From Darwin To DNA: The Genetic Basis of Color Adaptations: Hopi E. Hoekstra
From Darwin To DNA: The Genetic Basis of Color Adaptations: Hopi E. Hoekstra
From Darwin To DNA: The Genetic Basis of Color Adaptations: Hopi E. Hoekstra
This essay is from In the Light of Evolution: Essays from the Laboratory and Field edited by Jonathan Losos (Roberts and Company Publishers). The book will publish in December, 2010. ISBN # 9780981519494. Other contributors include: James Curtsinger, Ted Daeschler, Douglas Emlen, Harry Greene, Luke Harmon, Daniel Lieberman, Jonathan Losos, Axel Meyer, Teri J. Orr, Naomi Pierce, Andrew Berry, David C. Queller, Neil Shubin, David Reznick, Michael Ryan, Marlene Zuk, and Carl Zimmer. Includes a foreword by David Quammen.
knew traits could be passed on from generation to generation, but he had no idea how. In a historical twist of fate (unearthed by Matt Ridley in 2004), Darwin has been linked inextricably to a second great discoverythat is, the double-helical structure of DNA. Let me explain. In 1882, just two weeks before he died, Darwin published a paper in the prestigious journal Nature. He reported the discovery of a small clam found clamped to the leg of a beetle found in a pond in the English Midlands. This was to be his last publication. For its time, this was an important discovery. Why? Naturalists (particularly those interested in freshwater bivalves) were in a heated debate about why clams, living in isolated ponds, were so uniform in size and shape, when if they were truly isolated one would expect them to differentiate with time. There were two main hypotheses to explain this apparent paradox. The first, and leading hypothesis, was that all the small lakes were only recently isolated, so that there has not been enough time for populations to diverge. The second was that clams could move from one lake to the next, but this explanation seemed unlikelyhow could aquatic clams traverse terrestrial habitat? Darwins beetle, and its hitchhiking clam, provided a way by which molluscs could move from pond to pondmigration (via hitchhiking on mobile beetles) could homogenize populations. The puzzle had thus been solved. But more to the point (for this essay): the man who sent Darwin this important beetle was a young British shoemaker and amateur naturalist by the name of Walter Drawbridge Crick. Almost a century after the publication of The Origin, that same shoemakers grandson, Francis Crick, with another young colleague by the name of James Watson, modeled the three-dimensional structure of DNA (for which they would later win the Nobel Prize along with their mentor and colleague Maurice Wilkins). And the discovery of its double-stranded helical structure provided a way in which DNA could replicate (sometimes with a few errors) and thus was the secret to lifethe fundamental unit of hereditable information and the source of new variants. This discovery provided the missing link to Darwins theory about descent with modificationevolution by the process of natural selection. And further, it is in this DNA text which we can find support for almost all of Darwins ideas, including the genetic nuts and bolts of how this biological diversity evolved. It is this point that will be the basis for this essay. THE QUESTIONS Many aspects of modern evolutionary research are motivated by the desire to understand how diversity arises and is maintained in nature. How and why do organisms look and act so differently, and in some cases, so strangely? In fact, these are the same questions that inspired Darwin, but thanks to Watson and
the questions
Environment Ultimate Natural selection Phenotype Proximate Genetics and Development Genotype
F i g u r e 1 The genetic basis of adaptive traits. To gain a complete understanding of how variation is generated and maintained within and between natural populations, we must dissect both its ultimate and proximate causes. First, we need to understand how variation in a particular trait (i.e., phenotype) affects the fitness of individuals in their local environment. For example, what is the role of natural selection, if any, in generating trait variation? Second, we want to know the proximate basis of variation: what are the genes and mutations encoding differences in phenotype, and how do those genetic variants function through development to produce different traits? Making the links between environment, phenotype, and genotype will provide unique insight into the evolutionary process.
