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spending decisions (VCAA 2009). On top of making informed decisions about why particular music is desirable and also why they wish to purchase it, it is said that Music contributes to a groups sense of identity and to an individuals sense of belonging to a group (Glover & Ward 2004, p. 15). Music provides a bridge for students to learn the link between needing to learn about new technologies and incorporating this into their everyday lives. Not only is this beneficial and engaging to them but also equips them to cope with todays technological age. As well as relating this topic to that of the current Victorian Education Learning Standards it is also inextricably linked to the curriculum which this particular class will be participating in. One values in which they learn n school camp is Learning to live together with other people cooperatively (Kangaroobie n.d.), which relates to the VELS standards in Interpersonal development and Personal learning (VCAA 2009), where students learn to work effectively in teams and as a whole class. Other links in curriculum involve Challenging themselves and Taking responsibility for themselves (Kangaroobie n.d.), and these ideas are reinforced extensively mainly through group and class working in teams. Understandings: Students identify the ways that music is marketed and represented as successful through charts Students investigate a musician, their history, audience and measures of success (eg Top ten) Students are able to identify the ways in which popular music has changed over time, and explain these trends Students analyse key themes in popular music which reflect important issues in the world. Students write a song which reflects their world perspectives and develop a marketing plan Students recognise the ways that some music is globally popular and other music is popular within specific regions (eg Concert tours) Key Concepts: Skills: o Wants/needs o Data location o Trade/Consumption o Data analysis o Economy o Prediction/Hypothesising/Speculating o Music o Design of concept o Popularity/Trend/ o Making comparisons o Culture o Group work o Resources/Entreneurship o Challenging yourself o Taking responsibility for yourself Linked standards/Domains/Dimensions/Learning Focus:
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others and evaluate their own and the teams performance (VCAA 2009).
Civics and Citizenship They consider the experiences of diverse cultural groups, including ATSI communities, and their contributions to Australian identity (VCAA 2009). Students research an issue, or issues using a range of resources including electronic media (VCAA 2009).
Personal Learning Through participation in a variety of group and whole-class activities, students begin to articulate the advantages of learning effectively with, and from, their peers. They seek feedback from peers and consider the validity of the feedback they receive. They identify the values that underpin the creation of a classroom environment that will support the learning of all students such as respect, equity and inclusion (VCAA 2009).
Interdisciplinary Learning
ICT Students use ICT tools to produce information products that demonstrate their knowledge and skills for all areas of the curriculum (VCAA 2009).
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Recordings of songs on class ipods, pcs, mp3s (see Appendix 1) Matrix to record responses and preferences
Assessing media Students will watch some clips from the popular television show The Voice. This will be a class activity. Music in todays society A local musician and a local DJ will be asked to come in to the class and play a popular song or one of their own on the guitar or on their decks. If this cannot be done. You tube clips of the top 10 popular songs will be shown to the students as a means for them to experience the music first hand. The students will then have an opportunity to ask any music related questions in which they would like answered. Top 10 songs ances
Local guitarist Katie Willis, (also a student at Latrobe University) is booked in to play guitar for the students in order for them to be engaged in the music also to start to think about the different instruments popular in todays society compared to that of the past. Also a local DJ called Zack Barthelson will be asked to come into class to play a set for the students in order for them to see the different types of genre popular in todays society.
Students start to think about popular music and why is has become popular, also how music technologies have changed overtime.
Inquiry Planner ium/pixie-piano.html (students can learn a basic song on the keyboard) Creating our own music Students have the opportunity to create their own band music using one of the websites listed or play musical games. (This website has a number of different music games where students can use a number of different instruments. (Students can choose an instrument or a range of instruments to make a beat. /mmm/mmm.html (students make a sketch and this makes their music) Students begin to think about what makes music popular and how instruments have changed overtime. Personal LearningThrough a variety of group and whole class activities students begin to see advantages for working effectively with their peers (VCAA 2009).
Making Instruments Students are given a range of instruments that they have a choice of making. These instruments to should be kept out of the front of the classroom or at the back of the classroom for further learning.
Students begin to think about what makes music popular in todays society and how instruments have changed overtime.
