Factorial Designs
Factorial Designs
Factorial Designs
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Factorial Designs ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Factorial Designs Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Factorial Experiments in Minitab ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Choosing a Factorial Design ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Create Factorial Design.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Define Custom Factorial Design..................................................................................................................................... 29
Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability............................................................................................................... 31
Analyze Factorial Design................................................................................................................................................ 36
Analyze Variability .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Factorial Plots................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Contour/Surface Plots .................................................................................................................................................... 59
Overlaid Contour Plot ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
Response Optimizer ....................................................................................................................................................... 66
Modify Design................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Display Design................................................................................................................................................................ 77
References - Factorial Designs ...................................................................................................................................... 78
Index .................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Factorial Designs
Factorial Designs Overview
Factorial designs allow for the simultaneous study of the effects that several factors may have on a process. When
performing an experiment, varying the levels of the factors simultaneously rather than one at a time is efficient in terms of
time and cost, and also allows for the study of interactions between the factors. Interactions are the driving force in many
processes. Without the use of factorial experiments, important interactions may remain undetected.
Screening designs
In many process development and manufacturing applications, the number of potential input variables (factors) is large.
Screening (process characterization) is used to reduce the number of input variables by identifying the key input variables
or process conditions that affect product quality. This reduction allows you to focus process improvement efforts on the
few really important variables, or the "vital few." Screening may also suggest the "best" or optimal settings for these
factors, and indicate whether or not curvature exists in the responses. Optimization experiments can then be done to
determine the best settings and define the nature of the curvature.
In industry, two-level full and fractional factorial designs, and Plackett-Burman designs are often used to "screen" for the
really important factors that influence process output measures or product quality. These designs are useful for fitting first-
order models (which detect linear effects), and can provide information on the existence of second-order effects
(curvature) when the design includes center points.
In addition, general full factorial designs (designs with more than two-levels) may be used with small screening
Plackett-Burman designs
Plackett-Burman designs are a class of resolution III, two-level fractional factorial designs that are often used to study
main effects. In a resolution III design, main effects are aliased with two-way interactions.
Minitab generates designs for up to 47 factors. Each design is based on the number of runs, from 12 to 48, and is always
a multiple of 4. The number of factors must be less than the number of runs.
More Our intent is to provide only a brief introduction to factorial designs. There are many resources that provide a
thorough treatment of these designs. For a list of resources, see References.
• determine the impact that other considerations (such as cost, time, or the availability of facilities) have on your choice
of a design
Depending on your problem, there are other considerations that make a design desirable. You may want to choose a
design that allows you to
• increase the order of the design sequentially. That is, you may want to "build up" the initial design for subsequent
• perform the experiment in orthogonal blocks. Orthogonally blocked designs allow for model terms and block effects to
be estimated independently and minimize the variation in the estimated coefficients.
• detect model lack of fit.
• estimate the effects that you believe are important by choosing a design with adequate resolution. The resolution of a
design describes how the effects are confounded. Some common design resolutions are summarized below:
− Resolution III designs − no main effect is aliased with any other main effect. However, main effects are aliased
with two-factor interactions and two-factor interactions are aliased with each other.
− Resolution IV designs − no main effect is aliased with any other main effect or two-factor interaction. Two-factor
interactions are aliased with each other.
− Resolution V designs − no main effect or two-factor interaction is aliased with any other main effect or two-factor
interaction. Two-factor interactions are aliased with three-factor interactions.
Note To create a design from data that you already have in the worksheet, see Define Custom Factorial Design.
5 Click Designs.
6 In the box at the top, highlight the design you want to create. If you like, use any of the dialog box options.
7 Click OK even if you do not change any of the options. This selects the design and brings you back to the main dialog
8 If you like, click Options, Factors, and/or Results to use any of the dialog box options. Then, click OK in each dialog
box to create your design.
Define blocks by listing their generators (for example, ABCD): Specify the terms to be used as block generators. You
must specify your own block generators if you added any factors to the design.
3 4 3 C=AB
no blocking
3 8 − Full
2(ABC)4 4(AB,AC)3
4 8 4 D=ABC
2(AB)3 4(AB,AC)3
4 16 − Full
2(ABCD)5 4(BC,ABD)3 8(AB,BC,CD)3
5 8 3 D=AB,E=AC
5 16 5 E=ABCD (E=ABC for 8 blocks)
2(AB)3 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
5 32 − Full
2(ABCDE)6 4(ABC,CDE)4 8(AC,BD,ADE)3 16(AB,AC,CD,DE)3
6 8 3 D=AB,E=AC,F=BC
6 16 4 E=ABC,F=BCD
2(ACD)4 4(AE,ACD)3 8(AB,BC,BF)3
6 32 6 F=ABCDE
2(ABF)4 4(BC,ABF)3 8(AD,BC,ABF)3 16(AB,BC,CD,DE)3
6 64 − Full
7 8 3 D=AB,E=AC,F=BC,G=ABC
no blocking
7 16 4 E=ABC,F=BCD,G=ACD
2(ABD)4 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
7 32 4 F=ABCD,G=ABDE
2(CDE)4 4(CF,CDE)3 8(AB,AD,CG)3
7 64 7 G=ABCDEF
2(CDE)4 4(ACF,CDE)4 8(ACF,ADG,CDE)4 16(AB,AC,EF,EG)3
7 128 − Full
2(AB)3 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
2(ABE)4 4(EH,ABE)3 8(AB,AC,BD)3
8 64 5 G=ABCD,H=ABEF
2(ACE)4 4(ACE,BDF)4 8(BC,FH,BDF)3 16(BC,DE,FH,BDF)3
8 128 8 H=ABCDEFG
2(AB)3 4(AB,AC)3
2(AEF)4 4(AB,CD)3 8(AB,AC,CD)3
2(BCE)4 4(ABF,ACJ)4 8(AD,AH,BDE)3 16(AC,AD,AJ,BF)3
2(AC)3 4(AD,AG)3
2(AB)3 4(AB,BC)3 8(AB,AC,AH)3
2(AGJ)4 4(CD,AGJ)3 8(AG,CJ,CK)3 16(AC,AG,CJ,CK)3
2(AD)3 4(AE,AH)3
2(ABD)4 4(AK,ABD)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
2(AHJ)4 4(FL,AHJ)3 8(CD,CE,DL)3 16(AB,AC,AE,AF)3
2(AG)3 4(AF,AG)3
2(ABC)4 4(DG,DH)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
2(ABM)4 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,BM)3 16(AB,AD,BE,BM)3
2(ACF)4 4(BG,BJ)3 8(BG,BJ,AGM)3 16(BG,BJ,FM,AGM)3
2(ABD)4 4(CG,GH)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3
2(AB)3 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,AN)3 16(AB,AD,BE,BM)3
2(ADE)4 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,AGK)3 16(AB,AC,ABM,AGK)3
2(ACL)4 4(AB,ACL)3 8(AC,AL,AO)3
2(ABC)4 4(BC,BE)3 8(BC,BE,BG)3 16(AB,BC,BE,BG)3
2(ADE)4 4(AB,AC)3 8(AB,AC,BM)3 16(AB,AC,BM,DG)3
no blocking
2(ABP)4 4(AB,BP)3 8(AB,AD,AK)3
2(ABL)4 4(AM,ABL)3 8(AB,AC,AD)3 16(AB,AC,AD,AE)3
2(ADE)4 4(EG,GP)3 8(EG,GP,OP)3 16(BO,EG,GP,OP)3
6 Click Generators. In Add factors to the base design by listing their generators, enter D = AB E = AC. Click OK
in each dialog box.
