Amp Qb.

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(Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956) Vallam, Thanjavur -613403 __________________________________________________________________ ______

M.Tech. Manufacturing Technology


Course Details Course Code & Title Regulations : 13254H13 - ADVANCED MANUFACTURING

: 2013 Regulation (For Students admitted from June 2013 onwards)

Nature of the Course





13254H13 AIM:



To expose the students in the art of manufacturing new products due to the development of new materials and processes. The students will totally get a feel of the relevant suitable process while evaluating and deciding. OBJECTIVE: To inform the students about the various alternative manufacturing processes available. To develop an altitude to look for the unconventional manufacturing process to machine To make them to understand and appreciate the latest manufacturing process for micro fabrication and devices. UNIT I NEWER MACHINING PROCESSES - I 9 (Non thermal energy) Abrasive machining water jet machining - ultrasonic machining chemical machining electro chemical machining construction working principle steps types process parameters derivations problems, merits, demerits and applications . UNIT II NEWER MACHINING PROCESS II 9 Wire cut EDM - Electro chemical machining ECG - Electric discharge machining construction principle types control - circuits tool design merits, demerits & applications. UNIT III NEWER MACHINING PROCESS III 9 Laser beam machining Electron beam machining Plasma arc machining Ion beam machining construction working principle types process parameter derivations problems, merits, demerits and applications. UNIT IV FABRICATION OF MICRO DEVICES 9 Semiconductors films and film depurification Oxidation - diffusion ion implantation etching metallization bonding surface and bulk machining LIGA Process Solid free form fabrication. UNIT V MICROFABRICATION TECHNOLOGY 9 Wafer preparation monolithic processing moulding PCB board hybrid & mcm technology programmable devices & ASIC electronic material and processing. steriolithography SAW devices, Surface Mount Technology, TOTAL: 45 PERIODS BOOKS FOR REFERENCES: 1. Serope kelpekijian & stevan r. schmid- manufacturing process engg material 2003 2. Micro senors Mems & smart devices- Julian W.Hardner 2002 3. Brahem T. Smith, Advanced machining I.F.S. UK 1989. 4. Jaeger R.C., Introduction to microelectronic fabrication Addison Wesley, 1988. 5. Nario Taniguchi Nano technology Oxford University Press 1996. 6. Pandey P.C. & Shan HS Modern Machining Processes, Standard Publishing Co., 1980 7. More Madon, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 1997.

PRIST UNIVERSITY VALLAM, THANJAVUR M.TECH MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY REGULATION 2013-15 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PROCESSES UNIT I NEWER MACHINING PROCESSES I PART - A 1. What is meant by unconventional machining process? 2. List the unconventional machining process which uses mechanical energy. 3. What are the characteristics of an unconventional machining process? 4. State the working principle of AJM. 5. What are the materials used for nozzle manufacturing in AJM process? 6. What are the desirable properties of carrier gas in AJM? 7. What is the purpose of Transducer in Ultrasonic Machining process? 8. What is magnetostriction effect? 9. What is the effect of abrasive grain size on machining rate in USM? 10. What are the types of work materials for USM? 11. What is meant by feed mechanism? Also list its types? PART - B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Describe the working principle and equipment used for Abrasive Jet Machining process. Explain the process parameters which control the AJM machining quality in detail. Describe the working principle and equipment for used Water Jet Machining process. Describe the working principle and equipment for used Ultrasonic Machining process. Describe the working principle and equipment for used chemical machining process. Describe the working principle and equipment for used electro chemical machining process. Explain the functions of transducer and horns used in USM. Also list the tool materials used. Explain the effect of operating parameters on metal removal rate. Also list the applications of USM. 9. Explain the process parameters which control the WJM machining quality. 10. List the requirements of tool material for ECM. Write the commonly used tool materials. UNIT II NEWER MACHINING PROCESS II PART - A 1. What is the working principle of EDM process? 2. What is the purpose of dielectric in EDM? 3. Indicate the range pulse duration and current in EDM. 4. What is the function of servo mechanism in EDM? 5. State the principle of electro chemical grinding process. 6. What is the difference between ECG and conventional grinding? 7. Name any two electrolytes used in ECM. 8. What are the factors affecting the Metal Removal Rate in EDM? 9. What is the difference between EDM and wire cut EDM process? 10. Define tool wear ratio.