Our favourite music Students are asked what their favourite songs are. This is done with students place in a circle so each student has the chance to share. This is compiled as a list and recorded on a poster to stick up on the classroom wall. This is also made into a playlist for students to listen to when working effectively. Needs and wants Students in groups are given list of objects with costs attached in a different column and a certain amount of money in their envelope.
Butchers paper is used to record the students favourite songs and they are then downloaded and made onto a cd. (This is not done in class).
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Students are asked to decide which objects they would buy and why. They are asked to consider is this a need or a want? What makes you think this? Amounts in each envelope: $60, $80, $100,$160
wants and how to make informed decisions as producers and consumers of goods (VCAA 2009). Identifying what makes music popular.
Discussion about Music PopularityAfter watching The Voice Video clips the students are to have a class discussion and it is asked what they think of the video clips shown. They are also asked why they think this television show is popular?. What do they notice about the music being shown? What do they think makes music popular in todays society? Are their other ways which they see music in todays society? What makes this television show so popular Discussion about Musical instruments. After playing the Making music games the students are questioned about the types of musical instruments, which they have noticed in which are popular in todays society. And they are asked if they know of any from the past? Also do they know of any from other cultures? A list is compiled of student ideas. Discussion on needs and wants- As a class a discussion is had about needs and wants in todays society. What makes them different to one another? What types of things make us want things? Is it because everyone else likes it? What about music? This is recorded in two mind maps on butchers paper. Students are split into two groups one starts with needs and one with wants and then they swap. It is also asked does everyone we know have the same needs and wants? What affects our needs and wants? Our favourite music- Students complete a worksheet in which they record their favourite music and why they like this music, do other people like the same music? This is discussed as a class so students can begin to make links between the music they think is popular and that of others and why people make these decisions.
Butchers paper and markers for the students to record their ideas. In groups. (This will be kept till the end of the unit in order to assess prior conceptions, this is done in groups and then discussed as a class).
Students begin to Identify how music has changed over time. An also the instruments of the diverse cultural groups which make up the Australian identity (VCAA 2009). Students begin to think about what impacts them to like popular music and their needs and wants. In order to make informed decisions.
Students being to think about the influences that affect them as consumers. Civics- Students consider the experiences of diverse cultural groups and their contribution to the Australian identity (VCAA 2009).
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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Finding Out
A shared experience from which students will gather new information about the topic.
Measuring popularityStudents download current popular music chart. What statements can they make from the information included? Who are the artists? What type of people like them? Where are they from? What type of music is each song? How long have the songs been in the charts? Students download chart from previous week. What has changed between weeks? Why have there been changes? Teacher presents charts from 5/10/20 years ago. Students listen to music. How is music different? Are any of the artists still recording/ have songs on current charts? Understanding how charts are constructed: The Aria website provides information about how the charts are constructed. What makes a number one hit? What does it mean to have a number one hit? How many pieces of music are floating at any one time? What happens when a song goes out of the charts? Revisit the charts created at the beginning of the unit. (Jigsaw task. Students work in small groups to answer the questions. Come back to whole to discuss, identify gaps, etc) Measuring success through sales of music As well as using Charts to measure success of music, there is a ranking system throughout the world, called the Music Recording Sales Certification. As a result of selling a number of copies of a song or album, artists are acknowledged through silver, gold, platinum and diamond record stati. Students read information about levels, and find songs which have achieved these stati, when. Are there more songs now making higher stati? Why? Why not? Have some songs been acknowledged at different times? Whole class activity to understand the data, and then have students look for information independently. They can use the organiser to list songs and hypothesise. Money of Music in Australia Students consider the attached articles to look at how much money is
Collect a number of music charts from different places: ARIA Take 40 Billboard ITunes - Home iTunes iTunes Store Charts
Music is represented as successful through charts Popular music has changed over time, and explain these trends
Class matrix to enter information from Jigsaw task Access to charts again. With new information what does this mean? Add to previous organisers
Music is identified and represented as successful through charts Popular music has changed over time, and explain these trends History-Students use a range of written, visual, oral and electronic resources to study the past (VCAA 2009). Civics-Students research an issue, or issues using a range of resources including
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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generated through music sales in Australia. They will note the different sources and years of this information. What do these figures mean? What questions can we ask about this information? How much is one song? One CD? What are some theories about how many people buy how many pieces of music? How do those figures compare to your own purchase histories?[email protected]/0/EE99DB30B117C4E5 CA2576550013FE45?opendocument Students are also shown this news article, which highlights the money live music brings into the Australian economy. Identifying the difference between needs and wants. Students are asked to write their own definitions of needs and wants and this is shared as a class. A list is then written on the whiteboard or displayed on the electronic whiteboard of different people and the students are to write 3 different needs and wants for each person. Students are then asked in groups to complete the worksheet that is titled What does my country need and pick from a list the needs and wants that are provided on the sheet (Music is added on the bottom). A class discussion is then had about students different groups needs and wants and why they are different and what is important to different students. Excursion to local supermarket- Safeway. Students will participate in this excursion in order for them to see the ways in which advertising influences us on our needs and wants and how positioning makes us want things we dont actually need. Music from different Cultures. Students make comparisons of different cultures music. Australia (Indigenous Australians), China, Japan Thailand, Germany. What type of music is most popular in your country? What type of different types of instruments are played in
Constructed worksheet to identify comprehension of materials. Series of questions asking students to reflect upon their own music purchases.