A + BD + CE
B + AD + CDE
C + AE + BDE
D + AB + BCE
E + AC + BCD
Next, consider a blocked 25 design where three factors are text, and there are two blocks. There are 2 x 2 x 2 = 8
combinations of text levels. If you specify two center points per block, Minitab will add 8 x 2 = 16 pseudo-center points
to each of the two blocks.
Note Blocking a design can reduce its resolution. Let r1 = the resolution before blocking. Let r2 = the length of the
shortest term that is confounded with blocks. Then the resolution after blocking is the smaller of r1 and (r2 +
To name factors
1 In the Create Factorial Design dialog box, click Factors.
2 Under Name, click in the first row and type the name of the first factor. Then, use the arrow key to move down the
column and enter the remaining factor names. Click OK.
More After you have created the design, you can change the factor names by typing new names in the Data window,
or with Modify Design.
Use fraction number: Choose to use a specific fraction, then specify which fraction you want to use. Minitab numbers
the fractions in a "standard order" using the design generators.
Randomize runs: Check to randomize the runs in the data matrix. If you specify blocks, randomization is done separately
within each block and then the blocks are randomized.
Base for random data generator: Enter a base for the random data generator. By entering a base for the random
data generator, you can control the randomization so that you obtain the same pattern every time.
Note If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get
the same random number sequence.
Store design in worksheet: Check to store the design in the worksheet. When you open this dialog box, the Store
design in worksheet option is checked. If you want to see the properties of various designs (such as alias tables) before
selecting the one design you want to store, you would uncheck this option. If you want to analyze a design, you must store
it in the worksheet.
+ + - + - +
- - -
- + +
+ - + + + -
- - - - + +
When you fold a design, the defining relation or alias structure of the design is usually shortened because fewer terms are
confounded with one another. Specifically, when you fold on all factors, any word in the defining relation that has an odd
number of the letters is omitted. When you fold on one factor, any word containing that factor is omitted from the defining
relation. For example, you have a design with five factors. The defining relation for the unfolded and folded designs (both
folded on all factors and just folded on factor A) are:
Choosing a Fraction
When you create a fractional factorial design, Minitab uses the principal fraction by default. The principal fraction is the
fraction where all signs are positive. However, there may be situations when a design contains points that are impractical
to run and choosing an appropriate fraction can avoid these points.
A full factorial design with 5 factors requires 32 runs. If you want just 8 runs, you need to use a one-fourth fraction. You
can use any of the four possible fractions of the design. Minitab numbers the runs in "standard" (Yates) order using the
design generators as follows:
1 D = -AB E = -AC
2 D = AB E = -AC
3 D = -AB E = AC
4 D = AB E = AC
In the blocking example, we asked for the third fraction. This is the one with design generators D = −AB and E = AC.
Choosing an appropriate fraction can avoid points that are impractical or impossible to run. For example, suppose you
could not run the design in the previous example with all five factors set at their high level. The principal fraction contains
this point, but the third fraction does not.
Note If you choose to use a fraction other than the principal fraction, you cannot use minus signs for the design
generators in the Generators subdialog box. Using minus signs in this case is not useful anyway.
Note When you have more than one block, MINITAB randomizes each block independently.
More You can use Display Design to switch back and forth between a random and standard order display in the
Caution When you create a design using Create Factorial Design, Minitab stores the appropriate design information in
the worksheet. Minitab needs this stored information to analyze and plot data. If you want to use Analyze
Factorial Design, you must follow certain rules when modifying the worksheet data. If you do not, you may
Number of factors
Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
of runs
full III
2 1
4 4 2 2 1
8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 2 2 1
16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
32 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
64 32 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Alias Structure
Run A B C D E F
1 + - - - + -
2 - + + - - -
3 - - - - - -
4 - - - + - +
5 - - + - + +
6 + + - + - -
7 - + + + - +
8 + - + + - -
9 + + + + + +
10 - - + + + -
11 + - - + + +
12 + + + - + -
13 + - + - - +
14 + + - - - +
15 - + - + + -
16 - + - - + +
Alias Structure
Blk1 = AB + CDE
Blk2 = AC + BDE
Blk3 = BC + ADE
Run Block A B C D E
1 1 + - - - -
2 1 - + + - +
3 1 - + + + -
4 1 + - - + +
5 3 - + - + +
6 3 + - + - +
7 3 + - + + -
8 3 - + - - -
9 4 + + + + +
10 4 + + + - -
11 4 - - - + -
12 4 - - - - +
13 2 + + - - +
14 2 - - + + +
15 2 - - + - -
16 2 + + - + -
Create Factorial Design
Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design
Generates 2-level designs, either full or fractional factorials, and Plackett-Burman designs. See Factorial Designs
Overview for descriptions of these types of designs.
12 Runs
20 Runs
24 Runs
28 Runs
32 Runs
36 Runs
40 Runs (note, derived by duplicating the 20 run design)
44 Runs
+ + − − + − + − − + + + − + + + + + − − − + − + + + − − − − − + − − − + +− + − + + −
48 Runs
− Blocked, Minitab adds the specified number of center points to each block.
• When all of the factors in a design are text, you cannot add center points.
• When you have a combination of numeric and text factors, there is no true center to the design. In this case, center
points are called pseudo-center points. When the design is:
− Not blocked, Minitab adds the specified number of center points for each combination of the levels of the text
factors. In total, for Q text factors, Minitab adds 2Q times as many centerpoints.
− Blocked, Minitab adds the specified number of center points for each combination of the levels of the text factors
to each block. In each block, for Q text factors, Minitab adds 2Q times as many centerpoints.
