore.
Next, we will revolve the rectangle around the centerline. See Figure 4.2.
On the Features tab, Click FeaturesRevolved Boss/Base to get the menu in Figure
4.2. The only input request is the axis of revolution.
Page 45
Move the cursor over the centerline and SolidWorks will show a preview of the revolved
solid in Figure 4.2.
Step 24: Next, we will create a spacer to separate the two bearings. We always use two bearings
instead of only one to balance the
loads acting on the part.
Type the thickness of the spacer in D1. In the drawing SKBD121 we can see that the
thickness of the spacer is 1.25-2(0.5) = 0.25 inch. (Remember that the total height of the
cylinder is 1.25 inches. Also, remember that there are two pockets for bearings and each
pocket is 0.5 in deep).
To see the interior of the part, click ViewDisplaySection View (You can find
Section View on the Main Drop-down Menu at the top of your screen or in the View
Page 46
To go back to the complete part, click on the Section View command again.
Fill the Design Journal with your name, date, part description and material.
Practice Exercises
Model the wheel using the Extruded Boss/Base command instead of Revolve. (Hint:
Sketch two circles and extrude, or use Extruded Boss/Base and then Extruded Cut.)
Use the command Offset Entities to create the bearings spacer inside diameter. (Hint:
Offset the spacers outside diameter by 0.17 inch.)
Explain why the best plane for the wheel sketch is the Top plane. Propose an alternative
and its advantages and disadvantages.
Re-draw the parts modeled in this Lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use the
mmPart template and the dimensions in the detail drawing in the Appendix.
It is possible to Extrude Boss/Base one circle or two concentric circles but not three
circles. Explain why?
Explain why the wheel and the tire are each individual parts with separate detail
drawings. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the having only one detail
drawing for both.
Page 47
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Circles & Arcs
Revolved Boss
Revolve Feature
Convert Entities
Offset Entities
Internet Resources website:
Polyurethane properties:
Design tables and information:
Page 48
Lesson Objectives
Sketching on faces.
The truck assembly has two spacers. We will model the first by sketching two concentric circles
with the command Extruded Boss/Base.
To create the second spacer, we will edit the FeatureManager design tree to change the
thickness of the first spacer. It is not necessary to start a new solid model because SolidWorks
allows the modification of existing models. Remember to save the two models as separate files
called TopSpacer and BottomSpacer.
Finally, we will model the Truck Bumper using the command Dome. We will need two
sequences of PSDF (Plane, Sketch, Dimension and Feature).
The top and bottom spacers have the same cross-sections, but different thickness.
Step 26: Open a new InchPart document.
In drawing SKBD113 in Appendix A, find the best plane to draw the two concentric
circles that will be extruded to get the doughnut shaped spacers. I should be the Top
Page 49
Hold the control key and click each of the edges of the tire, and then click the Fillet
command on the Features tab in the CommandManager. The input box will show
Edge1 and Edge2 as the items to fillet. Type the radius of the fillet to add a fillet around
the edges. The completed spacer is shown in Figure 5.2a.
Right-click Material and then click Edit Material. Select Polyurethane rubber as the
Click the arrows to the right side of the Feature/Property/Configuration managers
tabs. This will show the Display Pane. See Figure 5.2b.
Select the column under the multicolor ball and click the first line. Click Appearance to
open the PropertyManager for the part. Click a shade of red you like and then the
checkmark to accept.
Record your name, date, and other information in the Design Journal.
Fill the information in the FileProperties form.
Save your model as SKD113.
Page 50
Changes are inevitable in the design process
because design is a learning experience. As you
explore alternatives, you learn that some are better
than others. Thus, the better ideas replace the notso-good choices and you have to constantly update
your model to reflect the latest ideas. Fortunately,
SolidWorks minimizes the work when we make
changes. You can make changes in the sketch and
in the extrude distance. It is also possible to change
the sketch plane.
Page 51
Right-click the Extruded Boss/Base feature in the FeatureManager design tree and
select the Edit Feature icon.
Use Save As in the Main Drop-down Menu to save the new spacer as SKBD115.
Note: We edited the extrusion Feature to change the length of the extrusion. If we wanted to
change the diameter of the extrusion we would edit the Sketch.
Step 29: To create the Truck Bumper, refer to drawing SKBD114 in Appendix A for dimensions:
Use the Extruded Boss/Base command to create a cylinder 0.20 inch long. Use the
Blind option and the Up direction. Click the check mark to accept.
Use the command Rotate View on the View (Has-Up) toolbar to see the bottom
surface of the cylinder.
If Show preview has a check mark, you will see a preview of the dome in Figure 5.3.
Page 52
Step 30: To create the interior of the part, click the flat surface opposite the dome.
After clicking the Sketch icon you will notice that Offset Entities will change from gray
to color. This means that it is now available for use.
The new offset circle is smaller than the original circle. You can use the Reverse
Direction arrows, if necessary.
Use the blind option and type the depth of the Extruded Cut in the drawing. See Figure
5.4 below and notice that the Extruded Cut stops where the dome starts.
Use Section View in the View Heads-Up toolbar to verify that the diameter is smaller at
the end of the extrusion.
Page 53
Step 31: To create a dome cavity, click on the surface created by the Extruded Cut to make it
Type the value of the inside radius (.18 inch) on the input box.
Click the Reverse Direction arrows to create a cavity. See Figure 5.5.
Page 54
Step 32: Make the material rubber and the color to red. Make an appropriate entry in the Design
Journal and in the Properties form. Save your model as SKBD114.sldprt. The Title and
Description are Front Bumper.
Practice Exercises
Create models of the parts in this Lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use the
mmPart template and the dimensions in the detail drawing in Appendix B.
Create engineering working drawings for your bed, naming parts and assemblies? Make
sketches of the bed assembly and of each of the parts and sub-assemblies. Explain why
you chose to define each of the parts and assemblies the way you did. Which
SolidWorks planes you would choose to sketch each of the parts? How would you
transform the sketches into solid models?
Choose a typical consumer product and describe how you would divide it into parts and
assemblies. Some examples of products include a bicycle, a tennis racket, an inline
skate, a ball-point pen or a shoe. On which planes would you create each of the
SolidWorks sketches? How would you transform those sketches into solid models?
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Extruded Cut
Revolved Cut
Sketches on Faces
Editing Geometry
Page 55
Internet Resources website:
Polyurethane properties:
Design tables and information:
Page 56
Lesson Objectives
Explain why the Wheel Sub-assembly was not created as a single part.
