Information Ethics
Information Ethics
Information Ethics
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Computer Science and Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy Oxford Un iversity. Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD, UK. [email protected]
Introduction We call our society the infor mati on s ocie ty because of the pivo tal ro le pl ayed by informationintensives services (business and property services, commun ications, finance and insurance), public sector (education, public ad ministration , health care) an d intellectual, intangible assets (knowledge-based econo my). As a social structure, the information society has been made possible by a cluster of information and com municatio n techno logies (ICT). As a full expr essio n of techn, the information society has already posed fundamental ethical problems, whose complexity and glo bal dimensions are rapidly evolving. 1 What is the best strategy to con struct an information society that is ethically sound? This is the question I wish to discuss in this paper. Let me anticipate my conclu sion. Th e task is to formulate an information ethics that can treat the wo rld of data, information, knowledge 2 and commu nication as a new environment, the infosphere . This information ethics must be able to address and solve the ethical challenges arising in the new environment on the basis of the fundamental prin ciples of respect for information, its conservation and valorisation. It must be an ecological ethics for the information
environment. In the rest of this paper, I shall defe nd and explain this view.3 What is the Digital Divide? The digital divide (DD) is the source of many of the ethical problems emerging from the evolution of the information society. It is the combination of two gaps, one vertical and the other ho rizontal. The vertical gap separ ates ours from past generations. In less than a century, we have moved from a state of submission to nature, through a state of power of potential to tal destruction, to the present state, in which we have the means and too ls to engineer entire new realities, tailor them to our needs and invent the future. Humanity is increasingly responsible for the very existence of completely new environments. The technological power available is enormous. It is also growing relentlessly. In some scientific and technolo gical contexts su ch as bio che mist ry, biotechnolo gy and genetics, it is already so vast to have obliterated the distinction between the natural and the artificial. Moral responsibilities towards the world and future generations are therefore equally enormous. They go hand in hand with ontic
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power. Unfo rtun ately, technological power and moral responsibilities are not necessarily followed by ethical intelligence and wisdom. We are still like children, light-heartedly and dangerously toying with a marvellous univers e. We may have almost demiurgic power over it, but we can rely only on our fallible good wills to guide us in our constructio ns. The vertical gap signals the end of mod erni ty. Post-mod ern critiques have unveiled the strategy of modernity as the techno-scientific colonization and domin ation of nature. Quoting Descartes, the goal of modernity was [. . . to] use this knowledge [i.e. science and technology, my addition]as the artisans use theirsfor all the purposes for which it is appropriate, and thus [to] make ourselves, a it were, the lords an d maste rs of nature . 4 The project of modernity was the full control and mastery over reality understood as the physical en vironmen t. It began with the semanticization of nature as its textualization, recall Galileos view of physical reality as the book of nature. It then developed through a society based on mass-produced goods, and ended with th e semanticization of a textual culture as its deconstruction. The information age has been built on the modern projec t, but its essence is no longe r just the shapin g of the physical world. Rather, it is the creation and constructi on of alternative, non -natural environments that replace or underpin it. The mechan ical mind handled nature and tried to control and mod ify it. The informational mind builds its own world and hence, in dealing with it, it really deals with its own artefacts. As a metaphorical space, the infosphere has grown through centuries, following the history of humanity, but as a real space where people meet, interact and spend an increasing amount of time (see Fig. 1) it is a new phenomenon, m ade possible by its digita l imple mentat ion. I shall return to this dist inct ion sho rtly. The digi tal di vide , of course, is also a new horizon tal gap within hu manity, betwe en inside rs and outsiders. The infosphere, often equated to its m ost prominent, digital region, namely cyberspace, is not a geographical, political, social, or linguistic space. It is the atopic space of mental life, from education to science, from cultural expressions to communication, from trade to recreation. Its borders cut across North and South, E ast and West, industrialised and developing countries, political systems and religious traditions, younger and older generations, even memb ers of the same family. The scientist in Rio de Janeiro, the manager in New Delhi and the student in Paris, may all inhabit the infosphere and form a commun ity of netizens, citizens of the net. The