For example, consider an unblocked 23 design. Factors A and C are numeric with levels 0, 10 and .2, .3, respectively.
Factor B is text indicating whether a catalyst is present or absent. If you specify 3 center points in the Designs
subdialog box, Minitab adds a total of 2 x 3 = 6 pseudo-center points, three points for the low level of factor B and
three for the high level. These six points are:
5 present .25
5 present .25
5 present .25
5 absent .25
5 absent .25
5 absent .25
Next, consider a blocked 25 design where three factors are text, and there are two blocks. There are 2 x 2 x 2 = 8
combinations of text levels. If you specify two center points per block, Minitab will add 8 x 2 = 16 pseudo-center points
to each of the two blocks.
Note For information on how Minitab handles centerpoints when you have a combination of text and numeric factors,
see Adding center points.
To name factors
1 In the Create Factorial Design dialog box, click Factors.
2 Under Name, click in the first row and type the name of the first factor. Then, use the arrow key to move down the
column and enter the remaining factor names. Click OK.
More After you have created the design, you can change the factor names by typing new names in the Data window,
or with Modify Design.
Note If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get
the same random number sequence.
Store design in worksheet: Check to store the design in the worksheet. When you open this dialog box, the "Store
design in worksheet" option is checked. If you want to see the properties of various designs before selecting the one
design you want to store, you would uncheck this option. If you want to analyze a design, you must store it in the
Note When you have more than one block, MINITAB randomizes each block independently.
More You can use Display Design to switch back and forth between a random and standard order display in the
• C3 (CenterPt or PtType) stores the point type. If you create a 2-level design, this column is labeled CenterPt. If you
create a Plackett-Burman or general full factorial design, this column in labeled PtType. The codes are: 0 is a center
point run and 1 is a corner point.
• C4 (Blocks) stores the blocking variable. When the design is not blocked, Minitab sets all column values to 1.
• C5− Cn stores the factors/components. Minitab stores each factor in your design in a separate column.
If you name the factors, these names display in the worksheet. If you did not provide names, Minitab names the factors
alphabetically. After you create the design, you can change the factor names directly in the Data window or with Modify
If you did not assign factor levels in the Factors subdialog box, Minitab stores factor levels in coded form (all factor levels
are −1 or +1). If you assigned factor levels, the uncoded levels display in the worksheet. If you assigned factor levels, the
uncoded levels display in the worksheet. After you create the design, you can change the factor levels with Modify Design.
Caution When you create a design using Create Factorial Design, Minitab stores the appropriate design information in
the worksheet. Minitab needs this stored information to analyze and plot data. If you want to use Analyze
Factorial Design, you must follow certain rules when modifying the worksheet data. If you do not, you may
corrupt your design. See Modifying and Using Worksheet Data.
If you make changes that corrupt your design, you may still be able to analyze it with Analyze Factorial Design
after you use Define Custom Factorial Design.
Factors: 9 Replicates: 1
Base runs: 15 Total runs: 15
Base blocks: 1 Total blocks: 1
Center points: 3
Run Blk A B C D E F G H J
1 1 - - - + + + - + +
2 1 + + + - + + - + -
3 1 + - + - - - + + +
4 1 + - + + - + - - -
5 1 - + + - + - - - +
6 1 + + - + - - - + +
7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 - - - - - - - - -
9 1 + - - - + + + - +
10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1 - + - - - + + + -
12 1 - - + + + - + + -
13 1 - + + + - + + - +
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 1 + + - + + - + - -
Note To create a design from data that you already have in the worksheet, see Define Custom Factorial Design.
6 If you like, use any of the options in the Design subdialog box.
7 Click OK. This selects the design and brings you back to the main dialog box.
8 If you like, click Options or Factors and use any of the dialog box options , then click OK to create your design.
To name factors
1 In the Create Factorial Design dialog box, click Factors.
2 Under Name, click in the first row and type the name of the first factor. Then, use the arrow key to move down the
column and enter the remaining factor names. Click OK.
More After you have created the design, you can change the factor names by typing new names in the Data window,
or with Modify Design.
More To change the factor levels after you have created the design, use Modify Design. Unless some runs result in
botched runs, do not change levels by typing them in the worksheet.
Note If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get
the same random number sequence.
Store design in worksheet: Check to store the design in the worksheet. When you open this dialog box, the "Store
design in worksheet" option is checked. If you want to see the properties of various designs before selecting the one
design you want to store, you would uncheck this option. If you want to analyze a design, you must store it in the
More You can use Display Design to switch back and forth between a random and standard order display in the
Caution When you create a design using Create Factorial Design, Minitab stores the appropriate design information in
the worksheet. Minitab needs this stored information to analyze and plot data. If you want to use Analyze
Factorial Design, you must follow certain rules when modifying the worksheet data. If you do not, you may
corrupt your design. See Modifying and Using Worksheet Data.
If you make changes that corrupt your design, you may still be able to analyze it with Analyze Factorial Design
after you use Define Custom Factorial Design.
• If you have worksheet columns that contain data for the blocks, center point identification (two-level designs only),
run order, or standard order, click Designs.
1 If you have a column that contains the standard order of the experiment, under Standard Order Column,
choose Specify by column and enter the column containing the standard order.
2 If you have a column that contains the run order of the experiment, under Run Order Column, choose
Specify by column and enter the column containing the run order.
3 For two-level designs, if you have a column that contains the center point identification values, under Center
points, choose Specify by column and enter the column containing these values. The column must contain
only 0's and 1's. Minitab considers 0 a center point; 1 not a center point.
4 If your design is blocked, under Blocks, choose Specify by column and enter the column containing the
5 Click OK in each dialog box.
Store standard deviations in: Enter a storage column for the standard deviations.
Store number of repeats in: Enter a storage column for the number of repeat responses for each run.
Store means in (optional): Enter a storage column for the means of repeat responses.
Compute for replicates in each response column:
Response: Enter a column containing the replicates, one for each response. You can calculate standard deviations for
up to 10 responses at once. Enter each response column in a separate row.
Store standard deviations in:Enter a storage column for the standard deviations for each response.
Store number of replicates in: Enter a storage column for the number of replicates for each response.
Adjust for covariates: Enter columns containing covariates for which to adjust in the calculation of the standard
deviations for replicates.
Standard deviations already in the worksheet: Choose to enter precalculated standard deviations already in the
Precalculated standard deviations in worksheet:
Use Std Devs in: Enter a column containing the precalculated standard deviations for each response.
Use Counts in: Enter a constant or column containing the number of repeats or replicates for each response.
