Final Product - Booklet of The MTN Project
Final Product - Booklet of The MTN Project
Final Product - Booklet of The MTN Project
This brochure contains a common report about their work by the six participating institutions of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership "More than Neighbours!" Het Perspectief Ghent (Belgium) Technical University of Liberec: Centre of Continuing Education University of the Third Age Seniors college at the University of Technology Chemnitz (Germany) A.I.C.C.R.E. Emilia-Romagna, Scandiano (Italy) The Lublin University of the Third Age (Poland) Senior University of A Coruna (Spain)
Project Summary
Seniors (over 50) from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain should be in future more than neighbours in Europe. The seniors have studied and described: - The progressing of the neighbourhood relation under the influence of the EU development and the changes (political, social, economical; deindustrialization, ageing population) in the countries concerned. - The forming up of a European identity. The seniors have analyzed the roots of their own identity, of common ground and differences in the partner countries and the role of different migrant groups. The findings have been exchanged and compared with their partners in an open-minded way leading to an advanced European identity. - The inter-general relation under the influence of the demographic development having brought up an ageing population, the seniors have passed on their experience of life and wanted to understand the growing up of the young persons. - The development of the industrial culture taking into consideration both the industrial heritage as the source of the European prosperity and the ongoing deindustrialization in these days. The preservation of historic industrial achievements as monuments should be a must in order to have an opportunity of demonstrating the inventive genius of our forebears. The organisations active in different fields of adult education have guided the shared dialogue between the seniors of different countries and between elderly and young persons; they have helped them to improve intercultural communication skills. The seniors have communicated via Internet, by correspondence and by discussion in the project seminars. The whole project has been a learning process for better understanding of Europeans considering particularly the challenges of an ageing population.
The specific objectives of the partnership are: Promoting interaction between European senior citizen (over 50) by internet, email and in project seminars. Analyzing their own identity, their social, political and cultural roots in their homeland. Comparing the results of the partners and to describe the way to the European citizenship. Exchanging information and experiences about the changes in the political and economic systems mostly in the 80s, especially in the field of demography industrial culture and intergenerational relations. Promoting the language learning between the partners in one or two partner languages. Introducing / extending ICT skills including e.g. the Skype technology for learners throughout the Partnership.
We will achieve these objectives: by boosting the cross-generational communication and cooperation between elderly people, between seniors and young people. by promoting the writing of reports and essays of the project in English which could be enriched with photos, presentations, videos and audio information. They will be published on the project-website, will be subject of correspondence and meeting's discussion. A selection of them will be published in a booklet.
2011 2012
age range
over 20 2011 under 50 2011 over 50 2012
Specific Methodology
All project working has to be integrated in normal class work in order to comply with the existing curriculum of language learning. As a consequence of this formal imperative our approach was mainly process focused and orientated on establishing contact with the partners, an approach that differs considerably from the projectworking of the other partners. Different language groups were selected according to following criteria: a. languages of the partners b. the level c. the target group of learners a. Languages of the Partners In the broad offer in Het Perspectief of 15 foreign languages it was possibly to work with 4 out of the 5 national languages of the partners as a target language: Italian, Spanish, German and Polish. Only Czech is not offered by Het Perspectief. b. Level To guarantee a good communication we opted to work with learners of the levels B1 and C1 of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). c. Target Group MTN is a learning partnership aimed mainly at senior people. Hence is was obvious that we selected the B1 and C1 of the tailored courses of Spanish for seniors. For the other 3 language groups we had a mixed audience with learners in the age range of 30 to 50+. But
Class of Polish 2011 - 2012
this was not a setback, on the contrary, it was experienced as an asset since it ensured automatically an intergenerational dialogue. Procedure As was decided during the first meeting in Scandiano Italy we started giving a description of ourselves in the target languages and sent it to the partners. In a second phase we drew up many questions on the topics of the project for the partners and studied and analyzed their answers. When local activities were organized such as visit to the Museum of Industrial Heritage we engaged guides that could explain everything in the target languages. Unfortunately Polish guides could not be found in Ghent. The learners who participated were asked to write a report in the target languages about their experience and sent it to the partners who could react on it. We are convinced that in spite of communication technology face to face contact is indispensable to intensify and sustain the contact. Therefore we tried to involve as many learners as possible in the meeting organized in Ghent. Also with this aspect in mind we organized for our senior students of Spanish and Italian a 3 days cultural visit to respectively to Universidad Senior A Corua, Spain and Commune of Scandiano, Italy. On our turn we will organize a cultural visit in the academic year 2013-2014 for the Spanish and Italian partners thus ensuring the sustainability of the project. All the learners actively involved in the project have at least a A2 (CEF) level of English , the majority a B1 and some even a C1 making the organization of a course of basic English redundant.
As stated above all activities had to be integrated into normal class work in order to comply with the existing curriculum. Classes take place once a week and last 3 hours. Taking the 4 main objectives of the project described in the application form as the thread we can give following overview of our activities: a. The Forming Up of a European Identity We had the questionnaire designed by the Spanish partner translated into the target language and our student filled it out. Since some had problems with the online tool we gave it also in paper. The results of this questionnaire were then discussed in class. The study of political, social, geographical and cultural aspects of the partner countries were also integrated in the normal language classes either as discussion topics or as reading texts.
b. The inter-generational relation under the influence of the demographic development having brought up an ageing population. Unlike most of our partners we are not an association for senior people which implies that we have different age groups in the different classes expect for the Spanish classes which are specifically aimed at senior people. The advantage of the mixed classes is that there is a spontaneous, natural contact between the different generation thus ensuring almost automatically an intergenerational dialogue. c. The progressing of the neighbourhood relation under the influence of the EU development and the changes in the countries concerned. Although the existence of Belgium is a hot political item nowadays, the country has not had any major political changes as some of the partner countries. We have not had a dictatorship nor a switch from a communist to a capitalist regimen. And Belgium was one of the founding countries of the EU. One of our major concerns and one of the main reasons why we wanted to join this project was to strengthen the good relations we have with our partners for the former Grundtvig learning partnership Senior Citizens Story Board.
Attending class in Universidad Senior
We tried to engage our learners into a dialogue opened in the log of the Spanish partner and the one on the forum of the website of project MTN. We were also very pleased that within the framework of More Than Neighbours two the bilateral visits could be organized: - 24-29 April 2013 Scandiano Italy - 22-25 May 2013 A Corua Spain. d. The development of the industrial culture taking into consideration both the industrial heritage as the source of the European prosperity and the ongoing deindustrialization in these days. The industrial heritage was the main focus of the second project year. Textile industry was since the middle ages Ghents glory. After the Spanish closed the port of Antwerp in 1585 English wool could no longer be imported and the textile industry got into decline. But thanks to Lieven Bauwens, the industrial spy, who smuggled the spinning Jenny to Ghent at the end of the 18th century the industrial revolution started in Ghent and textile industry flourished once again. As was the case in other European countries, most of textile industry was lost in the seventies of the previous century. If you walk through Ghent you can still see a lot of chimneys from former textile mills even in the city centre. Some building have been recycled into a hotel (Ghent River
Hotel), others were pulled down and the site has been converted into a park (Nieuwe Wandeling). You cannot study the textile past of Ghent without visiting the MIAT: the museum for industry, labour and textile. The museum is a former spinning mill and is a nice example of how old industrial buildings can be saved and be incorporated into modern city life. The museum tells the story of the textile industry in Ghent from the middle ages till now. In march 2013 a visit to the MIAT was organized in which 45 people from the 3 different language groups took part. An Italian and Spanish speaking guide was engaged to explain the history of the building, the evolution of the textile industry and the many treasure that the museum houses. Unfortunately a Polish guide could not be found. The learners were asked to write a report of this visit in the target language and sent it to the partners.
