SS 222 Bluefish Part1

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START OF REEL JOB NO. =z AL-F9-7F 1 Ih operator L220 We Rs ge eee THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Ss Ge) MICROFILMED BY NPPSO-NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION ee Cee ae Ss NARS. = as e cain Os Nem De “otticn of ste Cit ekipe’ Uctorios vsctice at ‘ORY OF USS ELUEFISit (S8 222) Nine var patrols in enemy waters, each ageressively and suc- cessfully conductad, earned for the gubmaring USS BLURFISH nine Suomerinc Combat inétgala. Her war patrols ineluded evorsthing frou sinking eneay chips and einking sneny mines to reseuing, aviators and reconnaissance duties These activitics commenced eich her Finck var patrol on 9 Seprenber 1943, to ccapletion of her last var patrol on 29 July 1965, BLIBPISH ves outit by the Elootrte Bost Company at Groton, Oonnescicut, where her keel weg laid on 5 June 1982,” the satp ee Taunched on 21 Fetruary 1983, vith Mre. George B. Porter Serving as sponsor for the submarine. When the stp vas, comte- aioned on 2h Noy 1043, Conmander George B. Porter, USN, became the first Connanding Orficcr of USS BLUEPISI. Aftgr 9 six-week training period, BLUEFISH departed from New London Douna for the Panana Cahal Zone, arriving at Coco Solo on 25 July 1583 | Transitting the canal oh 25 July, BLURFISN re- ertod for duty to Commander in Chief Pacific Hoot, and on 22 gust, arrived at Brisbenc, Australia. A minor refit vas ac- cohplishea by USS FULTON and ELUSFISH departed from Brisbane and Peponted ready Ton duty at Darwin, austrelis On 9 Seotember 1943, BLUBFISH got underway from Darwin, Australia and headea out toverd her firat war patrol, conddcted in che Southcrn Ceiebos end Jeva ares on'1i Bepterger, ‘the sub took some photographe of the harour end town of Dili, fino Island "on 18 Septeabor, vile SLUEFISH wae eteaning cast of Seleier gtratt, she fined more than her cameras as she surfaced for hor firet bettie sotion ueon sighting @ 500-ton tranp steea- er, In spite of the singh gun faming en the second rennd, the sub scored 3 hits out of five and left the ship in @ sinking gondition and cblaze trom stom to etern, It was "first biocd” for BLUEPISH, Smoke from a shtp yas sighted in Wowont Strait at 1950 on 21 September, BLUENISH approaghed the aouree of the smoke and identiried the target as a large troop trangport. A good firing pooltion was geined and four torpedoes vero sent on their way. Shortly after firing, one of the torpedoes exploded preaaturciy. Mais explosion aiortca the target and she changed course away from the explosion and cseapea without damage. A perfcet approacl nd perfect {ring were spotlea and a hoartereaking escape of a lange enemy troop transport reeultea from one traltor torpedd. ‘Tho uok of BLUKFIGH changed for the better on 25 September, Vhen an early-morning radar contact developed into & large enemy transport of’ the TAKARIHO MARU Type. A spread of four terpedoca 2- USS BLURFISK (ss 222) raced tovard this fut target, scoring one bit. The escort ships Pespondea with Gepth charges’ that vere not too close and BLUE- BIsH came up to periscope dopch to tokb a lock.- The one bit Sppeared to be sufficient. three dap oacort. ships were milling abound betveen the sub and the tranaport, dropping depth charges . Ae this time the transport carried a starboard ist and was Gineling to the Pignt at slow speed. Waite the escort vessels vere bustiy engaged in thoir depth cherge deuone tration, BLUEPISH closed the target sgain. A spread bf sfx torpedoes reached out tovard the transport tron the sub's forward torpedo tutes. Tyo hits vere scored end the depth Charges Pained down with renewed vigor, making up in nuntere Wast they Liked in proximity. Continuous minor explosions Wer: neard through the vater from tho strioxen transport and she appeared very 10v in the Water. A dap Zeko arriving oh the goene forced the sub to dive nd a shovt tails later, efx tremendous explosions that seemed fo coxa from the ocnter of tho arth vibrated through the sub. Upon surfacing agiin there vue nothing tn sight out an escort vessel. It wea all over for tho transport Wile searching to the southward of Batu Ata Ieland on the night of 26 Soptonber, BLUSPTSH encountered « large cargo ship Similar to the HIROKAWA 1MRU. Trailing 500 yerds astom was an OfORI-class torpedo boat. A spread of ‘three torpedoes vent af- ter the torpedo boat end the ekipper of the sub shirted nis attention £0. eiailer trestment for the cargo snip. Troe tor dedocs fron the cov tuzes raced toward the asp and ee tao sub fae swinging arouna Co bring her stem tubes to boar, tyo of the Torpedoes blew up promaturely und 4t Looked ag snough the por~ fect planaing vay again going to be ruined by traitorous tor- Dodoo’. Eovever, ten seeonds ator, two toryodoes nit the tore Bede boat, settitg off the ship's migasinca and, in the ensuing Explosion, sho coupletely dieintegeated. ‘vo torpedoes from the stern tubes of BLIKPISH scored a htt onthe cargo ship. The MARU vas turning in a tight cireie by Ente time as the cub readied more tonpedoas to administer the Scoup de grace. Au the Jap chip commenced to make a run for Ponuian, BiGuPisH chased hor witil ahe drew up abean at 4,000 yasds. At this incppontune moment, a Jap plane drerpod a Brilliant flare over tne sub ond foreed hor to make tho fastest ive she had nade to date. Bolioving that the piane had made A lneky stab in tho dark vith her {inet flare, BLUEFISH our~ faced again ond tock up tho hot pureuit. he plane was caly ono ile avey couing tovard the oub and another quick Give was in Order neva second triliiant flare dropped Might overhead. That Yas tho Tast onance BLUEPISH had to finish the crippled cargo ship. = 3 - USS BLUEFISH (38 222) ‘The sub yas 30 miles north of Oubat Strait on 26 September, when she sigated smoke on the horizon. The bearing of the smoke Nee observed to be ehanging to the wight. Also observed vas & Diane contact on the sedan scope. BLUEPISH euomerged and pro- Eecded in the best eatineted epproach course, The ship vas fdentifica as & large cargo chip almost {denticsl to the one denaged on the previous night. This vig targct was sacorted by ho dees than seven escort vessels; five in a. "V" formation ahead Gnd-one on cach quarter. In the flat, glassy soa, the closest Penge obtainable yas 7,000 yards. ‘The Sub continued to track thevtarget uitii Gerk when she could close in on the surfaco lnder cover of dariness. The last two torpedoes were fired from the stem tubes, both sined et the middle of the ship. Both Bit! the explosion produced @ brilliant green flane followed by Eugreat explosion on the tangot which 2it/up the ocean. The tear pip nade by the tamgot completely dtsappearcd. With 011 torpedves gone, the only problem remaining vas for BLUEFISH to escape the Wrath which she bad starred up among the ores, Gne of them turned on his ccarehl ight and spperently hiesdee down the torpedo track, another trained his searchlight Vertically to attract dap ainoraft, BLUBPISH didn't wait to seo Yhothor the sireratt reapondca to the signsi, she set course Tor Pronantie, Australia. Hor bighly successful first var patro vas completed. BUYEPISH pulled into Fromantzo on 4 October 1943, with eld torpedoes expended. She Was given @ refit by the submarine re- pair unit which vad compicted by 17 October 1983. The aub spon the period from 20 to 25 Ootobor in training. on 26 October, BLUEFISH departed Fremantle ania headed out to sca for hor segond War patrol in the South China Sea. Her Fiele tig opporsunity appeared in tae form cf 2 lasge Japanese Seavey of the aignt of ( Novenber. ho shzps vere woving fast faa golum of to's, SLUEPISH gained a position ahead ond atted for the moon to act ob 0291 the next morning Byorything was eheping up perfectiy for the attack when = ehip vas sighted broad on the port bow of the sub. The ship wae Gpporentiy © Japanese destroyer and tho situation looked grim hth sho Somenced signalling to BLUBPISH. Hovever, BLURFISH Took hor que to aleappear and vork her vay over to the other Bow of the convoy men tho sub made her noxt approach, the captain of BLIEPIS: saw vhat bo constdcred s submarine eapeain's drean. Six ships Sere Tined up in eolumn, forming an almost continuous target Vith no escorts visible, BLUEPISH fired tvo torpedoes at the Tirst ship, one at the second, one at the third and tvo ot the fourth. Phis emptied the Dow’ torpedo tubes and the sub swung Gpound to Bring the stem tubes to Bear. Tvo torpedoes wore - 4 - uss BLmuPrsi (ss 222) fired at the fifth snap and tyo more at tho sixth. The fifth fonpude fined exploded. prematurely very olose aboard, sonding Up a column of water which wot down the Eridgo. The’ other nine kérpodoes fizod vero soon, heard and felt vhen they hit thelr respective tergets~ Tho f4rct ship fired at, a tanker, bley up and sank. TWo pips on the radar scope diséppeared, and BLUEPISH openod up her Fabge on the other ships to Commence reloading her torpedo tubes Oue of the four remaining pips Gisappeared in place. After finishing her relosd, BLUEFISH could stil] see three pipe an the radar scope and eight two ships visually. Ac BLUS~ Prbii closed the renge for another blast et the Jap ships, two of the radar pipe Becase amellor and Gisappeared. The eub pro~ cceded to Slose the only resaining target. A opreed of four torpedoes rushed out tovard the tanker whic! vas dea in the water. Gne torpedo Tan erratically, one hit and tio Misved. ‘The Mt did not seom to effect the target and BLUE. FISH closed in to finish the job. Munerous pips in the vater at two to four giles gave the submatiners some anxious aanents at this point eince they culld have been anti-subparine patrol bost They Portunately tumed out to be Lifeboate picking up survivars fron the water wo torpedoce from the stem tubes vere the lect that BLUEFISH could fixe before boing forced to leave the scons. The first torpedo vocksd the tanker hard and the second started tho mast beautiful fire tho skipper hud over seen. Smoke rove up end formed 4 cloud about 4,000 fect while the submerinere Fook moving and still pietures A destroyer oauo changing over the horizon at this point wit a bone in MS teeth end the agving ploture set,vae no longer Gonsiderce healthfal for the Movie producers."” BLUKPISH cleare fhe area in the opposite direction, subasrged, and all nands not heeded to nan the wateh turned ine their bunks for a vol Carned fest after a Maight on the town st Jap's expense.” Far behing, the destroyer gould be heata pinging and dropping enou Gepth charges to make "face saving" noises. ‘Ke 1500 that day, BLURFISH surface and svt course to the south toward Dangersus Grouid. ‘This course took her through the Soene of the attao, Nusorous ol] @1icks ere sean, one of whic covered an arca # miles square on 9 Novenber, BLUKFISH received ordera to change ner patrol arca to the Colebes Sea-Nakassnr Strait area.” Gn 11 Novombur, While the sub yas ohuming through the Sulu Soa toxard Sibutw Passage, ohe sighted a motor sampan manned by about c douen Jape = 5 - USS BLUEPISH (88 222) ‘After permitting thom to elon, te ‘sampan into two 11fe poate and pull clear “nritepisa sant the sanpan with four rounds of foureingh asmuistton. Another Japeneso convoy yan etghted on 16 November, composed of six cargo ships with one destroyer escort. At 1943, BLUE Fioit had closed the range on the convoy snd vhen she cdme within 5,500 yards, 4 destroyer vas sighted headed for the submarine on the beam. fhe suv felt very auch exposed vhen tho Jap destroyer turned oh her searchlight, pointing a finger of light directly ec BLUEPISH. ‘Me oub went deep and three fatrly close depth charges rocked the dub, Me business at hand vas that of escape and BLUEFISH successfully completed this business before commencing pursult. Bofere the sub could pursue the convoy, her plens vere changed by aiapateh orders and she headed for Pata Island in the Sulu Richipelago. While lying to off Pata Island, PLUSPISH spent Sone Line working on the reda gear, faulty performance of which UeEisstponatbie for nor detaotibn by the Je Seeteoyer on the en A big tenker vith a destroyer escort vas sighted on 18 Novem- ber, and SLUBFISH commenced tacking from ahead. After solving the’ sig-zeg pattern, the eaptain geinea a position to fire three forpedeas at the destroyer and one at the tanker. Three ite on the dap destroyer blew her completely out of the vater. ne Rit on the tanker seomed to 2iPt the ship out of the vater. Thic Rit stopped the tanker and the two torpedoss fired fron the ster? tubes passed ahead of the ship. The tanker stopped and commence, Hiring sneils in all direotions over the ocean. She vas dovn by the bev and lov in the water. BLUEPISH manned her deck quns and Approached through the darizoss to try to finish the tanker off Shen nor pov. Unfortunately, BLUEFISH yas sighted in the moon Tignt and tho cap ship opened up with her guns tn rapid fire tae mnelie vere coming woomfortably close. The captain of the Pub culculeted that viatever damage could now be inflicted on the tanker wae not yorth Fisking the submarine against superior fine- power. out of torpedoes, BLIKPISH eet course for Fremantle, vis Moluitka Passage and Gnbt Strait, sending & message concerning the tanker dead in the Water. Hor second highly successful van patrol ended, ELURFISH pulled into Freaantie on 26 November 1944. USS FELEAS completed a thorough refit job by 19 December, and ‘BLUMFISH conducted training cxuPeises from 13 to 19 December. Underway from Fremantle on 20 December 1983, DLUBSISH proceeded to Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, vhere sho topped off her fue] bunkers alongside a Dutoh tanker before heading for hor third War patrol area in the South China Sea and approaches to the Guir'of Siam. 6- ss eLuEPIsK (ss 222) hen BLUSFISH vas about 9. miles south of Lonbock Strait sho sighted a senpan. Upon investigation, Japanese flags were dts: covered on the sides of the superstrugturs. ‘hia vessal was not Eostroyed because there were two Vonen snd severay children on bore. In the early morning of 27 Decomber, BLUEPISH eighted a Jap- nese mine sweopor and Vico versa. ‘The mine sweeper started after the submarine, forcing her to dive and rig for depth charge attack, & pattern of depth charges shock the water not too close find the mine sveoper hovered over the sub for & few hours BLUBPISH had been folloving the eubmarine RASIZR and presumably Ban into trouble ativred up by RASHER. Whtie coming through Karimata Strait, on 30 December, BLUB- FISH sighted a heavily lowled tanker and’ gave chase, hoping to conduct an attack after darimoss set in. “Tt vas intended to Fire six torpodos at this target to inaure destruction. Hoover, the Cizet two torpodoos Tired Set the tanker on firc from stem to stem, and tho aubmarine saved the sixth torpedo for a Jap shtp that "needed it" more. “All five torpedoes hit and it 1s w- Like1y that’ anyone imew what hit them. One of the torpedoes ripped @ hole in the ship's side and flaming fuel poured out of the tanker over the sea in the dtrec- tion of BLUEFISH. By applying full wight wuddor, BLURPISH passed about 100 yards from the infemo. The ship continued to burn for about thres hours watle the submiriners took pictures with the aid of light fumtuhod by tho gasoline flames’ Ae the new year rolled around, BLUEFISH had passed through the strate end headed for Pulo Tengo) Toland. On 4 Januarys while patrolling between Singspore and the Japanese Empire, & ship vas sighted in the haze. When BLUEFISH submerged, she other Yossel submerged and when it turned out to be USS Rasiin, the vo submarine captains surfaced and deeided to form a scouting At 1720 that dey, RASHER reported sighting tvo ships and BLUEFISH closed toward the Jep ships. AASHER’startod in tovard tho target ships and at 1902 an explosion vas heard and the ships changed course. Tracer Tire vas noticed in the vicinity of RASIER. “At 2005, BLUSFISH commenced losing the ships, tanker and a freighter Four torpedoes wre sont after the tanker and tyo more Peachod out after the freighter. vo torpedove hit the tanker stopping her deat in the water. The firet torpedo tired at the freighter exploded prematurely and she shoved her stern and headed south. “The nachine gun fire from both ships was hot and Bouvy. T= 038 Bumeron (35 202) serine, full tine to the tanker, BLUBPISH closed in again Rordeaes, TMC, tanker vas now able to'male elight hostuse RS prapegges, ere fired at her bov.. the frat terpors eetoden BTEMGRIULY ane rocked cha subaarine nara. the’ sesone teeeedo Fanoatg, tanker under the forenast and set her on sien iseree taneously from aten to stern. Portearprgached, RASHER scored a hit on another tants viene Forfed 4 30 degree Ist which the ship rapidly oomerrost oon! Soepeiocy 42°, ot6oming vith this tanker and BIOEPISE tet go tive Forpedoce at the freighter, ail of which inexpl icon y srosea pegcrmined to sink this frotghter, the skipper of BLIEFISH sna’ r24, the freighter into the night.” the mock had sere aaa $n it vas a yory dark night, The sutmarine cane ante tasers! Sieh epetote {ning her last tnvee torpedoes St this tretariee, Yards Re, charmed ite. Her charmed lite continued maseten TAD Gna toa TEStee2 broached continuously and ran ali over the ocoett Gro, tonpede eircied and exploded 150° yards from the crateeass pean of BLUEFISH. ven torpodoce had Peachod cut ter tere ee frotehter, resulting in ton heart-breaking, hat emechiny micas, BLIEPISH was frooh out of torpedoes at thie point and sent frosgitge to RASHER giving the position, couras hd’ speed CF" the fretghter, Roturning to the scene of the bean Dee dete’ t¥0 lifeboats, one with fifty survisore won’ tee Speer gen 20 survivors. tne Brisones from sash boat nes tacked > fox interrogation.” he two sunken tankers were sac ste beg $e ne pRARKO MARU and the KIvO MARU. tho tvo prisoners sitea Feng G24, t0 Be aboard. They played cards with ike wos eas Yepanesc language lessons vere in Session every arene or 6 January 19¥4, BLURPISH sighted tvo ships, = tanker and S,itgtghtor, "She tracked these ships and rolegea’ 1erenser oe Sooata nee fo, 84 2008 two other submarines before eentereie’. on fovard Balabec Stratt. “Her war patrol ended, BLUEEISH seed at Fremantle on 17 January, A Petit vax accomplished by Submarine Division 121 and USS BN nob logea SEueET,, Wleutonint Commander Charice i ftaeecon, Tricot ago tee Comahder George E. Porters US ae chamegiee: Officer of the submarine. 3 BUIRFISH left Frenantle on 13 February for her fourth war preted ghfton fueling at Emouth Gut on'a6 Febsuase” the sp Proceeded to her patrol area in the South onineenee in tie carly morning of 3 March, @ convoy vas sighted con- stating of five ships with two escorts. Sinse both ere ts none = 8 - uss BLUBFISH (88 222) on the sige from vhich BLURFISH approached, the sub shifted to Pe ee netes ho of the convoy and fired three torpedoes each at the other ei ahips.. As the sub shifted her attack to the third the Fires Of the secorts closed the submarine and started to sis: a ne oe ene ight. ELUEFISH managed to get four torpedoes net at tne third tanget before taking evasive action Any further attacks on the convoy hed to be postponed until the folleving morning When BLUBPISH again caught up vith the the fol lceit8 veo ascents were very aggressive and aid an exce}- sonvoy or proveering the flanks of the convoy. BLUEPISI Jone 2a eo! ght three torpedoes off at a tanker, gimtler, to) the BOGS waRU.