Therefore, Get The Consciousness First and The Thing Is Compelled To Appear

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Therefore, get the consciousness first and the thing is compelled to appear.

You are told, Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you. Get first the consciousness of the things that you are seeking and leave the things alone. This is what is meant by Ye shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Apply this principle and you will know what it is to prove me and see. The story of Mary is the story of every man. Mary was not a woman giving birth in some miraculous way to one called Jesus. Mary is the awareness of being that ever remains virgin, no matter how many desires it gives birth to. Right now look upon yourself as this virgin Mary being impregnated by yourself through the medium of desire becoming one with your desire to the point of embodying or giving birth to your desire. For instance: It is said of Mary (whom you now know to be yourself) that she know not a man. Yet she conceived. That is, you, John Smith, have no reason to believe that that which you now desire is possible, but having discovered your awareness of being to be God, you make this awareness your husband and conceive a man child (manifestation) of the Lord, For thy maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; the Lord God of the whole earth shall he be called. Your ideal or ambition is this conception the first command to her, which is now to yourself, is Go, tell no man. That is, do not discuss your ambitions or desires with another for the other will only echo your present fears. Secrecy is the first law to be observed in realizing your desire. The second, as we are told in the story of Mary, is to Magnify the Lord. We have identified the Lord as your awareness of being. Therefore, to magnify the Lord is to revalue or expand ones present conception of ones self to the point where this revaluation becomes natural. When this naturalness is attained you give birth by becoming that which you are one with in consciousness. The story of creation is given us in digest form in the first chapter of John. In the beginning was the word. Now, this very second, is the beginning spoken of. It is the beginning of an urge a desire. The word is the desire swimming around in your consciousness seeking embodiment. The urge of itself has no reality, For, I AM or the awareness of being is the only reality. Things live only as long as I am aware of being them; so to realize ones desire, the second line of this first verse of John must be applied. That is, And the word was with God. The word, or desire, must be fixed or united with consciousness to give it reality. The awareness becomes aware of being the thing desired, thereby nailing itself upon the form or conception and giving life unto its conception or resurrecting that which was heretofore a dead or unfulfilled desire. Two shall agree as touching anything and it shall be established on earth. This agreement is never made between two persons. It is between the awareness and the thing desired. You are now conscious of being, so you are actually saying to yourself, without using words, I AM. Now, if it is a state of health that you are desirous of attaining, before you have any evidence of health in your world,

you begin to FEEL yourself to be healthy. And the very second the feeling I AM healthy is attained the two have agreed. That is, I AM and health have agreed to be one and this agreement ever results in the birth of a child which is the thing agreed upon in this case, health. And because I made the agreement I express the thing agreed. So you can see why Moses stated, I AM hath sent me. For what being, other than I AM could send you into expression? None for I AM the way Beside me there is no other. If you take the wings of the morning and fly into the uttermost parts of the world or if you make your bed in Hell, you will still be aware of being. You are ever sent into expression by your awareness and your expression is ever that which you are aware of being. Again, Moses stated, I AM that I AM. Now here is something to always bear in mind. You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments. That is; you cannot take with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man. All of your present beliefs, fears and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or conception of yourself. To do this you take your attention away from all that is now your problem or limitation and dwell upon just being. That is; you say silently but feeling to yourself, I AM. Do not condition this awareness as yet. Just declare yourself to be, and continue to do so, until you are lost in the feeling of just being faceless and formless. When this expansion of consciousness is attained, then, within this formless deep of yourself give form to the new conception by FEELING yourself to be THAT which you desire to be. You will find within this deep of yourself all things to be divinely possible. Everything in the world which you can conceive of being, is to you, within this present formless awareness, a most natural attainment. The invitation given us in the Scriptures is to be absent from the body and be present with the Lord. The body being your former conception of yourself and the Lord your awareness of being. This is what is meant when Jesus said to Nicodemus, Ye must be born again for except ye be born again ye cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. That is; except you leave behind you your present conception of yourself and assume the nature of the new birth, you will continue to out-picture your present limitations.

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