Stability and Control: Outline of This Chapter
Stability and Control: Outline of This Chapter
Stability and Control: Outline of This Chapter
The following nomenclature is common for discussions of stability and control. Forces and Moments Quantity Variable Dimensionless Coefficient Lift Drag L D CL = L/qS CD = D/qS Positive Direction 'Up' normal to freestream Downstream
Right, looking forward Right wing down Nose up Nose right Angles and Rates
Positive Direction Nose up w.r.t. freestream Nose left Nose up Nose right Right wing down Right wing down Nose up Nose Right
Angle of attack Angle of sideslip Pitch angle Yaw angle Bank angle Roll rate Pitch rate Yaw rate p q r
Aircraft velocities, forces, and moments are expressed in a body-fixed coordinate system. This has the advantage that moments of inertia and body-fixed coordinates do not change with angle of attack, but a conversion must be made from lift and drag to X force and Z force. The body axis system is the conventional one for aircraft dynamics work (x is forward, y is to the right when facing forward, and z is downward), but note that this differs from the conventions used in aerodynamics and wind tunnel testing in which x is aft and z is upward. Thus, drag acts in the negative x direction when the angle of attack is zero. The actual definition of the coordinate directions is up to the user, but generally, the fuselage reference line is used as the direction of the x axis. The rotation rates p, q, and r are measured about the x, y, and z axes respectively using the conventional right hand rule and velocity components u, v, and w are similarly oriented in these body axes.
Basic Concepts
Stability is the tendency of a system to return to its equilibrium condition after being disturbed from that point. Two types of stability or instability are important.
A static instability
A dynamic instability
An airplane must be a stable system with acceptable time constants. In general we want the dynamics to be acceptable, actually more than just stable -- we need appropriate damping and frequency. To assure this, a careful analysis of the dynamic response and controllability is required. The dynamic equations of motion are shown below, expressed in body axes. The top six equations are just forms of F=ma and M=I d dt for each of the coordinate directions. The bottom three equations are kinematic expressions relating angular rates to the orientation angles , , , angles describing the airplane pitch, roll, and heading angles.
In general, we must solve these nonlinear, coupled, second order differential equations to describe the dynamics of the airplane. Many simplifying assumptions are often justified and make the analysis simpler. If we linearize the equations we find that there exist 5 interesting modes of dynamic motion. These are discussed further in the section on dynamic stability. But one of the useful results is that we usually obtain sets of nearly independent modes: those associated with symmetric, longitudinal motion, and those related to lateral motion. The modes are, of course, coupled for asymmetric aircraft such as oblique wings and the motion can be coupled by nonlinear effects such as pitching moment produced by large sideslip angles or alpha-dependent yawing moments that appear on fighters at high angles of attack, but for many cases the approximate decoupling is useful.
we would like it to return to the lower lift coefficient. This requires that the pitching moment about the rotation point, Cm, become negative as we increase CL:
Note that: where x is the distance from the system's aerodynamic center to the c.g..
So, If x were 0, the system would be neutrally stable. x/c represents the margin of static stability and is thus called the static margin. Typical values for stable airplanes range from 5% to 40%. The airplane may therefore be made as stable as desired by moving the c.g. forward (by putting lead in the nose) or moving the wing back. One needs no tail for stability then, only the right position of the c.g..
Although this configuration is stable, it will tend to nose down whenever any lift is produced. In addition to stability we require that the airplane be trimmed (in moment equilibrium) at the desired CL. This implies that: With a single wing, generating a sufficient Cm at zero lift to trim with a reasonable static margin and CL is not so easy. (Most airfoils have negative values of Cmo.) Although tailless aircraft can generate sufficiently positive Cmo to trim, the more conventional solution is to add an additional lifting surface such as an aft-tail or canard. The following sections deal with some of the considerations in the design of each of these configurations. Pitching Moment Curves If we are given a plot of pitching moment vs. CL or angle of attack, we can say a great deal about the airplane's characteristics.
For some aircraft, the actual variation of Cm with alpha is more complex. This is especially true at and beyond the stalling angle of attack. The figure below shows the pitching characteristics of an early design version of what became the DC-9. Note the contributions from the various components and the highly nonlinear post-stall characteristics.
The analysis of longitudinal stability and trim begins with expressions for the pitching moment about the airplane c.g..