One of the reasons for the widespread use of CAD software is the increase in productivity that
can be achieved with their use. Before CAD, making a change required erasing the old
geometry very carefully to avoid untidiness, and then adding the changes. If the new geometry
did not fit in the space available, the change could require a new drawing. With SolidWorks, old
models can be changed and re-used easily.
To get good mechanical grip between the wheel and the tire, we will add bumps to the outside
surface of the wheel (see the Front View in drawing SKBD121). These bumps will prevent the
tire from slipping around the wheel and will match pockets in the rubber tire (see SKBD122).
Step 33: Navigate to file SKBD121.sldprt and Click FileOpen on the Main Pull-down Menu to
open the document.
Step 34: We will use the Rollback Bar as a time machine. If we move the bar up before the
Chamfer feature (and after Revolve), we can create the bumps before creating the Chamfer.
First, move the mouse cursor over the line and it will change into a hand.
Click and drag the line to the new location between the Revolve feature and the
Chamfer feature.
Step 35: Select the Front Plane as the sketch plane and click the Sketch command on the
Sketch tab of the CommandManager.
Step 36: Use the Rectangle tool to sketch Figure 6.1.
Page 57
Step 37: Add the dimensions in Figure 6.1 to fully define the
You can make the right corner and the circle
coincident instead of using the dimension 0.250.
Page 58
Step 39: Next, we will copy the bump into a circular pattern.
Click on the Linear PatternCircular Pattern icon in the Features toolbar in the
CommandManager. The first dialog box is the axis around which the pattern rotates.
Next, click the origin of the part in the center of the wheel. If an axis does not show in the
options dialog box, it is because Temporary Axes are not visible.
To make the axis of rotation visible, click on ViewTemporary Axes on the Main Dropdown Menu. The origin of the part and axis of rotation can be seen now and can be
used to create the pattern.
Click the input box again to make it active and then the temporary axis at the center of
the part. This will fill the input box.
To create 12 equally spaced repetitions including the original bump, fill all the option
boxes in the dialog box as shown in Figure 6.3. Notice that there will be 12 bumps
equally distributed around the outside surface of the cylinder.
Click the Feature to Pattern input box and the Extruded Boss/Base feature in the
FeatureManager design tree.
Notice that the FeatureManager design tree moved to the right of the dialog box.
Click the feature we extruded in Step 37 at the bottom of the design tree.
Click the check mark to accept the change and before saving your work, record on the
Design Journal the date when you added the bumps.
Page 59
In Lesson 5 we created two spacers. The Top spacer is 0.38 inch in thickness and the Bottom
spacer is 0.3125 inch in thickness. Because the two spacers are so similar, SolidWorks allows
the storing of the model information as variations or configurations of the basic donut design. In
the following two steps we will create a solid model with two configurations to replace solid
models SKBD113 and SKBD115. We will call the new solid model SKBD116.
Step 40: Open SKBD113 (the Top spacer) and create a new configuration.
Click the ConfigurationManager Tab (see Item 9 in Figure 1.4).
Type BottomSpacer on the first input box for the Configuration name.
Type any appropriate information in the next two input boxes for Description and
Page 60
Practice Exercises
Create the part Tire.sldprt with the pockets for the bumps in the wheel. Use the
dimensions in drawing SKBD122. Hints: Use the following commands, Temporary
Axes, Linear PatternCircular Pattern on the CommandManager
Modify the skateboard deck to have two configurations. One in which the material is pine
and the other made of maple.
Explain the need for the bumps in the wheel and the pockets in the tire.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Automatic Relations
Numeric Sketch Input
Task Pane Resources
Rapid Sketch
Configurations - Intro
Configurations - Dimension Changes
Configurations Feature Suppression
Configurations - Table
Page 61
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks tutorials:
SolidProfessor tutorials:
Page 62
Page 63
Page 64
Lesson Objectives
Explain and use the Mirror command on the Features tab on the CommandManager.
Complex parts must be planned. They are created by combining simple solids. In many complex
parts, it is necessary to create new sketch planes.
the axle,
a tapered pivot.
Select the Right plane, click the Sketch command on the Sketch tab of the
CommandManager and then click the Circle command.
Use Extruded Boss/Base to create a cylinder 2.5 inches long. Use the Blind extrusion
Use Extruded Boss/Base to extrude another cylinder to a length of 1.00 inch. Use the
Blind option.
Click the Mirror command on the Features tab of the CommandManager. This will
mirror the axle we have into the full length.
Click the axle to fill the Bodies to Mirror input box. The axle consists of the two
merged cylinders created thus far.
Select the end face of the second cylinder you created as the new sketch plane.
Click Convert Entities to add the edge of the surface to the new sketch.
Click Extruded Boss/Base and select Blind. Type 0.75 inch for the length D1.
Notice that a new folder named Solid Bodies is now visible in the FeatureManager
design tree. Open the folder and verify that you have two bodies. This SolidWorks
Multibody model was created because we unchecked Merge result when we created
the new feature.
Select the circular surface of the new cylinder and click InsertAnnotationsCosmetic
Thread. Select ANSI Inch in the Standard input box. Select -28 UNF thread in the Size
input box and Up to next for end condition.
Page 66
UNC means that this is a coarse thread, the most commonly used. Fine thread (UNF) is
used for high stress applications. UNF requires more turns to travel a distance compared
to UNC and requires a little more labor to use.
Click Face. The PropertyMenu appears at the left side of the screen and the
Appearances/Scenes appears on the right side.
Expand Miscellaneous.
Click Pattern.
Select Axis direction: XZ on the pull-down menu and Big mapping size. You may
need to Zoom on the thread to see the difference.
Click the Mirror command again to duplicate the new body and the threads on the opposite
Step 46: Next, Mirror the new body across the Right plane.
Select the Right Plane as the Mirror Face/Plane and the latest extrusions as the
Features to Mirror. See Figure 7.1.
Notice that there are now three bodies in the Solids folder.
It is important to know that the Mirror command works with Features or Bodies, but
they have to be duplicated in separate steps. Mirror will not work with Features and
Bodies at the same time.
Page 67
Step 47: Next, we will create a seat for the rubber spacers.
Select the top plane and sketch a circle with the dimensions shown in Figure 7.2. (Pick
the Top Plane, click Sketch in the Sketch tab and then click Circle).
Extrude the circle using the Mid Plane option as shown in Figure 7.3. The extrusion
distance is 0.38 inch.
Page 68
First, we will create a sketch plane rotated 32 degrees from the Front Plane.
For the First Reference select the Front Plane from the FeatureManager design tree,
which moved to the right of the input dialog.