© the pertecope vas trained on the CHIDORT “class SYOYO MATGrost the sub et the time of the hit. Whon the skips: S200Rt mee eecriscope on tho target ship, about @ seconds later, jeans tec brekerand she vas a-blezing inferno. Pleneg nee ear covered the topside and rose to a height of about 300 gompletcly cotend and third torpedces were also hoard to Ait at the proper tine intervals. BUIEPYSH vas now the target az the tvo busy escort destroyer c1pp un fora posible submarine Kill, The sud dove. and rig- cer ee opi charging at C696. A total of 26 depth changes Sea tee oP the werer eround SLUEFISH for, about & half hour. The Sbabres aveyed with the submarine until 1030 Redar contact vas picked up on a Jap ship on 20 March ono sate Scar night with & flat, calm sea. Tt war after mid athe then ELUEFISH fired four torpedoes fron her bow tubes night when Either aay the sub oF heard the torgedoes and turned re eet eRISH he ship turned out to be & OKINOSHIMA-class aaa LUE pe cropped four depth changes and turned on Ber cane eer ca Anoeaer torpedo sent after the ship miseed and feetee ainclayer swept the black ocean with his searchli SLUEFISI opones the distance. Appiver at Fremantle on 12 April 1904, ended the var petro: ana MUAPISH waeruent 4 Refit until 26 Berit. Treining and Moaing vas completed on 6 Mey, and BLUSPISH departed for ner seette caret on the following Gay. This patrol wae cons fifth Mer Biotong Strait, Bali Serait, Mauscoar Strait and the Calbes Sea. on 25 May, BLUEFISH conducted on offensive reconnaissance © gavi'fasi Bay, reporting numerous heavy combatant units ond Tevt Tayi Boy, Tee Jap fleet, Several cruisers and the battle- sur teG nore sighted Dut. their speed precluded any approgch phir fimo on thevpart of BLUSFISH. On 12 June, an approach For aa On ap minclayer, three torpedoes misoed him and de was mado on te atumarine caused the SHIMUSHU class minelayer te fection of tM URFIS in pursuit, consequently causing the last Ehree torpedoes to miss. - 9 - UBS BLURFISH (ss 222) On 15 June, BLUEPISH sighted @ large transport with tyo es- corts, and comuenced an approach through a sea that vas fiat calm and very phosphorescent. Skilifully attaining an attack Position, the sub fired five torpedoes al the transport. Before the torpedoes could hit, the ship ohanged course ang the far gecort came around the Stem of the target ship. Tho transport Fires @ ved flare after several minutes, indicating chat the eJenent of surprise vas no ionger with BLUEFISH. the ensuing chase vent in favor of the transport, aided end abetted by rein squalls and the alert escorts, iinsie patrolling submerged to the east of Pandjang Island, on 16 June, BLUEPISH sighted smoke on the horizon and the pure suit was on again. Working into a close firing position, BLUS- RISE fired e thres-torpedo salve from the bow fubes.. tn’) seconds, the first torpeds ripped into the after part of the Freighter. The after hal? of the freighter vas obscurred in smoke andthe ship took on a starborad list as pleces of the aru vent fying through the air in 4l2 dizestions to © height of 200 feet ‘The eacort turned tovard BIUEFISH and she subaerged and Pigged for depth charging. This preparation vas hardly an idle Routine, one minute Tater the most bone-rattling explosion the sub hed ‘oxpertenced yet mocked the nearby water.” it'vea auch louder than a depth charge and it apparently cene fon the sor- Pedood freighter. For several minutes, minor explosions, crack ling notses and breaking-up sounds vere heard earough the hull Of the subsarine. Depth charges followed and tha sereys of the escorting ship could be heard milling around overhead for some Eine befere departing. SUKFISH vas searching for more "game" tn the Makasoar- Mnote Baru traffic lanes on 20 June, when tho topa of ships wore seen over the horizon. A fine looking large freighter vith Sort was finally picked up through the pertscape.. SLURFISH gained e firing position on the freighter and fired her last two bow torpedoes. Both torpedoes ran erratically. to the left and fortunately the submarine was not detected by the Japs. Taree torpedoes were finally fired from the ster tubos and missed apparently duo to an inopportune zig by the targets ‘he lest three torpedoos alerted the freighter and sho cox: Reneed to Rake radioal sig-zags. Frequent rain squalls nade the Visibility spotty and tt was veil after midnight Sefore BLUE- FISH could get her next firing opportinity. “wo hits vere seen gh tho freighter by the officer of tho dock and bridge personnel - The target Gieappeared fron the Bader scope and it 12 ppesused to have sunk. escort BUUEPIH bad éirPicul ty threading her wey thr rely with, Yoosols on her vay back to Fromantle but arrived = 19 - uss sLUEPrsa (s8 222) only one personnel casualty, One broken-leg case vas transferre: i Exmouth on 25 June and BLUEPISH pulled into Fremantle on 28 Sine I9Hl, ending her fifth war patrol. Reftt wes completed by Submarane Division 162 and USS ORION on 12 Suly, After several days of independent exercises and SGuvey training, ELUEFISH departed from Prementle on 22 July in SCovedy sith 068 RASHER. Parting company tvo days. later, BLUE- Piekcbrived at Darwin, Australia on 29 July, With hor fuel Dunkera topped off and minor repairs completed, BLUEFISH deperte Tneempang with USS COD on 31 July. Parting company with USS eo°ORPHLugast, SEUEFISH proceeded to her assigned patrol srca Geet or tustn Té1end, Philippine Tstends. This patrol was & Coordinated patrol vith USS) RASHER. quree aus1i sea trucks yore identified on the aoning of AT Aueist. They ore eacorted by 8 NASANI class mine layer, STAGE ice rousding Cape Calavite. No attack vas made due to the sheliow Grart of the targets. ‘That cane evening, SLUEFISH Me, tos a tanker which hud been grounded on indore feland as a seeert of an attack by the subierine 188 FUPFER. In a submerge Periscope attack, BLUEFISH fined another torpedo st the ship Bed danagea the asp beyond any hope of salvage. Redar contact vas made with tvo largo unescorted ships from ‘a convey vhtch had bocn scattered by RASHER earlier on 19 Augus' Four tekpedoce vere fired in a night surface attack in low reuTbility, One, torpedo was fired at the second shtp and three Tears Toore fined at the large tanker in the lead. Two hits Hinged anto the tanker and ono torpedo blasted tho second ship: Tar Gnker stopped ana the other ship continued steaning at iD imets 1A fire enveloped the after one third of the ship in hugo fianes for about 50 seconds and she commenced to settle aft. Thovohtp ata not appear. to be sinking very fast and another hit fas scoped forward on the ship. As DLUEPISH left, the tanker, ths after pert of the lip vas gone, the bow and bridgo yore Been tout of the water, and the amidships section vas Sinost ave Heading for the other damaged ship at full speed, BLURFISH cought Gp Guth her at ONG. he hip veo down at the stern and ceeera.? Tivos the Tangest oneny werehant vessel the skipper Bigrese. “inne torpoodes wore good for three hits; one, under ned isidge, one amidehips and one under the stack. At the tim tee eee’ clones several fost high vere observed at the water SEE e ing the auipy Adentified as a large converted som Plane tender of the TONAN oP NISSIN MARU type. ‘Ac BLUEFISH started to dive, on aerial bomb shook the sub cons tlonstiy followed by another bomb a few minutes later. Mi: = 22 - USS BLIEPISH (ss 222) explosions from the target continued for the next 15 minutes ie sub cleared the area submerged, No other contacts of enemy Ships vorthy of torpedoes wre found and BLUEVISH retired from her’ patgol area on 31 Augusc. BUUEPISH proceeded to Posrl Harbor via Midvay, arriving at Pearl Harbor on is Septosber 1)4. She then prozeesed to San Hlonetsony Gullsonoday ubete e Navy gard cvechnul ong, comenced on Ze Sopteuber av tho yards of tha Bettienon Steel Company. Grorhatl and gost overnaul. trials vers coupieted. on, Si Deceaber (phen ana BEORPTSH yes Teady to start the liew Year in rinet alas condition. Retracing her course, BLUEPISH steamed to Midvay via Peart Harvor, arriving at Midway on 15 January 1945. Voyage repairs ana traning vote comploted at Widvay and the sub arrived at Guan on 3 Feoruary to top off fuel and proceed to her soventh Sar petra aroa southeast of Anam! 0 Shima in the Naneot Shoto- BLUBPISH hed by now acquized @ long and t1ustrious combat, record. However, in spite of an aggressively conducted var pat Jol, the sub hed’ bat one opportunity of engaging tho cnemy. Tai attack occured on 19 March Ina gun dus) in vhich BLUBFISH Gamaged a Jepanose pickst boat, leaving the ship suoking fron nit aft. on 1 March, BEURPISH took up Lifeguard duty in her assigned station off Olinava Shima, A destroyer vas seen charging tovard the sub ang after @ few anxious moments, an exobange of signals Clarified the situation and the destroyer vas identified a2 USS GATLING. ‘At 1510 that day, vord was received that 2 plane in distress was heading toverd the position of BLUEFISH. The sub'a position Bes Eent ts the fighter planoa escorting the disabled plane snd Yaree minutes later the plone was sighted. The first crowmen Balled out at 160] end BLURFISH headed for nin st flank speed. Bo uae picxed up in 13 minutes and the second crevoan bailed out at Tis? “We ves picked up in three minutes, having landed loser to the submarine. Te p{lot then put hie plane in a vertical dive and bailed out. "me plane plunged dovn ané aank almost Inmediately. The pilot landed. in the water nearby and vas being dragged along Rapidly by his parachute, In less than six minutes, the pilot Neg sesovered iron the water, His heart hed already stopped, and Kevned suffered from a six-inch shrapnel vound, tn hic left thigh Bnd another shrapnel yound in hie right leg. Artifice? resus- Sttation was commenced right on deck snd adrenalin was adminis- fened- All efforts to revive the Pilot, Licutenant Jacob M- Releert, UBNR, ned fadied and he was taken belov docks. = 12- vss BLUEPISH (89 222) Lieutenant Retsort vas avarded the Navy Cross posthumously for his admirable quaiities in handling his dive-vonber. He had Istnehed an eteask on enemy surface forces off the coast of Tshigaki Shins, plunging through anti-aircraft fire sent up by the powerful batteries @f tho varships, scoring a direct nit on A Japanese destroyer. While pulling out of a dive, the plane var Seriously dauaged and the pilot wounded. Pighting’ against un- Goneelousnese for over an houP, Lieutenant Retsert circled in the air until his two crewaon Aad parachuted to safety before attempting t0 reach safety himself, Ho use unable to release the pireofute upon striking the vater and succumbed to wounds, shock and drovning. the officers and mon on board SLURFISH found hie fortitude, courage and unselfishness most inspiring. Services for the pilot were held that evening before a pensive Grew as bis body'was committed to the dscp- ‘The period from 11 to 19 March vas epont on lifeguard station south of tho Tokya area during b-29 strikes, No rescues vere nade during this period. BLUEPISH then departed from the pat- Pol area and returned to Guam. A reftt poviod at Guam was completed by Submarine Division 261 and USS APOLLO by 7 April. On 10 April Comander Charles M. fienderson, UOK, wes Pelieved by Ligutonant Commander George W. Fortes, Jf., US", ae somanding officer of BLUEFISIL Following an extensive training period fron 20 to 22 Appi 1ols, BLUEPTSH departed Apra Harbor, Guam on 23 April, for her @ighin var petrol, this tine on lifeguard station off’ the Sakishine Ginto in the Ryakya Zelands» ony seven hours after arriving on station, BLUEFISH made one of the quickest rescues on recerd. A torpedo bomber mace e'forced water landing near the sub and four minutes after hit- tang "the éranie,”" the pilot and his two crewmen vere safely on hoard SLUEFIS. Another torpedo boaber, this one from a British carrier, orashed and pilot and crew were impressed Uy the slert rescue Service offered by the submarina in pulling three more men out Of the vater. Again on 16 May, another British pilot "reported ghoara” fron a point only 3,000 yards off liyako Island BUURFISH dia not confine her eighth var patrol sntirely to acte of acrey. In addition to destroying scverel flosting mines, the pub conducted two bombardments of enemy eiriielda. "On the hight of 6 Nay, 21 Tounds of 5-inch amunition vere fired et tho Mijara Airrield on Tshigakl Shins, Another night onbardnent took place on 24 May on the Iahigaki Airficid, in waich 29 rounds of 5-inch ammunition “were fired. 0n 29 Nay, BLURFISH departed from her patrol area end arrivoc at Subic Bay, Philippine Islands, fer 4 refit. She arrived at = 1 - USS BLUKPISH (s8 222) Subtle Bay on 1 une 1945 and the refit vas accomplished by Sub- marine Division 221 and USS HOWARD W. GILMORE. the refit vae Pompleted by 16 Jane and tne post-repair training, and loading Tested witli 25 June ‘The ninth war patrol of BLURFISH vas conducted in the South ching Sea areas. From 29 June to 12 July, the sub coordinated her patrol vith the comanding officer of USS BLOWER ss area. coordinator, From 13 to 16 July, BLUSFISH ves a monber of a Soi puck of which the comonding officer of USS CHARR vas the Sffictr in tactical command. he patrol started vith the depar Gare of SLUBPISA from Subie Bey on’ 25 June 1945, A contact mopant yar received from USS BLOWER on 8 July, giving tho pocktion of tya escort vessels. SLUZFISH closed’ the Fosition an€ comenoss tracking. Pour tozpedoes fired shortly Eefore midnight migsed the mark end the sub followed up with four more after midnight. Two bits on tho lerger escort disin- toverated the ship ané a chase after tho other ship eneued. The Jap escort headed for shore and since it wis too dark for a Sobrdinates gin attack sna, not vanting to vaste anymore tor- pedees, thc skipper eluctently let her got avay. BLUBPISH received on ocrly-nomning contact report from BLOWER on 15 July, né commensed closing ut Twi pover. BLOWER in the geantine Had mado an attack on 4 Jap ship and reported fpesults doubtful." BLURPISH closed the target and identifiod her a3 a Jap submarine. Pour toxpedocs vere rired at the Jep Subsarine end BLUERISH evimg around to bring her stern tubes. to bear. Before anymore torpedoes were fired, thc first and second torpedoes hit. ths Jap submarine caught Tino and broke in two. Planes shot bigh into the air and the submarine sunk stern first, Submerging fer ite last timo. the sub nod apparently been loaded Sith gasoline ea there wea a large slick on the surface suclling heavily of gasoline. Ae BLUSFISA approachca the scene of the Sinking to search for auzvivora, {ie broke out in the gasoline Elisk about 500 yards off the port beak. Hsuling clear, BLUBFISI. took mae movies, thie tine of the flaming sca, The flames had apparently bubbled up from the vreck and more fucl continued to Side fren the sunken ub, causing # amoly, orange tize which rose 50 fest off the sos, At this point, the submarine USS CHAR camo By to inveetigate briefly, Mee hours later, the {re waa stt1] burning snd BLUEFISH continued hor scaren for eurvivors. ntcring the largo fuel slick again, thmce Jap survivors wore scen eer the flaing slick. Three husky survivors wre brought on board but none of them spoke English. Ivo of them vere put in the empty skids rorvard ang onc tn tho after torpedo room. A large junk was sighted on 19 July off Linggs Toland. Sev- eral shote adross her bow stopped her and two Jap (lags wire hotiesd {lying from her miszchnast. BLUEFISE broke her colors ) subject Alstory 1s forwarded herewith, 0, . PORBES, Sr. BY OP U.S.S. BLUEFISH 2, ZECOMESSTONE 4m CqmtSTONID Dat. ‘The Keel of the U.2.5. BLUWIM, which ves tailt by ‘the Slecteie Beat compsay at Groton, Connestions, was laid em 5 Tune, 1942, Tao Leunehing of this wip took place 22 Yobruary, 1943. The Mluefish was sponseed by ire. George Mays 1943 the ouaerine Dave, Bow Lenton, Connections user Contr. George X. Porter, + Cove Sole, 0.2. on 21 July. (On 25 July passed through the Tasane Canal ant reported to GinePae for duty with Sutmarines, Southwest Pacific, On 21 Angst, 194) arrived a8 Mriebane, sustralia, and reperted te OTP-72. A minor Fefit was acgeaplished by the U.i.°. Palton. oy U.S.5. BLUEFISH Bieofish axrived at Premastle on 4 Catoder, and refit started by the Subsarias Repair Uait. Refit vas completed jo4 frou 20 to 25 Coteber was : i F i 1 On 26 Coteber Mlusfish departed Frenentle far the scceat ar yatceh S518 SOaMIMMEIA Eons Ported ts ocoeae Ob Rameuth Gulf, Australia, on 2) Cotoder. The mening of 8 Mevender @ night surface torpedo attack ona six snip convey resulted in sifting a tasker, the Fyekue! ware; anf damaging the other five. In three mere attecks ous of tie shize, the ‘Amaton Vara (tanker) wes susk. The other Gaxeget ships were three freighter-trensperte (the Kage Mara, Anant Maru, and ‘he Hokurite are), and one freighter, the Anyasu Marc, Novesber & povered sampen was suk Wy gunfire. One Japanese yelsoner, whe was bedly ursed, was taken. The prisaner diet ‘A convey sighted oa 16 Novesber was trasked riven off by an esserting U.S. 5. BLUEFISH, ‘12h and the 0.5.5. Orton, i i Ate i: bss U.S.S. BLUEFISH sref pili fied: das at uh HT i Hi Bat iitia j iu My “aad iff HH aidagtti U.S. BLUEFISH, i s ’ hi 2 il Wi % 8 U.5.5, BLUEFISH on 30 apei, the first ‘mendes ofa U0. May after the aizplane Muefish. On 12 Nay the ‘were reseumls A refit was started by Subsarine Division 221 and the U.5.3, Howard We Ohinere. The refit was campleted on 16 June; ant the post repair, treining, ant loading period lasted until 25 June. ‘The Bluefish departed Gubte Bay, P-I. on 25 June, 1945 for the ninth war patrol off the east eoust of the Malay Peninsula. ‘alle on coordinated patrol with the U.s.9. Blover, the Blvefish, in a night surface torpedo attack, sank « 200 ton FO boat. On the noraing of 15 July, while on soordinsted patrol with the Gharr, Blower, and Hamserhend, the Bluafish sank « Zapemece +35) clase eutuarine in a night surface attack. That day three survivors fron this eulmarine were taken prisouer. On 19 Julyy 2200 sen jeak which was flying the Japanese flag, aad was loaded ‘ith Baurite ore, was sunk Wy gunfire. Several walayen ast Indo- estan sailboats ware inspected during this patrol. On 22 Zuly ‘the Bluefish left the patrel area eareute to Frenmtle, soot Australie. ‘Tae Musfish arrived at Fresantie on 29 July, 1945+ where the refit was began ty Sulacrine Divislen Jol aad the Oiytie. The refit was couploted on 12 August. During the pest Feflt teste the war was officially ated. U.S.5. BLUEFISH ALL the war patrols of the Mucfish have been successfal fer the purpose of avert of combat imignta, ‘The Bluefish, Ln sompany with the God and the Cabrilla, ante Prosuatic on’ seoasty 2965, sarees alton, Och, vie sectands "TAis gresb ervived ot Dalton ea 30 jgiaaess ‘ & “ t « (uxzanz Se peoemey aroroyusnt *900°@T a3) Ov E/te “9 In reply refer to: ssz22/ U.5.5.BLUEFISH Gare of Flect Fost Ofrice, Serial: San Francisco, California, OUTLINE OF SFTP TISTaRY bult by Flectrie Post go, Grotea, Conn. Gotatesloned: 25 voy 3943¢ $iet"suinsercttts cles George B. Porter, VY, Kolitdaysburg, Penn. Pree” (ain dade) eee pgeeste BF Boe gay Second skipper-vits o&r, ‘Chories Ne Mendestcn ent {now Gndr,) Wer patrols #4, #5, #8, #7. Lin Gaby Gaonge GarPorves, ifs, ist ‘Cordnato, elit. Wer patwols #8, #9. left U.S. Zaly 12, 1943. Returned to Sen Francisco to Bethlehen Steel Co, shipyard for ovarhadl Sept. 22, 19hh. Lert U.S. acain Jemuary 2, 1945. Returned October &, 1915, rash. mira sktppea Completed nine war patrols, all successful. Ondr, Porter evarded Navy Cros fn liew of sesond Navy Cross for Omer. Henderson awarded Wavy Cro for war patrols #1 end #2} Gold star ror patpol #3 for war patrol #6, Tonnage sunk=-110,034 tons, Damaged-~50,901 tons Ships sunk: Tankers Fretpnters, Frelehter-Transporte ‘Trensporte Destroyer Sabrarine Bacort vessels funk x ‘Also! Laid one ainerteid, Did reconnaissance’ works Recousd 5 Aserican, & British evietors. Sank € floating mites by gunfire. paxorp 1 Personnel to comlete all nine war petrols aboard this ve ‘Sur, Jeha Geor, MIsoutAGR, Zouep) ‘PATROL DORATION 1 days 2 2 days 3 28 days In reply refer to: $8222/ Serial: PATROL DoraTton 59 days 32 deye 55 days 22 days 39 devs 34 days U.S.S. BLUEFISH Care of Fleet Fost Office, Sun Francisco, California, AREAS South chin a sea Gadoen and Bal’ Straits, Southern approsehes to ‘Tawi Tur! Say, fuera portion of Colebe South china Sea north tof Mantle, Mansel Shoto end area south of Honshu. Southwestern Nense& Shoto Singapore are In reply refer to U.S. 5, BLUEFISH Care of Fleet Post Offs, New York, New York. 28 Noveaber, 1945. serial: 359 ssezey “TED Fron: Conaunding Offteer. tt ‘The Seorotary of the Nury. sunsacts Supplenental Material to Siipts History - Subzisaion of. Roference (a): illant 70. Enclosure (4): Subject Material. is Tn agoordance with reference (a), enclosure is substtted herewith. In reply refer to U.S. S, BLUEFISH Care of Fleet Post Offee, ssezey Now York, New York mnelosure (4) In reply refer to Seria “U.S. 5. BLUEFISH Core of Fleet Post Offer, sst22/ Now York, New York (A) List of sugcsesive cosnanding officers during war period Yogetior with hone sadressen, 2s George 8, PORTER, Contr. U.S. Seville ipte,, sylvan hills, Holzidayaburg, Pa. 2, Charles My ANDERSON, Gondr., Use Havys 402 Highland orive, Seattle, Washington. George ¥. FORPTS, Jr, Lt. Gondrs Clinton Road, Tugkson, Mastestpra. (B) List of ofttoers and enti standing sections with a granted, and hone addre Ye Si sorvioe auring Masectenk-ione adérene aut atzol_auiber:* ToRT:R, George 2 Connander. Gold Star in teu of seoond Silver ‘Star. 3 Gol6 Star si 1104 Loutedante of seaoné Diver Stare daz Gold star tn ew 2 Lieut. Commander. of second Silver In reply eter to ae U.S. 5. BLUEFISH Pp ‘Care of Fleet Post Ofc, Now York, New York. On service during are patrol auabert siiver star, > ssoae/ | giver ster. avy & Waring Corp. wedal. as oid st Liew of, Long, 2210°43% ee 38222/a16-3 es U.S.5e BLUSPIS: verted 017 1.6/8, BLUISH, Report of Pirot wer Fotrol. Nasabnyy’ (Contimies) fi September 2b, 1943 (Gor4'a) CUS(E) --Suntaced end wet eouras for the tresfic rooul point 2 niles South of vebri2. Beni. Hoon Fesieion: Lat. 050-3813, Lone. 120% 3175, Septesber 25, 1945 cajhtt) «0.0.9. sited green flere dend shesd et an altitude bolt forty. degzer vowel) —»«Eadar contaot (Snip contact %4) rence 7900 yards. hevatasa cose ond started tcoking, shipta beso course zero eight five ~ speed eight knote, saat) Doybreak, Subcorced. Settle stutions subierced. Commend aprreceh. “Terset csing a content relm 2ig. dt thie tie aishted only exe oseort sbout 1000 yards: dbed satara of target. Target was 6 vary large AP and Fesoubled the U.5.e. HOLLING. Post estim.te, after ourve: Gf the Jepaness iereicnt Shive Eeeogeicton manual, 18 Ge Vaketine iiara (1154 tonal buat)" ‘Fired four torpedoes Trou ster tubes (Attack #34) $0 degree sterboura track, razce 1100 yerds. shite Light Gethou spresd one quester ship's leneth astern, uainisst, Toreest and one quarter ship's length a.ecd.~ ‘Que Bit, eat elead full wna ri.ged Zor devth olerge attack, asp?) “ive depth cisrges. Nov olose. SGORIE) ook a Tooke” “argu iL stad to, overtoere. 316(x2) 325th) 23h (i) 022 (ur) +a Sepuoubor 27. 