architect in Miami, the lawyer in Tokyo and the medical doctor in Rom e may well be comp lete outsiders. Obviously, economic and socio-cult ural conditions matter. Indeed, the economic and sociocultural roots of the DD problem are so dramatic, evident and indisp utab le th at no bod y can underestimate them.5 Two billion people have no access to el ectri city, 6 four billion people earn less than $ 1,500 a year 7 and two billion people have never made a telephone call.8 To call them d igitally disadvantaged or underprivileged is a pathetic and disrespectful understatem ent. On a global scale, it is fair to argue that basic alimentation, health, education and the acceptance of elementary human rights sho uld be among h umanitys foremost priorities. 9 What needs to be stressed here, however, is that underestimating the importance of the DD, and hence letting it widen, means exacerbating th ese proble ms as well. In a global context, where systemic synergies and interactions are escalating, no significant problem comes in isolation; no crucial issue can be solved without considering the whole system of relations in which it is embedded. Thus, bridging th e DD is pro babl y part of the solution;10 leaving it unsolved is certainly part of the problem. The DD doe s not mere ly mirror the divide between developed and developing co untries, North and South o f the world, rich an d poor. E ven whe re economic and socio-cultural factors are not a dramatic issue, the DD remains an acute problem. It is a problem within the US (see Fig. 2) and within Europe, for example. Consider the n umber of Internet hosts and mobi le pho nes pe r 100 in habitan ts, two standard indicators for th e gro wth of the infor mati on s ocie ty: the EU candidate countries are generally below the EU average. In 1999 none of them had reached the lowest EU rate for mobile phon es, but Eston ia, Malta, Hun gary, the Czech Republic and Slovenia h ad more Internet hosts than the least equippe d EU coun tries, Greece and Italy. 11 It seems more accurate to say that the DD reshapes the social map because it occurs between individuals rather than countries or who le societies, between the computer literate and the computer illiterate (e-analphabetism), between the information rich and the information poor, whatever their nationality and neighborhood. The DD abolishes space and time con straints but create s new tech nological barriers betwee n insiders and outsiders. According to a repo rt pu blis hed in 20 00 b y the OECD (www.oecd .org), the ratio of Web hosts to population in North Ame rica, compared to Africa, had doubled since 1997. C urrently, only 7% of the worlds
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population has access to ICT.12 They are the insiders, who can play some role in the life o f the new digi tal environment and shape its future. The remaining 93% of outsiders, some of whom liv e in G-8 co untries, are not merely marginalized, they actually live under the shadow of a new digital reality, which allows them no interaction or access, but which can in fluence their lives pro found ly. Coping with the Digital Divide The DD disempowers, discriminates, and generates dependency. It can engender new forms of colonialism and apartheid that must be prevented, opposed and ultimately eradicated. How can we cope with the new ethical challen ges? Since the DD is a problem affecting individuals rather than preestablished whole societie s, solutions can be mo re effective if they are grassroots-oriented and bottomup. Unfortunately, old soluti ons to past e thical problems cannot be me rely exported and mechanically re-applied to the infosphere. Missing this point would mean having failed to learn any lesson from past experience. Techno logies are not only tools, but also vehicles of affordances, values and interpretations of the surrounding reality, like hermeneutic devices. Any significant technology is always ethically charged. Natu rally, other technolo gical innovations (the printing or industrial revolutions, for example) had their own pressing ethical consequences. Some of them are still with us, think of universal literacy, freedom of speech, sustainable developmen t, or pollution. However, the ethical impact of past technologies took place within a context in which nature played the queen and we were her workers. Ethical problems developed on a much longer time scale, they did not have the immediately global and pervasive