Wizyta w muzeum MIAT Dwudziestego trzeciego marca szkoa Perspektywa zorganizowaa wizyt w muzeum MIAT. Zebralimy si o dziesitej w kawiarni muzeum. Dostalimy kaw i ciastka. Museum MIAT
La visita del museo. El 23 de marzo,el proyecto europeo y la escuela nos dieron m otivo para visitar el MIAT (Museo de la Industria Arqueolgica y del Textil) Delante el museo se encuentra un jardn de unas 40 plantas distintas para teir telas. El museo se alberga en la antigua fbrica "Desmet Guequier" y fue una hilandera de algodn en estilo Manchester.
Sabato 24 marzo 2013 La scuola Het Perspectief , ha organizzato per gli studenti dei corsi d italiano, spagnolo e polacco, una visita al MIAT a Gand. MIAT un Museo di Archeologia e Tessile Industriale. Dopo un benvenuto con un caff, (...) Poi abbiamo ricevuto un introduzione generale da una guida del MIAT. Il MIAT collocato in un vecchia filatura di cotone. Lo si vede dai tetti tipici delle fabbriche.
Technical University of Liberec: Centre of Continuing Education University of the Third Age
Short Introduction
Liberec The North Bohemian district town of Liberec, which you are most welcome to visit, is located in the valley between the Jetd Ridge and the Jizera Mountains. Technical University of Liberec The Technical University of Liberec (TUL) is a dynamic university of medium size that joins forms of technical and university education. Within six faculties and a university institute, it offers a large spectrum of acquirements in technical, scientific, humanity as well as artistic and interdisciplinary study branches. We have well equipped laboratories and top quality teams of research workers for humanities. The Technical University of Liberec reaches excellent results in the fields of science and research. As one of many examples, let us mention the world-wide unique discovery, the industrial manufacturing technology of nano-textiles. These results, well-known to the public, only increase the renowned reputation of our institution. University of the Third Age The University of the Third Age has existed at the TU in Liberec since 1998. In the academic year 2012/13 there are 370 students enrolled on 40 courses (e.g. English, German, French, psychology, PC skills, and digital photography, a few different subjects focused on history, painting, physical education, mineralogy, tourism, civil law and the others). Admission requirements are the following - age over 50 and school leaving exam. Each course takes place once a week and lasts for 90 minutes. There are 14 weeks in the semester. Students have to meet all the prescribed requirements (presentations or PowerPoint presentations, tests, seminar projects, etc.) given by a lecturer to obtain a course-credit. There is no degree being awarded, the study is based on interest. Our Team
Project Coordinators: Jitka Pacltov, Kamila Jech Koldinsk Project Participants: Alexandra Bruncov, Alena Hjkov, Magdalena Karafitov, Lili Kuerov, Eva Nestrojilov, Jaroslava Vedralov, Marie Vokov, Miro Smutn, Pavla Vrnov
Specific objectives for Technical University of Liberec: Centre of Continuing Education University of the Third Age
1. Information exchange and deepening neighbourly relations associated with practising English 2. Contribution to the development of industrial culture 3. The development of national and European identity with regard to social, cultural and political roots in individual countries 4. Intergenerational work ( with pupils and students)
Specific Methodology
Our group participated in the project in the framework of the Grundtvig programme for the first time. Therefore, we have set familiarization with partners, exchange of experience and deepening relations associated with practising English as a main goal. Our methodology was based on team (seminars, lectures, English conversation, excursions) and individual activities (searching for information in the library, on the Internet, making presentations) communication with other project partners via email, Internet and face to face meetings. Cooperation with the closest partner TU Chemnitz has shown to be the most advantageous. Due to mutual nearness our meetings could be frequent and cooperation of both institutions was very intensive. Cooperation with German partners led to other themes. First, seniors focused on familiarizing with the history of textile production in the region. They collected data in books, on the Internet, while participating in lectures and during excursions. Then they worked out a PPT presentation on interesting places of textile history in Liberec and surroundings in Czech and English. Next, they created a map of these objects. Finally, a brochure that introduces briefly the history of the textile industry in Liberec and changes since 1989 was created, and is complemented with PPT presentations on the DVD. Another interesting topic on which Czech and German seniors cooperated was the theme of national and European identity, which was developed on the basis of the "Elbe, the River that connects us." Students worked out a PPT presentation after collecting and classifying the data. It was the basis for a Czech-German presentation and also for a joint excursion. German partners were also a model for intergenerational work of seniors and children. Therefore, we held a meeting of seniors and elementary students to provide better mutual understanding and sharing experiences. History of interesting objects in their surroundings was introduced to children by seniors and then they practised communication in English in a playful way.
2011 Regular English classes focused on project partner communication ICT lessons (MS PowerPoint) Communication of senior citizens with partners via email and websites Photo exhibitions at TU Chemnitz and in Liberec Project participants in Liberec and Chemnitz took photos for common topics and these photos were exhibited at the TU Chemnitz and in the library in Liberec. Special course (1 semester) for the University of the Third Age on the History of the Textile Industry in the Liberec region by Ing. Machaov Meeting of Czech and German seniors at the TU Liberec
Czech and German project participants agreed on a common theme to be worked out The History of the Textile Industry and Changes after 1989. They all visited the centre Babylon, which was established on the site of a former textile factory.
Liberec 21.11.2011
Regular meetings of the project team working on the common topic The History of the Textile Industry and Changes after 1989 with colleagues from TU Chemnitz Project participants searched information about the history of the textile industry in Liberec region and its changes after 1989. They also participated in the special course on The History of the Textile Industry in the Liberec region by Ing. Machaov. They found lots of textile industry sights in our region and made PPT presentations about these sights. Our result a brochure with a short introduction of the history of the textile industry in Liberec region, with a map of the sights and DVD with all PPT presentations.
2012 Regular English classes focused on project partner communication Communication of senior citizens with partners via email and websites Meeting of Czech and German seniors at the TU Chemnitz Czech and German project participants presented their PowerPoint works to the common topic The History of the Textile Industry and Changes after 1989. They also learned to use a common website MTN and participated in a guided tour of the city.
Chemnitz 31.3.2012
Presentation of our project at the elementary school in Liberec Project participants visited pupils in the sixth class at the elementary school DOCTRINA. They presented the project and brief history of a few industrial buildings in Liberec. In the following lesson seniors and students spoke English to practice the language and they considered other ways of cooperation.
Liberec 17. 9. 2012
Presentation of our project in hospital in esk Lpa Project participants gave a presentation on the history of Textile industry in the region and the project itself for employees and patients in hospital in esk Lpa
2013 Regular English classes focused on project partner communication Communication of senior citizens with partners via email and websites Working on the common topic The Elbe the river which connects us with colleagues from TU Chemnitz The region Bohemia located in the western part of the Czech Republic and Saxony are neighbouring regions which are connected with each other for hundreds of years. An important connecting link between both regions has always been the river Elbe. Project participants searched information about interesting places on the river Elbe and made PPT presentations about these places. Excursion to the Textile museum in esk Skalice, Excursion to Zittau - Czech-German Citizens Forum Meetings of Czech and German seniors at the TU in Liberec Czech and German project participants presented their results to the common topic The Elbe the river which connects us. Than they chose Bad Schandau as a most interesting place for a common trip in March. They also visited the town hall of Liberec, the Botanical garden and took part at a lesson of nanotechnologies at the Technical university.