Where: xc.g. = distance from wing aerodynamic center back to the c.g. = xw c = reference chord CLw = wing lift coefficient lh = distance from c.g. back to tail a.c. = xt Sh = horizontal tail reference area Sw = wing reference area CLh = tail lift coefficient Cmacw = wing pitching moment coefficient about wing a.c. = Cmow Cmc.g.body = pitching moment about c.g. of body, nacelles, and other components The change in pitching moment with angle of attack, Cma, is called the pitch stiffness. The change in pitching moment with CL of the wing is given by:
Note that:
The position of the c.g. which makes dCm/dCL = 0 is called the neutral point. The distance from the neutral point to the actual c.g. position is then:
This distance (in units of the reference chord) is called the static margin. We can see from the previous equation that:
(A note to interested readers: This is approximate because the static margin is really the derivative of Cmc.g. with respect to CLA, the lift coefficient of the entire airplane. Try doing this correctly. The algebra is just a bit more difficult but you will find expressions similar to those above. In most cases, the answers are very nearly the same.)
The tail lift curve slope, CLah, is affected by the presence of the wing and the fuselage. In particular, the wing and fuselage produce downwash on the tail and the fuselage boundary layer and contraction reduce the local velocity of flow over the tail. Thus we write:
where: CLah0 is the isolated tail lift curve slope. The isolated wing and tail lift curve slopes may be determined from experiments, simple codes such as the wing analysis program in these notes, or even from analytical expressions such as the DATCOM formula:
where the oft-used constant h accounts for the difference between the theoretical section lift curve slope of 2p and the actual value. A typical value is 0.97. In the expression for pitching moment, hh is called the tail efficiency and accounts for reduced velocity at the tail due to the fuselage. It may be assumed to be 0.9 for low tails and 1.0 for T-Tails. The value of the downwash at the tail is affected by fuselage geometry, flap angle wing planform, and tail position. It is best determined by measurement in a wind tunnel, but lacking that, lifting surface computer programs do an acceptable job. For advanced design purposes it is often possible to approximate the downwash at the tail by the downwash far behind an elliptically-loaded wing:
We have now most of the pieces required to predict the airplane stability. The last, and important, factor is the fuselage contribution. The fuselage produces a pitching moment about the c.g. which depends on the angle of attack. It is influenced by the fuselage shape and interference of the wing on the local flow. Additionally, the fuselage affects the flow over the wing. Thus, the destabilizing effect of the fuselage depends on: Lf, the fuselage length, wf, the fuselage width, the wing sweep, aspect ratio, and location on the fuselage. Gilruth (NACA TR711) developed an empirically-based method for estimating the effect of the fuselage:
where: CLaw is the wing lift curve slope per radian Lf is the fuselage length wf is the maximum width of the fuselage Kf is an empirical factor discussed in NACA TR711 and developed from an extensive test of wing-fuselage combinations in NACA TR540. Kf is found to depend strongly on the position of the quarter chord of the wing root on the fuselage. In this form of the equation, the wing lift curve slope is expressed in rad-1 and Kf is given below. (Note that this is not the same as the method described in Perkins and Hage.) The data shown below were taken from TR540 and Aerodynamics of the Airplane by Schlichting and Truckenbrodt: Position of 1/4 root chord on body as fraction of body length .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7
Finally, nacelles and pylons produce a change in static margin. On their own nacelles and pylons produce a small destabilizing moment when mounted on the wing and a small stabilizing moment when mounted on the aft fuselage. With these methods for estimating the various terms in the expression for pitching moment, we can satisfy the stability and trim conditions. Trim can be achieved by setting the incidence of the tail surface (which adjusts its CL) to make Cm = 0:
Thus, given a stability constraint and a trim requirement, we can determine where the c.g. must be
located and can adjust the tail lift to trim. We then know the lifts on each interfering surface and can compute the combined drag of the system.
Dynamic Stability
The evaluation of static stability provides some measure of the airplane dynamics, but only a rather crude one. Of greater relevance, especially for lateral motion, is the dynamic response of the aircraft. As seen below, it is possible for an airplane to be statically stable, yet dynamically unstable, resulting in unacceptable characteristics.
Just what constitutes acceptable characteristics is often not obvious, and several attempts have been made to quantify pilot opinion on acceptable handling qualities. Subjective flying qualities evaluations such as Cooper-Harper ratings are used to distinguish between "good-flying" and difficult-to-fly aircraft. New aircraft designs can be simulated to determine whether they are acceptable. Such real-time, pilot-in-the-loop simulations are expensive and require a great deal of information about the aircraft. Earlier in the design process, flying qualities estimate may be made on the basis of various dynamic characteristics. One can correlate pilot ratings to the frequencies and damping ratios of certain types of motion as in done in the U.S. Military Specifications governing airplane flying qualities. The figure below shows how the short-frequency longitudinal motion of an airplane and the load factor per radian of angle of attack are used to establish a flying qualities estimate. In Mil Spec 8785C, level 1 handling is considered "clearly adequate" while level 3 suggests that the airplane can be safely controlled, but that the pilot workload is excessive or the mission effectiveness is inadequate.
