2005 Little Mary Messages
2005 Little Mary Messages
2005 Little Mary Messages
Internet Archive
Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ & Our Blessed Mother
Through Locutionist Little Mary
These are collections messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.; inspiring
words, powerful dialogue on practical ways of living our everyday lives on the narrow path to
heaven. These are the chronicles of an American woman who is called Little Mary , who is graced
with a very special charism to write these meditation messages through interior locutions.
It is to be noted the messages are not designed to lead souls to Mary, or replace Jesus with Mary, but it
is always our loving Mother Mary leading souls to Jesus, to the Church, to the Sacraments through
sincere prayer. If our hearts are open, the core meaning of these words are to help us think and reflect
on how we could change and try to strive to do what is right. These messages are splendid work of
spiritual meditations and challenges us in our secular society to live a life of virtue.
Mother Mary has come with a message for all people of the world and urges all, regardless of culture
or beliefs, to open their minds and hearts and pray to God for Jesus yearns for our response. The
messages contain a consistency of love and urgency in what is relayed to us and to allow Jesus to lead
our lives and to simply Trust in Him.
The core message is to revitalize moral values across the world and live a life of holiness. To share the
significance of letting go of worldly ways in our society and make more time to be with Our Lord and
Savior. To help instill a mind-set of repentance for our sins along with more prayer, obeying each
Commandment and living the Gospel message.
In 2004 Fatima Priest, Fr. Robert J. Fox's wrote a book called "Messages from the Heart of Our
Mother" and he discusses locutions, an introduction of Little Mary and then reviews some of the
messages from 1997 to 2004 given to Little Mary from Jesus and Mary. Mother Mary speaks in
simple words and phrases so that her teachings can be understood by anyone for more information
see: http://virginmary-messagebook.excerptsofinri.com/
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2716 Jan 3, 2005 All that God allows is truly necessary for the salvation of souls
2718 Jan 6, 2005 Be brave soldiers and climb Gods holy mountain with love and joy in your hearts
2719 Jan 7, 2005 My heart is broken because I see so many lost children
2720 Jan 10, 2005 Be true warriors for Jesus and share the gift of your faith with others
2721 Jan 11, 2005 Live the Fatima message. Pray, do penance for your sins and be obedient to Gods
……………………. Holy Will.
2723 Jan 14, 2005 Gods love will not end for His children
2724 Jan 17, 2005 Pray the Rosary every day. Take quiet time before you begin to pray.
2727 Jan 21, 2005 Today I plead with America, get down on your knees and pray
2728 Jan 24, 2005 Allow God to purify you on this earth so you are prepared to see your soul
2729 Jan 26, 2005 My daughter, on this special day, God is asking for more prayer
2730 Jan 31, 2005 It is time to let go of fear and worry and to trust in Gods love for you
2732 Feb 4, 2005 Pray for those who are refusing to wake up in this time of preparation
2733 Feb 7, 2005 I plead with all my children to be light to this world
2734 Feb 9, 2005 Lent is a time to fast and pray and to truly give your life to God
2735 Feb 11, 2005 The way of the cross is not easy, but remember you are never alone
2736 Feb 14, 2005 It is through prayer that one will come to know Gods love and mercy
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2737 Feb 15, 2005 My heart bleeds for those who are choosing to live in sin
2738 Feb 17, 2005 Only prayer and penance can stop what is coming your way
2739 Feb 22, 2005 Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth
2740 Feb 23, 2005 Tell my children to offer their prayers, sacrifices and suffering to Our Lord
2741 Feb 25, 2005 I am asking my children to be faithful to Jesus and to the Gospel
2743 Mar 2, 2005 Go forth in love and in truth, go forth and illuminate the earth
2744 Mar 4, 2005 All must repent and return to God in this time of preparation
2745 Mar 7, 2005 Draw close to God and prepare your soul now
2747 Mar 14, 2005 I am truly here to gather my children so you become strong warriors for Jesus
2748 Mar 16, 2005 Evil has spread like fire in every corner of this earth
2750 Mar 18, 2005 Be holy children and stand up for what is right
2752 Mar 21, 2005 Embrace this Holy Week and pray
2753 Mar 23, 2005 The battle is on and you must defend life
2755 Mar 25, 2005 America will be punished for their actions
2756 Mar 29, 2005 I will guide you in this darkened world
2757 Mar 31, 2005 Be shining examples of truth by living your faith
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2759 Apr 4, 2005 It is time now to live all that your Most Holy Pope has taught you
2760 Apr 6, 2005 Gods hands are upon this world, but my children must turn to Him for guidance
2763 Apr 11, 2005 This is the time to seek refuge, so please turn to God now
2764 Apr 13, 2005 I am here today to encourage my children to be obedient to Almighty God
2765 Apr 15, 2005 Please respond now and believe that God and I truly love you
2767 Apr 20, 2005 This Pope will lead the faithful forward
2768 Apr 22, 2005 Without love in your hearts, the world will become a battleground
2769 Apr 25, 2005 My chosen sons, there is no longer time to be silent, you must live and speak the truth
2771 Apr 26, 2005 Stay hopeful no matter what comes your way
2772 Apr 28, 2005 Today, I am pleading with you to live and obey the whole truth
2773 May 4, 2005 I am truly trying to wake you before its too late
2774 May 5, 2005 Please understand you have the weapons to defeat Satan
2775 May 9, 2005 The time of my Sons greatest mercy is drawing near
2776 May 11, 2005 The Eucharist is Gods great gift to you
2777 May 15, 2005 Recognize the signs of your times and do all that you can to save souls
2778 May 18, 2005 Stay true to your Faith and do not compromise with the world
2779 May 20, 2005 Those who respond to my heavenly pleas will be protected
2780 May 23, 2005 Repent and convert, is my plea to the world
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2781 May 25, 2005 In time, all evil will be destroyed and peace will reign upon the earth
2782 May 27, 2005 As your mother, I am asking each of you to imitate Christ
2783 May 31, 2005 Be silent, listen to your heart, for God has a special plan for each of you
2784 Jun 1, 2005 Share your love of knowing Jesus and be willing to suffer for those who are choosing
…………………. darkness
2785 Jun 2, 2005 Your reward will be great, in Heaven, if you trust and obey Almighty God
2786 Jun 7, 2005 It is time now to truly live your consecration and to take refuge in Our Heart
2787 Jun 8, 2005 I weep for those souls who are ignoring Heavens call
2788 Jun 10, 2005 It is time now for America to wake up and get down on their knees and pray
2789 Jun 13, 2005 I have come to remind my children to pray, pray more
2790 Jun 24, 2005 Please respond to my Fatima plea or many more souls will see the fire of hell
2791 Jun 27, 2005 Each group that gathers and prays will have peace in times to come
2792 Jun 29, 2005 This is the time to grow and to truly deepen your relationship with Our Lord
2793 Jul 1, 2005 I say to my children, have confidence and hope in Jesus
2796 Jul 13, 2005 All must strive to live in unity so that darkness can be removed
2798 Jul 20, 2005 Disasters will become widespread without more prayer and penance
2800 Jul 27, 2005 I say to my children, turn to Jesus and live the Fatima message
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2801 Aug 3, 2005 Only prayer, penance, fasting and sacrifice will lessen Satans plans upon the earth
2802 Aug 8, 2005 In time, each child will see their soul
2803 Aug 10, 2005 This is the time of grace, so all my children must do their part for the salvation of
…………………….. souls
2805 Aug 15, 2005 Today, I am asking my children to come back to Jesus
2806 Aug 23, 2005 All my children must spend time with Jesus
2807 Aug 25, 2005 In order to trust in Gods love and mercy, you must build your relationship with Jesus
2811 Sep 8, 2005 Each of you must be willing to share the Gospel wherever you go
2812 Sep 12, 2005 There cannot be peace in the world until my children truly live the Gospel
2813 Sep 14, 2005 One must live the Fatima message if they truly want to build their relationship with
2814 Sep 19, 2005 Many are starving spiritually and they need to hear the truth, so please pray and share
my messages all around the world
2815 Sep 23, 2005 Come to know my Son now so you have peace through all trials and storms
2816 Sep 26, 2005 With Gods help all is possible, so please turn to Him and ask for His loving assistance
2818 Oct 3, 2005 I am asking each of you to pray, pray for one another
2819 Oct 4, 2005 The world is in danger because many have become blind to the truth
2820 Oct 10, 2005 Prayer groups are truly needed around the world
2821 Oct 12, 2005 The time is drawing near and you each need to do your part for the salvation of souls
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2823 Oct 17, 2005 I say to my children, stay strong for Jesus, trust in His love for you and remain
……………………. steadfast in your faith
2824 Oct 20, 2005 Please, dear children, keep your focus on Jesus and pray
2825 Oct 24, 2005 Great catastrophes are coming to wake mankind
2826 Oct 26, 2005 Please dear children, pick up your cross, live your faith and speak the truth
2827 Oct 28, 2005 The time will come and all will know just how many wounds they have added to
……………………. Jesus Most Precious Body
2828 Oct 31, 2005 Honor Jesus Most Sacred Heart and you will come to know Gods love and the true
…………………….power of prayer
2829 Nov 2, 2005 When my children do not pray, they close their hearts to Gods love
2830 Nov 7, 2005 The world has but little time to repent and amend their ways
2831 Nov 9, 2005 Pray, for I say to you, the chastisement is near
2832 Nov 14, 2005 Through your prayers and sacrifices, more will come to know my Son, Jesus
2833 Nov 16, 2005 Each child has areas that they must work on if they truly want to be led closer to Our
…………………….. Lord
2834 Nov 21, 2005 Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy on us. Have mercy upon the whole world.
2836 Nov 28, 2005 Love, peace and joy must shine through my children so more come to know Jesus
2837 Nov 29, 2005 Come, come dear children, and adore Our Lord
2838 Dec 1, 2005 Pray that violence around the world will end
2839 Dec 5, 2005 Each time you pray, I will lead you closer to my Sons Heart
2842 Dec 12, 2005 Conversion is still needed today because so many are sleeping
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
2005 Internet Archive Messages from the Virgin Mary
"Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth"
2843 Dec 15, 2005 The world needs to come to know the true meaning of Christmas
2844 Dec 21, 2005 Please, during this holy season, be prayerful so your focus remains on God
2845 Dec 29, 2005 Spend time with Jesus so you become strong in your faith
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
Allow Me to use you in this time of mercy. Let go of fear, for it does not matter what
others think of you. You have been chosen to assist My Mother, so bear My wounds and
write each time she comes to you. Blessed will be those who listen and who take heed to
My Mother’s messages. Many warnings have been given so more repent and do penance
for their sins.
Darker days will come if man continues to join hands with Satan. Tides will rise and
rivers will flow so more get down on their knees and pray. Earthquakes will bury cities,
especially in those areas where so much sin is taking place. Sin has caused this world to
tremble and it will take much prayer to lessen and implore My Father’s mercy on
mankind. Woe to those who are choosing to live in mortal sin.
Listen, listen to My Mother’s pleas. Come back to Church and prepare your soul now.
Form groups and pray, pray for lost souls. Obey each Commandment and surrender
yourself to My Will. Unite your soul to Mine and listen with your heart.
My child, all must be written, for I can no longer hold back My hand. Many nations will
disappear off the face of the earth if man continues to live in sin. My heart bleeds because
so many are rejecting the many messages that have been given them. A severe
punishment is drawing near, so amend your ways, simplify your lives and pray more.
My child, I come to you today to warn mankind. My blood flows upon this world, but all
must humble themselves and repent. All must do penance for their sins and accept My
love and forgiveness. All must understand the seriousness of these messages, for sin is
destroying the world.
I come to you, for a response is needed worldwide. I speak to you with tears in My heart,
for so many are sleeping. All must wake up from their slumber and prepare and nourish
their soul. All must repent and return to My heart before it’s too late.
My child, pray with Me today so you have the strength needed to share My words. Pray
with Me today, for it is time now for My words to flow from your heart. Let the world
know, I am asking everyone to do penance and pray. I Am Jesus. Listen to Me and I will
guide you. Listen to Me, for My mercy is infinite and I give you My peace.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
My Heart is overflowing with mercy. Accept My mercy and love. Accept all that I am
telling you and be obedient to what I am asking of you. Be attentive each time I come to
you and keep your heart open to all that I am showing you. Your tears will help save
souls, so unite them to Mine.
I am here to wake mankind. The time has come and I must warn mankind. All must pray
and repent and take these messages seriously. Blessed will be those who listen and
prepare themselves. Woe to those who do not want to believe, for I have given many
messages through many souls.
The whole world will be at war if man continues to reject the truth. If mankind continues
to destroy life, the earth will open up and swallow each abortion site. This world will be
shaken and a great part of humanity will be destroyed. If mankind wants to be saved, they
must amend their ways, pray and do penance. Do not abandon My words, make
reparation and obtain mercy for sinners. This world needs prayer, so listen to My Mother
- pray unceasingly, pray from your hearts.
My child, listen to My voice of mercy and share My words all around this world. This is
a time of darkness, so be obedient to My Priest who has been chosen to assist you.
Receive a daily blessing so that the evil one cannot torment you day and night. The road
will become much more difficult, so be obedient and trust that you are never alone.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
Do not fear the cross, for I am with you. Each cross that I give you will strengthen you
for the road ahead. You feel My wounds because My words are imbedded in your heart.
Each soul must be willing to pick up their cross. Each soul must do their part in order to
be purified on this earth. I am Jesus. Fear not the cross, for when you turn to Me, you will
never be alone.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
I am Jesus. I come to you today to share My love with you. So many souls are infected
with sin. How can I heal them when they refuse to repent and accept My love. Those who
do not trust in My love and mercy, wound My heart. My love and mercy is without limit.
It is for those who repent and who are truly sorry for their sins. Those who come to Me
with a repentant and sorrowful heart, will feel My love and mercy.
Prayer and penance is needed in order for your hearts to be transformed. You cannot lead
a holy life unless you obey every Commandment. You cannot lead a holy life if you deny
the Sacraments. Family prayer is powerful. It will keep evil away. Marriages will be
restored and healed if they respond to all that My Mother and I share with you. Family
love and family prayer is My desire for each of you.
My child, please share My words so more respond and prepare their soul. Thank you for
writing. Thank you for being willing to suffer for Me. You console My Heart when you
spend time with Me. I am Jesus. I embrace all who come, come to Me.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
Time is truly short, so embrace your cross with joy. Embrace each new cross, for it will
help those who are living in darkness. Each time you embrace your cross, you are
embracing Me. Seek My help every day to fight this battle, for evil is widespread. When
doubt enters your mind, turn to Me and you will be given the strength needed to
persevere. Depend on Me to feed and protect you, for I am the way. I am Jesus, your
Merciful Lord and Savior.
The time is coming and each of you will be tested and persecuted for living My Word.
This is the time of preparation, so use this time to come to know Me in a deeper way.
Receive the Sacraments often so you have the grace needed to say no to the enemy.
Spend time with Me and I will care for your souls. I will lead you in the right direction.
You will receive special graces to keep moving forward. When storms arise, you will
have peace in your hearts.
My message to the world is to repent and give your lives back to Me. Repent and reform
your ways, for the day is drawing near. Be faithful to Me and follow My Will so you do
not give in to the world. The world is becoming darker and I say to you, you need My
help every day to do My Will.
My child, share the many gifts I have given you and preach My message of love, mercy
and forgiveness. Reflect on My Mother’s words and share all that is imbedded in your
heart. Walk in My footsteps and carry each new cross with joy. I am Jesus. I am truth. I
am love.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
Walk with me daily so you stay close to My Most Sacred Heart. Trust in My plan for
you, even though it is difficult at times. I will be with you through all trials, suffering and
Scripture is unfolding and the world will be purified of all evil. Be on guard. Be prepared
so you are not tempted to take the easier road. All must follow in My footsteps no matter
how steep the road becomes. Spread My message of hope so more turn to Me in this time
of warning and preparation. Tell the world they must seek My help, for I am the way, the
truth and their light.
I am Jesus, protector of your souls. I am Jesus, allow Me to nourish you so you receive
the grace needed for what lies ahead. Give up your comfort. Give up your fear and follow
Me. Follow Me and you will be given the strength needed to be true soldiers. The battle
is on. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your groups, for much will be taken away from you.
Go forth now and preach My message of love, mercy and forgiveness. Pray daily, pray
for all sinners so they wake up and become dependent on Me. I am Jesus. My message to
the world is, listen, listen to My Mother and reject the desires of the world.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
You are in the Garden of Gethsemane awaiting the many trials yet to come. Those who
respond to My messages will feel the sword that pierced My Heart. I will be with you
each step of the way. Be not afraid. Follow Me. Walk with Me. Be My shining light.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My child,
You are suffering because you are a victim soul. I have chosen you, but you will never
have to carry your cross alone. I am with you, so do not despair. I will guide you each
new day. I will give you the strength to pray no matter how dark this world becomes.
