Article-Central Garden of at in Algeria

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Central garden of the news Town « AKID OTHMANE »

of Ain Temouchent in Algeria

Aïn Témouchent is created from more than 15 000 years. It is a city and a Wilaya (state) of the west of Algeria.
The name of the city is from the Arab « ayn » (source or fountain), and from Berber « Ouchent or touch » (the
chacale) giving in Arabic (Aïn El-Diba); in Latin, one called it Albulae. Aïn Témouchent occupies a privileged
geographical situation because it is in proximity of three large cities (72 km in the east of Oran, 65 km in the north
of Sidi-Bel-Abbès, and 63 km in the east of Tlemcen). Aïn Témouchent is 504 km in the west of Algiers.

1. History of project:
Wednesday December 22, 1999, at 18h 36 mn 55s, a seism of an
amplitude of 5.5 on the scale of Richter struck the town of Ain
Temouchent and the villages surrounding of Sidi Ben Adda,
Ain Tolba and Ain Lâalem, making 28 dead and 150 wounded
including 50 in a serious state.

Following this seism, a program of rebuilding was

implemented in September 2000, to start the construction of
the new city "Akid Othmane» with 3400 residences, parks and
public equipment, in several sections during three years.

The construction of this new town was followed by the World

Bank experts, who required the presence of landscape
installations for programme success the life tally of the citizens.

It is with an aim of making a success of the landscape aspect

in the new town, which the wilaya (state) of Ain Témouchent,
called upon our agency « l’e mpr ei
nt evégétale » specialised on
the landscape architecture in Algeria.
« Akid Othmane » new town of Ain Témouchent
2. The “Akid Othmane”central garden of the new city:
As we took all the initiatives necessary for the success of this
project installation, this dwellings company succeeded in taking
up the challenge to complete this single Algerian installation in
the deadlines.

After its completion, the new town central garden was visited by
the president of the Algerian republic « M. Abdelaziz
Bouteflika » in December 2003 and was congratulated by the
experts of the World Bank.

This landscape garden was participated in the following

international Awards:
 2005 ASLA Awards program.
General view of the central garden  2006 ONU-Habitat –Dubai Award.
 2006 Dubai Cityscape Architectural Review Awards.
 2007 Agha Khan Architecture Award.

Following our analysis with the authorities of Ain Temouchent

and the World Bank, in February 2003, with an aim for
creating a landscape park of one (1) ha in the new town, the
authorities decision was given us the green light to begin the
study for installation the central garden near the place palm
trees in the heights of the city.

In July 2003, when we are completed the project studies of the

central garden, the site building was started, under the
responsibility of our agency « l
’empr ei
nt eve getale » and with a
local company of building “U. R.M. C”, accustomed to build
residences of dwellings and without any experiment in the field
of the landscape adjustments or plantations.

Central garden from the palms place

The central garden of the new town in Ain Temouchent is
composed by three different parts, the first two parts
constitute the phase 1 of the project installation and the third
part constitutes the phase 2 of the central garden.

2.1. The phase 1:

The phase 1 of the central garden

Layout of the phase 1 of the central garden Sight of the low part of the central garden

This phase is constituted by the low part and the high part. This phase 1 of the central garden, have the paramount
functionality of the role like a public park of approval and also like
A. The low part: is conceived to according the broad outlines of the educational role of a botanical garden, because it contains
the gardens Islamic style and in order to make the continuity almost the totality of the decorative plants used in the parks of
with the architectural style of buildings in this new town. Algeria.

B The high part: is in height of the low part and it is in the

This part of the phase 1 have the building materials make in an

indissociable unit whith the low part, while being completely
different in term from of functionality, because it plays the role
of drill urban with his many trees, which make benefit to the
visitors for the freshness in the central garden during the hot
aestival periods of Ain Témouchent.

2.2. The phase 2:

Sight of the high part of the phase 1

Layout of phase 2 of the central garden

The phase 2 of the central garden

The Third part of the central garden, which constitutes the 3. Objectives archieved by the installation of the the
phase 2 of the project, is conceived in order to give landscape central garden in the new town of Ain
continuity to the first phase of the garden, with functionality
completely different with those of the phase 1.
 To create for the citizens of the new town, a better tally
This phase of the central garden is intended primarily to give
of life.
the inhabitants of the new town, a place, of recreation and
entertainment, whith the equipment of plays for the children
and old people. To allow the inhabitants of the new town for finding a
place of relaxation, rest, recreation and also a space for
meeting between families, in the feet of their buildings.

Introduction of the strategic position for the site and

his relief into the design of the garden, inspired from the
topographic data, geographical and history of the area to
succeed in the make of the garden for Algeria in general.

To show in Algeria, the capacity for integration of the
Islamic garden concept in the context of landscape
installations in Algerian urban environments.

View of the phase 2

Landscape architect: Meziane Abdellah

From the E.N.S.P of Versailles in France

©Eurl « L’
nteVégétale» 2006

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