19h} 3 At a range of 2200 yards fired turee taryedss at the Corpato Gut natog Senetnuoss TBP beesin.s Gad en off sot apread (Atbeoe, 34) Shirted sot up tothe AK, svung ship loft ton degrees to Fedues tornede fyro "71000 ton unidentified (proustly an 2F) kwo > 6,000 ton Ane ‘Thde vee @ relatively rast vonvey (13 knots! ond ell the alispe apvosred sodern. susre vere no suokey farug. Dring dedicat tue sitps were in a line of eolums, tho sips to © colin 1730(1.) Cousianeed end run to rein porit ion cuesd. oon Foodtion - Let. 13-32 & Yonge 125-20 © root.) Zn avaitin; moonset Took convoy course urd speed esis 0130(i:) vary thine-wes nerfeot until ve eivlited « sual) vessel broad on tue port tow (h Probubly © destrover, Put cur sta iieressed speed to flank. - Ti bed aon Us somugneed si -neilir 5 Aisappesred frou ai kt we vorked over to the other Bon ef t.0 convoy. \2m(L) | Moonset. Manned Heder. Lusedts ve contact. Large pipe et 10,000 yerde, “Comencet trackin'.” ‘Im ble Eovdeterdiha tie Gefori..ion of te ships cs they Yerled ell over tle coesn, Spegd sheoked perfect, BtiZ.a Enots, Base course OO7°r. 0936(k) Kad ranve 16,000 yrds. Distence to track 8,000 yards. Sulit dp to Tall power wid started tn. ae 4 01399 69222/116-3 Perial O10 Subject: Bi, 1943 (Cont"a,) 99531) Stopped anu opened Yoryedd tube doors. Bulle up to Tull power seein. ts rene cf 35000 yerds, wien te forastion wae oLeiriy visibis, T Save Subkerk ne Coxauaing O1fieer's day drecc: Sty shins Lued up in coluan ofen order formins practically « catinuous tei ot v:ti, ao eecorte visible: 957th) dm Penge of 2,800 yerde, costsnocd firing tow tubes.(iitack 1. 1). Misa eve. tor;edoes at. the firet slp, one it tiie aecodd, ene ev tue third wud to atte rough, Ordered rivit full vider id Browht the ster tubes > onee (i) Vath th range 1,350 yerde, fired to toryedoos et the Tift ship ard’ two dt tie sixth. this ship wos sm ewered 60 thet ell tarnedocs were fired with zero eyre angles. Tue fifth torrecs fired Wo8 0 Brencbure very close sborrd, ‘0 sole of Water wet down the bridse.- ig over nine tarredoos were sven, heard end felt wien they bit. | Te first. shiy. fred: at, which ves © tanker, Dish up gud genk, Ovo, rips on ule Seder dlsnppect- ed. Fulled out as tld coms need, rel oud, 4271.) ung: of the tour rewinine ‘ripe ater out openia. Fey red wit OHH)... Holod cospleted. Tuese were gcil1 turee pipe nthe Kader uid two ships Welble. Tueir rences lied been constant at 95000 yrds, 12,000 yerde and 13,000 gorda for about 20 aiiuies, becrine kotwsen: 0400 uta 70°R, Built u to full power gud started in on obe Of Ue tuo rensiniag shine. inal, Onl tue way any with tle range deereasinc, two of tie Pips beoale mualler aad svlicr and diseppecr~ ed, et wich tine our oLosen tarvot di eanvesr, Closed tie only reneinin: ship. psa 4 98222/216-3 Seriel 016 + BUSTS Subject: U.8-5. How: Picked nim ups He wes severely burned, vacoad “na Untra'de-fee buras covered ei-huy=five sereent Sfusa bodys luv iim out of aie aioery wath, wor phine. Tie pucranelet's acte worked On, lis continusucly sith everythin: Trew ealpusthtazole to blood ples. 1430(i) _Continusd tower Sibutu Pease ‘on Woon Tosision > Let. 08-00 Tong, 115-36 & 12, 194d c1yo(i:) Prisoner ated, oais(i) — Farted prisoner. 1900 it) peed virowh Gidutu Paesore. antered Co) fea. Sot course for bikassar wtreit. Noon Touttton = lt, 06-09 11 donehigoid 2 Rovauter 23, 1943 0000(it) Stpbted U.i+2, BELLYTS:. Exe.cnced reeoguition sionals. “vont close depth charges = surprisingly Insccurately. Although he pinged around for a! couple of hours he never Togeined sontast, There 19 elvays the possi bility to be considered that we were detected by rader. 2, The Jap prectioo of oscortiiie one ship with one seeort seema stupid, since it eluply aakes chan both inviting: tereeta: Unless extrently. vitel el soumstsnoes exist defiaitely requiring a single ship to sail, it vould be infinitely better from tue eneny!s point of view to escort ‘hid shipe with TWO escorts, THREE cnips with TENSE escorts and soon. FOUR esccrts around a Teasonably small convoy of fron 5 to 8 ships ikea the attack probies very difficult if’ not Ynpossible under many stvcumst ences. MWS OR _DERWOTS j315 DELO None. - RD ne 1S panting the’ patie ‘tuts vessel transmitted 8 to VID, usin the irequency Te~ our oporction order. On all three With which wo message was ‘alaority with which VEO re- ‘ceipted wes gratifying. ea ts | s5222/416-3 .8.8.. BUTBTSE Serial 018 L Subject RADAR ‘kadar performance yes generally satisfactory. oo Commanding Officer's Pesrke under NARRATIVE Pertaining to additional Rader equipment. NSD. a ‘Taig vessel's supersonic sound gear is alnost Worthless due to lack of sensitivity. Screw hoises have Sever been heard at « range over | 32000 yards, and on this patrol echo ranging I Sgara Hot be heard over 8,000 yards. The latter weakness wile comforting at the tile, ctves & Talee sefoo of security, and very nearly 1ed us {Srsurface st nignt within sight distence of a pursuing BD. 0, USNBIY_LAWeRS Since almost the entire patrol was spent, on ‘the surfage the bathythornograph was used on only: Ewe eovagions = both of tha in the middle of the Gvlebes Sea, On each oooasion a aarked negative gradient was found at 20 - 250 feet. P. REALM, FOOD, MaBINABTEITY Health was above morsel dus to short duration of patrol, and algo due to fact thet virtually: GlePentive petrol was spent on tie surface, per~ [iteing @ large percontege of the crew to acquire un tenes Food and habitability were norms). R. —-MELES “STEAMED = FUBL USED ‘Frouast le to Barrier 2 Worth of Barrier : Barrier to Prenantle nage * ab Fopeto/Are-d Bevial G30 y Pica “Ap sDeovaper 19435 Gow nadie Syp sera: Co.rngesedaeo: tot, Unsiab STATS FLEET. onmender Subderings, SovENi FLEET. Oosiendes SEVEN FLIED, Srycuron STORER. Subject: “Vs. BLUERISH ~ Revort of 2nd tinr Patrol - Comtent on a ‘The second ver zetrol of U.i.6. BLUSRISK wes conducted in the SOUM! Chik, Sta ead CuLSnis SSA AREAS, The Hotel tix on 2etrol wns tiirty-one (91) dave, of uileh twenty (20} ceva vere sjent in the preas and s2oronohes thereto. a ‘he attack on the six ship convey on @ Hovenber, 1943, ‘ma the Righiicnt of the petrol and tas ost off civ Ay pushec hone, In the epace of about five ainutes, ten (10) Gorzedocs vere fhiee, t70 of enol ox four tarvets and ane (1) torgedo at ese of t 0 other tvo slide in the sonvoy. Prom ube evidence svalleble, 4t appears thet nt least one hit vise obteined on euch of the tarcets. Tc lucdin: vessel, 0 largo ney vb definitel! sunt Vth tro hits, One torpedo Srecstured Clése ebonrd after @ very slort run. Jitu the ezeeztion of the aforenentioned sreasture, the torjedo erroraence uring the first sheso of the stteck apooare almost phenonensl. if the preanture is Cisoounted, the soore is nine torsedces ~ nine hits, During the second pase, efter tho roloed, a totel of eight (8) torpedoes were Tired et « tanker hrevicusly fend deed in the veter. 4 total or four hits was obtained for 502 hive. This tenker vas definitely sunk, The other four Gabgots aro consicered to brve been Hervily danced (arobebly Sunk) but the evidence ia not conclusive. 3. ‘gue ection sceinst the 2over driven snapen, sinking by gunfite, after giving tie crew an opportunity to ‘beacon ship, 18 eporeved. 4. tha sinking of the lege dostrover and severe Gennes’ to the lores tinker on it foverber 19k}, 1a noted vith pleasure. ‘The ezztoach end stteck in this action wore Gxeontionetly voli conducted, he decleion of tho Gormnding Géticer not to engage in a gun fight vith thio tenter Und ‘tho existing’ conditions te spareved, “ovovor, 1 40 boitaved sot. the U-5.5. BUUIFIH shold hevo sominea’ to veteh thie Entpet snd keep the Task Fores Corsnisr incorsed of hex Rovenentoin.ardor that enother aubunrine could be divested to Final her off, Patrol 1943. Subject: i early by the exper by. intelligence, Ofticer, tie tails of whtes a four t8ipedoes 11 S804 20 doveaber Serial js : is’an expert in tae nigh wore srazes mary Loi 27 Door, 1903. : Rica eee Goucancer tai Force Sarit ons. Gomancer in Sater, HITED Siatad FiREn. U,5.8. SLUBFIS', Second ‘iar Patrol - Content ons The Second snditure of ar Patrol of BIUEPISH was terninated ail ‘torpedoes, “It was characterized segrestivensss, and peraisvence by’ the Tadar surface attack, de~ @ deserving of close attention. Departure fron assigned ares was correct and is seventeen nits for twenty- Torpedo perforsance Be tothe steadtly tnproved red, is @ couplinent ‘work of tae torpedo Gverhaul and operating persoavely of Steteers, conducte: ‘and. Gr patrol, 49 40 Tiao Jip 140 Lap. Lap Lak Lap The patrol 1s considered successful for purpose lubsarine Coubat Insignia. Tae Counanding Officer, nding W Of SUUEFISS are congratulated for the Sriliisnely ‘and for the following specifie results? (000 saRu) > AK (AGU Lamu) + aK (aviacz uaRU) (aneaso anu) ak (OxATAD Lait) ‘Total ‘tons, arEsT tons: R.W. CHRISEIE, owas £16-3/ (F-6-nk) Serial: O¥2- aura ap mDORSRIONT a: Second ar PoC Bo for. 191. Serial 018. From: ‘The Conimader, SEVEN FLEET. tod Ths Commander’ ia Uitet, ORIED STATES FLEET. subject: _—-U+8.8. BLJRFISH, Second Wer Patrol - Soaueie on. ss vormardea, 2. ‘mae Commander, SEVENTH FLEET, congratulat tne cotmanding Giiicer officers and orew for a nest axzre! petrol 2b, Jo Nam Ea 254 1 Enroute patrol area. Routine training. tm es222/a16-3 U.8.S. BLUESE Serial 01 27 Tanuazy , 19h HLUEFISH, Report of Third War Patrol. (3) mamearrve (conta) December 24 - 25, 1943 (conta) > Noon Position: December 24 - -Lat, 189-43.7'S. = Long. 12497371573 December 25 Lat. 139-29.1'8 = ong: 115°-08.5"2 Dosoabor 26, 1943, 0523(H) Stentea a1 span about eighty miles south of Laubok Serait, “Investigated and faind Japanese flags. paint od on the sides of the superstmuoture. Did not destroy this vessel, a8 there were teo wonen and several enildren aboard, and they ned no lifeboat ss 0630(H) Set course tor Loabok Strait. 194008) Commenced passage Lombok Strait. Unoventful passag Radar dgtestor was manned during pasaago, Ho" aign detecto: 2325{H) Set course to the northenst, At this tine I hed a premonition of running into trouble. Ve ware. fellows ing the U.S.S, RASHER'and ware too clome Tor comfort. esition! Lat, | 99-29.0'8 Neon Position! at, 90220,018 Desomber 27, 1943 - O52b(i) Sighted Japanese Mine Sweeper (Ship contact No, 1), I sttenpted to evade on the surface but he sighted Our smoke and started after ua. Forced to dive Se- cause the range was decreasing. Wont to deop subs nergence, rigged for Gapth chaige attack, silent. ‘He dropped Hone to close. He 000(H) but aid. noe am fairly certain that eh RASHER bade ‘attack and that we ran into hia trouble, are U.S.8. BLUEFEE 17 January 1944. Conta) Pepender 27, 19:7 (conta) 1921(E) Surfaced end set couree to the wost'for paso} Noon Position: Lat. 70-17. 918 Long: 1159-25;018 ~ December 28, 1913 0230(H) Passed between Goa Goa Island and Kengoan Iola, 0300(81) 5: via Karinata Strait, 0515(H) Sutmergea. 1615(H) Surfaced ana continued voward Karinata Streit. Noon Position: Lat. 62-18,215 Tong.114°-25.1'8 “ Dovenber 29, 1913 oroute patrol area via Karimata Streit. surface oruising uneventful. Noon Position: Late 42-ub.213 Long, 131 °20327+3 Beceaber 30, 1943 Enroute patrol area via Karimata Strait. surface cruising: : 1509(H) Sighted anal boat with tires natives in it. wo ‘flaking sompens sighted during pasosee. 1515(H) Sumerged twonty miles south of Serutu Telani“atter obteining a good ries Decided to pass thigh Karimata Strait during dark- poss. Tie depth of water Lore is shirtess fefhiss and doing sighted by & patrol boat would be tugsene ATIS(H) Sighted lerge unidentified tanker coming through course for patrol ar: pene gozaa/us-s v.0.8. sues: SHUN YP Sansery 2968, Subject: 0.5.8, BLUEFIS, sport of Tira War Patrol, (®) — naBRATTVR (conta) Deceaber 30, 1949 (conta) A715 (H) Farinata Strait (ship Contact wo. 2). He wae fully loaded. The aiihoustte consi ated or mast, super- Structime, mast, funnel, and stack weil aft on the after deckhouse. She wae putting out heavy sncke and wap undoubtedly'a coal burner. racked hin at about iz knots, course approximately 1450P, I could have bat I let him go jons: First: The depth of water was fetnens, and'we ware about 10 alles fron landy Second: “I'en convinged that night surface attake ould be made when feasible in preference to day- ight subserged attacks. The fire control data 18 more Socurate and you have better contro} of your ship. 1933(8) Surreced in hot pursuit of tanker. 20K7(H) Radar contact on target range 12,500 yards, Went to action stations and conamoed tracking. 2224(H) Range to target 11,000 yards, ule on dow 30 dogroos Bore, with eperfest Pbec. Solutions” ie me seedy on esurse 160) degrees, tras, peed 11.5 kavter Started in on bis at full powér, kosping bow Senstantly on target,” Wo had a large’ black cloud’ ror a taokerounds Declided ro sity six torpetecs’ to onaure his destrustion gn the tirst attack, es the depth of wter wes 1) to 20 fathom und 41d hot went anticoulmurine eotiviay. 2226(H1) Stopped to open outer torpedo tube docrs; slowed to about 10 knots, 2228(H) Built up to full power and continued in. 223(H) Slowed to 8 knota. 223K(H) Af grange of 2200 yerda (1% 100ked closer), oenmonsed Tiring (Attack No. 1). “the rirat. two torpoloes were, Sot at 20 feet, they were undoubtedly influmes Hits, ies 8222/a16-3 U.5.5. BLUEFISH Serial 01 17 Tanuary 190. Subject: U.S.8, BLUEFISH, Repart of Third War Patrol. (3) NARRATIVE (conta) Besember 20, 1943 (Conta) 2234(H) and they set him on fire instenteneously fro Stern. I'don't believe anyone abourd know what hit Bins" ondared gouse firing aud saved the sixth torped The tive torpedoes wore fired with zero gyro angli T saw ali five bit. Tho thira torpedo opened up a hols in nis side and fuel poured out in our direction and caught on fire im- Hediately. Ordered full right sudder and passed about 100 yards from the inferno, Watched hin burn for Uhrea houre and took plotures, believe he was. Tosded with hi-ootene gasolii 2243) Set course for Kerinata strait. Noon Bosttion: Lat. | 20-47.0'S / Long, 1090-264" Dasember 32, 1913 0335(H) Paseod through Farimta Strait, Passe¢ four niles / off Seruta plan Light. 0610(H) Submerged, Reduced the watch to a minim, and all ants took a7 1527(H) Surfaced and sot course tovard Singapore slong traffic route between that port end kerinate Strait. 1800(H) Set clocks back one hour to (@) tine, 1705 (G) Lockout sighted unidentitied plme. (Plane Contact Ne, 1). Submerged. 1810(¢) surfaced and continued toward Singapore, Noon Position: Lat. | 19-25.0'6 ; ‘Wong: 1079-57.6'2 apuary 2, 2944, HAE WE MEARE BLUEFISE, 17 Jenuary 1544 gszz2(iis-3 Sele ef sport of Third Wer Patrol, (5) NARRATIVE (Conta) enuery 1, 194, (conta) 9000(G) Set course for Pulo Tenggol Island. 0526(0) Submerged, 1609(G) Surfaced and continued tovard Pulo ‘Tenggol Island. 1622(0) Sighted targe unidentified patroi plum. (Plme contact for 2)" bubeergeds Es 1900(0) surfaced and continued tomard Fulo Yenggo! Telend. Noon Position: tut. 19-09,0n1 i ing. 15°30. Tamuey 2. 19k 0526(G) Submerged, 1296(0) surfsced and continued toward Pulo Tenggel Island, 1016) Plan on radar; distance 10 mile (Flme Contact wo. 3). Subnerged. 1534(G) Surrased, 1634(G) Plane contact on radar; distance 6 niles (Piao Contact No. 4). Subsetged. 2812(6) Surfaced and continued toward Pilo Tonggol Tetend, 2158(0) Sighted Puto Tenggol Island, Noon Position: tat, 38-29.9im / Yong: 104025011" Tenuery 2, 196k Completes somite, 0815(G) Set course tovard Saigon, French Indo China, tai mission, Separet ar 98222 /a16~ U.S.S, BLUEFISH Serial 01 ; 27 January 1944 ‘subject: _U.S.S, BLUEFISH, Report of Third War Patrol. (B) NARRATIVE (Conta) Zenuery 3, 194 (conta) 0538(G) Submerged. Patrolled traffic lane between Singapore and Saigon 1312(G) Surfaced and set course to the Decided to patrol the usin traffic lane from Singapore to the Sapire until the dark of the moon. Moon Position: Lat. 59-ui,.2'0 / Long. 103°-58.8"% Zenuery 4b, 194 2904(0) Sighted ship in the haze, Suimerged. The ship on the Qc-J% ea TAL equipment, 1641 (G) Closed U.5.5, RASHER, We decidea to continue scouting Line during ine nignt. “Opened out and comonced patrol to the southoust, 1720(G) Received message from U.S.5, RASHER that he had sighted ‘two ships. Closed the U.3,S, RASHER. he decided that he would go in first, and that T would remain in radar contact with the targets and sos wat happened, 1.8.8. RASKIR started in on Noted that, with his blue 1830(6) three quarter noon. Targets on the wurfao Goler, a treined Lookout would have'a ara” fob plck- ding ‘bm up’ at’ 3000 yards,” Te was iso noted taae EE Looaotee, dn aabe olgening Gncrengee he Fase of via aiderebiy. fhe new paint Joo ie 8 definite improvenent. z 1902(6). Heard explosion. Radar showed thet two targets {Ship Gontact No. 3 and No. 4) changed osac course to 2708r, Gomesced tracking. z= 98222/a16-3 1.8.8. BLUEFIS Serial 01, 27 January 1944, Subject: U.S.8. BLUEFIS:, Report of Third War Patrol (8) NARRATIVE (Conta) Zanumry 4, 2944 (Contd) 1916(G) Heard second explosion. Saw machine gun tracer vallets at various intervals, in vieimty of RASHER. 1928 (G) Heard third explosion. 2005(G) In position, on starboud tow of targets. Problen soired, | Thty wore sigring on bane course 270°, Speed sjeht knots ed in at slow speed. the tho targets wore in Line, tue seat target was tanker, with two stakks abreast aft, later identi— fied as the Japanese tanker, HAKKO iuRU, (A former ‘Anerican whaler converted Tor use sa a tanker}, 6035 tons. Tue far target was © mediun size Treight- or 2025 (0) Ata range of 2509 yards, commenced firing at the tanker. “(Attack No. 2) ‘Fired four torpodoss with small offset spread and zero gyro agies, all to hit, 2016(G) Fired tao torpedoes at the freighter at a range of 2500 yards, zero gyro angles, Doth ained to hite Saw one tospedo bit the tanker am heard and felt ‘another hit the tanker, The fifth torpedo tired waa & promature.close aboard: The freighter put Mg stem to us and Headed south.” Ne stopped’ the tankers 2020(¢) Comenced relond forward, 2022(6) Tue nachine gun fire and 4" or 5" shells frou both Largets were hot, heavy, and unoonfortably close Submerged aid ceatinued'in on the tanker. 2039(0) With the range.te the target about 1200 yards, ordered right full rudder and brought the stern tubes to dear. Set tha gyre angles aft on zero. 2045(0) the target track was 90 degrees. Ho was making alight headway. at a renge of about 1100 yards (Attaok Nos 3), Tired tho ‘torpedoes, aimed at his tow. The fret 198222/A16-3 V.8.5. BLUEFISH Serial or 27 January 19h ey HAREATIVE (Conta) ‘Taguery b, 194 (Conta) 2045(6) 20s1(0) 2105(6) zazu(o) 2010) 2204 (4) torpedo was a premature and really shook us. The Second bit him under the forenast end sot. him on tire instenteneously from stea to stern. The depth control maintained by Lloutenant P-2, Loustaunaa, U.S.N. Guring this attack was exceptional. Wo were reloading torpedoes forward, firing aft, und swinging ship with full rudder with the outboard’ serew ahead full and the inboard stopped. Ho maintained periscope depth. Surfaced in hot pursuit of freighter, Received message from U,S.S, RASHER saying he wis chasing a target south of tho fire and that he had sunk @ tanker on his first attack. Sighted two ships. T believed that the one was the U,S,S« RASHER Abd thet, the other was a big tanker, (Ship ‘Contact No, $)" This tanker was later identi fied’ as the EXYO MAND (7250 tons). I couldn’ understand ‘what happened to the freighter. Thought possibly that the gcond ship was the freighter. fhe small ship oped up with machine gun fire and Dror 5% tire in the general direction of the tanker. ‘ais further convinced ma that it was the RASHER. ‘Stood by to await developenents. ‘Saw two premature explosions on the side of the Ranker opposite that of the unknom ship, and at this tine I knew that the second ship was the freighter. Also saw the RASIE get one bit oo the tanker. Started after the freighter. ‘Saw the U.5.S. RASHER hit the tanker with another Yorpedo. “He iisted to starboard at loast 30 degrees and T thought he was gone, but his damgo control must have boon good, bacuise they ware back on an ‘oven Keep in short Grder. Twasa't too comfortable dur- ing this tine as wo wore in the line of fire of the RASHER In cose he missed the target. -9- 1.5.8, BAURFISH 17 Tamuary 1944 V.5.5. LUEFISH, Report of Third War Petrol, apyary bs 194h (Contd) 229110) Bazge te the, rredehter, 1900 yande with s track of 1,08, “Target speed 7.5 knots. Fired five torpedoes with'an offaet apread (Attack No. 4). No nite. Looking back on thie attack, I bellove T was over Anxious to sink her. ‘Muree torpedoes would have Deen enough. 2232(G) ‘Target opened up on us with bis machine guns and 4 or 5 inoh gun. They were walstling by mighty close. Gubuerged, T cannot understand no nite. z2k2(G) Surfaced. tn not Uo was ctesing 4 8.1 knots. At 20 torpeioes renaining. ‘They in the stern tubes, Which had previously been flooded, Decided to track the target until accnset. Fulled tie three torpedoes aft to check for flooding. They were ary. 2303(G) The fire from our biming tanker died out. Hoop Position: Lat. 6957.61 / Long. 1080-12. 2° Tonuery 5, 19bb 0110(G) Moonset, Very dark night. 0221(0): We nad Bip specd oxactiy and could cali.nis sigs by changes i the radar range. Started in at full power, 0140(0) At a range of 1500 yards, ordered right fit) rudder, ‘ana slowed to seven knots. 0143(G) Range 1600 yards, 90 dogres track. Fired times torpedoes (Attack Mo. 5] with zero gyro anele: the atera tubes, ali aimed to bit. “ail, three: toi broashed sontindously unl ran ail over the ocean. oiroled and exploded about 150 yards on our starboard dean. Ten torpedoes fired at one frei ter without a Alt, broke my heart, ‘The freighter opened: up with -10- s222/a16-3 1.8.8, BLUEFISH Serial ol 27 Janunry 194 Subject: 0.5.8, RLUEMISH, Kayort of Thimt War Patrol. (3) MagRartvE (Genta) Tanuary 5, 19h4 (Contd) 0243(G) ie guns on the premture explosion. Sent a mei to RASHER giving him the position, course and speed of the freighter. 