If the axis of the shaft is not visible, click ViewTemporary Axes on the Main Dropdown Menu. The axis is now visible as a dashed line. Click the line.
Click the check mark to accept. Remember that planes in SolidWorks are infinite. The
location of the plane that appears is not important.
Page 69
Step 50: Create the base of the dome at the tip of the truck pivot.
Verify that the new offset plane is active. Its color is different from other visible planes.
In the Heads-up View toolbar, click on View Orientation and select Normal To. The
view can be rotated 180 degrees to the opposite side by clicking View
OrientationNormal To a
second time.
Page 70
Also notice that the diameter of the circle is 0.4 inch because it must match the dome of
radius 0.2 inch.
With the sketch active on the design tree, use Extruded Boss/Base to create the pivot.
Use the Draft On/Off option and type 5 degrees. Select Up to Surface for the end
condition. See Figure 7.6. If necessary, you can toggle the draft to match the Figure.
Page 71
Click Insert
The radius is 0.20
inch. See Figure 7.7.
Use Extruded
Boss/Base. Select Mid
Plane and type a
thickness distance D1
of 0.125 inch.
Step 53: Create the top pocket for the rubber spacers.
Use Extruded Cut to create a pocket for the rubber spacer. The depth is 0.125 inch.
Page 72
Step 56: The Truck Axle is complete. Save your work as SKBD112. Complete the appropriate
entries in the Design journal and in the Properties form.
Page 73
Trim Entities
The command Trim Entities can be used to cut a portion of a line or curve. You can
find the icon in the Sketch tab of the CommandManager. For example, the sketch on
the left can be generated from the sketch on the right by using the command Trim
Entities Trim to closest to cut the segments that are not needed.
Extend Entities
You can find the command Extend Entities in the pull-down menu under Trim
Entities in the Sketch tab of the CommandManager. It can be used to extend a line
or curve to meet another element (point, line or curve). It cannot be used to just make
the line or curve longer into empty space. For example, the figure on the left can
become the figure on the right with the use of this command to extend the vertical
Page 74
Practice Exercises
Re-draw the Truck Axle modeled in this Lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use
the mmPart template and the dimensions in the detail drawing in Appendix B.
Create the pivot using Lofted Boss/Base instead of the tapered Extrude Boss/Base.
Give one example of a complex part and the strategy you would use to create a model of
the part.
What manufacturing process and material do you recommend for the truck axle?
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Trim Tools
Mirroring Bodies
Troubleshooting Parts Introduction
Troubleshooting Sketches
Troubleshooting Features
Multibody Parts
Creating Multiple Bodies
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks tutorials:
SolidProfessor tutorials:
Page 75
Lesson Objectives
Explain how to use the command Extruded Boss/Base when the extrusion is offset
from the sketching plane.
It is possible to link dimensions and also to use equations to define distances. In this chapter we
will learn both as we create the base of the skateboard truck. We will also learn that the Extrude
Boss/Base command does not have to start from the sketching plane.
Page 76
Step 59: Add a second hole at the bottom-right corner of the plate.
Click the Circle command again and draw another circle in the lower corner of the Base.
Click Smart Dimension and then click the circumference of the new circle.
Click the diameter of the previous circle. This will enter the name of the previous circle
into the input box. Now the two diameters are the same.
Enter the other locating dimensions in the same fashion, typing = and then clicking the
equivalent dimension in the first circle.
Your sketch should look like Figure 8.2. The indicates that we have equations for the
Page 77
Step 60: Use the Mirror Entities command on the Sketch tab to create the other two holes.
Click the pull-down menu for the line command and select the centerline.
Sketch a vertical centerline from the origin. The length of the line is not important. You
will notice that the end point is blue, or undefined. You can constrain it by using Smart
Dimension, or by clicking on the point, which opens the PropertyManager, and
selecting Fix in Add Relations.
Click Extruded Cut on the Features menu. Select Through All or Up to Next.
The Fix relation can be used to fix the location of the points in a spline. They are also useful
to fix the end points in a construction line that will be used for the mirror or sweep
commands. They should not be used instead of proper modeling using dimensions and
Sketch Relations.
Sketch Clutter
It is possible to have too much information in your sketch. Figure 8.2, for example shows
dimensions and sketch relations. To turn-off the sketch relations, use ViewSketch
relations on the Main Drop-down Menu to toggle on and off. Other useful toggles are
ViewTemporary Axis and ViewHide All Types.
Page 78
Step 61: The cylinder extrusion with the pocket for the bottom
spacer is tilted at an angle from the horizontal surface of the
base. First, we must create a sketch plane. Then, we will
sketch a circle and extrude the cylinder.
Experiment with the Flip option to see how it changes the new plane. Your new plane
should match Figure 8.4.
Step 62: Select the plane we created in the previous step and sketch a circle with the center in the
origin and a diameter of 1.25 inch.
Step 63: Extrude the cylinder in both directions as shown in Figure 8.4. Click the check mark to
In one direction the extrusion is Blind and in the other it is Up To Surface. The Blind
extrusion is 1.00 inch. For Face/Plane click the Top surface of the Base.
Page 79
Step 64: Create the pocket for the rubber spacer (Part SKBD115).
Select the top surface of the newly created cylinder for sketching.
Click Extruded Cut in the Features toolbar of the CommandManager. See Figure 8.6.
The depth of the pocket is 0.125 inch.
Page 80
Step 65: Select the surface of the pocket and sketch a circle 3/8 inch in diameter with the center
coincident with the origin, and click Extruded Cut using Through All. Remember to use Smart
Dimensions to enter the diameter and add a collinear relation if needed. See Figure 8.7. This is
for the kingpin that will attach the Truck Base to the Deck.
Page 81
Page 82
Step 68: To create a pocket for the Truck Pivot, we will start by creating a plane at a 128 degrees
tilt from the top face of the base. Then we will sketch a cross-section at the end face of the base
and then extrude the cross-section up to the plane created. See Figure 8.10.
Create a centerline across the face of the base at a distance of one inch from the edge
of the base. See Figure 8.10.
Next, create a new plane by rotating the top surface of the base 128 degrees clockwise.
See Figure 8.10. Use the command InsertReference GeometryPlane with the top
face of the Base as the First Reference and the centerline created earlier as the
Second Reference.
Page 83
Step 69: Sketch the cross section at the end of the Truck Base. See Figure 8.11.
Select the vertical surface on the back of the rectangular base to make it active.
Sketch the cross section shown in Figure 8.11. Notice that the center of the arc and the
origin have a vertical relation. Also, the end of the arc and the straight lines are tangent.