I shed tears of blood each time a soul is lost. I shed tears of blood when so many ignore
My Mother’s messages to the world. Man is not the judge, and mankind had better open
their eyes to the condition of the world. Repent and pray, is My message today. Time is
approaching, so be willing to suffer for Me. Pick up your cross and share My love and
sorrow around the world. My mercy is great even though My wounds are becoming
deeper. I pour My tears of blood over humanity. Listen to Me. Get down on your knees.
The time has come for the world to repent. Pray and atone and listen, listen to My
Mother. Listen to My Mother, for she has been chosen to prepare the way.
I am Jesus. My Heart is overflowing with mercy. I am here today to warn and wake
mankind. With My infinite love, I bless you with My mercy, love and compassion.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, A response is needed all around this world, so please continue to write.
Please continue to make these messages known.
Time on this earth is short, so please assist me so more come to know Our Dear Lord,
Jesus. I have but little time to wake those who are sleeping, so please assist me and do
your part so more gather and pray the Rosary. Prayer is your protection, so pray, pray
from your hearts. Pray throughout the day and bind your Rosaries around this world.
There is no time to lose hope. Believe, believe that God truly hears your prayers.
Believe that God is merciful and He truly knows what is best for His children. All that
God allows is truly necessary for the salvation of souls. Those who build their
relationship with Jesus will have peace no matter what happens in this darkened world.
Peace comes from knowing Jesus, so please spend time with Him and stay close, close to
His Sacred Heart.
In time, all will understand why God is purifying this world. A wake up call is needed,
for so many today are ignoring God. So many are relying on their wealth, which is truly
pulling my children deeper, deeper into the pit. If my children continue to reject God,
more will be taken away. Many will suffer if they continue to ignore these heavenly
I say to all my children, wake up and return to God now. Simplify your lives so you have
more time to be with God. Come back to Church. Cleanse and nourish your soul. Turn to
God for assistance so you are guided on this earth. Let go of pride and be true followers,
faithful followers for Christ. Ask all the Holy Angels and Saints for assistance, for they
will truly assist you. Ask and you shall receive what is best for your soul.
It is time now to truly respond to the many messages that have been given to you.
Respond and obey Almighty God. Respond and trust in God’s love and mercy. Respond
and do your part so that evil can be destroyed. Respond, pick up your cross and I promise
you, you will have peace through all trials and storms. God is truly with you, so believe
that all that unfolds is necessary to help you grow and blossom for Our Lord.
Trust now and thank God for this time that has been allowed to grow in holiness. Trust
and believe in God’s love that He truly has for each of you. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Persevere and trust in God’s Will for you. Let go of all distractions so you
can clearly hear God. Through all trials and suffering, you will grow in humility and you
will come to know God’s love in a deeper way.
In order to keep climbing God’s holy mountain, you must each spend time in prayer. You
must let go of your desires and keep your focus on Our Lord.
Please, dear children, embrace this time of grace. Keep climbing no matter how dark this
world becomes. Keep moving forward and believe that God will assist you as you take
each new step. God will not abandon those who walk with Him. God will truly be by
your side and you will receive special blessings and grace.
Each time you gather and pray the Rosary, you will bear much fruit. Conversion will
happen because God will help those souls that you are praying for. Hearts will open to
God’s love and peace. Hearts will soften and conversion will truly happen. Now, please
believe that when you gather and pray, souls are saved.
This is the time to climb, for this time is truly a period of great grace. This time has been
allowed, so please be brave soldiers and climb God’s holy mountain with love and joy in
your hearts. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
Today I plead with my children, do not ignore Heaven’s call. Get down on your knees
and pray, pray more. Join hands and pray the Rosary, for it is your protection. The Rosary
holds back Satan’s plans and destruction upon this world. There is no longer time to be
ignoring these messages, for these messages are your wake up call.
My heart is broken because I see so many lost children. I see so many sinking deeper,
deeper into the pit. I see what is happening behind closed doors. I see lack of leadership
because my Priests are not living their vocation. Hands are needed, yet so many Priests
are hiding in their homes.
Please dear Priests, begin to understand my messages. Teach your flock all that I am
teaching you. Respond now and take hold of your flock. Teach my children the Saint
Michael Prayer, for there is so much evil lingering in this world. This prayer will ward
off evil. This prayer, along with the Rosary, is your protection.
Dear Priests, you know how important the Sacraments are, yet you deny your flock. The
doors to the confessional should always be open so more repent and turn to God for
forgiveness. Don’t deny my children daily Mass, truly live your vocation.
Please understand that Satan is vicious and he is in search of souls. Satan has many
followers and many, many children are joining hands with him. Many are on the path that
will lead them to hell. It is time now to truly assist me, so please respond by truly taking
hold of your flock. Do all that you can to live your vocation so more see Heaven instead
of hell.
A great chastisement will come, without a true response from all my children. God the
Father now leaves this decision upon His children. Will you respond? Will you respond
now? Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My requests are urgent, so please write each time I come to you. This
world needs to change, so please do your part so these messages can be spread
throughout the world.
Conversion cannot happen if my children do not respond to these urgent requests. Those
who are reading these messages must also live them. They must be an example to all their
brothers and sisters. They must pray each new day and gather, gather in those groups that
I have formed. A response is needed in order to bear fruit. A response is needed, so
please move forward with love in your hearts.
Be true warriors for Jesus and share the gift of your faith with others. You each have an
important role to play, so do not delay. Use those gifts God has given you so more come
to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus. Receive the Sacraments often so you have the grace
needed to truly live these heavenly messages. Begin today to live your Catholic Faith so
more come to know the truth.
Now, please do not allow pride and laziness to pull you backwards. Keep praying, keep
moving and assist me, dear children, in forming prayer groups throughout this land.
Sacrifice, penance and prayer is my message for each of you today.
Go forth now and do not lose hope, for I, your Heavenly Mother, am truly with you.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am with you, so be thankful for this time in which God has so graciously
allowed. Be thankful for the many messages that have been given to you. Today is a
special day, so give thanks to Almighty God.
Peace will be given to those who persevere, so please stay close to My Immaculate Heart.
Reflect on the many messages that have been given to you, so you continue to grow in
holiness. Many trials await this world, so stay close, close to Jesus. Pray so you stay
strong through all trials and storms. Wars are a consequence of sin, so repent and be
loving, humble children. Join hands and pray the Rosary daily, for this is your protection.
Live the Fatima message and encourage others to pray the daily Rosary for peace. Peace
cannot exist without prayer and true devotion to Our Lord. Peace cannot exist if my
children refuse to live the Gospel.
Through these messages, I am relaying what Jesus is asking of each of you, so please
respond. Respond by truly doing what my Son is asking of you. Pick up your cross and
assist me so more souls can be saved before it’s too late. Let the world know that abortion
is murder. Let the world know that each Commandment must be obeyed. Do your part to
bring peace into this world by truly living the Beatitudes. My time to be with you is short,
so please prepare your heart and soul. Do all that you can for Jesus so more souls see
Heaven instead of hell.
I am your mother and you are my children, so believe now that you have each been
chosen to proclaim God’s Holy Word. Pray, do penance for your sins and be obedient to
God’s Holy Will. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, These messages are for the world, so please write all that I am relaying to
It is up to each individual to accept my heavenly pleas. Those who accept and live these
messages, will have peace no matter how dark this world becomes. Through prayer and
true devotion to Our Lord, one will not panic when change occurs.
Today I am asking each of you to deepen your relationship with God. I am asking that
you join me in prayer, for prayer is truly needed in this world. Prayer is what is truly
needed, so please, please dear children, accept and take heed to Heaven’s call. Accept
and desire God’s Will, for He truly knows what is best for each soul. God knows where
you are weak, so please allow Him to purify you.
I say to my children, respond now to God’s call. Receive the Sacraments often so you are
not tempted to take the easier road. Please wake up now and stay close to Jesus in the
Most Blessed Sacrament. Discipline yourselves now, for then you will have peace in the
coming days. Pray throughout the day, for this will help you stay close to God. Time is
no longer on your side, so please, please wake up now, obey and return to God.
My daughter, pray with me today so more respond and return to God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Keep your door open for those who want to come for prayer. Jesus will
warm their hearts and they will receive much peace. Healings will continue to happen, so
use your hands and voice for Christ. God’s love will not end for His children, so continue
to pray and use those gifts God has blessed you with. No one can take away those gifts
God has bestowed upon you. No one can take away your joy of knowing Jesus.
I say to my children, believe in God’s mercy and love and extend it to others. Believe in
God’s healing power. Believe that physical and spiritual healing will take place when you
gather and pray, pray with one another.
My daughter, each time you pray, include those souls who are in Purgatory. These souls
long for your prayers, so do not forget what I have shown you. Always pray with love,
faith and trust, trust in your heart. Your petitions will be heard, so pray, pray daily for
those souls who are furthest away from Our Lord. Pray for those who were not prepared
to die, for many are suffering in Purgatory. Many have no one to pray for them, so
increase your prayers and pray daily for them.
Today I must remind my children, for many have forgotten to pray for the souls in
Purgatory. Prayer is so important, for many trials and suffering will take place throughout
the new year. God will be your strength, so please trust and remain faithful to prayer.
Through prayer, you will be drawn closer to Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, You have been blessed by God to receive words from Heaven, so continue
to write each time I come to you. Each message is important, so tell my children to
ponder each word in their heart. If my children rush through these messages, then they
will have no meaning. A response is needed in order for these messages to become
imbedded in your hearts.
Today I ask for a response so that love and joy can be spread around this world. I ask that
you each do your part so that unity can be restored. I ask that when you gather and pray,
you truly meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary. I ask that you pray the Rosary slowly
so that you can truly meditate on each mystery. Joy will then be given to you and you
will have peace, peace in your hearts.
Take quiet time before praying the Rosary, for then all distractions will leave you. Please,
please take quiet time so you are not distracted by those around you. Quiet time will truly
help you so your focus is on Our Lord. Quiet time is truly needed, due to the busyness of
this world. I want your prayers to reach Heaven, so please respond and do, do what I am
asking of you. Pray the Rosary every day. Take quiet time before you begin to pray.
This message is for all my children, so please respond to each message that has been so
graciously given to each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am here. I am here to lead the faithful forward. Those who take my hand
will be led closer, closer to my Son, Jesus. Those who pray and who take refuge in my
heart, will feel my motherly presence.
Please understand, I am truly here for all my children. Please accept my love and
motherly assistance. Let go of all fear and begin today to live these messages. Let go of
all fear and listen, listen to my words that are truly a gift from Heaven because God is
merciful, God is love. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, If people do not repent of their sins and turn to God, this world will suffer.
The world will suffer great disasters and many innocent lives will be destroyed. All must
wake up now. All must turn to God and prepare, prepare their soul.
Please, dear children, turn to God and pray, pray the Rosary. Pray the Rosary every day
and take time to kneel before Our Lord. It is time to let go of pride so that you can truly
march forward. Be strong, be prepared and do all that you can so more souls come to
know my Son, Jesus.
My daughter, I have come to this area because there are many faithful children who are
praying the Rosary. Many are praying as they should and this has helped lessen what is
coming your way.
Now, with urgency in my voice, I am asking each of you to pray, pray more. I am asking
for more prayer because sin has become widespread. I am asking for more prayer because
many souls are giving in to Satan. Many Priests are not living their vocation. So many are
giving in to the ways of the world.
My daughter, this message must be spread so more gather and pray the Rosary. Through
fasting and prayer, change can happen. Through obedience, souls can be saved.
Today I plead with America, get down on your knees and pray. Join hands and persevere
in prayer. Take heed to this message, for I, your Heavenly Mother, am truly asking each
of you to pray more. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The day will come and all will need to be prepared. I am here to remind
my children the day will come and all will need to be in a state of grace. All will see their
soul and they will have but little time to repent.
Time is moving quickly, so please dear children, listen and obey. Turn away from sin and
amend your ways now. Do not wait for this moment to arrive. Do penance for your sins,
do penance every day and cleanse your soul regularly. Be humble, loving children and
keep your focus on God. In this way, you will be led closer to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Now, please keep your hearts open and allow God to heal you with His unending love
and compassion. Allow God to purify you on this earth so you are prepared to see your
soul. The day will come, so please keep moving forward in this time of God’s mercy and
grace. The day will come and all will know just how many wounds they have added to
Jesus’ Most Precious Body. The day will come, so prepare now and light the way for
others. Prepare now. Be true warriors for Christ. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Each time you say yes to God, souls are saved, so continue forth as Our
messenger and use your hands and voice for Christ. You were chosen the day you were
conceived, so be thankful, for this was all part of God’s plan.
Each soul is precious in God’s eyes, so tell the world to be thankful for life. Tell the
world abortion is wrong and that it destroys lives. Abortion is the greatest sin in this
world and it truly adds wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. The earth will continue to
tremble if man continues to deny the truth. Please make the Gospel known and obey each
My daughter, I ask that you offer all your suffering and pain for those who are furthest
away from Jesus. Pray and fast for those souls who are destroying life, for they are
listening to Satan’s lies. Pray every day, for many souls are on the wrong path. Pray
every day, for time is short and many souls are in danger of losing their soul. Pray every
day for all my children throughout the world. Today I am asking for more prayer, so pray
for the souls in Purgatory. Pray for the unborn, for abortion is taking place all around this
Without more prayer, abortion will increase among the youth. This will cause much
destruction to society and to the family. The whole world is in need of prayer, for many,
many youth are living in mortal sin. Many cult groups are forming because the youth are
not being taught in the proper way. So many children are not being cared for so they are
choosing to live in sin. Through family prayer, these children can be rescued. Through
family prayer, conversion can happen.
I plead with parents today to pray together as a family. Pray with your family and love,
love one another. Pray each new day and do not be afraid to serve God. Pray each new
day and believe that many graces are given to those families who pray together. Believe
and pray, for God truly answers all prayers. God knows what is best for each child, so
please respond more joyfully and pray, pray from your hearts. A response is needed, so
do not neglect family prayer.
My daughter, on this special day, God is asking for more prayer, so believe that you have
been chosen to suffer as you make the Gospel known. One day, you will be with us in
Heaven and that, my daughter, will be your most special day. God and I are truly with
you, so continue to do God’s Most Holy Will. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, If my children truly loved Jesus, they would have peace in their hearts. A
heart full of worry will add misery to your life. It is time to let go of fear and worry and
to trust, trust in God’s love for you. Without complete trust and confidence in Our Lord,
it is impossible to move forward.
Please, dear children, turn to God each new day. Let go of all that is troubling you so you
have more time to pray. Prayer is what will draw you closer to Jesus, not a heavy heart.
Prayer and quiet time with Our Lord will give you peace. There is still much work that
needs to be done, so please turn to Jesus and allow Him to fill your hearts with peace and
joy. Turn to Jesus and respond wholeheartedly to these messages so you can truly be a
living testimony to all your brothers and sisters. This world needs to see Christ in you, so
please, please dear children, respond. Pray each new day and believe that peace truly
comes from Almighty God.
Now, please keep your hearts open and abandon yourselves to God. Keep your hearts
open and be prayerful and I promise you, God will remove all your fears. God loves each
of you, so accept His love, accept His mercy and peace. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, When my children learn to live more simply, they will know how to fast.
Fasting takes commitment on your part, and willingness to give up your desires and
earthly treasures.
I have been reminding my children for some time now, but it is up to you to respond.
Without a response, the days ahead will become more difficult for you. I say to my
children, fast and pray. Learn to live more simply and trust, trust in the Lord. Trust and
believe that God will provide for those who share their wealth.
America, you must wake up now. You must learn to do without and be more giving of
your wealth. You must tithe and use your hands and voice for Christ. You must use those
gifts God has given you and reach out to all your brothers and sisters. Reach out and quit
being so wasteful, for there are many children who are starving around this world. Many
children are dying due to starvation, yet America continues to be wasteful.
When you see your soul, you will see how selfish you were to those around you. You will
see many whom you have turned your back on. You will see your soul, so please, please
amend your ways now. Stop buying so much luxury for yourselves and be more giving to
those who are truly suffering in any way.
Dear parents, be more thankful for your children. Stop buying them gifts and begin today
by teaching them to live more simply. Nurture their soul and prepare them for the
Kingdom of God. Teach them, for many are starving spiritually. Pray together as a family
and ask God to guide you on this earth. Open your hearts and allow God to assist you.
Happiness and healthy families come from knowing God.
Through prayer and fasting, your lives will change. Through obeying God’s
Commandments and truly living the Beatitudes, you will come to know my Son in a
deeper way. Peace, dear children, comes from knowing God, so please, please respond to
this message today. Live the Passion of my Son and imitate His ways. Live each moment
for Christ and do what He is asking of you today.
Time is moving quickly, so do not delay. Open your hearts and abandon yourselves to
Almighty God. Accept my heavenly pleas; accept and follow the path that will lead you
to Heaven. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Sacrifice is needed in order to save souls, so continue to pray, fast and do
penance. Continue to move forward no matter what others think of you. In time, they too
will have to make a decision to do what is right.
Each child will have to answer to God. This is why it is so important to respond to these
messages now. Dear children, these messages are your wake up call. These messages are
for the world because sin has become widespread. These messages are the Gospel, so be
wise and truly live them.