Replicate 3 - - 3
+ + 14
+ - 15
- + 6
Note If you create your design in Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design, you should specify the
number of replicates in your experiment so the worksheet contains the correct number of rows in which to
enter your response data. You can also change the number of replicates in your design in Stat > DOE >
Modify Design.
Precalculated standard deviations
Enter your precalculated standard deviations, one column for each response, in the row corresponding to the appropriate
run. You can store up to 10 columns of standard deviations at a time. You must enter a column or a constant indicating
the number of repeats or replicates in your experiment.
For replicates, enter the standard deviation in the row where each combination of factor settings first appears. Minitab
enters missing values in the empty cells. Because the columns must be equal in length to the design variables in the
worksheet, you may need to enter a missing value in the last row to make the column length correct.
Enter covariates in columns equal in length to the design variables in the worksheet in the row corresponding to the
appropriate run. Minitab can adjust replicate standard deviations for up to 50 covariates.
Analyzing design with botched runs
A botched run occurs when the actual value of a factor setting differs from the planned factor setting. When a botched run
occurs, you need to change the factor levels for that run in the worksheet. If you have botched runs for replicates of the
same combination of factor settings, Minitab does not recognize them as replicates. You must have two or more replicates
at the same combination of factor settings to compute a standard deviation.
3 Under Number of repeats or replicates, enter the column or constant containing the number of repeats or
replicates in the first row.
4 If you have more than one column with stored standard deviations, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each stored
column in the next available row.
3 Click OK.
Here is an example: A 23 factorial design with four repeats has eight experimental runs with four measurements
per run. Minitab calculates the mean of the four repeats at each run, giving you a total of eight observations. The
same design with four replicates has 32 experimental runs. In this case, each measurement is a distinct
observation, giving you 32 observations. Experiments with replicate measurements have more degrees of
freedom for the error term than experiments with repeats, which provide greater power to find differences among
factor settings in the location model.
• Whether to use weights stored in the dispersion analysis
StdOrder RunOrder CenterPt Blocks Time Temp Catalyst Yield StdYield NYield
3 1 1 1 20 200 A 45.1931 1.0240 8
24 2 1 1 50 200 B 59.6118 10.0303 8
35 3 1 1 20 200 A 44.8025 ∗ ∗
33 4 1 1 20 150 A 43.2365 0.2800 8
64 5 1 1 50 200 B 38.8697 ∗ ∗
47 6 1 1 20 200 B 47.2578 2.0003 8
29 7 1 1 20 150 B 42.3529 0.4915 8
30 8 1 1 50 150 B 40.7675 3.9723 8
58 9 1 1 50 150 A 48.4485 3.0456 8
42 10 1 1 50 150 A 49.7662 ∗ ∗
22 11 1 1 50 150 B 48.3112 ∗ ∗
55 12 1 1 20 200 B 46.2602 ∗ ∗
60 13 1 1 50 200 A 56.4470 8.0317 8
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Interpreting the results
In the example, Minitab calculates and stores the standard deviations of the replicates of yield in the column StdYield.
Minitab calculates and stores the number of replicates in the column NYield. Minitab stores one standard deviation and
the number of replicates for each combination of factor settings in the row where that combination first appears. In this
example, Minitab stored 8 standard deviations and 8 numbers of replicates, filling the remaining rows with the missing
data symbol (∗).
To analyze this data using Analyze Variability, see Example of analyzing variability. Keep this worksheet active in order to
use the stored standard deviations and number of replicates in the analyzing variability example.
Note If this data contained repeats instead of replicates, the worksheet will look different than the worksheet
above, but the results produced by analyzing the variability in the data will be the same.
1 When you create your experimental design, Minitab stores the run order, block assignment, and factor settings in the
worksheet. These columns constitute the basis of your data collection form. If you did not name factors (or
components) or specify factor levels (or lower bounds) when you created the design, and you want names or levels to
appear on the form, use Modify Design.
2 In the worksheet, name the columns in which you will enter the measurement data obtained when you perform your
3 Choose File > Print Worksheet. Make sure Print Grid Lines is checked, then click OK.
More You can also copy the worksheet cells to the Clipboard by choosing Edit > Copy Cells. Then paste the
Clipboard contents into a word-processing application, such as Microsoft WordPad, or Microsoft Word, where
you can create your own form.
Note When all the response variables do not have the same missing value pattern, Minitab displays a message.
Since you would get different results, you may want to repeat the analysis separately for each response
Analyzing designs with botched runs
A botched run occurs when the actual value of a factor setting differs from the planned factor setting. When this
happens, you need to change the factor levels for that run in the worksheet. You can only have botched runs with two-
level designs; general factorial designs cannot have botched runs. Minitab can automatically detect botched runs and
analyze the data accordingly.
Note When you have a botched run, you need to determine the extent to which the actual factor settings deviate
from the planned settings. When the executed settings fall within the normal range of their set points, you may
not wish to alter the factor levels in the worksheet. The variability in the actual factor levels will simply
contribute to the overall experimental error. However, if the executed levels differ notably from the planned
levels, you should change them in the worksheet.
Residual Plots
Individual plots: Choose to display one or more plots.
Histogram: Check to display a histogram of the residuals.
Normal plot: Check to display a normal probability plot of the residuals.
Residuals versus fits: Check to plot the residuals versus the fitted values.
Residuals versus order: Check to plot the residuals versus the order of the data in the run order column. The row
number for each data point is shown on the x-axis − for example, 1 2 3 4... n.
Four in one: Choose to display a histogram of residuals, a normal plot of residuals, a plot of residuals versus fits, and a
plot of residuals versus order in one graph window.
Residuals versus variables: Check to display residuals versus selected variables, then enter one or more columns.
Minitab displays a separate graph for each column you enter in the text box.
Effects plots
The primary goal of screening designs is to identify the "vital" few factors or key variables that influence the response.
Minitab provides two graphs that help you identify these influential factors: a normal plot and a Pareto chart. These graphs
allow you to compare the relative magnitude of the effects and evaluate their statistical significance.
Note If the standard errors of the coefficients are zero, Minitab does not display the Normal effects plot.
Note If the standard errors of the coefficients are zero, Minitab does not display the reference line on the Pareto plot.
ANOVA Table, covariate coefficients, unusual observations: Choose to display the covariate coefficients, analysis
of variance table, and a table of the unusual observations (default).
ANOVA Table, all coefficients, unusual observations: Choose to display the analysis of variance table, all of the
coefficients, and a table of the unusual observations.
Display of Least Squares Means You can display adjusted (also called least squares) means.