Page 84
Step 70: Extrude the cross-section from the sketch plane to the plane that was rotated earlier to
128 degrees. The Extruded Boss/Base input panel is shown in Figure 8.12. Notice that the
extrusion is Up To Surface and the surface is the plane created earlier.
Page 85
If necessary, toggle the Reverse Direction icon to create a cavity instead of a dome.
See Figure 8.14.
Click Section View to check your work. Verify that the dome does not cut the bottom
surface of the base.
Page 86
Page 87
With the Measure tool it is possible to obtain diameter, length and distance between two points.
Section Properties will calculate the properties of a cross-section instead of the properties of the part
calculated earlier.
Page 88
Practice Exercises
Re-draw the Truck Base modeled in this Lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use
the mmPart template and the dimensions in the detail drawing in Appendix A.
Explain the options you have when using Extrude Boss/Base for: 1) start of the
extrusion (From), 2) Direction 1 and 3) Thin Feature.
Compare aluminum and zinc as materials for manufacturing the Axle and the Base.
What are the relative advantages of each material? Which one would you recommend?
Verify that the head of the screw used on Figure 8.2 will not exceed the edges of the
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Videos from SolidProfessor 3D Skills Core Concepts for Parts and Assemblies
Planes 2
Mass Properties
Page 89
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks tutorials:
SolidProfessor tutorials:
Page 90
Lesson Objectives
Find models of mechanical parts in Design Library, Toolbox and in the Internet, and
import them into SolidWorks.
Import models from other CAD software using IGES, STEP and other neutral file
Use JPEG, TIF, VRML and other common file structures in SolidWorks.
The ability to import and re-use models is one of the most useful capabilities of CAD software.
Many manufacturers and suppliers of bearings, fasteners, actuators and other hardware have
their catalogs on the Internet and you can download 3D models of their products. You can also
re-use your old models and those of your co-workers. Many companies have libraries of
commonly used parts and assemblies for re-use.
In the Roller Bearings folder, right-click on the needle roller bearings and select Create Part.
Select bearing 14NIU15, which is inch thick with 0.875 inch outside diameter and 0.25
inch bore. Select the Detailed Display in the pull-down menu. In the Parts Number input box
type SKBD123.
Save the part for future use. Call it SKBD123.
Another source of models is the Internet. SolidWorks maintains a library of free models at . The models are contributed by
manufacturers that hope to sell you the components that you download. You need to join to
download from this website, but there is no charge for joining or downloading models.
Step 77: Login to 3DContentCentral and select a Nylock self-locking nut. Follow the instructions to
download and save your model for future use.
Page 92
Fasteners are available from either Toolbox or from the Internet on 3DContentCentral.
IGES and STEP are popular formats for CAD. They are open standards or neutral files that
many CAD programs support. They can be used to transfer models between CAD systems. The
process is not perfect, unfortunately, and some information is always lost in the translation.
Some proprietary translators claim to transfer more complete information and to have a lower
error rate than the open standards.
Step 78: To import or export models using one of these neutral files, select the appropriate File
Type when opening or saving your model as shown in Figure 9.3.
We can add a background to a SolidWorks part or assembly. The combination can be used in a
marketing brochure or maintenance manual. In this section we will add a background to the
skateboard deck. We will import an image in the TIFF format.
Step 79: To insert a picture in a SolidWorks model, right click in the Graphics Area and select
Edit Scene.
Page 93
On the input Background, select one of the options available: color, gradient, image or
use environment.
For Image, Browse to the image you wish to use. One source of images is,
or use one of the background images provided by SolidWorks.
Step 80: The background can be removed by right-clicking the Graphics Area, then clicking Edit
Scene and selecting None on the Background pull-down menu.
Page 94
Practice Exercises
Import the screws needed in the skateboard assembly. You will need eight flathead
screws and two hex head screws. They can be imported from the Toolbox, from
SolidWorks 3D Content Central, or from a manufacturers catalog on the Internet.
Consult the assembly drawing in Appendix A for the size.
Find three or more websites where you can find SolidWorks models of commercial
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Toolbox Overview
Setting Up/Adding In the Toolbox
Inserting Toolbox Components
Design Library Introduction
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks models for download:
Popular CAD models for download:
Supliers CAD models for download:
CAD Models for download:
Page 95
Page 96
Page 97
Page 98
Explain and use the Hide Component and Change Transparency commands.
10.2 Introduction
When we open a new assembly document, the software activates all the commands needed to
assemble two or more parts that were modeled previously. Most of these commands are
included in the Assembly toolbar. They include commands to move and rotate the individual
parts or the whole assembly. The Mate command can establish a relationship between different
parts. Some examples of Mate between parts are concentric, parallel and coincident. Most are
equivalent to the Sketch Relations studied before, with the exception that they are used with
parts instead of lines.
In this Lesson, first we will customize SolidWorks by creating a template that we can use with
assemblies. Next, we will create the tire and wheel sub-assembly and then the truck subassembly. Before creating this assembly, you must create the tire with the pockets that will
match the bumps on the wheel (see Practice Exercise 2 in Lesson 6 and drawing SKBD122 on
Appendix A). Finally, we will learn to explode an assembly and to check for interference.
Page 99
Click FeatureManager and verify that the pull-down menu for Design Binder says
Select the Document Properties tab and click Units to get Figure 10.1.
Click OK.
Page 100
The input menu will ask you what part you want to add. Browse through your saved
parts until you find the skateboard wheel.
Move the cursor to the location where you want to locate the wheel. Remember that
once the wheel is positioned it will not move.
To make the wheel coincident with the origin, click the check mark. If the origin is not
visible, click ViewOrigins on the Main Drop-down Menu. See Figure 10.2.
Page 101
Products, devices and structures are usually assemblies of parts. The reason for breaking your design
into parts is to facilitate manufacturing. Each part is made of a different material or manufacturing
process. Parts are typically manufactured and handled separately and come together at assembly. The
SolidWorks assembly model can be used to create an assembly drawing that will help the assembler.
In addition, the SolidWorks assembly can be used to verify that parts do not have interferences and
that mechanisms will work as expected. If used, this capability can reduce or entirely eliminate errors.
Sub-assemblies are used to facilitate assembly. For example, in our skateboard the wheels and tires
are assembled together during manufacture by casting the rubber compound around the wheel. The
result is a tire and wheel sub-assembly that for all practical purposes can be treated as a single part.
Another example of a sub-assembly in the skateboard is the truck sub-assembly consisting of the
wheels, tires and truck. In the automobile industry, engines are assembled and tested independently
before they are added to the automobile frame at final assembly.
