Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: When and How Much?
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: When and How Much?
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: When and How Much?
Department of Geosciences,
phone: (814) 865-6718, fax: (814) 865-7823. Department of Economics, SUNY at Binghamton.
Center for Economic Policy Studies (CEPS) Working Paper No. 94 Princeton University September 2003
We analyze carbon dioxide (CO sequestration as a strategy to manage future climate change in an optimal economic growth framework. We approach the problem in two ways: rst, by using a simple analytical model, and second, by using a numerical optimization model which allows us to explore the problem in a more realistic setting. CO sequestration is not a perfect substitute for avoiding CO2 production because CO2 leaks back to the atmosphere and hence imposes future costs. The efciency factor of CO2 sequestration can be expressed as the ratio of the avoided emissions to the economically equivalent amount of sequestered CO2 emissions. A simple analytical model in terms of a net-present value criterion suggests that short-term sequestration methods such as afforestation can be somewhat ( 60 %) efcient, while long term sequestration (such as deep aquifer or deep ocean sequestration) can be very ( 90%) efcient. A numerical study indicates that CO2 sequestration methods at a cost within the range of present estimates reduce the economically optimal CO2 concentrations and climate related damages. The potential savings associated with CO2 sequestration is equivalent in our utilitarian model to a one-time investment of several percent of present gross world product. 1
1 Introduction
Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are projected to change future climates and to cause nonnegligible economic damages [Munasinghe et al., 1996; Weyant et al., 1996]. Efforts to mitigate the greenhouse gas problem have traditionally focused on avoiding the production of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) by reducing fossil fuel use (typically referred to as CO2 abatement) [Nordhaus, 1992; Tol, 1997]. One alternative to CO2 abatement would be to capture CO2 emissions and sequester them in carbon reservoirs such as deep aquifers, deep oceans, or minerals [Lackner et al., 1995; Herzog and Drake, 1996; Hoffert et al., 2002]. However, large-scale sequestration presents considerable scientic, engineering, and economic problems. One economic problem is that CO2 sequestration is not a perfect substitute for avoiding CO2 production. This is because sequestered CO2 may leak back into the atmosphere and impose future climate damages. In contrast, avoiding CO2 production would not impose the legacy of CO2 leakage. Whether or not CO2 sequestration should be considered as a viable alternative to CO2 abatement is an open and much debated question [Kaiser, 2000]. Previous studies addressing CO2 sequestration develop elegant analytical expressions to analyze the tradeoff between CO2 sequestration and CO2 abatement (e.g., Richards [1997], van Kooten et al. [1997], Herzog et al. [2003]) or analyze the optimal use of CO2 sequestration in numerical models (e.g., Swinehart [1996], Biggs et al. [2000], Lecocq and Chomitz [2001]). While breaking important new ground, these studies are silent on important policy questions. For example, the analytical models typically neglect the feedback effects caused by the availability of the CO2 sequestration technology on future carbon taxes. Also, most numerical models focus on afforestation (which can only play a minor role in reducing climate change [Nilsson and Schopehauser, 1995; Adam, 2001]). Studies analyzing more powerful sequestration methods ( , deep-ocean or deep-aquifer injection) assume negligible marginal costs [Nordhaus, 1992], neglect cost reductions as technologies mature, [Biggs et al., 2000; Herzog et al., 2003]), or neglect CO2 leakage [Ha-Duong and Keith, 2002]. Here we expand and improve on the previous work in two respects. First, we rene and apply an analytical model [Richards, 1997] by estimating the relevant model parameters and estimating the efciency factor of CO2 sequestration. Second, we expand an optimal economic growth model [Nordhaus and Yang, 1996] by adding CO2 sequestration, learning-by-doing, and technological inertia. We use the numerical model to analyze the optimal use of CO2 sequestration methods and the effects of optimal carbon dioxide levels. Specically, we ask ve questions: (i) What is the tradeoff (or the ratio of marginal benets) between CO2 sequestration and CO2 abatement? (ii) What is the optimal use and timing of sequestration? (iii) How does CO2 sequestration change the optimal tax path? (iv) How do technological inertia and endogenous learning affect the optimal use of sequestration? and (v) What is the present value of a technology that would provide sequestration in the future? We propose an economic framework to measure the efciency of CO2 sequestration. Specically, we estimate the net present value of sequestered CO2 , in terms of avoided abatement costs, to meet a specic atmospheric concentration constraint. CO2 sequestration can replace costly abatement measures in the 2