Available Terms: Shows all terms that you can display means for. Use the arrow buttons to move terms from one list
to the other. Select a term in one of the lists, then press an arrow button. The double arrows move all the terms in one
list to the other. You can also move a term by double-clicking it.
Selected Terms: Minitab displays means terms shown in Selected Terms. Use the arrow buttons to move terms from
one list to the other. Select a term in one of the lists, then press an arrow button. The double arrows move all the terms
in one list to the other. You can also move a term by double-clicking it.
Note Effects are not printed or stored for the constant, covariates, or blocks. (This dialog box item is not available for
General Full Factorial.)
Coefficients: Check to store the coefficients. One column is stored for each response variable. These are the same
coefficients as are printed in the output. If some terms are removed because the data cannot support them, the
removed terms do not appear on the output.
Design matrix: Check to store the design matrix corresponding to your model. If the design was blocked into k blocks,
there are (k−1) columns for block dummy variables. Fit Model uses the same method of coding blocks as General
Linear Model. The block dummy variables are followed by one column for each component. When the model has 2-way
interactions, the design matrix contains a column for each interaction. The column for a 2-way interaction is the product
of the corresponding two components. When the model has 3-way interactions, the design matrix contains a column for
each interaction. The column for a 3-way interaction is the product of the corresponding three components. When the
model has additional terms for a full cubic, then the design matrix contains one column for each additional term. For
example, the column for a term such as X1∗X3∗(X1−X3), with X1 in C1 and X3 in C3 is calculated using the equation
When terms are removed because the data cannot support them, the design matrix does not contain the removed
terms. The columns of the stored matrix match the coefficients that are printed and/or stored.
Factorial: Check to store the information about the equations fit, using one column for each response.
Hi [leverage]: Check to store leverages.
Cook's distance: Check to store Cook's distance.
DFITS: Check to store DFITS.
To specify weights
1 Choose DOE > Factorial > Analyze Factorial Design > Weights.
2 In Do a weighted fit, using weights in, enter one column containing weights for your response. Use one of the
• The weight column you stored for your response in Analyze Variability - Storage
• Another weight column appropriate for your response
The weight column must equal the length of the response column. If you have multiple response variables with
different weight columns, you must run the analyses for each response separately.
Term Coef
Constant 39.4786
Block -0.0483750
Time -0.102585
Temp 0.0150170
Catalyst 0.48563
Time*Temp 0.00114990
Time*Catalyst -0.0028917
Temp*Catalyst -0.00280900
Time*Temp*Catalyst 0.000030700
Alias Structure
Blocks =
Analyze Variability
Preprocess Responses/Analyze Variability Overview
Experiments that include repeat or replicate measurements of a response allow you to analyze variability in your response
data, which enables you to identify factor settings that produce less variable results. Minitab calculates and stores the
standard deviations (σ) of your repeat or replicate responses and analyzes them to detect differences, or dispersion
effects, across factor settings.
For example, you conduct a spray-drying experiment with replicates and find that two settings of drying temperature and
atomizer speed produce the desired particle size. By analyzing the variability in particle size at different factor settings,
you find that one setting produces particles with more variability than the other setting. You choose to run your process at
the setting that produces the less variable results.
Once you have created your design, analyzing variability is a two-step process:
1 Preprocess Responses − First, you calculate and store the standard deviations and counts of your repeat or replicate
responses or specify standard deviations that you have already stored in the worksheet. You can analyze and graph
stored standard deviations as response variables using other DOE tools, such as Analyze Variability, Analyze
Factorial Design, Contour Plots, and Response Optimization.
2 Analyze Variability − Second, you fit a linear model to the log of the standard deviations you stored in the first step to
identify significant dispersion effects. Once you fit a model, you can use other tools, such as contour and surface
plots, and response optimization to better understand your results. You can also store weights calculated from your
model to perform weighted regression when analyzing the location (mean) effects of your original responses in
Analyze Factorial Design.
Analyze Variability
Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability
You can analyze the variability in your 2-level factorial design by examining the standard deviations of repeat or replicate
responses stored using Pre-process Responses.
Dialog box items
Response (standard deviations): Enter a column containing the stored standard deviations of your repeat or replicate
Number of repeats or replicates: Minitab automatically enters the column of counts corresponding to the column of
standard deviation.
Estimation method
Least squares regression: Choose to analyze the standard deviations using least squares regression.
Maximum likelihood: Choose to analyze the standard deviations using maximum likelihood estimation.
Caution For replicates, there can be problems estimating covariate effects in the dispersion model. If you have different
covariate values for each replicate, the analysis may be inaccurate because Minitab only uses the value of the
covariate that is in the same row as the standard deviation for each factor level combination.
For example, your data include four replicates. Minitab stores the standard deviation of the replicate
measurements in the first row where each factor level combination appears, and enters missing data in the
remaining three cells. When analyzing the model, Minitab uses the covariate value that is in the same row as
the one in which the standard deviation is stored and ignores the covariate values of the other replicates.
Storing Weights
You can store weights for your response using fitted or adjusted variances. Whether you use fitted or adjusted variances
depends on whether you have repeat or replicate measurements. Once you have stored the weights, you can specify
them in Analyze Factorial Design > Weights to perform weighted regression when analyzing the location model.
Weighted regression is a method for handling data with observations that have different variances. If the variances are not
constant, observations with:
• Large variances should be given relatively small weight
• Small variances should be given relatively large weight
If the variability of responses differ significantly response across factor settings, you may want to consider using weighted
regression if you analyze the location effects of your response.
Fitted variance (unadjusted weights)
Store unadjusted weights using the fitted variance, if the data contain replicate measurements. Use the unadjusted
weights when analyzing the location effects of replicates in Analyze Factorial Design.
The weights are the reciprocal of the fitted variance (1 / fitted variance). Minitab stores weights in every row of your
design, even though the standard deviation is missing in some rows. In this case, Minitab uses the same weight at
identical combinations of factor settings, unless there are covariates in your model.
Adjusted variance (adjusted weights)
Store adjusted weights using the adjusted variance, if your data contain repeat measurements with some replicated
points. If you have only repeat measurements, you cannot store adjusted weights from your model. Use the adjusted
weights when analyzing the location effects of the stored means of repeat measurements. You must specify these means
in DOE > Factorial >Analyze Variability > Storage for Minitab to use them in calculating the adjusted weights.
The weights are estimates of the reciprocal variance of the means. This variance includes both the variance of repeats
from your analysis and the variance of the replicates. The adjustment adds in the contribution due to the replicate
variance, which is assumed to be constant across factor settings.
If you have covariates in your location model, you may want to account for them in the adjusted variance.