Crick, we now can look for the answers in the language of DNA. Specifically, we can ask questions about the genetic basis of evolutionary changethat is, what are the precise DNA changes that allow organisms to adapt to their environment (Figure 1)? So what will finding the genes and mutations that give rise to changes in phenotype [i.e., the way organisms look (morphology), metabolize (physiology), or act (behavior)] tell us about the evolutionary process? There are several long-standing questions about adaptationthe evolutionary process whereby a population becomes better suited to its local environmentthat can only be addressed when we know the chromosomal regions, genes, and mutations responsible for adaptive variation (B o x 1 ). For example, can adaptation occur through large leaps (i.e., a small number of mutations each having a large effect on phenotype) or does adaptation require many small steps? How often does natural selection rely on the same genes and/or mutations to drive the evolution of similar but independent phenotypes (i.e., convergent evolution)? Answers to these questions are starting to emerge as we are uncovering the genetic under-
Box 1:
MAJOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GENETIC BASIS OF ADATATION Many questions about how adaptation occurs date back to the early 1900s when they were hotly debated among the founders of population genetics. At that time, these questions were approached largely through mathematical models and statistics. Now, we are able to return to these same questions, armed with molecular tools. Thus, the field can move beyond statistical associations and find the precise genes and DNA mutations that contribute to adaptive traits. While the questions are largely the same, the tools to answer them are remarkably different, and therefore we are better equipped to understand the nature of adaptation than ever before. Does evolutionary change proceed gradually through many small mutational steps or can adaptation occur via a few large leaps? Does adaptation generally proceed through dominant or recessive mutations? Do genes involved in adaptation act independently or do they interact to produce adaptive traits? Do beneficial mutations tend to affect protein function (i.e., mutations in the protein itself) or its spatial or temporal expression (i.e., mutations outside the protein that control its regulation)? Are the same genes and mutations responsible for similar traits in different populations or species?
pinnings of a number of different traits in a variety of species. In this essay, we will take a journeyinto the laboratory and the fieldto understand the genetic basis of adaptation in natural populations of mice, and the phenotype we will focus on is the color of their fur. THE APPROACH There are many different approaches to find genes contributing to traits that vary within and between species. Human geneticists have pioneered this field in their quest to find deleterious genetic changes that cause disease. For evolution-
the approach
ary biologists, the search is focused on beneficial gene variants, those that contribute to adaptive traits that increase fitness. In both human and evolutionary biology, finding the genes that matter represents a Holy Grail of sorts, and is no easy task. Here, we will focus on the study of trait variation when it first arisesthat is, variation within species. This approach has its limitations because it relies on comparisons between new populations (rather than species separated by millions of years), so the trait differences are often not extreme. However, comparisons among populations allow us to (1) better understand the evolutionary forces responsible for the trait differences, such as natural selection, because the evolutionary changes are more recent and we know something about the ecological context (e.g., the organisms habitat) in which the variation occurs, and (2) take advantage of the power of genetics and bring organisms into the lab and examine the inheritance of traits in a controlled environment (see below). To take this approach, we must first identify both a trait to study and a species in which that trait varies in a way that impacts fitnessthe ability of individuals to survive and reproduce in the wild. THE SYSTEM If we think about diversity among vertebrates, differences in the shape or number of skeletal elements (e.g., the number of vertebrae in snakes versus mammals), altered morphology of appendages (i.e., fins, wings, and arms), and variation in color and color pattern combine to produce the majority of what distinguishes one species from another. Among these characteristics, color represents an excellent trait to study how morphological differences arise. This is because color is one of the most diverse traits among organisms and often varies between closely related species, or even within a species. Color is also one of the primary ways in which organisms interact with their environment it is used in a variety of biological processes including mate choice, warning coloration, mimicry, and crypsis (i.e., camouflage)and thus can clearly have dramatic effects on fitness. Not only is color important for fitness, but we already know a lot about the genes necessary to produce pigments in vertebrates, which give rise to their color and pattern. Why? Because pigmentation has served as a model system in the field of genetics and development. Starting in the early 1900s, right after Mendels work was rediscovered but before the term genetics was coined, geneticists tracked coat-color mutations that spontaneously appeared in colonies of lab mice (and thus are immediately obvious to a research technician). Today the genetics community has identified more than 200 genes necessary to produce normal coat color. Importantly, many of these genes are conserved
Box 2:
FRANCIS SUMNER AND NATURAL HISTORY Francis Bertody Sumner was a naturalist. He spent almost 20 years of his career describing variation among populations of deer mice (genus Peromyscus) in North America with the goal of understanding how variation was maintained in nature. To this end, he both documented the relationship between coat-color variation and environment in wild populations and also brought back mice to the lab to do experiments on inheritance under different environmental conditions. Based on measurements of thousands of mice, he concluded that the variation in coat color among mouse populations was likely driven by natural selection for camouflagehe showed a strong correlation between pelage color and soil color among populations in the field and showed these traits were inherited genetically in the lab. It is natural history research like that of Sumner that has provided the foundation for the research we are doing today. Moreover, most of Sumners specimens are preserved in UC Berkeleys Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, where they are available for study to all researchers. Thus, it is important to remember that past results, as old-fashioned as they may seem, provide the foundation for current research.
