Re 300 Online 8 Week Course Outline Spring 2009

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RE 300 Principles of Real Estate

Spring 2009 Online 1st Eight Weeks

Instructor: Patrick J. Hogarty Office Phone: (916) 558-2314
Office: B 212 Extension: N/A
Office Hours: Mon/Wed 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Email: [email protected]
Tue/Thurs 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Special Note: Email is the best method for contacting me. Normally, I check my email several times
a day and often on weekends.

Required Text: Huber, Walt, California Real Estate Principles, 11 th or 12 th Edition

Optional Video DVD Set: See information about this optional DVD set under the heading of
Course Requirements/Assignments

Class Students can watch lectures on Cable Television, view lectures over the internet, or
Schedule: watch lectures using DVD set available thru the college bookstore. You must have
a DVD player in your computer (you cannot watch them using a television
DVD player).

Units: 3 Credit units Prerequisite: None Acceptable for credit: CSU

Course Description This is a fundamental real estate course covering the basic laws and principles
of California real estate, giving understanding, background and terminology necessary for advanced
study in specialized courses. This course is required by the California Department of Real Estate
prior to taking the real estate salesperson’s examination.

Course Requirements/Assignments: This is a video-enhanced online course. The videos are

broadcast over Comcast and SureWest Cable TV. They are also available for viewing on demand
over the Internet and for purchase on DVD (for students who have computers with DVD players).
In this video-enhanced online class students will:

1. Complete the mandatory online orientation session and take the online orientation quiz.
2. Watch the class video lecture programs using one of the following methods:
a) Purchase copies of all the video lecture programs on DVD and watch the programs during
the semester. Students must have a DVD player in their computer that uses the Windows
operating system and has the free Windows Media Player Installed. (Special Note: you cannot
watch video lecture programs buy using a television DVD).

b) Watch each television program on demand with high-speed DSL or cable Internet
connection. Again, students must have a computer running the Windows operating system
which has the free Windows Media Player Installed.

c) Watch the video lectures on Comcast or SureWest Cable TV.

d) Watch the video lectures in the Instructional Media Center, free of charge.

3. Read texts and complete assignments.

4. Use the Internet to receive class assignments, take quizzes, submit assignments and participate in
discussion groups.

5. Complete online Midterm and Final Examinations online.

Mandatory Course Orientation Quiz: All students are required to complete an online orientation
quiz which is worth 50 points toward each student’s final grade. This quiz is located on the course
Blackboard web site and covers all of the material contained in the course outline and instructional
materials on the course Blackboard web site. To prepare for this quiz students should perform the
following steps:

1. Download, print and read the entire course outline.

2. Using the instructions in the course outline log into the class Blackboard web site.
3. Navigate thru the course Blackboard web site and look at the instructional materials contained
under the following areas:

Announcements, Staff Information, Course Materials, Communication, Gradebook, TV Shows, Web

Site Links, TV Audio Podcasts and Exam & Quizzes.

4. Click the link for TV Shows and become familiar with the class lectures by watching the first few
minutes of the first show. (Special Note: Each show is about 1 hour in length and there are 32
shows for each class. Each show covers specific materials covered in the course).

5. Finally, in Blackboard click on the Exam & Quizzes button and take the orientation quiz. The quiz
covers all materials covered in steps 1 – 4 shown above.

Quizzes/Midterm/Final Exams: There will be one quiz for each chapter, one midterm exam and a
comprehensive final exam for this class. These exams will include all material covered in the class to
the date shown in the attached class outline. Make up exams without penalty will be given only in
the most extreme and compelling circumstances. Students will take all quizzes and exams online.
Chapter quizzes must be taken no later than Saturday evening before 12:00 midnight on the week
the exam is scheduled. The midterm and Final Examinations must be complete on or before the
date as shown in the attached Detailed Course Schedule.

Academic Dishonesty (cheating): Any indication of academic dishonesty (cheating) will result in a
zero for the quiz, exam, assignment, etc. The matter will be referred to the Business Division Dean
and Campus Discipline Officer for appropriate action.

Accommodations For Students With Disabilities: If you have a learning disability or a physical
disability that requires accommodation, please let me know as soon as possible. All needs that have
been verified through the Disability Resource Center will be accommodated.

