Veeramani Admit Card

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Admit Card


Admit Card for Written Test for Post of Support Staff District Resorce Persons (SSD01) - September 2013 CONDUCTED BY T&M SERVICES CONSULTING PVT LTD
Name of the Candidate TNM ID Test Centre Venue Details VEERAMANI V 1004337 NMSS Vellichamy Nadar College Nagamalai, Madurai - 625019. Test Centre Name NMSS Vellichamy Nadar College Post Code SSD01 Roll Number 13031682


Signature of the Invigilator

Signature of the C andidate


Date of TEST : 22.09.2013

SSD01 - 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Candidates should enter the Test hall / Classroom at 2:45 p.m. without fail. Candidates are advised to mark the proper Roll No and write their Name and Sign on the OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates are advised to mark the proper Question Booklet Code in the OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates should write their Roll No on the Question Booklet. The candidates whose photograph is not appearing/ or not clearly visible on their Admit Card, have not followed stipulated procedure However such candidates are advised to carry two copies of admit card (two copies for each written test) along with two recent passport size photographs (two photograph for each written test) and a photo identity proof such as Aadhar Card , Voter Identity Card, Passport, PAN Card or Driving License, and printout of Admit Card at the Test Centre Venue to secure admission in the Examination. Such candidates will be allowed to appear in these Examinations after giving an undertaking in writing, form for the same will be available with the Invigilators. 6. In case the candidate is a retired Government Employee and his admit card has been generated. Kindly carry two copies of admit card (two copies for each written test) to the Test centre allocated and take your seat as per Test timings and highlight to the Invigilator preferably before being provided with the Question Booklet that you are a Retired Government Employee. Submit the copy of the admit card to the Invigilator with Retired Government Employee written on it along with your signature. Verification of your claim will be done at the time of Interview. * Kindly note in case your photograph is not appearing/ or not clearly visible on the Admit Card please also carry two recent passport size photographs (two photograph for each written test) and a photo identity proof as mentioned in point 5 of special instructions. *Retired government candidates are exempted from writing the written exam and will be directly called for Interviews.


1. Candidates are informed that they are provisionally admitted to this written test, subject to the final decision of SASTA on their eligibility. 2. No Candidates will be permitted to enter the Test hall / Classroom after 3:10 p.m. No Candidates will be allowed to leave the Test hall / Classroom during the Written test. 3. Candidates should bring along with Blue / Black Ball Point pen to fill up OMR Answer Sheet. 4. Use of Pencil, Calculator, Log tables, Communication devices like cellular Phone, Pager etc. is not allowed in the Test hall / Classroom. 5. OMR Answer sheet should be carefully filled up as per Instructions given in Question Booklet and the OMR Answer Sheet. 6. Candidates are advised to retain this Admit Card till the selection process is over. 7. If the OMR sheet is not properly filled or wrongly filled, candidate shall be penalised either by cut in marks or invalidating his candidature for the post. 8. Candidates are advised to bring with them photo identity proof e.g. Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, Voters ID, Aadhar Card to the written test. Invigilators have the right to check the identity proof if required.

* No Candidates will be allowed to give the written test without proper Admit Card


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