Rather than solve the relevant equations of motion, we describe here some of the simplified results obtained when this is done using linearized equations of motion. When the motions are small and the aerodynamics can be assumed linear, many useful, simple results can be derived from the 6 degree-of-freedom equations of motion. The first simplification is the decoupling between symmetric, longitudinal motion, and lateral motion. (This requires that the airplane be left/right symmetric, a situation that is often very closely achieved.) Other decoupling is also observed, with 5 decoupled modes required to describe the general motion. The stability of each of these modes is often used to describe the airplane dynamic stability. Modes are often described by their characteristic frequency and damping ratio. If the motion is of the form: x = A e (n + i ) t, then the period, T, is given by: T = 2 / , while the time to double or halve the amplitude of a disturbance is: tdouble or thalf = 0.693 / |n|. Other parameters that are often used to describe these modes are the undamped circular frequency: n = (2 + n2)1/2 and the damping ratio, = -n / n.
Longitudinal Stability
When the aircraft is not perturbed about the roll or yaw axis, only the longitudinal modes are required to describe the motion. These modes usually are divided into two distinct types of motion. Short-Period The first, short period, motion involves rapid changes to the angle of attack and pitch attitude at roughly constant airspeed. This mode is usually highly damped; its frequency and damping are very important in the assessment of aircraft handling. For a 747, the frequency of the short-period mode is about 7 seconds, while the time to halve the amplitude of a disturbance is only 1.86 seconds. The short period frequency is strongly related to the airplane's static margin, in the simple case of straight line motion, the frequency is proportional to the square root of Cm / CL. Phugoid
The long-perioid of phugoid mode involves a trade between kinetic and potential energy. In this mode, the aircraft, at nearly constant angle of attack, climbs and slows, then dives, losing altitude while picking up speed. The motion is usually of such a long period (about 93 seconds for a 747) that it need not be highly damped for piloted aircraft. This mode was studied (and named) by Lanchester in 1908. He showed that if one assumed constant angle of attack and thrust=drag, the period of the phugoid could be written as: T = V2 U/g = 0.138 U. That is, the period is independent of the airplane characteristics and altitude, and depends only on the trimmed airspeed. With similarly strong assumtions, it can be shown that the damping varies as z = 1 / (V2 L/D). Lateral Dynamics Three dynamic modes describe the lateral motion of aircraft. These include the relatively uninteresting roll subsidence mode, the Dutch-roll mode, and the spiral mode. The roll mode consists of almost pure rolling motion and is generally a non-oscillatory motion showing how rolling motion is damped. Of somewhat greater interest is the spiral mode. Like the phugoid motion, the spiral mode is usually very slow and often not of critical importance for piloted aircraft. A 747 has a nonoscillatory spiral mode that damps to half amplitude in 95 seconds under typical conditions, while many airplanes have unstable spiral modes that require pilot input from time to time to maintain heading. The Dutch-roll mode is a coupled roll and yaw motion that is often not sufficiently damped for good handling. Transport aircraft often require active yaw dampers to suppress this motion. High directional stability (Cn) tends to stabilize the Dutch-roll mode while reducung the stability of the spiral mode. Conversely large effective dihedral (rolling moment due to sideslip, Cl) stabilizes the spiral mode while destabilizing the Dutch-roll motion. Because sweep produces effective dihedral and because low wing airplanes often have excessive dihedral to improve ground clearance, Dutch-roll motions are often poorly damped on swept-wing aircraft.