Step 83: Next, add the tire to the assembly. Click Insert Components in the CommandManager
or select InsertComponentExisting Part on the Main Drop-down Menu.
Browse to the tire model (SKBD122), click to select and click OK to bring the tire to the
graphics area. See Figure 10.3.
You have two options to mate the two parts. The quick and easy option is to click the
check mark to make the axis of the tire and axis of the wheel coincident. This will work if
the bumps and pockets match exactly. The more complex approach is explained in the
next step.
Page 102
Step 84: To achieve the correct orientation between the two parts, we will use Assembly Mates.
First, we will make the wheel and the tire Concentric. Click the command Mate on the
CommandManager toolbar and click the inner rim of the tire and the outside edge of the
wheel. Select Concentric on the Standard Mates panel. See Figure 10.4.
Notice that the wheel will not move if you click and drag. It is fixed. If you click and drag
the tire, it will move only along the axis.
Open the FeatureManager design tree (to the right of the input panel) and notice, that
the assembly design tree is composed of the parts included in the assembly. If you click
the + sign you can see each parts FeatureManager design tree and the steps that
created each part.
At the end of the design tree you will find the Mates Folder. If you open the Mates Folder
you will see the mates used to create your assembly. If you right click a mate and select
Edit Feature, you can change to another type of mate.
Page 103
Next, select the flat surface of one of the wheel bumps and the equivalent surface in the
tire and make them Parallel.
Finally, make the face of the wheel and the side face of the tire Coincident.
Check your work using the Section View icon on the View (Heads-Up) toolbar or
select Display StyleWireframe or Hidden Lines Visible on the View (Heads-Up)
Step 85: Add the bearings. The bearings can be added clicking Insert Component or clicking
Design LibraryToolbox.
To add the bearings using Insert Component, first click the icon on the
Make the diameters concentric and the two faces that touch coincident.
To add the second bearing importing directly from the Toolbox, click Design
LibraryToolboxANSI InchBearingsRoller Bearings on the Task pane and
click and drag the needle roller bearing to its position on the wheel.
Check your work using the Section View, the Wireframe or the Hidden Lines Visible
Add the appropriate information to the Design journal and to the Properties form.
Practice Exercises
Create the Truck Sub-Assembly drawing SKBD110 in Appendix A. (Hint: Use the
following assembly order: BaseBottom spacerFront bumperTruck axleTop
Create the top-level skateboard assembly drawing SKBD100 in Appendix A. (Hint: Use
Toolbox for the hardware, i.e. the screws and nuts.)
Describe the differences in the FeatureManager design tree for parts and assemblies.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Introducing Assemblies
Starting an Assembly
Inserting Components
Adding Mates
Page 105
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks tutorials:
SolidProfessor tutorials:
Page 106
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.1 Lesson Objectives
11.2 Introduction
One benefit of solid modeling is that we can check for interference
between parts. It is cheaper and faster to fix interference problems in
the model than in real parts. Now, we will check the tire sub-assembly
for interferences. If you have completed the Truck sub-assembly
(Practice Exercise 2 in Lesson 10 and drawing SKBD110) and the Top
Skateboard assembly (Practice Exercise 3 in Lesson 10 and drawing
SKBD100) you can check those also.
To correct interferences, you can edit the Part model or edit InContext. Any changes will be reflected in the assembly and in the assembly drawing.
Page 107
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.4 Detecting Collision
Editing In-Context.
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click on the part that you want to edit and
select Open Part or Edit Part.
Open Part will open the Part file and you will work on the part without the assembly.
The design tree of the part being edited will become blue, and
In the solid model of the assembly, only the part being edited will remain solid
and all the others will become transparent. You will be making changes in the
context of the assembly.
To return to the assembly from the edit mode, right-click on the Top Assembly (first)
icon in the design tree and select the Edit Assembly icon. All the parts will cease to be
Depending of the options selected, you can stop the motion of colliding parts, make
them change color, or make a sound.
Page 108
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.5 The Exploded Assembly
Right-click Default and select New Exploded View to get the menu in Figure 11.3.
Step 89: Click on one assembly component to show the manipulator handle.
Click and drag the handle in the direction you wish to explode.
Repeat for every part until you have the fully exploded configuration that you want. See
Figure 11.4.
Notice that you can drag any number of components simultaneously by first clicking to
make them active, and then dragging the manipulator handle.
Step 90: After saving the exploded configuration, it is possible to toggle between the exploded and
normal configuration by right-clicking on AssemblyConfiguration and changing between
Collapse and Explode.
Step 91: Right-click again on AssemblyConfiguration and select Animate collapse or Animate
The menu in Figure 11.5 will appear to allow the user to control the animation. Table
11.1 shows what options are available.
Page 109
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.5 The Exploded Assembly
Page 110
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.6 Multiple Assembly Configurations
Return the animation to frame one. Click Start after selecting this choice.
Rewind (play back) the animation. Click Start after selecting this choice.
Notice that the Tire feature changes to blue to show that the tire is being edited.
On the Feature/Property/Configuration manager tabs (see Figure 1.4), click the arrow to
show the Display Pane (see Figures 11.6 and 11.7).
Under the colored ball for Appearances, click the line for the tire and select
Select and click on a green color that you like and then click on the checkmark to accept.
Step 93: Right-click the Tire again and select Edit Assembly to save the changes and return to the
Page 111
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.6 Multiple Assembly Configurations
Figure 11.16aFeature/Property/Configuration
manager tabs.
Figure 11.16bFeature/Property/Configuration
manager tabs with Display Pane.
Page 112
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
11.6 Multiple Assembly Configurations
Click Add Configuration. Name the new configuration Green and click the check mark
to accept.
Right-click on the tire (or the tire feature in design tree) to get a pulldown menu and click the icon Edit Part to edit the part in the context
of the assembly.
Note: Alternatively, we can click the icon Open Part to edit the part by
itself without the assembly.
On the design tree, click the feature or the sketch that must be
When the changes have been completed, you can return to the
assembly by first right-clicking on the part or the design tree to get the
pull-down menu and then clicking Edit Assembly.
Page 113
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV Modeling Assemblies
Practice Exercises
Practice Exercises
Move the wheel bearings from the Wheel Assembly to the Truck Sub-Assembly.