0200(¢) Set cours 0329(G) Sighted a iireboat close aboard. Stopped. Laid to until daybreak. 0543(G) Sighted two 11 fen0ats for the vicinity of the burned tanker. ‘There were about 50 nen in 20'in the other. Closed the ‘Aut 30 men dove over the side. Went along- and took one prisoner aboard. Closed the other LUgsnont ana took another prisoner aboard, The prisonere stated thut there wore three chips in the Formation, the HAEKO MARU, KIYO VAM) and © freighter. ‘Toy tried to give me tie ame ot, the freighter tut fap language 18 very Limited. Joy being: Japanese lengwge court 0643(G) Set course for Balabsc Strait. Noon Position: Lat, 60-21.0"N1 Long: 1099-3010 Jonuary 6, 19k 21507(G) Sighted two ships, a tanker end a freigtter, (ship Contacte Wo. 6 and fio, 7), needing northeast for Falawan Passage, Tracked’ these ships until 2130(6), (095 degrees true, spect 6 knots, Made certain that two other sumarines hed this Sof omation and Chon coatinued toward Balabac Strait. 2000(¢) Set clocks shead one hour to (H) tine. Hoon Poaition: tate 6645088 / “a gse22/a16-3 ¥,5,8, LUEFISH 6 Serial o1 Subject: 27 January 1944 1.5.8. BLUEFISH, Report of Thind War Patrol. MASRATIYE (Conta) Zemuary 7, 29bh 0300(H) Commenced passage Balanac Strait. 0448(E) Departed Balebac Strait and set course for Sivutu Passege, 2100(H) Cennenced pasenge Siputu Passace, 2250(H) Departed Bibutu Passage. set course for Nolukka Pabsege vie Bangin Passage, Moon Position: tat. 79-36.38 ong, 1189-67. 78 denny 2, 1944, LUSK(H) Sighted and exchinged reocgnition aici 1s vith ‘U.S,S. REDFIN. ~— Noon Position: Lat, 3°-19.5'N Yong 1220218.7 = anuary 94.2 00201) Passed through Bangka Passoge and entered Koluxka Set course for Oabai Streit vie Nolukis end Banda Se ©76(H) Contact on plane radar, distance 26 niles (Plane Goatact Now's), Subserged, 0857(H) Surtaced, Moon Position: tat, _0%-21.0'8 ong. 126020720" Tonumry 10, 2964 Boroute Oadat Strait via Wolukke and Banda Seas, o720(H) Contact Plane redar, “istance 16 alles (Plane Contact Now 6), “Plas closed to ik miles end then opened out. 1913(8) Contact plam radar, distence 21 miles (Plane Contact Mo, 7). Contact oponed out, fa -. ‘98222/216-3 Serial Ol .8.8. BLUSFISH 27 January 1944 Subject: U.S.S. BLUR: Report of Third War Patrol. (5) NARRATIVE (Conta) Samusry 10, 1944 (Contd) 1900(H) Commenced passage Ombai strait. Moon Postion: tat, 69-37.8'8 Leng! 1256-28.0°8 ary 1, 2: 0553(i) Sighted wedium sized freighter with seall unidentified eeort. (Ship Contacts No, 7 ang io. 8). Subsereed, ‘snd. traoked on base course 030°7, spesé 10 knots, They were apparently hosded tonurd lor Strait. O7AS(H) Sieuted unidentified plane hovering over freighter (Plane contast No, 8) 0855(i) Surfaced and continued Onbai Strait rassece. Did fot send contact report 8 I could act wevermine Hass dustin.tion, end could Rot trail ue to plane 0905(H) Plane contact on radar, distance 15 alles (Flane Contact No. 9). This was probably tie save plane as contact No. 8.” Contest olosed to 8 miles. oubuerged. 1297(H) surfaced und continued Ombai Strait passce. 2008(H1) Departed Onbal Strait and cot course for Hremmntle, Wat Noo Position: Lat, 99-37,0' ‘ong: 123°-23.07H Jenwary 12, 1944 Mnroute Frenentle, de date, our SZ radar ronge unit failed, "An electrical load to one of the orystele in tide unit is broken (Soo Section M). The repair of this is beyond tin capacity of the ship's force. “Again T stronsly recomuen4 two complete Uraneuitter end receiver units installed in the coming tower, so installed thet eitner set aay be coupled to tae SU radar mast, Thuis equipaent a1 98222/A16-3 U.8.5, BLUBISE Serial o1 \ 27 anuary 196 Subject: U.6.5. BIVEFISH, Report of Third tar Petrol. (e) xammamrye (conta) ‘January 12, 196h (Conta) 4s so important that sny slice of failure should by ain "neans be elisinsted, Other less isportant equip- mont in the conning tower, such us chart desk, sound gear, or periscope noist motors should be rendved if ry to provide room for the acditienal radar equipannt. ‘Noon Position; Lat. _129-27.6+5 Long, 118074953 Sanwury 1) = 17, 2: Enroute Frewantle, WA+ Moon Bositton: Janury 13.- tat. 16°16 s Long. 125043.3" 8 January 1, = Lat. _200-08.9' 5 Long. 1130-24.8' Lat, 240-50.0" Long, 1120-2515" January 16 - Lat. tong. January 17, 1943 = Arrived Fremantle, W.A. January 15 -u- ‘U.S. BUjEFISH tt ' 27 January, 1546. 8 were found throughout areas north of tie barrier islanda with moderal te heavy seas in the SOUTH CHINA SEA and SULU SEA areas.” 2x- perienoed only moderate wind, and ligt, choppy spas, with sone, Surface haze prevalent, im passege through JAVA Sia’ and KaRIMATA STRAIT dress, Decmaber 28 through Decomber 31, 1943. Light Wind's and smooth sean with, gw swolis, wore encountered St the western end of FLOWS SEA ald in the return trip through MOLUKKA PASSAGE. ‘The wind Treshened from ths southwest, with ough chop and swells anf frequent ‘rain squalis, in the BUDA SBA, undir the influence of te noraallwestern sénecon, (oh zEDAL novawaron i] ‘The passage through LOMBOK STRAIT was made at time (At on te went coest of LOMBOR ISLAND, ana’ “Little discorneble set was experiaiced during the passage. 1.” Snvappronching BALABAG STRAIT from the westwerd, there web a sot avereging xp knots, in a nortavegt direction, over « period of fourtean hours, in spite of henty seas and atitt winds fron the northeast. Fs ‘Hisewhere, including the JAVA SEA area, ourrents of 0.5 knota or under were gensselly in the direction of the ‘prevailing wind am sea. v GF wvmatromy am. None encountered, 17 Tanusry 1944 2) 11000 yant0 ast _ __ Seriat“or 35222/a6-3 ¥.8.8, BLUEFISH 27 January 194 , Report of Third har Putrol. ae $5222 /416-3 AMTAGK Wo. 2 ar ‘U.Of8. ELUEFISH + TORPEDO ATTACK Wo.s1~ PATROL No.) ‘Time: 2294 (H) Date:_30 Des. 1943 - Lat._2°-45'S ‘Long. 2 Date Inflicted Description: “Que unescgrted,,sverage‘size 40. contact > was made by. port ighting at 172) ope Yradied until dark,” Wo noon, overcast, ‘olear hort zon. Shipis) Sunk: One AO, 10,000 tons. Ship(s) Danaget one. Panage Detornined By? Gow, hoard, and felt, 5 torpatons nit. jeend torpedo hit, ship was ‘Shveloped in flame fron Sten to stern; ‘Duming for 3 hours. ‘Target Drart =_20; Course: 1602; Speed: 12.k; Rang! 200 yards va Ship Dave Spept: @ knots; Course: _256°; Depth:, sts Ane :_02 Dats rps Attack: Wight surface attaox using radar ranges So tut beaslagsss “tne op was ctaskes, ng 100 fron’ a’ tage, of 8000-10000, yards for {hour Snd'ts minutes, Caled Posttios' 30°" on port a target. range - Hioco des” Started an at full power Koupiag tov on tasgets vsalurved cates to give, aero 5 slowed to 3/3 speed: fired’ tubes’ #6, sy by 3, 2/-t0 ite Beare inge fran TOP toaliniousiy’mstched on MDC. wae Hapert of ‘Third war Patrol. G2) artnet pate (donee ” Arter No, i (conta. ‘tubes Fired rack angie Gyro anehe Depth Set. Power Ext or hdd ‘Erratic sere AA a Mask Torpedo! 1° << /MMASA veDUMG Daeg UgaeS gue Ser Lat Xo. = 22883. 39maA.> Bhd2u "25513 25502 Mark, Expleder feb Ble BR ob Sb Seria, No. se FH. $OTL 6212, 176Ou 5090 Aotuetion Set ~~" Both Bot’ = Bott “Both ‘Both ‘Actuation Actual = Mag. ~ Ung,’ Contact Contact contact Mc. Warhead moder Abert co 8628." 36 a6 Serta to. J xepuu eon © 2158 699° ove > Explosive Smee Tete Firing Interval - 10 10 ay stig AGh ‘type Spread = fone Sea Conditions - Smooth. Overhaul sistivity © U.8.S. PELIAD. aa SejpyasdaabeabongNeee a ed 188222/n16-3 U.8.8. BLUZFISE 7 Serial Ol V.S.8;RLUBZIS ~ TORPEDO APEACE Wo 2 PATROL No._. Tine 2015(0) Deter fans 429k, Lav, 72210,5'R one: Poeeced Ste Barget Date - Vonage nf tot, Deserivttion: — lwo mips of an unescortea, three-anip convey, consisting of; one whais converted to tanker use (6.035%. freighter (2,750 T.). Visibility! poor with hazy, tiree-giaiter noon. Foras tion: Approxinately in line, aletense 700 yards. Ships Attacked: HAIKO NARI (Qaa-ged); KOUSi taU, (Freiguter, 2,750 gress tons-~identity not firmly esteblioied, but seans nesrest to Yhat deseribed by don-sigiian syoaking Jap : prisoners from, linii.0) hip Sunk: Fone, Sky Damegees cKO MARU (Bx "OLTPFORD"), "6,035 eF0% ‘TORS, Kale factory converted to ol} tanker. eee ee ee bridges wav tisk oe winer “csai hous, a amidships; felt, heard, and tined tale and ‘Secona Alt, white, wad obselured from eirAt by premature exrlosion: Farge? Deets 27's Couren: 27097; Speed? 240 kta; Ringe! 21500 yams = : raat Speed: 9 kta: Course 260%; Depthi_guttace; ancl Hize Control and torpedo. vata Tyme Attack: Migit surface attane, usiig Sz radar rang ‘54 TET beatings. ifacked tarcet with Tee, Using Sy tadur ranges and bestings; for one Rout fea minutes, froa sbout 8000 yas, Fateey ‘intl baneet course aia. speed sare very doouratel y ‘tien, witr angie ‘oh bon about. 35° starboard, range e000, tum ed tonard targos for ep roson S ice eee ssz22/A16-3 U,S.5. BLUEFISH : Serial ol, ¥ 27 January 19% Subject: _U.8-8, BUUEFISH, Report of Third War Pe ole (#)——ATTAGK DATA (Contd) ANTACK No. 2 (Conta) ‘TrpE Atteox (Conta) ‘ag ful, pover, Keeping ow on; Stopped Sia'tagsheo at about 8000 yarda rang Swing Ship to 2070 gyro angles and Sousnoet ciring at range of 2500 yards, mene atarboard track, om speed having Wiohpse to'g knots. Kepé, Tor on continuous iy ieee phase of ateack and Kept TOC vobed in bearing. tubes Fired = No.6 Nos_$ Nosh Nos? Nov2 NO~ 2 ‘track Angle - 6795 683505 69.595 71°S 58S 6098 cyeeiinein «= Ome cen ek ee Depthiset) = RON ex ROtmmastce is? 20" 20° Power Hout HL ow HL Hit or Miss = Hit’ Hit Miss Miss Prenat. Miss mrratic -Mo No Wo | Mo Yes No Marie Torpedo = Ub-3A y-9A WBA YW-3A WRIA UH Serial No. ~ 25405 24067 23898 243 2586 2485 tempicier CE GERNOT GL bt Serial No. *= 6EL 12044 12038 7215 575010057 hotuation Set - Both oth Botn Both Both Both aah anv uiaeeneonRlese oh zi ied mae, werneed = 16 16 % 6 6 Serial No, = 5726 2502 sso. 10173 3647 Replosive XK TPE mm «TX TE Firing Interval 10 a EE conic ons = Saas, Seerseul Activity ~ | USS, PELIAS. Reaarke! aorpede ie, 25486 pranavured aftor 16 seconds. turned amay, causing torpedo Now Sto mise, ‘Nibes 6,5,4,3, wore Tired at leading target, fat the next a2. 1.8.5, BLUEFISH $ 17 January 1944 U.S.8. BLUEFISH, Report of Taira War Patrol. (8) ATTAGE DATA (conta) U.8.S. BLUES ~ TORPEDO ATTACK No.3 ~ PATROL Ho, 3 Fy y Late: 72. 3 tee! aMAMG) taSet Fag ba ah ates ange ‘arest Data - damage Inf iotes Description: HAKKO MARU, elone and almost dead in water due to damige sustained in attack Ko. 2+ Vieibilitys stil] poor with hasy mos SAAD Sunk: — RAKKO MART (Ex "aLEFORDH), 6,095 rose a tons, whale factory converted’to oil tanker. ‘shin Damages: tone, Dete 2 Re et eiias ecniecay, enveloping flane from sten to stern. Hdl no Longer visible in suoke and flan. Rader pip Msappoared at short range, Fire Lusted approximately 14 hours. Soturned to scene Baz Sorning to rind caay much Grow, off, some obarre ing Scrape of wreckage, and two Lifeboats with about seventy sur: vivors, Took two prisoners on beard, who testitiea to ship's einking. PEGE DIOFt271s course:_osoer; speed: 0.5 kts: mange: | Sm Bhp Date , 5 Course: 33727; Depth: 62"; gle : 2° up & Torpedo Dat Type Attack: “Sumerged, night periscops attack, ust Stern tubse, while reloading the fo rwar tube jot was tracked ty TDC, but, to inawe tinimun chance of error, gyro anglen were set by hand and Yer fied t 1809, “and point of ain taken on bow of target -22- §8222/41623 U.S, BIUEFIBE Serial ol 27 January 194he = 0- N= P-1-1 f-Na = T= be} ¥.8.5, BLUSFISE, Report of Tira war Patrol (i) APACE Data (conta) AMACK Ho. 2 (conta) ‘Tubes Fired = No.7 Wo. 10° ‘Track angle = 93° 93°F oyro angle = 0° 0 Depth Set - 2 20 Power - mt Bt Hit or ites dat Erratic No Mark Torpedo U-3a Serial No. 25u91 Mark Exploder 64 Bertar No. oss2 Actuation Set Bot Actuation Actual Contact, Mare Warhead 16 Sortel no. 0005 Explosive ox Firing Interval = 10, secon Type spread = None Sea Condition = calm Overhaul Activity = U.5,5, FELLAS. Romar = Torpedo #25510 exploded Premturely 16 seconds after firing. ~2 = M63 Berial 01 27 Tanusy 19hb BLUEFISH, Report of Thira har Petrol. (iH) APTAGK DATA (Conta) ATTACK Hos & U.8.S-_BUJRFISH - TORPEDO ATTACK No, 4 - FATROL No.3 Tine: 22260); Date: Tene by 29bbs Lat: one. Texgot Date = Desege Intiicted Posription: Siagie nip, using radi al cic plan, 2°28" oe FOIE IGRU, a thodaltar of "31750 erose ‘tonn,. which ond Ship sifvd af in attack Ror a.” Cssitiiiey sane an for How 2. ‘sShipe Sunk: Hone, ‘Shine Vaneged: None. Danese Deborined by: ~~ Target Draft: 18"; Course: 06007; Speed: 7.5 kte: Range: eS 1885 9609R; Speed: 7.5 te: Rang: oa vn Ship Data Speed: 10 kee; Course; 02100; Depth: Surface: —ngle:_o° Hise Control ast Torredo Dw Type avinck: Wight surfage attack, using SF radir ranges, Doaringsy and 700 contfol, “Tracked target only fifty minutes, tut previous : traoking of this target for attack Now 2 Ba faisiy well estepiisnad his. ezeod, segle of Yow was estinate@ us 1408 etare potrd ct tine "of firing. attact was aude Inapite of lenge tract, because 1b w fort tat an excellent dolstion of iis course ‘00, ent. because nom én” at tack as, : der 3o sive attention fortaeyrgnsining target in the. wotaity Af HE ettuted asin, Five torpedooe were rized Fron the bow tubes. Tie cause of all being Sof underetocs. “Tittie opportuatty slash Zor ebwer thon of The toned py end clove cunfize fro ne dyande sunsargence ecessesy aa tue Torpedoes were soing outs =m. 5222/A16-3 1.8.8, BLUEFISHL Serial 01 27 January 1944. (1) ABTAGE Dua (Conta) APTAGE Wo. 4 (Conta) ‘Tubes Fired = Mo 6 Wor Wonk Mod ‘Track Angle = 137% 138°S-139.5%S 140.595 14295 oyro angle 3% 2 OSL 0.5% | 208 Depth bet = 20 20 a, M. uae Power - Ht Bie wre un RE Bit or Kiss = Miss Miss iss iss ise zrratic a 2 ? 2 ? Mark Torpedo = Ue3A UJ Lhe UDA LoD Serial No. = 2402 2uh3L_— 24322 243002472 Mark Exploder = 6-4 rh Beh Soh Sgriad Wo. = 7180 68h 1k 72156785 Actustion Set = Both Both Both © oth = Both Actuation Setul - -- & 3 ‘ Mark Warhe: -16 16 Beeei1s 36: = 5057 992698 sBll 99 -7x KOE, Firing Interval = 10 Seconds, type Spread - 1/2° aivergent spread. Sea Conditions =~ cal, Overtaul activity - USS. PEL. Remarks: + ~~ Reason for misses unknown. ith te speead used and relatively, short range (800 yds.) at least one hit should be exper Sas. s8222/a16-3 U.8.5. HLUEFISK Serial OL 17 Tanusry 1944 9-0-N-F=1-D-B1 Subject: _U-S.S. BLUEPISH, Report of Third war Patrol. (H) ATRAGK DytA (Conta) «TPAGK 1d U.8,S._SLUBFISH - TORPEDO ATTAA No. § ~ PaTROL Wo, 3 ‘Time: 0143(G);Date:_5 Jan.,29hb; Lat,_7°-40.51 ene totes Target Data - Vanazo Intlioted Description: One AK (KONSAN MAW, Lett over fron Attacks Nos. 24°3!, No moda, overcast, hazy. ‘Sine Sunk: None Ships Dasoged: one Target rate ~ 23: Bunge! 1500 via Cour 250% speed: _8,2 kts. Speed: 8 We ~ Cour Hize Control and Torpedo Date Type Attack: Might surface attack using radar ranges and Deerings. Tuo ohlp was tracked usine the ‘Wo fron «range of 7000 yer ds for 22 hour Gainea position 30° on etartourd bow of target, range 600 yards, Started in at flank Speed, keeping bov pointed at target. Abia rage Of 100 yards, reversed coures, Stopped and slowed to about 7 knots, Adjusted course for zero gyro uncles, fired tubes 7, 8; 9, to lit. TST boarincs aatened continugualy én D0. 85222/416-3 Serial OL (G-0-NoP=I-D-E- subject: 0.6.8. BLUSISit 27 amucxy 1944 (1) A@TAGK DATA (Conta) APTAGK Wo. 5 (Conta) ‘Tubes Firea ‘Track angle Gyro Angle Depth Sot Power Hit or sthes zrratic Mark Torzedo Serial No. Mark Exploder Serial Ho, Actuation Set Aptuutiion Actual Mark Warhead Serial No. Explosive Firing Interval ‘Type Spread Sea Conditions overnast activity Remarks: = Woz Mo Hon = 10788 10° 1398, nage, o 3°R, 2. be 20° 20" < oha HL Bs = te Mies Mies - Yee Yes Yes | eae U3 UB = 4738 255k. 24305 =) eee on. bu = epee 17605 * 9397 = Both Both Both - 16 6 6 = 20005 107% 675 - Tx Px = 10 eos, 20 10 secs. - Kone. = ent swetts. - 085. Pas. Torpedo Wo. 24738 circled and Gxploted premturery 150 Torredoe! ‘starbourd’ bea, on the toa. 25542, nd 24305 porpoised for awhile,then were fiot seen aeain. Two very distant Oxplost ons Leerd about 3.5 minutes after firing were 4 to be these forpedoes exploainé st ond of run. See ‘35282 /a16-3 U.8.8, BLUSPISK Serial o1 17 January 1914 20-%-F-- DoR-RP-I-AcL Yo enemy aines or minolaying aud ainesweeping operations were observed, Tui vecsel's passage turow@l E:RDGTA STAAET was the first bys U.S, Naval Vessel in about two yeers, und auol, of tie water of that vicinity is believ- ed alnectie. Passage was sade through the narrowest portion about four iles south of the eastern eni of SuUTO ISLA, 8 @ course averaging 309%. Tuts wus turoucl, aprroxiaately tue sue cuannel used by a Japanese tanzer eigited walle it has Proceeding turough the strait ina. pyposite direction. ‘The course turough tie soutierm approsohee to tue strait, 5 woll us that while tracking for Attace No. land Tetize dng afterward, was generally in tue center betwoon BILLETON TSLikD and EORNDO, passigg from about 150 alles east of: DISCOVERY 24S? Batl'to ubout 50 miles east of CMIARIO KEEP. No evidence et all, uowever, was encountered to indieate that the strait or its épprosches are mined. (3) a r-SumeRINE weasuERS xD ZvAstON TACTTES ‘he Jap ninesweeper enountered on 27 Vocenber in the western FLOR" Sea used no new anti-s.tarine noasures, exoopt that the BIMEFISH sound operator felt that the edo ranging projector used by this petrol was the most Jowerfud, he had over heard. A varying sienal enitted several times inaicaced a tuned type of projector und appeared to be his atteazts to tue his driver to the projector, because the Signal intensity increased aarkelly ao’ the fZequency. b turough a certain point, und he eventually tuned to th: frequency, or close to it, euch tine for further echo ‘Tue Ustial evasion tactios of subserging to depth considerably below tie beginning of the theraocline, and running silent, was sufficient, ond it is believed that Ge minesweeper never made solind ccntact, altnousi eelo Fenging was Leard at increuging ranges ior 9: sous. Tue Ssotnerasl extended to 200 fect, below whic Tive-deurt Per-hundrec-fect thermocline was encountered. 1-2 ain Sweeper used echo ranging tie waole tuo, end avteyptay if any, at detection by Listening only must ‘Lave boon mado . with sonie equipnent. kis eco raising equifnent was tuned fo about 18:2 kllooyelee. ‘The areh around SINGATORE is apparently kept under fairly effioient air patrol coverage, ao wittaecssd by our Deing forced to sutmerge by plane ccntacts, one on 1 Temuury, nd ties on 2 Janusry, while at cistaices of ‘about 225'and 140-160 alles from SINGAPO, respectively. 2 222/A16-3 1.8.8, BLUEPISH ial 01 27 sanuary 1986 (x) - ston pardons uD DuLoE Wo, 3 apd Nox 4 aain engine au:flers failed to the extent thet tne nOlee fran tuese eneines is dancerously tie Gkegasively loud. Opportunity was not avail-ble to Get- and ezeopetiguet Location or extent of tie fault. Tis GrEible devel oped siaultaneously in the two nufflers ever & sree of three days wale enroute to tke barrier fron the Pee eed area, fisd At been nocossury for this vessel to seeeetelin‘the area mich longer, tue noice mica’ cave ay affected tus execution of might surface attanke pata ‘alt ‘soadages transmiced to VIX# were cleared without aifriculty, using the frequmoy recomended 1p, the Hibstton order. Reception was, in genersi, goods It Seriats were received. fog Sedttation unit of the TEL equinuent, wa ‘successfully used for Yoive coumunication between to U.S: $RSoana this vessel during the joint attack on the three Bit convoy on January b. The only difficulty experienced ithe orckag endrapione deck Haul ner vie ond of the beries of attacks. (Rape ‘The SD radar functioned fairly vell while in the ‘area and prior te arrival in the area, but shortly after 1 $Te* att ea" onroute to Fremantle, a’good opportunity was ioe tee for'revunine with a land targst, The transmitter obtained {untae bar wes found to be apprectably out of tune. filament Unis Ingreused efveotive ranges by about 130 yercent. ‘he's? radar, althourn giving very excellent resulte at the tine of departure froa Frenaatle, developed ural troubles, ali but one of whion occurred, and wa eyesutuliy reyaired, Prior to reaching tie ara, Tue last, succete M Aoboribed below luckily occurred sout of we barrier Sere ofeg, since Fepair was impossible aboard ship du his Elonance of spare range unit oryatals. Tue rinoipal ‘Serangenente were 65 f01L0ws: (a) wien no signed could be obtained upon turning on equipuent, @ bad oseillotor tube (V-10L; Fens oid gunverter unit was found end replaces, (ofa) proxea beater Lead to this tube was repaired. Signals were restored thereby. = 29+ p5222/a16-9 V.8.6, BLUEPISH Serial 01 17 denusry 190h © * Subject: __U.5.5, BLUSFISH, Report of Taira war Patrol. (2) BADR (conta) (b) Bxcoasive noise froa the transite, receiver exieust blower notor was eliaiaated by in- Silas two 500 uRF filter condensers, gue frac ch blower lead, to ground. Tile te {n’additlon the noise filter tsstalied by Sulmarine Base, Kew London, es per Bushipa Hadar Jatnten ance bulletin. (3) "Wen che sweep disappeared, Te mat restored by replacing te sweep tbe (V-2:65N7), Tay'Poor signal to nelse ratiovves iuptoved by replacing 2n¢.stege TF. amplitisr tubs (V-202:6407). (@) The renee step disappeared. Tho atop gould be caused to appear inters!vtently by moving the Gnpue lead to. che delay tank driving cryetal. Teste sith Ue CRO. shoved that tie ehcnal nae aatistcctary into He Delgy ‘Tank but thet no oueput was obtal aed foe fie tenks “Disassecbly of the belay tan, ana. ta EeSte of” mo crystals, using C.8.0-, shoved the Sriv= Sng cnyatal inside tao Lolder wai alspected, fide wae beyond ability of ehip's personre) torepair, andy Bixee no epars crystale ate aliored, to range unit was rolnstelied eo it was, in order’ tat, tie output Of tie Regulated Rootifier "a" aight be kepe at tue proper vaiua; Ranges could charestter only be eati- Eatee from pseitions of tue sisiel on the ange Tndleator CHP race, Until « complete socom ‘equip~ ect ia, provided, Ge resoauonsed in tue Comaneine Ofricer's ceauon ve concerning this in the Kacrative (pert B), 4¢ 40 recomended Uist the allow noe of spare parts be isoreased to ancluie an extra crystal set fof tse Deley Tank, (3) SOUND oxaR aa soUND conorrroNs Neither the Qo-JK nor the QB sound equipuent 4: delieved yet to be functioning properly. st no tine, lave ship Propellers. been picked up at Tungee greater then 2500 yard ‘This condition has continued to exist since comissioninc, in spite of attenpts to inprove it during three previous refi ta. ability, men, at "te in opite of te inherently high notes level caused by uny ovenmt biroush tle water, was able to rick up e tanker (ef. Ship Contact No. 2) Just south of SEMI ISLND in Takitinta STRATP, ut a rango eatinated by periscope to be about 19000 yards, vithout previous knowiedse on his rart of ite being = 30- g9222/416-9 vss. BLUSPES Soret x z. vk, U.8.S. BUUSFISK, Report of Third war Patrol. 