Laughren Peter Fran 2010 SAfrica

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OlapB Tmes
Winter 2010 "Vol. 20 No. 3

The Laughrens,
Pete, Fran & Denzil

A Photo Journey of the South African Work

Greetings once again in the middle of your cold winter. We are in the middle of summer here and the days are getting shorter and fall is getting nearer. Every newsletter that we send is about the work that goes on here and, as you know, we always include pictures. Several years ago we sent out a newsletter that was exclusively pictures and we got a very good response from it. Seeing that many agree with my thoughts that we would rather look at pictures anyway, we thought that it was time for another one put together that way. So, greetings from South Africa. Enjoy the pictures that are presented here in many different categories. Thanks for your prayers for the work here and please continue to pray for the drought in our area. Thanks for all that you do to help us be here and may God bless you as you serve Him.

Work in South Africa

We are involved in many facets of the work here in South Africa.


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I teach in many different places and these are two different groups that I taught at the different yearly conferences.

This is a group of students that I taught in Kimberley and we shared meals together.

Fran teaches in many different ways - from VBSs to Youth Work " and enjoys fellowship with the girls.

yj-7.- >

Thanks for the input of

Bettie Goodman of Col-

leyville, Texas. She has tried to get the ladies here involved in making beaded
necklaces, but there has
not been much interest



from the local ladies. They

would rather have them made for them. So Fran

has developed the project by herself, and done a tremendous job.

Under the direction of Stacy Garner, internships have been a large part of our work here. He has done a trememdous job.

Jerome Calvert, a strong leader of youth here in George, The goal of our work here is bringing people to Jesus Christ, Here are some recent baptisms. recently got married. He and his wife are doing well.

Various Other Facets of the Work

When we arrived back from furlough, we brought a container. Through the generous donations of churches in Ten nessee, Georgia and Florida, we were able to provide many needed clothes and school supplies to needy people of all ages. Here are a few sights of joy as evidenced by the receiving people.
Clothes were distributed

to many needy people

in the church in GraaffReinet. When we ran

out of supplies, they

took measurements of

the kids that still needed


them and bought more out of their own pockets. This was pleasing to us ... they not only re ceived, but they have learned how to give, too!

The members of the church in Knysna were very thanl<ful for the donations...
. . . as were the kids in




nell and Pethro George live (see photo in "peo ple" section).

Englewood Christian Church in Jacksonville, Florida, through their Vaca tion Bible School, sent back school supplies that we used in George . ..

... and in Knsyna



and they even sent leftover

Vacation Bible School T-Shirts...

and leftover Vacation

Bible School supplies..

... and, as you can see. Mas cot outfits that are still being
used, no matter what the Vaca
tion Bible School theme is!!!

South Africa Scene

We have always maintained that South Africa is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is an undiscovered beauty spot. Here are a few photos to prove our case ...

But still to me (Pete), one of the most beautiful sights in

The Augrabie Falls near Na mibia are spectacular...
.. .As are Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwe/Zambia Border the world is where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet, at Cape Point just south of Cape Town.

Cape Town and all of South Africa is getting ready for the 2010 Soccer World Cup. l-lere you see the Cape Town sta dium in the final stages of construction.

Graff-Reinet, where we do a lot of teaching, is in the middle of South Africa. It is famous for the mountain called "Spandosl<op." The one picture is of the mountain, the other is of the one taken of the town of Graaff-Reinet from near the top of the mountain.

Diamond mining is famous in South Africa. This is a hand-dug mine in Kimberley called "The Big Hole" for obvious reasons.

We have beautiful coastlines here in South Africa

but we also have long and winding roads ... with trees few and far between in the arid regions.

South African Peoole

As 1have alw/ays said in our stateside presentations, the most beautiful thing about South Africa is the people. They are what makes the work here so rewarding. Here are just a few who have touched our lives.

A strong brother from Graaff-Reinet is Max Cudjoe.

Andrew Calvert and tiis family wtio lead ttie ctiurcti in George.

James and Elizabeth Booi from the

Mfuleni church in Cape Town.