Term Effect Effect Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 0.7020 0.01879 37.35 0.017
Time 2.0371 7.6682 1.0185 0.01879 54.19 0.012
Temp 1.1491 3.1552 0.5745 0.01879 30.57 0.021
Catalyst 0.4300 1.5373 0.2150 0.01879 11.44 0.056
Time*Temp -0.2011 0.8178 -0.1005 0.01879 -5.35 0.118
Time*Catalyst -0.1861 0.8302 -0.0931 0.01879 -4.95 0.127
Temp*Catalyst 0.0159 1.0160 0.0079 0.01879 0.42 0.746
Term Coef
Constant -7.33855
Time 0.114823
Temp 0.0323653
Catalyst 0.376572
Time*Temp -2.68115E-04
Time*Catalyst -0.0062036
Temp*Catalyst 0.0003176
Alias Structure
If you plan on analyzing this data in Analyze Factorial Design, you may want to consider using weights to
adjust for the differences in variance among factors levels.
MLE Estimated Effects and Coefficients for Natural Log of StdYield (coded
Term Effect Effect Coef SE Coef Z P
Constant 0.7213 0.09449 7.63 0.000
Time 2.0379 7.674 1.0189 0.09449 10.78 0.000
Temp 1.1559 3.177 0.5779 0.09449 6.12 0.000
Catalyst 0.4374 1.549 0.2187 0.09449 2.31 0.021
Term Coef
Constant -5.70171
Time 0.0679285
Temp 0.0231172
Catalyst 0.218693
Alias Structure
Interpreting the Results
After choosing an appropriate reduced model using least squares estimation, you refit the model using maximum
likelihood estimation to obtain the most precise effects and coefficients. The results indicate that:
• Time has the strongest effect at 2.0379. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by a factor of
7.7 when time is changed from the low to high level.
• Temperature has the next strongest effect at 1.1559. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by
a factor of 3.2 when temperature is changed from the low to high level.
• Catalyst has the smallest effect at .4374. The ratio effect indicates that the standard deviation increases by a factor of
1.5 when catalyst is changed from the low to high level.
You should also plot the residuals versus the run order to check for any time trends or other nonrandom patterns.
Residual plots are found in the Graphs subdialog box.
Note If the data in this example were repeats, not replicates, the results and output would be exactly the same as
the output shown above. Despite this, the results may have different practical implications depending on the
sources of variability that you analyzed.
If you plan on analyzing this data in Analyze Factorial Design, you may want to consider using weights to
adjust for the differences in variance among factors levels.
Factorial Plots
Factorial Plots
Stat > DOE > Factorial > Factorial Plots
You can produce three types of factorial plots to help you visualize the effects − main effects, interactions, and cube plots.
These plots can be used to show how a response variable relates to one or more factors.
Factorial Plots is unavailable until you have used Create Factorial Design or Define Custom Factorial Design.
Dialog box items
Main effects: Check to display a main effects plot, then click <Setup>.
Interaction: Check to display an interactions plot, then click <Setup>.
Cube: Check to display a cube plot, then click <Setup>.
Type of Means to Use in Plots
Data means: Choose to plot the means of the response variable for each level of a factor.
Fitted means: Choose to plot the predicted values for each level of a factor.
• to move the factors one at a time, highlight a factor then click a single arrow button
• to move all of the factors, click one of the double arrow buttons
You can also move a factor by double-clicking it.
5 If you like, use any dialog box options, then click OK.
Note Although you can use these plots to compare main effects, be sure to evaluate significance by looking at the
effects in the analysis of variable table.
Interaction plots
You can plot two-factor interactions for each pair of factors in your design. An interactions plot is a plot of means for each
level of a factor with the level of a second factor held constant. You can draw an interactions plot for either the:
• raw response data − the means of the response variable for each level of a factor
• fitted values after you have analyzed the design − predicted values for each level of a factor
To create an interaction plot, see Factorial Plots - Interaction (setup).
For a balanced design, the interactions plot using the two types of responses are identical. However, with an unbalanced
design, the plots are sometimes quite different. While you can use raw data with unbalanced designs to obtain a general
idea of which interactions may important, it is generally good practice to use the predicted values to obtain more precise
Minitab draws a single interactions plot if you enter two factors, or a matrix of interactions plots if you enter more than two
An interaction between factors occurs when the change in response from the low level to the high level of one factor is not
the same as the change in response at the same two levels of a second factor. That is, the effect of one factor is
dependent upon a second factor. You can use interactions plots to compare the relative strength of the effects across
The change in tensile strength when you move from the low The change in tensile strength when you move from the low
level to the high level of speed is about the same at both level to the high level of speed is different depending on the
levels of process. level of pressure.
Note Although you can use these plots to compare interaction effects, be sure to evaluate significance by looking at
the effects in the analysis of variable table.
Selected: Lists all factors that will be included in the interactions plot(s). You can have up to 15 factors in the Selected
list. Minitab draws all two-way interactions of the selected factors.
Cube Plots
Cube plots can be used to show the relationships among two to eight factors − with or without a response measure − for
two-level factorial or Plackett-Burman designs. Viewing the factors without the response allows you to see what a design
"looks like." If there are only two factors, Minitab displays a square plot. You can draw a cube plot for either the:
• Data means − the means of the raw response variable data for each factor level combination
• Fitted means after analyzing the design − predicted values for each factor level combination. To plot the fitted means,
you must fit the full model.
Note Although you can use these plots to compare effects, be sure to evaluate significance by looking at the effects
in the analysis of variable table.
To create a cube plot, see Factorial Plots - Cube (setup).
However, the interaction plot shows that the increase in yield is greater when reaction time is high (50) than when reaction
time is low (20). Therefore, you should be sure to understand this interaction before making any judgments about the
main effects.
Although you can use factorial plots to compare the magnitudes of effects, be sure to evaluate significance by looking at
the effects in an analysis of variance table or the normal or Pareto effects plots. See Example of analyzing a full factorial
design with replicates and blocks.
Contour/Surface Plots
Contour/Surface Plots
Stat > DOE > Factorial > Contour/Surface Plots
You can produce two types of plots to help you visualize the response surface − contour plots and surface plots. These
plots show how a response variable relates to two factors based on a model equation.
Dialog box items
Contour Plot: Check to display a contour plot, then click <Setup>.
Surface Plot: Check to display a surface plot, then click <Setup>.
Note When the model has more than two factors, the factor(s) that are not in the plot are held constant. Any
covariates in the model are also held constant. You can specify the values at which to hold the remaining
factors and covariates in the Settings subdialog box.
