Money Reiki Level One
Money Reiki Level One
Money Reiki Level One
Introduction to Money Reiki...............................................................................5 How Money Reiki is Different............................................................................7 Money Reiki and the Energetic System.............................................................8 Positive Thinking vs. Positive Feeling.............................................................10 More About Money Energy...............................................................................11 How Money Reiki Affects the Planet...............................................................15 Money Reiki and Lightworkers........................................................................16
PART II: MONEY REIKI PRACTICE...............................................................................18
Money Reiki Symbol...........................................................................................18 How to Use Money Reiki...................................................................................19 Money Reiki Treatments....................................................................................20 Money Reiki for Yourself...................................................................................21 Making a Money Magnet...................................................................................22 Money Reiki Box.................................................................................................23 Financial Blessing................................................................................................24 World Money Meditation..................................................................................26
PART III MONEY REIKI AS A WAY OF LIFE..............................................................27
Evolving Your Personal Money Energy..........................................................27 Energetic Tithing.................................................................................................28 Giving Things Away..........................................................................................30 Outflow.................................................................................................................30 If I get a million dollars, then I can...........................................................31
I am in no way a financial expert. On the contrary, my financial life has mostly been one big mess since I graduated college. Many of my financial problems stemmed from a chronic illness I got when I was 17. My credit card debt was just the tip of the iceberg, and eventually my relationship with money devolved into a systemic, complete shutdown in regards to money management. I never really enjoyed managing money. I resented the idea that in order to live I needed to deal with bills, bank accounts, and taxes. It was only through sheer need that I turned to the study of prosperity. Yet, traditional prosperity courses didnt help me much. Underlying all the positive affirming I always felt there must be more to life than being a consumer in an ever-increasing upward spiral of more and better material possessions. Were told in prosperity courses that wanting money is OK. Well, when it came to dealing with my financial issues, I still needed a more compelling driving force than just having a mansion. This is where Money Reiki bridges the gap for me its about healing money issues, not just personally but on a planetary scale as well. Thats something that truly excites me, and I hope it excites you too. I am by no means done fixing my financial mess. Part of my journey in exploring this energy is taking care of my own money problems. You know the saying those who cant, teach. Well, Ive already had some remarkable results using this energy, and I hope you will too. Dont expect the lottery win just yet for me, the first big shift was getting out of the habit of regularly overdrawing my bank account. That may not seem like much but you must first lay the foundation.
Abundance has never been my issue money has. I always have more than enough of whatever I need. I just have had a rotten time dealing with my finances. I suspect a lot of other people have the same problem. This is why this energy system is called Money Reiki and not Abundance Reiki or Prosperity Reiki. (Though, I am aware of other Reiki systems using those terms.) Money Reiki is specifically about money. Its to help you with your ability to earn and manage money more effectively, in ways that support your highest good. It also helps the planet by shifting all energy surrounding money. I hope youll find this energy helps you as much as it is helping me.
A good friend of mine, having read some information on prosperity thinking, was trying to think his way out of being behind on his mortgage payments. When he finally told me what was going on, it was too late a notice had been posted to his front door, evicting him from his home. His house had been put up for auction and sold, without his knowledge. This was extremely unnecessary, because my friend had a three bedroom house and could have rented out the two other bedrooms to friends of his. The rent money could have easily helped pay for the mortgage. A simple solution like this had been available to him all along so why didnt he take advantage of this obvious solution? I think part of the problem was the prosperity teachings he was reading. Some of the teachings seem to indicate that by sheer willpower one might be able to manifest a million dollars with a thought. Why then, take an intermediate step of renting out a room, when that big windfall was just an affirmation away? In this Money Reiki course you will not be told that your money problems will be solved immediately through positive thinking. Rather, through persistent application of energy healing, as well as taking action in your life, you can
gradually overcome your financial issues. But, depending on the severity of your
situation, this could take some time. So be careful when prosperity teachers tell you to affirm your way out of a big financial mess. Do the affirmations, yes, but use your common sense as well. Now, this is not to say that all prosperity teachers are bad, or that all prosperity thinking is wrong. Many people have benefited from prosperity teachings. It does not work equally well for everyone, however. Why that is will be explained shortly.
