2 Replication
2 Replication
2 Replication
In Re:
Respectfully Sheweth: PRELIMINARY OBJECTIONS 1. That the applicants/defendants have admitted the loan hence the application merits rejection on this score alone. 2. That the applicants/ defendants have not denied the execution of documents the application deserves rejection. 3. That the applicants/defendants have not fulfilled the mandatory requirements of section 10 (3) (4) (5) of the Financial Institution (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 hence the application is liable to be dismissed on this score alone. 4. That the applicants/defendants have failed to disclose any plausible defence hence the application is not maintainable and is liable to rejection straightaway. 5. That the applicants/defendants are guilty of concealment of true and material facts from this honble Court, hence the present application merits rejection. 6. That the applicants/defendants have not approached the Court with clean hands, therefore, the present application is liable to be dismissed.
That the applicants/defendants are using illegal tactics to cause the Plaintiff Bank a huge monetary loss by creating the unreal circumstances for their ulterior motive hence the present application deserves rejection. REPLY TO PRELIMINARY OBJECTIONS 1. 2. Incorrect hence denied. Denied being incorrect.
REPLY TOSUBSTANTIAL QUESTIONS OFLAW ASWELLAS FACTS All the questions of fact from (1) to (13) are based on contents of Application alone and even otherwise are incorrect hence not sustainable.
ON MERITS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Denied being incorrect Contents of Para I of the plaint are reiterated. Denied being incorrect Contents of Para 2& I of the plaint are reiterated. Contents of Para 3 of the plaint are re-iterated. The averments made in the present Para are self-invented hence vehemently denied. The contents of Para 4 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 5 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 6 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 7 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 8 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 9 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 10 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 11 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 12 of the plaint are re-iterated. Incorrect hence denied Contents of Para 13of the plaint are re-iterated. NO COMENTS.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that this honble Court may very graciously dismiss the present application
In Re:
Hussain Khan son of Zahid Hussain Khan who are fully conversant with the facts of the case and have full powers and authority working at Silk Bank Ltd 52 L Gulberg III Lahore.
I, the above named deponents do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:That the contents of accompanying reply of the plaintiff bank to application for leave to defend are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.
DEPONENTS VERIFICATION: Verified on oath at Lahore this ______ day of _______2010 that the contents of above said affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.