nature we associate with ICT nowadays and were not embedded in a context where the virtual and the digital have started to become sometimes mo re significant and re al than the physical. All this guaranteed some con tinuity in the ethical discou rse. Ethical issues could still be interpreted as mere upgraded techno-versions of classic old problems. T he com puter revolu tion has further increased the magnitude of the ethical impact of technol ogical innovations and finally reached a critical threshold of change. It has brought about the end of modernity and the transformation of its project, shifting the focu s from co ntrol to constru ction. ICT has put humanity in charge of the implementation of the hyperreality inhabited by the citizens of the information society. We are now m ore the en gineers
than just the regulators of our environme nt. This is the crucial historical difference compared to any previous techno logical revolution. The problem is that our ethical developmen t has been much slower than our techno logical growth. We can do so much m ore than we can understand. Upgradin g our moral sensibility is a slow p rocess. The infosphere is a transversal environment that is essentially intangible and imm aterial but not, for this reason, any less real or vital. The ethical problems it generates are best understood as environmental problems. They include e ducation as capacity-buildin g training; preservation, dissemination, quality control, reliab ility, free flow and security of information; enlargement of universal acce ss; technical su pport for the creation of new digital spaces; the sharing and exchanging of public contents ; respec t for d ivers ity, pluralism, ow nership an d privacy; ethical use of ICT; integration of traditional and new ICT,13 digital vandalism. To alleviate these and similar problems we need a robust ecological approach, which can provide a coherent guidance for the equitable development of this new space for intellectual life. In short, we need an informati on eth ics. Informa tion Ethic s and the E colog y of the Infosphere Information Ethics is the new ecological ethics for the information environme nt. It argues that the digital divide c an be bridged. What we need to do is to fight any kin d of destruction, corruption, pollution, depletion (marked redu ctio n in quan tity, content, quality, or value) or unjustified closure of the infosphere, what shall be referred to here as information entropy. The ethical use of ICT and the sustainable development of an equitable information society need a safe and public infosphere for all, where communication and collaboration can flourish, coherently with the application of civil rights, l egal requirements and the fundamental freedoms in the media. An ecological mod el for thinking about bound ary issues in the infosphere is important to foster the development of ethical rules and legislation about accessing, sharing, and manipulating information. Data security and protection and information supply, for example, are technical problems comparable to the problem of keeping toxic waste out of the water supply. The analogy is anything but farfetched. The city of Houston (T exas) recently decided to pro vide its 1.8 million citizens with free e-mail service and access to word processing software. Com menting on th is
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decision, the citys chief information officer, Denny Piper, argued that these are services with which citizens should be provided by city governmen t, like water and public works. As in the case of those services, we need to d evelop an ecological perspective about information resource s. Sustainable development means that our interest in the sound construction of the infosph ere must be associated with an equ ally important, ethical concern for the way in which the latter affects and interacts with the p hysical environ ment, the biosphe re and human life in general, both positively (e.g. telework as a solution for traffic and fuel pollution) and negatively (e.g. rising energy consumption, ICTgenerated w aste, compu ter-related forms o f illness). 14 Bridging the DD means d evelopin g an information al ecosystem management that can implement four basic norms of a universal information ethics: 1. information entropy ough t not to be caused in the infosph ere 2. information entropy ough t to be prevented in the infosphere 3. information entropy ought to be removed from the infosph ere 4. information ought to be promoted by extending, improving, enriching and opening the infosphere, that is by ensuring information quantity, quality, variety, security, ownership, privacy, pluralism and access. These universal principles represent a development of the ethical discourse in Weste rn culture, w hich has gradually abandoned its anthropocentric perspective. They re-evaluate an ethics of respect for both the physical and the immaterial world.15 An information