List of people to identify their needs and wants. What does my country need? Page 5 and 6 of this booklet. blications/resources-and-education/teacherresources/consumer-stuff-for-kids-ateaching-and-learning-resource.pdf
Economics- Students identify the ways in which music is marketed and how much money is made in Australia due to this. (VCAA 2009) Economics- They learn about the process of consumptopn, production, and distribution in the meeting of needs and wants (VCAA 2009). Students identify the ways in which music is marketed as a need. Students begin to see the role of advertising and the effect it has on their needs and wants Students begin to realise that some music is globally popular and some is only
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
Students are to research a country and answer the questions that are posed. They can also use books about different cultures
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festivals/celebrations? Is this different to what we play at festivals in Australia? What ways is it different? Make sure you have pictures of your festivals or instruments. Make sure to get the countries top 10 chart songs.
popular in specific regions. ICT- Students use ICT tools to produce information products that demonstrate their knowledge and skills for areas of the curriculum (VCAA 2009). Students investigate a musician, their history, audience and measures of success.
Investigating an Australian Musician- Each student can pick their own musician to research. Each student is given the criteria in which the need to address in order to research their musician.
Criteria- (See appendix 4). Internet and computer for students to work on. Also any musician books that can be located in the school library.
Looking at key themes in popular music which reflect issues around the world. Students are played songs and will have a copy of these songs in order to realise that music is written for a purpose and it is reflected mostly in the songs lyrics. Pink song John Lennon song After listening, students reflect on the lyrics and try to identify the key themes/issues raised in the songs and record these.
The songs are played and the students are to read along with their lyrics (see appendix 5). This is then discussed as a class and the reasons behind the songs are worked out. Common themes are listed. Songs shown Working Class Man- Jimmy Barnes Dear Mr President- Pink Beds are burning- Midnight oil Youre the voice- John Farhnam True Blue- John Williamson. Imagine- John Lennon Worksheet (see appendix 6) Advertisements (see appendix 7). Relate this to chart music. Proforma- (see appendix 8)
Students analyse key themes in popular music ,which reflect important issues around the world.
Sorting Out
Activities that help students process the information that they have
Needs and wants processing After the students excursion to the local supermarket where the different types of advertising were shown, for example where they place certain objects on the shelf for added appeal to customers, the students are also asked if they noticed any music advertisement shown to them in the supermarket. They have a discussion about
Students identify the ways that music is marketed. Economics- Students consider factors affecting their spending and why it is important to be an informed
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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music and the ways in which music is marketed to them. Things such as advertisement, television, theme song to television songs, newspapers advertising music festivals, catalogues advertising cds and ipods etc. They are then separated into groups and asked to move around to each station and look at the music advertisements. And answer the questions provided. Marketing- Students have seen how music is marketed through television shows, media and also theme songs and of course the radio. They are asked what a marketing plan is? As a class they develop their own marketing plan, which could be adapted and used later. Features of a marketing plan: What is the current marketing situation? What are your talents? Where have you been founded? What are you trying to sell? Music about worlds perspectives Who is the target market? E.g: Parents, babies, teenagers. Who is your competition? What does the industry already look like? What type of music is already popular? What are your goals? To have a performance? To make money? How will you go about these goals? Advertisements? Then and now- Music genres. Students have previously looked at music charts from now and from the past. They have also written their favourite music. They are asked to write in their workbooks the types of music that their parents and even grandparents listen to. Is this the same as what we listen to today? Why/or why not? Whiteboard, markers.