Practice Problems
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of including the wheel bearings in the Wheel
Assembly vs. the Truck Sub-Assembly.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
Interference Detection
Dynamic Clearance
Collision Detection
Exploding Assemblies
Hide/Show Components
Introduction to Top Down Design
Intro to Top Down Design II
Internet Resources website:
SolidWorks tutorials:
SolidProfessor tutorials:
Page 114
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Internet Resources
Page 115
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section V Creating Engineering Drawings
Internet Resources
Page 116
Lesson 11 Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Internet Resources
Drafting Standards
Drafting standards are needed because drawings must be understood by every interested
party irrespective of language, cultural or geography barriers. The easiest way to
accomplish this is with a set of codified rules available to all. The Drafting standards list the
rules to be used when creating or interpreting technical drawings. The two most widespread
drafting standards are ANSI and the ISO. The first because it is the most common in the
United States and the second because it is the most popular in the rest of the world. The
ISO standard allows for customization and most countries have their local version. The
ANSI standard has converged towards ISO and to some extent it can be said that ANSI is
the U.S. version of the ANSI standard.
The ANSI Drafting Standard
ANSI is the abbreviation for American National Standards Institute. ANSI is a private, nonprofit organization whose charter is to coordinate the development of voluntary consensus
standards. Also, ANSI is the United States representative to ISO, an international
organization also involved in the creation of standards. ANSIs mission is:
To enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of
life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity
assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. (From
The members of ANSI are companies, government agencies, universities and individuals
interested in the creation, use, and maintenance of standards and on the certification of
products and personnel to the standards. ANSI coordinates but not produce the standards.
The standards are produced by the member companies, organizations and individuals that
have an interest in the subject. Typically, a draft of the standard produced by a member is
circulated to others for changes and eventual approval by consensus.
Technical drawings that follow the ANSI standard are drawn in inches or millimeters and
are projected in the third quadrant or angle.
The ISO Drafting Standard
The organization known as ISO is chartered to create standards that are accepted and can
be used worldwide. The name ISO means equal and is derived from the Greek word isos
(). ISO was chosen to avoid having different abbreviations in the various languages.
ISOs headquarter is in Geneva, Switzerland and its members represent 164 countries as of
2014. This compares with 193 countries in the United Nations. Thus, almost all the
countries of the world with manufacturing or international trade economic sectors are
represented in ISO. Each country sends a delegation to the annual general assembly and
provides experts to staff the various committees. Most delegations are the host countrys
standards organization. For example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
represents the United States in the ISO general assembly and in committees and is one of
the important standards organization in the United States.
ISO drawings use strictly millimeters only and are projected in the first quadrant or angle.
Page 117
Create the drawing for the Skateboard Deck. Instructions for creating other drawings can
be found at the website or in the step by step videos also
available in the website.
12.2 Introduction
Working drawings are the primary means of communication between designers and fabricators.
They describe each part needed to make a product and how they are assembled. There are
three kinds of drawings in a complete set of working drawings:
detail drawings,
Sometimes, the assembly drawing and the bill of materials are combined into one drawing.
Each detail drawing has the instructions for making one part. The instructions include all
dimensions, the material to be used, and the finish, such as painting plating or protecting with
grease. In some situations, even the storage instructions are recorded in the drawing.
Assembly drawings describe how the parts are assembled. They are rarely used by the person
making a part. Instead, they are the instructions for the person or persons responsible for the
assembly of the product. Every assembly drawing needs a bill of materials or BOM. The BOM is
a list of all the parts needed to assemble the product or sub-assembly. In practice, the person
assembling the product will first verify that all the parts are available before assembly begins.
Drawings are also used by the maintenance organization when a repair or upgrade is
necessary. For this reason, maintenance information should be included as notes in the detail or
assembly drawings. Finally, the design and the maintenance organizations need information
about the changes made to the product over the years. In this role, drawings are historical
Page 118
Click Browse and navigate to the location where SolidWorks stores the drawings
templates in your computer or network. See Figure 12.2a.
Select a landscape.slddrt.
Page 119
Page 120
Click ToolsOptions
on the Main Pull-down
Figure 12.2 ToolsCustomizeToolbars
Menu or Options on
the Quick Access Toolbar and select the System Options tab.
Click Display Style and verify that hidden lines and tangent edges are removed.
In ToolsOptions select the System Options tab, click FeatureManager and verify
that the Design Binder pull-down menu says Show.
Page 121
Select the Document Properties tab and verify the following choices:
Drafting Standard Verify that ANSI is selected as the drafting standard. See Figure
Click OK.
Page 122
Right-click in the graphics area and select Edit Sheet Format to change the Title Block.
On the space above the Title, type your name or the name of your school or company.
To type your name, right click and select AnnotationsNote.
After you finish typing, click to locate the name and then press Escape on your keyboard.
This will prevent duplicating the name everywhere
you click.
Page 123
After TWO PLACE Decimal add 0 .01 and for THREE PLACE DECIMAL add 0.005.
Click the Edit Sheet icon on the upper right corner of the screen or Right-click the
graphics area and select Edit Sheet.
Click FileSave as and select Drawing Template in the pull down menu. Name the
template ANSIinchLandscapeA.drwdot.
The tutorial videos explain how to use custom properties to fill the title block.
The title block tolerances are the default values and are included in the organizations
drafting practices manual. They are based on industry experience and manufacturing
capabilities. The best tolerance is one that insures that the product can be assembled easily
and works as designed. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing as defined in ASME Y14.5
and its ISO equivalent, defines the rules and practices that will achieve optimum tolerances
To move the Front view to a new location, move your cursor over the Front view
dashed lines or model and click and drag. Release at the new location. If you have
additional views, you will notice that all the views move together.
To move the other views, you also click on the dashed line or the part, but you can move
in only one direction. Only the Front View, the first one placed on the graphics area, can
move in two directions.
If you need additional views after you accept your earlier choice, click the Projected
View icon on the View Layout tab, click a view and drag and release to create
additional views.
In our deck example we need the Front, Top, Right and Isometric Views. See drawing
SKBD101 in Appendix A.
Page 125
Change the Isometric View to include Shaded with Edges to get a more realistic
If you can see the blue origin in your drawing, you can toggle on/off by clicking View on
the Main Pull-down Menu and clicking Origins. Other View menu options include:
Temporary Axes, Points, Sketch Relations and others. They do not belong in a
drawing. For drawings, it is best to select Hide All Types.
Drawings are legal documents and are in court to adjudicate fault in negligence cases. For that
reason, they must be accurate and correct. Many reviews by multiple reviewers are needed to
insure accuracy and correctness and this makes the process of producing drawings labor and
time intensive.
