PCoE ProcessGuide
PCoE ProcessGuide
PCoE ProcessGuide
If Checklist Assessment is failed, partner will receive a detailed report with recommendations, and has three (3) months to complete the recommendations before moving to the audit phase.
Candidate Exception There is an additional step in the Checklist Assessment for partners who are new to offering support. As the final step in the Checklist Assessment, these partners are required to sell VAR delivered support to a net new customer (net new is defined as not currently an SAP customer, and not on VAR delivered or SAP delivered support), and establish a remote support connection to the customer and SAP. VARs are eligible to be placed in Candidate status, which authorizes a partner to sell VAR delivered support for a six (6) month period, as long as all other checklist assessment requirements are fulfilled. Please review the following notes regarding Candidate Exceptions: 1) Request Status: To request Candidate status, partner creates a support ticket via their SAP Solution Manager installation (Component: SV-BO-REQ). This ticket must include: Subject: Request Partner COE Certification Pre-Audit Check Internal memo: Partner is requesting pre-audit check Include their URL for the webUI If all other Checklist Assessment requirements are met, the PCoE Auditor will change the partner support status to Candidate in SAPs CRM system with a six-month validity date. The partner is informed of this status update via their support ticket. 2) Notify PAM: Upon receiving confirmation from SAP, partners must send a request to their PAM, attaching documentation for the approved ticket. 3) Update PRM/MMP: Upon receiving confirmation from their partner, the PAM creates a Global Approval Form (GAF -Type III Exception to PartnerEdge Program) in order to obtain approval for the PCoE Candidate Exception to sell VAR delivered support. GAF must include: GAF description: PCoE Candidate Exception Request Partner Type Dimension: SAP PartnerEdge VAR - VAR Delivered Support Authorization Validity date: 6 months GAF classification: Other Upon GAF approval, the PAM must create an IT ticket (component BA-PRM) to have MMP updated to reflect VAR delivered support authorization for six months. Partners must pass the PCoE Audit within six (6) months of the Candidate Exception grant date. If the six-month candidate exception period expires before PCoE certification has been completed, partners lose their right to sell VAR delivered support as of the expiration date and until certification is achieved. Additionally, support services will be priced at SAP delivered support rates. Partners are permitted to begin the certification process again.
PCoE Audit
Upon completion of the Checklist Assessment, a PCoE Audit is executed. An SAP auditor will conduct a phone interview with the partner, and a post-interview evaluation will determine a pass/fail decision. If PCoE certification is awarded, SAP will sign a PCoE Certificate and forward it to the partner. If audit is failed, the partner will receive a description of how to remedy their deficiencies, and has six (6) months to cure and apply for a reassessment of PCoE certification. A complete process overview can be found in the SAP Global Partner Center of Expertise Process Guide.
Additional Considerations
VARs who are PCoE certified must re-certify every two (2) years or they lose the right to sell VAR delivered support and their install base support contracts are re-priced at SAP delivered support rates. This process can take approximately three months to complete. Partners should contact their PSA to inquire about the process to re-certify. For a partner who has lapsed in their PCoE certification, an exception may be possible to book an add-on deal with VAR delivered support while the partner is obtaining re-certification. Special approval will be required, and the partner will be delta-invoiced with SAP delivered support rates. Partners should contact their PAM for more information and exception requests. If a deal is booked with VAR delivered support for a partner without proper authorization, a concession and carve-out will result. There are no exceptions that allow partners who are not certified to resell VAR delivered support, other than the Candidate Status described above. Combined PCoE certification can be granted for VARs who provide maintenance across multiple SAP subsidiaries. Contact your PSA to arrange an initial interview. Partners who wish to offer VAR delivered support for SAP HANA must obtain SAP HANA Support Certification in addition to their PCoE certification. SAP HANA Support Certification requires two (2) certified consultants for SAP HANA (C_HANASUP_1), and two (2) consultants with general support certificates (C_BOSUP_90 or C_PXSUP_90).
Questions related to PCoE certification should be directed to your PSA or the PSD Helpline.