consumer when making spending decisions (VCAA 2009). Students practise contesting ideas, debating and using evidence to form and express opinions on economic issues that interest and/or have an impact on themselves and on society, particularly their local community (VCAA 2009)
Students start to identify the ways popular music has changed over time and explain these trends. History- Students demonstrate an understanding of the histories od some cultural groups that make up the Australian population today and make appropriate links and comparisons with contemporary Australia, they also use a range of primary and secondary resources to investigate the past (VCAA 2009).
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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Going Further
Students create their own song, which reflects their own world perspectives. The students have previously listened to some songs with different world perspectives. It is now their task to create their own. Based on the students own world perspectives. For example what is important to them? World peace, politics, sport, pets, hobbies, friends , families. They can do this as a group or individually its up to them. After they have finished their song they can choose whether they want to add music to it. They could use the instruments that they created at the start of the unit or one of the music making programs they used at the start of the unit. Students create a marketing plan to market their song. Students in groups or individually make a marketing plan to sell their song. How will they make it to the top? You tube? What audience is the song made for? When and how will they make their song a hit? Will they use advertising? Students write up their marketing plan and then start to put it into action. Will they play for the school? The develop a timeline as to when their work will be completed. Will they make a video clip in class? Will they make an advertisement? They can perform and present their adds to the class. If students have decided to do this individually, they can join together to form a band if they wish. The idea is presented to the class.
Fun worksheet proforma if students want to write their song on it. es/print.php?category=Music&file=90_Print. GIF
Other students assess the other groups and tell them whether they think that it will work and if not ways in which they could improve it. Computers are used to make advertisemets. For example a flier or newspaper article.
Global and specific music. Students are shown songs a few songs from different cultures they are then asked whether they think that this music is popular just within certain countries or whether it is globally popular? They are given a list of songs, which they know and are asked which ones they think are globally popular and which are more culture specific. How do we know a band it globally popular? E.g Does it sell? Is it advertised? Is it popular? Or is it culture specific?
Chinese traditional Music YIC9E German Celtic Music CEfCI
Students develop a marketing plan to market their song. And create their advertising. Interpersonal development-Students work effectively in different teams and take on a variety of roles to complete task of varying length and complexity. They work cooperatively to allocate tasks and develop timelines. Students accept responsibility for their role and tasks. They explain the benefits of working in teams and give and receive feedback (VCAA).
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Japanese Folk Music oFDng Traditional Thai Music qscQ Indigenous Australian Music BqYFI
Students recognise the ways that some music is globally popular and some is only popular in specific regions.
Students are then asked about concerts? And to predict which songs they think could be worldwide and which songs they think are just culture specific? Do they think the Japanese folk music is worldwide? How do they know this? Why is this music globally popular? They are given lists of songs they have listened to and asked to work out which is which. And separate them into columns. What makes a song globally popular?
Making connections
Activities that help students put it all together and draw some conclusions about what they have learnt.
Creation of a music time line- students back over the old music charts and make a time line of the charts from then till today. They compare these charts and predict and speculate why music has changed over time and why different songs are now popular they also use the ideas that they had as to why their parents and grandparents like different music to them. Hint: (new technologies, new recording devices, advertisement) Marketing strategies- Students brainstorm as a class the ways in which music is made popular what types of advertising is used to make us like songs did they use these in their marketing plans? What types of lyrics? Has their ideas changed since the beginning of the topic? Will this make them better consumers by identifying the way that marketing influences their purchases? Will they be smarter now?
Students are able tp recognise way that popular music has changed over time and explain these trends.
Students create a marketing plan. They identify the ways in which music is marketed and thus make informed choices.
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Taking Action
Activities that give students the opportunity to act upon what they have learnt
Or follow the rest. Marketing Strategies and songs. Students have the opportunity after receiving peer feedback about their marketing strategies present their finished product to the school at assembly or at parent teacher night. They have either chosen to present this or present another finished product from their marketing strategy to the clall (newspaper advertisement, movie recording, flier, brochure).
