Infopack EFIC Octubre - Rev

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SEVILLE (SPAIN) 11 17th November 2013



[email protected]

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development


The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.


GENERAL IN SERVICE TRAINING Career guidance and counseling Education management / project management Inclusive approaches Pedagogy and didactics School management, school autonomy Other general courses (entrepreneurship) MAIN LANGUAGE English OTHER LANGUAGE USED DURING THE TRAINING Spanish

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Seville, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.


1.To provide practical tools from Coaching ,NLP and Emotional Intelligence approaches targeting trainers, career officers, counselors and management staff within the field of adult education, in order to bridge the gaps between VET and the labor market. 2.To create an open space to exchange good practices in the fields of adult employment, entrepreneurship and start-up foundation on a European level. 3.To connect the participants of our training course to local initiatives where Coaching is been used as tool for managing and delivering adult learning. 4.To set up a common framework for future initiatives where Coaching can be used by our training participants as a tool for the development of talent, creativity and motivation, effective and efficient skills, professional attitudes and target oriented action plans applied in adult education. For more details about the training course (full description, daily program, activities) please visit:
Fusce sagittis elit eu elit. Also search by reference number in Grundtvig Training Database: ES-2013-375-001

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.

During all the steps of the AWARE training course our methodology will be creative and interactive. In this context, EFIC will be in charge of: - Edition and dissemination of face-to-face training materials (during the course) - media, Powerpoint presentations, case studies, role playing, group dynamics and team work, in order to achieve objective n.1. - Local visits to both public and private adult education providers from the Seville area (Outdoor activities),in order to achieve the objective n.3. Furthermore, according to a peer learning approach, We will directly involve YOU as participant in the following OUTPUT: Exchange of on-line training materials (previously and after the course) on Coaching and Adult Education, EU reports and local initiatives on the topics covered by the course, through the creation of the Blog AWARE and AWARE Facebook Group, in order to achieve objectives n.2 and 4. Through these platforms our idea is to centralize all the information regarding the training course (Info Pack and Travel Schedule) as well as to network your own initiatives, seminars and project proposals in the fields of adult employment, entrepreneurship and start-up foundation on a European level.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.

1. EFIC will design and hand out a Pre-Evaluation Questionnaire for each selected participant. This individual assessment tool will be divided into two parts and uploaded in the Blog AWARE before the start of the training course. The first part will be a multiple choice test on practical training skills related to Coaching, such as the use of powerful questions, empathy, calibration, active listening, emotional management, conflict resolution, lateral thinking, giving and receiving feedback, etc. The second part will assess behavioral, cognitive and emotional patterns related to the way they deliver adult education, through several open questions. 2. A tutorial bibliography on Coaching and Adult Education, including the Training & Project Schedules, Transport & Practicalities Sheet and the Pre-Evaluation Questionnaire will be available to participants prior to the training course in the Blog AWARE.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.


EFIC (Escuela de Formacin Integral en Coaching) was one of the first business school of business in Seville to provide professional training on Coaching. Our ability to develop Coaching skills and our expertise in using Coaching to enhance business and personal performance has established us as local market leaders in Coaching. We believe that our success has been largely due to the quality of our teachers specialized in Coaching. NAME OF HOST EDUCATION: Escuela de Formacin Integral en Coaching POSTCODE: 41927 TOWN CITY: Mairena del Aljarafe. Sevilla. COUNTRY: SPAIN Website:

Mercedes Ponce Arroyo (Logistics and Administration) E MAIL: [email protected] [email protected] Andrea Pistone (Training) E-MAIL: [email protected]

Fusce elit eu elit. Certificate of sagittis attendance including description of training content and time input

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The Venue
The accommodation and training course will take place at Colegio Mayor Maese Rodrigo, located in Mairena del Aljarafe, a modern residential town of 40,000 inhabitants, 5 km far from Seville. Line 1 of the Seville Metro, starts its route at Ciudad Expo Stop, 200 m far from the Colegio Mayor. Please check Metro Timetable in order to plan your trip. Colegio Mayor Maese Rodrigo will provide free accommodation (up to 7 nights), breakfast and 1 meal (lunch). The Colegio will provide the following facilities to our participants: 100 double room apartments. All apartments are 40 square meters, having a bedroom/living room, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, personal telephone, air conditioning and heating, music, TV, free Internet access through wireless network, permanent maintenance, and cleaning service twice a week with linen change. A fitness centre, open from 10 to 24 hours, equipped with different musculature machines, treadmill, stationary bicycles, etc. The Computer Room in the Colegio has 12 computer stations with permanent Internet connection. A Library with loan service of books, four study rooms, and three classrooms fully equipped. Playroom The dining hall Sport facilities