ethics for the information society needs t o take into serious conside ration the valu e of what is imm aterial and intangible. This is the best way to foster care and respect for the infosphere. Reality, both natural and immaterial, physical and digital, is not merely available for domination, co ntrol, and exploitation. Reality should also be an object of respect in its autonomous existence. This is what we can learn from an environm ental approach. However, history has its ironic twists, and precisely those high-techno logy societies, which have brought about the information revolution, seem to be the least able to cope with its ethical impact. Pre- or non-indu strial cultures, which have been able to maintain a n on-material istic and nonconsu mistic approach to the world , are still spiritual enough to perceive in both physical and immaterial
realities something intrinsically worthy of respect, simply as forms of existence. They may not be environm entally sensitive, but they can be important sources to deve lop an ecological appro ach that will make the infosph ere a more civilized space for all. The environm ental ethics of the infosphere must be built by considering also the needs and input of its outsiders. Conclusion In 2003, at the World Summit on the Information Society and at the 21st World Co ngress of Philoso phy, one of the tasks of the international commun ity will be to build global consensus around a core of ethical values and principles for the information society. International cooperation and consultations are already in progress.16 There is a profound and widespread need for analysis and ethical guidance.17 Fostering the formulation of universally recognized principles and common ethical standards related to the use o f ICT and base d on an environmental information ethics will be a major contribution to the construction of a better world. It is not a matter of imposing legislative measures, strict regulations or empowering some controlling organization. The goals are to extend the ethical concern from the biosphere to the infosph ere, to sensitize humanity to the new ethical needs of intangible, intellectual environme nts, and to indicate how the DD can be bridged. Our challenge is to collaborate to develop a coherent and robust environm ental information ethics for the future of humanity. Building an equ itable information society for all is a historical opp ortunity we cannot afford to miss.18
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Internet Usage Statistics June 1999 Sessions per month 17 Unique sites visited 12 Time spent per site 37:41 Time spent per month 0.31560185185 Time spent per session 26:44 Duration of page viewed 0.0555555556 Active Internet Universe 63394081 Estimated Internet Universe 105371050
May 2000
April 2001
18 19 10 10 56:23 55:40 0.37875 0.39806712963 29:50 30:35 0.0347222222 0.0361111111 82682454 103056022 134209269 167479153
Source: Nielson//NetRatings, /nnpm/owa/N Rpublicrepo rts.usagemonthly According to a recent study from the UCLA Center For Communication Policy (, in the US, more web users are spending increasing time on the Internet pr imarily to communicate (e-mail), browse, buy and seek entertainment, and to read news, in order of popularity. 72.3% of Americans went online in 2001, up from 66.9% in the center s 200 0 survey. Time spent online was also up, from 9.4 hours per week in 2000 to 9.8 hours per week (source: Surveying the Digital Future, Fig. 2
The Haves and the HaveNots Have Internet Do Not Have Access Access Who Men 51% 49% Women 46% 54% White 50% 50% Black 36% 64% Hispanic 44%% 56% Age 18-24 65% 35% 24-29 65% 35% 30-39 61% 39% 40-49 55% 45% 50-59 44% 56% 60+ 17% 83% Household Income Less than $ 30,000 31% 69% $ 30,000-$ 50,000 52% 48% $50,000-$ 75,000 67% 33% $75,000 and above 78% 22% Education Did not graduate from High 17% 83% High School Graduate 34% 66% Some College 63% 37% College+ 75% 23% Source: Peer Internet Project average behavior March & August 2000
Philosophy in the Contemporary World Volume 9 Number1 Spring-Summer 2001
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1 . S e e t h e O k i n a w a C h a r t er o n Global Infor m ation Soc ie ty , ( h t tp : / /w w w . g 8 k yu s h uokinaw cumen ts/it1.html), especially paragraph 18, which called for the formation of the Digi tal Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force), a Digital Divide initiative of the Group of Eight (G-8); the docu ments provided by th e DO T Fo rce at http ://ww tforc , esp ecial ly DOT Force Dra ft Report Version 1.x ,; the documents provided by the Organisation for Econom ic Co-ope ration and D evelopm ent (OEC D, http://www.o, espe ciall y Understanding the Digital Divide,; and the UNESCO Observatory on the Information Society, 2. For th is distin ction, se e L. Flo ridi, Philosophy and Computing (New York an d Lond on: Routle dge, 199 9). 