27 January 1964 1943, tn pth, and vith a Tod oer acter (0) avert Lawns on 30 Deceuber, « good density layer wos courtarad in the west FLORIS SEA, between iWiGE.2 ISLS and FAPERNGSTIR ISLANDS (Let, 7-108, Lore, 116°-37'E), in water Averaging cbout 250 fatcoas in depth. The isotuerms) extend od frem tho surface, which wae calm and moctu, to 200 feet, Soiov witch @ negative thermal eredient of sbout 5°3/100 ft, continued a2 deep 26 the maximum depth attaines ef that tin $30 feet. ‘Balancing was not attempted, but Sasily aaintained with 1.5 knots speed at a depth of 340 ft., Sith & trim which wa about 000 pounds heavy at, 200 feat. ‘Elaowie re, in the Jaa Sea) FaRTiATs STRAIT, ‘and the SOUT: CHINA SBA, which ere relatively shallow ereds, only isotiernsls were ecountered, (P)_ ocd was excellent throughout, snd, due to the relatively short duration of this patrol, fresh frozen foots Nore still aveilable near the and of the patrol. Yabltabiiity was good, jealth vas Good, With the following minor ailments being reported and tieated: 2 Uretritis Ring worm ssx22/aié-9 0.8.5. BUIRFIBE Serial Ol 27 January 1964 0:0: FaJe DE-NoTeT Ach s Subject 0.5.8, BIUSFIGH, Heport of Third war Patrcl. ‘ (q) PERSONNEL tue performance of duty acd morale of both ofticers anddrew was of mighest quality througacut, and Jere novaing to be desired. (R) WILE STRAND = FUEL WED Fremantle to Barrier! 1626 st. 21,008 gels. Nopth of barrier: ub. 92,027 ele (5) poRASTOH age Haroute to Frenuntle: pays Submareed: (1) TAOTORS_OF ENDURANCE REMAINED torpedoes ‘Fusl _—«rovisions Fersonnel actor a5 pays North of Barrier: © 16 aS os ° 2000 gals. 30 days 30 days Liniting factor this Batre]: 11 torpedms expenied (uy Reais ‘Tue refit crew accomplisied an oxoollent Job. of ropacking the periscope wlanis during te refit rrios Xe, hag etagle Laeko were neenisiie, white training renmined suooth Y Vin regard to the danger of eneay shins and 9it- eraft wing radar sevection equinuent to detect and deteraine grate using Top SD radar equipaent, it bas been the policy of, Phin vessel to "key" the 52 ‘Snes every one to five ainutes $Rls Yetat ca or about five seconts, Tt is realized tle, # for « period cpetly only cares its detection jus a iittie ore cae ene Pr te suggested that, $f the SD radar could bere, asaitiod so that $08 fregueney,coulé vo snitsed {2 dosiened oF corent values, quitkay dnd easily (either automets. severe] dis teregie aamual oonerol) over & relatively nazrow bald, ally oF Wy aquoey vetwoen gach tise of keying would sike tte < hanging {rede gore diriouit, while etill retaining tLe sf Sektages of a low frequency radar syste. 2 32 - a 205-16/:26-3 SUBMARINE SQU:DHOW SIXTEEN Erbe 35 : U.5.5, RSH, Flacshtp, a So aanansy dole Euasr emonsaeum to Sua yer petron Report fobe2/ia6~ dsted 17 Jencary £9hh. From: The Commander Submarine Squadron SIXTEEN. Tot ‘The Commander tn Chior, UNITED Stitss FLEET. Vint The Commander Subserings, SEVENTH FLEET. The Commander SEVENTH FLEST. Subject: U.S., BLUEPISH (98222) - Third War Patrol - Comat on. As the thind war oatrol of the 9.5.8. ELUEPISH covered a period of twenty-eight days cf thich efteen wore spent in eneny areas. he limiting factor in thie asgr land determined patrol was the expendi ture of all torpedo: 2s meliine shtp contects wore made and Lt was pos for the PLUEFISH to make five determined attacks.” Of t five attacks a11 tut one was conducted on the surface at night and countersmensures as a reqult wore neither strong hor effective, 2PTACK WO. ONE - This was a ntsht surface attack ond Speake well for the skili of the fire control party as evidenced by the fact that tho firing of five terpedoss posulted tn five hits. APO:CK HO, U0 = this wees night surtsce attack in which ‘wo ehlpe were engaced, tho loading targot with four torpedoes, tho second with tno and all fired to Mit, Tho first tro “Alt, again denonstreting the excellence of the fire control data, while tho last four, conteining one pronature, missed, “It ts fovt that the wiesea my have been the fomult of target's chenge of course or speed oF both on hearing the firet two explosions, ‘ada spread boon used tf 18 mosaible that more hits wight have boon obtained, CK 10. THREE - thie was a submorged night atteck on Erp pravloushy nih dog’ anfehy to's result, say ehmoot jond Inthe water. Teo tompedess wore very proper firce to hits” One gremeturea but the eccord hie and ceused tho HATKO ARO to stalks F05-16/a16-5 suHLiRINE SQUADRON SIXTEEN Serial 065 UiS.S. RiSHER, Flagship GEE LIs Batt 30 Jamary 19hh. : EIRSY ENDONETIT to eT Re Way Patrol Roport, 29808/116-3, Gated 17 January the Subject: U.S.o. LUEFISH (S222) - Third Ver Patrol - Como on. AITLCK Wo. FOUR - Mts was another ntgnt aurtace approach Sondueved'oe-s"2)750 ton fretgaver whfon was tie second Ship fired on in'mamber two atusck. "Fvc torpedoss wore Hinge bat oft alosods. A spread ens used, tho range, aa fod, the gyro angle excollont end whfie'the track angle is feiniy Large At waa not too largo and.come hite efowld have beon obtatneds “Pire control deta Hed Deon uniform ty fine tnall casos end the only plausible explanation Sons. to be. that with depth seutings of 20 and 15 feet the"tompedoes ran umdor and failed to’ explode on 1nfli~ ADRLCK NO.RIVE - Thia wos against tho camo target and Fesenbled Wo. I cxcept that stern tuber wore used, the Ponge was oven batter ee was tho track ancle yot no hits recutted, Tho explanation In this case, however, mms obvious 1a that all tonpedoes ron erratic and ond premutund dengercusly close to tie BLEFISH efter edFeltngs Tt 1s noted that a spread was used on only one of the fivo attacks 1t, trontesliy enough, seoulting 18 no Bits. Thte derarture fron’ standaré oractice, ‘while productive of Generally" oxcollent reguite in this ind orcvious patrols of the, BLUEFISH 1a constéored to Involve certain factors which rendor ite ronorel adoption at thia tine eas now standard for nicht sunfacs attacks, e nator for most careful consid cpetion by responsible authorities, The hich ogres. of accuracy of torpeas control dase ‘obteinsbie under the conditions of © Bight surface attack te Fosoentzed ee tho trimory fector, tipon which the use of thie standard te predicated bus tt 1s alse tobe noted that an unuauel}y high degree of proticieney of, ene torpedo control panty waa, facion fn this Grae. end Rot ins cooat tions under mhteh tf eis enployed vero, {dork Unti1 such degree of profteteney in torpedo control 12 moro fenoral theoushout the Submarine Service thon at presents end oxcopt undor apnraxtmately #2 feverable conditions ae extsted here, 1t 19 considered that ths uso of » sprond. sufficient te cover posible last minute maneuvers of the target, ond errors of performance n'a feateworkine control party, is’ still the Dect oractices Se F05-16/416-3 SURLARINE SQUADRON SIXTEEN Soriai0e3 1.5.8. RAGIER, Plegchtp B-o-E toe 30 ismary 19h. Eras) ENpoRSRE UT te TSH $a War Patrol Report 33222/216-3, Sebed 17 Jonuary 19ldb. Sub jects U,8.8. BLUEPISH (85222) - Third Ver Patrol - Comment on. 3. The recomendation of the Comanding officer concerning © standby 80 transmitter and receiver, when Sufficient ects Become avaliable, 12 concurred ine 1, mo BLUEPISH returned from patrol In exceblent materfe1 condition and refit wiil be accomplished by the BELLS in the normal time. Hoalth and morale cppeared oxeollent 5. The Commanding Officer, officcre cnd mon of the pbiEFIsu are congratulated on 4 fine aggrossive patrol which rosie have been evon more productive fad the torpedo performance (throe promatures and tvs orratice) beon bettors 20 fin 1 Braet 008. EeA71/a16~3 UNITED STATES WAVY 22-me Serial 2 : 9 Povruary 1944. Gamander Task Forve SEVEUTY=CmE. Counander:in Chief, UNITED STATES FLEET. Comnander, SEVENTH FLEET. Subject: —U.8.S. BLUEPISH (85222) ~ Third War Patrol - Camment on. 2 The remarks of the Oxmander Submarine Squaéron SIXTEHI are concurred in, a BLUEPISH in sinking two large tankers struck the (qneny Where he can least afford to be struck. It io believed that the skilful tracking and then the hard hitting attack on the Naval Tanker "SATA" in KARDUTA STRAIT left the enemy without @ olue as to the location or manner in which the vessel was destroyed, Ass result, it is probable that anti Suomarine sotivity has not Deen incited in the shallow waters cf KARTUTA STRAIT, thus leav= ing this access to the SOUI GHUt SEA open for future use under fovorable conditions. 3. ‘This Patrol is dedignated avard Gr the Sitmarine Gonbat Insignia. successful for the 4 ‘The Foros Commander stulates the Comanding orticsr, ctficers, and Crew of the BLIEFISH on their third oon Seoutive suecoashul patrol in which @ minefinld was successfully Planted and the following damage inflicted on the enenys ? E24=71/416-3 UETED STATES NAVY lens Serial gaz 9 pobrunry 1944. SEOGID, te BLUEPISE, ‘Patrol Report 55222/Al6—5 ori) January, 1944. Subject: U.8.8. BLUEFISH (88222) - Third War Patrol - Comsat on. \a = Ao (uavar, ammR sata) 41 5X0 (HOI MARUY 144050 Tons R. We CHRISTIE. ‘UWIFED STATES FLMET 84 comings SEVDIT FLEE a3) (#-6/om) 018168 seriat: O97) = — 18 APRYoa4 ‘BAAD BDoESRANT to: op ss SUUEFIs (35222) Conf. Ler. Serial (ated 17 damary 391d. = = ee — an na, a Se ee — : / 2. Gag C4y crue, Paice S08, BLIP ISH|s5222) g/o'Ficet Fost ortice San Yranal seo, Calir. 22 amid, 19he ‘The Concandiog oF Hs Coccnder'in Chief] Unites stctes Fiset, ) he Conmatder Subasring Divi d on ON SIATY-WO, | The Conander Sutcerine Scuadron SIXTH. 1.5.51 SLUMPISH(S222), Report of Wer Patrol Mabe? FOUR, Badosure: (A) Subject Report. Roolomure (a), covert the FOURTH war yetrol af el condosted in the South Chica Soa south of Dangerous Ground, durin the perked 13 Zebruary, 19k to 12 April, 19ldy is forterded herewith. / Mt Rie ee cs is, HENDERSON. mss res 030 weae.22aee we sLae le DECLASSIFIED (a) suovecus vier PRAY THM 19kby arrived Frau tle, Wide from ‘ated ex Patrol. 31 January, 19hui LtoCoutr. Oui. tienderson, U.S., relte o¢ Contr. GE. Porter, Ud. as comendin, ofticer. 1 February, 194k: erie completed. 3-12 *epruery, 19h: Post refit te 8, loading, aug train~ tag. (3) KaRRTIVE. (Aus, BTS Hou) 33-16 Febsuesy, 194h ‘Soroute FMLANTLE to HXLUE GULF, W.A., coaductin, section aives cad eoergency Grills daily. 15 February, 1944. Sighted heavy oll slides throuchout the dey. at 1595, siited dud exci ced recocni tion si_aale with sé, sumer fe on orvopite course. Duriai the night cox ducted six-hour battery diseher ce. 16-20 February, 1944 Bwoute MALU ULE, wih. to LOBOK STRAIT, keapin, off the dizect route, Coutueted daily trainiu, dives, fire Gontrol, ouergency aud battle surtuce drilis Sine have toe eatisrectoxy auplit! Po Bebe 19M 059k Subae ced 50 ailer ciuth of L&C STRAIN. Conducted periscoge patrol. 1910 urfeced. 2h Ment greed rua oa fow tin eucines ané conasnced ePagakt oF Uz y keeping, bo westward Of tae * BuOLOSURE (4) Subject: U.S,5. BLUBFESI(98222) ~ Report of har Patrol Nucber OUR 224) Sichted uni@entitiet shiv, bearing 20°(T) . the northeesteard. (SHIP Golg40T tio. 1) 2329 Kader contact beard: 9°(T) , cistauce 6000 yards, Weather + hay, Sostast noe stineeg, “utoided te ure aot ti enstnand Heevisg his satan dave fon alauten. (Suis Guumsoe 80.2] = Int. 92+ 16.51 5, , oie: 115° 3015" E Standing towerds SikAln ISiaKD. 0625 Sumer ved. O7ML Surfaces. 2009 Plsue radar contact closed fron 14 to 10 wiles. Subuerced. (WIRCRAT OOMTACT No. 1) 126 Surfacea. 1223 Plane redex coact st 2 mtlos, moved in to 20 utiles,” thon moved out end @isapeared.(.TROKuWT CONTACT Wo. 2) 1243 Plane vader contect at 10 ail 1513 S10 v.0.D, thought ke saw 4 vericor®, Iisneuvered to avoid. 1937 Lede lenérell on SIBARU SiniD by chip's redex, ctstance 16000 yerés, butmerced. Several sual teste opstaoted by xader curial the ateht. kone sighted, Avoided all of thea, re #2 Robruesy, 194 0545 Subeerced. Conducted reriscore gotrel west of GaP LuiDaR, 160 'Surfeced, Stentiq noxth across siellow vate: westward of the Cars WILIA slot. . ae ROLE (A) : Subject: _U.6,6, SLUEFISH(s8222) - Report of har Patrol bicbe? FOUR. Durtac the might tus radar stoke up many fal ‘coutacte between 500 end 1500 yards: cotton = Tat. 40,- 08.0" 5. Hops Poskshon = Tees ase Gig 3 aE a1 de 0517 Suited aud aw ited @ sual vost. 0555 Fish periecoye watch slited object, on horizon. Closes EA Pe aeieellte ib tas'e ect! boss, ther Srooseded. 0942 Fic periseoze waved eihted object on uorizon. Comenc- bdclosines it aoveared to bo © scoli 2atrol boat. Ste shed to develop the contact, Bit at 1000 lookout siimeae'a Setvol type land place, distant, about, 6 alle Fecdbe eget appgeigg of tee patrol bode. Setnerced, A708 Surraced, at 1715 alll Again et 1750 sighted ani avolded 2L2é Kadar contact at 2100 verde. Pip faded et 4300 yards, Cleared LakssSuk SIRABT during tne nicht. Yoon Potion - Lat. 0%.- 26,61 8 Tong, 119°> 59:9" B Rot ehated. avoided nin. 2h Eebsuary, Ol, 0543 ong 16h Sudcer ced to zrevent olod ac SISUTU before dark. aslo surta 3993 Kade Landfall on GFBUTU TSLAiD, range 19,600 yards. 2012 Counenced transit of SIBUNU PASSAOZ et Flank speed. asi Ia folrty ema water, shoved to full s7e06, Boon Boatiians) Tst 0 Ue = dong: 1199 ok! 2 > ENCLOSURE (A) Subject: — U.5,8. BLUETSH(S8222) - Keport of war Patrol Wusber 7OUR, 25 Eebwery, 19lly 0039. Clear of sestuloted urea; slowed to tuo-tiirds speed. “At 0235 cud 02%) lied radar contacts at 2500 end £000) Was, ‘remectivgly, nanouvered to av old. 0940 Sighted cuGaYaN SULU ISLAKD. - > 2250 Sighted Ramm ISLaRD. r 1605 | Sschted BALABAC TSlaND,: beasinc 43°(r) 1910 Conneraed transit of BATABLG STRATE (NaSUEWA CHANEL) at ‘flank epe0d. 136 Clear.of BhLA&C OIRAIT, von Post ton “Lak 72. = 32.28 riches ic Cee 26 Zebruss7 , 19k be O§01 sumerged, Patroding intersection of LIKI-FIIE and “- ShiGAPOs"maeme ‘traffie routes. 4639 Sirfaced. Stood gown to southneatvare, 2952, ind Lookout tad $545 0:0.9; skaeltantoanly ceportet ereea Eesktty Gee is SiR) atace Snore tele aeath coin 90° to a4eete) 45 Wo contact nad dévelored, Disecn timed search. Sot s course throwgh DaiG@wUS GROUND fox WaSr YOR. SLaiD 2220~ SJ rager out of cauaission. ae ee 27 _Hobroery, 190 3 1935 Signted us? YoR: TSLign, 1S, Sue ced for tin end Batuytinrce: razh 1 cord (ALL trim Ayes Nore mage deoy Gfves to obtais bathetiercccranh oe BEC LOSUN (a) Subject: |" v.s.S. uuPtai(ssaee) ~ hepére of bar ve have inc so far, ant dave will’ be brwaking 9000, @ T decided to attack. 0510 Commenced attack at Jh.5 kaots. 051 Fired three torpedoes at leading shi. Runie 2900 yards, Gyro angle zero, sppead > 75 perce detwien tox petoes, 0516-30 Shifted 2oiat of aia to secoat 't, which ves sbout 1000 ‘yards on sort quarter of lesain, one, 0527 Fired tres torpedoes at second tercet, runze adout 3200 -6- morosume (4) + 0707 Sachenced Adenti fhoation sipela with USS, Kit, 0720. yokm to whe RAY. of tnforstion, Lear md 20 waa ope, coatact or yesterday aftasnccns itm dociden to consuct ‘TEdeyendont operat ons on eoavoy. 0737 RAY veered off to Southesstward. T coved southward. RAY Was in sicht until 1100, By this tine ters were no in- Gictions es mores. (4) 1053 Ghenced course to 240°(T) « LLM? Chenged courage to 160°(T). 1200 Coucenesd perigcope patrol. Taryet ezpeared to be one of the I-153 class. He koopii @ high yeriacoye wateh. When tue tarcet wi ea T wae caking observations with 15 sod 5 feet of er! Obed. Ho was sivuted at 102) with "At 1027 T used 5 Toot of 2eriscoze. ‘at 1036, ay third end ast aight of the tercet, ny 2eri~ ‘Scope was awash, we-were sain, 1/3 speed oa ai) Sxposures., a foreo thres sea wus Tingin., with Kany waite caps. “Vir tudes wore ready well in edven Go not deliove we aude a bubble, Durinc aost of the Sporoach wo wie aooessarily broadside to tie taret. Stemard speod wes umd at tines, but aot after tie Fane decreased to 6000 yerés. fen unable to ascertain the caus of our deine detected. 1961 Surfuced und headed for KIRI. Moga Position = at. | 72 = 7 une: ube 2 33s 2 byron, 19M si . 2034 Sutmer yet, 1724 Surtecea, 1630 Lockout sighted sueli laud plene, ren,s about 5 alles, Stbner cod. 1908 surfaced. hoon Position = Lat. 4° = 54.7" x : Tom: 1126 2"30,6" = < 2 Maron, 196k + 0628 Sutcerced ami rolled the eastem end northern a rocches ‘to BIRT, 7 i 1540 Surtacea, > ~20- BROWSE (4) sf; BimteulsSz#2) = Rezort of War Patrol Subject. 0220 Slowed to standard speed, Position ia doubt. Visibility 10000 yaras with intermittent squalls. 2h Went ahead ruil. ‘ ORO Land contect.on SD radar, aistant 12.ailes, O12 53 goutact on BALABAG TSIAND, Metant’ 23,560 yard on58(2) 0943 Went ahead flank speeds 0519 Conpleced transit of BAIABAG STRAIT (XASUBATA GIANIBL). 0542 Bubuerged on course O70O(T) + 1230 surfaced ant Rested far BANCAWAN ISLsND. 1654 ede Lenitall on BANCAUAN ISLAND. ee 1630 Passed BANOAUAN TGLAND ant headed for PEARL BANK, ‘Hoon Fos oh - Tat. 82 - 09.0" ¥ Tong. 117° ~ 43.3" E vowing, 21 Merb, 19h 0706 Sighted fleet plane, distent about 4 alles, comtae out of te sun, subsergos, “Patzolied sorters entrance to Le Fase between PEARL BANK end LAR TaD. (AGRE OnEACr Noe OD 2s25 Surfeced ed headed for GABALRAUMAN ISLAND. Moon Bosttion = Lat, $0 - 1.8¢ W Toe tongs 119° = $212! & 2B Merch. 19bk 0545 made Landfall on 1.dKBARN AULA ISLAKD. 0729 Subuersed, Ang Line between BAZABAC eed, patrol sik, weed, SURAXT ant asa ate ENCLOSE (A) ano 2156 2200 2300 . V8.6, uueaeals722) ~ eport of ber Patrel usher FOUR. Stoned und Ley to § alles east of loaaiinNAORA TSLAD. Seger contest (HA Gud.c® (8), om ta. 320°(n), Atetant 9005 gerdey. ‘vont ¢heed tml asd chesced’ cous Gooey. Goasamed Crackin. ‘Worked up te full: pone on. ine, Hoonset . continuing charge on auxtliary Siuat ant radar contact on uhst 1s believed to ue a SLELI esoart aiead of tarot, Teeth Megs lea geteriaes. sass course 1308, BL gIn, “between 109° end 1550; speed 16.7.” Wont’ to action stations. Continued tiaakinc. Night te dark and clear with a very teu sonttered horizon clouds, Sea is ebsolutel; rut caln. Noon Bostssed + rat. 6°,- 26.7" x - Hong. 118° 40.5" B 22MMrci, 194, 2000 005 0017 024 < 0027 Fu pes tiga with tancet beastng 320%(n) a want 2000 yarden. Be 4a ranking nicely. Slowed and aaneuvered for attack. ost Mads ali tubes ready, Op course 0028, wits tancet dessin, 000° xeLdeive, distant ea yesage Se ban pt 0h lefee” atanea. tan Ste agatameectn crema come ota oe De ony course 29 1508s mise betweed 238 sc 1998 fie ta Stree out oy a gost sainsteria: ameivats):" iaicet hoo Sheaed ogteas Go Redd wast of Panik dus set-up Lo Sti coade the siatzer tack, cation tad fom Sur atieak’owve date to be about 700. Cet SNE ROMER Sear -200:- 78g soptmoan oe Se aise aa, 27h Feheoy cyro eagletss® treo ascie 8 star hee mCLOSTRE (4) subjects —U.S,S, BEUUPTSE (8222) ~ hoport of ar Patrol Nuaber FOUR es, ~~ eee mee“ 2~ , eee eer 0027-30 Target comishoed tzalng towards us. He ot tier sew ‘us or head tie’ torpedoes, 2028 Tarest. sui + Fonte decreasing rapidly. Teentirioa a slaw mineeyers : 0029 Steady on 260°. ‘Taret is s1iihtly on’ port quarter, Fangs steady eb 1700 yerda, angle ou toh 20 Star boase, ‘inning down the targedo wakes. on29~30 Tazget dropged four doth chazkes, He wea einouatted ine flagh of gone sort, grcbatly fro his Y guns. 0030 fargot_now-menausered Zadleeliy. The rance comnaaced to open slowly. 0051 Target coauenced tum tng ‘Lett; The mage rato indicates Ae hae slowed. 0032-30 Firea test torpedo froc aft, songs 3500 yorta, track ‘agle 30° starboard, gy 70 encls, 0034-30 Target drogged ome depth Shere: Biiee abe eee Pines ee feces 0845 te, SE ea se ieee Sei nee 0050 Siowed and cianict course to'hésd for « otut north of cheam2 Wtween PEARL BANK and DOC Gail ISLA. 0550 Sutuercod on sighting aaail boat. - 615 Bout out of siyat t southward, Continued >eris0o6 patrol. 1610. raced and headed for chéinael betwoon P&AKL BANK end Fee am OW Coapioted transit. 