Liberec 1.2.2013
Excursion to Bad Schandau - Czech and German project participants visited the Liberec 1.2.2013 technical sight a mill house Neumannmhle in Bad Schandau.
Specific Outcomes
Seminar discussions English lectures Course The History of the Textile Industry in the Liberec region Project reports and studies Photos Photo exhibitions PPT Presentations Excursions Leaflet Brochure with DVD Final report of the project
The lectures in the summer and in the winter semester take place once a week in the big lecture hall at the university. In addition, the Senior College offers computer courses, language classes, photographyand video courses for small groups, too. Furthermore there are some excursions to wellknown industrial companies, museums and universities, etc. The connection to other similar institutions within and outside of Germany is very important for the Seniors' College. These connections are maintained at the moment by the Grundtvig project "More than neighbours" with European partners from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Poland (by the way this is the Seniors' Colleges third Grundtvig Life Long Learning Project). The Seniors' College offers many ways to stay mentally fit and communicative in the age.
Specific Methodology
Participation of the group members (10) in the English course weekly orientated at contents of the project Weekly meeting of the project group in order to plan and discuss the progress of the work Participation of all group members in the weekly lectures of the Seniors college Conducting of excursions and visits of museums in order to get the knowledge about the industrial heritage of our region Independent working out of the reports to the special topics in small groups mostly at home by the members selves Reporting about all activities and results of our work at the project on the homepages and
Promoting Interaction between European Senior Citizen (over 50) by Internet, E-mail and in Project Seminars 24th / 25th of November 2011
First meeting with our Czech friends from Liberec with the aim to get know each other and to discuss our common work
30th / 31th of March 2012 Meeting of senior groups from the Universities of Chemnitz and Liberec In the focus of the discussion were: the presentation of the previous results of both groups on "Textile industry in our regions yesterday and today" the common practical work on the Internet platform of "MTN" the opening of the first joint photo exhibition of photo- groups from Liberec and Chemnitz discussion about the further common work on the project a guided tour through the city of Chemnitz, deepening of the personal contacts
30th of May till 2th of June 2012 Participation at the meeting of the partner groups of "More than Neighbours" in Ghent
Exchange of opinions about our project work Discussion about the next aims Report about our project work in the time from October 2011 until April 2012 Excursion to the European Parliament in Brussels
Well-known becoming of the participants from our partner countries from face to face through talks, sightseeing tours in a common bus and a boat trip with dinner and dance.
7th of June 2012 Participating by members of our project group of MTN at the opening of common photographic exhibition by seniors of the U3L TU Liberec and the Senior college at the University of Technology Chemnitz with the topic: Beauty from the landscapes in Saxony and the Czech Republic.
31th of January / 1th of February 2013 Meeting between the More than Neighbours groups from Chemnitz and Liberec. Discussion about our common presentation to the topic The Elbe- the river that connects us Lecture at the university by engineer Kovacic to the subject Development of Nanotechnology Visit in the Botanical Garden and the town hall. Excursion with our MTN partner group from Liberec to the Kirnitzschtal/Saxony Switzerland, both groups work on the topic "The Elbe - a river that connects Bohemia and Saxony" Journey by tram Hiking tour through the romantic valley to an old water mill Visiting a old mill - a technical museum 5th of May until 8th of May 2013 Final meeting of all partner groups in Chemnitz Presentation of the results of the project work of all partners Our Czech partner and our group reported together about our close connection through the river Elbe Reports about the home regions and facilities of all our partners of the Seniors colleges Participation on the excursions on foot and by bike through the city and along the river Zschopau
Visit of the "Tannhauer Museum" in the village Braunsdorf Visit of the palace and the park of Lichtenwalde with a following organ concert Visit of the Town Hall with a lecture on the urban development of the city of Chemnitz by mayor Mrs. Petra Wesseler Final meeting in the evening
Analyzing the own identity of the members of our group and their social, political and cultural roots in their homeland - Comparing the results of the discussion of the partners to this topic and trying to describe the way to an European citizenship. March 2013: We read and discuss the contribution on the blog of our Spanish partners to the topic European identity. March / April 2013: Three members of our group wrote a contribution about their own thoughts to the problem personal and European identity. 26th of March 2013: All group members discussed the topic European identity lead by Professor Schne in preparation on a lesson at the Senior's college in May 2013.
Exchanging information and experiences about the changes in the political and economic systems mostly in the 80s, especially in the field of demography, industrial culture and intergenerational relations 26th of November 2011 / 5th of November.2011 / 28th of December 2011 Excursions along the mills at the river Zschopau The industrialisation of Chemnitz and the region in the surrounding was close connected with the existing of natural energy resources, as wood- and water power.
A water power station with a fish ladder
15th of January 2012 Excursion to Chemnitz Museum of Industry A guided tour through the special exhibition Industrial Architecture in Saxony and visiting of the Textile Street. Result: report about the use of old industrial buildings in Chemnitz
30th of January 2013 / 09th of February 2013 Working on a report about "The development of the textile industry in the area Chemnitz from the beginning until the present". The focus of the investigation were Excursions to the Museum of Local History in the villages Hartmannsdorf and Wittgensdorf to get information about the history of the textile industry in our region.
January till May 2013 Creating a report about the development of Germany's oldest machine tools company "Union Chemnitz". The report shows particularly the difficult situation of the companies in the region Chemnitz after the German reunion.
The company 1910/1911 "Union Chemnitz" in
16th of February / 06th of March 2012 Discussion about the topic: "Education of the young generation in past and present" Ideals and moral concepts of the various generations in the past and today Today's education of our children The proportion of the older generation in this process 4th of July 2012 Common hiking day with pupils in Freiberg with sightseeing in the town Visit of an old mine and talk about the life of the miners yesterday and today 20th of March 2013 Excursion our MTN Group with pupils to the School Museum Chemnitz-Ebersdorf Participating in a lesson like 100 years ago
7th of May 2013 Our little friends performed a small contribution for the listeners of the Senior's college and our international partners.
Promoting the language learning between the partners in one or two partner languages
All members of our group participated in special lessons for English language. The lessons were focused on the topics of the project "More than Neighbours". Every group member performed a small lecture about a topic that was related to the project aims. The members of the group wrote reports and contributions to the discussions on the common homepages in English language. The project participants improve their English knowledge furthermore through: Private contacts to participants from other countries in English language by e-mail Preparation for leading of the sightseeing tour through Chemnitz at the final project meeting in Chemnitz Using the opportunities to talk in English language to project participants from other countries.
Introducing / extending ICT skills including e.g. the Skype technology for learners throughout the partnership
We improved the knowledge of the IT skills of the members of our group through: Working with computers and beamer by the weekly meetings of the group Participation on a lecture to the IT program "powerpoint" of the group members and draw up presentations in the program "powerpoint" Putting the reports and contribution to discussions on the webpage by members of the group
Specific Outcomes
All project participants of the Chemnitz group had the experience of getting closer together with people from other countries of the European Union and the experience of understanding each other better. This was realized by mutual visits, talks, discussions and reports about the different countries and cultures.