present and hence has an economic value. However, leaky CO2 sequestration imposes future costs. The net savings ( , the initial savings minus the future costs) relative to the initial savings represents the efciency factor of CO2 sequestration. The results from our analytical model suggest that afforestation is somewhat efcient ( 60%), while long-term sequestration possibilities, such as deep aquifer sequestration or ocean injection, could be quite efcient ( 90%). The analytical model provides an intuitive and simple method to account for future leakage of sequestered carbon. The simplicity of the analytical model neglects, however, several potentially important effects such as hyperbolic discounting [Weitzman, 1998] or learning-by-doing [Argote and Epple, 1990]. We address these shortcomings by analyzing a numerical optimal growth model. Our numerical analysis suggests that the availability of a viable sequestration technology can lower carbon taxes and the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In the model, CO2 sequestration at marginal costs within the range of present estimates is deployed in increasing volume to sequester all the industrial CO2 emissions by the middle of the next century. Learning-by-doing and technological inertia create an R & D market for early sequestration, before it is competitive with abatement technologies. Learning-by-doing allows society to buy-down the price of sequestration by employing the technology earlier. Technological inertia requires earlier sequestration to achieve large-scale quantitative goals in the next century. The potential economic benets derived from sequestration are several percent of present-day gross world product (GWP). The results of our analysis are sensitive to several parameters, such as the rate at which learningby-doing occurs, the maximum rate at which a new technology can penetrate the market, or the rate of carbon leakage.
substitute for abatement), the refund approaches full reimbursement. Conversely, in a credit regime for sequestration, the fraction of a full credit corresponding to the fraction of the social value of abatement, ! , should be given for each ton sequestered. Given its importance, the rst goal of our analysis is to derive the efciency factor of CO2 sequestration to compare sequestered carbon with avoided carbon emissions. For example, 100 tons of sequestered CO2 would offset 50 tons of avoided CO2 emissions at an efciency factor of 50 %. To illustrate the structure of 3
the problem, we start with a simple analytical model, similar to the one developed by Richards [1997]. We expand on the analysis of Richards [1997] by estimating relevant parameters and by deriving an analytical expression for the economic efciency of carbon sequestration considering (i) discounting, (ii) changes in future carbon taxes, (iii) leakage, and (iv) an energy penalty of carbon sequestration. As we illustrate in the subsequent section, many conclusions derived from this simple model are valid in a more realistic numerical model. The tradeoff between CO2 abatement and CO2 sequestration is affected in our analytical model by four factors: (i) the additional energy requirement; (ii) the CO2 leakage over time; (iii) the changes over time in marginal abatement costs; and (iv) the discount rate. In the following section we develop simple closed form solutions to represent these factors and derive an expression for the efciency factor of CO2 sequestration. For analytical convenience, we approximate the problem by an innite horizon problem. The rst factor accounts for the energy requirement of CO2 sequestration. The additional energy is derived by burning more fossil fuel and thus imposes an energy penalty. The relative energy penalty (&
is the consequence of the energy-intensive nature of capturing, transporting, and sequestering CO2
is dened as the relative increase in fossil fuel use due to CO2 capture and sequestration. The
' ')( &
relative increase in CO2 emissions that must be sequestered to yield the same amount of energy for end (1)
Some fraction of the sequestered CO2 will leak back to the atmosphere. We approximate the leakage by an exponential decay of the sequestered CO2 stock. The leakage ux of on ton of CO2 over time ( 0213" then a function of the decay rate (4
where " starts at the time of sequestration. For the analytical model, we assume an agreed upon atmospheric CO2 stabilization path. Associated with this stabilization path is a path of allowable CO2 emissions. The marginal CO2 abatement costs over time are then a function of the CO2 reductions over time and the available abatement technologies with their associated marginal costs. If we think about the CO2 stabilization path as implemented by the application of an emissions tax, this carbon tax would follow the same path as the marginal abatement costs, in this stylized example. For the agreed upon CO2 stabilization path, any leakage has to be compensated by increased abatement. Because CO2 abatement is costly, CO2 leakage imposes additional costs in the future. The additional costs are approximated in a partial equilibrium sense by the carbon tax times the leakage ux. We estimate future carbon taxes by tting a simple exponential function to results from an optimal growth model. We use the RICE model [Nordhaus and Yang, 1996] to estimate carbon taxes that corre-