Class Drop Policy: In the event, a student decides to drop the class it is the student’s responsibility
to notify and complete all the necessary documentation with the admissions and records office.
Course Lecture Video: This course has 32 hours of lecture where the instructor covers the
material covered in the course. Students have several methods they can use to watch the video
lectures. These methods include purchasing a DVD set in the college bookstore, watching the
video on demand over the internet or watching the shows over the Comcast or Surewest cable
network. Shown below is a brief description of the various methods.
Course Video DVD Set: Students can purchase a DVD set in the Sacramento City College
Bookstore that contains all 32 one hour course lectures. Students must have a DVD player in your
their computer which uses the Windows operating system and Windows Media Player to watch the
shows (you cannot watch them on a television DVD).

Broadcast Channel: The class is broadcast on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. on
Comcast Channel 16 and SureWest Channel 22. It is recommended that you tape each broadcast.
By doing so, you will be able to watch the class as many times as necessary to learn the material.

Internet Streaming Course Delivery: The class broadcasts will also be available for viewing on
demand over the Internet. Students will need the following internet connections, hardware and
software to view these Internet class broadcasts:
Internet Connections: Students will need a high speed DSL, Cable or T1 service to view these
class Broadcasts over the Internet. Students who have 56 k modem or ISDN lines service are not
fast enough to handle the streaming media content.
Hardware: Students should be using a computer that has a sound card that can play audio using
external Speakers or a headset. Students who will be watching the video on the main Sacramento
City College Campus should check with their computer lab personnel regarding the use of
headphones. Currently, outreach centers and other Los Rios Community College District campuses
may not support streaming media.
Software: To view the class broadcasts students will have to use the current version of Windows
Media Player for their computer system. To find out what the current version of Windows Media
player is and to Download a free copy of the software go to the Microsoft web site. The web site for
Microsoft’s Windows Media Player is shown below:

Audio Lecture Streaming and Podcasting: Students can also listen to the course lectures over
the internet by selecting the TV Audio Podcasts button in the course Blackboard web site. Students
have the ability to download the audio files to their computer from this page and listen to them on an
mp3 player like Apple Computer’s ipod. These files are also included in the DVD set sold in the
college bookstore.

Outreach Centers Television Broadcast Link: Sacramento City College has three Outreach
Centers in the following locations:
1209 4th Street 1275 Halyard Drive 1909 Galileo Court, Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95814 West Sacramento, CA 95691 Davis, California 95616
(916) 558-2640 (916) 375-5511 (530) 747-5200
e-mail: e-mail: e-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
FAX: (916) 558-2647 FAX: (916) 375-5520 FAX: (530) 747-5211
Students who would like to watch the broadcast from one of these locations should contact
the center to make arrangements for viewing the broadcast at a specific outreach center.
Blackboard: In this course, we will be using a course management tool called Blackboard. To
connect to the Blackboard web site you will need to use a web browser like Microsoft Internet
Explorer. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the web site is shown below: Using the Quick Link Drop Down Box Select the Blackboard –
eLearning. After a few seconds, you should see a logon screen for the Blackboard Course
Management System with a logon screen for your username and password.
Blackboard Logon Instructions: You will be asked for a username and password. Your
username will consist of your student number and your password will be your date of birth. For
example, your username is the letter w followed by your Student ID# or Employee ID#. Example:
w0123456 and your default password is your birthday in the format: MMDDYYYY Example: If your
birthday is June 12, 1974 then password = 06121974. Special note: Unless you have previously
changed your password it will always be your date of birth in the format shown above.

The blackboard web site will be where you will take online quizzes, obtain copies of lab
assignments, a copy of the course outline, etc.

Blackboard Email Account: We will be using email to communicate during the course. By default
the class Blackboard Web Site will have an email account set to your username for you. Please
change your default email address to your actual email address. Students can update their email
address after they login by selecting the Welcome page on the top left side of the screen and
selecting to edit Personal Information. Important Note: I will be sending a lot of email to students
thru the course about lectures, quizzes, exams, etc. To do this I will be using each student’s email
address as shown in the course Blackboard web site. Students are responsible for all email.

Blackboard Class Discussion Board: This class will have a Discussion Board called Students
Helping Students. The Purpose of this discussion board is to provide a space for students to post
questions and for other students to help them find answers and share knowledge and experience.
Each student in this class will be required to log onto the Discussion Board and introduce

The final grade in this class will be based on the following

Online Orientation quiz 50
Chapter Quizzes 300
Midterm Examination 100
Final Exam 100
Total Points 550

Final Grade Score Ranges

A = 495 – 550 B= 440 – 494 C = 385 – 439 D = 330 - 384 F = Below 329
Detail Course Schedule
Course Dates Text book Quiz/Exam
By The Week Topic Covered Chapter Points

Jan 21 Course Orientation

Jan 21 Introduction to Real Estate 1

Jan 24 (Saturday) Orientation Quiz on Blackboard 50

Jan 24 (Saturday) Chapter 1 Quiz 1 20

Jan 26 - 31 Estates, Transfers and Titles 2 20

Landlord and Tenant 6 20

Feb 2 - 7 Encumbrances 3 20

Licensing, Education and 14 20


Feb 9 - 14 Agency and Its Responsibilities 4 20

Contracts 5 20

Escrow and Title Insurance 7 20

Feb 14 (Saturday) Online Midterm Exam must be completed before 100

12:00 midnight. After 12:00 midnight, the exam
will no longer be available. Exam will cover
Chapters 1, 2, 6, 3, 14, 4, 5, and 7.