Longitudinal Control Requirements Control power is usually critical in sizing the tail. Some very large airplane designs are cruise trim critical. The tail is sized to be buffet free or below drag divergence at dive Mach number. Drag divergence is used as a measurement of likelihood of elevator control reversal. Drag divergence is accompanied by strong shocks on the suction side of the stabilizer. Deflecting the elevator to diminish lift in this condition can improve the flow behind the shock, increasing lift instead of reducing it and causing a control reversal. Typically the tail would be designed to be below drag divergence at dive Mach number and at its mid center of gravity cruise lift
coefficient, a lift coefficient of 0.2 to 0.3. For actively-controlled airplanes in cruise, the tail may carry almost no load at mid CG, positive load at aft CG, and negative load at forward CG. In this case the tail is probably designed to be divergence free at dive Mach number and at its worst cruise lift coefficient. Control requirements at low speed are usually critical. One requirement that determines the elevator sizing is a go around maneuver. The airplane begins in approach trim, flaps down, stabilizer set for 1g flight, no elevator. By deflecting the elevator only, the pilot should be able to get a pitch acceleration of 5 deg/s2, minimum. On new aircraft with no stretch history, the elevator would be designed to provide 10 deg/s2 pitch acceleration. 8 deg/s2 is desirable. Nosewheel liftoff may be a critical constraint, especially on advanced aircraft because of a trend toward moving the center of gravity aft relative to the aerodynamic center. In this maneuver, the aircraft is trimmed for climbout at V2 + 10 knots, which is about 1.3 Vstall. The elevator should generate enough moment to crack the nosewheel off the ground and provide 3 deg/s2 pitch acceleration. In designing the tail, one would shoot for 6 deg/s2 pitch acceleration. The approach trim constraint is often critical. This constraint involves a 1g level acceleration from approach speed, 1.3 Vstall, to maximum flaps extended speed, VFE, which is typically 1.8 Vstall. The aircraft begins in approach trim and must be reach VFE using only the elevator, not the stabilizer, to retrim. In approaching VFE, the angle of attack decreases and must be accompanied by deflecting the elevator down. For trim at 1.3 Vstall, however, the stabilizer is deflected up to generate download. At VFE, the stabilizer and elevator end up working against each other. At this condition, the tail must be 2 deg below stall. Icing affects estimation of maximum section lift. With evaporative anti-icing systems the properties of the clean section can be used. For aircraft without ice protection, the tail should be oversized by as much as 30%. At VFE, it is common for the wing flap to be stalled. Because of the low angle of attack, there is no flow through the wing slat. Flow separates on the lower surface of the slat, and this disturbance impinges on the flap causing it to stall. Takeoff normally does not stall the tail. The elevator typically has a limited throw. This usually keeps the tail within 2 deg of its stall angle of attack. Maximum stabilizer deflections of about 12 deg and a maximum elevator deflection around 25 deg are typical of transport aircraft. Pitching moments from landing gear are usually small and act opposite to one's intuition. The gear struts block the flaps and reduce their nose down pitching moment. The gear also causes a slight increase in lift.
Structural sizing for fins are often set by a tail stop maneuver. Pilot applies a maximum rudder input, limited by either a pedal stop or a mechanical stop in the fin. The airplane sideslips and is carried by its inertia beyond its equilibrium sideslip angle. From the maximum equilibrium sideslip, the pilot releases the pedals causing the airplane to swing back and oscillate around zero sideslip. The maximum fin loads encountered during this maneuver are used to size the fin structure. For this reason, some companies use rudder throw limiters that provide full deflection, typically +/-30 deg, up to 160 knots, then decrease maximum deflection inversely proportional with dynamic pressure.
because of aerodynamic interaction. Aircraft weight does not enter the moment balance because, when moments are taken about the main gear, there are no ground moment reactions and there are no inertial forces because there is no lateral acceleration. The engine thrust imbalance is constant because full thrust is always used for takeoff, regardless of aircraft weight. To determine a required VMCG speed, one would examine an aircraft in its lightest commercial weight. This would be the weight with a minimum passenger load to break even on a particular range, say a 30% passenger load. At low takeoff weights, more flaps will be used as a result of optimizing flap deflection for best lift to drag in second segment climb. The light weight and large flap deflection should reduce speeds for second segment climb and rotation. In establishing the balanced field length for this condition, VMCG should be set at the speed where second segment climb or rotation becomes critical. For aircraft such as the DC9 or DC10 this speed is about 110 knots. For heavier aircraft, VMCG is higher, 120 knots. VMCA, minimum control airspeed, is usually not critical because dynamic pressure is higher, making the rudder more effective, the thrust imbalance is smaller, because of thrust lapse, plus the airplane is allowed to sideslip to trim. The VMCG condition is at zero sideslip; rudders may be double hinged to enable large lift coefficients to be achieved on the fin at this condition. While VMCG is critical for 2 engine airplanes, on 4 engine airplanes VMCL2 may be critical. In this landing condition, 2 engines are out on same side of the airplane while the other two are at max takeoff thrust. The rudder is more effective since this is done at approach speed, 1.3 Vstall. One airborne condition that might size the rudder is a crosswind landing decrab. This condition is at 1.3 Vstall with a 35 knot crosswind. The rudder is used to control an aerodynamic sideslip of 13?to 15? Increasing the vertical tail area does not help here because it increases the resistance to sideslip. If this condition is critical the proportion of rudder to vertical tail area should be adjusted.