Brother Eric Nkebe, a strong leader at

the church in Mfuleni who has the nick

Brother Tyityifrom the

church in Queenstown

name of "Ouvrou" which is Afrikaans

in the Eastern Cape.

Brother John Jacobs, the leader in the church in Upington, with two local brothers.

for "old lady" because of his love of telling the young children stories.



Two sisters from the George Church, Gladys and Elizabeth.

Cornell and Pethro George are origi nally from the church in Graaff-Reinet, but they now live and work in the small town of Richmond. They work with the youth there.

The Jantjies family was one of the first families that we ever met in South Africa. They live in Macassar in Cape Town and work with the church there. David and Audrey lead a fine Christian family.

Many people think that since we live in Africa that we see wild animals everywhere we go. But, since South Africa is so modern, we do not. However, here are a few that we have seen in our travels that adds to the scenery.

In South Africa, the National Animal is the Springbok. It is called the Springbok for obvious reasons.

Baboons can be real hazards on golf courses... and warthogs can do real damage to your grounds.

y^hen you meet one of these tortoises in the middle of the high way, there is a possibility of real damage to your car if you hit it.

85% of the world's ostriches are raised within 50 miles

of here, just across the mountain.

Since we are so far south, there are many penguins in the
wild right by the ocean.

^ . t'

The Blesbok is another deer-like animal in South Africa.

Familv Photo Album

Of course we need to add some family photos so we can share how our lives are going, tool

Denzil is growing up way too fast. He is now 15. He is being home schooled with Fran being his teacher and he makes straight A's. Here are two recent pictures taken of us as a family ...



one by the Augrabie Fails... and one by Spandoskop in Graaff-Reinet.

The Funnv Side of Life

To end this photo journey,, what would life be like without looking for the humorous side of things? We hope that you enjoyed this photo journey and also hope that you enjoy these photos that we found humorous In our travels. May God bless you as you serve Him.

Denzil, only 15, is becoming tall like

me. I often kid him that, while he

may be as tall as me one day, he will never be as good looking. He then smiles and tells me, "Yea, you just wait and see!" This picture ivas taken at a wedding that I per formed in December in Cape Town.

Don Dorris of Woodlawn, Illinois

with Abram Modupi in Barley-West

in front of... what is the name of
that church?

Transportation is done in any way pos


Outreoch Internotionol

Mission Services 2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

Knoxville. TN 37917

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Return Service Requested

Pete &_Eraj[LLaughten
P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa

Phone: 011-27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548

e-mail: [email protected]
Forwarding Agents:
Mark & Annette Tuttle P, O. Box 22

Granville, Ohio 43023

(740) 321-3377

R380 Deben 27 Hotazel 63

I don t l<now about you,

but this town in the north

ern part of the country sounds pretty warm to

I just hope that there is a live body attached to that leg!!!

I always lil<e stores where there is a variety. .. fruit stands and navel piercing. Would you lil<e navel oranges, or a pierced navel???


OlapE "SltmBS
Spring/Summer 2010 - Vol. 20 No. 4; Vol. 21 No. 1

The Laughrens,
Pete, Fran & Denzil

Travels of 2010
In our work in South Africa we travel to many outlying places for times of preaching and teaching. These past few months have seen us in several different places. Over Easter we spent the weekend in the northern Cape town of Kimberley and helped in the services there northern Cape
churches. We arrived

^ \
i^ j
Fran taught theladies the ladies and
children in Kimberley.


^ afternoon. While
there 1preached and
ladies and children.

there on Thursday and left on Sunday

have been for

Sister Mary George who lost

happy occasions,

husband, brother Stan George.

: i taught several times

j and Fran taught the

j^ere were over 200
, ^ ^

' people in attendance and it all went well. We were even able to spend some time with fellow missionaries, the Steve Caulley family, and it was a good time of fellowship. We visited the church in Knysna over this time period and the tiny church is doing well. The leader of
the church travels overseas for construction work, and

While we have taught there, we have been there for two funerals for two of the strongest brothers in the church. Brother in laws, Arrie Koeberg and Stan George were very different in dispositions but both were very strong in the Lord. Arrie was very outgoing and wanted people to know where he stood in many situations while Stan was just a real strong behind the scenes worker. One of the brothers who spoke at his funeral said that he looked for pictures of Stan working in the church, but could not find any as he was always working behind the scenes. Arrie was 76 years old and left a wife and 5
children when he died from cancer after a short illness.

this hurts the church a bit, but they carry on. We are pleased with the success of the Knysna church.