Many things affect the health of the energetic system. Depending upon your philosophy, this may include your overall spiritual health, connection with God, past life karma, etc. The important thing is to remember that everything starts with the energy system.
Therefore, if you are having problems with money, it is probably due to some underlying problem you have with your energetic system.
This is why just thinking positively will not work for many people! It will work for some people: Those people whose energetic systems are healthier will get better results from positive thinking. People who have healthier energetic systems surrounding money issues will naturally do better with their money than people who have severe energetic traumas relating to money. If you have a conditioned athlete on one side, and a couch potato with a broken leg on the other, and you teach both how to play a new sport, who do you think will do better? Probably the athlete. So if youve ever been in a prosperity class and youve been amazed at the one or two students who seem to be generating lottery wins and new job offers at every turn well, they are probably getting those results because their energetic systems were already primed. They just needed to align their thoughts and the results were theirs. Other students, on the other hand, were struggling, even though they did their homework. Most likely, their energetic system was blocked in such a way that positive thinking wasnt effective for them.
If you are coming to Money Reiki, perhaps you have not had miraculous results with prosperity thinking and you are looking for a better way. Or, if you have been one of those folks doing well with prosperity thinking, perhaps you want better results. Either way, Money Reiki will help. This is because Money Reiki serves to strengthen your energetic system in the arena of money.
positive thinking can work to heal your underlying energetic system, just like bad feelings and thoughts can hurt your energetic system. Still, if you are in better energetic condition in the first place, your results will be much stronger and faster than those with severe energetic dysfunctions. These effects are cumulative over a period of time it is hard to change your energy system quickly through just positive thinking or feeling.
By and far it will be even more powerful to get in there and work on the energetic system directly through energy healing. This is what Money Reiki does.
If you then do your positive thinking/positive feeling work on top of Money Reiki, I suspect that your results will be even that much more powerful.
The Spiritual Energy of Money is money at its source vibration filled with love, light, and generosity. It is the pure energy of money that exists on the spiritual plane. The energy of money on the planet, however, has become clouded and skewed by thousands of years of bad money practices. Greed, war, poverty, and other problems caused by the misuse of money have caused the Tribal Energy of Money to carry with it many negative elements. Additionally, your personal tribe, which includes your country of origin, family, and social circle, may have its own money baggage. Todays Tribal Money Energy has a lot of negative currents. This is a radical idea in prosperity circles, because the popular concept today is that money energy is neutral. Have you been to a prosperity class where the teacher was saying that money is not bad, but in the back of your mind youre wondering how that can be true after all, what about the starving children in Africa? Dont ignore that voice thats the voice of your conscience. There is a problem with money energy on the planet today! A big problem! Contrary to what some prosperity teachers tell us, the energy of money is not neutral. Oh, on an intellectual level, sure, money is neutral. But energetically speaking, the vibration of money on this planet is on the whole more negative rather than positive. Think of the planetary energy of money as being a collection of thought-forms if you will. Mingling with these thought-forms is the energetic residue of deeds
done, good or bad, in the name of money. Deeds done with money and deeds that were not done due to lack of money. Unfortunately, our track record is really not that great when you take a look at it. So is it true that the energy of money on planet Earth neutral? No, it is not. You only need to look around to see the negative effects of money misuse and abuse: Children exploited in sweatshops in third world countries (so corporations can make a greater profit). Environmental devastation and plundering of natural resources due to greed. Tremendous disparities between the rich and the poor across the globe. Money taking the place of spirituality, family, and basic human needs, as evidenced by 60-80 hour workweeks for many employees. More money spent on bombs and weapons than on teachers and schools (by the billions). Financial exploitation by unscrupulous people (think about the dot-com boom in the 90s and how many people were personally hurt when it went bust). And more. It is completely natural to be disturbed by the evil that is done in the name of money. This is why going to a prosperity seminar and just being told money isnt evil isnt going to cut it for a lot of folks. And it really isnt telling the whole truth. Is making money bad? Absolutely not. Are all rich people bad? No way. But is a world economic system bad when certain people live in material luxury while others have a hard time just eating one meal a day (much less three)? Absolutely. That is a bad economic system. Very very bad.