This is an assessment piece in which the students are able to showcase their understandings over the unit.
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Reference list Alexander, R, Armstrong, M & Flutter, J 2010, What is primary education for? In R, Alexander (Ed.), Children, their world, their education. Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review, Roitledge, London pp. 174-203. Glover, J & Ward, S 2004, Teaching Music in the Primary School, Continuum, London & New York. Bowker, J, Bowker, M & Bowker, S, n.d., Students, Kangaroobie, retrieved 9 September 2012, <>. Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs 2008, Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, Australian Government, retrieved 8 September 2012, < laration_on_the_educational_goals_for_young_australians.pdf>. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2009, Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Level 4, retrieved 10 September 2012, <>. Appendix List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Songs for Tuning in rotation. Needs and Wants lists with costs. Fake money- to go with the needs and wants in envelopes. Famous Australian Musician research proforma Song lyrics Proforma for identifying themes in song lyrics Music Advertisements Questions for advertisements List of songs to identify as globally popular or not.
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Appendix 1: Songs for Tuning in rotation Year 1956 1966 1976 1981 1983 2011 2010 2009 1976 1975 1976 1957 1968 1990 1974 1960 1958 1915 1959 1901 1964 1979 1963 1935 1952 1943 1918 2004 2007 2000 2000 1996 1985 1977 1867 Song Hound Dog Yellow Submarine Money, money, money The Land of Make Believe Thriller What makes you beautiful Baby Party in the USA Beth TNT Howzat Tie me kangaroo down sport No llores, mi amor Nessun dorma Our Father Hail Mary The Banana Boat Song Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag High Hopes Song of the birds Spoonful of sugar Up there Cazaly Geelong theme song/The Toreador March Boiled Beef and carrots The Hokey Pokey Oh what a beautiful morning Oh! How I hate to get up in the morning Shine Dance tonight Beautiful Day Boss of me Wish Korobushka Star Wars Fur Elise Artist Elvis Presley The Beatles ABBA Bucks Fizz Michael Jackson One Direction Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus KISS AC/DC Sherbet Rolf Harris Julio Iglesias The Three Tenors Janet Meade Carey Landry Harry Belafonte Helen Clark Frank Sinatra Cole Porter Julie Andrews Mike Brady John Watts/George Bizet Opera Harry Champion Ray Anthony Cast of Oklahoma Irvin Berlin Josh Todd Paul McCartney U2 They might be Giants Faye Wong Vlad Hoffskyn Johnathon Williams Beetoven
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Appendix 2
Favourite music on iTunes Food Clothes Shoes House School bag Ps3 Pens Dvds Water Television Mobile phone Swimming pool Lollies Xbox
$10 $10 $5 $10 $50 $10 $10 $5 $20 $10 $20 $20 $50 $10 $20
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Appendix 3
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Appendix 4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is this persons history? What type of audience did they play to? Were they successful? For example did they make it into the charts? What did they look like? Are the still popular?
Useful sites Keith Urban- Kylie Minogue Jimmy Barnes- Savage Garden- Olivia Newton-John-
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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AC/DC- Delta Goodrem- John Farhnam- Natalie Imbruglia- Natalie Bassingwaigthe
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Appendix 5
Artist: Jimmy Barnes Song Title: Working Class Man Writer(s): CAIN, JONATHAN Working hard to make a living Bringing shelter from the rain A fathers son left to carry on Blue denim in his vein Oh oh oh he's a working class man Well he's a steel town deciple He's a legend of his kind He's running like a cyclone Across the wild mid western sky Oh oh oh he's a working class man He believes in god and Elvis He gets out when he can He did his time in Vietnam Still mad at uncle Sam He's a simple man With a heart of gold And a complicated life Oh he's a working class man Well he loves a little woman Someday he'll make his wife Saving all the overtime For the one love of his life He ain't worried about tomorrow Cause he just made up his mind Life's too short for burning bridges Take it one day at a time Oh oh oh he's a working class man Oh oh oh he's a working class man Oh yeah Yes he is Well he's a working class man Oh Ma ma...I tell you he's a working class man Working class Working class man
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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Yes he is Working class Working class man I want to tell you he's a working class man Working class Working class man Ma ma ma Working class Working class man I got to tell you he's a working class man Working class Working class man Working class Working class man I tell you he's a working class man Working class Working class man Working class Working class man I tell you he's a working class man Pink - Dear Mr president Lyrics Dear Mr. President, come take a walk with me (Take a walk with me) Let's pretend we're just two people and you're not better than me I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street? Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud?