spond to an optimal emissions path subject to atmospheric concentration stabilization targets. For CO2 stabilization targets between 450 ppm and 750 ppm, the constraint optimal carbon taxes are well approximated for the next two centuries by exponential functions. The carbon taxes over time (GIH ) are hence approximated as:
the optimal abatement costs at the margin are equal to the optimal carbon tax given the assumed perfect markets. The carbon taxes are projected to increase over time mostly because the positive marginal productivity of capital as well as the free service of the natural carbon sinks favor later abatement measures. The last assumption required for the analytical model is to discount future costs by a discount factor ( ` ),
`13" a6 @9cbdCYE
where e is the discount rate. Deriving the efciency factor of a leaky CO2 sequestration project is now an exercise of calculating the net present value of the project and relating it to the costs of the alternative choice of carbon abatement. Technically, the net benet of sequestered CO2 at time zero is the avoided carbon tax (RUT ), minus the present value of future costs imposed by the CO2 leakage. The net benets per ton of CO2 sequestered can be expressed by:
6SRUT ( Cgf ( i fUh Cg T 4 @9cbdC RUT WVpC ')( &
net benet
rate at which they are discounted and the present value sum of costs will exceed all benets derived from the ton of sequestered CO .) The solution for the net benet is: net benet
6yRUT 1 ')( 13e)s4 ( 4 '8( R 1 &
The expression in parentheses reduces the initial project benet at no leakage (the marginal abatement costs at the time of sequestration) and can be interpreted as an efciency factor of CO2 sequestration. We hence rewrite equation (6) as:
! 6
')( 1es4 (
4 ')( R 1
is the efciency factor of sequestration calculated by the ratio of net benet from a CO2 unit
sequestered to the net benet of a CO2 unit of avoided emissions. Note that the efciency factor of 5
sequestration is also equal to the ratio of the marginal benets of sequestration to the marginal benets of abatement in the adopted optimal growth framework. This simple efciency model is a stylized representation of the complex interactions between sequestration and human welfare. However, such a framework may be preferable to alternative weighting schemes that measure efciency in terms of carbon that neglect issues such as the marginal productivity of capital or CO2 leakage beyond an arbitrarily chosen time horizon [Fearnside et al., 2000; Costa and Wilson, 2000]. Although this analytical model gives us some insight into the economic tradeoffs involved with CO2 sequestration, it has several shortcomings. First, the partial equilibrium assumption implicit in the xed carbon tax path is only reasonable for very small-scale use of CO2 sequestration. This is because large-scale CO2 sequestration would affect the carbon tax path which we assume to be unaffected. Second, our analytical model neglects mechanisms such as hyperbolic discounting [Weitzman, 1998], backstop technologies [Manne and Richels, 1991], or technological inertia [Gr ubler et al., 1999]. We shall analyze these effects in the more realistic numerical model developed below.
The RICE model links climatic relationships between atmospheric CO2 concentration and net global radiative forcing to economic relationships between consumption and investment in capital. The RICE model aims to maximize the discounted sum of utility derived from generalized consumption over a given time horizon. The economic component of the RICE model is a Ramsey type model of economic optimal growth [Ramsey, 1928]. In the Ramsey model, a social planner chooses paths of consumption ( ) and investment to maximize an objective function
the natural logarithm of per-capita consumption with the weighting factors population level ( ), a factor 6
accounting for the pure rate of social time preference , and the time-variant Negishi weights
6 @ C Cgf ' $1E" 1E" edgf 1 813E" 1 sh 9cCi 81E" T
The Negishi weights are an instrument to account for regional disparities in economic development. They equalize the marginal utility of consumption in each region for each period in order to prevent large capital ows between regions. This technique is descriptive rather than prescriptive; although the choice of utility function implies that such capital ows would greatly improve social welfare, without the Negishi weights the problem of climate change would be drowned by the vastly larger problem of underdevelopment. A detailed exposition of Negishi weights is given in Nordhaus and Yang [1996] and the references cited therein. In this equation, the term dgf tion occurs from some starting
n k g C m represents the ow of utility at time " for region and the summa1jl k Cgm 6 w to a nite time horizon "2 . The nite time horizon is required point " o
by the numerical solution technique. It is, however, just a numerical approximation to an innite horizon problem as used in the analytical model (equation 5). The nite time horizon is chosen such that the end point has no signicant effect on the policy decision in the analyzed time frame. Investment (p ) in capital is specied in the model as the balance of output ( q ) that is not devoted to consumption in a given time period:
qr1E" Q6 r13E" sspl1E"
Investment contributes to the capital stock (t ) of the next period, which then depreciates at a constant proportional rate (u
over time:
ts1E"vs ' a6 1 'w( u ts13E" shpl13E"
At each point in time, the capital stock and labor supply (which is exogenously specied) inuence gross world product. In RICE, this relationship is expressed by a modied Cobb-Douglas function:
qx13E" Q6Sy 1E" 2z 13E" ts1E" F{ 81E" 9 {
In the model, gross world output depends on exogenously and endogenously evolving elements. The exogenous elements are the multi-factor productivity (z ), the population level, and the constant share of capital (|
in the economy. The endogenously determined elements are capital and a scaling factor
( y) , which accounts for the costs from investing in carbon mitigation technologies and climate-related damages, as discussed below. The economic and the natural systems are linked in the model by the anthropogenic CO2 emissions 7
( } ). The CO2 emissions depend on the economic output, the exogenously determined energy-intensity of GWP (~ , the CO2 abatement rate ( ), and the exogenously evolving land-use CO2 emissions ( ) according to:
}x13E" Q6 ~Q1E" q13E" ')( a1E" i shx1E"
Without carbon mitigation the carbon emissions follow a baseline business as usual (BAU) scenario. Increasing relative CO2 abatement imposes increasing relative abatement costs ( ):
x1E" 76SW 1 Q1E" 23 k miE
with (M
W 1
being model parameters. CO2 emissions act to increase the atmospheric CO2 stock
. However, increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere drive some proportion into the upper
ocean (M2 . Eventually most of a given CO2 pulse emitted into the atmosphere is absorbed by the deepocean (M according to a rst-order linear model dened by:
3 1 "ds C ' a6 ' }r1E"Ds ' s WF 3 1" s C r B15" E
(14) (15)
5 1" s C
2c13" s
13" E
B15" s
The variables are the entries in the carbon cycle model transition matrix [Nordhaus and Boyer, 2000]. Atmospheric CO2 levels above the preindustrial level of 590 Gigatons of carbon cause a net radiative greenhouse gas forcing ( ):
$13" Q6S ' dgfD 3 1" C (h@ w@adf 1 E
where the factor of 4.1 is the change in radiative forcing due to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Note that physical variables, such as the atmospheric CO2 stock or temperature, are all global in the model. As such, temperature change in the model is really the temporal and spatial average of the change in global surface temperature. Increased radiative forcing is translated into global mean temperature change
13" a6
In this equation
denotes the thermal capacity of the oceanic mixed layer and &
i% 6x
parameter. The climate sensitivity ( & ) of the model is dened as the equilibrium temperature response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 . The climate sensitivity is given by & radiative forcing caused by a doubling of CO2 . The parameter ~
is the
of the deep ocean to transfer rate from the oceanic mixed layer to the deep ocean. the deep-ocean temperature from the preindustrial level approximated by:
13" a6 15" (x' s1~ 1313" (' ( 15" (x' i
is the deviation of
To complete the circle linking climate to the economy, temperature changes ( , equation 18) cause economic damages ( ), which are specied as a fraction of the gross world product:
1E" Q6 1 13" s 1 13"
The costs of carbon management and the climate damages are subtracted from the gross world product, thereby determining the scaling factor y :
y 13E" 76 ')( 13E" ( 1E"
We add sequestration as an additional carbon management option to the standard abatement option considered in the original RICE-01 model. The carbon sequestration ux ( ) is removed from industrial emissions (}
All sequestered carbon is presumed in this exercise to enter the same reservoir; this is mathematically equivalent to an arbitrary number of reservoirs for our assumption of a linear rate of decay. The original equation describing the atmospheric CO2 budget (14) is hence modied as:
5 1 "Ds C ' a6 @ }x13E"ds ' ( )13E"ds ' F s WF 3 1" s C 2B13" s bF 13"
Sequestration is represented as a carbon backstop technology, similar to the representation of nonabatement options in previous economic models ( , Ward [1979], Manne et al. [1995]). A backstop technology implies that the marginal costs of sequestering CO2 can be approximated as independent of the sequestered quantity. This somewhat crude approximation might be justied because the capacity of carbon sequestration methods (such as injection into deep aquifers, the deep oceans, or CO2 absorption out of the atmosphere) exceeds the necessary CO2 emission reductions [Elliot et al., 2001; Herzog et al., 2001; Ha-Duong and Keith, 2002]. Note that the CO2 sequestration method based on CO2 absorption out of the air [Lackner, 2003] is a very close approximation to the type of backstop technology considered 9