(i.e., similar in DNA sequence) across vertebrates. Therefore, we can take advantage of this wealth of genetic information discovered in lab populations as we start to ask which genes contribute to variation in nature. In mammals, coat color arguably varies the most among rodents. Some of the most extreme variation occurs in deer mice (genus Peromyscus), which have served as the subject of many classic studies in mammalogy starting almost a century ago (see B o x 2 ). In particular, one species of deer mouse, Peromyscus polionotus, shows a tremendous amount of variation in coat color over short geographic distances. These mice occur throughout the southeastern United
the system
F i g u r e 2 Camouflaging color patterns of mice from different habitats. Oldfield mice (Peromyscus polionotus) can be found in two distinct habitats in Floridaoldfields which are vegetated and have dark loamy soil, and coastal sand dunes which have little vegetation and brilliant white sand. Mice that occupy these different habitats have distinct coat-color phenotypes: mainland mice have a typical dark brown coat, whereas beach mice largely lack pigmentation on their face, flanks and tail. Typical habitat, soil samples and mice are shown. [Sacha Vignieri (habitat), Clint Cook (mice)]
States (i.e., Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and northern Florida), where they are commonly referred to as oldfield mice because they inhabit abandoned agricultural fields with dark loamy soils. In these habitats, mice have dark brown dorsal coats, a light grey belly, and a sharply bi-colored tail (Figure 2), which is typical for many wild rodents. These oldfield mice also have colonized the sand dunes and barrier islands off the Gulf Coast of Alabama and northern Florida and independently the coastal habitat on the Atlantic seaboard (almost 300 km away). These sand-dwelling populations are commonly referred to as beach mice.
Unlike their mainland counterparts, beach mice inhabit a very different environment (Figure 2). The beach mice are most abundant in the primary coastal sand dunes, where the sand is lighter in color than the inland soil (in fact, it is almost like walking on hills of granulated sugar). There is also much less vegetative coverthe dominant vegetation is sea oats, a sparsely distributed lanky, tall grassand thus beach mice are more visible to predators. Thus, it may not be surprising that beach mice, relative to the mainland forms, have reduced pigmentation and unique patterning that gives them an overall lighter color which blends into the light-colored sand. Interestingly, the barrier islands on which these mice reside are thought to be quite young (approx. 46,000 years old), so this difference in color and pattern may have evolved recently and rapidly. THE ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF COLOR VARIATION At first glance, it seems intuitive that being a light-colored mouse living on light-colored soil affords mice a survival advantage. Yet, as scientists, we wanted to empirically demonstrate that these color differences are beneficial as well as measure how much it matters for survival (i.e., the strength of selection) and know precisely who was doing the selecting (i.e., the selective agent). But how could we do this? One ideal experiment would be to tag and release an equal number of light and dark mice in both light and dark habitat, and return several weeks later to measure which survivedthe prediction being we would recapture more light mice in light habitat and dark mice in dark habitat. Of course, this is a difficult experiment, requiring hundreds of mice and permission to relocate mice into non-native habitats. So, instead, we thought of another approachwe could make mice! If we could produce hundreds of mouse models that resembled the light beach and dark mainland forms, we could conduct a survival experiment. The upshot of this approach is that the only trait that differed among model mice was color (whereas the live mice may differ in odor, escape behavior, or activity level). Therefore, any differences in survival would be due only to color differences. The downside, however, was that we didnt know if we could fool the predators. Would a hawk, owl, or coyote attempt to capture a fake mouse? We would find out only by trying. Thus began the production of hundreds of model mice. The first step was to make a mold of a crouching Peromyscus mouse, which could then be used to replicate hundreds of identical models using a non-hardening clay. Once the models were produced, we spray-painted half to resemble a beach form and half the mainland form (with the same type of paint and the
t h e a d a p t i v e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f c o l o r va r i at i o n
Cryptic Non-cryptic
1 0.5 Beach 0
F i g u r e 3 Linking environment to phenotype: cryptic coloration matters for survival in the wild. Typical clay models of mice, painted to resemble beach and mainland forms, laid out in both mainland (Lafayette Creek Wildlife Area) and beach habitat (Topsail Hill State Park) in Florida. Relative predation rates of dark and light models in mainland (top) and beach (bottom) habitats are shown. Crypsis reduces predation rate by approximately one-half in both the mainland and beach habitat. (Sacha Vignieri)