Be wise, be faithful servants and obey, obey each Commandment. Prepare your hearts,
for then you will have all that you need in your home when trials arise. A great darkness
will cover this earth when God’s Justice prevails. A prepared heart full of trust is how
you will survive. Arm yourselves with the Rosary and pray for unbelievers. Pray for
those who are refusing to wake up in this time of preparation.
The hour is drawing near because so many are rejecting God. The hour will come and
God will truly, truly shake this world. All will see a sign. All will know that God exists.
If man does not have a change of heart, the chastisement will follow. If man continues to
decide who should live and who should die, the earth will tremble, tremble even more.
Please understand, if the earth continues to tremble, you will see many, many more tidal
waves. Events will happen, so please repent and amend your ways now. Repent and turn
to God and obey each Commandment. Be willing to be persecuted for living these
messages. Be willing to do your part so more see light instead of darkness. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I plead with all my children to be light, light to this world. Without more
light, this world will only become darker.
Call upon the Holy Spirit and you will be used in a powerful way. Love will flow from
your hearts and conversion will happen. Through your love of knowing Jesus, more will
come to know my Son. Every day, it takes sacrifice on your part. Every day, you must
pray and allow the Blessed Trinity to work through you. Every day is a new day, so never
lose hope. Be obedient to God’s Holy Will and trust, trust that you are God’s chosen
children. Trust and believe that God will bless all your efforts as you go forth and serve
Now please remember, you are my children and this light that I share with you is for all
humanity. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Lent is a time to fast and pray and to truly give your life to God.
I say to my children, begin today to truly trust in Jesus and respond to His love that He
has for each of you. Through your response, your hearts will open wider and peace will
be given to you. Jesus will lead you to holiness, so prepare your hearts and be obedient to
His call. Be brave and speak the truth, for this will truly help heal Jesus’ wounds. Do not
betray Jesus. Do not deny the Gospel, for it is the truth. Do not follow the ways of the
world. Stay close, close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Now, please walk with me and follow me along the way of Calvary. Deny yourself, pick
up your cross and be true followers of Jesus. Walk with me. Fast and pray and do
penance for your sins. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The way of the cross is not easy, but remember you are never alone. God
and I are with you as you persevere each new day. I have been with you each step of the
way, so continue to use your hands and voice for Christ. Continue to pray and be
obedient, for then your heart will remain open to God’s Holy Will in your life.
Dear children, I am with you in a very special way, so be thankful for this time that I can
teach you. Be thankful by truly responding to all that I am teaching you. Be thankful and
truly live these messages, for then you will be led closer to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Do not allow fear and worry to enter your hearts as it will only distract you. Stay close,
close to Jesus and remain prayerful. Receive the Sacraments often so you stay on the path
that will lead you to Heaven. Spend time, time with Jesus and then listen, listen to your
heart. Spend time with Jesus, for then you will be guided on this earth. This is the time to
come to know Jesus, so please do not allow the world to confuse you. Do not allow Satan
to distract you, stay close, close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Let us pray now and meditate on Our Lord’s Passion, so that you each pick up your cross
and surrender your hearts to my Son, Jesus. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, It is through prayer that one will come to know God’s love and mercy. So
today, I ask that you continue to gather in those groups that I have formed. I ask that you
join hands and pray for peace in this world. I ask that you pray for all your brothers and
sisters, especially those who are furthest away from Our Lord.
Prayer must come from your hearts, so please do not rush through your prayers. Pray
slowly and meditate on each mystery of the Rosary. Pray slowly and then God will cover
you with His mercy and love. It is time now for a response, so please open your hearts to
my motherly love. Respond to all that I am teaching you so that prayer truly comes from
your hearts. Prayer and obedience to God is how many souls will be touched throughout
the world.
Go forth now and be faith-filled children and pray, pray with love in your hearts. Go forth
now and be loving children and believe that prayer is your strength, prayer brings you
peace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, There is much evil in this world and man must not deny that Satan exists.
This world is in danger because many are giving in to Satan’s lies. Many are falling
deeper into the pit because they are refusing to obey God’s Commandments. My heart
bleeds for those who are choosing to live in sin.
I am here to wake mankind, but many, many do not want to hear the truth. Many are
sleeping, which is causing evil to become widespread. America, you have been warned. It
is up to you to take heed to the many messages that have been given to you. Take heed
now, before it’s too late.
Take heed now, dear Bishops and Priests, prepare your soul and feed, feed your flock.
Return to a life of poverty and make more time to teach your flock. Events will follow,
one right after the other, and it will truly, truly shake those who are living in mortal sin.
Your hands will be needed, so prepare your hearts now. Be ready, for the Gospel is truly
unfolding now. Prayer, penance and fasting is truly, truly needed today. Be an example to
your flock. Teach my children the importance of prayer, prayer from the heart.
I am truly, truly here for all my children, so again I say to you, live my messages. Live
my messages by truly preparing your heart and soul. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, There is no longer time to be silent. All must repent and wake up from
their slumber. All must pray more, for much evil is roaming this earth.
Without more prayer, this world will suffer, suffer tremendously. Without more prayer,
there will be a nuclear war. Without more prayer, fire will consume cities and disease
will spread. Yes, much is taking place behind closed doors. Only prayer and penance can
stop what is coming your way.
I say to my children, wake up, wake up now. Get down on your knees and pray more.
Pray for your enemies. Pray for those who truly want to destroy this world. Pray for your
leaders, for if they do not join hands and work together, many more terrorists will roam
the earth. Please, please understand, wherever there is lack of prayer, evil will spread.
This message must be made known, for prayer is truly needed all around this world.
I am asking for more prayer, so please teach others how to pray the Rosary. The Rosary
is my gift to you and it will shelter you through all storms. The Rosary is your weapon
and if prayed correctly, it can lessen what is coming your way. Your prayers and loyalty
to God can remove darkness. Are you willing to do your part? Are you listening and
obeying God? Time will tell, but I say to you, time is short.
God is your Creator, so please do not remove God from your lives. Join hands and pray
and form prayer groups all around this darkened world. Discipline yourselves now and
get down on your knees and pray. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The busyness of the world is pulling many, many of my children away
from God. Many are running in so many directions. This is why so many are not listening
to God.
Please, dear children, amend your ways now and take time to be with God. Take time to
adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth. Jesus wants to assist each one of you, but
you must take time and listen, listen with your hearts. You must let go of all that is
distracting you so you can have more time to be with Our Lord.
I have given you many tools to help you on this earth, but you in turn must confide in
Jesus. You must ask for direction, for God knows your strengths and weaknesses. God
knows what is best for each soul. He knows the most perfect way, but each of you must
be obedient to Almighty God. You must desire to change in those areas where you are
weak. You must love, love one another and truly obey each Commandment.
If you only do what’s easiest for you, then God cannot work through you. God cannot
assist those who have closed their hearts to change. Change is needed, so please be open
to my Son’s love and direction. Be open so you are prepared when the Holy Spirit moves
you. Be open and live your consecration so that you live pure and holy lives.
Openness to the truth is how you will survive in days to come. You will need to be strong
in your faith so you do not give in to what the world will offer you. Much is coming your
way and I say to you, do not give in to the evil one. Be willing to be persecuted for living
the truth. Be willing to live your faith. Do not allow the world to rule your life. Do not
give in to those who think they have the authority to say who should live and who should
die. God will not have mercy on those who are disobeying His laws.
Please, dear children, spend time with Jesus so you make the right choices on this earth.
Spend time with my Son so you are fed in the proper way. This world is truly in trouble
due to lack of faith and rejection to God’s Commandments. Please get down on your
knees and spend time with Jesus. Get down on your knees and come to know my Son in a
personal way. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Do not be discouraged when you suffer, for I am truly, truly with you.
Each cross that is given to you, is truly a blessing from God. God knows how much you
can endure, so stay strong and faithful to Our Lord. Stay strong and write each time I
come to you.
Much prayer is needed around this world, so please tell my children to offer their prayers,
sacrifices and suffering to Our Lord. Through your obedience, more will come to know
Jesus. More will have a change of heart and they will come back to the Sacraments.
Through receiving the Sacraments, they will have the grace needed to stay on the path
that will lead them to Heaven. Without God’s grace, one cannot stay strong, strong for
I say to all my children, live these messages, for then you will have the strength needed to
do God’s Holy Will. Live these messages and I promise you, change will occur in your
lives. Change will truly happen through your response. Please live my messages everyday
and be more grateful for this time that I can be with you.
This time is so special, for my Son is truly pouring His love and mercy to all of mankind.
This time is so special, so keep moving and allow your hearts to shine, shine for Jesus,
your Merciful Lord and Savior of the world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Time is moving quickly, so please continue to do what God and I are
asking of you. These messages are important, so please use your hands and voice for
The world is becoming darker, so please, please dear children, do your part for the
salvation of souls. Give up all that is displeasing to God and live, live your consecration.
Be light wherever there is darkness so more come to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus. Hatred,
violence and sin has become widespread because of man’s refusal to return to God. Many
souls go to hell because they are choosing to live in mortal sin. So many are disobeying
God’s Commandments. People no longer love one another, they no longer respect life.
This is what is truly destroying the world. This is why the earth is trembling more. Sin
continues to crucify my Son. Woe to those who are not prepared, for God’s Justice will
Now, please be my messengers and reach out, reach out to this darkened world. Reach
out now, for God will continue to purify this world with His Justice and unending love.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Offer your prayers and suffering for peace in this world. Without peace,
there can be no unity. Without unity, greater wars will arise.
Prayers are truly needed, for the enemy loves war and destruction. The enemy loves
darkness, so please understand, your prayers and sacrifices are truly needed all around
this world. The enemy loves bloodshed, so please be true servants for Our Lord. Get
down on your knees and pray more. Pray each new day and bind your Rosaries around
this world. Gather in those groups that I have formed and pray, pray for the conversion of
the world. Many hearts are cold and filled with hate because they are not praying or
listening to God.
It will take much prayer, so please dear children, take this message seriously. Join hands,
pray together as a family and pray together every day. Take time after Mass to pray the
Rosary. Make time in your homes and pray with your children each new day. Consecrate
your families to My Immaculate Heart and pray, pray for those children who have strayed
away from true teaching. Those souls who have no one to pray for them will suffer the
most. Many will die in their sins. Many will suffer, so please include them in your
Now, please keep your hearts open and live, live all that I am teaching you. Live all that I
am telling you, for prayer is the only way to peace. Through prayer, you draw closer to
God and God draws closer, closer to each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
I need hands and voices that are nurturing. I need each of you to share your love of
knowing Jesus. Please be signs of joy and hope to those who are being misled. Be joyful
and loving and spread these messages to all your brothers and sisters. Be true soldiers for
Christ and respond now to all that I am asking of you. Be true and faithful servants and
use those gifts God has given you.
Do not abuse this time, for change is about to happen soon. Rivers of fire will be seen, to
wake mankind, and those who were not prepared will be truly frightened. Those who are
living in mortal sin will have but little time to repent. Those who were ignoring God will
have to decide whose side they want to be on. Times of great tribulation will unfold and
all will need to be prepared.
Now, please allow my Son’s rays to shine through you. Allow my Son to truly use you in
this time of preparation. Go forth in love and in truth. Go forth and illuminate the earth.
Be light to this world and use your hands and voice for Christ. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, These messages are for the world, so continue to write each time I come to
you. Continue to write, for a response is needed worldwide. All must repent and return to
God in this time of preparation.
I am here to prepare the way, so please respond by truly turning your lives around. Come
to Mass more often and cleanse your soul. Take heed to the Gospel and obey God. Pray
the Rosary every day and use the protection God has given you. By truly doing what I am
asking of you, peace will enter your hearts. I will protect all my children who take refuge
in My Immaculate Heart. Those who trust in my motherly intercession will be led to
higher ground. They will be led closer to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
I say to my children, time is short. My time to be with you will not last, so be wise and
practice all that I am teaching you. Pray that more will live these messages so they come
to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus. Please understand, you do not need a sign to live these
messages, for they are truly the Gospel. They are tools to help you so that you go forth
and live pure and holy lives. These messages are for all my children, for you each have
areas to work on. You each have a soul that needs to be cleansed and nourished.
Through your response, your hearts will open to the truth. Do not be afraid to do what I
am teaching you. Respond and give all glory to Almighty God. Respond and you will
receive the grace needed to live the Gospel. My heart weeps for those who are fearful, for
they do not understand God’s mercy and love. They do not understand my role as mother
to all her children. They do not understand the seriousness of these times. Many will not
be prepared if they continue to ignore Heaven’s call.
God is asking all of His children to pray and return to Him before it’s too late. Please take
part in healing Jesus’ wounds and meditate today on Our Lord’s Passion. Please make
more time to be with Jesus, for the world cannot give you peace. Pray and fast and do all
that you can now to live, live the Gospel. Time is becoming shorter so prepare your soul
and amend your lives this very day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
So please continue to gather and pray for those who are living in darkness. Pray from
your hearts and bind your Rosaries around this world. Prayer and faithfulness to God is
how conversion will happen. Light will be needed when storms arise, so stay close, close
to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart and His rays will truly shine through you.
The time is coming and each of you will need to be strong in your faith. You will need to
pray without me reminding you. You will need to assist those who will come running
back to church. You will need to be strong for the road ahead. The time will come and
you will need to live all that your Most Holy Pope has been teaching you.
This preparation time will not last, so again I say to you, draw close to God and prepare
your soul now. Prepare your soul by truly coming to Mass more often. The Mass is the
most powerful prayer and through receiving the Sacraments you will be strengthened for
times ahead.
God’s grace awaits those who turn to Him with a repentant heart. Through family prayer,
God will shower His blessings and graces upon each of you. Please be true warriors for
Christ and begin today to live Sacred Scripture. Begin today, for time is short.
Now, please live my messages and devote more time to be with Our Dear Lord, Jesus.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Purity and humility, obedience, prayer and penance is how my children
will be led back to my Son. All must do their part if they truly want to grow in holiness.
Please, dear children, listen, listen to my heavenly words. Be faithful to Jesus and to His
Gospel. Be faithful to your Most Holy Pope and to the Church united with Him. Be
faithful to prayer and to the Sacraments so you can be faith-filled children.
Many today are not being faithful to the promises of their Baptism. Many are on the
wrong path because they are allowing Satan to guide them. So many today are picking
and choosing which Commandments to obey. The world is falling deeper, deeper into the
pit because so many deny that God exists. The refusal to return to God is why there is so
much hatred, violence and sin.
Do you not understand now why there is not peace in this world? So many are unwilling
to respond to my request for prayer. Many religious give excuses why they are not
praying with their flock. Due to lack of prayer, so many are being led astray. Due to lack
of prayer, mortal sin has become widespread. Abortion and lack of respect for life is
truly, truly destroying the world. Many no longer go to Confession and they live and die
in mortal sin. Many souls go to hell because of their refusal to repent and believe in God.
Oh, how I weep for all the lost souls. I weep because many are ignoring these heavenly
messages. I weep because these messages are God’s gift to you. Those who respond and
accept my motherly assistance will be led closer, closer to Christ. Those who refuse to
come to know the truth will suffer, suffer tremendously.
Please, dear children, wake up, wake up now. Take refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Be
faithful to the Gospel and live, live the Beatitudes. Today, I welcome each of you into my
heart because I am your Heavenly Mother. Please take my hand and allow me to assist
you in this time of purification. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Walk in trust and believe that God and I are with you. These messages are
for the world, so continue to persevere and write each time I come to you. Continue to
pray and be obedient to Almighty God.
Those who take my hand will be persecuted, but they will also be given the grace and
strength needed to carry their cross.
I am truly here to gather my children so you become strong warriors for Jesus. I am truly
here to assist my children, so please take heed to my motherly requests. Join hands and
walk together and pray, pray from your hearts. Come to Mass and adore my Son so you
grow, grow in holiness.
The way, dear children, is forward, so persevere with love and joy in your hearts. The
way is forward, so pray with me and respond to my motherly requests. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, All must come to know the truth. Hearts must open in order for darkness to
be removed.
Today, I am here to wake my children so more repent before it’s too late. I am pleading
with all my children because so many are ignoring Heaven’s call. So many are rejecting
God by the lifestyle they are living. Evil has spread like fire in every corner of this earth.
Oh, how I weep for those children who are choosing to live in sin. I weep because many
know in their hearts that they are doing wrong.
Laziness and unwillingness to change one’s lifestyle is why evil has become widespread.
Each of you must do your part in order for change to occur in your lives. If you are
disobeying God’s Commandments, then repent now. Examine your conscience and then
cleanse your soul. Come back to the Sacraments if you have fallen away and repent,
repent of all wrong doing. Repent and turn to God so that you can be guided on this earth.
The serpent’s tail is long and if you continue to deny sin, he will truly smother you.
Please, dear children, remove the darkness that you have allowed to rule your lives.
Remove the darkness so that my Son can live in your hearts. Open your hearts and
accept, accept God’s love. Open your hearts and stay close, close to Jesus. Stay close to
the merciful heart of my Son and trust, trust in His love and mercy. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Tell my children, if they do not pray and be obedient to God, I cannot
assist them. My children must understand that prayer and obedience to God is your
protection to keep evil away.