And to me, it doesnt really matter what the actual system is. Capitalism can be a wonderful economic system if it is run by compassionate, caring people. The systems are faulty because people are acting out of greed and fear. This is the energy that gets picked up and transmitted to the Tribal Energy of Money. Some of us who are sensitive to energies can feel this negativity covering the aura of money. We know something is amiss. So when people try to tell us that money is neutral and we should just be very happy about making ourselves rich, that the world is abundant by naturewell, were just not buying it. This is why many people have a problem with money, no matter how hard they try. This is where Money Reiki comes in. Money Reiki is here to heal the energy of money your Personal Money Energy, and Tribal Money Energy. We want to bring all that energy back to the Spiritual Energy of Money. The Spiritual Energy of Money is different from Tribal Money Energy. The Spiritual Energy of Money is the energy of money in its highest form. This is the pure, unblemished energy of money direct from Source. The Spiritual Energy of Money has the following effects: 1. It supports each individual to earn money in ways that support their highest good and the highest good of others. 2. It encourages the ethical use of money. 3. It supports true abundance, where everyone is fed, clothed, and housed. 4. It puts money in its proper place where consumerism and bigger and better are not taking the place of spirituality. 5. It helps institutions evolve to higher levels, so that they work more from heart and less from bureaucracy.
Money Reiki is to help heal Tribal Money Energy, and bring it back in alignment with the Spiritual Energy of Money. This is the beauty of this form of Reiki. When you use Money Reiki, you will not only help yourself with your own financial issues, you will help the planet.
Using Money Reiki will indirectly heal other people from negative addictions to money. The fact is, many people are indeed quite greedy and ruthless when it comes to having money. The higher vibration the Tribal Money Energy becomes, the more such people will be inspired to live to their higher paths and use money for good, not just for their own aggrandizement. Imagine a world where teachers are paid more than strippers. Where everyone gets fed. Where corporations put people and families first before the bottom line. As we all shift the energy of money to a higher vibration, people will be naturally drawn to use money in higher ways. This is why Money Reiki is so important.
they were born to do, that which they love to do as opposed to what they think they should to do earn a living. For artists, musicians, activists, healers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and others who are going off the beaten path, Money Reiki is helping shift the energy so that people can do work from the heart and not be financially punished for doing so. Additionally, many of us have legitimate concerns over the disparities caused by the negative Tribal Money Energies. If you have been struggling with prosperity issues, it may be that you are being called to help be a light to others by showing the world a different way of relating to money. Performing Money Reiki regularly will help in all arenas it will help you with your personal issues, and it will help the planet. But know this: The more you get in alignment with your path, the less you will be able to tolerate when it comes to your own personal financial mess. In order for planetary lightworkers to become the most effective, we as a group
(You can draw one or two lines through the S.) This is not a traditional Reiki symbol. It is not sacred or secret, since we see it everywhere. What we are doing by using the American dollar sign is co-opting MONEY REIKI PRACTITIONER S MANUAL Page 18
this symbol (hijacking it, as it were) to put it to good use and increase our own vibration in relation to it, as well as increase the symbols vibration. The dollar sign, when imagined, should be infused with spiritual energy. I envision it glowing with white/golden light.
A simple blessing to say in your mind when you use cash is to simply think, Bless you and thank you. You should also send Money Reiki to your credit cards, debit cards, bank statements, and other financial tools.
