Chief Fama - Itadogun Ifa - Orun Ifa
Chief Fama - Itadogun Ifa - Orun Ifa
Chief Fama - Itadogun Ifa - Orun Ifa
bo inu Odu re Ifa, put-hand deep-inside Odu yours [Orunmila, please, reach down inside your coded text-Ifa] Ki o ko ire t'emi le mi ni owo Must you pack ire mine on me in hand [and give me my own blessings] Tori, o pe titi ti mo ti nsawo Because it long very and very I that doing-awo [Because, I have been serving you consistently and consciously for a very long time] Mo se awo titi, mo se awo de ile Elesin-Oyan I do awo very, I do awo reach house owner-horse Oyan [During this period of my service, I met with royalties (Kings)] Mo se awo titi, mo se awo de ilu eyin Iwonran I do awo very, I do awo reach town/country back Iworan [During this period of my service, I travelled across-the-oceans-I travelled overseas] Mo se awo titi, mo ree ba oloja pin owun ni ori ite I do awo very, I do meet with owner-of-market divide talk in head-throne [During this period of my service, I travelled, met with, and make far-reaching decisions with Kings and the Powerfuls] Ifa, sebi awo oloro ni mo fee se o Ifa, it-is awo rich is I want do [Ifa, I desire to be Awo with positive influence and wealth] Emi o se awo otosi Me not do awo poverty [I do not wish for an Awo of bad influence] Awo oloro ni mo fee se o Awo rich is I want do [Awo with positive influence, I desire to be] Ifa, jowo, ki o ma ma ko owun enu ti emi (temi) Ifa, please, must you not refuse voice mouth mine [Odumare via Orunmila, please, do not refuse my pleas for IRE] Orunmila, jowo, ki o ma ma ko owun enu ti emi (temi) Orunmila, must you not refuse voice mouth that mine [Odumare via Orunmila, please, do not refuse my requests for all IRE] Tori, eja nla won kii ko owun onibu Because fish big they not refuse voice owner-vast-water [Because, Odumare never refuses the requests of big aquatic animals] werenjeje, won kii ko owun Oba Orisa (Obarisa), ati bee bee Iwere-njeje, they not refuse voice King-Orisa, etc. [Because of divine order, iwerenjeje herb is always sweet], etc. Note: Even though this chant is truncated (it's beginning lines and most of its ending lines having been cut off), it is still potent as is. Personalized prayer can be added starting from the end of the last line. Today is Itadogun Ifa. As usual, go before Ifa and make the necessary offerings. Also, to the Iyalorisas and Babalorisas in the forum, go before the respective Orisas and make the necessary offerings. Actually, today's offering before Ifa or the Orisas can be a family affair--we can upgrade it to the level of a devotional service. We can choose to be as modest as possible today being Itadogun Ifa; or, we can be as extravagant with our offerings as we choose. Either way we choose to worship the Orisas today, we should be mindful of the Orisas' code-of-conduct of respect to self and to others, responsibility to the Orisas, to self and to our respective communities, and honesty of purpose.
We should go before Ifa with obi abata meji, orogbo meji, ataare mesan (9 seeds for male) or meje (seven seeds for female), oti pupo (generous amount of oti), epo pupa pupo (generous amount of epo pupa), eku meji, eja meji or obi adiye meji (two hen). Even though the offerings to the Orisas defer to some extent, some of the central offerings can be given to the Orisas today. The central offerings include obi abata, orogbo, oti, epo pupa, omi tutu, and ataare. The exception is Sango who takes only orogbo; so, please, do not give obi abata to Sango. Obatala takes obi ifin (white obi abata) and no oti and epo pupa. Osanyin takes ataare. Esu accepts all the listed items. Ogun accepts all the items, too, but substitute omi tutu with emu ope (palm wine) or oti. The above partial chant from a verse of an Odu Ifa will be a potent back up to our individual and collective prayers to Odumare today, the day of Itadogun Ifa. May Odumare, via the Irunmoles, accept our supplications everyday and everything we take our pleas to the Irunmoles. Ase. A ji ire ni oni o (we wake up with ire today-"Good Morning").
1. Orun Ifa and Our Wishes (Orun Ifa owun Edun Okan Wa) By Chief FAMA Today is Ose Ifa (Ifa Worship Day) and is Orun Ifa in particular. It is also an ideal day to worship all the other Orisas. As humans, we constantly yearn for some things, be it something new in our lives, retention of what we already have, or additions to our possessions. We also crave company, be it in the form of friendship, relationship, family, and a group identity. If we are lucky to have all or most of these desires, needs, and wants fulfilled, our orientation changes to that of management, arrogance, humility, or reverence. Some of us appreciate Odumare more and regard each gift as a blessing, and every day as a unique presence of Odumare in our lives. Yet, we sometimes do not realize that the conscious thought of any of the above activities is a form of an iwure (prayer) from us to the unseen energy we believe exists somewhere and whom we call Odumare (God). When we fervently wish for something, even if we are not still, we are subconsciously wishing for manifestation of the desire. Sometimes, this strong desire slips into our subconscious state of rest sleepat which stage we dream about the thing: the thought, the feeling, the desire, and the need. Because we are passionate about the thing, we subconsciously transmit the message through our chosen media to Odumare. To us in Orisa Worship, our media are the Orisas. On this day of Ose Ifa dear Awo, conclude today's iwure with the chant below. However, the Orisas should be propitiated appropriately. How? We should approach the Orisas with our honest of purpose; we should present our offerings with genuine love; if we are truthfully unable to meet certain, positive spiritual obligation, we should explain that to the Orisa concerned and humbly ask for the Orisa's understanding. With all this in mind, we should offer our usual obi abata meji, orogbo meji, ataare, oti, epo pupa, omi tutu, and our own special iwure (prayers). We may then chant: Bi mo duro, bi mo wure Ire ti emi, ko ni e aigba
Bi mo bere, bi mo wure Ire ti emi, ko ni e aigba Bi mo joko, bi mo wure Ire ti emi, ko ni e aigba. If I pray while standing My prayers will manifest If I stoop or kneel while praying My prayers will manifest If I sit while praying My prayers will manifest Baba a mi ku, mo je ogun a (with an inherited ase of Orunmila and the Orisas), may our iwures manifest, today and always, a. Awa ji ire ni oni o (we wake up with ire today"Good Morning"). A.