Tail Design Introduction Tail surfaces are used to both stabilize the aircraft and provide control moments needed for maneuver and trim. Because these surfaces add wetted area and structural weight they are often sized to be as small as possible. Although in some cases this is not optimal, the tail is general sized based on the required control power as described in other sections of this chapter. However, before this analysis can be undertaken, several configuration decisions are needed. This section discusses some of the considerations involved in tail configuration selection. A large variety of tail shapes have been employed on aircraft over the past century. These include configurations often denoted by the letters whose shapes they resemble in front view: T, V, H, + , Y,
inverted V. The selection of the particular configuration involves complex system-level considerations, but here are a few of the reasons these geometries have been used. The conventional configuration with a low horizontal tail is a natural choice since roots of both horizontal and vertical surfaces are conveniently attached directly to the fuselage. In this design, the effectiveness of the vertical tail is large because interference with the fuselage and horizontal tail increase its effective aspect ratio. Large areas of the tails are affected by the converging fuselage flow, however, which can reduce the local dynamic pressure. A T-tail is often chosen to move the horizontal tail away from engine exhaust and to reduce aerodynamic interference. The vertical tail is quite effective, being 'end-plated' on one side by the fuselage and on the other by the horizontal tail. By mounting the horizontal tail at the end of a swept vertical, the tail length of the horizontal can be increased. This is especially important for short-coupled designs such as business jets. The disadvantages of this arrangement include higher vertical fin loads, potential flutter difficulties, and problems associated with deep-stall. One can mount the horizontal tail part-way up the vertical surface to obtain a cruciform tail. In this arrangement the vertical tail does not benefit from the endplating effects obtained either with conventional or T-tails, however, the structural issues with T-tails are mostly avoided and the configuration may be necessary to avoid certain undesirable interference effects, particularly near stall. V-tails combine functions of horizontal and vertical tails. They are sometimes chosen because of their increased ground clearance, reduced number of surface intersections, or novel look, but require mixing of rudder and elevator controls and often exhibit reduced control authority in combined yaw and pitch maneuvers. H-tails use the vertical surfaces as endplates for the horizontal tail, increasing its effective aspect ratio. The vertical surfaces can be made less tall since they enjoy some of the induced drag savings associated with biplanes. H-tails are sometimes used on propeller aircraft to reduce the yawing moment associated with propeller slipstream impingment on the vertical tail. More complex control linkages and reduced ground clearance discourage their more widespread use. Y-shaped tails have been used on aircraft such as the LearFan, when the downward projecting vertical surface can serve to protect a pusher propeller from ground strikes or can reduce the 1-per-rev interference that would be more severe with a conventional arrangement and a 2 or 4-bladed prop. Inverted V-tails have some of the same features and problems with ground clearance, while producing a favorable rolling moments with yaw control input. Specific design guidelines:
The tail surfaces should have lower thickness and/or higher sweep than the wing (about 5 usually) to prevent strong shocks on the tail in normal cruise. If the wing is very highly swept, the horizontal tail sweep is not increased this much because of the effect on lift curve slope. Tail t/c values are often lower than that of the wing since t/c of the tail has a less significant effect on weight. Typical values are in the range of 8% to 10%. Typical aspect ratios are about 4 to 5. T-Tails are sometimes higher (5-5.5), especially to avoid aft-engine/pylon wake effects. ARv is about 1.2 to 1.8 with lower values for T-Tails. The aspect ratio is the square of the vertical tail span (height) divided by the vertical tail area, bv2 / Sv. Taper ratios of about .4 to .6 are typical for tail surfaces, since lower taper ratios would lead to unacceptably small Reynolds numbers. T-Tail vertical surface taper ratios are in the range of 0.85 to 1.0 to provide adequate chord for attachment of the horizontal tail and associated control linkages. Tail Sizing Horizontal tails are generally used to provide trim and control over a range of conditions. Typical conditions over which tail control power may be critical and which sometimes determine the required tail size include: take-off rotation (with or without ice), approach trim and nose-down acceleration near stall. Many tail surfaces are normally loaded downward in cruise. For some commercial aircraft the tail download can be as much as 5% of the aircraft weight. As stability requirements are relaxed with the application of active controls, the size of the tail surface and/or the magnitude of tail download can be reduced. Actual tail sizing involves a number of constraints that are often summarized on a plot called a scissors curve. An example is shown below.