We made the results of our work to the different topics of our project accessible for the public on different ways. Reporting permanently about our project on the homepage of the University of Technology Chemnitz - link to the project More than Neighbours (in German) and to the project website (in English). You can also find here some interesting contributions and reports about our town and its industry. Powerpoint lecture in front of all international partners in Gent about the work of our group from October 2011 until May 2012 at 29th of May 2012 (See Lecture about the topic "The Development of the Textile Industry in the Region of Chemnitz" in front of 40 listeners of the local history club in the village Hartmannsdorf at 29th of June 2012 (See Powerpoint lecture about our project work in front of seniors of our partner Senior's College of the Goethe University Frankfurt at 12th of July 2012 (See report on Powerpoint lecture about the project "More than Neighbours" (A report about the work of the group from 2011 until 2012) in front of 300 listeners of the Seniors' College at the University of Technology Chemnitz at 4th of December 2012 (See Common Powerpoint lecture with our partner group of the university of Liberec about the topic "The river Elbe that connects us - the Czech Republic and Germany" in front of all international partners during the meeting of all partners in Chemnitz at 6th of May 2013 (See
Design of a leaflet More than Neighbours an EU-Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2011-2013 in October 2012. - See (English language) and (German language) Design of a leaflet "A hiking route along the river Zschopau to explore water power stations" July 2013 (See Investigation and creation of a report about the topic "The development of one of the oldest machine tools factories in Germany Union Chemnitz from its founding in June 2013. - See (English language) and (German language). We will give Powerpoint lectures to the different topics of our work in our town and area in front of people from social organizations.
whole Emilia-Romagna region. Embellished by the arcades of its squares and the ancient gates, the town offers the possibility to visit its fascinating and characteristic churches. One of the most well-known monuments is the Rocca dei Boiardo, a medieval fortress where the Earl Matteo Maria Boiardo spent the last years of his life and wrote his famous epic poem L'Orlando Innamorato. Scandiano's history was characterised also by the work of the scientists Antonio Vallisneri and Lazzaro Spallanzani. Casa Spallanzani, recently renovated by the Municipality, is the birthplace of the famous scientist Lazzaro Spallanzani (17291799). Wine-gastronomy represents one of the excellences of the territory. Given the wide grape variety cultivated on the surrounding hills, wine production is one of the vocations of Scandiano's area, as well as that of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Another traditional product is Balsamic vinegar that was already present in the culinary tradition of Reggio Emilia and Scandiano in the Matildic period. The Municipality of Scandiano has always proved to be extremely Europe-oriented, and thank to both direct participation and organizational support to other partners (as in the case of the MTN project), it gained a strong experience in the field of international EU projects. As a matter of fact Scandiano has always been committed to improving the quality of life of its citizens by offering several opportunities of life long learning, and its citizenship has always shown itself very keen to participate to these kind of activities. Local associations and other actors of civil society are often involved in the projects as well. In the latest years the collaboration between AICCRE Emilia-Romgna and Scandiano led to very positive results in terms of contribution to the construction of a European identity and to learners satisfaction and sensitization.
Specific Methodology
Our path has been based on the assumption that informal learning is a shared process of knowledge building, so everybody was encouraged participate actively to the best of his/her possibilities and to be committed to take advantage of this opportunity. According to this, we investigated each topic using a common methodology articulated in 3 steps: 1. brainstorming: the learners expressed whatever came into their mind when thinking about that given topic. This first step was aimed at facilitating the spontaneous surfacing of ideas and potential stereotypes (to be analysed in the further phases); 2. external input: it could be represented by a conference/seminar with an expert, a study-visits with field research, a movie-screening, a themed workshop, reading a book, etc. This steps was conceived to provide the learners with more information about the issue according to different perspectives and approaches; 3. research & report: working individually or in small groups and taking advantage of the IC technologies, the learners carried out an in-depth study and wrote short essays in English about the topic. The process ended with the presentation of the work done to the others, in order to share, compare and discuss what they found out. The papers written and the pictures taken by the students were collected in a CD-ROM, that was handed out during the transnational visits. On these occasions the learners themselves illustrated their discoveries and their achievements to the European mates using some audiovisual supports (slideshow). This is the framework the English (the partnerships language) and ICT lessons were embedded in, as they hadnt been conceived as activities independent from the content, but as tools to enable the students to communicate with the others and carry out their researches. Furthermore, the learners attended a workshop about digital photography held by a professional photographer. This activity led to the participation to the European Week of Photography 2012, whose guiding theme was Active citizenship, with an exhibition named More than neighbours.
Activities Year 1
Slovenia During Year 1 (2011-2012) the first partner country we focused on is Slovenia, one of our neighbours, and in particular on the crossboundary relationship. On the one hand, this is unfortunately a troubled history of reciprocal oppression, but on the other hand, it brings to light moments of mutual help and collaboration between the two nations. Within the frame of our study we went to Trieste and visited the Narodni Dom, meaning literally peoples house, that was burnt by a some members of a Fascist squad on Jul. 13th 1920. The spokesmen were Mr. Nevio Puntin (former mayor of the city of Aquileia and President of AICCRE Friuli) and Boris Muszevic, who witnessed the transition of Slovenia to democracy, till its entrance in the EU in 2004. Czech Republic Then, moving to the 2nd country we investigated, we spoke about Czech Republic. For many centuries this country, bordered by Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Germany, played a fundamental role in the history of central Europe. Within the frame of this workshop, we watched the film The unbearable lightness of being, an adaptation of the novel by Milan Kundera which shows the Czechoslovak artistic and intellectual life during the Prague Spring before the Soviet and invasion in August 1968. Then, we went to Bologna where some members of the Czech-Italian Association Vicolo doro explained some historical aspects to the learners. This meeting was followed by a conference about Bohemian music held by Prof. E. T. Saronne at the University of Bologna. Belgium The third country we focused on is Belgium, right before the transnational visit to Gent. First of all, the students had the opportunity to pose questions and exchange opinions with Mr. Ivan Barchi (former President of Scandianos town-twinning committee) and son of an Italian emigrant family. As a matter of fact, the discovery of rich deposits of coal in both the center and northern part of the country triggered a flow of foreign workers, especially Italians, who went to Belgium to work in the mines. Due
to the extremely poor working conditions, most of them lost their lives, and these sad events were told in many books and movies. In this regard, we went to Bologna to take part to the presentation of the book Cuori nel pozzo by Roberta Sorgato, held in collaboration with the Association Bologna-Bruxelles A/R. The European Union As regards the cross-cultural topics, we started deepening our knowledge about the EU (of course!). At the Carrefour Emilia Europe Direct of Reggio Emilia Mrs. Carla Cavallini illustrated the history of the EU, its bodies, the founding principles and the common policies, then we discussed about the pro-European attitude and the tools available for active citizenship. As regards giving more power to the citizens, the Lisbon Treaty introduces a new instrument for the peoples participation to the political resolutions of the European Union: the so called citizens initiative that can be launched from the 1st of April 2012. Food and Nutrition The second topic was Food and nutrition. At the beginning we focused on the issues of food safety and labelling, as the free circulation of safe and healthy food is a fundamental aspect in the communitys policies, and it contributes to health and well-being of the EU citizens as well as to their social and economic interest. Then, we attended a seminar held by the nutritionist Dr. Elena Vecchi about healthy diet and life-style while growing older, and we tried to cook some typical recipes of our partner countries.