Feb 16 - 21 Real Estate Finance 8 20

Financial Institutions 9 20

Feb 23 - 28 Appraisal Basics 10 20

Appraisal Methods 11 20

Mar 2 - 7 Subdivision and Government 12 20

Course Dates Text book Quiz/Exam
By The Week Topic Covered Chapter Points

Mar 2 - 7 Taxation of Real Estate 13 20

Mar 9 - 14 Real Estate Math 15 20

Mar 14 (Saturday) Online Final Exam must be completed before 100

12:00 midnight. After 12:00 midnight, the exam
will no longer be available. Exam will cover
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15.

Total Points Available 550

TV Show Description Listings
To view these class broadcasts you will need to have Windows Media Player installed on your
computer. You can down load a free copy of Windows Media Player at Microsoft's web site.
Shown below is the link to the Microsoft Windows Media web site where you can download
the Windows Media Player:

Show 1
This was the first show for the class and provided an overview of the course.
Show 2
This show provided a brief overview of real estate and included and overview of the California
Department of Real Estate, real property vs. personal property and the three basic types of legal
Show 3
This show completed the discussion of the three basic types of legal descriptions. The class
discussion then moved on to an overview of estates, transfers and titles.
Show 4
This show continued the discussion of estates, transfers and titles. Seven of the basic ways to
transfer title were covered including a discussion of the differences between a Grant Deed and
Quitclaim deed. Also, there was an extensive discussion of the different ways to hold title to real
Show 5
This show provided an overview of Landlord and Tenant and discussed different types of leases and
rental agreements. Also, there was a detailed discussion of the different parts of the lease/rental
agreement which emphasized the importance of real estate professionals knowing the complete
details of the entire agreement.
Show 6
This show continued the discussion of Landlord and Tenant and covered the Tenant Rental
Application and different ways a rental contract can be terminated. Also, there was a detailed
discussion of the different parts of the Property Management Agreement which emphasized the
importance of real estate professionals knowing the complete details of the entire agreement.
Show 7
This show provided an overview of both money type encumbrances i.e mortgages, mechanic's liens,
taxes, etc. and physical encumbrances i.e. easements, building restrictions, encroachments, etc.
Show 8
This show continued the discussion of both money type encumbrances i.e mortgages, mechanic's
liens, taxes, etc. and physical encumbrances i.e. easements, building restrictions, encroachments,

Show 9
This show provided an overview of the requirements for obtaining a real estate salespersons or
brokers license. Topics such as the difference between the 18 month conditional and four year
renewable license were discussed.
Show 10
This show continued the discussion of the requirements of obtaining a real estate salespersons or
brokers license and moved into the topic continuing education. There was a discussion of that agents
and brokers can sell businesses as part of their practice. There was also a detailed discussion of the
California Department of Real Estate web site and how to use the site to find out information about
applying and scheduling your real estate exam. Finally, there was a demonstration of the
Sacramento Association of Realtors and California Association of Realtors web sites.
Show 11
This show provided an overview of Agency and Its Responsibility. There was a detailed discussion of
agent, principal and third party in a real estate transaction. Also, there was a discussion of the
different types of listings and a detailed explanation of the actual listing agreement.
Show 12
This show provided a review of the first portion of the course to help students to prepare for the first
midterm exam. Topic discussed were Introduction to Real Estate, Estates, Transfers and Titles,
Landlord and Tenant, Encumbrances and Licensing, Education and Association.
Show 13
This show continued the discussion of Agency and Its Responsibility. The responsibilities of seller
and agent regarding the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement were discussed. The importance
of the Independent Contractor Agreement and making sure that the agent reads and understands the
agreement was discussed. Also, there was a demonstration of a company web site called CyberView
360 which provides virtual tours of real estate property listings. CyberView 360 is a local company
serving Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer counties.
Show 14
This show provided an overview of the different types contracts used in real estate and the
importance knowing the details of each contract. The elements of a contract such as capacity, mutual
consent, legality, consideration and proper writing of the contract. Also, there was a brief overview of
the Statute of Frauds.
Show 15
This show continued the discussion of the Statute of Frauds. Eight different ways to discharge a
contract were reviewed. Also, remedies for a breach of a contract. There was also a detailed
discussion of the “Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions”. Finally, there was
a discussion of Purchase Agreement Addendums, Counter Offers, Seller Disclosures and Option
Show 16
This show provided an overview of Escrow and Title Insurance. The sequence of steps in an escrow
and who pays for the escrow and title fees. Finally, there was a detailed explanation of the Buyer and
Seller Settlement Statement.