Scissors curve used for sizing tail based on considerations of stability and control. Statistical Method For the purposes of early conceptual design it is useful to estimate the required size of tail surfaces very simply. This can be done on the basis of comparison with other aircraft.
Correlation of aircraft vertical tail volume as a function of fuselage maximum height and length. The above correlations are based on old airplane designs (as are most statistical methods). Some reduction in tail volumes are possible with stability augmentation. In any case, this tail sizing method is only used to establish a starting point for further analysis. The airplanes included above are: 1 Comet 2 DC-8-50 3 DC-8-61 4 B-720 5 B-747 6 B-737-200 7 C-141 8 BAC-111 9 DH-121 10 B-727 11 DC-9-10 12 DC-9-30 13 DC-9-40 14 DC-7C 15 DC-4 16 DC-6 17 DC-6B 18 DC-7 19 C-133 20 C-990 21 VC-10 22 C-5 23 DC-10-10
The correlation is based on a fuselage destabilizing parameter: hf is the fuselage height wf is the fuselage width Lf is the fuselage length Sw, cw, and b are the wing area, MAC, and span.
and provides a rough estimate for the required horizontal tail volume (Vh = lh Sh / cw Sw) and vertical tail volume (Vv = lv Sv / b Sw). Recall that lh and lv are the distances from the c.g. to the a.c. of the horizontal and vertical tails Rational Method The following procedure may be used to compute the required tail size for a given stability level as a function of c.g. position. It assumes that the critical airplane control requirement is nosewheel rotation, although this is just one of many possible constraints. For c.g. positions ranging from the leading edge of the M.A.C. to about 60% of the M.A.C. compute and plot the required tail volume coefficient,
for the desired level of static stability. The minimum static margin would typically be about .10 but it must be increased because bending of the wing and the fuselage at high speeds reduces the rigid airplane stability. ( Assume a change in sm of about -.10 for swept wing transport aircraft. sm changes due to aeroelasticity can usually be neglected in preliminary design of general aviation aircraft.) In addition, the desired static margin may be increased by about .10 for T-tail airplanes to improve high angle of attack stability. In order to compute the required tail volume, you will need to find the distance from the c.g. to the wing a.c.. The position of the wing a.c. may be computed using the program Wing that was used in a previous assignment. The lift curve slope of the isolated tail and wing may also be computed using this program. Control Power The second requirement for the horizontal tail is that it provides sufficient control power. It must not only be possible to trim the airplane in cruise but also in more critical conditions. Typical critical conditions include: Rotation and nosewheel lift-off on take-off at forward c.g., trim without tail stall at maximum flap extension speed, and trim at forward c.g. with landing flaps at CLmax. For this exercise we will consider only the problem of take-off rotation. We assume that the tail incidence and elevator angle settings are such that the horizontal tail can achieve a certain maximum lift coefficient CLHmax (in the downward direction). The force required from the tail to rotate the airplane depends on the wing and body pitching moments to some extent but largely on the weight moment about the rear wheels.
At aft c.g. the force is smallest, but a certain amount is required since the c.g. must lie in front of the rear wheels to prevent the airplane from tipping over on its tail. Actually, the requirement is not so much to avoid tipping backward but rather providing sufficient weight on the nosewheel to permit acceptable traction for steering. This is satisfied with about 8% of the weight on the forward wheels. With this load on the forward wheels, the moment about the rear wheels due to the forward position of the c.g. is at least: |M| = .08 lg W where lg is the distance from the main gear to the nose gear. The pitching moment coefficient at take-off is then:
We will ignore the aerodynamic term for now, although a detailed study would include this. For rotation, then, the load on the tail must be:
The minimum tail volume required can then be calculated with the assumed CLHmax. (For airplanes with variable incidence stabilizers and elevators CLHmax = 1.0 will be an acceptable estimate.) At forward c.g. positions, a larger tail is required since the moment about the rear wheels is: M = Maft-c.g. + W c.g.
(Note that c.g. is the c.g. range. It is not the static margin, discussed earlier.) So, The required tail volume may be determined from this analysis at the forward c.g. position. It may be interesting to compare your results with the statistical method shown in the previous section. Also note that we have previously estimated the main gear position at 50% of the MAC. If we desire 8% of the load on the nose gear at aft c.g. this means that the main gear must be located .08 lg behind the aft c.g.