Clash Example - Catia

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============================================================================= ' SAMPLE of VB code to generate Interference Checking rules from a excel file ' This code is ONLY

AN EXAMPLE to demonstrate how CATIA Automation APIs can ' be used to make the rules edition easier. ' Notes: ' - excel file will be open ' - rule catproduct will be CREATED ' - rules will be CREATED from excel data ' - rules will be solved ' - rule catproduct will be saved (if already exist, used will be prompted) ' - excel application will be closed ' - rule catproduct is kept open since ' Warning: as an example, this code might not manage all customized conditions ' other syntax and separators could be used '============================================================================= ' COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2005 ' Language: VBScript ' 2005-05-09 creation by CIN@DS '============================================================================= Option Explicit 'to prevent from implicit variant-type declarations ' Constants Definition '================================== Const ruleGenDir As String = "E:\tmp\ImportRulesTest" 'the wor king directory Const ruleExcelFile As String = ruleGenDir + "\SPE1Rules.xls" 'the ex cel source file Const ruleCATProduct As String = ruleGenDir + "\SPE_ITF_GENERATED_Rules.CATProdu ct" 'the resulting rules CATProduct Const ruleProductPartNumber As String = "SPE_ITF_RULES_PRODUCT" Const ruleBaseName As String = "SPE_ITF_RULES" Const ruleGenSet As String = "GENERATED" Const ruleSeverityParamName As String = "Severity" Const rulePenCandParamrName As String = "PenetrationCandidate" Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const defaultRuleName As String = "DefaultClash" 'the default values defaultTypeProd1 As String = "Product" defaultTypeProd2 As String = "Product" defaultBasicCondition As String = "if(p1 != p2)" defaultClearance As String = "0mm" defaultTypeOfCalc As String = """Clash""" defaultShapeName As String = """Shape 1""" defaultSeverity As String = "Hard-Hard" defaultPenCand As String = "NotCandidate" defaultPriority As Double = 1 Integer = 38 Integer = 40 Integer = 37 String = "Hard-Hard" String = "Soft-Hard" String = "Soft-Soft" 'the color index for har 'the color index for sof 'the color index for sof 'the different severity

Const hardhardColor As d-hard interferences Const softhardColor As t-hard interferences Const softsoftColor As t-soft interferences Const hardhardValue As values Const softhardValue As Const softsoftValue As

'============================================================================= ' 1 - Create the rule product ' 2 - Create Rules Set ' 3 - Retrieve the Rules from Excel or Text file ' 4 - For Each Excel Combination, Generate Rules in the Rule Set ' 5 - Solving Rules ' 6 - Saving Rules Product ' 7 - Closing Excel '============================================================================= Sub CATMain() '============================================================================= ' 1 - Create the rule product '============================ Dim catiaDocs As Documents Set catiaDocs = CATIA.Documents Dim ruleProductDoc As Document Set ruleProductDoc = catiaDocs.Add("Product") Dim ruleProduct As Product Set ruleProduct = ruleProductDoc.Product CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.Viewpoint3D.ProjectionMode = 0 ruleProduct.PartNumber = ruleProductPartNumber ' 2 - Create Rules Set '====================== Dim ruleBase As Relation Set ruleBase = ruleProduct.Relations.CreateRuleBase(ruleBaseName) Dim generatedRuleSet As ExpertRuleSet Set generatedRuleSet = ruleBase.RuleSet.CreateRuleSet(ruleGenSet, "") ' 3 - Retrieve the Rules from Excel or Text file '====================== Dim msExcelApp As Object Set msExcelApp = GetObject("", "Excel.Application") msExcelApp.Visible = True msExcelApp.UserControl = True Dim msExcelWorkbook As Workbook Set msExcelWorkbook = msExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(ruleExcelFile) Dim rulesWorkSheet As Worksheet Set rulesWorkSheet = msExcelWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1) ' 4 - For Each Excel Combination, Generate Rules in the Rule Set '====================== Dim colIndex As Integer, colMaxIndex As Integer colIndex = 2 colMaxIndex = colIndex 'determining max column index While (Not rulesWorkSheet.Cells(1, colMaxIndex) Like "") colMaxIndex = colMaxIndex + 1 Wend

Dim rowIndex As Integer, rowMaxIndex As Integer rowMaxIndex = colMaxIndex 'While all the columns have not been processed.. While (colIndex < colMaxIndex) rowIndex = 2 While (rowIndex <= colIndex) Call CreateRuleFromWorksheetCell(rulesWorkSheet, colIndex, rowIndex, rul eProduct, generatedRuleSet) rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 Wend colIndex = colIndex + 1 Wend ' 5 - Solving Rules '====================== ruleBase.SolveType = AutomaticCompleteSolveType Call ruleBase.Deduce ' 6 - Saving Rules Product '====================== ruleProductDoc.SaveAs (ruleCATProduct) 'product is kept open for "Manual Optimized Solve" & control ' 7 - Closing Excel '====================== msExcelApp.Workbooks.Close msExcelApp.Quit End Sub