PART - B 1. Explain the working principle of EDM process with a neat sketch. 2. Explain the working principle of wire cut EDM process with a neat sketch. 3. Explain about the tools used in EDM process in detail. 4. Explain about the power generation circuit in EDM process. 5. Explain the process parameters which control the EDM machining quality. 6. Explain the working principle of ECG process with a neat sketch. 7. Explain the process parameters and advantages of ECG. 8. Explain the process parameters and applications of wire cut EDM. 9. Discuss about the mechanism involved in EDM and recent developments in EDM process. 10. Briefly explain about the electrolysis process for ECM. UNIT III NEWER MACHINING PROCESS III PART - A 1. State the working principle of EBM. 2. Why the deflection coil is provided for Electron Beam machining process? 3. What is the acronym of LASER? 4. What are the basic requirements for LBM? 5. State the working principle of plasma. 6. What are the gases used in PAM? 7. What is transferred arc type plasma? 8. Define Standoff distance. 9. State the working principle of ion beam machining. 10. What are the main sources of ion beam machining? PART B 1. Explain the working principle of Laser beam machining process with a neat sketch. 2. Explain the process parameters and advantages of LBM. 3. Explain the working principle of Electron beam machining process with a neat sketch. 4. Explain the process parameters and applications of EBM. 5. Explain the working principle of Plasma arc machining process with a neat sketch. 6. Explain the factors affecting the cutting process in PAM. 7. Explain the working principle of Ion beam machining process with a neat sketch. 8. Explain the process parameters and advantages of Ion beam machining process. 9. Explain the characteristics and applications of laser beam machining process. 10. In a electron beam machining process, voltage of the electric field is 2.1x 10-5 V, beam current is 2.4x 105 A, current density is 2x10-3 A/cm2, vaporization temperature is 4000 K and mass of one atom of the workpiece is 8.5x 10-28 gm. Calculate the following; i. Velocity of the electron impingement ii. Power of the electron beam iii. Electron beam pressure iv. Thermal velocity acquired.

UNIT IV FABRICATION OF MICRO DEVICES PART A 1. What is MEMS? 2. What are the applications of MEMS? 3. What do you mean by Micro fabrication? 4. What is the difference between microelectronics and Microsystems? 5. Define miniaturization. 6. List out the various shape memory alloys. 7. Define micro fluidics. 8. Define the following terms: a) Photolithography, b) Ion implantation. 9. What is diffusion? 10. What is etching? List out the various types of etchants. PART - B 1. Explain the types of MEMS and micro system products in detail. 2. Discuss the applications of micro systems in automotive and aerospace industry. 3. Explain the working principle of any three types of micro sensors with a neat sketch. 4. Explain the working principle of thermal sensors in detail. 5. Explain the LIGA process in detail. 6. Explain the process of ion implantation. 7. What is oxidation? Explain the types of oxidation with a neat sketch. 8. Explain about the bulk micro manufacturing process in detail. 9. Explain about the surface micro manufacturing process in detail. 10. Explain the working principle of diffusion and metallization. 11. Explain the general procedure for Photolithography. UNIT V MICROFABRICATION TECHNOLOGY PART A 1. What do you mean by Wafer? 2. What are the methods of wafer preparation? 3. Define monolithic. 4. What is a programmable device? 5. Define SAW. 6. What is meant by surface mount technology? 7. List out the various programmable devices. 8. What is meant by wafer scrubbing? 9. What is MCM? 10. Define COB technology. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PART - B What is wafer? Explain the process of wafer preparation. Discuss the monolithic processing in detail. Discuss the MCM and Hybrid technologies in MEMS. Describe the programmable devices and their types with applications. Explain the overview of ASIC and its applications. Briefly explain the Surface Mount Technology in detail.

7. What is SAW? Explain the SAW devices and their application in electronic components.

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