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye? And tell me why? Dear Mr.President, were you a lonely boy? (Were you a lonely boy?) Are you a lonely boy? (Are you a lonely boy?) How can you say, no child is left behind? We're not dumb and we're not blind (We're not blind) They're all sitting in your cells while you pave the road to hell What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away? And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay? I can only imagine what the first lady has to say You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye? Let me tell you 'bout hard work Minimum wage with a baby on the way Let me tell you 'bout hard work Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away Let me tell you 'bout hard work Building a bed out of a cardboard box Let me tell you 'bout hard work, hard work, hard work You don't know nothin' 'bout hard work, hard work, hard work How do you sleep at night? How do you walk with your head held high? Dear Mr. President, you'd never take a walk with me, would you? Midnight Oil Beds Are Burning Out where the river broke The bloodwood and the desert oak
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent To pay our share The time has come A fact's a fact It belongs to them Let's give it back
How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning
The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent, now To pay our share
Four wheels scare the cockatoos From Kintore East to Yuendemu The western desert lives and breathes
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent To pay our share The time has come A fact's a fact It belongs to them Let's give it back
How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning
The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent, now To pay our share The time has come A fact's a fact It belongs to them We're gonna give it back
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How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning Youre the voice lyrics- John Farhnam We have the chance to turn the pages over We can write what we want to write We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older We're all someone's daughter We're all someone's son How long can we look at each other Down the barrel of a gun? You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah This time, we know we all can stand together With the power to be powerful Believing we can make it better Ooh, we're all someone's daughter We're all someone's son, oh Give a look at each other Down the barrel of a gun You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah Ooh, we're all someone's daughter We're all someone's son How long can we look at each other Down the barrel of a gun? You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah You're the voice, try and understand it Make the noise and make it clear, oh, woah We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear, oh, woah
Artist: John Williamson Song Title: True Blue Writer(s): JOHN WILLIAMSON Hey true blue, don't say you've gone Say you've knocked off for a smoko And you'll be back later on Hey true blue, hey true blue Give it to me straight, face to face Are you really disappearing Just another dying race Hey true blue True blue, is it me and you Is it mum and dad, is it a ****atoo Is it standin' by your mate when he's in a fight Or just vegemite True blue, I'm a-asking you Hey true blue, can you bear the load Will you tie it up with wire Just to keep the show on the road Hey true blue Hey true blue, now be fair dinkum Is your heart still there If they sell us out like sponge cake
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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Do you really care Hey true blue True blue, is it me and you Is it mum and dad, is it a ****atoo Is it standin' by your mate when she's in a fight Or just vegemite True-ue-ue blue, I'm a-asking you True blue, is it me and you Is it mum and dad, is it a ****atoo Is it standin' by your mate when he's in a fight Or just vegemite True blue, true blue Artist: John Lennon Song Title: Imagine Writer(s): LENNON, JOHN Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us
St Bernadettes Primary School The Money of Music EEO310, Tri 2, 2012
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Appendix 6
Working Class ManJimmy Barnes Dear Mr PresidentPink Beds are BurningMidnight Oil Youre the voiceJohn Farnham True Blue- John Williamson Imagine- John Lennon
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Appendix 8-
Look at the advertisements provided in your group. 1.What types of media are used to produce these advertisements? 2. What are they advertising? 3. Have you seen any advertisements like this before? 4. Does it make you want to buy the product? 5. Why or why not? 6. Have you seen advertisements like this before? If so, where? Make a list and share with your classmates.
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Sort the songs into two columns: Globally popular or Popular in specific regions
Flo RidaWhistle
Carly Rae Owl City & Jepsen- Call Carly Rae Me Maybe JepsenGood Time Katy Perry- Fun- Some Nicki Wide Nights MinajAwake Pound The Alarm Pink- Blow Maroon Japanese Me One Five- One Traditional Last Kiss More Night Music Indigenous The Chinese Australian Australian Traditional Music Anthem Music German Miley Michael Celtic Cyris- Party JacksonMusic in the USA Thriller