'============================================================================= ' Add a new rule to the given product&set according to given cell '============================================================================= Sub CreateRuleFromWorksheetCell(rulesWorkSheet As Worksheet, colIndex As Integer , rowIndex As Integer, ruleProduct As Product, generatedRuleSet As ExpertRuleSet ) '============================================================================= 'variables declaration Dim colTitle As String, rowTitle As String Dim cellColor As Variant Dim cellComment As String Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim ng, Dim rule_name As String, rule_custoname As String, rule_priority As Double rule_typeprod1 As String, rule_typeprod2 As String rule_clearance As String, rule_typeofcalc As String tmpShape1 As String, tmpShape2 As String rule_shape1 As String, rule_shape2 As String rule_severity As String, rule_pencandidate As String rule_variables As String, rule_condition As String, rule_computation As Stri rule_body As String rule_advcondition As String

Dim extracted_type As String, extracted_pencand As String, extracted_priority As String Dim newRule As ExpertRule Dim ruleParams As Parameters Dim severityParam As Parameter, pencandidateParam As Parameter Dim createRuleFlag As Boolean ' Initialization createRuleFlag = True ' Initialization for the Rule's customizable inputs rule_name = defaultRuleName rule_custoname = "" rule_typeprod1 = defaultTypeProd1 rule_typeprod2 = defaultTypeProd1 rule_condition = defaultBasicCondition rule_advcondition = "" rule_clearance = defaultClearance rule_typeofcalc = defaultTypeOfCalc rule_shape1 = defaultShapeName rule_shape2 = defaultShapeName rule_severity = defaultSeverity rule_pencandidate = defaultPenCand rule_priority = defaultPriority 'for severity cellColor = rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Interior.ColorIndex Select Case cellColor Case hardhardColor rule_severity = hardhardValue Case softhardColor rule_severity = softhardValue Case softsoftColor rule_severity = softsoftValue Case Else createRuleFlag = False End Select 'If no color is specified, we don't create the rule If (createRuleFlag) Then 'retrieving product types and shape names colTitle = rulesWorkSheet.Cells(1, colIndex) rowTitle = rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 1) rule_typeprod1 = Split(colTitle, tmpShape1 = Split(colTitle, "/", rule_shape1 = """" + tmpShape1 + rule_typeprod2 = Split(rowTitle, tmpShape2 = Split(rowTitle, "/", rule_shape2 = """" + tmpShape2 + "/", 2)(0) 2)(1) """" "/", 2)(0) 2)(1) """"

'computation overloaded details: priority, type of calculation, clearance, p enetration candidate rule_priority = ExtractValueFromCell(rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex ).Text, rule_priority)

rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Select If Not rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Comment Is Nothing Then cellComment = rulesWorkSheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Comment.Text rule_custoname = ExtractValueFromComment(cellComment, "RuleName", rule_c ustoname) rule_advcondition = ExtractValueFromComment(cellComment, "AdvCondition", rule_advcondition) rule_typeofcalc = ExtractValueFromComment(cellComment, "ComputationType" , rule_typeofcalc) rule_clearance = ExtractValueFromComment(cellComment, "Clearance", rule_ clearance) rule_pencandidate = ExtractValueFromComment(cellComment, "PenCandidate", rule_pencandidate) End If ' The Rule definition '==================== 'constructing rule name If Len(rule_custoname) > 0 Then rule_name = rule_custoname Else rule_name = rule_typeprod1 + "_" + tmpShape1 + "_" + rule_typeprod2 + "_ " + tmpShape2 + "_" + Str(rule_priority) End If If Len(rule_advcondition) > 0 Then rule_condition = rule_condition + " AND " + rule_advcondition End If rule_variables = "p1:" + rule_typeprod1 + ";p2:" + rule_typeprod2 rule_computation = "{DefineInterferenceComputation(p1, p2," + rule_typeofcal c + ", " + rule_clearance + ", " + rule_shape1 + ", " + rule_shape2 + ", ThisRul e);}" rule_body = rule_condition + rule_computation Set newRule = generatedRuleSet.CreateRule(rule_name, rule_variables, rule_bo dy, "") newRule.Priority = rule_priority ' The Rule's Parameters '====================== Set ruleParams = ruleProduct.Parameters.SubList(newRule, True) Set severityParam = ruleParams.CreateString(ruleSeverityParamName, rule_seve rity) Set pencandidateParam = ruleParams.CreateString(rulePenCandParamrName, rule_ pencandidate) End If End Sub '============================================================================= ' extract overloaded priority from cell '============================================================================= Function ExtractValueFromCell(cellText As String, default As Double) '============================================================================= Dim result As Double

result = default If Len(cellText) > 0 Then result = cellText End If ExtractValueFromCell = result End Function '============================================================================= ' extract overloaded data from cells'comment ' comment must be using following syntax ' param1=value1; ' param2=value2; ' ... '============================================================================= Function ExtractValueFromComment(commentText As String, attrName As String, defa ult As String) '============================================================================= Dim result As String Dim commentline As String, nextline As String Dim param As String, value As String Dim index As Integer result = default If Len(commentText) > 0 Then index = 0 nextline = "init=init" While (InStr(1, param, attrName, vbTextCompare) <= 0 And InStr(1, nextline, "=", vbTextCompare) > 0) commentline = Split(commentText, ";")(index) nextline = Split(commentText, ";")(index + 1) param = Split(commentline, "=")(0) value = Split(commentline, "=")(1) index = index + 1 Wend If InStr(1, param, attrName, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then result = value End If End If ExtractValueFromComment = result End Function

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