here, as the marginal costs are rather insensitive to the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions being sequestered. In the model, we subtract the product of the CO2 sequestration ux and the marginal sequestration costs ( r13" ) from world output. The original production function (equation 11) is hence modied according to:
q13E" a6y 1E" 2z ( 13E" ts1E" F{ 81E" 9 { )1E" $13"
Sequestration becomes an additional choice (besides CO2 abatement and capital investment) to maximize the objective function. We neglect the possibility that CO2 sequestration might occur out of the atmosphere. As a result, sequestration uxes have to be below the industrial emissions. Present estimates of the marginal costs of CO2 sequestration vary widely and are primarily based on theoretical calculations. Given the considerable technological and logistical challenges of large scale CO2 sequestration, the cost estimates have to be taken with a grain of salt. Williams [2003], for example, considers an integrated gasication combined cycle power plant using coal. For hydrogen production, the marginal cost of CO2 sequestration is estimated as roughly 50 U.S.$ per ton C. For electricity production, the estimated marginal costs are around 100 U.S.$ per ton C. For comparison, Chiesa and Consonni [2000] analyze natural gas-red combined cycle power plants and estimates that carbon taxes between roughly 125 to 180 U.S.$ per ton C would render the CO2 sequestration option competitive. We adopt a marginal cost for large scale carbon sequestration of 100 U.S.$ per ton C as our central estimate and explore the implications of this parameter uncertainty in a sensitivity study (discussed below).
Representation of Learning-by-Doing
Technological improvements resulting from large-scale manufacture of various technologies have been shown to decrease the costs of those technologies in a phenomenon typically referred to as learningby-doing [Argote and Epple, 1990]. Learning-by-doing is especially important for relatively new technologies such as CO2 sequestration. To represent learning-by-doing for CO2 sequestration, the cost of sequestering one ton of carbon dioxide ( ) decreases in our model as a function of cumulative installed capacity ( HH ) according to:
HH@13"ds ' a6 HH@13" s )13E"
r15" Q6
Note that the above equation implies that cumulative capacity is irrespective of the region in which the capacity is installed, meaning that cost-reducing technologies developed in each region are perfectly shared.
The cost curve is characterized by an exponent ( ) that is a function of the progress ratio (e ):
6 ( dgf 1 Ue dgf 1
The progress ratio is dened as the relative costs after a doubling of the installed capacity. We assume a progress ratio of 85% to represent technologies between the research and development phase and the commercialization phase [Gr ubler et al., 1999]. As initial installed capacity, we assume 10 Gt C to represent a relatively immature technology. Introducing learning-by-doing can introduce local maxima into the underlying optimization problem [Messner, 1997]. Basically, the technologies can be trapped in a local basin of attraction if the existing mature technology is cheaper than the new (but initially more expensive) technology. The local maxima can severely limit the applied local search algorithm implemented in GAMS/MINOS [Brooke et al., 1998]. We test whether the solution is a local (as opposed to a global) solution by starting the model simulations at different initial conditions for abatement and sequestrations for the base case. The fact that all model simulations converge to basically the same result argues strongly against the existence of relevant local maxima in the objective function. The model is formulated in GAMS [Brooke et al., 1998] and is available from the authors.
Market penetration rates of new technologies are limited by factors such as capital turnover or diffusion of knowledge. The penetration rates of technologies such as natural gas, cars, or oil can be approximated as an exponential increase of delivered quantity [Gr ubler et al., 1999]. Thus a constant maximum allowable growth rate seems an appropriate constraint to prevent the obviously unrealistic strategy of an instantaneous scale-up of sequestration. An instantaneous scale-up would imply innite penetration rates, inconsistent with the observations. Historical rates of market penetration can be quite high. For example, the growth rate of the energy supplied by gas has been around 7.5 % per year in the U.S. over the last 150 years (see Gr ubler et al. [1999]). However, because of the extensive infrastructure necessary for large-scale carbon sequestration, it seems more appropriate to compare it to other infrastructure-intensive technologies (such as railroads), which require more time to penetrate the market. For this reason we choose a growth constraint of 5 % per year for carbon sequestration in our model. The increase in CO2 sequestration over time is hence constrained by a maximum allowable growth rate ( :
)13E"ds ' X 1 ' s )1E"
The growth constraint for CO2 sequestration given above is region-specic. Thus, while cost reductions
from technological advances can be shared between regions, the increases in capacity to sequester emissions can not: each region must invest time and resources into the necessary infrastructure to sequester CO2 .