3. For an in itial deve lopm ent of Inform ation E thics an d a more technical treatment of some of the themes discussed in this paper see the following pap ers, available from Does Information have a Mo ral Worth in Itself?; Comput er Ethics: Map ping the F oundatio nalist Debate ; Artificial Evil and the Foun dation of Com puter E thics (w ith J. W. S anders), Ethics and Information Technology 2001 (3 .1), pp. 55-66; Information Ethics: On the Theoretical Foundations of Computer Ethics, Ethics and In formation Technology 1999 (1.1), pp. 37 -56; Entropy as Evil in Information Ethics (with J. W . Sanders ), Etica & Politica , special issue on Computer Ethics, I.2 (1 999 ). Oxfo rd Un ivers ity, Computing Laboratory, Programming Research Group Technical R eport TR-5-0 0; The Internet: Which Fu ture for Organised Knowled geFrankenstein or Pygmalio n?, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 43 (19 95), pp . 261-2 74. 4. Desca rtes, Discourse on the Method, Part VI, C. Adam and P . Tannery (eds .), Oeuvres de Descartes, rev. ed., 12 vols. (Paris: Vrin-CNRS, 1964-76), vol VI, p. 62; English trans. in J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff and D. Murdoch (eds.), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, 2 vo ls. (C amb ridge : Camb ridge Univ ersit y Press , 198 4), vo l. I, pp. 142-3. 5. Valuable statistical data are provided by the OECD d ocument Understanding the Digital Divide, cit. above, 6. Time magazine special report on Our Wired World, June 4, 2001. 7 . Businessesweek, December 18 http ://ww w.wr /bu sine ss/b wfina l.pd f 2 000, sp e c i a l issue d e d icated to the digital divid e
F o r c e,
9. Over-optimistic and utterly unjustified visions are no t rare, see for example A. Hammond Bottom-Up, Digitally-Enabled Develo pmen t: A vision , i M P, F e b r u ar y 2 0 0 1,; and Digitally Em powere d Development, Foreign Affairs , March-Ap ril 2001, h ttp:// Bill Gates assessment of the difficulties encountered in bridging the digital divide are far more realistic, see Bill Gates Turns Skeptical On Digital So lution s Scop e, New York Times, November 3, 2000. 10 The possib ility is analysed in Julian a Gruenwald , Seeking Answ ers to the G lobal D igital Divid e, Interactive Week , January 14 , 2001 , http://ww w.zdn /intwe ek/storie s/news /0,416 4,267 4126 ,00.htm l. 1 1 . Sources: Eurostat Yearbook 2000, uros tat/Public /da tas hop/printproduct/EN?catalogue=Eurostat&product=1-12062001-EN-AP-EN&mode=download; Eurostat Information Society Statistics, h t t p : / /e u r o p a .e u . i n t /c o m m / e u r o s ta t / P u b li c / d a ta s h o p / p r i n t product/EN?catalogue=Eurostat&product=KS-NP-01-023-__-I-EN&mode=download
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12 . So urc e: Time magazine special report on Our Wired World, June 4, 2001. 13. For an instructive approach to integration of new and traditional ICT see the final report on U NESCO Seminar ( K o t h m a l e , S r i L a n k a , 2 2 - 2 7 J a n u a r y , 2 0 0 1 ) , p r e p a r e d b y I . P r i n g l e, http ://ww w.un esco .org/ web worl d/ko thm ale/s emi nar_ repo rt.pd f 14. See the final re port on UNES CO Se minar o n Integratio n of New and T radition al ICT, ci ted abo ve. 15. For the de velopm ent of an ethic al attitude towards information objects and the infosphere see L. Floridi On the Intrinsic Value of Informatio n Objects and the Infosph ere (forthcom ing), preprint availab le at 16. For an overview of some literature and results see The Public Voice and the Digital Divide: A Report to the DOT Force, Some of the information contained in this paper are from this useful report. Note that the report do es not mention UNESCO activities in this context. 17. The international community may naturally look at UNESCO as one of the p rincipal sou rces for conce ptual and ethical guid ance. UNE SCO M edium-T erm Strategy strongly em phasizes that the Organization needs to develop an efficient and effective st rategy to deal with the new ethical challenges arising in the development of the information society, see M edium-T erm Strategy (200 2-2007 ), Draft 31C/4 C ontributin g to peace an d hum an development in an era of globalisation through edu cation, the sciences, culture and communication, http ://un esdo c.un esco .org/ imag es/0 012 /00 122 3/1 223 79e .pdf 18. This is a revised version of an invited ad dress given at the UNESC O Executive Bo ard 161st Session T hematic debate The New Information and Communication Technologies for the Development of Education, UNESCO, Paris, Thursd ay, 31 May 200 1. I am very grateful to all participants to the debate session for their comments, and to Vito di Bari, Michiel Brumsen, Charles Ess, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Kia Nobre, Mario Panaro, Jeff Sanders and Gabriele Sardo fo r the ir feedback on previous drafts. I am also grateful to Philosophy in th e Contemp orary Worlds anonymo us referee for several sugg estions on how to im prove the p aper.