Intergenerational Relationships The last topic we dealt with was Intergenerational relationships. On the occasion of this workshop, we attended a seminar held by the expert Mrs. Rosita Mazzi, who showed the evolution of the family using some clips. Then, we worked together with the students of the local high school P. Gobetti in small groups and discussed the concept of friendship at Facebook time and compared our experiences.
Year 2
Spain In the 2nd year the first country we investigated is Spain. This time we decided to approach this topic starting from cinematography: we watched the movies El discreto encanto de la burguesia by Luis Buel and then Todo sobre mi madre by Pedro Almodvar. By comparing these two productions, we analysed the way in which these directors and, more in general the Spanish society, expressed the need of reaction to the past and, in particular, to Francos dictatorship. During Christmas time we arrange a cooking workshop with a chef coming from the Basque country, who told us a bit more about the traditions and typical products of the various Spanish regions. Concluding, in Feb. 2013 we went to Bologna and attended a lecture given by Prof. Agripina Tamargo, President of the association La Regenta, who spoke about some issues relevant to the current situation in Spain, such as autonomy, youth unemployment and the financial and political scenario. Poland Afterwards, we focused on Poland, but we decided to adopt a rather informal approach. Given the presence of many Polish women in our area, who offer their precious help to look after people who are no longer self-sufficient, we interviewed one of them, Alina, who comes from Lublin. We discussed many issues with her: from the period after the fall of the Berlin Wall to the countrys current situation, in particular the entrance in the EU and the adoption of the EURO currency. Germany Last but not least, right before the meeting in Chemnitz, we deepened our knowledge about Germany. First of all, we read the book Die gerettete Zunge by Elias Canetti, then we participated to a read aloud group arranged by the German-Italian Association at the Public Library A. Delfini in Modena. A young actor read some passages from the book, and then there was room for the interventions of the public. This book belongs to the literary genre named Bildungsroman and focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood, and the change of the personality is extremely important. This activity proved to be very useful to overcome the prejudice about the hardness of the German language that, as the author states in his work, is indeed more harmonious than we used to think and even suitable to express love feelings. Lastly, we invited Mr. Andras Gemes, who moved from Germany to Italy many years ago, to tell us a bit more about the stereotypes on German culture and the model of integration.
New Neighbhours As regards the cross-cultural topics, our first workshop was named New neighbours, that is our relationships with the non-EU countries. In the last decades the migration of people from third countries has been a delicate issue for all governments and citizens in Europe, in particular, Italy turned from land of migrants into land of immigrants. Given the fruitful collaboration we achieved in the previous year, we decided to keep an intergeneration perspective by inviting 25 students of the local High School P. Gobetti to the workshop. Thank to the support of an intercultural educator of the association Mondinsieme, we discussed the topics of stereotype and prejudice, identifying some elements common to both generations. Games and Free Time Then, we kept on working with the students of the local High School, and we compared our ways of spending the free time. Both seniors and juniors illustrated how they play or used to play, what kind of toys do/did they have and what are/were the traditional games. Afterwards, with the help of an expert, we took part to some activities aimed at stimulating our creative thinking and putting ourselves on the line. Thai-Chi-Chuan As 2012 was the European Year for active ageing, we arranged also some activities useful to keep fit while growing older. In this regard we attended 3 classes of Tai-Chi-Chuan, two held by Mrs. Rosita Mazzi (Local Health Service) and one by Mr. Brian Young (Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, U.S.). This discipline is much more than a low-impact fitness, as it is often described, but its a refined and effective martial art that acts on the gentle flowing of the body and mind energy and, if practised properly, its very useful to acquire health, longevity and mental freshness, especially in the third age. Cultural Trekking Lastly, we closed our calendar with a lecture given by Mr. Daniele Canossini about Cultural trekking, that is a form of hiking aimed at discovering the hints of the historical heritage that are hidden in the landscape of our territory. The seminar was followed by a guided trip.
The objectives of LUTW to popularize educational initiatives, to activate senior citizens intellectually, psychologically, socially and physically, to enlarge the knowledge and skills of seniors, to facilitate contacts with institutions such as healthcare, culture centres, rehabilitation centres etc., to engage students into activities concerning the environment that surrounds them, to strengthen social bonds and communication among seniors. Forms of activities of the University of the Third Age in Lublin: Lectures for large audience: general lectures, lectures on science, lectures on health. Interest groups: art knowledge, art history, culture, radio and literature, gardening, art and nature, psychology, pastoral ministry. Workshop groups: group for activity with music, dance, choir, IT courses, theatre group. Physical activity groups: swimming, gymnastics, Tai Chi, Yoga, Nordic walking, tourist group. Foreign language courses: English, Italian, German, French. Seniors Volunteer Activity: Active Senior Club, Multi-generation Volunteer Club, Information and consultancy for seniors, Super Grandma and Super Grandpa Club. Editorial and publishing activity: Bulletin The Life of LUTW (published quarterly), Guide-books for LUTW members (published yearly), Occasional and conference publications, books. The classes are supposed to popularize knowledge, whereas the methods are adjusted to the age and requirements of the students. It is an indispensable condition to use the knowledge and competence of older people as a potential of the developing society. To be able to function well in the world surrounding us requires constant gaining of new skills and knowledge. The aim of the classes and lectures in LUTW is development. They do not aim at getting or increasing professional qualifications.
Sixteen teachers and students of the Lublin University of the Third Age were engaged in the More Than Neighbours project.
Specific Methodology
The participants of the MTN project discovered the industrial past of Lublin through different forms of organized activities and self-education: attending lectures, visiting exhibitions, examining archive materials, individual research and field work, intergenerational meetings.
regular meetings of the project team working on the common topic History of the Industrial Lublin- Interwar Period, regular English and IT classes focused on communication with project partners twice a month
Research subjects: the historical past of the development of industry in Lublin, the history of establishing, development and closing of the Lublin Sugar Company, history and development of the Lublin Brewery, history of founding and development of the Agricultual Mechinery Manufacture history of aviation in the Lublin region. Establishment and development of the first aircraft manufacturer - Mechanical Works of Emil Plage & Teofil Laskiewicz, history and development of the Lublin Scales Factory , history of the pre-war Experimental Agricultural Institute in Zemborzyce near Lublin, the situation of Polish seniors after the transformation in 1989.
The final task of the students, after two years of research work, field work, self study and workshops was to prepare Power Point presentations in English on the above mentioned subjects and to present them during the meetings in Ghent (2012) and Chemnitz (2013) Activities undertaken within the frames of the MTN project in the period 2011 2013: lectures concerning the topics of the project, training on research methodology and searching information, field work (data collection and trips to key places) following the tracks of Lublin industry before the war, photography workshops, discussions concerning European identity, writing essays and preparing power point presentations: Industrial Lublin, The Lublin Brewery Pera Agricultural Machinery Manufacture Aircraft Manufacture The Lublin Scales Manufacture The work and activity of the Lublin industrialists August Vetter and Juliusz Vetter in the first half of the 20th century. Social and economic changes in Poland and Europe after 1989.
Transnational meetings of learners and coordinators Scandiano (Italy) 2011 Gent (Belgium) 2012 Lublin (Poland) 2012 Chemnitz (Germany) 2013
IT support classes, language exercises (English) on line cooperation with the students of the Polish language group from Gent, development of intergenerational relations cooperation with students of the faculty of pedagogy of the Lublin Catholic University. Organization of intergenerational meetings in the Active Senior Club. promotion of project activities on the website of LUTW and in the universitys quarterly bulletin From the Life of LUTW. publishing a bilingual leaflet (in Polish and English) concerning the activation of seniors in the Lublin University of the Third Age.