same number of paint coats). Each afternoon, we set out the light and dark models in a straight line and in random order about 10 m apart in habitat known to be occupied by either beach or mainland mice (and hence their natural predators). When we returned the next day, we recorded which models showed evidence of predation. Some had missing ears, others large gouges on their back, and still others were completely missing. The shape of the predatory imprint (bill or tooth) and the surrounding tracks gave clues as to the type of predatorbird or mammal. By documenting predation events in both habitats, we could ask if color matters and how much it matters for survival. What did we find? There are three striking patterns (F i g u r e 3 ). First, camouflaging color decreases predation, and this survival advantage is symmetricaldark models on light soil experience the same relative increase in preda-
tion as do light models on dark soil. (Remember: both beach and mainland mice have evolved camouflage in their local environments, even if beach mice have done so more recently.) Second, the advantage that camouflaging color affords mice is largecamouflaged mice have a 50% higher probability of survival compared to mismatched mice. Thus, color matters a lot for survival. Finally, about half of the predation events could be attributed to a mammalian predator (e.g., foxes and coyotes) and half to an avian predator (e.g., owls, herons, and hawks). Thus, both mammals and birds were the agents of selection. In sum, this very simple experiment nicely demonstrates that color, and camouflaging color specifically, has a large effect on fitness in these mice. THE GENETIC BASIS OF COLOR VARIATION Now that we have a better understanding of why color varies among populations of mice, next we would like to know how it varies. Specifically, what are the precise genetic changes responsible for these color differences? To address this question, we have taken a forward-genetics approach (F i g u r e 4 )that is, we start by focusing on phenotypic differences and working down to genes (in contrast to reverse genetics, which seeks to find what phenotypes arise as a result of mutations to a particular gene). First, we allowed the beach and mainland mice to mate in the lab (i.e., a genetic cross). The mixed pairs gave birth to pups (i.e., first-generation hybrids), each of which had one chromosome from the dark mainland parent and one from the light beach parent and were thus intermediate in color relative to the two parents. We next mated these hybrids to each other, and their pups (second-generation hybrids) have genomes with shuffled regions of beach and mainland genes because recombination, or chromosomal crossovers, occur between the light and dark chromosomes. Therefore, each of the second generation hybrids has a unique combination of alleles (i.e., gene variants) from the light and dark parents, and are thus variable in color. By measuring pigmentation and determining the origin of chromosomal regions (from either the dark or light parent) using molecular techniques for each hybrid, we can determine which regions of the genome are statistically associated with the differences in color. For example, if all the hybrids that have a completely white rump also all share a region on chromosome 8 from the beach mouse parent in their shuffled genomes, then chromosome 8 likely harbors a gene that contributes to rump color. Ultimately, these are the genes we are afterthose that cause the adaptive color differences between mainland and beach mice. Using this approach, we identified three regions of the genome, each of which contained a known pigmentation gene that is statistically associated with color differences. Here, we will focus on one region which codes for the gene,
t h e g e n e t i c b a s i s o f c o l o r va r i at i o n
Beach 1st generation hybrid Mainland
F i g u r e 4 Linking phenotype to genotype: cryptic coloration is encoded by a few regions of the genome. By crossing mainland and beach mice in controlled laboratory conditions, we can dissect the genetic basis of color pattern differences (seen here in these museum specimens). Offspring of a mainland beach cross (first generation hybrids) have one chromosome from each parent and an intermediate color phenotype. Offspring that result from an intercross between these hybrids represent the second generation hybrids. Each second generation mouse has a different combination of genetic regions (and pigmentation genes) inherited from the dark and light parents, and therefore exhibits a range of phenotypes. These hybrid mice can be used then to pinpoint the genetic regions (and ultimately genes and mutations) that cause differences in coat color between mainland and beach mice. Photos represent typical color patterns of mice and bars below represent cartoon chromosomes, with dark genomic regions inherited from mainland mice and white from beach mice.