Stan was only 57 and battled cancer for around three years and he too left a wife and several children. It was

Jeremy Koeberg is a faithful worker from Cape Town.

Roland Joseph, from Kimberley, is a

faithful worker.

Pete standing with two brothers from Graaff-Reinet, Richard and Donovan.

strange to do funerals so close together of two such strong Christians. But we rejoice in the confidence that they have both have received their eternal rewards. While we were at Stan George's funeral, we got word that another brother in law in the same family passed away and the following week we had to go to Port Elizabeth to do the funeral of that man, Harry
Oersen. The church in Port Elizabeth will be weaker in

his loss, but the work must go on. Please pray for the

churches in Graaff-Reinet |
and Port Elizabeth as
they work through these
losses. They are doing
well at present and we feel confident that they will



to help. I was also able to get some help from one of my friends, Kitty, who is the mother of one of Denzil's friends and very involved in ministry now. Pius, Pete and Denzil would pitch in when and where they could.., So, the Lord helped us get everything ready in time with the help of many hands from different places. The VBS in Thembalethu is organized by the police of that area as a program for working with the community. It had to be postponed until another date due to their increase of responsibilities with the World Cup activities.
Since the church in Graaff-Reinet is able and

Our work takes many

forms and the sadder times


are when we say good bye to good friends. But it is all

partofthe work ofthe Lord Brother Jacobs, from Upinghere in South Africa. ton, is 94 years old.

willing to do VBS on their own now, they asked for our assistance by doing the lessons and music this year. As usual, it was a great success with attendance around 500 every day. The church of Graaff-Reinet has been under a great amount of stress this year with deaths, weddings and VBS, but none the less they are strong and positive. They keep going, they keep that servant of Christ attitude no matter how tough things get. We are so proud of them and it is a pleasure to
work with them.

VBS 2010 bv Fran

This year we didn't have any help with Vacation Bible Schools from visitors or interns from the States. We were scheduled to do three; One in Graaff-Reinet (June 14 - 18) and one for LIFE Community Services (a Children's feeding service) in George (June 28 - July 2) and one in the township of Thembalethu in

I must add that as much as I love to sing and love to lead the kids in song, I do not have the gift of singing with a nice tune. So needless to say, we really missed the leader of the internships, Stacy Garner, and his strong, beautiful voice this year. Thank goodness for foi good CD's and sound systems! To make the loac load of work lighter, Pete, Denzil and I shared the Bible story times. The kids seeinc kids really get a kick kick out of seeing and listening to Denzil Denzil with with story time. time. We were ver^ very proud of him.

group also carne over one day

At the

School in George, the fenf

crowded -- but it was great fun!

Working Community Seryear

was great fun. They are an organization that provides after school care, soup
kitchen and a

. '' ^ - -

place to meet the needs of many under-privileged



made a plan this

At the last day of the Vacation Bible

Denzil with his friends, Peter, Davey and Kenneth.

year to do a four

School in Graaff-Reinet, they gave

week Holiday Bi-


ble School since the school holiday was extended with the World Cup activities going on. Each week they had different "themes and leaders" do the program. But each week they depended on their staff and folks from the community and their youth to help with the children. They had a tent in the front of the building with flags representing different countries, and the kids were divided up into teams and named after different countries that were represented in the World Cup. It was a fun atmosphere and the kids were entertained, taught skills for life and living a life for the Lord, fed and most of all loved with the love of God through those working with them. The staff of LIFE was well organized in dealing with the children so that all we had to do was the pro gram. We taught songs, gave the Bible lessons and provided the crafts. Every day they ran around 300 - 350 in attendance. There were plenty of helpers and the kids were well behaved. It was a huge help for one of "our" church youth members, Jody (who came for three days in-spite of our saying we didn't need the extra help) to lend a helping hand anyway. The extra pair of hands came at the time we needed them. He truly has a serving heart and we are so proud of him. Thanks, again, goes to all of you who have helped provide craft supplies. We were able to leave a bunch of crayons and markers with the LIFE Commu nity Services and they were surprised and so excited. You had a part in blessing them. Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. Though we are exhausted every year at this time, it has been fun and we feel blessed in having a part in the great work that is going on for the Kingdom through the children of
South Africa.