Via proxy: Place your hands on a photograph of the person or an object such a teddy bear representing that person, and send Money Reiki just as you would if you were sending it to them directly. Mentally: Imagine the person in front of you, and shower them with Money Reiki. You may see the dollar sign lit up with the Spiritual Energy of Money surrounding the person or embedding itself into the first chakra.
Step 4. Bless the Object. State: I now bless this object with the Spiritual Energy of Money. May it manifest what is in my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. Thank you. Now you may wear the object. It can be recharged whenever you feel it is time or you have a new intention.
Place the intentions in the box. You can also include pictures, newspaper clippings, and objects to the box that relate to your goals. Step 4. Charge the Box. Place your hands on the box and send Money Reiki to it. Step 5. Bless the Box. State: I now bless this Money Reiki Box with the Spiritual Energy of Money. May it manifest what is in my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. Thank you. When worries come up later surrounding money, you can write them down on a piece of paper and put them in the box to let God or the universe take care of it. Periodically go through the box and remove those notes that have been completed. For example, you may write on a note: Please take care of my car payment. When this has been taken care of, remove the original note and place a thank you note in its place. After a while you should hopefully have a box filled with thank you notes! When the box is full, you can remove the thank you notes and start again.
Financial Blessing
Many Reiki Practitioners reading this will want to offer Money Reiki to clients. I encourage you to charge for these services (reasonably) as you see fit. Here is a ritual for a Financial Blessing that you can provide as a service to clients.
(Note: Please! Do not take advantage of people struggling with money by promising them the moon and the stars with your financial blessing, and then charge them a ridiculously high fee! That is not what this energy is about! You will also have a lot of disappointed clients. This energy cannot be used to consistently produce instant lottery wins, so dont promise that.) You will need to create a Money Reiki Box specifically for clients prior to doing the full Financial Blessing. The Financial Blessing is to be done on a specific issue the client is working on. Have the client identify their issue to you in a pre-interview or written note. These issues should generally have to do with money and financial problems as opposed to manifesting large sums of money for general, unspecified purposes. For example, rather than working on I want a million dollars, a more reasonable and useful goal to work on would be I want to pay my bills consistently and on time. Step 1. Write it Down. Write the name of the client down on a piece of paper. Then write down the specific issue underneath their name. Step 2. Send Money Reiki to the Issue. Place your hands on the piece of paper that you wrote the clients name and issue on. Send Money Reiki to the issue simply by sending Reiki to the piece of paper. Step 3. Place Issue in Box. Put the piece of paper in your Money Reiki Box that you use for clients. (Note: You may have multiple clients in the box at the same time.)
Step 4. Perform a Money Reiki Treatment. Perform a Money Reiki treatment on the client either in person or via distance as described in the above section. Step 5. Wait One Week. Leave the clients issue in the Money Reiki Box for no less than one week. After a week has elapsed, you can remove that clients piece of paper from the box and destroy it. (Optional) You may want to charge the box itself with more Money Reiki energy on a daily basis to increase the strength of all the financial blessings inside. This is just one way of performing a Financial Blessing. You may experiment and come up with your own methods.
Energetic Tithing
In traditional prosperity teaching, you are told to donate or tithe a certain percentage of your income to a charity or spiritual center. The idea is that by giving out money, you will be opening up the flow to receive money. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, however, and you are not sure how you are going to pay your rent or mortgage, it can be quite difficult to tithe regularly. Energetic tithing is a way to give back and help others by giving your time or energy. It is my personal opinion that energetic tithing is actually more fulfilling and powerful than simply writing a check (regardless of the amount). Writing that check that serves as your tithe can be done almost too easily it can end up becoming one of the bills you have to pay, something to be done to pay the universe in hopes that it will bring you prosperity. Theres also something cynical in the idea that we are only tithing in order to get something back. I suspect that some people often tithe without caring too much about the recipient of the tithe. They are just doing it to get their money back from the universe. Theres nothing generous about that whatsoever! When you tithe energetically, you must put your heart and soul into it. The energetic tithe is the practice of sending your love vibration out to the universe. This can be done in the physical world, such as volunteering at your local charity, helping out a neighbor in need, or picking up trash when you take a walk on the beach.