Please do your part so that I can lead you closer, closer to Jesus. It is time now to let go
of all that is distracting you so you have more time to pray. Do not allow the world to
distract you. Keep your focus on my Son. Through prayer, you will come to know Jesus
and you will desire to be more like Him.
Now, please keep your focus on Jesus and build your relationship with Him. Take quiet
time and God will truly fulfill His divine plan in your lives. Trust in God’s love for you.
Trust in God’s loving care. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Sin has become widespread because many are refusing to obey God. Many
do not rely on God’s mercy because they do not trust in His unending love. Jesus’ Heart
is filled with love and mercy, yet so many reject Him and add wounds to His Most
Precious Body.
Please, dear children, soothe my Son’s anguished heart. Obey each Commandment and
trust in His Divine Mercy and love. Believe in God and live, live the Beatitudes. Believe
that time is short for saving souls. Time is short, and many, many souls are on the wrong
path. Pray and do penance for those souls who are furthest away from Jesus. Be loving,
humble servants and assist those in need. Respect life, for each child has a soul. Each
soul is so precious in God’s eyes. Be holy children and stand up for what is right. Share
your faith with love in your hearts so you do not turn others away.
Be holy, holy children and live all that I am teaching you. Ask for my intercession and I
will truly protect you in these times. I will assist those who go forth in love and in truth.
Receive the Sacraments often so you have the grace needed to live in this darkened
world. Call upon Jesus and He will pour His Most Precious Blood down upon you. Call
upon all the Holy Angels and Saints, for they are truly there to assist you. Fear nothing
but sin and all that is displeasing to God. Go to Confession frequently, for then the evil
one will flee. Do all that I am telling you so you stay strong, strong for Jesus.
Now please, in times of trial, keep your focus on Jesus. Keep your focus on Jesus and He
will truly comfort you. Go forth now and respond in faith, for it is faith that can change
the world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, These messages are that of love, prayer and repentance, so please tell my
children to accept my love for them. Tell my children to trust in my motherly intercession
so more come to know my Son, Jesus.
My daughter, pray more, so more convert before it’s too late. Pray for those souls who
are rejecting God’s love and mercy. Pray each new day and offer your suffering for the
many who continue to add wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. Embrace this Holy
Week and pray, pray for those souls who are furthest away from Jesus. Your prayers and
suffering are truly needed so more repent and turn their lives around. Prayer, sacrifice and
penance is truly needed to convert the world. Each child must do their part so more souls
can be saved.
Now, please come to Mass and adore my Son who is truly present in the Eucharist. Come
to Mass as true believers and take heed to the Gospel. In this way, you will be able to go
forth and harvest souls.
Now, please persevere and pray, pray for one another. Be loving children and abandon
yourselves to God’s Holy Will each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, How I weep when I see so much killing, so much bloodshed around this
world. I weep for those who are listening to Satan. Satan loves death and he will do all
that he can to destroy souls.
Dear children, the battle is on and you must defend life. You must obey each
Commandment. You must not give in to the world, for many are making up their own
rules. So many today do not respect life because they are not listening or obeying
Almighty God.
Family prayer is truly needed all around this world. Family prayer will truly help those
who are choosing darkness. Please gather your children and pray, pray the Rosary. Pray
from your hearts so more convert before it’s too late. Pray for your Priests, for their hands
and voice are needed in these times. Priests need your prayers so they stay strong, strong
for Jesus. Priests need your prayers so they go forth and live the truth. Penance and
prayers are truly needed for all religious.
I say to my children, the world is in trouble due to lack of love and prayer around this
world. Lack of faith and disobedience to God is truly, truly destroying the world. Please
get down on your knees and implore God’s mercy. Get down on your knees and ask God
to use you in these times. God will use you in a special way if you ask for His guidance.
Each soul is precious in God’s eyes and He has a plan for each of you. God cannot use
you if you ignore Him and disobey His Commandments.
The time for unity is now, so please join hands and pray together. Join hands and do your
part so more see God working through you. Go forth as prayerful soldiers and bind your
Rosaries around this world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am ever so close to my Son, Jesus. Stay close, close to Jesus and adore
His Most Sacred Heart. Come to Mass as often as you can and adore Our Lord. Jesus will
truly light the way for those who receive Him worthily.
It is time now to share your faith with those who have fallen away from the Sacraments.
It is time to let the world know that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. It is time now
to be true disciples and carry Jesus with you wherever you go.
Now, please share your love of knowing Jesus and pray for those who have become
distant from His Most Sacred Heart. Jesus will embrace each child who comes to Him
with a repentant heart. Go forth now and trust in Jesus and allow Him to transform your
heart. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, America will be punished for their actions, for it is God who will decide
who should live and who should die. Those who are taking a stand for life will be truly
blessed, for life is precious in God’s eyes.
Woe to those who are disobeying God’s Commandments, for they will have to answer to
Almighty God. When it is their time to see their soul, they will see just how many
wounds they have added to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. Pride and unwillingness to stand
up for the truth is why this world is becoming darker.
I say to America, wake up and repent of your sins. Return to God and do penance for
your sins. Turn away from all that is adding wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. Pray
and fast and be truly sorry for your sins. Give up your worldly ways and respond, respond
now to all that I am teaching you. Start loving those around you and respect, respect life.
Please stop crucifying my Son. Please wake up now or you will be severely punished.
Today, I am asking each of you to get down on your knees and implore God’s mercy. I
am asking that you repent of your wicked ways, for the earth is trembling now. I am
asking that you take heed to the many messages that have been given to you. Destruction,
famine and war is because so many are choosing to live in sin. Greater tribulations will
come upon you if you continue to crucify my Son.
Now, please be prayerful today and kneel with me at the foot of the cross. Kneel with me
and pray and implore the mercy of God upon the world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Continue to write so that the truth may be made known. So many are
living in sin and they need to hear the truth. Many need to wake from their slumber, for
so many are living lukewarm lives.
Those who take refuge in My Immaculate Heart will truly be protected. I will light the
way through all storms and I will guide you in this darkened world. I will lead each of
you closer to my Son, Jesus, if you pray and obey God’s Commandments. Each of you
must do your part if you truly want to draw closer to God. Each of you must take heed to
the Gospel, for it is truly unfolding now. You must live your faith so more follow the
path that will lead them to Heaven.
God is pouring His grace upon this world, but so many are refusing His assistance.
Conversion cannot happen if my children deny that God exists. Conversion cannot
happen if my children choose to live in mortal sin. If parents do not live their vocation,
there will be much more violence in the home. Children will become even more
rebellious and they will turn to the world for guidance. Many more children will join
hands with the enemy if they are not cared for in the proper way.
Please, dear parents, do your part for the salvation of souls. Be strong, strong for Jesus
and live, live your vocation. Live the Gospel and be light, light to this world. Embrace
each new cross and go forth with love and joy in your hearts. Embrace each child who is
suffering and be loving, obedient parents. This world cannot change unless families
become loving families.
Please be loving children and be light, light to this world. Live simple and be humble,
prayerful children. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and shine your love of knowing Jesus.
In these days of darkness, I am asking each of you to go forth as true believers. I am
asking that you pray more and stay close, close to Our Heart. In this way, you will be
protected and guided along the way.
Now, please share my messages so more turn to God. Share my messages and pray with
me each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Today I ask that my children get down on their knees and pray for those
souls who are on the wrong path.
So much evil is taking place around the world. Many innocent souls are suffering because
man does not respect life. So many are unwilling to pick up their cross and follow Jesus. I
weep for those who are choosing death instead of life. Prayer is truly needed around this
world because there is so much injustice, violence and bloodshed.
Parents have become bad examples to their children because they are ignoring God.
Parents are not living their vocation. They are behaving like children and they are giving
in to Satan’s lies. Parents must repent of their sins. They must take hold of their family
now. They must love and nurture their children and teach them right from wrong.
Dear parents, do not go to Communion with mortal sin on your soul. It is a grave sin and
you must repent of all mortal sin before receiving Communion. You will not enter
Heaven with mortal sin on your souls. Each of you must examine your conscience and do
penance for your sins. You must cleanse your soul regularly and truly be sorry for your
sins. You truly separate yourselves from God when you refuse to repent. Use your time
wisely so you have the grace needed to be good parents. Turn to Jesus now and go to
Confession. You cannot be good parents if you are refusing to cleanse your soul. You
cannot take hold of your family if you are living in mortal sin.
Please, dear parents, understand, in order for there to be unity, it must begin with you.
You must be an example and live a good and holy life. Cherish your children and respect,
respect life. Put on your armor and seek God’s loving assistance. Follow the teachings of
the Church and listen, listen to your Most Holy Pope. Be shining examples of truth and
be pure and obedient to the true teaching of the Church.
Now, please go to confession and pray together as a family. Do what God and I are
asking of you, for peace cannot exist if it is not in your heart. Go forth now as loving
parents and thank God for His loving guidance each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
I am holding your Most Holy Pope in my arms. Time is short for him, as he suffers for
this world. Continue to pray for him, for he has truly been chosen for these times.
Pray for all souls living and deceased, for so many are in need of prayer. So many do not
have peace in their hearts because they have not come to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus.
God knows what is best for each soul, so be confident in His love and mercy. Be
confident, not afraid, for God will lead the faithful forward. Time on this earth is short for
each of you, so be wise and do all that God and I are asking of you. Be wise and embrace
God’s love and cherish each new day.
Now, please pray and fast for your Most Holy Pope, for he truly suffers for all humanity.
I join in prayer with you today, so pray, pray from your heart. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Live the truth and walk, walk with Jesus each new day. All my children
must join hands and live the Gospel. It is time now to live all that your Most Holy Pope
has taught you. It is time to go forth, so please use your hands and voice for Christ. Be
open to life and defend the truth. More will come to know Jesus if you speak and live,
live the truth.
Believe, believe dear children, that Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and in
the celebration of Holy Mass. Believe and you will truly be drawn closer to Christ.
Believe and pray and I promise you, you will be truly blessed. Each time you come to
Mass and pray together, you are showered with God’s mercy and grace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God’s hands are upon this world, but my children must turn to Him for
guidance. They must embrace His love and mercy that truly flows from His Heart.
So many today are choosing to walk alone because they have closed their hearts to God’s
loving call. God has a plan for each of you, so please listen and accept His love. Listen
and obey and respond with gratitude in your hearts. Be loving children and use your
hands and voice for Christ. Witness your love of knowing Jesus to those around you. A
response is needed world wide, in order for God’s love to be spread.
Begin today by living the truth and forgive those who have hurt you in any way. Love
and forgiveness is what will mend a broken heart. Love and forgiveness is the first step in
coming to know God’s Will in your lives. Please take the first step so that God can use
you in these times. Prepare your hearts through prayer and then be willing to take the first
step. Prayer and true devotion to my Son is how the healing process will begin.
I want each of you to know I am with you. I am here to truly help you live your
consecration to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Through prayer, you will desire change.
Through prayer, you will come to know true repentance. So pray and allow God to guide
you so that the Holy Spirit will shine through you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Continue to pray for those who are furthest away from Jesus. Pray each
new day, for so many are in need of prayer. Please assist me, for so many have gone
astray. I have been asking my children to pray, for the time is drawing near. All must be
prepared, for God’s Justice will prevail. All must turn to God before it’s too late.
Now, please take this message seriously and respond, respond so more turn to God. I beg
you to pray more, for again I say to you, the day is near. All must repent of their sins and
live in the state of grace. Please respond now so that you have peace in your hearts.
Please respond now and live, live these messages. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, It is a day to give thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings He has
bestowed upon this world.
Each of you must be grateful for the many years that this Pope was able to teach you.
This Holy Pope was a true shepherd and he was chosen for these times. He was inspired
by God to truly lead the faithful forward. This Pope truly suffered for all humanity. His
suffering is now over and he is truly in Heaven. Heaven awaits those who use their hands
and voice for Christ. Heaven is your true home and you must each strive to live a holy
life on this earth.
Now, please do not give in to the world. Be true Catholics and live, live all that this Pope
has taught you. Be willing to stand up for the truth. Be willing to be persecuted for living
your Catholic Faith. I am with you each step of the way.
All of Heaven rejoices on this glorious day. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, All must come to know Jesus in this time of God’s mercy. All must take
refuge in Our Heart so they have peace no matter what comes their way.
This is the time to seek refuge, so please turn to God now. Do not wait for storms to
arrive, seek shelter now. Prepare your hearts and be ready at all times. Come to Mass as
true believers and gather, gather in those groups that I have formed. In this time of
preparation, do all that God and I are asking of you. Turn away from sin and live, live a
holy life. Learn to live more simply so you have more time to be with Our Lord.
I have been preparing my children for some time now, yet so many are still sleeping.
Wake up, dear children, and live these messages each new day. Wake up and take heed to
my heavenly pleas so you become strong soldiers for Christ. Obey each Commandment
and live, live the Beatitudes. Change is about to happen, so please rescue those who are
choosing darkness. Be true servants and help those in need. Be faithful to your
responsibilities and be humble, loving children. Be on guard at all times, for Satan never
Use the protection God has given you and have a Priest bless your home. A Priest’s
blessing is so powerful to keep evil away. Make your home a place of holiness and pray
together as a family. Unite in prayer and sacrifice and look to the Holy Family as your
Your prayers are important, so please spend more time with Jesus before the Blessed
Sacrament. Spend more time with Jesus and allow Him to use you in these times. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Those souls who are chosen to suffer are so dearly loved by God. God
knows what is best for each soul and He knows how much one can endure. Each day
offer your suffering for those who are furthest away from Jesus. Through prayer and
obedience to God, souls will be saved.
I am asking all my messengers to carry their cross with joy. I am asking that you go forth
with love in your hearts so more see Christ working through you. In time, more will come
to know the truth if you persevere with love and joy in your heart. This is the time to
rescue souls, so please continue to do what God and I are asking of you. Continue to
write and relay my words so more come to know God’s mercy and love.
I am here today to encourage my children to be obedient to Almighty God. All that God
is asking of you is for a reason, so do not doubt in His plans. Do not doubt in His love for
you. God will assist those who surrender their will to Him. God will assist those who
trust in His unending love and mercy. God will stand by your side through all trials,
suffering and persecution.
Believe, believe that when you are chosen to suffer, it is because of God’s love for you.
All the Saints in Heaven suffered, but they never had to carry their cross alone. Through
your love and obedience, much fruit is being produced. So continue forth, dear children,
and be willing to do what God and I are asking of you. Continue forth and embrace God’s
Will in your lives. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, How I weep when I see so many souls choosing darkness. I weep because
so many souls continue to reject God’s love and mercy. What will it take to wake
Please repent and amend your ways now. Come to know Jesus so you come to know the
truth. Stop ignoring these heavenly pleas, for they are tools to help you on this earth. Stop
picking and choosing which Commandments to obey; obey each Commandment. Cleanse
your soul more regularly so you have the grace needed to obey each Commandment.
Receive the Sacraments often so you become strong, strong in your faith.
These messages are your wake up call, so please respond with an open heart. Respond, so
that you can truly grow in purity and holiness. Turn to Jesus each new day and allow Him
to bring you closer to His Most Sacred Heart. Trust in His love and mercy so you are fed
the whole truth. Be light to this world and live, live the truth. Be humble, loving children
and receive the Sacraments.
My Son’s mercy will flow upon those who turn to Him with a repentant heart. My Son
will heal your wounds if you turn to Him and trust in His unending love. Please be little
children and trust, trust in God’s love for you. God awaits your return, so trust in His love
and give your heart unconditionally to Him.
Please respond now and believe, believe that God and I truly, truly love you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The world is in need of prayer, so please tell my children to pray. Tell the
world to let go of all that is distracting them and pray, pray more.
Groups must continue to form because prayer is truly needed all around this world.
Please gather faithfully and pray, pray from your hearts. This time is so precious, so
please do all that I am asking of you. Do all that I am asking of you and you will truly
have God’s peace in your heart.
Now, please understand that unity and peace come through prayer. Prayer, love and
mercy is the way to unity and peace. Believe in the power of prayer. Believe in God’s
love and mercy, and begin and end your day with prayer. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, In this time of preparation, my children must stay close to their Pope and
obey Church teaching. This Pope will lead the faithful forward, but all must do their part
for the salvation of souls.
God’s mercy is infinite and He promises to protect those who trust in Him. God’s plans
are perfect and He will truly bless those who trust and have hope in Him. So please be
merciful and pick up your cross each new day. Live your Catholic Faith and ask God to
purify you so you grow in holiness. Receive the Sacraments often so you become strong
warriors for Jesus. Receive the Sacraments, for this is all part of embracing God’s love.
Now, go forth with hope in your hearts, for there is joy, happiness and peace in eternal
life. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God is rich in mercy because He truly, truly loves His children. God has
given this world many warnings to wake mankind, but many are still sleeping. Many are
abusing this time because of their refusal to repent and turn their lives around.
This time of mercy will not last, so please, please amend your ways and come, come to
know my Son, now. Respond to God’s mercy and convert so you do not run in the wrong
direction. Peace cannot be given to you until you repent and turn to God.