Please pray for Denzil as he starts grade 10. He is a straight A student and we are real proud of him.
Please pray for the churches in Graaff-Reinet, George, Knysna, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town as they grow in spirit and truth. Please pray for our fonwarding agent's son and new wife, Jonathan and Nicki Tuttle as they start their

new married life together. July 24 in Georgia.

They were married on

I (Pete) am in the U.S. until the end of August helping my mother and step father relocate from Georgia to Florida. My sister, Lisa Andrews is also in Georgia and we are working together in the process. Please pray for all of us during this time.

Denzil is 16 and in the tenth grade now.

Mission Services

Outreach Internotiofiol

2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

Knoxviile, TN 37917

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxviile, TN
Permit #374

Return Sen/ice Requested

Pete & Fran Laughren

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011-27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548

e-mail: [email protected] Forwarding Agents:

Mark & Annette Tuttle P. O. Box 22

Granville, Ohio 43023 (740) 321-3377

* Even though we had no interns to help with this year's Vacation Bible Schools, things still went well. Fran is a great organizer and crafter and the Vaca tion Bible Schoois went smoothly. * Fran and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in June and we thank God for his protection for so
many years.

Other than the funerals mentioned earlier, we aiso

had a faithful Christian sister die here in George


On further sad notes, a student intern working in Kimberley, with the Steve Caulley family, Renita Rambo, died recently in a car accident. Caulley's daughter, Maria, is still recuperating from the accident.
Two weeks iater, fellow missionary Stu Cook, who works in and around Johannesburg, also died in a car accident going to a Bible study. Please continue to pray for his wife, Marilyn as she continues her re covery. It has been sad times here for the work in
South Africa.

* We have gathered some new supporters for the work in South Africa and for this we are extremely grateful to the Lord for his provisions. Our Lord is faithful.

Even the ostriches found the snow a little different to be in

as we had record snowfalls recently!

These Bibles were provided by Stacy Garner of Gateway International Educational Sen/ices on the last internship.



The Laughrens, Pete, Fran & Denzil

Fall 2010 & Winter 2011 -- Vol. 21, No. 2 & 3

Prayers for Fran

Greetings once again from South Africa. We hope that you are well and serving the Lord where
you are.

Those of you familiar with our work here know that an important part of the work is traveling and preaching and teaching in various areas. Our annual conference is a major part of the yearly calendar, as are our monthly trips to Graaff-Reinet for weeks of teaching. Back in September we spent the month
getting ready for the annual conference that was to be held in the Cape Town area and plans were going

could be done. Of her neck she arranged some visits with a chiropractor. After further consultation with the surgeon he determined that while it was not so much a tear, but just a "wearing out" of the muscle and he
tried a cortisone shot that seemed to take care of the

problem. She now has better movement. As for the neck problem, the chiropractic route has not seemed to help the problem and we are

About 3 weeks beforehand, Fran started to have

a severe headache. She always has headaches of different sorts, but this one persisted and would not go away. No matter what she tried, nothing worked.
The weekend before the conference, it got worse and we had to make a decision to do something. We then canceled our plans to go to the conference and got her to the doctor. We sent our planned lessons

seeking other areas for help. The pain is not as bad as before, but there is still a problem that needs to be take care of. That all being said please keep her in your prayers that we find proper treatment. Since she was in pain and could not drive for a long time and since the church people in Graaff-Reinet were very concerned for her health, they asked that I
not leave her alone at home. So therefore, we have

on to brother Max Cudjoe from Graaff-Reinet and he presented them for us at the conference. After examination, the doctor ordered x-rays and they revealed what he thought were two fused disks in her neck. He gave her treatments and therapy and
told her what to do and what not to do and it has been

not been to Graaff-Reinet for teaching in the last several months. We have stayed close to home and worked with the church here in George and made monthly trips to Knysna to teach and preach at the church there. Please pray for us as we try to get into a regular schedule this year and please pray for Fran in her pain that we may find the proper remedies.