the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r), because we know a lot about its structure and function. As a first step, we decided to sequence the gene (it only has about 1,000 DNA nucleotide positions, or base pairs) in a beach and mainland mouse. In the entire gene, we found only a single mutationa nucleotide that differs between the mainland and the beach mice. At nucleotide position 293, beach mice have thymine (T) and mainland mice (as well as all other Peromyscus spe-
cies) have a cytosine (C). The C-to-T mutation is unique to light-colored beach mice. This single nucleotide mutation causes an amino acid change in the protein (remember that unique combinations of three DNA nucleotides code for each amino acid, which in turn make up proteins). The amino acid change observedarginine to cysteine at amino acid position 65 (Arg65Cys is the scientific shorthand for this mutation)is from a large charged amino acid to a small uncharged one. This radical change in the Mc1r proteins chemistry is predicted to affect the structure of the protein, and hence its activity. While finding such a mutation in a known pigmentation gene is quite exciting, the relationship between genotype and phenotype was still largely a statistical associationall light mice had one version of the gene and all dark mice had another. To prove, that this mutation affects coat color, we needed to demonstrate that it alters protein function. But how? A typical initial step is to test its function in a petri dish. For example, we could engineer (using standard molecular biology techniques) both versions of the protein, one with arginine and one with cysteine at position 65, and then determine if the two proteins have different properties. First, however, it is useful to know a bit more about Mc1r and its role in determining pigmentation. The Mc1r receptor is associated primarily with melanocytes, our pigment-producing cells. In mammals, we produce only two types of pigments: eumelanin (brown to black pigment) and phaeomelanin (blonde to red pigment). You can look at your own hair and determine which of the two pigment types you have. Mc1r acts as a switch in determining the type of pigment a melanocyte produces (F i g u r e 5 A ). When Mc1r is turned on, it signals through a cascade of effects in the melanocyte cell for dark eumelanin to be produced; when Mc1r is turned off and signaling is reduced, the default state is restored and light phaeomelanin is produced. Based on this knowledge, we can make a prediction about the expected effect of the Arg65Cys mutation on Mc1r function: the Mc1r variant from beach mice (hereto referred to as the light Mc1r protein or variant) will show decreased activity and therefore lower signaling, leading to light pigmentation. To test this prediction, we measured receptor activity in a simple assay. Specifically, we produced the two proteins (which differ by only the Arg65Cys mutation) in cells and measured signaling as an indicator of the level of receptor activity. Under the same cellular conditions, we found that the dark Mc1r protein always acts more strongly than the light Mc1r protein (F i g u r e 5 B ). These results suggest that the light version of the Mc1r gene therefore can signal the production of only light pheomelanin. Importantly, not only have we demonstrated that the Arg65Cys mutation affects receptor function, but it also changes receptor activity in the direction we predictedthe light Mc1r variant causes light coat color.