Please, dear children, take my hand before it’s too late. I plead with my children today
because sin has become widespread. I plead with my children today because many
innocent lives are being destroyed. Many countries are at war with each other because of
their refusal to take heed to the Gospel. You will see mass destruction if you refuse to
obey God’s Commandments. Without love in your hearts, the world will become a
I have but little time to prepare the way, so please, please do all that I am asking of you.
Respond to these messages and pray, pray for peace all around this world. Pray for all
your brothers and sisters, for many, many are still sleeping. Join your hands and hearts to
God and love, love, love one another. War will put an end to mankind if you continue to
reject God and the Gospel.
Let us join hands now and pray, pray for peace. Let us pray and implore God’s mercy so
more repent and turn to Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, All must move forward in this time of God’s mercy and grace. All must do
their part for the salvation of souls. This time is so precious, so please continue to gather
in those groups that I have formed. Prayer is your protection, so please, please pray more.
Pray and do penance for those souls who are choosing darkness. Divorce is on the rise
due to lack of prayer in so many families. Divorce is on the rise because so many Priests
are not teaching their flock the importance of family prayer.
My chosen sons, there is no longer time to be silent, you must live and speak the truth.
You must be brave soldiers for Christ. You must join hands with your flock and pray,
pray together. You must be willing to lead the Rosary if you want more to follow. Please
let go of your time and make more time for God. God will lead you if you allow Him to
be first in your life. Your priestly vocation must come first in order to be a true shepherd
for Christ.
This is the time to move forward, so please, please dear chosen sons, listen and then
respond to my motherly advice. Respond and I promise you, your flock will blossom.
Families cannot be open to life if they do not pray together. Your prayers and obedience
to God is how families will be drawn closer to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Families must
be taught so they wake up before it’s too late. They must relearn their ways in order to
move forward. They must repent and be truly sorry for all their sins. Parents must obey
all of God’s Commandments in order to save the family. Sin has become widespread. I
see many families falling deeper, deeper into the pit. Healing cannot take place until my
children repent.
My daughter, please convey this message so more truly live their vocation. These
messages are for the world, so please do not be afraid to make the truth known. This time
will not last, so please assist me. Use your hands and voice, for you have been chosen for
these times. I am with you wherever you go, for I am truly here to make the Gospel
known. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
God is your refuge and He will be your strength through all trials and persecution. Look
to God each new day and He will truly, truly guide you. God is merciful, loving and kind
and He truly knows what is best for each soul. God will not abandon His children, but
they in turn must rely on Him.
Now, please listen, listen to your mother and allow my words to become embedded in
your heart. Listen and respond so that you stay strong, strong for Jesus. Through prayer,
you will stay hopeful. Through prayer, your focus will stay on Jesus and you will be able
to imitate His life.
Go forth now with love in your hearts and be grateful for each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Be grateful each time you can come to Mass, for it is an honor to receive
Jesus in the Eucharist. Be thankful for your Priests and pray daily for them. Many Priests,
many seminarians need prayer so that they stay strong, strong for Jesus. Each time that
you gather in those groups that I have formed, pray, pray for God’s chosen sons.
I am with you each time you pray, for prayer is truly needed all around this world. Prayer
is truly needed, for so many are choosing darkness. So many today are refusing to change
and know God’s truth. There are many who are trying to change God’s Words to support
their lifestyle. Satan is doing all that he can to deceive and mislead my children. Many
are falling for his lies because of their refusal to come to know the truth.
Dear children, please wake up and live all that I am teaching you. Wake up now, for this
is your opportunity to come to know the full truth. All that I share with you is the Gospel,
and each of you must live it. You must not compromise with the world. You must walk in
faith and live, live the Gospel. I am concerned for those who are trying to make up their
own rules. I am concerned because many are choosing the easier road. I have but little
time to teach you, so please obey God. Obey each Commandment and be willing to be
persecuted for living your faith. This is the preparation time, so do not abuse it. Your
choice must be for God if you truly want peace in your heart. Each of you must do your
part in order to remain pure and humble.
Now, please take hold of these messages and live, live all that I am teaching you. Live
each day for Christ and begin today to imitate His ways. This time of preparation will not
last, so please, please stay awake and live, live all that my Son and I are teaching you. In
time you will understand, but for many it will be too late. This message must live in your
hearts, but this will not happen without a response.
Today, I am pleading with you to live and obey the whole truth. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
The time is drawing near and you must prepare now. You must let go of your busy
schedule and make more time to be with God. How can you be taught if you do not take
time to listen?
Please begin today to live these messages. Get down on your knees and ask God to help
you live them. Be willing to let go of all that is preventing you from moving closer to Our
Lord. Be more willing to do what God and I are asking of you. Change cannot happen if
you are refusing to amend your ways. Repent and return to God or you will suffer in days
to come. Your hearts will become heavier if you keep giving in to the world. You will
feel much pain and sorrow if you keep giving in to the evil one.
I am truly trying to wake you before it’s too late. Severe storms will come because the
earth is trembling now. Many will wail and lament because they did not prepare their
soul. How I weep and weep for those who are abusing this time to come to know Jesus. I
weep for those who are telling others to ignore these heavenly pleas.
These messages are the Gospel and you must obey God. You must let go of pride and
open your eyes as to the condition of this world. Sin has darkened many souls. Sin has
become wide spread. Please open your hearts and you will come to know the full truth.
Open your hearts and you will come to understand my visits on this earth. I have but little
time to teach you how to grow in holiness.
Without a strong faith, you will not be able to persevere in times to come. You will need
God’s strength to say no to the beast. You will need to rely totally on God for everything.
You will have many crosses to bear, but with God’s assistance, you will be able to endure
all trials and persecution.
I say to each of you, do not reject my true messengers, for they are truly assisting me to
wake mankind. Do not reject the Gospel, for I say to you, it is truly, truly unfolding now.
All must awake and build their relationship with Jesus now. All must obey God’s
Commandments and turn their lives around. All will come to fulfillment, so respond,
respond, respond now. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Satan is sly and my children must recognize his evil tactics. They must
stay close to Jesus and use the protection God has given them. The evil one is truly
prowling the earth and he will do all that he can to lure you away from my Son.
Please be wise and encourage one another to pray, pray more. Encourage one another to
come to Mass so you have the grace needed to say no to the enemy. It is time now to
separate yourselves from the ways of the world and all forms of materialism. It is time to
let go of your worldly ways so you have more time to be with my Son. Through prayer
and true devotion to my Son, the enemy is powerless. Please understand you have the
weapons to defeat Satan.
Now, please pray, pray more and bind your Rosaries around this world. Bind your
Rosaries around those countries where so much fighting is taking place. Pray and bind
your Rosaries around this world or you will see much more devastation and bloodshed.
Acts of violence will spread if you become lax in your prayers. Get down on your knees
and pray more or you will see mass destruction.
Do not allow pride to become a stumbling block. Repent and implore God’s mercy upon
this world. Repent and pray and believe that my Son’s Heart is open and He truly awaits
your return. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Today, I ask that you pray with me so that more will repent and come to
know my Son, Jesus. Through prayer, more will come to know God’s mercy and love.
Each time you pray with me, our hearts are joined.
Prayer is truly needed, so please dear children, gather, gather in those groups that I have
formed. Gather and pray or this world will be severely punished. In times ahead, your
faith will need to be strong. You will be tempted to join hands with the enemy if you
become lax in your prayers. Prayer is your protection. Prayer and true devotion to Our
Lord is how you will stay strong.
It is time to live more simply so you have more time to be with God. Let go, let go of the
things of this world, for they will not help you in times to come. What will be needed is a
pure heart and complete trust in God. I say to all my children, do not cling to your
material wealth. Do not cling to the things of this world, for it will pull you away from
God. Learn to do without so you become more dependent on God. Through sacrifice on
your part, you will learn how to truly trust in God for all your needs.
I am preparing you for times to come, for change is about to happen soon. You will not
hear God if you allow the world to feed you lies. You will not hear God if your wealth is
more important than listening, listening to my Son. The time of my Son’s greatest mercy
is drawing near. He will show each of you the state of your soul. If you are living in
mortal sin, you will have great sorrow. You will have but little time to repent. You will
have but little time to decide whose side you want to be on. Those who are following
Satan will be punished. Those Priests who are leading their flock astray will be chastised.
Many, many will suffer for rejecting the truth. Many will suffer if they refuse to repent.
I have been preparing you for some time now, yet many continue to mock my messages.
Many continue to deny that God exists. Change takes time, so begin today. Your time is
growing shorter and I have but little time to remind you. Repent and strive to live a holy
life. Repent, for I say to you, all will have to answer to God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Those churches who have Perpetual Adoration will be truly blessed. Many
will come to know Jesus and they will turn to Him with a repentant heart.
Jesus is the cure for all mankind, so be wise and spend time with Him. Be wise and adore
my Son, for He is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. This is the time to come to know
Jesus, so please, please spend time adoring my Son. Accept His love and mercy by truly
devoting more time to be with Him.
Jesus waits for each child to come, so bring your family and visit Him often. Much
strength will be given to those who believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.
Through prayer and true devotion to my Son, you will come to know Him in a very
intimate way. The Eucharist is God’s great gift to you, so be grateful and receive my Son
as often as you can.
Now, please cling tightly to the true Faith and believe that Jesus is truly present in the
Holy Eucharist. Remain loyal to your Most Holy Pope, for he too has been chosen to lead
the faithful forward. Remain loyal to my most beloved Priests, for Satan is truly trying to
destroy this world. Prayer and true devotion to Jesus is how you will be given the
strength to persevere.
Soon all the world will tremble, so please respond by truly giving all honor and glory to
Our Lord. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, There cannot be peace in this world until my children love and care for one
Please be joy-filled children and let go of anything that is preventing you from truly
loving one another. Let go of pride. Let go of hatred and obey all of God’s
Commandments. This is my message to you, so please, please live my messages.
Families would live in peace and harmony if each family member would pray and love
one another. Families would come to know the true meaning of love if their focus was on
God. If all my children would pray the Rosary, their hearts would soften and change.
Through prayer, their love for Jesus would grow and they would truly learn how to
forgive and love those around them.
I say to my children, unite yourselves to God. Receive the Sacraments and cleanse,
cleanse your soul often. In this way, you will receive the grace needed to live a holy life.
It is time now to come out of darkness and be an example to this world. It is time now to
light the way so that love can be spread throughout the world. It is time to live these
messages so they become worldwide.
All must live and follow the truth. All must come to know God in this time of
preparation. Recognize the signs of your times and do all that you can to save souls.
Please promote the Rosary. Please say the Saint Michael Prayer after Mass. Please join
hands and gather, gather in those groups that I have formed. Each group will be truly
blessed each time you pray and honor Jesus.
Now, please obey God and live, live my heavenly requests. Accept Our love and work
with me so more repent and return to God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My Son’s Heart overflows with love, mercy and compassion. He is with
you on those days where you feel alone. Accept all that I share with you so you persevere
with hope in your heart.
Each day is different when you walk with Our Lord, so be patient and stay close, close to
Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Satan is strong and he will tempt those who give up on prayer.
Satan wants each of you to be unfaithful and to choose the easier road. Satan will do all
that he can to draw each of you away from Our Lord. This is why I tell each of you to
stay close to Our Lord. This is why I encourage you to receive the Sacraments often.
I say to my children, support your Pope and do not give in to the ways of the world. Stay
true to your Faith and do not compromise with the world. Allow God to mold you so you
come to know the full truth. Allow my Son to be your shepherd so you stay on the path
that will lead you to Heaven. There is no time to be deceived by the world, for time, dear
children, is running out. You must come to know the truth so you are not entangled by
the serpent’s tail. Confusion has become widespread and many are not being taught how
to truly live their Faith.
False teaching will be spread if you deny my Son’s presence in the Eucharist. If you
ignore God’s Commandments, the smoke of Satan will become a dark cloud upon the
Church. Prayer and obedience is your protection. Complete trust in God is how you will
stay faithful to true teaching. Humility and being loyal to God is how you will become
richer in grace. A true soldier does not give in to the enemy. A true soldier marches in
unison and is totally dependent on God.
Please take heed to my motherly advice, for there is so much evil and confusion in the
world. So many are being deceived and are on the wrong path. Now, please be faithful
servants and be true soldiers for Our Lord. Be humble, simple children and allow God to
be in complete control. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Pray with me today because so many souls are being darkened by sin. Pray
with me today so more examine their conscience and repent of their evil ways.
Conversion cannot happen until my children get down on their knees and pray.
I say to all my children, time is running out because sin has become widespread. Time is
running out, so please, please repent and pray. Repent, do penance for your sins and pray,
pray for the world. Offer prayers and sacrifices to Our Dear Lord, Jesus. Through praying
the Rosary, and by doing penance, more souls can be saved.
Those who respond to my heavenly pleas will be protected. They will be comforted
during those difficult hours. They will be led in the right direction and they will be fed by
Heaven. My children will have peace through all trials and storms. The Holy Angels will
truly, truly be by their side. Protection is my promise to those who join my army of love.
Now, please be wise and take heed to these messages. Be wise and turn away from sin. A
terrible punishment truly awaits those who do not repent and turn back to God, so please
listen carefully and respond, respond, respond now. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Please continue to write so more come to know God’s mercy and love.
God is a forgiving God and He never refuses forgiveness to those who repent and turn to
Him. He is truly there for all His children, for He truly loves each of you.
I say to my children, accept God’s love and mercy. Turn away from sin and cleanse your
soul. Do all that my Son is asking of you so that you stay close, close to Jesus’ Most
Sacred Heart. Prayer and reparation are needed, so please take heed to my motherly
requests. Prayer and reparation are needed in order for conversion to happen. Prayer and
reparation is the way to true peace.
Repent and convert, is my plea to the world. Return to the Sacraments and obey, obey
Almighty God. Turn away from sin so that you too can go forth and convert the world. I
am here for those who will listen so more take part in saving souls. The world is in
trouble because so many are living in sin. Many souls are being lost because they are
giving in to Satan’s evil ways.
Please hear my words and change your ways. Respond and prepare, for the day is
drawing near. The time is at hand, so please take these messages seriously. Open your
hearts, open your eyes so you understand God’s love and concern for mankind. The signs
are everywhere because so many are choosing to live in mortal sin. More signs will come
and I say to you, repent and believe in the Gospel. Prepare your hearts, prepare your soul
so you are ready at all times.
False prophets will arise and if you are not strong in your faith, you will be misled.
Hearts will grow colder and many, many will be persecuted for living their faith. Those
who believe in God will be hated and they will be denied food and water. A strong faith
will be needed in order to survive. All will need to trust in Almighty God. All will need
to respond to the many messages that have been given them. The world will be purified
and again I say to you, all will need a strong faith.
Now, please trust in God and receive the Sacraments often. Believe in the Gospel and
begin today to build your relationship with Jesus. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Stay hopeful so you do not lose confidence in Our Lord. In time, all evil
will be destroyed and peace will reign upon the earth.
I am asking that each of you stay hopeful so you never give up on prayer. The battle will
be won through prayer and unity. The battle will be won and darkness will be removed.
Join hands and work together, for then the enemy will flee. Join hands and pray, for
prayer is your protection. There is no time to lose hope, so please continue to gather and
pray for peace around the world.
Now, please cherish life and defend the truth. Love all your brothers and sisters and walk
the path of God’s Holy Word. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Those who imitate Christ have hearts of love, mercy and compassion.
They have patience and they do not judge their brother and sisters. They do not gossip or
seek revenge. They are humble, loving children who desire to be more like Christ.
Lack of kindness and unwillingness to live God’s Word, is why there is division in the
world. Lack of love and mercy, is why there is war, war amongst my children. Until my
children strive to live a holy life, love and peace cannot exist.
Please take heed to my words and amend your ways. Keep your focus on Jesus and pray
and love, love one another. As your mother, I am asking each of you to imitate Christ.
Love and praise my Son, for He is your God. Allow God to be in control. Love Jesus and
follow His ways. Seek to be humble, pure and obedient so that I can lead you closer to
Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Through your obedience, you can serve this world and take
part in saving souls. Through your actions, more will come to know Christ.
Now, please do not ignore my motherly advice. Obey God’s Commandments and
examine your conscience each new day. Change will then happen and you will be able to
surrender yourselves to Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The day will come and all will know God exists. The time will come and
many will fall to their knees. Hands will be needed, so please deepen your relationship
with Jesus. Spend time adoring Our Lord and believe in Jesus’ True Presence in the
Eucharist. Cleanse your soul regularly and be ready at all times. Be ready, prepare your
soul now. Do all that you can to make the Gospel known. Reach out to all your brothers
and sisters, especially those who are furthest away from Jesus.
I am asking each of you to take quiet time to be with Our Lord. Take quiet time and you
will truly hear God. It is time now to let go of the noise of the world so you are directed
in these times. Through silence you will come to know God’s Will in your life. Through
silence you will come to know God’s love that He has for you. Silence is truly necessary
if you want to be led closer to Our Lord. Be silent and kneel before Our Lord, for He
truly longs to be with you in a very special way.
