E-Arik : Dr. Saravanan Raj 1. Goals & Objectives
E-Arik : Dr. Saravanan Raj 1. Goals & Objectives
E-Arik : Dr. Saravanan Raj 1. Goals & Objectives
Second Level users Tribal Farmers and villagers of North-East India Extension personnel, Subject matter specialist of KVKs in North-East India Scientists, farm & rural development administrators, policy makers and others
3. Services provided
Agriculture and allied sector information dissemination through ICTs at e-Arik: Village Knowledge Centre and also through e-Arik web portal Farm advisory services at the farmers field Digital documentation of pest and diseases symptoms for the benefit of farmers and other farm stakeholders Documentation of tribal farmers crop history for the ready reference Farm market and weather information Announcements and scroll messages on farm training programmes Information provision in the governance, health, and education through ICTs Digital publication and dissemination of farm advisory publications, survey reports, news letters and farmers training reports through web portal Computer education and awareness to the farmers and school children Organising farm multimedia shows Organising on-farm training and demonstrations Arranging scientist field visits and farmer-scientist-project staff interaction sessions 13. Facilitating farmer to farmer communication Developing village knowledge managers Facilitating multi-agency extension through village knowledge centre
This chapter is re-produced with permission from the book Transforming Government eGovernment Initiatives in India, Editors: R K Bagga and Piyush Gupta, Published by : The ICFAI University Press, 2009.
June, 2007 to August, 2008/ till date- Content development, interactive, farmer friendly website hosting & updating June, 2007 to August, 2008/ till date - Digital documentation of farmers field pest and diseases symptoms June, 2007 to August, 2008/ till date - Integrated provision of agricultural information services through ICTs June, 2007 to August, 2008/ till date - Awareness, training on ICTs and capacity building among rural youth, women and others July, 2007 to August, 2008/ till date - Multi media-film shows/ demonstrations/ field days/ group discussion to create general awareness
maintenance/consumables/contingency=3,00,000 Total: Rs.23,42,000 Direct cost savings to deliver services: 23,42,000 6,92,596=16,49,404 Existing System (e-Arik system) Man days= (4 facilitators+1computer instructor+2 research fellows+ I Project Fellow) 8 personnel X 25 days/per month X 12 months)= 2,400 man days or 19,200 working hours per year Manual system To cover 500 farmers at their field/orchards in the remote 12 tribal villages requires 30 extension personnel fulltime work. Mandays= (30 Extension personnel X 20 days/per month X 12 months)=7,200 man days or 57,600 working hours Direct time saving= 4,800 man days or 38,400 working hours per year
8. Replication
As a maiden experiment to develop e-Agriculture prototype in Arunachal Pradesh State, e-Arik project covers 12 villages in the East Siang District. Based on experience of eArik project, the e-Agriculture prototype is to be duplicated to the entire state or NorthEast India.
9. Implementation model
The e-Arik project is a two year research project funded by the DSIR, and implemented by the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. Project team in consultation with village tribal council (Kebang) implements the project.
10. Technologies
Dial-up internet connection and other ICTs (TV, Radio, Telephone, and Mobile)
Financial Sustainability: To ensure the financial sustainability of ICTs/ e-Governance models in remote tribal areas, minimum first two years villagers and other stakeholders need to be demonstrated potential of ICTs for agriculture and rural development. Without having any awareness on potentials and benefits of ICTs, villagers may not pay for the services. Hence, as first step, the e-Arik project is demonstrating potentials and benefits of ICTs in agricultural extension services and other information provision. However, farmers are contributing in kind, for example villagers constructed a farmers training centre at e-Arik: village knowledge centre. Further, informal group discussion and survey indicates that the considerable proportions of the tribal farmers are willing to pay for the services of e-Arik project.
The e-Arik web portal will be continuously updated and maintained by the AV & ICT Lab, Department of Extension Education and Rural Sociology, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, (CAU), Pasighat. Usage: The e-Arik project used by the 12 remote village tribal farmers and extension personnel of developmental departments, other stakeholders of agriculture and rural development in Arunachal Pradesh The e-Arik portal technical information was added for the benefit of north-east farmers in to the India Development Gateway (www.indg.in), CDACs one of the National initiative for rural development (http://www.indg.in/agriculture/crop_production_techniques/technologies-for-north-eastindia/technologies-for-north-east-india) Usefulness: For following aspects e-Arik project beneficiaries stated high rating and approval; Creating general agricultural and rural development awareness among tribal villagers Imparting information on new technologies Promotes eco-friendly and sustainable technology dissemination and adoption Develops vocational efficiency among villagers Develops new farmers groups Develops local knowledge managers Helps villagers to make use of local resources Empowerment: a. Help to make timely decision by the villagers themselves b. Suggests alternative ways to solve farming and other rural problems c. Provides information for tribal farmers livelihood security.
This chapter is re-produced with permission from the book Transforming Government eGovernment Initiatives in India, Editors: R K Bagga and Piyush Gupta, Published by : The ICFAI University Press, 2009.
This chapter is re-produced with permission from the book Transforming Government eGovernment Initiatives in India, Editors: R K Bagga and Piyush Gupta, Published by : The ICFAI University Press, 2009.