5 s2he RCLOSUNE. (A) 0330 20 0525 0545 3230 1634 1650 1935 2056 lay to in position tat. $°- 11.0" 8, Long, 219° ~ 26.1" 2bo" verde’ fron te veoh. Commenced clearia, the const. to devs zatrol boat, bearing 330° soe coum Subuaignds Contact Rot regained at gerdscope depth. On. sie) eons Tost sae ailncustted tgfiast tie norizos, eaf'moved Lato the dead beokerouns. Headed soushwest at periscope pe Petrolling 2 allen off shore, Tn the afternoon ecttinoh yee to" on eusharad cleat foshare ia fatr'g°= ab Sap, fougs 119 = 35-00, sunsaoeds Changed course to 295°(T) to investicete fleshiog Light on the beach. Iay to 1700 yards oft the beach. Cleared the coast and commenced battery charge, Patroli- ea orf shore. Hoon Position - Lat. Tom: age = i: 3 2 Meron, 1964+ 100 2230 0325 0523, Hoaded for the coast, ‘Stopped and Lay to 1500 yards ofr the beach. Cleared the coast, Loved eastward. Sutuerged 5 ailes north of HONGAO ISLAND. Conducted periscope petrol on course 010°(T) and reverse. cro BNCLOSURE (A) Subject: 0.6.5. BUMBYTSH(SB222) — Report of War Patrol Raaber FOUR 1691. Surcancd und honded for LASTAN POTNP. gon Position - lat. | $9-90.2" x Long: 129°-47.1' T peerrnetyy ~ 0030 Stopped and ley to 1100 yerdstroa the bosch in position Tate 5° = 21.5" Ne, Long, 1199-35, 75 0300 Cleared const. 0590 Bubaereed ent petrolled tro ailes off the coast ME - SW stented several ieusehe: ea se, sey. Two of thea Sppoar ed. to. be peezo: wh: the. goast_ botwasn SUBLx Poti end ManGaOw POINT, “In te afternoon aigitod Mat appeared to bo a Barca oF patzel Bee mgchome glee leshere 4 zoattdon Late $°-02) a5 tone tag 15 = 00, emi a-leuach Iying to olor ” tates tae tainch ‘sbored tloueside the amehored ¥. 1637 Surfaced ent headed for STBUTU PASS.GE. 2046 Coqsacced tmasit of STBUIV PASSAGE. 2100 Mader and siuut contact st 1800 yards on anell patrol Jsunch whiten tyevely eave chase.” We Left nis razialy arn, Undoubtedly wo were rojorted, This oatrol was Toorted wout 6 alles due west of BONGAO ISLAlD. 2220 Congieted transit. Chenged course to 115°(T) sud siowea fe full speed, : Hoon Posttio: + Ps 45.21 Ne rest Hig®- 005 8 BARREL, 194k: 0535 Subsereca. Lens sursecud cod Mesded for LAKASEAR STRAIT at 1/3 spoods 2220 Prensnitted by serie three. Wout chest standard speed, con Position = tat. | 40 - 1b! 2 Tong. 121° ~ 42.51 B =26- RCLOSURE (A) pe ie Se ee : Subject: _U,8,5, BLUSPISH(s8222) - Report of wer Patrol ished Fou. 140 ade landfall on SBKALA ISLAND. 2330 Sighted LOMBOK ISLAND, ~ Tat. 52 - 09.8" 5 Moon Rawkslon * ones 1° ~ 33:9! § Sbprin, 29bh ” : A 030 In position 20 ai! ‘des 030°(T) from TREWANGAN 9° 1e2es ct enatern ehde of uskoos sinais sent to atetions, inorsased speed to full power on all Sof gommiacod transits “Passed 3 altos src ‘ISLAND. Kept well to the eastwar 0544 Subserged 9 miles northwest of TG. PANDAUAN, with broad daylight spproachicg fast. Contigued transit with 32 knot southrly current aad was soon clear. Pasaod shrough nstry tide ripe ead eagaustered reatoal ‘aad erratic teaperature changes, ‘control wes difficult but aot duce erously bor “My eptnion is tins © aubsoreed nortitound. transit would be ipossible ia this monsoan, 1822 Surfaces and yroceaded towards FRELAVTIZ, W.A. Noon Peat ten - tats 92 wong, 1299 > 2318" De 32 dors, Jou Voevent fur. pussace, azcezt for sighting OS K-24 at So°en' 9 aba t, tduh AB sprhd, 19lb 0700 Arrived rendezvous, contacted excort ant entered FREUNILE BR, Weds smiotosume (a) Se OclisP=L-D-BoNATT=Ack subject 1.8.5. BLUEFISH(S222) + Report of ber Patrol Manbed FOR. eens wh = an ee Beales = (c) EMER ootnar was unlfy aly 00d snroube to and froay a “an tie Soulard’ wrens the aolie.tolbowad wink groceediag.| 22 sete StL Ae ees canbe FURRES coA, nALABSAR erLasss' ake ’SLIEYIBE oun’ 0 the aug nd Saas wale 'nol oath Sf ond oq tan BANOS SHED. of he Siti GES S26, "R Skesfe Hebeury to lew tn barca. Little ole en cfocuntraa at any tia. Wigan vere soeweate fo ait Tale wes coo ertdaat eat atia, shoticechie,sorisoa fefzaction See RMALNY SE Peyote on ts borisen toe slongerse aad SHEESSESTESS cma the apperest horizon, were presest alaet Littod,sllete apt ty eth gems auiy exectiest casepe for a SEEDS con Abe guumratigeproveuant et sieht. (>) SEDAL IIPORAS TON In the DANOEROW GROUND, currents experienced ware, cae what vari@ le {n direction and 'seldon-over lalf a knot. The date Gre rather inconclusive for this area, and about the most thet Gen be pale ie that, when tag wings vere of ony rz oisbie, sttengeh, the curragts tended Yo fellow tne wine, ut tiie ie Every tise PALAWAM PASSAGE or BALABAC STRAIT were eato: od or approached, the currest was setting fron 0.5 to 1.5 knots $5 Sb Ge’Ssu dirsction. The dates conceraed were February 25, Marek 10, 15, am 25 "26, During two days subnerced end three nights on the surface in the vicinity of Lat. 5°-20.5" N, Long. 1199-17.5* #, near the coast of BORNEO, the current was setti ag with a strength 1.0 to 3.0 kmots in a KE direction, parallel ‘0, but curving outward fiom the coast, on ell bit Gas occassion wos Lt reversed tor about four houts with a streagth about 0.75 knot from no ap- parent cause other thea tidal. The date for the latter. was Horch 30, voile the inclusive @etes were arch 30 through April 2, 1944. ‘The trensit of STBTU PASM before midnight on February 2h, indisated no current, while that on April 1, 19), also before midnight indicated 0.5 knot, southerly. Currents in LAKASSAR STRAIT followed the Sailing Directions. 29 ENCLOSURE (A) sanjec' 1.8.8. BLURFISu(s222)~- Heport of Var Patrol Nuaber FOUR. The northward tramit through sbout the osater of LaBOK STRAIT on the surface at about the tiae cf nich water at APRVAL, LOLEDK TD. on February 20, 19l, wae with neglicitle current. The southbound ‘tramit oh Arti 6, 19h, aade at ‘showed zero curvent on the ‘an Mie guiseiy cemiee trou: Socueate: chars uth of the eeral (=) surpass, Arps No artificial aevijationai aids were excountered. ‘The positions of the followug ieiends and reefs as apt aa eee eed ee tre cs See caeene und to be correct: WEST YORK ID., aby ster sights ead StacakD REEF], Si Cows ab. (unten BANE), fas Yat 1D. PEARSON. Aaar, A sketeh of te appeerance of WU 117 ISLUD in TIZZARD Rug, Go sean from @ a dence of about ) ailes, and with the centér bearing 04291) , 48 elwen below.” Wellhts of trees were estinuted by periscope stadinoter, usiag Sf radar range ao input, ‘WEED YORK ID, 1s beavt ly, wooded. SIN CoWE ID. of HIGH BANE, the. Sant Cay, of MARSON: REEF ‘and ALBOYNA CAY are ell low, flat ant treeless in appearanct =30- ICLOSURE (A) a BLUEFISH(S5222) - Keport of War Patrol Nuaber FOUR, OVP =I} subject: uv. 8. BLUaPT: = Repost of var Patzol. {ie SH (882227 - Repor WAR RE ote ee isonce Sa eee en Soames tee ee omens cna sight overeat, coanidar bie Neier” Kooaset eens eee ‘eaoramerecatta ee, Be eta enee ee esr manne tae aun ran cin oem ee ee Pee naentibntacctngs, ‘This attack wad aede on the Leading ship. Ship(s) Sunk ~ None, sit ‘Ship(s) Damage or probably sunk ~ None. Denuge detersined by = — Target draft -28', course’ - 2D, speed -_13, range -_2900. Qu Ship Une Speed ~ Uk, Course +095, Depth-}di Aneto -_. Hise Control and Torpedo Data. Type Attack - Bight surfane attack usim radar ranges and face terse’ bearing transeittor bear nee on the 70¢, Taxet was tracked fran 8000 yas, abeaa of comoy until a good solution was obtained. Started in at full speed with Tarest boariag 0° relative, angle on the bow $00 sterboard, range 6000 yas. nt 3000 yds, ‘Stopped; comenced firiag wen oa speed showed I Eoota. Fired three st leading ship) three ‘at cond ship, omimed course t 2750(r), fred four st tire hip, Ho hits were = ‘ a oe 1 BICLOSIRE (A) =, E Srerbeut dott ey ‘ENCLOSURE (4) Subject: —U,8.8. BUIKFISH(88222) - Report of Wer Patrol Mimber FOUR. Vs8.5. AURIS ~ Torpedo Attack, Ho. 2 - Patrol Ho. h Tino ~_0635. Veto ~d March, 1944 ~ Lat, 50-32"H,Long,, 1099-090 axget, Data- Vamee Intlieved ships as for attack Wo. 1A, Contact= ‘dy sight at a range of 15000 yds, Bx~ Oellent Waibility, half acon, ‘no elauds, Shipla) Sunk One aediua 40 ships) danazed —- None, Desgo Deterpined By = Pelt and heard 5 torpedoes nit, after ‘iret torpedo ht sem tip break in two! Flagee aot 300. feet interme air end Completely edveloped te eh Target Drett - 25, Course ~ 216, Speed -12, Rance -_ 650 yds ‘oma. Sain Daa Speed ~_2.5, course ~ 276, Depth 63", Angle —0 Fize Control & Torpedo Data ype Attack = Bummer ced periscope attack, Tracked tar ' Seder og eur fece. yeas out ahead jortly before a fend attacked. Set 75 yerd spread at the TDC. RNCLOSURE (A) G ‘Subset: U.S., BLUFISH(S9222) - Report of har Patrol Kas yom z 1.8.8. BLURITGH - Torpedo Attack No._3A ~ Patrol Ko. k ‘than ~ 00274 Date ~ 25 Karob, 19h. = Lats 50-58'1,toce, 11990155 ‘Tarcot Data - vemse Infiicted + Unegoorted Gi siatler to virsosHm, Contacted by redar at 9600 yards, Vissbility Sot} few boskeared clovda;, celm, glass? see, suipla)sune = None Ship(s) Deneced - None Target Draft - 16+, Course - 275, Speed - 26.8, Range-2800 yas. ‘own Ship Dota ‘Speed - Jk, Course + 960, Depth = 47*, Anuie -_0__ ‘Eise Contzol and orpedo inte ype attack +“ Might surface attack using Heder ran Erlipelsarcet tenriny treianistor bearings, led target. on susface until @ good eolution Obtained. Commences attack frés 10000 Cane 1m et standard speed, (1h knots) ‘bow polated at tarzet continuously, 7 yas: vetween each ono. Spread was set on the 16, Keserke = he target detected us at about the tine the Last tospedo Was fired, the tarcet, srobably hoard the torpedoes ruining, or aieked up our oropellers, it is aot believed that be made siiht contact, He turned towards us fant paralleled the’ to rjodo wal mic Lost (4) fustion A2tuad e Warheed Hiaing ieorvaa ‘Sprosé S88" Cond! U ona Overheul activity Rana 6 o i259 111683 MPR) Tex. "10 Seconae. 7 yas. divergent. Cara. is.5. PELIAS Target torsed toward and avoided, ENCLOSE (A) ep caliees. speed 47.7, believed Bitte nao'ante ta the OUD Sek at iat Se-7h'ary after Hast stenting et tat. 6 3319" 3) teen uahathabaan fbx, zo other laing operations or aine fields of the eneay wore cures. (a) SBASUHES AND HVASTON tACTICS » coayoys encountered vere formed loosely with con aidereb is {itsrval betwesn shins (st least 1009 yards ead some- ‘ime s 20go or 37c0 arcs), ‘They 11 gea radically at frequect aot Inteteminete intervals, Une se-vra patrolisd station and frequently sifted ptavion, Hea. tao esourts corvotea us ¢ Sirfece they sigielies us sue vinci tewsras vs, ie never able to hold the comtact. Gi. ous ccoasioa at ais wile chas- Ine a convoy two red flares Nere fined, possibly ‘illoating Neuimerine sighted". 2. Tue septn shange ‘astack on gyn wae, delivered. by tro curDoRT clas fe Soncaneed 34 ainutos after te target « was Rit.” Duns the fret 25 minutes 26 charges vere dropped. in Patterns of ons, two or thres. None of these was very alose and no dammge re sulted. During tie period te sscorte listened 2 only, ‘They were disposed ap. iy 90 desrees apart. ‘Dearing from us; therefore they aay mve been usine soue wrt of cr0ee Somrize pict to Locate us. host of te charges were, pro- igetea white whe escorts ware saxing slow opeed. "Seven ainites defer the not serge, the osooree apaséed tp, comaenced pinging Sod oondw ted a retiing soareh, During the atveck T used radical speed and course changes; efterverds I retired at slow ‘speed away from scene. 3, Pane contacts ware est auasrous in and S&KALA ISinNDS in LAKASSAR STRAIT. ~ st7018 were aapountered in LOMBOK STRAIT and one dot ween LIA ae TWO in siBUtu P, A= ENCLOSURE (A) “Bubject: U.8,S, -BLUBFISK(§5222) - Report. of War Petrol Kusber FOUR, 5 — \ Se Aa une, AKARGAR STHATT. was Tu}2 of saell boats, soae’of which gfe ‘ult ow tediy. patrols. : (8) ustOR DEREORS! AND: DAWG 1g Main, Gontaoh Sali Gault act gerade) 2.2 ant te b Mein Genwarore: Speed of port Main Kotore increased. when droid’ or'iis. b lain Generavar was increased. The trouble was found to have deen colused by @ 5" piece of welding rod which Bed falies tae lodged Detwem te Fhecstat for ‘the port Maio Mowers eat Noy & Min Gepsrator field theostat, thereby electri- cally connecting then together. ‘port Nain ‘Motors wer Stopped and the leading Shier Electricians kato, with rubber Etetbe end woll jrotected ara, redoved weldi ne rod by hank. 2 2. Un three separate occasions control sei1ee SEER, vow of aterm planes, Tne cae SSC! ote oeatioel for eifner pair of plaoeey ani were waitlen ete een ebetech Levers, (ptece No-/100} counted. oo gauged hy ESiet et tok ay gare sepicced’ by seres, the cause See rele ne, comedy retioee er west iacltental to, aoeaal Sec HEE oald 62a tan! ahue- sls" foe ode to take © os, Hieteiad "aortas wen av ie preesee ito proper fare SEE “EaSuh clase, soge of the sooll contactor armtures ere pabeitaly sven 3, Bow Bi Gontrel of bor planes was ost. be- cause of SGreken culde'on the pilot ctroult contacter, aounted Sethe decelerating enunt contactor (Piece to. 209). There is ED sucn- gore pate ghovideds so ship's Zonce onde af iuatelloa fnow guide, voieh was fashioned froa 16 gince sivet optal. fne'reflure'se believed to be incidental fo noraal use, end 1¢ fevcher efor thougit tet this item should be added to’ the apere parte allowance. dy Noe Zngine. Upon aurfad og after an all-day, dive, the aa vo start No. 4 ania engine wit ie inbosrd'exheuse valve closed, ‘This caised the oylinder re. Tier verve to Litt, The engine was limedi@ely secured and the Glosed inboard exniust valve discovered acl opened, .This allow $2°the water, which ed flooded the oxheust line upon origtoslly Soening Wie Sueboard exiaus velve, to floc! the exaust header, Sitce the throteleasa had aot thought to'¢lom the outboard falve aii drain the eximust 1ine Detwsan valves. ie then. attenpted @ second start, aot the water burst the liner of eylinder unit Ho, 13. ‘his further cased e scored piston ond =03- BCL OSORE (A) Subject: U.5,8. BLUBPISH(S8222) = Report of Wer Patrol Number FOUR, trouble and its lomtion wire cn, ‘only fiom the outboura air ee eee ed Soa sae eee eee te es : eR eet acae ite ing i ts. The engine was run in, start- ns ‘the load each hour for three Soon after start of an air fran No. LHP. alr ‘Lavestiist ion diaclor open ant the oranconse enptr ‘required 8 fa pari od was. soap 6, dystaulte Sugtan, When cal hydraulic pusp was, started eisef relve in te oir line to the scoumulator carried away, ami net ion showed, to baving at some tice received @ ow which weakened the threaded male fitting. Two tarceds Wore cleaed by a tap, and the Bole plused Lastesd oF sgplacins Telief valve, This afstem has encther relief valve, Pee TET as) teat tok sgmumuiater Suucgidg aualoude ats otuer relief velve oan be uma ae accumulator relict valve by openiag the valve fren the manifold tothe system. 1 nti 1ation: . Examination of cause of bad vibrstion of the aug; fation blowr showed thet the forwangcart air a seribubign "patile bed carried away ami fallen into Mover ‘apelier shearing one Wade theretroa.” the iapeller tae belansed Wf nlating vo adjacent to ule cap ctuoed by the alesine blade with wire eqial in weight to the missing blade. 8. Vapor a Wo. 2 Kieto-Schatat, compre sa4'08 mative die to accumulation of scale inelaent to sbout nis unit was successfully. aeedsedptea’ chested (us me a hoait telf-section of copper’ tubing to scrape the colls), al 4." Subse quest opera ton hes doen very a taco of tho of the eis « 2 Sexpedons thes 18! ee pamdes Hlosteas” M3 fernera ohh ‘CLOSER (A) 2 SOUEIDEERIAL Subject: 0.5.8. BLUBPISH(S3222)-~ Heport of War Patrol Number FOUR, SLDISH = had. been made ready 15-ninutes defare tir i Stertedd@ep iauedictely efter firing the efter tuk cuter" doors of, Waban Nas, 5 aad’ were, act 3 foct wes pasted ant the first depth charges explode Goors were finally clomd, but the tubes wore not, vented until {wo Roure later due to we! geosseity of rinsing allest until fat tice, ‘The exploders of the torpedoes in tubes No. 5 ond Ewere fond to he flooded when pulied the Zollowing day. : Ship's foree dismantled these two exploders end cave then a ‘fresh water end baking treatasnt. Forty volts was the aaxi- un voltage output obtainable fron the geserstors, and the ‘com ition of the detomtors was an unknown quent y, It wes decided not to ettengt to um these torpedoes, “Two spare Gaplodere, detonete re and boosters would pe advisable,perheps, for bouts’ on petrol heteatter. (1) ° RADIO Receztion om ditions were generally Good; snd Mo VIXd serials wore missed, at any tig a cubserine message was ‘transaitted by Occurred on-all VEIS fre~ te a ‘atltlaes the auming would Dé directly on one VI rrequen q » miking it totally -uareadable end necessitating shitt- Eng tie reover co, sgotuar. frequency wbere. ihe janes would Satise Less trouble, pally the jeaning {re quan cles wer uch ae 5 0.10 KO off the VIX frequencies, causing 1ittle @irti alley; Wt the Jamiing Aes bes getting progressively more ‘eftective each patrol. he tone of the interfering signals Sugeste te us of opark tramniteers. (This cusay, Janaing nao . Generally ovcured only rime transaiseion of ‘ont FRMYE aewoages, but ae sotetioes been noted durt ag otter ‘ransaisstons, " On on occasion when tresaaitting to. VS, 00 kiroh’ b YIRg was galled twice at 12582 on 12,705 kc and twiop at 1522(2) 00,4235 KC, with no response. at 1949(Z) a cali vas.cade on Skye 26, ast'a sephy on that fregues g” fron VIG, recat ved ae 322): "Gn the algne of Meroh 25; VIX was celled on 12,705 36 then ‘on 6470 1 with ao re: on either fregienoy "Ca Meron 26, 'VIGf waa called on'€h70 KO and axswored 1s alautes seeer sa apuil 2, Via was oaded on 22,705 H2 oat anenoree excess lump of solder on. an RF choke coll whon the recsiver was in the ose. the solder oarreoted the trouble, oh5- CLOSURE (4) QAON-B-T=D-E-ND-Tofek, i 5 Subject: 0.5.5 BLUM ISH(88222) ~ Heport of er Patrol Fou. (a) Babak ar aang iy aad cere # oiaee soars transal eer, with maximus. "on atin {7000-6000 ton) targets of 6000 to 12000 "epi-on and of 12000-16000 yards broadside. Dritt of ee Tete tress a frequent Hee iG “Gus aiatamh tues wetter mse TRELILAN AG: GAP HR Saanttng a Fae ta ei abt MS ste at ecto land were obtained, = . ‘a tougaiy seca sath the SY radar dupa ta 27cm "se" tonnes seid toktage on VAtSI9) tue Kayan boas = Sat SoA LEIS LS Re 1S asiar vetteantt te fine enue. ma eee sus atie etna be che an eesti a sotwen arta? of 1 te th the chassis end short R~5 op oath suum ant Aer ats oer niet ie trie gers od Rare eens, een 2, On starting the reder-efter runaing subdserged, Riel and R3.2, which are conmcted across the antenna control. ouiteh ia the gaia contrel unit, sterted sacking. Leckege of soa water mound te antenst mast had shorted the lip Hinge, “Gleantig ead drying tt slip rings eliaioated the Trouble,” 83.1 ead 23.2 wore Undena ged. ‘tipeiculsios were experianced feat Be ; found to be ceustng notes taterterence on the a; tne commutators, watch ita woke sguae vp, be Diced una, crowved, were ‘turned dow oa the ship's lathe end sanded: Noradl ope ction won restored: ty. at range Settings Beyond 1000 yards, two xenge steps appeared, wateh "to wires steps aser aextous crystal separation, ae tho sence setting nae. ingreaeed Ghe elotanse between te aulelpie steps increased, io oho me weuE (4) Soo P-ED- RNR Laie Subject: The U.8.8. BLUMAISH(GS222) - Heport of War Patrol Suber FOUR change wes caused by adjusting the AVC contro) P-2 (the Gariiis cathode resistor of ¥2.2). V-6(6SN7) was found to Be defective, Meplacinc this tube orrected tue trouble eat neraal seatroi tothe AVC eiroait. 5. The pragiaton, swaap agzeered too ser to the nishe sated sweape vere .soperly Sentered, The “grass” level was lover then wus) - Seltase dcross the neon iaap IP-b hed increased row the Romani’ 57 to 61 volts. ea the jreotsion sveoa ead 6, Frequent. checks on the RF tuaing disclosed thet all BF tunsre Gad the THR cavity wore off frequency each tine. Fhe “@edeasor C-5,1 was found to De leaking, oil; It is belleved srvectly center- jo" level to noraal. Sefott cavoed a'aecsseas in the capeclty % Shice in the RF output frequstey. 