The "Toy Wagon"

Frequent readers ofthis newsletter will remember that over the years when we have had interns we have scrambled for vehicles for transportation. You will also
remember that one particular vehicle that we have borrowed from friends many times became ours when

an on going process. Late in the year we went to a

neurologist who noticed that some of the pain that she

mentioned did not seem to be neck related and she

ordered some x-rays of her shoulder. These x-rays revealed what she thought was a tear in the shoulder

muscle and ordered to go to a surgeon to see what

This is the Volkswagen Microbus with the new engine.

we purchased it in 2008. It is a 20 year old Volkswagen Microbus that had one owner and it ran like a top. We use it often in church work here in George and it has become a valuable tool in the ministry. When a friend borrowed it in September, he brought it back and mentioned that it did not seem to be running right. Upon further investigation the reason that it was not running right was because of a blown engine. One thing led to another and we had two options while replacing the engine. We could put another reconditioned Volkswagen engine back in, or a brand new Toyota engine in, and these were both for the same price. The advantage of the Toyota engine is that parts for it are available everywhere and all would be brand new. That is what we went with, and it is back to tip top running condition. Many of you helped with this project and we are forever thankful for your help. We can never say thanks enough for your help to get this done. Since it is a Volkswagen with a Toyota engine, Denzil has affectionately renamed the vehicle, the "Toy-Wagon." We are very thankful for its repair and getting on the road again.

Vacation Bible Schools

Even with Fran's injuries, she was still in
The kids love to sing with Fran
demand for Vacation Bible Schools at various

places at various times. We did a Vacation

Bible School over the Christmas break with a

local feeding center and we had about 80 kids in attendance. Back in September at the height of her headache problems we did a short one in Conville and they have asked us back again when we have interns coming this May and June. We are thankful for this part of the ministry
and we look fon/vard to the ones to come. Fran

... while Pete teaches the lesson each day.

is running lowon crafts supplies and is hoping to use them all up with the following Vacation Bible Schools before we return stateside. Please pray for Stacy Garner as he leads another group from St. Louis Christian College, and also for a group from McDonough Christian Church in McDonough Ga., that are coming in late June.

Furlough at the
end of 2011
This year is the end of our four year term. We will be returning to the U.S. around November 2011. We hope to locate in the Hampton, Ga., area for furlough but nothing is for sure at this point. Please be in prayer for us as this time approaches. Denzil hopes to complete grade 12 while we are stateside in
2012. We do not know what the future holds

after that, so please be in prayer with us about


*Please be in prayer for Fran's medical condition and that we find the proper

Visitors from Cape Town are always welcome. These sisters are from the Jantijies family in Macassar

*Please be in prayer for us as we make final plans for furlough and the future at the
end of 2011.

*Please pray for Denzil as he completes grade 10 and starts on grade 11 in March. He is a straight A student and he makes us real proud. *Piease pray for our folks as Fran's parents have moved to Missourifrom Texas and mine have moved to Florida from Georgia.
Andrew Calvert is the faithful minister here in George.

*Weare so pleased for the vehicle repairs on the Volkswagen Microbus and thankful for
those of you who helped in so many ways. *Support has slipped overall, but God is faithful through his people. We are very thankful for all who continue to help in the work
here in South Africa.

*We are so thankful that even though we have not been able to go to Graaff-Reinet in the last several months, they are doing very well. We will make our first visit this year in February. *Thank-you for continuing to pray for us
and the work in South Africa.

Youth leader of the George Church, Jerome Calvert.

with is wife, Ruanita, and their new addition, Ruan.

Mission Services

Outreoch Internationol

2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37917

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Return Sen/ice Requested

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011-27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548

e-mail: [email protected] Forwarding Agents:

Mark & Annette Tuttle P. 0. Box 22

Granville, Ohio 43023 (740) 321-3377

This is a recent family picture of the three of us Denzil is growing up too fast

Emile Calvert, Andrew's son, and Denzil have been

close buddies our entire time in George.

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