To set the holding level for factors not in the plot (factorial design)
1 In the Contour/Surface Plots dialog box, click Setup.
2 Click Settings.
3 Do one of the following:
• To use the preset values, choose High settings, Middle settings, or Low settings under Hold extra factors at
and/or Hold covariates at. When you use a preset value, all factors or covariates not in the plot will be held at
their specified settings.
• To specify the value at which to hold a factor or covariate, enter a number in Setting for each one you want to
control. This option allows you to set a different holding value for each factor or covariate.
4 Click OK.
Note Only numeric factors are valid candidates for X and Y axes.
4 Click Contours.
5 For each response, enter a number in Low and High. See Defining contours. Click OK.
6 If you like, use any of the available dialog box options, then click OK.
Note Overlaid Contour Plot is not available for general full factorial designs.
Defining Contours
For each response, you need to define a low and a high contour. These contours should be chosen depending on your
goal for the responses. Here are some examples:
• If your goal is to minimize (smaller is better) the response, you may want to set the Low value at the point of
diminishing returns, that is, although you want to minimize the response, going below a certain value makes little or no
difference. If there is no point of diminishing returns, use a very small number, one that is probably not achievable.
Use your maximum acceptable value in High.
• If your goal is to target the response, you probably have upper and lower specification limits for the response that can
be used as the values for Low and High. If you do not have specification limits, you may want to use lower and upper
points of diminishing returns.
• If your goal is to maximize (larger is better) the response, again, you may want to set the High value at the point of
diminishing returns, although now you need a value on the upper end instead of the lower end of the range. Use your
minimum acceptable value in Low.
In all of these cases, the goal is to have the response fall between these two values.
Note If you have text factors in your design, you can only set their holding values at one of the text levels.
Dialog box items
You may select one of the three choices for settings OR Enter your own setting by typing a value in the table. (Settings
represent uncoded levels.)
Hold extra factors at
High settings: Choose to set variables that are not in the graph at their highest setting.
Middle settings: Choose to set variables that are not in the graph at the calculated median setting.
Low settings: Choose to set variables that are not in the graph at their lowest setting.
Factor: Shows all the factors in your design. This column does not take any input.
Name: Shows all the names of factors in your design. This column does not take any input.
Setting: Enter a value to hold each factor that is not being plotted. Use the up and down arrows to move in the Setting
Hold covariates at
High settings: Choose to set covariates at their highest setting.
Middle settings: Choose to set covariates at the calculated median setting.
Low settings: Choose to set covariates at their lowest setting.
Factor: Shows all the factors in your design. This column does not take any input.
Name: Shows all the names of factors in your design. This column does not take any input.
Setting: Enter a value to hold each factor that is not being plotted. Use the up and down arrows to move in the Setting
Response Optimizer
Response Optimization Overview
Many designed experiments involve determining optimal conditions that will produce the "best" value for the response.
Depending on the design type (factorial, response surface, or mixture), the operating conditions that you can control may
include one or more of the following design variables: factors, components, process variables, or amount variables.
For example, in product development, you may need to determine the input variable settings that result in a product with
desirable properties (responses). Since each property is important in determining the quality of the product, you need to
consider these properties simultaneously. For example, you may want to increase the yield and decrease the cost of a
chemical production process. Optimal settings of the design variables for one response may be far from optimal or even
physically impossible for another response. Response optimization is a method that allows for compromise among the
various responses.
Minitab provides two commands to help you identify the combination of input variable settings that jointly optimize a set of
responses. These commands can be used after you have created and analyzed factorial designs, response surface
designs, and mixture designs.
• Response Optimizer − Provides you with an optimal solution for the input variable combinations and an optimization
plot. The optimization plot is interactive; you can adjust input variable settings on the plot to search for more desirable
• Overlaid Contour Plot − Shows how each response considered relates to two continuous design variables (factorial
and response surface designs) or three continuous design variables (mixture designs), while holding the other
variables in the model at specified levels. The contour plot allows you to visualize an area of compromise among the
various responses.
Note Although numerical optimization along with graphical analysis can provide useful information, it is not a
substitute for subject matter expertise. Be sure to use relevant background information, theoretical principles,
and knowledge gained through observation or previous experimentation when applying these methods.
Note Response Optimization is not available for general full factorial designs.
You can fit a model with different design variables for each response. If an input variable was not included in the model for
a particular response, the optimization plot for that response-input variable combination will be blank.
Minitab automatically omits missing data from the calculations. If you optimize more than one response and there are
missing data, Minitab excludes the row with missing data from calculations for all of the responses.
Note If you have only one response, the overall desirability is equal to the individual desirability.
The shape of the desirability function between the upper bound and the target is determined by the choice of weight. The
illustration above shows a function with a weight of one. To see how changing a weight affects the shape of the
desirability function, see Setting the weight for the desirability function.
Obtaining the composite desirability
After Minitab calculates an individual desirability for each response, they are combined to provide a measure of the
composite, or overall, desirability of the multi-response system. This measure of composite desirability (D) is the weighted
geometric mean of the individual desirabilities for the responses. The individual desirabilities are weighted according to
the importance that you assign each response. For a discussion, see Specifying the importance for composite desirability.
Maximizing the composite desirability
Finally, Minitab employs a reduced gradient algorithm with multiple starting points that maximizes the composite
desirability to determine the numerical optimal solution (optimal input variable settings).
More You may want to fine tune the solution by adjusting the input variable settings using the interactive optimization
plot. See Using the optimization plot.
Specifying Bounds
In order to calculate the numerically optimal solution, you need to specify a response target and lower and/or upper
bounds. The boundaries needed depend on your goal:
• If your goal is to minimize (smaller is better) the response, you need to determine a target value and the upper bound.
You may want to set the target value at the point of diminishing returns, that is, although you want to minimize the
response, going below a certain value makes little or no difference. If there is no point of diminishing returns, use a
very small number, one that is probably not achievable, for the target value.
• If your goal is to target the response, you should choose upper and lower bounds where a shift in the mean still
results in a capable process.
• If your goal is to maximize (larger is better) the response, you need to determine a target value and the lower bound.
Again, you may want to set the target value at the point of diminishing returns, although now you need a value on the
upper end instead of the lower end of the range.
A weight less than one places less
emphasis on the target. a response
value far from the target may have a
high desirability.
A weight equal to one places equal
emphasis on the target and the
bounds. The desirability for a response
increases linearly.
A weight greater than one places more
emphasis on the target. A response
value must be very close to the target
to havea high desirability.
