Ampalaya Faq
Ampalaya Faq
Ampalaya Faq
and luyang dilaw. Ampalaya Plus has been proven to effectively lower blood glucose by the study conducted by Dr. Ricardo Quintos of University of the Philippines, College of Medicine. Ampalaya is a vegetable proven efficacy in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even infection, several study have shown that Ampalaya increases the utilization of glucose by the liver Ampalaya Plus also has Banaba, an herb that lower sugar and help in reducing weight. Banaba contains strerols that protect the body against infections by boosting the immune system. Luyang Dilaw, on the other hand, lower cholesterol and has anti-oxidant. This herb is reported to protect the liver and helps maintain liver function. Ampalaya Plus can help you in diabetes, weight control, cholesterol, high blood, arthritis and pimple and acne. PPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea with Green Tea and Calamansi Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea is a delicious way to drink and enjoy the benefits of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Green Tea in a refreshing natural Calamansi taste. No sugar. No calories. All natural. Make it as your healthy option when it comes to beverages. The product is a healthy alternative to high sugar, high fat, high calorie drinks. Available in the supermarket shelves or offered by coffee shops, and fast food outlets. Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea with Green Tea and Calamansi is all natural, does not contain sugar and has zero calories. It is conveniently packed in individual foil sachets for easy use. It can be served hot or cold. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: What is Ampalaya? Ampalaya or Amargozo is a vegetable grown throughout the Philippines. It is mostly cultivated, although wild forms can be found. We were always reminded during young days to eat our Ampalaya because it is rich in iron. It's really an ugly looking vegetable and considered an acquired taste because of its bitterness. Try it as an omelet or as a salad (with onions, tomatoes, and cilantro in vinaigrette dressing) in between courses to clean your palate. As a main dish, Ampalaya con carne with black bean sauce is also wonderful the saltiness of the black beans counteracts the bitterness - and pinakbet (a melange of tropical vegetables like squash, eggplant, string beans and Ampalaya in piquant shrimp
paste sauce) is heavenly. The young leaves (Ampalaya tops) are also used in dishes like ginisang monggo. What is Banaba? Banaba is a medicinal plant that grows the Philippines. Traditional uses include brewing tea from the leaves as a treatment for diabetes and hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar). The hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) effect of Banaba leaf extract is similar to that of insulin which induces glucose transport from the blood into body cells. What is Turmeric or Luyang Dilaw? Luyang Dilaw is a member of the Ginger family. Dried Luyang Dilaw is the source of the spice turmeric, the ingredient that gives curry powder its characteristic yellow color. Turmeric is used extensively in foods for both its flavor and color. Turmeric has a long tradition of use in the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems of medicine, particularly as an antiinflammatory agent, and for the treatment of flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, hematuria, hemorrhage, and colic. Turmeric can also be applied topically in poultices to relieve pain and inflammation. Current research has focused on turmeric's antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial properties, in addition to its use in cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal disorders. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is one of the major degenerative diseases in the world today. It is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Diabetes is characterized by a reduced ability to use and metabolize dietary carbohydrates, abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and an abnormal amount of sugar in the urine. Diabetes is classified into 2 categories: Type 1: Insulin dependent (IDDM) or juvenile-onset diabetes. Type 2: Non-insulin dependent) NIDDM or adult-onset diabetes. IIDDM begins suddenly, usually in childhood. It is precipitated by a viral attack on the pancreas, and probably genetic factors. The control of this type of diabetes requires insulin therapy. It is felt that there is no cure for this type. NIDDM begins after the teen years. The progression is slow compared to IDDM and symptoms are mild in the beginning but become severe with the progression. The symptoms of this type are similar to IDDM but the pathology is different. The pancreas contains specialized cells called beta cells that secrete the hormone Insulin in response to high blood sugar levels. In normal conditions, dietary carbohydrates are absorbed from the intestinal lining into the blood as glucose and other simple sugars. As blood levels rise, insulin is secreted from the pancreas and in conjunction with Glucose Tolerance Factor, binds to specialized sites on the membranes of body cells and encourages the transportation of sugar from the blood to the cells. This serves two purposes; it lowers blood sugar and increase availability of sugar (energy) for normal cell functioning. Blood sugar levels return to pre-meal levels as the blood sugar levels decrease.