This is my request for you. Be silent, listen to your heart, for God has a special plan for
each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Prayer will bring you peace, so stay close, close to Jesus. Share your day
with my Son and carry Him with you wherever you go. Each time my Son speaks to you,
listen to His words and then do all that He is asking of you.
Time is moving quickly, so please share your love of knowing Jesus. Share your love of
knowing Jesus and be willing to suffer for those who are choosing darkness. There are
many troubled areas in the world and many, many need prayer. Many are starving
spiritually because of their refusal to come to know Jesus. Many families are in turmoil
because of lack of love in the home. So much evil exists because so many are giving in to
the ways of the world.
I am here to teach my children, but many are refusing to listen. Many have turned their
backs on my Son. So many babies are being killed throughout the world. Abortion is on
the rise because so many do not respect life. Each abortion adds many wounds to Jesus’
Most Precious Body. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Sin is what will destroy
Many prayers and sacrifices are needed because evil has become widespread. Many
Rosaries are needed in order to lessen what is coming your way, so please join hands and
fill the church. Join hands and pray together and implore God’s mercy. Pray your Rosary
every day. Live the Gospel, make sacrifices for the sins of the world. Trust in God and
believe in the power of prayer.
Now, please spend time in prayer and do all that you can to please Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God is pouring His love and mercy to all souls throughout the world, so
please accept His love and mercy. Accept His love and mercy and live, live the
Beatitudes. Live simple lives and love, love one another. Be prayerful children and then
do what God is asking of you. Do not give in to the world. Be pure and humble and turn
to God for all your needs. Your reward will be great, in Heaven, if you trust and obey
Almighty God. You will be truly blessed if you embrace God’s love and guidance.
Today I ask that you remain faithful to God. I ask that you trust in God when trials come
your way. God will assist you when storms arise if you trust and depend totally on Him.
God will be by your side if you turn to Him each new day. Calamities will continue to
happen throughout the world and without a trusting heart, you will not have peace. So
trust, trust in God’s love and mercy. Trust and accept my motherly intercession, for I too
am truly here to assist you. Through your obedience, I will draw each of you closer to
Now, please stay close to Our Hearts and live, live all that I am teaching you each new
day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I want to assist all my children, but they in turn must pray. I cannot assist
those who refuse to pray and obey God. Many, many children do not take time to pray.
Many do not take time to adore Our Lord.
I say to my children, it is impossible to walk alone. Each of you must rely on God to help
you through the day. You must turn to God and ask, ask for His assistance. You must get
down on your knees and converse with God. God will truly help those who turn to Him in
prayer. God will open new doors if you trust in His Divine assistance. God will truly
enrich your lives with special graces and blessings.
The world will be truly blessed and protected if they take refuge in Jesus’ Most Sacred
Heart. True devotion is truly needed to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Evil is widespread so I
am asking each of you to take refuge in Our Heart. Take refuge in Our Heart, for then
you will be protected from the evil one.
It is time now to truly live your consecration and to take refuge in Our Heart. Begin today
and abandon yourselves to Our Heart. Abandon yourselves as a family and pray, pray
more. Use the protection God has provided for you and be true believers. God’s peace
will reign in your hearts if you respond, respond to these heavenly requests. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I have given many messages around the world because so many are
choosing to live in darkness. The sinfulness of many people truly, truly offends God. So
many children are on the wrong path and they are falling deeper, deeper into sin. God has
allowed much time for His children to repent, yet many continue to ignore His call. All
must wake up now. People must change and turn their lives around. All must center their
lives on God and live, live a holy life. They must return to the Sacraments if they truly
want to stay strong for Jesus.
Please, dear children, atone for your sins and obey Almighty God. Do all that you can to
deepen your relationship with Jesus. Pray the Rosary every day and spread my messages
of love to the entire world. Respond, so more see the importance of living these
messages. All my children must do their part for the salvation of souls. Sacrifice and
penance are needed for the conversion and salvation of sinners.
Oh, how I weep when I see so many sleepy children. I weep for those souls who are
ignoring Heaven’s call. I weep for those children who are refusing to prepare their soul. I
weep for those Priests who are not living their vocation. Satan will truly devour those
children who do not pray or obey God. These are evil times of battle and you must stay
close to God. You must put your armor on each new day. You must not give in to the
world, for this is all part of Satan’s plan to lure you away from God. Satan truly wants to
destroy the world.
Now, please listen to your Heavenly Mother and do the opposite of what Satan is telling
you. I plead with you, pray more, for the day is drawing near. Stop offending God and
repent of your sins. Cleanse your soul regularly so you have the grace needed to say
“No,” to the evil one. Return to the Sacraments so you can be a living example to all your
brothers and sisters. Unite yourselves more in prayer, and love, love one another. This is
my message for the world.
Please, dear children, respond today and begin to live all that I am teaching you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Please write each time I come to you, for these messages are for the world.
These messages must be spread so more wake up and amend their ways. Much evil is
taking place behind closed doors. Many terrorists roam this earth and they will strike
when you least likely expect. They seek vengeance; their hearts are filled with hate.
America, I am warning you, prepare now. Get down on your knees and pray, pray more.
Pray for those souls who are listening to Satan. Bind your Rosaries around the world.
Prayer is your protection and it will truly lessen what is coming your way. Through
prayer, you will have peace no matter what comes your way. Many trials await you
because evil has become widespread.
Please listen to my messengers and prepare your soul now. Prepare your soul, for then
you will have peace. Jesus will comfort those who turn to Him. Those who pray and trust
in God, will be truly blessed and guided along the way. Please receive the Sacraments
often so you have the grace needed to stay strong at all times. Cleanse your soul
regularly, for this will protect you from all attacks of the evil one.
Be on guard at all times, for I say to you, Satan is sly. Do not be misled. Stay close to
Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Stay faithful to true teaching and listen, listen to your Most
Holy Pope. Do not listen to those who are against your Most Holy Pope. Do not listen to
those who are trying to change the Church. Take heed to the Gospel and live your
Catholic Faith.
Live all that I am teaching you so that you stay loyal to Jesus. Obey each Commandment
and honor and adore Our Lord. The truth will then be revealed to you and you will be
able to live a holy life. Again I say to you, do not compromise with the world. Stay true
to your faith and keep your focus on God. Stay true to Our Lord and receive the
Sacraments often.
It is time now for America to wake up and get down on their knees and pray. Please join
me now and fast and pray today. Please pray with me, for I am truly here, your Mother of
Peace, to prepare the way. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Many are in need of prayer, so continue to pray and give all honor and
glory to God. Be humble and loving to all your brothers and sisters. Continue to pray for
those souls who are furthest away from Jesus.
Each new day, my children must pray and bind their Rosaries around this world. Many
suffer due to lack of prayer and unwillingness to live the Gospel. I have come to remind
my children to pray, pray more. Prayer is your protection and it will truly help those who
are choosing darkness. In the end, your Rosaries will help those who are choosing to live
in sin. Please remember all souls living and deceased, for so many are in need of prayer.
Love and assist each other so more come to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus. The time for
conversion is growing shorter and you must reach out now. You must use your hands and
voice for Christ. You must keep your hearts open for whomever God sends to you. Do
not neglect this time, for many are in danger of losing their soul. Many are on the wrong
path and they truly, truly need your assistance.
Now, please use those gifts God has given you and allow His love to shine, shine through
you. Guide my children to light so more repent and amend their ways in this time of
God’s mercy and grace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Time is moving quickly, so please write each time I come to you. Please
write so more come to know the truth in this time of God’s mercy and grace.
I am asking that all my children respond so more come to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus.
Please share your Faith and rescue those who are sleeping. Live, live your Catholic Faith
so more hearts open to the truth. This is the time to evangelize, so do not wait for storms
to arise. Get moving so more have time to prepare spiritually. Many are living in sin and
they need to repent and amend their ways now. Each day you must each do your part for
the salvation of souls.
I say to my children, the weather is changing and many, many storms will arise. Many
will lose their homes and they will not know how to survive without a true relationship
with Jesus. They will not receive direction if they are choosing to walk alone. They will
not have peace if they have turned their backs on God. If they are relying on their
material wealth for happiness, many, many will suffer when God shakes the earth.
Please respond to my Fatima plea or many more souls will see the fire of hell. Use your
hands and voice for Christ. Spend more time with Jesus and then do what my Son is
asking of you. Many graces come from praying the Rosary, so please pray and meditate
on the mysteries each new day. Begin your day with prayer and pray, pray throughout the
day. Do not wait until evening, say many prayers throughout the day.
These are difficult days, so please take Jesus with you wherever you go. Get down on
your knees and pray more and please, please stay awake. Do not wait for each new
message, live them now. My time is growing shorter to be with you, so please do not
abuse this time. Live all that I am teaching you and share your Faith.
These messages will not be given as often, for it is time now to live the many that have
been given you. It is time now to prepare my messengers and they will have to hold much
in their heart. Faith and trust will be needed, so begin today and live, live the many
messages that have been given to you. Pray and fast and stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred
Heart. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My children must join hands and pray, they must gather in those groups
that I have formed. Prayer is truly needed, so please respond and do what I am asking of
you. Each group that gathers and prays will have peace in times to come.
Please, dear children, be faithful followers of Christ. Be faithful to daily Mass so you stay
strong, strong for Jesus. When you carry Jesus with you, you are truly children of God.
When you obey God, you bring light to the world.
Now, please spread the love of my Son to everyone you meet. Be loving and faithful to
prayer and you will truly help bring about God’s plan for peace and mercy throughout the
world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Prayer will keep you strong, so continue to pray and do penance for the
salvation of souls. Continue to do what God and I are asking of you so more come to
know Jesus. Each time you write, souls are saved, so please write and share my words
that are imbedded in your heart.
I am here to remind my children to open their hearts and deepen their prayer life. One
cannot grow if they become lax in their prayers. One cannot grow if they do not spend
time with Jesus. Growth is needed, so please pray more and increase your time to be with
Jesus. Increase your time and be grateful for each moment you can be with Jesus. If you
truly love Jesus, then you will take time to be with Him throughout the day. You will
serve Him and keep your hearts open to all that my Son is asking of you. Dear children,
do you truly love Jesus?
Now, please love God more than your desires so your focus is completely on Our Lord.
Ask God to help you be united with Him so you grow and blossom for Our Lord. This is
the time to grow and to truly deepen your relationship with Our Lord. This is the time to
grow, so please pray more so my Son can nourish you in the proper way. Place your trust
in God and He will truly, truly guide you each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, You may feel alone, but you are not. My Son and I are with you each new
day. Each new day is special, so continue to pray and share your love of knowing Jesus.
I say to my children, have confidence and hope in Jesus. Trust in His love for you, for He
truly knows what is best for your soul. Trust, trust in God’s love for you and do not be
afraid of future events. Let go of your fear and worries and look to Jesus as your source
of peace. Keep your focus on Jesus so that love and peace radiate from your heart.
Now, please trust and imitate Christ so that you never lose hope. Trust and believe that
when you turn to God, He will give you the grace and strength needed to endure
whatever comes your way. Please, respond now and live each day in union with Christ.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, There cannot be peace in this world until my children pray and fast and
give their hearts to Jesus. Continuous prayer is needed all around the world because evil
has become widespread.
I say to my children, wake up and respond now to these messages. Find time for God and
pray, pray throughout the day. Make time to come to Mass, for again I say to you, the
Mass is the greatest prayer. When you ignore God, you allow more evil to creep into the
world. When you ignore God, you are turning your back on Him. Please understand the
importance of prayer. Get down on your knees and build your relationship with Jesus.
Respond, respond now or you will see much more devastation around the world. It is
time to prepare now, so please respond and prepare, prepare your soul. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Sin exists in the world because many do not want to come to know God.
Many, many deny that God exists. This is why I tell my children to open their hearts and
pray and converse with God.
You cannot come to know God if you do not take time to pray. You cannot understand
these messages if you do not pray and give your life to God. It is not God who rejects His
children, it is His children who reject God. You reject God when you do not pray or turn
to Him each new day. You reject God when you ignore His loving call to come back to
Please respond today by truly opening your hearts and then listening as God speaks to
each of you. This is the time to pray, listen and converse with Almighty God. Through
prayer, you will come to know God. Through prayer, you will be given the strength
needed to endure the many trials that lie ahead. Prayer is your protection. Prayer is truly
needed all around the world.
Prayer is the answer, so please make time to truly come to know Our Lord. Make time to
pray, for it is through prayer that my children abandon their lives to Almighty God.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, All must strive to live in unity so that darkness can be removed.
Begin today by truly loving one another. Begin today so that this love of knowing Jesus
shines through you. Ask God to change you so that you can let go of any pride or
unforgiveness that has settled in your heart. Change must begin within yourself, so please
turn to God and ask for His loving assistance. When change occurs within yourself, you
will have peace in your heart.
Dear children, if you do not have peace in your hearts, then examine your conscience.
Examine your conscience and then go to Confession. In this way, you will have the grace
needed to live a holy life. By doing penance for your sins, you will become strong
warriors for Christ. By truly working on your weaknesses, you will long to imitate Christ.
Please begin today so you become pure vessels for Our Lord. Begin today, for there is
much hatred and violence in the world. Unity must begin with you, so please respond and
do your part by truly living these messages. Trust in God’s loving assistance so you
persevere with love and joy in your hearts. Action is needed and it must begin with you.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Pray and do penance to save souls. Many are on the wrong path and they
truly, truly need prayer. The world is in need of prayer because so many are being
entangled by the serpents tail. Many are giving in to Satan’s lies which is causing much
more violence and bloodshed.
I plead with my children today, get down on your knees and pray. Make time for prayer
by truly giving up your worldly ways. Take quiet time, for you are being distracted by the
noise of the world. Please listen and respond, for prayer is truly needed all around the
Now, please be prayerful children and go forth and live, live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am here today to remind my children to pray each new day. Change is
about to happen soon, as the earth is trembling and the ocean is rising all around the
world. If man does not repent soon, they will suffer for all eternity. Many will not be
prepared if they continue to live in sin.
It is time now to wake your brothers and sisters and invite them to those groups that I
have formed. It is in these groups that they will come to know God’s mercy and love.
Their hearts will change if they pray and give their life to God. They will feel my
motherly presence if they take refuge in My Immaculate Heart. I want all my children to
be happy, but they must do their part in order for change to occur in their life.
I am pleading with my children, for so many are living in mortal sin. Many are living in
mortal sin because they do not want to give up their sinful ways. Disasters will become
widespread without more prayer and penance. Cities will become bare if man continues
to destroy life. Famine and plague will become widespread. Much will come your way if
you continue to disobey God.
These messages are for the world, so please take heed and respond today. Amend your
ways and respond to what your Most Holy Pope is telling you. He has but little time to
teach his flock, so do not delay. Time is moving quickly, so please, please dear children,
repent, get down on your knees and pray, pray for mankind. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Those who read these messages must also live them. They are the truth.
They are the Gospel. These messages are for all my children, for each child has a soul.
Each child has a conscience and they know what is right and what is wrong.
Please, dear children, take heed to my motherly advice and turn to God before it’s too
late. Turn to God and give your life completely to Him. Let go of your desires and trust,
trust in God’s mercy and love. Do all that I am asking of you so you come to know my
Son in a deeper way.
Begin today and respond to God’s call. Receive the Sacraments and pray, pray daily so
you have the grace needed to persevere no matter what comes your way. There is hope
for tomorrow if my children get down on their knees and pray.
A response is needed, so please respond today. Do your part for the salvation of souls. Do
your part to bring peace into this troubled world. Armor yourselves each new day and
join God’s army of faith, hope and love. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am here, so be at peace and know how much I love you. When you feel
alone, turn to Jesus and He will truly help you. My Son will guide you so you know
which way to turn.
All my children must turn to Jesus so they stay on the path that will lead them to Heaven.
Many today need guidance, for they are not living a holy life. Many are relying on
themselves for happiness. I say to my children, turn to Jesus and live, live the Fatima
message. Live the Fatima message so you have the grace needed to stay strong for Jesus.
Come to Mass as often as you can and cleanse, cleanse your soul regularly. Pray daily
and keep your focus on Jesus and use the protection God has given you.
The evil one will flee if you truly do what I am asking of you. Through prayer, you will
be able to discern what is wrong and what is right. Prayer and meditation on the
mysteries of the Rosary is how you will be able to persevere in your faith. The time will
come and if you are lukewarm in your faith, it will become much more difficult for you.
So be wise and spend time with Jesus so you do not give in to the world. Your prayers
and true devotion to Our Lord is how you will defeat the forces of evil.
Now, please pray together as a family and stay close, close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Look to the Holy Family as your example so you are not confused by this troubled world.
Now, please trust in God’s love and mercy and walk each new day with Our Lord. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Offer your pain and suffering to Our Lord, for many souls are in need of
assistance. Many are living in sin and they deny that God exists. So many are disobeying
God’s Commandments because of their refusal to repent and amend their ways. Hearts
are becoming colder because so many are listening to Satan’s lies.
I am here to remind my children to pray, pray more. Much prayer and penance is needed
to prevent the bloodshed and loss of many lives. Satan loves war and he is truly marching
in full force. Satan will grasp those men who have so much hatred in their hearts. Satan
will continue to form his army and man will see mass destruction without more prayer.
