Thesun 2009-07-21 Page01 Five Immigration Officers Nabbed
Thesun 2009-07-21 Page01 Five Immigration Officers Nabbed
Thesun 2009-07-21 Page01 Five Immigration Officers Nabbed
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July 21, 2009
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Two tenders
for World Expo
contract, says MP
Five immigration
officers nabbed
by Tim Leonard
[email protected]
that Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen syndicate for the “sale” of a group “According to a victim, the back to Malaysia to work as forced
must explain why she cancelled the first tender people, including five Johor of people, comprising mostly suspects were directly involved in labour,” he told a press conference
exercise. Immigration Department Rohingya refugees, as forced human trafficking, starting from here yesterday.
“In the first tender opened on March 13 and officers, were arrested in labour in various sectors like the the Malaysia-Thai border to the The suspects have been
closed on April 3, nine companies submitted several locations in the state fisheries industry. rat trail believed to be their exit remanded until Friday, and would
proposals. Venturepharm was not on the list,” since Friday, for alleged involve- Bukit Aman CID director Datuk point to international countries. be investigated under Section 13 of
he said. “It was opened during Datuk Azalina ment in an international human Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin said the po- “Upon reaching the exit point, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act
Othman’s tenure as tourism minister. But when trafficking syndicate. lice had been monitoring the activi- the victims were handed over to 2007 which carries an imprison-
the new minister took office, a fresh tender The suspects were believed to ties of the suspects, aged between a syndicate before being taken to ment for a term which may extend
was opened on May 13 and closed on June 4. have received payments from a 25 and 40, since March this year. a neighbouring country or sent to 20 years and fine, if convicted.
Venturepharm came in only in the second ten- Bakri said the suspects were
der and its proposal was not the cheapest.” believed to have worked closely
He said the decision to award the contract with the syndicate which had been
to Venturepharm was not disclosed to the active since last year, adding that
public and companies which lost the bid were the police were in the midst of
notified only later. Wee asked why Venturep- tracking down syndicate members
harm, which has no prior experience in this and their accomplices.
field of work, was given the job. Last month, the United States
theSun yesterday reported that the Malay- put Malaysia back on its list
sian Anti-Corruption Commission was investi- of countries suspected of not
gating the manner in which the RM19 million doing enough to combat human
contract was awarded following a complaint. trafficking, together with six African
Wee said the contract was RM19.998 million. countries, namely Chad, Eritrea,
Ng, when contacted last Friday, denied any Niger, Mauritania, Swaziland and
political link that could have influenced the Zimbabwe. – Bernama
decision to appoint Venturepharm. She also
said that the contract was awarded via an open
tender and she was not involved. Seeking justice ... Mourners
Venturepharm director Chen Oyan Yun bearing a giant banner lead
Shai was unavailable for comments as she is political aide Teoh Beng Hock’s
believed to be overseas. cortege as it heads for the
Two losing bidders in the tender contacted main road in Alor Gajah en
theSun to express their disappointment over route to Semenyih for burial
the way the ministry handled the issue. at the Nirvana Memorial Park
“We lost some RM80,000 just preparing for yesterday. More than 1,500
the bidding as we had to pay the architect’s people attended the funeral of
fee and come up with two sets of proposed Teoh, whose body was found on
models for the Malaysia Pavilion as we had to the fifth floor of the building in
go through the tender process twice,” said a Shah Alam housing the Selangor
bidder, who declined to be named. MACC office.
The World Expo is scheduled for May 1 to » Stories and pictures
Oct 31 next year. on Pages 2 and 3