This process is arrested in diabetic conditions. Blood sugar rises after meals but the pancreas does not secrete adequate amounts of insulin (IDDM) or normal amounts are secreted but the cells are unresponsive to the hormone (NIDDM). Since the cells are starved of energy, fat is broken down to provide energy to the cells. This raises the blood fat levels increasing the risk of cardio vascular diseases. Symptoms are: Increased urination Dehydration with increased thirst Fatigue and muscle weakness Nausea and/ or vomiting Increased appetite Loss of weight (IDDM) or weight gain (NIDDM) Frequent skin infections or irritation, slow wound healing Itching, tingling and numbness in hands and feet Kidney damage Visual disturbances Cardiovascular disease Is Ampalaya Plus a medicine? No, it is not a medicine. It is better referred to as functional food. In simple terms, Ampalaya Plus is a vegetable in a capsule with clinically tested blood sugar lowering properties. What makes Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea unique? Ampalaya Plus is a unique 3-herb formulation using Ampalaya-Banaba-Luyang Dilaw. Ampalaya is known to block excessive increase in sugar in the body. Banaba is shown to have some natural insulin like properties that regulate increase in blood sugar. Luyang Dilaw is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant which helps repair damage body cell and reverse aging. The synergistic effect of the ingredients and the balanced formulation ensures that the product actually works. Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea has Green Tea and Calamansi to make it easy to drink. Unlike other herbal tea which other people choose not to drink because of bitter taste that comes from herbs. Nattural Ampalaya Plus uses raw material that have been scientifically fingerprinted. This guarantees consumers not only against adulteration of raw material but also against raw material that have inadequate active ingredient. Because of this we are able to deliver to our consumers products that are consistent in quality and product benefits. The product is produced in facilities that conform to CGMP standards. Apart from the sound science behind the raw material, formulation and production of the product, Ampalaya Plus
has the highest dosage per capsule at the lowest price. The product has undergone rigorous double blind study from the UP College of Medicine. The clinical study is the only known in world on this 3-Philippine Medicinal Plant combination. The results will be published this year in a respected international scientific journal----this is another first among the herbal products available in the market today. Why should I take Ampalaya Plus? The product is a perfect supplement for your daily meal. We recognize that your busy working pattern may prevent you from taking any significant amount of vegetable, fiber and anti-oxidants in the course of your day. Ampalaya Plus was formulated to address some of these concerns. The product is produced using safe and effective raw materials. The production is done in clean, modern facilities that use internationally accepted manufacturing practices. The product is backed by thousands of years of traditional medicinal practices but also by scientific clinical studies from the University of the Philippines. Lastly, the product is affordable enough for most people to use of a daily basis. Is the product safe? Yes, the product is safe for everyday long-term use by diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Are there any side effects associated with taking Ampalaya Plus? No, there are no side effects reported in the study. However, not all people are alike and some are predisposed to certain food allergies. This condition is very rare though. Are there any adverse effects from taking Ampalaya Plus? None. The Clinical Study from UP College of Medicine did not indicate any vomiting, dizziness, allergies, and increased blood pressure. How does Ampalaya Plus work? Our clinical study showed that it prevented/reduced the rise in blood sugar after meals for diabetics and non-diabetic subjects. For diabetics who took the product the rise in their blood sugar was not as high as those who took the placebo. Furthermore, the diabetics who took the product also experienced a faster decrease in blood sugar an hour after taking the meal and the food supplement compared to the control group. Generally all the subjects who participated in the Clinical Study experienced improved bowel movement. In the scientific literature on Ampalaya we found in a 1999 study that Ampalaya blocks the absorption of sugar. In another study it also shows that it suppresses the movement of the stomach giving the user the feeling of fullness. Both of these mechanisms have implications that Ampalaya may have some weight loss effects. Yet another study shows Ampalaya may contain a substance that decreases cataract formation in the eyes. Banaba on the other hand has been found to have some form of natural insulin, which causes the decrease in the blood sugar levels of diabetics studied in the clinical test. Turmeric or Luyang dilaw is a known cell repairing properties as a result of the high anti-
oxidants found in the substance. Turmeric is a known anti-inflammatory and has been used in stomach ulcers. The substance may also help in lowering the cholesterol level of the user. What do you think are the factors in making the product work? There are many factors including which parts of the plant is used in the preparation or how the raw material is handled or the source of the raw material and the planting condition where the raw material is harvested. These are all factors that significantly affect the efficacy of the product. There are some studies, which show that there may be side effects in using seeds of the Ampalaya. Similarly the type of combination and formulation of the product have synergistic effects of 2 herbs (Ampalaya + Banaba) working in different ways for the same effect of lowering the blood sugar level. Lastly, a similar herbal product combination might not produce the same result as Nattural Ampalaya Plus because the source of raw material plays a big role in the efficacy of the product. What are the advantages of taking Ampalaya Capsules over Ampalaya Tea? Ampalaya Capsules are more convenient, less messy not to mention many times more effective than tea. Teas are good and healthful drinks but have much weaker delivery of nutritive value to the body. When will Ampalaya Plus benefits start to take effects? As far as lowering of the blood sugar is concerned, it varies from person to person. However, our study and reports from Diabetics showed that lowering blood sugar took as fast as 30 minutes after taking Ampalaya Plus. But after their blood sugar had gone down they also reported that it has stabilized at the level for as long as they continued to use Ampalaya Plus and maintained the same medication, exercise and diet as before. This stabilizing effect to their blood sugar is due to Ampalaya Plus' reported ability to improve glucose tolerance. When should I take Ampalaya Plus? What is the recommended dosage? Ideally, you take it before your meal. Dosage is 1 capsule but you can increase it depending on your tolerance level and condition. It is best that you monitor your blood sugar every time you take Ampalaya Plus together with your medication. You and your Doctor will be in the best position to evaluate this. What are the other benefits that can be derived from taking Ampalaya Plus? Subjects in the Clinical Study indicated better bowel movement in terms of volume of formed stool and ease of movement. Problems in constipation were generally addressed by taking the product before every meal. Apart from the improved blood sugar levels in the body----some people experienced better circulation. It was reported that some had improved blood lipid levels after taking the product. However, such claims have not been validated by the clinical study.