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development


DAY 1: 11/11/13 9.00 14.00: Reception of participants 16.0018.00: Introduction to Coaching approaches and applications . 18.0020.00: The learning process according to Neuro-Linguistic Programmation (NLP). DAY 2:12/11/13 9.0012.00: Coaching key elements for goal achievement. 12.0014.00: Neuroscience applied to learning processes. DAY 3:13/11/13 9.0012.00: Communication tools from NLP and Creative Writing Approaches. 12.0014.00: Adult education management skills from a Coaching Approach. DAY 4:14/11/13. 9.0013.00: Working with emotions and beliefs from a Coaching Approach. 13.0014.00: Emotional awareness and management from Emotional Intelligence (EI). DAY 5:15/11/13. 9.0010.00. Common myths in adult learning education. 10.0014.00. Self-awareness, personal development and creativity in adult learning education . 16.0018.00. Group vs Team, group building and team work challenges. DAY 6:16/11/13. 9.0011.00. Time management within staff meetings from a Team Coaching approach. Leadership styles: an overview. 11.0014.00. Final training course assessment from both formal and no-formal approaches: questionnaires, blob trees, paintings and body sculptures. DAY 7:17/11/13. 9.0013.00. Group debate on follow-up initiatives and general guidelines for an effective use of Blog AWARE & FB Group. From 15.00. Departure of participants.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development


DAY 2. 16.00-20.00. No-formal roundtable with professional coaches from Seville working in different Coaching areas of intervention. DAY 3. 16.0020.00.Ayuntamiento de Mairena de Aljarafe. Group meeting with local social workers: VET and support to social excluded target groups. DAY 4. 16.0020.00.Visit to Universidad de Sevilla.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.



COURSE FEE IN TUITION AND MATERIALS: 750 CANCELLATION FEE IN : 150 (Cancellation until one month before the start of the training is free. Only a written
notification of cancellation via email or by regular post will be accepted).

PEDRO MARCOS (EFIC Director, Coach and Trainer) [email protected] ANDREA PISTONE (Team Coach and Trainer) [email protected] FIONA JAMES (Linguistic Coach and Trainer) [email protected] ANNE BECART (Cross-cultural Coach and Trainer) [email protected]

Fusce sagittis elit eu elit.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.

It is the capital and largest city of the Andalusia Community. It is situated on the plain of River Guadalquivir. Seville has 703,000 inhabitants as of 2011, and a metropolitan population of about 1.5 million, making it the fourth-largest city in Spain. Its Old Town, the largest in Europe with an area of 4 km, contains three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Alczar Palace complex, the Cathedral and the General Archive of the Indies. Seville harbor, located about 80 Km far from the Atlantic Ocean, is the only river port in Spain.


Fusce sagittis elit eu elit.

AWARE OF YOUR POTENTIAL Training course on coaching as a tool for professional and personal development

The training course will take place in Sevilla, Andalucia Region (South of Spain) between 11th and 17th November.


The Grundtvig Programme focuses on the teaching and study needs of learners taking adult education and alternative education courses, as well as the organizations delivering these services. It aims to help develop the adult education sector, as well as enable more people to undertake learning experiences, notably in other European countries. Launched in 2000, Grundtvig aims to provide adults with more ways to improve their knowledge and skills, facilitate their personal development and boost their employment prospects. It also helps to tackle problems associated with Europes ageing population. It covers not only teachers, trainers, staff and organizations working in the sector, but also learners in adult education. These include relevant associations, counseling organizations, information services, policy-making bodies and others such as NGOs, enterprises, voluntary groups and research centers. The Programme funds a range of activities, including particularly those supporting adult learning staff to travel abroad for learning experiences, through exchanges and various other professional experiences. Other larger scale initiatives involve, for instance, networking and partnerships between organizations in different countries.

If you want to know more about Grundtvig Programme, you can visit the site:
Fusce sagittis elit eu elit.

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