Show 17
This show continued the discussion Escrow and Title Insurance and stressed the importance of the
real estate agent being present at the closing escrow appointment. There was a detailed discussion
of the Preliminary Title Report and the Statement of Information. Also, there was a brief discussion to
CLTA and ALTA title insurance policies. Finally, there was a discussion of the Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act (RESPA).

Show 18
This show provided an overview of Real Estate Finance and discussed different types of promissory
notes and other types of financial terms. Also, there was a detailed discussion of the different types of
clauses used in financial instruments.

Show 19
This show continued a discussion of real estate financing programs. The show began with a
discussion of interest only loans, loans with balloon payments, fully amortized loans and adjustable
rate loans. Also, there was a discussion of mortgages and deeds of trust which serve as security
instruments of real estate loans.

Show 20
This show provided an overview of Real Estate Financial Institutions and discussed economic cycles,
The Federal Reserve and how it controls the money supply and how interest rates affect property
values. Also, there was a discussion of shopping for a loan and the steps required for a consumer to
obtain a real estate loan. Finally, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and credit
scoring were discussed.

Show 21
This show continued a discussion of Real Estate Financial Institutions. The show opened with a
discussion of the Uniform Residential Loan Application and the types of financial information required
on the form. Next, there was a discussion of the different types of lenders and the roles they play in
the mortgage market. Finally, lending corporations and the secondary mortgage market were

Show 22
This show provided an overview of the basic concepts of Real Estate Appraisal and discussed issues
like the structure of the appraisal process, gathering the necessary data and factors that influence a
property appraisal value. Also, there was a discussion of different types of property lots affect the
property's value.

Show 23
This show continued with the discussion of the basic concepts of Real Estate Appraisal and different
types of property lots and how the shape, location and design affect the property's value. Next, there
was a discussion of why real estate professional need to know the structural components of a home.
Finally, there was a discussion of The Basic Appraisal Principles e.g. supply and demand, change,
conformity, etc. and how these economic concepts affect a property’s value.

Show 24
This show provided an overview of the three approaches i.e. market, cost and income to real estate
appraisal. There was a detailed discussion of the market and cost approach methods used in real
estate appraisal. Also, there was a demonstration of the Marshall & Swift cost estimating web site.

Show 25
This show continued the discussion of the income approach to real estate appraisal. Also, there was
a review of the educational and experience requirements for obtaining a real estate appraisal license.

Show 26
This show began with a discussion of Subdivision and Government Control. Topics covered included
police power, Subdivision Map Act, Subdivided Lands Act, Public Reports and Common Interest

Show 27
This show continued the discussion of Subdivision and Government Control. Topics covered included
environmental laws, planning commission, Master General Plan, zoning, variance, conditional use
permit and fair housing laws.

Show 28
This show began with a discussion of Taxation of Real Estate. Topics covered Property Taxes,
Documentary Transfer Tax and Special Assessments.

Show 29
This show continued the discussion of Taxation of Real Estate. Topics covered included Property Tax
Sales, Gift and Estate Taxes and Federal Taxes on the operation and sale of both personal and
income producing investment properties.

Show 30
This show began with a discussion of Real Estate Math and the need for real estate agents to really
know how to quickly and accurately calculate financial and physical measurements for their clients.
There was also an emphasis on how important it is to easily convey this information to their clients so
they can better make financial decisions. Topics covered included area measurement, percentage
problems, Huber’s Pyramid and principle and interest calculations.

Show 31
This show continued the discussion of Real Estate Math and worked thru a series of different types of
math problems that students my encounter both on the Department of Real Estate Examination and
in daily real estate practice.

Show 32
This shows guest was Leigh Rutledge who is the President of the Sacramento Association of Realtors
(SAR) for 2006. During the show, Leigh discussed her real estate career, her duties as President of
(SAR) and the functions of the California Association of Realtors and the National Association of
Realtors. Also, she discussed what her recommendations were for buyers and sellers in today’s real
estate market.

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