Issue: Older Woman Opting To Have The Test For Down 'S Syndrome

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EBI Exemplar Issue: Older woman opting to have the test for Down s syndrome.

Introducing the topic used a few facts/references

The chance of conceiving a child with Downs syndrome increases to 1 in 35 births when a woman reaches the age of 45 (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2011). For this reason, woman above the age of 40 have the option to undergo a test that will determine whether their embryo has a genetic disability such as Downs syndrome. The decision to be tested can lead to many controversial debates as Murdoch University (2008) stated that in Australia, 95% of all positive tests were terminated. The cost and risks of the testing can be used to argue against woman to have the tests done. During the first trimester the female can undergo an amniocentesis, a test that takes a small sample of amniotic fluid from within the womb, which is then used for genetic processing. Research has shown that this evasive procedure can lead to infection and can increase the chance of miscarrying (BabyCenter Australia Medical Advisory Board, 2013). Also the cost of carrying out this procedure is either paid by the public health system or out of the families own pocket.

My for arguments. With some referenced evidence. I have discussed societal /financial effects.

Connector words

My rebuttal and looking at another point of view.

On the other hand, many may argue that the test may be necessary for some families. If the female is carrying an embryo with Downs syndrome, then the cost of the test may be miniscule when comparing it to the cost of caring for a child with a disability. Also, the stress of caring for a child with a disability may be too much for many people and cause the breakdown of family units. Many children with Downs syndrome are also born with other problems such as heart defects. This too can put financial and an emotion drain on the family and even society when the government has to contribute to the costs. However, it must also be remembered that this embryo has the opportunity of developing into a human and their rights should also be considered. Despite their genetic disabilities, those with Downs syndrome have the ability to work and carry out a relatively normal life. Many companies promote the employment of those less capable and have specific training programs for them. This shows that a Downs syndrome adult may be able to contribute to society. Ultimately, it is the womans right to have the procedures carried out. However, the decision on what to do if the tests come back positive, should not be made quickly. Financial and emotion factors should be well thought out, while considering the variety of options including parenting and adoption.

Looking more at the ethical side of it all.

My conclusion and hopefully I have not used any emotional /biased

When writing an EBI you could consider: Societal effects Moral issues Ethical issues.

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