No leader will be able to stop what is coming your way. Only prayer, penance, fasting
and sacrifice will lessen Satan’s plans upon the earth. All faiths must begin to pray the
Rosary, for it is a powerful weapon and these prayers have saved lives.
A response is needed, so please join hands and pray each new day. Please pray each new
day and make the necessary sacrifices to bring about world peace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Humility and patience are needed, for God knows what is best for your
soul. God knows what is best for the world, so trust and persevere each new day. In time,
each child will see their soul and they will know how many wounds they have added to
Jesus’ Most Precious Body. The day will come in God’s most perfect timing.
The day will come, so I say to my children, prepare, prepare your soul now. Get down on
your knees and examine your conscience. Go to Confession regularly and do penance for
your sins. Be truly sorry for the sins you have committed and ask for forgiveness daily.
Join God’s army of love and be true apostles in these times. Let go of fear and be willing
to be persecuted for sharing these messages which are that of love. The Gospel must be
made known, so do not be afraid to share these messages of love and truth. In time, all
will know that I am truly here for all my children.
Now, please be willing to suffer for Jesus. Be willing to pick up your cross each new day.
Share all that I am teaching you and assist those who have opened their heart. Call upon
the Holy Spirit so the Gospel flows from your heart. Many need assistance, so please go
forth and take part in saving souls.
Please go forth, for God’s Justice will prevail. All that has been written must be fulfilled,
so believe, believe and take heed to the Gospel. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God will truly help those souls whom you offer your prayers and sacrifices
for. Continue to pray and offer your suffering to Our Lord. Continue to pray with those
whom God sends to you. This is the time of grace, so please use those gifts God has
given you.
This is the time of grace, so all my children must do their part for the salvation of souls.
A response is needed, so please pray and trust, trust in my motherly intercession. Trust in
my love for you and embrace this time in which God has allowed so more souls can be
Now, please continue to join hands and pray. Continue to pray and walk with Our Lord
each new day. Through prayer, you will be led in the right direction. Through prayer and
willingness to do your part, many more souls will come to know Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
I am here to protect my children, so please listen and stay close, close to My Immaculate
Heart. Stay close and listen and you will be led closer, closer to my Son, Jesus. I have
been teaching you for many years now, yet many still doubt in my love for them. Many
read my messages, but do not live them.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Spend time with Jesus so you do not lose hope or confidence in Our Lord.
Stay close to Jesus so you are not tempted to take the easier road.
All my children must spend time with Jesus so they become strong warriors for Christ. In
order to move forward, my children must let go of their worldly ways. They must come
to Mass. They must fast and pray. They must increase their time to be with Jesus so they
do not give in to the enemy. Satan is doing all that he can to pull my children away from
Our Lord.
Please, dear children, be wise and listen, listen to what I am telling you. Listen and then
respond, for then you will have peace, peace in your heart. There is no more time for
excuses, so please, please be faithful children and stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
Keep your eyes on Jesus so you remain pure and open to what Our Lord is asking of each
of you. Many children are falling deeper into the pit because they are choosing to walk
alone. So many live in darkness because of their prideful ways. Lack of prayer and
disobedience to God is why evil has become widespread. So today, I ask that each of you
listen so you stay close, close to Our Heart.
The world is no longer safe, so please be obedient and you will obtain many blessings
from Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, All must come to know Jesus in this time of God’s mercy and love. Many
today are ignoring God’s call because they do not have a relationship with Him.
In order to trust in God’s love and mercy, you must build your relationship with Jesus.
You must spend time with my Son in order to truly come to know Him. You must let go
of the busyness of the world and make time to be with Jesus. Please understand the
importance of prayer, for this is how you will come to know my Son.
My children, the road will become more difficult for you, without a response. Without
commitment on your part, you will suffer tremendously. You will not know which way to
turn if you are ignoring God’s call. The time is coming and each of you will need to be
strong in your Faith. You will need to rely on God for all your needs. You will need a
trusting heart when storms arise.
Many, many will struggle if they do not trust in God’s love and mercy. Those who trust
will be able to accept whatever God allows. They will have peace in their hearts through
all trials and tribulation. They will know how to survive when their material possessions
are taken away. God will not abandon those who trust. God will comfort and console
those children who have complete trust in Him. They will not turn on their brother and
sister, for love and joy will fill their hearts.
The time is soon at hand, so please, please come to know my Son now. Take time to
build your relationship with Jesus so you learn to trust and obey God. I am here to
prepare the way, so please take heed to my motherly advice. Take heed and prepare your
soul so you are ready at all times. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Many more storms will arise and my children must come to know Jesus
now. All must turn to God so they have peace through all trials and storms. I have been
warning my children for some time now, yet many hearts remain closed to the truth.
Many are living in sin. Many deny that God exists. What will it take to wake mankind.
I say to my children, there is no time to waste. Open your hearts to my Son and pray, pray
more. Put aside your personal desires and come to know my Son now. Let go of all fear
and live and speak the truth. Receive the Sacraments so that my Son can dwell in you.
Ask the Holy Spirit to work through you so more come to know Our Dear Lord, Jesus.
Ask and you will receive the guidance needed to be strong soldiers for Christ.
Now, please be hopeful children and use those gifts God has bestowed upon each of you.
Your love and actions are needed so more see light instead of darkness. Accept Our love
for you. Accept each new day and live your lives for Jesus, for His mercy is truly, truly
upon each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, More prayer is needed because many, many are suffering all around the
world. Many will continue to suffer because they do not have a relationship with Jesus.
Much has been taken away to wake mankind. Man cannot rely on their material
possessions for happiness. They must depend on God for all their needs.
Man must turn to God and repent, repent of their evil ways. All must get down on their
knees and implore God’s mercy. All must prepare their soul so they are ready to face
God. God is truly waking His children because so many continue to live in darkness. God
is allowing these messages so more take heed to the Gospel. God has chosen many
Priests and many messengers to make the Gospel known.
Are my children truly listening, listening to God? Are my children truly living these
messages? One must answer for themselves and then change in those areas where they
are weak. All must obey each Commandment. All must strive to live a pure and holy life.
All must believe that Heaven is their true home. All must obey God’s Commandments
and live, live the Beatitudes. One will not see Heaven if they deny that God exists.
Dear children, time is running out because sin has become widespread. All must turn to
God and repent of their sins. All will be tested and without a strong faith, you will not
survive. This is the time of God’s great mercy. This is the time of purification, so I say to
my children, prepare, prepare, prepare your soul. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Family prayer is truly needed all around the world, for the world is no
longer safe. Prayer is your protection, so please pray together as a family. Pray and armor
your children, for evil has become widespread. Satan is vicious and he is truly trying to
devour my children. All must be on guard. All must pray throughout the day. All must
take refuge in Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart.
My heart is open to those who want my assistance. Please accept my love for you and
accept, accept my motherly assistance. I am here to prepare the way and to lead each of
you closer to my Son, Jesus. Please let go of fear and take heed to what I am telling you.
Please listen to my words and respond, respond now. Open your hearts and turn to God
for assistance. Call upon all the holy Angels and Saints and they will intercede for you.
Pray to the Holy Spirit and you will be led in the right direction.
Please listen to my heavenly plea and begin today to live these messages. Time is running
out and you need to become strong, strong in your faith. Your hearts need to be filled
with trust if you truly, truly love Jesus.
Now, please do what my Son and I are asking of you so more respond to these heavenly
requests. Have confidence and go forth now and imitate my Son’s ways. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, You have been chosen by God, so please continue to write each time I
come to you. These messages are important. They are being given to wake mankind.
Much prayer, much sacrifice is needed so more repent and turn to God. I am asking all
my children to pray and fast in reparation for the sins of the world. I am asking each child
to do their part for the salvation of souls. Through your obedience, souls will be saved
and they will truly come to know my Son, Jesus.
It is time now for my children to go forth and serve God. It is time because these
messages are imbedded in your heart. Each of you must be willing to share the Gospel
wherever you go. Hearts need to be opened, so do not be fearful, make the truth known.
Be loving, joyful children, for this is all part of living my messages.
In time, you will understand the importance of living and sharing these messages. In
time, all will see their soul and they will see the wounds they have added to Jesus’ Most
Sacred Heart. The day will come, so please keep moving forward and do your part for the
salvation of souls.
Now, please be obedient and trust, trust in my love that I have for each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, There cannot be peace in the world until my children truly live the Gospel.
War would not exist if my children truly loved, loved one another. Families would live in
great peace if family members would pray and fast and truly turned to God for all their
Please, dear children, unite yourselves to God. Let go of any hatred that is in your heart.
Be loving and forgiving and pray, pray for unbelievers. Come out of darkness and be
light to the world. Shine, shine your love of knowing Jesus so more awake in this time of
God’s mercy. The earth will continue to tremble if man does not wake up and respond to
Heaven’s call.
I say to my children, war is a punishment for man’s sins. Much prayer, penance and
fasting is truly needed in order to turn the world around. Prayer and penance is needed
each new day. I need your help, so please, please work with me. Join hands and pray
together and live, live the many messages that have been given to you. Pray throughout
the day. Pray for an end to war. Pray or you will see much more destruction upon the
world. Fire will be seen throughout the world if man continues to ignore Heaven’s call.
Please, please respond and live a life of prayer. Live a life of prayer and offer prayers and
sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and for peace throughout this darkened world.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God will continue to open new doors, so be at peace. Be at peace so that
you continue to shine your love of knowing Jesus. Persecution is thirst for your soul, so
continue to do what God and I are asking of you.
My message at Fatima was that my children must repent and turn to God. If man does not
understand these messages, then they are not living the Gospel. All must take heed to the
Gospel. All must repent and turn to God. To repent, one must honor and obey God. One
must live the Fatima message if they truly want to build their relationship with Jesus.
Man must wake up and begin to live, live these messages. All must let go of fear, for
these messages are the Fatima message. These messages are tools to help my children so
more grow in their faith.
If my children continue to ignore the Gospel, then many more will perish. They will see
the fire of hell. I say to my children, sin exists and it is truly, truly darkening the world.
Many people live in sin because they are refusing to examine their conscience. Many are
not obeying God’s Commandments because they are refusing to live pure and holy lives.
I have been warning my children for some time now, yet many mock and laugh at these
messages. Many pick and choose which Commandments to obey. Many turn to the world
for answers, instead of confiding in God. Prayer and penance are truly needed, for so
many are on the wrong path.
Today, I am asking for more prayer. Today, I am asking that each of you pray, pray with
me today. The time is drawing closer, so please wake up and respond to all that I am
teaching you. Wake up and stay awake, for there is not much time for me to repeat
myself. This time will soon end, so begin today by opening your hearts so that God can
direct you on this earth. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
I am asking all my children to live my messages and share them with others. I am asking
for your assistance so more come to know my Son, Jesus. Each of you must imitate Jesus.
You must carry your cross with joy. You must love, love one another and reach out to
those who are furthest away from Jesus. You must let go of all fear, for fear is not from
God. You have but little time to rescue those who are still sleeping. You have but little
time, for the earth is trembling, trembling more.
Now, please listen and live my messages so that love and joy dwell in your hearts. I am
with you each new day. I will assist those who kneel and pray. Accept my motherly love
and go forth now as true soldiers for Christ. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, It is so important that my children come to know Jesus now. Do not wait
for storms to arise, come to know my Son now. Come to know my Son so you have peace
through all trials and storms. The world will see total chaos if my children deny that God
Please dear followers of Christ, pray, pray for unbelievers. Pray throughout the day so
more turn to God in this time of purification. Simplify your lives so you have more time
to pray. Reach out to all your brothers and sisters no matter how dark the world becomes.
It is time now to open your hearts so that this love of knowing Jesus shines, shines
through each of you. Without love, love in your hearts, you will see much more
bloodshed. You will see much violence, suicide and total panic without more prayer.
Today, you must fast and pray. Today, I am asking my children to spend more time with
Jesus. I am here to prepare the way, so please, please listen and take heed to all that I am
telling you. You each need to be prepared. You need to be light to this darkened world.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God is merciful and loving, but His children must wake up now. They
must repent and obey, obey each Commandment. They must turn to God and ask, ask for
His assistance. Many today are living in sin and are worshipping false gods. God is
merciful, but He truly wants His children to turn their lives around.
With God’s help all is possible, so please, please turn to Him and ask for His loving
assistance. Ask and you shall receive the help needed to live a holy life. Do not ignore
God’s loving call. Do not deny that God exists. Be thankful for each new day and give
thanks to Almighty God.
Dear children, make time for God. Take time to talk to Jesus so you truly come to know
His love for you. Do not be an ungrateful people. Use this time to build your relationship
with Jesus. Use this time to pray so that you grow in your faith. Thank God each time you
are able to kneel and pray. Thank God for life so you take nothing for granted. Be more
appreciative for all that God has given you. Be humble, loving children and you will
come to know God in a deeper way.
Now, please take quiet time, for then your prayers will truly come from your heart.
Prayer will truly lead you closer to my Son, Jesus. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Today, I ask that you pray for those who are refusing to come to know my
Son, Jesus. Pray, for many will suffer if they continue to choose darkness. Today, I ask
for more prayer, for so many are on the wrong path. Today, I come to you because time is
short and many, many need to repent before it’s too late.
I am asking each of you to pray, pray for one another. Please, dear children, listen to me,
for time is running out. Today, when you gather, pray, pray from your hearts. Pray from
your hearts, for then I promise you, more souls will be saved. Believe, prepare and pray,
for this will truly help convert many souls.
Now, please be prayerful each time you gather, for prayer is truly needed all around this
world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Continue to be a strong, strong for Jesus. Stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred
Heart and humbly adore my Son. Receive the Sacraments often so you have the grace
needed to remain faithful to Our Lord. Tell my children to reach out to God’s mercy so
they never lose hope. God is merciful, but my children must convert their lives and live,
live the Gospel.
Dear sleepy children, wake up. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Repent and turn to God
so you are protected on this earth. Do not be foolish children, believe that Satan exists.
Believe that the serpent is truly trying to wrap his tail around the world. Believe in God
and use the protection he has so graciously given you. Armor yourselves. Armor your
family so they are not tempted to give in to the evil one. I have given you many messages
on how to armor yourselves. Go back and reflect on the many messages I have given you.
The world is no longer safe because much evil is flooding the world. Evil has been
accepted and this is causing much destruction. The world is in danger because many have
become blind to the truth. It is time now to learn the truth so that you grow in holiness.
Turn to God and you will be guided in the right direction. Turn to God each new day and
ask for His assistance. Believe in the Archangels and say the St. Michael prayer often.
Fast and pray and wear blessed objects. Have a Priest bless your home and use holy water
often. Do all that I am teaching you, for this is your protection.
Now, please obey God and reject evil. Obey each Commandment and stay close, close to
Our Hearts. This is my message. This message is for all my children. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Each time you gather and pray, I am with you. I am with all my children,
especially those who pray, pray from their heart.
Each time you pray, your hearts become more open to the Will of God, so please, please
dear children, open your hearts to prayer and pray, pray more. Prayer opens the heart, so
please pray throughout the day. Prayer will lead you closer to my Son, Jesus, so please
respond, respond today. Prayer groups are truly needed around the world, so please
continue to form groups. Each group that forms, I will assist them in a special way. There
is no time to waste. Keep moving forward and do what God is asking of you.
Now, please be open to God’s love and blessings. Be fruitful and take part in forming
groups, prayer groups, all around the world. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Pray, pray for an end to abortion. Pray and then do what you can to stop
the many abortions that are taking place all around the world. Each time an abortion is
performed, the earth trembles more.
Please, please dear children, use your hands and voice for Christ. Witness to those who
are on the wrong path. Witness in love and pray for those who are choosing death instead
of life. Make atonement for the sins of man. Turn away from sin and live, live your faith.
Live a pure and holy life and obey each Commandment.
The time is drawing near and you each need to do your part for the salvation of souls. Are
you truly taking part in saving souls? Are you praying throughout the day? Are you
sharing your faith and witnessing in love?
Please examine your conscience and then do what God is asking of you. More could be
accomplished if my children truly listened to God. More could be accomplished if my
children took heed to my messages. More could be accomplished if my children truly
lived all that their Most Holy Pope was teaching them.
My message today is to listen and then respond, respond to Almighty God. Listen and
receive the Sacraments faithfully so you have the grace needed to live your faith. Now is
the time to listen, listen and prepare, prepare your soul. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Hold on to my hand and walk with me. Do not let go of my hand when you
feel tired, just keep moving forward. God will be your strength and He will truly advise
you along the way.
All my children must keep climbing God’s Holy Mountain. Those who pray and who
stay close to Jesus will have an easier climb, for they will have peace no matter how steep
this mountain becomes.
I say to my children, stay strong for Jesus, trust in His love for you and remain steadfast
in your faith. Keep moving forward no matter what others think of you, for in time they
too will come to know the truth. In time, their hearts will open and they will see just how
many wounds they have added to Jesus’ Most Precious Body.