Are the active ingredients always consistent in all crude Ampalaya products? Most of the Ampalaya products available are made from crude herbs; they can vary in percentage of active constituents, which further influences the therapeutic activity or potency of the herb. Depending upon the source, the variation in the chemical composition of Ampalaya is enormous, a possible cause of inconsistent therapeutic effects of Ampalaya. Does Ampalaya Plus cause high blood pressure? No, it does not increase your blood pressure. This was not borne out in the scientific literature that any of the three herbs causes any rise in blood pressure. Similarly in the test conducted in UP College of Medicine none of the subjects complained or were found to have increased blood pressure.There are no studies showing that Ampalaya causes high blood pressure. On the contrary, in many countries as in the Philippines Ampalaya is used as home remedy for hypertension. The confusion seems to come from the following: Ampalaya contains iron that helps in increasing the red blood cells thus improving the quality of the blood and prevents anemia. But some people confuse the blood quality with increase in blood pressure which are obviously two different matters. Some people may have experienced an increase in their blood pressure after eating vegetable dishes of Ampalaya mixes with beef, pork, oil and fats. It is not Ampalaya that causes high blood pressure; it is the beef, the pork, the fats and the oil. Since Ampalaya Plus is simply Ampalaya and 2 more ingredients, can I just prepare the tea, cook and eat Ampalaya and instead of taking the supplement? If you have time to wait and willing to do the work, you certainly can. However, doing it 3 times a day , 7 days a week and 365 days a year is no joke. Besides, it will surely cost you more considering the high cost of local fresh Ampalaya, Banaba and Luyang Dilaw. Anyway, doing it yourself is an option to everyone to enjoy the benefits of 3 vegetables and herbs. Given the very nature of a busy work schedule, Ampalaya Plus merely gives you an alternative product that is standardized in quality, convenient and affordable. How much will it cost me per day to take Ampalaya Plus? That is only PHP6.50 per capsule per meal while P8.00 per sachet of Ampalaya Plus Delite Herbal Tea Is Ampalaya Plus good for diabetics? Yes, the Clinical Studies done on the product at the UP College of Medicine shows that for subjects who took the product their high blood sugar levels were significantly lower than in the group, which were given placebo capsules. Moreover, the studies also show that the diabetic subjects taking Ampalaya Plus had a faster reduction rate in their blood sugar levels than the control group taking the placebo. Existing scientific research shows that Ampalaya may block excessive absorption of blood sugar in the body. Banaba contains natural insulin that regulates increase in blood sugar. These two herbs synergistically reduce blood sugar
levels in the body. Luyang Dilaw repairs damaged organs and cells as a result of the high blood sugar levels. If I have insulin shots, can I take Ampalaya Plus? Yes, of course. There is no actual prohibition of taking Ampalaya Plus at the same time having insulin injections. However, we advise that you monitor your blood sugar closely and regularly. If you feel that you are getting hypoglycemic then stop taking Ampalaya Plus and consult your doctor. They are in the best position to advise you. If my blood sugar is already normal, should I stop taking medicines? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Unless your doctor instructs you to do so. This means that diabetics should not stop their medication on their own without their doctor's advice. Does the product cause erratic rise and fall of blood sugar levels in diabetics? No, it does not. Again this was not seen in the clinical study. The patient's have to be educated that the product is not a medication therefore it cannot substitute the drugs they are currently taking for their diabetes. Ampalaya Plus is a supplement for whatever diabetes medication they are currently on. Diabetes patients are encouraged to modify their diets and Ampalaya Plus allows them to do so in a safe, effective, convenient way. Again abrupt rise and drop in blood sugar levels were not seen in Ampalaya Plus users and it is believed that there would not be as long as users do not suddenly stop the diabetes medication they are taking. Certainly the diabetes medication the patient is currently taking will be adjusted because after they start taking Ampalaya Plus their blood sugar levels will be lower. What important is to establish a habit of sound eating and living patterns. Certainly Ampalaya Plus helps in modifying our eating pattern. Taking Ampalaya Plus before each meal is like adding a few serving of vegetable in every mealtime. For non-vegetable eaters that is a dramatic modification in their eating pattern and it is a sound, safe and doable proposition. When I start taking Ampalaya Plus, should I immediately stop taking