Title: 9801 High-Impact Crane Safety: Length: 18 Minutes Production Year: 1998 Program Synopsis
Title: 9801 High-Impact Crane Safety: Length: 18 Minutes Production Year: 1998 Program Synopsis
Title: 9801 High-Impact Crane Safety: Length: 18 Minutes Production Year: 1998 Program Synopsis
PROGRAM COMPONENTS: Videotape and leaders guide PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: After watching the program, the participant will be able to explain the following: When and how crane inspections and pre-operational checkouts are performed; How to determine the weight of a load and the load capacity of a crane; How to inspect and use slings as well as how sling angles add tension to the load; How to safely lift and move loads; How hand signals are used during operation of cab-controlled cranes; Why Lockout/Tagout procedures are important during crane repair.
BACKGROUND Cranes all have a common purpose, which is to assist us in lifting and moving heavy loads with a minimum of stress and strain on our bodies. These tools are necessary for production. In many instances, the job cannot be done without them. If we use cranes improperly or in an unsafe manner, we lose the advantage that they give to us. While crane operators outside on construction sites must deal with overhead power lines, unstable loads and uneven working surfaces, operators inside the plant are more concerned with protecting co-workers and production machinery from out-of-control or falling loads. INSPECTIONS AND PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT Periodic crane inspections are performed every one to twelve months and are usually made by an outside source. Frequent inspections are made daily to monthly and are required for safe operation. Pre-operational checkouts should be performed daily or before using a crane. You must be trained and authorized to perform this procedure. If you have a checkout sheet provided by your company, you should follow the procedures listed on it. PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT PROCEDURES As a competent person who is trained and authorized to perform checkout, you should make sure that you pay attention to the following items: Make sure the pendant controls work correctly. Check for sticking buttons and make sure that all of the buttons work properly. Be sure that you can read all of the directional indicators and that they arent worn off. If any of the controls fails to work properly, tag the pendant out of service immediately. The hook should be checked to make sure it has no cracks and the safety latch should be in good condition. The hook must not be more than 10 degrees out of alignment and the throat must not have spread more than 15 percent from normal. DETERMINING LOAD WEIGHT AND LOAD CAPACITY OF CRANE Before attaching the load to the lifting device, you must know the approximate weight and center of gravity of the load as well as the load capacity of the crane. One way of determining the weight of the load is to look for the manufacturers information attached to the load. You can also check the shipping papers or work orders for information about weight. Other ways to determine the weight is to look at the mechanical or shop drawing; you may also consult material weight charts for information. If you cant find any information, you can estimate the weight of the load by comparing your load to a comparable known weight. You may also get a second opinion from you supervisor. After determining the weight of the load, make sure that this weight is 50 percent or less than the lifting capacity of the crane. For example, if a crane is rated for 1,000 pounds, assume it will support only 500 pounds. SLING INSPECTION AND USE When attaching the load, you must determine the type and number of slings needed to lift the load and make sure that the load is correctly balanced.
SLING INSPECTION AND USE (continued) Before use each day, the sling, all fasteners and attachments must be inspected for damage or defects by a competent person designated by the company. Additional inspections must be performed in situations where slings are subjected to increased sling hazards. If at any time you find the sling is defective, it should not be used but instead removed from service immediately and destroyed. If you discover that a sling is too long for the job, never shorten it with a makeshift device or by tying a knot in it. A sling will have to be re-rated by the proper authority if it someone has tampered with it. When attaching the load to the slings, be sure they are secure. Pay attention to the load capacity of the sling as the rigging configuration changes. When using a basket hitch, make sure both legs are balanced and share equal amounts of the load. Make sure the sling is padded to protect it from being cut by sharp edges. SLING ANGLES When attaching the load to a sling, chains or a choker, you must understand the relationship between the weight of the load and the angle of the sling or chain. As the angle of the sling increases, the amount of tension on the sling also increases. Consult load angle factors charts to correctly determine sling tension. PREPARING TO LIFT THE LOAD The cardinal rule in making any lift is to be sure that no person or property will be injured in the event of equipment failure. Maintaining control of the load begins when you select the proper lifting equipment and determine the center of gravity of the load. This will help control any shifting of the load in the harness. Be aware of pinch points that exist between the sling and the load, between the load and a fixed object and between the load and its resting point. If a hook is used in lifting, make sure the load is deep in the hook and the safety clip is in place. Make sure any sling, choker or chain is positioned properly in the throat. If you have attached the load successfully to the crane, the next step is to move it to its destination. With the load ready to lift, look around you to make sure you have a clear path to your destination no matter how near or far away that may be. LIFTING AND MOVING LOADS Lift slowly to take any slack out of the sling or attachments. This will also minimize swinging. Never leave a suspended load unattended. By doing so, you are losing control of the load. After the load is airborne, move the crane with a slow, steady, continuous motion. Lift the load just high enough to clear obstructions; loads raised excessively high create even more hazards. Avoid any jerky movements or abrupt stops. These may cause the load to continue traveling in a given direction and suddenly swing out of control. Never move a load over a co-worker or knowingly allow anyone to walk under the load. While moving the load, check to see where you are walking; you may stumble over objects on the floor while looking up at the load. When the load is in the position, lower it and stop the hook when enough slack allows for unhooking. When the work is complete, return the crane to its designated place and make sure aisles and walkways are kept clear. CAB-CONTROLLED CRANES Often the operator of a cab-controlled crane cannot see the load. This type of job requires the assistance of a second person know as a director or signaler. The director is responsible for communicating directions to the operator through a system of visual or audible signals. If you are giving the signals, make sure they are clear and concise. Also be sure the operator is receiving clearly the signals that you are sending. As an operator, you should never move the load unless you are sure you clearly understand the signals. While there should never be more that one signaler at a time, the stop signal should be obeyed at all times no matter where it comes from or how many people send it. CRANE REPAIRS When making crane repairs, remember that Lockout/Tagout is the most important procedure that will protect you from injury. Many repairs are made after workers first lock and tag out all forms of energy connected with the crane. If the crane must be operated as part of the repair, all safety precautions must be taken. A qualified and authorized person must direct the repairs. SEVEN KEYS TO PREVENTING CRANE ACCIDENTS To prevent crane accidents that result in injury and death, remember these seven key points: n You must be trained and authorized to operate any crane or hoist. o Know and understand how to conduct a pre-operational checkout. p Understand how to determine the weight of the load and rig it properly. q Know the relationship between the angle of the load and the tension on the sling. r Understand the proper way to lift, move and release the load as well as how to use hand signals. s Never exceed the lifting capacity of the crane and attaching devices. t Never create a hazard for people or property with a lifted load.