Exam Strategies
Exam Strategies
Exam Strategies
connections between ideas, making sure youve explained transitions in your thought. If you run out of time, note key words and ideas you would have included in outline form at the end of your answerinstructors will often give partial credit if you give them a clear idea of where you were headed with your answer, even if you couldnt get there.
Compare: Present similarities and differences Contrast: Present differences Demonstrate: Show the truth of an assertion Discuss: Present all sides of an argument in detail Illustrate: Use an example to present an idea Summarize: Use your judgment to organize and present the main points of a topic Support: Prove an assertion with evidence
It is important to pay attention to these and other verbs that describe the precise intellectual activity you are to perform in answering a particular essay question. After you are sure you understand what you are being asked to demonstrate that you know, jot down a short outline of what you plan to say. If you launch right into an answer you will sometimes find yourself heading up dead-end paths that could have been avoided with a little planning. Be sure to read your answers over, if you have time. Especially check the