= =
Receptor signaling Basal 10 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 Concentration of activator F i g u r e 5 The role of the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) in producing pigment variation. (a) Mc1r is a receptor (shown in red) located on the membrane of melanocytes, pigment-producing cells, which in mammals produce two types of pigment, black to brown eumelanin and red to blonde phaeomelanin. Mc1r is the switch that controls whether dark or light pigments are produced. When an activator binds to Mc1r, it is turned on and generates a signal inside the cell which leads to the production of dark pigmentation. By contrast, if Mc1r is repressed, such as by the binding of an antagonist, its intracellular signal is reduced and light pigments are produced. (b) Different forms of the Mc1r protein may differ in their ability to produce a signal, and therefore will result in the production of a different pigment. We can quantify Mc1r activity (i.e., signaling potential) by expressing the protein in cells, adding increasing amounts of activator (to turn Mc1r on) and measuring signaling activity. The dark mainland Mc1r protein shows a typical patternadding increasing amounts of activator results in increasing amounts of signaling until it reaches its maximum. By contrast, the light Mc1r protein from beach mice (which differs by only one amino acid, 65Cys) has much lower activity for the same amount of activator compared to the mainland protein (65Arg), and thus is more likely to produce light pigments than dark pigments under the same conditions.
LINKING ENVIRONMENT TO PHENOTYPE TO GENOTYPE Now lets take a step back at look at the bigger picture. What do these results mean? First, we identified a single DNA change that codes for an amino acid difference in the Mc1r protein, which in turn affects its function. This change in receptor activity leads to the production of light-colored pigments and, hence, light-colored mice. Finally, light coloration in mice inhabiting light-colored beach dunes provides a survival advantage. Thus, we have successfully made the link between a single DNA base-pair change and fitness in wild populations! But, this is only half the story. What is most exciting about this system is that we can ask questions about when and where these alleles evolved by going back to natural populations. HOW ORGANISMS ADAPT IN NATURE Once the genes, and even the mutations, responsible for adaptive traits are identified, we have a unique opportunity to learn how these traits evolve in nature. To illustrate this point, we will explore an example of how knowing the molecular basis of an adaptation can teach us something more general about the evolutionary process. To do so, we must move from the lab into the field. With a 4 4 truck filled with live traps, bait, and flagging for catching mice, and computers, tubes and a field kit for recording data and taking DNA samples, we headed south to the Gulf Coast of Florida and from there, 300 km east to Floridas Atlantic coast. It was time to trap some mice and survey natural variation in color among populations. By way of reminder, all of the genetic work (described above) focused on a single subspecies of beach mouse, the Santa Rosa Island beach mouse. On the Gulf Coast, however, there are a total of five beach subspecies, each with a pale but unique coat-color pattern (F i g u r e 6 A ), and each of which is uniquely matched to their local habitatthe darkest beach mouse subspecies occurs in the darkest sands and with the thickest vegetation, whereas the lightest subspecies occurs in the lightest sand dune with little vegetation. On the Atlantic coast of Florida there are more beach mice. While there were once three subspecies, now only two exist. The Pallid beach mouse is thought to have gone extinct some 50 years ago, likely due to habitat loss as more and more beach homes were constructed. (Because specimens of the Pallid mouse are part of natural history collections, we can still study their pelage, as well as their genetics, by extracting DNA from snippets of museum skins). The other two subspecies now occur only in protected areas. Nonetheless, all three of these beach mouse subspecies, like their Gulf Coast counterparts, are pale in color. In fact,
h o w o r g a n i s m s a d a p t i n n at u r e
Mainland mouse
Gulf Atlantic Mainland
Gulf Mainland Atlantic Mainland
F i g u r e 6 Pale beach mouse subspecies occur along both the Gulf Coast and the Atlantic coast of Florida. (a) Cartoons represent the typical color pattern of each of the eight beach mouse subspecies. Circles represent the location of each subspecies, whereas the range of mainland mice is shown in tan, with black dots representing collecting sites in the panhandle and central Florida as well as Georgia. (b) Possible relationship among subspecies if light pigmentation has evolved a single time. (c) Actual relationship of populations based on DNA data showing that light coloration in beach mice likely evolved twice independentlyonce in the Gulf Coast and a second time in Atlantic populations. Red bars indicate the evolution of light pigmentation.