Note If you save the optimization plot and then reopen it in Minitab without opening the project file, you will not be
able to drag the red lines with your mouse to change the factor settings.
With Minitab's interactive Optimization Plot you can:
• Change input variable settings
• Save new input variable settings
• Delete saved input variable settings
• Reset optimization plot to optimal settings
• View a list of all saved settings
• Lock mixture components
You can return to the initial or optimal settings at any time by clicking on the Toolbar or by right-clicking and
choosing Reset to Optimal Settings.
Note For factorial designs with center points in the model: If you move one factor to the center on the optimization
plot, then all factors will move to the center. If you move one factor away from the center, then all factors with
move with it, away from the center.
Note For a mixture design, you cannot change a component setting independently of the other component settings.
If you want one or more components to stay at their current settings, you need to lock them. See To lock
components (mixture designs only).
Note The saved settings are stored in a sequential list. You can cycle forwards and backwards through the setting
list by clicking on or on the Toolbar or by right-clicking and choosing the appropriate command from
the menu.
More You can copy the saved setting list to the Clipboard by right-clicking and choosing Select All and then choosing
Global Solution
Time = 46.062
Temp = 150.000
Catalyst = -1.000 (A)
Predicted Responses
Modify Design
Modify Design (2-level Factorial and Plackett-Burman)
Stat > DOE > Modify Design
After creating a factorial design and storing it in the worksheet, you can use Modify Design to make the following
More You can use Display Design to switch back and forth between a random and standard order display in the
Dialog box items
Randomize entire design: Choose to randomize the runs in the data matrix. If your design is blocked, randomization is
done separately within each block and then the blocks are randomized.
Randomize just block: Choose to randomize one block, then choose the block to randomize from the drop-down list.
Base for random data generator: Enter a base for the random data generator. By entering a base for the random data
generator, you can control the randomization so that you obtain the same pattern every time.
Note If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get
the same random number sequence.
Note You can use Stat > DOE > Display Design to switch back and forth between a random and standard order
display in the worksheet.
Note If you a building up a factorial design into a central composite design and would like to consider the properties
of orthogonal blocking and rotatability, use the table in Summary of central composite designs for guidance on
choosing α and the number of center points to add.
Display Design
Display Design
Stat > DOE > Display Design
After you create the design, you can use Display Design to change the way the design points display in the worksheet.
You can change the design points in two ways:
• display the points in either random or standard order. Standard order is the order of the runs if the experiment was
done in Yates' order. Run order is the order of the runs if the experiment was done in random order.
• express the factor levels in coded or uncoded form.
Dialog box items
How to display the points in the worksheet
Order for all points in the worksheet: Minitab sorts the worksheet columns according to the display method (random
order or standard order) you select. By default, Minitab sorts a column if the number of rows is less than or equal to the
number of rows in the design. Specify any columns that you do not want to reorder in the Columns Not to Reorder dialog
box. Columns that have more rows than the design cannot be reordered.
Run order for design: Choose to display points in run order.
Standard order for design: Choose to display points in standard order.
Units for factors
Coded units: Choose to display the design points in coded units. Minitab sets the low level of all factors to −1, the high
level to +1, and center points to 0.
Uncoded Units: Choose to display the design points in uncoded units. The levels that you assigned in the Factors
subdialog box will display in the worksheet.
The two-level factorial and Plackett-Burman design and analysis procedures were developed under the guidance of
James L. Rosenberger, Statistics Department, The Pennsylvania State University.
A Summary of two-level designs .............................. 17
Analyze Factorial Design ............................................ 36 Factorial Plots (Factorial)............................................ 54
Analyze Factorial Design (Stat menu) ................... 36 Factorial Plots (Stat menu).................................... 54
Analyze Variability....................................................... 45 Folding a factorial design ..................................... 14, 15
Analyze Variability (Stat menu) ............................. 45 I
B Interactions plots (DOE) ............................................. 56
Blocking a factorial design .......................................... 13 M
Botched runs............................................................... 37 Main effects plots (DOE) ............................................ 55
C Modify Design (Factorial)
Center points in a factorial design ........................ 12, 22 Modify Design (Stat menu).................................... 73
Confounding in factorial designs................................... 5 Modify Design (General Full Factorial) ....................... 74
Contour plots (DOE) ............................................. 59, 63 Modify Design (Stat menu).................................... 74
Factorial designs ................................................... 59 N
Contour/Surface Plots (Factorial)................................ 59 Normal effects plot...................................................... 39
Contour/Surface Plots (Stat menu) ....................... 59 O
Create Factorial Design .................................... 7, 20, 26 Overlaid Contour Plot (Factorial) ................................ 63
Create Factorial Design (Stat menu) ........... 7, 20, 26 Overlaid Contour Plot (Stat menu) ........................ 63
Cube plots................................................................... 57 P
D Pareto chart of the effects .......................................... 39
Define Custom Factorial Design ................................. 29 Plackett-Burman designs ............... 7, 20, 21, 26, 29, 36
Define Custom Factorial Design (Stat menu) ........ 29 Analyzing............................................................... 36
Display Design (Factorial)........................................... 77 Creating....................................................... 7, 20, 26
Display Design (Stat menu)................................... 77 Defining custom .................................................... 29
E Displaying.............................................................. 77
Effects plots ................................................................ 39 Modifying............................................................... 73
Normal ................................................................... 39 Summary............................................................... 21
Pareto .................................................................... 39 Predicting responses in DOE ..................................... 42
Entering data for designed experiments ..................... 36 Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability........... 31
F Preprocess Responses for Analyze Variability (Stat
Factorial designs.. 5, 6, 7, 20, 26, 31, 36, 42, 45, 54, 59, menu)............................................................... 31
63, 66, 73, 74, 78 Pseudo-center points............................................ 12, 22
Analyzing ............................................................... 36 R
Analyzing variability ............................................... 45 Randomizing a design .................................... 16, 24, 28
Choosing a design................................................... 6 Replicating the design ................................................ 75
Creating ....................................................... 7, 20, 26 Factorial ................................................................ 75
Displaying .............................................................. 77 Response Optimizer (Factorial).................................. 66
Modifying - 2-level ................................................. 73 Response Optimizer (Stat menu).......................... 66
Modifying - general full .......................................... 74 S
Optimizing multiple responses............................... 66 Storing a design.............................................. 16, 24, 28
Overview.................................................................. 5 Surface plots (DOE) ................................................... 60
Plotting....................................................... 54, 59, 63 Factorial designs ................................................... 60
Predicting results ................................................... 42 V
Preprocessing responses ...................................... 31 Variability in factorial designs ............................... 31, 45
References ............................................................ 78