Although computers and CAD software like SolidWorks have reduced the time and effort
necessary to create drawings, they have not replaced humans. The creation of drawings is
more art than science and only humans can decide what is appropriate and looks best. There
are guidelines developed from experience that can help produce attractive and complete
drawings with all the information needed to build a product or structure. These guidelines are
usually collected in standards and drafting practice manuals. Two popular standards are ANSI
and ISO. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is common in the United States,
Canada and the U.K. while ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is used
worldwide. In addition, every engineering organization will have a proprietary drafting practices
Page 126
Vertical and horizontal breaks are used when objects have one dimension that is
significantly larger than the others, for example flagpoles and pipelines. The break
allows them to be drawn in a scale that shows the smaller dimensions clearly.
Click to select the Front view and click InsertDrawing ViewVertical Break on the
Main Pull-down Menu or click Break on the CommandManagerView Layout tab to
get the PropertyManager.
Move the cursor to the location where you want to place the first break line and click.
Repeat the previous step to create a break in the Top view. The results are shown in the
detail drawing SKBD101 in Appendix A.
Click in the middle of the area that you want to include in your detail view and drag the
cursor to create a circle.
Drag the detail view to the location you want and click again to release.
Save your drawing again. Verify that the file name is SKBD101.drw.
Step 103: Dimensioning is both, a science with rules, and also art, where the designer must be
aware of aesthetics.
The drawing must have all the dimensions needed to fabricate the part.
All the rules can be overruled to make the drawing clear and aesthetically pleasant.
Page 127
click each of the two points at the end of a line to show the distance between the
points, which is also the length of the line, or
click two parallel lines to display the distance between the lines, or
click two lines that are not parallel to display the angle, or
When you click a dimension it becomes active and you can see the dimension
PropertyManager. See Figure 12.9.
Page 128
The options in the PropertyManager can be used to tailor how dimensions are
displayed. For example:
You can add symbols in the Dimension Text box. In the example, 2X was added
by clicking to the left of <DIM> and adding the text.
The arrows can be placed inside or outside of the leader lines by selecting the
proper choice on the Leaders tab.
Step 105: The last step is to fill the missing information in the title block. To toggle between making
changes to the drawing and making changes to the title block:
Right-click in a blank space in the graphics area and select Edit Sheet Format.
Be aware that right-clicking close to one of the views will make it active and Edit Sheet
Format will not be available.
Step 106: In the Edit Sheet Format mode, the information in the title block can be added or
Double click the location to open the input box and type the information.
If double clicking does not open the input box, right-click to show the menu and select
AnnotationNote, drag the annotation box to the desired location, and click to release.
Add the name of the part, the material and the finish as shown in SKBD101.
To exit the Edit Sheet Format mode, right-click in a blank space in the graphics area
and select Edit Sheet, or click on the Edit Sheet icon on the upper-right corner of your
Open the Design Binder and add your name, date and other useful information to the
Journal and save your SkateboardDeck drawing again as SKBD101.
Using Drawing Tables
Storing drawings used to be a very expensive requirement. Even today, with CAD
and electronic drawings, Storage is still a concern. As a result, most organizations
minimize the number of drawings created. In situations where the dimensions of
similar parts are different, it is possible to use a Table to specify multiple parts in
the same drawing. Drawing SKBD116 representing the two spacers is an
example. To create a Table, click InsertTableGeneral Table.
Page 129
use the command Save As on the File pull-down menu of the Main Drop-down Menu
and select eDrawing on the pull-down menu for Save as type, or
Page 130
click FilePublish eDrawing File on the File pull-down menu of the Main Drop-down
Sharing Drawings
Often, it is necessary to share drawings and other design information with co-workers, customers and
other stakeholders. Unfortunately, to open SolidWorks files we need the software. If you want to share
drawings and the recipient does not have SolidWorks, you can use the command Save As and select
PDF or JPEG format. Most personal computers will be able to open these formats. If the recipient has
AutoCAD software, you can save your files as DXF (Drawing Exchange File). Other file formats that
you can use are IGES, STEP and STL. All are available in some versions of SolidWorks. Translators
to most CAD formats, including ProE, CATIA, Rhino, etc., are also available.
If you save your drawings as detached drawings (.slwddrw), the recipient does not need the solid
models to open the drawings, but must have SolidWorks to open them. Finally, another useful
alternative is to save your work as e-Drawings. This is a free application available at
that you can use to view and mark-up drawings.
The spelling checker will report any typographical error in the drawing.
Practice Exercises
Click HelpSolidWorks Help in the Main Drop-down Menu and select Contents and
study the section Derived Drawing Views. List and describe what views are available in
Suggest what manufacturing processes can be used to make one part in the skateboard.
What is ANSI?
What is ISO?
Page 131
i.Dimension lines.
j.Extension lines.
k.Leader lines.
l.Section view.
m.Detail view.
n.Broken-out section.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
ANSI Standard
Engineering Drawing and Design by D.A. Madsen and D.P. Madsen, Cengage Learning,
Clifton Park, NY, US
Interpreting Engineering Drawings C. Jensen and J.D. Helsel, Cengage Learning, Clifton
Park, NY, US
British (BSI) Standard
Manual of Engineering Drawing by C.H. Simmons, N. Phelps and D.E. Maguire, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK
ISO Standard
Manual of Engineering Drawing by C.H. Simmons, N. Phelps and D.E. Maguire, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK
The Mechanical Engineering Drawing Desk Reference by Paul Green, CreateSpace, Seattle,
Introduction to Drawings
Model View
Section View
Detail View
Page 132
Auxiliary View
Broken View
Custom Properties and Parametric Notes
eDrawings Overview
Internet Resources
CADeducators website:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) website:
International Standards Organization (ISO) website:
NASA Technical Drawings:
Page 133
13.2 Introduction
The purpose of the assembly drawing is to provide the information needed to assemble the
product. The person or team assembling the product from parts does not need the exact
dimensions of the parts, or the material used to make them. What they need is an exploded
assembly drawing showing the sequence in which the components are added to the assembly.
A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a list of all the parts and commercial components in the assembly.
Often it is included in the assembly drawing, but for large assemblies it is more convenient if the
BOM is on a separate sheet. In practice, the person assembling the product will verify that all
the parts are available by comparing the bill of materials with the parts available. Typically they
do this before the process of assembly begins.
In this Lesson we will create an assembly drawing and BOM for the wheel and tire assembly.
Click InsertDrawing ViewModel on the Main Pull-down Menu or click Model View
on the CommandManager
Click the tire assembly and then click OK. This will get the tire assembly model into the
drawing document.
Page 135
In Orientation, select the Isometric view. We could also choose to present the
assembly as multiple orthogonal views, similar to a detail drawing.
Click each of the views and select Display StateShaded With Edges.