the color patterns of mice on the Atlantic coast are more similar to those on the Gulf Coast than they are to each othera remarkable case of convergent evolution. Given the striking similarity in color patterns, a first question to ask is: are the Gulf and Atlantic beach mice closely related? One may predict that all the pale beach mice are each others closest relatives to the exclusion of all the dark mainland mice (F i g u r e 6 B ). However, this is not the case. Using DNA to trace the ancestry of populations, we find that while the five pale Gulf Coast subspecies are very closely related, they are more genetically similar to the dark mainland mice from Floridas panhandle than to the pale Atlantic beach mice (F i g u r e 6 C ). Similarly, Atlantic coast beach mice are most similar to mainland mice from central Florida. These data suggest that light coloration has evolved independently on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. If such similar coat-color patterns evolved twice, must the same genetic changes have evolved twice, too, or can different genetic changes lead to similar traits? To address this question, we can focus once again on Mc1r. Recall that a single mutation in Mc1r changes the receptor activity and thus contributes to the light pigmentation of the Gulf Coast subspecies, the Santa Rosa Island beach mouse. Thus, we can survey the Atlantic coast mice for the presence or absence of the particular Arg65Cys genetic changedo the pale Atlantic beach mice have the same mutation? Quite surprisingly, none of the Atlantic coast beach mice has the Arg65Cys mutation! Despite their remarkable similarity in coat color, the same Mc1r mutation does not contribute to light pigmentation on the Atlantic coast. A second possibility is that different mutations in the same Mc1r gene evolved in the Atlantic coast mice. These alternative mutation(s) could have a similar effect on Mc1r receptor signaling and thus produce a similar color pattern. To test this hypothesis, we compared the entire DNA sequence for Mc1r in Atlantic coast mice to the sequence from mainland mice to see if there were any new mutations unique to the Atlantic beach mice. We identified four new nucleotide mutations, each of which altered the amino acid sequence of the protein (although not as radically as Arg65Cys). To determine if any of these mutations affected Mc1r activity, we once again engineered proteins, four of them, each with one new mutation, and tested their signaling compared to the dark mainland protein. All four of the new proteins behaved just as the mainland protein (and were all more active than the light Mc1r protein). These results suggest that there are no new mutations in Mc1r that lead to convergent light pigmentation on the Atlantic coast. In other words, even within a single species, there appear sometimes to be multiple genetic solutions to a common ecological problem of blending into the local environment.
h o w o r g a n i s m s a d a p t i n n at u r e
Same Mc1r mutation
Fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus Camouflage Lighter skin Histine to tyrosine at position 205
Snow goose Anser c. caerulescens Mate choice Darker plumage Valine to methionine at position 85
F i g u r e 7 . Mutations in Mc1r contribute to color variation in several vertebrate species. (a) The same mutation (Arg65Cys) that occurs in beach mice is also found in a population of mammoths (surveyed using ancient DNA techniques), suggesting they, too, may be variable in color. (b) Different mutations in Mc1r contribute to similar color differences in lizards and birds. [Simone Des Roches (lizards) and Terry Sohl (snow geese)]
However, other times, the same mutation or gene can contribute to similar traits in very divergent species. In 2006, a team of scientists based in Leipzig, Germany, was able to successfully extract DNA from 14,000-year-old mammoth bones, excavated from the permafrost of Siberia. Their goal was to get the sequence of an entire nuclear gene from an extinct organism (which at the time had never been done). They chose Mc1r as the target gene because of its simple structure. When all the technical challenges had been overcome (e.g., avoiding contamination and working with degraded DNA), they were able to compare the two Mc1r sequences from a single individual and they found a mutation at amino acid position 65 (F i g u r e 7 A ). Even more surprising, it coded for an Arg65Cys amino acid change; whereas most mammoths (and most mammals) have arginine amino acid in this position, one mammoth, just like beach mice, had a cysteine. Mammoths and mice both evolved the exact same mutation! This convergent change then raises the possibility that mammoths, like mice, were variable in coat color. While we dont know the color phenotype of this particular individual, because only bones were available, mammoth hairs red-