Do not be afraid, for fear is lack of trust. Do not lose hope, just continue to trust and
respond to God’s Will in your lives. Respond and be obedient to God so that evil can be
destroyed. Please have confidence in Jesus so you are strengthened by His love each new
Now, please listen to my plea and be more thankful each time you can gather and pray.
Be thankful each time you can receive Jesus in the Eucharist. Be thankful and receive my
Son more reverently. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Keep your focus on God and trust, trust in Him. Do not be afraid of future
events, for God will be with you. God knows what is best for each soul. God is merciful,
loving and forgiving.
Please, dear children, keep your focus on Jesus and pray. Pray and stay close to Jesus, for
then I promise you, you will have peace through all trials and storms. Use this time that
God has allowed, to pray. Use this time wisely and receive the Sacraments so you grow
in love and in truth.
Please, dear children, join me in prayer, for there are many who are still sleeping. Pray
that more will return to God before it’s too late. Pray that more will repent and return to
the Sacraments. Please pray more, for it is pertinent that you each grow and blossom for
Our Lord.
In time, your hands will be needed, for many will come running back to Church. Many
hearts will be opened when God shakes the earth. God will continue to wake His children
during this time of purification. God will cleanse the earth and He will remove all that is
not good for your soul.
Please wake up, wake up now. Do all that you can to build your relationship with Jesus.
Love God more than your desires and respond, respond to His call of mercy.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Please tell my children to pray, fast and repent, for so much evil is
prowling the earth. Evil cannot be destroyed if my children choose to live in mortal sin.
The worst is yet to come if my children do not repent and return to God.
Please, dear children, get down on your knees and recite the Rosary. Pray throughout the
day and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary. Pray, pray from your hearts and implore
God’s mercy. Receive the Sacraments so you have the grace needed to be strong warriors
for Christ.
Great catastrophes are coming to wake mankind. Families need to pray, pray more.
Families need to become families in order to make a difference in the world. Please, dear
children, wake up now and do your part for the salvation of souls. Do your part now, for
a great trial will come upon the United States. Much will be taken away to wake
It is time now to prepare my groups, for prayer is truly needed all around the world.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, The truth must be made known. Please share all that I am teaching you so
more come to know Jesus in a deeper way. Many are living a lukewarm life because they
do not want to come to know the whole truth.
Dear children, in order to grow, you must come to know the whole truth. You must obey
God’s laws and not compromise with the world. Be true apostles in this time of God’s
mercy and grace, and live, live your Catholic Faith. You must let go of fear and proclaim
the Gospel. You must listen to your Most Holy Pope, for he lives and speaks the truth.
I am asking all my children to do their part for the salvation of souls. I am asking Bishops
and Priests to feed their flock so more come to know the truth. I am asking each of you to
preach the Gospel without reservation, for there is no longer time to compromise with the
The truth must be made known so more wake up before it’s too late. Use your hands and
voice for Christ and be willing to be persecuted for living and sharing your faith. Be
willing to suffer, suffer for Christ. Have courage and speak the truth, no matter what
others think of you.
Please dear children, pick up your cross, live your faith and speak the truth. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge, so please keep moving forward
and be willing to suffer for Christ. Be willing to be persecuted for speaking the truth.
The time will come and all will know just how many wounds they have added to Jesus’
Most Precious Body. The world will be punished for the many abortions that are taking
place all around the world. The world will be punished because of man’s refusal to obey
all of God’s Commandments. All must pray in reparation for the many sins that are
taking place all around the world.
Please listen and live all that I am telling you. Get down on your knees and pray more.
Let go of all pride and make more time to be with Our Lord. Let go of your busyness and
respond, respond to the many messages that have been given you. Simplify your lives so
you have more time to adore Our Lord. The answer is prayer, so please let go of your
desires and obey God.
Now, please be more thankful for this time to prepare your groups so you grow in
holiness. Be thankful for each new day. Be thankful and move forward now so more
souls can be saved. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
I have been warning my children for some time so that more would turn to God and ask
for His mercy. I have been teaching my children the truth so more in turn would go forth
and live the Gospel.
Today, I am asking once again to pray, pray for all souls living and deceased. I am asking
that you pray for Cardinals, Bishops and Priests and all religious. I am asking for more
prayer for my Priests so they stay strong, strong for Jesus. Please pray from your hearts,
for then your prayers truly reach Heaven. All the Angels and Saints in Heaven will join
with you if you pray, pray from your heart. Much prayer is needed, so continue to join
hands and pray together as a family.
Now, please follow my Son’s footsteps and pray, pray more. Pray throughout the day and
pray in those groups that I have formed. Honor Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart and you will
come to know God’s love and the true power of prayer. Prayer will make your armor
shine. Prayer is your protection. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Lack of prayer and love is why there is so much confusion and division in
the world. When my children do not pray, they close their hearts to God’s love. Without
love in one’s heart, there cannot be peace or joy.
Please, dear children, turn to God each new day. Be prayerful, loving children so you do
not turn others away. Please listen and respond to my messages so that pride, jealousy
and hate do not enter into those groups that I have formed. Be humble, prayerful children
so you learn to work together. Allow God to be in charge so that you do not seek control.
God is your shepherd, so please rely on Him today. Rely on God and trust, trust in Him
and you will grow in holiness. This is my message. Please respond and obey Almighty
God. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God has chosen many to lead the faithful forward so they do not lose hope
or confidence in Our Lord.
My daughter, you have been chosen to relay my words, so continue to write each time I
come to you. Write each new message so more come to know God’s love and mercy. So
many today struggle because they are choosing to walk alone. So many today do not want
to change their ways and many are living in mortal sin. My daughter, many will suffer if
they continue to choose darkness. Please continue to be God’s messenger so more turn to
Him before it’s too late.
The world has but little time to repent and amend their ways. Time is running out and if
my children do not repent and stop offending God, they will suffer, suffer tremendously.
The warning will come and man will have but little time to repent. All will have to decide
to either choose light or darkness. All will need to repent and become faithful followers
of Jesus Christ. All will know there is a God who is loving and merciful. The earth is
being purified because the day is drawing near. God’s light will shine in each soul and all
will know just how they offended God. Many, many will suffer for compromising with
the world. Bishops will have but little time to shepherd their flock. All will know just
how many wounds they have added to Jesus’ Most Precious Body.
I say to my children, repent and prepare your soul now. Stop persecuting my Son and
live, live a holy life. Turn away from sin and obey, obey God. Please understand that
when you sin, it truly offends God. Now, please examine your conscience and make a
thorough Confession. Examine your conscience and return to the Sacraments. Stop living
a lukewarm life. Stop crucifying my Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, War is not the answer. Pray that more will turn to God before it’s too late.
Pray that more will turn to God, for this is the only way that hate will leave their hearts.
Prayer is truly needed, for so much violence is taking place all around the world. Many
innocent lives are being lost because so many are listening to Satan.
Please, dear children, pray, pray more. Pray for all your brothers and sisters, for many,
many are on the wrong path. Pray, for I say to you, the chastisement is near. Pray and
prepare and amend your ways now. Get down on your knees and implore God’s mercy.
A response is needed, so please pray and fast and do penance each new day. Give up your
worldly ways. Be loving, humble children. Take heed to the Gospel. Repent and take
heed to these messages and follow God’s Holy Will. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My children must love, love one another. They must join hands and live
together in harmony and in love. They must trust in God’s love and be an example to
those around them. Conversion cannot happen if my children ignore these heavenly pleas.
There is no time to be fighting with one another. Join hands, join hearts and be more
loving and forgiving. Be united with all your brothers and sisters.
Trust in my motherly intercession and respond, respond today. Trust in God’s love and
mercy, for then you will truly understand all that I am teaching you. Through your
prayers and sacrifices, more will come to know my Son, Jesus. The Rosary is your
weapon, so go forth and pray your Rosary with true devotion. I am here, your Mother of
Grace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Change is not easy, but if my children refuse to amend their ways, they
will not grow. They will not blossom for Our Lord. Each child has areas that they must
work on if they truly want to be led closer to Our Lord.
Please, dear children, use this time wisely. Use this time wisely so you are ready to see
your soul. The day will come, so please work on those areas that are preventing you from
moving closer to God. Work each new day and do penance for your sins.
Stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart and He will protect you from whatever it is that
lies ahead. Prayer is your protection, so please, please make more time for prayer. Prayer
is your protection, so please pray and desire God so you are led in the right direction.
God will then truly be with you and He will live in you each new day. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, My children must understand that all power comes from Almighty God.
They must turn to Him for guidance instead of relying on the world for answers.
Time is short and my children must obey God’s Commandments. They must turn away
from sin or they will sink deeper, deeper into the pit. The earth continues to tremble
because sin has become widespread. Terrorists roam the earth because there is so much
hate in many hearts. The world is no longer safe and my children must prepare their soul.
They must pray more and come to know my Son before it’s too late.
The enemy will strike when you least likely expect. The enemy is vicious so be on guard
and use the protection God has given you. Stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart and
adore, adore Him often. It is time now to truly take heed to the Gospel. This is the time to
get down on your knees. Each new day, implore God’s mercy. Each new day, say those
prayers that I have taught you.
Now, please remain in the spirit of prayer and abandon yourselves completely to
Almighty God. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God will never abandon His children if they respond and live, live a holy
life. God is merciful and loves all His children.
Please be more thankful for each new day. Be hopeful and pray, pray throughout the day.
This time has been allowed so more repent and amend their ways. Destruction lies on the
horizon if my children do not follow God’s Will. Many more storms and earthquakes will
arise if my children refuse to obey Almighty God. God is truly warning His children, but
yet many continue to ignore God.
Please take heed to my heavenly requests. Accept God’s grace. Accept His love and
mercy that He has for each of you. Open your hearts and take heed to all that I am
teaching you. Open your hearts, be little children so that I can teach you. Hunger daily to
be fed the truth. Let go of fear and long for the truth. Believe, believe dear children, that a
bad tree cannot produce fruit. Believe in God’s plan. Believe that God has chosen many
to wake mankind.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Love, peace and joy must shine through my children so more come to
know Our Dear Lord, Jesus.
Each of you must be an example towards all your brothers and sisters. You must love one
another and serve those who are on the wrong path. You must do your part in order to
make a difference in the world. I need your assistance in order for conversion to happen.
Please, please dear children, do not hide your love of knowing Jesus. Do not compromise
with the world. Allow God’s love to radiate through you. More will come to know Jesus
if you allow God’s love to shine through you. Love is the answer, for each soul longs for
Now, please open your hearts and be loving, humble children. Open your doors and assist
those who are furthest away from Our Lord. Be true servants and God will truly, truly
bless you. Obedience is needed, so please obey each Commandment. Obey each
Commandment, for then love will pour forth from your hearts.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God is merciful and He will pour His love down upon those who come to
Come, come dear children, and adore Our Lord. Kneel before Our Lord in Adoration and
give thanks to Almighty God. Give thanks for all blessings and for all that God has done
in your life. Give thanks and praise to God for the many gifts you have received. Give
thanks by truly spending time with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Now, please have hope in Jesus. Have hope and believe in God’s love that He has for
each of you. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Pray for peace, peace in the world. Pray that violence around the world
will end. Pray that more will turn to Jesus instead of their guns. Violence will only
become worse if my children seek revenge. Many youth today rely on their guns because
they do not know Jesus.
Please, dear children, pray, for the world is no longer safe. The world has become a
battleground because there is so much hate in my children’s hearts. Only through prayer,
can this fighting stop. Through prayer, conversion will happen. Please pray the Rosary
everyday. Pray together as a family each new day. Catastrophe will happen if my children
do not pray, pray more. Much prayer will be needed to turn this world around.
Prayer is what I am asking of each of you. Do not ignore my heavenly pleas, for prayer is
truly needed all around the world. All must come to know the truth and live, live each
new message. All must implore God’s mercy. All must be thankful for God’s magnificent
plan to save the world.
Please be grateful children and pray, pray more. Please be grateful and do your part for
the salvation of souls. This time will not last forever. This time of preparation is your
time to truly make a difference in this darkened world. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Much prayer is needed all around the world, so continue to gather in those
groups that I have formed. Gather and pray for all your brothers and sisters. Gather and
pray, pray from your hearts, and then believe that God truly hears your prayers.
I am with you, dear children, each time you pray. I am with you in a very special way
because of God’s love for you. Be thankful today, be thankful each time you have the
opportunity to gather and pray. Be thankful, for each time you pray, I will lead you closer
to my Son’s Heart.
Now, please pray with all your hearts and have hope in my Son, Jesus, for His mercy is
endless and He wants each of you to have peace and unending joy. Amen
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Continue to write, for many are hungry and they need to be fed the truth.
They need to relearn their ways so they go forth and live, live their faith. I need your
assistance so more wake up before it’s too late. I need your assistance so more come to
know Our Dear lord, Jesus. Will you assist me each new day? Will you imitate Jesus’
ways? Will you love all your brothers and sisters, and assist those who are furthest away
from Jesus? I need your assistance, so please continue to write and share my messages
around the world.
Please, dear children, be humble, loving and live a pure life. Be compassionate and live,
live the Beatitudes. Live all that I am teaching you so that this love of knowing Jesus
shines through you. More will gather in those groups that I have formed if you shine,
shine for others. It is time now to truly live these messages, so begin today and pray, pray
more. Allow these messages to penetrate your heart. Through your response, many more
children will be touched throughout the world.
Now, please love, love one another and do all that you can for the salvation of souls.
My daughter, thank you for your response. Thank you for your willingness to suffer for
my Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
Conversion is still needed today because so many are sleeping. Many are disobeying
God’s laws and they think they have the right to choose who should live and who should
die. Sin has become widespread because many, many are not obeying God’s
Commandments. Many innocent lives are being destroyed all around the world. How I
weep when I see so much violence and bloodshed. I weep, weep for my children because
so many are on the wrong path. I weep because sin has become widespread. The path to
hell has become wider because so much is being allowed in the world.
Please wake up and obey God. Respect life and do all that you can to stop abortion. Be
pure, humble parents and teach your children right from wrong. Be loving and obey God
by truly living each Commandment. Do not give in to the world. Keep your focus on
Christ. Please let go of fear and take a stand for life. Be strong, strong soldiers and live
your faith. Do penance for your sins and cleanse your soul regularly. Pray unceasingly
and believe that prayer changes hearts. Believe and pray to the Holy Spirit, for it is
through prayer that conversion will happen.
Now, please take heed to my messages and let them penetrate your hearts. Take heed,
love one another and live each day for my Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, I am here today to remind my children that love must be present in your
hearts. In order to be God’s chosen messengers, you must have love, joy and peace
imbedded in your hearts. The world needs to see Christ shining through each of you. The
world needs to come to know the true meaning of Christmas.
You must allow Christ to dwell in you. Begin today by being prayerful, humble and
obedient, and Christ will then truly shine through each of you. Allow God to be first in
your lives so that you do not become entangled by the world. God wants to share His
peace, love and grace with all His children, so please accept and keep your hearts open.
Be open to all His blessings that He has for each of you. Share your blessings with those
around you and be grateful for each new day. Pray and love one another, for then your
hearts will be filled with joy.
Now, please strive to do God’s Will so you stay close, close to my Son. Have hope in
Jesus and He will fill you with great joy, peace, love and freedom. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, Trust in Jesus and look to Him for guidance. Look to my Son for
acceptance and understanding, for He truly knows your heart. The truth must be made
known, so depend on God and He will give you the strength needed to carry your cross.
Be humble, be obedient so that God’s love continues to shine through you.
Dear children, do all that I am asking so you stay on the path that will lead you to
Heaven. Do all that I am asking, for then you will be led closer to Jesus’ Most Sacred
Heart. Offer to Him all your joys and sufferings so you never, never lose hope.
Now please, during this holy season, be prayerful so your focus remains on God. I am
with you, dear children, so stay strong, strong for Jesus. Stay strong for Jesus and you
will be filled with God’s love, joy and peace. Amen.
2005 Messages from the Immaculate Heart ~ Private Revelations Through Locutionist Little Mary
My daughter, God wants all His children to go forth and spread the Gospel. The Gospel
must be made known, so please live the truth and be an example towards all your
brothers and sisters. Let go of your worldly possessions and live, live more simply.
Spend time with Jesus so you become strong in your faith. You cannot do what I am
asking of you if you do not spend time with Jesus. It is time now to increase your time to
be with Our Lord. Jesus wants to teach you, so please hunger for the truth. Let go of your
worldly ways so that you have quality time with Our Lord. Let go of the distractions in
your life so you can hear God more clearly.
I want each of you to grow, so please take heed to what I am telling you. Let go of your
desires and live, live in His truth. Take seriously all that I am telling you and be willing to
change in those areas that are preventing growth. Do not abuse this time, for the time will
arrive quickly and each of you will need to be strong in your faith.
My Son loves you, dear children, so please turn to Him each new day. Pray more and
begin today to live all that my Son is teaching you. My words are simple, so please
respond today. Surrender your will to Jesus and trust, trust in His love that He has for
each of you. Surrender to His mercy and you will see the wonders of Almighty God
Go now with love in your hearts and keep your focus on Jesus, who is truly present in the
Eucharist. Amen.