my medicines? No, unless your doctor instructs you to do so. This means that diabetics should not reduce or stop their medication on their own without their doctor's advice. Ampalaya Plus is a food supplement and therefore it is not a substitute for doctor-prescribed medication. It should be part of the diet of the diabetic and take doctor-prescribed medicine. Ampalaya Plus is good for non-diabetics? Yes, the Clinical Study done on non-diabetics at the UP College of Medicine shows that when the product is administered to the subjects before each meal, the rise in the blood sugar level is significantly lower than in the group administered with the placebo. The implication of the study is that the product protects our pancreas from excessive stress that may lead to type 2 diabetes later in life. The study also highlights that there was no excessive drop in blood sugar as a result of taking Ampalaya Plus
Is Ampalaya Plus recommended to infants and pregnant women? No, There is no Ampalaya Plus study yet involving pregnant women and children below 7 years old. Hence, caution should be taken. What is Charantin? At least three different groups of constituents in Ampalaya have been reported to have blood- sugar lowering actions of potential benefit in Diabetes Mellitus. These include a mixture of saponins known as Charantin, insulin like peptides and alkaloids. Charantin is the common marker used as measure for standardization of Ampalaya extract. What is Corosolic Acid? Corosolic acid is a triterpene compound extracted from the leaves of Banaba. The leaves of Banaba are used as an herbal remedy for a number of disorders, including diabetes and obesity. Banaba plays a role in regulating levels of blood sugar and insulin in the blood. For some people, fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin are related to appetite, hunger and various food cravings particularly craving for carbohydrates such as bread and sweets. By keeping blood sugar and insulin levels in check, Banaba may be an effective supplement for promoting weight loss in certain individuals. What is Curcumin? Curcumin is volatile yellow-orange oil, extracted from Luyang Dilaw. The word for "turmeric" is still "Curcumin" in many languages, including German, Italian, and many Eastern languages. Turmeric spice is made from the root of the plant Curcuma longa, which is in the ginger family. Turmeric root is very deep orange, almost red. It is used very plentifully in India, and elsewhere in the East including the Philippines. What is anti-oxidant? Antioxidant is a substance that prevents or slows the breakdown of another substance by oxygen. Antioxidants as vitamin C are added to foods (see food additives) to prevent them from becoming rancid or from discoloring. What is fingerprinting? Scientifically fingerprinted? Chromatography? Phytochemistry deals with the determination of chemical constituents in plant material. Chemical analysis of the plant material is a critical factor for standardization. Techniques like High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GC) and High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) are commonly used for chemical finger print analysis. Chromatography is a method used by scientists for separating organic and inorganic compounds so that they can be analyzed and studied. By analyzing a compound, a scientist can figure out what makes up that compound. The word chromatography means "color writing" or chemical finger printing which is a way that a chemist can test liquid mixtures. Each plant is unique and has its own color spectrum
or color writing. For example, Ampalaya has a different color spectrum compared to Banaba and Luyang Dilaw. All 3 herbs of Ampalaya Plus have been scientifically fingerprinted by Chromatography to authenticate and identify the correct raw materials, to ensure the standardized quality of the active ingredients and to safeguard against possible adulteration. What is the meaning of standardized active ingredient? All herbs are standardized for active ingredient. Standardization means adjusting the herbs preparation to a defined content of the active ingredient. Extract refers to a concentrated preparation of active constituent of a medicinal herb. The concept of standardized extracts definitely provides a solid platform for scientific validation of herbals. Another concept is identification of marker compounds in the extract. Markers constitute chemically defined ingredients, which are used for control purpose. The markers can serve as a powerful tool in the finished form of herbal preparations, which depends upon the quantitative determination of the marker, when the starting material is selected. Momordica Charantia (Ampalaya) has a marker compound called Charantin. Banaba has Corosolic Acid and Luyang Dilaw has Curcumin. Ampalaya Plus provides a consistent and effective alternative to crude herbs, as it constitutes calculated ratio of the active constituents. Therefore, Ampalaya Plus always assures consistent quality and quantity of the active constituents in every capsule.