We rst examine results derived from the analytical model (equation 7) to illustrate some general properties of the problem. As an instructive example, consider the efciency factor of afforestation. We choose economic parameter values which approximate the optimal policy in the RICE model, resulting in a discount rate of 5 % year 9
stabilization at 650 ppm). We further assume a half-life time of carbon in newly planted forests of 40 years, and an energy penalty of 10%. This yields an efciency factor of 61%. For comparison, deep aquifer sequestration (assuming a half-life time of 1000 years and an energy penalty of 15%) would have an efciency factor of more than 95%. This simple model suggests four main conclusions. First, a higher discount rate increases the efciency factor by lessening the present-value costs associated with future leakage. Second, a higher energy penalty decreases the efciency factor by an increase in overall energy production. Third, smaller reservoir halflife times (equivalent to larger leakage rates) decrease the efciency factor by allowing carbon to escape sequestration earlier (Figure 1). And fourth, a higher carbon tax growth rate decreases the efciency factor by increasing the cost of cutting emissions to compensate for leaked CO2 .
The analytical model is useful to express the tradeoff between sequestered and abated CO2 emissions in a closed form solution. The simplicity of the analytical model comes, however, at the price that the system has to be extremely simplied. For example, the analytical model neglects the effects of (i) learningby-doing, (ii) hyperbolic discounting, (iii) technological inertia, and (iv) the availability of the carbon backstop technology on optimal carbon taxes. We use the numerical model to analyze these effects. The rst question we address with the numerical model is how the availability of the CO2 sequestration technology affects optimal carbon taxes. To isolate this effect, we use exponential discounting, neglect the technological inertia constraints and learning-by-doing. CO2 sequestration is available at a constant marginal cost of 100 U.S.$ per ton C and a reservoir half-life time of 200 a. The optimal carbon taxes for this simulation in the case without sequestration, with perfect sequestration and with a leaky sequestration are shown in Figure 2.
100 r=7% a1 90 sequestration efficiency () in % 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 reservoir halflife time [year] 1000 r=2% a1 r=3.6% a1
Figure 1: Relationship between the reservoir half-life time of a sequestration project and its efciency factor (! ) (equation 7 in the text) for different discount rates (e ). In this example, the optimal carbon tax increases in all three cases in the next 150 years and approaches the marginal costs of carbon sequestration. If carbon sequestration is not available, the carbon tax continues to rise. If a perfect backstop technology such as non-leaking carbon sequestration without a technological inertia constraint is available, the carbon taxes are bound by the backstop price (equal to 100 U.S.$ per ton C in this example). Sequestration acts here as a backstop technology by forcing the marginal cost of abatement to remain below a at price. In the case where CO2 sequestration is the perfect substitute for abatement ( , no leakage), society is indifferent between the two technologies as soon as the marginal costs of abatement and sequestration are equal ( , at the intersection of the abatement costs curve with the at sequestration cost curve at 100 U.S.$ per ton C shown in Figure 2). In the case where CO2 sequestration results in future CO2 leaks, it is not a perfect substitute for abatement. As a result, leaky CO2 sequestration is only used at a higher carbon tax than the marginal cost of the technology. Since CO2 sequestration is not a perfect substitute for abatement, it is worth less in the optimal growth framework, and the price at which carbon sequestration is used exceeds the marginal costs of $100 per ton. In fact, the ratio of the marginal cost of sequestration to the marginal cost of abatement when both are used represents the efciency factor of sequestration introduced before. Reassuringly, the estimated sequestration efciencies agree quite well between the analytical and the numerical model. (The values are 78 to 86% in the numerical model compared to 84% in the analytical model using the same model parameters.) This implies that the optimal choice between CO2 sequestration and CO2 abatement in this simplied example is well approximated by the analytical efciency factor derived in equation (7). 13
180 160 140 carbon tax [$ per ton] 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2000 no sequestration perfect sequestration leaky sequestration
2100 year