The More Than Neighbours project was an opportunity to participate in a very interesting international undertaking with exceptional educational values. The tasks performed within the frames of the implemented the idea of intercultural education. A measurable profit of participating in the project, apart from gaining knowledge about the industrial past of our region, was the development of language and IT skills. Getting acquainted with modern IT and communication technologies will definitely help elderly people to adapt to the modern world , and at the same time it counteracts the digital exclusion in that age group.
Specific Outcomes
lectures concerning the history of industrial Lublin preparation of articles about the History of Industrial Lublin- Interwar Period essays and power point presentations to the topics: Industrial Lublin, The Lublin Brewery Pera, Agricultural Machinery Manufacture, Aircraft Manufacture, The Lublin Scales Manufacture, The work and activity of the Lublin industrialists August Vetter and Juliusz Vetter in the first half of the 20th century, Social and economic changes in Poland and Europe after 1989.
Specific Methodology
Didactic Methodology Our methodology is based on team and individual activities, with fortnightly 2-hour meetings, plus small-group work. This is supplemented by attendance to master classes and conferences and by virtual learning. The aim is to enhance the knowledge and use of IT tools, such as internet, email, blog design, the projects website and/or social network amongst students. Learners have easy access to different learning resources in order to apply the knowledge and skills they learn under the supervision and support of their teacher inside and outside the classroom. We combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction through internet.
Questionnaire on European Identity and ICT skills Training on research methodology and searching information. Research topics during the academic year 2011-2012: Historic Relationship between Spain and Flanders. De-industrialization: History of the Factory of Tobacco in A Corua. Migration from Galicia to Europe Transition to democracy and integration in UE in Spain, former DDR, Poland and Czech Republic: differences and similarities. Comparative study of the Social Security Systems and National Health Services in the partner countries. European identity from homeland identity. Research topics during the academic year 2012-2013: Historic Relationship between Spain and North of Italy. Industrial Heritage in Galicia. Saint Jacques Way through Poland and Czech Republic. Getting to know better our partners by the local gastronomy. The factory of Sargadelos: from its creation to the present day. The water mills of Xuvia and As Aceas. ICT lessons: General Issues Blog of the European Workshop E-mail Skype MS PowerPoint Website of the MTN-Project Language Learning: German English
2011 Lecture De-industrialization process in Europe, by Dr. Juan Manuel Snchez Quinz-Torroja, A Corua , November 25th.
2012 Visit to the Exhibition El Paisaje Nrdico en el Prado in Santiago de Compostela, February, 24th. Questionnaires for mutual understanding between Galicia and Flanders Seminar Current International Issues organized by the Research Group Current Issues in International and European Law, the University Institute of European
Studies Salvador de Madariaga, and the Center of Excellence Jean Monnet. Faculty of Law, University of A Corua, March, 12th & 13th. Lecture about Belgium, by Mr. Stephane Moens and D. Juan Antonio Quiroga Lage, Honorary Consul of Belgium in A Corua, March 23th. Lecture Cultural and Political Values of the European Union, Prof. Dr. Alejandrino Fernndez Barreiro, University of A Corua , April, 20th. Visit of Italian volunteers involved at SENISOL (European Project for exchanging volunteers aged 50 years), A Corua, April, 20th. Photographic Exhibition in the Senior University of A Corua about Solidarity and Development Cooperation, 14th to 25th May. Intergenerational activity in the European Day of Solidarity between Generations: Exchanging views and experiences about Europe with students from a high school involved in an European educational project (Comenius) named Tales for Peace, Oleiros, April 26th. Seminar "For an Active Citizenship: Senior Volunteers", A Corua, May 25th. Closing session of the European Workshops (2011-2012), A Corua, June 8th. Seminar Youth in movement: access to the job in Europe Intergenerational activity with junior learners of our University. At Economic Sciences Faculty, A Corua, October, 16th Opening session of the European Workshops (2012-2013), A Corua & Ferrol, October 19th. Seminar "Cooperation Development in times of crisis", Center of Excelence "Jean Monet" of the University Institute of European Studies Salvador de Madariaga" of the University of A Corua, November, 2nd (Ferrol), & November 9th (A Corua). Lecture "Industrial Heritage in Galicia", Prof. Dr. Manuel Lara Coira (University of A Corua). A Corua, November 30th.
Lecture "Getting to know better to our italian partner", by the staff of AICCRE (Italy), A Croua, December 14th. Guided Visit to the exhibition "Saraievo, war and peace", A Corua, December 21th.
2013 Lecture "Industrial Heritage in Galicia", Prof. Dr. Manuel Lara Coira (University of A Corua). Ferrol, January 11th. Basic course about German language and culture (4 hours). January and February, A Corua & Ferrol. Lecture "Migrations and stereotypes", NGO Ecos do Sur, A Corua, January 25th. Visit of two Italian senior volunteers involved in a Grundtvig Project about volunteers and migrant people, A corua, February 8th. Visit to the Factory of Sargadelos, in Cervo (Lugo), by students from Ferrol. In cooperation with the Association of Senior Students. Guided Visit to the exhibition One hundred years of Architecture and Design in Germany. Deustscher Werkbund 1907-2007, at Museo Bellas Artes A Corua. March 15th.
Lecture Getting to know better Poland, by Katarzyna Borowczak, a Polish Erasmus student in University of A Corua. March 22nd. Closure session of the European Workshop (2012-2013), in Ferrol, May 24th. Bilateral Meeting with our Flemish partner, Het Perspectief (Gent-Belgium). May, 22nd -26th, 2013.