6 cope hgtueel © star ‘Sat insrense 1a 2oner eats ei ees gootl: an increese in ower out {estate teas Wy Tactnaied brttistaoe flay ots ea, Yer hes Stone the wave guide kidacy Joint, wth the. trensattter pulled a tow inden fren fhe e890 ‘The SD radar gave good results, w th aaxigun reages of lo afles or more on eirofery at an ovation of sore than 5 or 6 degrees, No ustcrjal casmltios wore ox, ‘the Shite temaitter tubes bad to be repleced once dus to normal aging of the old tubes. (3) SOUND Gash xD Sous Caipm zoNs Listening condit ious wore excellent in the petrol area, srovet Seine Gouré gusty on both the Ciend the sk equipaate aY'fonoe up to W000 yards. operation of the. fethouster and of the JP sonie Listening ‘ecuipssnt was nomad. ‘Grataiog‘of doth the (Band the (C~TK sound heads decane noisy as & result of ‘Ghereing; the cause is as yet unded- Gratheds ‘The vwtdverssi joist on the port sound head training SAG Ria Desosn doose toon wear, onuclog noise’ waed the heed strained, : (o), means During the period Febmery 25 to larch 26, twenty-four ath yeueradereph recordings of denalty layers were ande in oh? moLsus (4) Subject: U.8.8, BLumTsi(s§222) - Report of War Patrol Naabo} FOUR, and south of thé DANGSROUS GROUND, ‘The depths to wnich the ‘ igothgraed extended wore froma ainiaun of 50 fect to a agriaun Of 245 feet tn tis cass, the averaue boinc aout 10 feet. in Sue Hersooline reeten, the Mecative eradients averaged about Outside of the South Chita Sea aren rérérred to above; the sole "aotaBLe Hlasiy say i fie GELstES tek, were on tho ee Satay RO ieeeriat Gelert, sespete the SNR dove, 360: f00d."Hiug' ton nas alaoer.Shemsy ale: sacoth with little or no Wa ant elchr sky: Wast the iagedietely PPeovedine weather in this region had been is unknown, Tn the SULY SBA end LAKABSAR STRAIT the theraoo! Lood began at about 200 to 250 feet, : a Tn LOLOR STRAIT, on Agril 6, 1964, st 160 reet @ thermo~ Age of 1LeF in 50 téet was found, ind tide-rip region near tne () HsitH., FOOD ND AB INIBLLTIY Hapitebiiity was excellent. Food was adequate and wall prepared. Health was generally good, with @ large percentege of, surface cru sing beine, no doubt, a contributing tector. The following ainor ailasate were treated? Moor winds and lacerations - Skin tret tations - Vincent's Aactan (stngwra, ath tote Scabies Food intoxtoation ‘Toothache (@) Eansoumme Perforsance of duty of all personnel wis conerally excellent. oveu Gul ‘ENCLOSE (4) Subject: -U.8.9, HLUEPISH(S82Z2) ~ heport of Wer Patzoi Muabor FOUR. (a) aus S Fremantle to Barter = above Barrier : Gertler t Frenentle (s) puuazar tS: fein oe Daye enroute to seam tle - 6 Pall Gaye suterges if Bas eee daye eub- a (3) 2ACTORS OF SNDURAIOE RATE Torpedoes Fual,:«=««Brovisions _Fersonnel_ Factor 4 3000 gals. 5 days 10 days. Lint a factor this peti: Dematch orders of 49- mCLOSIRE (A) Sumas SUMO: SrA: 22 April 1944. of Sourth ar ratrol ‘Toe Conunder Subacrine Squadron SDXCc:. ‘he Commander in Chief, UMToD STATES PLE. ‘The Gomander Submarines, SURT FLEST The Comander SiVENTH ALES, \ Sunject: ——_u,8.8, SLUSRISH (55222) = deport of Fourth er Fatal = Comiant oe ae ‘tre rourtis var patrol of the 0.5.5. WEIS, conducted in ‘the SOUni cia St souta oF DAS310U8 GIOMD, covered © period of fAfty™ alne days of which forty-six days were spent north of the SA2uz SLIDES! made tres torzade attcte, txo of them en escorted eouvays ang oe on a sizcle ehigy “ado on © fiveship ceswor with wwe chédord ‘res bow tates were fired at firet snip ant ‘three af tlie second snip. The SEUIFIBH then swans around anc fired the four atern tubes ct the tiind ship, Tide stteck tas 2 117M: surface radar stack using TOP bearincs. “Torpedoes from bov tubes sieve set at 10 and 15 eot end the stern tubes et 10 fect. ALL torpedoes nisceds it 12 believed Gio toe tarzet course error of 39-10 decrees, ATAGK {2 ~ ade on same convoy ae attack A, as 2 sub snerged, pertacope atvack sede after trackins te eoqwoy on the surfac ‘Taree hite cut ef three torzedocs fired resulted in the einkiar of an + eneny tanker. AMDOCS J - The third atteck on a GL was s night radar surface apjroach were the target datected the eubmrine aa tie fourth tomedo was Tired froa the bow tubes. Attar tumnin:, te Lest torvedo free the torn tubes wes fives ALL tive torpedoes alsesd. 3 ‘The BLUSE: retumed ia ood material condition and st 49 excocted that io can So refitted in tie narual tia, “ive conroreien of suibor four Vain Dellast Tank to a Auel Of} Deliast Teak will ve aceouplishod Guring this refit. be ‘The Scuadren Coutender eonsratulates tie Consancing Officer, officers ang crow ca tia diice inflisted yen the anaxy. . t Been = suctatit are concurred ine nis was the frat patrel for, the Comunding 4m that capacity. ‘The experience in = ‘Ghia pettoa ‘coupled with the ame ggressivensos and detenainats ton to inflict ‘on the enany should make future patrols ‘even more productive, 3. ‘This patrol 1 designated as "Suocosstul” for purposss of avard of the ut Omnbet Insignia, Re ere ottice®, oftisers, ani Crew for inflisting ths following damage én the enety? sox \2 + A0 (anmmasin mama) =~, - - 7,500 tone. uuemIAL core wat HOS Sortah Af dated rly 104d. Report af Fourth iar etree Subsect: —-—‘UsSa8s BUUEFESH (85222) ~ Fourth War Patrol - Cement one DSTO Sentnen ioe Opnew Vioe Opnay Op-250 Goal st#it PI Lewd be: 2, 7. Bmmte, They ‘seoretetys UNITED STATES FLEET ‘COMMANDER SEVENTH FLEE 216-3(7-3/203) Serial: 2/27 12 MAY 1944 ‘HERR wpoRSPaT to BIUFFISE conf: Ter. Al6-3Seriel ob dated 2 April, Lobb. Report of Fourth ler Patrol rom: ‘The Commander SEVENTH FLE= tot Mie Commander in Chiet, UITED STAI Subject: -‘U,S,S, BLUSPISH ($9222) - Fourth war Petrol. 1, Forwarded. a oe OS Las So A By aires 737 corr pose i Eyieiyst 4.88. DEnarzan o/o Fest Post oftice, Sen Francisco, Calif, Tune 27, 19462 The Conmanding Officer, U.S.S. BLUEISH (55222). ‘The Connander’in Ohie?, United States Fleets (2) Gcomander Subsaring Divist on 162, (2) Conner Sutnarins Squadren Sisteen. (3) Commander Subnarines, Seventh Fleet. Subject: _UJ.S.S. BLUEFIBH (59222), Report of War Patrol No. Five. Bnclosnre: (A) Subject Report. Ba Enclosure (A}, covering the FIFTH wer patrol of Siig Wessel conducted in BADOMWG STRAIT, BALT STRAIT, WAKASGAR STRAIT nd the CSISBES SEA durine the périod 7 May 194i to a6 Tune 19\4 18 Forwarded herewith. PeCUSSEED Aer oy mar oe DECLASSIFIED U.S.5. BLUEFISH (88222) = Report of 5th War Patrol. A. ByoLocuE Returned tron Fourth War Patrol on 12 Apri} 1944. Relief crew relieved regular crew. On 26 April 1944 rofit was completed ani regular crew retuared to the ship and loaded stares. During the refit #4 MB? was converted into a fuel ballast tank. 27 April - Made trim dive and conducted sound test. 28 April ~ Alongside tender. 29-30 April ~ Deep dive aad independent operations. On 30 Apri naa not Fun dn #§ torpedo tube, danaging outer 1-2 lay - In drydock, repairing #5 tube outer door. 355 ay = Condusted training exercissas Stay"! Final Loading. (iar times HOW) May 7. 191 2300 Underway from Fremantle, WA. in accordance with ConTasivor Seventy One Op0rd Shui. Conducted training exercises with U.S.S. Isabel until 2136 then departed. 1B. NARRATIVE May 7210, 1944 Enroute Sanouth Gulf, conducting daily tire control and euergenoy Qxilie, and seotion dives, At 0943, 9 May, sighted and exchanged recoznition signals with HS K-15. At 0100, 10 May, oxchanged recognition signals with U.S.S. ‘Narwhal’ “At 0908, 10 Mey, scored to fuel barge at Exmouth Cuir. 1451 Underwa! 1 to. Maroute station at southern entrance to BADUNG STRAIT, conducting daily fire control and emergency drills, aed seotion dives, On 12 Mey et 0832 sunnerged. for ene rader contact, distant 4 niles (Plane contact At 1705, 12 May lost depth control during section ative. While at an up angle of about. 25 dogrecs a casualty cocurred to a Mk, XVIII torpedo whieh had been with- Grawn fron #9 tube and secured in tho skids ror charging. The soouring tackle gevo way and the Sorpedo reloaded dtaelf in the tube resulting in the torpedo boing wrecked. Since it was foared that tho Tube was also damged, 1t wis put out of commission. At 1739 and again at 1747 made section dive. At 1810 Stopped and lay to while aman went over tho side to inspect the outer door of #9 tube. Ths ssa was too aus rough for a satisfactory inspection. At 1617 proceeded. (NOTE: 421 reasonable precautions were taken vhen secur- ing this torpedo, Securing ‘tackles wore led. froa Doth the nose md tho tail, ana six parte of 21 thread manila wore used for a belly ban. Tt should be noted that the short sida supplied is a,fury ze wnion oannot be locked in’ place and wnioh has no belly band), Mey 23. 194 0656 Sutmerced 50 miles south of BAKING STRAIT, 1627 su:tacaa. 2000 Arwtved on scatton st suthern entrance to BADING STRAIT and connoneed patrolling ® Line 900-2700(f) at the center of ‘the southern entrancs. saidng spesd 10 knota and revers- ing course evezy half nour. (NOTE! This patrol plan was continucd tor the next threo nights). rate 2128 ARO dov0.coi onoay. reds, meaeured at 202 MOS. pul: $00 oycics, sweptegs aa analyeis of aigaal strengths Sbserved Foz va tots Loseti ons in tae vicinity dusiag the Bezt week. initoatos that the Fadar te oosted oo Sali TLD. (Nore: Durkng the porioa 19-20 may, flashing Lights ware frequentay obeofved on MGA BESAR and ont th geutheencora, mut auuthvontecn snoren of BALI. "one or the gies c. host OFe-R, igh up on the Lill, aypeared at times to be ai cnetill a Noon Position Lat 9-188, Long 115-308. May Di 294% 0549 Submerged 3 niles north of the southern entrance to BADING STRAIN, heading north, During the dey the cizrent set south ct an average J-1/2 kota, We wore awept south about Bailes. Yeistained pefiaoope patre. (5 nitutes: between observations). Distant end Intermittent pinging waa board Throughout thi morning bewring north, out "no patrol was atehted. 1636 Surfaccd, and continued patrol on, ebation. Noon Position ‘bat 8-565) Long £5328. wrists 449 aloof aeee ROO ale vaste ayy orreaet cals ac eRESU Seco: ce Poston 1 8908) gape 0542 1835 2330 2355 010 0547 ea 2343 140 0553 ein 2245 2250 2302 May 26, 194b, Patrolied es before. Submerged. Surfaced and proceeded to station at southern ontrance to BALT STRAT. Arrived on station and commenced patrolling a line 340°- {600(T) Sotwoon a point 9 miles oust of PRINCE of ORAM: BANK anda point 10 ile east of 0. SLOKA!, Patroil.. fat 10 knote, feversing course once each hour: (NOPE! Ti! Plan was continued every night while on this station). Sighted and avoided small boat. Woon Position Lat 8-553, Long 115-208. Moy 17, 1944 Patrolled as before. Radar contact bearing 0400(7), distant 6500 yards. Wot seen. Avoided. (See ship contact #1). Submerged and patrolled « ino 3200-1400(7) between a point j miles Southoast of PRINCE-of ORANGE RANK anda Point 6 miles southeast of that BANK. Maintained pert~ Scope patrol (5 minutes betwoon obsorvation). Used this patrol plan during deylight though 20 May. “Sighted Bevorel sait boats during the dey. surfaced. Radar contact bearing 030° Seen, Avoided, + distant 2000 yards. Not Woon position Lat 6-525, Long 1ih-41E May 28, 2944 Sight and radar contact on motor launch bearing 000°(7),, @istant 3000 yards. Avoided. Submerged. surfaced. Rada’ contact beuring 305°(T), distant 9000 yards. Not seen. (See ship contact #2). Stéod towards contact to investigate. Radar contact 3089(7), 3000 yards. Not Weather hazy, visibility poor. Woon Position Lat 8-538, Long 114-458. = 9 jen. AVoIed. 0552 18u6 022 0549 1827 2256 ono 017 ons 0233 0533, Submerged. surfeced. Radar contact on Yoon Poottion Let 8-545, Long 124-438. 21 boat. Avoided. May 20, 194k, Submerged. Surfaced and stood off toward LOMBOE STRAIT in accordance with despaten orders and operation order. Went to action stations, inoreasod,o; hoaain engines and commenced transit Procaegad up’ the eastern side, passing about sil nearest land. Noon Position Lat 8-525, Long 114-h08. My 21, 19h Sight amt radar contest on patrol vessel, besring 000°(r), @istant. 7900 gards., Slowed and turned smay, Traoked hin gn course Zi08(2), speed eleven. {Ship contact #3). 14 to full power on LOWBOK STRAIT. trom Inereased epsed to flank and worked to the northeastward around patrol vessel. Radar contact, bearing 040°(7), distant 6200 yards. This Follow was plotted about 3 milée northwest of TREKANGAN, ISLAND.” 0/6 to 3109(T). Tracked at 12 knots on 190°(1). (Ship ontact #4). ofe to 003017). Sighted bri2iiant white paraohute flere in direction of TG, TBUS on BT shore, Tt descended slowly, turning for about 50 scaonds. Shorty after warde anothor lure appeared in the sane spot. Those flares appeared to be about © or 8 silos away. Sighted snother flare, bearing 2600(7), distant about & Biles; This one burned for about 3 nifutes, These flar: Muninatea the horizon to such en extent thst any ship. ‘dthin 20 degrese of either aide of the reverse bearing Would hive sighted us. Stood on at 19 knots, Turned on pisne radar, But detested ao planes. Suomerged 12 miles southeast of SEPANJANO. ISLAND ond petrolied a line 0909-2700 to intercept SURABASa-MAKASSAR Shipping. : : 1653 Surfaoed and sot cours 1845 Sot baur Noon Position Lat 7-198, Long 116-568. May 22, 2944 for SEKALA ISLAND. to pass oastward of LIMA ISLAND. 0355 voted email bost. 0610 Doubt fu periscope siehting. Position 40-17'S, 1179-31'8. 0815 Submerged. 1531 Surfacod. Sighted many sailboats duriig the aay. 1800 Sighted the lund north of CPE MANDAR. 1815 Stopped ant lay to while one officer and one man wont over the side to inspect #9 torpedo tube cuter door. Rows clearances checked. Tube appects to be prfectly nornal. Fut it back in comission, but intend to wo it only in oxtronis. 1839 Prososded. 2300 Pasaed C. WILLLIM sbean, 0/e to 347°(T). Noon Foastion Lat 4-178, Long 127-57. May 23, 1: 0500 Hneountered heavy rain squalls. 0632 Sighted snail boat to northward. Avoided, 0831 Sutmarged. Have boon dodging rain squcile cli scrning. Do not consider visibility favorable for surface runniag. Sighted soveral sail boats during the acy. 1613 Surfaced sné set course for w Line between BALTKPAPAN and Ty MANOKALTHATL 2042 Patrolling on course 035°(7). 2129 Went shoud at 3 engine speed and procoeded in compliance with despatoh ordore to conduct offensive reconnuissanos of southeastern appronches to TAWI Tai BAY. Noon Position Lut 0-298, Long 118-275. Moy 2h 19h 0553 Sight contact on possible ship bearing 34891), 0609 Sutaerced. axe 0453 0554 1840 Sur: Sight contact on possible ship bearing 000°(7). submerged. ‘stiti ounnot seo contact. Surfaced. Stented contact, bearing 0150(). Submerged. Have determined target speed to be zero. He is now visibi: Beve nice looking MA freighter. Conuenced closing for attacks Had to shonefully adait to the lads that we wore tracking E'jarge flosting treo. (GZLEBIS HAZE!). It was a good divin Grlil® though, “Surfused and proceeded. passed through area filled with wracksge, ofl drum, snd oi! Passed thro veh, ag the afternoon signted severcl saiibeats. Woon Position Lit 2-15", Long 119-325. May 25, 29ub Submerged 10 alles south of MAUK ANKS ISLAND to cover subthskn entrance of SIBUTU PASSAGE. Stayed between 5 ant {O'mtics from KATUK MANKA all day siguved the first plane in this ares. (NOTE: 1. Flane con- Signe e ore so mumorous that I shall aot list tien. Wnile Fecth "aice moar avd TAVE BAY actual sight, contacte avor~ Abesbuout Sr 10-2 day, There was « continuous air cover- fee shaun tiie BAY during daylight. Planes covering the Spproschoe to the Bay wore,olgited most froquentiy Bepacce Gein asd 0800, and 1600 ané dus but were sighted fret patzol to th Rortiveivtd, “Tha faptier {wen the more patrols I eon faotes. Finaliy, st 0200 Ran woet betwuen two of tipm, vith ene 3,000 yards on Dour, then eratualiy eased sduthvard sna‘ st 0255 Clowes TuEOK “TRdT za proceeded. o720 1605 Surfreci Fons 23-28, 19Lb Procestlay PRMNTLE, Weasy holding dally fixe control snd Mvtie arttie, lt 1006, 24 Juno one of the erew Burrored = broken leg while ehirting torpedo skiae in She after room, it 21005 inorsased spood to 17 mots snd hondea for Exmouth Gule to cbeain medical assistance. at 2400 sont ay sorta1 four contatning results of patrol. at 3215 25 Juno, anchored in Emouth Gulf. ‘Traneferred injured man to Base at Exnouth. i 2658 undarway snd proceeded FRMENTER, W...., srriving 28 June 29k (co) () @) wearer Weather conditions were simtlar to those described in the Coast Pilot for this tne of the year: In the vicinity of BADUNG and BALI STRAITS tho weather ‘generally good with about a force 3 brosze Tron (thwesg.. Visibiiity was usually 30 miles or ‘of the water was cliof.y. *ropioal downpour oosurred about onge a day. In WiCuSSuR STRALT and western part of the GELEBES SB vain squalls were frequent. Usually She sirface of the water waa sncoth. ‘Winds wore very light, 4 force 3 breeze was rare. Off SIBUTU PaSS,02 the sea was fiat calm neurly ail the tine. ‘TEDaL INFORW.TTON The predominating current in all areas patrolled was southerly sd followed the contours of the shore. In BADUNG STRAT? the current reached » asxinum of 35 Imots twice a day. Te lasted for about & hours, fell off to nothing, an@ started over agsin. In Bald STRAT current reached a maximmof 14’knots. In general this current followed the trend of the current in BaDUNG staat. In" MsCASSiR STRAIT the current averaged about ad knots.” A counter current of bout 3/4. knots. was noted southwest of MANGKALIRAT. In tho viclalty of ‘Tow Tul, the ousrent averaged about 1} knots ine ‘soutmeetériy direction. NAVIGAgoNAL, AEDS ‘The only navigational aide noted wore MIWOKILTH.T Liowr and StHOOIGG KaiP LIGHT. The structures ure there but the Lights ere out. Tt 1s suggested that there be issued to each boat a complete portfolio of the Duteh charts of our creas, These ohsrts are much aiperior to our ow Gnd those of the British admiralty, Some of thi ouarta have been added to our portfolios, but fon't have ali of thea. -29- ‘(ry ES euerss it) 30 Mey "hh re-IEMT 30 May 4d, 13-1 Oos TT (F) sure covnsd ‘ine Wolded i Lombok strait. Sorrparrtt H APEOE fin, —(Zorpade Attack Report Fora) 1.0.8, BLUZFESHI (85222) TORPEDO ATRACK NO. 1 Patrol No.5. Tine O504(s) Date 22 June, L9bU Tat._09-05'S Long, 2180u5t2 onget Dots = Damage Toft toted Doseription: Single smal1 sinolayer, Shinushu elass, of 500 Tone spproximately. Gontaot mide by aight at 10,000 yards, Bright moonlicht night, clear with ‘thé exception of occassional rain squelis, Ship(s) Sunk: None. ship(s) Dantge Wone. Target Draft: Pt. Course 22k Speed 15 Kts. Range 2000 own Ship Data Spesd_j kts. Course 295 Dspth 63 Ft. inclo_o Hire Control and Torpedo Dat 0 Attack: Submerged night pertscoye atvack. Target 2 Srookod oy ojo for 2 houre, susaurgod ahond Bnd cpprosehod st periscoy> dopth. =3e coxrzpaN TACK NO. 2 Tubes fired: No.2 No.2 No.3 Nos No.5 Wo-6. ‘Track ang! loge 09P 10g? «zap zeP12aP Gyro angle: a satel om aL aah Depth sat: thoce dal Beei + oe Powsr: eae are a mas fit or miss: iss Miss Miss ules iss Miso meretie: No No No No Ko Ho Mark torpodo: M34 MA 23, WBA 23 2D Sorial no: 2427) 25837 4615740230 33773 52776 Mark Beplodor:6 Mod 5 6 Moa5 6 Mods 6 Mods 6 Mods 6 Mods 6955 7134 759517516 130567832 netustion set: Cont ont Cont. Sort Cont Cont sorte ni etustion actu Mie orn ee 6 Bley serial no: as6 1019«apd9ta8é 5354 3209 re i a ining interval 20 ssconte ype exrosd: 2 dagrose atvorsent 508 sods Sona: sao0th vorheut sothvity: v5.5, omar Roncexs: GAR SPELGRS BAERS Aa LSP SSGELRLT REG Gurest probably hocra these torzedoce and Einguvobed te Zvola sosend salve. courrparrrt (Torpedo attack Report Form) U.s.S, BUSES! ($5222) TORPEDO “TT.CK No.2 Putrol No.5 ‘Thme_9046 (31) Description: Ship(s) Sunk: ‘Ship(a) Demigod: ‘Target Draft, Date15 June, 16g Let._02°-26+N Long.1190-40"s, Margot Date - Danago Inflicted One (1) large 2P esoorted by two PC boats Contact g:d8 by algae witie on the surrey S£'10,000 yerda.” Visibility was good fe time Of contact; tho night wus dirk but cloar. Viei- Dinity boeims worse leter an cs a low haze gathered. Escorts patrolled on eithor bow of target. Hone. 20 Ft. Course 315 Spocd_13__ Range 4000 Om ship Data Speed 12 kts. Courso O15 Depth 17} Ft. ‘nele 0 ‘Type sttaok: Hire Control end Porpeto Dat: Night surface attcok uot ne TB? voorings, radu Pigs ad tho TG." Tccked trot fer’ tour haute and aneuvere to sein yoaTtion 0° on port bow ct 10,000 yards, st Eposa keeping our bow pointed ut the target. ane Hit or ates Erratic: darks Torpedo! Serial no: Mark Bxplodas Sorta no: Aetustion sot: setustion etait! Merk wirnoaa: Serial no: Bxplosive: Firing interval ‘Type eprond: Sot conditions ITOK WO. 2 Wor. Woe 2, Now. Nob, Wows. 123P«123P_ saa 2SP20P 2 cae Fh 15k 6 6 6 6 6 Pn mo mt ay Miss Miss Miss Miss aise Yo No No No Wo Ab-3A BA UNDA UNDA UDA. Zhuo 40354 40260-40285 25936 6 Mods 6 Mod 6 Mods 6 Mods 6 Mods 6694 13032 6592-13087 12891 Cont cont cont, nt Cont 26-2 6 36-1 16 12305-2903 9833, 5262 mx PK wr 10 scconds 1 degree aivergent snooth overhaul activity: 1.5.5, ORGY Romsries + Tt Le dolleved thit the excessive range focused us to miss. Our spood solution wes 00d, but due to His radio 2ig-zag plan, Sourde solution may hive boon in orfor. Target wee een to turn cway sbost 2 min- flor firing. Ho probibly saw tho io wakes which wore highly phosphc- ee, CoNFTOMETT AL (Torpedo attack Report Yorn) 13. BLUSFESH (66222) TORFEDO .TTACK No.2. Patrol Wo. 5 ‘Timo_0905(H) Dite 16 Juno, 194 Lat._029-28'N Long.1182-09'8. enzot Data sg9 Infitoted Deseription: One aaail 40 and 2 smal] K's in column about $500 yerda epart in tho above order. One patrol Yeseal was sbout 1200 yards on the starboard boss of the leading ship. Sighted ship's by periscope. Visibiiity exeollent, soc flat calm. ship(s) Sunk: One AK, typical MIM, 1oneth stout 300 fost, Cstianted aisplzcsnent 3600 tone. ship(s) Danzeed: None. Dunzge dotermincd by: Sow, hoard and folt one (possibly two} torpedoes hit. after half of ohip Becta obsoursd in saoko, debris flow 200 fect in the air; erocas, cracklings, and minor oxplosions hoard ovar ‘sound gear. ners Deft, 12 7 Ouas 85 ot 2 ans 50 sn a apecd 2 kts, Course 295 Depth 65 Ft. ingle 0 rin Sata Toate oe Tore sets Boas mines She a Rttack position 750 yards, 35° on starboard bow of second ship in column. some our pat sTEGE NO. 9 ‘Tubes fired: venge | Syysg Hos Track exe le? 388 378 385 oyre un pn ob Depth sat: 5 es ps Powe EN a at Hit oF aise: ae Miss aise arratie! No ro No Mark torpedo: 23 1-34. -3A Serial no 33761 10384 40349 ware oxploder: 6 ods 6 Mot5 6 ots Serial no: 13086 6661 13083 etuation sat: cont cont Cont Jetuation actual: cant ES = Marke warhead: 6a 16-1 16-1 Serial no; 32197 1536 3565 axplosive: 1% 71 a wiring Anterval: 10 seconds Type epread: 50 yard divergent Sea conditions sooth overhaul activity: U.S:5, ORION Reaarke: Sovond and third torpedoes nissed because of spresd, -38- CoNPIDBETT 2, (Torpedo attack Report Form) V.S.S. BMEFISE (65222) TORPEDO ATPAGK NO._4 Fetrol No.5. ‘Time 2045(H) Date 20 June, 194h Lat.040-06'S Long.117°-26" Target Date - Demsge Tnfltoted Doseription: Ono lange iK with one unidentified (probably GHIDORE) oscort. Sighted throuch periscope while on ths surface in daylight, Sscort. Tomained stout 1200 yards on port quarter of target, shifting position constantly. Wietbiliey vary good in some directions, poor in the @irestion of rain squalls. Ship(s) Sunk: Mons ship(s) Damged: tone. ‘Target Draft: 20 Ft. courses 0 Speed 9 Range 2500 Om Ship Data Speed 1). Course 250 Depth 7h Ft. Angle Fire Controy and Torpedo Data ‘ype Attack: Night surfiGe attack. Used THT bourings, radar Fanves, and TDC. Tracked target for 2 hours, [stiles ‘posttion 60° on starbozrd bow target, fange 8000 yards, Started in ot stands speed koopifg bow on target. pe: ONF IDENT Tubes fired: wa Wok No.2 ‘Trock angle: 1208 3208 Gyro angie: aR ° Depth set: 8 8 Power: aL en Bit or aii Mee Mise Erratic: Yes Yes Mark torpedo: 3h 23 Serial no: 40157 33870 Magy exploder: 6 woas 6 moas Soria no: 33077 7606 Aetuation act: Cont Cont Actuation cotusl: = = Merk werhead: le 16-1 Serial no: 1487 aaige Explosive: mr ex Firing interval: 20 seconds Type eprond: ore Sea conditions : choppy Overhaul activity 1.5.5. ORTON Ronsrks : Torpedoes ron orratio; curved to tho let. eee conmrpairis, (Torpedo Attuck Roport Form) U.S-S, BLUSPISH (85222) TORPEDO afiu.oK NO._5 Patrol No-_5 ‘Thme_2208(H) Date 20 June, 194 Lat.030-59'S Long-1179=12° 2 Description: Sune as ittsok Now 4. wot Date = Daace Ipficted Ship(s) Sunk: None. ship(s) Doniged: Mono. ‘Target Draft:_20 Pt. Course_300 Syecd_g Range 1600. Own . Ship Data speed 3 Course 016 Depth 62 Ft. ingle Fixe Control and Torpedo ‘Type Attack: Night submerged periscope attack using port- Scope borings «Ad radcr ranges. subaenged 7,000 yaras sheca of target. usde "pprosen at 40 fect until ronge closca to 3,000 yards. Planed down to 62 Fest. gomrparnr Tubes, tirea: ‘Track ang: Gyro engle: Depth. sot: Power Bit or atss: Brratie: Murk torpedo: Serial no: Wark exploder: Sertel no: Actuation sot: Aotuation aotusl: Mark warhené: Serial no! Explosive: Firing interval ype pre: Soa conditions: overhoul activity: Ronarks: Now 2 60s, 2aR. 8 Mies 38 53920 "4 Moa 16392 Cont as 768 Px Wo 8 Wo.20 808, 805, aR ai a co Miss Miss Wo Ho aa 1s 53779 53706 4 Moa 2 4 Moa? r68e9 16585, cont cont as as 827 902 10 seconde 50 yards aivergent choppy Subizco, Wea. Cause of ate zize ve: target unknom. Posetbly Possibly ‘range wie court pa (Torpedo Attack Report Fora) S. BLUBFISH ($8222) TORPEDO ATE.CK NO. 6 Patrol No.5 ‘THme_0156(H) Date 21 June 19bh Lat.Oh0-Oi'S Long .1L6°-U58- anget Data - Damage tafiiotes Posortptions Sten er peeition bout 500 jusds anasd of target and was shifting fran one bow to the other. Shap(s) Sunk: Ge aSsBhthhy* wien Venger a se Le Beeson Espaacetabote 7000 tons. u. ship(s) Dantged: None. Danase determined ty: Saw and hoard two torpedoes hit. Radar pip faded st 6,100 yards four ainutes Arter first Rit, Pip hea previously besn very stfong st 12,000 yards. ‘margot Dratt: 20 Fte course 275 Speed_2. Range _2000 own Ship Data Speed 12 kts. Course 40 Depth 17h angie 0 Hire Control and Torpedo Dat Type attock: MURE surface atteok wetre reder ranges TOF bostine ma T00" Gates sttack fost ‘tion bearing 75°, range 9,000 yards on Ststogard bow of target,” ‘Manelvared astern Of escort, reversed course and rired 4 Torpedeos "from stern tubes sae CONFIDE LL Mes tired: Wo._7_ Wor No.9 No._lo Track angle! 