Figure 2: The effect of CO sequestration (with and without CO leakage) on optimal carbon taxes. See text for details. We now analyze the effects of hyperbolic discounting, learning curves, and technological inertia. Our model suggests that technological inertia, hyperbolic discounting and learning-by-doing all act to increase the optimal use of carbon sequestration in the near future (Figure 3). In this simulation, two phenomena are driving earlier use of sequestration. First, employing the relatively new technology of CO2 sequestration, reduces the future marginal costs. This effect is more important for relatively new technologies. Second, sequestering carbon in small amounts early on allows the scale up in time to achieve sequestration of all industrial emissions early in the next century (Figure 3). The introduction of sequestration technologies can dramatically reduce the optimal atmospheric concentration of CO2 , depending on the marginal cost of CO2 sequestration (Figure 4). With a relatively expensive CO2 sequestration technology (for example 150 U.S.$ per ton C) CO sequestration is not used and the atmospheric CO2 concentrations exceed 750 ppmV in 2250. For a CO2 sequestration cost of 100 U.S.$ per ton C (the central estimate), CO sequestration is used and the peak of the optimal CO2 trajectory decreases to less than 550 ppmV (Figure 4). The secondary increase in CO2 concentration in the long run (Figure 4A) is due to the relatively early leakage of sequestered CO2 at the 200 year reservoir half-life time. For a 2000 year reservoir half-life time, the optimal CO2 concentrations do not show this secondary increase (Figure 4B). Note that the optimal CO2 paths for arguably realistic assumptions about present CO2 sequestration costs can be considerably lower than previous optimal growth analyses ( l , Tol [1997] or Nordhaus and Boyer [2000]). Cheaper climate control strategies can improve the weighted sum of present and future welfares (equation 8) by reducing the marginal control costs. In an optimal growth framework, reduced marginal control 14
0 2000
2100 year
2100 year
Figure 3: Optimal carbon uxes over time for the base case. The simulations assume (i) hyperbolic discounting, (ii) a technological inertia constraint, (iii) learning-by-doing, (iv) an initial CO2 sequestration cost of 100 U.S.$ per ton C, and (v) a reservoir half-life time of 200 years. The emissions in the upper panel include the CO2 emissions due to land-use changes (equation 12). See text for details. costs result in reduced global warming (Figure 5a) and, in turn, in reduced climatic damages. CO2 sequestration can hence be a valuable technology. We use the optimal growth framework to estimate the economic value of the sequestration option as a function of initial price and reservoir halflife time (Figure 5b). The value of the CO2 sequestration technology is estimated by the amount a social planner would be willing to pay today for a sequestration technology. The value of a CO2 sequestration technology is high when sequestration is relatively cheap, nearly 6 % of present-day GWP at $50 U.S.$ per ton C and a reservoir half life time of 200 years. In other words, a budget of 6 % of present GWP (as a one time investment) to successfully develop a CO2 sequestration technology at a marginal cost of $ 50 U.S.$ per ton C and a reservoir half life time of 200 years would pass a cost-benet test in our model. The value of CO2 sequestration technologies increases with cheaper options and with longer reservoir half life times. 15
half life time 200 years 800 atmospheric CO2 [ppmv] 700 600 500 400 300 2000 150 $/tC 100 $/tC 80 $/tC 50 $/tC 20 $/tC
2100 year
half life time 2000 years 800 atmospheric CO2 [ppmv] 700 600 500 400 300 2000 150 $/tC 100 $/tC 80 $/tC 50 $/tC 20 $/tC
2100 year
Figure 4: Optimal CO trajectories as a function of initial CO sequestration costs and reservoir half-life time. The upper panel (A) assumes a reservoir half-life time of 200 years. The lower panel (B) assumes a half-life time of 2000 years. The benets of CO2 sequestration would justify a subsidy for this technology in the optimal economic growth model. This is illustrated in the marginal CO2 abatement costs for CO2 sequestration and abatement along an optimal path (Figure 6). In this example, CO2 sequestration is used even if it is (initially) more expensive than CO2 abatement. The use of the more expensive CO2 sequestration option is justied because the learning-by-doing reduces the unit costs for the relatively new technology. In this example, it is optimal to subsidize early CO2 sequestration. In Figure 6, sequestration is used early on, even though it is initially more expensive than abatement. Such use drives down the cost of future CO2 sequestration while capacity ramps up by the maximum rate at which new technologies can penetrate the market (equation 28). Around the year 2150, the capacity for CO2 sequestration is large enough that essentially all industrial emissions can be sequestered. By then
temperature Change [ C]
4 3 2 1 150 $/tC 100 $/tC 50 $/tC 20 $/tC 2050 2100 year 2150 2200 2250
0 2000
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0