dish in color have been found previously. However, the environmental forces, if any, driving color variation in mammoths are unknown. Mutations in Mc1r are also associated with color changes in still other species. There are a growing number of studies that have identified an association between Mc1r mutations and color variation in a diversity of vertebrates (F i g u r e 7 B ). From these studies it is clear that Mc1r mutations can produce pale or dark coloration, even in species without fur. For example, lizards that inhabit White Sands, New Mexico, have evolved camouflaging light-colored skin and scales relative to nearby desert-dwelling populations. Like beach mice, this light color helps them blend into their local environment and reduces their risk of predation. These blanched lizards have a unique mutation that affects Mc1r signaling, like the mutations in beach mice. Alternatively, mutations in other species, like snow geese, lead to dark coloration (in this case feathers), by altering Mc1r so that it is permanently active and thus exclusively produces eumelanin. In birds, color is often important in attracting mates (i.e., sexual selection), and in the case of snow geese, females prefer males with plumage of similar coloration to their own. These are only a few examples, but serve to illustrate that a multitude of Mc1r mutations contribute to color variation in a variety of species and for a variety of purposes. Thus, in some cases, mutations in the same gene can contribute to convergent evolution in distinct species. LESSONS ABOUT THE EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS The goal of this essay was first to depict the connections we can now make between environment and phenotype (i.e., the ultimate mechanisms) and phenotype and genotype (i.e., the proximate mechanisms) for variation in a single traitin this case, color variation in natural populations of mice. The second goal was to show how identification of the precise molecular mechanism underlying an adaptive trait can shed light on the evolutionary process more generally. Here, we have seen that even single mutations in the Mc1r gene can cause large changes in fur color, which in turn has a large effect on the fitness of mice in the wild. However, Mc1r mutations do not cause light pigmentation in all beach mice subspecies; there are multiple possible genetic paths to the same phenotypic end. On the other hand, Mc1r mutations do cause changes in color in a wide diversity of other vertebrates, suggesting that sometimes the same gene can be a repeated target of adaptive change. Thus, using a variety of approachessome, like fieldwork, rooted firmly in Darwins own tradition of natural history, and others, like molecular genetics enabled by Watson and Cricks discovery of DNAwe are unraveling the molecular basis of what Darwin called that perfection of structure and co-adaptation which most justly
suggested readings
excites our admiration, and thereby learning how the spectacular diversity of traits within and between species evolves in the wild. And this is just the start. SUGGESTED READINGS
Hoekstra, H. E., R. J. Hirschmann, R. A. Bundey, P. A. Insel, and J. P. Crossland. 2006. A single amino acid mutation contributes to adaptive beach mouse color pattern. Science 313:101104. Hubbard, J. K., J. A. C. Uy, M. E. Hauber, H. E. Hoekstra, and R. J. Safran. 2010. Vertebrate pigmentation: From underlying genes to adaptive function. Trends Genet. 26:231239. Manceau, M., V. Domingues, C. R. Linnen, E. B. Rosenblum, and H. E. Hoekstra. 2010. Convergence in pigmentation at multiple levels: Mutations, genes and function. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. 365:24392450. Rmpler H., N. Rohland, C. Lalueza-Fox, E. Willerslev, T. Kuznetsova, G. Rabede, J .Bertranpeti, T. Schneberg, and M. Hofreiter. 2006. Nuclear gene indicates coat-color polymorphism in mammoths. Science 313(5783):62. Rosenblum, E. B., H. Rmpler, T. Schneberg and H. E. Hoekstra. 2010. White lizards on white sands: the molecular and functional basis of phenotypic convergence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107:2113-2117. Steiner, C. C., H. Rmpler, L. M. Boettger, T. Schneberg, and H. E. Hoekstra. 2009. The genetic basis of phenotypic convergence in beach mice: Similar pigment patterns but different genes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 26:3545. Vignieri, S. N., J. Larson, and H. E. Hoekstra. 2010. The selective advantage of cryptic coloration in mice. Evolution 64:21532158.