3248 1263 1288 1308 Gyro saciet aie aR ° ™ Dopth sot: 8 co 8 8 Power: Ht i HL mt Hit or atss: Bie Hit, Misi Mies Erratio: Yo Ko No Yo Mark torpedo: 2 ly 2-38 Serial no: 40286 5326340528 25882 Wark exploter; § Mods 6 Mods 6 mods 6 Mons Sortal not 6163 23052 ner 17825 Aetution set:’ cont Cont cont Cont, sebuation setusl: = Cont Cont = Mark worhent 36-2 26-1 26-1 26-2 Serial no: 31343 32195 3526 3548 Explosive: 7 rex TPE x Fixing interval: 10 seconds Type spread: + 50 yards divergant Soa conditions: chopsy Overhaul cetivi tye U.8.5, ORTON Remarks: Torpedoes f70m Wo. 9 and No. 10 tudes Wore spre.d ahead acd asters resysc~ tivory. ae @) wy (TI -SUBULARINE ME.SURES ND EV.SION T.oTICS ‘The eneay’s use of powerful flares in LOMBOK STRAT did not particularly enbarras US because he did not have ua noctrataly loea> fod, Howover, this mousuro. could be very effective in keeping s Submsrine submerged, if developed and coordinated with shore radar, sound detectors, patrol ‘and planes. Daylight plane patrols cround Tit TaME Ba. sora syotewtlé ond Continuous, Coubined with the F1xt seo couuon in that avea, tho planes considerabl: Folucad the efficiency of periscope patrol. Mooniight plano putrols in tho Tait TNT BY arc. proved most iupassing on sovoral oooust ions We wore sighted by a plans on ony occcsaion at nicht Pho) Fodor Gontacts sikest taveristly shoved the pian: heeding towrds the ship with s rango reto of 10 knots or more. I suspect tut tho tomy flest air units are radar equipped. Of tho two countor sttacks mido by oscarts, onc caployed Iisten ing only, tha othr Listening and ping: ing. Evosivs mencuvers consi sted of tho usval slow specd, silcnt ruauing on course away trom, the sbune. ‘The Austen ins vs: doubsr muy lve ezloyed sono 5 DEPOTS ND CASUAL Torgséoas: (1) While ebirelug the Mk. XVIIT tergsdo roa musbar 9 tubs on 12 yuo mds: routing Givo. Ths torpedo was out of ths Cubs oh tho short exid, Socured foro and aft with tho hauling out tackles and with @ belly band of sfx parts of 21 thread moni1: Lino. “Tho Bort tack © largo down angls and. tho hoo on the block of the socuring tacklo straightened out. ‘Tho guide stud on the torpedo cut the manila dolly band "and the ‘torpedo wont forward and hit tho Forward bulknaad of the after’ toxpodo room. ‘Tho rudders on ths torpedo wore damaged beyond repair by ship's fore Tf Mk. XVEIT. torpe- is dusirablo thet an Gyro Setters: (2) The gyro ungle sottare in the forwar forpedo Foon would aot opar to proporly in power. Waite holding s fia qntrol drill the setter” jummod and could not be moved in hand. Tho oloetrioal olr~ hes cults and shafting in tho sotter itesif proved to in good shops. Spindl os wore pulisa and were froo, “Finely, 311 shefting on ths tubes wis pulled and the troubls Located. Te lowar retaining Aut on tie shart to nunber six’tubo had backed off ind was Dinding against tho casing. Thie nut we tightencd and the settors operated normally, (t) Roto Condstions of recuption varied from eoot to bod. Bnony interforonce generally oams in on cil VSP free Quoncies whenever VIK8 wus transaitting, Ono message, Sarial 62 of 23 Moy, was missed, Botween 2200 ond 2215 (Ht) overy ntght an on station map heard regularly on sil Wakp troquoncies This vie\an Uninterrupted signal, aad had a tone charce~ terivtic of spark tranoaiteore. (RWDAR Considerable idtttouity wos osperienead with the “BU Pac-r during tao {rst prt or ths yctrol, out tals Select hoe Funotioned weil auring ‘the Totter hale Qf tho parfod, Rucges obtained when the redux was functioning properly ware of aversce value for Yas unmodified st aquipment. ‘The following difficulties wero experionesd with the SJ r-dar: (1) “stter bout two weoko opsration the trwnenitice troqusnoy began to drirt, nocssolt sina frequent cajustacnte of RF stub tuuine wad Foote gausoe by of} locke fron the eon~ 32 in the aacnotron keying eireule. onsars hed becn rerlased tron shi;¥s pares durin, the refit yertod, anno new spares were pyall~ able. On dune 9, ufter the radar hed’ fallod to dvtoot two ships. at an gatinated mano of 6,000 yards and It Doone Gbvious thst the froqusnoy wid drifting at an Anorezain rote, tho leads of condensers OS-icand 03.2 were clacted off and pointed with lyptol. ‘This storped the oll loskeze and reaultant aritt of frequoncy. (2) sttar repeated repackin. jobs by the tender, the antonna mast’ aking elena was found to lock bealy ot the start of the patrol. “On way 9 the antenna: base Was Giemiatled and the Jlsad tishtaned to stop lockuge- ‘Two woeka eter the land had to be tightonse sein 33,2 result of this Ughtening, the cnvenna was very Beitr in train, Pate reaulted’ in considersble wosr on the antenna tase geir, which will mvs to bo ronowod. Later the packing appsredtly ewallcd ae tho antenna training becune Inereasingly stiff. On Juno 20 the gisnd had to be loosenedy ~ 6 - (3) 00 May 16, false square eohoos, at regular in torvale seroae the sores sppeated wien tis kasolas elveult wio sdJustod for ainiaum magnetron current. At to seme tino the TR cavity would not Ligit. Ths condenser C15 in fue knooker circuit and tho daaping di odo were onackea and found to be O.K. Replacing the thyratron olosred up the troubie. on Moy 24 trouble again sppoared in tho modulator giroult. “Thore was:no RF power at the kidnoy joint and She traienitting current was sxceasive, On replecing the thyratren ‘thore w-s RF output, but the transaittor current moter flickered and oousidorable intorferenos appeared on the sereon. 4 0914 solder joint was found Dotwoen the coil Lz and tho rasistor A9 in tho thyratron Plato ciroutt. Rosoldering the joist ered up the trouble, (4) 00, the night or way 24 the range step dleappeared. A check un tho foliowine day alowed input to the eryotal Eank, but no cutput.” Tas lead to tho movable crystal was found to be vroken where it enters the t-nk. ‘The laad was gut ond 2 sjlico may. Tals wos covered with rubber tape and coated with glyrtol in en attompt cb waterproofing: Multiple ran.o steps thon oppecred, Amtermiteontiy. WL and ¥B, 35 Boubd te ave a dow mu and were Foplzeéd, 4 single step then apseared, but only intermittently. ‘The ranso tank wos Uasssenbled accin, sd tho load to the govable erystel was found to be broke sbout 1/4 iach from the crystal. The -lyt0l covared splice previously male Was lerking. new erystal lead, of the type of cable used for segser lends, was lastelled.’ ‘Tas orlics wes made by Inserting - straizht pia into the short stub of the old lead left on tho erystel and soldering ths new lead to this. This splice wos covered with two layers oseli of rubber const end rubber tars, placed alternately, A wire brace wad Connected betwen the crysta) nolder and the far ond of the splice to reliave the Joint of all tension. Because gf the bulky splice, the chystal cannot be eranked out to ranges greater tion 25,000 yards. his Splice has Fonsined goods In, ghocking over, the range unit, « Men positive grig Werfage: on tive Whe? and high poaiei se chthod voltage Sa ¥-4 ana V-5 wis found. “The coupling condenser C15 wae found to tave 2 low resistace Value. Renewing this cons Genser corrected the troubli De, ay_g6 the echoss observed bersne jittery. a boa Gav yEaGS 8 2SURy MBs red, besawe Jesters, ute were folnd, the spare converter wso installed ond a (6) on thy sano date the grass aisapposred from the sereen at irregular Interysis c Dreck in the IF cable Leading. from the transmitter was locsted and repaired. : : The following peculiar behavior of a radar "pip observed oh the morning of 18 June, 194k. Radar Contact wis made at 0350(H), range 6,000 yards. The eel was sighted only ones and was not identifies, but sebly waa ® spall patrol oraft. f At 045(H), with contaot bearing. about 270 degrees relative, ‘the siza of the pip" was cbout 5/6” high and cleat in fooun, Ratges akon st this ‘ise ware Vans oxcenient. (6900 yards), Changes in our course and Specd during ‘the following thirty sinubes presented the Shntsot ind Lert band difustion to 130 degrees rolstive Sai to. shortened raneo of 5900 yerds. The salient feature ebout this contact was thst oven though the range Sgeroased over one thousand yards following the assuning SF thawsteh, the Mpipm di ot ineresse. chy. “og gentrary, it ecrocsaa to 2 point ewe Sabet {Spossible to take rango or bearing. ‘The size of eB ip ever oxsoeded 9/8 and wap Very pose in focus fabonsity.” Sonrines at this tae were very unreliable and ranges were doubtful. ‘Tho equipment 's tund carefully checked both with tha pip and with thogdho box. fhe tontact was. Follovad out to 7400 yards before being lost on = bear- {ng of 180 reletive. “Situstion ronsinod tho sme. No operations difficulties wore experienced with’ the sb-2 Paar, Operation has boon gner tly reliable, with siroraft boing detected at ranges of @ to 15 miles. ((¥) SOUND iD SoWND CONDE TT ONS. Sound conditions were avercgo in Bali, Badung and Mokagecr Straits, and In the Celobes Sez. "Zeno ranging eould be Hoard s¢ 10,000 yards and more.” Screws could be plokea up st 4 to'5,000 yards on both JP ond JK. Daullly the JP nod he ‘advantage on, shor sorewa, bit tho eitustion wae reversed on igh spocd soraws. (0) DRISLIX Laxas. In BILL ond Badung Straits texporature break of 6 to 10 dgerese was noted betwaon 100 and 200 feet. In Makisser Strait ond, in the woinity of Taw Tewi the Break started at sbout 275 feet, In Golobes Sea, that is, out in the open no Breck wss apparent on the .B.T. dow to shout 320 fect. eas (P) HeaeE, roo, and RaTrpTLrry, In general the health of ‘ths crew wie exeslient. Fron 1 Juno to 3 June there was a slight epidenie of ousea and headaches. Fity per cent of ho officers and crew was affected. Piva mn wore 1ud up for two fore slog ay the stomach and, con ios. it is Bolfeyed Bat she water Gcused the trouble. However, nothing definite sould bo established since wo arank water out of tho samo tanks before cnt after the trouble and no 411 effects wore noted. Yood aay have boon the ocuse of the trouble, but tt is inprobable eines people who ate ali meals folt fas bad (or good) as those who ate no mesis during this period. Hubitability of the boot wus very good. The 1ong Gives nade necessary by the ooséitions in the =recs potrolled naturally ectised tho Comporctures in the bot to rise. Running the vapor compression etilis only. on ‘the surfecs helped Keep tha teuporature down. lst, the detached ongine eireulcting water pumps proved thoi? worth in this respeot. ‘The food was excellent. ‘The menu could be inproved by adding good eteaks, chicken ana turkey, Those items wore uncbecinable prior to dopirture on this putrel. Tho eanned lotatere and shriap were particularly good. (@) Paxsomom, ‘The officer personnel situstion is entirely aatis- fsctory. ‘The young, now officers are brictt, ovger and are leuming rapidiy. However, tho abip is Beginaing to guffer from the increasing dilution of sxperiencec snlisted bends. is un example, on this patrol all threo ayaraults, manifold waten standets were now on that stctien.” The situation will, no deubt, become more stable in the near future, particdiarly if dome of cur old lands who Pomsined in the’relie? crew during this patrol are transferrad bick tous, To cllovicte the situstion training hs best con= Gueted ocotinuousiys U1 unguidified aen attend selioel, for one hour daily. Enroute to and from the barrier dally fire control, diving cid omatgenoy drills are hold, Walle in the ares these urilla sre held twico 2 week. ‘The morale of the orow te" séiisidered quite gocd- It say De, Scie Here that the cron, Lavery ltstie Sapronied with the importance of reconnaissanoe work. anythiog less tan hearing torpedoes cxplodo in te enuay dove 1ittie to bolster morale. ea (R) wags grap - Fromntle to ares 1500 mi. 13,360 gallons 760 Invaren 6375 at. 55): ares to Framantie 1700 mi: 26,080 * (8) puRsmon ‘Days onroute to are Days in area. Days onroute to" bi: 2 Days subnerged....+.. 8 (7) EsoToRS oF SNOURWCE REIT Farpodeas Fuol Provisions Porsonnal Frets Bervicenble 30,000 gle, 30 days 20 days Lintting reter this patrol: operation order. (0) Rowe (0) som RAR White tn the vieinity of Bacung Strait stroag Signals from cn onsny radar wore received on the oRU-1 receiver, ‘The following data were cotermined: Garrier frequency 202 mogacyoles Pulse rate 900 cyei. Pulse length 5 to 7 microseoonte ‘Tho gntenns swoup was very {zreeular, but approx Amately S'minutes woke sequirea Fore. comptoto Ektoana sweep. Walle in contact with two enemy shize st 2000(3) on June 8 indicuticns of radsr ware svc on the 8) podar won tpsined co the shine: Two sapar-t0 aigncis Suo'minutes “das wae P'sarkas af pulses of hull Bstent; the other a sories of alternate high and low pulses, Andioating « possible uso of lobo ewitebing. The low Pulses wore bout two thirds tho height of the high ones. (a) Dime rayne ap wos. PorTs gon Gitonsive reccnmistasines off Tui Tast provides enty of targets, soth vi Anterost. The prin BipeY’ afgadvakeags 18 the Look of SHES hy of hoPEkin imposed by the necessity fcr diving in prustiosiiy the Sane spot’ every day in order to Actomplish tho resonned: sence mission. Aweok of sc after ont's prosence has + 50- boon disclosed, thie restriction begins to create on aaditions] montal strain, It 19 therefore recomended thit the presoat polley be continued--the policy of froquently relieving submarines agaged in close in Feconnsisscnee cutye ‘The oneay appesre to be continuing the wo of random routing sercas the CAigB8s,” Tharofore, it 1s believed that tho best patrol spots in thie ares .re’as follows:- Close approsehes to SBI PasS.GT, LICE and BUMBUM CkANNSLS, close appro.chos to TREN, ‘sid close off M.NOKLTHAT. aaa Fosat6/inb3 SUMARDNE SCUADBON SIXTEEN es) Sortals 0373 va see 4.3.5 nisien, Plaganip! ay 294i. g ‘2 ‘SURE Doe Ltr, $9222/A16 dated 6 27, I9idyy Report of 5th tar Patrol, From: The Comander suboarine Squidron SIXES. et ‘he Comander-imChief, UNITED STATES FLEET, vie ‘he Coumnder Submarings, SEVENTH FLEBT. The Commander SEVENTH PLAST. Subjects 5.8. BUIBFISH ($5222) ~ Report of Fifth War Patrol = Common one ‘he fifth var patrol of the Us5.5. SLUNFISH was conducted in BADOHNG STRAIT, BALI STRATT, MGASSAR STRAT? ard CELRIES SEa curing the period 7 way Joi, to 28 Jute 19id4y ‘Tho patrol wes of fiftyutvo days duration mith thirty-nine days spent Horth of the Barrier, 2 ‘to grantor part of thts petrol we spont in rocomate= sans,” Fron 25 lay {oid to & Juno 194b BLUBPISH conducted reconsatasarce Of TAIT TANI Bay under eavorse’ condStions, Sons woro glassy and there wes constant air coverages Six torpedo ettacke ware nade reeulting in the daacging of two ships; si attacks excopt ons were mide on encortod convoys. ATUCK HO, 1 ~ A night periscope attack on a ainelayor, Throo Torpodsos nissed due to not satching gyros and two others missed, probebly due to a range errors Tho radar was out of comission uring this sttack, ATHICK 19. 2 ~ & night ourface attack on a Largo AP with two ecorts, ‘Target was sigging radically and a favorable range could rot be Teached, Pivo torpedoes were Fired, range 4,000 yarde, and LL missed, probably duo to target observing the torpedo wakes And maneuvering to avoid. ATLICK NO. 3 ~ A convoy of three ships ant one escort, three tor= Pedoos wero Tired in a daylight subserged spprosch for ono sure hit nd one possible. ATICK 10'S, ba 5, and 6 - Three attacks were modo on large AK With one oseort, ABLEGK No. twas a night surfcco one with the ‘ast to bow torpedoos being fired, Both ren orretic, With omy stern tubes left, Attack to, § masa night submerged periscope Padar attack, Threo torpodses were fred, ell missing, With four torpedecs left the BUMEFISH again attacked, thie tine on thu eurfaoce two hite wore observed, Tho Gomanding Offtcer 42 to be connondod on his dogged doteraination to sink thie target During five hours ff tracking and attacking this target, the SLUSFISH mas in water of 32 = 30 fathoms, he. Foser6/ins—s SUBARINS scUAORON SEXTEEN (ey Sistas VeSgS y RAHM FlagshdP ye Pays, ete sungects V5.5. BLUBFISH ($5222) - Roport of Fifth War Patrol ~ Conant one 3. ‘the entorial condition of tho ALIEPISH £9 good. the refit TIL be comploted sn tho normal tine ent will ineludo tho install ‘tion of a FPI, The reportod auoea conditions during the period 1 ~ 3 ‘tune wore invostigated but, ovidence available ws" too neager to allow a Finaing of coaeo. ‘Me only personel’ to be changod on tho BLIRPISH this tine win BS those soqucsted ty the Commaniing Officers” the SLGLFIH rovarned na elosn condision. be ‘he Sudron Comunder congratulates tho Commanding Offic+* ofsseets and crew en the valuable information obtained during reconnss Sanco ard on the damgo inflicted upen the eneay. ta 1a S 19GRI9, a by divested, ye 2 rmoem(me-2_/ wimp stames xave aee/or serten U5 aw say 2046 am 27 Sune, 104%, Report of Birth War Patrols Fromt ‘The Commander Submarines, SEVENTE FLEET. Tor ‘The Commender in Chior, {NITED STA?ES FLEET, Vier ‘The Comeendor, SEVENTH’ PLES?, Subjects U,S.S. BLUEFISH (Ss2z2) ~ Report of Pifth Plerol = Comment cn. a DLUEPIOH, f hor Fifth Patrol, conducted special Peconncissance of BADOBIG nd BALI SRAITS, ‘maintained cn offenaive reconnaissance of Southern appretenos to Taal BAY und potrolied tho Wester portion of the CELESES SEA, m1 a BLUEFISH, under adverse conditions nd in apite of continuous encay cir’potrols, fuirilied cll reconneieachoe Slesions effectively and obtsined ané tranamitted information of cnomy @ispositions to our forces, Although dtecppointed in ektacks on enemy high epecd combetant unite, SLUEPISE closed 11 contacts with commendable determinction, The cagressivencas @seplayed during tho night of 20 = 21 June, in persistently attacking on AK until Pincily torpodood end sunk, ts partieularly Aoteworthy. 3. Taig patrol ts dosigoted Yeuccsesful" for Purpéac of awcrd of tho Submarine Gombst Insignia. 4. ‘Tho Fores Comcnder eongrstulstee tho Commanding Orriger, orticors, ond Grow for inflicting tio following deacee on the énomys suk Ja - ak (eu) 3,000 Tons (attcek No. 4) Ji-~ aK GEDTW - HO) 4,000 tong (itteck Ho. ¢) Tor, Wooo tens. a R. W. CHRISTIE, oatomat co) : Fee4-71/116-3 UNITED STATES NAV aesfoe Sorial 0705 ie suly 194, S | SECOND wiDoR.ENEIT tos oH Cont, Ler. Al6, no coricl, acted 21 Sune, 1944," 5 of Pifek Subjects V.c.3, BLUBPISH (c222) = Keyport of Firth P'Petrel = Gomont one DISMRIBUTION: comin! @) Vice Opnov @ Vice Opaov op-25e (4 Comaurae a a @ @ = {pirect) = (Dincst) + ) > es | Consrarlt ) Coat tml ) Congutielateat (a) Coudubsznarit rt carr cr78 5 cs8-12 G ossi6 a DivGouer:n-12 a, DivconaRon-16 (7 of Scbeck t. coms fa} a Been 6/1 West ~ HOT 10 BE TARRY 70 sa = BURN “ ~ xa By Fy STRAUD,, oe. Flog" scoretaty. ASO 6

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