General Outcomes:
Increased EU Identity. Questionnaires about European Identity. An on-line questionnaire was designed to evaluate: sociodemographics, attitudes of being an European citizen, currently and 30 years ago, feeling of an European identity and attitudes towards common European policies and culture. Questionnaires about mutual knowledge with Flanders and Italy. Senior learners from each campus exchanged opinions, questions and answers about cultural, social, economic & political reality of the other countries at the MTN project. English and other European Language Teaching Senior learners from A Corua and Ferrol were involved in English lessons and sessions about German language and culture. These lessons were developed during the first three months of each year of the project. ICTs The aim was to enhance the knowledge and use of IT tools, such as internet, email, blog design, the projects website, and the website amongst students. So, a blog was designed and improved in order to promote the ICT skills among the senior students and to facilitate the communication between the staff and the students of both campus (A Corua & Ferrol) of the Senior University. Also, the blog was used to disseminate the activities and the results of the European Workshop MTN at Senior University, The Blog was established on September 2011, on WordPress, using a design template: Twenty Ten, with 7 pages: Home, Download Area, Our workshop, Our institution, Our Region, Our Partnership, and Transnational Visits. In May 213, it had 232 blog posts, on 5 categories (Active Ageing, Europe, European Workshop Activities, European Workshop Sessions, Working Groups Research) and 31 tags. We can check the active participation of the students with 295 comments published under the moderation of the administrator. The blog reached (May 2013)22,434 visits from the following countries: Spain (69.7%), Germany (9.7%), Belgium (7.6%), Czech Republic (1.7%), Italy (1.6%), Poland (0.9%), and other countries 8.8%. It means an average per day of 54 visits during the last five month, with a record of visits in a day of 411 visits. Lessons about ICT: Skype, PowerPoint, ... Communication During the MTN project, the senior learners have used several communication tools: Blog of the European Workshop, E-mail, Skype, and mainly, the MTN
website. 44 Spanish learners involved in the MTN project have their own username and password, and all of them have received specific training on the use of the website. Knowledge about other countries. Our learners have known better our partner countries through the questionnaires of mutual knowledge and other several activities: Lessons about German language and culture. Lectures about Belgium, Italy, Poland, Visit to Corua by the staff of AICREE, our Italian Partner, who participated in a special session with our learners. MTN Bilateral Meeting with staff and learners from Het Perspectief (Gent Belgium). Linking the cross-generational communication and cooperation between elderly people, between seniors and young people, our learners have participated in the following activities: Intergenerational activity in the European Day of Solidarity between Generations: Exchanging views and experiences about Europe with students from a high school involved in an European educational project (Comenius) named Tales for Peace (Apr. 2012). and Seminar Youth in movement: access to the job in Europe Intergenerational activity with junior learners of our University. At Economic Sciences Faculty, A Corua, (Oct. 2012)
Specific Outcomes
The main specific outcomes of the MTN project at the Senior University is the writing of reports and essays by the learners, in English, which had been enriched with figures and photos, PowerPoint presentations, videos and so on. They have been published on the project-website and on the blog of the European Workshop MTN. The essays of the students will be published in a booklet and/or a CD/DVD. But we can underline other specific outcomes: Visits: Exhibition El Paisaje Nrdico en el Prado (Feb. 2012), Exhibition "Saraievo, war and peace" (Dec. 2012), Factory of Sargadelos, in Cervo (Lugo) (Mar. 2013), Exhibition One hundred years of Architecture and Design in Germany (Mar. 2013). Lectures: De-industrialization process in Europe (Nov. 2011), Getting to know better our partners: Belgium (Mar. 2012), Cultural and Political Values of the European Union (Apr. 2012), "Industrial Heritage in Galicia" (Nov. 2012), "Getting to know better to our Italian partner" (Dec. 2012), "Migrations and stereotypes" (Jan. 2013), Getting to know better Poland (Mar. 2013) Seminars: Current International Issues (Mar. 2012), "For an Active Citizenship: Senior Volunteers" (May 2012), "Cooperation Development in times of crisis"
(Nov. 2012), Youth in movement: access to the job in Europe Intergenerational activity. Hosting visits: Italian volunteers involved at SENISOL (Grundtvig Project) in April 2012 and February 2013. Events about Photography: Photographic Exhibition about Solidarity and Development Cooperation (May 2012), Photo Contest about Industrial Heritage in Galicia (2013).
The planned project objectives have been met. Due to the project-related training and practical application of advanced English language skills, coupled with cultural studies concerning the partner countries involved, the knowledge and skills of the seniors in order to use the English language as an intermediary language between the five partners institutions in five countries, have been significantly improved with 5 different native languages. This has been proved during the project through the growing number of emails in English. At the same time the knowledge in the field of ICT and its use has been greatly improved with the reciprocal English communication and presentation of the project of results with Power Point presentations, which was also proved by the increasing quantity and quality of these applications in the on-going email contact and presentations of the meetings and seminars of the partners. The seniors gained increasing confidence and the competences which made them able to speak about and to discuss the results of the European project in meetings, seminars with all partners and public events with around 500 listeners in English with Power Point presentations. With this project, the partners in Liberec and Lublin, who participated for the first time in a Grundtvig Learning Partnership, have been successfully introduced into this form of European project work and both partners want to participate in future for further learning partnerships, which confirms the growing interest of European cooperation and project work . The number of realized mobilities were higher than planned for all partners. This demonstrates the large and growing interest in active and result-oriented participation of seniors in local encounters which were prepared and followed up by emails and phone calls - but which cannot replace important personal encounters. In each seminar, especially the seniors of all partners involved presented their contributions to the project results via power-point presentations in English. Apart from the seminars with all partners, there is also a growing number of mobilities between 2 or 3 partners, especially with neighbouring partner countries with low travel times, (eg. Liberec - Chemnitz just in 3 hours), and also between partners from Italy, Spain and Belgium . These frequent mobilities created personal friendships and mutual visits beyond the project. The mutual information in project-related learning process over the participating partner countries through reports, site visits and conversations have increased the knowledge of the regions and countries of the project partners. This included particularly topics like
history, politics, culture, education, economy, demographic development, transformation of the political and economic systems and the current situation of older and younger people. Some of the existing knowledge gaps and reservations could be reduced. On this basis, the motivation and skills to communicate and cooperate with each other could be significantly improved. An important unifying role played personal talks, meeting with sightseeing, singing, dancing and tasting local dishes and drinks played an important role to create a sense of community. Intergenerational cooperation with the partners in Chemnitz, Liberec, Italy has developed increasingly successfully, although conditions and experience had hardly been there before. The mutual communication and cooperation between seniors , pupils and students confirmed the needs and benefits to learn more about the life and life-long learning of generations and to re-gain the skill to talk more with each other on a mutual basis. This dialogue is particularly encouraged by specific contents attracting both , young and old for the project work. Among them were for example the need for and methods of life-long learning, culturally-related topics of the partner countries and Europe, identity with home countries , industrial culture and foreign languages learning in order to communicate with each other. Seniors, especially some senior women dealt for the first time with the development of industrial culture in their home countries and the respective development in Europe on a bigger scale. They became aware of the importance of the historical and current development of industrial culture for economic and cultural development of a country, as a contribution to the creation and preservation of jobs and the innovative contributions of inventors and entrepreneurs of their countries and the role of cross-border exchange of goods for the cooperation in Europe. As far as the target position on the identity of the home country and Europe is concerned there were different positions - especially in the context of the current problems in the critical development in Europe. Generally speaking, the participants of the project agree in conversations to the necessity to speak more about their identity with the home country, particularly among younger people. Here, eye witness accounts about experienced wars of older people social changes and tensions between the countries, are suitable to realize more successful European cooperation shared by young and old. The cooperation between the countries in Europe should be more involved with the older generation and intergenerational relations in all countries especially because of the demographic change. A first response to this demand of the older generation is the decision of the European Union in 2013 which focused on the "Education Elderly" and "Reduction of illiteracy" in the context of the development of the "European Agenda for Adult Education". Therefore, one of the planned national events in Germany will raise the issue of "Education for elderly people and in the intergenerational context" in November 2013 in Leipzig. A Report about this project will be included in this conference. The English Homepage which has been created for this purpose displays current information which has been gathered and the results of the project and has been proven effective for public relations. Moreover, results were displayed on a homepage by every partner in their mother tongue. A large number of interested older and younger people, politicians and managers received a flyer containing a short summary of the project in English and in the native languages. The results will be
published in a English brochure with summaries in their respective native languages for the transfer. Numerous local newspapers have reported in words and pictures about the project. In addition, video recordings of events in the project have clearly contributed to the transfer of results and provoked interest for future collaboration in European projects. Finally, the participating seniors of all facilities ask for much more projects and a higher budget for elderly people and in the intergenerational context . Despite the objective to respond appropriately to the demographic change and to implement the inclusion strategy, the total number of elderly people in the target groups is underrepresented. For the further development of European cooperation, there is the necessity to involve all sections of the population and provide elderly people with the opportunity to participate actively and to take responsibilities for the development of the European society.