Step 110: Right-click and choose Edit Sheet Format and fill the title block.
Tolerances, materials and finish are never filled on assembly drawings. This is because
each of the parts in the assembly can be made of a different material and can be
manufactured with different tolerances.
The wheel assembly drawing can be found in Appendix A and can be used as a
reference when completing the title block.
The tutorial videos show an alternate way of filling the title block information when using
custom properties.
Adding Sheets to your Drawing
As your drawing becomes more complex, you may decide to use multiple
pages or sheets. To add additional sheets to your drawing, right click in
the Graphics area, away from your drawing, and select Add sheet.
To delete a sheet click Delete.
Page 136
Step 112: Add balloons one at a time with the Balloon command in
the CommandManagers Annotations tab, or use the
AutoBalloon command. The balloons can be moved with clickdrag.
Step 113: Step 98: Save your drawing a third time. Remember that the
filename is SKBD120.
Figure 13.1 Bill of Materials
Page 137
Practice Exercises
Move the BOM to Sheet 2 of the assembly drawing. (Hint: Right-click and then click Add
Sheet. Notice that Sheet1 and Sheet2 tabs are shown at the bottom of the
FeatureManager design tree.)
Create the assembly drawing for the Truck Sub-Assembly. (Hint: You can use the
drawing in the Appendix for reference.)
Create the drawing for the skateboard top assembly. (Hint: You can use the drawing in
the Appendix for reference.)
Find the keyboard shortcut to spell check a document. (Hint: You will find the Spell
Check command in ToolsCustomizeKeyboard. The command is in the Others
category. If you lose your geometry after you spell-check, use the Zoom to Fit and
Rotate View commands to bring it back into view.
SolidWorks Bible by Matt Lombard, John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, US
SolidWorks Office Training Manual by SolidWorks Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, US
SolidWorks 2014 Short and Simple by
Introduction to Using SoildWorks by W.E. Howard and J.C. Musto, McGraw Hill, New York,
ANSI Standard
Engineering Drawing and Design by D.A. Madsen and D.P. Madsen, Cengage Learning,
Clifton Park, NY, US
Interpreting Engineering Drawings C. Jensen and J.D. Helsel, Cengage Learning, Clifton
Park, NY, US
British (BSI) Standard
Manual of Engineering Drawing by C.H. Simmons, N. Phelps and D.E. Maguire, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK
ISO Standard
The Mechanical Engineering Drawing Desk Reference by Paul Green, CreateSpace, Seattle,
Page 138
Bill of Materials
Assembly Drawing
Formatting Dimensions
Custom Templates
Custom Properties and Parametric Notes
Internet Resources
CADeducators website:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) website:
International Standards Organization (ISO) website:
NASA Technical Drawings:
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D7 Help Sub-Menu
Page 178
Appendix E SolidWorks
E2 Sketch
E3 Evaluate
E4 DimXpert
E5 Office Products
Page 181
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Page 186
Mouse gestures increase your productivity by presenting quick access common SolidWorks
commands. To enable Mouse Gestures. To enable/disable mouse gestures, click
ToolsCustomize in the Quick Access Toolbar. On the Mouse Gestures tab, select
Enable/Disable and the number of gestures you want. Mouse Gestures are enabled by default
during installation.
To use Mouse Gestures, right-drag your mouse by pressing the right button and dragging. The
drag direction will highlight one of the tools. To select another tool continue pressing and drag in
the direction you want.
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Page 204
Chamfer 33-34, 42
Circle 46, 48, 49-50
Add-Ins 15-16
Circular Pattern 59
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) 117, 141-150
Angle 31
Animation 109-111
Concentric Relationship 49
Area 88
Concurrent Engineering 1
Configuration Management 28
Cosmetic Threads 66
Balloon 135-136
Customize 9-17
Cap screw
Center Rectangle 82
Page 205
Detail View 132
Extend Entities 74
Feature(s) 24, 177
FeatureManager design tree 5, 38-39
File Explorer 3
Fillet 33, 42
Ellipse 11
eDrawing(s) 130, 132
Flat-head screw
Fully Defined Sketch 26, 31-32, 42
in context 108
Geometry 42, 55
Graphics Area 5
Convert 46, 48
Extend 74
Mirror 78
Help 5, 174
Offset 46, 48
Trim 74
Equations 77, 78
Page 206
Hide/Show components 78, 87, 114, 124,
Lofted Boss/Base
Holes 35-38, 42
Hole Wizard 35-37, 42
Main Pull-down Menu 5, 169-174
Mass Properties 41, 86-88
Mate(s) see Assembly Mate(s)
IGES 93, 130
Materials 40, 89, 135, 136
Importing 91-94, 104
Measure 89
In-context 107-108, 113-114
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
Inference 24, 26, 58
Midplane 46, 50, 58
Interface 3-5, 8
Midpoint 24, 32
Interference 107, 114
Mirror 38-39, 42, 75
ISO 13, 153-162, 117
Model view 124,132, 133
Isometric view 25, 125
Mouse Gestures 185
Multibody 66, 68, 75
JPEG 130
Normal to 25, 45, 66
Keyboard commands/shortcuts 193
Offset Entities 46, 48
Overdefined Sketch 27, 42
Line 24, 29-32, 42, 44-45
Linear Pattern
Link dimensions 78
Page 207
Parallelogram 44, 47
Parametric modeling
Screw threads
Section Properties 88
Pattern 59
Section View 46
Settings, recommended
Primary View
SI units
SketchXpert 89
Sketch Fillet 34, 42
RapidSketch 61
Slot 73
Reference Plane
SolidWorks 8
Repair Sketch
Swept Boss/Base
System settings
Page 208
Top/Down design 113, 114
TIFF 93-94
Title block 44, 123-124, 134
Under Defined Geometry
US Units 141-150
View 2, 5, 16-17, 59, 130, 171, 181
View Manipulation 18
View Selector cube 197
Page 209
Page 210
Mario H. Castro-Cedeo has over 30 years of experience as an
engineer working in industry, government and academia. His duties
have included mechanical and materials engineering, corrosion
research, project engineering and project management. He also has
occupied positions in engineering management.
In this book he teaches how to use SolidWorks as a tool for developing
and presenting engineering ideas and concepts. In addition to teaching
the basics of SolidWorks, he shares his experience related to how
these tools are used in an engineering organization.
The book is divided into the following five sections:
Modeling Assemblies
Unique amongst introductory SolidWorks tutorials, this book teaches how to read engineering
drawings in parallel with learning to use SolidWorks. This is done by re-creating the model from
the drawings included.
Page 211