Spiritual work includes meditation and prayer on behalf of others, energy healing, or other types of energy work. Energetic tithing, even more so than traditional tithing, gets you out of your own head and your own problems, and reminds you that there are other people out there who are worse off than you, people who could use your positive energy. You learn to be more grateful for what you have, and to spend less time whining about your own poor situation. Your so-called lack of abundance truly comes into perspective when you put your attention on the homeless person down the street. So you dont have a 40room mansion. Your one-bedroom apartment would sure feel like a mansion to that homeless person. Energetic tithing can be harder than it looks. Ill be the first person to admit that I get very lazy about it. I get tired, dont feel like it, Im not in the moodinsert lame excuse here. The more you practice, the more it becomes a good habit. Here are a few easy techniques to get into the mindset of energetic tithing: 1. Spend a few minutes before bed praying or sending energy for the welfare of others. This can be for friends, family, the homeless, starving children, the world. 2. Do you spend time visualizing what you want to manifest? Heres a thought instead of visualizing that you are in that mansion, take a few moments to visualize someone in need getting that mansion. 3. As you walk down the street, imagine you are sending a gentle rain of golden healing energy to everyone.
Especially important for anyone looking for a job or running a business is the concept of outflow. This simple principle works as follows: The more outflow, the more inflow. If you want a job, and youre having a hard time, increase your outflow. Meet more people, go to more networking events, hand out more resumes. (While youre at it, make sure you have a decent resumethis is coming from a former resume writer.)
If you own a business and business is slow, start putting that energy out there. Post flyers around town if you have to. Just get the energy flowing by getting your energy out there. Often what youll find is that when you put your energy out in one arena, something magically comes back in another form. Remember to put Money Reiki on all your materials used in your outflow!
Lets say I have a dream of feeding starving kids in Africa, and I feel that Ill need a million dollars to do this. Unfortunately, Im currently quite poor myself, and worrying about paying my rent. So I spend my extra time and money going to prosperity seminars and trying get-rich-quick schemes in order to become a millionaire, so I can then finally go out and help people. Well, years and years go by, and nothing happens. No millions, no nothing. The fix to this is quite simple: Start changing the world, NOW. Americans in particular have lately gotten this crazy idea that in order to have impact on the world at large you need to have a million dollars. Is that really true? Was Martin Luther King a millionaire? How about Ghandi or Mother Teresa? How about Jesus or Buddha? If you have a vision and a passion for a particular cause, then get out there and do something about it. By dedicating yourself to your vision, and putting it out there to the world, you will naturally attract other people to help and support this vision. Besides, who says you need to spend your own million dollars in order to fund a noble project? Most non-profit organizations are built by donations they receive from individuals and corporations. Many businesses are built with venture capital, often from individual investors who serve as angels and provide money to grow the business. Dont wait until you earn the money yourself! If you need it, go out and ask for it!
Remember the saying: Do what you love and the money will follow. Commit now to your dream and take action on it. That more than anything attracts money, people, and resources to you. Love itself is the best attractant in the world.
To keep up to date with Money Reiki, and to find out about classes and group healing sessions, go to: The next level of Money Reiki is the Master level, which is as of this writing still under development. As a Money Reiki Master you will be able to attune others and teach your own classes. I encourage you to send feedback with your results as well as any new insights you may have gained. Additional symbols, practices, and ideas may be included in future manuals with your permission. Email [email protected] with MONEY REIKI in the title (so I know it is not spam).
Copyright Notice
This manual is copyright 2005 Stephanie Brail. You may NOT include this manual in any online Reiki libraries or collections without the authors explicit permission. If this copyright has been violated, please notify me at [email protected]. (Revision 2.)