I have a lot of new knowledge and experiences.I made a lot of new friends from countries participating in the project. I also learned about interesting things from these countries. I have improved my communication skills in English. I got to know a lot of interesting points from history of Liberec, about which I had not known before. While working on the project I have improved my computer skills. Jaroslava Vedralov - Czech Republic These two years spent in our project have been interesting and instructive. The exchange of opinions, cultures and knowledge with other European citizens really makes you feel more than neighbours. Anna Mara - Italy I decided to buy a new computer and a printer because of this project. The result is I am computer literate now. Through this work Ive met a lot of interesting people both directly and indirectly connected with the project. While working on this project I feel it has enriched my knowledge of the town where I live. I also feel that my English both spoken and written has improved as well as my knowledge of the history of the textile industry in our region. Ive enjoyed working and cooperating with the people involved in this project, not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. Alena Hjkov - Czech Republic Words are not enough to express the feelings and the emotions we experienced during these 2 years. Many thanks to all our mates and for having welcomed us so warmly. Sohemia & Gino - Italy I am a retired person leading a peaceful life and participating in the project was real adventure for me, although it was not only fun but also hard, systematical work. It gave us the opportunity to meet seniors from other countries and find out about their life conditions, opinions and expectations. I enjoyed meeting people who were open to strangers and sincere, their kindness and friendly smile made it possible to communicate without words. When I was young access to learning foreign languages was very limited, I undertook the effort to surpass the language barrier, but will I succeed? Projects like MTN make it worth trying. The subject of the research, the industrial past of Lublin, proved to be fascinating. I have learnt a lot about industry in Lublin at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the amazing people who changed history through their passion, hard work and imagination. It was a lesson of local history and patriotism. The program prepared by the project partners was yet another history lesson, which embraced monuments of architecture, material culture and nature. We had the opportunity to get to know places on the map located off the beaten track. Maybe it is old fashioned, but as a retired person I can be thankful in my thoughts to the creators of the Grundtvig program for seniors, and to those people who continue the idea and put it into life. Maria Mincewicz (aged 73 ) - Poland
It was curiosity which arranged for me at the project More than Neighbours collaborating. I was curious about the people who will come together to form the plan. I was curious about the way of life and the experience of life of these people. I was curious why they participate at this project. In our common events I learned to know people who immediately filled me with enthusiasm about the project with her enthusiasm. In our meetings with the participants I could recognize in the discussions that we have in the reason all similar ideas and expectations of a happy life in a common and peaceful Europe. A new common Europe must not be characterized by nationalism and chauvinism. Our experiences as older people must not fall into oblivion of the youth. The meetings with a Freiberger basic school class were very refreshing for me. Similar experiences also have made the Italian friends. On a common cycle tour for the Chemnitz conclusion meeting we have talked about the child care and the school system in Scandiano. For our first meeting in Gent two lectures have impressed me primarily. On the one hand, this was the lecture of the Spanish friends who described us the fall of the dictatorship of the regime of Franco and the construction of the democracy in their country. On the other hand the Polish contribution to the role of this Solidarnoce at the turn of her country to the democracy. Both showed impressively and clearly that the construction of democratic conditions was and is not simple particularly since the economic bases also had to be changed completely in Poland. A common ground of both was he knowledge that the power of the people made the fall from dictatorships possible. I also want to stress the cooperation with the Liberecer group which was marked by warmth, sincerity and openness. All these experiences were for me at this project really more than neighbours. Im the wiser for it. It was a enrichment of my experiences of life. Eberhard Klotz - Germany I think this project was one of the best of its kind due to the topical issues it dealt with. Its development has been successfully led by the staff, who enable us to acquire the necessary competences to communicate with our European partners. Amneris - Italy I am very happy that I could take part in the project MTN. Except of new words and expressions I could try to speak in English with other participants of MTN. I tried to speak in front of a forum. I got know other interesting people and made new friends. I found something of the history of a textile industry in our region. I could visit several towns and their surroundings in Germany and Belgium with my colleagues and finally I bought a laptop, learned to work with it and now I use home banking and Skype. Eva Nestrojilov - Czech Republic
Learning to work in groups Reinforce links amongst Europeans Making new European friends The music as a bridge towards our European friends. Group A Coruna - Spain
A very intense journey: study, meetings, friendship, research, readings, knowledge, interculture, mind openness and much more! Many thanks to all the Italian and European friends. Lets hope to meet again and share a new journey! Giorgio G. - Italy Through all my life I was interested in tourist activities. After 1990 the time got enthusiastic and started into a world without obstruction. In 2003 I joined the Chemnitz group of the Grundtvig project fostering the use of the English language and bringing into contact senior citizens from different European countries. Emails and a special internet platform from project to project in different quality made it possible to exchange ideas and maintain a correspondence. During the yearly meetings many seniors made each other familiar with. Nobody had to feel to be strange anymore. I consider our projects as a very useful contribution for international understanding. I see the achieved personal relationship to some of our project members in Europe as a part of European identity. Its continuation can help to fulfil all the spoken goals of a project even after the projects final speech. Hans Brhl - Germany I liked the project "More than neighbours" very much. I met new interesting friends, I visited new places and I tried in practise what I have learned in English. I learned a lot of new things from history of textile industry in Liberec and other countries. A common project "Elbe the river that connects us" with German group engaged my attention as I learned a lot of impressive facts about the river and its surrounding. Marie Vokov - Czech Republic I look at the pictures from our final meeting in Chemnitz and recall the work within the MTN project with real pleasure and satisfaction. It was new to me that every participant had their own tasks in the project and the success of the whole group depended on the work of every individual. It was difficult for me but at the same time it stimulated me to do my best and to break my own barriers. The relationship between the groups was very warm, my participation in the project enriched me a lot and I will keep it in my memories. Halina Oleksa (aged 68) - Poland A series of little and big discoveries about facts, contexts, relationships, people an engaging path leading towards an ever changing horizon that we can shape together. Lilli - Italy
For me it was impressive in what different forms, from which point of view, with the result and by which the means the participants have worked out the editing of the topics in each of the national groups. But I would have wanted more centralized, that is on a subject- for example, the utilization of water power for the regional and over national energy- a bilateral discussion would have come into existence and the national interests have crystallized out. Therefore I suggest that in future a topic authors are used, which should guide and direct the national aspects of the discussion participants and indeed result-oriented and sustainable. Harry Weinert - Germany The project was very demanding for all participants, and I liked the tasks. I had to chose the subject, make research and field work and make a selection of the most interesting materials for the presentation. It was fun, but also hard work, and preparing the presentation in English- that was a real challenge! Elbieta Misztal (aged 68)- Poland
Veerle Schoonbaert + learners level 6 (B1 - CEF) German 2011-2012 Nathalie Mus Asia Zarebska Carine De Volder + learners level 9/10 (C1- CEF) Spanish 2011-2012 + learners level 9/10 (C1- CEF) Spanish 2012-2013 + learners level 4 (B1- CEF) Polish 2011-2013 + learners level 5 (B1- CEF) Polish 2012-2013 + learners level 5 (B1 - CEF) Spanish 2011-2012 + learners level 6 (B1- CEF) Spanish 2012-2013
Learners Brhl, Hans Dietrich, Bernd Dr. Kleinhempel, Jochen Klotz, Eberhard
Mroczek, Krystyna Nowicka, Jadwiga Oleksa, Halina Pawowska, Grayna Sawiska, Henryka Wilczek, Urszula