Figure 5: Effect of different initial CO2 sequestration costs on optimal temperature changes and the value of the sequestration technology. Shown are the optimal temperature changes for half-life time of 200 years (upper panel, A). The lower panel (B) gives the value of CO2 sequestration technologies as a function of initial price and reservoir half-life time. sequestration technologies have matured in the model to the point that cost reductions from increased cumulative capacity are small, and we get the relationship that we would expect between the price of sequestration and the price of abatement as derived in our analytical model and illustrated in Figure 2. The ratio of these marginal costs is the marginal economic efciency of sequestration relative to abatement. Clearly, early sequestration efforts are quite valuable in this example. In the near term, the marginal sequestration costs are above the marginal abatement costs as specied by the initial conditions in the model. In the optimal policy, the marginal costs for the optimal use of CO2 decline due to learning-bydoing. In the long run, the marginal costs for optimal CO2 sequestration fall below the marginal costs for optimal CO2 abatement because leaky CO2 sequestration is inefcient (due to leakage) and hence has a lower shadow value than CO2 abatement (similar to Figure 2).
100 90 80 marginal cost [$ per ton] 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2050 2100 year 2150 sequestration abatement 2200 2250
Figure 6: Marginal costs for CO sequestration (stars) and CO abatement (circles) for an initial sequestration price of 100 U.S.$ per ton C.
5 Caveats
Our analysis is subject to considerable parameter uncertainty and the results are of course sensitive to the chosen parameters. We explore some effects of parameter uncertainty by a simple scenario analysis. (Note that this approach still assumes perfect knowledge within each scenario). We examine the sensitivity of the optimal CO2 trajectories with respect to the technological inertia, the progress ratio, and the present experience in CO2 sequestration. This sensitivity analysis suggests that the model conclusions are very sensitive to the constraint on technological inertia and the progress ratio, but are less sensitive to the present experience in CO2 sequestration (Figure 7). It is somewhat reassuring that the alternative choices of model parameters shown in Figure 7 do not considerably affect the optimal trajectories of CO2 and carbon taxes over the next few decades. Our models as nothing more than thinking tools to analyze the interactions of the social and natural system in a consistent way. Important limitations of our analysis include the limited treatment of uncertainty and the crude approximations of the natural and economic system. Finally, it is important to recall two of our main assumptions. (i) CO2 sequestration is both available and safe in large quantities; (ii) Decisions are based on a discounted utilitarian framework.
CO concentration [ppm]
150 100 50
350 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 550 C 500 450 400 base case cc=20 GtC cc=5 GtC
0 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 base case cc=20 GtC cc=5 GtC
CO concentration [ppm]
150 100 50
350 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 800 700 600 500 400 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 year base case =7% per a =3% per a
0 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 base case =7% per a =3% per a
CO concentration [ppm]
150 100 50
Figure 7: Sensitivity study with respect to the representation of the progress ratio (panels A and B, parameter pr, as dened in equation 27), the initial installed cumulative base of CO sequestration (panels C and D, parameter cc, as dened in equation 25), and the technological inertia (panels E and F, parameter , as dened in equation 28). Each sensitivity study compares the base case with a high and low value for the parameter in question.
6 Conclusions
Our analysis suggests three main conclusions. First, the analysis of the net present value of CO sequestration yields an expression for the efciency factor which seems preferable to previous carbon accounting methods. Second, a subsidy for the initially noncompetitive technology of CO2 sequestration can be a sound economic policy. Subsidies for CO2 sequestration can help to overcome technological inertia, to reduce marginal costs via learning-by-doing, and to increase per capita consumption. Third, and nally, CO2 sequestration presents a potential low-cost solution to the greenhouse gas problem. CO2 sequestration could reduce mitigation costs and climate damages considerably.
Acknowledgments Financial support from the Carbon Mitigation Initiative at Princeton University and the Environmental Consortium at Penn State is gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful to S. Pacala, M. Oppenheimer, R. Socolow, and B. Williams for helpful discussions. Any remaining mistakes are solely the responsibility of the authors.
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